In re Banco BNP Paribas Brasil S.A
In re Banco BNP Paribas Brasil S.A
In re Banco BNP Paribas Brasil S.A
United States District Court, S.D. New York
In re Banco BNP Paribas Brasil S.A. 22 Misc. 252 (S.D.N.Y. Sep. 8, 2022)
Application; (3) the Application does not conceal 4. The Applicant's request to be appointed as the
an attempt to circumvent foreign proof-gathering person with the power to administer any necessary
restrictions; and (4) the Application seeks oath and take testimony or a statement is
discovery that is not unduly intrusive or GRANTED.
burdensome as the Application requests evidence
5. The Respondents are ordered to preserve all
of the type normally produced by financial
relevant and potentially relevant evidence in their
institutions or corporate entities as third parties or
possession, custody or control until such time as
parties in litigation.
Applicant communicates to them that the
G. The granting of the Petition ex parte is preservation is no longer necessary or until further
recognized in this Circuit. See Gushlak v. Gushlak, order of this Com!.
486 Fed.Appx. 215, 217, 2012 WL 2549813, at *1
6. Applicant is further authorized to issue and
(2d Cir. 2012) (“it is neither uncommon nor
serve additional follow-up subpoenas on the
improper for district courts to grant applications
Respondents or thir d parties as may be necessary
3 made pursuant to § 1782 ex parte”). *3
to obtain the documentary and testimonial
Accordingly, it is hereby ORDERED and evidence for use in the Foreign Proceedings.
ADJUGED as follows:
7. Nothing in this Order should be construed to
1. The ex parte Application is GRANTED. prevent or otherwise foreclose Applicant from
seeking modification of this Order or leave of
2. Any Discovery taken pursuant to this Order will
Court to serve any additional subpoena on a
be governed by the Federal Rules of Civil
person or entity. Further, nothing in this Order
Procedme and the Local Civil Rules of this Corn!.
should be construed to prevent or otherwise
3. The Applicant's request for leave to conduct foreclose Respondents from seeking appropriate
discovery including, but not limited to, leave to relief from the Court.
serve subpoenas in substantially similar form as
the form attached to the Application and to take
testimony is GRANTED.