Light – gauge steel evolved as a building material in the 1930’s and reached large scale usage only after the Second World War.
In comparison with conventional steel construction, where standard hot rolled shapes are used, the cold formed light gauge steel
structures are relatively new development. This paper presents a study on behaviour and economical of cold formed steel (CFS)
built up channel section using different codes. This paper provides an experimental investigation for the bending strength of Cold
– Formed light gauge steel plain (stiffened) rectangular sections. The test specimens were brake pressed from high strength
structural steel sheets. In addition, the test strengths were compared with the design strengths calculated using the Indian
Standard and Euro codes Specification for Cold –Formed steel structures. Flexural members are linear members in which axial
forces act to cause elongation (stretch). The theoretical data are calculated using Indian Standard code IS 801-1975 and the
section properties of the specimens are obtained using IS 811-1975. The specimens are designed under uniformly distributed
loading with simply supported condition. The research project aims to provide which code of practice given more economical,
high bending strength, more load carrying capacity and high flexural strength. The studies reveal that the theoretical
investigations limit state methods (SI method) have high bending strength, high load caring capacity, maximum deflection and
minimum local buckling& distortional buckling compare to the other codes.
Keywords: Cold formed steel, built up channel section, limit state method, working stress method, bending strength,
types of sections are extensively used in the building 3mm thick Stiffener/Packing plate failure are due to rupture
industry, as purlins girts, light struts roof sheeting, and floor and for 4mm thick Stiffener/packing plate the failure is due
decking. These sections become economical for light loads to vertical shear failure along the line of vertical connection.
and to form useful surfaces such as roof covering, wall With use of 5 mm thick Stiffener/packing plates the failure
panels. Load carrying capacity should decreases with is due to block shear failure (4). Various types of section may
increase in Length and Width to thickness (W/t) ratio. Due be manufactured using light gauge steel. They includes
to minimum thickness of cold rolled steel, considering the angles, channel with and without lips, hat section lipped Z
Local, torsional & distortional buckling characteristics for Section etc.. Cold Formed steel product such as Z-purlin
its behaviour study most of the failures occurs at 1/3 has been commonly used in metal building industry more
distance for 1, 1.2mm elements & at centre for 1.6, 2mm than 40 year in unites state due to their wide range of
elements. The experimental investigation 2mm thick cold application, economy, ease of fabrication and high strength-
formed steel “Long column with Web Stiffened” is to-weight ratios. Z- Purlins are predominantly used in light
preferable for “C Section”(3) These sections are load and medium span situations such as roof systems (5).
manufactured primarily by two processes. Cold rolling is Channels may be used as compression or flexural members.
used to produce more number of sections having longer Hat section and Z section are used as flexural members.
length whereas press breaking is used to produce a small Hollow rectangular section used for variety of sections.
number of sections having shorter length. As the thickness Built up I section using Light gauge steel with lower H/t
of the light gauge section increases the variation in increase aspect ratio behaves significantly showing elastic and plastic
of joint strength reduces for various thicknesses of deformation both. With increment in H/t aspect ratio this
Stiffener/packing plates. For 1.2mm thick channel section it behaviour changes and shows failure in elastic zone (6).
is observed that all failures are due to rupture with 3 bolts
connection, and also for 1.5mm thick channel section up to
Volume: 04 Issue: 06 | June-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 192
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
High strength and stiffness;
Ability to provide long spans;
Easy prefabrication and mass production;
Fast and easy erection and installation;
Substantial elimination of delay due to the weather;
Non‐ shrinking and non‐ creeping at ambient
Form work unneeded;
Termite‐ proof and rat‐ proof;
Uniform quality;
Economy in transportation and handling;
Non combustibility;
Recyclable material.
2. AIM OF THE STUDY Table 3 Properties of light gauge steel built up Channel
The main aim of the study provides which code of practice section
is most economical, high bending strength, more load Area 2280mm2
carrying capacity and high flexural strength by analysis of Elastic Section modulus 74.1 x103
theoretical investigation. Moment of inertia of section 18.5 x106 mm4
xx direction (Ixx)
3. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION Moment of inertia of section 916 x 106
3.1 Materials yy direction (Iyy)
Radius of gyration (rx) 90mm
3.1.1 Light gauge steel physical properties: The rolled Radius of gyration (ry) 16.5mm
steel sheet is used. The physical properties of light gauge
steel section given in Table 1.The properties taken from the
Indian Standard code IS 800-2007 3.2 Theoretical Investigations of Built Up Channel
Section ( 250mm x 100mm x6.30mm) using SI
Table 1 Physical properties light gauge steel section
Density of steel ( ᵨ ) 7850 kg / m3 Method (Limit State Method)
3.2.1 Slenderness ratio (λ): The Slenderness ratio value is
5 2
Modulus of elasticity ,E 2 x 10 N / mm
Poisson ratio 0.3 given in table 4
Slenderness ratio (λ)
Modulus of rigidity , G 0.769 x 10 5 N / mm2 �
= � ( )
Volume: 04 Issue: 06 | June-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 193
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Table 4. Slenderness ratio 3.2.7 Combined bending and shear stress in webs: fbw’ =
Effectivelength (mm) Slenderness ratio (λ) 0.6
= 4335 N / mm2
1000 60.60
2000 121.21 3525000
3.2.8 Bending and shear stress in webs: fbw = =
3000 181.81 2
4000 242.42 579.39 N/mm².
