How do organisms reproduce exampler

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How Do Organisms Reproduce?



1. In the list of organisms given below, those that reproduce by the
asexual method are
(i) banana
(ii) dog
(iii) yeast
(iv) Amoeba
(a) (ii)and(iv) (b)(i),(iii)and(iv)
(c)(i)and(iv) (d)(ii),(iii)and(iv)
2. Inaflower,thepartsthatproducemaleandfemalegametes (germ
cells) are
(a) stamenandanther
(b) filamentandstigma
(c) antherandovary
(d) stamenandstyle
3. Which of the following is the correct sequence of events of sexual
reproduction in a flower?
(a) pollination,fertilisation,seedling,embryo
(b) seedling,embryo,fertilisation,pollination
(c) pollination,fertilisation,embryo,seedling
(d) embryo,seedling,pollination,fertilisation
4. Offspringformedbyasexualmethodofreproductionhavegreater
similarity among themselves because
(i) asexualreproductioninvolvesonlyoneparent
(ii) asexualreproductiondoesnotinvolvegametes
(iii) asexualreproductionoccursbeforesexualreproduction
(iv) asexualreproductionoccursaftersexualreproduction
(a) (i)and(ii) (b)(i)and(iii)
(c)(ii)and(iv) (d)(iii)and(iv)

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How Do Organisms Reproduce?

5. Characterstransmittedfromparentstooffspringarepresentin
(a) cytoplasm
(b) ribosome
(c) golgibodies
(d) genes
6. Charactersthataretransmittedfromparentstooffspringduring
reproduction show
(a) onlysimilaritieswithparents
(b) onlyvariationswithparents
(c) bothsimilaritiesandvariationswithparents
(d) neithersimilaritiesnorvariations
7. AfeatureofreproductionthatiscommontoAmoeba,Spirogyra
(a) theyreproduceasexually
(b) theyareallunicellular
(c) theyreproduceonlysexually
(d) theyareallmulticellular
8. InSpirogyra,asexualreproductiontakesplaceby
(a) breakingupoffilamentsintosmallerbits
(b) division ofacellinto twocells
(c) divisionofacellintomanycells
(d) formationofyoungcellsfromoldercells.
9. The ability of a cell to divide into several cells during reproduction
in Plasmodium is called
(a) budding
(b) reductiondivision
(c) binaryfission
(d) multiplefission
10. Thecorrectsequenceofreproductivestagesseeninfloweringplantsis
(a) gametes,zygote,embryo,seedling
(b) zygote,gametes,embryo,seedling
(c) seedling,embryo,zygote,gametes
(d) gametes,embryo,zygote,seedling
11. Thenumberofchromosomesinparentsandoffspringsofa particular
species remains constant due to
(a) doublingofchromosomesafterzygoteformation
(b) halvingofchromosomesduringgameteformation
(c) doublingofchromosomesaftergameteformation
(d) halvingofchromosomesaftergameteformation

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How Do Organisms Reproduce?

12. In Rhizopus, tubular thread-like structures bearing sporangia at

their tips are called
(a) filaments
(b) hyphae
(c) rhizoids
(d) roots
13. Vegetativepropagationreferstoformationofnewplants from
(a) stem,rootsandflowers
(b) stem,rootsandleaves
(c) stem,flowersandfruits
(d) stem,leavesandflowers
14. Factorsresponsiblefortherapidspreadofbreadmouldonslices of
bread are
(i) largenumberofspores
(ii) availabilityofmoistureandnutrientsinbread
(iii) presenceoftubularbranchedhyphae
(iv) formationofroundshapedsporangia
(a) (i)and(iii) (b)(ii)andiv)
(c)(i)and(ii) (d)(iii)and(iv)
15. Lengthofpollentubedependsonthedistancebetween
(a) pollengrainanduppersurfaceofstigma
(b) pollengrainonuppersurfaceofstigmaandovule
(c) pollengraininantheranduppersurfaceofstigma
(d) uppersurfaceofstigmaandlowerpartofstyle
16. Whichofthefollowingstatementsaretruefor flowers?
(i) Flowersarealwaysbisexual
(ii) Theyarethesexualreproductiveorgans
(iii) Theyareproducedinallgroupsofplants
(iv) Afterfertilisationtheygiverisetofruits
(a) (i) and (iv) (b)(ii)and(iii)
(c)(i)and(iii) (d)(ii)and(iv)
17. Whichamongthefollowingstatementsaretrueforunisexualflowers?
(i) Theypossessbothstamenandpistil
(ii) Theypossesseitherstamenorpistil
(iii) Theyexhibitcrosspollination
(iv) Unisexualflowers possessing only stamens cannot produce fruits
(a) (i) and (iv) (b)(ii),(iii)and(iv)
(c)(iii)and(iv) (d)(i),(iii)and(iv)

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How Do Organisms Reproduce?

