Document #: PR-8130-0000-0014
Description of Change:
The following changes were made:
New procedure.
This document applies to:
All commissioning interface issues between all EPC contractors on the Nanhai
project with the exception of interfaces between PAG and EPC contractors.
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1.0 SCOPE 4
The scope of this procedure specifically excludes all instrumentation and control
system interfaces. Each EPC and Self Perform Contractor is responsible for
their own instrumentation and control system interface with the PAG in
accordance with interface procedure and DOR (PR-8550-0000-0005).
The CSPC Nanhai project is a large, complex project. Portions of the project
have been awarded to different engineering and construction contractors and
these work packages are being executed in China as well as several other
locations around the world.
EPC Contractor Contractors executing any of the major work packages on
an EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction)
basis. For the purpose of this procedure an EPC
contractor is also to be interpreted to include the “OSBL
Self Perform” sections of the project being executed by
BSF on an EP&CM basis.
SIT BSF’s Site Integration Team within the Self Perform work
area and having responsibility for executing the
interconnecting facilities as well as managing and
coordinating the engineering interfaces between the
various EPC contractors.
ISBL Need Date Refer to Attachment 7.2. For power exported from a
substation to an area outside the jurisdiction of the ISBL
Contractor responsible for that substation, this is the date
that power is required to energise the downstream
equipment and is defined by the downstream Contractor.
For all other exports from an ISBL unit, irrespective of
whether utility or process, this is the first date that the
commodity will be exported and is defined by the ISBL
Contractor. For imported utility systems this is the latest
date that the ISBL contractor requires material / power to
be transferred from the OSBL system to the ISBL system
in order to begin commissioning work on the ISBL side of
the interface point using that commodity and is defined by
the ISBL Contractor. For imported process systems the
Need Date is the latest date that the ISBL system needs
to be ready to receive imported feedstock and is defined
by SICT.
The SICT is responsible for the commissioning of the Self Perform Site
Integration & General Facilities scope of work. This includes interconnecting
piping, electrical power distribution and general facilities. The General Facilities
includes the Flare Area, Road Loading, CPI & Slops Area, LP Burner, Custody
Metering, Bundle Cleaning Area, Raw Water Metering, Fire Training Area and
Storm Water & Sanitary Sewer Lift Stations.
The EPC and Self Perform Contractors shall be responsible to provide the
interface information as requested on the Commissioning Interface Schedules in
a timely manner. The EPC and Self Perform Contractors shall participate in the
interface coordination meetings for the purpose of discussing and agreeing
commissioning interface issues. The EPC and Self Perform Contractors shall
maintain a register of Commissioning Interface Queries issued to and received
from the SICT.
The PMC project management team in each ISBL work package area shall
assign a suitably qualified “Commissioning Interface Co-ordinator” who will be
responsible for coordinating all interfaces associated with their scope of work
with SICT.
Where it is jointly agreed that ISBL and OSBL systems should be combined and
commissioned together both the ISBL Contractor and the SICT will be involved.
Unless it is not practical to do so, the party from where the normal flow originates
will take the role as Lead Commissioning Contractor and will coordinate with the
other party / parties.
All parties shall provide copies the necessary documentation to the Lead
Commissioning Contractor who shall produce a combined System
Commissioning Manual covering the combined system. A Sign-Off Sheet listing
the various steps to be undertaken during the combined commissioning shall
also be prepared by the Lead Commissioning Contractor. The Sign-Off sheet
shall have provision for each of the parties involved to sign off against each
activity, which shall indicate that the signing party is in agreement that the Lead
Commissioning Contractor can proceed to the next stage in the commissioning
Each party shall be responsible for the commissioning and preparation of the
electrical equipment and instrumentation forming part of the commissioning
system that is within their own scope of supply before the OSBL and ISBL
systems are combined for joint commissioning.
SICT are also responsible for the commissioning of the LV feeder cable from
SS-210 to SS-MIS and SS-PSS as well as for the 6kV feeder from SS-260 to
SS-261. For these cables SICT will be responsible for the commissioning
throughout the entire cable length crossing work package battery limits from the
termination point on the originating item of equipment in the Upstream
Contractor’s supply up to the termination point on the first item of equipment in
the Downstream Contractor’s supply. The Upstream Contractor (SS-210 and
SS-260 respectively) will however be the Lead Commissioning Contractor and
will coordinate with SICT and the Downstream Contractor.
The Downstream Contractor shall give his full cooperation to the Lead
Commissioning Contractor and assign a member of his commissioning team to
coordinate with the Lead Commissioning Contractor.
Prior to first energisation of any circuit the Downstream Contractor shall provide
signed, witnessed documentation to the Lead Contractor, for each circuit, to
demonstrate that their equipment is ready for energisation. The Documentation
shall include, (as applicable), records of :-
The documentation shall use proformas supplied by SICT and cover all
equipment which will operate at the same voltage as the supply cable, and, in
the case of transformer feeders, the associated lower voltage downstream
busbar and incoming switchgear.
PAG has overall responsibility for the site fibre optic cables connecting between
FAR’s and control rooms. These interfaces are the responsibility of PAG and
are specifically excluded from this procedure.
Each EPC and Self Perform Contractor is responsible for their own internal
instrumentation connections to and from FAR’s in accordance with the PAG
interface procedure and DOR (PR-8550-0000-0005). These interfaces shall be
handled directly between the EPC or Self Perform Contractor and PAG in
accordance with procedure PR-8550-0000-0005. SICT has no involvement in
these interfaces, which are specifically excluded from this procedure.
Interface schedules shall be issued for information (IFI). Contractors and SICT
will notify each other of any additions/modifications/deletions to the information
contained in their respective interface schedules in a timely manner utilising the
Commissioning Interface Query (Com-IQ) system (Section 6.5). SICT shall be
responsible for revising and re-issuing interface schedules. Interface schedules
shall be issued on a regular basis as mutually agreed between the interface
The Commissioning Interface Schedule for Electrical shall contain the following
Cable No
From Equipment
To Equipment
From SS
ISBL Commissioning System Number
OSBL Commissioning System Number
ISBL Need Date
Signal Type
Identifier Discipline
8110 Process (Aboveground & Underground Piping)
8530 Electrical
‘yyyy’ is the four digit plant identification number (as listed in PR-8820-0000-
Com IQs shall not be used for PAG related queries. Each EPC contractor shall
consult directly with PAG on issues related to instrumentation and control as
defined in procedure PR-8550-0000-0005.
SICT IQ Coordinator shall be responsible for maintaining a status log of all Com-
IQ’s. The PMC Com IQ Coordinator for each EPC or Self Perform contract shall
be responsible for assigning Com-IQ numbers to be included on all Com-IQ
requests. Com IQ’s shall be transmitted to SICT IQ Coordinator via e-mail
‘yyyy’ is a four digit document sequence number (to be assigned by the SICT
IQ Coordinator).
Com-IQ turnaround cycle shall not normally exceed 10 working days. The
response provided must either closeout the Com-IQ within the 10 working days
period, or project a reasonable date that the information will be provided.
Response Required
Originator: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . .
Approval: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . .
Distribution: Originator plus ticked names
X Martin Van Uden X P. Ratnatunga X R. Mallinder X Andy Bryson
X Baha Shekari
Direction of Import
Need Date = Date that Need Date = Date that the ISBL Unit
utility is required by ISBL to needs to be ready to process
allow ISBL commissioning feedstock supplied from OSBL.
to be started.
Date defined in ISBL Contract
Date defined by ISBL Milestones otherwise by OSBL