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chimera combinations chimera

First Second Abilities (Focuses)

Creature Statistics Granted
d6 d6
3 Accuracy (Bite)
1-3 1 Ant Bite –1 Communication
1-3 2 Bear Bite, Claws 6 Constitution (Stamina)
1-3 3 Boar Gore 3 Dexterity
1-3 4 Bull Slam 4 Fighting (Claws, Gore)
Bite, Claws, –1 Intelligence
1-3 5 Crocodile
Swim speed (14) 2 Perception (Smelling)
Bite, Breath Weapon, 6 Strength (Intimidation, Might)
1-3 6 Dragon Claws, Flying and/or 2 Willpower (Courage)
Swim speed (15)
Bite, Claws, Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
4-6 1 Eagle/Hawk
Fly speed (15) 14 80 13 7
4-6 2 Goat Gore
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
4-6 3 Lion Bite, Claws
Bite* +5 2d6+6
Bite and
4-6 4 Snake Claws* +6 1d6+7
Poisonous Bite stunt
Gore* +6 1d6+9
Aquatic, Bite,
4-5 5 Turtle *Use the appropriate attack for each body
Swim speed (14)
part of head of the chimera for each attack.
4-6 6 Wolf Bite
Special Qualities

the bridge and swoop down to collect a toll from anyone who Favored Stunts: Knock Prone (1 SP), Mighty Blow,
comes near. Locals keep watch for when the chimera leaves Poisonous Bite (2 SP)
and let travelers know when it’s safe to cross, but that hasn’t Breath Weapon: A dragon-headed chimera can spew flame,
always been a guarantee of safety. Word of the threat travels ice, or some other element either in a wide arc (4 years long
quickly and either the PCs decide to be heroes on their own and 6 yards wide) or a narrow stream (8 yards long and
or are hired by the kingdom to deal with the problem—hope- 2 yards wide) as a major action. Those caught in the area
fully without irreparable damage to the bridge. must make a TN 16 Dexterity (Acrobatics) test. Those who
fail, take 3d6 penetrating damage and those who succeed
this was no boating accident take 1d6+3 penetrating damage.
Charge: A chimera that isn’t in melee combat with a crea-
Fishing boats and trading vessels are disappearing at an ture, may use its move action to charge or leap up to 10
alarming rate and it’s beginning to affect both trade and the yards in a straight line. The first melee attack it makes
fishing industry in the area. The characters are either on a ship during its turn gains a +2 bonus to the attack roll and
coming to the city or hired to find out what the problem is inflicts an additional 1d6 of damage.
when their ship is attacked by a (turtle- or aquatic dragon-
headed) chimera interested in feasting on the ship’s passen- Many Headed: The chimera’s heads can each attack. It can
gers and breaking it open to find out what treasures are make as many attacks as it has heads using any of its attack
hidden inside. options (claw, bite, or gore) as a single major action, but
can’t make more than one bite or gore per head or more
than two claw attacks (total) in this way. All of these attacks
the king is dead can generate stunt points.
An Epic (see Beefing Up Adversaries, page 3) chimera lands Poisonous Bite Stunt: A snake-headed chimera’s bite
in the city during a royal procession and eats the monarch, delivers poison in addition to its normal damage when it
then declares itself king. More powerful and intelligent than hits for 2 SP. The target must make a TN 16 Constitution
other chimera (and possibly possessing spellcasting abilities), (Stamina) test or suffer 1d6+1 penetrating damage and a
the new king settles into the royal palace and begins ruling –1 penalty to all attacks until the end of the encounter or
exactly how one might expect a chimera to rule. Panic spreads healing magic is used on the target.
across the city and people flee lest they draw their king’s Tough Hide: The chimera has a natural AR of 7.
attention and end up on the dinner menu.
Threat: Major

chimera - 25

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