4 Ghatnachakra Purvalokan Polity 2022 English
4 Ghatnachakra Purvalokan Polity 2022 English
4 Ghatnachakra Purvalokan Polity 2022 English
© Publisher
Edition - Sixth
Edition Year - 2022
Writer - SSGC
M.R.P.: 300/-
ISBN : 978-93-90927-74-6
Indian Polity and Governance
(4th in 8 Part Series)
Printed at -
Core Publishing Solution Chapter Page No. Chapter Page No.
The English edition of “ iwokZoyksdu ” has been prepared keeping in view the
requirements of the English medium students. The changes in the examination pattern have
been kept in focus. Its contents are thoroughly updated and authenticated with a team of
experts. The treatise has been enriched by incorporation of maximum number of questions
of different examinations and their authentic explanations.
After the inclusion of CSAT as a compulsory part of civil services examinations by
Union and State Public Services Commissions, the objective type questions have been
compiled chapter-wise according to CSAT syllabus. In this edition, questions related to
states, nations and the world have been compiled together. However, Current Events,
History, Geography, Economics, Environment, Science and State Based Questions find a
place in a separate section. Thus, all the questions have been compiled in 8 sections, 7 of
them are according to central civil services examination (IAS) and the 8th section caters to
State based questions.
We hope that the book will fulfill the needs of English medium students. We have
tried our best to present our highly esteemed and beloved readers an authentic and upto date
book on General Studies. Any discrepancy brought to our notice will be taken care of in
forth coming Editions. Suggestions for improvement are welcome.
May this book enjoy success unprecedented!!
No. of Ques.
IAS Pre exam 2011-2021 100 × 11 1100
IAS Pre exam 1993-2010 150 × 18 2700
UP PCS Pre exam 1998-2021 150 × 25 3700
UP PCS Pre exam 1990-1997 120 × 8 960
UP PCS Mains exam 2002-2003 150 × 2 300
UP PCS Mains exam (including special exams) 2004-2017 150 × 31 4650
UP PSCGIC exam 2010 and 2017 150 × 3 450
UP (UDA/LDA) Pre exam 2001-2006 150 × 3 450
UP (RO/ARO) Pre exam (General and Special exam) 2010-2018, 2021 140 × 8 1120
UP (UDA/LDA) Mains exam (General and Special exam) 2010-2014 120 × 5 600
UP Lower Subordinate Pre exam (General and Special exam) 1998-2009 100 × 11 1100
UP Lower Subordinate Pre exam (General and Special exam) 2013-2015 150 × 2 300
UP Lower Subordinate Mains exam (General and Special exam) 2013, 2015, 2016 120 × 3 360
UPPCS (RI) Pre Exam 2014 100 × 1 100
UP BEO Pre Exam 2019 120 × 1 120
Uttarakhand PCS Pre exam 2002-2016 150 × 7 1050
Uttarakhand (UDA/LDA) Pre exam 2007 150 × 1 150
Uttarakhand PCS Mains exam 2002 & 2006 150 × 2 300
Uttarakhand (UDA/LDA) Mains exam 2007 100 × 1 100
Uttarakhand Lower Subordinate Pre exam 2010 150 × 1 150
Madhya Pradesh PCS Pre exam 1990-2006 75 × 15 1125
Madhya Pradesh PCS Pre exam 2010
Madhya Pradesh PCS Pre exam 2012-2020
Chhattisgarh PCS Pre exam 2003-2005
150 × 2
100 × 9
75 × 2
Chhattisgarh PCS Pre exam 2008 & 2013 -2020 100 × 9 900
Chhattisgarh PCS Pre exam 2011 150 × 1 150
Rajasthan PCS Pre exam 1992 120 × 1 120
Rajasthan PCS Pre exam 1993-2012 100 × 11 1100
Rajasthan PCS Pre exam 2013, 2018 & 2021 150 × 5 750
Bihar PCS Pre exam 1992-2020 150 × 19 2850
Jharkhand PCS Pre exam 2003-2011 100 × 2 200
Jharkhand PCS Pre exam 2013, 2016 & 2021 100 × 5 500
225 28805
After exclusion of repeated questions from above questions of 225 papers around 28800 questions have been
categorized as following:
ü Current Affairs
ü History of India and Indian National Movement
ü Indian and World Geography
ü Indian Polity and Governance
ü Economic and Social Development
ü General issues on Environmental Ecology
ü General Science
ü State Related Question
In this sixth edition of PREVIEW ( iwokZoyksdu ) series, we are presenting Indian Polity and Governance in 4th
section. As per the new revised format, 2524 questions have been collected from 225 question papers of Union and States Civil
Service Examinations. After elimination of 295 repetitive questions, 2229 questions have been included in this section.
Repeated questions were given below the original questions so that our aspirants can analyze the trend of repetitive questions.
decisions which would be taken by the majority of the council.
