Case study on cellulitis
Case study on cellulitis
Case study on cellulitis
Health can be define as the state of physical,mental,and social well being and as a resource for full
life. (
Personal hygiene involves keeping all parts of the external body clean and healthy.
( Maintaining good health and hygiene is crucial for our overall wellbeing.
Simple habits like regular hand washing, proper wound care and skin cleaniness can prevent various
infections. However, neglecting these basic health practices can lead to the occurrence of infections.
One such condition being Cellulitis. A common skin infection that arise from poor skin hygiene. This
condition (Cellulitis), was recorded worldwide accounting for just 1.1% of death yearly and
accounting for over 14 million cases occuring in the united state of America
Cellulitis is a bacterial infection which affects the superficial and subcutaneous layer of the skin.It
usually affects the lower legs,but it can occur on the arms,face and other areas of the body.
Cellulitis occurs when there is a break in the skin which allows invasion of bacteria, other causes
include low immune system.
If left untreated, the infection can spread to the lymph nodes and blood streams and rapidly become
life is a non-contagious and cannot be transmitted from one person to another.
(Sandhya pruthi 2022).
It is an acute bacteria infection causing inflammation to the deep dermis and surrounding the
subcutaneous tissues of the skin characterised by redness, swollen,tenderness, pain, purulent
discharge,and edema.
It is a common bacteria infection which accounts for over 14million cases occurring in the united
state of America annually.
In Nigeria,it accounts for over 100,000 cases per year and approximately 200 cases per 100,000
individuals worldwide.(S.S Jones 2005).Cellulitis can be caused by different types of bacterias,but it
is commonly caused by beta hemolytic streptococci and resent research showing methicillin-
sensitive staphylococcus.
1.Methicillin-resistant stahylococcus (MRSA) is one of the most successful modern pyogens
responsible for causing is a type of bacteria that has become resistant to many antibiotics
used to treat staphylococcus is of two different types:
● Health associated methicillin staphylococcus Aureus infection (HA-MRSA):it occurs in people
who have been hospitalized for a long period of time such as patient in nursing homes and
dialysis center,it can also spread by direct contact with an infected wound or contaminated
hands or surfaces.
● Community associated methicillin resistant staphylococcus (CA-MRSA):it was discovered
recently,it is a clone of hospital associated methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus with
different strains.they affect healthy people, cause different clinical is common
amongst people who live in crowded communities and it can be transmitted through skin to
skin contacts.
Infections from methicillin resistant staphylococcus Aureus can be prevented by
observing the following measures:
● Washing of the hands regularly
● Keep wounds covered
● Sanitize linen
● Shower regularly especially after athletic games or coming in contact with
somebody's sweat.
2.Beta hemolytic streptococci is a gram positive bacteria responsible for causing soft tissue
Infections,myocarditis, endocarditis,and other bacteria is associated with
diarrhoea,bright yellow feaces and high mortality rates.these bacteria shows high resistance to
broad spectrum antibiotics and increased adverse reactions.
It can be prevented with regular handwash with soap and water for atleast 20 seconds.(Douglas
and Bennett 2015).
Cellulitis if diagnosed early, correctly, promptly and well managed typically resolves with
appropriate antibiotics with wound dressing in aseptic environment within few weeks depending on
the individual level of immune system.(BD brown 2022).
2)Dermis layer
The dermis is tough and elastic,it is formed from connective tissue and the matrix contains collagen
fibers interlaced with elastic fibers.
Fibroblast, macrophages and mast cells are the main cells found in the dermis.The subcutaneous
layer containing areolar tissue and varying amount of adipose tissue lies under the dermis.structures
found under the dermis are:
a) Small blood and lymph vessels
b) sensory nerve endings
c) sweat glands and their ducts
d)hair follicles
e) Arrector pilli muscles
f) sebaceous glands
g) Nails.
● Blood and lymph vessels: Arterioles forma fine network with capillary branches supplying
sweat glands, sebaceous glands, hair follicles and the dermis lymph vessels also forms a
network throughout the dermis.
● Sensory nerve endings: sensory nerve endings are specialised nerve endings sensitive to
touch,temperature, pressure and pain are widely distributed in the dermis.Incoming stimuli
activate different sensory receptors,the skin is important sensory organ through which nerve
impulse generated in the sensory receptors in the dermis are transmitted to the spinal cord
by sensory nerve.
