An Email Marketers Guide to the Galaxy
An Email Marketers Guide to the Galaxy
An Email Marketers Guide to the Galaxy
• Has a broad reach
• Creates engagement
• Is proactive
• Is targeted
• Is Cost-effective
• Provides valuable data
But that is why email marketing is so powerful. It levels the playing field between the small corner
store and the giant corporation with thousands of employees.
A comprehensive email marketing plan combined with a loyal list of readers and well written content
can explode business in no time.
Before you blast off into the marketing galaxy, learn the entire process of email marketing from start
to finish. The galaxy is full of consumers looking for products and services. It is just a matter of what
company finds them first and converts them into customers.
Email marketing is still one of the most cost-effective and easy to implement solutions for any busi-
ness looking to grow quickly and engage with users.
This guide will delve into the world of email marketing and give you the basics you need to know
when it comes to:
• Best Practices
• List Creation
• Campaign Creation
• Tracking & Reporting
Sening targeted email marketing messages to patrons who have opted in to receive promotional in-
formation has been proven to increase consumer loyalty and improve brand perception. Email mar-
keting gives any business an instant online presence and allows for targeted advertising specifically to
those interested in what they have to offer.
• Modern email marketing services and solutions support database integration, segmentation and
various other tricks and techniques for improving the targeting of outgoing messages.
• Every email campaign you send out generates large amounts of actionable data you can use to
refine your approach and messages.
• Email marketing can easily be integrated with other forms of marketing to touch new leads and
potential clients on their preferred mode of communication.
There are numerous ways to create a contact list for your email marketing campaigns.
These include creating a signup form for your website, adding contacts one-by-one, mass uploading
already gathered lists from your CRM and of course the old school offline strategies that many forget
The most important thing to remember is your email marketing success will only go as far as the
health and quality of your lists. So treat them right, nurture them from scratch and they will continue
to generate leads and new sales for years to come.
Adding your contact’s email addresses and building your mailing lists are a cornerstone for your
entire email marketing operation. No list to send to – no email marketing space travel for you, pretty
If you have an existing mailing list of opt-in addresses, you can easily add those contacts by either
copying and pasting each address into a list manager or uploading a file. An advanced option is
syncing your current CRM solution to the list manager and importing contacts.
When adding a new contact, take the time to enter all the information you have. It could become
valuable later on when we get to split testing or more targeted email marketing.
If you already have an opt-in list that you need to upload, any Email Service Provider will make the
task simple. Before moving on, an Email Service Provider is defined as an organization which
provides email servers to send, receive, and store email for other organizations and/or end users.
As long as the document is a type of spreadsheet, the information can be uploaded for use and will
be accessible in no time. This is a good spot to mention that is it highly recommended that you don’t
buy or rent a list that contains information that you don’t know where it came from. This will end up
causing more harm than good and keep ESP’s suspicious of you being a client going forward (not a
Common formats for uploading include CSV, EXCEL and plain text. Managing large lists of data can be
time consuming and difficult for email marketers with limited resources, so that is why it is important
to find a list management service that earns its weight in gold.
By adding a signup form to your website, blog
or newsletters, you can begin the process of
gathering opt-in readers who are excited to
receive communications from your company.
It is a good idea to keep the sign up process as brief as possible. Long forms can scare away
interested leads. Ask for the basic information right away such as email address, name and phone
number and give the user the option to fill in more details later on.
If your company sells multiple products or services, we recommend you create a signup form with a
product drop down menu to help you identify what product the user is interested in signing up for.
When a user signs up using your form, you should contact the client to thank them for their interest in
your product. Also, over a regular time period you should provide your users with relevant
information to keep them aware of your services.
A note of caution. If you are not planning on sending an email to your clients at the time of sign up, it
is recommend that you send a welcome email at the time of mailing before sending any promotions.
It cannot be emphasized enough just how important a signup form is to your overall list building
strategy. It is the only way to build an engaged and opt-in list from scratch and even though it takes
time, you will reap the rewards later on.
Email space travelers want to use all the newest gadgets to reach the furthest parts of the galaxy but
don’t forget the tried and true methods.
Just because email marketing happens online, it doesn’t mean it has to stop there. In fact, many
businesses grow their email lists by collecting email addresses offline. Think about it, have you ever
been in a store where the cashier asks for your phone number, mailing address, email address or even
your Twitter name for their records?
Well these businesses are collecting that information to send out promotions and other information
through email, direct mail or other avenues after you make a purchase. This helps create a connection
with the consumer and will ideally keep them shopping with you for the foreseeable future.