*Governor General could vote only in case of tie. *A Supreme
Acts Passed under the British Crown
Court which had a Chief Justice and three other Judges was
*The British Crown decided to assume sovereignty over India
established at Fort William in Calcutta in the year 1774 by
from the East India Company by the Government of India Act
this Act. This act Prohibited the Servants of the company from 1858. *The name of the post of Governor General was renamed
engaging in private trade or accepting gifts and bribes from as the 'Viceroy' of India. He became the direct representative
the Indians. *British Government strengthened the control of the British Crown. *Lord Canning became the first Viceroy
over the company through the Court of Directors (Governing of India. *Board of Control and Court of Director’s came to
body of Company) to report on its revenue, civil and military an end. A new post of Secretary of State of India was created.
affairs in India. *He was assisted by a council of 15 members. He received the
*Pitts India Act 1784 distinguished between the commercial powers so long enjoyed by the court of Directors and Board of
and political functions of the company. *Board of Control Control. *The council of India was to be advisory in nature, in
was created for political matters and the Court of Directors most cases the initiatives and the final decision remained with
controlled the commercial affairs. *Board of Control was the Secretary of State for India. Indian Council Act 1861,
comprised of 6 people. initiated the participation of the Indian representatives in law
*Act of 1786 provided that Governor General could overrule making process. *The act restored the legislative powers of
his council in matters of importance affecting the safety, making and amending laws to the provinces of Madras and
peace or interest of the Empire in India. *Governor General Bombay and thus initiating the process of decentralization.*The
was granted the powers of Commander-in-Chief. *Lord Act empowered the Viceroy to issue ordinances in case of
Cornwallis was the first Governor General to enjoy these emergency which were not to remain in force for more than
powers. *Charter Act of 1793 further extended the commercial six months. Indian Council Act 1892, increased the number
monopoly of the company for another 20 years. *Charter Act of non-official members both in the Central and Provincial
transferred and reserved. For the first time, the term, responsible The Indian Council Act, 1892 increased the functioning
Government was used. *Under this act, a commission was to of the Legislative Councils. The councils were given the
be constituted after 10 years which will review the working of power of discussing the Budget and addressing questions
this act and present its report. In November 1927 (i.e. 2 years to the executive.
before the schedule), the British Government announced the
3. In which of the following Acts, the provision was made
appointment of a seven member statutory commission under the
for the establishment of Supreme Court at Calcutta?
chairmanship of Simon to report on the condition of India under
(a) Regulating Act, 1773 (b) Pitt’s India Act, 1784
its new constitution. The commission was hence called Simon
commission. *Government of India Act 1935 provided for (c) Charter Act, 1813 (d) Charter Act, 1833
the establishment of an All India Federation consisting of U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2010
provinces and Princely states as units. *It introduced dyarchy Ans. (a)
at centre and abolished the same in the provinces. *It provided The provision for the establishment of Supreme Court at
for the establishment of a Reserve Bank of India to control Fort William, Calcutta was made in the Regulating Act,
the currency and credit of the country. *Principle of Communal 1773. Sir Elijah Impey was the first Chief Justice of this
representation was further extended by providing the separate Supreme Court.
electorates for Scheduled Castes, women and labours. *A
Federal Court was set up in 1937 through this act. *This act 4. With reference to the establishment of Supreme
separated Burma from the British India and the establishment Court, which of the statement is/are correct?
of two new provinces-Sindh and Orrisa. *It introduced 1. Supreme Court at Calcutta was established by
bicameralism in 6 out of 11 provinces. India Independence the Regulating Act of 1773.
Act 1947 declared India to be an Independent and Sovereign 2. Lemaister was the first Chief Justice of this Court.
5. By which one of the following Acts was the Federal The matched pairs are as follows :
Court in India created? Regulating Act, 1773 – Establishment of Supreme Court
(a) Indian Council Act, 1861 Pitt’s India Act, 1784 – Establishment of Board of Control
(b) Government of India Act, 1909 Charter Act, 1813 – Permission to English Missionaries
(c) Government of India Act, 1919 to work in India
(d) None of the above Charter Act, 1833 – Appointment of Law Member in
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2014
Governor General Council.
Ans. (d)
8. In the context of Indian history, the principle of
The Federal Court in India was established by the
'Dyarchy (diarchy)' refers to
Government of India Act, 1935 on 1st October, 1937. Sir
(a) Division of the central legislature into two houses.
Maurice Gwyer was its first Chief Justice. Hence, option (d)
(b) Introduction of double government i.e., Central and
is the correct answer.
The Federal Court of India was established in which
State Governments.
(c) Having two sets of rulers; one in London and another
of the following year? in Delhi.
(a) 1935 (b) 1937 (d) Division of the subjects delegated to the provinces
(c) 1946 (d) 1947 into two categories.
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2015 I.A.S. (Pre) 2017
Ans. (b) Ans. (d)
See the explanation of above question. Dyarchy has been derived from the Greek word 'di-arche'
which means double rule. In the context of Indian history,
7. Match list-I with list-II and select the correct answer
the principle of Dyarchy refers to the division of legislation
from the code given below the lists :
subjects into central and provincial categories. The provincial
List- I List- II subjects were further divided into 'reserved' and 'transferred'
A. Establishment of 1. Regulating Act, 1773 categories. Comparatively important subjects (reserved
Board of Control subjects) such as police, jail, justice, finance and irrigation
B. Establishment of 2. Pitt’s India Act, 1784 were to be administered by the governor and his executive
council without being responsible to the legislative council.
Supreme Court
Subject of lesser importance (transferred subjects) such as
C. Permission to English 3. Charter Act, 1813 education, agriculture, local self government etc. were to
Missionaries to work be administered by the governor with the aid of ministers
in India responsible to the legislative council.
