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n years

3.1.1 one -dollar equation

Wen Huan Zhi

Can you judge which of the following types are equat


The equivalence containing unknown is cal

led equations.

(1) (×) (2) (√ )

(3) (× ) (4) (× )

(5) (√ ) (6) ( √ )

Observe and answer:

1. It only contains () unknown numbers

; 2. The number of unknown numbers is
☆ Definition of one -dollar equ

It contains only one unknown (dollar), the numbe

r of unknown times is 1, and this equation is ca
lled one yuan and one equation.

(1) The key element of determining the one -dollar equ

1 contains one unknown (dollar); 2 unknown number is


(1) ; (2) ;

(3) ;(4) ;
(5) ; (6) ;
(7) .
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Example 1 If the equation of X is a one -dollar equation, the

n 的值为 2或-2 .
[Transformer question] Add restrictions and need to ch
oose from

The equation is about X's one -dollar equation, then

m= 1 .

Note: The value of the letter in the one -dollar equation should be kept in
mind two conditions:
1 The number of unknown numbers is 1; 2 The unknown coefficient is not
二 列方程
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Example 2 According to the following problems, the unknown num

ber is set and the equation is listed:
(1) Use a 24 cm wire to surround a square, square
What is the side length?

Solution: Set the side length of the squ

are is x cm.

Equal relationship: square edge l

ength × 4 = perimeter, column eq
x uation:...
(2) Girls in a school account for 52% of all students,
80 more than boys. How many students do this school?

Solution: The number of students in this schoo

l is x, so the number of girls is 0.52 x, and
the number of boys is (1-0.52) x.

Equal relationship: Number of girls -Nu

mber of boys = 80, column equations: 0.
52 x- (1-0.52) x = 80.
Want to think about the process o
f column equations?

Let the letters indicate unknown to find the equivalent relationship in the problem

Write the equal form that contain

s unknown

Think about it and say

The unknown v
alue that mak
100-x = 20 x = 80 es the equati
on equal to t
he left and r
ight sides is
called the e
2x=6 x = 3


Determine whether a value is the solution of the equation:

1. Calculate the values ​into the left side of the equa


2. Calculate the value of the value into the right sid

e of the equation,

3. Compare the values ​on the left and ri

ght sides.

Test the solution of the X = 3 Is the equation 2 x -3 = 5 x

-15 15.

Solution: The X = 3 substituted into the left and right side o

f the equation, respectively.

On the right = 5 × 3 -15 =

是 x = 3 is not the solution o
f the equation.

当x = 4时呢?
Human Education Edition Seventh Grade Mathematics Book 3.1.1 One -dollar Formula Courseware Courseware Terminal Exercise

1. x = 1 is the solution of which equation below ()

A. B.

C. D.

2. If x = 1 is a solution of the equation x 2-2 mx +1 = 0, then the value o

f M is
(C )

A. 0 B. 2 C. 1 D. -1
4. According to the following problems, find out the equivale
nt relationship, set the unknown equation, and point out whet
her it is a one -dollar equation.

(1) The ring runway is 400m a week long, how many wee
ks do you run along the runway, you can run 3000 m?

Solution: Let's run along th

e runway X Week.

400 x = 3000, which is a one -dollar equation

(2) 0.3 yuan per type A pencil, 0.6 yuan per type o
f pencils, and 20 pieces of pencils with 9 yuan.

How many branches?

Solution: I bought the X branch of the Pyramid Pencil, and I bought t

he (20x) branch of the B -type pencil.

0.3 x +0.6 (20 -x) = 9, which is a one -dollar equation

5. The known equation is about the one -time equation
of x, find the value of M, and write its equation.

Solution: Because the equation is about the

one -time equation of X,
所以|m|-1 = 1,且m-2≠0,得m = -2.
So the original equations are -4 x +3 = -7.

1. The concept of one -dollar equati


It contains only one unknown number, the number of unknown

numbers is 1, and both sides of the equal number are inte
ger. Such equations are called one -dollar equations.

2. The solution of
the equation:

The solution is to find the unknown value of th

e equal number on both sides of the equation. T
his value is the solution of the equation.

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