18. Whichamongthefollowingstatementsaretrueforsexualreproduc
tion in flowering plants?
(i) It requires two types ofgametes
(ii) Fertilisation is a compulsory event
(iii) Italwaysresultsinformationofzygote
(iv) Offspringformed are clones
(a) (i)and(iv) (b)(i),(ii)and(iv)
(c)(i),(ii)and(iii) (d)(i),(ii)and(iv)
19. InFigure8.1,thepartsA,BandCaresequentially
(a) cotyledon,plumuleandradicle
(b) plumule,radicleandcotyledon
(c) plumule,cotyledonandradicle
(d) radicle,cotyledonandplumule
20. Offspringformedasaresultofsexualreproductionexhibitmore
(a) sexualreproductionisalengthyprocess
(b) geneticmaterialcomesfromtwoparentsofthesamespecies
(c) geneticmaterialcomesfromtwoparentsofdifferentspecies
(d) geneticmaterial comesfrom manyparents
21. Reproductionisessentialforlivingorganismsinorderto
(a) keeptheindividualorganismalive
(b) fulfilltheirenergyrequirement
(c) maintaingrowth
(d) continuethe species generation after generation

22. Duringadolescence,severalchangesoccurinthehumanbody.
(a) lossofmilkteeth
(b) increaseinheight
(c) crackingofvoice
(d) weightgain
23. In human females, an event that reflects onset of reproductive
(a) growthofbody
(b) changesinhairpattern
(c) changeinvoice
(d) menstruation

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How Do Organisms Reproduce?

24. Inhumanmales,thetesteslieinthescrotum,becauseithelpsinthe
(a) processofmating
(b) formationofsperm
(c) easytransferof gametes
(d) alltheabove
25. Whichamongthefollowingisnotthefunctionoftestesatpuberty?
(i) formationofgermcells
(ii) secretionoftestosterone
(iii) developmentofplacenta
(iv) secretionofestrogen
(a) (i)and(ii) (b)(ii)and(iii)
(c)(iii)and(iv) (d)(i)and(iv)
26. The correct sequence of organs in the male reproductive system
for transport of sperms is
(a) testisvasdeferensurethra
(b) testisureterurethra
(c) testisurethraureter
(d) testisvasdeferensureter
27. Whichamongthefollowingdiseasesisnotsexuallytransmitted?
(a) Syphillis
(b) Hepatitis
(d) Gonorrhoea

28. Inabisexualflowerinspiteoftheyoungstamensbeingremoved
artificially,theflowerproducesfruit.Provideasuitableexplanation for
the above situation.

29. Can you consider cell division as a type of reproduction in

unicellular organism? Give one reason.

30. Whatisaclone?Whydooffspringsformedbyasexualreproduction
exhibit remarkable similarity?

31. Explain how, offspring and parents of organisms reproducing

sexually have the same number of chromosomes?

32. Colonies of yeast fail to multiply in water, but multiply in sugar

solution. Give one reason for this.

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How Do Organisms Reproduce?

33. Whydoesbreadmouldgrowprofuselyonamoistsliceofbread
rather than on a dry slice of bread?

34. Give two reasons for the appearance of variations among the
progeny formed by sexual reproduction.

35. WouldaPlanariacutverticallyintotwohalvesregenerateintotwo
individuals? Complete Figure 8.2D and E by indicating the

36. From the internet, gather information about the chromosome
numbersoffiveanimalsandfiveplants.Correlatethenumberwith the
size of organism and answer the following questions.
(a) Dolargerorganismshavemorenumberofchromosomes/cells?
(b) Canorganismwithfewerchromosomesreproducemoreeasily
than organisms with more number of chromosomes?
(c) More the number of chromosomes/cells greater is the DNA
37. Intobaccoplant,themalegameteshavetwentyfourchromosomes.
What is the number of chromosomes in the female gamete?What
is the number of chromosomes in the zygote?

38. Whycannotfertilisationtakeplaceinflowersifpollinationdoes not


39. Isthechromosomenumberofzygote,embryonalcellsandadult of a
particular organism always constant? How is the constancy
maintained in these three stages?

40. Whereisthezygotelocatedintheflowerafterfertilization?

41. Reproductionislinkedtostabilityofpopulationofaspecies. Justify

the statement.

42. Howaregeneralgrowthandsexualmaturationdifferentfromeach

43. Trace the path of sperm during ejaculation and mention the gland
and their functions associated with the male reproductive system.

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How Do Organisms Reproduce?

44. Whatchangesareobservedintheuterusiffertilisationdoesnot

45. What changes are observed in the uterus subsequentto

implantation of young embryo?

46. Whatarethebenefitsofusingmechanicalbarriersduringsexual

47. In the givenFigure 8.3 labelthe partsand mention theirfunctions

(a) Productionofegg
(b) Siteoffertilisation
(c) Siteofimplantation
(d) Entryofthesperms


48. What would be the ratio of chromosome number between an egg


49. Why are budding, fragmentation and regeneration all considered
as asexual types of reproduction? With neat diagrams explain the
process of regeneration in Planaria.

50. Writetwopointsofdifferencebetweenasexualandsexualtypesof
formed by sexual reproduction.

51. Distinguish between pollination and fertilisation. Mention the site

and product of fertilisation in a flower.
Drawaneat,labelleddiagramofapistilshowingpollentube growth and its
entry into the ovule.

52. Distinguish between a gamete and zygote. Explain their roles in

sexual reproduction.

53. Draw the diagram of a flower and label the four whorls. Write the
names of gamete producing organs in the flower.

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How Do Organisms Reproduce?

54. Whatisplacenta?Mentionitsroleduringpregnancy?

55. What are various ways to avoid pregnancy? Elaborate any one

56. How does fertilisation take place? Fertilisation occurs once in a


57. Reproductionisessentiallyaphenomenonthatisnotforsurvival of
an individual but for the stability of a species. Justify.

58. Describesexuallytransmitteddiseasesandmentionthewaysto

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