D. Appointment of Law 4. Charter Act, 1833 9. Under which of the following Acts, Dyarchy was
Member in Governor- introduced at Central level?
General Council (a) Act of 1909
As per the recommendations proposed by Cabinet Mission 49. Who was the Chairman of ‘Constituent Assembly’ of
(1946), members of Constituent Assembly were elected by India?
the members of the Provincial Legislative Assemblies. (a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
45. How were the members of Constituent Assembly (b) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
elected? (c) Mr. Ayyar
(a) Directly by public (d) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) Nominated by Congress Uttarakhand U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2007
(c) Nominated by Indian ruler Ans. (a)
(d) 26th January, 1946
(e) None of the above / More than one of the above
The proceedings of the Constituent Assembly started with
Objectives Resolution presented by Jawaharlal Nehru on 13
66th B.P.S.C. (Pre) (Re- Exam), 2020 December, 1946. The Objective Resolution was unanimously
Ans. (a) passed on 22 January, 1947. Later, this Objective Resolution
became the foundation of the Preamble of the Constitution.
See the explanation of the above question.
58. Who of the following presented the objectives
53. When was the Constituent Assembly established? resolution?
(a) December, 1946 (b) December, 1948 (a) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (b) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) November, 1950 (d) December, 1951 (c) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (d) Dr. C. D. Deshmukh
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2007
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1990
Ans. (b)
Ans. (a)
See the explanation of above question.
See the explanation of above question.
59. In relation to formation of the Constitution of India
54. When was the first session of the constituent assembly which of the following sentences is/are correct-
held? 1. Resolution of objectives by Nehru affected the
(a) 10 June, 1946 (b) 9 December, 1946 making of the Constitution.
(c) 19 November, 1947 (d) 30 June, 1949 2. Preamble fulfils various important objectives/aims.
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1990 3. Peoples of India ordered/directed the Constitution
Ans. (b). 4. Head of the state is elected by the people directly.
The first session of the Constituent Assembly began on 9 (a) 1,2 and 3 (b) 1, 3 and 4
December 1946 and ended on 23 December, 1946. The (c) 2,3 and 4 (d) All of the above
session was attended by 207 Members (according to Rajya U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2010
Sabha Website). Ans. (a)
61. How much time the Constituent Assembly took to 63. Who among the following was the chairman of the
frame the Constitution of India? Union Constitution Committee of the Constituent
(a) 2 years, 11 months, 18 days
(a) B.R. Ambedkar
(b) 2 years, 7 months, 23 days (b) J.B. Kripalani
(c) 3 years, 4 months, 14 days
(d) 3 years 11 months 5 days
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) Alladi Krishnaswami Iyer
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2007 I.A.S. (Pre) 2005
Ans. (a) Ans. (c)
See the explanation of above question. Constituent Assembly formed ‘Union Constitution
62. Match List-X with List-Y and select the correct answer Committee’ with other prominent Committees. Jawaharlal
by using the codes given below: Nehru was the Chairman of Union Constitution Committee.
List-X List-Y The other Committees and their Chairmen were-
A. First Vice- President of (i) V.T. Krishnamachari 1. Committee on the Rule of - Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Constituent Assembly Procedure
2. Steering Committee - Dr. Rajendra Prasad
B. Originally the only (ii) Jawaharlal Nehru
3. States Committee - Jawahar lal Nehru
Congress Member of
4. Drafting Committee - Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Drafting Committee 5. Advisory Committee on - Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
C. Member of Constituent (iii) K.M. Munshi Fundamental Right, Minorities,
Assembly representing Tribal and Excluded Areas.
Rajasthan’s Princely This committee had two sub-committees.
State A. Fundamental Right sub-committee - J.B. Kripalani
D. Chairman of Union (iv) H.C. Mukherjee B. Minority sub-committee - H.C. Mukherjee
Constitution Committee 64. Match List-I with List-II and identify the correct
Code: answer from the code given below:
A B C D List -1 List-II
(a) i iv ii iii A. Fundamental Rights i. B.R.Ambedkar
(b) Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru
(c) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(a) 7
(c) 5
(b) 6
(d) 4
(d) Sardar Patel U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2008
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2008 Ans. (b)
Ans. (d)
There were 6 other members in the drafting committee
Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel was the chairman of the Provincial constituted under the chairmanship of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
Constitution Committee of the Constituent Assembly. Members were - N. Gopala Swamy Ayyangar, Alladi
66. Who was the chairman of the Drafting Committee of Krishnaswamy Ayyar, K.M. Munshi, Mohd. Saadullah, B.L.
the Indian Constitution? Mitter and D.P. Khaitan. N. Madhava Rau was included
(a) Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar (b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad replacing B.L. Mitter and T.T. Krishnamachari was included
(c) Sachchidanand Sinha (d) C. Rajagopalachari after the death of D.P. Khaitan in 1948.
I.A.S. (Pre) 2009
70. Who among the following were the members of the
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2003
drafting committee of the Constitution?