It can be as simple as keeping a notebook by your cash register or point-of-sale. The next time you
interact with your customers, ask for their email address. It is also important to let them know you’ll
be sending out exclusive offers, like discount coupons or information on special sales.
So now you know the basics of how to create a list of subscribers, you are ready to start gathering
client info and growing your contact lists. Building up a strong client list from the ground up does
not happen over night but once you have it, it is worth every hour, day and week spent building it.
Let the ESP you choose do the hard work. Let their online software manage the lists for unsubscribes,
bounced email addresses and duplicate data. This gives you more time to focus on the bigger picture
which is your business.
Always remember, permission based lists get the best results, so make sure anyone who joins your list
(regardless of how) knows what they are signing up for.
Mortimer Says...
Always try to include a company logo at the
top of your email. This will reinforce your
brand and engage the reader quicker.
Email marketing can be an extremely powerful and effective marketing technique – that is, if you fol-
low the rules of email space. It’s a medium that allows a buyer and seller to freely communicate with
one another and build a relationship based on value and trust.
However, if you go rogue and don’t follow the rules, email marketing can be destructive, erode brand
equity, and turn your happy clients into an angry mob.
Take a guess which path we want you to take? Yep, following the rules.
Following best practices can make the difference between growing your subscriber list through word
of mouth, increasing your sales and building strong relationships and losing subscribers to list at-
trition, aggravating your customers and getting your messages blocked before they even reach the
Then, only if they recognize the From Name do they look at the “Subject” field to see if it’s of interest
to them. This is why it is recommended that you use a From Name that is either your organization’s
name or a well-known person within your organization.
Think of it like your call display feature on your phone. How often do you answer, when you don’t
know who it is from.
This is your introduction, your first impression, the make or break moment for your email getting
read. A poorly written subject line can destroy hours of work and dramatically hurt your whole email
marketing attack.
A good strategy for optimal email space travel is to have one part of the subject line be consistent,
and the other be variable. This way recipients can recognize your newsletter when it comes in as well
as get a small taste as to what type of information might be featured if they open the message.
The Online Marketing Newsletter for Medical Professionals For the Month of March 2012 From Company
This subject line is far too long. It is recommended you stick to no more than seven words or 45-50 characters.
Anything greater is risking getting cut off in most email clients and being blocked by content-based spam
This one should be obvious. The all caps is a definite no-no for subject lines. All caps will also increase the
chances of the message getting blocked by content-based spam filters.
Too vague and does not tell a reader what it is about other than online marketing. Even adding a time period
or anything will increase the chances of someone opening it.
This one is short and to the point and even tells the reader what it is for. But it also adds a few dollar signs and
exclamation points. Both of these would flag most content-based spam filters.
Open This Email and Learn How to Make Money at Home (and it goes to an email about another topic)
This subject line would in fact be misleading and therefore would be breaking CAN-SPAM laws. You cannot
mislead a reader or risk being flagged as SPAM.
Now for the revised versions that are okay to use as subject lines:
• March’s Online Marketing Newsletter For Medical Professionals
• Online Marketing News For Medical Professionals
• Email Marketing Special – 50% Off
Read your subject line as if you were receiving the email yourself and what your reaction would be.
This will increase the chances of your message being opened.
Readers are becoming more savvy with how the email world works and they expect footers to dis-
play relevant information about your business and your brand. This can include social media links and
more information about the company.
At the very least, you need to display your company’s physical address and have a clear unsubscribe
link that allows the reader to opt-out. These two footer features are a must to remain CAN-SPAM
compliant. If you use a reputable Email Service Provider (ESP), these two features are included in every
email that is sent through their service.
Oh spam, there is certainly a lot of that floating around the email marketing galaxy.
Before we proceed any further, let’s define exactly what permission-based email marketing is.
It is important to note that there are two types of email marketing. One can either send unsolicited
email promotions or send out emails only to persons who have requested to receive them.
You can probably guess which is good and which is bad right?
Unsolicited email is, of course, called spam. Sending spam will ruin any legitimate organization’s
reputation and brand value faster than you can say opt-in email marketing.
The number one rule of becoming an intelligent email marketer is to not send unsolicited email. There
is no getting around this one, so don’t even try.
Every email marketing service provider will shut down your rocket launch before you even reach the
Permission-based email marketing, on the other hand, is used effectively everyday by hundreds of
thousands of organizations to build the value of their brands, increase sales and strengthen the
relationships they have with their clients and subscribers.
Want to truly give your email newsletter the best chance for delivery? Then avoid or limit the use of
these words that cause millions of messages getting blocked every day.
