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A year of innovation
and consolidation

JPY188 ᥪԦ̼Ձ-e‫ڍ‬Юፑʶᤋ፝ѢྟྫྷՁὙ$/-(
EDITOR’S DESK 22 A Cultural Milestone 36 Sizzling Hot
02 New Year, New Agenda Spring Festival heritage added AI-powered robots as transformers of the culinary
to UNESCO list domain
23 Garlic Panic? 38 A Feast From the East
COVER STORY Claims about Chinese exports From China’s kitchens to the world
12 Strategic Focus are undermining logic—and 40 Twists and Trends
The economic roadmap for diplomacy The phenomena that restyled China’s social landscape
2025 24 Sino-U.S. Tech Pact in 2024
17 Bracing for Challenges Renewed 42 A Symphony of Harmony
Critical measures to support A positive sign for bilateral Teacher brings world together through music
growth cooperation
OPINION FEATURES 46 Clay, Culture and Craft
20 Bridging Borders 26 Top Nation News Stories Exhibition offers glimpse into Xinjiang’s
BRI cooperation between Of 2024 pottery heritage
Cover Design: Cui Xiaodong 32 Paving Paths to Progress FORUM
Rural roads lead to rural 48 It’s Time to Deal With Business Rat Races
©2024 Beijing Review, all rights reserved.



Please recycle
New Year, New Agenda
China has once again sent the world a most of opportunities presented by the
A News Weekly Magazine
Published Since 1958 clear signal that it will prioritize bol- ice and snow and senior care economies,
stering growth and opening up. At the and the debut of new products, services
President: Li Yafang
Associate Editor in Chief: Liu Yunyun
Central Economic Work Conference, and stores.
Vice Presidents: He Peng, Gao Dingbo, Yu Shujun an annual meeting where policymak- At the meeting, stabilizing foreign
Program Supervisor: Zeng Wenhui
ers outline the government’s economic WUDGHDQGLQYHVWPHQWZDVUHDIÀUPHGDV
Executive Editor: Yan Wei
Production Director: Yao Bin agenda for the year to come, a host of a priority. The government will place
Editors: Wang Hairong, Zhang Shasha Lu Yan
Researcher: Lan Xinzhen pro-growth policies were agreed upon. an emphasis on supporting services
Editorial Consultants: Elsbeth van Paridon, G.P. Wilson Most notably, it was decided that trade, green trade and digital trade. Pilot
Reporters: Ji Jing, Kang Caiqi, Li Qing, Li Wenhan, Li Xiaoyang,
Liang Xiao, Ma Miaomiao, Pan Xiaoqiao, Peng Jiawei, &KLQDZLOODGRSWDPRUHSURDFWLYHÀVFDO programs in opening up the telecom-
Tao Xing, Tao Zihui, Wang Jun, Wang Ruohan, Yuan Yuan,
Zhang Yage policy and a moderately loose monetary munications, healthcare and education
Photographer: Wei Yao policy. In contrast with China’s previous
Art: Li Shigong
sectors will be expanded. This stance re-
Design Director: Wang Yajuan monetary policy, which was defined as ÁHFWV&KLQD·VFRQWLQXHGFRPPLWPHQWWR
Chief Designer: Cui Xiaodong
“prudent,” the latest shift will see the cen- international engagement, offering hope
Editorial Administrator: Zeng Wenhui
Planning Director: Xu Bei tral bank attempt to expand the supply of to a world struggling with protectionism,
Deputy Planning Director: Li Nan
World News Director: Ding Ying
money to boost the economy. The aim is tariff wars and supply chain disrup-
World News Deputy Director: Li Fangfang to make money less expensive to borrow tions. These economic policies unfold
Director of Digital Media: Yu Shujun
Director of Strategic Research: Zan Jifang DQGHQFRXUDJHVSHQGLQJ,WLVWKHÀUVWWLPH against the backdrop of volatility in the
Deputy Director of Strategic Research: Lu Ling
China has adjusted its monetary policy in international landscape and prolonged
Administration: Zhang Yajie
Legal Counsel: Yue Cheng
aims to issue more treasury bonds, widen to deliver stability in a world full of
North America Bureau (New York City)
Chief: Yu Shujun
Executive Assistant: Zhao Wei spending in supporting economic growth China’s growth trajectory in 2024
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Latin America Bureau (Mexico City)
Chief: Miao Ye
Several economic priorities were strong start followed by increasing
Tel: 52-55-55127271 LGHQWLÀHGIRUZLWKWKHWRSRQHEH- downward pressure around mid-year and
Fax: 52-55-55332027
E-mail: chinahoymx@gmail.com ing the expansion of domestic demand. DVXEVHTXHQWXSVZLQJLQWKHÀQDOTXDU-
Chief: Meng Kexin
Specific measures include working to ter. Judging from available data, China
Tel: 0051-959212702 increase incomes for middle- and low- is on track to meet its full-year growth
E-mail: revistachinaperu@gmail.com
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2 BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 26, 2024 http://www.bjreview.com


The Three Gorges Dam in Yichang, Hubei Province, on December 14, the 30th anniversary of the beginning of its
construction. The project’s first hydropower generator unit began generating electricity in July
2003. As the world’s largest hydropower project, it has generated over 1.7 trillion kilowatt-hours of
electricity, equivalent to saving 550 million tons of coal and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 1.49
billion tons, according to the Ministry of Water Resources.
In addition, it has delivered broad benefits such as preventing floods and improving Yangtze River
navigation, contributing to economic and social development.

http://www.bjreview.com DECEMBER 26, 2024 BEIJING REVIEW 3


These funds have been al-
located for repairs on the main
structure, restorations of the
golden roof, structural monitor-
ing, preservation and utilization
of ancient books and documents,
as well as an online ticketing
system, according to the palace’s
This year is the 30th an-
niversary of the Potala Palace’s
recognition as a UNESCO site.
The ancient palace, located
in the regional capital of Lhasa,
was built by Tibetan King
Songtsen Gampo in the seventh
century and expanded in the 17th
century. Holding a collection of
invaluable scriptures, historical

Capturing the Spirit of the Anniversary

documents and precious rel-
ics like statues, paintings and
A tourist poses for photos in front of the Ruins of St. Paul’s in Macao Special Administrative Region on frescoes, the palace is one of
December 18. The streets of Macao were adorned with festive decorations as the region celebrated the 25th Xizang’s most popular tourist
anniversary of its return to the motherland on December 20. attractions.
Since 2014, the palace has
received some 14.4 million visi-
tors from home and abroad, said
GreenElectricity to the city from several other
Republic of Korea.
Spanning 860,000 square
Kunga Tashi, Deputy Director of
Green electricity generated from VJGOCPCIGOGPVQH³EG
In 2024, Beijing achieved meters, the terminal boasts a
renewable sources in Xizang
Autonomous Region will begin
transactions of 5.05 billion kwh
of market-based green electric-
designed annual throughput
of 1.3 million vehicles and can
powering facilities in Beijing The Chinese Government issued
ity, reducing approximately 4.03 accommodate up to 32,000
starting from January 1, 2025, a document on December 16,
million tons of carbon dioxide vehicles at once. It also features
according to a purchase deal outlining measures to modernize
reached on December 17. the nation’s retail industry over
offering services such as ware-
Four companies in Beijing
purchased green electricity from AutoTerminal housing, testing, maintenance VJGPGZV³XG[GCTU
According to the document,
The largest “ro-ro” (roll-on/roll- and charging.
13 new-energy power generation the country seeks to establish a
off) automobile terminal in the As Jiangsu’s largest auto-
enterprises in Xizang. modern retail system by 2029,
Yangtze River basin has started mobile export port, Taicang Port
Approximately 15 million characterized by diverse offer-
operating at Taicang Port in exported 437,300 vehicles in
kilowatt-hours (kwh) of electricity ings, high-quality services and a
Jiangsu Province, providing new VJG³TUVOQPVJUQHCP
are expected to be transacted. It seamless blend of smart, conve-
export channels for Chinese increase of 19.8 percent year on
KUVJG³TUVFGCNQHKVUMKPFTGCEJGF nient and eco-friendly practices.
domestic car brands. year. These exports reached 116
between Xizang and Beijing. To achieve this transforma-
The Haitong (Taicang) countries and regions worldwide.
The green electricity will tion, the plan emphasizes the
power Beijing’s landmark terminal, which opened on upgrade and modernization
facilities, including the National December 12, has already PalacePreservation of existing retail infrastructure,
Center for the Performing Arts, handled three “ro-ro” ships The Chinese Government has including department stores,
the Capital Library of China and loaded with vehicles from 12 poured nearly 800 million shopping centers, supermarkets
the Capital Museum. Chinese automakers, including yuan ($111 million) into different and community business hubs,
5KPEGVJGQH³EKCNNCWPEJQH SAIC Motor, Chery and BYD. projects over the past 30 years according to the document
market-based green electricity The vehicles are to be ex- to preserve the Potala Palace, a jointly issued by seven govern-
trading in Beijing in 2021, green ported to destinations including UNESCO World Heritage site in ment departments, including the
electricity has been channeled Mexico, Peru, Guatemala and the Xizang. Ministry of Commerce.
4 BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 26, 2024 http://www.bjreview.com

manufacture 1.5 million tons of
high-end, eco-friendly and low-
Three new metro lines opened carbon auto panel materials
on December 15 in Beijing, annually.
bringing the city’s total urban Hydrogen metallurgy is a
rail transit length to 879 km, steel-making process that utilizes
TCPMKPI³TUVCOQPI%JKPGUG hydrogen instead of coal, which
9W;WNCPCPQH³EKCNQHVJG dioxide emissions.
Beijing Municipal Commission By partnering with automak-
of Transport, said the three sec- ers including German BMW
tions of metro lines include one and China’s Great Wall Motor,
east-west underground corridor HBIS aims to build a green, low-
through the city, which is also carbon supply chain for the

A Moment of Remembrance
connected to many north-south sector while leading a collective
rail transit lines, giving new op- reduction in carbon emissions
tions for people in the city’s big through cooperation between Children attend a candlelight vigil at the Memorial Hall of the Victims
residential areas. the steel and auto industries, the of the Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders in Nanjing, capital
Wu said Beijing’s rail transit company stated. of Jiangsu Province, on December 13. The vigil was held to mark
network currently boasts 522 sta-
this year’s National Memorial Day for the Victims of the Nanjing
tions, including 98 interchange
BlackTruffle Massacre.
Beijing has taken measures
1.71 kg has been unearthed in
Yunnan Province, setting a new
building more subway lines,
record for the heaviest black spherical shape, and dimensions culinary industry, are among
which provide mass rapid transit
VTWH´GGXGTHQWPFKPVJGRTQXKPEG measuring 16 cm in length, 16.6 the most expensive edible fungi
solutions in the megalopolis.
which is known as the “kingdom cm in width and 14 cm in height. due to their rarity and distinctive
of wild mushrooms,” Xinhua ¨6JKUDNCEMVTWH´GYCUDWTKGF aroma. They require highly
AutoPanelProduction News Agency reported on about 10 cm underground with URGEK³EEQPFKVKQPUVQITQY
A hydrogen-based production December 14. no visible signs on the surface,” including a particular climate,
line for steel auto panels in Hebei 6JKUVTWH´G«UYGKIJVHCTGZ- said Wu Min, a resident of Anning type of soil and the presence of
Province went into operation on ceeds the typical range for black City, who discovered the record- certain tree species.
December 16, according to local VTWH´GUYJKEJWUWCNN[YGKIJDG- DTGCMKPIVTWH´G Thanks to its unique natural
steel industry leader HBIS Group tween 10 grams and 200 grams, According to an expert, the environment, Yunnan is China’s
HBIS claimed the produc- of 1.25 kg in the province. to 20,000 yuan ($2,783). 6TWH´GUCTGRTK\GFKPJKIJGPF
the world. It has the capacity to brown to black hue, irregular to as “black diamonds” in the GZEGRVKQPCN´CXQT

Chillingly Impressive!
A giant snowman stands tall in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province,
on December 17.

http://www.bjreview.com DECEMBER 26, 2024 BEIJING REVIEW 5

Raw Materials (SSE) announced on December
16 it had signed a memorandum
As of December 15, the coun-
try’s airlines had recorded 700.48
Forex Settlement
Industry of understanding with the Qatar million passenger trips since Surplus
The Ministry of Industry and Stock Exchange, reaching a the start of the year, CAAC data China’s commercial banks saw a
Information Technology and milestone in strengthening coop- showed. foreign exchange (forex) settle-
three other Chinese authorities eration between the two countries’ The strong recovery of the ment surplus of $3.5 billion in
have issued a joint action plan for capital markets. aviation market in 2024 has been 0QXGODGTQH³EKCNFCVCUJQYGF
the raw materials industry, outlin- Under the agreement, the two largely fueled by domestic routes, Forex purchases by banks
ing standards for upgrades over bourses will explore collaborative which logged about 640 million reached $204.4 billion, while sales
the next three years. opportunities in areas such as passenger trips, or a 14-percent stood at $200.9 billion, data from
By 2027, the evaluation exchange-traded fund products, the State Administration of Foreign
increase compared to the same
and optimization of standards data and index products, the SSE Exchange showed.
period in 2019, before the
for key industries, including stated. In November, China’s
COVID-19 pandemic, according to
petrochemicals, chemicals, steel, The SSE said it would con- international economic activities
the CAAC. remained vibrant, with the forex
non-ferrous metals, building tinue to build connections with International routes also
materials, rare earth and gold, exchanges in the Middle East and market operating smoothly and
showed remarkable growth, with in an orderly fashion. Overall,
will be completed, according to work to diversify cooperation over 60 million passenger trips,
the plan. models and broaden the scope of ETQUUDQTFGTECRKVCN´QYUVJTQWIJ
TG´GEVKPIC[GCTQP[GCTUWTIG the primary channels remained
It says industry standards in vi- partnerships.
of more than 130 percent as stable, said Li Bin, deputy head of
tal areas should be published and
global travel restrictions eased the administration.
enforced by 2027. This includes $LU3DVVHQJHUó and demand rebounded, the China’s forex market is set to
more than 200 standards related
to digital transformation, over 100
Transport administration noted. continue its healthy performance
Chinese airlines have recorded CAAC data revealed that partly because the existing positive
standards for new materials, and
over 700 million passenger QRGTCVKQPCNGH³EKGPE[KPVJG factors and favorable conditions in
over 100 focused on green and
trips so far this year, a record civil aviation sector reached new economic operations are expected
low-carbon development.
high in the history of China’s heights, with a single-day peak to strengthen the market’s stability,
according to Li.
Capital Market civil aviation development,
according to the Civil Aviation
passenger volume of 2.45 million,
an increase of 9.8 percent com-
Cooperation Administration of China (CAAC) RCTGFVQVJGJKIJGUVFCKN[³IWTG Retail Sales
The Shanghai Stock Exchange on December 16. last year. China’s retail sales of consumer

Fixed Assets Investment Growth by Sector Fixed Assets Investment Growth by Region
January-November (% y.o.y.) January-November (% y.o.y.)

