Funeral for pets and familiars

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Familiars & Pets

The love of an animal is unconditional. This statement has been proven true
time and again. It can be unexpected when one of Nature’s creatures wiggles its
way into our lives. They bring us friendship, joy, and love.
We stop seeing them as just an animal and welcome them as beloved family
members. We often wonder who is smarter. Us for teaching and taking care of
them. Or our little friends for getting us to let them freeload from us for nothing
more than a tail wag or a purring nuzzle.
As with all living things though, life can be very painful, especially when the
time comes to say goodbye. The death of a beloved animal can hurt just as bad as
any other beloved family member.
The following ritual is adapted from the Church of Satan funeral ritual and
the All Hallows Mass, to help say good bye to our companions when that time

The Ritual Proper

Ring bell 9 times, directing tolling to the four cardinal compass points while
turning counter-clockwise. The “Hymn to Satan” may be played simultaneously.


Celebrant: “Arise, oh Gods of the abyss, and attend those who celebrate the life of
one who was thy kith and kin in animal form.

Open wide the adamantine gates and fly out to greet one who has moved beyond
our pack. Take them under your leathered wings and guide to the place of waiting.
Come forth now and answer to your names.

The Infernal Names:

“Anubis, Bastet, Gorgo, Mormo, Tezcatlipoca, Nija, Hecate, Mictian, Pluto,

Proserpine, Mania, Yaotzin, Supay, Mantus, Emma-o, Nergal, Yen-lo-Wang”

Congregation repeats each name after Celebrant.


Celebrant takes sword and points towards the domain of the Prince to be called.

Celebrant: The south is a land of sunlight and fire, and your flames guide us
through the cycles of life. Satan Lord of fire, we welcome you, knowing you will
transform us in death.

The east is a land of new beginnings, the place where breath begins.
Lucifer Lord of the air, we call upon you, knowing you will be with us as we
depart life.

The north is a place of cold, and the earth is silent and dark.
Belial Lord of the earth, we welcome you, knowing you will envelope us in death.

The west is a place of underground rivers, and the sea is a never-ending, rolling
tide. Leviathan Lord of the waters, we welcome you, knowing you will carry us
through the ebbs and flows of our lives.


Congreg. (responds): “Shemhamforash!”

Celebrant: “Hail Satan!”

Congreg. (responds): “Hail Satan!”

Gong is struck.

Celebrant replaces sword on altar.


“Satan, give to us thy blessing.

Lucifer, grant to us thy favor.

Belial, confer upon us thy benisons.

Leviathan, bestow to us thy treasures.”


Celebrant: “Glory to thee, almighty Satan, highest and ineffable King of Hell; and
on Earth, joy to the followers of the Left-Hand Path. Oh potent Prince of Darkness,
thou grandest us vital existence and undefiled wisdom.”

“Ever living Lord of the Pit, who has willed that all the pleasures of the flesh shall
be made manifest, grant to thy disciples’ remembrance of [Togar], one of the
children of the night who reveled in thy nature, who was truly born to be among
thy chosen. Hail [Togar]!”

Congreg. (responds): “Hail [Togar]!”

Celebrant: “Tonight we mourn the loss of a friend and animal [brother/sister], a

fellow God. Without you, our worlds are lessened indeed.”

“We celebrate [Togar] and all [his/her] extraordinary being. [He/She] embraced us
as their packmates because [he/she] chose to be loving of us despite the face of the
vastness of our different natures.
[He/She] was a wonderous friend to us. (If a dog, [He/She] was a ruthless
protector to any who stood against [his/her] pack.) Our world is ever in need of
outstanding individuals like [Togar]. Shemhamforash!”

Congreg. (responds): “Shemhamforash!”

Celebrant: “Hail Satan!”

Congreg. (responds): “Hail Satan!”

Gong is struck.


Celebrant: “Come forth, and bid our friend [Togar] you farewell.”

The Celebrant has thus invited the mourners to approach him at the Altar Shrine.
One at a time, those who wish to may come up, each facing the congregation, and
speak about their memories and love and respect for the deceased.
This part of the rite may include spoken testimonials, the reading of passages from
books which were important to the deceased, the playing of music of significance
(recorded or performed live), the reading of poetry, telling of favored jokes,
showing of video, and so on. Any presentation, which brings the memories of the
deceased most vividly to mind, is acceptable. The intent is to bring an emotional
catharsis wherein weeping is expected, as the loss is felt most deeply. But also,
finally, we mean to incite joy, as each congregant treasures the memories of the
person whose life has ended, as well as the marvelous things produced during that
life, and share this with the other mourners.


