Steel Reinforced Concrete Shafts For Microtunneling
Steel Reinforced Concrete Shafts For Microtunneling
Steel Reinforced Concrete Shafts For Microtunneling
The environmentally friendly and cost-efficient solution for constructing insertion and reception shafts for microtunneling is the use of circular steelreinforced concrete shafts. These shafts made of pre-fabricated elements are designed for future use as manhole or junction box structures. When the ground water level is high they can be installed cost-efficiently using the caisson method. Meyer, the manufacturer of a broad product range of pipe jacking products, can plan, design and manufacture insertion and reception shafts in any dimension required by the contractor and client.
SYSTEM I inser tion shaft jacking pipes intermediate shaft jacking pipe length reception shaft DN 3200 DN 200 DN 800 DN 2000 L = 2,00 m DN 2600
SYSTEM II inser tion shaft jacking pipes intermediate shaft jacking pipe length reception shaft DN 2000 DN 100 DN 300 DN 2000 L = 1,00 m DN 2000
FEATURES Tight pipe connections with interlocking spigot and bell as specified in DIN EN 1916 and elastomeric sliding ring seal as specified in DIN EN 681-1; Protruding steel-reinforced concrete bell, beveled inside; Recess for interlocking connection with hydraulic concrete; Recess for structural connection with steel-reinforced concrete bottom slab; Pipe passage section (entrance and exit ring) made of glass fibre-reinforced concrete with injection nipples; Alternative design as required by the customer; Round head transportation anchors, DEHA system; steel bars for firm, non-extendible connection between shaft elements; steel-reinforced concrete cover slabs.
QUALITY Watertight steel-reinforced concrete structure, vibration-compacted; Shaft rings Hardened in the steel molds; Concrete quality B 45, with sulfate resistant portland cement; Dimensions and reinforcement as specified in DIN EN 1916 and DIN EN 681-1 Eurocode. SERVICE Design drawings, rings, and shaft parts lists drafted by shaft design software; Proof of buoyancy protection; Cost-efficient offer on the basis of the optimum design. TECHNICAL PROCESSING Structural calculation qualified for certification; Certification of structural calculation by registered engineer. DELIVERY Shafts delivered in accordance with contractors schedule Special approval for oversize transports.
interlocking spigot and bell acc. to DIN 4035 elastomer sliding ring seal acc. to DIN EN 681-1
pipe passage sections (entrance and exit rings) with glass fibre-reinforced concrete covers recess for structural connection with steel-reinforced concrete bottom slab (for final shaft only) recess for interlocking connection with hydraulic concrete steel-reinforced concrete lower cutting edge, protruding outside, beveled inside factory-mounted if required
D I M E N S I O N TA B L E F O R S TART A N D R E C E I V I N G S H A F T S di DN DN DN DN 3600 3200 2600 2000 3600 3200 2600 2000 s 360 260 200 200 Da 4320 3720 3000 2400 Lmax 3300 3650 3650 3000
When the shafts are designed the individual lengths of upper parts and bottom part are adapted to the local conditions and structural requirements.
MEYER ROHR + SCHACHT GMBH Otto-Brenner-Strasse 5 D-21337 LNEBURG/GERMANY Te l . : + 4 9 4 1 3 1 9 5 3 - 0 Fax:+49 4131 953-255 eMail: