By Daniel De Leon
Published by
Socialist Labor Party of America
Representing the
Roman Catholic Political Machine
Answered by
Daniel De Leon
Representing the
Socialist Labor Party
Published by
45 Rose Street, New York
Asked by
Representing the
Roman Catholic Political Machine
Answered by
Daniel De Leon
Representing the
Socialist Labor Party
Published by
45 Rose Street, New York
Preface ........................................ 5
I. How D,etermine Worker’s Income?. ..... 9
II. Same Incomes for All?. ................ 13
III. Won’t Superior Ability Suffer? ........... 14
IV. Will Not Some Get Less than Full
Product? ........................... 22
The answer to this was virtually given in the pre-
ceding question.
Answering the preceding question-How will the
Co-operative Commonwealth determine the income of
each worker?-it was established that the income of each
worker woufd be determined by himself, inasmuch as
his income would “total up to his share in the product
of the collective labor of the Commonwealth, TO THE
It follows that, so far as “income” is concerned, that
will depend, not upon the category of the -worker, or
work done,-w hether “skilled” or “unskilled”-but upon
the rate of effort that the worker will have contributed
towards the totality of the collective work done.
The income of the skilled worker, who loiters, will
be less than the income of his unskilled fellow-worker
who bestirs himself.
“If ail receive the same rate of compensation, wilI .
not such a system forever rob the superior workers of
a part of their superior ability?”
The question is grammatically defective. Surely the
questioner can not mean that there can be a system of
compensation that could rob a superior worker “of a
part of his superior ability.” Not unless a worker suf-
fers physical injury could his ability be impaired; “rob-
bed” it could not be. A worker may be robbed of the
whole fruit of his ability, yet his ability will remaia
intact. What the questioner means is “a part of the
fruit of his superior ability.” The question would then
read :
“If all receive the same rate of compensation, will
not such a system forever rob the superior worker of a
part of the fruit of his superior ability?’
The grammatical defect being eliminated, the ques-
tion will next have to be cleansed of an ethical defect.
It is un-ethical to assume an important fact, without
specifically asserting its correctness, and then to proceed
as if the alleged fact were an established one. Such a
method amounts to the surreptitious injection of prem-
ises. The method is a favorite one,with the Jesuit and
Ultramontane Fathers Escobar and Hurtado. Ethics
condemns the method; science will none of it.
The premises which the question assumes as granted
‘is that in the Co-operative Commonwealth all workers
receive the same rate of compensation. The assumption
is not weakened by being put conditionally. It amounts
to the surreptitious injection of premises for Rhich there
is no warrant.
Cleansed of this ethical defect, and its grammatical
error expunged, the question should be divided in two,
and read:
“Are the rates of compensation in the Co-operative
Commonwealth to be different for different workers, say,
for workers of superior ability and of inferior ability?
If the rates of compensation are to be different, what
will determine them?
“If all receive the same rate of compensation, will
not such a system forever rob the superior workers of a
part of the fruit of their superior ability?”
Seeing that the Co-operative Commonwealth is not
a mechanical contrivance, contrived to accomplish a cer-
tain result, but is an evolutionary social growth, the con-
ditions, at any rate the rough outlines ‘of conditions, if!
the Co-operative Commonwealth flow from sociologic
and economic facts. These facts being ascertained and
grasped, the conditions follo,w.
The sociologic and economic facts that bear upon the
question whether the rates of compensation in the Co-
operative Commonwealth will be different for workers
of superior and inferior ability, and, if so, what will de-
termine them, are these:
1st economic and sociologic fact.-Useful work falls
under two categories.
Useful work is either directly or indirectly productive
of material objects, conducive to physical wellbeing.
-For instance :-
The men at the bench, who turn out the several parts
that finally combine in a shoe, are directly productive.
The men engaged in the clerical work, requisite for
the operation of a boot and shoe plant, are indirectly
The two sets- “manual” work, so-called, and “cler-
ical” work, so-called,-combine in producing a material
object, necessary for physical wellbeing.
The second category under which useful work falls
is that of work that is productive, neither directly nor
indirectly, of material objects, but is conducive to mental
or moral expansion.
-For instance :-
The heart, which, pregnant with celestial fire, gives
birth to a poem that thrills the mind with lofty emotion;
the hand that to ecstacy wakes the living lyre ; the scien-
tist, whose combined imagination and trained powers
discover a secret of Nature ;-the work of these and all
such workers, tho’ it produce no material object, is con-
ducive to mental and moral elevation.
2nd economic and sociologic fact.-Tlro’ “man doth
not live by bread only,” neither can he live witholut
“bread.” Inestimable tho’ the useful work be that is
neither directly nor indirectly productive of material ob-
jects, the usefulness of such work is conditioned upon
material existence. “A living dog is better than a dead
:lion,” sayeth The Preacher.
3rd economic and sociologic fact.-As with the indi-
vidual, so with society. Material existence, hence, ma-
terial conditions, is the foundation of all else. Hence,
society concerns itself, first of all, with useful work that
either directly or indirectly ministers ‘to physical well-
being. That is the starting point for all else as ultimate
4th economic and sociologic fact.-Useful work that
is productive of material objects consumes unequal
amounts of tissue in a given time. The amount of tissue
thus consumed by the worker in useful production deter-
mines the rate of his toil, and that rate determines the
rate of his contribution to the social store.
