Sindh Biology Textbook Chapter 1
Sindh Biology Textbook Chapter 1
Sindh Biology Textbook Chapter 1
For Class
Patron in Chief
Agha Sohail Ahmed
Chairman, Sindh Textbook Board.
Prof. Dr. Nasir uddin Sheikh Prof. Dr. Basir Ahmed Arain
Prof. Muhammad Saleem Mughal Prof. Dr. Nasir uddin Sheikh
Prof. Dr. Altaf Ahmed Simar Prof. Muhammad Saleem Mughal
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmed Shaikh Mr. Piaro Khan Saharan
Ms. Samreen Arain Mr. Muhammad Qasim Qureshi
Mr. Daryush Kafi
Sayed Saleh Muhammad Shah
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Biology is a branch of natural sciences which deals with the study of
living beings. It provides the knowledge about living organisms which
differ from each other in shape, size, composition etc. The word biology
comes from Greek language “Bios” meaning “live” and “Logos” meaning
“thought or reasoning”. Thus biology meaning study of life.
What is life?
Life cannot be defined properly, but on the basis of life processes, it
can be identified through following functions of living organisms.
• Digestion • Respiration • Metabolism
• Movement • Growth • Development
• Excretion • Irritability • Reproduction
2. Branches of Biology:
Modern biology deals with the structure, function and many other
descriptions of living things. Advance research during the 20th Century
has led to the division of biology into specialized branches. Some
important branches are defined below:
(i) Morphology (Gr. morph; form, logos; discourse): The study of
external form and structure of organisms.
(ii) Anatomy (Gr. ana; part/up, tome; cutting): The study of internal
parts of body of living organisms by cutting them open.
(iii) Cell biology (L. cells, compartment, Gk. Bios= life; logos;
discourse): The study of cell and its organelle.
(iv) Histology (Gr. histos: tissue; logos, discourse): The study of
structure of tissues of plant and animals.
(v) Physiology (Gr. physis; nature, logos, discourse): The study about
functions of living organisms.
(vi) Taxonomy (Gr. taxis, arrangement, nomos: name): The study of
the rules, principles, grouping and naming the living organisms.
(vii) Genetics (Gr. genesis; descent, origin): The study of heredity, that
is transferring of characters from parents to offspring.
(viii) Developmental biology (Gr. embryon; embryo, logos, discourse):
The study of formation and development of embryo.
(ix) Environmental biology: The study of relationship between living
organisms and non-living factors of environment and their effects
on each other.
(x) Paleontology (Gr. palaios; ancient, ontos; being, logos: discourse):
The study of remote past organic life, with the help of fossils.
(xi) Biotechnology: The study about techniques for manipulination of
gene to bring the changes in structure and location of genes to
achieve desireable characters is called biotechnology.
(xii) Socio-biology (L. sociare; to associate,): The study of social
behavior of living organisms. i.e interaction between themselves.
(xiii) Parasitology (Gr. para; up): The study of parasites.
This deals with the economically important organisms involved in
production, e.g meat production, etc. are calculated for cost value and
profit value.
1.1.2 Careers in biology:
The career of student is subject to obtain a degree. The students,
who have chosen the biology, they can plan to adopt some as a career in
following fields:
Medicine and Surgery:
Medicine deals with diagnosis and treatment of diseases and
surgery deals with repair, replacement or removal the affected organ.
This deals with production of varieties of crops, fruit, vegetables,
dairy products, etc. Pakistan being an agricultural country, it can play
very important role.
This is also part of agriculture, in which work is carried out for the
development of new varieties of plants and their products.
Forests are the source of biodiversity of plants and animals of
many kinds which live there. It is important in development of new forests
as well as preservation of existing ones.
In this profession, the development of different kinds of farms
takes place, such as fish farm, cattle farm, poultry farm, etc. New
technologies are used for the production of animals as source of meat and
milk, leather, wool, etc.
Animal husbandry:
This profession is part of agriculture science. It deals with the care
and breeding of animals which are beneficial for man.
This profession deals with the increased quantity and quality of fish
production. Fish is one of the best source of protein.
This is very important and sensitive profession. It deals with
manipulation of gene to produce valuable chemical products, such as
insulin, growth hormones, interferon, etc from bacteria as well as others.