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2000
(i) N. Gopalaswami
Ans. (a) (ii) Jawaharlal Nehru
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was the chairman of the Drafting (iii) Alladi Krishnaswamy Ayyar
committee. It was the most important committee since it was (iv) Sardar Patel
tasked with the responsibility of drafting the constitution. Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
Code :
67. The Chairman of Drafting Committee of Indian
(a) (i), (iii) and (iv) (b) (i) and (iv)
Constituent Assembly was:
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (c) (i) and (iii) (d) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(b) Jawahar Lal Nehru U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2014
(c) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Ans. (c)
71. Who amongst the following was not a member of the The National Flag of India was adopted during fourth session
Drafting Committee of the Constitution ? of the constituent Assembly on 22 July, 1947.
(a) Mohammad Saadullah (b) K.M. Munshi 76. Who was the chairman of the National Flag Committee?
(c) A.K. Ayer (d) Jawaharlal Nehru (a) C. Rajagopalachari
U.P. P.C.S. (Mains) 2012 (b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Ans. (d) (c) J.B. Kripalani
(d) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
See the explanation of above question.
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1991
72. The Constituent Assembly set up a Drafting Committee Ans. (b)
under the Chairmanship of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on There were two flag committees mentioned in the Indian
(a) 13th December, 1946 (b) 22nd January, 1947 history- (1) The Flag Committee constituted on 2 April,
(c) 3rd June 1947 (d) 29th August, 1947 1931 at Karachi Session under the chairmanship of Sardar
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2008 Vallabhbhai Patel. (2) An Ad-hoc Committee on National
Ans. (d) Flag was formed on 23 June, 1947 whose chairman was
Dr. Rajendra Prasad. As the question is about chairman of
On 29 August, 1947, by a resolution, Drafting Committee was Flag Committee constituted by Constituent Assembly, so the
formed under the chairmanship of Dr. Ambedkar to discuss correct answer is (b) . J.B. Kripalani was neither chairman
and decide the form and structure of the Constitution. nor a member of any of the Flag Committees.
73. Who was the Constitutional Advisor at the time of the 77. Consider the following statements:
formation of the Constitution?
1. The design of the National Flag was adopted by the
(a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Constituent Assembly of India on 22nd July, 1947
(c) B.N. Rau (d) K.M. Munshi
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2014
2. The wheel in National Flag has 21 spokes
3. The ratio of the width of the National Flag to its
U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 1998
length is 3 : 4
Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2003
Uttarakhand U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2007 Which of the above statements is/are correct ?
Ans. (c) (a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 only
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 2 only
Sir Benegal Narsing Rau (B.N. Rau) was appointed as the
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2004
constitutional advisor during the formation of the Constitution.
Ans. (b)
74. The first draft of the Constitution was prepared by- The design of the National Flag was adopted by the
(a) B.R. Ambedkar (b) B.N. Rau Constituent Assembly on 22 July, 1947. Therefore statement
(c) K. Santhanam (d) K.M. Munshi 1 is correct. There are 24 spokes in the wheel and width to
U.P. Lower (Pre) 2009 length ratio is 2:3 So statement 2 and 3 are wrong.
Ans. (b)
78. When was the third reading of the Indian Constituent
The first draft of the Constitution was prepared by the Assembly started?
constitutional advisor B.N. Rau which was put before
(a) 14th November, 1949 (b) 14th November, 1948
drafting committee for opinion, discussion and changes in
it. Original draft proposed by Mr. Rau included 243 Articles (c) 25th November, 1948 (d) 25th November, 1949
and 13 Schedules. U.P.P.S.C. (R.I.) 2014
Ans. (*)
75. When did the Constituent Assembly adopt the National
Flag? The third reading of the Constitution by Constituent
(a) 22 July, 1947 (b) 23 July, 1947 Assembly was started on 17 November, 1949 and completed
(c) 25 July, 1947 (d) 15 August, 1947 on 26 November, 1949. Hence, none of the given options
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1990 are correct.
The Constitutional Day of India is celebrated on 26th Novem- The State Emblem which is extracted from the Ashoka pillar
ber since the new Constitution of India was adopted by the at Sarnath (Varanasi) was adopted by the Government of
constituent Assembly on 26th November, 1949 and signed India on 26 January, 1950.
by President Rajendra Prasad. Some of the provisions of the 94. Consider the following statements:
constitution came into force at once while the remaining pro-
1. The discussions in the Third Round Table
visions of the Constitution came into force on 26th January,
Conference eventually led to the passing of the
1950, the commencement date of the constitution.
Government of India Act, 1935.
90. B.R. Ambedkar was elected to the Constituent 2. The Government of India Act, 1935 provided for
Assembly from– the establishment of an All India Federation to be
(a) West Bengal (b) Bombay Presidency based on a Union of the Provinces of British India
(c) Middle India (d) Punjab and the Princely States.
6. The feature of Federal system of the Indian Constitution I.A.S. (Pre) 1993
is inspired by the constitution of: Ans. (d)
(a) Canada (b) United Kingdom The characteristic of “Federal Court for Interpretation of
(c) U.S.A. (d) Ireland Constitution” is common in both Indian and American
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2006 federal systems.
While in the United States there is one Judicial system at the
Ans. (a)
Union level and other at the State level. There is absence of
The Constitution of India is federal in nature. The concept three list in the constitution of USA.
of Federal System in our Constitution is inspired from the The Indian Constitution provides single citizenship, where
Constitution of Canada. as, U.S. Constitution provides dual citizenship. Thus option
(d) is the correct answer.
