IHDS - RP Year 1 Semester 2 - 235p
IHDS - RP Year 1 Semester 2 - 235p
IHDS - RP Year 1 Semester 2 - 235p
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
The Rave BodyGraph™ and Rave Mandala™ are registered trademarks of Jovian Archive Corporation.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
Table of Contents
Lesson One........................................................................................1
Introduction to the Primary Mapping of the Not-Self Mind .......................1
We are Predisposed to be Conditioned ..............................................1
Hierarchy is Everything ..................................................................3
Importance of Correct Decision Making .............................................3
Impact Ranking.............................................................................4
Affinities ......................................................................................5
The Head Center ...........................................................................6
The Open Ego ...............................................................................7
The Open Head Center ...................................................................8
The Open Solar Plexus Center..........................................................8
The G Center ................................................................................9
The Splenic Center ...................................................................... 10
Ra’s Experience with having the Open Solar Plexus ........................... 10
The Betas................................................................................... 11
Two Different Tracks .................................................................... 12
The Root Center .......................................................................... 13
Watching your Own Mind .............................................................. 14
The Sacral Center ........................................................................ 16
The Ajna Center .......................................................................... 17
Begin Experimenting .................................................................... 18
The Science of Differentiation and the Passenger .............................. 19
Foundation of the Open Center holds the Potential for Wisdom............ 20
Lesson Two...................................................................................... 23
The Being in Transference ............................................................... 23
Color Transference....................................................................... 24
Predisposition ............................................................................. 25
Neutrino Information Enters into the Crystal through the Base............ 25
We have a Predisposition to Differentiate......................................... 26
Being Not-self is not Bad .............................................................. 27
Waking up the Passenger is not part of the Human Agenda ................ 27
We’re in a Magical Time................................................................ 29
Transferring Awakeness................................................................ 29
Our Work is Fractal Work .............................................................. 30
Two Sides to the Mapping Process .................................................. 30
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
The Centers................................................................................ 31
Manifesting Generators................................................................. 32
Looking at Openness: The Open G.................................................. 33
The Dilemma of Defining .............................................................. 34
Place is a Key for the Open G ........................................................ 35
Deep Mental Suspicion ................................................................. 35
The 2nd Color .............................................................................. 36
Understanding How Your Mind Works Can Liberate the Passenger........ 37
A Manifestor ............................................................................... 37
Being/Seeing .............................................................................. 38
The Higher the Impact Number: More Problems with the Not-Self
Thinking..................................................................................... 39
The Open Head Center ................................................................. 39
A 2nd Line Being .......................................................................... 40
A 1st Color .................................................................................. 41
The Anti-Decision is the same as the Decision .................................. 41
The Higher the Number: More Confusion in the Passenger.................. 42
Life is Entertaining....................................................................... 42
Transference and the Not-Self is the Way the World has Moved .......... 42
Lesson Three.................................................................................... 45
The Seeing in Transference.............................................................. 45
The Nodes .................................................................................. 45
Nodes Represent our Alignment to a Much Greater Geometry ............. 46
The Ajna is About Seeing .............................................................. 47
The Suspension of Disbelief........................................................... 48
The Program is the Movie ............................................................. 49
Popular Media is Distorting and Confusing to the Not-Self .................. 50
The Importance of the Visual for the Client ...................................... 50
The Open Splenic System ............................................................. 52
The Open Ajna ............................................................................ 52
Seeing is More Important than the Being......................................... 53
Being Your Own Authority ............................................................. 54
The Vehicle has a Predisposition to Align to Correct Environments ....... 54
Aligning the Passenger to their Seeing ............................................ 55
The Nodes: The 20th and 34th Gates................................................ 56
The 20th Gate: Gate of the Now ..................................................... 56
The 34th Gate: Seeing Power ......................................................... 56
The Lines ................................................................................... 57
The Not-Self does not like a Rigid View ........................................... 58
The Forking of the Paths ............................................................... 58
Operating Correctly Aligns One to the Correct Motivation ................... 59
5th Color Nodal Configuration......................................................... 60
Transference to the 2nd Color: Hope................................................ 61
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
Inner and Outer Seeing ................................................................ 62
Seeing Correctly Brings Your Higher Purpose.................................... 62
Stages of Working with the Client................................................... 63
Accepting Choicelessness.............................................................. 63
Rave Psychology: The Personal Psychology...................................... 64
Seeing is the Last Step ................................................................. 64
Lesson Five...................................................................................... 85
The Hierarchy of Mental Decision Making............................................ 85
A Holistic Process ........................................................................ 86
Type and Strategy ....................................................................... 86
The Manifestor Child .................................................................... 87
The Generator Child ..................................................................... 88
The Projector Child ...................................................................... 88
The Reflector Child ...................................................................... 88
The Anti-Type ............................................................................. 89
Authority.................................................................................... 90
Wisdom in Open Centers .............................................................. 90
The Head Center ......................................................................... 91
Dealing with People Correctly ........................................................ 92
Four Different Mapping Programs ................................................... 92
Attachment ................................................................................ 93
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Whole Planet Operates Out of Transferred Motivation ................ 122
One Human Being at a Time........................................................ 123
The 6th Color Transferring to the 3rd Color ...................................... 123
Teaching Clients to see Transference ............................................ 124
The Passenger and the Limousine ................................................ 125
The Uniqueness of You ............................................................... 126
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
1/3 Profile ................................................................................ 185
Dilemmas for the Projector ......................................................... 186
Discernment Tools ..................................................................... 186
Working with a 1/3 .................................................................... 187
Rejection and the Projector ......................................................... 188
Princess Diana’s Chart................................................................ 189
Open Centers: Key is the Throat .................................................. 190
Undefined G Center ................................................................... 190
Open Sacral.............................................................................. 191
Open Spleen ............................................................................. 191
Being Predisposed to Differentiate is no Guarantee ......................... 192
A World of Zombies ................................................................... 192
A Logical Mind........................................................................... 193
Important to Understand the Other .............................................. 194
Auras Talk................................................................................ 194
Generators and Projectors........................................................... 195
Color Transference..................................................................... 195
The 2nd Color: Hope ................................................................... 196
The Nodes: 6th Color .................................................................. 198
An Analytical Tool: Engagement of the Mind................................... 199
Watching Yourself during Conversations ........................................ 199
Color Transference a Basic Tool ................................................... 200
The Mind Needs to be Taught ...................................................... 201
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
The IHDS Rave Psychology Certification Program Year 1:
Color Transfer Analyst
The IHDS is the official Human Design and Global Incarnation Index certifying and
licensing authority. The IHDS offers programs leading to official certification in both
teaching and practice. Rave Psychology Color Transfer Analyst is such a credit
The Human Design System has brought a new level of understanding to the
mundane Personality. What Human Design reveals is the surface mechanism of the
Personality in conflict with its Design and guided by the Not-Self. The surface process
is resolved through experimentation with Strategy and Authority.
Rave Psychology Color Transfer Analyst is the study of the underlying motivations of
the Personality and is based on Personality Color and Transference. It is open to any
student who has completed the ABC and Rave Cartography Levels I and II.
Semesters 2 and 3 are only open to students who completed the prior semesters. To
be eligible for certification as a Color Transfer Analyst, students are required to
complete the entire program of three semesters. Graduates of this program are
qualified to enter the two year Rave Psychologist Program.
This book is a transcript of the second semester, first taught in Winter of 2006.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lesson One
Introduction to the Primary Mapping of the Not-Self Mind
Welcome to all of you, welcome back to Rave Psychology. Needless to say, I’m glad
you’re all here. I’d like to wish each and every one of you an interesting Rave New
Year and a correct one. We’re going to get into some what I think is very exciting
levels of work now that we have the basic introduction material dealt with we can
begin to get down to the business of this primary mapping of the not-self mind.
My mother, bless her heart, calls me a philosopher. It often annoys me, I don’t
know why. But philosophy has always been deeply concerned about the nature of
the mind and the way in which the mind perceives. Everything about being able to
liberate the passenger, and after all this is what this work is about, is to liberate the
passenger from the illusion, can only be done by truly grasping mind—not
speculating on mind, but being able to have the mechanics.
My father was a book collector. He had a collection that was called The Harvard
Classics and it was basically a compendium of all kinds of intellectual expression
from the arts to the sciences to philosophy. I can remember reading the three or
four volumes—I actually read it all—but I remember those particular volumes
because I was reading the kind of shortened versions of life-long thought of great
thinkers. I guess I read aspects of maybe 60 or 70 of them, their basic concepts
about the nature of being, the nature of existence, the nature of mind, all these
What struck me—I was very young, I don’t think I would have been more than 12 or
13—was that none of them were alike. It was very odd. There were themes that
were similar. But you could see that nobody really knew how it all worked. What
they had was a very intelligent observational perspective. They were bright, so they
sort of pieced together a story.
I didn’t know about the Nodes then. I didn’t have this incredible tool. Today when I
reflect on that experience what I really didn’t get to see was how all of these beings
were expressions of formulas, they were expressions of a spectrum. It is this
spectrum that is both so beautiful and at the same time so threatening. We don’t
see the world alike. It is one of the dilemmas in a world in which we are predisposed
to be conditioned. We all need to get that because that’s really at the root of the
story. We are all predisposed to be conditioned.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
You look at your rave chart and you count all the activations that you have. Then
count all the activations that you don’t have. You can see right away that there is a
problem. There is more of what we’re not than what we are. Of course, the genetics
and the way in which the genetics work set us up, suckers that we, are for all this to
be deeply attracted to all of those things that we’re not.
When we look out at the world the view that we have is deeply distorted and it is
distorted by our predisposition to being conditioned. It’s not the problem of the
Nodes or the Sun/Earth or wherever they happen to be. It is the problem to begin
with with the center.
I’ve had a very interesting time pondering this semester. Each of these programs
represent an intellectual challenge to me, a creative challenge actually, more than an
intellectual one, just a creative challenge. Part of the teaching craft is to try to assist
the mind to grasp things. And I had, I have to tell you, a lot of fun in preparing the
illustration for today. It was quite an inspiration. Without further ado and I don’t
have any horns as a good clarion to trumpet this in, I will give you this illustration.
I got into fantasizing about having playing decks and all the other things that go with
stuff like this. But it was a delight actually to go through this process. One of the
things that I’ve learned about being a teacher that’s so remarkable that some of the
best teaching is the direct result of preparing. And for me preparing is never, as I
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON ONE: Intro to Primary Mapping of the Not-Self Mind
said an intellectual thing, it’s very a visual thing. Yet, I’m so attuned to it. It’s
where my wisdom is. That is, I don’t have a 17th gate and I don’t have an 11th gate.
There is great potential in me to be wise about seeing. I think it’s something that
has grown in my experience in being a 21st century teacher that has this pallet of
these illustration programs where you can lay these things out.
Hierarchy is Everything
So, what we’re going to deal with tonight is that I want to give you an introduction
into hierarchical thinking. Hierarchy is everything. It’s absolutely everything. There
is no end to hierarchies as the 17.5 so clearly points out. There is no end to
hierarchies in terms of the way in which the foundation is established for how the
not-self mind is going to work.
Remember that in this business of mapping the not-self mind we’re going to have to
learn how to place into a hierarchical level the different aspects of openness that are
there in the design. We all know there are many differences. Somebody with two
open centers, or three or four or five or six, and so forth and so on. And not only
simply the number of which centers are open, but far beyond that, it’s which of those
centers are open. When you have multiple centers that are open what is not only
the hierarchy of value, but how does that work as a structure and how does that
reflect upon the way in which the mind then churns things over.
Decision making is everything. The most beautiful thing about Human Design is to
realize that it is so incredibly simple that you can encapsulate it literally in one
word—decision—nothing else. In the opening of PHS yesterday I talked about how
every time you make a correct decision you are doing something that is healthy for
your body, every time. This is the best medicine. This is better than an apple a day;
this is the thing that really matters.
Of course, we see that the not-self mind, when the mind is in control of decision
making we are lost. And we’re not just lost in the sense that the passenger is going
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
to be confused and the passenger is going to have problems, it’s much more than
that. It’s understanding that there is a physical deterioration that is taking place at
the same time. And that physical deterioration is not simply a matter that you may
get sick. It is a physical deterioration that impacts the way in which the inner
biology operates, the way in which information is moved through various systems
whether they be glandular systems, nervous systems, or whatever the case may be.
Every decision that is made with the mind adds to deterioration in the physical
vehicle itself and the potential of the self-reflected consciousness to be whole and
healthy. It is very, very difficult when the vehicle is unhealthy. You already have so
many things that you have to deal with that get in the way with the passenger being
able to come to grips with the nature of being.
Impact Ranking
The card is like a card deck design. What you have in the center of these images are
the centers. What you have on the upper left-hand corner is the impact ranking.
What I mean by that is that if somebody would ask me to scale what has the deepest
impact on the not-self mind, in other words, the underlying not-self strategy that you
just can’t shake that it rumbles its way into every single decision. The ranking is
that the most impact is 1 and the least impactful is 9. So this is a way of giving you
a sense of impactfulness.
Now, we’re going to go through all of this so I can give you a clear idea of how you
can work with this as a synthesizing tool because it’s very difficult to just simply
understand how somebody’s not-self mind is going to work. You need unique tools.
So, the first thing is you need to have a relative ranking system because you’ll see
there are various situations.
The next thing you’ll see is that in the lower left-hand corner you have percentages.
This is the percentage of openness in general population statistics. So for example,
when you’re dealing with the Head Center 71 percent of every single being on the
planet have an open Head Center. So, obviously this is an area where there is very
deep conditioning. As a matter of fact, if you look at all the percentages this is the
highest percentage of openness that exists of any center. But it doesn’t give it a
number one ranking.
In other words, the fact that it happens to have an enormous level of openness, still
it is not on the impact scale that there is not a direct correlation between how many
people have an open Head Center and how impactful that is on the way their mind
makes decisions. So, you’ll begin to see there are very important relationships in
terms of how you can compare each of these.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON ONE: Intro to Primary Mapping of the Not-Self Mind
The lower right-hand corner is gates. It was one of the major parts of our work in
the first semester to look at gate conditioning and channel conditioning, looking at
the harmonic influencers, looking at these various categories of gates. So, what you
have here is the number of gates that are there in the center, the number of gates
that can be involved in conditioning, being conditioned, impacting the way in which
the not-self mind operates.
The final category we have here is called affinities. This is going to be one of the
keys in being able to develop a—each and every one of you has to develop a comfort
level with using these tools to be able to understand how to see the way somebody’s
not-self mind is going to operate. These affinities are very important.
The first one is called Prime. If you look at the Prime what you’ll see is that you have
the Splenic Center, you have the Ajna Center and you have the Solar Plexus Center.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
In other words, what you have is the three awareness centers and you’ll notice, by
the way, the card deck does not reflect the way they’re laid out. This is a magic
square, three-by-three. The way in which they’re laid out does not directly correlate
to the way in which they lay out in the body graph. I’ll get to that later.
So, here you can see that there is this trinity. If you look at them you’ll see that in
the upper right-hand corner of each of these Prime aspects that what you’re looking
at, these Prime centers, is that you see a 1, a 2 and a 3. This is an inner hierarchy
between these three Prime centers, these three awareness centers. In other words,
if we’re looking at it hierarchical the most impactful is going to be the Solar Plexus
Center followed by the Spleen followed by the Ajna. In other words, here within the
Prime you see a hierarchical structure built into it.
The second thing you’re looking at is the Y Epsilon. You can see this Y Epsilon as I
point it out. At the very heart and core of this is the ego. So what you have is the
ego and the ego has a relationship that goes in these ways. And it’s not so much
that the ego relates to each of these, but that each of these in the Y Epsilon relate
specifically to the Sun. And I’ll talk about that in a moment. You can see that there
is a nodal sign in relationship to the Solar Plexus.
So, we have these first two. We have the three awareness centers that are Prime
centers. Then when we look inside we have the core of the Epsilon where we have
the ego, the Head on one side and the G Center on the other side, and the Sacral
Center is below it.
Finally we have Beta. Beta you can see that we have the Throat Center and we have
the Root Center. You can see that there is a hierarchy between the two of them.
That is, that the impactfulness here of the Throat Center is stronger than the
impactfulness here of the Root Center. And yet, notice that on the hierarchical scale
they’re reversed. So, this is just a different subject and slowly but surely as we
move through all of these things I’ll get to them. So we have these three affinities
that are there.
Let’s look at each for a moment and examine each of the players in the game. So,
we begin with the Head Center. The not-self strategy of the Head Center is to think
about things that don’t matter. Seventy-one percent of humanity thinks about
things that don’t matter. But it has a low impact level.
Why does it have a low impact level? The only way that we can really have an
answer to that is if we go to what is its key. The same way that here where you see
the Node, this symbol is a key for the Primes in the same way that the symbol of the
Sun is a key here for the Y Epsilon. They divide into these two different domains.
What I mean by that is that the Sun represents in this context who you think you
are. That is, it is the Sun/Earth polarity—who you think you are.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON ONE: Intro to Primary Mapping of the Not-Self Mind
When you’re dealing with the Y Epsilon they have great deal of impact on who you
think you are. They have much more impact on who you think you are than where
you think you are. And where you think you are is all about the Prime and it’s all
about the Node; in other words, the slice of the world that you get to see.
So, we’re also dealing with sub-themes here that have to do with the two basic ways
that we do analysis. In other words, in order to understand the not-self mind we
have to understand two things. We have to understand who the passenger thinks
they are, and we have to understand what the passenger thinks they see when they
look out at the world.
When you’re dealing with the Prime these aspects are very, very powerful in terms of
the way in which you look out at the world. They’re much more powerful, for
example, in influencing the way you look at the world than they are at influencing
who you think you are. In the same way that who you think you are can be deeply
influenced, deeply influenced by any of the four centers that are part of the Epsilon.
Remember something, try to understand, this is very, very subtle. This is about
mapping. Remember that; it’s about mapping. We have to be able to map from a
foundation. In anyone’s design there has to be an openness that acts as the primary
underlying thematic that it governs the way the not-self mind makes decisions.
Let’s say you have an open ego, you have somebody that has an open ego. And the
moment that you’re looking at somebody who has an open ego you can see that in
terms of impact that the ego is number 1. You can see that 65 percent of
humanity—that’s a lot of people—has an open ego. So, if you have an open ego one
of the things that it says that in terms of the way in which your not-self mind
operates this is a foundation, a foundation upon which all your decisions will be
made, no matter what else we add on top.
In other words, this is going to be the root of your decision making. Can I prove
myself? Can I improve myself? Can I prove my worth? Can I avoid threat? This is
going to be the underlying foundation of the way in which this person is going to see
themselves, who they think they are is somebody who needs to prove themselves.
So that mind of theirs, when it comes to making a decision, every decision, every
single one of them, at the very root is that open ego. At the very root, with its
demands: Does this meet the criteria of my open ego? And it doesn’t matter that
you’re going to layer other things on top of that and it gets to be quite complex, but
it’s very important for us to be able to get to the root. In order to be able to help
the passenger understand its own mind and the fact that its not-self mind is its true
petty tyrant—what it truly has to deal with in this life—then we need to get to the
very root of the way in which their mind will operate.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
What I hope is that a deep understanding of these various elements will allow you to
be able to see where that foundation is going to be regardless; in other words,
whatever the design is going to be. And we’re going to work with these, we will do
practical work with these things. We can’t even begin to get to Color and
transference and all the other things that are that are there, the deeper levels, until
we can read the basic needs of the not-self mind. The basic need of the not-self
mind is that it has to satisfy the demands of its openness. Not-self strategy is very,
very powerful.
If we’re looking at an open Head Center, where we began, and you think about its
relationship here as an affinity is that the open Head Center has a great deal to do
with how the not-self mind will think about itself and think about things relative to
itself that don’t matter, by the way, but it’s not like those things ultimately are
impactful in making the decision. They’re not. However, let’s say that we have
somebody that has all eight centers defined except the Head Center. Then you know
that that’s where the not-self mind is operating and it’s going to be very impactful in
that sense. And it’s going to be particularly impactful on the way in which that being
is going to see themselves. It’s not going to have the same power in terms of the
way in which that being sees the world around it.
It’s the difference, if you go here, for example, to the Solar Plexus Center. This is an
example of comparison where you see that 50 percent of humanity has an undefined
Solar Plexus Center. Fifty-four percent of humanity has an undefined G, and still
that Solar Plexus Center is something that just stands out. It is enormously
impactful. And yet, to really understand the impactfulness of the Solar Plexus is to
understand it within the context of the Nodes.
In other words, the open Solar Plexus in somebody’s design has an enormous
influence on conditioning the way in which they see the world around them.
Remember, if you don’t see the world around you correctly and you’re not making
decisions as yourself you’re really going to bungle things. You just are. It’s one of
the things to understand about the open Solar Plexus Center is that this is all about
the environment.
Think about the design. The design has, at its level below the line, a determination
and has a determination to align to the right environment, that the right
environment is absolutely essential. That right environment, that alignment to the
correct environment is something that every human being, given their birth Nodes,
we are endowed with a perspective that is unique. We are endowed with a slice of
the world in the way in which we are supposed to see it.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON ONE: Intro to Primary Mapping of the Not-Self Mind
Yet, so many of us, the way in which we see the world is deeply fogged. Think about
the humor of this configuration in which the three Prime centers which are the
awareness centers are the things that most deeply condition us away from seeing
the world as we were intended to see it. In other words, when you’re looking at the
not-self strategy, for example, of the Solar Plexus Center, to avoid confrontation and
truth, and to avoid confrontation and truth can become translated into seeing
environments that can be unhealthy and unsafe for your open system when in fact
they’re not. But you see it that way. You see that you can’t go into that situation
because it could be trouble. And your not-self mind is going to take this very, very
powerful underlying theme and say, “Well, we’re going to avoid confrontation and
truth, that’s not a good place to go into.” Or “that’s not a place to move to, or that’s
not an office to work in,” or whatever the case may be.
We have these two elements; always a binary: The being and the seeing. Who we
think we are and what we think we’re looking at, or where we think we are. I think
it’s where we think we are. That has a nice touch.
The G Center
Let’s look at number three on the hierarchy list and we get to the G Center. It’s
remarkable isn’t—54 percent of humanity has an undefined G. That’s more than
half, it’s over 3 billion people don’t know who they are, don’t know where they’re
going, don’t know where love is. Isn’t that amazing? Fifty-four percent of humanity,
it’s really incredible.
It’s no wonder that humankind is sheep-like. It’s very impactful. But you can see
that it’s part of the Epsilon and you can see that it is part of who you think you are.
It’s not about who you think you are is about whether you’re in the right place or
not. Who you think you are is related to who you’re with and so many people with
open G’s get so messed up because of that. It’s so powerful.
So, when you’re looking at somebody’s design and they’ve got an open G Center and
they have an open Throat. You know right away that that open G Center is going to
be the dominate underlying theme of the way in which that not-self mind is going to
work. It’s the theme and anything else will be layered over it. The open gates here
and there and all the ones that are available for conditioning and all of these things.
Well, all these secondary elements on top of that.
This is our magic bullet to begin with. If you can actually get to the basis of
someone’s not-self decision making you can crack the egg. Again, remember
something about the nature of the passenger. The passenger is equipped to know
this. The thing that’s so beautiful about it is that the passenger is equipped to get
this information and to transform this information into awareness. But you have to
shatter them, you have to shatter the illusion, you have to break through that
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
The most important thing is to get to the hot button. What’s the hot button, what’s
that thing that’s sitting there underneath always, always, always? This is the thing
that’s so incredible about the not-self mind. It’s so powerful. I know. It’s
incredible. And it lays that foundation and everything is built on it. Sometimes you
don’t even see it. And it’s always underneath; it’s always there, always.
Look at the Spleen. When you look at the Spleen you can see this is part of the
Prime and it is number 4 on the impact list; it’s very powerful. When you’re looking
at the Spleen you see that 47 percent of humanity has an undefined Spleen. So 47
percent of humanity are holding on to things that aren’t good for them, they just are.
This not being able to let go of things, the power of holding on to things, the not-self
mind holding on to what it thinks when continually it meets those who say that it’s
not correct, that it’s not right, whatever the case may be.
Each and every one of the strategies of the open centers, given certain
configurations can be the deepest influence in the way in which the not-self mind
works. The whole thing is to be able to see the hierarchy. And to be able to
understand what is the bottom thing, and then being able to turn it into the language
of the way in which that being’s mind will actually be working with it.
You have to understand how insidious it is. I’m an undefined Solar Plexus being, so
I’m one of these 50 percent of the planet with an undefined Solar Plexus. And it’s so
obvious to me that my pre-experience life, the first nearly 37 years, 38 years of my
life, the way in which I looked at the world was that I looked for anything that would
suggest that it might not be a good idea to go there. There were so many things as
spaces, as environments that I avoided and avoided simply because that was my
not-self strategy ruling my mind saying, “No, don’t go there, what’s the point.” It
would make up some kind of story that had nothing to do with what the strategy was
which was avoid confrontation and truth. And avoid it in terms of seeing where to
avoid it. I can avoid confrontation and truth by living very quietly by myself, that
kind of thing.
Yet, it was underneath and the mind would make up all kinds of stories. No, I don’t
want to go out tonight, blah, blah, blah. It was all about seeing the world in that
way, seeing the world as a place that simply invited confrontation; every decision,
every decision, every single decision had that underneath somewhere. For me with
my four open centers, the Head and the Root Center and the Sacral, that in dealing
with the Solar Plexus this was the key. And it was. It didn’t matter what the other
things were layered on top of it. They just added power to what was the
fundamental conditioning drive.
It didn’t matter that there were aspects that dealt with who I thought I was. The
deepest and most powerful way in which my mind worked was about the outside
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON ONE: Intro to Primary Mapping of the Not-Self Mind
world, and in seeing in that outside world all of those things that should be, could be,
might be avoided. Of course, all of that fits into your genetic continuity and the way
you operate. I’m a 5/1 anyway, and all of that stuff. But it was amazing to me what
it was like to get rid of that.
Wow, when you keep on putting the compass of your life through such a distorted
filter, wow, messy, messy, messy, messy, really messy, ugly. The moment that it
was so clear to me that every decision, every decision that I had ever made in my
life was rooted in my open Solar Plexus and the way in which it distorted my view of
the world, and it did deeply. And when it was gone—whew! Now I see how
everybody else’s world is distorted. It’s really quite different. But it was an
enormous relief for me.
Yeah, I could grab that my open Sacral Center was conditioning me to think that
enough was never enough. But that enough was never enough was always based on
the way in which I looked at the world, the way I looked at the world through my
open emotional system. It was the open emotional system that carried the weight.
Anything else that fit into the way in which avoidance was going to operate, that was
fine, that just added extra strength to being able to operate incorrectly. It’s so easy
to get support for operating incorrectly from within, really easy. You have to be able
to see where the source is of the not-self mind’s decision making power.
The Betas
Let’s take a look for a moment at the Betas. They’re very interesting. They’re not
the most deeply impactful, but they literally operate—that “b” could stand for binary.
That is, they can have an impact on where we think we are as much as they can
have an impact on who we think we are. So, they swing either way, let’s put it that
But it’s interesting to look at them just in point of view of their nature. When you
think about the Throat, it’s interesting about the Throat, nothing is more defined.
Seventy-one percent of humanity has a defined Throat. So, obviously this is
something that is really—our talk, talk, chat, chat, boom, boom Babylon is very
much built into us—and obviously, the temptation of manifestation because that’s
ultimately what the Throat represents.
It’s interesting to note that 29 percent, only 29 percent of humanity has an open
Throat. Obviously, this in many ways relates to why it’s lowest on the impact scale
because it is. When you think about the not-self Throat and its need to attract
attention again, depending on what the primary strategy of the not-self mind is
going to be that’s simply going to take a secondary or tertiary position.
Where it’s interesting is where the only thing you have open is your Throat. When
the only thing you have open is your Throat then again it suddenly takes on a totally
different perspective. It is obviously going to be deeply impactful. It is the heart
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
and soul of where the conditioning is going to be in terms of the structure of the way
in which the not-self mind is going to operate.
This is what I hope you can grasp that when you see what the key is—and remember
when you’re seeing the key you’re seeing something rather interesting. You’re
seeing the thing that’s going to be the underlying thematic for the way in which the
not-self mind is going to operate, but it’s going to be in of one of two areas. That is,
it isn’t going to represent the whole process. So, for example, if it happens to be the
Heart Center, the ego, then obviously, the whole emphasis about the way the not-
self mind is going to work is going to be focused on who they think they are. And
the who they think they are is what’s going to be the decision making field.
If it is nodal that’s going to be the most impactful, that’s going to be the foundation,
then obviously the way the mind is going to focus is much more, like in my case, on
the world around it than it is on itself. So, we have very different kinds of beings in
terms of their minds, in terms of those where the foundation is about who am I, or
who I think I am, and where the foundation is where I think I am.
In other words, we have two different tracks that the passenger deals with.
Obviously, this is going to make the interpretation of this more sophisticated, which
is necessary. But also for us to see that in terms of the not-self the only time that
the passenger actually has a balanced perspective in terms of the way the not-self
decision making works is with the Beta group. Because the Beta group can influence
either way, be able to have a lot of influence on who you think you are as well as
where you think you are.
So, in that sense, even though they are the least impactful in the scale of all of them
together—again, don’t let that be misleading—they can also end up being very
impactful and quite unique in the way they operate. Most human beings that we’re
going to deal with, most passengers that we’re going to deal with their decision
making is either focused on who they think they are, or focused on where they think
they are. So, we’re going to have two different approaches and we’re going to see
that this reflects two very different kinds of mindsets; very different kinds of
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON ONE: Intro to Primary Mapping of the Not-Self Mind
Let’s go over here to the Root Center. You can see that in dealing with the Root
Center 42 percent of humanity has an undefined Root. We know the undefined
Root; obviously we’re dealing with the pressure system. This is 42 percent of
humanity that can be very easily placed under pressure. The strategy is to release
oneself from the pressure.
Think about somebody who only has an open Root. It suddenly becomes the
foundation. In becoming the foundation all not-self decisions will be based on
getting rid of pressure. All of them; can you imagine? It’s a very different kind of
mind. And getting rid of the pressure not only in terms of who you think you are but
where you think you are because it can operate, in that sense, in either domain.
Normally this is something that “I’ll get rid of the pressure by avoiding going to that
place.” I have an open Root; I understand all of this language because I lived it for
over half of my life. I understand how all that works. “Well, we get rid of the
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
It’s very simple for these secondary forces, in terms of the hierarchies, these
secondary forces to add their weight to the key. They’re not doing it on their own, if
you know what I mean. In other words, they’re not picking their own subject matter
to be not-self about to make a decision about. It’s not like if you have a decision in
your head and you have three open centers one of those open centers is responsible
for that decision and the others aren’t. It doesn’t work that way. Basically, all the
decisions are rooted in what is at the bottom or the base of that hierarchy. Then
everything else is added on to it. It gives it more and more power.
It’s something to understand when you think of somebody with two open centers and
somebody with five open centers; it seems like that there is so much more
conditioning taking place in the sense of the way the not-self mind is overwhelmed
by all of that stuff. And yet, when you do understand that it’s only adding strength
to what is a set single foundation that the differences aren’t that great. It’s just
that it’s much deeper in the sense of how forceful it can be. You have five open
centers and you have a very strong foundation that is deeply supported by all the
other potential strategies and they’re all dealing with the same thing.
The other thing is that you all need to watch your minds as students of this program.
You really do. You need to watch them and you need to see them operating in
relationship just to the open centers. You need to look at the hierarchical structure
that is there for you. And you need to watch that structure at work in your mind.
Just watch it, it’s fascinating.
Again, you need to have the practical experience of being able to see not simply that
it works—yeah, it works, so what; it’s just another thing that’s interesting. It’s not
so much how it works. It’s how it becomes translated in your unique experience. In
other words, if the bottom line strategy for somebody is holding on to things that
aren’t good for them they don’t necessarily think of it in that way. When their mind
is making a decision it’s not saying, “Here is our not-self strategy.” And you have to
see the way in which your openness begins to work, how you can see it work in you
so you can begin to see the way in which the mind takes the theme and constantly
works it.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON ONE: Intro to Primary Mapping of the Not-Self Mind
Mind is something that is really extraordinary and it’s beautiful to watch. I like
understanding as I watch my mind on a day-to-day basis, I like seeing how it plays
through these four open centers of mine. Remember, we never get rid of the not-
self. We can get rid of not-self mind in the sense that we can get rid of the mind
being our decision maker; it is not our inner authority. But the not-self, that is what
we are not by nature, is not something to rid ourselves of. It is the great
passageway to wisdom. The deeper you watch your openness, the deeper you go
into following the movement, this incredible movement of the way in which your
mind just built on the formulas, grabs these things and uses them over and over and
over again. It’s astonishing.
The vast majority of humanity, the great passenger lot that we have out there,
they’re lost. It’s really sad. So, being able to get to the core of not-self decision
making is the first and primary step to be able to see it in the chart and then be able
to see not simply that here is the foundation, but then to be able to extrapolate out
from there the way in which that kind of mind is going to operate. Obviously, you’re
not looking at this in a vacuum. And it’s something that’s so important to grasp.
You’re looking at it within the context of the being’s design. And when you see it
within the being’s design you can get right away how they’re going to use that
particular aspect, how it’s going to impact the way in which decision making is going
to take place.
But the key is first you find this core, this foundation. And when you find it in your
own design that’s where you begin your focus. If you have multiple open centers
don’t pay so much attention to the other ones. Begin with the key and watch the
key at work in you and see how it tries to be sneaky. Mind is really sneaky, how it
tries to tell you, to get around you noticing that it’s doing this to you. Mind is very
sneaky and you have to watch it. You have to see how hard it tries. Oh, these not-
self strategies are so deep. We’re very vulnerable creatures.
We’re vulnerable. You have to understand that the not-self mind is the way in which
we develop protection. It’s a protection system; it’s a defense mechanism.
Unfortunately, it is an unnecessary defense mechanism that becomes a problem, but
it’s a defense mechanism. It’s not like you develop your not-self mind when you’re
30. It starts the moment you come into the world and everything about the way in
which your mind is going to operate is how you’re going to be impacted by
The very conditioning, all of that openness in you wherever it may be, wherever that
conditioning hits sets the patterns. It sets the patterns for defense of the nature
against the nurture. That is what not-self mind is. It’s just so sad that it doesn’t
work. “Nice try” to protect yourself, but it doesn’t work. It leads to confusion and
pain and suffering and all of those other things.
One of things to keep in mind and it’s why I went through such a detailed amount of
work in looking at the gates and being able to analyze the way in which the gates
operate in terms of their influences on the way in which the not-self mind works.
Obviously, when you find the hierarchical center that is going to be the foundation
for the not-self mind process, it’s not simply a matter of simply dealing with the
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
basic not-self strategy that’s there in the center. But, this is where you would then
go into that particular center, whichever that center happens to be, for example, in
your design and look at the gates and look at them in terms of their conditioning
elements and the language of them. You’ll begin to get the deeper themes that are
there in that foundation of not-self decision making and the way which it’s going to
be triggered in terms of what kind of influences in terms of the way it’s laid out in
the design.
Let’s get back and look at a number of things. I wanted to take a look at the Sacral
Center. I think that this one of the few situations where if you look at any
hierarchical presentation of centers it would be hard to imagine then you would find
the Sacral Center at number 8 in a list of 9. But there are number of things to
consider in that. First of all only 33 percent of humanity has an undefined Sacral.
The only thing that is more defined than the Sacral is the Throat itself. So, there is
in that sense a much more limited variety for that in terms of its general impact.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON ONE: Intro to Primary Mapping of the Not-Self Mind
The other thing is that its deepest influence is on who you think you are. So, the
open Sacral, about this underlying strategy of not knowing when enough is enough,
is a theme that is invariably something that is best in support and becomes a
problem when it stands alone. That is, you don’t see it very often, I’ve only seen it
twice in my work where you have somebody that has eight centers defined and they
have an open Sacral. In those cases I think one was a split definition and the others
were quads. The quads were actually Projectors, which was even stranger.
If you had such a situation in which you had the Sacral standing alone, or the Sacral
in connection with the Throat then it would take a dominant position. So somebody
with an open Throat and an open Sacral, the foundation for their not-self mind
decision making is going to be rooted in who they think are and who they think they
are conditioned by the strategies of the open Sacral. But it’s not the way in which
we would see the Sacral and its true nature. If you had a true self deck where you
had all the defined centers, the Sacral Center would be number 1 in terms of its
impact, in terms of its conditioning impact. After all, the defined Sacral is
automatically a Generator. And in automatically dealing with the Generator you’re
dealing with an enveloping aura. There’s nothing more impactful in that sense. So,
it’s high on the true self end and it’s low on the hierarchy in terms of the not-self end
which is something interesting to think about it itself.
The Ajna Center basically sits in the middle. It’s in 5th place in this general
hierarchical structure. Forty-nine percent of humanity has an undefined Ajna, so
nearly half of humanity. This is something that I have always considered to be very
spooky. Again, you can see that the Prime is always dealing with where we think we
are. You can see the dilemma of the Ajna Center because this open Ajna Center
strategy is about false certainty, the claim of false certainty, to need to be certain.
To need to be certain that you see the world in the way that is correct for your not-
self, a fixedness in that certainty that can really be a dilemma.
Yet, at the same time to recognize that the Ajna Center itself, despite the fact that it
is an aspect of mind, mind is this combination of the Head and Ajna and the interplay
between them. Yet, neither the Ajna nor the Head itself are very powerful, impactful
foundation forces. It’s something that’s interesting.
In the true self, everything below mind is authority. It’s really something rather
fascinating to see. Everything but mind can be authority. Here, everything that isn’t
mind can be the not-self authority, the deep not-self authority. It isn’t to say that
mind can’t have its part to play. And you’ll notice as well that this combination that
through its interplay we have the quantum that’s mind, the Head Center and the
Ajna Center, you’ll notice that they are focused in different areas.
In other words, the Head Center is part of the Epsilon affinity, so it is very much
about the “who.” When you’re dealing with the Prime (ajna) you’re dealing with the
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
“where.” So, those two aspects of the nature of the world are there in the two
components that make up the mind, but neither one of them are the dynamic forces
because the dynamic forces are always the perversion of the true nature. In other
words, the anything other than mind is something that can be extremely powerful in
influencing us away from truth, influencing us from the true nature of what it is to be
Begin Experimenting
We’re going to have many steps in this mapping process. We cannot go anywhere
unless we get the basics right. So this is really the place to begin your experimental
work. I assume that most of you, like all people in Design, have large collections of
data of people’s designs and people that you know in your life. It really is something
to look at now and to think about particularly in looking at people who are in your life
who are basically not-self in order to be able to begin to glimpse at the underlying
thematics that are there mentally for them, the way in which their minds are
operating to see that reflected in what you can see in terms of this surface of the
mapping. It’s very important.
Again, remember that when you’re looking at somebody’s design and you’re looking
for the foundation, once you find that foundation it is then the gates that become
very important for you to look at, obviously. It is out of that whole make up, the
over all theme of the undefined center, and then the themes that are there in the
gates, that you can begin to piece together what is the bedrock of that decision
making process.
Seeing that in people that you know is very important. God bless my family, but
they’ve always been my guinea pigs. I watch them because they are there in my
life. And I know so much about their designs at so many levels. Anyone that is in
my life whose design that I know is part of my ongoing research. This is the true
nature of the logical experiment that one never stops researching and one never
stops proving and it’s an ongoing process of what logic demands.
It’s very important that you begin to take the tools that I bring you and you begin to
apply them, and you begin to apply them right away. So, look at the designs of
people that are around you in your life. Particularly pay attention to those beings
that may not be involved in Design so that you have a clearer view of the true
essence of the not-self mind. After all, this is what this training is about, to reach a
point in which we can be of enormous service to the passenger. That service to the
passenger begins with having the skills first of all to be able to get right to the point.
This is the magic that shatters the passenger. Nobody has ever been able to lay out
on an individual basis the way in which the mind actually operates and makes its
So, you’re taking part in something that is really revolutionary. And you need to see
the validity of the information that you’re working with. It’s always something about
working in Human Design. Despite the fact that we’re in our 19th year, it is an
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON ONE: Intro to Primary Mapping of the Not-Self Mind
In other words, you need to look at this because first of all mind is incredible to see.
So, look at the designs of these beings that you have access to, go to what is their
hierarchical foundation, examine that through the gates and watch them. In your
interaction with them you will be able to actually recognize their mind working and
you know exactly how it’s going to work. You know exactly within this generalized
surface, because it’s the first surface, but like everything in Human Design if you
crack the surface you crack everything. It’s like the simple of saying to somebody
strategy and authority, it’s the surface, real surface, but it’s everything.
When you get to the foundation of the way in which the mind makes decisions this is
it. And it’s out of this place, this has the greatest therapeutic value once you
understand how it works and you can translate it back to the passenger,
understanding the mind of others. It’s time to put on your Human Design Rave
Psychology binoculars or your magic glasses or whatever, and watch those beings
around you and watch their minds. And at the same time watch your own. There is
no greater treat.
I love to laugh at myself. And I do a lot, by the way. I consider myself the funniest
person that I know, actually. I do so enjoy watching my mind, because it is a
formula and it’s a predictable one. It never stops because it’s just the way the
machine is built. This is the way the machine works. It’s not like I can do anything
about it. It’s the way the machine works. Then you watch it and it’s hilarious. Not
only is it hilarious, but I guess that’s the special part, the jokes, they’re so profound.
There’s so much to see. And there is so much to understand in seeing the way your
own mind works to understand everybody’s mind is working this way; they all are.
Human Design is the science of differentiation and I think that it’s the true science of
humankind. We are here to be fulfilled through differentiation. We are here to be
exalted in fulfilling the potential of our differentiation. We’re here to be rewarded in
being differentiated. The passenger is lost in homogenization. The passenger is lost
in the homogenization that operates through its openness. This is its vulnerability.
And the passenger is deeply vulnerable because it’s powerless anyway.
So, it suffers a great deal from not being able to truly know who it is or where it is.
And in not knowing who and where there is no what. There is no glory in what it is
to be here on this plane. To be here on this plane and to be aware, it’s awareness.
What I’m trying to offer you is something I can’t teach you. I can teach you this
stuff here in the classroom, but I can’t teach you how to be aware of the minds of
others. I can’t. There is no technique for that. It is about being attuned.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
If you can’t be aware of the working of the minds of others, then it means that your
mind is very busy controlling your life. See, the passenger in essence, when the
passenger is surrendered there is a tragedy for the passenger that it has to deal
with. It’s like being a lifelong cigarette smoker and you’ve got to quit and you don’t
know what to do with your hands. The passenger needs to be busy; mind needs to
work. It’s what mind is for.
Ah, the passenger. You know I have such empathy for the passenger and how
magical it is the moment that you can surrender as a passenger to the formula. Let
the formula be. It’s not the enemy, the way the mind works. It’s only dangerous
when it’s allowed to make a decision. But the very mind of the passenger, that very
foundation theme, that underlying hierarchical theme that you’re here to see, to
recognize, this is the awareness program. That’s their deepest potential for
Oh, do I have a potential for truth. I avoided it for 37 or 38 years; boy, do I have a
potential for truth. It’s out of my open Solar Plexus. It’s my potential wisdom. It’s
truth. How nice. How fucked up I was when it didn’t work that way, when it was
avoidance of confrontation. This very not-self foundation that you’re looking for in
yourself and the other, understand it is the basis, the deepest aspect of your
potential wisdom in this life, the deepest aspect of your potential wisdom.
When you attune yourself to watching the minds of others you will also see that for
your own passenger this is a nice reward. It distracts it from its occasional desires
to be the boss, and allows it to exalt in its capacity to be an observer. The
passenger is here to look out the windows; this is what it’s all about. It’s one thing
to have techniques and tools; it’s another thing to be aware. This is an awareness
job. After awhile you can smell it, the way somebody’s mind works. You’ll know
what that base is that they’re operating out; you can just feel it. You don’t have to
see their design. It’s mind.
The homogenized mind is very easy to see and penetrate. It’s not like what it would
be like to discover all the differentiated minds. Wow, wouldn’t that be something,
every one of them unique, every one of them with a unique perspective. And
instead what we get is lumps of conditioned minds that operate through these
generic conditioning themes that are there that we call not-self strategies. They all
basically sound alike. Open ego people almost invariably sound alike in the way in
which they talk about things. The only thing that changes the language is their type,
but the same themes. And it’s not what it’s about. It isn’t.
In the same way that you can go into the nuances of the open center through the
gates and the way in which they operate, you can also go through that open center
through those gates to discover the tracks of wisdom. So this is a very important
part of our work together is for you to go out there and watch it, and for you to take
advantage of these question and answer periods at the end of each class to share
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON ONE: Intro to Primary Mapping of the Not-Self Mind
with the rest of us or support or empower or whatever language you want to use
with your experience and your observations. This is part of our process. It’s
important for you to share it with each other. It’s something that is really essential
for all us to understand is that if we don’t respect each other’s perspective we are
lost in this game of trying to bring truth to the way in which the mind operates.
It’s very important that you participate in that way in this process and not simply
leave it as me the teacher providing you with just the tools. As I said, the
awareness is something that is for you to discover. See it technically, use the tools
to see what the primary not-self directive is, and then go from there. Watch those
beings and affirm for yourself clearly that you can see how their minds work. It’s
quite a thing.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lesson Two
The Being in Transference
We come to a very interesting place today. We come to, it’s like a crossroad. It
really has to do with the spirit of how we approach the work that we are here to do.
By the way, just to let you know my computer is suffering from terminal senility.
Every once in awhile it forgets that it’s supposed to be running and it freezes. I’m in
the process of transition. I’m waiting for a new computer to arrive, which will take
about a week and I’m trying to nurse this computer which has died about eight or
nine times, frozen about eight or nine times in the last couple of days. It’s been to
the repair shop which has done no good. It’s at death’s door, this sweetie, and I’m a
51/25, I have my attachments to objects.
Anyway, hopefully this creature is going to survive for us so I can get through this
class. But in the event that I suddenly disappear, if I don’t get back within 10
minutes you know that I am pounding my desk in Manifestor rage, which is a delight,
by the way. Psychology is such a wonderful thing. What it is to be a human being,
what it is to be a passenger in a vehicle. I’ve got a Manifestor vehicle. There’s
absolutely nothing you can do.
The juxtaposition for me of an experience I had last night where my cat managed to
catch a rabbit. My sensitivity to this poor little bunny that was lost in the rainstorm
and this juxtaposition with having my computer freeze on me this morning and
feeling this unbelievable rage move through my body, it’s an incredible thing. It’s
just chemistry, but it’s an incredible thing. And there is this, it’s almost awesome,
this sense of the beast. You can take the quality of that anger and you can see it
dressed in just about every ugly act, it’s amazing.
My passenger is sitting inside saying, “Wow, are you angry.” It is like, “Whoa, are
you ever angry.” It’s such a strange thing, and it’s just chemistry. You can actually
feel, at least I do, the chemistry peaking. It’s like a drug experience. There’s this
peak of the experience. And then there’s a moment where you know where
everything is downhill after that, everything is losing intensity. And I can feel this
incredible peak of this anger; it’s so much fun to watch. Not if you’re around me, if
you’re around me and you’re not aware and you take any of my 5/1 projection field
to heart you can really be upset in that moment. It’s an incredible thing to watch.
And then, slowly there’s this, the chemistry just sort of quiets down and it’s gone. It
was both my morning rage and my morning laugh. It’s such an extraordinary thing.
As a passenger in these moments when you’re aware and you can feel that there is
absolutely nothing you can do about it. It’s not like—if you’re so aware how come
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
you get angry? It isn’t like that. The vehicle is an incredible thing. Surrender to
your vehicle is an unbelievable thing. And the most extraordinary thing is that we
get attached. I don’t get attached to my anger. It’s a body thing, I can feel it, and
it’s an incredible body thing. I don’t get attached to it. I can’t avoid the experience
of it, but there’s no attachment. There’s this kind of, “Wow, isn’t that amazing.”
And then there’s this little crystal moment where you think this is what it’s all about.
This is what it is all about, this surrender and awareness, to helplessness,
choicelessness, so helpless in that moment. If anybody had walked up to me and
said, “What’s the matter?” I would have blasted them across the room—helpless,
absolutely helpless.
But the attachment? That’s the magic, there’s no attachment. I can remember
when my Manifestor anger never went away. I mean it never went away. I would
hold the anger inside of me as not-self, and I lived as not-self for 38 years. I can
remember holding anger inside of me for a long time, never let go. Even beyond the
point where I had accepted the consequences, couldn’t let go. And now? That’s the
thing that’s so funny to watch, because it’s funny. It’s like when you’re aware and
you participate in the sex act and you discover that you’re laughing hilariously
because it’s a ridiculous thing to do. It really is, it’s very funny, absolutely hilarious.
But you have to be really detached from your body. It’s an amazing thing.
So anyway, my satori of the day was my rage at my senile old computer, who I
should really be gently ushering into the computer nether world, wherever that—
does anybody know where they go, by the way? That’s one of the spookiest things
to think about. I already know how many computers are lying in my storage room.
There must be zillions and zillions of these used hulks all over the place. But that’s
not the subject for today. Let me move on.
Color Transference
Our mapping of the not-self mind, and I hope that all of you enjoy your card deck, I
certain enjoy it. And I think that ultimately it’s a useful tool and a good reminder
particularly when you’re first working with analysis at this level.
