2d dpp 01 -merge

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Arjuna JEE (2025)

DPP: 1
Motion In a Plane

Q1 A boy walks 4 m east and then 3 m south. Find (C) ^ = |A|⃗

the resultant displacement of the boy. A⃗
(D) None of the above
(A) 4 m
(B) 5 m Q6 The unit vector along ^
i + ^j is:
(C) 7 m ^
(A) k
(D) 3 m
(B) ^
i + ^j
Q2 A vector lying in x − y plane has a magnitude 3 (C) ^i +^j
, and makes an angle 30∘ with the x -axis. Find (D) ^i +^j
its components along the two axes. 2
3 √3
, 2 Q7 The angle that the vector A⃗ = 2^
i + 3^j makes
(B) 3 3√ 3 with y - axis is:
, 2
(C) √3 3
,2 (A) tan−1 (3/2)
3√ 3 3 (B) tan−1 (2/3)
(D) ,2
2 (C) sin−1 (2/3)
Q3 If a particle moves from point P (2, 3, 5) to (D) cos−1 (3/2)
point Q (3, 4, 5) . Its displacement vector be
Q8 If |P |⃗ = 20, then P ⃗ in cartesian form is
(A) ^ ^
i + ^j + 10k
(B) ^ ^
i + ^j + 5k
(C) ^
i + ^j
(D) 2^ ^
i + 4^j + 6k

Q4 If two vectors 2^ ^ and −4^i − 6^j − λk

i + 3^j − k ^
are anti paralleled to each other, then value of –
(A) 10√3 ^
i + 10^j
λ will be –
(B) 10^
i + 10√3 ^j
(A) 0 (B) - 2 –
(C) −10^
i + 10√3 ^j
(C) 3 (D) 4 –
(D) −10^
i − 10√3 ^j
^ is a unit vector in the direction of the vector
Q5 If n
Q9 A force of 5 N acts on a particle along a
A⃗ , then:
⃗ direction making an angle of 60∘ with vertical.
(A) n
^ = A⃗
|A | Its vertical component be
^ = A|⃗ A|⃗
(B) n (A) 10 N

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(B) 3N
(C) 4 N
(D) 2.5 N

Q10 y component of velocity is 20 and x

component of velocity is 10 . The direction of
motion of the body with the horizontal at this
instant is
(A) tan−1 (2)
(B) tan−1 ( 12 )
(C) 45∘
(D) 0∘

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Answer Key
Q1 (B) Q6 (C)

Q2 (D) Q7 (B)

Q3 (C) Q8 (D)

Q4 (B) Q9 (D)

Q5 (A) Q10 (A)

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Arjuna JEE (2025)

DPP: 2
Motion In a Plane

Q1 If three forces F 1⃗ = 3i − 4^j + 5k

^ , (D) F12 + F22
F 2⃗ = −3^i + 4^j and F 3⃗ = −5k^ are acted on
Q5 If vectors P , Q and R have magnitude 5,12 and
a body, then the direction of resultant force on
13 units and P ⃗ + Q⃗ = R⃗ , then angle between
the body is:
Q and R is
(A) Along x -axis 5
(A) cos−1 12
(B) Along y-axis 5
(B) cos−1 13
(C) Along z -axis
(C) cos−1 12
(D) In indeterminate form
(D) cos−1 7
Q2 Given that A⃗ + B⃗ + C ⃗ = 0 out of three vectors
Q6 If a particle moves from point P (2, 3, 5) to
two are equal in magnitude and the magnitude
– point Q (3, 4, 5) . Its displacement vector be
of third vector is √2 times that of either of the
(A) ^ ^
i + ^j + 10k
two having equal magnitude. Then the angles
(B) ^ ^
i + ^j + 5k
between vectors are given by
(A) 30∘ , 60∘ , 90∘ (C) ^
i + ^j
(D) 2^ ^
i + 4^j + 6k
(B) 45∘ , 45∘ , 90∘
(C) 45∘ , 60∘ , 90∘
Q7 A⃗ = 2^
i + ^j, B⃗ = 3^j − k
^ and C ⃗ = 6^ ^.
i − 2k
(D) 90∘ , 135∘ .135∘
Value of A⃗ − 2B⃗ + 3C ⃗ would be
Q3 Two forces, each of magnitude F have a (A) 20^ ^
i + 5^j + 4k
resultant of the same magnitude F . The angle (B) 20^ ^
i − 5^j − 4k
between the two force is (C) 4^ ^
i + 5^j + 20k
(A) 45∘ (D) 5^ ^
i + 4^j + 10k
(B) 120 ∘

(C) 150∘ Q8 Following forces starts acting on a particle at

(D) 60∘ rest at the origin of the co-ordinate system
Q4 Force F1 and F2 act on a point mass in two F 1⃗ = −4^i − 5^j + 5k
^ , F 2⃗ = 5^i + 8^j + 6k
mutually perpendicular directions. The resultant F 3⃗ = −3^i + 4^j − 7k
^ and F 4⃗ = 2^i − 3^j − 2k^
force on the point mass will be
then the particle will move
(A) F1 + F2
(A) In x − y plane
(B) F1 − F2 (B) In y − z plane
(C) √F 2 + F 2
1 2 (C) In x − z plane

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(D) Along x -axis

Q9 A body is at rest under the action of three

forces, two of which are F 1⃗ = 4^
i , F 2⃗ = 6^j, the
third force is
(A) 4^
i + 6^j
(B) 4^
i − 6^j
(C) −4^
i + 6^j
(D) −4^
i − 6^j

Q10 The vector that must be added to the vector

^ and 3^i + 6^j − 7k
^i − 3^j + 2k ^ so that the
resultant vector is a unit vector along the y-axis
(A) 4^ ^
i + 4^j + 5k
(B) −4^ ^
i − 2^j + 5k
(C) 3^ ^
i + 4^j + 5k
(D) Null vector

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Answer Key
Q1 (C) Q6 (C)

Q2 (D) Q7 (B)

Q3 (B) Q8 (B)

Q4 (C) Q9 (D)

Q5 (C) Q10 (B)

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Arjuna JEE (2025)

DPP: 3
Motion In a Plane

Q1 In vector diagram shown in figure where (R⃗ ) is Which of the following sets of concurrent
the resultant of vectors (A)⃗ and (B⃗ ). forces may be in equilibrium?
(A) F1 = 3 N, F2 = 5 N, F3 = 1 N
(B) F1 = 3 N, F2 = 5 N, F3 = 9 N
(C) F1 = 3 N, F2 = 5 N, F3 = 6 N
(D) F1 = 3 N, F2 = 5 N, F3 = 15 N
If R = , then value of angle θ is : Q6 What happens, when we multiply a vector by

(A) 30 (−2) ?