5th economic and sociologic fact.-As set forth in the
answer to Question No. I,, under the present, or capitalist
regimen, in which the necessaries for production are held
privately, and are operated for the sake of sale and profit,
the worker’s “income’- which means his total earn-
ings-is determined by the merchandise Law of Supply
and Demand. Seeing that improved machinery and
methods tend to throw labor out of work, they tend to
raise the supply of labor, and thereby to lower the price
of labor-power- which is the worker’s rate of compen-
sation. Thus the factor, which determines the rate of
the worker’s toil, has, under the capitalist regimen, no
regard for the factor which determines the rate of the
same worker’s contribution to tie social store.
It follows from the synthesis of these sociologic and
economic facts :-
1st. That in the Co-operative Commonwealth, where
the necessaries for production are collective property,
operated for use, the worker’s rate of compensation will
not be the same, but will depend upon -that which deter-
mines the individual worker’s rate of contribution to the
It is evident that this question is grounded upon the
assumption that the answer to the question immediately
preceding would be that in the Co-operative Common-
wealth the “rate of compensation” was to be the same
in all occupations. Seeing the answer was “otherwise
and to the contrary” the present question would seem to
have been disposed of.
In a way, it is so; not so in another.
This question, as well as the preceding ones, and
several of the rest, betrays much looseness of thought,
with consequent looseness of expression. It is evident
the questioner jumbles together “occupational” work
and “individual” work. We shall not take advantage of
his confusion of thought. Having in the previous an-
swer considered the “rate of compensation” by occupn-
tion, we shall now consider the “rate of compensation”
by the individual worker.
The texture of the question justifies the belief that
in the questioner’s mind there floats, undefined, the im-
pression that individuals do not all produce the same
amount of wealth, hence, that, either the individual can
not possibly receive the “full product of his toil,” in case
all are remunerated alike; or the “oft-repeated assertion
. ,
-. -
_, . .’ ‘.
“! i:”
_- ,-I, ._,
. . . .
“As the capabilities of the workers will differ under
Socialism, just as they now differ in our Socialistic pub-
lic school system, how and what way will it be possible
to determine the true value of each work&s toil?”
With the exception of one sentence, this question is
essentially a repetition of the five previous ones.
The sentence that marks the exception is: “Just as
they [the capabilities of the workers] now differ in our
Socialistic public school system.”
The sentence, really, is foreign to the subject. It is
a digression, intended for a tangle-foot.
Leaving the side-swipe, implied in the digression, for
when we shall come to the questions with which we pro-
pose to reciprocate, be it here observed in passing that
the difference in capabilities, observed “in our Socialistic
public school system,” is a disadvantage, or an advan-
tage, whatever you may please to call it, that the Ultra-
montane parochial school system likewise suffers from,
or is blest with, according as you may prefer. The dif-
ference in capabilities among pupils is a fact, the recog-
nition of which constitutes the single admirable feature
of the pedagogic system of the Jesuit Order. Recognizing
the fact of the difference in capabilities, the pedagogic
system of the Jesuit Order- seeks, at least in theory, to
promote the powers that are latent in the different cap-
Does the digressive sentence about “our Socialistic
public school system” mean to imply that the difference
in capabilities, observed in our public school system, is
due to our public school system being Socialistic?-If
so, then, the sentence is just so much nonsense.
Or does the digressive sentence mean to indicate that
our public school system, although Socialistic, hence a
sample of what Socialism can do for the human race,
reveals the human race’s uneradicable feature of con-
sisting of units of different capabilities?-If so, then the
sentence is supremely infelicitious, coming from the
quarter that it does. It draws attention to the sociologic
fact that the capitalist regimen safeguards not even the
one good feature of the pedagogic system of the Jesuit
ader, but, on the contrary, rides rough-shod over the
same. Capitalist Society rolls the steam-roller of the
Capitalist Class ruthlessly over the Classes below, crush-
ing them into one amorphous pulp, and annihilating the
differences of individuality that flow from different cap-
The tangle-foot of “our Socialistic public school sys-
tem” being laid aside, we may return, un-tangle-footed,
to the question proper.
As already stated, what is left of the question is the
substance of those that preceded it ; hence, is a repetition
of erroneous economic and sociologic views, already dis-
posed of, but now dished up in a new sauce-the sauce
of “value,” the “true value of each worker’s toil.”
Let us submit the new sauce to the alembic of politico-
economic science.
This question is admirable. It is admirable in that
it presents an excellent illustration of the degree to
which habits of thought can interfere with the under-
standing of the law, or principIe, which lies at the root
-of even the habit of thought itself. The question is,
inferentially, also an illustration of the sorrowful capers
that he cuts who denies the materialist conception of
history, that is, the material foundation and shaper of
principles, or ideals.
Of course, the “Visitor” is of the opinion that “high
remuneration for college professors and low remunera-
tion for railway brakemen” is itself a principle, a law
of nature. But what the “Visitor” believes does not
alter facts.
He who wouId form an estimate of the bourgeois,
from the iniquities and injustices that obtain under
Capitalism, would put the bourgeois down as a fiend
from Hell. Indeed, such is the Anarchist conception.