● Sweat glands: sweat glands are contained in the skin and are more numerous in the
palms,soles of the the feet axillae and groin.They are formed from epithelial cells,they lie on
the subcutaneous tissues.They are of two types:
a)Ecrine sweat glands: are the most common type and are found on the skin surface through tiny
pores.The sweat produced here is clear, watery fluid important in regulating body temperature.
b)Apocrine sweat glands:they are open into hair follicles and become active at puberty.They are
found in the axilla and genital area.
● Hair follicles:The hair grows outwards from hair us formed from the multiplication
of cells of the bulbs android as the hair are pushed upwards away from their source of
nutrition, the cells die and become color is genetically determined and it
depends on the amount and type of melanin present, hair turns white when melanin
production by the follicles stops.
● Arrector pilli muscles:Are little bundles of smooth muscle fibers attached to the hair
follicles.contraction of the muscle fibers makes the hair stands and raises the skin around the
hair causing goose flesh.this is stimulated by sympathetic nerve fibers in response to fear
and Cold.
● Sebaceous glands:it consist of secretory epithelial cells derived from the same tissue as the
hair follicles.They secrete an oily antimicrobial substance called sebum into the hair follicles
and are present in the skin of all parts of the body except palms of the hands and soles of
the feet.They are most numerous in the scalps,face,axillae and groin.
Sebum keeps the hair soft pliable and gives it shining appearance.It acts as water proof in
the skin and acts as a microbial and fungicidal agent preventing infection.
● Nails:Human nails are equivalent to claws,horns and hooves of animals.They are derived
from the same cells as epidermis and hairs.these are hard, horny keratin plates that protect
the tips of the fingers and toes.The root of the nail is embedded in the skin and covered by
the cuticle which forms the hemispherical pale area called the lunula.The nails plate is the
exposed part that has worned out from the nail bed and basal layer of the epidermis.The
fingernails grows faster than the toe nail and the growth is faster when the environmental
temperature is high.
The body temperature is controlled by the heat regulating centre in the hypothalamus and vasomotor
centre in medulla oblongata.core body temperature remains fairly constant at around 36.8oc across
a wide range of environmental temperature ensuring that the optimal range of enzyme activity
required for metabolism is maintained.To maintain this constant temperature,a negative feedback
system regulates the balance between heat produced in the body and heat lost to the environment.
(Ross and Wilson 2018).
When metabolic rate increases, body temperature rises, when it decreases,body temperature
falls.some of the energy released during metabolic activity is in form of heat.The most active organ
produces most heat.The principal organ involved are:
● Skeletal muscle contraction produces large amount of heat during exercise
● The liver generates considerable heat as a by-product
● The digestive organs generates heat during peristalsis and the chemical reactions involved
in digestion
● Heat is produced after eating hot food
Most heat loss from the body occurs through the skin.Small amount are Lost in expired air,urine and
faeces.Only heat loss through the skin can be regulated,heat loss by other routes cannot be
Heat loss through the skin is affected by difference between body and environmental
temperature,the amount of the body surface exposed and the types of clothes worn.
Air insulates against heat loss when trapped in layers of clothing and between the skin and
clothing.For this reason, several layers of light weight clothes provides nore effective insulation
against low environmental temperature than one heavy garment.
The incidence rate of cellulitis was carried out by a population base insurance company who used
population database to examine the incidence, anatomical sites of infection, complications and
The incidence rate of cellulitis was 24.6/1000 per year with a higher incidence among males
between the ages of 45-54 years 39.9% of cellulitis occurs mostly in the lower extremity with 82.0%
had only one episode of cellulitis.
In Nigeria, incidence rate of cellulitis accounts for more than 100,000 cases per year.
In America, cellulitis accounts for over 14 million cases occurring in the USA.
Low mortality rate of cellulitis was recorded worldwide accounting for just 1.1% of deaths yearly.
(s.s jones 2005).
It is as a result of bacteria From streptococci and staphylococi groups when they enter through a cut
or breakage in the skin.
Others are risk factors which can increase a person risk of having cellulitis.