(B) 45 (A) Direction reverses and unit changes

(C) 60 (B) Direction reverses and magnitude is doubled

(D) 75 (C) Direction remains unchanged and unit
Q2 The minimum number of vectors of equal
(D) None of these
magnitude required to produce a zero resultant
is: Q7 Which of the following statements is false:
(A) 2 (B) 3 (A) Mass, speed and energy are scalars
(C) 4 (D) More than 4 (B) Momentum, force and torque are vectors
(C) Distance is a scalar while displacement is a
Q3 The vector sum of the forces of 10 newton and 6
newton can be
(D) A vector has only magnitude whereas as a
(A) 2 N
scalar has both magnitude and direction
(B) 8 N
(C) 18 N ^ is a unit vector in the direction of the vector
Q8 If n
(D) 20 N A⃗ , then:

(A) n
^= A
Q4 Which of the following pair of forces will never |A|⃗
give a resultant force of 2N ? ^ = A|⃗ A|⃗
(B) n
(A) 2 N and 2 N (C) |A|⃗
(B) 1 N and 1 N A⃗
(C) 1 N and 3 N (D) None of the above
(D) 1 N and 4 N
Q9 The unit vector parallel to the resultant of the
Q5 vectors
A⃗ = 4^i + 3^j + 6k
^ and B⃗ = −^i + 3^j − 8k
^ is:

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(A) 1 [3^ ^]
i + 6^j − 2k
(B) 1 [3^ ^]
i + 6^j + 2k
(C) 1 [3^ ^]
i + 6^j + 2k
(D) 1 [3^ ^]
i + 6^j − 2k

Q10 If A⃗ + B⃗ is a unit vector along x -axis and

A⃗ = ^i − ^j + k
^ , then what is B⃗ ?
(A) ^
j+k ^
(B) ^
j−k ^
(C) ^ ^
i + ^j + k
(D) ^ ^
i + ^j − k

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Answer Key
Q1 (B) Q6 (B)

Q2 (A) Q7 (D)

Q3 (B) Q8 (A)

Q4 (D) Q9 (A)

Q5 (C) Q10 (B)

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Arjuna JEE (2025)

DPP: 6
Motion In a Plane

Q1 Given: A ⃗ = 2^i − ^j + 2k^ and Q4 ∫ e5x dx

B⃗ = −^i − ^j + k
^ . The unit vector of A ⃗ − B⃗ is (A) e5x + C
(A) 3^i +k^ (B) e5x ⋅ 5x + C
√10 5x
(C) e + C
(B) 3i^ 5
√10 (D) ex + C
(C) k^
√10 Q5 ∫ 3x2 dx
(D) −3^i −k^
(A) x3 + C
(B) 6x + C
Q2 A truck travelling due north at 20 ms−1 turns (C) 2x2 + C
west and travels with same speed. What are the (D) x2 + C
changes in velocity?
– Q6 At minima of graph double differentiation must
(A) 20√2 ms−1 south-west
(B) 40 ms−1 south-west be

(C) 20√2 ms−1 north-west (A) Zero (B) +ve
(D) 40 ms−1 north-west (C) -ve (D) Maximum

Q3 If ∣V 1⃗ + V 2⃗ ∣∣ = ∣∣V 1⃗ − V 2⃗ ∣∣ and V2 is finite, then Q7 Y is a function of x then y will be maximum

∣ dy
(A) V1 is parallel to V2 when dx is
(B) V 1⃗ = V 2⃗ (A) Maximum (B) Zero

(C) V1 and V2 are mutually perpendicular (C) Minimum (D) +ve

(D) ∣∣V 1⃗ ∣∣ = ∣∣V 2⃗ ∣∣

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Answer Key
Q1 (A) Q5 (A)

Q2 (A) Q6 (B)

Q3 (C) Q7 (B)

Q4 (C)

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Arjuna JEE (2025)

DPP: 7
Motion In a Plane

Q1 Acceleration of a particle under projectile motion Q5 Two bodies are projected with the same velocity
at the highest point of its trajectory is: if one is projected at an angle of 30∘ and the
(A) g other at an angle of 60∘ to the horizontal, the
(B) Zero ratio of the maximum heights reached is:
(C) Less than g (A) 3 :1 (B) 1 :3
(D) Dependent upon projection velocity (C) 1 : 2 (D) 2 : 1

Q2 A projectile is launched with an initial velocity Q6 Two projectiles A and B are projected with same
→ speed at an angle 30∘ and 60∘ to the horizontal,
v0 = (2 m/s)^i + (3 m/s)^j . At the top of the
trajectory, the velocity of the particle is (x then which of the following is not valid. Where T
horizontal direction, y-vertical direction): is total time of flight, H is maximum height and
−−−−−− R is horizontal range.
(A) √22 + 32 m/s
(B) 2 m/s (A) HA = 3HB

(C) 3 m/s (B) TB = √3TA
(D) 5 m/s (C) RA = RB

(D) HB = √3HA
Q3 A particle is projected with a velocity v such that
its range on the horizontal plane is twice the Q7 The velocity of projection of a projectile is
greatest height attained by it. The range of the (6^i + 8^j )ms−1. The horizontal range of the
projectile is (where g is acceleration due to projectile is
gravity) (A) 4.9 m
(A) 4v
(B) 4g (B) 9.6 m
5g 5v 2
2 2 (C) 19.6 m
(C) v (D) 4v
g √5g (D) 14 m

Q4 A ball is thrown at an angle of 30∘ to the Q8 A large number of bullets are fired in all
horizontal. It falls on the ground at a distance of directions with same speed v. What is the
90 m. If the ball is thrown with the same initial maximum area on the ground on which these
speed at an angle 60∘ to the vertical, it will fall bullets will spread
on the ground at a distance of (A)
π vg
(A) 120 m 4
(B) π v
(B) 27 m g2
(C) 90 m (C) π 2 v
(D) 30 m (D)