7. The Indian Federalism is based on the pattern of which
country? 11. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) U.S.A. (b) Canada (a) The Federal form of Government is in United States
(c) Australia (d) Germany of America.
U.P. P.C.S. (Mains) 2017 (b) The government of India is federal and unitary both.
Ans. (b) (c) The government of France is of federal form.
(d) The Prime Minister of Pakistan is appointed by the
See the explanation of above question.
8. The Indian Parliamentary System is different from the 38th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1992
British Parliamentary System in that India has: Ans. (a)
12. Concurrent List included in Indian Constitution is The inclusion of Directive Principles of State Policy in the
given by- Indian Constitution is inspired by the Directive Principles
(a) The Soviet Union (b) Australia given in the Constitution of Ireland. These provisions
(c) Italy (d) Canada are mentioned in Part IV (Article 36 to Article 51) of the
Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2003 Constitution. The Directive Principles of State Policy are not
Ans. (b) enforceable in a Court of law, but the principles laid down
there are considered fundamental in the governance of the
The concurrent list is borrowed from the constitution of
country making it the duty of the State to apply these principles
Australia. In this list, those items are included on which both
in making law to establish a just society in the country.
Union and State have right to make law. It is in the seventh
schedule of the Constitution which originally included 47 17. Indian Constitution has taken a certain feature of the
item. (now increased to 52 items as Item No: 11A, 17A, 17
Constitution of other countries, which country has
B, 20 A, 33A were added through amendments).
See the explanation of above question. The concept of formation of Rajya Sabha by representation
to talent, qualification, experience and service is influenced
15. The concept of “Concurrent List” in the Constitution by the Irish Republic.
of India was borrowed from the Constitution of
(a) Great Britain (b) U.S.A. 19. Match List-I and List II and give correct answer by
(c) Canada (d) Australia using the code given below-
20. Match List-I with List-II and identify correct answer
from the code given below :
List - I List - II (d) 2 3 4 1
(Constitutional Provision) (Source) U.P.P.S.C. (GIC) 2010
A. Fundamental Rights i. British Constitution Ans. (d)
B. Directive Principles of ii. Canadian Constitution
State policy The matched pairs of List-I and II are as follows :
C. Cabinet Government iii. Irish Constitution Rule of Law - England
D. Union-State Relations iv. U.S. Bill of Rights Procedure established by Law - Japan
Reserving of bill by Governor - Canada
Code :
for President’s consideration
Concurrent list - Australia
(a) iv iii ii i
(b) iv ii iii i 23. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
(c) iv i iii ii answer:
(d) iv iii i ii List-I
(e) i iii i iv A. Directive Principles of State Policy
R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) (Re. Exam) 2013 B. Fundamental Rights
Ans. (d) C. Concurrent List for Union-State Relations
D. India as a Union of States with greater powers to
The matched pairs are as follows :
the Union
Fundamental Rights – U.S. Bill of Rights,
Directive Principles of – Irish Constitution, List-II (Country from which it was derived)
State Policy 1. Australia 2. Canada
Cabinet Government – British Constitution 3. Ireland 4. United Kingdom
Union-State Relation – Canadian Constitution. 5. United States of America
The matched pairs of List-I and List-II are as follows: 27. The concept of Fundamental Rights, as incorporated
Directive Principles – Ireland in the Indian Constitution has been adopted from-
of State Policy (a) France (b) Britain
Fundamental Rights – United States of America (c) United States of America
Concurrent List for Union – Australia (d) Russia
State Relations U.P.R.O./A.R.O. (Pre) 2014
India as the Union of States – Canada U.P. U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2006
with greater powers to the Union
Ans. (c)
24. The idea of Fundamental Rights was borrowed from
the constitution of : Fundamental Rights have been incorporated in Part III,
(a) U.S.A. (b) Canada Article-12-35 of the Indian Constitution. This Provision has
(c) Britain (d) Russia been borrowed from the Constitution of United States of
U.P.P.S.C. (GIC) 2017 America. It includes- Right to Equality (Art. 14-18), Right
Ans. (a) to Freedom (Art.19-22), Right against Exploitation (Art.23-
24), Right to Freedom of Religion (Art. 25-28), Culture
See the explanation of above question. and Educational Rights (Art. 29-30), Right to Constitutional
25. The concept of Fundamental Duties has been taken from-
(a) American Constitution
Remedies (Art. 32). The Post of Vice – President and
Independence of Judiciary has also been taken from the
(b) British Constitution Constitution of United States of America.
(c) Russian (Former Soviet Union) Constitution 28. Idea of Fundamental Rights is adopted from the
(d) French Constitution Constitution of-
U.P.U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2004 (a) Britain (b) Ireland
Ans. (c) (c) Canada (d) America
U.P. U.D.A./L.D.A (Pre) 2010
The concept of Fundamental Duties is inspired from
Russian Constitution and was added in our Constitution Ans. (d)
by 42nd Amendment Act, 1976. The recommendation for See the explanation of above question.
Fundamental Duties was made by Swaran Singh Committee.
29. Who was the first nominated Deputy Chairman of the
26. Assertion (A): The Constitution of India has become
the longest one. Constituent Assembly?
