PDIC Comm Vol. 2
PDIC Comm Vol. 2
PDIC Comm Vol. 2
It only covers risk of closure of banks as ordered by BSP. It of the purposes of the PDIC Charter or included as part of the total
does not cover bank losses due to theft, fire, or closure by reason of deposits or of insured deposit: Provided, further, that subject to the
strike, existence of public disorder, revolution, or civil war. approval of the PDIC, any insured bank which is incorporated under
the laws of the Philippines which maintains a branch outside the
In one case, an investor placed his funds in a money market Philippines may elect to include for insmance its deposit obligations
placement with a finance company. On maturity, the invested funds payable only at such branch. 331
cannot be paid owing to the insolvency of the finance company, but
the latter referred the investor to its bank-affiliate which thereafter Note that the change in the definition of deposit under R.A. No.
issued a certificate of deposit to the same investor. The deposit was 1405 does not apply for insurance coverage purposes. A trust fund is
likewise not paid because the bank eventually closed. The investor not insured with PDIC.
filed an insurance claim covering the supposed deposit. PDIC denied Inter-branch deposits refer to funds of one branch deposited
it. The legality of the denial was thereafter assailed. The High Court in another branch and both branches are part of the same bank. As
sustained the PDIC, ruling that the liability of PDIC is statutory. It such, they are excluded from a bank's total liabilities and do not give
is based on the actual receipt by the bank of deposits not on a mere rise to insurable deposit liabilities.a~2
certification on the existence of deposit. 329
b. Commencement of liability
In another case, PDIC also denied the insurance claim when it
discovered that the mo-hey allegedly placed with the insured bank 186. When does PDIC commence determination of insured
was actually credited to the personal account of the bank President deposits?
and the certificates of time deposit (CTD) were not duly issued by
the bank but were mere replicas of unissued CTDs in the inventory PDIC shall commence the determination of insured deposits
submitted by the bank with PDIC. The Supreme Court found no due the depositors of a closed bank upon its actual takeover of the
grave abuse of discretion on the part of PDIC, holding that PDIC's closed bank. The Corporation shall give notice to the depositors
acts were consistent with law. aau of the closed bank of the insured deposits due them by whatever
means deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors: Provided, that
a. Deposit liabilities required to.be insured with PDIC the Corporation shall publish the notice once a week for at least
three (3) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation
185. What are the deposit liabilities required to be insured with or, when appropriate, in a newspaper circulated in the community
PDIC? or communities where the closed bank or its branches are located. 333
The term deposit means the unpaid balance of money or its c. Deposit accounts not entitled to payment
equivalent received by a bank in the usual course of business, and
for which it has given or is obliged to give credit to a commercial, 187. What are the deposit accounts not entitled to payment?
checking, savings, time or thrift account, evidenced by a passbook,
certificate of deposit, or other evidence of deposit issued in accordance PDIC shall not pay deposit insurance for the following accounts
with Bangko Sentl·al ng Pilipinas rules and regulations and other or transactions whether denominated, documented, recorded or
applicable laws, together with such other obligations of a bank, booked as deposit by the bank;
which, consistent with banking usage and practices. a. Investment products such as bonds and securities, trust
Any obligation of a bank which is payable at the office of the accounts, and other similar insti·uments;
bank located outside of the Philippines shall not be a deposit for any
Section 5(g), R.A. No, 3591, as amended by R.A. No. 10846.
329PDIC v. Court of Appeals, 283 SCH.A462. aa2PDIC v. Citibank, G.R. No. 170290, April 11, 2012.
330Spouses Chugani v. Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation, G.R. No. a"Section 2l(a) Renumbered from Section 16(a) by R.A. No. 10846, June 11,
230037, March 19, 2018. 2016; As added by R.A. No. 9302, August 12, 2004.
b. Deposit accounts or transactions which are unfunded, or b. In determining such amount due to any depositor,
that are fictitious or fraudulent; there shall be added together all deposits in the bank
maintained in the same right and capacity for his or her
c. Deposit accounts or transactions constituting unsafe and benefit either in his or her own name or in the name of
unsound banking practices as determined by PDIC, in others.
consultation with BSP, after due notice and hearing, and
publication of a cease and desist order issued by the PDIC c. Insurance coverage is pe1· depositor not per account. The
against such deposit accounts or transactions; and type of account is immaterial.
d. Deposits that are determined to be the proceeds of an d. Individually owned deposit account is insured separately
unlawful activity as defined under the Anti-Money from joint accounts regardless of whether the conjunction
Laundering Law: 1~4 "and", "or", "and/or'' is issued. In determining such amount
due to the depositor, there shall be added together all
d. Extent of liability
deposits in the bank maintained in the same right and
188, X is a depositor of AAA Bank. She has three (3) deposit capacity for his benefit either in his own name or in the
accounts all under her name. One in a checking account, one in name of others.
a savings account, and another one in a time deposit account. e. If the account is held jointly by two or more natural
Each account has a balance of P250,000.00. AAA Bank became persons or two or more juridical entities, the maximum
insolvent. Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation closed insured deposit shall be divided into as many equal shares
the Bank. X therefore is unable to withdraw from all of the as there are many individuals or juridical entities, unless
accounts. She then filed her claims with the Philippine Deposit a different sharing is stipulated in the deposit document.