The subject today—Being in Transference—I have been over the course of the last
year or so been talking a lot about Color transference. And talking about Color
transference from both its aspects; that is, from the physics aspect, which makes it
so extraordinary. That is, the way in which the illusion of being human is held
together is that the monopole attaches to the frequencies of what we call Color from
the two crystals. Out of that is the quantum frequency that becomes us. So, at the
physics level Color is an extraordinary thing because it’s the gateway to the basic
binary that is at the source of life.
But Color is also something else that is categorized as a general negative when we
see the way in which Color influences us on the illusionary plane, in the maya; in
other words, as us. The focus that I have given to it to this point is to illustrate just
the beginnings of what it means to be pulled from this Color to that Color, what it
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON TWO: The Being in Transference
means to be transferred. What that means in terms of the Personality that one is
not being properly motivated. If one is not being motivated properly then there is no
way that the Personality is going to be able to operate correctly. Not only that, the
Personality will not operate correctly, but that the Personality will not perceive its
environment in the way it was designed to do so.
Now, think about the way in which it works. Think about the neutrino stream. When
you think about the neutrino stream, let’s imagine for a moment that we’re just
looking at beads of neutrinos on one string, one line of neutrino information. That
line of neutrino information is going to enter into that Personality crystal through the
Base. In other words, the information comes into the Base first.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Now, it’s not so much that it comes into the Base first; it makes the Base first in its
relationship to the crystal. Let me rephrase this so that I can give you a way to
grasp this. We’re talking about frequency. When the neutrino goes through the
crystal, the result is a frequency. That is, the interaction of the neutrino traveling at
nearly the speed of light passing through this crystal that by its very nature is
designed to interact with the neutrino. What happens to the neutrino is that there is
an oscillation that is the byproduct. And we have already seen this how neutrinos
were proven to have mass is that they oscillate when they go through the earth. It
is a frequency.
So, when the neutrino first enters into the crystal that place where it first enters
there is a frequency given off. That frequency has five variations, we call it Base. As
the neutrino moves through, the Base frequency changes, it changes. It becomes or
melds into Tone frequency that then melds into Color frequency. As the neutrino is
leaving the crystal this is the place of the Color frequency. It’s there, at that
frequency, that the magnetic monopole is able to latch on to it, in that sense, and
pull it together with the Design crystal Color frequency and what you get out of that
is the frequency that is us.
I don’t know if you get that, but it’s really something to contemplate. What we’re
talking about and what we’re really learning here is about the way in which the inner
dynamic of the crystal operates. So, this is about neutrinos going through a crystal
and the neutrinos are creating the frequency so you have these three different
frequencies as the neutrino moves through the crystal—Base, Tone and Color
frequency. The central frequency is the tonal frequency. This is the central
frequency. You have the entry Base frequency; you have the exiting Color
So, when you think about Color, don’t think about it as a line in the wheel because
it’s not. It’s so different, these domains between what is below the line and what is
above the line. Here in this place what we’re talking about is frequency. When you
think about the language that we are using you also have to realize that this is the
way the whole programming takes place. The way in which we are going to operate
in terms of being a personality is being programmed by the frequency.
There are two things that matter in this. One is that if the physical housing in which
the frequency is going to be experienced, the self-reflected consciousness, because
that’s what we end up with in the Personality’s case, then the physical brain
functions have to operate according to their predisposition. And this is where I
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON TWO: The Being in Transference
is that rather than differentiating you become homogenized. The great dilemma that
we face in terms of passenger consciousness in the world today is that passenger
consciousness is homogenized. There may be alive in the world maybe half a dozen
ideas that just about everybody share and think are important. This is homogenized
consciousness. When in fact as we know that every variation of every theme has an
extraordinary contribution to make in establishing their differentiated perspective on
what it is to be and what it is to see.
When I had my experience in 1987 it was a peaking time of the post-war generation.
This resurgence of spiritual pursuit and the reinvigoration of all kinds of spiritual and
mystical practices, what ultimately would be given the name the New Age.
We have to look at something here very honestly and very cleanly. Being not-self is
not bad. Let’s first look at that. Think about the way in which we are predisposed.
You’re predisposed to differentiate, but you end up with a design that has so much
openness that you’re overwhelmed by conditioning. And you’ve got a genetic
imperative that drives you to be attracted to the very conditioning that enforces your
not-self; that the whole reproductive train of humanity and our ability to be able to
survive as a specie is dictated on the power of the not-self. That the world that we
live in, that the civilizations that have developed, all the great thought, music,
mysticism, religion, you name it, wherever you want to go, arts, sciences, all of this
is the byproduct of what? Not-self; all of it.
And more than that, when the time comes that this movie comes to an end, when
we get to the end of the round, and we’re talking about a little more than a
millennium, so it’s not far away, the not-self will still rule. Fractals, geometries,
hierarchies, these are things that have to be seen in a very clear way. Right from
the beginning when I first began to share Human Design and tried to empower
people with the knowledge there were always those who were excited and who fell in
love with the knowledge who would say that everybody has to know about this, it’s
got to go out there and touch everyone, and on and on and on.
My response to that was always everything in its time. It doesn’t work that way.
And it doesn’t work that way for obvious reasons. We are living in a hierarchical
fractal structure, we just are. The fact of the matter is that waking up the passenger
is not part of the human agenda. That the only reason that there is this possibility
now to wake up the passenger is because humanity is dying and is losing its fertility.
In losing its fertility and in dying, the denial of the potential of self is slowly being
removed. It’s not like it’s being swept away with a big hand. But it is something to
grasp; it is one of the ironies of this.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
You see, it’s special. These people are always pissed off about specialness. I’m
somebody who does the best that I can as a messenger to make the knowledge
available to anyone. In my ways of simplifying things hopefully I’ve reached a point
where the simple surface, which will be much more about the physical well-being of
people, that that simple surface will be able to attract much larger numbers than the
awakening of the passenger.
Surrender is quite a thing. I want you to understand that you cannot in anyway
impose upon a Personality the tools for awakening because in most cases they
simply cannot handle it. They can’t, they can’t. It’s still very difficult for people in
Design to truly be able to accept choicelessness; not such an easy thing—easy word,
easy expression. It’s one thing to talk about the mind not having any authority, but
it’s another thing to recognize the torment of what it is to have minds that never
stop; they never stop at all. Nothing to do, they never stop. They’re always in the
background always trying to manipulate the form.
The awakening of the passenger is something else. You have to have somebody who
is committed to the process of transforming their lives. You have to have somebody
who is already deep into the process of the experiment itself. Each day that we
meet and I go deeper into this process with you, it is clear and clearer to me that,
and I don’t want it misunderstood in expressing it this way, but it’s almost like it’s
some kind of magical ritual process that in ancient times would be part of an
initiate’s process. It is a very profound cleansing to go deep into your not-self deck,
your not-self mind construct. It is really something profound to go in there—all the
little nooks and crannies in the passenger’s investigation of the magic of how
integrated the passenger is in the illusion that it has a choice. How powerful it is,
how insidious it is the way the mind works. It’s quite incredible.
It’s not just the matter of the not-self mind, everybody is in transference. The vast
majority of humanity that is not-self, they’re not just not-self, they’re not-self in
transference. It’s even more insane. And yet, this is how we got here. When I look
at the historical movement of awareness thinking, how obvious to me how
everything is locked, it’s just locked to its time. And when I look back at various
thinkers, and I say this in danger of being accused of being an egoist, it is so obvious
to me that they were truly not awake. That is, not awake in the sense that they
were operating according to their nature. They were not-self.
The whole bedrock of human thinking, and what humanity will hold on to in its old
age, is what the not-self in transference has brought. Why do you think it’s so
lonely? It’s an interesting comment because it has been discussed by many. This
loneliness of what it’s like when you enter into Design and you’re in a world of not-
self and transference. It is not for everyone. You can tell. I can tell; I’ve always
been able to tell. The beings that are there because this is exactly where they’ve
been headed for throughout their fractal geometric process through all of their lives
incarnation after incarnation to get to a point and this point.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON TWO: The Being in Transference
We’re in a magical time. It truly is a magical time. There is this narrow window.
Any of you who really look carefully into global cycles, if you look at the present
cycle we’re in, the Cross of Planning cycle, if you look at the lock and key systems
that are involved with it in terms of the Sphinx and the Vessel of Love, you’ll see that
we are in the last 61.1 era. This is it. There is this incredible door closing on the
capacity to show that awakeness can be transferred.
Look at the history of great teaching, the enlightened masters, so-called. Where are
all the enlightened followers, where are they? We have a whole history of so-called
enlightened masters, where are all these enlightened followers? The magic is that
mechanically, awakeness, at least true technique to approach awakenness can be
established mechanically.
Decision making—every time that I teach, the deeper that I go, the more amazed
that I am about what a decision really is. Every decision is you between God and the
Devil. I mean every decision. Every decision is between correctness and the
precipice, the abyss. Every decision, all of them—the magic of mechanically making
decisions correctly, how that resonates through the whole vehicle.
Your body has a frequency. Everybody is a piece of music, it’s a frequency. And if
your body isn’t operating correctly, that frequency is not correct. And the
environment that you move in and the people that you deal with, and each and
every one of those decisions align you to your predisposition to have the right
frequency, that right frequency that can eliminate resistance, that right frequency
that can save you from the suffering of this plane, the suffering of it.
And yet, to understand something, if you are not-self in transference and that is the
vast majority of humanity, and then suffering is part of the bargain. Nobody expects
it to disappear, no one. Human beings do not believe in awakeness, because it’s
never been transferred. All you get is a lot of people who have scars on their knees
from bowing down to false gods.
Transferring Awakeness
This window that we have, it opened up in 1961, incredible window. It’s going to
close in 2027. And it is this ability to transfer awakeness that is the key to our work
together. In many ways for me it is an opportunity to take all of you, over the three
years of this program, to an incredibly deep awareness of the nature of mind as a
way of ultimately transferring awakeness, passenger awakeness to all of you.
The moment that it’s transferred is the moment it’s a mutation that takes hold. I’m
a mutative being; I’m a pure mutative being. I understand what it means to be an
individual knower. That the individual experience may be fascinating and awe
inspiring, but the value can only be tested in transference. It’s only when it’s
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
transferred that the mutation take hold. This is one of the things to see, and it’s
essential for me in my own process to have this goal of transferring awakeness for
the passenger.
In laying all of this out this way I just want you to understand that your work is
fractal work. You will know precisely who will benefit from this knowledge. You will
be able to see clearly because they are on your fractal line and they are truly coming
for it. If the transference is successful, then it’s a mutation that can take hold. If it
can be transferred to you, you can transfer it to others.
Again, to see that it’s something special. It’s not about special in the sense that you
pat yourself on the back. It’s that wonderful word that I like to use now instead of
“No Choice,” I say, “Luck, aren’t you lucky?” Well, yes, aren’t we all?
So, let’s move along. We’re talking about the beginning of our process of mapping
and in order not to keep on laying theoretical classes on you one after the other I
want to be able to do some integrating of the knowledge in a practical sense as we
move along so it becomes easier and easier for you to see that. I wanted to be able
to show you today the two sides of the story that we’re looking at which are the
primary areas for us in terms of mapping the not-self mind. That is, being able to
see the relationship between the way in which the not-self mind is structured
through the hierarchical process, the way in which that operates, and at the same
time to be able to see the impact of transference. As a way of being able to see how
far, I guess is the best way to put it, how far a human being generally is from what
is their predisposition. This is really something to grasp. Not only are they far away
from their predisposition because they are being conditioned to homogenize
mentally. Remember, this is the thing that’s so spooky to think about in terms of
what the not-self does. It’s a deadener in the end.
Think about how it works. It’s kind of like a balancing act. Humanity is been
conditioned towards the homogenous, Homo sapiens anyway, has been towards the
homogenous until you finally get to a place where it’s so homogenized that it loses
its fertility. And that is basically the state that we are in right now.
That homogenization means that the way in which people think, the way in which
they use their bodies, the way in which they eat, all of these things have been
homogenized into patterns that are incredibly far away from your own unique
predisposition to be differentiated.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON TWO: The Being in Transference
The Centers
So, here is our first example. Again, the title for today is “Being in Transference”, so
that’s why we’re looking only at the profile and we’re looking at the Sun/Earth
configuration. But let’s start with the centers. To begin with you have a very
powerful Personality configuration. I love looking at the Personality only when I look
at somebody’s chart. I like looking at both of them separately and I think it’s always
something that a few moments spent just looking at the conscious or the
unconscious is deeply revealing in approaching anyone’s design.
But in terms of our work, it’s essential to have a grasp of who this person thinks they
are. Of course, we know that who they think they are is not about how they’re going
to make decisions. They’re going to make decisions based on who they’re not. But
it’s important for us to see that framework. Here, of course, you’re dealing with
somebody who has an overwhelmingly powerful Personality. You don’t get much
more powerful, particularly given that you’ve got the 20/34 so you’ve got this very
powerful 34, the Power of the Great, and obviously the 45/21.
So, you’ve got this material busyness, this deep, deep material busyness. This is
who this person thinks they are; this is what they are about in this life. You can also
see that the Personality is very much present in the sense that the hanging gates,
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
the 56, the 35, the 51, the 5, the 9 are all part of the definition, they’re all adjectival
forces in the way in which that Personality would be described.
Many of you have taken my keynoting courses and if you haven’t it’s a good thing to
get a hold of. This is really a nice exercise when you’re dealing with somebody’s
Personality. Just keynote their Personality so that you get a sense of what the basic
brush stroke of who they think they are is. And that’s something that’s very helpful.
Remember that when you’re doing a Human Design reading you need to integrate
the unconscious. When you’re doing Personality work, when you’re trying to heal the
passenger it’s very important to stay with what the passenger is deeply connected to
which is obviously the Personality activations that are there in the design.
Manifesting Generators
Even from the Personality point of view we are dealing with a Manifesting Generator,
and obviously no matter what that’s not going to change unless it’s emotional. But
let’s just talk about the Manifesting Generator aspect of this. Manifesting Generators
do not have an easy time. They don’t have an easy time because there is so much
going on in terms of their energy system and that is very confused energy.
Manifesting and generating are really deeply different things. The dilemma for the
Manifesting Generator is that being patient, and of course the essential patience of
all Generators is not so much patience it’s just acceptance of response, acceptance
of non-initiation.
But look at all this openness. It’s really something to understand this deep, deep
openness. Now, not all of it is open in the context of the design. But remember, it’s
not what we’re really looking at here. What we’re really looking at here is that this
Personality has to be seen in the crystal and then we will then have to make
adjustments when we see the Personality integrated with the vehicle. But first and
foremost, because we’re working at the crystal level, we need to see at that level, in
that sense, where is the openness to conditioning.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON TWO: The Being in Transference
So let’s take a look at our openness. We can see that the primary being, because
remember we’re looking at being, that the primary being, that is the ego center is
defined. If we go up here to the Head Center, if we go to the G Center, and again if
we’re looking at the sacral because you can see that I am looking at the Y, the
Epsilon configuration because the Epsilon configuration is all connected as major
themes in terms of the being. So, this open Head and this open G are going to be
the major themes of the being.
You can see that in terms of the ranking in that that the highest ranking in terms of
the being is going to be the G Center. The highest ranking overall is obviously the
open emotional system. But the open emotional system impacts the way in which
this person is going to see. Remember, that’s something very important to
understand about the way in which the not-self mind is operating. So, the way in
which the not-self mind that’s being, the nature of its being, that the primary force
that is going to be the bedrock of the way in which this not-self mind is going to
make decisions is going to be here in this open G Center.
You can see this person is one of the 54 percent of humanity that have an open G.
Remember, that’s an enormous figure and that’s telling you there are an enormous
number of people in the world who are looking for love. There are an enormous
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
number of people in the world who don’t know where they’re going and don’t know
where the right place is, and in a sense they’re always looking for that.
I guess it’s just my perspective; I look at the fact that 54 percent of humanity has an
open G Center and I understand how human beings colonize the whole planet.
That’s simple. “Well, I don’t like this valley, maybe there’s something better on the
other side.” You know—open G Center.
This selection business—think about what else the open G Center has brought us.
There is all this anthropological investigation about pair bonding. But one of the
things that the G Center has done is that the G Center has created this lack of
satisfaction in a partner more than any other center. This openness, you can have
the best possible thing in your life and you’re still wondering because you may not,
in fact, be aware of it.
Of course, everything about the open G is about the right place. It’s always about
the right place; to be in the right place is transforming in the life. So, here is this
person, here is their mind. At the bedrock of their mind is looking for love and
looking for direction. Think about what that means in terms of the way in which the
mind works. It means the mind loses certainties. This is very difficult for this being
because they have an open Ajna. In other words, that open Ajna is always trying to
pretend that it’s certain. And obviously that’s going to be an element in this story.
But the thing to be clear about is that with this open G Center when they meet
somebody, that not-self mind doesn’t really know if they’re good for them. And in
fact, the level of commitment is never really a complete commitment. And because
it’s never a really complete commitment it is a Catch-22. In other words, it’s never
really committed because it never really makes the commitment but it can’t really
make the commitment because it is being conditioned, after all, by anyone who is
going to define that G Center.
Such a dilemma. So what you get is that the underlying way in which the mind
operates is that it operates through a distrustfulness. And yet, there is a longing. “I
want to find the right person. I want to find the right direction. I need to find those.”
And yet every time the possibility is there, the deep suspicion that slowly eats it
away. And of course, this is the dilemma that comes with defining.
One of the things that we teach and we share is the fact that you’ve got an open
center and the open center has a not-self strategy. For example, the Spleen with its
strategy of holding on to things that isn’t good for it. I talk about the fact that when
it’s defined by transit or by the other person as a conditioned element, that in fact it
operates in a completely distorted way. In other words, the assumption is, “Ok,
they’ve defined my Spleen; everything is terrific.” But in fact, there is simply a twist
on the way the strategy works and the Spleen being defined by somebody else is
ready to let go of things that are good for it.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON TWO: The Being in Transference
So, it’s something to keep in mind about what happens to somebody who has an
undefined G Center when somebody defines it. The moment somebody defines your
G for you it’s actually creating suspicions, distrust and lack of commitment. Isn’t
that interesting? It’s just something to think about. And unless you’re operating
correctly, that can be overwhelming. And it’s very subtle. It’s not as obvious a mind
trip that the ego, the open ego, brings to the way the not-self mind operates. But
this 54 percent of humanity, 54 percent of humanity ready to move on. And this not
being certain, that’s why place is so important for open G beings. Place is going to
be the key.
For example, this person walking into wherever it is that you’re going to work
professionally the very first thing you have to ask them, they’re a Generator after all,
is are you comfortable in this place. Because if they’re not comfortable there, then
go somewhere with them. So much of the work of anyone at this level is about
being aware of the other, being aware of their design, being aware of what it means
to look at somebody with this or that and how it can be helpful in aiding your ability
to be able to communicate with them.
Ok, so we have the G Center, the open G Center is going to have an enormous
influence on the way in which this person is going to live out their 35-5, the way
they’re going to live out that 3rd line profile, that trial and error profile. And oh, isn’t
there lovely continuity in that? So, here is this person with bonds made and broken,
and they’ve got an undefined G and it is like, “Yeah, I don’t trust it”. It fits right in.
The awakeness for this person at a mental level, just a passenger, is the passenger
being able to surrender to “itness,” not commitment, per se, but to the “itness” of
what happens to it, to embrace it fully, and to embrace it without that suspicion. But
of course, the only way one can do that is if one trusts in one’s decision making
authority. It’s not enough to say to somebody, “Look, make decisions correctly as
yourself.” We all understand at some level that it is only after you’ve many decisions
as yourself that you truly begin to relax into trusting it. And the moment you trust
your decision making process, that’s a gem. This is the foundation of being awake.
It really is what it’s all about.
So, this being, when you look at this being, you have to see that the way in which
they’re going to operate—they’re busy with material. Oh, yeah, and how long do
you think it lasts? How long do you think their being busy with material lasts in
terms of their tribal capacity? It doesn’t because there is always the suspicion and
there’s never the full commitment, and there is this little individual thing on the side
that’s doing its work, and it is all trial and error and bonds made and broken and
they end up not doing well materially at all and being great allopathic stress
candidates. And their mind? No matter how bad it gets their mind will continue to
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
distrust. The more you define them, the more they’ll distrust it if they haven’t
entered into it correctly.
But then there’s more, isn’t there. I’m not looking at any of the other centers. We’ll
get to that part, and not today. Just when you begin, just when you go to
something primary, this is about the way they’re going to be in this life, whether
they’re going to fulfill their purpose in their life, whether they’re going to fulfill the
possibility of
their passenger
on their cross.
And what is
going to be
their way in this
life is going to
be a deep
suspicion. It
doesn’t mean
they don’t enter
into things. It
doesn’t mean
their mind is
going to say,
“Don’t do that
because it’s not
going to work.”
Their mind is
going to say,
“Yeah, let’s try it but it probably won’t work.” Of course, inevitably it doesn’t
because they didn’t enter into it correctly and that conditioning that is there on the G
Center just brings out its distorted not-self process.
And then they’re a 2nd Color. And you look at that 2nd Color and right away there is
this enormous dilemma. Here is this theist/anti-theist; here is this almost perfect
potential. This is the magic of 2’s; and 2nd Colors are very, very special. It has a lot
to do with the way they work at the physical level, but nonetheless they carry a very
special quality. And yet, this is a being that instead of allowing it to come, that
they’re motivated to allow life to come to them. No, no, no, they’re out there trying
to fix it, running around on their 20/34, 45/21 with their half-ass commitments to
things that they know will never work, to the aggression that comes out of them, the
anger that emerges out of their Manifestor sickness. It’s amazing what happens to
you under the influence. And it is really under the influence.
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LESSON TWO: The Being in Transference
The other thing, I love to teach this, I love to explore the way in which our minds
work. And yet, it’s so obvious to me that understanding how your mind works
doesn’t save you. That is, operating correctly saves you. Understanding how your
mind works can liberate your passenger. Liberating the passenger is what I would
call a deeply honorable goal for anyone to have.
I don’t want you to have a sense that because I’m glossing over all the other factors
that are there and all the other centers that are open this isn’t to say that all of them
don’t come into play and that all of them don’t contribute to the way in which the
not-self mind operates. When it comes to the point where we are actually going to
do analytical work and we’re going to lay out the steps and the way to do the whole
mapping, obviously we’ll get to that point where we’ll see all of that coordinated.
What I wanted to show you today was the relationship between using this simply to
find the key for what we’re looking at, in this case the G Center. But then also
seeing what happens in terms of the way in which the Personality themes operate,
and seeing it in terms of the way that the added impact of the transference is taking
We have very, very basic dilemmas that a human being is dealing with, and you can
see that it’s not easy for them to be able to get past that. That’s why again I go
back to reiterating the importance of what it means to encourage people in terms of
Design to just honor the surface mechanics. And if they honor the surface
mechanics, this is something that is going to have an enormous healing effect on
their lives.
A Manifestor
Here’s another example that I wanted to use as an illustration, and again it’s
serendipity that they happen to be another 45/21. Here you have the 8/1 with that
so you’ve got a Manifestor here. In looking at this configuration, again, in working
with the way in which the not-self mind is going to operate, remember something
about no matter how broad the themes are of the not-self mind, like we were looking
at the open G, it doesn’t matter how minute the decision is, it’s there. It’s
something to grasp. It’s why it’s very important for all of you to be able to look at
your inner hierarchical structure and see it the way in which your not-self mind is
The subtleties, there are so many variations on any of these archetypal themes that
the mind can grab onto and play with. Again, they’re deeply attractive to us. They
are, after all. Think about all of the mental stuff that you go through every day. It’s
not like you’re neophytes in this knowledge. It is part of what mind is.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
It’s very important to realize that when you have this kind of openness in a being it’s
amazing the density of the way in which the not-self mind is operating. And the first
thing is to go back to the basics. You make a decision correctly and in making that
decision correctly you immediately lessen the power of mind to be the decision
maker until ultimately mind flounders because it doesn’t have, it isn’t able to live out
that trip of being in control. It’s a real shattering process for the mind and not easy
for the mind to let go of it. So, for the purposes that we’re dealing with, I’m just
dealing with the surface now.
So, we’re only looking at part of the not-self mind equation. Remember that when
you’re looking at the mapping of most beings what you’re looking for are the two
keys. That is, what is the key for the being—what is the foundation of not-self mind
thinking. And what is the foundation for the way in which the not-self mind is going
to look at the world. It is those two aspects that we quantumize; it’s those two
aspects that your mind quantumize.
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LESSON TWO: The Being in Transference
It’s very important. For example, the open G Center, right place is so important,
blah, blah, blah. So the seeing, for example, if you don’t see where the right place
can be, it’s all about whether or not that combination—that combination each has to
fulfill its potential in the process. So the being and the seeing, we’re looking at two
aspects. So don’t look at what I’m touching on today as a general overview. It isn’t.
It’s a very
specific just
looking at keys
and looking
how we can
begin to work
with these two
elements of the
In going back
here, again
we’re looking at
the being so
we’re going to
be looking at
the Epsilon.
And when we
do so again we
can see there is
an open Head
Center. We
can see there is
an open Sacral Center. The G is defined and the ego is defined. When you’re
looking at this, you can see that in terms of the way in which impact is oriented that
the impact here is going to be on the Head Center as the underlying mechanism of
the mind.
The Higher the Impact Number: More Problems with the Not-Self Thinking
Let me give you a kind of rule of thumb. The higher the impact number, the more
problems with the not-self thinking. So, for example, if the ego was open and it was
a 1, though it’s very powerful what it does, there is actually more problems
associated with the higher impact 6, higher in the number level, and it brings much
more confusion.
So, for example, let’s take a look at this being. What do we know about the Head
Center? First of all we know that an open Head Center is one of the most basic
imperatives—other than the Sacral Center nothing else seems to be so important,
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
other than the Ego, to have open than the Head Center. Obviously, it is an essential
theme in the development of humanity. Of course, it is the doorway to
homogenization. That’s the thing to recognize about the Head Center.
When we’re talking about the not-self strategy of the Head what we’re talking about
is thinking about things that do not matter. Of course, this thinking about things
that do not matter leads one directly into homogenized thinking and not into
differentiated thinking. In other words, this is a mind that has a very, very hard
time to focus. This is going to be one of the main dilemmas for this mind.
So, for example, the fact that it’s difficult to focus means that in terms of the being
it’s going to be very, very difficult for this person to actually tune into what is
important for it. So, the decision making is something that will become very
confused and in the end will be given over probably to the seeing. Again, remember
we have to see the two together in order to understand how it’s all going to work
But at this level in terms of the being, you have somebody who is going to be
distracted and confused because this is going to be the primary thing. And obviously
thinking about things will become much more important than making decisions about
them. And this will be a way in which this person will, for example in the continuity
of their open emotional system, this will be the background to avoiding
confrontation. “I don’t want to make a decision now because I’m thinking. And
yesterday I read something else about this thing, and tomorrow I have this,”—
thinking about things that don’t matter, and not thinking about the things that do
matter. Of course, when you see this as a bedrock of the way in which the mind is
going to make decisions about itself then you can see that it’s not going to make
decisions about the self that matter.
But it’s not just that, obviously. Here you have somebody, a basic 2nd line being, so
you can see in the genetic continuity it’s interesting, the hermit in this particular
case, to see what that means is that when you’re dealing with a primary decision
making, not-self decision making function that has this level of weakness in terms of
impact that there is going to be with the continuity of the open emotional system,
with the 2nd line being, there is going to be this avoidance of decision making when it
comes to the being itself.
That’s going to be one of the primary themes, which means there’s going to be
barriers that can be established that may never be broken because even when this
person receives the call they’re not going to be focused. They’re not going to be
focused because this is the way their not-self mind is going to operate.
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LESSON TWO: The Being in Transference
A 1st Color
On top of that we’re dealing with somebody that has a 1st Color. We know that the
1st Color is fear and this is about the foundation and it’s getting right to the thing
that does matter. In other words, you can process all kinds of interesting
inspiration, but the motivation is to find that piece of information in all of that other
stuff that really does matter. And of course, that’s going to be in transference, and
it’s going to be in transference to the need. And the need is going to feed the
confusion of thinking about anything but the thing that matters. So, unable to make
a decision about what does really matter because that’s not what they’re thinking
You can see what that’s going to be like for you in dealing with this person if they are
not operating out of their strategy. You can see how easy it is for them sitting with
you not to hear a word you’re saying, not really, because they’re thinking about
something else. This is the kind of person that can’t make a decision because they
actually don’t remember what the question was because they were off somewhere
else. This is the way their not-self mind is going to set up their decision making
The anti-decision is the same as the decision. In other words, you have all kinds of
minds that don’t want to make decisions as much as you have all kinds of minds that
want to make decisions and all of it is a decision. “Do I decide to decide, or do I
decide not to decide?” Deciding not to decide is part of the strategy when this open
Head has an unusual role.
It’s why I wanted you to have this example to see what happens when it’s not one of
the big shots, when it’s not the ego. Or in the case of the seeing it’s not one of the
awareness centers with their 2, 4, or 5 rating. Here you have the Head Center that
basically out of a rating system of 9 is relatively weak in that sense and yet, in this
particular configuration it is going to have this impact on the way in which the
decision of this passenger is going to take place.
More than that, it tells you that it’s important to look at the equations that you’re
dealing with here. When you’re looking at the Epsilon you’re looking at these four
centers that are specifically related to the being. When you’re dealing with the
Primes, you’re dealing with the three centers that are directly related to the seeing.
As I mentioned in the first class, the Root and the Throat Centers are able to operate
in either way as backup. So, for example, if you have everything that’s in the
Epsilon, if you have all of that defined, then you have the impact of these forces.
Again, it becomes very confusing.
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Remember, the weaker the category, or the higher the number as a foundation the
more confusion that is there in the passenger. And the thing that makes it confusing
is it’s not as—the undefined ego really stands out as the bedrock of the decision
making. It is right there, “I have to prove myself,” it’s right there. The moment that
you step into more unusual configurations it becomes much more subtle. This is
something you need to keep in mind in terms of being able to look at all the various
configurations that you’re going to look at.
So, here what do we end up with? We end up with a very neurotic hermit who
refuses to accept that there is something about themselves that they really should
pay attention to. And they’ll pay attention to anything else. They end up being very
closed off, and at the same time they end up being very, very needy. All of that
leads to a very unhealthy passenger who is making very unhealthy decisions, let
alone that we’re not seeing how incorrect their way of looking at the world is.
It’s a tuning. In the very first introductory lectures that I gave I used to talk about
my little joke. At the end of talking about the Design crystals and the monopole was
to talk about how the Personality crystal sits in the back seat and you know what
good passengers are supposed to do. They’re supposed to look out the window. The
passenger cannot truly sit with grace until it’s operating correctly in its vehicle. It
truly cannot look out at the world correctly.
Life is Entertaining
It’s in that moment where you have this quantum unification of the healing of the
passenger’s being and seeing. That’s when the passenger begins to explore what is
in fact a new life. It is a totally new perception. It is the joy. I guess I’m flip when I
say it, but I mean it in all sincerity, the reward for awakeness is entertainment. Life
is entertaining. So it should be. It’s very beautiful and it’s very ugly. It’s very
surprising and it’s not. But from the perspective of the passenger it is
entertainment. It is the treasure that we are given in the life process and the
awareness process that we have been endowed with.
Transference and the Not-Self is the Way the World has Moved
To come this far along your fractal line is in itself its own reward for you. There is
true magic in coming to grips with the density and complexity of the viciousness of
the distortion of the not-self. And to be able to leave it behind, you have to also love
it. I don’t mean to sound corny. But we never would have gotten to this point
without it, without the not-self and without transference. As a matter of fact,
without transference the magnetic monopole could never grab on to the frequencies
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON TWO: The Being in Transference
of the Color frequencies of the crystals and hold us together in the illusion of our
separateness. It just couldn’t.
Transference and the not-self is the way in which the world has moved and continues
to move. Again, recognize that there is this mutative opening, there is a crack in the
mirror, there is this magical door that has opened up in this very, very narrow
timeframe, 1961 to 2027, where it is possible, where it truly is possible to step
outside of the homogenized evolutionary conditioning of the specie and awaken to
what it is to be a unique and perfect human being.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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Lesson Three
The Seeing in Transference
The Nodes
I’ve been doing a lot of work talking about the nature of the Nodes and the way in
which the Nodes operate. They are extraordinary in the way in which they impact
our lives. They’re so different from everything else. I guess that’s the thing that
appeals to me about them, it’s their freakiness. They’re quite different.
When you think about it the Nodes don’t follow the same pattern as everything else
to begin with. That is, while you have everything going around the wheel basically
counterclockwise and there are retrogrades, but basically the movement is
counterclockwise, and certainly for the major components, the Sun, Earth and the
Moon, it is always counterclockwise. Then you have the Nodes. Basically, they go
clockwise. They’re rather odd. They take two steps forward and one step back
because the Nodes do a kind of dance, but in fact they operate against the flow of
everything else. In many ways the Nodes are very much aligned to the precession of
the equinox. That is the way in which we measure larger global cycles, which is
operating in that retrograde fashion. And the Nodes are aligned to that.
The other thing that makes the Nodes so particularly different is the fact that they
are not objects. I don’t know if that really sinks in when you first get into Design and
you’re looking at calculations and all the data, it’s just another item and you look at
what is there and you work with the keynote, or whatever.
But it’s really something to grasp about it. The Nodes are only a position. So what
in fact is impacting you? When you think about it, when you think about the whole
basis of imprinting in Human Design, everything about the nature of imprinting is
that we have these crystals of consciousness and they act as filters for neutrino
stream, and this is the way in which we are programmed. When you’re looking at
the obvious of the Sun it seems quite simple. There’s the Sun, it’s putting out 70%
of the neutrinos so we’re getting that direct feed.
But we think about the planets the planets are filters themselves of the background
neutrino ocean and they get in the way of what is a trans-solar system imprint. But
the Nodes? The Nodes are so special because they are these portals, they’re
windows. And they’re windows that let in the starlight and it is that starlight, like all
Suns that inherently product neutrinos, it’s that starlight coming through those nodal
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
portals that is actually the imprinting agent that we’re dealing with when we’re
looking at our Nodes.
That means that our Nodes are special in a very different way than any of the other
objects that we deal with. When we’re looking at all these other objects, they’re all
part of the solar system. That is, they’re all part of what is inherently a solar cell,
the solar cell of the Sun and the planets. This is sort of an insular information zone.
It’s a cell, in that sense.
When we’re looking at the Nodes and we’re looking at these portals, if you think
about the way in which cells interact with each other, the way they transfer
information to each other is through osmosis. One of the things about
understanding the solar cell is that the solar cell doesn’t stand alone. We’re a star in
a galaxy and we’re a galaxy in a universe. All of these things are connected in one
way or another. The way in which our solar cell operates in harmony with the rest of
our galaxy and everything else is that we are able to receive and in essence
communicate with the trans-cellular phenomena.
So when you’re looking at your Nodes, the Nodes are the only imprint that you
receive that comes from outside of the solar system, literally. In other words, this is
a much larger, in many ways grander, information system. I always remember
when I first began to look into it after I began to have strange experiences in Ibiza in
my early years I began to look into all these various things. One line stuck in my
head. It was a line of attributed to I think was Madam Blavatsky who was quoting
some cabal of ancient magi, whatever, who knows what the hell it was. But anyway,
the comment was basically that all the planets are evil. The planets are evil because
they get in the way of the pure information. It was something that stuck with me
because there was a resonance to that.
When you really grasp what the Nodes are the Nodes represent our alignment to a
much greater geometry. I think this is the most important thing to grasp. It is the
way in which we can move along a specific geometry, but more than that it is a
specific perspective that we are given that allows us not the subjective solar cell
view, but literally allows us a trans-cellular perspective. In other words, it’s almost
God-like in this funny sort of way. It is this potentially transcendent perspective that
the Nodes can bring.
When we think about our work in Rave Psychology the Nodes are something that are
very, very important to come to grips with in order to be able to bring peace to the
wandering eye of the not-self passenger. It’s quite something. We live in a realm of
deep, deep homogenization; deep, deep homogenization. In fact, each of us is
designed to see a very, very specific slice of the maya and nothing more. This is
what we’re here for. We are here to see in a certain way. When we don’t see in that
certain way then we end up seeing what the program wants us to see.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON THREE: The Seeing in Transference
It’s like my discussions of nodal transits, what I do in the Neutrino Forecast. This is
the program and it’s the program spinning around the wheel and spinning around the
seeing and conditioning the not-self to see something that it may or may not be
natural for it to see. One of the great dilemmas is that there is an assumption that
we’re all supposed to see the same thing. And that being able to see the same thing
we can come to a place of reason, peace and communion. If we all see the same
truth in the same image, if we all see the same horror in the same image, this is
what it is all about. It is a way of unifying humanity.
And one of the things that has been the most powerful of all forces in humanity’s
evolution has been the way in which images have determined the way in which we
think. We have an evolutionary process. Most of our conversation and discussions
in this era is that we’re looking towards 2027 because we have this quite spectacular
arrival of a potentially new awareness system out of the Solar Plexus.
But when you look back at our evolutionary history, when you look back to the very
beginning, if you go back to upright hominids racing around Ethiopia 4 million years
ago you’re looking at a splenic creature. You’re looking at a pure strategic survival
creature. All of the sensory capacity of that creature is rooted in a combination of
smell and touch. And it’s basically the basis of their survival, and everything is
honed to that with an acoustic background.
The moment that we got to what is called Cro-Magna, probably 200,000 years old,
maybe 250,000 years old where we had the beginning of the development of the
neo-cortex. The awareness system that was awakened was the Ajna. The Ajna is all
about seeing. Yes, there is an acoustic element, but the fact of the matter is the
way in which neo-cortex consciousness operates is that it operates based on what it
sees. It’s all seeing. For the mind it’s all seeing.
One of the things to understand is that the Ajna was an extraordinary movement
away from the Spleen to another level of perceptive consciousness. However, it’s
something to understand that the mind can be fooled by being shown a picture that
is a lie. It’s very simple. We can be fooled by images, constantly. Not only can we
be fooled by images, we can be sexually titillated by images, we can be moved by
images, right now with the whole Muhammad cartoon business what an image
[where millions have reacted violently to the sight of a drawing] means to the Ajna
Center is quite extraordinary.
Despite the fact that the being that is represented in the Sun/Earth and the planets
in the sense that they are part of the solar cell, keep in mind that the being in many
ways is totally dependent on the seeing. It’s one of those things about the
fulfillment of purpose. You cannot fulfill your purpose if you do not see correctly, it’s
not possible. If you do not see correctly then you can never be in the right
environment. And you can never be in the right environment that is going to bring
that potential of awareness to the passenger. But without being able to see
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
correctly, it doesn’t matter what the being is. Life becomes a confusion and one is
constantly being misled by lies.
The joke in that sense is that the fact that you’re homogenized to see the world the
way somebody else sees it, and the fact you nod your head and you say you see it
too, that’s the lie. This is the pressure of conditioning. It is something that is so
essential to grasp. When you look at the not-self world around us everybody wants
us to see things the same way, always. Nothing is at the heart of arguments more
than, “I see it this way.” “Well, I see it this way.” And there is this incredible
attempt to undermine the seeing of somebody else to bring them to align with your
own seeing. And we have this in our language. Particularly English, English is really
representative of the Ajna—“Do you see what I mean? Do you see it? Do you see
it?” This is all visual—“Do you get the picture?” It’s all visual.
When they began to make motion pictures, moving pictures it caused an uproar in
the 1920’s, particularly in certain philosophical circles. What was this power? You
know what that’s like when you’re in a movie theatre and everybody is focused on
the same way of seeing things, you’re seeing the world the way the director, the
writer, whatever the case may be, wants you to see it.
And do you notice what happens to you in a theatre? It’s called the suspension of
disbelief. It’s such a wonderful phrase: The suspension of disbelief. Haven’t you
noticed? You know you get into the theatre and it doesn’t matter that the movie is
ridiculous, that the concepts may be science fiction, they don’t really seem real, this
or that, but when does all of that judgmental stuff shows up? After the movie, when
you step out of the environment where your seeing has been controlled.
Oh, seeing is an incredibly influential thing. It’s obvious for all of us in the day and
age that we live in when we live in an image manipulated world, constantly image
manipulated world. We have to be very aware of the fact that those images have a
deep influence on the not-self because the not-self does not know how to see, and
what they’re here to see. So when they look out at everything else they can be
taken away, enthralled, overwhelmed with it. How easy it is to inflame human
beings with images, images.
This is delicious, the world is so mad, it’s truly so mad. The Iranian government is
sponsoring an international cartoon drawing contest on the holocaust as a myth.
And those imagines obviously are going to offend some people. These images how
they can arouse, inflame, enrage, that’s all it takes. Isn’t it amazing when you think
about it? When you think about what happens to your mind in a movie theatre when
you’re caught in the story, think about it. You stop seeing. You’re being shown.
You just stop seeing; the world’s like that every day all the time.
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LESSON THREE: The Seeing in Transference
The program is the movie, the big Projector in the sky and it’s focusing the lens on
certain things every day. Actually, long periods of movement because the Nodes
have such a large swath in terms of time, you’re talking about 18.6 years for the
Nodes to complete a complete cycle around the wheel. It’s like right now, living with
the 18.2/17.2 nodal configuration that is really an image of the world that the
program is giving that feeds into the madness. Nothing can be fixed. Nothing can
be fixed. No place for compromise, none. It’s terminal disease and that’s what
you’re pointed at. And it’s so easy for people to get carried away with it, and that’s
what they talk about, that’s what they see. That’s not what we’re here to see.
It’s more than simply that there are these 32 views, because obviously we have lines
and Colors and Tones and Bases. There are a lot of ways to see. If you’re not
seeing correctly, you’re not operating correctly; it’s just not possible. If you don’t
see correctly, you will never reach your purpose. And that if you accommodate the
seeing of others—“Oh, I see what you see.” Bullshit. We don’t see what anybody
else sees. You can say, “Ah, that’s interesting what you see. It’s not what I see.”
The conditioning of humanity at the Personality level is all done through the eyes.
The eyes, what you see. When you don’t see correctly nothing works anymore
because you’re looking at the wrong things. And it doesn’t matter what your being
is, what is the basic construct of your Personality, what is the basic costume you
wear as a profile, if you don’t see correctly then you’re never going to be in the right
place for the fulfillment of that potential of your Personality. You just won’t; it’s not
possible. And life becomes painful. It does, because it becomes confusing. You’re
born to see in a certain way and you spend your whole life being propagandized to
see it another way, all the time.
I started off by talking about film. Think about television. Television today is an
instrument of national consciousness for every country on the planet, every one of
them. Then you look at what people watch, what they’re being shown. Remember
something about human beings and the way in which we look at things, that we’re
automatically caught in this suspension of disbelief. We look and we watch to be
entertained. But then again, these are not aware, awake beings that get the joke.
That suspension of disbelief to simply be entertained ends up in being conditioned.
I can remember, I think in the late 50’s, growing up in Canada I was on the border
with the United States so we had all the American networks. They were very
advanced in the early years of television compared to most of the other countries. It
was quite primitive in Canada in terms of what was available. So I grew up watching
a lot of American TV. There were family shows like, the Americans will recognize
these, Father Knows Best and Leave it to Beaver, and these things became sort of
icons of the era.
What’s astonishing about them was that it wasn’t just that they were entertaining;
they were literally molding the way in which an entire generation imagined you were
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
supposed to raise your children, be as a parent, respond as a child, and so forth and
so on. And the suspension of disbelief that’s automatic, remember how easy it is to
seduce a human being. It’s incredible, it’s so easy.
I can remember years ago they did one of these psychological experiments in some
university. Basically what they had was pictures of people’s faces that would show
up on a screen in front of somebody that’s in a booth. They were allowed to either
let them live or kill them. They killed most of the time; they just did. The images,
the faces, being conditioned to see things in a certain way, they were given
conditions on why to kill—you don’t like the person’s face and things like that.
Of course, we become deeply subjective to conditioning right away. It’s why I have
this concern about what is the possibility for the passenger. I know deeply the
possibilities for the vehicle. There is no question that the vehicle can be correct. But
the passenger? You’ve got all that stuff in front of your eyes. So one of the things
that is very important for us is to align those beings we’re going to work with, to
align them to understanding what they are here to see. What their vision in this life
is all about.
So, one of the things we have to think about is the importance of the visual in our
teaching and in our work. And how important it is going to be with clients that they
are visually stimulated, that they get to see the way in which, graphically at least,
their process works. How important that is. You can tell somebody about their
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON THREE: The Seeing in Transference
design, but if you tell them about their design while you’re working with their chart it
has a totally different impact. Not only that, if you don’t show them the chart
they’re more likely to be suspicious than if you do. Because the moment you give
them this focus to look at, they immediately step into their suspension of disbelief
and they take it in. Human beings, vulnerable little creatures that we are.
So let’s get on with today’s business. Here we have an example that is actually very
interesting and we will get into that in a moment and we’ll get into the seeing in a
moment. I want to just take a sidestep here to remind us what we’re looking at. We
are looking at a very complex not-self mind in this configuration, very complex. And
we’re looking a not-self mind that is extremely powerful. You’ve got this very
powerful openness and you have deeply impactful openness. There is very powerful
conditioning in that sense.
The other thing to realize is that when we’re going to be looking at the theme of
seeing, remember that we are dealing with this whole awareness process that we
have here. You can see in this particular example that these areas are open. So you
know the way in which the not-self mind deals with its seeing is that it avoids seeing
anything that will lead to confrontation. This is not “hear no evil,” this is “see no
evil.” You just close your eyes to it. You close your eyes to it because you don’t
want to see it.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
The mind says, “Don’t look; close your eyes.” It may be what you have to see. It
may be the most important thing is the world for you to see. And here you have a
mind that says, “Don’t look. Don’t look at it. Oh, it’s ugly. Don’t look at it. It’s
terrible.” And of course, if you don’t look at it you never know the truth. I’m
reminded of The Passion of the Christ, Gibson’s movie. Before it was even released
there were all these people who didn’t want to see it. “I don’t want to see it. I don’t
want to have anything to do with it. I don’t want to see it.” You get that a lot.
This is the way in which the open emotional system impacts the way we look at the
world—“Oh, I don’t want to see it.” I can remember the depth of that in my not-self
life that ugliness was something that I could not tolerate. I couldn’t look at it. There
were people I couldn’t look at, truly couldn’t look at. I had, one would call it, real
problems in that sense with not being able to look at the world. I could not look at
what was out there. I didn’t want to see it. It fit very nicely into my continuity; I
didn’t want to see it.
So many human beings, half of them, don’t want to see what’s there to be seen.
What would they rather see? They’d rather see something else. And the moment
they become open to seeing something else they lose their identity, they lose their
direction, they lose the potential. It’s an amazing thing, these eyes. They’re really
quite something.
If you think about the open splenic system, the open splenic system becomes a deep
problem in terms of the way in which we see. It can tell you a great deal, these
primes are very important. It can tell you a great deal about our survivability to
understand that it is linked, in this sense, to our seeing. It’s not linked to our being.
It’s one of the things that I have discussed in the Primary Health System is that not
being in the right environment is detrimental to your health, period. It just is. And
that’s the holistic environment, the environment that includes place, atmosphere and
One of the great dilemmas of the open Spleen when it comes to seeing is that it
always thinks that there is a better way to see. These are beings that are always
saying to somebody, “Well, you show me.” Of course, the moment they’re being
shown there is a suspension of disbelief. Think about that. It’s quite amazing. It’s
just a mechanism in people.
Now when you think about seeing and you think about the fact that it is pituitary-
oriented, and it’s through the Ajna Center that you can see here the Ajna being a
part of all of this, you can see this becomes the deep dilemma, you’re certain you
know what you have to see. But it’s never what you’re here to see. It’s not. And
not only that, when you’re dealing with an open Ajna being and you tell them the
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON THREE: The Seeing in Transference
way that they’re supposed to see, there is deep resistance, because they’re certain
that they’re supposed to see things this way or that way.
Of course, it’s simply because as an open Ajna Center they have taken in all of these
concepts of seeing. The world has to be seen like this, the world has to be seen like
that. And they take in one and that becomes their thing and they pretend they’re
certain about it, “This is the way I look at the world.” Yeah, yeah, yeah. You don’t
see the world the way you’re supposed to see it at all.
Everything about seeing is obviously about awareness. So the key is not this surface
that everybody gets when they come to Design. They find out they have a profile.
Very exciting; find out you have a profile. And on the surface it’s wonderful. It’s
real nice insight into the Personality costume. It gives you good view. Yet, the
connection of profile to purpose is based on an assumption that if you’re operating
correctly then you’re going to be able to fulfill your purpose as a being. Well, no, it’s
just not so.
This is the Cross of Life story. They are the basic binary of the construct. This is the
way it works. And they both have to work correctly. At this level of the knowledge
when you step down to the crystal itself and you begin to look at the way this works
you begin to see that the seeing is more important than the being. Please don’t
misunderstand that. Obviously the being is important. It is essential for it to be
correct, blah, blah, blah and all that stuff. But I really want you to grasp that it’s the
seeing that creates the potential for the Personality to awaken. Because in fact the
Personality can’t awaken unless it’s occupied with what the results are of what is
intended to see.
But if you see like everybody else, if you see what everybody else sees and you don’t
see what you’re here to see you are not differentiated at all. If you’re looking all
over the place, if you go into a theatre and you walk out being transformed by the
philosophy underlying the story, your suspension of disbelief has just got you into
conditioning. And it’s very easy for that conditioning to take on your life.