Violently tho’ our modern bourgeois would bristle at
the charge of their conception of Right and Wrong
being closely akin to, and differing from, the Anarchist
only as the obverse and reverse of the same medal dif-
fer, the charge is sound. The Anarchist starts with a
principle, or ideal, and seeks its realization without re-
know not what you do. You are the victim of your
class habits of thought, strengthened by the ignorance
that your class interests breed. What you hold to be
:just, so just that you indulge in sneers, is not just at
all. It is an evil consequent upon the race’s early eco-
nomic weakness, which then rendered the injustice im-
perative. The laborer is worthy of his hire. He who
co-operates towards ultimate results is essential to the
result. As such he is entitled to an equal share in the
result, even leaving out of consideration the peril that
attaches to his function in the co-operative chain. The
economic impotence of the race in its infancy, coupled
with the sociologic law that drove the race to aim at
economic potency, obscured the principle of justice. But
we live at a stage when the race’s one-time economic
impotence has grown to giant potency; the sociologic
law that served as scaffolding to reach the present stage
is sociologically out of date. The justification, or even
the extenuation, of social injustice lies behind us. The
material possibilities of today plant the railway brake-
man a peer of the college professor in the co-operative
work of society. Man, turn to history. Read it with
discretion and discrimination, It bristles with evidence
of the compelling force of material necessity. In the
thirty-third edition of his work, ‘Woman Under Social-
ism,’ August Bebel sketches the devastated condition
of Germany after the religious war of Thirty Years-
whole territories and provinces lying waste; hundreds
of cities, thousands of villages partially, or wholly,
burnt down; the population sunk to a third, a fourth, a
fifth, even to an eighth and tenth part; the men carried
The next question-Question No. IX.-is so much
of a piece with this one, being, in fact, but the extension
to all other industries of the misconceptions with regard
to the relation between hours of work and number of
employes, and of the confusion of thought with regard
to the cost of production, both of which underlie this
question, that we shall omit from this answer, reserv-
ing for the next, the consideration of the confusion of
thought regarding cost of production, and shall o,mit
from the next, and consider in this answer, the miscon-
ceptions regarding the relation between hours of work
and number of employes.
In pursuing this consideration we shall not allow
ourselves to be drawn aside by matter of such secondary
importance as the exact number of hours which Social-
ists are alleged to assert that the working time will be
reduced to ; or the actual present figures of the em-
ployes engaged in the railway, or any other industry;
nor yet, when we come to the matter of cost of pro-
duction, any precise attempted estimate of what the
cost will amount to.
The gist of the question is this:
Socialists maintain that the existing hours of work
are inhuman, and unnecessarily long; hence, the So-
cialist program must contemplate a greatly reduced
,working time. Will not a greatly reduced working time
entail a proportional increase in the number of workers,
and also a proportional increase in the cost of pro--
In the first place, the belief, that decreased hours
must necessarily be followed by an increased number of
employes, proceeds from the tacitly accepted premise
that the full number of present employes is needed for
conducting the industries. The premise is false.
-Not in the railway or transportation industry only,
in all other well developed industries there is a consider--
able number of employes, whose status is that of “un-
productive” workers, or “useless mouths,” as defined in
the answer to Question V. The “spotters,” who are
permanently employed along the lines, the “watchers,”
who are perpetually kept in the oflices or on the floors,
to keep alive, if necessary, to throw “the fear of the
Lord” into the hearts of employes and of customers,
are a type of this order of “workers,” or employes ;-
and their number is not ‘la few.”
-Furthermore, even in industries such as the trans-
portation industry, that have attained a high grade of
centralization and even trustification, much more SO with
industries that have not yet reached such a stage, cm-
petition is still alive. It is languid and sporadic among
It is psychologically impossible for the bourgeois to
-think of “increased cost” without a shiver. The term
covers him with goose flesh. The reason therefor will
transpire from a simple example.
Take manufacturer John Jones, for instance, who
employs the 1,000 men in the illustration given in the
answer to the preceding question, works them IO
hours a day, pays them an annual wage of $400 apiece,
and himself pockets $4oo,ooo profits. Assuming the
hours of work to be reduced to 8, and leaving out of
consideration, for the present, the capacity of improved
machinery to counteract the reduction of hours, as ex-
plained in the previous answer, John Jones will then
have to employ 250 more men ; his pay-roll will rise by
$~oo,coo; and his profits will sink to $3oo,oo0. The lower
the hours are reduced, all the higher will his pay-roll
rise, and all the lower will his profits sink. If the hours
are reduced to 5, other things remaining unchanged, the
pay-roll will absorb all the profits, and- our Mr. Jones
would be put out of business. Taking, now, into con-
sideration the capabilities of improved machinery, and
.assuming that the same will enable the identical 1,000
men to produce in an g-hour day the equivalent of
15,ooo hours with inferior mechanical appliances, the
manufacturer’s condition would have been improved.
With a pay-roll no higher than before, his profits will
have risen 50 per cent. They will be $6oo,ooo. But the
capacity of improved machinery ‘to make up and more
for displaced hours has its limits. If hours are further
reduced from 8 to 4, other things remaining equal, the
manufacturer will have to employ twice as many men,
2,oco; his pay-roll would be raised to $Soo,ooo; and his
profits reduced to one-third, from $6oo,ooo to $~OO,OOO.
Nor yet is this all.