When all of the memorials have been presented, the Celebrant invites all the
mourners to approach the Shrine Altar with these words:

Celebrant: “Unholy brethren, these many deeds wrought by [Togar] remain with
us. Come forward and accept this token of [Togar]’s gifts to you.”
As they do, he hands each of them a black candle, which They then proceed to
light at the Black Flame candle (Celebrant or an assistant may help them).
Appropriate music may be played during this process. After receiving the candle,
each mourner quietly says “Hail [Togar]!”

The mourners return to their places and stand, holding the burning candles,
meditating on the thought that this flame symbolizes the vitality that was shared
with them by the deceased.

After the final mourner has returned to his place the

Celebrant continues:
“Dear [Togar], long shall you live in the hearts of those you inspired.”
“You enjoyed life to the fullest—fanning the fires about you, igniting in those
fortunate enough to be near a part of your passion for the pleasures of this world.”

“As you are borne out upon the Ebon river, to be embraced by Darkness Eternal,
you continue to touch us with your magic.”

“We shall always cherish the gifts you have bestowed upon us, as they bring us
deep satisfaction, and spur us on to our own achievements.”

“We salute thee, [Togar], comrade of the Left-Hand Path, one who is truly
numbered among Hell’s chosen, who moved with elegance and might within the
Devil’s fane.”
Celebrant now moves to the Black Flame Candle:

“Good night, sweet [Prince].”

Celebrant extinguishes the candle.

“Your flame has been spent, yet it burns ever brightly within our hearts.”

Congreg: “Good night, [Togar].”

Mourners now extinguish their candles. They may keep these to use for future
meditations upon the gifts from the deceased.


A. If there is to be a burial, the rite is not closed but will end at the gravesite when
the mourners re-assemble. It would be preferable for this to take place at night, or

Celebrant: “Kinsmen of [Togar Szandor LaVey], we go now to gather at the

appointed place.”

The mourners now leave the chamber quietly and go to the place of burial. If it is
necessary to drive, a traditional funerary procession of vehicles may now take
place. It is preferable for the vehicles to be white in color. When all have
assembled at the graveside, the rite may continue with the closing.
B. If the body has been cremated and the remains are kept, then the closing rite
follows immediately.

C. If the remains are to be scattered now, the rite is not closed but is concluded
when the mourners have assembled at the spot for the scattering. The Celebrant
uses the same words of invitation to re-assemble as above in “A.”
If the scattering will take place at an indeterminate later time, the closing rite is
follows, and those present at the scattering may repeat the closing rite, or other
appropriate words, at that time.


Celebrant: “Attend, dear fellows. We give a sign of our allegiance to the Powers
of Darkness with these words received from an unknown hand.”

The Eleventh Enochian Key is read by the Celebrant.

“I bid thee rise and give the Sign of the Horns.

(If standing, ‘I bid thee give the Sign of the Horns.’)”

Congregation responds as bidden with the salute, given with the left hand.

Celebrant: “The gates of Hell have opened and the Lords of the Netherworld have
drawn near! [Togar] reveled in this world of worlds, and as a member of our pack
[he/she] shall live in the hearts and memories of those who adored [him/her]
throughout [his/her] lifetime, as long as the breath of life shall sustain them.”

The Rainbow Bridge

For Other Familiars and Pets
Just this side of the Stix, along its murky banks is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
It’s not quite Heaven, and not quite Hell. It’s not grim or brooding, but a place of
peace and rest. A place without judgement.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes
to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so
they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and
our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those
who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember
them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content,
except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had
to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one, or possibly a group of
them, suddenly stops and looks into the distance. Their bright eyes are intent, and
eager bodies quiver.
Suddenly they begin to run from the rest of animals, flying over the green grass.
Their legs, wings, fins, flippers, or whatever carrying them faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend/s finally meet, you
cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain
upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, feathers, or scales and
you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life
but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together….

“By all the powers of Satan let [Togar] await us at the Rainbow Bridge forever and
ever; until the day comes we meet again, and may [his/her] final place of rest lie all
the way to Hell. To this we say these final words”

Continue onward to the appropriate sections for you pets species or write a custom

For a Cat
Short Prayer to Say Goodbye
You have crossed over now,
into the spirit realm.
May you walk with Bast,
and I will see you again someday.

A Prayer to Return to the Earth

Mother Earth, we return to you
the body of one of your children.
Her spirit will return to her ancestors,
and she will continue to live in our memories.
We are thankful that we were able
to share our lives with her,
and give her to your loving arms.

Prayer to Bast and Sekhmet

Bast, Sekhmet, we give you back your child.
Noble, regal, honorable cat.
Watch over her, and guide her on her way
to the spirit world.
May she be blessed in your names,
and hunt ever after beside you.

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