Think about how many people have been influenced by movies, books, you name it,
whatever it happens to be, anyone who tries to influence the way in which you look
at the world. And the horror of all this is the assumption that we are all supposed to
see the same thing together, it’s a horror. And it’s the hardest thing for us to give
up because it means that quite naturally we do not, and will never be able to agree
specifically with the way in which each of us looks at things.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
To truly be your own authority means that you are complete within your own vision.
You see what you see. And it is all that you can see and it is what you can
contribute. But it also means that you cannot embrace what others see. You can’t.
You can acknowledge it. “Do you see what I see?” “Well, no, but it’s interesting. I
enjoy your description of it. But it’s not what I see. And don’t get mad at me that I
don’t see it the way you see it,” and then you get to see what’s really going on is
that seeing is the barrier that gets in the way of true individuation. It gets in the
way. It gets in the way because at its source it says that we have to transform our
relationship with every human being in our lives. We have to transform it entirely.
You think about people’s conversations. You think about the basic stuff that goes on,
the this and that. “I see it this way; I see it this way.” It goes on and on and on
and on. And then there are always these cosmic centrists who say, “Well, let’s
compromise. Let’s blend them. Why don’t you accept what I see so we can be
friends. Because if you don’t see the way I see then we can’t be friends. If you
don’t see the way I see then we can’t be lovers. And if you don’t see the way I see
I’m not gong to support you,” and on and on and on and on.
It’s an enormous blackmail program; it goes on all the time. And on top of that, to
make it even more difficult, the Nodes in transit and the program pointing the way
for all the not-selves, and all of them getting into it right away. “Don’t you see
what’s going on out there in the world?” Yeah, it’s really cute if it weren’t so, I won’t
call it sad; it’s just what it is. What to do! Not much.
Anyway, seeing is the movie, seeing is what it’s all about. So, our work and so much
of what we will talk about as we move along is related to how we can help align
people to their seeing because it’s not just—strategy and authority are the perfect
remedy for the vehicle, no question. And the vehicle has a natural tendency, a
predisposition to align to correct environments. It has a predisposition. So what
that means is that when the passenger is experimenting with their strategy and
authority their vehicle is aligning to what is the correct environment. So that is the
beginning. And that is something that is going to operate on the physical plane as
long as somebody is being correct.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON THREE: The Seeing in Transference
But it doesn’t mean that the passenger notices. And it doesn’t mean the passenger
actually sees that. It doesn’t. They’re going to have actually quite different
qualities, in fact. It doesn’t mean they’re going to see it. And it doesn’t mean
they’re going to be able to take advantage of the very environment that they’re in.
You know what that’s like when you’ve misplaced something. You’re there, “I’m in
the right place, I know it’s here somewhere,” but you can’t see it. You can be right
there and not see it. You can be right in the middle of the light and not even know
that it’s there because you don’t see it. You can be in the middle of darkness and
not know and not see it.
Oh, the passenger, what it is to rattle the passenger to his bones so that the
passenger begins to really get it. And we’re going to have to work very hard in that
sense to align the passenger to their seeing. They won’t necessarily like it in a way.
They’re so used to being conditioned to see things in so many different ways. It’s
how they’ve learned how to survive as a not-self. You think you can look at this
current events situation as an Arab editor, a Muslim editor of a newspaper and
reprint these cartoons [that have inflamed so many]? You don’t see what’s going on,
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Let’s get to the meat. This is actually a very interesting configuration because the
34/20 obviously is a definition, this is a pure Manifesting Generator and the elements
of this are going to be active in the life; again, transcendent of just being Personality
only. Obviously, when this being is a holistic being, as the quantum, this is going to
be a very powerful element in their life. This is somebody who basically the not-self
says that my habit and initiation and progress are all based on being busy materially.
I’m just reading keynotes, that configuration that is physically there in the design,
obviously, there is all that openness. But in terms of whom you think you are, that
basic construct.
But the seeing, we don’t tune into it. Why don’t we tune into it? Number one, it’s
not an object. Again, I don’t think that it’s really grasped how significant it is that
the information you receive from the Nodes has nothing to do with the Nodes; it has
everything to do with the star field that’s there behind them. And it’s quite a
different story.
So let’s begin with something basic. Let’s just speak of the gates for a moment.
You have the 20th gate (South Node) and you have the 34th gate (North Node).
These are themes of seeing. So what does the 20 represent? The 20 represents the
existential, period. It’s really what it’s about. It’s the gate of the now. It’s what it’s
here for. So here is somebody who is here to see in the now, in the now, in the now.
This is not somebody who is designed to reflect. This is not somebody who is
designed to dream of what is coming. This is somebody who is here to see
existentially what’s going on in their peripheral zone.
Think about that. If you’re designed to see within your peripheral zone, it means
that you don’t see a lot of things. You don’t see the world beyond you, you don’t.
Does the tree fall in the forest if you don’t see it? All of these constructs that you
want to play with. The fact of the matter is the moment that you have a 20th gate as
a thematic for seeing, it means that your seeing is limited. You can only see what’s
there in front of you, period.
And the 34th gate? What do you see? You see a world of power and power displays,
that’s what you see. So, in the now you can see the display of power. It’s very
simple, it’s very generic, and it’s very much the surface of this. Let’s imagine this
person, this is a person that wants to see beyond that now in the sense that they get
stuck in loving movies, reading books, all kinds of things to try to get beyond what
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON THREE: The Seeing in Transference
they’re here to see. But they’re only here to see their life in the now, nothing else.
Think about that, nothing else, nothing else.
The 34th gate? Well, if you’re here to see power, guess what you see—lots of
weakness. So in the now you can see who’s got the power and you can see who
doesn’t. So you’re here to see who has or who hasn’t the power in the now or not.
It’s what you’re here to see. That’s what matters. It’s the only way that this being in
seeing this way is going to be able to fulfill their being.
Obviously, it gets more complex because we’re not just talking about the gate; we’re
going to have to deal with the line thematics. We’re going to have to deal with the
motivation underneath which is our story today. And how the changing of that
motivation through transference totally distorts the potential of the seeing, let alone
if there is any seeing at all; just the potential.
The Lines
When we look at the line themes here, oh, they’re lovely. Superficiality—so what’s
this person is really good at seeing? They’re good at seeing shallowness. This is the
world they see, they see a shallow world. They’re here to see a superficial world.
Not only that, but if you notice, it’s one of those things about the Rave I’Ching that—
and by the way the new version of MMI software is really spectacular, I’ve been
playing with it all day, it’s wonderful, it’s coming soon—it shows you great things and
this thing here is something to really pay attention to when you use the I’Ching and
you’re really examining lines.
When you look at the way in which lines are constructed you’ll notice that there are
certain lines that have a blue colored general introduction. Here you can see it: A
reliance on shallowness. You see, for example, in the bully that that’s not there.
One of the things to grasp about this is very basic. If it’s not there, you’re born with
this. This is a child who comes into the world and immediately knows who has the
power and who doesn’t. At least within the context of who is in their life. It’s always
But here—a reliance on shallowness—this is something that grows. This blue intro
indicates that this is a developmental process that grows over years and years and
years and years until finally, and it’s at the midlife, finally when you get to the
midlife it settles into that theme, the full reliance, if you will, on shallowness.
So, this is somebody who can see superficiality in the now; somebody who can see
who’s not superficial in the now because it’s a binary. At the same time being
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
somebody who is superficial. You don’t always get the serendipity that the seeing is
a definition. And here the seeing is a definition. So, this is a being that is intended
to see a world that looks a lot like them. “They’re like me—the world is phony and
tough—this is what I see a tough, phony world so I’m going to be a tough, phony
person.” By the way, do you know who this is? I don’t know if any of you know who
this is. This is the actress, Angelina Jolie, by the way. That might give you a
chuckle when you think about what I just said.
So on one side you’ve got this superficiality, the other side is the bully. And I’m not
going to go into a deep analysis here because each of the aspects of this is very
important. They give you a depth upon which to look at the way in which the seeing
operates. Of course, this is somebody that’s here to see that this is a world that’s a
power world. They’re with somebody who says, “No, no, basically human beings are
really nice, they’re basically good, they’re basically friendly, they really want to help
you.” “No, no, that’s not what I see. I see bullies and victims. I see nothing but
bullies and victims. That’s what I see.” “Oh, yeah, but that’s not true. It’s only a
little bit of the world.” “No, that’s what I see.”
The moment that you stand up for your seeing you’ll draw a crowd of those who say,
“Hey, that’s not the way it is. I see this and this, and I see all these things out there
that has nothing to with that. And there are all these wonderful people who are very
straightforward and honest and peaceful,” and on and on and on. Not only that, but
they get offended by the fact that you are in your seeing. They don’t like it; they
don’t like it at all. Nobody who is not-self likes anyone who has a rigid view. It’s
true; unless, of course, it’s yourself and you don’t notice. But it’s true.
We want everybody to be malleable to what we see, that’s what the not-self is all
about. “Well, I’m so happy with Jane or John because we really see things the same
way.” And it goes on and on and on. “I love working with these people, we have the
same vision,” and all this stuff. Of course, this is postulated as what’s delicious and
wonderful for humanity. “Isn’t it great, give up the way you see and see things the
way I see it, we see it, the government sees it, the church sees, the mullahs see,”
God knows. And it gets so homogenized.
We are living in a time of polarization. We’re living in a time of the forking of the
paths. And we are living in a time that what is happening is that we are gaining
very, very dense homogenized views that are polarities to each other. And more and
more human beings are being drawn into those polarized positions, all through
seeing. And how easy it is to crank them up and reaffirm it. How easy it is. What a
picture can do, what an image can do. How easy it is to change the human view, the
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON THREE: The Seeing in Transference
It’s not cellular. This is the key in grasping this. It’s why it’s so difficult for us in
that sense. This is not an easy thing, this seeing, it’s not. And it’s the whole
mystery, its the whole mystery. It’s quite something. It’s the mystery. The
moment that you can really see then you see, you see and see and see. There is an
enormous reward for seeing correctly, which means that there is an enormous
barrier that blocks our way. It just does because we’re so easily conditioned
And that this information that is coming from out there that’s just passing through
these portals that aligns us to a geometry and a karma we have no memory to
remember. This is what it’s all about. When you can see you are really not simply
fulfilling the possibility of what you can be, the deep mundane of it is that you are
precisely, precisely on the right geometry. It’s the seeing.
[Ra returns from a break and reacts to a written comment in the text dialogue box
from Jagruti; “so our lives are setups for fiction, if we don't see correctly?”] On that note,
Jagruti, our lives are fiction. That is, the not-self’s life is a fiction. Anyway, so let’s
get back to our story.
We’re talking about transference and in talking about transference the first thing to
keep in mind is something very basic. Every time that you operate correctly, that is,
in the decision making process, you automatically align to your correct Color. That’s
something to really grasp. And again, there is no way we’re going to be able to do
any successful work with the passenger unless their vehicle is already operating
correctly, which means that transference isn’t going to be one of the big problems for
us in terms of the work that we’re going to do. The real dilemma is outlining,
mapping and being able to transfer the way in which their mind has a pattern that is
unhealthy for them.
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
You can see that very clearly here. For example, we’re dealing with somebody that
has a 5th Color nodal configuration. When we’re looking at the 5th Color we’re
looking at guilt. In looking at guilt and understanding that the motivation here is a
motivation to in many ways correct, which is one of the underlying themes of it.
This whole thing about fixing it, it is about making sure that—it’s the
conditioner/conditioned. So it’s all about being motivated to condition, and being
motivated to fix.
This motivation, when you look out at the world, and again we have to be careful
here, this is not the motivation of the being. It may resonate with it, it may
harmonize to it, but it is not. This is the motivation behind the seeing. In other
words, if you’re properly motivated with this 5th Color and you are looking at the
world in the now and you’re seeing the shallowness in the now, one of the things you
can do is that you can condition others to shallowness, or decondition them from
shallowness, open them up to their superficiality, and so forth and so on.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON THREE: The Seeing in Transference
On the other side of that, if you have the transference that’s taking place, this kind
of model as not-self, what a trip. I wish Brad Pitt well; I mean, what a trip. Because
this is somebody who lives, can live in terms of the way in which their energy
operates, precisely correctly in alignment to the way they see. They see
superficiality and power, they are superficiality and power. And if it is motivated by
the 5th Color, then the drive underneath is an uncomfortable one in the sense that it
is a way to protect. Everything having to do with the 5 there are all kinds of defense
mechanisms. This is a way to condition others. So this motivation allows this being
to condition others through their power and through their superficiality.
But if you have transference, it actually puts this story into perspective because of
course being driven by hope is that you really are on the sidelines hoping, waiting for
things to happen. And you’re not active, and you’re not really doing what you’re
supposed to be doing. You’re not seeing what you’re supposed to be seeing. You’re
hoping you’ll get to see what you want to see.
Underlying motivations are wicked, they’re really wicked. The moment that you’re
being taken away—again, this is something that you can always sense it. If you’re
operating correctly you can always sense the transference. You can always sense
this movement because it is always there. I know myself; I know it from my 3rd
Color Personality. I can always sense when there is this movement away from that
3rd Color moving towards the 6. It’s something that’s very, very clear to me, that
movement. And it’s always a danger signal for me.
The other thing is if you see a world that’s hopeful—here you are in your closed
circle, in your power circle in your zone and you’re seeing things in a hopeful way, of
course your being—your Personality in terms of the way in which your profile
operates—is going to stand on that hope. That’s what it does. And the moment that
it stands on that hope it’s going to fall, because it can’t stand on it, but it tries to.
Everything about what the Personality can actually accomplish begins with this
alignment not simply to the correct seeing, but the correct motivation in the way in
which you see. When you see the world around you and it needs to be fixed, it’s
quite different. And here you can use your power. This is the bully’s power to really
impact those that are there around them. And they see who can be fixed, who can
be conditioned because they can tell who is weak and who is not weak in their circle,
in their periphery.
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
They lose that power the moment they’re motivated by hope. Hope says that you
see that they’re weak, but you hope you they’ll get strong. You see that they’re
weak but there is a hopefulness that they’ll be able to do something about it. So you
don’t end up in that situation of dealing with it. But of course, if you’re living out the
5 and you’re seeing the weakness and you’re seeing that they can be conditioned
then the conditioning can take place. It doesn’t take place with the seeing; it takes
place with what the Sun/Earth will do with what the North and South Node point at.
Again, remember the way in which our minds operate. Our minds operate based on
the world we see. They simply do. By the way, when I say “world,” because I saw
some of your comments that you were writing, [about how writers build the world of
the stories they create with rich details that increase believability] we have an inner
seeing as well as an outer seeing. That’s part of the whole thing of the Ajna. So
when you read a book, for example, the deeper you are in the book, the more in fact
you’re actually seeing what’s there. That’s why so many people when a book
becomes a movie are disappointed because it doesn’t look the way they imagined it,
it doesn’t have what they saw in that moment. This whole world of seeing is what is
the most important thing to the Ajna Center. It is the deepest conditioning element
that the Ajna Center has to deal with.
So, when we’re looking at seeing, what I really want you to grasp is that if you’re
going to fulfill your transcendent role, after all the Personality crystal is, within any
understanding that we have, basically immortal. The Personality crystal that’s inside
of each of you has been in existence for about 15 billion years. So, within that kind
of construct this is forever country. And when you think about the fulfillment of
purpose of your Personality, you have to see that it can only be fulfilled when it is
aligned to its transcendent geometry. And it is only through those portals of the
Node that you have this line of geometry that stretches all the way back, goes all the
way back to the very beginning. It’s quite something to grasp.
So when you’re moving along this line, your line, it’s your line, it’s nobody else’s line,
there are similarities, there are other 20/34’s and whatever the case may be, but
there are other lines and Colors and Tones and Bases and all that stuff. This is your
line. And the moment that you see the line that you’re on, that your seeing is
attuned to this line, that’s when this higher quality of purpose, this very special
quality of purpose is going to emerge. It doesn’t emerge within the vacuum of the
solar cell, it doesn’t. This is your, whatever you want to call it, cosmic purpose. This
is the higher purpose of your incarnation, of what it means for you literally to be
here on this plane, what you’re here to fulfill. But you can only do that from the
correct perspective, it’s the thing that aligns you to the potential of fulfilling your
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LESSON THREE: The Seeing in Transference
So what do we do? What can you do? It’s so interesting when you think about, all
right, I see it, and you see what it is and you’ve got this client. And you know that
this is the way they’re supposed to see. All you can do is explain it. Remember
something about the nature of the passenger. The passenger is addicted to what is
in fact real. It doesn’t know it, but it is because we all have a predisposition to
differentiate. We all do. And the very first step for the passenger in any of the
processes that we’re going to bring them through is to be able to lay out for them
very clearly the way it works.
It isn’t going to do you any good, by the way, in the analysis of somebody who
comes for a Human Design reading, to get into all of this. It isn’t going to do any
good at all, and in fact isn’t necessarily even going to be helpful. It isn’t. Remember
that the work with the passenger has to go through stages. First it goes through the
physical vehicle orientation stage, orienting to the correct strategy and authority.
And then you being the process of opening up the way in which the surface of the
mind works.
In other words, the way the not-self mind operates through the open centers, all
these basic things, step by step. You cannot go to seeing unless you have really
gone through the not-self process and you’ve gone through the being. In other
words, it is a stage-by-stage process of taking the passenger deeper and deeper and
deeper into their personal mechanic. It’s only when you go through that process
stripping away layer by layer by layer because that’s what the work is all about.
You’ve got to strip away all of those layers. You strip away those layers and the last
thing on the table is the seeing. It’s the last thing that aligns.
You can align to your profile very quickly when you’re operating correctly
mechanically. We all know that. You know how clear profile can be at describing
somebody’s being, in that sense, in a generalized frame. We get to the being, and
we can get to the being rather quickly. We can refine that costume, we can make it
fit. We can take the not-self profile and turn it into a correct strategy/authority
byproduct profile. But we still have a mind that is lost in the not-self. And that has
to be remedied. And then, and then, and then when you finally clean all of that, the
passenger will take each of those things and absorb them because they’re accurate.
They will absorb them, and they will bring a certain level of acceptance.
Accepting Choicelessness
See, all we’re trying to do is get the passenger to accept choicelessness. That’s all
we’re doing; it’s all we can do. You can’t make them; you can’t condition them for
that. You can’t do anything. All you can do is outline how they are taken away from
the purity of what they are and conditioned to be something that they are not. And
that every little bit of information that you give them that is accurate about the way
in which their mental plane operates, that it is in their predisposition to differentiate
they will begin, they will begin that process. It’s a slow process.
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Let me give you the example of two clinics. On one side of the street you have the
PHS [Primary Health System] clinic and on the other side of the street you’ve got the
Rave Psychology clinic. PHS clinic, the client comes in, they go through the analysis,
they’re provided with information, they probably will have to come back one or two
times to make sure that everything is operating properly. It’s actually quite simple.
But the Rave Psychology clinic? It’s like the psychiatry machine. My assumption is
that it takes a couple of years anyway. The whole process for someone is seven
years. And those of you who have been through the seven year process know
precisely what I mean. You’ve got to go through that process. But there is no quick
fix for the passenger. There isn’t.
So, one of the things to understand about our whole Rave Psychology process is that
in working with the client we are also involved in individual education. I think it was
Martin Grassinger who said PHS could be the Personal Health System. When I look
at Rave Psychology it’s the personal psychology. It is about taking them through
their specific process, step by step, so they grasp it.
With the passenger it’s not like the vehicle. Give a Generator the truth of response
and the vehicle very quickly resonates to that and begins to flow in that process.
But the passenger? You all know that your mind still has the potential of not-self no
matter how well educated you are. The mind is always there, the mind is always in
the background. It doesn’t matter whether you’re seven years or you’re 19 years
like me. It’s still here; it doesn’t go away. It isn’t supposed to go away, for that
But if you’re in the process and you’re just working on the process, you cannot give
any of these people the full fix. For example, I would never discuss seeing with a
Rave Psychology client until I had done an awful lot of work with them. Most of that
work has to do with the open centers and not-self strategies, most of it, because
that’s the most powerful and the obvious. The Nodes are not obvious. They’re very
subtle, very subtle, they cut in underneath, they take you away without you even
noticing because you remain stimulated visually regardless.
So, seeing is something that is going to be one of the most complex things that
we’re going to deal with. Again, this is the beginning of the second semester of a
very long process. I really want you to grasp that these are generalized
introductions to concepts so that you have a sense of where we’re going to go with
all of this. But seeing, this is going to be the last step.
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LESSON THREE: The Seeing in Transference
For each and every one of you, it’s the seeing in your life now that is something for
you to pay attention to. Look at your own Personality Nodes. And begin not so
much asking theoretically what anybody thinks that means, but look at the way you
look at the world. Think about the way you look at the world. Think about what
your Nodes are offering you. Think about the qualities of transference that are
potentials there in the Color. This is something for your passenger to pay attention
to. It’s good for your passenger. It is healing for your passenger to pay attention to.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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Lesson Four
How the Not-Self Mind Establishes its False Authority
You can see from the heading for today that we’re going to take a step away from
the process that we’ve been involved with so far. I think it’s very important to frame
the dilemma that we meet in terms of the way in which mind operates.
Let’s just begin with the story and let’s begin with the process. There are enormous
questions that are difficult to answer, and have always been difficult to answer.
Basically, it’s just one of those huge question marks, the great big “why.” It is so
clear to me since obviously I’ve had this knowledge that the why is actually self-
explanatory in a way. Everything about the form principle and everything that we
can imagine is form principle is a movement towards the expansion of the potential
of self-reflected consciousness.
It is the only goal of what is referred to as the universe. It is, in fact, the only goal
of the totality is that there is this expansion of the potential of self-reflected
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
consciousness. I am not somebody who is a fan of alien stories and this and that
and all these other things. I rather enjoy them as entertainment. However, it is
obvious to me and clear to me and it’s certainly what I was told that this is where it
is happening. At least this is the focus point.
And if you look at our solar system within the context of a mystical perspective our
solar system is in what we could call the cosmic Ajna Center. In other words, in
many respects if you took all of the crystals of consciousness that are here in this
planet and you put them all together basically what you have is the Design crystal of
the totality. This is all about the development of form.
Everything about the potential of what we are, and everything about us can be
understood by the fact that we are part of this evolutionary movement towards self-
reflected consciousness. And that as we move along, for example the stage that we
are in now, the assumption is this is what it was supposed to be. But this is not the
end of the track. There is a long way to go on the track. According to the Voice,
another two billion years before whatever all of this is comes into its own. We are
involved in an extraordinary process in which form, through its mutative capacity,
that form is moving towards the perfection of the potential of consciousness.
The byproduct of that, because from our rather tiny perspective, we get trapped in
the moment-by-moment mundane illusions of the byproduct of this consciousness
what we call mind. And everything about the nature of our work is about coming to
grips with what self-reflected consciousness is about now.
It’s going to be enormously different for Rave children, as an example. We really are
at the closing of an era in which it’s possible for us, because we have reached the
end of the fertility of our model that we can begin to see the limitation and then have
the tools to be able to deal with what this limitation brings.
But I want to take a kind of overview journey here and begin first of all this lovely
“from the nose to the eyes” because this is the beginning of the story. If you look at
all life on the planet, all life on the planet is rooted in the Spleen. Spleen means
everything. It is the first successful potential for the expression of consciousness.
It’s really absolutely amazing. And even in the lower forms where we see the Spleen
we can also see how incredible this development of this potential, the Spleen and
how absolutely essential it has been to the development of the specie.
If we look from the physical side we can see that the immune defense system of the
homo family going all the way back millions and millions of years that this was the
place where there was the greatest investment in design experimentation. And what
I mean by that is, think about all the Design crystals. There are so many Design
crystals that we cannot talk about numbers because it doesn’t mean anything any
more. To really understand that it is the slow transition and mutation of the Design
crystals themselves over time that allow for the development of a vehicle, a form
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON FOUR – How the Not-Self Mind Establishes its False Authority
that has such a thing as what we call a Spleen, and to really understand how the
Spleen meant everything.
This is the story of life on the planet. We would never have gotten anywhere without
it. It’s fundamental. The complexity of keeping a bio-form alive is extraordinary.
And the moment that you put a bio-form out into this plane there is certain
equipment that they must have. They must have some kind of way to defend
themselves, protect themselves. And to defend and protect themselves not only to
maintain their lives, but at the same time to at least maintain their lives long enough
so that they can have a reproductive process in which they can make more and
ultimately the strain is kept alive.
But think about it. These defense systems are incredible. They’re absolutely
incredible. I used to love watching nature programs on TV. It was always
astonishing to me the different techniques, the animal that carries a certain color
because the color denotes that it’s poisonous when in fact the animal is not
poisonous at all, and these kinds of things where you have these incredible
strategies that are developed within the form itself. It’s not like this is dependant on
any kind of mind or anything. These are just incredible strategies. And most of the
strategies that we have, these are strategies that were developed millions of years
The Spleen is an ancient thing. But it’s also a primitive thing. Oh, it’s very
sophisticated in the way that it works. Yet, at the same time it is deeply primitive.
It is the Spleen and its’ strategies that bring out the killer monkey in all of us. Bring
out the lowest level, if you will, of survival potential. It is there. You back a Spleen
up against the wall and you are really looking for trouble.
I’m born in the year of the Rat in the Chinese zodiac, and it’s one of those things
that I’ve had to remind only a few people of in my lifetime, don’t put me in a corner,
you should not do that. This is the Spleen. It’s very ancient. And yet, it’s very
primitive. And it’s rooted in something that is very, very, very fundamental—smell.
It’s amazing what is carried in aroma. Most of the aspect of that that is so fantastic
we no longer have any access to. If you grow up in one of the big cities of the world
the chances are that by the time you’re in your 30’s you barely smell anymore
because it’s very, very difficult. We have a very limited olfactory capacity. As a
matter of fact, in terms of Design, only those beings that are very strongly defined in
the tribal splenic stream—from the 54 to the 26, and including the 21 going up to the
45—there is this remnant of a more dynamic capacity to be able to interpret smell.
There is something to keep in mind that there is a universal principle that is always
present. The universal principle is acoustics. So, when you’re going back and you’re
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
looking at our most primitive defense systems you’re looking at this combination of
sound and smell. Now, smell is something that has carried deeply into our present
lives. For example, you will not make love to somebody that you cannot smell. It is
not possible. It’s really something to grasp.
For example, every human being has a different quality of breath. And every human
being’s breath smells different. If you have a connection to somebody you can
tolerate their breath. But the people that you reject in this life, if you go down deep
enough you will discover that the reason for it is aroma. In most cases, it’s aroma.
Of course, we’re deeply confused by all of this in the modern world. Not just the
modern world, it’s been going on as long as we have been able to write. That is, this
process of the adornment of the body with aromas that are not natural—at least not
natural to us—in order to mask in many ways what the true aroma is.
It is one of those interesting things about love affairs. You’re attracted to somebody
and when you’re attracted to them, or when you meet them, you meet them when
they have gone out into the world. And whether it’s male or female because the
modern male puts as many different aromas on his body as females tend to do—
shaving creams, after shave lotions and these kinds of things—the fact is that you
have two beings that are masking their true nature. They meet each other, they
might have an electro-magnetic or whatever the case may be and it may be the right
moment, an opportunity and it’s their fractal, they have their moment of connection
to each other.
But when they wake up in the morning and the perfumes have worn off and so forth
and so on, you get the real smell. And when you get the real smell you know right
away. An interesting thing, by the way, because these experiments have been done,
if you take a woman and you bring her into a room in which there are ten men, she’s
blindfolded, and one of the men is her lover. Ninety-nine times out of one hundred
she’s going to be able to pick out that man. One of the most interesting things about
that is that when she is pregnant and you put her into the same room, can’t smell
him. It’s an interesting thing. I’ll leave that for you to ponder. But anyway, that’s a
little sidebar on this journey.
We went through an enormous transition. It was about, nobody really knows for
sure as an exact date, but somewhere between 85,000 and 90,000 years ago there
was a major change that took place in human beings. That is, the mutation of the
larynx, the dropping of the larynx, something I have discussed many times over the
years. And this dropping of the larynx, which was a mutation that took place in the
12th gate and impacted its polarity, the 11th gate, that when this mutation took place
is also the moment that the transition from the splenic strategic system was
transferred to the Ajna. The moment it was transferred to the Ajna everybody in the
audience stood up and clapped, so to speak. In other words, it was very exciting.
It’s like some people have this excitement about the Rave children that are coming.
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LESSON FOUR – How the Not-Self Mind Establishes its False Authority
There was this excitement—“wow, hey, step up”—that step up was a cutting-off, in a
way, in the same way that Solar Plexus children, Rave children are going to be cut-
off, in a way, from the Ajna system. When the Ajna system emerged, as a dominant
system, it cut off from the splenic system.
This is so obviously, I’m somebody with both a defined mind, defined Spleen, they’re
connected to each other, even though my mind accepts the fact that my Spleen will
rule my life until I die, if I could have a conversation out of my body, so to speak,
with my mind, it would say to me, “You know these Spleens, I can’t stand them,
can’t stand them. I don’t get it. They’re primitive, they can’t even carry on a
conversation,” and so forth and so on. The mind has absolutely no respect for the
I was born in the late 40’s so I grew up on a funny cusp. When I was about 3 or 4
years old the world around me was an acoustic world, it was a radio world. Then
one day my father came home with a television. It was an ugly sucker, by the way.
Those things were really something—huge wooden boxes with tiny little screens and
giant cathode tubes and huge tubes in the back, quite incredible. But anyway, he
brought home this machine. Despite the fact that the image wasn’t great and there
was all this fluttering and whatever, the transition was unbelievable. The radio
became a kind of, yeah, it’s there. There was suddenly this visual candy. And that
visual candy was everything, everything.
The eyes—when you open up the Ajna Center you open up the eyes. And you open
up the eyes in the sense that everything about the way in which mind is going
function is going to be rooted in vision. Yes, there are always going to be people
saying, “What about the blind people?” This is not about just looking out; it is inner
vision as well. But nonetheless, this is an enormous transition, enormous; this
movement away from splenic strategies that offer no reasons, no support, no
backup. This is the most incredible thing about the Spleen. I’ve watched this over
and over again in my process. It tells you once. There is a huge bomb that is going
to fall on your head, it tells you once. And even though you might have another 8 or
9 minutes, it’s not there screaming again, “Hey, hey, the bomb’s coming.” You’d
want to kick it if you were a mind. “Keep on telling me, keeping on telling me; tell
me again, I missed it the first time.”
And it’s weak. It’s the most interesting thing for me about the splenic system. The
Brahmins didn’t even consider it sophisticated enough to be incorporated as a major
Chakra. They didn’t get it, aside from anything else. This weakness, everything
becomes the eyes, and that’s us. And it’s the first problem. It’s wonderful, you turn
on those eyes, and you turn on a mind that is only connected to what it sees. And
what it sees becomes more important than what it smells. The seeing becomes
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Of course, this seeing creates a world, and it’s the world of maya. Because the
moment that everything is about what one sees, the mind is involved in trying to
organize the seeing into a construct. This dropping of the larynx, this mutation that
took place in the 11-12, what that gave us was the potential to be able to articulate,
to modulate. If you think about a splenic creature, your dog, your cat, the cow, the
horse, the splenic creature can only make sounds. Other than knowing them for a
very long time and having a rudimentary idea of maybe, “I need to go out to the
bathroom,” the sound of your dog, the fact is that this is not something that can
explain anything. It can warn, it can let you know; but, it can’t really frame it in any
way. It’s very primitive as a way of defending or protecting oneself and there is no
elaboration that is connected to it.
But the eyes, when there’s mind? There have been some incredible thinkers in the
last 50 or 60 years. There have been all kinds of ideas about this flowering of mind.
It’s not that long ago. It really isn’t that long ago that our ancestors were simply
operating splenically. So, there was an enormous revolution that took place the
moment that we shifted from the nose to the eyes. And yes, the Ajna has something
in common with the Spleen, the acoustic phenomena.
Thought I’m not going to deal with that, I’m going use that as my close, because it’s
what we do. It’s that we bring an acoustic message. And an acoustic message that
can touch the Spleen and it can touch the Ajna, and it can touch the Solar Plexus
because it is the one thing that is in common with all of them. But it is not
dominant. The mind is ruled by the eyes.
When you look at the Ajna Center you are looking at three kinds of eyes. You’re
looking at the logical eye, the pattern eye of the 17th gate and the experiential eye of
the 11th gate. And what I like to call not the third eye, but the inner eye in that
sense, of the 43. It is the curse that what we see frames everything for us so that
we are densely lost in the illusion that we see. We’re lost in it. You look and you see
that there is a hand, it’s yours, it’s in front of you, you can touch it, and your
assumption is that it’s real, that it’s really there. It’s just an assumption. It all
depends on your perspective.
Think about what eyes do to you. Eyes are the greatest limitation of all, they really
are. Eyes, they only see within a certain range, no more, no less. It’s like talking
about neutrinos—I love this incredible programming agent. And there are so many
of them. It’s incredible; three trillion a second through every square inch all the
time, all the time, absolutely incredible. And they’re form; it’s a form principle. We
know that. It’s been proven. It’s a form principle. You have three trillion things a
second going through your pinky. And it’s not just your pinky after all; it’s through
your whole vehicle.
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LESSON FOUR – How the Not-Self Mind Establishes its False Authority
And you can imagine how many trillions that means, all that just pouring through
and pouring down and pouring up and all over. We are inside the densest, densest
ocean you can imagine—can’t see it. We don’t see it. We don’t. We’re always
surprised that people see things that other people don’t see. There is so much that
we do not see. And all that that we do not see becomes the foundation upon which
our mind makes up its world. It just does.
Then there is a problem. There’s always a problem. See, the moment that we move
to these incredible eyes, and the moment we awaken mind, awaken the maya, we
come to the great boogeyman—choice, choice. I’m always astonished how no choice
upsets people. Well, I’m not astonished any more, it just does. And of course, this
is not about—yeah, they lack awareness. I try over and over again to explain it, but
it’s often like talking to a sheep, it’s rather difficult.
Think about the biology, the chemistry and everything that you think and say and
do, which is a lot, everything that you think and say and do, is initiated in the deep
gray areas of the brain before your neo-cortex is aware of it. So, before you know
anything it’s already initiated, already. And yet, there is this assumption of choice.
It’s like when I was teaching kids and there would be these hands that would rise up
into the air, sometimes rather frantically. They don’t know why their hand is up in
the air, they don’t. But when their hand goes up into the air the time it takes for it to
get to the neo-cortex is so short is that they assume they know why their hand is in
the air. So, I ask a question, whatever kind of question, and then there’d be these
hands that go up in the air. And you’d pick one of them, and they don’t know why
their hands are in the air and they can’t answer the question, they just stare at you,
they don’t know why it happened. They really don’t. But they assume that they
were responsible. Human beings assume that they’re responsible. The most
incredible thing is is that they assume that the things that are going on in their mind
belong to them, like it belongs to you, like you own it. “This is my mind.” It’s all
passing through. You don’t initiate any of it.
Think about what it’s like when you’re sitting by yourself and you’re pondering.
You’ve got this dialogue going on inside and you actually think—fools—you actually
think you initiated it. You actually think that you started that inner dialogue. You
actually think that what you’re thinking about you are responsible for. It’s not true.
It was all initiated before you were aware of it. You don’t know why. It’s not yours,
you don’t own it, and you didn’t create it.
Human beings have this perverse assumption that they are creative, and we are not,
we’re not, we are reactive. We are reactive. When you begin to ponder type, you
begin to recognize something, everything is waiting, everything is waiting to react,
including Manifestors. And yet, you look at the world out there and everybody
assumes that they have something to do, something they have to initiate, something
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
they have to get done, something they’re responsible for. And they spend their
whole lives thinking about such things within that context.
To be a passenger that is awake, one of the first things that one has to come to grips
with is that there is absolutely nothing that goes on in your mind that belongs to
you. It is simply something to watch. It is not something to be attached to. It isn’t.
It’s like today, Mercury in the 63rd gate. There are all these people out there in the
world who suddenly have a doubt cross their mind. It’s not their doubt—open Head
Center thinking about things that don’t matter—it’s not their doubt. It is an opening,
a stimulation to a particular chemistry within human beings. And then this doubt
floats across.
The person that has that experience thinks that they are responsible for being
doubtful. They don’t think it came out of anywhere, they don’t think it’s just a
chemical thing that was initiated by the program, they don’t think that way.
Suddenly there is a doubt in their mind and they take it seriously. “I have doubts
about you.” “Well, you didn’t yesterday.” “Well, I have doubts about you today. And
not only that, I know I have doubts about you because it jumped into my head, so I
must be doubtful about you. It’s my doubt.”
Think about how insane your minds are. It’s really something to grasp. This mind,
how distorting it is the moment that you’re attached to it. Because the moment that
you’re attached to it, any this or that, it doesn’t matter what the hell it is, any this or
that, you get attached to it, you can screw up your whole life in a moment because
of that doubt that you assumed, you didn’t even assume it, it’s taken for granted
that it’s yours. Oh, mind, what a trip.
Now, think about what happens. Remember, this is an evolutionary process. It’s an
ongoing perfecting process of the potential of form to house self-reflected
consciousness. And we saw that in the beginning that at the splenic level the first
and primary responsibility is to maintain existence, to stay alive. The Ajna doesn’t
want to die either. Not only is that, but the thing that is so interesting about the
eyes is that the eyes lead to mutual strategies. That incredible mutation is as
magical, in its own way because it was the awakening of mind, as the Solar Plexus
mutation that is coming.
This mutation of the 12-11 opened up something extraordinary for our specie. That
is, through the ability of us being able to see the same thing, a tree for example, and
being able to articulate some kind of sound formula that we agreed to, so we call it
tree. “This is a tree,” and the other one goes, “Yeah, tree, ok, tree.” The moment
that you are able to communicate what you see in common is the moment you can
develop mutual strategies for survival. Of course, this is the beginning of the
humanity moving away from its primitiveness; in other words, the existential
phenomena of spending most of your day looking for food and shelter.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON FOUR – How the Not-Self Mind Establishes its False Authority
This is splenic life. Think about that, its splenic life. And it doesn’t matter whether
you’re herbivore or a carnivore, splenic life is nothing about, “I’ve got to feed myself
today and protect myself today.” But Ajna life? That’s very different. You can
develop communal survival strategies. And when you can develop communal
survival strategies, there is a lot that can happen, like agriculture; this seeing that is
transformed into a strategy.
The moment that you are able to be able to work communally through
communication is the moment that you can develop communal strategies that allow
for specialization. So the farmers go out and the hunters go out and the thinkers
and the builders and the sculptors and the pot makers and whatever else don’t have
to do that, and yet, there’s food. And guess what mind brought us? Money, honey;
ah, yeah, the eyes brought us money. The mind brought us money because money
is a way to exchange the energy. It’s a way to compensate. It’s a way to make sure
within the communal strategy that everybody has that potential to survive.
But isn’t it interesting, it’s not like the Spleen disappeared. It didn’t disappear. And
when it came to the bond, the sexual bond, the reproductive bond, the nose was just
as important as the eyes, in many ways much more important. The only thing is
that mind not so much ignored it, is that mind created its own concepts in a way to
match what was already there. So, the vehicle, the Spleen smells something that
smells good. The mind simply decides that through its eyes and its strategy that it
has met something that is good for it, ignoring, in fact where it all comes from.
This is the first law of the tribal politician. And the first law of the tribal politician is
that you shake hands and you kiss people. You only do that so you can be smelled.
And it doesn’t matter what mental promises for tribal security you can offer, if you
don’t have the right smell then you can’t be their leader. It’s still there, but it’s
buried underneath the power of the mind because the mind is simply more powerful.
It dominates us because of the eyes; these eyes are really something.
So, we get to a point where we have this communal strategy. And we have a
communal strategy that is based on the mind assuming that it is in charge of its
process. Just as you think your thoughts belong to you, and you do, and they don’t.
It’s not like they’re not for your interest, they’re entertaining, and they’re quite
something to watch. But they’re not anything that requires any attachment
This is the great dilemma—to be attached to what goes through your mind. Think
about it. A thought comes through your mind about somebody. It comes through as
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
a negative and you jump on that, and you attach to that and it gets bigger and
bigger and bigger and bigger. And you didn’t pull it in there in the first place; it was
just passing through. It’s like what people do with love. They try to put a hold on it;
hold on to it, hold on to it, hold on to it. There’s nothing to hold on to.
If you imagine for a moment, just being mystical for a moment, that we are the
cosmic Ajna Center, that we are part of the cosmic Ajna Center, then the cosmic G
Center is not here, love doesn’t live here, it passes through on the neutrino stream.
It just passes through like everything else, like everything else. Our minds—we are
limited. We’re limited in our intelligence; we are limited in our awareness, the world
is a vast ignorance, vast.
Most of the world is still operating splenically. Please recognize that. At least three
billion people on this planet operate only on the splenic level, because their life has
been reduced to that by the misery of their circumstances, the poverty of their
circumstances. They are left with nothing but existential pain; the dilemma of day to
day to day to day; the bare survival.
And then we come to the great lie. It’s the great lie. If people get upset about
cartoons, boy would they get upset about this. All religions, all of them are poison,
every single one of them; all religions set you up and tell you that it’s your will.
Ultimately, they set you up, it’s your will; it’s up to you to find God’s grace, whatever
God you believe in, that you have these choices in life to be this or that, and that
you can describe those choices in this kind of language or that language, whatever
the case may be. But the reality is that the burden is on us.
Think about the fact that over 65% of humanity has an open ego. What a black joke
all this is. This whole business of free will, this whole business that we are born to
redeem ourselves one way or another to find God’s grace. And that if we don’t, it’s
our fault, it’s our fault. Over and over again it’s our fault, we’re to blame. Get down
on your knees and beg forgiveness. Free will is an extraordinary curse, and I love
that it’s for free. People love things that are free, right? “Oh, I get free will, good.”
Free will—there is no such thing. It’s a lie; it’s an enormous lie. And because of this
lie human beings do not see themselves as being perfect when they come into the
world, from the moment they arrive. You know what it’s like, I guess most of you
must know what it’s like to see a new baby and there is this quality of newness,
cleanness, freshness, innocence, all of these things. And yes, it’s beautiful to see
new life. But then, you have to think about the auras of the parents, and it’s
instantaneously in that child. The wonder of the mother, what will it be, all of this
stuff, whatever it is, whatever it is, it’s there immediately.
It’s there the moment you put the child in a baby carriage and you go out and you
see other babies and you want your baby to be as good as others. Talk when they’re
supposed to talk, walk when they’re supposed to walk, all this stuff, all the concerns
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON FOUR – How the Not-Self Mind Establishes its False Authority
that are there. It is assumed, it is assumed from the beginning that we are a work in
progress, that we have to be molded and shaped and raised and conditioned and all
of these things, and hopefully, maybe we will have a decent life. It’s a horror to me.
We’re born perfect, because there is nothing like us and it’s stripped away from us as
we are slowly homogenized into this I, choice, and will—all this business.
Who do you think you’re going to meet as a client? You’re going to meet a human
being, and aren’t they messed up? You’re going to meet somebody who believes in
their own world. You’re going to meet somebody who thinks what goes on in their
mind is their responsibility. You’re going to meet somebody who thinks they’re
seeing you because they have failed. This is humanity; this is the densest sickness
in humanity.
And yet, the world goes on, not very pretty. But then again, we’ve got reasonable
survival strategies and we happen to be at the top of the food chain. It just goes on.
This is a not-self world. This is a world where all of these lies are considered to be
truths, truths. And at the moment that you come into this world you come into the
cultural, social, parental, you name it what you want to call it conditioning field. And
it’s all taken away from you the moment that you arrive. It’s so sad.
How beautiful it is to be you, the uniqueness, and the fulfillment of this extraordinary
predisposition to differentiate. How incredible. And the truth, the real truth? Until
recently it was never possible. And that the doorway that remains, it’s not such a big
doorway. This is the end of our creative, fertile process. It is the end of that. It’s
not like the world is going to change. This homogenized, sometimes it’s just mind
boggling how unaware, how totally ignorant this planet is, it is absolutely incredible.
And the level of suffering on this planet is unbelievable. And the lack of humanity on
this planet is unbelievable, this is the not-self way and it follows all these lies. And
these are the people that come to you.
When you’re dealing with the Personality and passenger you’re dealing with
something that is so incredibly conditioned. You can help their bodies quickly if they
take to the experiment, if they take to it. Then their vehicle, slowly but surely
begins to align them to their predisposition, slowly, seven years. But their minds?
The strategy of the vehicle does not change the way the mind works. When you give
authority to your authority it does not change the way the mind works. All it does is
take away the mind’s decision making capacity, but it doesn’t change the way it
works. It doesn’t change the way it thinks. That takes training; it takes training.
It’s what we do.
It’s what anybody does that is truly on a fractal for this knowledge, is that beyond
the experiment it is the training of the mind to perceive the maya for what it is. And
at the same time within themselves, to affirm that in their own experience because
it’s your truth, not mine. I only have my own. You have to see its truth; this is part
of the process.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
So, this being that sits down with you, I cannot tell you, I cannot possibly describe to
you what it took out of me to sit with 6 or 7,000 people in my career and do
individual readings. I guess I was designed for it, so I survived it. Being
unemotional certainly was something that helped me. But I had a totally different
perspective. These beings would sit down beside me and I would look at their
designs and I would see the horror of their not-self, and I would know that was
them. I knew what the odds were. It’s quite something. It’s so powerful.
Over and over again in my process in Human Design there have always been those
who say, “The knowledge is so wonderful and it’s good for everybody and why there
aren’t zillions of people involved?” Because it works on fractal lines and not mine;
I’ve got a tight aura. It works on fractal lines, and it’s your fractals. I tell you all of
this as a form of inspiration for you; at least I hope that’s how it comes out, that you
begin to see what a position that you’re in. And to recognize clearly that if you’re
operating correctly in your role, then you will receive on your fractal line those that
can be ready to be transformed. But you also have to see the density of how the lies
have been totally taken in by these beings. It’s not their fault. It’s not their fault.
I’m no guru and I’m no messiah and I don’t suffer for others, fortunately, otherwise
I’d be dead by now. You can’t. You have to see that this is the way the program has
structured it. This is the way the form has evolved. It is the gift for all of us that it
is possible in this time of what is for me, the return to Eden, the last opportunity to
have the key of the 61.1 rule our lives and open up for some of us, truth.
It’s our reward. And it isn’t even a reward for this lifetime. It’s a reward for our
whole incarnative process as reincarnating Personality crystals. We have gone
through this whole development process. We have been deeply splenic. We have
been deep and lost in the illusion of the Ajna. And before this door closes and the
Solar Plexus world opens, this is our moment to see, see clearly, to stick our heads
through the sky and see the way that it works and come back with grace. Grace.
I have enormous empathy for the dilemma of the mind. I so deeply understand it.
It’s so clear to me how deep its hooks are. I know now from nearly 20 years
involved in this process that there are those who will be transformed and this is what
it’s all about, one by one, being by being. When somebody comes to you to be
transformed I just want you to recognize that this is probably one of the deepest
expressions of love you will ever meet, truly ever meet. That person that comes to
you that is ready; they’ve been waiting so long for you to be ready.
No Choice/No Responsibility
I guess it’s my 5th line nature, but I do love irony. It’s always fun to listen to myself
on the radio. At the end of just about every single one of my neutrino forecasts I tell
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON FOUR – How the Not-Self Mind Establishes its False Authority
people to follow their strategy and honor their authority. I’ve been telling people to
follow their strategy and honor their authority over and over again. It’s a formula.
And yet, it’s such a wonderful joke. At least it is to me.
You don’t have any choice when you have a reading. You don’t have any choice
when you study Design. You don’t have any choice whether you are going to be able
to live out your experiment or not. You don’t have any choice; there is no choice, it
doesn’t exist. It’s an illusion. And it’s something to really think about. It’s why I
really want you to grasp what it means for somebody to come to you and to be there
to receive knowledge from you.
If you think that it’s up to them to come to you, you don’t see them at all. They
don’t have any choice. It means in many ways they don’t why they’re there, no
matter what their mind makes up. They don’t. And you don’t know what the result
can be, which means that you are free of responsibility, free of that. This is the
whole nature of fractals and geometries. Every single one of you have a line out
there that stretches out beyond you that is filled with all kinds of beings that have a
connection to you in their geometry. They just do; as you do with others. It is the
way it is.
It’s not like they come because somebody told them to come. It’s not that they
follow their strategy because you did such a great job in the reading; all of these
things. All of that is just illusion, nothing more and nothing less. And you need to
see it; you need to grasp it deeply. Because the moment that you free yourself from
assuming that they have a choice is the moment that they will get from you what is
absolutely correct, absolutely correct. It is what it is. It’s not about choices.
Those people that are listening to the radio who hear me exhort them on, follow your
strategy. For some it is just what will happen and they will. It is their geometry.
And for others, it will be frustrating, disappointing, whatever the language of their
type, difficult to maintain it, difficult to liberate themselves from the thrall of
program and mind and all of those things. And you cannot blame them either
because they have no choice. I have watched so many come into my life and go out.
When there are those who go out and it was not for them, it did not work for them,
yes, everybody appreciates the insights. But that’s not the same as living out your
I don’t suffer, I don’t keep a list, and I don’t have a scoreboard because it’s not up to
me. I love to play the piano; I love to write songs. I wrote one the other day called
There’s Nothing I Can Do. Every time I sing it I feel so good, because it’s true.