Insurance Corporation. Which statement is most accurate1ss&
f. If the account is held by a juridical person jointly with
a. X can claim a total of P500,000.00 for all the three (3) a natural person, the maximum insured deposit shall be
accounts. presumed to belong entirely to the juridical person.
b. X can only claim from one (I) account of P250,000.00. g. The aggregate of the interests of each co-owner over
c. X can claim a total of P750,000.00 from all the three (3) several joint accounts, whether owned by the same or
accounts. different combination of individuals, juridical persons or
entities shall likewise be subject to the maximum insured
d. X cannot claim anything from any of the deposit accounts. deposit of P500,000.00. 330
e. Determination of insured deposits and calculation h. For ''in trust for account" (ITF account), like Juan in trust
of liability for Maria, while the owner of the account is Juan, Maria,
the beneficiary is the one entitled to claim the insurance
189. State the rules on determination of insured deposits and
calculation of liability.
l, Deposits in other banks are insured separately.
a. Deduct any loan of the depositor from the deposit with the
insured bank to determine net insured deposit.
190, "A" has the following accounts with ABC Bank. The Bank was
Thus, he can recover-P500,000.00 for his individual account
subsequently closed by BSP for insolvency. How much can "A" ~nd P500,000.00 for his various joint accounts.
recover from PDIC? The P500,000.00 trust fund and P260,000.00 uninsured portion
for his share in the vai.ious joint accounts should'be filed as a claim
P500,000 ~:1,·i 11gs
in the liquidation proceeding.
P500,000 ( 'L 11T(' 11 f
P500,000 192, How much can "A" recover if his join, accounts are maintained
'l'lll~l l•\111d
with ABC and B as follows?
P500,000 'l'inw lh•poc;it
P500,000 :--;;(\ i11i>
Pl million - Loan 0
Insurance Coverage - P500,000 P500,000 ( llll'\'I\I
Uninsured Pol'tion - P500,000 - Tr"QstFund P500,000 T,·11,-;1 l..111111 1,000,000 - A and/or ABC
P500,000 Ti11w 1),-p,i~il 500,000 - A and/or. B •
"A" may recover P500,000.00 from PDIC. While his total .,.
deposits amount to Pl.5 million, Pl million of such deposits shall Insurance - P500,000
be applied against his Pl million loan obligation. The P500,000.00 500,000 - ABC
Cove1·ageIndividual Account >
trust fund is not insured with PDIC. He may, however, file a claim A- P25o;otlo I
191. How much can "~' recover from PDIC if he has the following For the joint account maintained with ABC, ;the maximum
joint accounts on top of his individual accounts? insured deposit is presumed to belong Jo ABC Corppratjon, ,.there
being no stipulation to the contrary. On the other }l;md, A is9entitled
to one-half (1/2) of the insured deposit for the joint account he holds
P500,000 ~:1,i11~>
with B.
P500,000 ( ,ll IT\'111
500,000 - A and/or B Thus, in addition to the P500,000.00 he may •e<>llect,from
P500,000 Tn1:-;t l·\111cl
500,000 - A and/or C PDIC for his individual account, he can also recover P250,000.00
P500,000 Titll(' lkpo,-.;it 500,000 - A and/or D corresponding to his interest in the joint acicdunt with B. • ,.
,·! .•
f. Mode of payment
Insurance - P500,000 500,000 - For Joint Account
Coverage Individual Account B - P250,000 193. What is the mode of payment by PDIC?
C - P250,000 Whenever an insured bank shall have been closed by the
D - P250,000 Monetary Board of BSP, payment of the insured deposits shall be
made by PDIC as soon as possible either by 1) cash, or 2) making
For the accounts he maintained with B,C, and D,"A'' is available to each depositor a transferred deposit in another insured
entitled to one-half (1/2) of the insured deposit or P250,000.00 bank in an amount equal to insured deposit of such depositor, subject
each or P750,000.00. The joint accounts are insured separately to submission of proof of claims. 337
from A's individual accounts but the aggregate interest of A in the
various accounts is subject to the maximum insurance deposit of 337
Section 19, renumbered from Section 14, R.A. No .. 8691, ae amended by
P500,000.00. RA No. 10846.