Reason (R) : The chapter on Fundamental Rights (a) T.T. Krishnamachari
has been borrowed from the model of (b) V.T. Krishnamachari
American Constitution. (c) H.C. Mukherjee
Choose the correct answer using the code given below. (d) Frank Anthony
Code :
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2020
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A). Ans. (d)
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct Frank Anthony was the first nominated Deputy Chairman of
explanation of (A). the Constituent Assembly. He established All India Anglo-
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false. Indian Association in 1942. He served as a nominated
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true. member of the Lok Sabha for seven terms between 1950
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2015 and 1992.
*There were 22 parts, 395 articles and 8 schedules in the original 41 - Right to work, to education and to public assistance in
copy of the Constitution. *A number of articles were added certain cases.
and removed later through amendments. *At present there are 43 - Living wage, etc. for workers.
around 465 articles but these are added in the form of sub parts 44 - Uniform Civil Code for the citizens.
such as A,B,C etc. of the original articles (395). 45 - Provision for early childhood care and free &
Important articles of the Constitution at a glance :- compulsory education to children below the age of six
1- Name and territory of the Union. years.
2- Admission or establishment of new States. 48 - Organisation of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry.
3- Formation of new States and alteration of areas, 48A - Protection and improvement of environment and safe
boundaries or names of existing States. guarding of forests and wildlife.
5- Citizenship at the commencement of the Constitution. 49 - Protection of monuments and places and objects of
14 - Equality before law national importance.
15 - Prohibition of discrimination on ground of religion, 50 - Separation of judiciary form executive.
race, caste, sex or place of birth. 51 - Promotion of international peace and security.
tribes in the House of people.
331 - Representation of the Anglo – Indian community in the
emoluments and allowances of the various office bearers of
the Union of India.
Lok Sabha. *Third Schedule – Forms of oaths and affirmations of the
(Provision of repeal by the 104 th Constitutional various office bearers of the Union of India.
Amendment Act, 2019) *Fourth Schedule – Allocation of seats in the Council of
332 - Reservation of seats for scheduled castes and scheduled State to the States and Union Territories.
tribes in the legislative assemblies of the States. *Fifth Schedule – Provisions relating to the administration and
333 - Representation of the Anglo – Indian community in the control of scheduled areas and scheduled tribes.
legislative assemblies of the States.
*Sixth schedule – Provisions relating to the administration of
(Provision of repeal by the 104 th Constitutional
tribal areas in the States of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and
Amendment Act, 2019)
338 - National Commission for scheduled castes.
*Seventh Schedule – Division of powers between the Union
338A - National Commission for scheduled tribes.
and the States. It contains three lists-
338B - National Commission for backward classes.
(i) Union List – Originally 97 subjects (presently 98)
343- Official language of the Union.
and only the centre have the power
344 - Commission and Committee of Parliament on official
language. to make laws on these subjects.
350A - Facilities for instruction in mother-tongue at primary (ii) State list – Originally 66 subjects (present 59)
stage. and only the State have the power to
350B - Special officer for linguistic minorities. make law on these subjects.
351 - Directive for development of the Hindi language. (iii) Concurrent list – Originally 47 subjects( presently 52)
352 - Proclamation of Emergency (national emergency). and on these subjects the centre and
356 - Provisions in case of failure of constitutional Machinery States both have the power to make
is states. laws.
of defection. *It was added by the 52nd Amendment Act 1985.
Also known as Anti–Defection Law.
Amendment of the Constitution
Temporary, transitional and
369 to 392
*Eleventh Schedule – Specifies the power, authority and
Special Provisions
responsibilities of Panchayats. It has 29 subjects. It was added
XXII Short title, Commencement, 393 to 395.
by 73rd Amendment Act, 1992.
Authoritative text in Hindi and Repeals.
*Twelfth Schedule – Specifies the power, authority and
1. Indian Constitution consists of –
responsibilities of municipalities. It has 18 subjects. It was
(a) 300 Articles (b) 350 Articles
added by the 74th Amendment Act, 1992. (c) More than 400 Articles (d) 500 Articles
Parts of the Indian Constitution 42nd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1997
Indian Constitution is divided into 22 parts.* Part IV-A and Part
Ans. (c)
XIV-A were added by the 42nd Amendment Act, 1976.*Part
Originally, there were 22 Parts, 395 Articles and 8 Schedules
IX-A was added by the 74th Amendment Act, 1992.*Part IX-B
in the Constitution of India. A number of articles were added
was added by the 97th Amendment Act, 2011.
and removed later through amendments. At present there are
Part Subject Articles around 470 articles but these are added in the form of sub
Covered parts such as A, B, C etc. of the original articles (395). There
I The Union and its Territory. 1 to 4 are 12 schedules at Present.
II Citizenship 5 to 11 2. How many parts, Articles and Schedules was there in
III Fundamental Rights 12 to 35 the original Indian Constitution?