Primary industry:
Agriculture, forestry,
12.1 Secondary industry:
Mining, manufacturing,
construction, and
fuel gas and water
production and supply
5 5 4.8
4.2 Tertiary industry: 2.9
2.4 Services
1.4 1.4
0 0
Primary industry Secondary industry Tertiary industry (DVW&KLQD &HQWUDO&KLQD :HVW&KLQD 1RUWKHDVW&KLQD

6 BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 26, 2024 http://www.bjreview.com

goods went up 3 percent year
on year to hit 4.38 trillion yuan
Clean Energy wind power installed capacity
has grown six-fold, while solar
From January to November,
the actual use of FDI stood at
($608.82 billion) in November, Utilization power installed capacity has 749.7 billion yuan ($104 billion),
the National Bureau of Statistics China has maintained high surged more than 180 times. Its down 27.9 percent year on year.
said. utilization rates of wind and solar annual new installations account This decline narrowed by 1.9 per-
Retail sales of consumer RQYGTQH³EKCNFCVCUJQYGFUWI- for more than 40 percent of centage points compared to the
goods in urban regions rose 2.9 gesting the world’s renewables VJGINQDCNVQVCNUKIPK³ECPVN[ January-October period, marking
percent to 3.76 trillion yuan ($516 powerhouse has ensured both contributing to world’s green the third consecutive month of
billion) that month, while sales in speed and quality in its green development. narrowing decline.
rural regions stood at 616.7 billion drive. At the National Energy Work +PVJG³TUVOQPVJUQHVJKU
yuan ($85 billion), up 3.2 percent, The utilization rates of wind Conference held in Beijing on year, 52,379 new foreign-invested
the data showed. and solar power remained above December 15, Chinese authorities enterprises were established na-
With the nation’s consumer 95 percent this year, according to pledged to undertake enhanced tionwide, representing a year-on-
goods trade-in program con- National Energy Administration efforts to develop and utilize wind year growth of 8.9 percent. This
tinuing to take effect, retail data. By the end of 2024, the and solar power to promote the marks the highest level in history
sales of household appliances country’s installed wind power country’s green and low-carbon for the same period.
and audiovisual equipment, capacity has reached 510 million transformation. The proportion of actual use
furniture, automobiles, and kilowatts, while its solar power China will also deepen of FDI in hi-tech manufacturing
construction and decoration capacity stands at 840 million international energy cooperation, rose 0.3 percentage points com-
materials increased 22.2 percent, kilowatts. especially in green energy, and pared to the same period last year.
10.5 percent, 6.6 percent and +PVJG³TUVUGXGPOQPVJU actively participate in global Investment from some
2.9 percent, respectively, in of 2024, wind and solar power energy governance, according to developed economies has
November. generation totaled 1.05 trillion the meeting. continued to grow, with actual
+PVJG³TUVOQPVJUQHVJKU kilowatt-hours, accounting for investment from Germany up
year, retail sales of consumer roughly 20 percent of China’s FDI Inflow 10.9 percent year on year, from
goods totaled nearly 44.3 trillion total electricity generation. Foreign direct investment (FDI) in Singapore up 4.8 percent, and
yuan ($6 trillion), up 3.5 percent China’s new-energy industry the Chinese mainland in actual use from Switzerland up 4 percent.
year on year. Online retail sales of has experienced rapid growth climbed 6 percent in November Investment from members of the
consumer goods stood at around in recent years, maintaining a from the same period last year, Association of Southeast Asian
14 trillion yuan ($2 trillion), up 7.4 double-digit annual growth rate. the Ministry of Commerce said on Nations climbed 6.4 percent
percent. Since 2013, the country’s December 14. year on year.

Fixed Assets Investment Growth in China
6 (% y.o.y.)

5 4.5
4.2 4.2
4.0 3.9
4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.3
2.9 3.0

2023 2024

(Source: National Bureau of Statistics)

http://www.bjreview.com DECEMBER 26, 2024 BEIJING REVIEW 7



transfer of power ceremony in Paris on HYHQWGXULQJWKH 2024 Ironman 70.3
December 13. President Emmanuel :RUOG&KDPSLRQVKLSLQ7DXSRRQ

business jet at a small airport near Buenos

8 BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 26, 2024 http://www.bjreview.com


scenario of a biology class using virtual reality
online education and massive open online courses
in London on December 12


jin, meaning “gold” or “money,”
on December 12

Ministerial Liaison Committee
voiced support for a peaceful
and inclusive Syrian-led
political transition

http://www.bjreview.com DECEMBER 26, 2024 BEIJING REVIEW 9

China’s badminton legend Zheng Siwei leaves the national team on a high note,
retiring after he and teammate Huang Yaqiong won the mixed doubles title at the
Badminton World Federation World Tour Finals on December 15.
The duo defeated Malaysian pair Chen Tang Jie and Toh Ee Wei in Hangzhou,
years ago, Zheng and Huang won mixed doubles gold at the Paris
Olympic Games in August.
Born in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, in 1997, Zheng began playing
badminton when he was in primary school. He was selected by the
national team in 2013. Zheng announced his decision to retire from
international badminton in November, citing a need for balance be-
tween career and family.

Don’t Shoot! commercial shoots and imposing penal-

ties on perpetrators. Dynamic Ceramics
Tide News This initiative is part of broader ef- Outlook
December 16 forts by popular tourist sites around China November 25
In response to growing concerns over to manage commercial photography Jingdezhen in Jiangxi Province boasts
commercial photography in public more effectively. While the bans do not over 2,000 years of pottery-making his-
spaces, some popular Beijing attractions eliminate opportunities for commercial tory and is known as China’s “porcelain
have recently erected signs prohibiting photographers, they ensure that their ac- capital.” The city is now undertaking
it. Teams of professional photographers, tivities do not compromise the experience substantial new preservation efforts,
often working to create social media or safety of other visitors. Parks may still focusing on a 13.1-hectare core area
content, often disrupt other visitors by allow small-scale shoots in designated centered around the Taoyangli historic
occupying spaces for extended periods DUHDVGXULQJVSHFLÀFWLPHVSURYLGHGWKH\ district. The project includes the restora-
and creating potential safety hazards with adhere to the rules. This approach seeks tion of over 160 ancient kiln sites and
their extensive equipment. In addition to to balance the interests of all parties, 108 historic alleyways. China plans
instituting the bans, attractions are now ensuring sustainable development and to submit Jingdezhen for UNESCO’s
asking visitors to report unauthorized enhanced visitor satisfaction. consideration for inclusion on the World

“When I had the job, I had a stable “In the future, there will be a significant
income and worked close to home.” decline in animal performances, possibly
Gulnur Akhniyaz, a mother of two from Aksu leading to complete elimination. This
Prefecture in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, who
lost her job at a local textile company in 2022 in the means that zoos and aquariums will need
wake of U.S. sanctions, in a recent interview with to diversify their offerings.”
Xinhua News Agency Lin Huanjie, head of the Institute for Theme Park Studies
in China, commenting on growing concerns about animal
welfare in a recent interview with Xinhua

10 BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 26, 2024 http://www.bjreview.com

inclusion by 2026. Sustainable Snacking While delivery is vital to the food
industry, promotional tactics including
The Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln China Women’s News discounts and excessive packaging have
Institute, in collaboration with Peking December 13 spurred over-ordering and waste. Platforms
University and the Chinese Academy serve as crucial intermediaries, and the
The State Administration for Market
of Social Sciences, has established the guidelines urge them to adopt waste pre-
Regulation has recently released guide-
world’s first ancient ceramics gene vention standards and revise service terms
lines to regulate the marketing practices
bank. This initiative uses technology to to support frugality and reduce waste.
of restaurants and other food businesses
restore broken ceramics from 40 million With increasing awareness of waste
that use online food delivery platforms
shards uncovered over 40 years, estab- reduction, many food vendors now offer
and reinforce the responsibility of these
lishing a new method for exploring the large and small portion sizes to help min-
platforms to prevent waste.
origins and evolution of ancient ceramic imize waste. Platforms also encourage
The rapid expansion of food delivery
civilization. greener habits by offering options like
services in recent years has exacerbated
Jingdezhen’s museums attracted “no utensils needed.” To make food de-
food waste issues. The guidelines provide
nearly 3.24 million visits in the first livery platforms true “waste prevention”
“green momentum” to the industry, re-
half of 2024, a 31.7-percent increase leaders, platforms and businesses must
quiring platforms to market responsibly
year on year, prompting it to promote innovate, ensuring sustainable growth
and encourage rational ordering to posi-
itself as the City of Myriad Museums. and improved service quality while pro-
tion food delivery platforms as leaders in
This initiative enhances the city’s moting responsible consumption.
waste prevention.
cultural identity by systematically or-
ganizing and enhancing its museums,
art galleries and exhibition spaces.
Jingdezhen is also investing heavily Power sector veteran Wang Hongzhi has been appointed head of the National Energy
in advanced ceramics research and dig- Administration (NEA), according to an announcement released by the State Council,
italization. In 2023, the revenue from China’s highest state administrative organ, on December 13.
the city’s ceramic industry surpassed Born in 1969, Wang has a solid background in power systems, having accumulated
86 billion yuan ($11 billion), doubling extensive management and operational experience in several key posi-
that in 2020. By transforming industrial tions. His experience at companies such as State Grid Corp. of China,
heritage sites into entrepreneurial hubs, China Huadian Corp. and China Southern Power Grid has given him
ducing traditional ceramics to leading The NEA’s responsibilities include formulating industrial policies
LQQHZDUHDVOLNHDUWLÀFLDOLQWHOOLJHQFH related to coal, petroleum, natural gas, electricity, new energy and re-
assisted ceramic art, 3D printing and newable resources and promoting energy conservation and integrated
smart manufacturing. use of natural resources.

“Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day “The fossil displays a unique blend of
reminds us health for all means primitive and modern characteristics.
everyone can access the health services The facial structure and mandible
they need without financial hardship.” show early evolution toward
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the modern humans.”
World Health Organization, on December 12, UHC Day, as Wu Xiujie, a researcher at the Institute of Vertebrate
the 2024 Global Health Expenditure Report was released, Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, the Chinese Academy
showing global health spending fell to $9.8 trillion in 2022, of Sciences, as his team recently discovered dozens of
WKHóILUVWóUHDOWHUPóGHFOLQHóVLQFHó human fossils dating back 300,000 years, the earliest
ancestors of Homo sapiens to be found in East Asia

http://www.bjreview.com DECEMBER 26, 2024 BEIJING REVIEW 11


he year-end Central priorities for the coming year. This year, it convened of the conference at a meeting on
Economic Work in Beijing on December 11-12. December 14.
Conference is a piv- “China is on track to achieve its key economic He added that China’s contribu-
otal event in China’s and social development goals for the year, with an tion to global economic growth is
economic calendar, anticipated economic growth rate of around 5 per- expected to approach 30 percent.
serving as a platform to analyze cent,” said Han Wenxiu, Executive Deputy Director Employment and prices have re-
the nation’s economic landscape, RIWKH2IÀFHRIWKH&HQWUDO&RPPLWWHHIRU)LQDQFLDO mained stable, a basic equilibrium
set the policy tone, and outline key and Economic Affairs, elaborating on the key points in the balance of payments has been
12 BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 26, 2024 http://www.bjreview.com
The deficit-to-GDP ratio was
set at 3 percent for 2024, and the
2025 to ensure that fiscal policies
will maintain continuity and be-
come more effective.
To address the current issue of
insufficient domestic demand, it is
necessary to increase government
spending. And it’s both necessary
and feasible to increase the deficit
ratio, said a recent commentary by
newspaper Economic Daily.
From an international perspec-
tive, China’s government debt
ratio is much lower than that of
major economies and emerging
market countries. According to
the International Monetary Fund,
by the end of 2023, the average
government debt ratio of Group of
Seven countries was 123.4 percent,
while that of China stood at 67.5
percent. This indicates that there
remains considerable room for the
Central Government to issue debts
In addition, China will also
increase the issuance of ultra-long
special treasury bonds and local
government special-purpose bonds.
the need to optimize the structure
largely maintained, and the coun- assessment presented at the conference, the founda- RIÀVFDOH[SHQGLWXUHVLPSURYHWKH
try’s foreign exchange reserves tion of the economy remains stable, with sufficient HIÀFLHQF\RIIXQGXVDJHDQGSODFH
have remained robust at over $3.2 advantages, strong resilience and huge potential. The greater emphasis on enhancing
trillion. long-term supportive conditions and the fundamental people’s livelihoods and stimulat-
Despite this, the adverse effects positive trend have not changed. ing consumption.
of changes in the external environ- The structure of fiscal expen-
PHQWKDYHLQWHQVLÀHGDQG&KLQD·V More proactive policies ditures should align with the stage
economy continues to face a range The conference outlined key adjustments to the coun- of economic development, shift-
of difficulties and challenges. try’s macroeconomic policies, emphasizing a shift ing from an investment-focused
Challenges discussed at the confer- toward more proactive and impactful approaches. It approach to one that balances in-
ence include insufficient domestic called for the adoption of a “more proactive fiscal vestment and consumption. This
demand, operational difficulties policy” and a “moderately loose monetary policy.” marks a transition from a construc-
for some businesses, pressure on Han said this marks a major change in both language WLRQGULYHQÀVFDOSROLF\WRRQHWKDW
employment and income growth for and direction when compared to previous years. prioritizes people’s livelihoods,
the population, and persistent risks The wording regarding fiscal policy has been said Yuan Haixia, Deputy Director
and uncertainties. adjusted from “proactive” to “more proactive,” im- of the Research Institute of China
However, according to the plying additional efforts will follow in 2025. Chengxin Credit Rating Group.

http://www.bjreview.com DECEMBER 26, 2024 BEIJING REVIEW 13

Monetary policy will shift from
“prudent” to “moderately loose,”
with reductions in the reserve re-
quirement ratio (RRR) and interest
rates at an appropriate time, accord-
ing to the conference.
China’s central bank, the
People’s Bank of China, adjusts
its monetary policy in response to
changes in the economic situation.
Since 2011, China’s monetary poli-
cy has consistently been “prudent.”
This adjustment is the first change
in over a decade.
Zeng Gang, Director of the
Shanghai Institution for Finance
and Development, told Xinhua
News Agency that a moderately
loose monetary policy helps main-
tain reasonable liquidity, reduces
the overall financing costs in soci-
ety and further expands domestic
demand, unlocking the potential for
consumption and investment.
Xu Hongcai, Deputy Director of
at the China Association of Policy on December 12
Science, predicted that China may “vigorously boosting consumption, improving investments, particularly in guid-
reduce the RRR by 1 percentage LQYHVWPHQWHIÀFLHQF\DQGH[SDQGLQJGRPHVWLFGH- ing the application of artificial
point next year, with interest rate mand on all fronts” listed as the top priority. intelligence technology, and pro-
cuts likely to be within 0.5 percent- “In recent years, expanding domestic demand moting the digital economy’s role
age points. has been a top priority, and it is especially crucial in upgrading and transforming
Han said these policies are in the coming year, as external demand is expected traditional industries. By doing so,
EHQHÀFLDOIRUHQKDQFLQJFRXQWHUF\- to further weaken,” Xu told Beijing Review. In it will help stimulate investment
clical adjustments, better addressing this context, to ensure steady economic growth, it demand and boost the confidence
the instability and uncertainty in and enthusiasm of private enter-
is essential to boost internal demand. This can be
economic operations, and providing prises and private capital, Xu said.
achieved by focusing on both investment and con-
strong policy support to achieve the In terms of consumption,
sumption, he said.
annual goals and objectives. since this year, policies aimed at
Xu said the conference highlighted the im-
Counter-cyclical adjustment promoting consumption, such as
refers to the government’s use trade-in programs for consumer
stressed the need to avoid ineffective investments,
of policy tools and measures to goods, have seen tangible results,
such as vanity projects, and to redirect funds leading to a continued release of
smooth out the fluctuations of the
toward critical areas, including public welfare, consumer demand in China.
entire economic cycle, helping to
better promote economic develop- hi-tech innovation and the development of stra- According to the latest data
ment by responding to different tegic future industries. Additionally, investments from the Ministry of Commerce,
stages of the economic cycle. should focus on urgent sectors such as healthcare, the trade-in policy for consumer
services for the elderly and emerging markets, he goods has driven sales of related
Top priority said. products to exceed 1 trillion yuan
The conference outlined nine key Government funding should play a leading and ($137.3 billion).
tasks for the upcoming year, with guiding role in rural revitalization infrastructure According to the conference,
14 BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 26, 2024 http://www.bjreview.com
business models, new services or new technolo- Television.
The silver economy is based on demand created by tory to generating new incremental
China’s aging population. growth requires the development of
Xu said, beyond traditional basic consump- new quality productive forces and
tion, future efforts should focus on upgrading and advancements in technological in-
improving consumption demand. This includes ad- novation, he said.
dressing needs in health and cultural domains. He Through innovations in technol-
highlighted the importance of innovating consump- ogy, products and business models,
tion scenarios, enhancing consumer experience and FRPSDQLHVFDQLGHQWLI\IUHVKSURÀW
fostering the development of new consumption growth points, offer better and
patterns such as digital and green consumption. higher-quality products, and deliver
improved services. This approach
Key areas of focus provides a pathway to break free
In addition to improving domestic demand, the con- from the rat-race competition and
ference outlined another eight tasks for 2025. drive progress, he added.
It said the country should take steps to make The conference also called for
scientific and technological innovation drive the giving full play to the leading role
development of new quality productive forces and of economic system reform and
build a modernized industrial system. Among many ensuring that landmark reform
key points related to this task, “addressing rat-race measures are effectively imple-
irrational competition” has garnered great public mented. Key focuses include the
attention. introduction of a law on private
The rat-race competition refers to businesses sector promotion, the develop-
engaging in zero-sum competition for a fixed pool ment of guidelines for building
large-scale equipment upgrades of resources without seeking new growth points a unified national market, and
and consumer goods trade-in pro- through innovation, Tian Xuan, Associate Dean and the deepening of comprehensive
grams should be promoted with Chair Professor of Finance at Tsinghua University reforms in capital market invest-
greater intensity and scope next

PBC School of Finance, told China Central PHQWDQGÀQDQFLQJ
year, and a special campaign dedi-
cated to stimulating consumption
should be implemented. The Nine Major Tasks for 2025 Outlined at the Central
In addition to direct stimulus Economic Work Conference
measures, boosting household
zBoosting consumption, improving investment efficiency and expanding domestic
income is a crucial way to pro- demand
mote consumption, which can be
achieved by expanding employ- nological innovation and building a modernized industrial system
ment opportunities and enhancing
zGiving full play to the driving role of economic system reform and ensuring effective
social security systems, Xu said. implementation of landmark reform measures
This point was included dur- zExpanding high-standard opening up while keeping foreign trade and foreign invest-
ing the conference, which called ment stable
for efforts to increase the incomes zPreventing and defusing risks in key areas to ensure that no systemic risks occur
and alleviate the burdens of low- zPursuing coordinated progress in new-type urbanization and all-around rural revital-
and middle-income groups. The ization and promoting integrated urban-rural development
conference also emphasized the zImplementing regional strategies and boosting regional development vitality
importance of developing the zCutting carbon emissions, reducing pollution, pursuing green development and boost-
debut economy, ice and snow ing economic growth, and ramping up the green transition in economic and social
economy and silver economy. The development
debut economy refers to a range zEnsuring and improving the people’s wellbeing, and giving the people a growing
the launch of new products, new
http://www.bjreview.com DECEMBER 26, 2024 BEIJING REVIEW 15
It clearly emphasized the need
to ensure the implementation and
effectiveness of key reform mea-
sures, signaling that a series of
major reforms are expected to be
rolled out next year. These include
reforms in the fiscal and taxation
systems, financial system, state-
owned enterprises, technology and
innovation systems, and social se-
curity systems, Tian said.
China should expand its high-
standard opening up and keep
foreign trade and foreign invest-
ment stable, according to the
Zhou Mi, a researcher at the
Chinese Academy of International
Trade and Economic Cooperation,
told newspaper Economic
invested hospitals have already
begun. The conference’s call to hand homes increased by 3.9 percent year on year in Ensuring and improving peo-
steadily advance the opening of 2FWREHUWKHÀUVWPRQWKRIJURZWKDIWHUHLJKWFRQ- ple’s livelihoods is at the heart of
the service sector, expand pilot secutive months of decline. China’s economic work, and help-
openings in areas such as tele- Liu said the efforts mentioned during the confer- ing everyone lead better lives is
communications, healthcare and ence to intensify the renovation of urban villages the ultimate goal, Niu Li, Deputy
education, and continue to build the and dilapidated housing and revitalize existing land Director of the Department of
“Invest in China” brand signifies UHVRXUFHVDQGFRPPHUFLDODQGRIÀFHSURSHUWLHVUH- Economic Forecasting at the State
that the investment environment is ÁHFWWKHSROLF\DSSURDFKRIGULYLQJHIIRUWVIURPERWK Information Center, told China
expected to become more stable in the supply and demand sides. These measures are Central Television.
the future. expected to sustain the current positive momentum The focus begins with measures
The conference also called on DQGIXUWKHUWUDQVODWHSROLF\EHQHÀWVLQWRPDUNHWFRQ- to ensure that employment remains
authorities to prevent and mitigate ÀGHQFHDQGGHYHORSPHQWDOJDLQV stable and income sees steady
systemic risk in key areas. The conference also called for efforts to pursue growth. The conference clearly
Real estate remains one of the coordinated progress in the new-type urbanization emphasized the need to stabilize
key sectors where risk mitigation is and all-around rural revitalization, and promote the real estate and stock markets,
crucial, and the impact of recent pol- integrated urban-rural development, strengthen the and address risks in key areas to
icies is starting to become evident, implementation of regional strategies to boost re- ensure that no systemic risks oc-
Liu Lin, a researcher at the Chinese gional development and ramp up the green transition cur, thereby ensuring consumer
Academy of Macroeconomic in all areas of economic and social development. FRQÀGHQFHDQGHQFRXUDJLQJVSHQG-
Research, told Xinhua. It called for intensified efforts to secure and ing. When the economy stabilizes,
In late September, the central improve people’s wellbeing, demanding implemen- social stability follows, creating the
bank introduced a series of favor- tation of employment support plans for key sectors foundation for an improved quality
able policies for the real estate and industries, urban and rural communities, and of life, Niu said. BR
sector. According to data from the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.
Ministry of Housing and Urban- According to the conference, the country should
Rural Development, the total formulate pro-childbirth policies, develop commu-
transaction volume of newly built nity-supported at-home elderly care, and expand Copyedited by G.P. Wilson