The risk factors includes the following:
1. Age
2. Obesity
3. Lymphedema
4. History of cellulitis
5. Other skin infection such as chicken pox, eczema, athlete's foot
6. Diabetes mellitus
7. Weaken immune system
8. Injury
9. Individual who undergone surgery
10. Patient on intravenous drugs or infusion
Rehabilitative measures that can used in the care of cellulitis is as follows:
1. Rest and elevation of the affected limb is important and can help alleviate pain
2. Application of cool,wet, sterile bandages is recommended for pain relief
3. The use of compression stockings
4. Promotion of exercises
5. Health educate patient on the need of maintaining good personal hygiene
6. Adequate cleaning or wound dressing of the affected limb to maintain and restore skin
Cellulitis is classified based on the location and part of the body affected
1. Periorbital cellulitis
2. Orbital cellulitis
3. Facial cellulitis
4. Breast cellulitis
5. Perianal cellulitis
1. periorbital cellulitis:it is a bacteria infection that usually kids younger than five years of
age.It affects the eyelid or skin Around the is also referred to as preseptal cellulitis, it
affects children more than adults.It is very rare for preorbital cellulitis to cause severe long-
term symptoms,most people recovers in about a week after starting antibiotics treatment
2. Orbital cellulitis:it is also caused by a bacteria infection,it affects fat muscles and deeper
layers of the is different from periorbital cellulitis because it is More dangerous and can
cause permanent vision loss.
3. Facial cellulitis:it is a form of cellulitis which affects the face, typically affecting one side of
the face.The condition can become serious if not properly managed and can lead to
gangrene when it begins to affects deeper layer of the skin.
4. Breast cellulitis: Breast cellulitis is a serious type of bacteria infection that affects the skin of
the breast, this condition may occur from broken skin,but it is most often as a result of
complications of surgery or cancer treatment.
5. Perianal cellulitis:It is also known as perianitis,it is an infection affecting lower layers of the
skin around anus.It present as a bright red skin, difficulty in defaecating,pain, itching and
bleeding.It occurs mainly in male children between the ages of six months to ten years of
Cellulitis is a bacteria infection which affects the superficial and deep layer of the skin.
When there is a breakage or discontinuity in the skin barrier,microorganism have a portal of entry
into the layers of the skin.The body response to these microbes as foreign bodies and their detection
initiates inflammatory response or process.This response leads to swelling,pain and itching of the
area involved.
A local infection leads to the inflammation of the area involved, with a competent immune
system,the spread of infection is limited,but if the immune system fails to curb the initial infection,the
infection may become systemic by spreading into adjacent organs.If the infection spreads to the
blood streams,it is called bacteremia.
In rare cases,if not properly managed can spread to the deeper layers of the skin,fascial linning
leading to complications like necrotizing fasciitis, which is characterized by tissue death, gangrene
and separation of the underlying tissues.(Daniel 2021).
1. Pain
2. Tenderness
3. Erythema or redness
4. Oedema
5. Fever
6. Chills
7. Discharge of pus
8. Muscles ache
9. Shivering
10. Dizziness
1. History taking: To check if the patient has had the infection before
2. Physical examination:To detect any abnormality using the sense organs
3. Complete blood count:To detect the presence of systemic infection
4. Wound culture: To detect the causative microorganism or agent
5. Ultrasonography: To detect the presence of abscess formation.
Without prompt diagnosis and treatment cellulitis could lead to several complications which includes
the following:
● Endocarditis
● Osteomyelitis
● Bacteremia
● Sepsis
● Deep vein thrombosis
● Necrotizing fasciitis
● Gangrene
● Amputation
Overall, cellulitis have a good prognosis if not promptly diagnosed and treated with correct
Reoccurrence is preventable with prompt treatment of cut, abrasion,proper hand hygiene and
effective treating of any underlying cause.
Cellulitis is relatively common occuring often in middle aged and older and women have
a similar incidence of cellulitis.There are approximately 50 cases per 1000 patient yearly.(BD brown
Usually, cellulitis is presumed to be due to staphylococci or streptococci infection and maybe treated
with cefalozin,cefuroxime,ceftriazone,nafcillin or oxacillin.
Antimicrobial options in patient who are allergic penicillin including Clindamycin.
Encourage bed rest to conserve energy and to reduce body metabolic demand.
patient should be encouraged to take foods rich in protein to enhance wound healing and
replacement of worn out tissue.patient should also be encouraged to take fruits to boost immunity
and prevent infection
patient should be supported to the bathroom and assisted to carry out activities patient is not able to
carry out on his own.oral care should also be done for patient to prevent tooth decay.