There’s nothing I can do. It’s not about mind doing; it’s about what happens. If it
happens, it happens. If it’s there it’s there, and nothing else; no more, no less.
For me this whole program of Rave Psychology is trying to take a few beings and
transform the consciousness to as clear a level that’s possible. It’s my goal in all of
this. We’ll see what happens because it’s a choiceless thing. But this is the process,
to grasp deeply how dense the illusion is, how many traps there are for each of us in
the way in which we operate in the world, the way we think about things, the way
we blame, the way we see failure, the way we see things that should have been
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
better that weren’t better, the way we talk about other people when they do not live
up to some kind of expectation. The way we look at it all.
And when you begin to step back, that you begin to break this attachment, you
begin to see it for what it is. And what it is is life struggling for awareness, it’s what
it is. Some are better equipped, and some are just plain lucky, like me, just plain
lucky. Hell, I didn’t have to study Human Design for seven years. Just lucky; I don’t
know, it’s just what happened. It’s not like I earned it, deserved it, wanted it,
needed it, or knew it was even possible; that’s not the point.
This is the magic is that when you stand back you remove the attachment; you get
to see what’s really happening. And you free yourself. You free yourself of all those
things that are caught up in this strategy business and communication that was
developed by the eyes. And so that you end up categorizing everybody in your life
relative to their strategic value, whether you think it or not it’s true. It’s always
there, always assessing the other, and always attaching to them a responsibility.
This is what the religions have done. They’ve made everyone responsible. It’s
incredible. They’ve made them all responsible. You’re responsible for everything
you do. You’re responsible for every act. You’re responsible for every word. And
when your words aren’t right, you will get corrected. And when your actions aren’t
right you will be punished because you are responsible. Every human being is
taught this. It is the nature of our culture. It is the way in which we have evolved.
You have to understand how dense the maya is—dense, dense, dense. And you can
be detached from it and still be in it, I know, I’m here. You can. You can reach a
place within the passenger that there is nothing but acceptance, until you get to the
point that it’s not even acceptance that is there, there is just it-ness. It is what it is,
nothing more. No need for it to be this or that because it isn’t this or that. The
illusion is created by the binary, but movement is a singular straight line. There is
only the “it”; the “this and that” is a game. There’s nothing else.
This is about transforming your consciousness. It’s about liberating you from being a
killer monkey, because everyone who lives in this world of maya, who is caught in
this world of maya, who claims responsibility for what they think and what they do,
these are dangerous creatures. They’re creatures that deny awareness and
awakeness to their children. These are creatures that live at the lowest level of
consciousness. And it doesn’t matter how bright and intelligent they are. Some of
the brightest people that I have known in my life have just been first-class killer
monkeys; nothing more, nothing less.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON FOUR – How the Not-Self Mind Establishes its False Authority
This interregnum is a chance for us; it is a chance for us to find the best of the
potential of this form, this Homo sapiens form. And this is what the detachment
brings, not alone, it has to obviously be in combination with the vehicle operating
correctly because if the vehicle doesn’t operate correctly the brain functions do not
operate correctly, you do not have a potential to differentiate.
When we come back to our world and our mapping of the not-self mind I want you to
see that regardless of how wonderful and delicious it is to be able to see these
themes, interpret them, map them, whatever the case may be, underneath all of
that you have this absolutely extraordinarily dense, unaware mind. And you have to
see that these not-self strategies and all of these themes that we can look at and the
mapping of the mind, is that your first work with the passenger is to begin to awaken
the passenger to its limitation long before you can map out the way in which their
not-self mind operates.
It’s one thing for them to be given a brief introduction, as they are in a reading, as
an example, to the way in which the open centers do all of this stuff, and so forth
and so on. But you’re not a Human Design analyst. You’re a Rave Psychologist,
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
hopefully down the road. And there is an enormous difference in the work. It’s my
way of training shaman, because that’s basically what it is in a way.
You need to see that your relationship with that being begins with stripping away
their illusions. It doesn’t matter whether they agree. Remember, they are there for
you not out choice. It is your geometry, it is there, and it is the it-ness that means
everything. For all of my description of what it was like for me to do all of those
readings, I was deeply moved by the experience of each being, being there. I
understood their helplessness. I recognized their choicelessness. And how beautiful
it was that they found me, whoever they happened to have been. There are not that
many beings that end up being on my fractal. And I took them in with that grace. I
did not know what would come of it, but that was not the point. After all, it may
have been their geometry simply to have that crossing of the lines, and no more and
no less. For others, obviously, it was something that was there to transform their
Think about the beings that you meet every day. I’m not just talking about people
who want your professional advice. I’m talking about the people you meet every
day. It doesn’t matter who they are or what they do. The girl in the grocery shop
and the guy at the gas station, and God knows what else, whatever the case may be.
You had no choice in showing up there; they had no choice in meeting you and you
were meant, not in the predetermined destiny kind of way, it was simply these are
geometries. And they’re geometries that are ancient. Ancient, ancient. It’s not like
we have to dress them up. The New Age loves to do shit like that; we dress them
up—what was the connection 32 lives ago and all of that kind of stuff. I couldn’t
care less. What is clear to me is the magic of understanding the helplessness and
the choicelessness. And for you, it is the gateway to being able to touch them
It was always interesting for me when I first began to train people, they were
nervous. I think everybody who has just been trained is nervous. You’re going to do
readings and there is this expectation and there’s this pressure on you—am I going
to do a good job, is it going to work, are they going to understand, are they going to
get it, all of this stuff. Then your inner analysis about them after they’ve left and
this and that. But they got from you exactly what they could get; nothing more,
nothing less.
It’s like I have certain days where I do the radio and when I’m finished my mind
says to me, “that wasn’t too great today.” A couple of hours later I’ll get email
saying, “Oh, today you were just terrific.” And I think, “You know, life is so
amusing.” If I had been unaware, how easy it would be to get in a whole trip about,
“Well, you’d better do it again. Maybe that wasn’t a good one,” and all this stuff. It
is what it is. It’s not like I have a choice. What happens happens. What comes out
comes out. There isn’t anything else.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON FOUR – How the Not-Self Mind Establishes its False Authority
In your life, to transform your life in terms of the way in which your aura is
experienced by the other, have time for this experiment that as you take in any
being, any being, it doesn’t matter who they are, it doesn’t matter what the
circumstances are, it doesn’t matter. To recognize the choicelessness in that
moment and everything changes. You’ll see. It’s incredible; it all changes.
My work for so long has been to try to bring the simple, the strategy and authority
that for those that have been waiting, it’s their opportunity. And for me here, in this
process, is the other side of it. It’s the really profound. And profound in the sense
that it is an acceptance and a recognition that is unlike anything that has been
experienced by communities on this planet. And we are, all of us who are involved
in Human Design, a community.
This place and time, this nurturing of this now, the growth of this now, it is all about
establishing a community of awareness. It doesn’t have to be bundled together in
the same place. It’s not what this is about. It’s a community of the spirit. Just of
the spirit. And it is the spirit of uniqueness. It is the spirit of perfection. The
moment that you accept choicelessness then you recognize and respect each being
uniquely. This is the point. It is not about love thy neighbor; that’s homogenized
shit, it really is. It has nothing to do with that. It’s about the acceptance of your
connection to others—nothing more, nothing less—and your lack of connection to
others—nothing more, nothing less.
Oh, I only wish for all of you the ability to disengage that way, and to have the
opportunity to be able to see without any assumption. No assumptions. No
speculation on the “why,” there is no why; just the ability to accept. It’s at the very
core of what it is to be aware, this acceptance of what is.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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Lesson Five
The Hierarchy of Mental Decision Making
Into the wonderful world of Rave Psychology and you can see that our theme for the
day is going to be a rather interesting one. This is the hierarchy of mental decision
making. Basically what I want to do in this class is setup the infrastructure, or the
patterns, that we’re going to be using in the practicals that we’re going to be doing
over the next weeks. I want us to begin to do this work of mapping out the way the
decision making process operates.
What we’re going to deal with today is a number of themes. You can see that this
illustration is quite literally just packed with stuff. Up here you have just a simple
illustration of the four different types. Below that you have the definition layout, the
percentages in terms of definitions in the way in which they operate. Down here you
have a basic color mat related to lines so that we can look at themes of transference.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Then again, over here we have this whole construct of the way in which open centers
work hierarchically, it’s numbered from one going down here to the lowest, to the
nine. Those basic themes that we have been looking at in terms of the hierarchy of
the open centers and the way they impact both being and seeing.
So, today we’re really going to being the process of theoretically, because we’re not
going to do any analysis today, but theoretically we’re going to begin to lay out the
parameters. I think that one of the things that has been misleading in a way is the
opening emphasis in this semester on the not-self pack. I wanted to be able to give
all of you a very good mapping system to be able to look at the centers. And yet,
there is this assumption, and I think it’s a general assumption, that it is the open
centers that really dictate the way in which the not-self mind is going to operate.
A Holistic Process
There is truth in that, of course. It will allow us to see the various layers of the way
in which the not-self operates. But first we have to start with first things first. Rave
Psychology is both understanding the way in which the Personality crystal operates
and the way in which its relationship to the passenger works. But after all, when we
deal with human beings we are dealing with a holistic process. We are dealing with a
quantum; we are dealing more than the limitations of the passenger within its
construct, we’re dealing with the passenger in its relationship to the design, to the
vehicle and the way the two of them are brought together in what we call our lives.
It always is an interesting thing for me because it brings us back to what the point
is, and what the point always is in Design and that has to do with type. There is
nothing more extraordinary. And when you think about being able to map the
nature of the way in which the mind operates, there is a number of things you have
to keep in mind. That is, we do not know what a being is until we put the two sets of
data together into the body graph. That might sound simple, but in fact it’s rather
In other words, the way in which we begin any understanding of the nature of a
being is that when we put the two sets of information into the body graph what we
come up with, to begin with, is a type and obviously out of type we have strategy.
The way in which the whole being operates begins from the moment that they leave
the womb. The moment they leave the womb they enter into a not-self domain,
they enter into what we call the normal life. And entering into that life they are
immediately conditioned away from their nature. It’s very important to understand
that this primary conditioning away from the nature, that is, a conditioning away
from the strategy and authority of your type is that that sets the foundation for the
way in which the mind is going to operate. And it’s really something very profound
to grasp.
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LESSON FIVE: The Hierarchy of Mental Decision Making
When you think about the decision making of the mind you can’t think about it in a
vacuum. This is the vacuum. In other words, looking at these various examples and
the hierarchy of it and which is more powerful and what the not-self strategies of
those various centers. But you have to put that into context. That is, the not-self
strategy of an open ego is going to work very, very differently in Manifestor,
Generator, Projector and Reflector. It’s going to work differently because there is an
established conditioned modus operandi. Already built in is that the type is
operating in a certain way. A way in which is not correct.
So, for example, let’s just take the beginning example of the Manifestor child. We
know very well that the whole idea of strategy for a Manifestor is a construct. That
is, the strategy in many ways is an artificial one. It is not natural for Manifestors to
ask permission, which is the strategy of a Manifestor when it’s living under the roof
of its parents. It is simply something that is not natural. It is not naturally for them
as an adult to inform. These are strategies, if you look at them as separate
strategies, which simply allow the Manifestor to have a productive life and a life in
which they can be at ease in the world.
Without that asking permission and without that informing because they are no
longer at the top of the hierarchy, what seems to be their unusual capacity to initiate
where others must wait simply ends up being a curse. That is, it simply ends up
placing them subject to all kinds of punishment and resistance.
So, let’s take the Manifestor child. When we take the Manifestor child and the
Manifestor child doesn’t ask permission, resists asking permission, those kinds of
things, automatically they are operating in a certain way that their not-self, that is,
the not-self rooted in the open centers as an example, is going to take as their key.
In other words, the Manifestor not asking permission is going to have a mind that
says, “You don’t have to ask permission. What do you have to ask permission for?”
And wherever that’s going to come from, it may come from a Spleen that likes to
hold on to bad habits and it says, “Look it’s not good for us, because if we ask
permission we’re not going to get it, and we need it,” whatever the case may be.
Whatever the not-self strategy is of the various centers they are immediately going
to latch on to the dysfunction in terms of operating through type.
This is something that has come up a number of times over the last weeks as we
move more deeply, not simply here in Rave Psychology but in each of these
programs, where there is this sense that the basic construct on the surface is a
limitation. That is, that strategy and authority isn’t enough. Well, it’s everything,
because nothing is possible without it. So, the beginning of understanding in that
sense, the beginning of really grasping the way in which the client that comes to you
where the hierarchy begins, it begins with the dysfunction of their type. It’s the first
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
So, if we take the example of the Generator child, we know that the Generator is
here to be asked. But we also know that the vast majority of parents who have a
Generator child tell that child what to do, put pressure on that child, demand things
of that child. And that child in operating incorrectly, that is the child always trying to
manifest, the child always trying to do those things, that immediately it is all these
whatever the open centers happen to be, whatever their not-self mechanics happen
to be, it is immediately going to latch on to the dysfunction. And it’s going to latch
on to the dysfunction and it’s going to say, “Don’t wait; act. Don’t wait; act.” It
doesn’t matter what the open center is, the open center is simply going to provide a
particular strategy to reinforce them to not waiting, not responding, but acting. It’s
just going to do that.
So, the thing to see is that yes, it’s wonderful that we have all of this information
about each and every one of the centers and the way in which their not-self
strategies operate. But, to really be able to get to the root of somebody’s problem,
in that sense, and that’s what it’s really all about is getting to the root of their
problem, is seeing that the problem begins with strategy and authority.
The Projector child isn’t getting invited. The Projector child, as a matter of fact, is
normally over energized through conditioning, is a super-Generator, a super-
Manifestor, as a child running on the exhaustion plane. It’s interesting for me,
because my eldest son who is an emotional Generator has a very, very strong
connection to Projectors. The major friends in his life are Projectors. These
Projectors are so full of his energy it’s so interesting to literally watch this process.
In not being aware and in their case they are because I talk to them about it, but in
most cases you’re dealing with Projectors who are as children already setting up
their bodies for problems, setting up themselves for dependencies that are going to
be deeply unhealthy for them. And their not-self is simply going to jump on the
bandwagon. The not-self is going to say, “Yes, keep on doing it, and keep on going,
and keep on grabbing,” whatever the case may be. And it doesn’t matter which one
of those open centers are involved, that strategy that emerges out of them is going
to be used to reinforce the dysfunction in them in terms of living out their type.
And this is the case whether you are a Reflector, it doesn’t really matter what it is.
In the Reflector case the distortion in a Reflector’s life, they are never permitted in
the way in which they are raised to have enough time to process anything, so they
end up with a not-self that says, “We don’t have to process everything.” And it’s the
not-self through those open centers that are going to do that job.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON FIVE: The Hierarchy of Mental Decision Making
So, we have to begin with something very basic, and it’s always the case in this
knowledge. And you begin with understanding that unless you can align the
passenger to what is their type, only then can you even begin to start the process.
This business about experimenting with your type, the way in which I talk the
language of getting involved in Human Design, it is so incredible to me how many
things are perfected or placed on the road to perfection the moment that somebody
is aligned to what their type is. It’s a very, very basic thing. We’re all well aware of
The Anti-Type
But I think that so often it is not seen for how all encompassing and impactful it
actually is because this is really the story. So, that client that comes in, the first
thing to understand in mapping out their not-self mind is what you’re mapping out is
the anti-type. In other words, and you all know this, and you all know it rather well,
what is the dilemma of not operating according to your type, and the frame that that
gives you. And of course, we have a basic frame that is there.
That is, when I talk in terms of Manifestor anger and Generator frustration and
Projector bitterness and Reflector disappointment, these four terms is what the not-
self mind feeds on. It feeds on it. It cranks the anger and maintains the anger of a
Manifestor. It maintains the frustration of the Generator. And it does all of this as a
prod pushing the being continually towards reenacting what is incorrect. So that the
not-self jumps on the Manifestor anger and drives the anger to continue to do what’s
incorrect. Or it jumps on the Generator frustration and drives the Generator to think
it can get past the frustration by continuing to be exactly what it’s not; and so forth
and so on. It’s in the type.
So, the first thing is you need to look at the client first of all in terms of their type
and to understand that they have been operating incorrectly all their lives, all their
lives. That’s very deep, as you well know. That is a level of conditioning that is very,
very profound. It’s not an easy thing for them to get rid of. It’s not like you can just
talk about, “Well, you’ve got this open center and you’re always in a hurry to get rid
of pressure,” or whatever the story happens to be, but that story is so different
depending on what the type is.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
The person that is sitting there in front of you, beside you whatever the case may
be, you have to recognize this is not-self that’s there. And first and foremost
hierarchically when we look at the mapping, when we’re going to go through as you
will see if you check back to the schedule for our classes you’ll see that we’re going
to go through each of the types, I’m going to give you examples of each of the
types, and we’re going to do a mapping based on the type so that you can see what
the general framework is the way you approach that, in that sense. But this is
something that is very, very important; that number one, right at the top of the
whole story is the type.
The second thing is authority. Strategy and authority cannot be separated from
each other; it is the way that it works. Definition aligns you immediately, points you
immediately to what the authority is. Of course, if you have somebody whose
authority, for example, is emotional, and that’s going to be 50% of the population,
so it’s going to be 50% of the people that you see, and depending on whether they
are an emotional Projector or an emotional Generator or a Manifestor, then you’re
looking at the complexity of what dysfunction means in that case.
In other words, what is their basic way of operating? Their basic way of operating is
to act on the emotions of the moment. In other words, live out their emotional
energy in the now and live it out in the now relative to what their type is. Again,
that is the frame. And from that framework the not-self comes in and it starts
burrowing in with whatever the open centers are to act as the instruments to
maintain the dysfunction.
If, it’s a lovely “if,” if you have somebody that begins to operate correctly you’re
already changing the power of the not-self. It’s something to think about. It’s one
of those reminders that is always necessary. We deal so much with the negative of
conditioning. We deal so much, in that sense, with the possible negatives of what
comes through the open center that we do not spend a lot of time talking about what
is positive in it, the wisdom that is potential in any of those open centers.
The only way that you begin to make this movement away from the open center just
simply being an instrument that drives your dysfunction, the moment that you begin
to experiment with type and strategy, is the moment that it’s possible to begin this
process of transforming openness from the conditioning tool of the not-self to being
the wisdom potential of the true self.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON FIVE: The Hierarchy of Mental Decision Making
It is the very function of those centers as open centers that simply go from this side
to that side. It’s so fascinating. I have an open Head. An open Head is very
common. Seventy-one percent of humanity has an open Head Center. It’s sixth
here on the impact list. You have all kinds of—the basic strategy is that you think
about things that do not matter. Now, I spent the first part of my life like everybody
who has an open Head Center thinking about things that do not matter. I used to
think about things that do not matter all the time. Worse than that, I would often
act on the things that I thought about that didn’t matter and it turned out it really
didn’t matter; but nonetheless, it takes a long time sometimes to learn lessons.
But my open Head Center is still there. I still have an open Head Center. I still have
a mind, and it still processes things the way it always has. But my mind is no longer
my inner authority. So what happens when the open Head Center stops being an
inner authority and starts being a potential outer authority, because, after all, that’s
the beauty of mind? So, I end up as somebody who teaches people what does
matter, and what they should think about that does matter.
Now, it’s just the other side of the problem. When it was thinking about things that
didn’t matter, it was the same function. It’s an open Head Center. It’s what open
Head Centers are about. But the moment that you strip mind of decision making
authority, and this is the secret, this is the thing that begins this whole process of
healing. It begins with the strategy. It begins with the authority, because it
weakens the hold of the mind. In weakening the hold of the mind, because after all,
the not-self is addicted to being the inner authority, this is its trip. It’s deeply,
deeply addicted to being the inner authority. As we well know about addiction,
addiction is not something that is easy to overcome. It isn’t. One has to have luck,
or choiceless advantages, as they say. Addiction is quite a trip. And the not-self
mind is addicted. So, the whole thing is that you need a shock therapy. The shock
therapy is type and strategy. This is the thing that immediately can disarm the
Now, obviously it doesn’t do it completely, we all know that. You watch your minds,
you see the movie. But it is the beginning of that process. Remember that the
ability of your mind—in the hippy era they used to talk about mind expanding. It
was a big term, particularly related to Tim Leary and LSD and consciousness
expansion and all this stuff. It is clear to me that the enrichment of the potential of
awareness in a human being begins with correct brain function. The necessary
chemistry and the necessary biology operating specifically in terms of what is your
differentiation only out of that do you begin to get the opening up of potential within
the brain, the physical brain, that opens up that potential for mind. It’s a physical
thing, it’s a vehicle thing. It’s a body thing.
So, this process, regardless of the fact that we’re on the Rave Psychology side and
it’s our job to deal with the passenger, you have to see that we can’t even have a
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
There is something else that’s very profound in all of this. It is one of the major
themes that as we move down later on in this program to the point where we’re
talking about how we deal with patients, the kind of what they call bedside manner
that’s involved, how important it is for us to be able to deal with people correctly.
What I mean by that is if we cannot deal with them correctly we’re not going to be
able to impact them. It means we have to be aware of what they are in real detail
and deal with them that way, the simple things of how you deal with a Generator, or
how you deal with a Projector, because they are going to be the majority of the
It is about the sculpturing of the language in being able to sculpt the language
specifically to them while they are beginning their process of experimenting in terms
of the vehicle. This is the beginning of being able to get to the mind. You can’t get
to the mind, and you really can’t, you can get to the passenger, let’s put it that way,
if the type is dysfunctional. It isn’t going to work, and for obvious reasons. It’s just
not going to work.
So, when it comes to this whole process of mapping everything that you’ve ever
learned about Human Design on the surface and what you know about type and the
way in which it operates, and from your own experience, this is where we begin in
this mapping process. You can see that we have basically four different mapping
themes. I was going to say two because of the energy/non-energy type, but it’s
better to just see it as four different themes. In other words, four different mapping
programs: The Manifestor mapping program, the Generator mapping program, and
so forth. This is the beginning of the process.
It’s only when somebody understands how their general operating is incorrect,
because it’s deeply general, we all know that about the mechanics of type and
strategy, it’s only when we can get past that surface because it’s the surface that
there’s any possibility that you’re going to get deeper inward. And it’s not,
unfortunately, because this is a very, very complex thing that we’ve entered into,
this mapping of the way in which the mind operates, that it’s not simply a matter of
starting at the top of the hierarchy and you’ve got the dysfunctional type and you
have an understanding of what that means, you have an understanding of what the
passenger’s deepest theme is, you cannot imagine—I have known so many
Generators and Projectors and worked with so many of them, and have many of
them in my life intimately and as friends, it’s really something to grasp how deep
these things sit in the back of the mind. The frustration or the bitterness, it’s there.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON FIVE: The Hierarchy of Mental Decision Making
It’s deep in there, always waiting, always calling, in a sense, to those open centers
to bring it support, to continue to be in that.
It is amazing to me how difficult it is. For example, a Generator that’s deep in their
experiment, you notice that their body no longer is a frustrated vehicle. You can feel
it. At least I can with my three open motors. It’s very clear to me, particularly with
Generators because of my totally open Sacral Center, and I’ve spent so much of my
wisdom on trying to understand the Generator process.
It’s so obvious to me that when I meet [awake] Generators that I can feel that their
vehicles have lost this edge, because it’s a quality, these are energies after all. What
we call it as frustration is just dysfunctional Generator energy, as anger is
dysfunctional Manifestor energy. It’s not to say, by the way, that anger, frustration,
disappointment and bitterness disappear the moment that you’re awake. They don’t.
They can’t. It’s chemistry; it’s built into it. But it is not something that attaches. It
is this detachment, trying to detach the passenger from these themes that is one of
the most difficult things to do.
And when you’re looking at that hierarchy you can see right away that the one
weapon that open centers with their not-self strategies have with the Manifestor is
that they know that if they can get to the anger they can keep the Manifestor
dysfunctional. If they can get to the frustration, they can keep the Generator
dysfunctional. If they can get to the Projector and its bitterness, boy can they can
get it to stay there.
This is the dilemma that’s in there. That’s why it’s so important that type and
strategy is something that begins everything, because you have to begin this process
of taking away from the mind its fundamental power, and in taking away that
fundamental power, beginning the process. So that person who sits down beside
you, the Generator that sits down beside you, the first thing that you know about
them in terms of the way their mind works, is that their mind is always being
conditioned by frustration. It’s very simple. Like so many things in this knowledge.
Their mind is conditioned by frustration. And the frustration is maintained by their
not-self strategies.
It’s not like they’re always frustrated. It’s that the decisions are rooted in the
frustration. So, the decisions are going to be the kinds of decisions that are going to
bring more frustration. It’s perverse. But then again, the not-self is. If you look at
the world around you, you can see this is the way that human beings are operating,
and you can see how dysfunctional they really are. It’s quite extraordinary.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
But as I was saying, it is not simply a matter of saying, ok, here are the types and
we can see that if we understand the way in which the type works dysfunctionally,
which is just the standard not operating correctly, and understanding what the
theme is, then we know right away what we’re dealing with on the very surface.
This is the top of the hierarchical list. This is where it all beings.
The next thing is that you come down here to definition. And you see, definition is
the forgotten baby in all of this. It really is. Most people don’t think about definition
as a highly volatile conditioning field; but it is. Obviously, the definition when it’s
specific in the sense that what we’re going to be looking at because this is going to
be the place where we are going to see the impact on the way in which the mind
operates is with split and triple split definitions. I could include the quads in that,
but this is a real minority, in that sense. I will just touch on it briefly. But the real
theme is in terms of the split definition and the triple and the most dynamic theme is
the split definition itself.
There is a huge difference between the needs of the split definition and the needs of
the triple split definition in terms of what we call bridging. Obviously, if you are a
split of any kind in the greater order of things you are designed to have your splits
bridged. In having your splits bridged you get the potential of linking together those
aspects of yourself that are separated so that there is a union in them; but at the
same time there is an obviously not-you element of all of that that’s making that
possible. That is, the being or the thing or whatever it is that’s bringing the bridge.
Split Definition
So, the first thing you have to recognize is that for example in dealing with the split
definition, a split definition must have the right forces in its life directly. So, for
example, if you’re split definition, it’s essential for you in terms of somebody who is
going to be your lover, your friend, your business colleague, that it’s absolutely
essential that they are going to join your split.
Obviously, that means that if you’re not operating correctly and you’re dysfunctional
then you don’t know how to discern who is good for you or not. When you have a
split definition, and there are many different kinds of splits as we well know, there
are simple splits that can be connected by a single gate, there are more complex
splits that require channels to be involved, and there are all kinds of split definitions,
but you immediately come into a dilemma. That is, the split definition for a split
filling that gap, making that bridge becomes an underlying strategy that again, is
higher up in the hierarchy than this.
What I want you to really begin to see is that our ability to look at the centers and
understand the not-self strategies operating out of the centers, that these not-self
strategies take advantage of wherever the dysfunction is in what are these three
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON FIVE: The Hierarchy of Mental Decision Making
The same thing is true with split definition. You’ve got a split definition; the bridge is
the most important thing so you’re always looking for the bridge. So whatever the
bridge is, whatever the gate is, whatever the channel is, whatever the circuit has to
be because we have some very broad splits, this is what the open centers and their
not-self strategies are going to take advantage of. “Aha, here is where the
weakness is.” So, you’ve got somebody who is a 48 and they don’t have the 16.
There is the not-self strategy, and let’s say it’s a split, it’s going to link the
Spleen/Root and it’s going to link it up the Head/Throat as an example. So, there is
all this pressure that’s there on that 16th gate. There is the open center saying, “Ah,
here is where the weakness is.”
So, immediately when the decision making comes within the context of what its type
is, within the context of what its authority is, it’s going to then jump on that split and
say, “Look, you better go ahead and learn these new skills. You’d better join that
class; you’d better join that course. You’d better take part in that training. You’d
better go do this thing.” And of course, it’s incorrect.
But the reality is that it’s not like these open centers have any idea about how to
direct the life. Remember that. I don’t want you to have the feeling that “I
understand the open center strategies,” because I think most people who meet not-
self strategies in surface courses, they just take that at face value. “Ok, I’ve got
this, and this, and that’s the way my mind is working in the background.” But it’s
really important for us at this level to grasp, “Yes, yes, very nice; it’s true.” It’s a
wonderful way for us to be able to mechanically and clearly map out the nuances and
layers that are underneath. But these are the things that drive the dysfunction, and
drive the dysfunction that is in the type and strategy, drive the dysfunction that is
there in the split definitions.
So, for example, you take a triple split definition, and they’re very different. They’re
very different from splits. The fundamental difference with them is that they do not
need fixed bridging. As a matter of fact, fixed bridging is something that invariably
is unhealthy for them. It’s just not the thing for them. The whole thing about a
triple split definition is that they need to move through a lot of auras with no
particular fixing, in that sense, and it doesn’t mean they can’t have lovers, friends,
and family, whatever. But what’s really important is that in their decision making
process in order for them to be correct that they need to move through a lot of
auras, change the bridging all the time. It’s no one bridge that is ever going to give
them what they need.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
So within the context of whatever the type and strategy is, whatever the authority is,
that the triple split then has an open center strategy that picks on that aspect and
says, “Don’t go out. Don’t go see all those people. Don’t go wandering around.
Make your decision right here. Make that decision right here in this person’s aura,”
and these kinds of things.
In other words, what you get is that these open centers, this is what they love; this
is what they feed on. Again, it’s why it’s so important that wherever you go in
Human Design you get to the basic. Wherever you go, it doesn’t matter how deep
you go, it’s all about the basic. It starts with the correctness that is rooted in your
type, that is rooted in your strategy.
And we well know that with split definitions that the split definition is there within the
construct of the type. In other words, again the two sets of information brought
together into the holistic whole. After all, a split definition by its very nature exists
because of the way in which you’re activated and defined. And it’s an essential thing
to see that the split definition will be able to easily to have the correct forces in its
life if it’s operating correctly. Because everything about splits is about discernment,
it is about truly being able to take in what is correct for one.
You can begin to see that in just these two constructs that you already have the
framework for the way in which the not-self mind is going to operate. The not-self
mind begins with its strategic dysfunction, its refusal to listen to its authority, and
it’s chasing after the gate or channel or whatever that’s missing in terms of trying to
fulfill the bridging for its splits.
This is what the mind is interested in. This is what the mind focuses on because this
is where the dysfunction is in the life. It’s not like the mind is focused on, “Oh, I
have to get this done right away,” as something that stands outside of anything. It
doesn’t work that way. It only works in conjunction with whatever one of these
themes happens to be. These are the forces that pick on and drive the dysfunction.
And at the same time you can then understand why they can become wisdom. They
are not the not-self mind. Recognize that. These are strategies, and these are
strategies that come into existence because of dysfunction. And at the moment that
there is no dysfunction they begin to lose their power to goad.
It is impossible now for my mind to make me angry. It’s a real joke for me because
it used to be very easy for my mind to make me angry. It doesn’t work any more.
As a matter of fact, it’s almost comedic. My body can still get angry; I’m a
Manifestor. But my mind; it’s not possible any more. And it’s one of those things
that’s really fascinating about this process is that these centers that can be so
devastating in terms of their power to maintain the dysfunction that the moment
that you realign the true authority in the vehicle, the moment that the vehicle begins
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON FIVE: The Hierarchy of Mental Decision Making
to operate correctly, all of this begins its process of change in which the wisdom
begins to come in.
After all, think back into your own Human Design process, when you’re introduced to
the knowledge, when you have your reading and you’re told about your type and
you’re told about your strategy. And whether you jump into it right away, or
whether it takes you time to get into it. From the moment that you receive that
message is the moment that you begin to look at yourself in a way that’s different.
This is what happens.
And it’s not like anything different has happened other than your mind has simply
lost a certain amount of power, and it opens up a potential through all of these
centers to begin to grasp what’s really going on in your process, to begin suddenly to
be aware of it. It was always astonishing to me, working, for example, with
repressed Generators who couldn’t even hear their “uh-huh,” while I was doing their
reading. A month later this sudden bursting out of, “It was like this, and this is the
way I used to do things, it was terrible, and now I see it.”
We can say, yes, you give somebody an insight into their mechanics, but that isn’t
really the answer. The actual answer is that the very fact of being able to describe
correctly and mechanically what is their nature disarms the mind and begins again
this process; disarms the passenger. Actually it confuses the passenger, because
the passenger is used to being angry or frustrated or disappointed or bitter.
Passengers are used to all that. As a matter of fact, the passenger assumes this is
the way it’s supposed to be. And all of sudden there is this, feeding on this, all this
openness feeding on this; this is what has brought you into your life.
So, when we’re going to begin our mapping process we’re going to begin with a
hierarchy that begins with type/strategy. The next thing we’re going to look at is the
definition field of the split and the triple because this is a very powerful conditioning
factor in people’s lives. And then we’re going to move over here and we’re going to
take a look at transference.
Think about the passenger. The way the passenger is motivated, this is a mind trip,
remember as long as the passenger is making decisions then the passenger is
making decisions based on their type/strategy dysfunction, their authority
dysfunction, if they’re a split, the conditioning dysfunction that’s there, and then they
are motivated incorrectly to pursue it all. That’s humanity. Isn’t that, I would say
horrifying, but I’m always astonished. It is just an amazing thing.
So, when you’re looking at mapping somebody and they’re a 1st Color and they’re
always transferring to a 4th Color which means that their drive is need. “So, I need
to get that training in order to get that skill so that I can get rid of my frustration.”
Then you have the open centers that jump in and give all the backing that that kind
of dysfunction needs. All the backing—yes, this is a way we can prove ourselves;
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
yes, this is where love is—all of these things that are there in the open centers
become the final nails that get hammered into and lock in the dysfunction.
Then you end up with a human being, and you talk about the way in which
somebody’s mind operates, right away you have to see that you’ve got to cut
through what is the not-self envelope that they have been living all of their lives, all
of their lives incorrectly motivated, and that incorrect motivation feeding the
dysfunction. And then behind that all of those little open centers that are there that
jump in and say, “Isn’t this terrific, we can keep this being not-self forever.” Now,
obviously I like to anthropomorphize these things and you can’t really do that.
But nonetheless, just to give you a flavor of the fact that we’re dealing with two
environments. And this is going to be a key for us because real awakening is going
to be in here. I’ll get to that in awhile. But before we can get to the depth of the
mapping and being able to open up the potential in a human being to truly transcend
conditioning, and transcend it in the sense of the passenger finally for the passenger
to be able to see that this here is the story, and this is what has to be dealt with.
I began in the fall to offer Personality Color Transference readings. It’s one of the
things that I’m going to train all of you to do. It is one of the most essential tools
that you’re going to need in this work. It is astonishing how human beings are
pulled into transference. And that the very transference itself, even when somebody
is beginning their experiment, that the very transference itself can distort the whole
It is the surface that we have to deal with first in order to be able to frame the way
in which the holistic process operates. By the time we can get through all of this, we
get beyond the surface finally, and we can drop down underneath and begin to talk
about things that are much deeper, much more profound in terms of that whole
process of educating and enlightening, if you will, the passenger. But without this
operating correctly?
So, everything that we’re going to see in this, our approach, by the way, is going to
be quite different. After all, this is not about doing somebody’s Human Design
reading. It is about understanding the way in which their mental frame operates.
And obviously, somebody who comes to this kind of service is somebody that has to
have gone through a reading first. This is the essential first step.
But our approach is not so much to talk about the type as it is to talk about the
dysfunction of the type. In other words, it’s not about talking about Manifestor, it’s
talking about not-self Manifestor, not-self Generator. And it’s about talking about it
in mental language rather than in physical language. In other words, the example
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON FIVE: The Hierarchy of Mental Decision Making
that I gave you about anger and the attachment of the not-self Manifestor, it’s
attachment to anger, anger is its most dynamic theme. So this is an angry mind.
That’s the first thing to grasp. And it’s not angry all the time. This is a mind that
has a propensity to anger. That anger doesn’t necessarily show up in the body. This
is a mind that can be enormously angry with someone, and still at the physical level
not display that anger.
It’s true for the Generator mind or the Projector mind or the Reflector mind. We’re
going to be looking at these themes not within the context generally speaking that
we see them in Design; we’re going to look at it through the lens of mental function.
So, we’re going to talk about how the angry mind functions. And how every decision
that the not-self Manifestor is going to make is either because of anger or to avoid
what it thinks will be a situation that will provoke its anger; but it’s always about the
In the same way that the Generator and anything the Generator mind decides to do.
The not-self Generator is always about frustration—getting rid of the frustration,
avoiding the frustration. But the theme is always frustration and the frustration is
always there. This is a frustrated mind. It means that every aspect of their nature,
in terms of how the open centers are going to work is that they’re always going to
attach to the same thing. They’re going to attach to the frustration. They will drive
it. It will drive the Generator, the mind will, the mind will say, “Look, I know how to
get rid of the frustration, we’ll do this. Let’s do it now; let’s initiate. I know how to
avoid the frustration; let’s do this, let’s initiate.”
It’s never that concrete. There are all these subtleties in the way it works. But
that’s the message, and that’s what it leans on. Of course, that mind doesn’t know
any other way, that’s all it knows. I want to get rid of my bitterness, I want to avoid
bitterness. That’s all it knows. And the answer that the decision making process of
the mind will give it will always reinforce the whole process because it’s always
attached to the bitterness itself. And the bitterness is a reflection of the not-self life.
So, our approach in understanding mental hierarchy begins with these themes.
Begins with the theme of what the type is, the strategy, the definition, and the Color
and its transference. This is something that we will look at only in terms of the way
in which the mind will make its decision making authority. But it means that when
you’re looking over here to all of this that you have to understand that this is the
lowest part of the totem pole. I didn’t have room on the illustration because you
wouldn’t have seen it; I would have put it right underneath. I would have placed it
down here at the bottom of the illustration, because it is underneath all of this. As
long as all of this is dysfunctional this will act dysfunctionally. When this is correct,
this will begin to align to its potential for wisdom.
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Let’s move over to the bodygraph now for a moment and I would like to approach
this from a different perspective and talk about what we’re looking at in terms of the
potential of wisdom. I think that is one of the things that is very important for us to
understand not only for our own process, but to be able to impart to others. When
we’re looking at it, let’s start at the top and let’s just start with the Head Center and
move away from the deck for a moment and its not-self power and let’s just talk
about the centers from the point of view of wisdom.
The not-self strategy of the Head Center is to think about the things that do not
matter. The wisdom is very clear. The wisdom is to be able to recognize what is
worthy of thinking about. Not all things for all people are of value to think about. It
is a wisdom to be able to see what is worthy of thought, what is worthy of
pondering. And at a deeper level, which inspiration is really valuable and really
worthy to humanity. It can be a great gift. If you look at the whole world of
psychology it was opened up by open Heads and open Ajnas; that is, Freud and
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON FIVE: The Hierarchy of Mental Decision Making
Jung. This is a capacity to be able to filter the collective consciousness field. That’s
what an open Head or an open Ajna is about. It is about being able to take in the
thought patterns as they emerge and flow regardless of whether they are abstract,
whether they are logical or whether they are mutative and individual.
The great wisdom of the open Head is its ability in its openness to be able to filter.
And in its correctness, to be able to discern what is worthy and what is not. And that
ultimately that discernment is not a mental discernment, it’s a discernment that will
emerge quite naturally out of whatever their authority, their true inner authority
happens to be. And you can see that where 71% of humanity is condemned as not-
self to think about things that do not matter it also says something rather
I’ve had that question many times in my process about people who have asked me,
“What do you see as the long-term potential of Human Design in terms of impacting
people on this planet,” and obviously there is a potential. It’s just like this graph in
the illustration here is made up of over 111,000 entries that we’ve taken in in the
past year [2005-2006]. There is obviously a potential to reach a lot of people. If
theoretically the potential is 71%, the exact opposite in that sense of the openness
that you see in the Head. That is, 71% of humanity right now thinks about things
that don’t matter, potentially 71% of humanity could know what is worthy to think
about. That’s quite something to recognize.
It says something very interesting about humankind and its potential that it can
never be, there is no true singularity. In other words, there is no way that all human
beings could, for example, worship the same God. It’s possible that 71% could, in
that sense. In other words, it’s a really interesting number to think about; it’s really
an interesting equation. But here is the potential of the wisdom of the open Head.
If we move over to the Ajna Center, the not-self strategy of the Ajna Center is about
pretending that you’re certain. Well, insisting that you’re certain. The truth is it is
the great fear of humiliation, intellectual humiliation. When you look at it from the
point of view of where the potential wisdom is, it’s just quite delightful. It is to know
what one can be certain about.
Again, if you take a look at the numbers, it’s 49%. Forty-nine percent of Ajna
Centers are open. It’s interesting to think about. So, 49% of Ajna Centers that
presently are functioning with the not-self strategy where they’re always insisting
they’re certain, there is a potential wisdom for 49% of humanity to know, to truly
recognize what they can be certain about. This is their gift.
Of course, you have that other 51% that are defined and they’re the ones that are
going to lay out all the concepts. And you have 49% that are here to filter it, discern
it, and judge it and to declare ultimately in their wisdom whether it is worthy or not.
I know; I’m a defined Ajna Center. Other defined minds are interesting for me in the
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
sense that there is a similarity. But I pay much more attention to the comments of
open Ajnas to what I have to say and teach, because there is always the potential in
the open Ajna to truly be able to discern the value of a concept. That’s what it’s
If you had all these open Ajna people and they were all correct, we would have this
huge chunk of the population that would truly recognize what they can be certain
about, which means that they would leave behind an enormous amount of confusion
and doubt and all the things that go with the not-self function.
Let’s go to the Throat. Again, the Throat is an interesting thing, because the Throat
is very weak on the list in terms of impact. Twenty-nine percent of humanity has an
open Throat. The strategy of the open Throat is always trying to attract attention.
And yet, it is only these open Throat people who really know what’s worthy of
attention. Now, isn’t that interesting? Only 29% of humanity has the gift of truly
knowing what is worthy of attention. Now, obviously they’re not operating correctly,
so there is an enormous amount of things that are attractive to humanity that don’t
deserve attention. Whether Brad Pitt and Angela Jolie are going to get married,
there are zillions of people on this planet who actually think that that’s something
that deserves attention. They just do.
One of those things about looking at wisdom in this way is that you begin to see how
we yearn at some level for the real value of this wisdom to emerge in the world.
Humanity has its chance to be wise. There’s that wisdom all over the place. I’m not
designed to be wise about what’s worthy of attention. I’m a defined Throat getting
attention. And whether I’m worthy of that attention or not, the ones who really
know are the undefined Throats. Whereas somebody who has the Ajna/Head defined
might think my concepts are worthy and not necessarily think that I’m worth a lot of
attention, which means that they might not necessarily show up at one of my
courses, or whatever the case may be. There are all these different things that are at
work in all of this.
But to see the magic that is there on the other side of the openness—again, this is
part of what we’re bringing our passenger to, is bringing our opening the door for the
passenger to their potential for wisdom, their specific potential for wisdom. It’s
there. It’s built into them. It’s waiting. Each of us, unless you’re somebody who
has nine centers defined, and that sure is rare, each of us has this potential for
wisdom in our lives. And with correctness, that wisdom grows. It just does.
The G Center
If we have the open G Center and dealing with the open G Center we’ve got 54% of
humanity—isn’t that amazing, 54% of humanity has an undefined G, think about
that, that’s a lot of people. We’re talking about billions here. That’s an
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON FIVE: The Hierarchy of Mental Decision Making
extraordinary number. We know that the not-self strategy of the open G Center is
not to know whether you’re in the right direction, not to know whether you have
found love or not, looking for love, looking for direction. And the wisdom; the
wisdom is extraordinary. The ability to recognize the right direction, the ability to
recognize what love is worthy for one, what one love is truly of value for one, and to
be able to see it.
And not simply to be able to see it in yourself, because this is the magic of what
happens to an open center is that the open center is the only way in which you
connect to the other, after all. This is the open/closed genetic program, being
attracted to what we’re not and all of those things. The moment that these open
centers become areas of wisdom then they become externalizing agents. In other
words, you as an open G Center that is correct can help people find the right
direction, you can help people recognize love in their lives, you can bring that to
And again, according to all of the other things, whatever you’re profile, your cross,
your this, your that and everything else that goes along with it. And remember, all
of those things are dependant on you operating correctly at the mechanical level to
begin with. The wisdom of the open G is really profound. It’s quite something. And
it means that right now 54% of humanity don’t know what the right direction is and
don’t know where love is. That’s an amazing number. How different our world
would look if the G Center was a center of wisdom for all of those that had the G
Center open.
You all need to see that you all have this enormous potential for wisdom, every
single one of you relative to your design, relative to the way in which this incarnation
works for you. And that the further and further you are away from the hook of your
not-self type theme, the more that the mind has been liberated from its false
decision making authority, every moment brings you closer to the fulfillment of the
potential of the wisdom that lies in those open centers.
If we go to the ego, in the pack the ego is at the top of the list. There is 65% of
humanity that have an undefined ego. And the undefined ego is about not being
able to see one’s worthiness. That’s basically what it’s all about, trying to do things
that will bring a sense of worth into their lives. And there is nothing more distorting
than the open ego. There is nothing more distorting than having to prove yourself.
And if that is an open center and the being is correct, the potential for wisdom of the
open center is to see and recognize the worthiness in others. To recognize the
worthiness in all kinds of things that are related to the way the Heart Center works.
We’ll look at that in more detail when we do the individual analyses.
It’s magic. But if you have an open Heart Center and you think you have anything to
prove, there is no wisdom there. And if you have an open Heart Center and you can
see the proof or lack of proof in what is presented to you in the world, that’s another
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
story. Therein lies the wisdom. Money, materialism, all of these things, money
really screws up people. Money is a big problem in the world; resources, whatever
you want to call it. There is simply an enormous lack of wisdom about the material
plane of which so much is embodied in the Heart Center and this capacity of the
wisdom of the open Heart Center. This potential to see what, in fact, is worthy of
There are so many human beings who put out so much energy only to be crushed.
This plane, this planet is filled with the billions of beings who struggle for the most
basic things in life. And it’s a total lack of wisdom in the nature of the ego. The ego
is not understood. Human beings are not wise about ego. They’re not. They’re
deeply ignorant of it. And driven by the not-self of the open Heart Center.
If we go down to the Sacral Center this is the enough is enough business; the
strategy of not knowing when enough is enough. Oh, is that ever a thorn in the side
of dysfunction. Not knowing when enough is enough can keep dysfunction going
forever, after all. The moment that you’re correct, and obviously when we’re talking
about open Sacrals, we’re talking about any type that is not a Generator, that when
we’re talking about open Sacrals we’re talking about the wisdom to know when
enough is enough, which is something that Generators don’t know, after all, they
just generate.
It’s one of the great teachings, particularly from the Projector because this is one of
those classic relationships that hopefully over time will take on the shape that it
deserves, is the capacity inherent in the Projector to guide the Generator to use its
energy absolutely efficiently, because Generators will go and go and go and go and
go and go, and again I’m talking about the not-self Generator. Knowing when
enough is enough; knowing when there is no point in trying to generate in that
The open center, when you’re operating correctly, becomes part of your outer
authority. Instead of being the thing that drives the mechanism of your not-self, it
becomes the thing that drives the mechanism of your true self. I teach out of my
open centers. I do. That’s the thing that is so remarkable in all of this process. This
is what it’s all about. This is the whole theme of my capacity to be able to impart to
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON FIVE: The Hierarchy of Mental Decision Making
you the wisdom that you need, and it comes simply from the open centers. It
doesn’t come from anywhere else.
It’s so interesting about the path of wisdom, is that this path of wisdom takes an
extraordinary effort to get there. I think probably the most dynamic in many ways is
the open emotional system, this confrontation, the avoidance of confrontation and
truth. My job is to confront you with the truth; this is what I do. It’s to recognize
where, as wisdom, what needs to be confronted and what truth needs to be
It’s just the other side of a sickness, after all. It’s the great joke. It’s what I love so
much. I’m a dualist, and I love duality. I love the game. I love the “this side, that
side” because it’s the way everything is. Every time you point to something that’s
not good, the other side of it is wonderful. It’s just the way that it is. The moment
that you think something is wonderful; don’t forget there is the other side. It can be
a horror. It’s what it’s always about in the binary.
The moment that you look at any of these centers and their not-self strategies, start
thinking about the wisdom that is possible. It’s the wisdom that is the thing that is
going to ultimately allow the passenger to awaken. As long as I was avoiding
confrontation and truth I could never confront anyone with the truth, after all; it was
not possible. Nor could I have a sense of it, because the knowledge that I need had
to come in through the emotional system, for obvious reasons, by the way. The
emotional system carries the most direct life force in a way. That is, the human
experiential way, the whole mutative program that runs from the 39 to the 12, the
core of the tribal experience, all of that stuff, the Godhead, all of those things. All
emotional, and I’m an unemotional being.
Amazing what you take in in a lifetime. And remember it’s not like you’re suddenly
correct and you have to start taking in things in a new way. You’ve got all this stuff
stored. And you’ve only been looking at it from one perspective. And when I say
“looking at it,” it’s just been there and your not-self has been taking advantage of
one side of the story. It’s all there.
