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1.Describe the roles and interactions of network hardware and software in a computer network. Include
examples of specific hardware devices and the software that supports them.

2.Explain the OSI Reference Model in detail. Describe each of the seven layers, their functions, and how
data flows through these layers during communication between two devices.

3.Compare and contrast the OSI and TCP/IP reference models. Highlight their differences and similarities,
and discuss why the TCP/IP model is more commonly used in practical networking.

5.Explain the different types of guided transmission media: twisted pairs, coaxial cable, and fiber optics.
Discuss their characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, and typical use cases.

7.Describe various network topologies (e.g., star, ring, bus, mesh). Explain how the choice of topology can
impact network performance and reliability.

8.Provide an in-depth analysis of the physical layer in the OSI model. What are its main functions and
how does it interact with the data link layer?


1.Explain the various error detection and correction Mechanisms used in computer network?

2.Discuss about a) GO BACK N ARQ b) Selective repeat ARQ.

4.Illustrate the stop-and-wait protocol.

9.Describe sliding window protocol using Go back n.

10.Demonstrate the multiple access Protocols Pure Aloha and Slotted Aloha.


1(a).Explain congestion control in virtual circuit sub nets and datagram subnets.

2(a) With an example explain the Dynamic routing algorithms used in computer networks.

(b) What are the reasons for congestion? What are the problems with congestion?

3(a) Explain Distance Vector routing algorithm with an example.

(b) What are the differences between Static Routing Algorithm and Dynamic Routing Algorithm?

4(a) Illustrate shortest path routing algorithm with suitable example.

7. Discuss the IP addressing methods.

8.Explain about IPV6? Compare IPv4 and IPv6.

9.Describe in detail about reliable flooding.


1.Draw and explain each field in the TCP Segment header.

5(a) Write the structure of TCP pseudo header and explain how it is used in checksum calculation.

b) How does UDP differ from TCP? List the applications of UDP.
6. Illustrate the Scenarios for establishing a connection using a Three-Way Handshake.

7.Explain about UDP and TCP features with neat diagrammatic representation.

8.Write a brief note on TCP and UDP protocols. Also compare TCP and UDP protocols.


1.Examine how SMTP transfers message from one host to another with suitable illustration.

2.Develop in detail about SNMP messages.

3.Explain in detail about HTTP operation.

8.Assess the importance of Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)?

9.Analyze in detail about DNS operation.

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