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π 2 gv2

Q9 The horizontal range is four times the

maximum height reached by a projectile. The
angle of projection is
(A) 90∘

(B) 75

(C) 60

(D) 45

Q10 The velocity of a projectile at the initial point A is

(2^i + 3^j )m/s. Its velocity (in m/s ) at point B

(A) −2^
i − 3^j
(B) −2^
i + 3^j
(C) 2^
i − 3^j
(D) 2^
i + 3^j

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Answer Key
Q1 (A) Q6 (A)

Q2 (B) Q7 (B)

Q3 (A) Q8 (B)

Q4 (C) Q9 (D)

Q5 (B) Q10 (C)

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Arjuna JEE (2025)

DPP: 8
Motion In a Plane

Q1 A bomb is dropped from an aeroplane when it is (D) tan−1 3/4

at a height h directly above the target. If the
Q5 A body A is dropped vertically from the top of
aeroplane is moving horizontally with a speed v,
a tower. If another identical body B is
the distance by which the bomb will miss the
projected horizontally from the same point at the
target is given by
−− same instant, then
(A) 2v√ h
g (A) A will reach the ground earlier than B
(B) v√ h (B) B will reach the ground earlier than A
−− (C) Both A and B will reach the ground
(C) v√ 2h
g simultaneously
(D) v√ (D) Either (1) or (2)

Q2 If angles of projection are ( π4 + θ) and ( π4 − θ) Q6 A pebble is thrown horizontally from the top of a

where θ < π
, then the ratio of horizontal ranges
20 m high tower with an initial velocity of
10 m/s. The air drag is negligible. The speed of
described by the projectile is (speed is same)
the pebble when it is at the same distance from
(A) 2 :1 (B) 1 :2
top as well as base of the tower (g = 10 m/s2 )
(C) 1 : 1 (D) 2 : 3 –
(A) 10√2 m/s

Q3 For ground to ground projectile motion equation (B) 10√3 m/s
of path is y = 12x − ( 34 ) x2 . Given that (C) 20 m/s
g = 10 ms−2 . What is the range of the (D) 25 m/s
Q7 A particle A is projected with speed VA from a
(A) 36 m
point making an angle 60º with the horizontal. At
(B) 30.6 m
the same instant, second particle B (lie in the
(C) 16 m
same horizontal plane) is thrown vertically
(D) 12.4 m
upwards from a point directly below the
Q4 The vertical height of the projectile at time t is maximum height point of parabolic path of A,
given by y = 4t − t2 and the horizontal with velocity VB. If the two particles collide then
distance covered is given by x = 3t . What is the the ratio of VA/VB should be:
angle of projection with the horizontal? (A) 1 (B) 2
(A) tan−1 3/5 –
(C) √3 (D) √3
(B) tan−1 4/5
(C) tan−1 4/3

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Q8 An arrow is shot in air, its time of flight is 5sec

and horizontal range is 200 m. The inclination of
the arrow with the horizontal is:
(A) tan−1 58
(B) tan−1 85
(C) tan−1 18

(D) 45

Q9 An aeroplane flying at a constant velocity

releases a bomb. As the bomb drops down from
the aeroplane,(neglect air resistance):
(A) It will always be vertically below the
(B) It will always be vertically below the
aeroplane only if the aeroplane is flying
(C) It will always be vertically below the
aeroplane only if the aeroplane is flying at an
angle of 45∘ to the horizontal
(D) It will gradually fall behind the aeroplane if
the aeroplane is flying horizontally

Q10 A body is projected at an angle of 45∘ to

horizontal. Its kinetic energy of projection is K .
At the highest point, the kinetic energy will be
(A) K (B) 2K
(C) K/2 (D) K 2

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Answer Key
Q1 (C) Q6 (B)

Q2 (C) Q7 (B)

Q3 (C) Q8 (A)

Q4 (C) Q9 (A)

Q5 (C) Q10 (C)

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Arjuna JEE (2025)

DPP: 9
Motion In a Plane

Q1 For angle of projection 20∘ , range of a projectile (D) √3

is R. For the same range, another angle of
projection should be Q5 An arrow is shot into the air. Its range is 200
(A) 40∘ metres and its time of flight is 5 s . If the value of
(B) 50∘ g is assumed to be 10 ms−2 , then the horizontal
(C) 60∘ component of the velocity of arrow is:
(D) 70∘ (A) 25 m/s
(B) 40 m/s
Q2 In a projectile motion, the height y and distance x (C) 31.25 m/s
are given by y = 4t – 5t2 and x = 3t. The (D) 12.5 m/s
acceleration due to gravity is given by
(A) 3 units Q6 If R is the maximum horizontal range of a
(B) 10 units particle, then the greatest height attained by it is
(C) 4 units (A) R (B) 2R
(D) 5 units (C) R/2 (D) R/4

Q7 The equation of projectile is x2

Q3 In a projectile motion, the height y = 16x − 4

y = √3t − 5t2 + t3 and horizontal distance horizontal range is
x = t + 2t − t2 . The angle of projection is (A) 16 m
given by (B) 8 m
(A) 30∘ (C) 64 m
(B) 60∘ (D) 12.8 m
(C) 45∘
Q8 A bomber plane moves horizontally with a speed
(D) 75∘
of 500 m/s and a bomb released from it, strikes

Q4 Two bodies are thrown up at angles of 45 and the ground in 10sec. Angle at which it strikes the

60 respectively, with the horizontal. If both ground will be (g = 10 m/s2 )
bodies attain same vertical height, then the ratio (A) tan−1 ( 15 ) .
of velocities with which these are thrown is: (B) tan( 15 )
(A) √ 23 (C) tan−1 (1)
(B) 2 (D) tan−1 (5)

(C) √ 3 Q9 If four balls A, B, C and D are projected with
same speed, but angles of 15∘ , 30∘ , 45∘ and

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60∘ with the horizontal respectively, the two

balls which will fall at the same place will be-
(A) A and B (B) A and.D
(C) B and D (D) A and C

Q10 A body is projected horizontally from the top of

a tower with initial velocity 18 ms−1 . It hits the

ground at angle 45 . What is the vertical
component of velocity when it strikes the
(A) 18√2 ms−1
(B) 18 ms−1
(C) 9√2 ms−1
(D) 9 ms−1

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Answer Key
Q1 (D) Q6 (D)

Q2 (B) Q7 (C)

Q3 (A) Q8 (A)