All of a sudden you realize how much you truly grasp, how profound you can be in
your openness because this is where the magic is. For the fulfillment of the
passenger this is where the magic is. This whole thing about we’re here to learn,
develop, grow, all of these various themes, and the truth of the matter is that very
few of us truly have the potential to live out the potential wisdom of our openness at
this point, now. But, it’s the key. It is what it’s all about.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Oh, we can transform vehicles, I know that. Anybody who has ever met Human
Design, paid it any kind of attention, is better off today then they were before. But it
doesn’t mean they’re awake. The path to awakeness is simply this [psychology]
being dealt with because you have to deal with this, this is at the root of the way in
which the holistic frame operates and then you can get to this and you can begin to
open it up and the passenger will eat it up in that sense.
And finally, of course, we have the Root with just over 40% of humanity having the
Root open. In that openness we know that the Root Center is in a hurry to get
things done. And it’s in a hurry to get rid of pressure. The wisdom of this is to know
what pressure is worthy. There are all kinds of pressures in this life, and if you’ve
got an open Root you’re pressured in zillions of ways that are simply not correct for
you. In the same way the mind works, these two pressure centers, thinking about
all the things that don’t matter, being under pressure from all the things that don’t
matter, and the wisdom to know what to accept pressure for, what is worthy of
dealing with the pressure.
Wisdom is not just here for the few in the sense of one wise creature every
generation and all this kind of crap that we’ve had from the past because it’s just
been serendipity. I truly want you to grasp that this is your potential and this is the
potential of anyone that we work with, is to open them up to the wisdom and the
potential of wisdom that is there within them. I will show you as we move along, not
this year, in the second year, how we can actually trigger the way in which the
opening of their wisdom process can be launched. The way we can move them
naturally, or speed up the process to get them into the potential of their wisdom.
So, this is the construct. It begins here, it goes to the definition, it goes to the
transference, and this is what has to be dealt with first. And this is what’s going to
give us our general frame for understanding the way in which this person’s mind has
been operating and then through here understanding what drives the operation of
that dysfunction. And our work is not simply to align the being to this, which is
mechanical and has nothing to do with us, they simply are either going to
experiment or not, and if they don’t, well, goodbye. What we’re going to do is that
we’re going to explore their mental frame through these themes. And keep that on
the mental frame. And you’ll see what I mean next week when we start our actual
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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Lesson Six
The Line/Color Chains
Today is really going to be very interesting. That is, interesting from the perspective
that we’re going to enter into new territory. We’re going to look at what is going to
be the bedrock of one of the many skills that you’ll derive from this program. What
I’m referring is to be able to do a Color Transference Analysis. That is, a Personality
Color Transfer Analysis.
The more I do them, and I have been doing quite a few of them, I must say that it is
the most powerful feedback that I get from clients other than their original reading.
In other words, if I compare it as in terms of its impactfulness, and after all I’m a
Manifestor so impact is one of those things that I naturally pay attention to, giving
someone a Color Transference Analysis has a very, very powerful effect on the
Personality and the way in which the Personality looks at itself. What we’re going to
begin to look at today is the foundation of how one can begin to not only see what
Color transference is, but the way in which to understand it and be able to interpret
it and to be able to bring the usefulness of this analysis to a client.
It’s so interesting, my whole trajectory with that, and trajectory is, by the way, going
to be a big word today, when I began to do it, it’s clear to me that I need to have
experience in doing the analyses that I’m teaching the foundation of. I will, within
the next few days, offer my services as a Primary Health System practitioner and do
well-being readings in order to gain the experience of how do you transfer the
information, how do you transfer it effectively.
I began doing the Personality Color Transference around September and at first I
thought it was going to be a real Projector thing. The first eight or nine clients were
all Projectors. It was very odd. It was clear to me how important it was for the
Projector. It was obvious. It gave the Projector in some ways something
comparative to the Generator sacral response. In other words, it gave the Projector
mind the ability to be able to discern conditioning in a way that it had never
understood. It was obvious to me that Projectors were very much vulnerable to the
conditioning field, how important it is as a tool.
Then I began to get the first of the Generators. This was fascinating for me because
my presumption was that it was going to be less impactful. As a matter of fact, I
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
can remember when the first one showed up I even mentioned that at the beginning
of the reading. I said I thought this was really thought this was for Projectors, let’s
see. The impact was extraordinary and for a very different reason, in a sense.
The Projector has this ability to be able to focus the aura on the other, and in that
sense to be able to penetrate the other. It is natural for the Projector to be designed
to be observant, and in that observation to have recognition. Color transference
simply gives a Projector an incredible tool in terms of the way their minds work to be
able to concretize in their own minds when they are truly being impacted by the
other. And rather that being the typical energy impact, in the way the subtle
conditioning forces operate.
For a Generator it was something entirely different. It was the inward value. I saw
right away that it was a different nuance on the reading, because immediately with
Generators who are designed to know themselves better than any other type that
this was an extraordinary insight. Not so much into the fact that others were
conditioning them, interestingly enough, but what their being conditioned that way,
what that had meant to them in their own process. In other words, a way of gaining
clarity in terms of their own developmental process, and at the same time adding
enormous power in terms of the mind, the way in which the mind looks at anything
coming from Human Design; in other words, a very powerful tool for the passenger.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON SIX– The Line/Color Chains
So, what we’re going to begin to today is to begin looking at this journey. This is
where we left off last time. Remember that our overall work here is dealing with the
mapping of the not-self mind. In looking at this entire mapping program as we
talked about last week, we begin with very basic things, because it’s the very basic
things, that the way you operate through your type, is the secret. It’s just the way it
is. Whatever the strategy and authority is as it is associated to the way in which you
are designed, this is the key.
The moment that you enter into that correctly, that is, the moment that you enter
into the experiment correctly you’re already beginning this very important process of
aligning the vehicle. Remember, when we’re dealing with a client we cannot simply
parse away the Design and just go smacking in and grab their Personality, or the
passenger, it doesn’t work that way. We’re dealing with a holistic illusion. That
holistic illusion is not operating correctly physically. So this is the beginning of the
process. That is, the beginning of the process is to align the holistic being into a
correct way in which their body can operate.
It’s just something to keep in mind that every decision that is sourced from true
authority, that is, the true inner authority of the vehicle, every time one does that
one is not only in a correcting process, but one is also aligning oneself to what is
one’s true function. That is, one’s true chemistry, biology, whatever language you
want to use. Obviously, that in looking at any bodygraph we’re going to have
subtleties and we’ve discussed that, the impact on splits as an example, the impact
of conditioning gates in terms of split definitions.
But, the moment that we really want to begin to work with the Personality we
immediately have to come to motivation. When we’re looking at the upper parts of
this, and I’m not specifically talking about mapping now, I’m talking about the
approach to the client, that in terms of the approach to the client it is the reassertion
of the essential. We cannot be of help to you unless you are in the experiment of
operating your vehicle correctly because that’s where it all begins. Obviously, in any
kind of build up to what we’re going to be looking at is going to be the obvious. In
other words, dealing with the basic frameworks of the way in which the not-self
operates, this is an introduction into the Rave Psychological process.
A Stepping Process
By the way, I think it’s important to you to have my imagination on this. I see a PHS
consultation is something that can take a half an hour and there might not
necessarily be any direct follow-up necessary. Though, there will be in specific
cases. But when I’m looking at Rave Psychological analysis we’re really looking at a
stepping process. We’re not looking at something that can be digested in a single
sitting. What we’re looking at is a series of a Rave Psychological sessions, in that
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
It’s also important that they take place over a period of time in which the client is, in
fact, experimenting with their strategy because after all, this is the bedrock of it.
More than that, it will allow you the ability to be able to go through the various
stages necessary. In other words, the basic thematics from type and definition, into
the basic not-self strategies of the openness in the way in which it operates in terms
of the potential of their being and the way they see.
And then, you get to a place where you can begin to work directly with the
passenger. And the way you get to work directly with the passenger is when you
tune the mind to something that it has to pay attention to. This is something that’s
very interesting. If you take a look at this stuff at the top of the illustration, all of
that over there is for the body. It’s all about the body. It’s all about understanding
that the vehicle has to be satisfied in terms of correctness, that the vehicle comes
first, that the vehicle has to have its true authority, that the vehicle has to be
operated through the true authority.
The benefits derived from that are not obvious to the mind. The mind is losing its
power, it doesn’t particularly like it, it doesn’t really know what’s going to happen,
and it doesn’t really know if this is really a good idea, all of that stuff. And
everything is handed over to the body; that is, the silent, unconscious part of their
So, it’s only when you get to the transference section in the illustration that you can
truly engage the passenger. That is, you can engage the Personality consciousness.
You can engage it because this not something for the body to do, this is something
for the mind to do. And oh, is it seductive. It really is. It’s an extraordinary thing.
The mind is great. I am an enormous admirer of mind. It’s absolutely
extraordinary. It is unfortunate that most human beings never get the chance to
take advantage of that very extraordinariness of their minds. The not-self is a
burden. The not-self mind is not a pleasant thing. It’s a busy oppressed thing. But
it’s not a pleasant thing; even though there are those interludes that can come by
every once in a while.
The whole thing about the brilliance of mind is that it is something that emerges
when mind is liberated from the burden of being responsible for something that it
cannot possibly be responsible for, which is life and the way it works. It can’t. But,
when you come to Color transference you actually get to a place where you can not
only engage the mind, but the very fact that the mind is engaged is an essential
ingredient in its well-being and in its ultimate potential to be aware.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON SIX– The Line/Color Chains
We come to something very interesting. I guess it’s the juiciest part of today’s
lecture. When you think about Color, when you think about Personality Color, and
for those of you that are involved in PHS, you’ve already seen this in PHS Color, that
every Color is a binary. In other words, the 1st Color of fear at the Personality level
is the communalist/separatist. And then you have the theist/anti-theist, and you
have the leader/follower, and you have the master/novice, and you have the
conditioner/conditioned, and you have the observer/observed.
These basic binaries are something very important. Everything is a chain in terms of
the way in which this whole process works. When we’re going down in the chain
from the line we go to the Color and when to Color we go to the Tone. These three
elements are what configure everything, everything. It’s very important to
understand that the way in which we are programmed is not from the gate down,
but we are programmed from the Base up. In other words, we are programmed
from the Base to the Tone, and from the Tone to the Color, and from the Color
ultimately to the line.
So, it’s something to recognize about the nature of Color. That the way in which
we’re looking at it here in this particular mapping, and this is an integrated mapping
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
between Color and line, that when you’re looking at this the thing to recognize is that
this is already the byproduct of something else; in other words, that the Color
emerges out of the Tone. I’ve mentioned this illustration before, but it’s good to
remind you that when you think about the crystals of consciousness, our two crystals
of consciousness—Design crystal and Personality crystal—that the way in which they
receive the neutrino feed is that they receive it through what we would call the Base
first. In other words, the first part of the crystal that the neutrino stream enters is
what we would refer to as Base.
And as it moves through the infrastructure of the crystal remember that the neutrino
is going to oscillate, it’s going to give off information as it moves through the crystal,
as it moves through the inner structure of the crystal. And it’s this inner structure of
the crystal that we refer to as Tone. As it is ready to emerge from the crystal, as the
stream, as the neutrino oscillating, is about to leave the crystal this is what we call
Tonal Influence
So, it’s important to grasp that in looking at any Color aspect that there is an
underlying direct tonal influence. And it is this tonal influence that I want to
introduce you to today. When we look at PHS and when we’re looking at the Colors
in PHS, the Colors are all binaries. By the way, the keynotes for the Colors are
different, and the keynotes for the binaries are different because, well, a cliché
deserves a cliché, we’re dealing with apples and oranges.
When we’re looking at the binary on the physical side, there is something very
extraordinary that happens that all PHS students are looking forward to next week,
that is at the tonal level before the Color is there that the Tone fixes one aspect of
the Color binary. It fixes it. It’s very important to grasp. It fixes it. So, on the
Design side when you have a Color and there is a binary there is actually only one
aspect of that binary that’s you; and it’s fixed that way. It’s fixed that way in terms
of the way in which you are genetically predisposed to differentiate.
But on the Personality side its different—apples and oranges, it’s different. First of
all, we have to see that when we’re dealing with the Personality we are dealing with
the potential of consciousness to emerge within the form. That’s the first thing. The
second thing is that the Tone below the Color on the Personality side does not have
the capacity to fix. It doesn’t. It has the capacity to align or weight the trajectory.
And this is what we’re going to be looking at here. We’re going to be looking at the
weighting of trajectory.
What that means is that, for example, let’s take the 1st Color. If we look at the 1st
Color and we see that it’s a binary between communalist and separatist there is a
weighted trajectory. In other words, either a trajectory in which the communalist
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON SIX– The Line/Color Chains
becomes the separatist or the trajectory in which the separatist becomes the
communalist, and there is no time frame. This is only about correctness, there is no
time frame.
There is a mechanism, and again it will take me quite awhile to teach you all that,
but there is a mechanism of differentiation in how strong the trajectory is. In other
words, if you go from separatist to communalist, you’re a separatist a short time or a
long time, that kind of ability to be able to discern the level of it. But it’s something
that is very important because what we are talking about is that we are talking about
motivational trajectory.
Now, let’s think about the obvious about Color transference for a moment, just the
obvious. You come into the world; you have a Personality that is 1st Color and let’s
just speak of it as the Sun/Earth. So, basically with this 1st Color there is this
underlying fear and it is this fear that is essential. Again, it’s not fear that shakes
you in your boots; it is the discomfort that comes with not having certainty. It’s the
fear of not having certainty.
This fear of not having certainty begins at a very primary level. That is, the certainty
of the viability of your own life, your own personal security, and then beyond that.
Eventually as it emerges as we’ve seen in 1st line themes it becomes the investigator
and introspection and whatever. However, there is something really to grasp about
what happens to this being in transference. In transference they’re going to go
across to the 4th Color. This is just direct, harmonic transference. 1-4, 2-5, 3-6, it’s
just the basics as you understand them. The only difference is that we’re actually not
talking about lower and upper trigram because there’s no such thing. We’re simply
talking about the lower Colors and the upper Colors, just to use that as a language
When we’re looking at this transference, when one moves away from the fear to the
need, it’s not so much that—I can tell you a long story and I have about the
difference between what it means to be motivated on one side and motivated after
the transference. But what’s really important is your trajectory, your motivational
trajectory. Let’s say that you were the separatist that’s moving toward
communalism. The moment that you transfer all of that gets dropped, gets dropped
in the sense that when you get realigned and you get back to it, the movement has
been arrested. If you stay away from it long enough you may have to retrace your
steps. You may go back to the very basic of the trajectory.
It’s like one of those kid’s games, one of those board games where the moment that
somebody can be on the same space as you somehow you have to go backwards.
As soon as there is the conditioning, as soon as you’re being pulled away, boom, it’s
gone. What we’re going to be investigating is the motivational trajectories that are
there. What are these different motivational trajectories, because they’re ultimately
going to become part of our language?
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
But, the first thing that we have to see is the basic surface and how important it is
for the mind just in dealing with the surface. For example, this being that has a 1st
Color and they’re always transferring to the 4th Color. It’s very simple with them.
The first thing that you’re saying to their Personality mind is, “If you’re feeling
needy, if you think you need to have this and you need to have that and you need to
have the other thing, you’re really in trouble because that’s not what your motivation
is all about. And if there are people in your life who are constantly pushing you
towards neediness—you need to do this, you need to do that, you need to change
your life, you need to get—then you’re dealing with people that are reinforcing the
transference away from your nature.”
This is the gift for the mind. “Aha,” the passenger says, “I know that feeling in me,
that underlining tension that is there, that neediness that emerges.” After all, this is
not someone to be motivated by need. This is somebody who is motivated to grasp
things, to get them, to understand them, to know them, to make sense out of them,
whatever language you want to use, it is about the thing, and it’s not a need
attached, it is their process.
What they do, they do not do it out of need. But it is part of their exploration to find
what is solid, to eliminate the fear. Of course, the moment they’re being pulled away
to the other side, and they’re being pulled away all the time—remember that the
not-self is always in transference, because the only thing that aligns you—here’s the
joke for the mind, the mind can notice the conditioning but only the vehicle can align
them. If you’re not correct and you have this knowledge and you say, “Aha, this
person is making me feel needy,” your mind will say, “Yeah, good, we do need that.”
And it will come up with a really good reason grabbed from one of your open centers.
It’s just the way that it works.
To engage the mind this way is extraordinary, because it really gives it something to
notice. And it’s not just a matter that it notices it, it grasps that what it is noticing
has been transforming negatively its process all of its life. You’ll get to see when you
look at your own Color transference, the first thing that you need to see who in your
life pulls you to the transference. Let alone the oddities within the chart, because
you’ll all ask me those things, the real important thing is to recognize when you’re
being pulled into transference.
For the passenger this is a miracle because they can actually participate in it, they
can actually notice it. They can consciously recognize conditioning as it is
happening. It’s a great gift. Obviously, it allows them to begin to see when their
mind moves away because it is being driven by something else, being driven by
something other than what is correct for it, that they’ll begin to sense how mad it is
to stay on that track because it’s not what they’re about.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON SIX– The Line/Color Chains
Transference is Natural
This is the surface. It is this simple surface that I bring to Color transference
readings, just the surface. It is very, very profound to understand it. It’s very easy
for my 3rd Color Personality to be pulled to the 6, because it’s easy for anyone to be
pulled into transference. Remember, transference is natural. Aligning yourself
through being correct is what keeps everything in balance. There is always that 6
that says to me in one way or another, “Why bother?” The moment I move away
from my desire which is my motivational trajectory and I’m playing Mr. Innocence,
boy, am I in trouble, and does my mind ever know it, because it recognizes it. It
recognizes it all the time.
So, when we’re dealing with Color transference, we’re dealing with an intellectual
awareness tool. This is a way in which the passenger can be taught to see
conditioning. And as I said, depending on their type, their sensitivity, their level of
intelligence, that this becomes a transcendent process because they begin to see
patterns of the way in which their mind has operated. In the mind recognizing these
things, in the vehicle operating correctly according to its strategy and authority, this
is enormously transforming.
And discernment is the movie. Discernment is all about the other, it’s being clear
about the nature of the other, being clear what is the impact of the other on you and
vice versa; and understanding something about this extraordinary process of
fulfilling your purpose, that it’s really unique. The correct motivation is absolutely
essential. That motivation is not a reward for being correct. The right motivation is
a payment for a lot of discipline to correctness, because there’s a trajectory. You
don’t just get it. There’s a movement, because it’s all about geometry. Everything
is about geometry.
So, in the 1st Color we have the separatist/communalist. Today I am not going to
talk about the fixing methodology, I just want to describe how this is a two-way
street. And that it becomes one of those deep, deep tools to be able to align
somebody, to be able to align them to what is their right motivational trajectory and
to give them a signpost.
This is what I like so much about Color transference, it’s a signpost. You can
constantly see the conditioning that is your mind. Remember here our concern is
about the mind. That the mind can grasp the conditioning; that the mind can begin
to relax and in relaxing see so much within the construct. And to begin to realize
one’s potential, whatever one’s movement is, whether one has a motivational
trajectory from the anti-theist, “I don’t believe in anything; show me,” to the theist,
“Oh, my God, it’s all incredible,” or the other way around—the theist that believes in
everything and has hope for everything. Suddenly it disappears.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Steps to Awareness
All of these can go either way. Don’t think that the novice has to go to the master.
The master often has to go to the novice, and leaders and followers and so forth.
What’s fascinating is that we all have a motivational trajectory. That’s the thing
that’s really fascinating. I’m looking at developing a kind of steps to awareness—I
don’t have other language for it—stages to awareness, whatever you want to call
these things. It’s clear to me that the passenger can only take so much at a time. I
am actually in my 20th year of doing this. I have held back information over huge
periods of time knowing that you can only transfer so much to students when they
have been able to absorb at a certain level.
We’re entering into brand new ground. This is far more sophisticated than the
simple Color transference that is the opening up of awareness for the passenger.
The next stage beyond that is this movement into what motivational trajectory is,
and how to align the passenger to its purpose on that line of trajectory, which is
something that is very exciting.
So, I want you to have a sense of where we’re going in order to be able to put basic
Color transference into perspective. In other words, this is to the whole process
what overview is to a reading in that sense. This is the beginning of this. And it’s
the beginning of giving the passenger something that they can truly absorb, because
they can take it in, and they can watch because it’s easy to watch it, because they all
know their polarity. They all know it. It’s not that they know it if you ask them.
They know it when you describe it to them because they have been dealing with it all
their lives.
Their ability to be able to tune into this, this is the first shattering, if you will, of the
passenger’s complacency. This is the first moment where this would be much more
interesting than worrying about making decisions. In other words, this is the
beginning of the seduction process, of seducing the passenger into disarming itself,
in a way.
The mind is such a sucker. It’s one of the things that I love so much about the
mind. When you realize that 71% of humanity will think about anything, absolutely
anything, you see what the mind is like. If you give the mind something really juicy
to think about it’s gone, it loves it, it’s terrific. This is really juicy.
For the mind this is a way of looking in and looking out, and it’s a way of being on
guard. And it gives the mind a sense that it’s doing something useful, which is also
interesting. And to show you how smart it is—“Did you notice the way we were
being pulled towards our needs? Did you notice that?”—mind jumping in there, very,
very pleased with itself that it can recognize conditioning, too.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON SIX– The Line/Color Chains
You really have to see this about the passenger. The passenger has been so stupid
for so long. That the moment that you can really get to it, you’ve got to break
through all of those layers and layers and layers of “I am responsible.” This is the
great trap of mind—“I am responsible. I’m always responsible.” This is the whole
The moment that it is not responsible it can have fun. It’s fun to see that you can
judge, you can tell, you can point out those beings that pull you to this, and those
beings that are good for you, that align you. The difference if you’re a 1 and you’re
child comes up to you and says, “I need your help, I need your help,” immediate
transference. The same child for the same thing comes up to you and says, “How
does this work?” No transference.
It’s so simple. We are so easily moved at this motivational level, easy. So, it’s
helpful for us to have our minds involved. The body isn’t into self-reflected
consciousness; it’s into building the machinery of it. As long as the body is operating
correctly according to its strategy and authority, everything is fine. But for the
passenger it’s a different process. It’s always a different process. And it’s very easy
for the passenger’s motivation to simply be pulled adrift. For the ultimate holistic
being you have a healthy vehicle and a continuing stupid passenger. It’s good for
the mind to get involved.
So, let’s look at some of these. Let’s look at the 2 and the 5. The moment that
you’re looking at the 2nd Color and you’re looking at the theme of hope then this is
the motivation, the motivation is hopefulness, a deep, deep underlying theme of
hopefulness. It’s very handy, by the way, if you have a 3rd line Personality and
you’ve got a 2nd Color. There is this underlying hopeful motivation, even though it
doesn’t get to the surface. Remember that about Color. We don’t have any
conscious access to Color. Our access stops at the line. And it makes a difference
between the 3rd line being who has to go through the trial and error process that
there is this underlying current of hopefulness. Nice, it’s nice to have.
If that 3rd line being is operating correctly, then they’re going to gain the advantages
of whatever that hopefulness happens to be. But if they’re transferred they’re no
longer hopeful, they want to fix things, condition them. They want to do something
about it. They want to make you do something about it. They’re motivated to deal
with it. They’re not going to sit around and hope.
You can see immediately the pull. You have to understand that the underlying
motivation frames who you are. In the same way that we move up from the Base,
from the Color we go to the line. Whatever that line happens to be in your
incarnation cross, your Sun/Earth, your Nodes, that line is designed to operate in a
specific way driven by a specific motivational trajectory that’s moving it along a
specific path. And whether it is moving it from theist to anti-theist and all the sub-
themes that go with that, and we’ll get around to that when the time comes, if it’s
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
shifted over here to the conditioner/conditioned this is a totally different thing, and
it’s not equipped to do this, it isn’t. And it ends up adrift. It lacks its potential to be
able to fulfill the purpose that’s inherent in what they are.
Correct Motivation
If you’re not motivated correctly you can’t see correctly or be correct, because
you’ve left your trajectory for something else. Instead of moving from anti-theist to
theist, suddenly you’re conditioned moving to conditioner. It is a totally different
path. That moment where you’re making a decision in the fork in the road, the
motivational criteria has changed and everything else has changed with it. And
you’re no longer in the right direction in the larger sense of finding this place of not
simply correctness—correctness is just the language that I can use. It’s much more
profound than that. It is this extraordinary potential in all of us to differentiate.
I don’t think that’s really grasped, what that means. If I’m really different from you,
really different from you, we both live in different worlds. If I’m going to know
anything beyond my own world then it would be interesting to learn it from you. But
there’s no way that I can share my world with you, nor can you share your world
with me. We can communicate certain things. It is these certain things that we can
communicate that are universal that ultimately bind us altogether in a whole.
We are here to be unique. And that uniqueness is something that as you explore the
depths of it, it’s huge all the elements of uniqueness; it’s a vast thing. On the
surface we have simple tools, but if the mind isn’t involved, if the mind doesn’t have
a positive role to play, the holistic being cannot be transformed. This is the two
aspects of this knowledge. If I do Design work I know that I can heal bodies, and
well, minds be damned. If it works, it works; if it doesn’t, it doesn’t, but the body
will be healed, the body will be healthy. You can align the vehicle to well-being
without awakening the passenger. As a matter of fact, you can keep the passenger
asleep and align the vehicle to its well-being.
But the passenger? The passenger has to be taken step by step by step. Ultimately,
it is the passenger’s mind that has to complete the process for the holistic being to
awaken, not just the body to be healthy, but for differentiation to really have taken
place. The differentiation of a unique mind, a unique mind that is correctly
motivated a unique mind that is aware.
There are a lot of language things in these kinds of discussions. Awareness is one of
them. For me, if I were to try to give a meaning to that term—awareness—for me it
is the choiceless recognition of life. That’s what awareness is for me. It is a
choiceless recognition of life; choiceless. And it is nothing but seeing. Not
interfering, not caught in the “this and that” of the arbitrary moralities, but the
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON SIX– The Line/Color Chains
In that seeing it is only then possible to be awake. That is what it’s all about. Part
of that is that for the mind to have a signpost to its potential to awakeness what we
have is this—the key, the key to the mind beginning to occupy itself with how it is
altered by others, and what it feels like mentally when you align yourself to what is
correct. In other words, to avoid the conditioning temptation of somebody who
wants to lay on the guilt trip to you and there you are with your hopefulness as an
underlying motivation and you can feel it in both your language and your resistance
to doing anything about it and your mind is just going to swell with typical mental
pride. “Oh, aren’t we smart, we got that.” It’s great for mind.
It doesn’t mean, by the way, that these people in your life that are constantly testing
the kind of transference that you’re subject to, doesn’t necessarily mean they’re
incorrect for you. It really doesn’t. You can end up in a situation where your best
friend, your lover, is exactly the opposite of you and you’re pulling each other
towards transference all the time. Remember, if the vehicle is correct everything is
correct. Once the vehicle is correct then the mind can simply step in and see the
impact of the attempted transference and not to go for it. And it doesn’t have to
because it’s not in charge anymore.
The moment that you take inner authority away from the mind you give the mind its
due. You give it the potential to be your outer authority, this wonderful outer
authority, but not an inner authority. Then mind can genuinely participate in this
process and the passenger becomes more and more aware. And those beings that
impact you in that way, to be aware of that is a huge step in your consciousness.
Don’t ever get blasé about what we know through this information. It’s really
incredible. This recognizing the impact of the other if you’re correct in your
connection to them to begin with recognizing that impact is part of a learning
process. It’s a reminder to you not to be pulled in that direction. Oh, for the mind
this is a wonderful thing.
If we move along and we look at the 3 and the 6, I was using myself as an example
as my Personality Sun/Earth is 3rd Color and the transference is to the 6. This is the
difference between leader/follower and observer/observed. It’s clear to me that
throughout the first 35 years of my life I was constantly transferred to the 6. It’s
just so obvious to me. I had absolutely no desire to really lead anyone. I had
moments of that, but it was just not my nature, it seemed that way to me. And I
was not a follower. That is, at least that is what I thought. I was not a follower at
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
I was very much pulled away from the whole leader/follower trip and I was Mr.
Observer/observed. My life was a disaster at any possible level that one can
imagine, it was a mess. It’s so interesting in watching your own process over the
years, because it’s the advantage we’re all given, is to see how profound it has been
for me to be aligned to what is my correct motivation. This is my motivational
trajectory. Oh boy, did I have to be a follower. I never could have imagined that.
But then again, I never assumed I was going to bump into something like the Voice.
It’s a very interesting thing to see what happens to you when you align to what is
your correct motivational trajectory. And more than that, ultimately, to see the
trajectory itself; in other words, to be able to see the way the binary weighting
works. But just the alignment—and it’s so clear to me in these moments where
whether it is the not-self, because the not-self always remains, whether it’s my not-
self saying to me, “don’t bother,” or whether it’s somebody saying to me, “don’t
bother,” it is always that energy that is just so obvious to me. It’s so obvious that
it’s pulling me into what my life was really about for so long and it was totally
I don’t mind when it’s around me, I don’t mind when it’s in my own head because it
don’t pay any attention to it because it’s not me. Transference is always there. It’s
something to grasp. It has to be there. If Color didn’t transfer we would have no
life. This is the essence of how life or the illusion of life is constructed. It’s based on
the transference of Color so we have to deal with that. It means that only the
correctness, the disciplined correctness is something that constantly realigns one to
one’s correct motivation. And that mental awareness enhances that entire process,
it really enhances it. This really is about the passenger seeing, and this is a seeing
tool for the passenger. Look out in the world around you and see the conditioning
taking place, see it. Ah, the passenger loves this. It’s the delicious thing for the
When we get to the next transference, from the 4 to the 1, the 4 is always in
transference, always in transference. What that means is that there is an aspect to
the 4 that really samples everything. It ultimately comes out in what we understand
as 4th line themes of brotherhood and sisterhood, and networking and opportunism,
and all of the things that are part of the externalization that is built into the 4th Color.
It’s something just to note that we have two Colors that are unusual. That is, the 4th
Color because it is the 4th Color that is at the source of the transference phenomena
of Color. And it is through the 4th Colors that the Magnetic Monopole is able to pull
together the Design and the Personality frequencies and pull them together into the
illusion that we think of ourselves.
So, the 4th Color has a very special relationship to all the other Colors as a byproduct
of that. When you’re dealing with the 5th Color it has an unusual relationship to the
Tones below. It is through the 5th Color that there is linkage between Tone and
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON SIX– The Line/Color Chains
Color. We’ll get to that when the time comes. But when you’re dealing with the 4-1,
to come in with the 4th Color simply means that there is always going to be this
Again, for the mind it is about recognizing the main transference themes. In other
words, every time that the mind can recognize that the 4 has transferred to the 1,
which by the way is the most common, that the 4 has transferred to the 2 or the 5 is
by recognizing the themes. As long as the vehicle is operating correctly the 4th Color
is healthy. But as you will see when we will eventually get there that the nature of
the motivational trajectory is very different. And it’s very different from the
trajectories of the other.
But in terms of just the general transference, again the same tool, but a much more
broadened array. In other words, and again when we get to the point that we’re
actually going to look at the way trajectory is aligned we’re also going to see
because this is the relationship between Color and Tone, we’re also going to see the
preferences in the 4, in specific 4’s because they’ll be different for every 4th Color,
the preferences to where the transference is going to be. Normally, the transference
is going to be to three other Colors rather than to all five of the other Colors. But
again, that’s for later.
Let’s continue our little travel around the crystal. If we go over here to transference
from the 5th Color to the 2nd Color, if you’re naturally aligned to the 5th Color,
basically your motivation is to have an impact, to do something about things, to
repair things, fix things, get involved, have yourself fixed, repaired, changed; fix,
change, repair others, it’s all part of the motivation. It’s part of the motivation of
going out there and doing something. And it is very, very different from a
motivation of hopefulness.
The whole thing about the 2, remember what we call the hermit as a 2nd line derives
from a nature below it. It’s always this way. Of course, the guiding light of the
hermit is that there is this resonance down to the Color of hope, there is ultimately
this possibility that the right call will come, and so forth and so on. This underlying
hopefulness is not about taking action at all. As a matter of fact, it can be an
enormous blunder. That hopefulness is simply placing everything in the hands of the
So you can imagine what happens to this being that’s here to be motivated to get it
done—and remember we’re not looking at what the motivation is focused on. We’re
not talking about what line it is, what gate it is, what the definition is, and on and on
and on as we go through the whole story. Obviously, that puts a specific perspective
on what the fixing is all about, what the engaging is all about.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
The joke, of course, is that this is what’s normal. This is the joke. What’s normal is
that you’re here to be motivated to do something and you do nothing. And you’re
here to be motivated to do nothing and you do something. This is the way the world
works. It’s why it works in such a chaotic fashion. It’s extraordinary.
Again, the most profound potentials of this knowledge can only be seen, ultimately
some day, in larger gatherings of beings. That’s why I’m always promoting the Ibiza
event—any gathering of Human Design people in order to get the byproduct of that
whole that’s greater than the sum of its parts. It’s really quite something.
To recognize that the whole planet is operating out of transferred motivation. Then
you see that what really needs to be fixed isn’t. What really deserves hopefulness
doesn’t get it. What really needs to be understood doesn’t get understood. What’s
really needed is not delivered. And it goes on and on and on. And this is the
dilemma of the planet. You end up with a horrible place.
After all, I’m well aware of the fact that there are very few people that can even
think about affording me and affording knowledge that takes real resources. We’re
very, very fortunate, privileged, lucky, choiceless beings. I do know this planet and I
have an enormous empathy for the pain and the suffering and the absolute chaos of
what is the mundane plane. I do not forget, I practically repeat it every day how
many billions of people on this planet don’t have, they just don’t have whether it’s
shelter or food or security or education or whatever. How many hundreds of millions
of little girls will never be taught how to read or write out of some profane prejudice.
How many children die every hour from diseases that could be cured with pennies.
It’s on and on and on; this is a horrendous place.
And even in the places where there is wealth there is this deep crudeness and lack of
awareness and violence and greed and don’t get me going about planet earth. This
is normal. This is homogenization. This is what it brings. “Here, this is what you
need.” And it comes from a person who knows nothing about needs. “Here, let me
fix your problem,” and it comes from a person who is not here to be motivated to fix
anything and your problems don’t get fixed. You don’t get what you need. You don’t
fulfill your desires. You don’t live in innocence. You have no hope. It’s all insane.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON SIX– The Line/Color Chains
The passenger has quite a burden, don’t they? It’s really something when you begin
to think about it in that context; this is our world. And we’re trying to turn it
around; this extraordinary journey. This is why this is one human being at a time.
That’s what Human Design is all about, one human being at a time. And every time
it’s transferred to one human being I think that’s wonderful because that’s what this
is all about—one human being at a time, aligning themselves to their uniqueness,
the Holy Grail, the oneness with all, the path to divinity, whatever you want to call it.
How many flowery wonderful gorgeous themes you can lay on it, it’s the only thing
that we haven’t done yet. It’s why it’s here in front of us. It’s why it was given in
the first place so it can be accomplished one-by-one.
And you have to have the allegiance of the passenger. It cannot be done without the
passenger. If we could run a trajectory board over the next 20 years, on one side
you have people who go see a PHS practitioner to have their bodies healed, and
people who go to Rave Psychologists who have their minds healed. I don’t have to
tell you how much more successful PHS will be. It’s easy to fix the body, at least
from my perspective.
What a journey to crack the passenger. And you need to be deeply comfortable with
the nature and the language of transference because this is the gateway. And it’s
the first step in the mind recognizing how distorted its life has really been. The 5th
Color that wakes up—I’ve been waiting all my life for nothing, because nothing was
coming. Oh, that’s quite something for the passenger. They get it. It’s not this thing
about inner authority, to listen to your sacral go “aha.” The passenger does not
appreciate any of that. It’s like telling the passenger that the Spleen is going to look
after it. And the passenger says, “What? That weak primitive thing, it can’t talk, it
doesn’t answer.” The passenger is very uncomfortable with all that body stuff, all
that body awareness, all that body authority. It can’t identify with it.
But boy can it identify with this. That was my serendipity of finally getting a bunch
of Generators to take the transference reading. It was so amazing how they
internalized that. It’s a tremendous power then that comes into the mind, this
power to be able to look out and be useful. After all, remember that the whole
Human Design process really cuts the mind to pieces. It takes away its authority,
makes fun of it, and calls it the source of all sickness and problems. After all, it
takes a real beating. Here suddenly it’s like, oh you can be useful, and really useful.
When we get to the 6 and 3, here again you see somebody who’s come into the
world, the motivation for their personality is not to be engaged. The motivation is
just to be, nothing else. Not to be something. Ah, but over here you have to be
something, be something, you have to get somewhere, you have to move, do all that
stuff; desire.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Think about all these beings that came in with the 6th Color and they’re over here.
What kind of leaders do you think that’s going to give you? It’s horrendous. And the
whole purpose is lost, the purpose is lost. There is no way that the passenger is
going to be able to see correctly if it’s caught over here being motivated to do
something with its line that it does not know how to do, is not equipped to do. It
Then you get this funny feeling that there’s something pushing you and it’s
uncomfortable because it’s not correct. And we’re not talking about what this sets
up as a frequency in your body, and it does. And we’re not talking about the binary
of all of this, the Color transference that is with the being, and the Color transference
that is with the seeing. Your whole world gets distorted. You don’t see properly, you
don’t act properly, and then you wonder why you have problems. And then you
wonder why the decision making process, because that’s our point, is so distorted.
Not only are you operating out of not-self strategies, rooted in ignoring your type
and its themes, affected by the splits that are there, the distortion of the not-self
strategies on the way they apply to your being and your seeing. And then on top of
that you’re transferred. You’re just lost; nothing to hold on to, nothing that is truly
you. Everything is murky and there is no fulfillment. And this frequency of you’re
not on the right trajectory is a terrible one. Most human beings take it to their
grave, they just do. That life that they could have had that they didn’t have, and
they don’t know why they didn’t have it, but they weren’t correct, they weren’t.
Decision making, that’s a real bitch. Decision making is the whole story, it’s
everything. Wherever I go in this knowledge over and over again, deeper and
deeper and deeper I still come gasping back up to the surface, that surface of
strategy and authority because nothing else will strip the mind of its power. It’s the
only thing. The mind cannot stand up to true authority. It cannot, it cannot. It’s
not meant to.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON SIX– The Line/Color Chains
goal for us is to give the mind something to work with that it has a mental
experiment that is something that goes along with its physical experiment.
And by teaching your client how to see transference and we’ll go through this
process of analyzing it in the being and in the seeing and the way in which that
works, to be able to transfer to them this awareness, this is the key. It is the
beginning of their mind operating outside of its normal responsibilities. Moving away
from the mind being concerned about what you’re going to do in the next moment.
When the focus of the mind shifts to observe, to watch, the passenger is beginning
to experience its holiness. That’s what we’re here for.
I did many, many introductory lectures in the early years of Design when I traveled
around. I would always talk about this analogy that I had, or metaphor that I had
for the Personality crystal, the Design crystal, the Magnetic Monopole and I would
put it in the context of a limousine. I’m sure all of you at some point has heard that.
The vehicle itself was the Design crystal and the driver was the Monopole. In the
backseat was the passenger.
I repeated the same line, I had these little catch lines that I used to sort of tried to
break the ice, make people laugh, whatever the case may be. I would say, “You
know what a good passenger is supposed do,” a rhetorical question to the audience.
I would wait and I would say, “Look out the windows.” It was always amazing to see
the response. There would be a few people that would smile. Once in awhile there
would be somebody that would chuckle uncontrollably. But normally there was this
kind of, “Aha, and?”
See, passengers don’t know what that means. If you really want to have a labor
union, get a labor union for passengers because as long as they’re not sleeping
they’re working, they’re working all the time. Totally laboring away with the
dilemma’s of the individual’s life and all the responsibilities it takes, how much
memory you have to have to remember all the things you need to remember
because you think that’s the only way you’re going to be able to have your life, and
all of these things that distort what is the very potential of consciousness.
Strategy and authority at the very surface strips the mind of that. Not right away,
but it cuts the power. The passenger is nothing until the passenger has time to sit
back and look out the window. And what Color transference does for the passenger
is that it gives the passenger something to look for that is good for the passenger
and is good for the vehicle as a whole. And aligns the passenger to its purpose,
which is to look and see what’s really there.
It isn’t necessarily anything about doing anything about anything. It is simply about
the seeing. If your body is correct it will align you correctly. The passenger seeing
is the passenger seeing. And to see transference and to remember it in your life and
what it has meant to you to be transferred, this is extraordinary for the passenger.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
But the passenger will only be moved by it, can only be transformed by it when it
isn’t saying, “Excuse me, but I’m busy right now, I have to think about what we do
tomorrow.” Or, “Excuse me, I don’t really know about this strategy business
because I would really like to do this, this and this now,” the not-self jumping in.
This is a huge step, this movement away from the mind being seen as responsible
for the life, and the mind taking on its role of true observer of the life. After all, who
is going to see that you are unique? You have to see it first. Loving yourself is really
an extraordinary thing. It doesn’t matter what you are, and it doesn’t matter what
you’ve been, and it doesn’t matter what you’re going to do. But if you are unique
and there is in fact nothing like you, that truly is worthy of love, after all. This is the
uniqueness, the specialness, the difference. And it’s in that unique magic and for the
passenger the magic is seeing without responsibility, seeing as awareness, being
conscious of one’s environment, being conscious of the beings in the environment,
being aware of what is going on as you are in that environment. Choiceless,
helpless; and yet, perfect.
When I get down to the bottom line of Rave Psychology it’s probably the most
classically spiritual course I teach, in a funny way, because this is really about
enlightenment, if I can put it so bluntly. The body is about endarkenment, the
perfection of the form. And the passenger is all about turning on the lights for them
so they can properly see. And holistically this is to be awake, to be aware.
So, it’s a very beautiful journey, in that sense, what Rave Psychology offers. It is
the wonderful journey for the mind, to leave behind this horrendous burden of
constant responsibility and surrender. Surrender to one’s perfection, surrender to
the intelligence of one’s differentiation, the unique power it has to perceive the world
in a very special way. And in that perception, to be transcendent; that is, to fulfill
what you were intended to fulfill, whatever the cross may be, whatever the definition
may be.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lesson Seven
Primary Mapping Technique
What I want to do today is give you a kind of guide to the way that we’re going to do
the mapping itself. After this class, the remaining four classes in the semester, each
class is dedicated to looking at a different type. So, we’ll begin looking through the
window of type first. But I want to give you some ideas because I would really like
you to experiment a lot with this on your own in terms of looking at the designs of
people that are in your life and clients, and so forth and so on.
Let’s begin with this little journey through. The last time we took a look at these
various themes because these are the themes that we’re going to deal with. In
other words, we have to go through layers, and we have to go through layers from
the very surface before we’re going to be able to get down to the depth.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Remember, that for the passenger you cannot skip steps. That’s really important to
grasp. The best way for me to illustrate that has been my teaching curve. The buzz
with PHS now, because we can do these fixings on the Color side and all that that
means, I was aware of that nearly 20 years ago, and never whispered a word. It is
really something to understand about the learning curve and how much the
passenger can take, and how long it takes for the passenger to take truthful
information and integrate it into their being. It is a slow process.
Most of the seven year cycle of deconditioning is not so much about the vehicle. If
you’re a Generator and you begin to operate correctly and you begin to respond day
one, day two, whatever the case may be, the fact is that you’re already aligning your
vehicle in a way that is enormously beneficial to you. However, the self-reflected
conscious experience of what it means to follow the authority of the sacral, that’s a
totally different story. And the process that the mind has to go through in the seven
year deconditioning environment.
In other words, that it takes the mind much longer than the body. It’s always that
way. It is the archetype of birth. For what the Design can grasp immediately you
can see that six months later the Personality only begins to work with. The
Personality is there from the moment of birth; the Design comes in 88 degrees of the
sun before the birth. The reality is that the body is always way ahead of the mind.
Just like what you think is initiated in the deep gray areas of the brain before the
neo-cortex is aware of it. The body is always, always, always ahead of the mind.
So, when we’re looking at the dilemma of awakening as a process, one thing we’re
looking at is physical well-being. The physical well-being is something that can
easily be accomplished by simply committing oneself to strategy and authority. But
then we have this process with the passenger. In order for it to work for the
passenger you have to start and go through each level, and they have to clearly
absorb each level before you can move on to the next level.
The goal of Rave Psychology is not to give somebody their strategy and authority in
life. It is a multiple session program to bring somebody’s passenger to the potential
of being awake. That is the real goal of Rave Psychology, is to work with the
passenger. Part of that is educational. In other words, it’s a step-by-step informing
of the passenger in order for it to get it. But you have to start at the very top
because the very top—any synthesis that you see in Human Design speaks for the
genetic continuity of the whole being. It doesn’t matter whether you’re looking at
profile or you’re looking at type, it speaks for the whole being as a genetic
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON SEVEN: Primary Mapping Technique
What we’re going to begin with in any examination of anybody’s design in terms of
Rave Psychology, in terms of the steps that we’re going to take them through, the
first thing that we’re going to begin with is that we’re going to begin with the type.
Think about frustration. These not-self themes are enormously important in this first
level, in this first stage of reaching the passenger. It’s what brought the passenger
to you in the first place, that presumably they have had a reading, an overview,
whatever the case may be and what they’re tuning into is their type and its basic
I’m more interested at this level in dealing with the underlying themes and what
happens to them. Let’s talk about the Generator and the way in which a not-self
Generator looks at anything in front of them, and thinks about themselves in
relationship to anything that is in front of them. If you have a theme that is
frustration, it’s not like the theme does not exist in that moment that you’re standing
there before anything happens. The theme is always there. It’s always just beneath
the surface.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
When you meet a Manifestor and the Manifestor is in a nice space, it doesn’t mean
that they’re not angry, talking about the not-self. The anger is there beneath the
surface. And that anger can emerge at any moment, and not necessarily anger that
is manifested outward at the other; mental anger, anger at oneself, all kinds of
anger that are just hovering beneath the surface. And it’s not like they’re far down;
you scratch these beings the wrong way and their theme is going to come to the
So, what happens with a Generator when you meet this Generator and they’ve had
their overview or their reading and they come to you because this is their goal.
Remember that if you have two offices next door to each other and over one it says
PHS and over the other it says Rave Psychology when you’re going in the PHS door
you just want to come out healthy. When you’re going in the Rave Psychology door,
you want to come out awake. It’s very different. One is for the form and one is for
the spirit. Everything about Rave Psychology is about the spirit of the being. That’s
very different from the door on the other side that’s just about the form principle.
So, somebody who is coming in this door and they’ve sort of grasped it, they’re here
to respond, whatever the case may be, our concern is about their mind. That is
what this is all about. Mind; remember that. Our job is to work with the mind of the
passenger. This Generator that sits down beside you, you know something about
them. And what you know about them is that just underneath the surface is
bubbling frustration that will peek out at any moment. They’re expecting a
telephone call, it doesn’t come, and the frustration pops out. They drive out of the
house, they’re in a hurry and the first light that they hit is red and the frustration
pops out. It doesn’t matter what it is.
But more than that, it’s not like this happens when you’re 25, 35, 45, or 55. It
starts when you’re a baby, that frustration just underneath the surface. So you
don’t get your food when you want it, and you don’t get cuddled when you want it,
and you don’t get whatever it is when you want it and the frustration immediately is
What happens? It builds up over the years that one is going to be frustrated, one
expects to be frustrated, and one is determined to be frustrated because it’s going to
be there. And it means that the way in which you look at anything is that you look
at it with the understanding that you’re probably going to be frustrated. Whatever it
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON SEVEN: Primary Mapping Technique
is—the job, the lover, the career, it doesn’t make any difference what the theme is,
there is always this frustration and this rules the mind. It’s always there.
Think about what that’s like. Many of you know that as not-self you can never
approach anything without the assumption somewhere inside of you that it’s all
going to fall apart. And it doesn’t matter what it is. So, you get into a relationship
and you’re waiting for the frustration. You get into a job; you’re waiting for the
frustration. And the way in which you’re going to frame decisions in your life is that
the frustration is going to be about, “Na, I don’t have to do so much with this
because after all it’s not going to work anyway.”
A Generator with a 3rd line in their profile what you’re looking at is the deepest
pessimist you can find. Because the frustration after awhile just becomes the
theme. Most people when they look at these charts, when I first brought them out
and I put this not-self theme there, they always saw it in the context of the result of
the wrong decision. So, you’re a Generator and you don’t respond so you jump into
something, you meet resistance and you’re frustrated because it doesn’t work. And
of course, that’s correct.
But you see, nothing exists in a vacuum, no cause and effect operates in a vacuum.
There is a build up, there is the retaining of the experience and the frustration
associated with the experience. It’s always there. So, when you’re dealing with this
being that’s sitting down beside you’re, they’re waiting to be frustrated with you.
The waiting is just there underneath the surface.
So, their mind as not-self, it’s ruled by frustration. Think about something. If you’re
a Generator and you’re operating correctly, it means that your vehicle is going to
meet less and less resistance, which means there is going to be less and less
opportunity for frustration. But it doesn’t mean that it’s gone. And it’s not gone
until the mind gives up its authority. Only then does that quality of frustration
disappear, when the mind gives up its authority.
And of course, there is nothing worse than a frustrated mind. It’s very, very
uncomfortable. Think about this being. You look at this being and you see that
they’ve got an open mental system. You can see that with the open Ajna they’re
going to have a not-self strategy of trying to pretend that they’re certain. And of
course, the frustration is always going to be there because in fact they’re not certain
and they know at one point or another it’s going to be proven to be so, and they’re
going to be humiliated and the whole thing is going to be a very frustrating
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Think about a Projector. We have a theme of bitterness; it’s always there. It’s just
underneath the surface. If they don’t get the recognition that they expect, or they
don’t get this or whatever the case may be, boom, it’s there right away. Ultimately,
bitterness rules the way in which their mind works. It just does.
