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February 03, 2022

Project : MOTRI Interior Refurbishment Works | Block_D

Client: Ministry of Trade and Regional Integration

To : _______________________________________
The work is a building maintenance work. Bidders
are strongly advised to visit the site prior to filling
out their prices. All prices shall be inclusive of
associated ancillary and cleaning works. Delivery
shall be broom finish up to the satisfaction of the
Bidders shall note that the gypsum plastering work
may be performed either on total wall surface or
may be limited to third floor only. Hence, bidders
are required to consider their quotation
LS = Lumpsum

Cleaning Work
Clean the internal part of the
rooms by using detergents and acid to remove
1.1 unwanted substances, such as dirt, unwanted Ls. 1.00
objects, and other impurities from floors, walls and
ceilings of all surfaces.

Demolishing Work
Perform demolishing works on
1.2 walls, floors, ceilings, boards, and other Ls. 1.00
demolishable structures and members based on
the instruction of the engineer.

Cart Away
Cart away all construction debris
1.3 after demolishing, dismantled materials, and Ls. 1.00
removed trash to be transported out side of the
compound and disposed appropriately.

HCB( 10CM )Work

Construct 10cm thick Class B,
HCB wall bedded in 1:3 cement mortar both sides
left for further finish in accordance with the
1.4 m2 18.75
drawing. Price includes all necessary materials and
incidental works required to complete the work.The
HCB shall be tested by a recognized laboratory
for the specified quality.

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February 03, 2022

HCB( 15CM )Work

Construct 15cm thick Class B,
HCB wall bedded in 1:3 cement mortar both sides
left for further finish in accordance with the
1.5 m2 43.75
drawing. Price includes all necessary materials and
incidental works required to complete the work.The
HCB shall be tested by a recognized laboratory
for the specified quality.

HCB( 20CM )Work

Construct 20cm thick Class B,
HCB wall bedded in 1:3 cement mortar both sides
left for further finish in accordance with the
1.6 m2 13.75
drawing. Price includes all necessary materials and
incidental works required to complete the work.The
HCB shall be tested by a recognized laboratory
for the specified quality.


Provide two
coats of plastering in cement sand mortar to HCB
1.7 walls surfaces as per the drawings and . Price shall m2 190.63
include precleaning and preparation of the surface,
scafolding and all the necessary accessories
completing the work

Aluminum partition Wall

Supply and fix 1.6mm
thick anodized aluminum the profile is made of
6060 (UNI, 9006/01) Aluminum alloy, with 6mm
1.8 Spandrel glazing,and door fixed on it complete with m2 68.75
all necessary accessories and sealing gaskets as
per the drawing, Specification and manufacturer's
instruction. Price shall include all the necessary
accessories to complete the work. The color shall
be approved by Architect.
Ceramic Floor Tile
and fix 300*300*8mm thick RAK or equivalent
Non-slippery glazed ceramic floor tiles. Price shall
1.9 m2 85.50
include cementitious water proofing under the
ceramic floor, cement sand mortar (1:3) ratio
backing, grouting with matching color and other
incidental works. The color and texture should be
approved by the Architect.
Ceramic Wall Tile
Supply and
fix 300*600*8mm thick RAK or equivalent Non-
1.10 slippery glazed ceramic Wall tiles. Price shall m2 227.25
include cement sand mortar (1:3) ratio backing,
grouting with matching color and other incidental
works. The color and texture should be approved

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February 03, 2022

Wall Cleaning and Painting

Wall has to be cleaned and finely
sanded to make corrections of the existing surface
1.11 and prepare it for painting. After sanding apply m2 5,543.92
three (3) coats of plastic paint on the wall surface.
Color shall be approved by the architect prior to
Ditto but, apply three (3) coats of plastic paint on
1.12 the ceiling surface. Color shall be approved by the m2 1,077.00
architect prior to execution.

Gypsum Work
Internal one coat gypsum plastering
1.13 to walls and Ceilings. Price shall includes m2 6,340.40
preparation of back ground like hacking, racking
out joints grouts, beddings, joints, key formation,
all works in narrow width, corners and angles.

Toilet Ceiling

1.14 Supply and fix PVC ceiling panels. Price shall m2 86.40
include ceiling battens and suspension forms and
all the necessary works needed to complete the
work. The pattern & texture shall be approved by

Window Frame Cleaning and Painting

1.15 Cleaning the existing windows m2 668.40
and sand thoroughly, then paint it with two coats of
mat - black paint.
Dismantling and Installation of Doors
Dismantle damaged
1.16 doors and replace with new doors of approved No. 19.00
material and quality as per the standard and
requirement of the architect.

Door Refurbishment Work

Cleaning and Painting with 1 coat of
lacquer and 1 coat of sealer with a top coat of
1.17 white paint. All layers have to be for thoroughly No. 66.00
sanded. Price shall include all correction work with
wood putty and make the surface fine and ready
for lock fixing.

Door Refurbishment Work | Metal door

Cleaning and Painting with 1
1.18 coat of antirust and 2(two) coat of synthetic paint. No. 3.00
All layers have to be for thoroughly sanded. Price
shall include all correction work and make the
surface fine and ready for lock fixing.

Provide and fix ASSA Abbloy

1.19 or equivalent door locks and handles for the doors No. 69.00
as per the requirement. Material type and standard
to be approved by the architect prior to fixing

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February 03, 2022

Electrical Work
(Socket-Legrand or Equivalent, Switch-Romel or
Equivalent, Light- Philips or Equivalent)

Execute electrical cables, switches, socket outlets,

data cable or telecom point, Florescent and light
bulb cleaning & dismantling work as needed and
replace with new ones. Type of material & standard
1.20 to be approved by the electrical engineer prior to
installation and fixing. Price shall include testing &
commissioning. Bidders are required to submit
Electrical Detail Design & IT Network drawings prior
to installation work. For internet data network
system price shall include all switches & patch
panels lost from the rack. Bidders are required to
assess the existing condition of the network rack &
installed lines prior to filling out their price.

1.20.1 Replacing damaged light fixtures with a new one No. 60.00
including wiring and all installation.
Replacing Switches fixtures with a new one on
1.20.2 existing junction box including wiring and all No. 30.00
Replacing Single Sockets fixtures with a new one
1.20.3 on existing junction box including wiring and all No. 80.00
Data line reinstallation (Networking) including
1.20.4 wiring and all installation upto data connection No. 48.00

1.20.6 6*10 Junction box (if needed) No. 1.00

Sanitary Work
Execute sanitary pipes and
fixtures in the existing toilets and dismantling work
as needed referring the detail design. Price shall
include supply of WC, Hand wash Basin, Shattaf,
Mirror, Soft Holder, Soap Holder, Floor Drain and
1.21 Ls. 1.00
other accessories as required. Price shall include
provision of internal access door directly from the
minister's office and internal toilet partition walls
and doors on all four toilets. Fixtures shall be
Jaguar or equivalent quality which shall be
approved by the architect prior to procurement.
Sub Total
VAT (15%)
Total Amount

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