16 BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 26, 2024 http://www.bjreview.com


By Djoomart Otorbaev

he coming year is expected and “expand domestic demand.” suggest that the government intends
to be challenging for the Additional tailor-made steps will be adapted to the to maintain its “around 5-percent”
Chinese economy, mainly challenging economic landscape. These measures focus growth target for 2025. However,
due to weak domestic demand and on integrating technological and industrial innovations, the precise figure is expected to be
deflationary pressures. A three-year stabilizing property and stock markets, and preventing revealed following the March meeting
downturn in the housing market has and mitigating risks in critical areas, including those of the country’s legislature.
exacerbated these issues, signifi- from potential external shocks. Many global investment banks
cantly impacting consumer sentiment. 3ROLF\PDNHUVDJUHHGRQSODQVWRUDLVHWKHGHÀFLWWR predict a slowdown in China’s eco-
Additionally, the ongoing funda- GDP ratio, increase the issuance of ultra-long special nomic growth for the coming year.
mental restructuring of the economy, treasury bonds and local government special-purpose Nomura expects China’s GDP to
coupled with a complex geopolitical bonds, and reduce interest rates and reserve requirements grow by 4 percent in 2025, a decrease
landscape characterized by multiple IRUÀQDQFLDOLQVWLWXWLRQVDOOSDUWVRIDPRUHSURDFWLYHÀV- from the 4.8 percent growth anticipat-
global crises and a change in the U.S. cal policy. ed for this year. Similarly, UBS and
administration, necessitates thorough The conference announced that China will imple- Goldman Sachs forecast a growth rate
analysis, careful preparation for vari- ment a moderately loose monetary policy in 2025. of approximately 4 percent and 4.5
ous scenarios, including unfavorable Interestingly, the last time China loosened its monetary percent, respectively, for next year. J.P.
ones, and identification of possible policy was in 2010, when the country was dealing with Morgan is somewhat pessimistic, ex-
proactive responses. WKHDIWHUPDWKRIWKHJOREDOÀQDQFLDOFULVLV pecting GDP growth to hit 3.9 percent
Considering the expected complex Most analysts characterized the conference’s tone in 2025, mainly due to the expected
internal and external shocks, Beijing as supportive and realistic regarding the challenges the impact of higher U.S. tariffs.
has formulated several critical policy domestic economy might encounter, particularly con- The forecasts indicate that
measures to support its economy cerning uncertainty about external demand. %HLMLQJPXVWPDNHVLJQLÀFDQWHIIRUWV
in 2025. The new policy measures Beijing has clearly expressed its intention to to reach its goals for the upcom-
were announced following the annual strengthen support for the private sector. This includes ing year. However, forecasts from
Central Economic Work Conference, encouraging investment, reducing excessive and counter- Western institutions in previous years
which sets the economic agenda for productive competition, establishing uniform standards show a trend of pessimism and un-
each coming year. for market operators, and alleviating the pressure that derestimation of China’s economic
The two-day conference in local governments sometimes place on businesses. A performance, and this tendency may
Beijing outlined several key goals. It special law focused on private sector development is continue into 2025. Notably, these
emphasized that China must maintain expected to address this and other challenges that impact pessimistic forecasts should motivate
steady economic growth in the com- SULYDWHFRPSDQLHV·VHOIVXIÀFLHQF\ the Chinese nation to work even
ing year while ensuring employment Particular attention is paid to “neijuan,” a phe- harder and more effectively to achieve
and price stability. nomenon in many industries where rat-race irrational its objectives. BR
New policies primarily focus on competition hinders innovation.
stimulating domestic consumption China has set an economic growth target at around 7KHDXWKRULVIRUPHUSULPHPLQLVWHURI.\UJ\]VWDQD
and attracting investment. At the con- 5 percent this year. The Central Economic Work %HLMLQJ1RUPDO8QLYHUVLW\DQGDXWKRURIWKHERRN
ference, Chinese leaders specifically Conference said the country’s major annual goals and Central Asia’s Economic Rebirth in the Shadow of the
New Great Game (Routledge, London, 2023)
pledged to “implement more proac- tasks of economic and social development will be suc- Copyedited by G.P. Wilson
tive and impactful macro policies” cessfully accomplished. Recent indications from Beijing &RPPHQWVWRGLQJ\LQJ#FLFJDPHULFDVFRP

http://www.bjreview.com DECEMBER 26, 2024 BEIJING REVIEW 17


Bridging Borders

uring the visit of Nepal’s Prime and over 30 international or- the time and cost of cross-border transport
Minister KP Sharma Oli to China ganizations have signed BRI and increase the volume of bilateral trade
from December 2 to 5, the two cooperation agreements, with and investment. The railway will help bring
countries reaffirmed their commitment the initiative extending from the excellent Nepali goods such as cashmere
to deepening their high-quality coopera- Eurasian continent to Africa and fabrics, wood products, handicrafts and or-
tion under the Belt and Road Initiative Latin America. ganic alpine agricultural products to China
(BRI). Oli paid the four-day official visit while transferring China’s technological
at the invitation of his counterpart Premier Joint railway project development to Nepal. For this reason, the
/L4LDQJ7KLVLV2OL·VÀUVWELODWHUDOYLVLWWR Some projects under the BRI are two peoples have great expectations for the
a neighboring country since he returned to already operational, while oth- railway.
the prime ministership in July. ers are expected to take years to Surya Raj Acharya, a Nepali infrastruc-
The two expressed their commitment complete. The China-Nepal cross- ture expert, said she believes that the railway
to strengthening connectivity in sectors border railway is one of the long- will be a game-changer for Nepal’s economic
including ports, roads, railways, aviation, term projects. During Oli’s visit, development after its completion. “The con-
power grids and telecommunications, to WKHWZRFRXQWULHVUHDIÀUPHGWKHLU struction of Nepal-China railway will also
help Nepal transform from a land-locked to commitment to pushing forward be a boon for Nepal. We have seen in many
a land-linked country. with the project. BRI partnering countries that it has improved
Nepal joined the BRI, the China- “The two sides expressed infrastructure and connectivity, created tens
proposed initiative to increase connectivity willingness to steadily advance of thousands of jobs, and helped countries
along and beyond the ancient Silk Road the feasibility study of the Jilong/ realize their shared vision of peaceful devel-
routes, on May 12, 2017. Since then, Keyrung-Kathmandu Cross- opment, win-win cooperation and common
Nepal-China practical cooperation has Border Railway and planned prosperity,” Acharya said.
been further enhanced, both in quality and to hold the Ninth Working
efficiency. Chinese President Xi Jinping Meeting on China-Nepal Railway More aviation cooperation
envisioned the BRI as a framework con- Cooperation. The Chinese side During Oli’s visit, the two sides also agreed to
necting countries around the world through will continue to help Nepal train increase cooperation in civil aviation under the
trade, infrastructure development, finance railway professionals,” read the
and people-to-people exchanges, among joint statement issued during the
others. visit.
As of now, the BRI has achieved far Nepal and China announced
more than physical connectivity. With the the launch of a feasibility study
spirit of extensive consultation, joint con- for the cross-border railway when
tribution and shared benefits, the BRI has President Xi paid a visit to Nepal
evolved into a global platform on which in October 2019. The cross-border
participating countries join hands to im- railway is one of the key proj-
prove people’s livelihoods and drive human ects under the BRI. Since 2022,
development forward, despite the various China has been providing grant
challenges facing the world. assistance to support the feasibil-
Over the past decade, the BRI has deliv- ity study and sending its railway
ered more than 3,000 of practical projects H[SHUWVWRFRQGXFWWKHÀHOGVXUYH\
around the world, bringing tangible ben- work.
BRI partnerships has been growing around for Nepal upon the completion
the world. So far, more than 150 countries of the railway, which will reduce
20 BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 26, 2024 http://www.bjreview.com
BRI. “The two sides value the development national pride in Nepal. cables,” read the joint statement.
of civil aviation ties between China and Nepal,
and support and encourage air transport en- Cross-border energy Endless opportunities
terprises of both sides to open air routes and cooperation Nepal can learn from the experience of
ÁLJKWVEHWZHHQ&KLQHVHFLWLHVDQG1HSDOLFLW- Apart from railroad and aviation Asian countries that have already success-
ies such as Pokhara and Lumbini in light of connectivity, Nepal and China fully completed BRI projects and boosted
market demand, so as to facilitate bilateral eco- have also been working toward their economies. The Jakarta-Bandung
nomic and trade ties and two-way travel,” read collaboration in the field of en- High-Speed Railway is one such example.
the joint statement. ergy. Nepal is rich in water and The railway is a flagship project that
The inauguration of the China-aided willing to sell its surplus electric- dovetails the BRI with Indonesia’s Global
international airport in Nepal’s tourist city ity to China in the near future. Maritime Fulcrum initiative. For the past
Pokhara was one of the greatest moments China has expressed readiness to year since the high-speed train went into
for many Nepali people. The project, an in- support Nepal in this regard. operation, the project has seen all-round
tegral part of the China-Nepal Belt and Road During the official visit, the collaboration by teams from both countries
cooperation, was inaugurated in December two sides also reiterated commit- in areas such as high-speed rail operation
2022. Envisaged more than 59 years ago, the ment toward this end. “The two management, talent development and tech-
international airport is now becoming a boost sides will continue to leverage nology transfer.
to the local economy. the platform of the China-Nepal The BRI is seen as a great opportunity
The opening of the airport has contrib- Energy Joint Implementation for Nepal as it aspires to become a “dy-
uted greatly to Nepal’s connectivity and Mechanism, deepen cooperation namic bridge” between China and India by
allowed for China-Nepal charter flights, in energy and explore exchanges developing North-South transport corri-
creating new opportunities for coopera- in new energy. The two sides dors. In the words of Kalyan Raj Sharma,
tion under the BRI. Pokhara International are ready to expedite the feasi- Chair of the Nepal-China Friendship
Airport, a 4D-standard facility, was built bility study of the China-aided Forum, the BRI presents a strategic
with loan from the Export-Import Bank of Jilong-Rasuwagadhi-Chilime opportunity for Nepal to advance devel-
China by China CAMC Engineering Co. 220KV Cross-Border Power opment projects as there is a lack of vital
Ltd., a company directly affiliated with Transmission Line. The two infrastructure.
China National Machinery Industry Corp., sides agreed to continue to sup- Analysts believe the BRI could be a
a Fortune 500 company. The construction port the cooperation between boon for low-income and middle-income
began in July 2017, two months after Nepal telecommunication operators of countries like Nepal, which are constrained
became a BRI partner country. The airport the two countries and to carry out by limited financial resources and looking
demonstrates China’s pursuit of quality maintenance and expansion proj- for foreign investment to meet their develop-
in project construction and is a source of ects related to cross-border land ment needs.
“For many low- and middle-income

countries constrained by limited financial

resources, the BRI offers a potential pathway
to realize ambitious development goals, par-
alleling China’s rapid growth trajectory of
recent decades,” Sharma wrote in an article
7KHGDPRI published in Kathmandu Post on December
WKH8SSHU 1. He opined that Nepal can take advan-
Hydropower Project tage of China’s expertise in rapid economic
in Lamjung, Nepal, growth and infrastructure construction by
on November 8, approaching the BRI as a nuanced, multidi-
2022. Since it began mensional initiative. BR
operation in January
RIHQHUJ\WR1HSDOoV policy and geopolitics
QDWLRQDOJULGHDFK Copyedited by G.P. Wilson
http://www.bjreview.com DECEMBER 26, 2024 BEIJING REVIEW 21

A Cultural Milestone
By Matteo Giovannini

n December 4, the United Nations modernity and tradition can co- their core essence. In a globalized world,
Educational, Scientific and exist. China’s efforts in cultural this dynamic ensures that heritage can
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) preservation are multifaceted, adapt without losing its soul.
inscribed the Spring Festival, social prac- encompassing education, docu- The listing by UNESCO recognizes
tices of the Chinese people in celebration of mentation and active promotion. that, beyond its economic and geopolitical
the traditional new year known in Standard Schools integrate lessons about LQÁXHQFHV&KLQDLVDOVRKDYLQJDSRVLWLYH
Chinese as Chunjie, on its Representative traditional customs, such as the LQÁXHQFHRQJOREDOFXOWXUHDQGKLJKOLJKWV
List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage significance of red couplets and the vital role of culture in diplomacy. By
of Humanity at the 19th Session of the dumpling-making, into their sharing its traditions, China fosters deeper
Intergovernmental Committee for the curricula. Local governments understanding and goodwill, paving the
Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural organize community events to way for stronger global partnerships.
Heritage in Paraguay. It is a moment of na- ensure that rural areas, where UNESCO’s emphasis on safeguarding
tional pride and global cultural recognition, traditions are often more deeply intangible heritage serves as a call to ac-
bringing the number of Chinese cul- rooted, maintain their cultural tion for communities and individuals to
tural practices to 44, more than any other vibrancy. Media platforms also strike a balance between innovation and
country. celebrate these practices, bring- preservation.
The UNESCO inscription honors the ing them into the homes of The inscription of the Spring Festival on
Spring Festival not only as a symbol of younger, tech-savvy generations. UNESCO’s list symbolizes more than just
China’s over 5,000-year-old civilization The inclusion of the Spring &KLQD·VFXOWXUDODFKLHYHPHQWVDVLWUHÁHFWV
but also as a living tradition that transcends Festival on UNESCO’s list rein- a shared commitment to preserving human-
time, fostering familial bonds, social har- forces this commitment, serving ity’s diverse heritage. As China continues
mony and intercultural understanding. as a reminder that cultural di- to open its doors to the world, its traditions
Its recognition is a testament to China’s versity enriches humanity as a become platforms for intercultural ex-
commitment to preserving and sharing its whole. It also underscores the change, inspiring global audiences to find
intangible cultural heritage with the world, importance of maintaining living common ground in the celebration of life’s
highlighting the universal values embedded traditions that evolve yet retain joys and rituals.
within its most beloved traditions. As the Spring Festival takes its rightful
The Spring Festival is far more than a place among the world’s most treasured
holiday. Rooted in ancient agrarian societ- cultural practices, it reminds us that
ies, it celebrates renewal, family reunion heritage is not just a relic of the past but
and gratitude, serving as a kaleidoscope The inclusion of the a beacon for the future, a source of iden-
of meaningful rituals, customs and artistic
expressions, from the iconic lion dances
Spring Festival on tity, inspiration and connection in an ever-
changing world. The festival’s journey
and red lanterns to the symbolism of re- UNESCO’s list from local tradition to global treasure is a
union dinners and red packets (hongbao).
UNESCO’s recognition also amplifies
reinforces this powerful testament to the enduring strength
of culture in uniting humanity. BR
the importance of the Spring Festival as commitment,
a cultural bridge, connecting the past and
present while offering the world a glimpse
serving as a reminder
into the heart of Chinese life. that cultural diversity 7KHDXWKRULVDILQDQFHSURIHVVLRQDODWWKH,QGXVWULDODQG&RPPHUFLDO

tecting its intangible heritage aligns with

Copyedited by G.P. Wilson
UNESCO’s broader goals, showcasing how a whole &RPPHQWVWRGLQJ\LQJ#FLFJDPHULFDVFRP