The thing about Projectors is they never forget, ever forget, what makes them bitter.
Nobody holds a grudge better than the not-self Projector, they just do. And the very
bitterness that has come out of lack of whatever, recognition, whatever you want to
call it, that very bitterness tinges the way in which they think about doing this or
One of the things to really recognize about these not-self themes is that when you’re
looking at somebody’s type, the first thing for them to understand is that by
following their strategy and authority and taking away the decision making from their
mind, what it is going to do is lessen their mental anger, their mental frustration,
their mental bitterness, their mental disappointment.
But I want you to grasp how powerful it is, how it always sits there waiting to say,
“See, it never works for us,” see, whatever the case may be. Then, of course, that is
a goad for the mind; it is a goad for mental decision making. “Well, let’s do this
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LESSON SEVEN: Primary Mapping Technique
differently next time,” whatever the case may be, or “Let’s get our revenge,”
whatever the case may be.
Type isn’t just the obvious window that we use in a Human Design reading. In a
Human Design reading we look at the type and say, “Ok, here we have an emotional
Generator and you’re here to respond, make decisions in the wave over time,” and
all of these basic things. But remember something; this is not what we’re interested
in. What we’re interested in is getting this mind to grasp what its real role is for this
being. The first thing is to deal with the mental frustration, as an example, with the
So, for example when I would meet such a person in a first meeting, the focus of my
whole discussion with them would be the theme of frustration. How frustrating
things seem to them and for them to understand that by operating mechanically
doesn’t necessarily mean that their mind is going to give up being hooked on the
frustration mechanism. It’s only when the mind freely allows the vehicle to make
decisions as the authority that it will lose that frustration as a force.
It’s something to see about these themes. And it doesn’t mean, by the way, that
they disappear in the sense that if you’re a Generator and you’re operating correctly
and your passenger is aware it doesn’t mean that as a Generator you’re not going to
have moments of frustration. But they’re going to be very, very limited. As a
matter of fact, the awake Generator can actually eliminate frustration, truly eliminate
frustration, because for a Generator it’s always so obvious, and because it’s
moment-by-moment, it is always so obvious how to make or where to make the
correct decision, and that there is no frustration that can be derived from, or be the
result of that correct decision.
It’s so essential to grasp that these are ruling themes. When you say to the
passenger, “Look, you’ve lived a life of frustration, and that life of frustration is now
the way in which your mind works, it’s the general environment of your mind. There
is the expectation of, there is the hope to avoid, there are the mental strategies of
how you’re going to do this and that and whatever, and the decisions that are there
are based on avoiding frustration.” So, you’ve got a not-self mind of a Generator
who is focused on avoiding frustration. You’ve got the not-self mind of a Manifestor
that is fixed on avoiding anger, and on and on and on.
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
That frames the way in which the mind is going to look at anything. The Generator
passenger needs to understand that every way in which they have tried to make a
decision in their life, all of those decisions have been guided by an attempt to avoid
frustration. And yet, their mind doesn’t know how to do that. Minds don’t. So you
have a counterpoint here. On one side you have the strategy and authority that will
align the Generator to what is correct in its response and that will slowly eliminate
the commonality of frustration in their process. Do that extensively over a seven-
year period.
But at the same time, the mind is still holding on to the frustration. Not the present
frustration, the past frustrations, it’s not like they just disappear. Seven years for
cellular renewal. They don’t, they’re there. The mind is dealing with the frustration
saying, “This is going to frustrate you, too. Yeah, sure you listen to your Sacral, you
idiot, you’ll see.” There’s the mind. It doesn’t necessarily say it that way, but
nonetheless, you get the point.
So, when you’re looking at type from this perspective you have to see what these
themes do to the mind. And as you’ll see when we begin going through the process,
the detailed analysis next week, that the not-self theme is the dominant subject, the
main subject for the very first session.
Now, one of the things that I foresee in this is that this is a process that can take
place over a period of years, rather than a period of days or weeks. In other words,
the whole Rave Psychology process is a stage-by-stage process and it’s one that
cannot be rigid because it really is going to be dependent on the level of involvement
and the progress that the client actually makes on the physical plane in terms of
working with their strategy and working with their authority.
But it has to go stage-by-stage because it’s the only way that the passenger is going
to get it. I can remember years ago, it was really amazing to me. I used to do a lot
of introductory lectures and I would notice after awhile that when I would come back
to places there were often many people in the audience that had been there before.
Basically, it was the same rap; basically it was the same introduction done over and
over and over again. There were some people who came to five, six, seven of my
introductory lectures over the years. One day one of them came up to me and said
to me, “I love your introductory lectures.” I said, “I can tell, you always show up.”
And they said, “Really, every time I come I learn something different.” It’s the same
damn lecture. But this is one of the things about human beings. It’s like when you
do a reading for somebody and you hit that real hot button. They don’t remember
anything else you said. You go on and on and they’re in their mind rambling around
on that thing that bit them. It’s like that.
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LESSON SEVEN: Primary Mapping Technique
The passenger, the mind, you have to see that these themes that are there in the
type, these not-self themes frame everything. So, it’s the top of the ladder. So
when that person comes in for that first session, the first thing that I’m going to do
is review their design. In other words, I’m going to make sure that they have a
sense of the information so that I can see where I can go with them. They’ve had
whatever, their reading, and this is the beginning of that process.
I always do that. When I do a reading for somebody, the only exceptions are those
people that I have had do most of their readings with me anyway, but when I have
somebody who comes to me and they have had readings from other professionals, I
always make sure I do a little 10 minute overview to make sure that the basic
themes are there, and that they know. Then I can move on and I can deal with the
things that have to be dealt with.
The same thing is true for somebody who enters into this process. You have to know
how much the passenger has taken in. There is much more give and take in these
sessions. In other words, it’s very different, for example, than the analytical style in
which you just simply plow through somebody’s reading and you give them their
tape and you send them out the door. This is very much rooted in back-and-forth.
It’s much more in the psychological vein, in that sense. You need to have the
feedback from the passenger. You need to engage the passenger in the process.
You need to engage them intellectually in the process.
So, it’s not simply a matter of going over their design, but at the same time asking
them what they’re doing with the knowledge that they’ve received. Are they
experimenting and so forth and so on, all these basic things. Then to take the
subject to where it has to go; in other words, where it has to go is to the not-self
theme and in understanding that your body is doing something to eliminate it but
your mind is still holding on to it. It’s still holding on to it.
So, for example, if you’re a Generator and you’ve entered into your experiment and
something happens, whatever it is, and there is this mind of yours that’s rushing in
with it’s just-under-the-surface frustration theme—concern, pessimism about what
will happen, uncertainty—that’s the moment that the passenger can look at that and
think, “Oh, yes, this is what they were talking about. Here’s that frustration in the
back of my head trying to take me away from what is my physical strategy and get
me to do something. Get me to act, get me to manifest, get to me to do the wrong
thing,” as a protection, as a way to avoid the expected frustration, that in fact
probably won’t come if they’ve entered into the experiment.
It’s dealing with the mental themes of the type. And each type has very, very deep
mental themes. And as you can tell, they lead to minds that operate very, very
differently from each other. The angry mind, the frustrated mind, the bitter mind,
the disappointed mind, these are very different kinds of minds. It means the way
they make decisions are deeply rooted to their type.
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
And of course, that takes us back to square one. That is, it takes us back to the
general understanding that when you’re looking at a synthesis, and the bodygraph is
the ultimate synthesis, when you’re looking at that and you’re looking at the first
frame, which is the frame of type, you have to see that this is not simply about the
mechanics of the type, which is what we give in the reading—you’re a Generator,
blah, blah, blah—this is about the way in which the mind has been molded by the
type, and molded by being not-self. In other words, because the mind takes on the
authority to be the decision maker, that’s the key, the frustration then becomes the
overall theme—avoiding it, dealing with it, all of the things that come with it.
And of course, because it’s in the mental domain your whole maya will be filled with
this patina. It will be everywhere lurking in every corner. So, you need to have a
much broader perspective, in that sense, about what type actually means, more than
just looking at the mechanical; understanding the impact that it has on the not-self
The second stage is a stage that’s only there if you’re dealing with a split definition.
If you’re not dealing with a split definition you can go on to the third stage, which
we’ll get to, but let’s just take a look at this second stage. Remember, over the next
weeks we are going to do the true analysis so you’ll see how that actually operates,
but just so that you’re aware of it.
Obviously, when you’re dealing with single definitions they do not fit into this
program. So, the second stage is not something that’s necessary for the single
definition passenger. This is has to do with splits. Of course, the majority of splits
that you’re going to meet are either going to be split definitions, which are 45% of
the population, nearly half of humanity has a split. The remainder, about 11%, that
are triple splits and then a trickle of quads which you will rarely meet. You’re mostly
going to meet split definitions and triple split definitions; this is somewhere about
56-57% of humanity. So, a little more than half of the clients that you meet are
going to require this stage. In those clients that require this stage it is very, very
significant, it’s very significant.
Before I go here I just want to take a step back for a moment because there is
something that I can’t demonstrate to you, but I do want you to keep in mind. I am
very concerned about the quality of awareness in the professional who is dealing
with the Rave Psychology client. I am deeply unimpressed with people with good
intentions wearing black hats. And it’s not a matter that we have valuable
knowledge that can truly benefit the other. But there’s no point in telling somebody
things, educating them, whatever the case may be, if they are not in that process
correctly. And by dealing with them correctly, by dealing with them according to
their nature and using the language of Design to deal with them, you’re going to
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LESSON SEVEN: Primary Mapping Technique
have a tremendous difference in the way in which your work with these beings is
going to progress.
Take the example here. Obviously in dealing with an emotional Generator we’re
dealing with someone who needs to be questioned and needs to be given time in the
answering, which means that you may not be able to work with them immediately on
any given stage until they’re really ready for it. And it will be necessary for them to
understand what it is that they have to process, that is emotionally process, for the
clarity that they need in order to make the decision of whether they want to do
whatever it is you want to engage them in.
The other thing is that you can see that they’re a 2/4. Of course, the moment that
you’re looking at somebody’s profile you’re looking at all kinds of information that
can be of tremendous value in the way in which you approach them. It’s very
important, for example, that the 2nd line Personality, because obviously that is going
to be a key in our work, when you’re dealing with a 2nd line Personality you know
that there is a natural gift that is in there that needs to be called out. And you know
that they are going to have to accept the call; otherwise, it’s not going to work. So,
it is very important that you call these people to what is necessary, and you give
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
them their opportunity to go through their emotional authority. You treat them
according to their nature.
You also can see that when you look at them there are certain things that you don’t
want from them. For example, when you say to them, “Look, what I’d like to do is
take you through these four or five sessions, I think they’re going to be very helpful
to you,” whatever that stuff may be. It’s something to understand that with an open
Spleen and an open Ajna, they can be spontaneously certain. It’s their not-self, to
be spontaneously certain. That’s their great temptation—“No, no, no I really want it
now. Why don’t we start right now?” Again, if you’re not careful and you don’t know
who you’re dealing with, it’s very easy to say, “Oh, well, ok.” They can be quite
insistent. As a matter of fact, they can get emotionally upset if you don’t do it right
Remember, you’re dealing with people not necessarily going to be years and years in
the process. The moment you hang a shingle up, anybody who has a reading or
overview—they’ll be people who will come who haven’t even had a reading, because
there will be whatever the buzz of what the goal is in all of that. And that certainly is
New Agey and has a catch for all of that. The theme with this person when you see
in their design what they are, you know how to deal with them.
The other thing is they’ve got an open ego. So, the moment they’re saying to you,
“No, no I really do; I promise you I’m really going to do this,” well, you know. They
also have a 4th line unconscious. That means that if you know somebody that they
know and that you’ve worked with that can be to your advantage, because you can
reference to somebody that is in their network. Of course, you’re obviously offering
them a tremendous opportunity.
It’s about understanding their design and talking to them according to their nature.
It’s astonishing what that does for somebody. It immediately relaxes them. This is
one of the keys to the knowledge that we have, and we need to use it. Of course,
when you’re going to be in an interactive environment with them, when you’re going
to be in the back-and-forth with them without using this knowledge you’re going to
run into trouble. You need to see them for what they are. You need to be able to
point out to them the moment that they’re entering into not-self realms. It’s very,
very easy to do as long as you understand their design.
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LESSON SEVEN: Primary Mapping Technique
Split Definition
Ok, so back here to the definition. Split definition is one of those extraordinary
conditioning environments. Now, here in this particular case we have single gate
possibilities. Obviously, there are differences between the single gate and where you
need a channel or more. We’ll go into that because I’ll give you different variations
in the examples. Again, this is an overview for you to give you an idea of how I’m
going to work. If you look at the 59th gate here and you look at the 53rd gate, these
are the two gates that if you have activations there they bring the two aspects of the
split together. So, that 53rd gate and that 59th gate carry more conditioning impact
than anything you can imagine. It becomes the deepest theme in these beings’
The 42 is a funny thing. If you’ve got the 42 and you don’t have the 53, and you
end up in a relationship, and I’m talking about not-self, you fall in love with
somebody and you get into the relationship. It’s usually a transit. You get into the
relationship and when the transit ends, slowly things begin to deteriorate. But
you’ve got the 42nd gate and you can’t get out. I can remember all of the women,
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
particularly, that I’ve known over the years who had the 42nd gate and not the 53,
and so many of them were in relationships that long, long, long ago had lost their
spark, value, purpose, whatever you want to call it. But they didn’t get out because
they couldn’t get out.
So, if you’re the 42nd gate, all you’re dreaming about is the freedom that’s in the 53rd
gate to start something new. So, your whole life becomes starting something new.
And it becomes the way in which your mind thinks. So here is, “I’m starting
something new to avoid frustration.” Again, we’re back in the mind. “I have to start
something new to avoid the frustration of being locked into this horrible thing that I
want out of.”
There is the 59th gate, and the [bridging] 59th gate, obviously if you have the 6th gate
and you don’t have the 59th gate you’re always looking for a way to be intimate,
because you don’t know how to. And all you want is to be intimate. Of course, your
mind says, “Let’s be intimate with somebody and avoid the frustration. Let’s be
intimate with somebody and have an orgasm.” Here’s desire underneath in the
41/30. “Let’s be intimate.”
You can see the way in which this mind is going to operate in order to avoid
frustration, there are only two things that this person thinks—not-self—will help
them avoid frustration, doing new things and being intimate with others. This is
what they think about all the time. And it is not who they are. And it is not what
should be making decisions for them in their life.
So, here you have somebody just from the type and definition you immediately have
a sense of the kind of mind they have. That mind is always busy. Remember that
the mind is the ultimate strategy machine. There’s the mind, busy, busy, busy with
how are we going to avoid frustration; we’re going to avoid frustration by doing
different things, new things. Leave that thing behind, do something else. We’re
going to avoid frustration by having intimacy with other people.
Now, you know as well as I do what they’re going to get in return. They’re just
going to get more frustration. And that doesn’t mean that they’re going to give up
on thinking that if they only had those two gates how different everything would be.
Now, there’s a dilemma; truly a dilemma. If you’re a split definition, you are here for
the other. It’s fundamental to your nature. You’re here for the other. And it is
correct for you to have those in your life that are going to link up your split.
Obviously, the moment that the split is linked there is a conditioning element that’s
at work.
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LESSON SEVEN: Primary Mapping Technique
Let’s go back to what I told you about type. If you follow your strategy physically it
doesn’t mean, as this being for example, it doesn’t mean that your mind gives up on
all that stored frustration. It’s going to try to use that frustration to continue to
dominate. And the same thing is true; it is correct for you as a split definition to
enter into a relationship that bridges your splits; it’s correct. But it doesn’t mean
that your mind is going to give up on thinking that the best way to avoid frustration
is to try something new or to get into an intimacy. It’s going to keep on thinking all
of that, as long as it has a chance to make decisions.
Think about the kind of decisions it ends up making. This is classic—this person
meets somebody who has a defined Spleen and hooks up their 53. You’re instantly
ready to let go of anything and enter into something new with this person, or the
person that brings the 59. The mind takes type and definition and it’s preoccupied
with it. Not in the mechanical sense that we teach people in terms of educating
them to operate correctly, but in the grander mental sense, these things don’t just
disappear. And the only thing that strips them of power is when the mind is no
longer the authority.
But in the beginning of your process, even when you’re operating correctly, the fact
that your mind isn’t making decisions, it has yet to sink in on the mind that it has
lost that job. It still keeps on pressing you, and it still keeps on trying to get you to
make decisions that are rooted in, “We have to avoid frustration by starting new
things and starting intimacies. This is the way to go.” And there’s your emotional
Sacral going (sound), and the mind is jumping in saying, “Are you really going to do
that? We need something different, we need something new,” whatever the case
may be.
When you see a split you’re looking at something that is married to the not-self
theme of the type. Oh, your not-self theme loves splits. It feeds on them. It gives
them extra ammunition. “I know why we’re frustrated. We’re frustrated because we
don’t have anything new. I know why we’re frustrated. We’re frustrated because
we don’t have a lover. I know why…” Just type and definition sets a framework, this
overview of the way in which the mind is processing things in terms of decision
making. Remember, it’s always there; it’s always in the background, this yearning
for the bridges.
If I’m dealing with somebody and this is their second session, the first thing that I’m
interested in is what have they really grasped about the frustration in their lives.
What have they grasped, and how has that changed the way they think?
Remember, it’s very important for the passenger to be able to talk about these
things, and to be brought into the conversation correctly. But it’s very important to
make sure that with each step that there is the level of awareness that you need to
go on to the next one.
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
The moment that somebody would come into this session and it would be clear to me
from the beginning that they’re still very much lost, in that sense, and don’t really
get the mental side of it at all, I would simply go back and reinforce it. There’s no
point. I’ve seen what happens when you give people too much information that they
do not have time to grasp. It’s a waste. You’re still going to have to go back and go
over the next thing and the next thing. It is a step-by-step process. And there’s no
hurry. It’s a seven year window. It does take time. An adult simply is not going to
awaken overnight. It does not happen; it is quite a process.
The thing for the passenger is that the passenger can only move to the next step
when it really has got the first one, because the moment that you introduce the
themes of the 53 and the 59 you’re going to set off all kinds of fireworks. Each level
that you add information, this is something else that the passenger has to chew
over. Remember, we’re not here to convince the client. We’re here to guide the
client to realization. That realization that says, “Oh, yeah, that’s really the way it’s
been,” however that comes out. It’s this realization that really empowers the
passenger to take the next step.
When you enter into this stage and you’re looking at splits, obviously you’re going to
touch a lot of buttons. You can see that you can’t really work with the themes of the
mind unless the mind isn’t making the decisions in that period—the experiment that
the person is doing with their strategy and authority. It’s the only way. Then, at
least, you have that chance to get in there and begin to tell the passenger really the
way that it works in order for them to resonate to that in a stage-by-stage basis.
Of course, I will use all kinds of information in order to build up the overall picture.
Again, we’ll see that in more detail when I do the actual analyses. In other words,
there are so many aspects in this design that I can use to backup all of this. Here is
somebody, the dilemma of their open splenic system and how that feeds into their
frustration, how the fears of it feed into their frustration, how the fears lead them to
think that something new is going to make them feel good, that a intimacy is going
to make them feel good. Ultimately, they’re going to discover that it is hollow and
frustrating. Every step that you go to you can reinforce basic things in their
understanding, the basic things that are there that we’re going to be exploring as we
go through these stages one by one.
When you get to this point we get to what has been part of my basic training of the
core of Living Design, is the horror of the not-self, and the horror of the not-self seen
through the open centers. As we know, that is a generalization. But the way in
which these open centers work, this then gives the layers to the way in which the
earlier themes already condition the mind. So, we know that we have a frustrated
mind, or a mind that is prone to frustration, and a mind that is prone to want to
eliminate frustration from their lives. And that eliminating frustration from their lives
is all about starting new things and meeting or being intimate with others.
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LESSON SEVEN: Primary Mapping Technique
Undefined Ego
And then we have the open centers. So, for example, we have an undefined ego. Of
course, that’s the top of our list. The undefined ego has an enormous impact on the
way in which we are, the being—the Sun/Earth configuration. We know that the not-
self strategy of the open ego is to prove or improve oneself. To prove that there is
no reason to be frustrated by doing something new. To prove that there is no
reason to be frustrated by meeting somebody new, whatever the case may be. To
prove one’s worth that way.
Of course, all the things that come with that—you have somebody that by their very
nature has a mind prone to frustration and they have a very poor sense of self. They
consider themselves unworthy; they consider other people to be more worthy than
they are. And in many ways there is an inherent jealously in that, that they, too,
want to be worthy, that they, too, want to be able to fulfill their promises and be
recognized by others for all of that, and all the ego stuff that goes with that.
Then you begin to put that together with the rest. That is, a mind that wants to
avoid the frustration of being unworthy. And that it wants to avoid the frustration of
being unworthy by starting something new or finding a new intimacy. And this new
and intimacy, the 53 and the 59, it repeats in this life over and over and over and
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
over and over again and it never stops, it’s always there. It’s always the mind’s
answer, “We need that. We need that over there. And I’ll tell you why we need it;
we need it because this is the only way we’re going to avoid frustration, so we need
to be what we’re not in order to avoid frustration. We need to be all the things that
we’re not in order to avoid frustration.”
Undefined Spleen
You have an undefined splenic system, so you have somebody who is basically
deeply, deeply insecure. It is the whole underlying theme of the undefined Spleen.
This is somebody that the embrace of the other is often the most important thing in
their life. If you have an undefined Spleen, meeting splenic people is an enormous
conditioning temptation. The open Spleen in and of itself doesn’t necessarily feel
good. And here is somebody who not only wants to feel good, but they want to feel
good in the now. And they want to feel good in the now by holding on to things that
are not good for them. And they want to feel good in the now because they think
that’s the way to avoid the frustration. And that the only way that they’re going to
feel good in the now and be worthy as beings and prove to everybody how wonderful
they are, is if they start something new or they have a new intimacy. It’s a rather
promiscuous design for Miss Mae West. It’s just built into it.
One of the things that I’m going to do in the final semester of this first year is that
I’m going to do mapping keynoting with you. That is something that is really
fascinating. It’s the highest level of keynoting that I know to this point in which you
can go through layers and layers and layers of information and bring it all together,
just like I’m sort of doing now, just stringing these various themes around and
pulling them together.
Of course, in being able to do this you really are developing the language that’s
necessary to describe the mapping. Remember that keynoting is an extraordinary
thing because each aspect is a self-enclosed formula. A self-enclosed formula means
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON SEVEN: Primary Mapping Technique
that the pieces of information, the different keynotes can be strung together in
different ways.
But it is this keynoting from level to level, so from the frustration to the keynotes of
the open split gates to the keynotes of the open centers, that when you begin to
string them all together you get a picture of how a mind makes decisions. Every
decision for this being is going to include all of these elements. “I have to show that
I’m worthy. I have to find my feel-good security. I need to be certain. These are
things that are important for me to think about. And I know that based on all of this
the only way that I’m going to be ok as a person is if I do something new or I find
some intimacy.”
You’ll see within the split definition that these open gates in the split, they are
dynamic themes. And based on the circumstances, that is, the circumstance of the
decision, what the decision is about, the mind itself and its decision making
propaganda will be selective. It will pull on just what it needs. But it will never
avoid those splits. And it will never avoid that underlying theme of frustration that’s
there. You come into the world as a Generator; your mind is obsessed with avoiding
frustration. And everything else just feeds directly into that.
She was a naughty girl. When I was growing up television shows, you’d have these
B movies, they showed all kinds of them, and her movies were in the late 20’ or
30’s, mostly in the 30’s. She was one of Hollywood’s great sex symbols. She was
quite a creature. She was actually very funny; an interesting being.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Color Transference
When we get over here we get to something that is very profound and leads in many
directions. There are obviously many, many subtleties that come with transference.
We’re going to look at themes of transference at many levels, but this is just going
to be the obvious one. It’s a very important tool for the passenger to be able to
participate in the recognition of conditioning. And not the burden of always seeing
conditioning within their own context; in other words, within their own mind trying to
catch their own conditioning process, the kind of things we were looking at in the
previous keynotes. Within that context it’s dependant on their mind, their ability to
focus their mind on their own process. It’s not an easy thing, necessarily. And
particularly at the beginning of a process it’s an ordeal for the passenger to really
distinguish between what is correct for them in terms of the mental plane, what is
understandable, what makes sense for them, what they can know. It’s quite a
process that the mind goes through.
Again, the advantage of having the necessary tools and information is that obviously
we can work with them and guide them to pay more attention to the way in which
their mind works so that they can get a sense of it, that they can begin to recognize
the themes as they emerge.
It’s not like the mind wants to be revealed, after all. The not-self mind is tricky. The
moment that you try to watch it is the moment that it tries to do something. It’s
quantum; it’s just the way things work. So, the early process for the passenger is
quite a process, this watching oneself. And this is the beginning of the journey. It’s
the great joy that I have with my own mind, is that I’m not engaged in my mind’s
work. I’m a witness of my mind’s work. And that’s a totally different experience. To
be absorbed in your mind’s work is what the not-self is all about. What we teach
them by turning them inwards towards the mechanics of their mental mapping is
that we begin to try to get them to disengage enough to begin to watch their own
mental process. It’s so important.
It’s like the transits that we had over the past week where we had the 63-64 transits
on earth. There’s this doubt and confusion that sits up there in the mind that’s being
programmed in the chemistry by the program. You have human beings who wake
up in the morning and suddenly there’s something about yesterday that confuses
them or doesn’t make sense. They think that’s really important. They think it’s
important enough that it’s an excuse for their mind to make a decision. So, this
person under that transit is suddenly confused about something and immediately the
frustration would emerge. And the only way that they’re going to be able to deal
with that confusion is that ultimately their mind is going to lead them to make a
decision about something new, something different, whatever the case may be. It’s
going to push them towards making decisions based on these layers that are there
for the not-self.
When you bring them to transference you actually give the mind what it prefers. “I
don’t want to look at myself; I want to look at others. Oh, you want me to look at
other people? Oh, you want me to watch what they do to me? Oh, that’s good; I’ll
do that. That’s interesting.” It’s something to really grasp about mind. It does seek
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON SEVEN: Primary Mapping Technique
its entertainment in that sense. It’s not entertaining for most minds to try to step
back and watch, even in Generators who are born to know themselves, truly born to
know themselves, that’s quite a step to take to disengage from the work of mind to
be able to watch it.
But the moment that you engage mind in something that’s external, this is what
mind does. It is the great measurer; it’s what mind is so wonderful for, this and
that, to measure the difference, to watch these things. And when you get to the
point where you can offer your clients an insight into transference, you’re really
going to begin to change their mental process. In my long work in developing all
kinds of analytical readings over the years, nothing is more profound, for the
Personality point of view, than a Personality transference reading. And not because
it’s a better reading than other readings, it’s that it suits the mind so perfectly.
When you have somebody that is in the knowledge and is working with it,
experimenting legitimately with the knowledge, this is a fantastic gift for the
Personality. Because what it really does is that it reinforces the fact that everything
is conditioning and how susceptible the mind is to conditioning. It’s so susceptible to
conditioning. And of course, this reinforces the importance of staying with one’s
strategy and authority because in staying with one’s strategy and authority one is
always going to be correct. And if you can maintain the correctness of the vehicle,
and of course, this is the story—maintain the correctness of the vehicle—slowly but
surely everything can fall into place.
So, transference is a big step. Your clients, when they go through the early stages
of this process, it is going to be difficult for them. Oh yes, they will see what you will
point out, but it is difficult to maintain the attention. Mind looks out through the
eyes. It wants to explore the world, and at the same time it wants to avoid pain. It
is very difficult for mind to just sit back and watch mind. It doesn’t like it. The not-
self wants an active, involved dictator mind, paying attention to every detail of life so
it can make the right decisions for the person. This is the not-self business. And
when you’re dealing with somebody like this, because their whole life is the fear of
rising frustration, during their whole life their mind is driving them to avoid that.
And any time when it peeks up, no matter when it peeks up, the mind immediately
jumps in—“Oh, great, oh great, oh, great; they’re frustrated. Now we have them
even deeper.” Transference is a wonderful tool.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Ok, if you take a look at this being, and you can see that I brought out the boxes for
you so you can see, for example, the 2nd Color Sun and you’ve got a 6th Color nodal
configuration. Let’s talk about the Sun/Earth binary. In looking at the Sun/Earth
binary from the Personality point of view, you’re dealing with the profile. You’re
dealing with the basic Personality construct and everything that means in terms of a
being a 2. Obviously, this is a session that goes very, very deeply into this aspect of
profile. In other words, what it means to have a 2 Personality and what is so
important in that sense about this 2nd line Personality.
You can see that not only is it a 2nd line, but it has a 2nd Color so there is a very deep
resonance in here that if this being is operating correctly it is rather an easy
connection for them. In other words, their line theme, because of its resonance, is
working to hold them to their 2nd Color. The 2nd Color is hope. Now come on, you
must smell it already. If you go from hope and you go to the other side—literally
what hope means in the most simple sense, in other words, you don’t have to do
anything because ultimately it’s going to work, things are going to happen, it is
believing in one’s potential, one’s possibility, one’s future, believing in others. It is
always there. As an underlying theme for this being, this being is here to be moved
by hope, driven by hope as a person.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON SEVEN: Primary Mapping Technique
Now, let’s look at this being again. We have no setup here for a hopeful being, do
we? The not-self is not hopeful at all. The not-self is in fear of its frustrations, it’s in
fear of not being worthy, and it’s in fear of things not working out. It’s full of those
fears. It is driven to assume that they have to find a way through doing new things
or meeting new people, and they have to fix it all the time, they have to make it
better. They have to be better at it, they have to make a better decision to avoid—
and they’re going to fix the situation because they’re going to change this to that.
They’re not waiting and hoping. They’re not-self and they’re transferred and they
deal with the guilt all the time.
So, when you’re dealing with this person and you’re dealing with them within the
context of Color transference, what you’re saying to them is, “Look, you’re here to
be hopeful. And the moment that somebody comes into your life and they say to
you, ‘what do you mean you’re waiting that something is going to happen, you idiot.
Go out there and do something, fix this, change that. Make a difference.’ These
beings are killers to you, killers. They’re taking you directly out your motivation;
they’re pulling you directly to the not-self.” And this person knows it, because they
can see it. They can watch it happen. They can hear it in what they say. They can
recognize the conditioning force. They can also recognize those beings that enter
into their life that are actually good for them. The ones that encourage their belief,
the ones that encourage their hopefulness, these beings are good for them.
Now, when you think about our work from the therapeutic point of view you have to
see that we have to be very aware of Color transference in the client, because we
know they’re transferring. And it is our job to align them to what is their true
motivation. “You were born to be hopeful. You were born to be driven by hope.
You were born to wait and believe that the call will come for you, that what is right
will come for you. You don’t have to look for intimacy. You don’t have to look for
something new. You simply have to realize that you’re designed to believe that it
will happen to you, and if you’re operating correctly according to your strategy and
authority, it will. There is nothing that you have to fix. The moment that you want
to fix something, the moment you want to initiate fixing, everything is going to fall
apart. You’re going to end up in the same spiral. And a spiral that brings deep
I was always astonished when I was doing readings how deeply people did not like
themselves. It was a black joke because they didn’t know who they really were. But
nonetheless, it’s astonishing what that leads to in terms of one’s appreciation of
oneself. So, one of the themes for us is not only to point out to the client where the
transference is, what the transference means to them, the keys in being able to
recognize when others are pulling them into the transference. But for us, in our
work with them, to constantly focus them on what is their true Color, what is their
true motivation.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
When we move over to the Nodes we’re dealing with the way in which we see from
the Personality perspective. Here, we’re dealing with the 6th Color and the 6th Color
is innocence. Innocence in its own way has a strong relationship to hope. It really
does. 6/2’s for example
are born to be the most
hopeful of all beings.
It’s quite a thing. It’s
built into them. The
innocence of the 6 is
about not being
involved. It’s about not
being involved, it’s not
about hoping. But it is
passive in the way that
the hope is passive. In
other words, it is just
about them going about
their business—the role
model—in the same way
that the hermit goes
about their business.
The difference is that the 6 doesn’t need hope; the 2 does. The 6 simply needs to
maintain its innocence, its personal integrity. And it needs to stand above things
and not get involved. Remember, this is about seeing. When one sees innocently
one is simply an observer while one is being observed. Of course, this is the
underlying theme of the basic binary of the Saturn and roof phases of the 6th line
But you can see what happens to the seeing. The seeing transfers to desire. Desire
becomes the underlying theme and desire, like guilt, is about doing things. It’s
about getting things done. So, you have somebody that looks out in the world and
sees things that it wants. It sees things that it wants. And what it sees it ends up
getting caught up in, desiring what it sees. It’s not what it’s here for.
So, you end up with somebody that desires what they see and then goes about
trying to get there by changing things. “I want to be this, I want to be that, I want
to be this thing, I want to be that thing.” And basically what the not-self mind is
saying, “Look, look, look, we’re going to avoid frustration and this is the way we’re
going to do it. We’re going to change our life, because we see that other people can
change their life, and we want to change our life, too. And we see other people can
be happy and not have frustration, so we want to do that, too. The way in which
we’re going to do that, the way in which we’re going to find our worthiness, the way
in which we’re going to find our well-being, is by doing something new, or by
meeting somebody new.”
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON SEVEN: Primary Mapping Technique
We go immediately back to the key themes that are there in the split. By the way, if
the split wasn’t there, you would go back to the key theme that is simply there in the
relationship between the general theme of the type, and the way in which the open
centers are operating, what their strategies are. Again, I will give you over the next
four weeks different examples so we can look through the variations.
Color transference is one of the most profound ways to transform the passenger. It
is a key to transforming the passenger. It is one of the few ways in which the
passenger has a direct, a direct, direct connection to conditioning, can really get it,
can really see it at work, can feel it at work. Remember, theoretically we’re dealing
with somebody that is operating correctly, so they are constantly aligning
themselves physically. This is an enormous step for the passenger consciousness.
And it reinforces their commitment to continue the experiment.
Nothing is more powerful for the Personality than to realize and see as evidence how
susceptible they are to conditioning. When you talk to somebody about their Color
it’s not like it is alien to them. It’s there. This being would love to be hopeful, at
peace in hopefulness. Oh, wouldn’t that be wonderful? It would be perfect—2nd
Color under 2nd line—just perfect. All feeding into the 29, all feeding into
commitment; to be hopeful that the call will come to the right commitment so that
there can be success where others fail. Oh, it’s perfect.
And they know; it’s what they dream of. It’s not what they live; it’s what they
dream. And you see, they can actually get there, just not in the way they think. It’s
not the mind that’s going to guide them to that holy place, that place of peacefulness
within oneself, the security that comes when knowing from the mental plane that
your physical decision making really is correct for you. Nobody’s ever done this
before, this is new knowledge. This way of coming to one’s true self, this is a
revolution. And as easy as it is in that sense to begin the transformation of the
vehicle, the passenger needs to be certain over and over and over again, needs the
proof, needs the evidence, needs the experience of the conditioning.
So, you get to a point where you begin to bring the passenger to this twin stage.
That is, you bring them to a place in which they are no longer caught in the workings
of the mind, but are watching. And they are watching their interaction with others,
and how others impact them. Ah, the mind loves to do research. It loves to watch.
It loves to calculate. It loves to compare. When the mind gets absorbed in this, it’s
on its way to well-being, because to be absorbed in this, to watch the other, you
have already surrendered to your vehicle’s authority. It doesn’t mean that things
won’t happen and mistakes won’t happen, it’s a long process, it’s many years.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
But it is the deepest key to get the passenger to the point where it is open to these
two ways of operating, that you give the mind a new frame for its work in your life,
that you give it new responsibilities to replace the old responsibilities, that you don’t
just put it out to pasture because it’s not the way that it works. It needs to be
It’s one of the first things that I developed with the modern Living Your Design
program was things to give the mind to do. A Manifestor who meets their design
needs to figure out how many people it impacts when it makes a decision. It’s just
great for their mind to be involved in that. They suddenly realize, “Wow, we impact
a lot of people.” That’s very good for the spirit of the Manifestor.
The Generator needs to go through question and response to give its mind
something to chew over. “Wow, isn’t that amazing. I didn’t know I liked that; I
didn’t know I didn’t like that,” and so forth and so on. You need to give the mind
things to do.
Give the Projector other charts to look at, other beings to examine. It’s all part of
engaging the mind so that the mind doesn’t struggle with the fact that it’s losing its
inner authority. It’s part of teaching the mind to become an outer authority. This is
ultimately the goal of Human Design, that you differentiate, and your mind is a very
unique and special outer authority as a potential for others.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lesson Eight
The Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Generator
The primary mapping of a split-definition Generator—I think the thing that I really
like the most about Rave Psychology is that it gives me a chance to really be a
detective, because that’s really what this work is all about. And as you’ll see in order
for you to be able to deal with the client successfully, that is, to be able to deal with
the passenger successfully, to really make contact with that passenger, you truly
need to understand the being. And not simply understand the being in the
traditional Human Design sense. But you have to actually apply the knowledge of
the understanding in the way in which you connect to and relate to the passenger.
The body, strangely enough, doesn’t really notice if you don’t treat it according to its
nature because the body will do its thing. But the Personality reacts immediately.
So, the moment that you have basic constructs, if you apply the knowledge, then
you’re going to see that the relationship that you’re going to have with the client is
going to be one that’s going to be positive to begin with.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
The first thing we’re looking at, I began by calling them The Four Views. I think the
examples of them are still available in Human Design America’s catalog. The Four
Views are very straightforward: Type, Strategy, Authority and Profile. It is these
four views that give you the essential overview perspective of the potential of the
being. We’re not talking about the reality of how they exist. But we’re talking about
the potential.
A Splenic Generator
So, for example, when we look at type obviously we are dealing with a Generator,
we are dealing with a splenic Generator. That is, the only definition to the Sacral is
from the Spleen, so you have a 50/27 and you have this as the core of what they
are. That is, in the illusion, in the quantum that pulls them all together, they are a
pure Generator. And as a pure Generator we know that the secret for them in this
life is response. However, that isn’t to say that this is a being that ever responded
very well to anything. Again you have to look at what we want to see. What we
want to see is who the being really is.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON EIGHT: Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Generator
What happens when you ignore your splenic Sacral? This is one of the things to
recognize. What happens is that all the pressure is on realizing what can be
expressed verbally. This is the classic configuration of what is called a verbal
gunslinger. That is, a verbal gunslinger is somebody who would rather operate from
the Throat than operate from the Sacral. And they try desperately through their
articulation to try verbally to get things to happen, to get the things to happen that
they would like to happen in the first place. The reality is that they become by their
very nature initiators. In other words, they try to initiate from the verbal plane.
Let’s think about this initiating from the verbal plane. You have somebody that has
five open centers and we have a split definition. So, the first thing to be clear about
is that this natural construct in the overall design, that is, just looking at the first
surface of this, is an indication that you have somebody who is going to ignore
response. And that they’re going to ignore response with a very fixed mental, verbal
attack, if you will, on life. And that the mind forcefully making its decisions is going
to be backed up entirely by the open centers and whatever they can provide as
strategy. In other words, to be able to pull this being away from what is in essence
their true potential.
So, just the first thing to see is that we’re going to have somebody who is always
afraid of being frustrated. Remember, this is the theme of the not-self Generator.
The theme of the not-self Generator is to avoid frustration. Of course, the solution
of the not-self mind in terms of avoiding frustration is to initiate something in order
to get past the frustration. But frustration is always there. And the mind is always
busy trying to find a way to avoid frustration, to get around frustration.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Manifestors laid a plague over the planet when they ran the hierarchy. It’s really
something to grasp about how deep the conditioning is in our cultural civilization to
the Manifestor way of doing things. This being, from the very beginning of its
process, was not paying any attention to what was its essence. That tennis player
that goes, “aha,” that responds with the Sacral, goes through stage by stage, stage
by stage along the road of mastery.
It’s why it’s so important that Generators experiment with strategy and authority.
It’s the only way in which they can achieve mastery. They don’t just suddenly
become their purpose; they achieve their purpose stage by stage by stage. It is an
ongoing process for them. And of course, this is what mastery is all about.
So we have a mind that’s going to be very concerned about frustration and is going
to want to do something about it. Now, let’s look at some little things in the design
for a moment. Let’s look at the cross that we have here. I think you’ll recognize this
as the Right Angle Cross of the Unexpected; it’s the cross that starts every year,
except it’s on the other side of the wheel when it does that.
The unexpected potential of a being is always written in this cross. In other words,
don’t be surprised when those on the Cross of the Unexpected do precisely what is
expected of them, which is the unexpected. They’re interesting beings.
A 4/6
We’re dealing with the 4/6. The fact that we’re dealing with a 4/6 already says that
we know a great deal about this mind given its particular time. Now, this being was
born in 1955. So, when we’re looking at this being who is now just entering into
their Kiron phase we have somebody who has gone through two stages of a 6th line
process. We well know what the 1st line stage is going to bring. It’s very interesting
to think about what the “4/3” stage of the first 28, 29 years, the first Saturn cycle,
how deeply the pessimism entered into this being’s consciousness. In other words,
one of the great risks for 6th line beings in the first part of their life is that the trial
and error of the process and the chaos that is possible can forever scar the way in
which they look out at the world.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON EIGHT: Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Generator
Remember that the archetype of the 6th line being is that they have a developmental
binary stage in which they first learn pessimism only to discover optimism when they
enter their roof
stage. It is this
necessary binary in
their development.
However, not
because it is not a
design, goes
through that
process in the
same way. I know
many 6th line
beings that carry
their pessimism
deep into their roof
stage because this
is a mutative
process, and some
are slower to
mutate out of the Saturn phase correctly into the roof phase. Some are very slow at
being able to get to the Kiron point and actually let go so that they can enter into the
world in the completion of what that process can be.
But what it means in terms of the overview mentally is that this is somebody who
hopefully at this point in their life has either come to grips with their early pessimism
or they’re still tangled in it and have this dilemma between being caught between
the hope and pessimism of anything. And remember, any uncertainty that the mind
has the not-self takes advantage of. It doesn’t matter what it is. Anything that it
can get its little fingers on, it will jump to that and use it, so it can be a very, very
profound lesson in this person’s life going through the 3rd line phase, having things
go wrong, ending up being deeply uncomfortable with the result of that and that
forever changing the way in which their mind looks at things.
When you’re dealing with the Personality you’re dealing with a 4th line Personality.
So let’s say that you’ve got a title. Let’s say that you’re Doctor this and that, and in
comes this person. The first thing that they’re going to say is, “Hello, Doctor so and
so,” and you say, “No, forget that, just call me John or Jane.” It’s one of the things
about the 4th line being, is that the 4th line being carries what is often misunderstood
as an arrogance. That is, they expect to be treated as an equal by whoever they’re
dealing with. It’s just inherent in them. The 4th line expects to be treated as an
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
It’s something to remember in dealing with the 4th line patient, that there is a certain
friendliness that is required in order to put them at ease. And in order for them to
feel like they are not losing control over what is their responsibility which is to be
very solid and to be able to be influential. You have to understand how the mind
resonates; the vehicle resonates to being treated correctly. And being treated
correctly is something that is so important.
So, when you’re looking at the first view and you’re looking at the type, what you
really want to see is a very basic thing. You want to see what the strategy is and
what are they so far away from. How far away are they from that strategy? Where
are they? They’re caught in the frustration of trying to get their mind into action.
They’re caught in the frustration of trying to turn their words into action, and the
mind is feeding on that.
A Split Definition
We’re also dealing with a split. Because we’re dealing with a split we’re dealing with
a situation in which fulfillment in and of itself is not possible without the other. Yet,
we know the dilemma for this being in the first Saturn cycle of their life, where
they’re going to have trial and error in the friendships and in the network that they
actually built.
Ok, let’s take a step further. We have a split definition. Again, you’re going to deal
with a lot of split definitions, they’re very important to understand. It is 45, nearly
46% of the population; we’re talking about billions of human beings who are split
definitions. It means that one of the deepest malaises that we have on the planet is
the malaise of the wrong relationship. For 46% of humanity the wrong relationship
is a burden on their vehicle and a burden on their consciousness. It’s just something
to be so obvious and clear about.
The nature of our relationships, if you are a split definition the beings that are in
your life, you have to be certain that you can discern clearly for yourself that they
are correct for you to have in your life because so much depends on them. It just
does. The thing about split definitions, it’s not so much the need to find a bridge and
hold on to it as a dependency, but the need to have reliable bridges that are part of
your process.
Here you have somebody who has a 4th line Personality, the network that this being
connects to, the social interaction of this being, the necessity for having the right
bridges, the right beings in their life. Remember what a bridge does. It’s something
to grasp. It’s offering you approximately 1/1000th of the possibility of the other side.
It’s nothing. It’s a taste of what’s possible.
Of course, you can never afford to let the bridge rule you and your process. It’s why
you can’t even really discern and deal with the other until you, yourself, are actively
your own authority, because without your own authority it’s impossible. When
you’re looking at a split definition here we’re dealing with a simple split. When we
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON EIGHT: Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Generator
look at Projectors next week, we will look at a large split in order to see the
Here we’re looking at a simple split. That is, it will take simply one gate activation to
link the split definition. You can see that’s either the 16th gate or the 20th gate.
Interestingly enough when you’re looking at splits you’re always looking for things
that will resonate—a circuitry match, a stream match, whatever the case may be.
Here you can see that mentally you’re dealing with an abstract mental channel and
you’re dealing with a defense circuit channel of the 50/27, it isn’t going to actually
make much of a difference in that sense whether it’s the 16 or the 20. But both of
them are going to become the main conditioning themes for the way in which this
mind is going to operate. It’s going to frame the conditioning of the not-self mind.
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
So, let’s look at these two examples. Let’s begin with the 16th gate. The 16th gate is
a gate of identification. It’s the secret of understanding the 16th gate. Without
identification it is not possible to master logic, because logic essentially is boring. It
is, essentially. The fantasy that can launch logic may be very exciting. But the
proving and reproving, and testing and retesting, and practicing and re-practicing,
perhaps boredom is not the word, but you get the meaning. They say it better in
French, ennui, it sounds better. It can be a thing.
Identification is the only way that you can overcome that. In other words, you’re in
love with music and you’re identified enough with the glories of what you assume will
be your great career that you practice day after day after day even though some of it
is really tedious, painful and whatever the case may be. The identification is what
does the job.
So, here is somebody who doesn’t have their own consistent identification. They
don’t know what to identify with, they don’t. The classic description of the open 16th
gate if you have the 48 is that you’re looking for skills. Obviously, there is a truth
for that. But understand what the mind is going to pick at, the bone the mind is
going to chew on. It’s going to chew on that 16 and it’s going to chew on
identification. So, the mind is going to say, “Look, we need to be identified. If we’re
not identified it’s not going to work. We really have to be turned on, we really got to
be…” the mind is going to rule that.
Obviously, that’s not what this person is about. This person is here to bring depth to
somebody else who’s identified. And it’s the wisdom to understand what
identification really means. What it means to turn people on; because if you turn
them on, this is a very material design in many ways, boy can you do well.
So, you have the 16, identification. Whenever there is something in front of this
person it’s always going to be there. They’ve got an open emotional system, avoid
confrontation. “Am I identified enough with this to really confront this person?”
Identification is everywhere in what the mind will touch, because it’s one of the
frames. It’s something that’s missing. It’s something that he or she doesn’t have.
The 20th gate, the gate of Contemplation is an existential gate. It is a very pure
existential gate in the sense that it is about the potential of peripheral vision. It is
really about the ability to be present in the now. In fact, the 46th gate, which is
collective, is actually the deepest of all existential gates. As a matter of fact, without
that existential quality in the abstract there would be nothing to learn from
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON EIGHT: Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Generator
But the 20th gate is an existential gate. This now-ness, this is somebody that doesn’t
see what’s going on in the now, doesn’t see well in the now. That means that the
mind can be off somewhere, because there is no focusing for the now; pressure on
it, but no focusing. So there is always this pulling back of the being to looking in the
now because looking in the now isn’t what is natural for them. That means, they
shouldn’t be looking in the now. It means that they should be looking everywhere
else but. And not being identified with anything while they do that.
But that’s not the way that they’re going to work. These are things that are missing.
This is a deep theme inside, it’s the genes after all screaming out, “Here’s the hook.”
And if you look at the people in this person’s life who make any kind of difference in
this person’s life, they’re going to have as a basic criterion the 16 or the 20 or both.
These become the beings that condition the quality and level of identification and
focus in the now.
In other words, despite what appears to be the power of this Sacral and the deep
awareness in the Sacral, it is very, very easy for this person to be conditioned into
being intensely involved in something in the now that is not natural for them. All of
that is a framework for the mind that says, “We need to be identified with something
in the now, totally absorbed with it in the now, working with it in the now,” and you
have the beginnings of one of these colossal workaholics. There’s no end to it.
These two gates are just a step away. And there is this need built into the split for
that bridging. And you can see how easily there is a trap if there isn’t authority. It
doesn’t mean that this being with somebody else that carries the 16 and forms the
definition in the channel of talent can’t have a productive relationship with the other,
but operating from what is correct for them. And yes, it’s important for them to meet
those beings that are identified. But it’s not their problem. And that the ones that
are identified cannot control their decision making.