Our manufacturer John Jones does not thrive merely
from the existence of the proletariat whom he regularly
exploits, and with whom the necessity to live is the
guarantee of his reign. The prosperity of his reign
hinges upon the existence of an even more wretched
layer of the proletariat. The figures presented by the
“Visitor,)f and showing that the vacancies created by
reduced hours would be filled by additional workers,
implies the existence of a proletariat sufficient in num-
bers and ready to fill the vacancies. The implication is
true; and the truth thereof is a crack inadvertently dealt
by the “Visitor” itself over the head of the saintly
capitalist regimen. The truthful implication is the sub-
stantiation of one of the worst counts in the Socialist
indictment against Capitalism. That count is what
Socialism designates as the “Reserve Army of the Un-
employed.” As Marx put it-Capitalism cannot start
without there is a mass of humanity unable to live
without it sells itself into wage-slavery; and it can not
expand without there is a superabundance of these, a
superabundance large enough to keep wages down, and
large enough, besides and above all, to keep on hand a
reserve army of potential exploitees upon whom to
.draw whenever a favorable fluctuation of trade demands
an increased output. In other words, Capitalism is
cornerstoned upon continuous starvation wages for its
continuous exploitees, and periodically actual starvation
for its periodical exploitees, when not needed. Accord-
ingly, the systematic lomwering of hours would further-
more tend to reduce and eventually wipe out the Reserve
Army of the Unemployed, and thereby to deprive Master
John Jones of both the lever whereby to keep wages
down, and the ready-at-hand human material upon
which to draw periodically at periodically recurring
seasons of industrial briskness.
Such stands the case under Capitalism. Reduced
hours spell, in the end, heavily reduced profits, if not
Because the profits of the employer represent the
surplus wealth produced by the employes; in other
words, profits represent the amount of wealth that the
employes yield over and above their wages; in still
other words, profits are plunder, with the workers as
the plundered.
O’f course, Capitalism denies the economic estimate.
In order to substantiate the denial, Capitalism has in-
vented a variety of theories-the theory of profits being
“wages of abstinence,” despite the glaring fact that
J‘abstinence” is the virtue most conspicuous by its ab-
sense in the Capitalist Class; the theory of profits being
“‘wages of superintendence,” despite the fact that from
top to bottom production is in the hands of, and is car-
ried on by the Working Class; the theory of profits
being “remuneration for risk,” despite the deserved
ridicule that Ruskin heaped upon the theory, and the
tragic fact that the risk of false imprisonment, of limb,
of life, even of wages themselves, is the “portion of
Labor” ; the theory of profits being “wages of manage-
ment,” despite the fact, abundantly uncovered by Con-
gressional and other investigations, that all that the
members of the Capitalist Class “manage” is conspira-
cies how to over-reach one another, and how to circum-
vent and cheat the law.* But the denial of the facts
concerning profits, and the fables invented to give a
color to the denial, affect the truth, and the Socialist
Movement planted upon the truth, no more than the
sacerdotal denials, along with the myths in support of
the denials, of Columbus’s astronomic and geographic
principles, succeeded in preventing Coltimbus’s triumph.
This question is a “bull.” Not that the previous ones,
or the ones to follow, are free of “bull” earmarks. This
one, however, is pronouncedly so. It is all “bull.”
Passing by the recurrence of the misuse of the term
“non-productive workers,” a term that was defined and
rectified in the answer to Question No. V.; passing by
the suggestion regarding the “two or three million book-
keepers,” etc., a suggestion that has been parried and
met in the answers to Questions VIII. and IX.; further-
more, passing by the suspicion regarding “the Socialist
nation robbing somebody,” a suspicion that the an-
swers to most of the previous questions have disposed
of by anticipation; finally, passing by the affectation of
zeal to protect the workers from paying swollen bills,
an affectation from under which the answers to several
of the questions preceding this one knocked the bottom ;
-passing by, for the present all these side issues, al-
ready considered in some way or other, what there is
left of this Qluestion NO. X., is the concept, silently as-
serted, and taken for granted, that the Socialist govern-
ment is bourgeois government run by Socialists. The
concept transpires from the sentence “the strictly gov-
ernment officials.” The concept is radically wrong. It
brings up the question of the “Political State” and the
“Industrial Republic,” or of political and industrial
Whether Government be protectionist or free trade,
absolute or constitutionally monarchic, theocratic and
feudally oligarchic or bourgeois republican,-however
marked the differences may be in the governmental
principles of these various regimens, all have one char-
acteristic in common: while they are all based upon
some method of production, production is independent
of them. That fact marks them all members of the same
governmental family, the Political State,-a govern-
mental system that is no part of, takes no hand in, and
has other functions than the functions of produrtion.
To the bourgeois, his professors, his politicians, his
press and his pulpiteers, the governmentarl system of
the Political State always was. The notion is one of
the many that bourgeois and Anarchists share in com-
mon, proceed from as a premise, and bank upon as a
foundation, the bourgeois, however, arriving at the con-
clusion that such governmental system is ideally good
and for all time, the Anarchist that it, hence, all govern-
ment, is wrong, bad, and utterly rejectable. Fact is, the
governmental system of the Political State-political
government, for short, -is of comparatively recent date
in the annals of the human race.
What the “State,” or the “Political State,” is and
what the development of “Government” has been, con-
stitute a broad subject in social science. The subject is
essential to the appreciation of the “bull” which the
question under consideration perpetrates, hence, also
to the grasping of the answer. We shall give the gist
of the subject by quoting a passage from our address,
“Reform or Revolution,” delivered under the auspices
of the People’s Union, at Well’s Memorial Hall, Boston;
Mass., January 26, I&$:
“How many of you have not seen upon the shelves
of our 1Xraries books that treat upon the ‘History of
the State’; upon the ‘Limitations of the State’; upon
‘What the State Should Do and What It Should Not
Do’; upon ‘Legitimate Functions of the State,’ and SO
on into infinity ? Nevertheless, there is not one among
all of these, the products, as they all are, of the vulgar
and superficial character of capitalist thought, that5
fathoms the question, or actually defines the ‘State.