Q4 (C) Q9 (C)

Q5 (B) Q10 (B)

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Arjuna JEE (2025)

DPP: 10
Motion In a Plane

Q1 An aeroplane is flying at a height of 1960 m in A boy throws a ball with a velocity u at an angle
horizontal direction with a velocity of θ with the horizontal. At the same instant he
360 km/hr . When it is vertically above the starts running with uniform velocity to catch the
point. A on the ground, it drops a bomb. The ball before it hits the ground. To achieve this he
bomb strikes a point B on the ground, then the should run with a velocity of:
time taken by the bomb to reach the ground is (A) u cos θ

(A) 20√2sec (B) u sin θ
(B) 20sec (C) u tan θ
– −−−−−−
(C) 10√2sec (D) √u2 tan θ
(D) 10sec
Q6 A particle is projected from the ground with a
Q2 The speed of a projectile at its maximum height 25 m/s. After 2 second, it just clears
velocity of
is half of its initial speed. The angle of projection a wall 5 m height. Then angle of projection of
is particle is
(A) 60° (B) 15° (A) 30∘
(C) 30° (D) 45° (B) 45∘
(C) 60∘
Q3 The coordinates of a moving particle at any time
(D) 75∘
3 3
t are given by x = αt and y = βt . The speed
of the particle at time 't ' is given by Q7 A ball is thrown up at an angle 45∘ with
(A) √α2 + β 2 the horizontal. Then the total change of
(B) 3t√α2 + β 2 momentum by the instant it returns to ground is:
(C) 3t2 √α2 + β 2 (A) zero
(D) t2 √α2 + β 2 (B) 2mv

(C) √2mv
Q4 Equations of motion of a projectile are given by
(D) mv
2 √2
x = 36t and 2y = 96t − 98t m. The angle of
projection is equal to Q8 A stone projected with a velocity u at an angle θ
(A) sin−1 ( 34 ) with the horizontal reaches maximum height H1.
(B) sin−1 ( 4 ) When it is projected with velocity u at an angle
(C) sin−1 ( 45 ) ( π2 − θ) with the horizontal, it reaches maximum
(D) sin−1 ( 35 ) height H2. The relation between the horizontal
range R of the projectile, H1 and H2 is:

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(A) R = 4√H1 H2
(B) R = 4(H1 – H2)
(C) R = 4(H1 + H2)
(D) R H21

(3^i + 4^j )m/s and

Q9 A particle has initial velocity
has acceleration (0.4^
i + 0.3^j )m/s2 . Its speed
after 10 s is:
(A) 7 m/s

(B) 7√2 m/s
(C) 8.5 m/s
(D) 10 m/s

Q10 A body of mass m is thrown upwards at an angle

θ with the horizontal with velocity v. While rising
up the velocity of the mass after t seconds will
(A) √
−−−−−−− −−−−−−−−−
(v cos θ)2 + (v sin θ)2
(B) √
(v cos θ − v sin θ) − gt
−− −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−
(C) √v2 + g 2 t2 − (2 v sin θ) gt
(D) √v2 + g 2 t2 − (2 v cos θ) gt

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Answer Key
Q1 (B) Q6 (A)

Q2 (A) Q7 (C)

Q3 (C) Q8 (A)

Q4 (C) Q9 (B)

Q5 (A) Q10 (C)

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Arjuna JEE (2025)

DPP: 11
Motion In a Plane

Q1 A motorcycle is moving with a velocity of 80 km/h (C)

ahead of a car moving with a velocity of 65 km/h in
the same direction. What is the relative velocity of the
motorcycle with respect to the car?
(A) 15 km/h (B) 20 km/h
(C) 25 km/h (D) 145 km/h

Q2 A 100 m long train crosses a man travelling at

5 km/h , in opposite direction in 7.2 seconds, then
the velocity of train is:
(A) 40 km/h Q5 An object A is moving with 10 m/s and B is
(B) 25 km/h
moving with 5 m/s in the same direction of positive
(C) 20 km/h
x -axis. A is 100 m behind B as shown. Find time
(D) 45 km/h taken by A to meet B .

Q3 Two objects A and B are moving with speeds vA and

vB respectively in the same direction. The magnitude
of relative velocity of A w.r.t. B is
(A) vA − vB (B) vA + vB
(C) vB − vA (D) vA
B (A) 18sec
(B) 16sec
Q4 Which of the following position-time graphs correctly
(C) 20sec
represents two moving objects A and B with zero
(D) 17sec
relative velocity?
(A) Q6 A police jeep is chasing with, velocity of 45 km/h a
thief in another jeep moving with velocity 153 km/h.
Police fires a bullet with muzzle velocity of 180 m/s.
The velocity it will strike the car of the thief is:
(A) 150 m/s (B) 27 m/s
(C) 450 m/s (D) 250 m/s

Q7 Find relative velocity of B w.r.t. A

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(C) South-east direction

(D) None of these

Q10 Shown in the figure are the displacement time graph

(A) 30 m/s (B) 40 m/s
for two children going home from the school. Which
(C) 60 m/s (D) 10 m/s
of the following statements about their relative motion
Q8 Find time, when they will meet. is true after both of them started moving?

(A) 40 sec (B) 20 sec

(C) 10 sec (D) 25 sec

Q9 A train is moving towards east and a car is along

Their relative velocity:
north, both with same speed. The observed direction
(A) First increases and then decreases
of car to the passenger in the train is
(B) First decreases and then increases
(A) East-north direction.
(C) Is zero
(B) West-north direction
(D) Is non zero constant

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Answer Key
Q1 (A) Q6 (A)

Q2 (D) Q7 (A)

Q3 (A) Q8 (A)

Q4 (A) Q9 (B)

Q5 (C) Q10 (D)

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Arjuna JEE (2025)