5000 303.03 4355 N/mm² ˃ 133.6 N/mm². Hence safe
in bending stress
The slenderness ratio for flexural member as per IS Code
provide 300 mm for compression flange of a beam against 3.2.9 Check for deflection of channel section ( 250mm x
lateral torsional buckling ,so in this built up channel section 100mm x6.30mm)
( 250mm x 100mm x6.30mm) mm using construction up to The actual deflection (Δ) and Permissible deflection is
5m only SI Method (limit state method) and IS method given in table 5.
(working stress method) 5 l4
Actual deflection (Δ) = 384 ��
3.2.2 Bending Moment (BM) of channel section ( 250mm Permissible deflection =
x 100mm x6.30mm) Maximum Bending Moment = 0.6
x fy x Zxx Table 5. Deflection
M = 10.4 KNm Effectivelength Actual Permissibl
fy = yield stress in cold form steel (mm) Deflectio e
Zxx = section modulus channel section n ( Δ) deflection
(mm) (Δ) (mm)
3.2.3 Load caring capacity (p) of channel section 1000 0.44 3.07
( 250mm x 100mm x6.30mm) Bending 2000 7.05 6.15
W 2
Moment = 3000 35.72 9.230
Maximum Load (p) = 125.37 kN / m 4000 112.94 12.30
5000 275.68 15.38
3.2.4 Moment of resistance of channel section ( 250mm x
100mm x6.30mm) Moment of resistance (MR) = Fb 3.3 Theoretical Investigations of Built Up Channel
x Zxx
Section ( 250mm x 100mm x6.30mm) using IS
Fb =
2 fy 2 Method (Woking Stress Method)
− 5.4 π2 � (�)
Fb = 143.28.16N / mm
Moment of resistance (MR) = 16.03 x 106Nmm
Fb = basic design stress
E = young’s modulus of steel
Cb = bending coefficient
Volume: 04 Issue: 06 | June-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 194
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
3.3.3 Moment of resistance of channel section ( 250mm x 3.4 Theoretical Investigations of Built Up Channel
100mm x6.30mm)
Moment of resistance (MR) = Fb x Zxx Section ( 250mm x 100mm x6.30mm) using Euro
Fb = Code Method
2 fy 2
− � (�)
3 5.4 π2
Fb = 154.16N / mm2
Moment of resistance (MR) = 10.4 x 106 Nmm
= 78
= 38.65
Fv = 195.2 N / mm2> 26.53
N / mm Hence Safe in shear
compare than the Euro codes . Slenderness ratio same for codes. The theoretical investigations of code of practice
all the codes. Allowable stress same for all condition. Euro given figure below.
code provides low value of deflection compare to Indian
4.1 Theoretical Investigations of Built Up Channel Section ( 250mm x 100mm x6.30mm) the code of Practice,
Load Caring Capacity given below
Series1 125.37 83.58 18.85
Fig.1 comparison of code of practice theoretical design value load caring capacity of built up channel section
The code of pratice of load caring capacity SI method (limit state design ) is more then the other two methods
4.2 Theoretical Investigations of Built Up Channel Section ( 250mm x 100mm x6.30mm) the Code of Practice,
Moment of Resistance given below
Series1 16.03 10.4 11.34
Fig .2 comparison of code of practice theoretical design value moment of resistance of built up channel section
SI method is higher moment of resistance compare to other two indian method methods
Volume: 04 Issue: 06 | June-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 196
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
4.3 Theoretical Investigations of Built Up Channel Section ( 250mm x 100mm x6.30mm) the Code of Practice,
Deflection given below
Deflection in mm
L.S.M (SI)
100 W.S.M (IS)
1m 2m 3m 4m 5m
L.S.M (SI) 0.44 7.5 35.75 112.94 275.68
W.S.M (IS) 0.293 4.7 23.82 75.29 183.82
EURO CODE 1.33 2.325 4.236 10.285 18.598
Span in m
Fig.3 comparison of code of practice theoretical design value deflection of built up channel section
Euro code is lower deflection compare to other two indian method methods
4.4 Theoretical Investigations of Built Up Channel Section ( 250mm x 100mm x6.30mm) the Code of Practice,
Bending Stress given below
Series1 579.38 610.9 361
Fig .4 comparison of code of practice theoretical design value bending stress in web built up channel section
Euro code is lower bending stress compare to other two indian method methods
Volume: 04 Issue: 06 | June-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 197
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
4.5 Theoretical Investigations of Built Up Channel Section ( 250mm x 100mm x6.30mm) the Code of Practice,
Shear Stress in Web given below
Series1 77.82 195 189
Fig .5 comparison of code of practice theoretical design value shear stress in web built up channel section
SI method (limit state design) is lower bending stress compare to other two method methods
Volume: 04 Issue: 06 | June-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 198
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 04 Issue: 06 | June-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 199