Content-based spam filters monitor subject lines and message bodies very closely for these words:
Mortimer Says...
If you are not planning on sending an email
to your clients at the time of sign up, it is
recommend that you send a welcome email
at the time of mailing before sending any
1. “From” Address: As mentioned already, put your company name in the “from” field so recipients
instantly know who has sent them the email. Avoid using “no” or an individual’s
name unless that person would be well known to the recipient.
2. Subject Line: The subject line should be clear and prompt readers to open the email. The subject
should be no more than seven words and encourage readers to open the email. Don’t make the
subject line about something that is not included in the email.
3. Include Web Version: Due to images and certain words not showing up in certain email clients, it
is best to include a web link where the entire email or newsletter can be viewed online. This is to en-
sure the recipient can view your email as intended.
4. Header: Always try to include a company logo at the top of your email and any helpful navigation.
This will reinforce your brand and engage the reader quicker.
5. Call to Action: Every good email has a strong call to action in which you clearly state what it is you
want the reader to do. The call to action depends on the type of email you are sending. If it’s a
newsletter, “Learn more” may be the smart choice. But if you’re promoting a conference, “Register
today” would be the logical choice. If you’re selling bikes, “Buy now” would make sense.
This is just the beginning of what makes up an effective email newsletter. There is still design
elements to focus on, how to best use images, how to write your copy and of course testing to see
how your final product renders on all email clients, web browsers and operating systems.
There is a lot of work that goes into the ideal newsletter but once you learn the ways the first time, it
will seem like a walk in the park.
The design of your email sets the tone for your entire project. It is the heart of the newsletter. It is
what will grab people’s attention before they even read a word. Simply put it can make or break the
overall message you are trying to get across.
Before you even write one word of copy, you have to decide on the design of your email. Most Email
Service Providers are very easy-to-use and non-technical these days and that is great for the person
who does not have a full design team standing by. It means a ready selection of pre-made HTML
templates to choose from that have already been optimized for email marketing purposes.
If you do not want to use the available templates, you can create your own in an editor from scratch
or import your own HTML into whatever service you use. Please keep in mind that outside code can
sometimes appear different than the original when you view your newsletter. That is why you always
need to test before sending your final project.
Your words are what will bring your newsletter home but you need more than great content to
interest and engage savvy readers. You need media-rich content. This can include links, pictures,
video, online surveys and merging in content details to give each email that personal touch.
For the non-technical folk, don’t panic. Pretty much every ESP out there offers a drag-and-drop editor
that makes the whole process easy and to be honest, a lot of fun.
Links: It is best practice to add a handful of links to your content (no more than 10 is a good guide). If
you are creating a classic newsletter, you can also include anchor tags or a menu that will move your
reader directly to that part of the newsletter when they click on it. This is also great for quick
navigation. The goal of the newsletter should be to prime readers with a topic and then direct them
elsewhere for more information (or better yet, to buy).
Pictures: Reading plain text with no images is just boring. The days of heavy text messages is coming
to an end which means you need to make your newsletter visually appealing. Being able to embed
images into email messages is the top reason that people want to send HTML email in the first place.
Always have your emails hosted on a server (most likely your ESP). You host the graphics on a web
server, and then the email client downloads the code in into your email
whenever the message is opened.
By the way, that is how open tracking works. A tiny, invisible graphic is put into the email, and then
tracked when it’s downloaded. This is why open tracking only works in HTML email and why the new
email applications that block images by default (to protect your privacy) can distort your open-rate
Never attach an image to an email for mass sending as it will slow down the entire sending process
and help flag it as spam.
You have probably heard the saying “content is king” over the years right? Here is where you find out
that it is 100% true.
Your newsletter can have the best design, snazzy images, and killer navigation but if your copy is less
than exciting, it won’t matter.
With every message you send, the goal should be to entice, engage and influence your readers. The
email newsletter is just a vehicle to get the reader to the next stage of the cycle whether it is web
traffic, user feedback or new purchases. The ideal length can vary. The desired length is how ever long
it takes you to get your message across with all the necessary details. This depends on the type of
email you are sending of course. A newsletter will be much longer and in depth than say a retail type
message announcing a sale or promotion.
A few good tips to live by; however, are to keep paragraphs short, use bullet points and include links
to what you are writing about.
Test your template first to make sure it will render in all the different email applications out there
Once you’ve found all the little bugs and your template is fully optimized, then you can start sending.
If your Email Service Provider does not help with the rendering process (you need to find one that
does) then there are simple ways to test for yourself.