22 BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 26, 2024 http://www.bjreview.com


Garlic Panic?
By Liang Xiao

However, Scott has yet to provide evi-
dence to support these claims. According
to the United Nations Food and Agriculture
Organization, China has produced about 23
million tons of garlic annually since 2019, ac-
counting for about 76 percent of global output.
Garlic cultivation in China relies on strong
industrial capabilities, while garlic grown us-
ing traditional methods would be unlikely to
survive a journey to the U.S. and would rarely
be exported. Such garlic, cultivated with natu-
ral fertilizers, is typically sold at several times
the price of mass-produced varieties in the
Chinese market.
This brings us to the heart of the issue. In
recent years, an increasing number of baseless
threats attributed to China have been spread
by U.S. politicians. The most recent of these
rather wild assertions is that Chinese garlic
could make U.S. soldiers sick. Such state-
ments have grown increasingly absurd and
detached from reason. Yet, these speculative
tively affecting not only U.S. society, but also

arlic, a common condiment, as to why garlic was singled out in China-U.S. relations—and, by extension, the
has unexpectedly become a hot such an important U.S. legislative global community.
topic in China-United States rela- bill. Well, based on Western leg- What is even more alarming is that if gar-
tions. On December 11, the U.S. House ends, only vampires are afraid of lic can be labeled a national security threat,
of Representatives passed the National garlic. then what product from China is safe from
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year Florida Senator Rick Scott, a demonization?
2025, as it prohibits the sale of garlic from leading advocate for the current One has to ask: Where and when does this
the People’s Republic of China in U.S. end? When everything is treated as a potential
garlic ban, opposes Chinese garlic
military commissaries. threat, it becomes harder to distinguish be-
mainly because he suspects that it
“Garlic could never have imagined it tween real dangers and manufactured fears—
is fertilized with human feces, a
would pose such a ‘great threat’ to the United ultimately jeopardizing both national security
practice he believes threatens U.S.
States,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokes- and global stability. BR
person Mao Ning joked at a regular press national security, public health
conference the following day. Mao also and economic prosperity. He also
advised certain U.S. politicians to exercise argues that the use of “slave and
more common sense and rationality to avoid child labor” in Chinese garlic
becoming a laughingstock. production allows it to be sold at &RS\HGLWHGE\(OVEHWKYDQ3DULGRQ

http://www.bjreview.com DECEMBER 26, 2024 BEIJING REVIEW 23

The renewed agreement addresses the rise

Sino-U.S. Tech in geopolitical tensions by adding safeguards

to protect national security, demonstrating
effort by China and the United States to seek

Pact Renewed
a balance between security and cooperation.
The Agreement Between China and the
United States on Cooperation in Science
and Technology was first signed in 1979
as one of the first intergovernmental agree-
%\/DQ;LQ]KHQ ments between the two countries after their
establishment of diplomatic ties. It has been

in Science and Technology has fi- term, providing strong support for China-U.S.
nally been renewed after more than a year science and technology exchanges and
of negotiation and two temporary exten- cooperation.
sions. According to China’s Ministry of China-U.S. science and technology co-
Science and Technology, representatives operation not only promotes scientific and
of the Chinese and U.S. governments met technological progress and the economic and
on December 13 in Beijing and signed the social development of the two countries, but
protocol on amending and extending the also helps the two sides address common
DJUHHPHQWIRUDQRWKHUÀYH\HDUVEHJLQQLQJ cooperation, which is of great global challenges and improve the wellbeing
from August 27, 2024. significance to the stability and of people around the world.
The newly signed protocol narrowed the development of the global sci- However, in recent years, China hawks
scope of cooperation, covering collaboration ence and technology ecosystem. It in the United States have attempted to politi-
in fields including climate, oceanography, also enables China and the United cize and overstretch the concept of national
geology and the collection of influenza and States to jointly address global security on science and technology issues,
air quality data, but excluding the work on issues, such as climate change pushing the U.S. Government to abandon
critical and emerging technologies such as and public health, and provide in- the renewal of the agreement on the grounds
artificial intelligence, semiconductors and novative solutions to global issues of concerns that China may use the fruits of
quantum computing. Accordingly, industrial through science and technology bilateral science and technology cooperation
insiders now see the pact as being limited by cooperation. to harm U.S. interests.
severe restrictions. Simply regarding China-U.S. science and
Despite these restrictions, the renewal of technology relations as a zero-sum diplo-
the pact is of great significance in a world matic game will undermine the far-reaching
where anti-globalization sentiments are The renewed VLJQLÀFDQFHRIVFLHQFHDQGWHFKQRORJ\FRRS-
It will play a positive role in stabilizing
agreement addresses eration. As humankind is a community with
a shared future, only through mutual coop-
Sino-U.S. relations. Against the backdrop of the rise in geopolitical eration can we address common problems.
geopolitical tensions between China and the tensions by adding This only adds to the significance of this
United States, it is a positive sign that the two
sides are still willing to maintain cooperation
safeguards to protect agreement.
We hope that the U.S. will work with
in science and technology. Termination of national security, China to earnestly implement the agreement,
the agreement would have caused the sus- demonstrating so that the fruits of China-U.S. science and
pension of many cooperation projects and technology cooperation will continue to ben-
had negative impacts on trust and coopera-
tion among scientists. the United States to
The renewal of the pact shows that de- seek a balance
spite their strong competition, the two sides
are still committed to maintaining order between security Copyedited by G.P. Wilson
within international science and technology and cooperation &RPPHQWVWRODQ[LQ]KHQ#FLFJDPHULFDVFRP

24 BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 26, 2024 http://www.bjreview.com


A summer resort in the Taihang Mountains

A revolutionary tradition
A thriving economy

A view of Zuoquan Lake


Top Nation News Stories

Of 2024



1óóóóó&RXUVH&KDUWLQJó0HHWLQJ Chinese modernization. It stated that the overall objectives of

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the further deepening reform comprehensively are to continue im-
Communist Party of China (CPC), convened in Beijing from proving and developing the system of socialism with Chinese
July 15 to 18, adopted the Resolution of the Central Committee characteristics and to modernize China’s system and capacity
of the Communist Party of China on Further Deepening Reform for governance. It detailed over 300 important reform measures,
Comprehensively to Advance Chinese Modernization. which are to be completed by the 80th anniversary of the found-
The plenary session laid out a blueprint for achieving ing of the People’s Republic of China in 2029.
26 BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 26, 2024 http://www.bjreview.com


On these occasions, President Xi has had in-depth strategic

2óóóóó)UXLWIXOó'LSORPDF\ communications with global leaders and dignitaries to broaden
In 2024, President Xi Jinping made four overseas visits and converging interests for all and promote greater unity and coop-
hosted many distinguished foreign leaders visiting China. eration of the international community.
He also attended several multilateral events. They included As part of efforts to promote world peace and security, China
three China-hosted meetings—the Conference Marking the 70th and Brazil jointly issued a six-point consensus on a political
Anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, settlement of the Ukraine crisis in May, underscoring that dia-
the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States logue and negotiation are the only viable way out of the crisis.
Cooperation Forum and the Beijing Summit of the Forum on In July, China played a pivotal role in facilitating reconciliation
China-Africa Cooperation; the 24th Meeting of the Council of among 17 Palestinian factions, culminating in a historic agree-
Leaders’ Meeting in Lima, Peru; and the 19th Group of 20 (G20) its broader commitment to fostering harmonious coexistence,
Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. global peace and sustainable development.

economic recovery and high-quality development.
China has responded to emerging economic challenges with timely
On November 8, the Central Government unveiled a 12-tril-
macroeconomic policies this year. In particular, the government
lion-yuan ($1.64-trillion) policy package to tackle the growing
began rolling out a series of incremental measures in September,
risk in hidden debt among local governments, an issue that has
including increasing local government
received considerable global attention. The
debt quotas to replace hidden debt, easing

total hidden debt that needs to be addressed

real-estate regulations, directing long-term
capital into the market and increasing sup- by the end of 2028 will be cut from 14.3
port for struggling businesses. trillion yuan ($1.95 trillion) to 2.3 trillion
In September, a more massive-than- yuan ($310 billion), significantly mitigat-
expected policy package was announced ing the potential risk and making local debt
by China’s central bank, top securities management more orderly and transparent.
regulator and financial regulator. The China is on track to achieve the main
package includes a series of monetary goals and tasks it set for economic and
stimulus efforts, property market support social development in 2024, according to
and capital market strengthening mea- VHFXULWLHVWUDGLQJRIĶFHLQ1DQMLQJ-LDQJVX the Central Economic Work Conference,
sures. These initiatives have reignited Province, on October 8 held in Beijing on December 11-12.
http://www.bjreview.com DECEMBER 26, 2024 BEIJING REVIEW 27

Nagoya waits to be
loaded at Qingdao
Port in Qingdao City,
on December 16

4óóóóó:LGHUó2SHQLQJó8Só lishment of wholly foreign-owned hospitals in some cities like
This year, China’s manufacturing industry has reached a world- Beijing and Shanghai.
leading level of openness, with the new edition of the national In October, the country decided to allow foreign investors to
negative list for foreign investment scrapping the two remaining operate wholly-owned businesses such as Internet data centers
manufacturing-related items on the previous list. The list took and engage in online data processing and transaction processing
effect on November 1. in certain areas, as part of a pilot program to expand opening up
are off-limits to foreign investors, have been further slashed to 29. On December 1, China began offering zero-tariff treatment
China has also relaxed market access restrictions in ser- for 100 percent of tariff lines to all least developed countries
vices sectors such as telecommunications and healthcare. In ZLWKZKLFKLWKDVGLSORPDWLFUHODWLRQVEHFRPLQJWKHÀUVWODUJH
September, China announced steps to expand opening up in developing country and major economy to do so.

Breakthroughs were made this year in lunar exploration. The returner of the
Chang’e-6 lunar probe, launched on May 3, returned to Earth on June 25
with 1,935.3 grams of samples collected from the far side of the moon. The
The application and development phase of China’s Tiangong space
station advanced steadily, with taikonauts of the Shenzhou-18 (April-
November 2024) and Shenzhou-19 (starting in November 2024) missions
On October 15, the National Mid- and Long-term Plan for Space
Science in China (2024-50) was unveiled, which lays out China’s space
science development goals and space missions to be carried out in three
7KHUHWXUQHURIWKHChang’e-6OXQDUSUREHODQGVLQWKH phases by 2050. These missions include the continued operation of the
designated area of Siziwang Banner, Inner Mongolia Chinese space station, crewed lunar exploration and a feasibility study for
Autonomous Region, on June 25 an international lunar research station.
28 BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 26, 2024 http://www.bjreview.com

On September 13, the Standing Committee of the National People’s
Congress, China’s top legislature, adopted a decision to gradually raise the
statutory retirement age over 15 years, beginning in 2025.
The statutory retirement age will be raised from 60 to 63 for men, from
55 to 58 for women holding non-physical labor positions and from 50 to 55
for women in blue-collar positions.
The decision aims to reduce the pressures on the pension system and
labor market caused by demographic changes such as increased life expec-
tancy, a rapidly aging population and shrinking working-age population.
Moreover, a private pension scheme, which had been piloted in 36 cit-
ies and regions over the past three years, was expanded to cover the entire

A tourist from
December 4

entry for stays of up to 30 days.

7óóóóó&KLQDó7UDYHO In addition, starting from December 17, China has extended
To further facilitate inbound travel, China has gradually ex- the 144-hour and 72-hour visa-free transit for citizens of 54
panded the list of countries covered by its unilateral visa-free countries to 240 hours (10 days).
policies. The visa-free policy has injected vitality into the tour-
Beginning with France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, ism market. Data released by the National Immigration
Spain and Malaysia in December 2023, China has this year $GPLQLVWUDWLRQVKRZWKDWLQWKHÀUVWPRQWKVRIPRUH
extended visa-free entry policies to include passport holders of than 29.21 million foreign nationals entered China, a year-on-
38 countries. Individuals holding ordinary passports from these year increase of 86.2 percent. Among them, more than 17.44
countries who come to China for business, tourism, visiting rela- million entered without a visa, a year-on-year increase of 123.3
tives and friends, exchange or transit are eligible for visa-free percent.
http://www.bjreview.com DECEMBER 26, 2024 BEIJING REVIEW 29

close-up of a
International Automotive

powered by electric energy, including plug-in EVs, battery EVs,

8óóóóó1HZó(9ó0LOHVWRQHV plug-in hybrid EVs and fuel cell EVs.
July 2024 was the first month in which retail sales of new- In another landmark achievement, figures released by the
energy passenger cars in China surpassed those of fuel vehicles, China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM)
a historic moment for the Chinese automotive industry. showed that China’s 10 millionth EV this year rolled off the
Nationwide retail sales of passenger cars reached 1.72 mil- SURGXFWLRQOLQHRQ1RYHPEHUPDNLQJWKHFRXQWU\WKHÀUVWLQ
lion units that month, according to the China Passenger Car the world to reach the milestone.
Association. Of these, conventional fuel vehicles accounted China is not only a major producer of EVs, but also a ma-
for 840,000 units, a 26-percent decrease year on year, while jor consumer and exporter of them. According to the CAAM,
878,000 new-energy vehicles were sold, representing a 36.9-per- about 80-90 percent of the EVs produced in China are used to
cent increase and a market penetration rate of 51.1 percent. meet domestic demand, with the rest exported to international
In China, EVs are officially called new-energy vehicles, markets. China exported some 679,000, 1.2 million and 818,000
which designate automobiles that are fully or predominantly EVs in 2022, 2023 and January-August 2024, respectively.