DPP: 12
Motion In a Plane

Q1 A jet airplane travelling from east to west at a the rain is falling vertically. Then the speed of rain
speed of 500 km h ejected out gases of w.r.t. the moving man is:
−1 (A) 0.5 m/s
combustion at a speed of 1500 km h with
respect to the jet plane. What is the velocity of (B) 1 m/s

the gases with respect to an observer on the (C) 0.5√3 m/s

ground? (D) √3 m/s
(A) 1000 km h−1 in the direction west to east
Q5 A ship is travelling due north at 40kmph . The
(B) 1000 km h−1 in the direction east to west
captain of the ship finds that a second ship is
(C) 2000 km h−1 in the direction west to east
always sailing 60∘ west of north at a speed of
(D) 2000 km h−1 in the direction east to west
40kmph . The velocity of the second ship then
Q2 Rain is falling vertically downwards with a must be

velocity of3 km/hr. A man walks in the rain (A) 40kmph, 30∘ west of north
with a velocity of 4 km/hr. The raindrops will (B) 40km/hr, 60∘ west of south

fall on the man with a velocity of (C) 40√3kmph, 30∘ west of north

(A) 1 km/hr (D) 40√3kmph, 60∘ west of south
(B) 3 km/hr
Q6 A 210 meter long train is moving due North at a
(C) 4 km/hr of 25 m/s. A small bird is flying due South a
(D) 5 km/hr little above the train with speed 5 m/s . The time
Q3 When a person walks on a straight road with a taken by the bird to cross the train is
speed 10 km/h, rain appears to fall vertically (A) 6 s
downward. As he stops, the rain appears to fall at (B) 7 s
an angle 30∘ with the vertical. The speed of rain (C) 9 s
with respect to ground is (D) 10 s
(A) 20 km/h
– Q7 A ball is dropped from a height onto a trolley
(B) 10√3 km/h which moves with constant velocity v0. To a man
(C) 10 km/h
– on the trolley ball appears to moves in:
(D) 20√3 km/h

Q4 To a stationary man, rain appears to be falling at

an angle 30∘ with the vertical. As he starts
moving with a speed of 0.5 m/s he finds that

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(B) tan−1 ( 5 ) in clockwise direction

(C) tan−1 ( 45 ) . North of East
(D) tan−1 ( 45 ) East of North

(A) straight line a

(B) parabola c
(C) straight line b
(D) parabolic path d

Q8 A student is standing at a distance of 50 metres

from the bus. As soon as the bus begins its
motion with an acceleration of 1 ms–2, the
student starts running towards the bus with a
uniform velocity u. Assuming the motion to be
along a straight road, the minimum value of u, so
that the student is able to catch the bus is:
(A) 5 ms–1 (B) 8 ms–1
(C) 10 ms–1 (D) 12 ms–1

Q9 A man is walking due east at the rate of 2kmph.

The rain appears to him to come down vertically
at the rate of 2kmph. The actual velocity and
direction of rainfall with the vertical respectively

(A) 2√2kmph, 45∘
(B) 1 kmph, 30∘
(C) 2kmph, 0∘
(D) 1kmph, 90∘

Q10 A man is going due east with a velocity of

5 ms−1 . It is vertically raining downwards with a
velocity of 4 ms −1 . At what angle should he hold
the umbrella to the vertical so as to protect
himself from the rain?
(A) tan−1 ( 54 ) in anti-clockwise direction

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Answer Key
Q1 (A) Q6 (B)

Q2 (D) Q7 (D)

Q3 (A) Q8 (C)

Q4 (C) Q9 (A)

Q5 (C) Q10 (B)

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Arjuna JEE (2025)

DPP: 13
Motion In a Plane

Q1 A boat which can move with a speed of 4 km/h in still water, goes a distance of 2 km
5 m/s relative to water crosses a river of width upstream and then comes back. The time taken
480 m flowing with a constant speed of 4 m/s . by him to complete his journey is
Find the time taken by the boat to cross the river (A) 60 min
along the path which is shortest. Find also the (B) 70 min
length of shortest path. (C) 80 min
(A) 480 s, 160 m (D) 90 min
(B) 160 s, 480 m
Q5 A man wishes to cross a river flowing with
(C) 480 s, 480 m
velocity u jumps at an angle θ with the river flow.
(D) 160 s, 160 m
If the man swims with speed v and if the width of
Q2 A man can swim in still water with a speed of the river is d, then the drift travelled by him is
−1 d
2 ms . If he wants to cross a river of water with (A) (u + v cos θ) v sin
√–3 ms−1 along shortest
a current speed d
(B) (u − v cos θ) v sin θ
possible path, then in which direction should he d
(C) (u − v cos θ) v cos θ
swim? d
(D) (u + v cos θ) v cos θ
(A) At an angle 120∘ to the water current
(B) At an angle 150∘ to the water current Q6 A boat is sent across a river with a velocity of 8
∘ km/hr. If the resultant velocity of boat is
(C) At an angle 90 to the water current
(D) None of these 10 km/hr, then velocity of the river is:
(A) 10 km/hr
Q3 A swimmer crosses the river along the line
(B) 8 km/hr
making an angle of 45∘ with the direction of (C) 6 km/hr
flow. Velocity of the river water is 5 m/s .
(D) 4 km/hr
Swimmer takes 12 seconds to cross the river of
width 60 m. The velocity of the swimmer with Q7 A boat is moving with velocity of 3^i + 4^j in
respect to water will be river and water is moving with a velocity of
(A) 10 m/s −3^i − 4^j with respect to ground. Relative
(B) 5 m/s velocity of boat with respect to water is:

(C) 5√5 m/s (A) −6^
i − 8^j

(D) 5√2 m/s (B) 6^
i + 8^j
(C) 8i^
Q4 A river 2 km wide flows at the rate of 2 km/h .
(D) 6i^
A boatman who can row a boat at a speed of

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Q8 A man is crossing a river flowing with velocity of

5 m/s . He reaches a point directly across at a
distance of 60 meter in 5sec. His velocity in still
water should be

(A) 12 m/s
(B) 13 m/s
(C) 5 m/s
(D) 10 m/s

Q9 A boat, which has a speed of 5 km/h in still

water, crosses a river of width 1 km along the
shortest possible path in 15 minutes. The velocity
of the river water in km/h is -
(A) 1
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) √41

Q10 A ball is dropped from the top of a building of

height 80 m. At same instant another ball is
thrown upwards with speed 50 m/s from the
bottom of the building. The time at which balls
will meet is
(A) 1.6 s (B) 5 s
(C) 8 s (D) 10 s

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Answer Key
Q1 (B) Q6 (C)

Q2 (B) Q7 (B)

Q3 (B) Q8 (B)

Q4 (C) Q9 (B)

Q5 (A) Q10 (A)