1.1.3 Quran and Biology:
The Almighty Allah has conveyed a great knowledge about the origin
and characteristics of animals and plants through our Holy Book, the
Quran. A few of Ayah are quoted as under:
Allay Says;
“And Allah has created every animal from water of them there are some
that creep on their bellies, some that walk on two legs; and some that
walk on four. Allah creates what He will Lo! Allah is able to do all things.”
(Surah Al-Nur, Ayah-45)
Here water is symbolized with the protoplasm as the basis of life and
the vital power of protoplasm seems to depend on the constant presence of
Here Allah has revealed some facts about plant growth and development.
1.1.4 Contribution of Muslim Scientists:
Oxygen (O)
The levels of organization in living world are
based on chemical foundation. All the living Molecule
4. Taxonomic level:
There is another level of organization which is related with living
organisms. The Species is the smallest unit of taxonomic level of
organization, which includes morphologically similar living organisms
which inter-breed and produce fertile offspring.
5. Population level:
All the members of a species, living in specific habitat are called
Population. A group of parrots living on tree, is called parrot population.
6. Community level:
The members of different species living in specific habitat are called as
Community. A group of different kind of birds, living on tree, is called as
bird community.
7. Ecological system:
Communities always depends upon their non-living environment in a
reciprocal interaction for their survival. For example oxygen for
respiration is obtained from environment and in turn given out CO2. This
interaction is called Ecosystem or Ecological system.
8. Biosphere level:
The part of earth where life exists is called biosphere. It consists of
different kinds of eco systems.
Mustard plant:
Brassica campestris is commonly Flower
known as mustard plant and locally it is
called “Sarsoon”. It is multicellular and
cultivated in winter season. The leaves of
this plant are used as vegetable while
seeds are used for oil extraction. The Old leaf Young
length of this plant is 1 to 1.5 meter. This leaf
plant has two parts, the vegetative part,
which consists of root, stem and leaves
and reproductive part which consists of
flowers. Each flower is yellowish in color
and produce seeds.
Fig: 1.2 Brassica campestris
Rana tigrina is the scientific name of
spotted frog found commonly in our region.
It is multicellular animal. It lives in both
water as well as on land. Its body is divided
into head and trunk. There is no neck. Its
body is made of organ system with different
organs. Fig: 1.3 Frog
All organs are made of different tissues such as epithelial, glandular,
muscular, nervous etc. Frog lives near ditches, pools, ponds, stagnant
stream and slow moving rivers. It feeds on small insects.
Volvox is a polyphyletic (many ancestors) genus of chlorophyte green
algae in the family Volvocaceae. It forms spherical colonies of upto 50,000
cells. They live in a variety of fresh water habitats and were first reported
by Antonie Van Leeuwen Hoek in 1700.
vacuole Eye spot
Nucleus Chloroplast
Non reproductive
cell wall
Volvox once called algae that live together in a colony. Each Volvox
cell has two flagella. The flagella beat together to roll the body in water.
Volvox cells have chlorophyll and make their own food by photosynthesis.
These photosynthesis organisms are an important part of many aquatic
eco system. Volvox are not harmful to humans because they do not
produce any toxic substance.
Ÿ Biology deals with the study of living beings.
Ÿ Life can be identified on the basis of certain processes.
Ÿ Biology can be divided in three major divisions.
Ÿ Biology is linked with other sciences such as Physics, Chemistry,
Mathematics, etc.
Ÿ Economically, Biology is very important for food, medicines,
forestry and farming etc.
Ÿ The Almighty Allah has conveyed a great knowledge about origin
and characteristics of living beings in the Holy Quran.
Ÿ Muslim Scientists have played great role in the development of
biological science.
Ÿ Various levels of organization have been identified in the living
Ÿ Protoplasm is the chemical basis of life.
Ÿ Smallest unit of protoplasm is cell.
Ÿ Organisms could be unicellular or multicellular.
Ÿ Brassica campastris is commonly known as Mustard (Sarsoon)
Ÿ Rana tigrina is biological name of frog.
Ÿ Amoeba is unicellular organism.
Ÿ Volox belong polyphylectic group of algae. It lives in colonial form.
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