Patient and patient relative should be constantly reassured pertaining patients condition,all patient
question should be correctly answered respectively.The patient should also be educated on patient
condition,causes, complications and possible outcome.
Patient waste should be properly disposed and pan used for it should be disinfected.
Patient should be encouraged to complete course of medication to promote condition, prevent
further complications and spread of the infection to other parts of the body system.
The following medications can be used to treat cellulitis:
● Cefuroxime 500mg
● Ceftriazone 1g
● Paracetamol 600mg
● Iv flagyl 1500mg 8hrly
● Nafcillin
● Clindamycin
Administer antibiotics as prescribed after appropriate investigation is carried out or obtained.
Administer prescribed analgesics to relieve pain
Wound dressing should be done daily in aseptic technique to promote healing and return skin
AGE:106 years
SEX: Female
OCCUPATION: retired civil servant
Ward: female medical ward
PHONE NUMBER:08107922921
Patient is a retired civil servant.
Patient relates well and communicates with family members and friends.
Patient eats well,her three square meal are been taken serious.patient consumes less salt because
of her medical history.
Patient passes stool and urinates well everyday without observing any difficulty atleast two times
Patient does not exercise due to her condition.
Patient sleeps for roughly 8hours daily Patient sleeps around 9:00pm and wakes up at 7:00am in the
Patient accepted her interpersonal relationship with the nurses and other patient.
Patient was assessed by the doctor in charge of her care,she made her complaints,the doctor
assessed the site of swelling on the patient right leg.
The doctor diagnosed her of cellulitis and asked her to go for test first so that a proper diagnosis
could be done
Respiratory system:Respiration is normal,it was within the normal range.No abnormality detected.
Gastrointestinal system: patient experienced no abnormality with gastrointestinal tract.patient had
good bowel movement.
Cardiovascular system: There is rapid and febrile pulse.
Urinary system: patient passes urine without difficulty and it is normal.
Integumentary system:The skin was warm to touch,there is swelling on the right leg of the patient
Nervous system: patient was conscious and oriented to time and place.
palpation: The abdomen was palpated to detect any abnormality.No abnormality detected.
Inspection: patient was inspected from head to toe,nil abnormality was detected on the upper
extremity but there is swelling seen on the right leg of the patient
Patient was told to do full blood count, random blood sugar and urinalysis which she did the same
day of admission and the result states:
Random blood sugar:4.9mmol/l
Full blood count:
● WBC:8.5×10⁸/l
● PVC:35%
● Hb:11.2g/dl
Differential count:
● Neutrophil:65%
● Lymphocytes:32%
● R.B.C:4.19 10^12/l
Blood: (++)
Urinobillinogen: nil
Birillrubin: nil
Protein: nil
Nitrate: nil
Ketone: nil
Leucocyte: (++)
Glucose: nil
P.h: 6.0
Specific gravity: 0.015
HAIR:No scalp itching,no presence of lice on hair roots,no loss of hair and no excessive body hair.
HEAD: patient has normal shape of head with normal texture of hair.
EYES:on inspection, patient can see very well,no pain,no itching and no discharge from the eyes
MOUTH & THROAT: Patient has dried lips,no sore gum,no stomatitis, and no dentures.
MENTAL STATE: Patient is well oriented about the three states of life i.e place, time and people.
DAY 1,20/9/2024
Patient was admitted into female medical ward around 10:00am and was nursed on bed M2,and she
complained of pain and swelling on the right leg.On physical examination, patient looked weak.
Vital signs was checked and charted
● Temperature:36°c
● Pulse:89b/m
● Respiration:22c/m
● Blood pressure:100/80mmHg.
The prescribed medication were made available and treatment commenced immediately at 1:00pm.
● Iv tandak 1.5g 12hrly×72hrs
● Iv.f 5% dextrose saline 8hrly
● Iv Clindamycin 600mg 12hrly
● Iv paracetamol 600mg 8hrly×3/7
● Iv metronidazole 500mg 8hrly
● Tab spironolactone 25mg dly×10/7
DAY 2,21/9/2024
patient still looked weak but she was improving,she complained of pain at the site of the swelling and
she was reassured paracetamol 600mg was given I.v. patient ate apapa with pap. Due medication
was served. Doctor on call came to review her and he was impressed about her improvement
Vital signs taken and charted:
● Temperature:36.5°c
● Pulse:73b/m
● Respiration:18c/m
● Blood pressure:110/70mmHg
● SPO2:97%
DAY 3,22/9/2024
Patient’s condition has improved,most of the symptoms have subsided and she no longer complain
of pain and weakness.As at 6:00am,his vital signs was checked and charted.