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Motion in Plane

Single Correct Type Questions 4. A projectile is projected at 30° from horizontal with initial
velocity 40 ms–1. The velocity of the projectile at t = 2 s
1. The initial speed of a projectile fired from ground is u. At from the start will be:
the highest point during its motion, the speed of projectile (Given g = 10 m/s2) [11 April, 2023 (Shift-II)]
is u. The time of flight of the projectile is: (a) 20 3 ms −1
[31 Jan, 2023 (Shift-I)]
(b) 40 3 ms −1

u u (c) 20 ms–1
(a) (b)
2g g (d) Zero
5. Two projectiles are projected at 30° and 60° with the
2u 3u horizontal with the same speed. The ratio of the maximum
(c) (d)
g g height attained by the two projectiles respectively is:
2. The trajectory of projectile, projected from the ground is [10 April, 2023 (Shift-II)]
x2 (a) 2 : 3
given by y= x − . Where x and y are measured in
20 (b) 3 :1
meter. The maximum height attained by the projectile will (c) 1 : 3
be. [8 April, 2023 (Shift-II)]
(d) 1: 3
(a) 5 m (b) 10 2 m 6. The maximum vertical height to which a man can throw
a ball is 136 m. The maximum horizontal distance upto
(c) 200 m (d) 10 m which he can throw the same ball is

3. For a body projected at an angle with the horizontal from [24 Jan, 2023 (Shift-I)]
the ground, choose the correct statement. (a) 192 m
(b) 136 m
[1 Feb, 2023 (Shift-II)] (c) 272 m
(a) Gravitational potential energy is maximum at the (d) 68 m
highest point. 7. A projectile is launched at an angle ‘a’ with the horizontal
(b) The horizontal component of velocity is zero at with a velocity 20 ms. After 10 s, it inclination with
horizontal is ‘b’. The value of tan b will be: (g = 10 ms–2).
highest point.
[27 June, 2022 (Shift-I)]
(c) The vertical component of momentum is maximum
(a) tana + 5seca
at the highest point.
(b) tana – 5seca
(d) The kinetic energy (K.E.) is zero at the highest point (c) 2 tanα – 5seca
of projectile motion. (d) 2tana + 5seca
8. A body of mass 10 kg is projected at an angle of 45° with  1  5 −1
the horizontal. The trajectory of the body is observed to (b) θ0 =sin −1   and ν 0 = ms
pass through a point (20, 10). If T is the time of flight,  5  3
T 3 −1
then its momentum vector, at time t = is______  2 
2 (c) θ0 =sin −1   and ν 0 =5 ms
 5
[Take g = 10 m/s2 ] [27 July, 2022 (Shift-II)]
5 −1
(a) 100 iˆ + 100 2 − 200 ˆj )  1 
(d) θ0 =cos −1   and ν 0 =3 ms
 5
(b) 100 2 iˆ + 100 − 200 2 ˆj ) 14. A stone is projected at angle 30o to the horizontal. The
(c) 100 iˆ + 100 − 200 2 ˆj ) ratio of kinetic energy of the stone at point of projection
to its kinetic energy at the highest point of flight will be
(d) 100 2 iˆ + 100 2 − 200 ˆj )  [29 Jan, 2023 (Shift-I)]
9. A projectile is projected with velocity of 25 m/s at an angle θ (a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 4
with the horizontal. After t seconds its inclination with (c) 4 : 1 (d) 4 : 3
horizontal becomes zero. If R represents horizontal range
15. A plane is inclined at an angle α = 30° with a respect
of the projectile, the value of θ will be: to the horizontal. A particle is projected with a speed
[Use g = 10 m/s2] [24 June, 2022 (Shift-I)] u = 2 ms–1 from the base of the plane, making an angle
θ = 15° with respect to the plane as shown in the figure.
1 −1  5t 2  1 −1  4 R  The distance from the base, at which the particle hits the
(a) sin   (b) sin  2 
2  4R  2  5t  plane is close to:  [10 April, 2019 (Shift-II)]
(Take g = 10 ms ) –2

−1  4t 
−1  R 
(c) tan   (d) cot  
 5R   20t 2 
10. A person can throw a ball upto a maximum range of 100
m. How high above the ground he can the same ball?

 [29 June, 2022 (Shift-II)] u

 = 30º
(a) 25 m (b) 50 m
(c) 100 m (d) 200 m (a) 14 cm (b) 20 cm
11. A body is projected at t = 0 with a velocity 10 ms at an –1 (c) 18 cm (d) 26 cm
angle of 60° with the horizontal. The radius of curvature 16. A passenger sitting in a train A moving at 90 km/h observes
of its trajectory at t = 1 s is R. Neglecting air resistance and another train B moving in the opposite direction for 8 s. If
taking acceleration due to gravity g = 10 ms–2 the radius the velocity of the train B is 54 km/h, then length of train
of R is:  [11 Jan, 2019 (Shift-I)] B is: [13 April, 2023 (Shift-II)]
(a) 10.3 m (b) 2.8 m (a) 80 m (b) 200 m
(c) 2.5 m (d) 5.1 m (c) 120 m (d) 320 m
12. A shell is fired from a fixed artillery gun with an initial 17. Two buses P and Q start from a point at the same time and
speed u such that it hits the target on the ground at a move in a straight line and their positions are represented
distance R from it. If t1 and t2 are the values of the time by Xp(t) = αt + βt2 and XQ (t) = ft – t2. At what time, both
taken by it to hit the target in two possible ways, the product the buses have same velocity? [25 June, 2022 (Shift-II)]
t1t2 is: [12 April, 2019 (Shift-I)] (a) α − f
(a) R/g (b) R/4g 1+ β
(c) 2R/g (d) R/2g α+ f
13. The trajectory of a projectile near the surface of the earth 2 ( β − 1)
is given as y = 2x – 9x2 . If it were launched at an angle θ0 with
α+ f
speed ν0 then (g =10 ms–2) [12 April, 2019 (Shift-I)] (c)
2 (1 + β )
 2  3 −1
(a) θ0 =cos −1   and ν 0 =5 ms f −α
 5 (d)
2 (1 + β )