g. Effect of payment of insured deposit/pref erred h. Failure of depositor to claim insured deposits
196, What is the effect of the failure of the depositor to file his
194. What is the effect of payment of insured deposits? insurance claim with PDIC?
PDIC, upon the payment of any depositor, shall be subrogated Unless otherwise waived by the Corporation, if the depositor
to all the rights of the depositor against the closed bank to the extent in the closed bank shall fail to claim his insured deposits with the
of such payment. Subrogation shall include the right on the part Corporation within two (2) years from actual takeover of the closed
of PDIC to receive the same dividends from the proceeds of the bank by the receiver, or does not enforce his claim filed with the
assets of such closed bank and recoveries on account of stockholders' corporation within two (2) years after the two-year period to file a
equity as would have been payable to the depositor on a claim for the claim as mentioned hereinabove, all rights of the depositor against
insured deposits: Provided, that such depositor shall retain his or the Corporation with respect to the insured deposit shall be barred;
her claim for any uninsured portion of his 01· he1·deposit, which legal however, all rights of the depositor against the closed bank and its
preference shall be the same as that of the subrogated claim of the shareholders or the receivership estate to which the Corporation may
PDIC for its payment of insured deposits. All payments by the PDIC have become subrogated, shall thereupon revert to the depositor.
of insured deposits in closed banks partake of the natm·e of public Thereafter the Corporation shall be discharged from any liability on
funds, and as such, must be considered a preferred credit in the the insured deposit. a4o
order of preference under Article 2244(9) of the New Civil Code:130 i. Examination of banks and deposit accounts
195. What is the effect of the failure by PDIC to settle the claim of 197. Does PDIC have the power to examine banks and deposit
the insured depositor? accounts?
The failure to settle the claim within six (6) months from date PDIC may conduct examination of banks with prior approval
of filing of the claim for insured deposit whether such failure was due of the Monetary Board: Provided, that no examination can be
to grave abuse of discretion, gross negligen!!e, bad faith, or malice conducted within 12 months from the last examination date:
shall, upon conviction, subject the directors, officers or employees Provided, however, that PDIC may, in coordination with the Bangko
of PDIC responsible for the delay, to imprisonment from six (6) Sentral, conduct a special examination as the Board of Directors, by
months to one (1) year; provided that the period shall not apply if the an affirmative vote of a majority of all of its members, if there is a
validity of the claim requires the resolution of issues of facts and/or threatened or impending closure of a bank: Provided, further, that,
law by PDIC or another office, subject further to the remedy of PDIC notwithstanding the provisions of R.A. No. 1405, as amended, R.A.
to require final determination of a court of competent jurisdiction No. 6426, as amended, R.A. No. 8791, and other laws, the PDIC and/
if PDIC is not satisfied as to the viability of the claim fo1·insured or the Bangko Sen tr al, may inquire into or examine deposit accounts
deposit. 339 and all information related thereto in case there is a finding of
unsafe or unsound banking practice: Provided, finally, that to avoid
overlapping of efforts, the examination shall maximize the efficient
use of the relevant reports, info1•mation, and findings of the Bangko
Sentral, which it shall make available to PDIC. 3n
Rcnumbered from Section 15 by R.A. No. 10846, June 11, 2016; as amended
by P.D. No. 1940, June 27, 1984; R.A. No. 7400, April 13, 1992; R.A. No. 10846, June Section 21(e) Renumbered from Section 16(e) by R.A. No. 10846, June 11,
11, 2016. 2016; as amended by R.A. No. 9302, August 12, 2004.
338 341
Section 19, renumbered from Section 14 and amended by R.A. No. 10846, Section 9(8), as amended by R.A. No. 9302, August 12, 2004; R.A. No. 9576,
June 11, 2016. June 1, 2009.
In one case, the Supreme Court even held that monies deposited The Regional Trial Court has no jurisdiction to nullify the
by individuals who benefitted from the unlawful splitting of deposits action of PDIC in denying insurance claim. 846
are considered laundered funds. 848
200. What court may issuean injunctionagainst PDIC for any action
In cases wherein the transfer into two or more accounts occurred on its part which is tainted with grave abuse of discretion?