Not until we reach the great works of the American
Morgan, of Marx and Engels, and of other Socialist
philosophers, is the matter handled with that scientific
lucidity that proceeds from the facts, leads to sound con-
clusions, and breaks the way to practical work. Not
until you know and understand the history of the ‘State’
and of ‘Government’ will you understand one of the
cardinal principles upon which Socialist organization
rests, and will you be in a condition to organize success-
“We are told that ‘Government’ has always been as
it is to-day, and always will be. This is the first funda-
mental error of what Karl Marx justly calls capitalistic
vulgarity of thought.
“When man started on his career, after having got
beyond the state of the savage, he realized that co-opera-
tion was a necessity to him. He understood that to-
gether with others he could face his enemies in a better
way than alone; he could hunt, fish, fight more success-
fully. Following the instructions of the great writer
Morgan-the only great and original American writer
upon this.question-we look to the Indian communities,
the Indian settlements, as a type of the social system
that our ancestors, all of them, without exception, went
through at some time.
“The Indian lived in the community condition. The
Indian lived under a system of common property. As
Franklin described it in a sketch of the history and al-
leged sacredness of private property, there was no such:
thing as private property among the Indians. Tfw
co-operated, worked together, and they had a Central
Directing Authority among them. In the Indian com-
munities we find that Central Directing Authority con-
sisting of the ‘Sachems.’ It makes no difference how
that Central Directing Authority was elected: there it
was. But note this: its function was to direct the CO-
operative or collective efforts of the communities, and,
in so doing, it shared actively in the pro’ductive work of
the communities. Without its work, the work of the
communities would not have been ‘done.
“When, in the further development of society, the
tools of production grew atid ‘developed-grew and
developed beyond the point reached by the Indian;
when the art of smelting iron ore was discovered; when
thereby that leading social cataclysm, wrapped in the
mists of ages, yet discernible, took place that rent for-
mer communal society in twain seemingly along the line
of sex, the males being able, the females unable, to
wield the tool of production-then society was cast into
a new mold; the former community, with its democratic
equality of rights and duties, vanishes, and a new social
system turns up, divided into two sections, the one able,
the other unable, to work at production. The line that
separated these two sections, being seemingly at first
the line of sex, could, in the very nature of things, not
yet be sharp or deep. Yet, notwithstanding, in the very
shaping of these two sections--one able, the other un-
able, to feed itself-we have the first premonition of
the classes, of class distinctions, of the division of society
into the independent and the dependent, into master and
slaves, ruler and ruled.
“Simultaneously, with this revolution, we find the
first changes in the nature of the Central Directing Au-
thority, of that body whose original function was to
share in, by directing, production. Just so Soon as
economic equality is destroyed, and the economic classes
crop up in society, the functions of the Central Directing
Authority gradually begin to change, until finally,
when, after a long range of years, moving slowly at
first, and then with the present hurricane velocity under
capitalism proper, the tool has developed further, and
further, and still further, and has reached its present
fabulous perfection and magnitude; when, through its
private ownership the tool has wrought a revolution
within a revolution by dividing society, no longer seem-
ingly along the line of sex, but strictly alo,ng the line of
ownership or non-ownership of the land on and the tool
with which to work; when the privately owned, mam-
moth tool of today has reduced more than fifty-two per
cent. of our population to the state of being utterly un-
able to feed without first selling themselves into wage
slavery, while it, at the same time, saps the ground from
under about thirty-nine per cent. of our people, the
middle class, whose puny tools, small capital, render
them certain victims of competition with the large capi-
talists, and makes them desperate; when the economic
law that asserts itself under the system of private
ownership of the tool has concentrated these private
owners into about eight per cent. of the nation’s inhabit-
ants, has thereby enabled this small capitalist class to
live without toil, and to compel the majority, the class
of the proletariat, to toil without living; when, finally,
it has come to the pass in which our country now finds
itself, that, as was stated in Congress, ninety-four per
cent. of the taxes are spent in “protecting property”-
the property of the trivially small capitalist class-and
not in protecting life; when, in short, the privately
owned tool has wrought this work, and the classes-the
idle rich and the working poor-are in full bloom-then
the Central Directing Authority of old stands trans-
formed; its pristine functions of aiding in, by directing,
production have been supplanted by the functions of
holding down the dependent, the slave, the ruled, i. e.,
the working class, Then, and not before, lo, the State,
the modem State, the capitalist State! Then, lo, the
Government, the modern Government, the capitalist
Government--equipped mainly, if not solely, with the
means of suppression, of oppression, of tyranny!
“In sight of these manifestations of the modern
State, the Anarchist-the rose-water and the dirty-
water variety alike-shouts : ‘Away with all central
directing authority; see what it does; it can only do
mischief; it always did mischief !’ But Socialism is not
Anarchy. Socialism does not, like the chicken in the
fable, just out of the shell, start with the knowledge of
that day. Socialism rejects the premises and the con-
clusions of Anarchy upon the State and upon Govern-
ment. What Socialism says is: ‘Away with the eco-
nomic system that alters the beneficent functions of the
Central Directing Authority from an aid of production
into a means of oppression.’ And it proceeds to shovp
that, when the instruments of production shall be owned,
no longer by the minority, but shall be restored to the
Commonwealth ; that when, as a result of this, no longer
the majority or any portion of the people shall be in
poverty, and classes, class distinctions and class rule
shall, as they necessarily must, have vanished, that then
the Central Directing Authority will lose all its repres-
sive functions, and is bound to reassume the functions
it had in the old communities of our ancestors, become
again a necessary aid, and assist in production.