Of course, you see what happens the moment that the 16 or the 20 is there, you
immediately have a Manifesting Generator configuration, steps are going to be
missed, things are going to be rushed into, and then you end up with this enormous
amount of energy having to be spent. This is somebody that will go to sleep totally
exhausted. And when I say “totally exhausted” I don’t mean that in the positive
The Generator needs to run the engine down all the way. This is somebody who is
totally exhausted and the engine is not run down all the way because the engine
does not operate properly. So many Generators carry energy with them into the
sleep domain. And it’s not healthy. The only way that a Generator uses its energy
correctly is when it’s honoring its strategy. Only then is it going to get to a point in
each day where there is this natural shutting down of the motor.
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
So, with this person we have a mind that is driving this being and driving this being
towards being identified with something existentially, being identified with it in the
now, being absorbed with it in the now. And that everything else that pulls this
person away from being absorbed with what they’re identified with in the now,
everything that pulls them away from that, the mind is going to reject. In other
words, anything that will pull them towards their true nature, the mind is going to
So, here is somebody that you may not actually get to see, because they can be too
absorbed and identified with what they’re doing in the now to be concerned about
whether or not they’re going to be able to come to grips with who they are, they
think that’s what they’ve got. The greatest trap for a split definition is to believe
that they have succeeded because they have become the conditioning. Here is
somebody who is ready to become the conditioning, build their whole life on the 16
and the 20, literally.
I mentioned this to you last week went we were beginning to look at splits, how
important it is to understand the depth of the conditioning. This 16th gate and the
20th gate carry more power than the open centers in terms the way in which
decisions are going to be made by this mind. They’re going to be related to the
identification. So, if something comes up that gets in the way of that identification in
the now it’s going to be rejected. If something that comes up that aligns with that
identification in the now, somebody who is also willing to be identified with the same
thing, they’re going to be taken in, and they’re not going to be the right beings,
they’re going to be the ones that continue the conditioning.
We’ll look at it when we get to transference, but this is somebody who is a 2nd Color
Sun/Earth and a 2nd Color North Node/South Node. The 2nd Color is about hope,
belief. It’s really amusing. This is a being that’s going to be in fixing transference
way over to the other side, over to the 5, over to the conditioner/conditioning. Fix it,
change it, do something about it, alter it, don’t wait for an answer, don’t wait for life
to come to you. Don’t wait for the call, make it happen, make it happen.
The power of those two gates—when you look at anybody’s split, when you look at
your own, don’t ignore these things. This is something that gives you a very
profound insight into what has been the deepest, deepest pulls in your life. How
powerful that is, how distorting that is. Imagine, “all I want to be is what I’m not; all
I want to be is identified with something in the now. All I want to be is what I’m not.
And when I get it, when I get that thing that I’m identified with in the now, no
matter whether it is good for me or not, good for others or not, I’m going to be
locked forever into a process that has nothing to do with me.”
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON EIGHT: Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Generator
It’s spooky when you think about it that way. So, we’re detectives, doing our little
snooping around. And what we see is that we have somebody who is going to be
very, very identified in the now. Now, if they happened to be identified with Human
Design, that somehow they manage to gain access to it, this can be an enormous
advantage for them, in that sense. I mean, really getting to see what their own
process has been and how alien it is. Most human beings won’t.
This passenger has a lot of things that it’s really concerned about. You’ve got a
totally open Head, you have no gates there. You really have this thinking about all
kinds of things that don’t matter. This is a very, very powerful mind/Throat
combination, as powerful as the Sacral/Spleen. You rarely get to see how it’s very,
very dynamic. There are actually only two gates—the 41st gate and the 26th gate—
that aren’t part of the split. This is a very dynamic split.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
power of the yin for them, not necessarily something that is easy. It will depend on
their sex. It will be easier to work with the yang female mind and bring it to
discover its yin Sacral, than it will be to deal with the male yang mind and bring it to
its Spleen. You’ll notice that I changed the accent there. It’s much easier for the
yang mind to learn to trust its hunches than it is to trust its moans and groans,
which it doesn’t.
I want you to see that when you’re looking at laying out the way in which the mind is
going to operate that if you’re dealing with a split definition it’s absolutely essential
that you grasp, yourself, what these open gates really represent and what they will
represent for the mind. Again, Human Design is a very logical thing. So, if you just
string keynotes and you put keynotes together you’ll see that it’s not difficult to find
the language for it. All it means is that you need to have a good depth of keynotes
for various gates and channels to really get a sense of what’s involved.
But here it’s very clear what is missing; it’s very clear what this mind want then.
“This is what I want.” Then the rest of the not-self centers bring the strategies of
how we get what we want. How we get to be identified with this thing, how we get
to be involved in it intimately in a breath-by-breath process. How we get totally
absorbed, in that sense. This is a 29.5, this is somebody that is capable of biting off
much, much more than they can chew. That will just be, with an open Root Center,
you know what they’re like. They will keep on going and going and going and going.
Let’s have a look at the open centers. Here is a being with an open ego, an open
Heart Center. There is such pressure. Think about worthiness for this person and
think about this person as a seven year old, and think about the language of the
seven year old, “I’ll prove it to you. You’ll see. I’ll prove it to you. I’ll show you.”
Here you have a very yang mind trying to make things happen, being a verbal
gunslinger. You have an open Solar Plexus Center that avoids confrontation and
truth. You have a 26th gate which is a gate of lies. You have the 26th gate in the
open Heart Center.
So, you have this being that tries to initiate out of the mind to the Throat and when
it doesn’t work, they feel unworthy. Of course, the mind says to them it’s just
because we’re not identified with something in the now. “When we find that thing
that we can identify with in the now, and we can dedicate every ounce of our flesh to
it, then we are going to end our problems and then we will prove our worth. We’re
only going to be able to prove our worth when we find that thing to identify with in
the now.”
So when something goes wrong, when the open Heart Center has promised
something and the promise turns out not to be there and they have to go through
the consequences of promising and not keeping the promise, there is the not-self
mind saying, “Well, it’s actually just because we’re not identified with something in
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON EIGHT: Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Generator
the now that we can really be focused on.” It’s always in the frame; it’s always
going to be there.
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Let’s look at the being. We’ve seen that we’re dealing with a 4th line Personality,
brotherhood/sisterhood, kindness/meanness, always something to remember about
the 4th line; the opportunist. One of the things about the nature of opportunity is
that opportunity can be mean. Don’t leave a lover until you have another lover.
That’s great advice for the 4th line being. I know, I give it; but it doesn’t necessarily
feel nice to the one who is left for the other without knowing that that was about to
happen. There is this other side of the 4 that is there.
In dealing with the nature of the 4 we have a 2nd Color underneath; we have a 2nd
Color that is transferred to the 5. The 28th gate is about finding purpose. It’s what
the 28th gate is all about. And one of the deepest pressures in this person’s life is
the pressure to find meaning in life, to find purpose in life. Of course, the pressure
to find meaning and purpose in life is going to be interpreted by the mind as you’re
only going to find your purpose in this life when you find something that you can
identify with in the now. Again, it goes back to the same thing.
The 27th gate is a key gate. This is obviously a being that has a tremendous amount
of intelligence and awareness as a potential. There is no lacking of awareness gifts,
if I could put it that way, in this kind of a design. It’s a very powerful Spleen and
very powerful Ajna systems. The 27th gate nourishes all of that, provides the
energy, at least from the splenic point of view.
In looking at this 27th gate to see that the real potential in this being is to nurture
others. This is tribal, after all. This is about nurturing others. It isn’t necessarily—
this person may be a good cook—but it isn’t necessarily nurturing them by feeding
them. The 50th gate and the 27th gate form this extraordinary information energy
system that initiates our intelligence. In this design you can see the various aspects
of that intelligence. That is, the tribal instinctive that is here in the 32nd gate, the
individual intuitive that is in the 28 and the 57 and the collective taste that is there
in the 48th gate, this capacity for judgmentation. These are all the fundamental
themes of intelligence.
Think about this being as a tribal, nurturing force. Here to nurture the education,
nurture the intelligence of others and this deep capacity in them is cut off from their
not-self authority that is mental and that there is no way that that is going to be part
of them until they are identified in the now, and that that will be their road to
success, that identification.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON EIGHT: Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Generator
If we look at the seeing, you have a 45 South Node. It’s very interesting because
the 45.2 is about the inventiveness to develop techniques and all kinds of things that
can be of value to the common good and so forth and so on. It’s looking out in the
world and seeing a world where the ability to be able to be original, be inventive, be
able to provide services for humanity is a way in which success can be found. This is
a very material view of the plane.
With the 26th gate, when you’re dealing with the 45-26 as a nodal configuration,
they’re both part of what is the deepest aspect of material circuitry. The 45th gate as
the chairman of the board, and the 26th gate as the head of marketing, this is
moving from establishing one’s revenue base and moving towards continuing to
market it and to sell it, and looking out at a world that is very material.
So here is somebody from the Personality point of view that has a very mundane
perspective on the world; mundane in the sense that it is a purely material
perspective on the world. They see the gathering together or not, they see the
ability to be able to influence with the ego or not, this is the world that they see. Of
course, it’s very much a part of their nature. That is, this is something that is very
much a part of their expression as a Throat being, this very strong 45th gate that is
But it’s very important to see the material direction of this being. This is somebody
if you want to talk to them you’re going to need to talk to them in the sense of
encouraging the way in which they can operate more successfully on the material
plane, or more successfully as a being on the material plane. But this is certainly
going to be an aspect of their approach, or their vision in life.
For this being, only when they really see the world in this material way, this could be
the material girl or boy, only if they see it in this material way are they ultimately
going to be able to fulfill their purpose on this Cross of the Unexpected, that the
unexpected for them is going to emerge out of this physical plane.
We also have a 2nd Color that’s underneath this nodal configuration. So, again we
have resonance in the Colors between Sun/Earth and the Nodes, they’re both 2nd
Color, they’re both transferring to 5th Color. They’re both transferring to the guilt, to
the conditioning, to being the conditioner, to changing things and moving away from
what is the inherent hopefulness that is there in the vision.
In other words, to be able to see the positive of the material plane and to
understand something very fundamental and profound, and deeply spiritual for a
Generator; that life presents itself, that one does not have to go looking for it, that
the gifts of life present themselves. One does not have to go looking for it. But one
does have to be able to see it.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Open G Center
This is such a profound underlying theme for this being. Again, you have to see that
I’m not talking about how you present the knowledge to the client. I’m taking you
through this so that you can see the perspective that’s necessary in order to be able
to understand the being you’re going to work with. This is somebody who has been
conditioned to avoid frustration through being falsely identified with something that
absorbs them completely, that gives them a sense that they have the right direction,
and that they are worthy. It’s all of these things. All of this is just simply the not-
self and the not-self at work.
It’s the way that it takes us over. Most human beings are taken over by the not-self.
That’s the thing that’s so remarkable about strategy and authority. What your
strategy does is that it very quickly disarms the mind, particularly if you’re talking
about a Generator who is experimenting with their strategy. They can very quickly
disarm the mind from having this over-bearing power. Here you have a very difficult
configuration; you’ve got a very powerful mind configuration. And these two open
gates are just a deep driving force that can block off anyone really being able to help
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON EIGHT: Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Generator
There is only one thing that can get in the way. You’ve got somebody who has the
32.6 and the 32.6 is the deep, deep fear of impermanence. This deep fear of
impermanence is something that is one of the themes that is going to impact this
whole being, because whatever they get absorbed in, whatever it is and it doesn’t
matter whether it makes them an enormous success, a modest success, they will
never be able to shake the fear that it’s not permanent. And it doesn’t matter how
much they have, they will not shake this fear until they begin to operate correctly. It
is going to be there, and it is going to haunt them and it’s going to drive them
deeper into the existential focus.
These are the kinds of beings that get so absorbed in their thing that they begin to
really lose contact. They really begin to not make it. The difference is that that is
not the case here because we’re dealing with somebody with a tripartite life process.
If we were dealing with another configuration of this, you have to see that it’s very,
very easy for this being simply to be caught in a never ending struggle to stay one
step ahead of the perceived possibility of failure.
But the 6th line being, these are stages, after all. In this particular case you have
somebody who is now coming off the roof so they are reentering, in that sense, into
the world. And in this reentering into the world, without somebody to really impact
them and get the message across to them, the chances are that the absorption that
they were able to give while they were on the roof is an absorption that can kill them
when they’re off the roof. In other words, they’re not going to be able to maintain
the same kind of frequency in the not-self. Sixth line beings are here to be role
models. This is a mutative situation.
If they do not demonstrate the mutation, well, mutation is cruel, it just kills them off.
It’s another thing that didn’t work out. Mutation is always looking to take hold. It’s
looking for those mutations that are really going to be able to display the correct
properties of the tripartite life process. If this being continues to be driven by the
not-self and totally identified with this process in the now, whatever it happens to
be, in that coming off the roof not only will they not be able to maintain that, but it
will physically impact their well-being.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Let’s move along in our little journey and move over here in terms of transference
and the way in which transference is going to impact this being. You can see in the
lower part of the illustration the two 2nd Colors that are part of the being and the
seeing. Transference is something that has an enormous impact on our lives, it
really does. I guess it’s a philosophical question more than anything else. The
nature of the world, the nature of civilization, our history, our whole evolutionary
past, all of it has been developed, created, manipulated, populated by the not-self.
I have no idea what the world is supposed to look like. It’s clear to me, for example,
that the architecture that we have is not-self. We live in not-self environments
created by not-self architects. Just about everything you can imagine about the
nature of the world is not-self and it’s kind of interesting. Because you see, within
the context of the not-self world there are all these ways of measurement—what
success is, what it isn’t, what one should be or should not be, and all of the things
that are part of culture and civilizations. I don’t know if you can sense how a deep a
revolution we are involved in, because it is simply not about the surface of helping
people feel better about themselves and live a better life, it’s about finding out what
THE life is.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON EIGHT: Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Generator
It’s my thing with Generators; it’s what is so profound for me about the presence of
Generators on the planet that are correct, the Generator envelops its relative world.
And every correct Generator enveloping its relative world ultimately can influence the
direction of the planet. Generators are the great builders. They are here for the
purpose of transforming form. The fact that they have never operated correctly
gives us a world in which it’s very hard to measure any more.
This is an example that I’m using today to illustrate that. This is the design of Bill
Gates. We’re dealing with somebody within the context of the not-self world whose
identification and absorption with something in the now, this total absorption in the
now has been a revolution in the way in which human beings collect and use
information. It’s always been fascinating to me that when Bill Gates incorporated
Microsoft in 1983 is when I disappeared and started my mystical process. Part of my
first real grasping of the knowledge after my event with the Voice was realizing that
this work was going to be married to the computer age. Look at us here today in
this kind of environment.
Within the not-self context you can see all kinds of things that could bring praise into
the life of this particular being. But I know, and I clearly know that within them no
matter how much they have, no matter how much they give it just doesn’t do it for
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
them, it doesn’t. And that absorption—here is somebody who has just entered into
their Kiron phase. Born in ’55, so you’re dealing with somebody who is right on their
Kiron. The absorption on the roof, this incredible absorption and involvement on the
roof is not something that cannot be sustained off the roof. It can’t. And there is this
underlying fear in the unconscious 32nd gate, a deep underlying fear of the
impermanency of it all, and the fear of losing it and the confrontations that begin to
It’s so interesting to see that within the criteria our social, cultural landscape that
here is a success story. Within the context of the fulfillment of purpose, this is not a
success story at all. This is somebody who operates as not-self and has been
successful in the not-self world. I’m sure that there are a lot of you that would say,
“Ok, I’ll be not-self for that kind of reward.” But this is not the fulfillment of
When you think about the fact that we have a huge transition that is taking place,
both in terms of mutation and in terms of population, I have mentioned it before, so
many of the beings that are incarnated now will never be incarnated again. The
availably of seats and vehicles are going to be reduced. We’re at a peak right now.
We’re at a peak because of the requirement of as much potential mutation as
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON EIGHT: Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Generator
possible, the diversity of population at this time of deep mutation so there are those
forces that can carry the mutation forward, and carry the mutation forward in a
positive way.
When I look at this being I look at someone who has missed an opportunity. The
opportunity to know what is really their life, their life, not the not-self life. It doesn’t
necessarily mean that he would not have been a success or a value to others; he’s a
sage after all. As a matter of fact, in many ways, I’m very fond of this archetype. I
see it as the way in which the Gods get things done anyway.
But it’s clear to me that this being will go to their grave and they will not have found
their purpose. It will cloud everything in terms of what we’re here for. It isn’t about
the material. It isn’t not about it either. I don’t know what the ratio would be of
material to effort in a reality where everybody operated according to their nature. I
doubt very much if everyone operated according to their authority that we would
have the disparity of resources that we have today. It’s extraordinary, the 1,000th of
1 percent of humans that basically control half the wealth of the planet.
This is the not-self and the way in which the not-self works. This is the inability of
the form to operate correctly. If the form operates correctly, then the form will be
nourished, it’s only natural. The planet as a whole is not operating correctly on the
material plane, it just isn’t. And those that are champions on the material plane as
the not-self, it’s not like they deserve some kind of accolades for that. They don’t.
Because in the deepest sense these are beings that are uncomfortable in their own
lives, no matter what their lives are graced with.
It was very obvious to me as a child growing up. I grew up with relative wealth and
people were privileged, we were privileged. The society that my parents maintained,
their particular tribe, all of them were basically at the same strata financially. I grew
up knowing all of these really messed up people, and at the same time seeing for the
first time the level of poverty and disarray in the world. It was a strange thing to
see. Success on the material plane in the not-self life doesn’t mean very much when
it comes to your spirit, when it comes to the essence of what it is to be here.
Anyway, aside from my digression, we have this movement away from hope and this
movement to guilt. It’s an enormous movement. Here is somebody who is here to
be motivated by what will come their way, not what they will take, not what they will
make, but by what will come their way. That what will be laid down in front of them
here, this is the way that it works. It’s very different than the 5, this drive to change
things. Change yourself, change the other, change the mechanism, and change the
system, change, change, change. Human beings.
So we have a split definition with a very, very deep focus on being identified with
something in the now, that this is the thing that is the healing agent for their
Personality. The moment that they don’t feel identified with something, they will
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
think it is unworthy of them, and unworthy of their interest. It has to grab them and
hold them because that’s the way they’ve been conditioned by their mind.
The one thing that we don’t know in this story and it’s something that we’re going to
need to know in terms of our work. It would be absolutely essential to be able to
see his wife’s’ design, or his children, to be able to see their designs, to be able to
see whether or not there is consistent bridging within the home environment and
who brings it. Because they’re going to be deeply conditioned by those beings, and
that conditioning reinforces the being identified with and being totally absorbed with
part of their process.
And all of that, to avoid frustration, all of that to convince themselves that they are
in the right direction, that they know where they’re going, all of that so that they can
say that they have something in their life that they love. All of that so that they can
say that I showed you that I can prove to you my worth. All of that to avoid the
confrontations; all of that, all of that, and none of it is them, none of it is them.
The joke for me, when I look at the daily programs, is that every day brings a
material principle. There is as many material principles as there are beings; it’s part
of differentiation. Each of us has a natural gift of being correct on the material
plane. We all do, all of us.
The most exciting thing for me on the material plane has been all of the years that I
have operated a Human Design business, and operated correctly as myself. It’s such
a different thing. It isn’t about the specifics of numbers, because they’re there
anyway. It’s about the whole ritual of it, the beauty of it, the gifts that that can
bring, the things that it can put out, on and on and on. It’s never about the material
itself because it’s not the point. It’s going to be there anyway. If you’re correct,
what is correct for you is going to be there anyway.
This is not somebody who, if you could truly have time with them and you could truly
ask them, “Aren’t you tired? Aren’t you tired of being so absorbed? Aren’t you tired
of being afraid that if you’re not so absorbed it will fall apart? Aren’t you tired?
Aren’t you tired of the mounting confrontation that is there in your process? Aren’t
you tired of it? Aren’t you tired of constantly having to prove something, aren’t you
tired of it? Aren’t you tired of being so speeded up that you don’t know how to be
slow at all? Aren’t you tired of it?” They’re exhausted. They’re tired of all of it. But
it’s them they think, and there’s no out.
The client, when you can really read their design, when you can really read the way
in which their mind looks at things, you have to see that everything that frames the
way this not-self mind works is the very thing that this being is tired of, because it is
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON EIGHT: Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Generator
exhausting to maintain the conditioning. And it’s a lie, and this person knows it’s a
lie. They don’t know how it happened; they don’t know how it’s kept all together.
They really don’t. Now, off the roof, this is a fall looking to happen. We’ll certainly
be able to see and follow along in that.
Let me go back a moment. When you’re going to deal with a client the first thing
that you need to do is you need to research their chart. And you have to research it
at a very deep level, deeper than I’ve looked at it. Go through the lines; really make
sense out of the being because you need to grasp them in a very deep way. And
then slowly out of that you can begin to build your approach and strategy. You
understand the way their mind frames things. You understand what is important for
them in terms of the way in which their mind operates. You know their weak places;
you know these open centers. You know the buttons that are there. You know their
profile and what makes them comfortable. You know what kind of a world they look
at so you can talk in relationship to their world.
In framing that, being able to see them for what they are, and understanding what
they could be, that’s how you can begin to work with them. This is one of those
things where the detective work is what’s going to make success possible in reaching
this passenger. The deeper you understand their mechanisms the easier it will be to
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
bring this passenger to recognition, because it’s there. And if you see it and you can
describe it, if you know how to ask them the right questions—it’s like my thing about
“are you tired?” There are very precise questions that open up the process.
The detective—I have a plan. The other day I was working with our programmer,
Azi Farren, talking about several future programs that we’re very interested in. One
of them is PHS software, and the other thing is Rave Psychology software. I’m
actually afraid of Rave Psychology software in a way. It reminds me of the early
days with bodygraphs. I would sit around with students and they would be coloring
them in. I would even have fun joking with them about not drawing outside the lines
and stuff like that. It was an extraordinary awakening to draw in the unconscious
first and then to see it, and then to slowly add the conscious. I notice that for years
after the first programs were released that people didn’t have that same sense of
conscious/unconscious any more. They were just very easily pulling up the graphs.
I have the same feeling about Rave Psychology software which is going to be
designed to be able to give you the chains and give you all the keynotes that go with
them, and so forth and so on. It will give you a very easy guideline so you can put
in somebody’s data and you can get all the information that you need and it will
come out in very interesting kind of graphing.
My fear is that the generation that learns Rave Psychology with that software will not
have the same depth that you can have by learning to do this manually, mentally,
going through this process of really researching a graph, not in terms of how you
would describe it in an analysis, in a reading, but in order for you to totally
understand a being and know how to approach them.
It’s the thing that’s so exciting about this work, that in order to be able to reach the
passenger we must know them, and we must know them in a way that is so deep
and so correct that they are helpless in what they can and cannot do with the
information. It will be the necessary shattering that the passenger has to receive.
But it means that you need to see them. Work with keynotes, experiment with it,
because it’s very important, particularly like in split definitions where you can begin
to experiment with these keys and how they work.
As I said, next week we will look at the channel plus splits and see how we deal with
that differently. But it’s very important for you to go through this process step by
step, so go back to charts that are familiar for you, people that you see in your life.
Look at them in this way. That is, look at them in terms of how to deal with them
and how to bring them to a recognition of their not-self, and then try it. Use it
casually. You don’t have to go through a whole analysis thing. It’s the kind of thing
where when you’re with them you can take one little aspect that you know and you
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON EIGHT: Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Generator
can say, “Aren’t you tired of this thing you keep on doing.” You’ll see that there’s a
light that goes off, there’s tension in the air.
This is one of the most powerful things about the knowledge. You need to be able to
diagnose someone. You need to be able to understand the way in which they
process information. You have all the tools. I cannot synthesize it for you. I can
take you through experimentally and go through the process and show you what I
see; but, you have to really practice this, you need to use it. This is the only way in
order to enrich your own process. So, it’s very important that you begin to do this;
that you begin to look at designs from this perspective and begin to use the
knowledge. In other words, see the way in which somebody is operating, see the
way in which their mind works. Understand how their mind works and then when
the opportunity arises with them use the information as a tool to have impact on
their consciousness. And you will see that it’s extraordinary how powerful it is.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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Lesson Nine
The Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Projector
Welcome to another round of Rave Psychology. Today is Projector day, as you can
well see. There are a lot of things to talk about in relationship to a Projector and the
Projector phenomena.
Let’s begin with the obvious. Rave Psychology is in its essence a very deep probing
of the self. Quite frankly, it is only natural for Generators. That is, two-thirds of the
population being deeply self-aware, self-conscious, understanding oneself at the
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
deepest possible level. This is inherent in all Generators and natural for them,
natural to be curious about themselves, natural to want to grasp their essence. It is
not in any way, shape or form, natural for a Projector to want to probe deeply under
their own skin. It’s not the way that they work. It is not the way that their aura
When you think about a Projector entering into a Rave psychological process they
have an ulterior motive. The ulterior motive is that the deeper they go in terms of
understanding the mechanics, the more likely it is that that can be advantageous for
them in understanding the other, which means that their true interest does not lie in
what you are explaining to them in relationship to themselves, but the value of the
information as it pertains to the other.
The moment that you give a Projector an example, that is, an example for them to
focus on themselves they will automatically see that example as it relates to one of
the beings in their life that they are interested in that seems to match up to the
criteria of that particular example, rather than naturally looking at themselves.
This is not a flaw, by the way. It’s something to understand. But it means that the
approach has to be different. The approach with a Generator has always been the
standard for whatever I have presented in Human Design. That is, the
transformation of the Generator is primary, because without it we don’t change the
life force itself, and obviously, that is a major ingredient.
It also means that because of that kind of, let’s call it, a cosmic burden that’s on the
back of Generators, aside from the emotional cases, they are given this blessed
spontaneous respond-ability that allows them to find transcendence just by waiting.
So, they are given the tools, the moment-by-moment, breath-by-breath tools that
can aid them in that process. That obviously is not the case for the Projector.
As I have mentioned so many times in recent years, when I was introducing Human
Design, being a 5th line being, I always felt this guilt about the impact that my
introductory lectures would have on Projectors because my introductory lectures
were all about understanding that you can operate out of your strategy, when in fact
only for energy types that is something that can be immediate anyway. And that the
whole process is different. The whole process of what it means to be a Projector and
to deal with the auras of others, which is an absolute essential in their lives. And
how, in fact, they are designed to be conditioned without paying attention to it. It’s
one of their gifts.
I’ve always been astonished how Projectors do not recognize how deeply they have
been conditioned. It is not that they have a greater problem in removing the
conditioning than a Generator, as an example, because for the Generator it is part of
who they are to recognize who they are not. And for the Projector, who they’re not
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON NINE: Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Projector
is the key to who the other is. They have a very different approach to what
conditioning is.
You would think if you just looked at the cold mechanics of Design and you had no
deep background in it, you would look at the Projector and you would say, “These
beings are going to be the most conditioned beings,” aside from the obvious of
thinking that would be a Reflector. These beings are going to be deeply conditioned
because they don’t have access to generating or they don’t have access to
manifesting, and so forth and so on.
You would think they would all be lost souls. Well, they’re not. They’re not because
the conditioning does not have the same impact. It doesn’t because of the way in
which their aura focuses outward. And in that sense repels so much of the force of
the conditioning. Like Manifestors, Projectors have a quality to them that doesn’t
allow anyone else in while they’re trying to get deep inside of the other; because
that’s the way they’re designed.
We’re here to look at the mental condition, the mental mechanics of the being. In
looking at the mental mechanics of any Projector to understand that their not-self is
rooted in something very fundamental and basic. It’s rooted in the not-self thematic
of their type; in other words, bitterness. And bitterness is a heavy trip. It just is.
When you think about the way in which the mind is going to make decisions based
on bitterness, it is very different than the way the mind makes decisions based on
frustration. It’s very different. There is an edge to the decision making, an edge to
it. It’s not always a pleasant edge, either. The not-self ruled by bitterness that it’s
been overlooked, that it’s been unappreciated, this is always there at the back of the
mind and it’s going to take advantage of anything that is there in the not-self to
reinforce that. In other words, decisions that are being made to turn the bitter into
sweet. It’s the mind that’s making those decisions.
So, you end up with a not-self Projector, you end up with a being that’s always
looking for the sweet, always. Always. And always looking for the sweet leads to all
kinds of addictions—drug addictions, alcohol addictions, sex addictions, you name
it—all kinds of things, to find the sweet. They’re always looking for that sweet.
When they don’t get the sweet, because it’s all relative, and for the not-self it is
never, never, never satisfying, they can’t be, because there is no sweet for the bitter
Projector until they are correct. It’s just not there. And the illusions of sweet are
delusions in their lives. I would rather deal with a morose Projector than deal with
one that’s caught in the illusion of sweetness, because it’s an illusion.
When Projectors stop hunting for the sweet, they will find themselves. It’s the great
trap of the not-self Projector. It is the thing that nails the not-self Projector to the
wall. And it means that everything that they do in this life, every relationship they
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
have, every career, direction, you name it, all of it is looking for that one thing, to
get away from the bitter, to get the sweet reward. And it’s the mind that’s making
those decisions, and it’s the mind making those decisions based on whatever the
not-self happens to be, whatever its framework happens to be.
So, the first thing to keep in mind is this whole looking for the escape from
bitterness. And every Projector, every Projector deep within them, this is the
deepest theme of their not-self mind. “I have to escape bitterness. I have to find
the sweet.”
This particular example today is an example that allows us to look at a split definition
in which the split definition is not a simple connection. In other words, it’s not
simply a matter of a gate. So you can see, for example, in this particular situation
that if there is
the 45th gate,
yes indeed it
does get this
lower part of
the split to
the Throat,
but it still
does not
connect it to
the mental
If there is a
43rd gate and
there is no 45
then you’ve
got a mental
rushing out
here to the
Throat, but
there is no connection to what is the authority in this design. In other words, you’re
going to need both of these gates, as ideals by the way, because there are many
other ways that obviously these things can be connected. You’re going to need both
of these gates. Both of these gates become very deep conditioning themes.
It’s not about looking for a whole channel, which is interesting. Because here, it is
not a matter of a whole channel, it is a matter of gates. And because it is a matter
of gates, it still remains within this being that this is something that they lack. Let’s
say there was no 21. Then we would have something very different because the
45/21 would be a whole channel and that would be everybody’s problem. Everybody
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON NINE: Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Projector
else has problems on the material plane; everybody has problems with what they
have or don’t have, or whatever. But not here; this is what I don’t have and what I
want. I want to be the empress. I want to be the queen. I want to be the leader of
the tribe.
I want to have insight. No 43, I want to have insight. I want to be the pasha that
has insight. I want to be the queen that has insight. I want to be the insightful
empress. That becomes the goal. When everything is pointed at the 45 and you
have somebody that is so deeply tribal, this lower tribal, there is this enormous
pressure out of the 21, huge pressure pointed at that 45—“I have got to have. And I
have got to have insight so you can see that when I don’t have what I want I feel so
bitter. When I don’t have the insight and I can’t figure it out and I can’t know, I feel
bitter. How sweet it is to know. How sweet it is to have what I want. And what I
want to have is not me. I want that 43 that is not me. I want that 45 that’s not me,
so that I can be something that’s not me.”
We’re dealing with the keys of what a split definition brings to us. What a split
definition brings to us is that it immediately brings the obvious. The obvious is the
other. As much as I stress the importance of the unique individual awakening, that
is, awakening to your own authority, the fact is that absolutely none of us exist in a
vacuum. We deal in a world of other beings and we are designed to integrate with
those other beings and designed to be impacted by them and conditioned by them
and all the various things that are there in the way we meet the other.
When you’re a split definition, and 45% of humanity are split definitions, the other
becomes an absolute essential in the life. But here it becomes much more complex.
There can be beings in this being’s life that will bring the 45, or beings that will bring
the 43, totally different configurations that will link the splits together. Yet, it’s
absolutely essential for this person to have the other in their life, but what other and
on what terms? Is it the other that is going to make you the insightful queen, that
other? Because that’s what the attraction is going to be, it’s just what the attraction
is going to be. This is what this being thinks will bring the sweet. And oh, does it
ever bring the sour.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
When we’re dealing with a split definition it is essential to see that the key is always
going to be these gates and what the gates point to. So, you know right away that
with the theme of bitterness the only way for this being, in terms in of the way in
which their mind operates, to be able to eliminate bitterness in their life is if they
have what they want and that they know that they have it. That they have the
knowing and they’re able to express their knowing and they’re able to have what
they want to have and they’re able to control it.
You can see that all of the pressure then is on the open Throat, all of the pressure.
When you’re looking at that you know right away what’s going to happen, you’re
going to have a being whose deepest not-self strategy is going to be the mind
saying, “Look, we’ve got to get attention. If we’re ever going to get out of the sour
and find the sweet, we’re going to have to get attention.” Oh, it’s something to
understand about being a Projector. You are born to get attention; you’re born to be
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON NINE: Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Projector
It’s so interesting; I’m watching my son go through his teenage years. Teenagers
get into their stuff. He has a friend of his; the friend is a mental Projector, nothing
else, just Head to the Ajna. He looks like trouble, he’s not, actually he’s very sweet,
but he has metal in his mouth and he looks rather unkempt the way they do in their
style. And he’s a Projector. I was talking to him the other day and I said, “You
know, you’re a walking target, you’re just a walking target. You can’t hide; they’re
going to see you. You’re a Projector; they’re going to see you. You’re like a
lighthouse standing there, beaming away. They’re going to see you. And you’re the
one that’s going to get picked out. And you’re the one that’s going to take the heat.
And you’re the one who is going to get into trouble.” And it’s true.
When a Projector comes into the world they’re born with a neon sign that flashes
across their forehead: Projector, Projector, Projector. Everybody sees it, everybody
sees it. Everybody knows the Projectors in their life. And they know them in a way
they don’t know anybody else. I’m talking about people who know nothing about
Design. You just feel it. They’re different, they’re different. You can feel it the
moment that they penetrate you with their aura that they’re different. They are.
1/3 Profile
We’re dealing with a 1/3. We’re dealing with a being that is going to go through the
very deep, self-absorbed process of a 1/3 and is going to make mistakes along the
way, and mistakes that they have no conscious access to as a process and they’re
going to always be surprised by their own mistakes. When you have the 3rd line at
the unconscious level you’re always surprised. “Really, wow, I didn’t think that
would happen.” There is always this big surprise.
With the 1st line Personality there is always going to be this interest in the
foundation. Projectors have a gift. The curse is that they’re always recognized. It is
a curse. You’re talking about the not-self because they don’t know what to do with
it. And the other side is the potential within them, the magic within them to
recognize. These are system-oriented consciousnesses.
Everything about form, everything about coming into the world is about cognition.
That is, the potential to be aware. Projectors, because they have the capacity to be
able to grasp systems in a very deep way, their passengers actually have the tools
for awakeness. But of course, there is the dilemma that they are a Projector and it
is a dilemma.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Think about the Projector process for a moment. Without awareness the Projector
runs into dilemmas. We talk, for example, about what’s important for the Projector
on the surface. Like everybody else, it is strategy and authority. In many ways,
emotional Projectors are probably the most advantaged of all Projectors when it
comes to being able to discern. Because of their emotional system and their feelings
they often have the ability to actually read things.
But the thing to recognize about the Projector is that when it comes to the other,
when the other says, “Would you like to work with me, make love with me?,”
whatever the circumstance happens to be and the Projector is correct in the way in
which they react to that invitation, it’s not like they have to get that invitation day
after day after day afterwards. They don’t, they don’t. They don’t at all. And yet,
that doesn’t mean that the circumstances and conditions in which they entered
remain the same. They don’t.
It’s always the risk for the Projector. Nobody is more trusting. It’s a funny thing, in
the genetic sense. When a Projector agrees to enter into anything with an energy
type, they really trust the energy type to be consistent. It’s the thing that’s so
fascinating. So, for example, you enter in as a Projector correctly into a relationship
with somebody that’s personal and intimate. Then you notice after a number of
years that things have changed. And in noticing that things have changed, the
Projector gets trapped. They get trapped because they live off, in that sense, the
energy field that they’re taking in. It’s a deep connection.
So, they need tools, tools that allow them to discern better. And this all fits into
what are the needs of the Projector. It’s why, for example, Rave Psychology is about
offering at its primary level Color Transference analysis; to give the Projector tools
that it needs so that after it has entered into something correctly, it can watch the
movie, that it can make sure that it’s staying consistent so that they can operate
correctly and that the bargain, or whatever it is they’ve entered into continues to
operate correctly.
The dilemma for the Projector with the open Spleen is that they will tend to hold on
to what isn’t good for them, and even though things change, won’t do anything
about it. Projectors are great at going downhill with their partners. Just simply being
dragged down the drain with their partners and not being able to cut themselves
Discernment Tools
So, it is discernment tools that we offer at this level for a Projector. It’s actually a
different approach from the one we use for the Generator where it’s all about just
keeping looking in deeper and deeper and deeper to understand the mapping. But
for the Projector there is always this point outwards to give them the tools that they
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON NINE: Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Projector
need and to point their vision outwards in order to heal themselves. What Color
Transference does for the Projector is that it allows it to stay in touch with the
frequency of those that it’s dependent on. And it can tell when the frequency
If you’re a 1st Color and you’ve entered into an arrangement correctly and you
discover a couple of years later that your partner has suddenly become very needy
and wants you to get caught up in that need, you know right away that something
has gone wrong and it’s time for reassessment. In essence it’s time for a new
invitation to see whether or not this is something that is worthy of continuing.
When we’re dealing with the Projector at this level what we want to be able to
provide them with is very sophisticated tools that fill in the strategic gaps between
accepting an invitation and when or when not the time has run out on whatever that
was about. In other words, to keep them fixed to what is their true Color and their
true nature.
So, here for example, in dealing with the 1/3, you’re dealing with a natural interest
in the 1 to be able to find out what that foundation is and how that foundation can
work. And any 1/3 can be worked with if you approach them correctly. And
remember, so much of our work and the success of our work, and I don’t want you
to underestimate this because it’s of enormous importance. The very way you
communicate with somebody is something that is an enormous benefit to their
transcendence, just about knowing how to communicate with them.
A 1/3 always has the same criteria. The criteria are, “I am looking for a foundation,
but I’m deeply pessimistic.” In order to be able to deal successfully with any 1/3 you
have to allow them to be themselves. In other words, you open up with, “I don’t
know if this will help you. I’m not sure if it will help you.” And the 3rd line
unconscious says, “Here’s somebody who is honest. Good.” And they’re happy.
“And before we get any further why don’t you look into this material?” And you give
them something to study, to research, to dig into, whatever the case may be.
You’ve got a happy camper, you’ve got somebody who really feels good about you as
somebody that can help them, because you seem to be able to talk directly to what
matters to them.
Profile is an enormous key in the communication between human beings. And the
moment that you really reflect on profile in relationship to communication, you will
see that there are very specific ways for us to talk to the other. As we’re doing so, it
resonates deep within them, far beyond the quality or the content of the words. It’s
the frequency that they resonate to because it is correct for them. And in that,
they’re truly going to be open to what you can do for them.
My focus on the Projector at this level is not about, “Are you following your
strategy?” The fact is they can’t come into the program without being involved in
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
the experiment. But I also know that as a Projector that waiting for the invitation is
often a long process. There are a lot of gaps in between. What do you do? You
have to live. Those who do not have a Sacral understand what I mean. You have to
live. Generators don’t get it, because they’re the life force. But the three types that
are non-sacral, man oh man, we’re always looking for the juice, to be connected to
the life force itself of the planet. That’s something to consider.
We’re going to take a look at the open centers and the not-self strategies that are at
work here. Obviously, we have a very powerful emotional system. We have
somebody whose authority is emotional authority, so this is an emotional Projector.
I want to talk about rejection for a moment, because rejection is a very important
theme for emotional people to grasp. The not-self hates rejection. I don’t even
know if hate is the right word, I think terrified is more like it. It seems that rejection
can be devastating to the not-self spirit. Fifty percent of humanity is emotional. In
order to be correct, the emotional system must reject, otherwise it cannot be
correct, it can’t.
You go up to this emotional being and you say to them, “I want to invite you to be
this or that,” there is no way they can say “yes” in the now. There is no way, it is
simply not correct. And it means that they have to say, “No” in the moment. They
don’t have to say “No” in the moment, they simply are not saying “Yes,” “Give me
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LESSON NINE: Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Projector
time, back off, and ask me again later. I don’t want to answer this now, I can’t
answer this now.”
No matter how you phrase it, you know the person that wants something from you
who is not getting the answer that they want, that there is a part of them that feels
rejected. If they are unhealthy in their not-self it is a part of them that is going to
hold on to that rejection and resent it. Everybody, everybody gets caught up in this
fear. When it comes to emotional beings who are half of humanity, if you cannot
reject you can never wake up. If you cannot put everything on hold, you cannot
wake up. This is what it is to be an emotional being; an emotional being is
somebody that cannot be had in the moment, can’t be had in the moment at all, no
When you think about this emotional being, the desire for experience that feeds
through the tribal bargain, the desire for the new kind of bargain, whatever that’s
going to be, this powerful three motors sitting there looking for a flash point to get
out. When you’re a motorized Projector it is such an incredible temptation the
moment that there is this outlet for your energy to go somewhere and not to churn
inside. It’s never an easy thing for emotional beings to wait. It’s never an easy
thing to be patient, but awareness demands it. Anyone emotional who learns to wait
understands how important it is.
So here you have a being that is very bitter. They are very bitter because they are
not the insightful princess, pasha, queen, or empress, whatever. By the way, this is
the chart for Princess Diana. You can just see what the drive was in the life. It’s
interesting that her South Node is burnout.
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Look at the open centers, the key is going to be the Throat. Here is a case where
the Throat, which in and of itself doesn’t have an enormously high ranking; it’s at the
bottom of the ranking system in terms of impact. Yet, here in this particular case it
is very powerful. It’s very powerful because it is the middle ground for what this
Projector is looking for—the insights, and the possessions and the possessiveness of
the 45—all of that is keyed into the Throat system, and the not-self strategy of the
Throat is always trying to attract attention. Always trying to attract attention in
order to escape the bitterness and find the sweet through being the princess and the
insightful one.
If it weren’t such a tragedy it would be hilarious. It’s funny because I was just
running through my collection of famous charts to put up a split Projector for tonight
and this one popped up. I’ve been doing this chart; I think I was teaching this chart
in ’93 or ’94; I watched that whole process. So, if it wasn’t tragic it would be funny.
So, you have this open Throat and you have this enormous pressure that’s there to
attract attention. And if you don’t attract attention, then the bitterness gets deeper.
If you do attract attention it’s not enough. It’s never enough—more and more and
more and more looking for the sweet, but the mind can’t lead you to the sweet.
Only this being’s emotional authority can do that.
Undefined G Center
You have an undefined G, third in terms of impact, looking for love, always looking
for the direction. It’s a very weak G with one activation, which happens to be the
15th gate. So, every time this G Center is connected another extreme of this
person’s identity emerges. So there is this looking for love, and looking for direction
through attracting attention in order to avoid the bitterness of not being the
insightful possessive one.
All that this person wants is to find that right direction and love in order to have the
attention that gives it the sweet rewards of being in possession of knowing. How lost
human begins become when you see them this way. How lost. How all these open,
open, open, open, open this, open that, open gates, open channels, on and on and
on, how easy it is to be homogenized, to be totally lost in the conditioning field. It’s
not like the definition isn’t there. Yes, it’s there. But it has nothing to do with the
decisions that are being made. The decisions are all being driven by the openness,
all being driven by the conditioning. The mind sets up this false grail—we must find
the sweet, and here is how we find it. We keep looking, we go extreme if we have
to, we attract attention, and we do whatever we can. And we know one thing; that
enough is never enough. It’s never enough.
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LESSON NINE: Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Projector
Open Sacral
It’s also very confusing. It’s very confusing at the sexual level. If you have an
undefined Sacral Center and you make love to your high school sweetheart, you
have your first sexual experience. If you stay with that person for the rest of your
life, you will only understand sex the way in which they perform it. You will never
know anything else. And you will never live out “your own sexuality” because it
doesn’t exist. They are only thematics. Now, if you go from your first love to
somebody else and you make love with them, depending on how they are sexually
you will be different. “Ah, it’s like this,” you say, “this is better than that.”
Human beings who have an open Sacral Center and after all we’re talking about the
three types, the Manifestors, Projectors and Reflectors, have no specific sexual
identity. They don’t. They can be sexy, they can emotional, but they don’t have a
sexual identity. So, when you think about somebody who is open in their Sacral, and
particularly Projectors and Manifestors because they make up 30% of humanity, that
30% of humanity is totally dependant for their sexual pleasure on the way in which
they’re defined by others, and limited at the same time to that specific conditioning.
So, you see, where somebody with a fixed Sacral always has a fixed sexual
frequency, somebody with an undefined Sacral does not, which means that they’re
the ones that finds sexuality, different kinds of sexuality, both fascinating and
intimidating, because it’s all inconsistent, all inconsistent. So, here is somebody that
when they go from lover A to B to C, everything is different. Yet, the not-self
doesn’t understand that they are not living out their sexuality. They’re living out the
amplification of somebody else’s sexuality.
So here is a being who doesn’t know when enough is enough. Doesn’t know when
enough is enough in attracting attention, doesn’t know when enough is enough
looking for lovers, and the right direction. Doesn’t know when enough is enough;
always looking for the sweet, always trying to get to that place that is going to
bridge that split, always.
Open Spleen
And you can see what happens with this open Spleen. The moment that you bring in
this open Spleen you’ve got somebody who is going to hold on to things that just
aren’t good for them. Nothing more dangerous for a Projector than having an open
Spleen; the tendency to hold on to what is not good for you, is not healthy for you.
The example I gave you, you enter in correctly as a Projector into a relationship and
over time you see it’s deteriorating and you have an open Spleen, you don’t let go.
Because you don’t want the insecurity and the fears that come with letting go of that
defining of the Spleen. This holding on to what isn’t good for you, holding on to
needing to get the attention, the love, the direction, not knowing when enough is
enough, to get to that place where insight and possessiveness are there and the
sweetness of life is the reward.
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
You can see that here in the openness of this Projector, and the dilemma of this
Projector—the underlying not-self theme of bitterness, the separation, the large
separation, the double separation between the split itself and the thematics that
arise out of that. The open centers that add their level to the strategic of the way in
which this not-self mind is going to operate and it has nothing to do with this person,
nothing, nothing. The not-self lives a life. Look around, all those beings out there.
These are not-self beings.
A World of Zombies
I think it was in the late 50’s they made this incredible zombie movie; I don’t know
what that was. Anyway, there were these people coming out of these kinds of pods,
a very strange thing, and they were all sort of controlled by some alien force, I don’t
know. But that’s humanity—homogenized zombies, living out the program, living out
the conditioning, not living out in any way their life. How can you find your life
through all that openness? You can’t. Where are you going to find it, where are you
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LESSON NINE: Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Projector
going to look and what are you going to reason with? Your mind doesn’t know what
your life is any more than your mind knows who you are, it doesn’t. It has to be
trained to have such a perception. It doesn’t come naturally to be able to see
oneself for what one is, rather than the forces that transform one. Very few human
beings are naturally sensitive to the subtlety of aura conditioning, they’re just not.
We’ve got a world of zombies. I’m so aware of that every day when I do the
neutrino forecast on the radio. It’s so obvious to me. I can see this planet of
zombies all clicking in as the planet shifts gates and lines and everybody is doing
their thing. It’s like now with the 63, Uranus in the 63. There is so much doubt out
there. The zombies are all worried about the future. And they’re not worried about
their future, they frankly don’t have much of one, they’re not. They’re worried about
the homogenized conditioned fear of future that Uranus in the 63 brings.
And when you think doubt, when you’re worried about the future, the not-self comes
in and says, “Oh, my God, we’d better worry. We’d better try to attract more
attention. We’d better chase after that direction. We can never give up. We’re
going to get that sweetness, because we’d better get it now because otherwise it’s
not going to happen. Let’s make a decision. Ok, let’s do this, that and the other.” It
doesn’t work.
A Logical Mind
Yet, the world is filled with all of these zombies, all of these white beings operating
out of these white spaces, and all of it ruling the way in which they think. How is
this being supposed to organize the logic of this mind? You’ve got a logical mind. In
this chart you have the 63/4; you have a very fixed conceptualizing process. You
have somebody that is always coming up with formulas and doesn’t know how to
express them, always. So here’s a mind that’s constantly working on the formulas.
“Here’s my plan. Here’s what I think I’m going to have to do. I’m going to have to
do this, this and the other thing. And I’m going to have to do all that, I’m going to
organize it logically, I’m going to work out the pattern..” in order to escape the
bitterness, in order to get to the things that I want, driven by the underlying forces
of my not-self to make sure that it keeps me in line to making decisions in that way.
When the plans don’t work, bitter, bitter, bitter and does that stop them? No. Not
unless they get so bitter and they have the activations that bring it out that they
could endanger their own lives. But bitter; a darkness that comes into the body.
And all they do is that the mind jumps on that and away they go, following the not-
self strategy. The mind is very good at saying, “Sorry.” The mind does that all the
time. It doesn’t even actually come out and say, “Sorry,” it just short of shrugs, if
the neo-cortex could shrug, which I think would look cute. Just shrugs. It is like,
“Oh, yeah, we fucked up, ok, next one. It’ll get better. Ok, let’s do the next one.”