● Temperature:36.5°c
● Pulse:62b/m
● Respiration:18c/m
● Blood pressure:110/60mmHg
No fresh complain,she ate very well and looked bright.
DAY 4,23/9/2024
Patient condition has improved, patient was encouraged to take her bath and she also had oral care
done.patient ate well,no complaints
Due medication was served, nursing care rendered..vital signs checked and charted:
● Temperature:36.6°c
● Pulse:62b/m
● Respiration:18c/m
● Blood pressure:110/60mmHg
● Spo2 97%
DAY 5,24/9/2024
Patient looked stronger and healthy.There was no complaints from the patient.patient took her bath
and had oral care done, she had her breakfast and her morning medication was served.patient vital
signs was checked and charted,
● Temperature:36.4°c
● Pulse:70b/m
● Respiration:18c/m
● Blood pressure:140/80mmHg
● Risk for infection related to broken skin barrier.
● Excessive Anxiety related to unknown outcome of condition evidenced by facial expression.
● Knowledge deficiet related to patient condition evidenced by patient asking too many
On the 31st October,2024 I visited Mrs Y.S.A at her residence in Inike at okene. On visitation, I met
her sitting down inside the house with her family.with my observation of the client, her environment
was clean and neat, she speaks well and looked healthier than when she was admitted in the
I asked her about her medication and follow up with the doctor, and also how she has been coping,
she told me that she has been taking her medication well and alway attends her follow up with the
I used the privilege to check his vital signs which reads:
Blood pressure:120/70mmHg
And I also advised her to continue taking her medication, eat healthy and balanced meals avoid cuts
and ensure to go to the hospital for check up if she is feeling unwell.
Cellulitis is a bacteria infection which affects the superficial and subcutaneous layer of the skin.It can
also affect the deep layer of the skin.It is an infection which affects children and adults and can occur
in any part of the body.In children,it affects the neck and in Adults it mostly affects the legs.
It accounts for 14 million cases in the united state of America and 100,000 cases per year in
Nigeria and approximately 200 cases per 100,000 individual worldwide.
The rate of occurrence of this disease was discovered through research to be due to cuts,low
immune system, diabetes mellitus and other disease condition which can trigger it.
This care study was written on Mrs.Y.S.A with diagnosis of cellulitis, chosen from female medical
ward, reference hospital,okene.During his admission into the ward on 20th September,2024.
With adequate nursing and medical management, patient recovered successfully and was
discharged home on 23th October,2024.
Cellulitis is a life threatening condition caused by bacteria.The disease requires prompt management
to prevent development of complications.
The prognosis of Cellulitis is good if early diagnosis is made and adequate treatment given.
Based on the damages caused by this disease,I here by urge the health professionals to hold the
bull by the horn before more damages are done to people's health,this can be achieved through
prevention, control, health education and curative means.If individuals and families in the society can
adhere to good personal and environmental hygiene, good nursing and medical intervention is
required during the course of illness in order to prevent the complications that may arise if not
properly treated.
The following are recommendations that needs to be in place to reduce the occurrence of Cellulitis:
● Government health staff should organise a mass campaign on Cellulitis and enlighten the
masses on the causes, prevention and control of the disease.
● The government should regulate the disposal of waste in various communities and
● Good source of drinking water should be made available to the populace.
● The populace should be enlighten on the importance of good personal and environmental
● Immunization should be made available for children.
● BD brown 2023, National library of medicine and
Center for biotechnology. information on
Epidermology of cellulitis.
● Cellulitis -sign & symptoms and causes (February 6th,2020) mayoclinic.
Cellulitis (may 29th 2020), C.D.C
www.c.d.c.govt/group past rep/disease.
● Daniel 2021, Wikipedia,pathophysiology of Cellulitis.
Herchine T.E and Stuart m(June 14th 2019)
Cellulitis practice essential background and
Ross and Wilson (2018) 14th edition anatomy and
Physiology of the skin.
Sandhy MD pruthi 2022, mayo clinic
Definition of cellulitis.
Waugh A& grant A(2018).