2 JEE PYQs Physics

18. Train A and train B are running on parallel tracks in (a) ω ( R1 + R2 ) iˆ
opposite directions with speeds of 36 km/hour and 72 km/
hour, respectively, A person is walking in train A in the (b) −ω ( R1 + R2 ) iˆ
direction opposite to its motion with a speed of 1.8 km/
hour. Speed (in ms–1) of this person as observed from train (c) ω ( R2 − R1 ) iˆ
B will be close to: (take the distance between the tracks
as negligible) [2 Sep, 2020 (Shift-I)] (d) ω ( R1 − R2 ) iˆ
(a) 28.5 ms–1 (b) 31.5 ms–1
(c) 30.5 ms–1 (d) 29.5 ms–1 Integer Type Questions

19. A particle is moving with a velocity
= v K ( yiˆ + xjˆ) , where 23. If the initial velocity in horizontal direction of a projectile
is unit vector î and the equation of trajectory is y = 5x(1 – x).
K is a constant. The general equation for its path is:
The y component vector of the initial velocity is
 [9 Jan, 2019 (Shift-I)] _________ ĵ.
(a) y = x2 + constant (Take g = 10 m/s2) [26 July, 2022 (Shift-I)]

(b) y2 = x + constant 24. An object is projected in the air with initial velocity u at an
angle θ. The projectile motion is such that the horizontal
(c) y2 = x2 + constant
range R, is maximum. Another object is projected in the
(d) xy = constant air with a horizontal range half of the range of first object.
20. The stream of a river is flowing with a speed of 2km/h. A The initial velocity remains same in both the case. The
swimmer can swim at a speed of 4km/h. What should be value of the angle of projection, at which the second object
the direction of the swimmer with respect to the flow of is projected, will be ____________ degree.
the river to cross the river straight?  [29 July, 2022 (Shift-I)]
 [9 April, 2019 (Shift-I)] 25. If the initial velocity in horizontal direction of a projectile is
(a) 60° (b) 150° unit vector iˆ and the equation of trajectory is y = 5x (l – x).
(c) 90° (d) 120° The y component vector of the initial velocity is ______ ĵ
21. Two projectile thrown at 30° and 45° with the horizontal (Take g = 10 m/s2 ) [JEE Adv, 2022]
respectively, reach the maximum height in same time. The
26. A fighter jet is flying horizontally at a certain with a
ratio of their initial velocities is[26 July, 2022 (Shift-I)]
speed of 200 ms–1.When it passes directly overhead ad
(a) 1: 2 (b) 2 : 1 anti-aircraft gun, a bullet is fired from the gun, at an angle
θ with the horizontal, to hit the jet. If the bullet speed is
(c) 2 :1 (d) 1 : 2 400 m/s, the value of θ will be __________.
 [26 June, 2022 (Shift-I)]
22. Two particles A, B are moving on two concentric circles
of radii R1 and R2 with equal angular speed ω. At t = 0, 27. A swimmer wants to cross a river from point A to point
their positions and direction of motion are shown in the B. Line AB makes an angle of 30° with the flow of river.
Magnitude of velocity of the swimmer is same as that
figure:  [12 Jan, 2019 (Shift-II)]
Y of the river. The angle θ with the line AB should be
_________ °, so that the swimmer reaches point B.
 [27 July, 2021 (Shift-II)]
R1 X

  θ
π 30°

The relative velocity v A − vB at t = is given by:
2ω A

3 JEE PYQs Physics

28. A particle is moving along the x-axis with its coordinate 30. An object is projected in the air with initial velocity u at an
with time ‘t’ given by x(t) = 10 + 8t – 3t2. Another particle angle q. The projectile motion is such that the horizontal
is moving along the y-axis with its coordinate as a function range R, is maximum. Another object is projected in the
of time given by y(t) = 5 – 8t3. At t = 1s, the speed of
air with a horizontal range half of the range of first object.
the second particle as measured in the frame of the first
The initial velocity remains same in both the case. The
particle is given as v . Then v(in m/s) is
value of the angle of projection, at which the second object
 [8 Jan, 2020 (Shift-I)]
is projected, will be ________degree.(Mark the smallest
29. A ball of mass m is thrown vertically upward. Another ball
of mass 2 m is thrown an angle θ with the vertical. Both the angle possible) [JEE Adv, 2022]
balls stay in air for the same period of time. The ratio of
the heights attained by the two balls respectively is . The
value of x is __________. [JEE Adv, 2022]

4 JEE PYQs Physics

1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (d) 9. (d) 10. (b)
11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (d) 15. (b) 16. (d) 17. (d) 18. (d) 19. (c) 20. (d)
21. (c) 22. (c) 23. [5] 24. [15or75] 25. [5] 26. [60] 27. [30] 28. [580] 29. [1] 30. [15]


1. (b) Velocity of the projectile at the highest point 1

= ucosq = 40 ×
= 20 m/s
At t = 2s, vx = ux = 20 3
ucosθ =
vy = uy – gt = 20 – 10 × 2 = 0

⇒ q = 30º
∴ v= v 2x + v 2y = 20 3ms −1
2u sin 30 u
Time of=
flight T = u 2 sin 2 θ
g g 5. (c) Maximum height H max
= ⇒ H max ∝ sin 2 θ
x2 H1 sin 2 θ1 sin 2 30° (1/ 2 ) 1
2. (a) y= x − = = = =
20 2 2
H 2 sin θ2 sin 60° ( 3 / 2) 2
For maximum height, 6. (c) Maximum vertical height is given by
d  x2  = = 136 m
H max
dy 2g
=0 ⇒ x− = 0
dx dx  20 
and maximum horizontal range is
1− 0
= v2
20 = = 2 H max

x = 10
= 2(136)
So, ymax =10 − =5 m
⇒ Rmax = 272m
7. (b) Through out the motion, the horizontal speed will
3. (a) At the highest point remain constant, therefore,
Vertical component of the velocity, vy = 0
Horizontal component of the velocity v (After 10 sec)
20 m/sec b
v= u= u cos θ
x x

Gravitational potential energy

U g = mgh , it is maximum at H max .

4. (a) Horizontal component of velocity, vx = ucos 30­°
=40 × =20 3 m/s
Vertical component of velocity, v y = usin 30° Along x-axis,

5 JEE PYQs Physics

ux = vx = 20 cosa  …(i) 11. (b) 5 3 m/s
Along y-axis m/s

uy = 20 sina,
Applying Kinematic eqn. 60º
5 m/s

vy = uy + ayt 30º

vy = 20 sina – 10 × 10 …(ii)
vy 20sin α –100 ab t
tanb = =
vx 20 cos α a = g = 10

⇒ tanb = tana – 5seca At t = 1
ux = 5, uy = 5 3
10 x 2
8. (d) y= x − vy = 5 3 – 10; vx = 5
2u 2  
2 Angle made by velocity vector at t = 1 sec.