9 HarmonyOS NEXT Launched

On October 22, Chinese tech giant Huawei released HarmonyOS NEXT,
of Android architecture.
At the launch, Huawei executive director Yu Chengdong said
HarmonyOS NEXT is truly independent from Android and Apple’s iOS,
with its own operating kernel, programming language, AI framework
and other features that were developed without using the Linux kernel or
Android open-source code. According to Yu, HarmonyOS has so far been
installed on more than 1 billion devices.
and has replaced iOS as the second largest mobile operating system in the
DWWKHODXQFKRI+DUPRQ\261(;7LQ6KHQ]KHQ More than 15,000 applications and meta-services are available for use
Guangdong Province, on October 22 on HarmonyOS, according to Yu.
30 BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 26, 2024 http://www.bjreview.com



Session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee held in

10óóóó1HZO\ó,QVFULEHGó+HULWDJH New Delhi, India.
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Sites in Festival, social practices of the Chinese people in celebration
China increased by three in 2024. At the end of July, the Beijing of the traditional new year, on the Representative List of the
Central Axis: A Building Ensemble Exhibiting the Ideal Order Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, at the 19th Session
of the Chinese Capital, China’s Badain Jaran Desert: Towers of of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of
Sand and Lakes, and the Migratory Bird Sanctuaries along the the Intangible Cultural Heritage, which took place in Asunción,
Coast of the Yellow Sea-Bohai Gulf of China (Phase II) were Paraguay. So far, 44 items of intangible cultural heritage from
included on the World Heritage List by UNESCO at the 46th China are on the list, the most of any country.
http://www.bjreview.com DECEMBER 26, 2024 BEIJING REVIEW 31

Paving Paths to Progress

By Yuan Yuan

ue to the extremely challenging terrain on December 9, “In 2020, we harvested 1,500 kg of navel oranges from about
it had to traverse, it took over one year 24.3 hectares of land, earning 30,000 yuan ($4,000).” Supported by national
to construct the less-than-4-km road development funds, the project has since expanded into its second phase, now
connecting Abuluoha Village to Tuojue Town covering approximately 125.5 hectares.
Prefecture of Sichuan Province in southwest specialty crops like mangoes and Sichuan peppercorns while also establish-
China. The road is surrounded on three sides by ing a new livestock base for black goats and cattle. Improved access to the
towering mountains and overlooks a river on the area has also boosted tourism, with new guesthouses, parking facilities and
other. other amenities attracting over 10,000 visitors last year.
Abuluoha, which means “a place off the beat- The transformation in Abuluoha reflects a broader national effort to
en path” in the Yi ethnic group’s language, has enhance rural infrastructure. According to the China’s Rural Roads in the
long remained isolated, cut off from the outside New Era white paper released by the State Council Information Office in
world by the surrounding peaks. To overcome November, by the end of 2023, China’s rural road network spanned 4.6 mil-
these natural barriers, three tunnels and a steel lion km, accounting for 84.6 percent of the country’s total road range.
bridge were built along this short stretch of road, “Over the past decade, China has either constructed or renovated more
finally linking the remote village to broader re- than 2.5 million km of roads, connecting all suitable townships and villages
gional infrastructure. with paved roads and forming a comprehensive rural transportation network,”
Wang Tao, an expert from the Ministry of Transport, told CCTV. This net-
Roads to opportunities work has boosted the local economy by enhancing access and supporting
The road has reduced the travel time from the industries like tourism and agriculture.
village to the nearest town from over three hours
on foot to only a few minutes by car. “Before the
road was built, leaving the village was a daunting
task,” villager Benzi Rige told newspaper Sichuan
Daily. Residents had two options: a perilous climb
up steep mountain slopes, which inclines nearing
90 degrees; or a treacherous descent down a nar-
row path leading to the valley in the upper reaches
of the Yangtze River, followed by a risky zip-line
crossing over the turbulent waters.
Secluded by its challenging geography,
Abuluoha had suffered persistent poverty. The
road’s construction, which began in 2019 and
was completed in 2020, marked a milestone for
the village. This development has since opened
up new economic avenues for the villagers, who
had previously relied solely on corn cultivation.
Shortly after the road’s completion, the vil-
lage began experimenting with navel orange
farming. Jilie Ziri, Secretary of the village branch
of the Communist Party of China, told China
Central Television (CCTV) in an interview aired
32 BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 26, 2024 http://www.bjreview.com

$F\FOLVWHQMR\VWKH In areas like Haiyuan County in Ningxia Hui been appointed across the different levels. Li
newly upgraded rural
Autonomous Region, villages have leveraged Wenxuan, a road chief in Jiyuan City, Henan
9LOODJH<XDQVKL&RXQW\ these roads to develop industries such as goji ber- Province, oversees a 19-km road connecting the
Hebei Province, ry cultivation, creating a complete industry chain Taihang Mountains to the Yellow River. “As a
on May 9 from farming to processing. Similarly, in Yumai road chief, I work closely with departments from
Township of Shannan City, Xizang Autonomous natural resources, forestry, culture, tourism, and
A rural road winds Region, a new 50-km road completed in 2019 has others to discuss the construction and manage-
WKURXJK)RSLQJ&RXQW\ transformed the area with stunning landscape into ment of this road,” Li told CCTV.
on June 10 a popular destination for self-driving tours. In 2021, Jiyuan launched high-standard road
improvements, which spurred the development of
Development and maintenance

local industries such as agriculture and tourism.

“Understanding that both construction and As a result, the average local per-capita income
maintenance are essential for road development, rose from 28,000 yuan ($4,400) four years ago to
China engages in the scientific and comprehen- 37,000 yuan ($5,800).
sive maintenance of rural roads,” the white paper The white paper also emphasized the growing
stated. “By improving road conditions, ensuring professionalism in rural road maintenance. For
transport safety and carrying out roadside green- instance, Louxing District in Loudi City, Hunan
LQJDQGEHDXWLÀFDWLRQSURJUDPVWKHFRXQWU\KDV Province, manages over 1,200 km of rural roads
seen a steady improvement in the maintenance using AI-powered smart inspection devices.
HIÀFLHQF\RILWVUXUDOURDGVDVZHOODVDQLQFUHDVH These devices can detect cracks in the road sur-
in their service capacity.” face with millimeter-level precision, achieving an
To further reform its rural road management accuracy rate of over 90 percent. Additionally, a
systems, China has implemented an innovative damage database has been established, allowing
“road chief” system. for precise management through algorithms.
Launched in 2020, the system appoints a prin- Local governments are actively exploring inno-
cipal road chief, usually the top county-level leader, YDWLYHÀQDQFLQJPHFKDQLVPVIRUWKHFRQVWUXFWLRQ
as well as road chiefs at the county, township and and maintenance of rural roads, which have helped
village levels. They are responsible for overseeing alleviate funding shortages to some extent.
rural road construction, improving transportation Lishui City in Zhejiang Province has pio-
services, and addressing road hazards. neered disaster insurance mechanisms for rural
As of late 2023, 680,000 road chiefs had roads in mountainous areas. In 2020, Lishui

http://www.bjreview.com DECEMBER 26, 2024 BEIJING REVIEW 33



EHFDPHWKHÀUVWFLW\LQWKHSURYLQFHWRFRPSOHWH diverse terrain, according to the white paper.

a unified tender for comprehensive insurance China has also shared its expertise internationally, providing aid and
covering rural road infrastructure, aiming to support for numerous rural road infrastructure projects in other develop-
VWUHQJWKHQÀQDQFLDOSURWHFWLRQDJDLQVWULVNV ing countries. In 2022, China established the Global Sustainable Transport
Guo Jinfan, head of the rural road management Innovation and Knowledge Center, a platform that promotes cooperation and
station in Zhaitan Township in Lishui, has seen knowledge exchange, sharing China’s valuable experience in rural road de-
the benefits of this insurance firsthand. “Repairs velopment with the global community.
for minor damage caused by disasters used to take One notable example is the road construction project on the outskirts of
more than 10 days, but now they can be completed Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar, which was funded through free aid
in just two or three days,” he told newspaper from China. This project has greatly improved the transportation of eggs from
Lishui Daily. “The recovery time from major land- the town of Mahazaza, helping to boost the local poultry industry. Locally,
slides has been reduced from three to six months this road has affectionately come to be known as the “egg road.”
to within one month,” he added, highlighting the “China’s rural road construction has played a major role in promoting
LQFUHDVHGHIÀFLHQF\EURXJKWE\WKHLQVXUDQFH poverty alleviation and achieving shared development,” Wang Gang, Deputy
Minister of Transport, said at the Global Sustainable Transport Forum held in
Global role Beijing in September. “China will continue to strengthen practical coopera-
Drawing on its extensive experience in construct- tion with other nations through experience sharing and technical exchanges,
ing and managing rural roads, China has developed with the goal of establishing a more inclusive, fair and sustainable rural trans-
for road engineering. These standards are highly
practical and adaptable, shaped by a wide range &RS\HGLWHGE\(OVEHWKYDQ3DULGRQ
of projects across China’s vast and geologically &RPPHQWVWR\XDQ\XDQ#FLFJDPHULFDVFRP

34 BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 26, 2024 http://www.bjreview.com


Sizzling Hot
of dining By Ji Jing

he aroma of sizzling spices and savory with seasoned human chef Yang Sun. The competitors prepared three classic
pork fills the kitchen of a restaurant in dishes: stir-fried sea snails with bamboo shoots, stir-fried beef with peppers
Chengdu’s Jinjiang District, located in the and stir-fried pork with peppers. The robot performed on par with Yang in
there’s no human chef in sight. chef in speed, completing all three dishes in just three minutes and eight sec-
,QVWHDGDFRRNLQJURERWSRZHUHGE\DUWLÀFLDO onds, while Yang took nine minutes and 32 seconds.
intelligence (AI) takes charge, effortlessly whip- The AI chef’s impressive abilities are powered by sophisticated culinary
SLQJXSDSODWHRI´ÀVKÁDYRUHGVKUHGGHGSRUNµ large AI models. The “Zhurong” model, developed by the food preparation
demonstrating its culinary prowess. After feeding and sharing platform Wan AIChef, doesn’t just automate cooking; it also
the ingredients—shredded pork, bamboo shoots tailors meals to individual users’ preferences. To train the AI model, Wan
and wood-ear mushrooms into a box and a quick AIChef assembled a team of hundreds of chefs, gathering extensive data using
FOLFNRQWKH´ÀVKÁDYRUHGVKUHGGHGSRUNµRSWLRQ specialized tools such as odor sensors. These sensors capture details like tem-
the robot goes to work. It swiftly preheats, adds oil perature, color changes and aroma variations during the cooking process.
and introduces the ingredients in a precise order, AI chefs have gained regulatory approval to enter the market. In a pivotal
stir-frying with practiced ease. In just 63 seconds, move, the Haidian District Market Regulation Bureau in Beijing issued the
“It tastes great, and service was really fast. If I 7HFKQRORJ\D%HLMLQJEDVHGURERWLFVDQG$,ÀUPLQ6HSWHPEHU
hadn’t been told, I wouldn’t have known a robot Embodied AI refers to the integration of AI into physical entities like ro-
made this,” a customer shared with newspaper bots, allowing them to perceive, learn and respond to their surroundings. The
People’s Daily. transformative potential of embodied AI has the potential to revolutionize
This restaurant is at the forefront of a growing industries such as the food and beverage sector, where it can lead to ground-
trend. Its kitchen employs five AI robots, each breaking innovations.
cooking classic Sichuan dishes like twice-cooked
pork slices—tender pork belly stir-fried with a

medley of vegetables, and Mapo tofu, a dish fea-
turing soft tofu in a rich, spicy and savory sauce.
The robots are capable of mastering complex
cooking techniques, including frying, stir-frying
and even deep-frying.
“Cooking robots simulate manual cooking
techniques, striving to reproduce the flavor and
texture of handmade food,” Yu Qinwei, Chairman
of Jiubing Robot (Beijing) Co. Ltd., told People’s
Across the country, cooking robots are in-
creasingly taking over kitchens, ushering in a new
era for the food and beverage industry.

Reducing costs
Earlier this year, a cook-off drew the industry’s
Xianglu Technology Co. Ltd. went head-to-head on August 21
36 BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 26, 2024 http://www.bjreview.com

Government departments, including the Ministry
of Commerce, issued the Guidelines on Promoting
High-Quality Development of the Food and
Beverage Industry this March. These guidelines
encourage the research and application of AI, big
data, blockchain technology and smart equipment
within the sector, signaling a government-backed
push toward a more technologically advanced fu-
ture for the industry.