The moment the mind makes a decision and it doesn’t work it says, “See?” that’s the
mind. It’s about as ignorant as anything can be. And it takes you right back into
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
this same nonsense in order to recover from the same nonsense in order to recover
from the same nonsense, on and on and on and on.
It’s no wonder these beings can be gray in the way in which you feel their auras. It’s
painful. I have enormous empathy for Projectors. I get it; I see what it’s all about.
And the approach for the Projector is everything. It’s this fine balance between
“here’s your problem, and here’s their problem.” Their problem is really something
that catches them. Their problem, what to do, they’re used to it, it’s what their mind
says. “Oh, yeah, we’ve always been fucked up. It’s the way it is.” They’re used to
it, used to it. It’s much more interested in just projecting it outwards onto
somebody else in order to just see it there, isolated.
But when they’re hooked on Design, because this is the only way that you’re going
to get a Projector at this point to come into Rave Psychological analysis is that
they’re really hooked on the design, they’re hooked on the knowledge, and that is
the door opener. Because as you look at their mechanics, you can provide them with
conscious tools—I’m talking about Color Transference, as an example—for them to
work with in order to keep their passenger focused on the other.
And how important it is at this level for the Projector and their well-being; they have
to master the understanding of the other. Otherwise, they’re in big trouble. They
have to know who is in their aura so that they can gauge movement in the
frequency. They have to know who is in their aura to understand what their
limitation is in any kind of bond with anyone in any kind of situation. It is only when
the Projector masters their personal environment that they can master any
For all Projectors, this is the great challenge. The great challenge is to take the
knowledge and put it to work in your life around you in those beings you constantly
have contact with. That you know them in detail that you understand what is going
on and you watch them through the lenses that the knowledge gives you. This is the
healthiest thing that any Projector can do.
Auras Talk
The Projector, if they are not on guard, every time they enter into a relationship they
have to be on guard. Not on guard in a paranoid sense at all, but aware, in that
sense, watching the other. It’s what they’re here for. If you cannot stand the aura
probe of a Projector, well then get out of its aura. It is what they are about, and it is
the only way they can operate. If they’re incorrect, by the way, that probing is
something that can be very uncomfortable, there’s no question about it. And
Projectors suffer from the fact that energy forces are ready to reject them all the
time, all the time. “You’re not one of us. You’re the one that’s going to need the
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LESSON NINE: Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Projector
hand up. You’re the one who is going to need the energy.” And it’s not like that’s
being said, it doesn’t have to, it’s in the auras. Auras talk.
It’s the most special thing I think you can say to anyone who is learning about
Human Design, what it means to have an aura. That it’s not just some kind of odd
demarcation or some esoteric concept. It’s your energy field. And because it’s your
energy field and it carries the essence of you, the moment that somebody steps into
your aura, before they can touch you, speak to you, the moment they enter your
aura you are exchanging information at the deepest level. Because we see what
happens when your chart and my chart are together in a composite. Boom,
something new is emerging; the aura talks. You, as a Projector, when you enter into
somebody else’s aura, your aura probes them, it talks. It says, “I’m a Projector.”
And it says it very clearly.
Of course, you’re dealing with not-self and you’re dealing with ignorance, so the way
in which the types operate relative to each other in ignorance is not very nice.
Generators and Projectors in the not-self world do not get along very well. It’s rare.
Either the Projector is manipulating the energy type in order to maintain the bargain,
or the energy type is taking advantage of the Projector. This is all just not-self game
Projectors and Generators have a true bond; a cosmic relationship that ultimately
could flower, but not until they flower within their own realm. At the highest level of
partnership like is what matters—Generators with Generators, and Projectors with
Projectors, and so forth and so on.
Color Transference
We’re going to take a look at what I think is a revolution, particularly in the sense of
what kind of a benefit this can bring to Projectors. I’m referring to Color
transference. When I started doing Color transference analysis I began with a great
many Projectors. It was very useful information for them. It really gave them a way
of being able to watch the forces around them after they had entered into things. In
other words, to be able to maintain what is their correct motivation. It’s very easy
for anyone to be moved in terms of Color transference. If you’re a Generator, every
time that you respond you automatically align yourself existentially to what is your
correct motivation.
But when you’re looking at Projector strategy it is not something that can happen all
the time. In other words, they cannot through strategy alone align themselves to
what is their correct motivation. They need to participate in that at a Personality
level. It’s why this knowledge is so important for the Projector particularly. I also
got to discover that for other types it’s very useful and helpful information. But I
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
think that in the context of the Projector it is essential, let me put it that way, that
it’s essential information for the Projector.
Let’s take an example of that and how I mean that this can operate as a tool. If we
look at the Sun/Earth we are looking at the being and we are looking at the potential
of the personality to fulfill its purpose. The potential of the Personality to fulfill its
purpose is obviously going to be provocative when we’re dealing with a 38-39
opposition. But we’re dealing with a 2nd Color. When you’re dealing with a 2nd Color
you’re dealing with the Color of hope, of hope. Life is about believing in things. It’s
about believing that the bitter will go away, that the sweet will come. It‘s the hope
for a better life. It is the hope for the fulfillment of one’s purpose. It is the hope of
being recognized, and the faith inherent in that.
It’s not blind hope or stupid hope. Don’t misunderstand that. The fact that hope is
there means that it will be answered. It’s really something to understand about any
kind of keynote. The fact that it’s there, if you were centered in your hopefulness as
a motivation you have reason to be hopeful. That is what it’s about. And it’s when
you’re not hopeful, when you lose your hopefulness, that’s the moment that
everything can go wrong, because that’s the moment you stop operating correctly.
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LESSON NINE: Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Projector
You can see what transference is immediately going to do to this being. Here is a
being that needs to find their wholeness. There’s something missing. They want to
be more aware; they want to have more in life. They think that will bring the
sweetness to them. And they have a plan, a plan that is driven by them seeking this
and seeking it through attention. They’ve got their plan.
Obviously, this is not a being who in terms of the not-self is going to be comfortable
with a personality that sits back and says, “Let the Gods provide.” No way. This is
going to transfer, and it’s going to transfer across to the 5 and it’s going to transfer
across to the conditioner/conditioned. “Fix it; don’t be hopeful, fix it. Do something
about it. Make yourself a better person. Do different things in your life. Get the
attention you need by fixing this and fixing that.” That’s not who this person is.
It isn’t a matter of saying to them, “This is what happens to you.” It’s a matter of
saying, “Look out for these people who do this to you. You’re here to be hopeful.
Don’t lose your hopefulness. The moment that you have somebody that says, ‘what
do you mean you are hopeful, go fix this,’ you’ve got the wrong person in your life.
You have somebody that is pulling you away in transference and as a Projector the
moment you recognize that you recognize something that does not belong in your
The mind absolutely loves it. “Look at us, aren’t we powerful, we can see who is
affecting our transference.” Finally you have the mind working as an ally. Oh, the
mind loves those kinds of roles, it’s perfect. And there’s the Projector that has their
key now. The resonance in the being, to be told that it is your nature to be hopeful,
you know that. But your not-self has stuffed it aside for years. You know that. The
moment you can blame it on somebody else, God bless blame, it’s somebody else’s
fault. They’re doing it to you.
It’s very important for the Projector to see it that way. It’s true, by the way, in a
sense. But it is essential for Projector awareness, “Who is pulling me away from my
hope. Who is pulling me away from my beliefs? Who is trying to get me to change?”
It’s an incredible tool for the Projector. You enter into a relationship correctly, you’re
invited, if you’re this being you go through your emotional process, you’re clear,
you’re clear of the bargain that you’re entering into and away you go.
But time passes. It’s fine in the beginning that you’re hopeful and full of belief. And
then all of a sudden that’s seen as being naïve and foolish, that there is more to life
than just waiting for things to fall into your lap. That you have to do this and that
that you’ve got to make an effort, that it’s part of the deal. Things change.
If the Projector is unaware of what their nature is and then they are obviously
unaware of the transference being there and taking place when others are doing that
to them, they’re lost. They will simply go that way. They will be pulled away and
move to the transference. And when they move to the transference their open
Spleen is going to hold on to this thing, this bad thing for it, and there is no chance
they’re going to live out the potential of the Personality. There is no chance they’re
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
going to be awake. The mind is ready to learn awakeness, it is. It’s ready to watch
the other. “Aha, they’re trying to get me to do this and that. It’s not for me.”
When you look at the Nodes, they’re about seeing, the world that you see. “You look
out into a world of desire. You also look at a world that is self-destructive, that
flames out. You see a world of suffering. You also see a world of commitment. A
world of experience, a world of jumping into things, this is a world for you to see.
But this is a 6th Color. And the 6th Color is innocence and innocence is an observer.
It isn’t anything else. It’s aloof. It’s not about getting involved. The fool on the hill
does not come down into the valley into the village and talk politics with the tribe, or
chit chat. It doesn’t get involved; it watches. You watch the world of suffering; you
watch the world of commitment. It doesn’t mean you are the world of suffering, and
you are the world of commitment. It doesn’t mean that at all.”
The moment that you have the transference of the 6 to the 3, to desire to lead, it’s
all different; the desire to do something about the suffering, the desire to get
involved and be committed. Transferred; and the moment that they’re inside this
soup they don’t get to fulfill their purpose. It’s not what they’re about; it’s not what
they’re here for. This is not a 3rd Color that’s there to rush out into that world and
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LESSON NINE: Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Projector
do something about it. Show them the way, lead them out of it, follow some master
and learn how to help them, and on and on and on. It’s not their life. Sixth color.
Now, look at the transference in this being. This transference speaks volumes of
how incorrect their whole life was, constantly in transference, constantly trying to fix
themselves, constantly getting involved in the world around them, constantly
attracting the attention to find the sweet and to be the one who knows and has, and
on and on and on and on and on until you want to weep.
When you give a Projector this tool, it’s an analytical tool. It changes their process.
And instead of a mind that is deep in resistance, you have a mind that is engaged.
For the Projector there is nothing more important than the engagement of their
mind. It’s their gift, after all, to analyze and to recognize systems. When their mind
is engaged with something that gives it power, because that’s the catch—it gives it
power—“This one is trying to get me to get involved, joining this charity, go save this
whatever. They want me to get involved. They’re not good for me. Did you hear
that? They’re not good for me.” And there’s the mind shouting at the emotions,
“See, I did a good job for you. See, now feel yourself through this, and we’ll say no,
ok? Wrong people.”
Or the awareness that within a relationship things are changing—“I was hopeful and
innocent, and it’s all gone now. I just have guilt and desire. Where did it go?
Where did my hope and innocence go to? They were there a little while ago, and
now they’re gone. And why? Somebody is pulling me into transference. And who is
it? Is it this one, is it that one?” The mind begins to watch. It begins to watch
something very special.
I don’t know how many of you know this experience of watching yourself while
you’re having a conversation. This is a disengagement of the mind where you can sit
back and actually watch the communication going on, watch the process, your own
and the others. One of the things about Color transference is that it begins to teach
the mind how to get into this position where it can stand back and watch. If you’re
just in the conversation you’re going to miss the fact that you’re being transferred.
We’re not conscious at the Color level. It takes place at a level that we don’t have
access to. It’s sneaky as hell. The only clue is the way in which you’re being
communicated to. The way you’re being treated, the way you’re being recognized,
the way you’re being spoken to, what is being expected of you, and on and on and
on and on. You can tell in the language.
You can tell by the verbs that are used. You can tell. Oh, and the mind loves it. It
is like “Wow, hey, this is great, we can look at this and this and this,” and this is
alignment for this passenger. Oh, how different this being could have been. But this
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
would not have been somebody who would have run around looking for attention.
This would not have been somebody that is lost, or doesn’t know when enough is
enough. Not somebody that’s seduced by insights or possessions. Not somebody
that needs to chase after anything; someone who understands the beauty of
believing in oneself. Having the perspective of being able to look out on the world
and observe, and maintain one’s innocence—different relationships, different future,
different process.
Color transference is the basic tool that you’re going to be able to use as a Rave
Psychologist in terms of preliminary analysis, whether that is for Generators or
Projectors or any of the types. After all, we discussed it last week when we were
looking at the Generators. It is an enormously important tool for training the mind
to stand back and to observe. And it gives it a reason to do so, to pay attention to
the conversation. And not simply what you are saying, but what you and they are
saying. In other words, it’s a very unique perspective that is developed out of this
kind of tool. And it is the road to the passenger awakening. It is; it is remarkable,
in that sense, how profound that transformation can be.
It’s about being aware. These are words that are bandied around a lot. Awareness
for me is something that is very, very simple in terms of the way that I look at it: To
be aware means that you are able to see yourself in situations with others, to see it.
You’re aware of the other. You’re not simply locked into what is your own absorbed
process. You’re aware of the other in relationship to you; that you’re aware of the
other in terms of their frequency, their language. It’s awareness.
When you meet somebody on the road, these are fractal lines. I recognize through
my training the grace of seeing clearly that anyone who is on your fractal deserves
respect and deserves awareness; for you to be aware of whom you’re with. Not to
see the surface, but to understand that this is another connection in a long line of
connections; to be aware of the environment, to be aware of what’s going on. And
not simply be caught up in your mental stuff worried about whether anybody is
understanding you, paying attention to you, needs you, wants you, likes you. That
you’re mind isn’t concerned about what you’re saying, whether it’s correct or not,
right or wrong, good or bad, whether it will upset or not, all the crap that mind
thinks about while you’re engaged in a fractal intimacy with somebody else and
you’re not paying any attention. That’s ignorance. So you’re not aware of what’s
happening to you, you’re not aware of the conditioning, you’re not aware of your
effect on them. You’re not aware of whether you’re being pulled into transference or
not, you’re simply not aware. This is a very, very important tool for the mind. It
gives the mind something attractive—who is pulling you away?
It’s always cute for me when I’m in those situations where somebody is trying to
restrain my Personality. I’m a 3rd Color Sun/Earth. So, desire is my motivation.
Leadership is my thing. Being innocent and standing back and watching is not. The
moment that it happens, it doesn’t happen very often, but there are these moments
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LESSON NINE: Primary Mapping of a Split-Definition Projector
that it happens, it’s incredible how my mind—it’s like when your kid is in a school
play how proud they are. The mind is going, “See, see, I saw this one. Did you see
it; did you see what they tried to do?” The mind loves it.
When your mind is doing that for you, you know that it’s actually operating in a way
that is actually an expansion of your consciousness. In other words, you’re whole
brain system is starting to operate at another level entirely. Again, mind is ready to
learn these things. You have to teach it; you have to teach it what to look for. And
when you teach, particularly in this case, the Projector, to look for the transference
and how it’s going to come and what that means for it, this begins this extraordinary
process of transforming the way in which their brain operates, and ultimately the
way in which their perception works, so that you are able, even when you don’t
realize it, your mind is watching your conversation and will jump in immediately and
say, “Hey, did you notice? They’re pulling you into transference.” It’s not like you
have to sit there with it and hold its hand. You don’t. You give it something to do,
you give it something to measure and you tell it this has power, and your mind will
learn how to be aware. This really is the beginning of being aware.
This being, how sweet life would have been, how sweet it would have been as a
believing innocent. Oh, how sweet. It would have been rewarded. It really would
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
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Lesson Ten
Tonal Trajectory Fixing
I was going to begin with this at the beginning of the third semester, but I thought it
would actually benefit you, as students of Rave Psychology to really think about this
stuff over our semester break. So, I’m going to give you an introduction to the final
key of mapping.
One of the things I first learned was the Cross of Life. The Cross of Life is something
that students of mine who were part of anything I taught in the first seven years of
my teaching learned; it was the way in which they were introduced to the
framework, or the skeleton of being able to do analysis. In other words, you have
the Sun/Earth and they represented this vertical line of information, this constant
flow of the neutrino stream and the way in which it interacts with the form principle
on this planet.
The other part of the Cross of Life, the Nodes are representing the horizontal.
Representing the horizontal with a very clear intent in terms of grasping what that
means; that is, movement, movement. When you get to the very basics of physics
what you recognize is that one of the inalienable laws of the totality is that
everything spins and everything moves. This is the way things work. Everything is
spinning and moving.
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Movement is something that is very, very important; it’s obviously important. When
you think about just the process of incarnation and how vast a process that is and
how everything about that process is about specific places. It’s about movement to a
place, it is about the movement of the Sun; it is always about movement at some
level or another.
The Cross of Life is something that is very profound in its pure binary nature. When
you think about the Sun/Earth you’re talking about objects and you’re talking about
objects that move in a very specific way; in other words, the typical movement
around the wheel, which is the counterclockwise movement. When you look at the
Sun and the Earth you’re looking at objects along with the Moon that are never
retrograde. The Sun/Earth is something that in the way in which it moves it is the
turning of the wheel.
The Nodes
But when you look at the Nodes they’re really something magical. After all, they’re
the only thing that we annotate as an activation that is, in fact, not an object at all.
The Nodes represent simply positions. In representing positions metaphorically I
describe it as windows. That is, the windows that allow the neutrino stream from the
trans-cellular that is beyond the solar system, allowing that trans-cellular information
to program us.
The Nodes are basically a retrograde phenomena. That is, they take one step
forward and two steps back, so they are always moving retrograde generally
speaking. In that sense, they are exactly opposite in their movement to the
Sun/Earth. So they’re opposite in their movement, they are positions instead of
objects, you are dealing with a basic binary.
When we translate this basic binary into the analysis system in the way, for example,
that we do here in Rave Psychology we give them a keynote; that is, being and
seeing. But I want you to grasp something about the seeing, because describing it
as “seeing” is insufficient in order to truly understand what the Nodes are about.
They are about our movement in this life. And the best word to describe our
movement in this life is that since the movement is not random, and it is not
random, that the movement follows a trajectory. This is a specific trajectory from
the moment that you incarnate to the moment that you de-carnate. And it is this
trajectory that we want to look at because there is a trajectory for the Personality.
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LESSON TEN: Tonal Trajectory Fixing
The Illustration
This is a very complex drawing. We’re looking at two different things. In this
illustration on the left we’re looking at what is our Color information, the six Colors,
but we’re seeing the six Colors along with their keynotes as well as the resonance to
the line keynotes—introspection, projection, adaptation, externalization—in other
words, underneath you’re also seeing the line relationship.
But on the outside you’re looking at the six Colors of Personality. And in looking at
the six Colors of Personality we’re looking at the six motivations of Personality. But
it’s not just simply a blind motivation. It is a specific motivation in relationship to its
If you look at each and every one of the Personality Colors, you will see that
Personality Colors are in and of themselves a binary. So, the 1st Color is
communalist/separatist; theist/anti-theist for the 2 ; leader/follower for the 3rd, and
so forth and so on going all the way up to the 6th Color. And they are basic binaries.
This binary, whether
Color is on the
Personality side, or
Color is being
examined on the
Design side, each
Color has a specific
binary. But
Personality and Design
operate differently.
They operate
differently in
relationship to their
tonal influence.
Remember, whenever
you’re thinking about
an aspect, work from
the bottom up. In
other words, when
you’re thinking about
the Color you must understand that the Color is a byproduct of the Tone, not the
other way around. It is very important to keep in mind as a way of understanding
that when you’re dealing with a crystal it is the moment that the neutrino enters the
crystal, breaks the aura, if you will, of the crystal, this is what we call Base. When it
leaves—that is, when the neutrino leaves, at the moment, the instant, the milli-milli-
second, that it exits the crystal, this is what we call Color; they’re frequencies.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
But the time that the neutrino is in the crystal, in its oscillation in the crystal,
everything within the crystal is tonal. Tones represent the blueprint of ultimately
how the totality is going to operate. But tonal fixing, which is something that we
study in Primary Health System; tonal fixing in PHS is an absolute. In other words,
you have a specific Design Color, and that specific Design Color has a binary and the
binary is going to be fixed either one way or the other, either one way or the other,
by the Tone. But it’s different for the Personality. It’s very different for the
Now, the Uranian cycle of approximately 84 years, the mid-point in that cycle is
between 38 and 44. That mid-point, that’s the line that we draw in the graphing
between what we call South Node and what we call North Node. In other words,
there is a transition that takes place as we move from South Node themes to North
Node themes.
When you think about, and it’s a way that I’ve described it throughout my career,
when you think about the Nodes think about a street. Think about one of these big
cities where you have one of these enormously long streets, and at either the east or
the west, or the north or the south divide it changes its name. It’s the same street.
It’s often rather confusing. It’s the same street but it has two names. It’s something
to understand about your nodal trajectory in life. This is one street, and what
changes is the seeing. What changes in the seeing is that the tonal fixing takes hold.
So, how does this work? We have six Tones. The six Tones operate in binaries.
Before you can really investigate this, you have to think about what Tones are. They
are keynoted with the keynote of cognition. The blueprint for what it is to be us is a
blueprint based on achieving cognition; in other words, to know—and ultimately,
achieving transcendent cognition. In other words, cognition that could not have
been imagined by the infrastructure; which is something interesting to contemplate
and which the Personality is capable of.
So, when you’re thinking about Tone, understand that the bedrock upon which we
are designed is that we are designed to be cognizant; this is what it’s all about. It’s
what everything is about. Now, the way we get there is very diverse. In other
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON TEN: Tonal Trajectory Fixing
words, we all have a unique pathway, because after all this is simply an element of a
very complex way in which the mind operates. We’ve already seen the complexities
and the mappings. But here, at this level, what we get to see is what—oh, it would
be cute, I could call it the Great Designer—what the Great Designer wanted from
you. What you were really programmed as a Personality; what your trajectory is,
your true trajectory in this life.
So, when we’re looking at the Tones, what we’re looking at is a movement towards
knowing. This movement towards knowing, though it has a physical element to it—
environmental element to it—this movement towards knowing is that as you’re
moving there is transition, there is change, there is transformation in the way in
which you see.
But first, the veils have to be dropped. I’m not talking of the seeing of the eyes, and
the seeing of the absorbed passenger in the “this and that” of their lives. I’m talking
about surrendered witnessing, which is something entirely different. Yet,
surrendered witnessing, given the correctness of the form, is the potential of every
unique being, and each has their trajectory.
So, the Tones are divided into these three triplicities. That is, there is the splenic
binary, and obviously the splenic binary is an infrastructure, or a blueprint of what
ultimately will be the quantum vehicle and its life. So, in a sense, when you look at
the triangle of Tone, very different from the hexagon of Color, when you look at the
triangle of tone, you see the ultimate mirror of the triangle of the bodygraph. It’s
rooted in that.
It means that, for example, if you have a tonal splenic activation the thematic is
about deriving that potential for awareness through the capacities of Spleen—
instinct, intuition, judgmentation—this is going to be an aspect that is going to be
potentially very powerful in the being, because this will be their pathway to
But remember we’re down here at the blueprint. I have some things that are being
built on my property; I’m going through that now. You start off with a drawing, and
then funny things happen, because things happen and things change, because you
go from one level to the next to the next. The blueprint is interesting, the tonal
blueprint is fascinating. But you see, how is that blueprint is going to operate if it’s
operating through a Color that is in transference? How is it going to operate when
that Color that’s in transference is bringing an inappropriate motivation to the line to
a being that’s operating out of mental decision making? So, you have this lovely
blueprint and you have this horrendous piece of finished work. So, we’re looking at
the blueprint.
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Remember something about the magic of the knowledge of Human Design that the
realization is about form. If you’re not into strategy and authority there is no way
that you’re ever going to get to this place. It isn’t going to happen.
So, we have a splenic binary. Then we have on the other side, its mirror in a sense,
the Solar Plexus binary. Obviously, when you’re dealing with the Solar Plexus binary
you’re dealing with something very different. You’re no longer dealing with splenic
themes as we understand them; you’re dealing with emotional themes, with feeling.
You’re dealing with a different thematic. Yet, this is the way in which cognition is
intended to be achieved. It’s intended to be achieved based on this blueprint.
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LESSON TEN: Tonal Trajectory Fixing
And finally you have the Ajna binary. Of course, in the Ajna binary what you’re
looking at is a dilemma. Those beings who are 3rd or 4th Tone, it is a great gift, it is
a great curse, because it means that cognition is focused through mind and we know
that not-self mind is blind. And there can be enormous deep blindness for these
There’s something else, that the 3rd and 4th Tones are very unusual. They are the
basis upon in which the instability exists that ultimately comes to the surface in
something that we call trigrams. In other words, there is a division in here. You can
see that everything on this side is called left—Tone 1, 2 and 3 are called left Tones.
On the other side, you have the right—the 4, the 5, and the 6; so, left Tones and
right Tones.
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
The horizontal illustration is a way to see the way that color is divided between lower
Colors and upper Colors. Tone divides between left Tone and right Tone.
There is a very simple formula to follow. But like all the magic in Human Design it’s
the simple formulas that are the most extraordinary. If you look at your Personality
Color, and you look at your Personality Color Tone—that is, your Sun/Earth—and you
look at the Color and you look at the Tone underneath. If you have a 1st, 2nd or 3rd
Tone—in other words, if you have a left Tone—it fixes to the left side of the Color.
It’s very simple. So if you have a Color and you happen to have the 1st Tone,
whatever that Color is, if it’s the 1st Color, then you’re fixed to the communalist side.
If it’s right Tone—if it’s 4, 5 or 6—then you’re going to be fixed over here to the right
Now, understand, this is not, as I described to you, the phenomena of PHS. In other
words, we are not looking at what is an absolute. We’re not looking at the way in
which the vehicle is fixed absolutely. This fixing is very important to the
development of the vehicle so that it can achieve its predisposition to differentiate.
But in terms of the Personality there is no such fixing. That is, it’s not fixed to one
side or the other. So, if you have a left Tone it doesn’t mean that you’re whatever it
is on the left side and have nothing to do with the right side.
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LESSON TEN: Tonal Trajectory Fixing
The theme of the lecture today is tonal trajectory fixing. And the key word here is
trajectory. It’s what you are moving from and moving towards. And it can be
loosely, and I mean that, loosely related to the process of moving from South Node
to North Node phases in your life. And I say “loosely” because there are many
exceptions to that. In other words, there is no specific fixed moment in which there
is the movement from one side to the other.
So, for example, if you’re 1st Color and you have 1st Tone, what that means is you
are moving towards the communalist. It’s what you’re moving towards. So, it means
that you begin with the separatist, and you being in this movement in your life.
Now, understand what that actually means, because it’s not what you think, in a
sense. Everything about Tone is about cognition; it’s about knowing. So, what
you’re looking at is knowing movements, they really are, they’re knowing
It means that if the blueprint is operating correctly by the time that it reaches the
surface that this being underlying their motivation is going to a motivation that is
focused towards the separatist quality in the life in order that the knowing can be
explored from that perspective. It doesn’t necessarily mean that they take on what
could be seen on the surface as separatist qualities. It’s much more a movement
from learning about things yourself, to learning about things with others. It’s a
knowing process.
So, each and every one of us, in terms of the nature of our Personalities and the way
in which your underlying motivation operates, this is the thing to recognize. After
all, we are talking about the binary underneath, what is the Color keynote, and the
thematics of that. So, in dealing with fear and fear as a motivation, being a
motivation towards intellectualization towards study, towards information, towards
finding things out, all of kinds of things. Fear is the root of strategic development.
You can see that you can have very different forces. You’re going to have those
beings that are moving from communalist to separatist where their learning and
knowing process in the beginning needs the support of others, until there is a
transition in their life where they leave that behind.
In the mapping we get to see exactly the way it’s laid out. And without the tonal
information we don’t actually know what the Color and line are here to achieve. It’s
not like it’s there to be interpreted at the line level where you have the thematic of
the profile. It’s to understand that everything that is going to make the purpose of
that profile operate, be fulfilled, has to do with the trajectory that the being is going
to move through. It is this trajectory because it is their learning curve.
As we well know, human beings meeting Human Design, they don’t meet Human
Design generally when they’re born—more and more, nice to see. However, the
general meeting of Human Design comes quite late, in this sense, in one’s process.
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
Of course, there is this whole thing of deconditioning and realignment and all of this
stuff. But it also means that because of transference and because of operating as
not-self the real trajectory in the life hasn’t even truly begun. It’s something to
grasp. So, there is no real time frame.
There can be very, very quick movements from one side to another or very
elongated movements. I assume the perfection is that, when a being is ready for
the knowledge and that’s in my best guess somewhere between 10 and 18 is where
there are these openings for this kind of knowledge to sink in, that there would be
the possibility of really seeing what the arc is. My assumption would be then that
the natural movement would be very closely connected to the Uranian midlife.
I think that so many beings have a so-called midlife crisis because they were not in
any way, in any sense at all, following the trajectory of their process. Because in
most cases it wasn’t even a question of whether they were going in the right
direction, in most cases it was simply a matter of transference. The
communalist/separatist was trying to be a Manifestor novice in its process. In other
words, totally lost and in the wrong place. Of course, everything about that is that
you don’t see properly. You don’t see properly; the passenger.
It’s so interesting for me, I teach these classes back-to-back, some of you are in
both of them actually, PHS and Rave Psychology, and when I’m dealing with PHS I’m
dealing with absolutes. It’s so simple because it’s the form principle. It’s not this
quirky, conditioned, distorted mind. It isn’t. It’s just form principle. You look at the
form principle and say, “Ok, here’s this, here’s that. This is what you have to do,
this is how you have to eat, and this is the best place for you to be. Viola; perfect.”
But the passenger, the mind? Wow, what a thing. When I think about what Rave
Psychology really is, this is about awakening. It’s about trying to awaken the
passenger. There are moments when I look at it and I see so clearly, here is the
blueprint. But it’s not like the vehicle where it’s just a matter of where you eat and
where you are. It isn’t. It’s how you see everything. It’s the seeing. The mind is
so deeply connected to the seeing. You can see in the tonal/Ajna binary outer/inner
vision. You can see how locked-in mind is. It’s locked in to the delusion of the world
that it sees. And it’s a joke, because it is not the real world. It is the distortion that
exists in any human being that is incorrect. If you can’t see it—they have that
wonderful saying in the States, in Missouri: Show Me. The man from Missouri always
says, “Show me; show me, I want to see it. I’ve got to see it. If I don’t see it I don’t
believe it. I’ve got to see it, want to see it.” You can’t see it if you can’t see. You
can’t. The veils are there. You can’t. And you look out and you say, “Well, where is
it?” and you stand there and you shout at them and you point, “there it is, it is right
there in front of you, don’t you see it?” They don’t see it.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON TEN: Tonal Trajectory Fixing
Mind takes its power from your readiness to succumb to fear. All these beings that
you’re going to deal with in your life, you have to see that the not-self feeds on fear.
And it gives the mind its authority, it really does. It gives it its authority.
Strategy and inner authority do something very, very important. They break the
habit of mind. They break its habit. The first step in the shattering is to break the
habit. To break the habit that it has, that it has the authority, that it can decide.
The mind is so tricky.
So, to begin with, you have to see the unique importance of strategy and authority.
When you’re dealing with any client, it is the main theme for you to work with them
in the sense that they need to have the support and backing necessary to maintain
the experiment. If you don’t shatter the mind’s habit, you can’t get down to the
blueprint and live out its dream. It really is what it’s all about.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
It’s not like you’re in the wrong place, ever; you can’t be, not possible. But you
certainly can’t see what kind of place it is, you can’t. And you can’t see so many
things that are actually there and you don’t see them. It is all ultimately about
seeing. The passenger will not see if it is involved in your life, because then it’s
going to make things up. Make things up. Think about that. We have two ways in
which the eyes work. One way is that it looks out in the world and it looks for
transition, for anomalies in patterns; that’s the 3rd Tone. And the 4th tone looks out
at the world, takes it in without seeing it, and then re-sees it inside. In other words,
recreates it. Think about that.
Mind doesn’t see; it’s constantly re-seeing because it’s involved in trying to control
life. It doesn’t know how to really see, it can’t, because seeing is not conscious. The
passenger sees without intent. Maybe that’s an easier way to describe that. There
is nothing to interpret in the seeing, there isn’t. There’s just the seeing. It’s so hard
for the Personality, for mind to grasp that, that there is no—I was going to say
value—that there is no point to the seeing. It’s a byproduct of the mechanism. It is
simply a gift. Can you grasp that?
When you get to the level of Tone you get to the mysteries wherever you look. You
get to the magic of what is the underlying blueprint. And in that underlying blueprint
you get to see what is very important for us to understand and for us to be able to
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
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LESSON TEN: Tonal Trajectory Fixing
share with our clients because it is a signpost, this movement in life. And to truly be
able to understand these themes, to understand them, how important that is so that
they have this inner resonance to their process; an alignment with their nodal
themes. And obviously, when we are looking at tonal trajectory fixing, that it
becomes even more important for us, let alone what the Sun/Earth is all about, to
really look at the Nodes themselves and to see what the dynamic is in that particular
case because it’s deeply significant.
When you fulfill the blueprint you achieve the cognition, because that’s what it’s
about. Obviously, there is no way that the Personality can do that unless the form
has already achieved it, because unless the form is correct, the Personality suffers
from lack of resources so isn’t able to make that transition. I mean we’re talking
about an extraordinary transition; this seeing—what it’s all about. And what are you
seeing? It’s the part that I like the best. You’re seeing you. You’re just seeing you.
Nothing else. You get to be your witness. We are witness consciousness.
When I first started to teach, describing the personality as a passenger was a way
that I could draw the illustration, the Design crystal is the vehicle and the Magnetic
Monopole is the driver and the Personality crystal is the passenger in the backseat.
But it’s not just a passenger, it’s a witness. This is what we’re talking about when
we’re talking about any kind of transcendent consciousness no matter what you call
it. It is the disengaged witness just watching. There is nothing else. It is the only
place where the mind can be at peace; truly at peace, simply in its witnessing.
Understand that when you’re operating correctly, what you’re here to express is the
unique potential of your cognition, unlike any other cognition. It is exclusively your
potential. And there is only one genuine witness of it, and that’s you. It is only
when you can be the witness consciousness that the facility of mind as outer
authority is something that can be so deeply established. Then there is the
incredible richness that you receive, can receive from the other—the unique
It’s all in the blueprint. It’s all about being aware. The only thing we have to worry
about is the Color in between, because it’s the truth. It’s the only thing to be
concerned about. It’s why I put the emphasis as we go through the mapping to get
to that place where Color transference is seen as the great demon, because it is. For
the Personality, Color transference is just nasty and our attention to it is important.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
attention to being moved and swayed and conditioned by others away from what is
their correct motivation. And then at a deeper level, to be able to understand what
the correctness of that motivation can lead to, to begin to give guidance.
You’ll see as we go into the third semester we are going to be looking at the
beginnings of what are chain descriptions. In other words, to be able to describe the
underlying themes of the tonal interaction to the Color, to the Personality, and
ultimately through the design to be able to see how all of that works; in other words,
to fulfill this process of being able to map things out. And that beyond Color
transference, when they begin to work with Color transference, then you can begin
to move them towards what is their trajectory, and to begin this alignment of the
client with what this trajectory happens to be. In other words, this movement from
left to right or right to left that is there for them.
What you will see in so many of them is that they will have to begin from the
beginning. In other words, whatever their movement is, whether left to right, or
right to left, they will go through this process. Of course, it is going to be fascinating
for us because we are going to be able to see the various dynamics of what it takes,
in that sense. What kind of time frames are involved, how the movement operates,
these are things that have never been studied before. It is information that has
never been given out before. Of course, for me this is, as with PHS, Tone is the
bedrock of the knowledge of Human Design. It is where the potential for the
concretization of all forms, all life, it’s all here in the tonal blueprints.
So when we get to this point we get to a place where we can begin to be very, very
precise in what is the possibility for the being. If somebody begins the process and
they’re operating correctly, if they experiment with their strategy, if they begin to
deal with their not-self mind, begin to recognize their own not-self mind as it’s
working, if they begin to see in their relationships and the in way in which they deal
with the other the influence of Color transference on their process, all of these are
the necessary steps from the moment that you shatter the habit of the Personality,
these are necessary steps to slowly but surely get to the point where the passenger
can be released.
Again, this has to be coincidental with correcting the way in which the vehicle
operates. In the work of the Primary Health System we now have formulas that will
allow beings to more rapidly, in that sense, align their vehicles. It isn’t that they
decondition quicker, nobody does; deconditioning is a cellular process. But in terms
of the physical body, in order to begin to enhance the potential of the body, the
mind, the brain, to be able to operate at its most efficient level, we have the basic
tools now in PHS.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON TEN: Tonal Trajectory Fixing
So, what’s happening on the other side, in Rave Psychology, is that here this working
at the tonal level, this is the deepest—if you connect your tonal trajectory to the
description of your profile, then I think this is the best way to understand it. In
other words, in order for you to fulfill your purpose, in order for you to fulfill your
purpose on your cross, this is the trajectory that you must take. It’s as simple as
putting it that way. And that purpose and that cross are hanging out there in the
bodygraph. And the tonal trajectory is down there in the tonal blueprint, and all you
have to handle is the Color zone in between, because it is the Color, it is the
transference that so deeply distorts the life.
Motivation—it’s so interesting about us, us beings and the way in which we’re
designed. We’re designed to be driven. We’re driven. All bio-forms are driven. Not
necessary comfortable when you think about it. But we are; we’re driven. We’re
being, in some sense, we’re being pushed along, or pulled, however you want to look
at that. This trajectory of ours, we’re driven. Obviously, if the drive is incorrect,
what is the point, because wherever you’re going to be you will not see. And if you
can’t see as a passenger, you don’t get the gold watch, you don’t get the pat on the
back, and you don’t get to
have a really deep, tireless
laugh. And it’s Color; it’s all
in the Color.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
However, when you think about Color it’s such a mystery, this very dilemma that we
have. Let me give you an anthropomorphized example. Let’s say that there was a
designer and the designer was setting out all these forms in motion in order to
achieve cognition. If you’re going to set that out as an experiment, you’re going to
counterbalance it. There is going to be all kinds of things that should make it not
work. In other words, it can’t just be an easy grab—here’s the perfect form, this is
going to be perfectly enlightened, whatever the case may be.
It’s so interesting for me about the nature of life. If you look at the world itself it’s
a—I was going to say God forsaken—it is, in many ways, a God forsaken planet. It
is full of such horrors; it goes on and on and on, I don’t want to get into all that. I
don’t want to get into that space. But, it’s really something to understand about the
way the program works. The program is never interested in the totality as achieving
a singular goal. It isn’t oriented that way. You can see the miracle. The miracle is
it’s orientated towards uniqueness. That’s the thing that’s so extraordinary about it.
Within that, to understand how difficult it is—by design—to awaken, how difficult it
is—by design—to even be on a fractal that will bring you to the potential or the
possibility of awakeness. It’s something to consider.
You can see that the traps are just built in and they’re all there in the Color. It’s the
Color that gets in the way of making it easy. If the Color was working in harmony
with Tone and line, the blueprint would just be realized on the surface—basta,
perfect, everything terrific. No, the large print giveth and the small print taketh
Tonal Trajectory Fixing Has to Do with Both the Seeing and the Being
Tonal trajectory fixing is not simply about the Nodes. It’s simply that the Nodes are
obviously very important in this configuration. But it has to do with both the seeing
and the being. Just to give you an example, I’ll take the example of my own design.
In terms of my Sun/Earth, in terms of my being, I’m a 3rd Color. So, I’m a desire
being. This is my Color, it’s my motivation. The binary in that is leader/follower.
Now, I happen to have a 3rd Tone, which is the outer vision Tone. So that outer
vision Tone means that it’s going to be a left fixing. So, when I’m looking at my
Color and I’m looking at the underlying Tone, this is bringing me here to the leader
side. So my process is follower to leader. If I’m operating correctly through what is
in fact my desire, and my desire is a correct motivation for me, then my trajectory is
naturally going to be this follower moving to leader.
It’s interesting that in the era in my life where I was obviously not correct and where
I was in transference, so I was transferred here to what would be the 6th Color and
its innocence to observer/observed. I did not follow or lead at all, which was really
curious. It’s very difficult to describe that. But it was so obvious when I look at it
today and I look back on how truly out of my potential nature I actually was.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON TEN: Tonal Trajectory Fixing
In terms of the Nodes, I have 6th Color Nodes and 4th Tone, which means it’s going
to have a right fixing for the 6th Color and it’s going to be observed, it’s going to be
the 4th Tone. What’s interesting for me in my direction in my life is that my direction
in life is leading to my inner vision being observed, which is rather interesting in
terms of my trajectory and obviously something that is a part of my life. In being
able to see what is my movement, the follower to the leader, the observer to the
observed, that this is the combination. This is the dynamic of the leadership. But
this is going to be the way in which I will interact and see in the environment, and be
seen, in that sense, in the environment.
When you’re looking at the Tones that are there underneath and you’re looking at
the fixing, it’s not simply a matter of the convenience of saying, “Ok, this is left, this
right,” obviously that’s interesting, you’re all going to find it interesting to examine
your own and people in your lives. I know the kind of thing that happens because
we’ve been through that already in PHS and it’s quite a buzz to see all of those
things. But you really need to understand that not until we go through a very deep
understanding of what these tonal themes are really about can you really begin to
grasp what these fixings are about.
It’s the underlying themes that, again, are really so important. So, this outer vision
is about noticing anomalies. It’s just something to think about. It’s one of the ways
in which the mind works. That is, we see that very clearly when we look at what
happens to the blueprint when it gets to the surface. That we have right eye, which
is logical and left eye that is abstract; we have the outer vision that is the 3, that is
the pattern vision, ultimately logical. But it’s not logical at this level. It becomes
logical on the surface. Please understand there are these layers that these things
move through.
What is interesting at this level is that this is not about looking for patterns. This is
something that maybe can help you grasp what I mean when I talk about the
passenger being a witness. This is not about looking for the pattern. If you’re
looking for the pattern, then your mind, in a sense, is not-selfing, if I can use that
description, it’s a nice one. Because that’s what the mind is doing. If you’re looking
for the pattern you’re also looking for the cause and effect, you’re looking for
consequence, you’re planning something for the future, and there is a whole thing
that’s going on the moment you’re looking for patterns.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
But true outer vision is not looking for patterns. It doesn’t have to look for patterns;
everything is patterns. What it’s looking for is anomalies. It’s looking for what
breaks the patterns. It’s something very special. When I physically describe this
phenomenon in PHS I talked about the vision of most carnivores, that their eye
vision is very poor in terms of detail. But it’s absolutely incredible at noticing
movement, spectacular at recognizing movement. So, if you’re about to be eaten by
a carnivore, stay still; it’s always the best advice, don’t move.
Anyway, the thing that’s so interesting about outer vision is this fascinating aspect of
it. It’s just there to notice the anomaly, what’s different. We’re actually ultimately
attuned to embody difference and recognize difference. It’s the most worthy thing
about our vision. So, you’re not looking for patterns. You’re not trying to figure it
out. There is no need. You’re simply looking for—entertainment…and now for
something completely different—isn’t that wonderful? That’s one aspect of the
awakened mind.
Remember something; we’re very much in the business of denying mind inner
authority. But rarely do I talk about how important it is to empower mind to its
outer authority. There is no point in differentiating and achieving uniqueness and
not letting anybody know, particularly those that would truly be of interest. It’s
really something to grasp about us, that we are social, gregarious creatures. And
that we’re not doing this alone. We come together in whatever kinds of
combinations we do. Whether virtual, live, or whatever, there is a movement that is
taking place, there is a journey in the consciousness process that is coming to its
It’s something to grasp about where we are. This is where the culmination is. This
is the place where we have this opportunity to realize what our essential potential
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON TEN: Tonal Trajectory Fixing
is—to know and to know uniquely. In doing so, being able to be a witness to your
purpose, the fulfillment of your purpose, the trajectory of that, the way it comes out.
There are so many combinations, so many combinations. It’s really incredible.
When you think about the bane of Color transference and the not-self, you get to see
very quickly that we don’t know what’s possible for us. I’ve reached a point in my
own way of looking at things that I see very clearly that you all, in one way or
another, are at the doorway of this, and that’s what it’s all about. I am a
messenger; this is not a message that is intended to be inspiring, but a message
that is intended to be concretized and lived. It’s not about the conceptualizing of
what the pattern of awakeness is; it’s about waiting for your own anomaly, if I can
be mystical for a moment.
I’m reminded all the time that Human Design is about strategy and authority. That’s
what it’s about, because nothing can be achieved without it. And it doesn’t matter at
what level that you’re operating in this knowledge, and it doesn’t matter what level
your clientele is. It doesn’t matter whether they’re very bright or they’re dense; it
doesn’t make any difference. The thing that has to be hammered into them, over
and over and over again is their strategy and authority. This is the bedrock of
transformation. It’s the key to transformation. It’s what ultimately was the real gift
of the Voice, because all these other things, all of the knowledge and all of the
information that is a byproduct of what the bodygraph is, all of it is secondary,
because all of it, in time, over time, would realize itself anyway if beings operate
Your own authority is such a magical thing. It’s something that as I, in my own way,
empower you; you have to see your role in this, your role with the other. It is this
deep encouragement for them, the value and the importance of the experiment, far
above and beyond the value of the knowledge itself, how extraordinary it is to begin
to live as your own authority. We have to see that Rave Psychology is going to be of
its greatest value in the era beyond this cycle.
When the global cycle changes in 2027 and we enter into what is a very, very
individual cycle that’s coincidental to the decline of our fertility, and when I say
fertility I mean that in all senses of the word, and yet, each human being will still
have within them this potential to not so much awaken, they don’t have to wake up,
but oh, to have a life that’s theirs. Everybody has a right to that. And it doesn’t
matter whether they’re intelligent or not, because quite frankly, strategy and
authority will look after it. They will suddenly make very, very wise decisions. The
vehicle will take care of it. And the vehicle will transform their lives.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
RAVE PSCHOLOGY YEAR 1, SEMESTER 2 Mapping the Not-Self Mind
But if they don’t learn to be their own authority, who are they going to turn to?
We’re in a time when the great global cycle of planning is coming to an end. How we
have been bound for hundreds of years by the 40/37, by community and its
bargains, the building of the intuitions, the nurturing, and the vast city constructs, all
of these things. We’re living at the peak of this era where you have all of these
institutions that, at least in some cases, truly are of service to humanity.
We have a world of sheep that bow to the latest fad, the latest ad, the latest this,
who listen to the mullahs and the popes and the rabbis and all the others. You’ve
got a sheep world. They’ve all been homogenized that way, that they can’t make a
decision on their own, that they don’t have their own authority, that they’re going to
have to ask the permission of this or that or the other, that they’re going to have to
accept the rule of this or that or the other, that if they don’t have they have to go
look for those that are supposedly going to be there for them to look after them,
because that’s the way it’s suppose to be.
Well, illusions come to an end. Rave Psychology isn’t about middle class intellectual
psychoses. It’s about bringing the essence, the clarity and the importance of
individual authority into a human being’s life to free them of all those false
authorities; and not to free them from false authorities because this is some kind of
dogma in some kind of mystical game. It isn’t. It’s about survival; it’s about staying
In the end it is the only strategy that is the strategy. And to stay alive in the next
era, to flourish in the next cycle over the next 400 years or so, you’d better know
how to make a decision as yourself, because nobody is going to make that decision
for you. They won’t. And the institutions won’t disappear overnight, but they’re not
going to be there forever. They’re going to begin to crumble. The work of Rave
Psychology is in many ways what is the salvation of the psyche of humanity as it
enters into a new era. It is going to be a terrible shock for them. It was like what
happened to me last week. Some plug got pulled somewhere—whoosh—everything
is gone.
It’s going to be a shock. All those people wondering why there isn’t somebody
looking after them. You know what happens to human beings when they figure out
that nobody is looking after them—that is a different kind of world. And in order for
those beings to be healthy and correct and to be able to fulfill the potential of their
time, because from our perspective it sounds negative, but after all, every era is its
own thing. And whatever the percentages on this planet of those that have a fractal
to be aware and to seek the truth, there will still be that percentage in the future;
they’re not going to disappear. It’s a different world. They will need different tools.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation
LESSON TEN: Tonal Trajectory Fixing
And in the transition they will need help in order to be able to adapt, in order to be
able to find a way to fulfill their potential in their time.
I’m not concerned about my children; I’m concerned about my grandchildren and my
great grandchildren. They’re the ones that will really experience the transformation.
There are very powerful generations that are incarnating. There is a great deal of
turmoil that’s ahead for the next 100 years or so. And everything about this
knowledge, everything about Rave Psychology, it’s so essential that this is the
chance we have to truly be of service not at the physical level—it’s a byproduct of
it—but truly be of service to consciousness. And that service is not pointing the
individual towards somebody else’s damn truth. It isn’t. It’s about opening up the
miracle that they are an authority. You are the authorities; nobody else.
That is an extraordinary liberation. It is the real flowering of any human being. It’s
only when you take that personal authority for your life that that’s what you get. It
doesn’t matter what the consequences are. It never matters. This is what we’re
here for, and this is what we’re here to offer the other. Oh yeah, there are a lot of
things that we can do on the way in enriching the passenger’s awareness, in opening
up their eyes to the way in which things work, to truly give them a sense of the
mechanics of dysfunction in their life so that they can begin to recognize it, deal with
But most of all, we give them the great truth, to be your own authority is the only
liberation, it’s the only revolution that matters. It’s the only hope that the whole
form principle has; it’s what it’s about. It’s not about one bizarre mutated flower in
a field; it’s about a field full of unique flowers. How beautiful that would be.
Note: There are 10 Lessons this Semester rather than eleven due to technical
difficulties for one class.
Rave Psychology is a certificate program of the (IHDS) International Human Design School
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 Jovian Archive Corporation