⇒ 10 = 20 −
(10 )( 400 ) ⇒ u = 20 m/s | tan α |=
= |2− 3 |
u2 vx

= t =
T ( 2 )( 20 ) × sin 45=
2 s a = 15°
2 2 (10 )
( )
52 + 10 − 5 3 200 − 100 3


v u cos θiˆ + (u sin θ − gt= ( )
) ˆj 10 2 iˆ + 10 2 − 10 ( 2 ) ˆj =∴R =
10 cos α
= 2.8 m
10 × 0.965

Momentum p =

100 2 iˆ + 100 2 − 200 ˆj
Mv = ( ) 12. (c) Range will be same for time t1 and t2, so angles of
projection will be ‘q’ and ‘90º – q’
V 2 ( 2sin θ cos θ )
9. (d) R =
g  90-
V sin θ gt
=t V
⇒= 2u sin ( 90° − θ )
g sin θ 2u sin θ
=t1 = t2
g g
g 2 t 2 2sin θ cos θ
⇒R= 2 .
sin θ g u 2 sin 2θ
and R =
2 gt 2 20t 2 g
= θ =
R R 2R
4u 2 sin θ cos θ 2  2u 2 sin θ cos θ 
R =t1t2 =   = g
cot θ = g 2
g g 
20t 2
10. (b) According to question, we can write 13. (d) Equation of trajectory is given as

y = 2x – 9x2 ... (i)

u 2 sin 2q
R= Comparing with equation:
g g 2
y = x tan q − 2u 2 cos 2 θ ⋅ x  ... (ii)
For maximum range, (Rmax)

θ = 45o. We get; tan q = 2
2 1
u ∴ cos θ =
Rmax = ⇒ u 2 = gRmax 5
Also, =9
u2 gR R 100 2u 2 cos 2 θ
⇒ H max = = max = max = =50 m
2g 2g 2 2

6 JEE PYQs Physics

10 25 5 dx y
⇒ u 2 ⇒ u 2 = ⇒ u = m/s
= 2
= ⇒ y2 = x2 + c
 1  9 3 dy x
2×9× 
 5 20. (d)
14. (d) At the maximum height velocity = ucosq = u cos30°
M (u ) 2
KEinitial 2 4
= =
( )
KEtop 2 3
M u cos 30 For swimmer to cross the river straight
2 ⇒ 4 sin θ = 2
2 × 2sin15º 1
15. (b) t = ⇒ sin θ = ⇒ θ = 30º
g cos 30º 2
So, angle with direction of river flow = 90º + θ = 120º
S = 2 cos 15º × t – g sin30º t2
2 21. (c) Time taken to reach maximum height
Put values and solve: S = 20 cm u sin θ u sin θ1 u2 sin θ2
t= ∴ 1 =
16. (d) B
B →
← A g g g
u1 1/ 2 2
Velocity of train A, VA = 90 km/h = – 2.5 m/s ⇒ u1 sin
= 30° u2 sin 45° ⇒ = =
u2 1/ 2 1
  1 km/h = m / s
18 22. (c)
Velocity of train B, VB = 54 km/h = 15 m/s
Velocity of train B w.r.t. train A A
r r r
= VB − VA = 15 – (– 25)
at t = 0
= 40 m/s
length of train (l )
Time of crossing (t) = B
relative velocity(V )

(8) = l ⇒ l = 8 × 40 = 320 m π
40 at t =

17. (d) Xp (t) = αt + βt2
dX P (t )
Vp (t) = = α + 2 βt  ... (i) A
XQ (t) = ft – t2
dX Q (t )
VQ (t) = = f – 2t  ... (ii)
dt ωR2 B
 
According to the quastion, (i) = (ii) v A − vB = −ωR1iˆ + ω.R2 iˆ =
ω( R2 − R1 )iˆ

α + 2βt = f – 2t ⇒ t(2β + 2) = f – α u x iˆ=

23. [5] Given,= ,| u x | 1
f -a
\ t=  x
2 (b + 1)
y= x5(1 − x)= x tan θ 1 − 
 R
18. (d) VA = 36 km/hr = 10 m/s
VB = –72 km/hr = –20 m/s
VMA = –1.8 km/hr = – 0.5 m/s 26 5
Vman, B = Vman, A + VA, B
= –0.5 + 10 – (–20) = 29.5 m/s 
dx dy 1
19. (c) = y= ; x
dt dt tanq = 5, R = 1

7 JEE PYQs Physics

4u x 1
tan θ =
cos θ =
4u y 2

θ = 60o

4u y 4u x tan θ = 1 × 5 = 5 m/s
27. [30] Both velocity vector are of same magnitude.
= [15or75] R =
u 2 sin 2 × 45o u2 ) Therefore resultant would pass exactly midway
g g through them.
R u 2 u 2 sin 2θ So, θ = 30°
= =
2 2g g Hence, angle θ with the line AB is 30°

⇒ sin 2θ= ⇒ θ= 15°,75°
2 VSg

25. [5] u x = 1 θ
30° VRg
=y 5 x (1 − x )
28. [580]
dy dx dx
= 5 − 10 x X1 = –3t2 + 8t + 10
dt dt dt

For initial y-component of velocity v1 =(−6t + 8)iˆ = 2iˆ
 dy  Y2 = 5 – 8t3
u=   ⇒ 5 (1= ) 5 
v2 = −24t 2 ˆj
 dt  x = 0
  
u y = 5 ˆj | −24 ˆj − 2iˆ |
| v2 − v1 |=
26. [60] If A hits B
= v 242 + 22
v = 580 m/s
29. [1] Time of flight is same
200 m/s ⇒ Vertical component of velocity is same
B ⇒ Hmax is same
40 sinθ u 2 sin 2 ( 45 ) u 2
= [15] Rmax =
400 m/s g g
θ θ
A 200 A 400 cosθ R u2 u 2 sin 2θ
= =
2 2g g
Then relative velocity perpendicular to the line
joining A to B will be zero. 1
sin 2θ =
⇒ 400 cosθ = 200 2
2q = 30°, 150°
q = 15°, 75°

8 JEE PYQs Physics

(A, D)

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