IV Directive Principles of States Policy 36 to 51 (a) 22 Parts, 395 Articles and 8 Schedules
IV A Fundamental Duties 51-A (b) 24 Parts, 450 Articles and 12 Schedules
V The Union Government 52 to 151 (c) 22 Parts, 390 Articles and 8 Schedules
VI The State Government 152 to 237 (d) 24 Parts, 425 Articles and 12 Schedules
(a) 395 Articles, 22 Parts and 12 Schedules
(b) 371 Articles, 21 Parts and 11 Schedules
Constitution (Amendment) Acts.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 only
(c) 372 Articles, 20 Parts and 7 Schedules
(c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
(d) 381 Articles, 23 Parts and 8 Schedules
I.A.S. (Pre) 2005
53rd to 55th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2003
Ans. (c)
Ans. (a)
The Constitution of India has 22 Parts. Hence,
See the explanation of above question.
statement (1) is incorrect. There are 395 Articles in
6. How many States and Union Territories were the Constitution of India hence statement (2) is also
established by the 1956, State Restructuring Act? incorrect. Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Schedules
(a) 14 States, 6 Union Territories were added to the Constitution of India by Constitutional
(b) 18 States, 9 Union Territories (Amendment) Acts. Hence, statement (3) is correct.
(c) 22 States, 8 Union Territories The Ninth Schedule added by first Amendment Act, 1951 is
(d) 21 States, 7 Union Territories related to land reforms and abolition of Zamindari system,
tenth schedule added by 52nd Amendment Act, 1985 is related
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2020
to Anti-defection provisions for members of Parliament and
Ans. (a)
Members of the State Legislatures. By Eleventh Schedule
By the States Reorganization Act, 1956,14 states and 6 union added through 73rd Amendment Act, 1992 Panchayats have
territories were created on November 1,1956. been given administrative control while in Twelfth Schedule
7. Total number of Schedules in the Constitution is – added by 74th Amendment Act, 1992 municipalities are given
administrative control.
(a) 12 (b) 16
(c) 8 (d) 10 10. Consider the following statements :
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1990 1. The Parliament of India can place a particular law
Ans. (a) in the Ninth Schedule of the Constitution of India.
28. Coelho case is related to which Schedule of the
Constitution of India?
(e) None of the above/ More than one of the above
60th to 62nd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2016
(a) Seventh (b) Eighth Ans. (b)
(c) Ninth (d) Tenth
The correct match is as follows :
U.P. P.C.S. (Mains) 2017
Union List - 97 entries (Currently 98)
Ans. (c) State List - 66 entries (Currently 59)
Coelho case is a landmark case which upheld the authority Concurrent list - 47 entries (Currently 52)
of the Judiciary to review laws - including the ones under 32. Under the Constitution of India, Economic Planning
the 9th schedule - against violation of Basic structure of the is a subject:
constitution. It is also known as the 9th schedule case. (a) In the State List
29. To give constitutional protection, state land reforms (b) In the Union List
laws have been included in the – (c) In the Concurrent List
(a) 7th Schedule (b) 9th Schedule (d) Not specified in any list
(c) 8th Schedule (d) 10th Schedule Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2002
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2003
Ans. (c)
Ans. (b)
Entry No. 20 of the Concurrent List is related to Economic
The laws related to Land Reform and Zamindari Abolition
and Social Planning. It is to be noted that the Planning
have been given Constitutional protection by Schedule 9 of
Commission of India was established by the Government of
the Constitution which was inserted by the first Amendment
India under this entry.
in June 1951.
33. Economic planning is included in which list of
30. The Ninth Schedule was introduced in the Constitution Constitution-
Ans. (a) 40. The education which was initially a state subject was
transferred to the concurrent list by the
Population Control and Family Planning is the subject of
(a) 24th Amendment (b) 25th Amendment
Concurrent List (Entry No. 20-A added by 42 Amendment
Code :
Family Planning
Constitution. It contains provision regarding Anti-defection
Law and lays down the process by which legislators may be
disqualified on the ground of defection.
45. In which Schedule of the Indian Constitution Anti-
(a) 3 1 4 2
defection Law is placed?
(b) 2 3 1 4
(a) Sixth Schedule (b) Ninth Schedule
(c) 1 2 3 4
(c) Tenth Schedule (d) None of the above
(d) 4 1 2 3
U.P. Lower Sub. (Mains) 2013
U. P. P. C. S. (Mains) 2004
Ans. (a) Ans. (c)
The match of List-I with List-II is as follows : See the explanation of above question.
List-I List-II
46. Constitution’s Tenth Schedule relates to-
Union List - Census
(a) National Language of India
State List - Police and Public Order
(b) Administration of SC’s and ST’s Area
Concurrent List - Population Control and Family
(c) Judicial Review
(d) Anti-defection Law
Residuary Subject - Space Research
41st B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1996
43. Which of the following provisions of the Constitution Ans. (d)
of India have a bearing on Education? See the explanation of above question.
1. Directive Principles of State Policy
2. Rural and Urban Local Bodies 47. The Tenth Schedule of Indian Constitution deals with–
3. Fifth Schedule (a) Anti-defection law
4. Sixth Schedule (b) Panchayati Raj
are the subjects of Union List, but Agriculture is the subject the State List.
of the State List. 54. ‘Marriage,’ ‘Divorce’ and ‘Adoption’ are an entry in
50. The Preamble to the Constitution of India is : the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution’ under the
(a) a part of the Constitution but has no legal effect following–
(b) not a part of the Constitution and has no legal (a) List I - Union List
effect either (b) List II - State List
(c) a part of the Constitution and has the same legal
(c) List III - Concurrent List
effect as any other part
(d) None of these three lists
(d) a part of the Constitution but has no legal effect
independently of other parts U.P. Lower Sub. (Spl) (Pre) 2010
I.A.S. (Pre) 2020 Ans. (c)
Ans. (d)
Marriage, Divorce and Adoption are the subjects of List III
The Supreme Court of India accepted Preamble as a Part i.e. Concurrent List as Entry no. 5 related to VII Schedule.
of the Constitution in the Keshwanand Bharti Case (1973).