Human-machine collaboration
The considerable potential of AI to transform the
food and beverage industry raises an important
question: Will AI chefs eventually replace human
Chen, a proponent of automation, argued that
many dishes follow strict standard requirements,
Guangdong Province, on November 14
making them ideal for robotic preparation. AI
Unlike single-task robots that are limited to making pancakes or noodles, chefs, according to him, can guarantee consistent
embodied AI cooking robots possess the ability to assess ingredients, control quality and flavor, eliminating variations often
learning. Additionally, they can detect and report potential safety hazards in However, cooking enthusiast Luo Jian, speak-
their working environment. ing to People’s Daily, pointed out a key concern:
“Traditional cooking robots could only follow pre-programmed instruc- AI-prepared dishes may lack the “wok hei”—the
tions. If someone interfered with their operation, the robot could potentially VPRN\FKDUUHGÁDYRUWKDWFRPHVIURPKLJKKHDW
cause harm,” explained Chen Zhen, founder and CEO of EncoSmart cooking in a wok. Luo asserted that the intuitive
Technology, to newspaper Science and Technology Daily. “However, with skill of managing ingredients and heat is devel-
embodied AI algorithms, these new robots can assess safety risks, recognize oped over years of a chef’s experience, a nuanced
human actions, and make human-like decisions, greatly improving safety.” expertise that machines have yet to fully replicate.
The food and beverage industry is facing intense competition, driving Industry experts offer a more balanced per-
businesses to seek innovative solutions. With rising costs in rent, labor and spective, acknowledging that as technology
ingredients, companies are actively looking for ways to reduce expenses and DGYDQFHVURERWVFDQHIÀFLHQWO\KDQGOHORZHUVNLOO
that could revolutionize meal preparation and delivery. man error. However, when it comes to creativity,
Take, for example, the preparation of stir-fried spicy chicken. Manual recipe development and the subtle art of flavor
cooking typically takes eight to 10 minutes, with labor costs ranging from 7 to manipulation, human chefs remain irreplaceable.
13 yuan ($1-1.8). An AI chef, however, can complete the same dish in just 3.5 Looking ahead, many industry insiders envi-
minutes, with energy costs as low as 0.5 yuan ($0.07). Furthermore, the initial sion a future of collaboration between humans
investment and maintenance costs of these AI robots are relatively low, mak- and machines in the kitchen. On one side, AI and
ing them an increasingly attractive alternative for businesses of all sizes. automation can relieve highly skilled chefs from
According to the 2024 China Food and Beverage Industry Report from repetitive tasks, allowing them to focus on devel-
the China Hospitality Association, 65.7 percent of surveyed companies have oping innovative menus and crafting high-end
incorporated digitalization into their strategic plans, highlighting the growing dishes. On the other side, advancements in tech-
acceptance of technology in the sector. nologies like machine learning could empower
Despite recent advancements, the overall adoption of digital intelligence IXWXUHURERWVWRDVVLVWFKHIVLQÀQHWXQLQJÁDYRUV
are still limited to pre-programmed functions. These robots struggle to adapt
to the diverse needs and preferences of individual consumers and lack the abil-
ity to self-learn. &RS\HGLWHGE\(OVEHWKYDQ3DULGRQ
To lift the quality of services and spur innovation, nine Central &RPPHQWVWRMLMLQJ#FLFJDPHULFDVFRP

http://www.bjreview.com DECEMBER 26, 2024 BEIJING REVIEW 37


A Feast From the East


alatang, a Chinese dish originating
from Sichuan cuisine in southwest
almost tongue-numbing broth, which is cooked
with a selection of ingredients, including meats,
vegetables, tofu and noodles. A firm favorite
among many residents of China, today, this
spicy sensation is now gaining popularity far be-
yond the country’s borders.
Chinese malatang has gone viral in Japan.
Posts on major social media platforms such as
microblogging platform Weibo show that numer-
ous malatang restaurants in Japan have become
of eager patrons outside. Diners are drawn to
the dish’s bold flavors and highly customizable
Beyond malatang, other Chinese street
foods, including hotpot, baozi (steamed buns)

and jianbing (savory crepes), are also being em-
braced globally. Hotpot is a traditional Chinese Customers enjoy malatangDWDUHVWDXUDQWLQ7LDQVKXL*DQVX3URYLQFHRQ$SULO
dish, a social experience even, where a sim-
mering pot of broth is placed at the center of Sichuan peppercorns to the pot, cooking their ingredients on the spot. This
the table, and diners cook raw ingredients like method of cooking and eating also helped ward off the cold and dampness
meats, vegetables, tofu, and noodles by dipping of the river environment. Over time, this rustic style of dining spread and
them into the boiling broth. blended with other regional culinary traditions, evolving into the malatang
Their rising popularity is fueled by a grow- we know today.
ing interest in authentic regional cuisines and As health awareness is on the rise, modern malatang has started to
the social trends surrounding more “global” din- shift toward using bone broth as its base. This variety uses a rich, sa-
ing experiences. vory broth made from pig and beef bones, resulting in a lighter flavor
compared with the traditional spicy version. Zhangliang, one of the most
Healthy and customizable popular malatang brands, is renowned for its bone broth and fresh in-
Malatang literally translates to “numb, spicy gredients, boasting 6,000 stores worldwide, including over 80 overseas
and hot” in Chinese. Its defining characteristic locations in more than 15 countries.
is its rich broth, infused with a blend of spices, Another popular brand, Yangguofu, has opened stores in more than 20
including Sichuan peppercorns, chili oil, garlic countries. “These stores are frequented by both Chinese customers and,
and other seasonings. The result is a fiery fla- increasingly, by locals,” Liang Yanwen, who is in charge of membership at
vor—a hallmark of Sichuan cuisine. Yangguofu, said in an interview with news portal IFeng.com.
There are several stories about the origin The low-calorie vermicelli and customizable ingredients have attracted
of this dish, but one of the most popular is that many customers in Japan. According to Japanese TV program TBS News,
it was created by boatmen and porters along most customers visiting the restaurant are women, with social media posts
meal. Using simple tools like clay pots and dry ness trainers.
firewood, they would add chili peppers and “From a health perspective, the freedom to customize and the abundance
38 BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 26, 2024 http://www.bjreview.com
of vegetables make it a relatively healthy food. Capsaicin [the chemical in of the fruit inside.
chili peppers responsible for their heat] stimulates the metabolism, increas- In February, right after the traditional
ing calorie burning,” Luo Chaofan, a rehabilitation therapist at the National Chinese New Year (or Spring Festival),
Health Commission of China, told newspaper Global Times. a young woman named Wang Yibei from
In contrast to traditional Chinese malatang, the version found in the Chongqing Municipality, who had just ob-
Republic of Korea also features a lighter broth and milder spiciness. The re- tained her masters’ degree in London, England,
duction of spices and oil has been a key factor in its success in the country. dressed in traditional Chinese attire and took to
As an emerging trend in Korean food culture, some food companies have the streets of Edinburgh, Scotland. There, she
also introduced malatangÁDYRUHGUDPHQIULHGFKLFNHQDQGRWKHUORFDOO\ handed out her homemade tanghulu to pass-
popular products. ersby for free.
In October 2023, the first Yangguofu store opened in Düsseldorf, Wang, giving away nearly 30 skewers in
Germany, covering approximately 300 square meters. On its opening day, one hour, didn’t expect the locals would love
the store sold over 700 bowls of malatang, setting a record for the highest tanghulu so much. “Some passersby came over
single-day sales across its global locations, with a line of customers stretch- because they had never seen tanghulu before,
ing out into the street. while others recognized it as a Chinese delicacy.
“Located in [Düsseldorf’s] bustling business district, the store’s décor They approached to ask questions and have
style combines modern aesthetics with different Chinese elements,” Lena a bite, praising it as they ate,” Wang said. “I
Fu, a Chinese working in Germany’s Cologne City who has visited the wasn’t just happy the skewers all went; what re-
Yangguofu store in Düsseldorf, told Beijing Review. “Warm soup and col- ally brought me joy were the smiles I received
orful ingredients perfectly match the winter season.” and the appreciation for Chinese culture.”
Wu Shaohua, the owner of a Shaxian deli-
More than food cacies restaurant in Porto, Portugal, has also
Malatang is just one example of Chinese street food making waves in the observed the increasing popularity of Chinese
world. Tanghulu, a traditional Chinese snack, is winning the hearts of many food there.
children and young people overseas. It consists of sugar-coated fruit skew- Shaxian delicacies encompass an assortment
ered on a stick. Typically, it uses hawthorn berries, but other fruits, such as of traditional snacks and dishes from Shaxian
strawberries, grapes and mandarin segments, can also be coated in sugar. County in Fujian Province, southeast China.
which hardens as it cools, creating a crunchy, sweet coating. Tanghulu is ings, these delicacies are popular throughout
often sold by street vendors, especially during festivals and in winter, and is China, especially in the southern regions. Some
beloved for the contrast between its sweet, crunchy exterior and the tartness of the most famous dishes include steamed
dumplings, pork-filled wontons and noodles

served with soy sauce. In 2021, Shaxian deli-

cacies were added to the national intangible
cultural heritage list.
Wu noted that most of his customers are
local Portuguese, many of whom are repeat pa-
trons. “Strengthening cultural exchange between
the two countries is important, and food serves
as an excellent bridge,” he told newspaper
Fujian Daily. The snacks he prepares not only
preserve the essence of Chinese cuisine but also
cacies a medium for cultural exchange between
China and Portugal. BR


http://www.bjreview.com DECEMBER 26, 2024 BEIJING REVIEW 39


Twists and Trends


rom the futuristic gleam of the Year 3000 just a decorative afterthought—it’s a full-blown
(Y3K) aesthetic to the rise of pet pamper- declaration. Following the rise of Y3K, three bold
ing and the allure of artificial intelligence hues went on to capture the cultural zeitgeist: Mint
(AI) love, 2024 has presented subtle undercurrents, Mambo, Brat Green and French Violet, each telling a
striking visuals and unexpected twists that have re- deeper story about the society that selected them.
designed China’s social landscape this year. In March, we saw Mint Mambo, an easygo-
ing style that was a feisty blend of mint’s calming
Slow burn to bonfire coolness, speaking to the rise of mental health con-
The year kicked off with a slow burn of nostalgia, with sciousness among young Chinese, and the lively
the drama series Blossoms Shanghai leading the way. energy of mambo—yes, the Latin dance where your
Set in the 1990s and directed by the legendary Hong hips don’t lie, which resonated with the Gen-Z con-
1. A glammed-up
Kong moviemaker Wong Kar-wai, the series took nection to global trends like TikTok challenges or corgi, posted by
viewers inside the transformation of a sleepy city into a viral dances, where youthful energy and self-expres- pFKHQSLEXVKLFKHQSLq
glittering metropolis. sion are central themes. It stated: “I’m Zen, but ready RQ;LDRKRQJVKXD
But the show, which first hit screens last to shake things up.” PHJDSRSXODU&KLQHVH
lifestyle and e-commerce
December 27, became about more than the city—it Then came Brat Green, an acid lime hue that platform, steals netizen
captured the style of an era. On China’s lifestyle and screamed, “I’m here. I’m messy. Deal with it.” KHDUWV
e-commerce platform Xiaohongshu, users could be Inspired by British singer and songwriter Charli $QDGRQ;LDRKRQJVKX
the show’s characters this January, according to Jing anti-trend of this summer, symbolizing rebellious promises AI-generated
in China. Brat Green was the 2024 sequel to last year’s
But why the nostalgia for the 90s? Dopamine Dressing summertime fad, where wearing
Law told Beijing Review at the time, “Even for those and who couldn’t use a little more dopamine?
too young to have really lived it, the 90s [in Shanghai] Jing Daily’s meta editor and fashion writer
was an era of charm, of hope for personal and econom- %HWKDQLH5\GHUHODERUDWHGRQWKHÁDVK\IHHORIERWK
ic advancement—hope that has since waned in light of neon spectacles: “I love the fact that China’s Gen Zs
rising living costs and employment challenges.” are turning to fashion as a medium of joy. I know the
But fashion is always reactive, often serving as concept of Dopamine Dressing has been around for
a counterpoint to prior vogues and broader societal a couple of years now, but I think we’re in dire need
moods. In China, where social media fuels (life)style of some color in our lives at the moment—and dopa-
crazes 24/7, it’s no surprise that just two months into mine dressing offers exactly that.”
the year, a new, blossoming mood board emerged: Amid these loud bursts of color, came the under- 3
WKH<.DHVWKHWLFDERQÀUHRIJOLPPHULQJFRORUVDQG stated charm of French Violet. A muted, romantic
digital motifs that embodied a dramatic pivot toward blend of lavender and violet, the shade debuted just
optimism. in time for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games in France,
It was as if young Chinese hit Ctrl+Alt+Del on the from July 26 to August 11, channeling the quiet pow-
past and rebooted with an entirely new attitude. er of French style—a power that’s more subtle than
Color me bold $OOWKLVÁDPER\DQWjoie de vivre went on to reach
In the fast lanes of Chinese social media, color isn’t a whole new, rather unconventional audience…
40 BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 26, 2024 http://www.bjreview.com
Leashes to lashes or under the open sky, where love and life wait for
As color exploded across fashion this year, the trend those bold enough to chase them. For those ready to
took an unexpected turn—into the realm of pets. step outside and search for real-world relationships,
From tiny dogs in custom sweaters to cats in the world of trends offers plenty to explore.
color-coordinated collars, young Chinese pet owners
The green theme
have gone all in, splurging on grooming, tailored out-
One trend that’s been growing in popularity, ac-
cording to Jin Xiaohang, a partner at Beijing Xiao
violet blush here, a fake eyelash there, all curated to
& Xiao Information Consulting Co. Ltd., is the
match their distinctive looks.
concept of liaoyu (meaning “healing” or “therapy”).
After all, fashion is about that purrfect fit. On
Jin ranked it among his top three favorite trends
Xiaohongshu, vloggers and their fur babies wearing
on Xiaohongshu this year. Hashtags like “healing
matching outfits became a major hit this year. The
office space design” and “healing fashion” have
hashtag “pet makeup products” alone raked in over racked up tens of thousands of posts, comments and
100k posts. likes, demonstrating a public desire for spaces and
But behind the razzle-dazzle vogue lies a experiences that deliver not just style, but emotional
deeper story. comfort and some seriously chill vibes.
In recent years, more young Chinese are living But it’s not just about fashion or décor. Hannah
alone. According to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, an 'RQJDYROXQWHHUDWWKHVDPHÀUPKDVEHHQQRWLFLQJ
estimated 92 million were single-person households the fast-paced rhythm of life in Beijing ever since her
3. A man poses in front as of late 2021, up from 77 million in 2018. Many return to the city from Boston, the United States, in
GHSLFWLQJWKHZRUGpEUDWq April. “Everything just moves at such a high speed
LQKRQRURIWKH%UDW According to Statista.com, China’s urban pet popula- here,” she remarked. “People are so driven by work
*UHHQDHVWKHWLF tion has grown nearly 50 percent over the past five that they barely have time to breathe, let alone think.”
&KLQHVHIDVKLRQODEHO years, with pet owners now spending over $900 a And just when it seemed like the city couldn’t
<X<XQoV)DOO:LQWHU year on their furry companions. It’s a tale of paws and go any faster, a new trend emerged: 20 minutes in
FROOHFWLRQKDLOHGE\ SURÀWV the park. “People started embracing nature like nev-
But then there are also those singles seeking com- er before—hugging trees, taking in the fresh air and
panionship beyond the physical realm... spending time in the park every day to recharge,”
Jin explained. The “20 minutes in the park” trend,
Love is in the AIr? especially popular this autumn, was proof that even
Chinese Gen Z is swiping right on a new kind of in a city like Beijing, nature could be the ultimate
2 love—AI-generated partners, according to a Beijing solution to urban burnout.
Evening News article from November. Whether a The rise in popularity of outdoor sports mirrors
trend, cultural shift or existential experiment, one a deep, collective yearning to reclaim control over
thing’s clear: These digital companions are rewriting health and wellbeing that first emerged during the
the rules of romance, offering sweet texts and deep COVID-19 pandemic. More people are lacing up
chats minus the emotional baggage of real-world re- their sneakers, hopping on bikes and heading out,
lationships. a sporty phenomenon further fueled by the perfor-
But what’s beneath the surface? mances of Chinese Gen-Z Olympians in Paris.
In a culture where the pressure to marry and settle %XWWKHWUXHWUDQVIRUPDWLRQLVQ·WMXVWLQWKHÁLSV
down is high, AI partners offer a low-stakes alternative and tricks these athletes performed with BMX
4 to the high-stakes drama of traditional relationships— bikes, skateboards, breakdance moves, or world-
no nagging in-laws, no ticking biological clock, just record-shattering swims and dives on the world’s
“intimacy” on demand. It’s the perfect budget-friendly biggest athletic stage.
antidote to the dating pressure cooker of the country. It’s in how the pursuit of holistic health has surged
Perhaps this is a glimpse into a future where romance from a quiet undercurrent to a powerful mainstream
is less about “I do” and more about “I download.” wave—one set to sweep through 2025. BR
The question remains: Is leaning on AI for love
good for you? Time will tell. Copyedited by G.P. Wilson
Maybe the real answer is still out there—at a café
http://www.bjreview.com DECEMBER 26, 2024 BEIJING REVIEW 41