You need to create an email account with all the major ISPs, have multiple computers with different
operating systems and email clients and send test campaigns to each.
Another quicker way to do this is to make up a test list of friends and coworkers who use a wide
range of email clients and browsers. Send your campaign and ask for feedback on anything that looks
wrong or broken.
With the speed at which email marketing moves, it is important to have real-time results. An Email
Service Provider will offer a wide range of reporting tools and there are many other services such as
Google Analytics that you can use to dig even deeper.
But before you get flooded with numbers, here are the metrics you should be paying attention to.
Open Rates
Open rates tell you how many people opened your email. Pretty straightforward.
There are two types, open and unique open. A typical open rate is the number of times your email
campaign has been recorded open, which can include multiple instances. A unique open is recorded
only once for each email.
Now, don’t expect to have an open rate of 80% or even close to that. That is near impossible, so don’t
get discouraged when you check your reports after sending. Anything over 10% is a win.
However, if your open rate is really low, you need to figure out why, and how to raise it. Many factors
come into play when it comes to open rates. This includes your actual list, your subject lines, when
you send your message, any segmentation and finally your content. These are the main areas to focus
on, tweak and test for every campaign going forward.
You can segment your list to make it more targeted, lengthen or shorten your subject line, send on a
different day of the week or try out other personalization features like adding merge tags. In the email
marketing galaxy, there is always room to improve and try new things.
This piece of data indicates how many people are clicking on the links you add to your email. Again,
there are several factors that affect this metric.
Do you have one link or multiple links? How is the link worded? Is there an image linked like an action
button? Where are the links located in the message?
The end goal is to get more people clicking through to your site or landing page and grow your
business. Don’t ever mislead or trick someone into clicking on a link only to find what they think they
will find is not there. This will only annoy and most likely turn away your reader.
Unsubscribe Rate
When it comes to the unsubscribe rate, don’t take it personally. It is the nature of the industry. Your
goal is to keep subscribers engaged and if they choose to leave you, so be it.
So what should your unsubscribe rate look like? Less than one percent is average for email lists that
are contacted regularly and well maintained. This means keeping contact info updated as well.
If you send very infrequently or if it’s your very first send, your unsubscribe rate may be much higher.
Be sure to check your rate after each campaign and compare. If you see it spike after a particular
campaign, see if it had anything to do with your content. Maybe you’re sending too frequently.
Maybe not frequently enough. Keeping a good, quality list will result in a very low unsubscribe rate.
There are two types of bounces when it comes to your email marketing campaigns. They are soft and
hard bounces.
Soft bounces are email addresses that are temporarily unavailable for a variety of reasons that include
reasons like quota exceeded, too many sessions in a connection, temporary local problem and
everyone’s favorite – the out of office auto-reply. Since your message is temporarily undeliverable to
these subscribers, you’ll want to flag these people for a second chance at your campaign so that they
don’t miss out.
Hard bounces are undeliverable altogether. Reasons include the email account doesn’t exist anymore,
or there was a typo in the address. Hard bounces should be removed immediately because they
directly influence your reputation with Internet Service Providersr (ISPs). You should be able to scan
your list for simple typos like “” or “” to help avoid any extra hard bounces.
Everyone wants more traffic to their website. More traffic means more leads and more potential sales.
Make sure to check your website traffic reports after each email campaign. Does traffic pick up? Do
orders increase? Check and see if you get a spike in traffic immediately, or if it’s more like a gradual
wave. How long does the new traffic last (and how long should you keep the graphics and pages that
your email points to live)?
At the end of the day, that is what email marketing is about, and we want to make sure you are as
informed as you can be before exploring the vast galaxy that awaits you.
about simplycast is a leading provider of interactive marketing software and services for
organizations worldwide. The company’s multi-channel marketing platform is a feature-rich solution
used by thousands of customers in over 175 countries, including many of the most recognized brand
names around the globe in retail, non-profit and hospitality industries. With thousands of
organizations using SimplyCast solutions to automate email, survey, event, voice, SMS, Twitter, fax,
Facebook, press release, landing pages and autoresponder marketing needs, they now have the
power to effectively reach customers on their preferred mode of communication.
get in touch
Now that you are ready to embark on an email marketing adventure, here is a handy checklist to print
out and keep by your computer until you get the hang of it.
Building an audience
Added signup form to website or blog
Collect information offline
Post send
Check open rate
Check click rate
Check unsubscribe rate
Check bounce rate
Check website traffic related to newsletter
Mortimer Says...
Email marketing can easily be integrated with
other forms of marketing to touch new leads and
potential clients on their preferred mode of