“The Socialist, in the brilliant simile of Karl Marx,
sees that a lone fiddler in his room needs no director;
he can rap himself to order, with his fiddle to his shoul-
der, and start his dancing tune, and stop whenever he
likes. But just as soon as you have an orchestra, you
must also have an orchestra director-a central directing
authority. If you don’t you may have a Salvation Army
pow-wow, you may have a Louisiana negro breakdown;
you may have an orthodox Jewish synagogue, where
every man sings in whatever key he likes, but you won’t
have harmony-impossible.
“It needs this central directing authority of the or-
chestra master to rap all the players to order at a given
moment; to point out when they shall begin; when to
have these play louder, when to have those play softer;
when to put in this instrument, when to silence that;
to regulate the time of all and preserve the accord. The
orchestra director is not an oppressor, nor is his baton
an insignia of tyranny; he is not there to bully any-
body ; he is as necessary or important as any or all of
the members of the orchestra.
“Our system of production is in the nature of an
orchestra. No one man, no one town, no one State, can
be said any longer to be independent of the other; the
whole people of the United States, every individual
therein, is dependent and interdependent upon all the
others. The nature of the machinery of production;
the subdivision of labor, which aids cooperation, and
which co-operation fosters, and which is necessary to
the plentifulness of production that civilization requires,
compel a harmonious working together of all depart-
ments of labor, and thence compel the establishment of
a Central Directing Authority, of an OJrchestral Direc-
tor, so to speak, of the orchestra of the Co-operative
“Such is the State or Government that the Socialist
revolution carries in its womb.”
Accordingly, to speak of “strictly government offi-
cials,” in connection with the Co-operative Common-
wealth, is to perpetrate a robustious “bull” sociologic:
-there will be none such in the bourgeois, or moderu
sense of “government.” With the downfall of the Poli-
tical State, or of “political government,” the personnel
of the same vanishes, leaving not a rack behind.
Again, the broad hint at, and even assertion of, a
largely increased number of administrative public offi-
cials in the Co-operative Commonwealth is an equally
robustious “bull,” but a “bull” of a different breed, a
“bull” arithmetic *.-it must take an exceptionally dull
bourgeois to fail to realize, or an exceptionally insolent
“barker” for the bourgeois regimen to realize and yet
deny the fact that the administrative officials whom the
‘Capitalist Class employs in the running of the indus-
tries are virtually public officials, seeing that industry
has become a public function; it takes an additionally
dull bourgeois to fail to realize, or an additionally in-
solent “barker” for the bourgeois regimen, to realize and
yet deny that, as indicated in the answer to Question
Il-o. VIII., vast hordes of these virtually public officials
are “useless mouths” whom the competitive warfare of
Capitalism breeds; it will take a still duller bourgeois
to fail to realize, or a still more insolent “barker” for
the bourgeois regimen to realize and yet deny that the
circumstance of these larger masses of public officials
not being technically public officers only adds to the
evil the brand of “taxation without representation”-
The feature of this question is a large number of
assertions of things that are not so.
It is not so that “we are able to produce less than
.$7oo net wealth per worker per year.”
It is not so that “the last Census shows” anything of
the kind.
It is not so that we are aided by “the best machin-
It is not so that we are aided with the “best organi-
It is not so that Socialists assert that rwe shall pro-
kluce “two or three thousand dollars per year per
It is not so that “Socialism will impose” a “great
increase in non-productive labor.”
The key-stone in this arch of Not-Soness is the third
assertion, to the effect that we are aided with the best
Had the question simply asked, How are you SO-
cialists going to get possession? we could have pro-
ceeded with the answer without further ado. The ques-
tion is, however, loaded with a number of kinks. These
will first have to be straightened out.
The first kink is imbedded in the word “confiscate.”
A definition of the word in its historic and juridic sense
becomes a necessary preliminary.
What is “confiscation”?
We shall answer the question with two passages
from Socialist Labor Party literature-one furnishing
a sidelight into the concept of “confiscation,” the other
directly defining it-and then clinching the point with
illustrations fresh from the history of our own days.
The first passage is taken from “The Warning of
the Gracchi” in our address, “Two Pages from Roman
History,” delivered in New York City under the auspices
of Section New York, S. L. P., at the Manhattan
Lyceum, April, rgoz:
“When, at the critical stage of the revolution he was
active in, Tiberius Gracchus took a ‘short cut across
lots,’ and removed, regardless of ‘legality,’ the colleague
who blocked his way, consciously or unconsciously he
acted obedient to that canon of the Proletarian Re--
volution that it must march by its own light, look to it-
self alone; and that, whatever act it contemplates, it
,judges by the Code of Law, that, although as yet un-
formulated into statute, it is carrying in its own womb..
When, afterwards, Tiberius looked for justification to
the laws of the very class that he was arrayed against,
he slid off the revolutionary plane, and dragged his re-
volution down, along with himself. The revolutionist
who seeks the cloak of ‘legality’ is a revolutionist spent..
