Prof. S P Bansal
Principal Investigator Vice Chancellor
Maharaja Agrasen University, Baddi
1. Learning Outcome:
After completing this module the students will be able to:
Understand the basic concept of System Design
Understand System Design via use of Data Flow Diagrams and Entity Relationship Diagrams
List various symbols and notations for DFD and ER Diagrams.
Understand applications of DFD and ER Diagrams.
Understand differences between DFD and ER Diagrams.
2. Introduction
“A picture is worth a thousand words.” A common idiom that suggests that an image is more expressive
than the description would be. Similarly, a Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is traditional visual representation
of the information flows within a system. A clear DFD can depict a good quantum of system
requirements graphically. It can be manual, automated, or combination of both. It shows how information
enters and leaves the system, what changes the information and where information is stored. The concept
of a DFD is to outline the boundary of a system as a whole. It may be used as a communications tool
between a systems analyst and any person who plays a part in the system that acts as the starting point for
redesigning a system.
Data flow diagramming is very effective technique for showing the flow of information through a system.
They are used in the initial stages of systems analysis to help estimate the current system and to represent
a required system. The DFDs determine the external entities sending and receiving information, the
processes that change information, the data flow and where the information is stored. DFDs are a form of
information development, and as such provide key insight into how information is transformed as it
passes through a system.
3. System Design
System Design stage gives answers to the question, “How” the system will accomplish the objective.
System Design consists of design activities that produce system specifications, satisfying the functional
requirements developed in the analysis stage. System Design consists of two steps, one is conceptual
design and other is detailed design of information system.
Conceptual Design represents the structure of Management Information System. It takes input from
statement of management information requirement and management objective for the management
information system. The output of this stage is the performance requirement of those who will develop
the detailed design. The features of the new system are specified. The costs of implementing these
features and the benefits to be derived are estimated and if feasible, the detailed design is commenced.
Conceptual design serves as the underlying criteria to formulate the detailed MIS design. The
requirements specified by the conceptual design become inputs to the detailed design phase, in which
these are detailed to be called the system specifications.
This stage organizes the system in astructured format, highlighting the various components and
interrelationships between components. Details regarding the various inputs, output, databases, schemas,
codes and processing specifications are drawn up in detail. Further, the programming language, the
hardware and the software platform are also decided.
In order to make the detailed design, first of all, the system designers need to have consensus with the
concerned stakeholders. It is essential to involve them in the designing process. The designer works
along with the task force, the intermediate level manager and a selected group of operating staff to study
the internal and external source documents. The detailed design is essential in designing the user
interface, data design and process design.
3.3 Difference between Conceptual and Detailed Design
Conceptual design gives the overall performance specification of Management Information System, and
the detailed design discusses construction and operating specifications. The broad differences are:
1. Conceptual design gives a holistic structure and overall performance specification while the detailed
design gives operational and construction specification.
2. The input of the conceptual design is statement is the objective of Management Information System
while the input of detailed design is conceptual design report.
3. Conceptual design ends from where detailed designing of the proposed system starts so conceptual
design provides the base to detailed design i.e the output of conceptual design is used in detailed design.
4. Conceptual design provides the structure while the detailed design makes the structure to be
DFDs consist of four basic components that illustrate how data flows in a system: entity, process, data
store, and data flow as shown in Fig 1.
Symbol Meaning
An entity. A source of data or a destination for
A data flow.
Entity - An entity depicts the source or destination of data. The source in a DFD represents
entities that lie beyond the context of the system. Entities may provide data to the system or
receive data from it. Entities are represented as rectangles (a diagonal line across the right-hand
corner means that this entity is represented somewhere else in the DFD). Entities are also referred
to as terminators, or source/sink.
Process - The process performs various functions on data, performs operations and directs the
flow of data based on conditions. In other words, a process receives input and generates some
output. Processes carry simplified names such as “Make Payment” highlighting the task to e
performed in a manual or automated way. These can be drawn as circles or a segmented
rectangle on a DFD, and include a process name and process number.
Data Store - Data store is where a process stores data for retrieval at later stages by certain
process. To simplify, a files or table can be considered as a data store. Data store names can be
“customers, “products.” Data stores are usually drawn as a rectangle with the right hand side
missing and labeled by the name of the data storage area it represents, though different notations
do exist.
Data Flow - Data flow determines the movement of data between the entities and processes and
the data stores. Data flow depicts the integration and the interface between the components of the
DFD. The flow of data is named to state the nature of the data used (these names should also be
unique within a specific DFD). Data flow is represented by an arrow, where the arrow is specified
with the data name.
The diagram below shows the flow of data when a management information system is used to produce a
summary report for company directors giving the weekly progress made by a manufacturer.
Order Processing Sales Data File Information
System System
Stock Processing
Stock Data File Weekly Summary
Analysis Report
A context diagram is indicative of the top level or Level 0. At this stage, one process node highlights the
functions of a composite system with respect to its interaction with external entities.
A context Data Flow Diagram for a Food Ordering System is represented below. It contains a process -
the "Food Ordering System”. The entities who will interact with the system are the supplier, kitchen,
manager and customer. The connectors between the process and the external entities indicate the
information exchange between the entities and the system.