A Symphony
Of Harmony
Bulgarian musician contributes to promoting

n the morning of November 13, a grace- International School of Qingdao, in Qingdao, Shandong Province.
ful violin melody flowed along the For Kutin, who has been extensively trained in Western music, Chinese
Qingdao seashore, blending seamlessly music holds a unique charm. “Chinese music is all about nature. It’s about that
with the rhythm of the ocean waves. The man ambient feeling. In Western music, everything is structured down to the tini-
has been living in China for 15 years. performer’s interpretation. This was very intriguing to me.”
When asked how he achieves such harmony With his deep appreciation for Chinese music, Kutin skillfully combines
between music and nature, Kutin told Beijing Chinese and Western musical elements and collaborates with Chinese musi-
Review, “Music touches our hearts and helps us cians to create original pieces. In one of his latest works, Kutin blends his
express ourselves. This piece made me think of violin with the erhu, a two-stringed instrument often called the “Chinese
WKHRFHDQ³LWFDQEHFDOPJHQWOHRUÁRZLQJMXVW violin,” alongside the sounds of frogs and birds, creating a harmonious and
like the waves.” moving composition. “It’s a perfect combination of Western and traditional
Chinese music, intertwined with the sounds of nature. Working with Chinese
East meets West musicians is incredibly rewarding because I learn so much, and they are truly
Before coming to China, Kutin held prestigious inspiring.”
roles such as principal viola of the San Angelo Having lived in China for 15 years, Kutin has witnessed the country’s
Symphony Orchestra in the United States and rapid economic, social, and educational development, as well as the growing
assistant conductor of the Fort Worth Youth global recognition of Chinese music. “Chinese music is now more popular
Symphony Orchestra. Currently, he serves as on the world stage than ever before. You now hear it performed at Western
the music coordinator for the Yew Chung Yew festivals and performances. Many overseas music schools are starting to
Wah (YCYW) Education Network’s Shandong teach Chinese music and instruments. For example, at American universities,
joint campus, teaching music at Yew Chung Western students are performing in Chinese ensembles, learning how to play
42 BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 26, 2024 http://www.bjreview.com

instruments like the pipa, a four-stringed lute, of belonging. Music truly bonds the performers,”
and the guzheng, a Chinese zither with plucked Kutin said.
strings. It’s an extraordinary experience for Kutin also uses music to deliver meaningful
Westerners to play Chinese music.” messages to his students. He wrote the lyrics of
He also noted the increasing incorporation a song about frugality together with the students,
of Chinese traditional elements by international explaining what frugality means—reusing items
artists. For instance, during Alan Walker’s 2024 instead of discarding them unnecessarily, avoid-
global tour in Shanghai, the renowned British- ing waste. They turned this message into a song
Norwegian DJ and music producer featured the and then into a music video. Kutin said the work
suona, a traditional Chinese double-reed wind in- turned out beautifully, and the students play it al-
strument known for its bright, penetrating sound, most every week.
in a performance of The Spectre, thrilling the en- As an educator, Kutin is also committed to
WLUHDXGLHQFH´7KLVWUHQGUHÁHFWV&KLQD·VJURZLQJ nurturing musical talent. He praises the intel-
SRSXODULW\DQGLQÁXHQFH&KLQHVHSHUIRUPHUVQRZ ligence and diligence of Chinese students, who
possess extraordinary skills that are captivating often have a strong foundation in traditional
the world,” Kutin remarked. music. “I feel privileged to help my students
integrate Western traditions with their own—
Musical connections an opportunity not commonly found elsewhere.
“I believe that music is a language—an incredibly That makes me feel I am a special educator,”
powerful one that brings people together,” Kutin he explains. Under Kutin’s guidance, many of
said. his students have been accepted into prestigious
At Yew Chung International School of music institutions, such as the Eastman School of
Qingdao, this philosophy comes to life. The school Music and Indiana University, with several earn-
has students from diverse cultural backgrounds, ing full scholarships.
each bringing their unique musical expressions. In addition to his work at school, Kutin com-
To help international students overcome cultural poses music for social causes. He has produced
shock and quickly adapt to the Chinese environ- several pieces to help people with mental disabili-
ment, Kutin arranges music pieces tailored to WLHVUHOD[DQGÀQGFRPIRUW
their abilities. “When students perform together, it “Music is a unique art form that evokes love
3HWDU.XWLQSHUIRUPV fosters teamwork and allows them to express both and creates a special feeling unlike anything else.
KLVFRPSRVLWLRQRQ their cultural identity and individuality. Playing
WKH4LQJGDRVHDVKRUH I’m fortunate that music allows me to connect
on November 13 WRJHWKHUEXLOGVFRQÀGHQFHKDSSLQHVVDQGDVHQVH with so many people and make a positive impact
on their lives,” Kutin said.

Looking ahead, Kutin is determined to con-

tinue exploring new musical trends and inspiring
others along the way. “Music is constantly
evolving, and musicians must keep learning to
grow,” he said. With a passion for creating and
sharing, Kutin aims to foster deeper connections
between people and cultures, contributing to a
more harmonious and vibrant future through
music. BR



on November 14
http://www.bjreview.com DECEMBER 26, 2024 BEIJING REVIEW 43

Clay, Culture and Craft

he Xinjiang Pottery Art Exhibition at the Chinese $PDSVKRZVKRZSDLQWHG
Traditional Culture Museum showcases over 800 SRWWHU\VSUHDGIURP&KLQDoV
pottery pieces from different periods in the history of 6LON5RDGWRRNVKDSH
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
2. A pottery installation
The exhibition features pictures of pottery dating back
to prehistoric times, as well as contemporary earthenware 3. A ceramic cat crafted using
crafts. It also displays essential elements of pottery produc-
tion, such as molds and clay pigments. 4. Pottery pieces created by
Xinjiang pottery has a long history, shaped by the diverse contemporary artisans from
ethnic groups residing in the region. Its development was im- Autonomous Region
pacted by economic and cultural exchanges between the East
5. Replica of a traditional Xinjiang
and the West, as well as millennia of ethnic integration. The DLUGU\LQJVKHOWHUIRUSRWWHU\
(Text and photos by Wei Yao)

46 BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 26, 2024 http://www.bjreview.com


5 4 3

http://www.bjreview.com DECEMBER 26, 2024 BEIJING REVIEW 47

saps their ability to innovate and develop
Consumers are not necessarily the
as low prices often bring low-quality prod-
ucts and services.
The crux now is, although rat races
among businesses are cruel, there is no ex-
to distinguish these practices from normal
market competition. That’s why the govern-
ment has to take action.

Ultimately, the aim of any measures
should be to maintain a healthy competi-
tion environment. Businesses fall into the

he annual Central Economic to less diversified and shoddier prod-
trap of rat-race competition for the sake
Work Conference held in Beijing ucts and overconsumption of resources,
of survival, so it’s necessary to improve
on December 11-12 mentioned without bringing about growth in pro-
the living condition for businesses while
that China is to address neijuan, or “rat- ductivity.
cracking down on rat races.
race” irrational competition. A rat race These rat races throw competitors into
Chi Yu (The Time Weekly): Rat races
occurs when businesses focus their efforts states of meaningless effort. The effect among businesses often involve illicit
on non-productive forms of competition, can be compared to one person in the front activities, such as intellectual property
such as engaging in price wars, instead row of a theater standing to gain a better infringement and using online ghostwrit-
of finding new points of growth through view, prompting those behind them to ers to smear rivals, which can seriously
innovation. stand too. Finally the entire audience has disrupt market order. In a market where
This was not the first time that rat to stand up and ends up seeing no more races to the bottom are prevalent, most of
races had been touched upon at a senior than they did when they were all sitting. the costs are actually borne by workers,
policymakers’ conference. On July 30, This kind of competition is increasing who have to work longer hours and accept
at an economic conference held by the rapidly across economic sectors, exem- lower wages to make up for losses.
Political Bureau of the Communist Party plified by brutal price wars between e- In order to curb rampant rat-race prac-
of China Central Committee, which commerce stores and manufacturers of tices, it’s important to build a fair and just
consists of the Party’s highest-ranking electric vehicles. In some cases, races to market competition mechanism, through
officials, it was mentioned that actions the bottom in terms of prices have already which companies focusing on research
would be taken to prevent rat-race style caused huge losses to businesses. In the and innovation will see more profits and
vicious competition among businesses. initial stage of price cuts, businesses may businesses.
0RUHDQGVSHFLÀFPHDVXUHVDUHH[SHFWHG see some growth in sales, but protracted Given the damage rat-race competi-
to follow. price wars will gradually cause consumers tion causes, and considering the country’s
Xin Haiguang (The Beijing News): to “wait and see,” which tends to put off long-term development, the government’s
In a market economy, competition has consumption. initiatives to curb rat races are necessary
always been encouraged as it can boost Shrinking profits are just one negative and must be made more effective. BR
productivity, promote technological result of engaging in rat races. It also forces
SURJUHVVDQGEULQJPRUHEHQHÀWVWRERWK businesses to invest excessively on market-
businesses and consumers. However, rat ing—a waste of resources, and imitate and Copyedited by G.P. Wilson
races among companies sometimes lead &RPPHQWVWR\DQZHL#FLFJDPHULFDVFRP
even plagiarize others’ products and, finally,
48 BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 26, 2024 http://www.bjreview.com
In addition to Beijing Review,
Review, CICG Americas
publishes China Hoy,
Hoy, a monthly publication
launched in 1960, aiming to bridge the gap
between China and the Spanish-speaking
world—particularly Latin American countries.

Website: www.chinahoy.com.cn

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