He is a boy playing at soldier.
“It was at the Denver convention of the American
Federation of Labor, in 1894, that a scene took place
which throws much light on the bearing of this par-
ticular point in the Movement of our own days. The
A. F. of L. at a previous convention had ordered a gen-
eral vote upon a certain ‘declaration of principles.”
Among these principles there was one, the tenth, which
a certain class of people, who called themselves Social-
ists, were chuckling over with naive delight. They
claimed it was ‘socialistic.’ O,ne of their number had
bravely smuggled it into the said ‘declarations.’ They
were by that manoeuvre to capture the old style Trades
Unions, and thereby ‘tie the hands of the Labor Lead-’
ers.’ For a whole year these revolutionists had been
chuckling gaily and more loudly. The unions actually
polled a majority for all the ‘principles,’ the celebrated
‘Plank 10’ included. At the Denver convention the vote
was to be canvassed; but the Labor Leaders in control
We do not know. What is more, we do not care.
The Socialist, being no dreamer and no idler, finds bet-
ter use for his time than to indulge in inconsequential
speculations. It is-in the matter of inventors and the
treatment of the same-enough for the Socialist to
Iknow that the principle-shaping material conditions in
the Co-operative Commonwealth, being fundamentally
different from the principle-shaping material conditions
in Capitalist Society, will safeguard the inventor, in-
stead of, as happens today, expose him to a life of mental
torture, through apprehensions that generally come
Few, if any, are the inventions that can be turned to
financial profit with little capital. Generally, the capital
needed is large. Very often it is gigantic. The inven-
tor, who owns the requisite capital to experiment, per-
fect, and, finally, turn out the product of his genius, does
not exist, at least not “to any alarming extent,“-and
thereby hangs one of the most distressful pages of capi-
talist history, full as that history is of distressful pages.
The pace of the fate of the inventor of machines
“worth millions to society” was set, in this country, from
an early day of its history by the fate imposed upon Eli
It is true that of the people of the earth, whatever
the number of the earth’s population may be, no two
are alike.
It is also true, too true, that one man is a success,
the other a failure; one industrious, the other a spend-
Will the industrious, sober and thrifty man be will-
ing to divide with and help support the lazy man, the
drunkard and the spendthrift?
The subject opens two angles of view from which to
consider it.
Taking up the subject from one angle of view, we
find that, whether the industrious, the sober and the
thrifty are willing or not, they do today “help support
the lazy man, the drunkard and the spendthrift” :
It, surely, is not by the lazy man, the drunkard, or
the spendthrift that, for instance, Harry Kendal Thaw
is being supported. The wealth that supports that homi-
cidal paranoiac spendthrift is wealth produced by the
industrious, the sober and the thrifty. It is, accordingly,
the sober, the industrious and the thrifty who today
support that worthy . If they did not, the earth would
long, long ago have been relieved of the worthy’s
It, surely, is not from the lazy man, the drunkard, or
the spendthrift that the funds flow to the support of the
inebriates inside of our asylums, or those who wander
at large. The wealth that supports the habitual splicers
of the main-stay is wealth produced by the sober, the
industrious and the thrifty. It is, accordingly, the sober,
the industrious and the thrifty who today support these
moral, physical and mental cripples. If they did not,
then, neither the inmates of our inebriate asylums, nor
the many more who belong there, could be alive today.
Sloth, sayeth the adage, is the beginning of all crime.
It surely is not through the lazy man, the drunkard, or
the spendthrift that the moneys are raised which go to
the support of the humanity that graduate from the
University of Sloth into the penitentiaries of the land.
The money that goes to the support of these social waifs
represents, and is exchanged for, wealth produced by
the industrious, the sober and the thrifty. It is, accord-
ingly, the thrifty, the sober and the industrious who
today support the convict. If they refused, what would
become of the criminals?
Summing up the subject, as it presents itself from
this first angle of view, even if lazy people, drunkards
and spendthrifts should be found in the Co-operative
Commonwealth, and even if the Co-operative Common-
wealth were to compel the industrious, sober and
thrifty to support such social refuse, it is not for a
supporter of Capitalism to throw the first stone. The
house he lives in is too much of a glass house for him to
start the stone-throwing process,
Taking up the subject from the other angle of view
which it presents, the telescope of political-economic
science, turned upon the capitalist regimen, reveals the
sociologic fact that the capitalist regimen does not give
the industrious, the sober and the thrifty the option
whether they will divide with the lazy man, the drunk-
ard and the spendthrift. The capitalist regimen is so
constructed that it compels the industrious, thrifty and
sober to divide. Indeed, it compels them with such a
compelling power that the division leaves them but a
beggarly pittance, while the lion’s share goes to the
lazy, the drunkard and the spendthrift.
Paul Lafargue condensed the process of “division”
under the capitalist regimen in the terse motto : “Wealth
is the product of Labor, and the reward of Idleness.”
Surely, idleness can produce nothing. The obvious
principle notwithstanding, the bulk of the enormous
wealth of the land is found in the possession, not of the
workers, but of the idlers. To what an extent this is
true has lately been uncovered by the statistics which
the idle, finding it impossible to keep the lid tight upon,
have endeavored, as a last resort, to use as a warning
against the enactment of the income tax. The statistics
indicate that even after lowering the limit of untaxable
incomes to $3,000, barely 5oo,ooo people will “bear the
burden.” Allotting four dependents to each of these,
only two millions of our more than ninety million popu-
lation will be affected.