before the 120-day period, the PDIC does not discount the possibility
that there may have been a transfer for valid consideration, but No court, except the Court of Appeals, shall issue any temporary
in the absence of transfer documents found in the records of the 1·estraining order, preliminary injunction or preliminary mandatory
bank at the time of closu1·e, the presumption arises that the source injunction against PDIC for. any action on its part under the PDIC
account remained with the transferor. Consequently, even if the charter. 347
transfer into different accounts was not made within 120 days
immediately preceding bank closure, the gi·ant of deposit insurance This prohibition shall apply in all cases, disputes or
to an account found to have originated from another deposit is not controversies instituted by a private party, the insured bank, or any
automatic because the transferee still has to prove that the transfer shareholder of the insured bank. 348
was for a valid consideration through documents kept in the custody The Supreme Court may issue a restraining order or injunction
of the bank. when the matter is of extreme urgency involving a constitutional
In this case, even assuming that a depositor donated the issue, such that unless a temporary restraining order is issued,
amount contained in the subject savings account, not one document grave injustice and irreparable injury will arise. The party applying
evidencing the alleged donation is in the custody or possession of the for the issuance of a restraining order or injunction shall file a bond
bank upon takeover by PDIC. Thus, the PDIC properly relied on the i;n.an amount to be fixed by the Supreme Court, which bond shall
records of the bank which showed that donor-depositor's accounts accrue in favor of the Corporation if the court should finally decide
remained in his name and for his account. As such, it is subject to that the applicant was not entitled to the relief sought,M9
the rule on maximum insurance deposit 1·ecovery.8H
345S0 v. Philippine Deposit Insurance Co1•poration, G.R. No. 230020, March
19, 2018.
Section 26(f)(l)(e); BAR 2019. a46 Spouses Chugani v. PDIC, ibid.
aPhilippine Deposit Ineurance Corporation v. Gidwani, G.R. No. 234616, s47 Section 27, Renumbered from Section 22, R.A. No. 10846, June 11, 2016; AB
June 20, 2018. added by R.A. No. 9302, August 12, 2004.
Carlito Linsangan v. Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation, G.R. No. S4llSection27, as added by R.A. No. 9302, August 12, 2004.
228807, Febmary 11, 2019. 349Jbid.
203. State the functions of PDIC as a receiver. 5. Collect loans and other claims of the closed bank, and
The provisions of other laws, general or special, to the contrary for the purpose, modify, compromise or restructure the
notwithstanding, whenever it shall be appropriate for the Monetary te1·ms and conditions of such loans or claims as may be
Board of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas to appoint a receiver of deemed advantageous to the interest of the creditors and
any banking institution pursuant to existing laws, the Monetary claimants of the closed bank;
Board shall give prior notice and appoint PDIC as receiver. 6. Hire or retain private counsels as may be necessary;
PDIC, as receiver, shall control, manage and administer the Borrow or obtain a loan, or mortgage, pledge or encumber
affairs of the closed bank. Effective immediately upon takeover as any asset of the closed bank, when necessary to preserve or
receiver of such bank, the powers, functions and duties, as well as all prevent dissipation of the assets, or to redeem foreclosed
allowances, remunerations and perquisites of the directors, officers, assets of the closed bank, or to minimize losses to the
and stockholders of such bank are suspended, and the relevant depositors and creditors;
provisions of the Articles of Incorpo1·ation and By-laws of the closed
bank are likewise deemed suspended. 8. If the stipulated interest on deposits is unusually high
compared with the prevailing applicable interest rate, the
The assets of the closed bank under receivership shall be Corporation as receiver may exercise such powers which
deemed in custodia legis in the hands of the receiver. From the time may include a reduction of the interest rate to a reasonable
the closed bank is placed under such receivership, its assets shall rate: Provided, that any modification or reduction shall
not be subject to attachment, garnishment, execution, levy or any
apply only to unpaid interest; and
other court processes.
9. Exercise such other powers as are inherent and necessary
In addition to the powers of a receiver pursuant to existing
for the effective discharge of the duties of the Corporation
laws, PDIC is empowered to:
as a receiver. 3 ~6
1. Bring suits to enforce liabilities to or recoveries of the
closed bank; 7. Liquidation
2. Appoint and hire persons or entities of recognized 204. What follows after the order of bank's closure by the BSP?
competence in banking or finance as its deputies and
assistants, to perform such powers and functions of the Whenever a bank is ordered closed by the Monetary Board,
Corporation as receiver or liquidator of the closed bank; PDIC shall be designated as receiver and it shall proceed with the
takeover and liquidation of the closed bank in accordance with this
3. Suspend or terminate the employment of officers and Act. For this purpose, banks closed by the Monetary Board shall no
employees of the closed bank: Provided, that payment of longer be rehabilitated. 3fi 7
separation pay or benefits shall be made only after the
closed bank has been placed under liquidation pursuant TRUTH IN LENDING ACT (R.A. NO. 3765)
to the order of the Monetary Board under Section 30 of
R.A. No. 7653, and that such payment shall be made from 205. What is the purpose of the Truth in Lending Act?
available funds of the bank after deducting reasonable The purpose of the law is to complement the then Usury Law
expenses for receivership and liquidation; and to protect the public from lack of awareness of the true cost
4. Pay accrued utilities, rentals and salaries of personnel of credit by assuring a full disclosure of such cost with a view of
of the closed bank, for a period not exceeding three (3)
months, from available funds of the closed bank; 366 Section 13, as added by R.A. No. 10846.
Section 12, as added by R.A. No. 10846.