0. Food Ordering
Customer Kitchen
Source: https://www.visual-paradigm.com/tutorials/data-flow-diagram-
Customer 1. Order Food Kitchen
Inventory Details
Inventory Details
Inventory Generate Reports
Inventory Order
Supplier Order Inventory
Inventory Order
It is observed from Fig 3 that the DFD comprises of three processes, four external entities and two data
stores. When a customer places an order, the Order Food process receives it and forwards it to the
Kitchen. The data is fed to the Order data store, and updated Inventory details in the Inventory data store.
The process also delivers a Bill to the Customer.
Manager obtains reports through the Generate Reports process, which takes Inventory and Orders as input
from data store respectively. The process forwards the Inventory order to the Supplier and stores the
updated Inventory details in the Inventory data store.
An Entity Relationship diagram (ERD) is a technique depicting an information system’s entities and the
relationships between those entities. It is a conceptual model of data used to represent the entity
framework infrastructure.
ERD is essential for a good database design. It is used as a high level logical data model, which is useful
in developing a conceptual design for databases.
An entity is a real world item that exists on its own. These are equivalent to database tables in a
relational database, where each row of the table is representing an instance of that entity.
An attribute of an entity is a property that describes the entity.
A relationship is the association that describes the interaction between entities. Cardinality
implies the number of instances of one entity that can, or must, be associated with each instance
of another entity. In general, there could be one to one, one to many, or many to many
Considering two real world entities, a developer and his website. An individual has attributes such as a
name, designation, etc. Similarly, the visitor and developer can be defined. Similarly in case of a
department and employee, a department can interact with many employees, but an employee can belong
to only one department, hence there can be a one-to-many relationships.
ER Diagrams
In the context of ER diagrams there are some elements which are derived from the main elements. They
are weak entity, multivalued attribute, derived attribute, weak relationship and recursive relationship.
Cardinality and ordinality are characteristics used in ER diagrams to further define relationships. ER
diagrams can relate to complex databases that are used in software engineering and IT networks.
Entity - An entity can be stated to describe a noun such as a place, person, object or an event
associated with a given system. Entities are represented by a rectangle and named using singular
Weak Entity - A weak entity is derived from the main entity and depends on the existence of
another entity. In other words, it specifies an entity that cannot be identified by its own attributes.
An entity like order item is a good example for this. The order item will be meaningless without
an order so it depends on the existence of order.
The various symbols and notations are depicted in the Fig 4 below.
5.1 ER Diagram Symbols and Notations
Symbol Meaning
Weak Entity
Multivalued Attribute
Weak Relationship
Number City
Multivalued Attribute –An attribute that can possess more than one value is called a multivalued
attribute. It is important to understand that this is different to an attribute having its own
attributes. For example a teacher entity can have multiple subject values.
Teacher Subjects
Derived Attribute – This is the case of an attribute based on another attribute. This is found rarely
in ER diagrams.
Radius Area
Relationship - A relationship describes how entities interact. For example, the entity “carpenter”
may be related to the entity “table” by the relationship “builds” or “makes”. Relationships are
represented by diamond shapes and are labeled using verbs.
Recursive Relationship - If the entity participates in more than one relationship it is known as a
recursive relationship. In the example stated below, if an employee can be a supervisor and also
be supervised, so there is a recursive relationship
ER diagrams are commonly used during the design stage of a development process in order to
identify different system elements and establish their relationships with each other.
Connecting lines – These are solid lines that connect attributes to show the relationships of
entities in the diagram.
Cardinality- This feature is indicative of the instances an entity can relate to another entity.
Ordinality- This feature is also closely linked to cardinality. While cardinality specifies the
occurrences of a relationship, ordinality describes the relationship as either compulsory or
optional. It is an indication of the maximum number of relationships and ordinality specifies the
absolute minimum number of relationships.
The elements writer, novel, and consumer may be described using ER diagrams in the following way. In
the diagram, the elements inside rectangles are called entities while the items inside diamonds denote the
relationships between entities.
Writer Creates
Consumer Novel
Shopper Busy
Item type
7. Summary
The main objectives of the system design stage are to determine specifications which can then be
converted into an information system for use in the organization. The design phase is a creative activity
determined by different levels of design, i.e. conceptual and detailed design. The conceptual design is also
termed as the feasibility design and navigates the MIS project and provides performance requirements.
The outputs of the conceptual design are specifications that serve as input to the detailed design to
produce specifications. The system specifications are conveyed to the programmer for translating into a
physical information system. These specifications, called the detailed or logical system design provide all
necessary inputs and output details, database controls and procedures. For ensuring a successful
implementation the system analysts should rather cater to each and every step must very carefully to
prepare a detailed system design. Data Flow Diagram (DFD) provides a visual representation of the flow
of information (i.e. data) within a system. By drawing a Data Flow diagram, one can tell the information
provided and delivered to someone who takes part in system processes, the information needed in order to
complete the processes and the information needed to be stored and accessed. ERD diagrams are used
together with corresponding DFDs to display the contents of a data store. They help us to visualize how
data is connected in a general way, and are particularly useful for constructing a database to recognize