.- .-
. . . . ,‘LC
.: , I .
’ I:._
“W~XX~ will YOU Socialists do with the farming lands,,
and with the five million owners of these lands? Will
you divide the tract into five, ten, or fifty-acre tracts
and parcel it out to each farmer and will each farmer be
compelled to account to the State for what he raises?
Will the intelligent farmer receive the same income as
the ignorant farmer? Will an account be kept of what
each farmer produces and the quality? If so, will it not
require an army of experts and bookkeepers to see that
each farmer receives the full reward of his, toil? Or will
you Socialists farm the lands in large tracts with Social-
ist farm bosses and Socialist farm hands? And which
will you be, a farm boss or a farm hand?”
If the framer of this question had read Prof. Ely’s
book on the “Weaknesses of SociaIism” the fact wdd
have manifested itself in some degree of system in the
objections to Socialism therein implied. As it is, the
implied objections, or the numerous sub-questions that
constitute the question itself, bump against one another
in such a disordered manner that the suspicion is justi-
fied the “Visitor” is in the mental state of the bewil-
dered, thick-skulled peasants in the German story who
“heard the bell ring, but knew not where it hung.”
That bell is the extensive European Socialist litera-
ture on the Agrarian or Land Question.
The Agrarian or Land Question raises no economic
or even sociologic principle different from the economic
or sociologic principle raised by urban industry. Not a
line and not a word is found in all the mass of Socialist
literature to indicate that, so far as economics or socioi-
ogy is concerned, the Socialist faces on the farm a prob-
lem different from that which he faces in manufacturing
towns. The difference in the problem goes, not to the
root of the economic problem: it affects only the top-
most branches. It is a difference that dictates tactics, a
difference due to the historic antecedents of the peasant,
a class that does not exist and never existed in this
country, due to the circumstance of the country’s never
.having passed through a really feudal period, except,
perhaps, in spots.
The string of incoherent questions, strung up under
this XVth question, affects economics. Even in Europe
-where there is a peasantry whom social evolution has
to hurl into the cities before Capitalism can grip them,
hence, before they can be rendered accessible to Socialist
propaganda-these objection-questions to Socialism are
shots with blank cartridges. In this country-where
there is no peasantry, where capitalism itself stalks forth
and reaches out into the fields, and renders the farm the
rural aspect of the factory, and the factory the city as-
pect of the farm-in this country the string of questions
under XVth Question is as downright a bit of idiotic
pertness as if a school boy, who was told that the camel
was an animal used in order to cross sandy deserts, were
to interject: “But, Teacher, how could the camel swim
across the oceans in the desert?’
What will the Socialists do with the farming lands?
-Just what they will do with the urban plants of pro-
What will the Socialists do with the five million
owners of farming land?-Just what they wili do wit!1
whatever the number may be who own the urban plants
of production.
Will the Socialists divide the tract into five, ten, or
fifty acre tracts and parcel it out to each farmer?-They
will do that no more than they will divide the plants of
production into five, ten, or fifty inch plants, and parcel
them out to each industrial worker.
Will each farmer be compelled to account to the
State for what he raises?-No more than each industrial
worker will be compelled to account to the State for
what he turns out. Like the present plant-of-production
owner, who, if he does not mean to go on a hunger
strike, will have to take hold of the co-operative cable
of production, the farmer will have to step into the Na-
tion’s co-operative army of production.
Will the intelligent farmer receive the same income
as the ignorant farmer?-Yes, or no, the same as the
urban industrial worker, as fully set forth’in the answers
to Questions I. and II.
Will an account be kept of what each farmer pro-
duces and the quality?-No more than an account will,
or could, be kept of what each individual urban worker
turns out, for the reasons fully set forth in the answer
to Question No. IV., which set forth the features of
co-operative labor.
If an account will be kept of what each farmer pro-
Zluces and the quality, will it not require an army of.
experts and bookkeepers to see that each farmer receive
the full reward of his toil?-Seeing that, no more than
an account will, or could, be kept of what each farmer
produces than of what each industrial urban worker
turns out, it will no more require an army of experts and
bookkeepers to see that each farmer receives the full
reward of his toil than it will require such an army of
,experts and bookkeepers to perform the same services
for the industrial workers.
Will the Socialists farm the lands in large tracts?-
Just as industrial production will be carried on upon a
national scale, agricultural production will be conducted
“on large tracts.”
Will Socialists farm the large tracts with Socialist
farm bosses and Socialist farm hands?--;Yes. Just the
same as the Nation-wide industries, and for the same
xeason. There will be no anti-Socialist labor of what-
ever nature and category to be found in the Co-operative
Commonwealth outside of asylums where merciful care
will be taken of the mental cripples who may have been
inherited from the capitalist regimen. ’
Finally, woald we be a farm boss or a ‘farm hand?-
Either indifferently. As to which of the two, will de-
pend upon the circumstances detailed in the answer to
Question No. III.
Some capitalists run large urban iodustries, others
run large agricultural concerns; some run small urban
industries, others run small agricultural enterprises. The
. farmer, accordingly, is nothing but a differentiated capi-
talist. He is a capitalist in agriculture; the same as the
manufacturer is a capitalist in industry, or the railroad
magnate is a capitalist in transportation. To handle the
agricultural capitalist upon a principle entirely different