The Preamble given in the Constitution is not enforceable 55. The right of the government to impose taxes and fees
in a Court of Law. Hence, option (d) is the correct answer. is provided in which List of Constitution?
51. Which one of the following is included in the State List (a) VI Schedule (b) VII Schedule
under Seventh Schedule of Indian Constitution- (c) IX Schedule (d) XI Schedule
(a) Education (b) Electricity I.A.S. (Pre) 2009
(b) 4 1 3 2
(c) 1 2 3 4
4. Appointment of the Chief Minister and Council of
Ministers of a State
(d) 3 4 2 1 5. Composition of Legislative Assemblies
U.P.P.C.S (Pre) 2010 Code :
Ans. (d) A B C D
(a) 1 2 3 4
Article 14 is related to Right to Equality, Article 36 is related
(b) 1 2 4 5
to Directive Principles for State Policy, Article 74 is related
to Council of Ministers and Article 368 provides procedure (c) 2 1 3 5
for Amendment of the Constitution. (d) 2 1 4 3
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2011
76. Match List-I with List-II and select your correct answer
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2005
using the code given below the lists:
U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2002
List - I List - II
(A) To admit new state by law 1. Article 14 I.A.S. (Pre) 2001
(B) The right to equality 2. Article 2 Ans. (a)
(C) Protection against arrest 3. Article 111 Article 54 is related to the Election of the President, Article 75
and detention is related to the appointment of Prime Minister and the other
(D) The power of the 4. Article 22 ministers shall be appointed by the President on the advice of
President to assent the the Prime Minister, Article 155 is related to the appointment
Bill of Governor and Article 164 is related to the appointment
Code : of Chief Minister of States and the other ministers shall be
A B C D appointed by the governor on the advice of the Chief Minister.
(a) 1 2 3 4 Article 170 contains provisions for the composition of State
(b) 2 1 4 3 Legislative Assemblies.
U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2002
U.P. Lower Sub. (Spl) (Pre) 2002
According to the Article 241 of the Constitution of India,
Parliament may by law constitute a High Court for union
Ans. (d) territory or declare any court in any such territory to be a
High Court for all or any of the purposes of this Constitution.
The proclamation of Emergency is provided in the Article
352, so option (d) is correctly matched. While Article 17 is 86. In which article of the constitution the Adult Suffrage
related to Abolition of untouchability, Article 78 is related to is recognised?
duties of Prime Minister regarding furnishing of information (a) Article 324 (b) Article 325
to the President and Article 192 is related to the decision on (c) Article 326 (d) Article 327
questions of disqualification of members of the House of the Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2018
Legislature of a State. Ans. (c)
84. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer Article 326 - Elections to the house of the people and to the
by using the code given below: legislative assemblies of states to be on the basis of adult
List-I List-II suffrage.
(Articles of (Provision)
87. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer
from the code given below the lists:
A. 215 (i) Transfer of Judge from one
List - I List -II
High Court to another A. Article 76 1. Comptroller and Auditor
B. 222 (ii) Powers of superintendence over General of India
all courts by the High Court B. Article 148 2. Jurisdiction of
C. 226 (iii) Power of High Court to issue Supreme Court
certain writs C. Article 75(I) 3. Attorney General of India
D. 227 (iv) High Court to be court of D. Article 131 4. Appointment of Union
Record Ministers
(c) 42nd Amendment (d) 44th Amendment
U.P. P.C.S. (Mains) 2017
to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST
all its citizens:
Ans. (c) JUSTICE, social, economic and political; LIBERTY of
See the explanation of above question. thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
5. By which name/names is our country mentioned in the and to promote among them all FRATERNITY assuring the
Constitution? dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the
(a) Bharat and India Nation;
(b) Bharat only IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day
(c) Hindustan and India of November, 1949, do HEREBY ADOPT, ENACT AND
(d) Bharat, Hindustan and India GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION.
R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) 2003 The word federal is not mentioned in the preamble. So option
(d) is correct.
Ans. (a)
8. In which form is India declared in the Preamble of
There was no unanimity in the Constituent Assembly about Indian Constitution?
the name of the country. Some member suggested the (a) A Sovereign, Democratic, Republic
traditional name “Bharat” while others advocated the modern
(b) A Socialist, Democratic, Republic
name “India.” Hence the Constitution of India contains
(c) A Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic
both. According to Article 1- “India, that is Bharat, shall be
a Union of States.” (d) None of these
42nd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1997
6. In the context of the Preamble of Indian Constitution
which of the following sequence is correct? Ans. (c)
(a) Republic, People’s, Democratic, Secular, Socialist,
See the explanation of above question.
Universal, Sovereign
I. Socialist II. Gram Swarajya The Objectives Resolution moved by Jawaharlal Nehru on 13
III. Secular IV. Sovereign December, 1946 was unanimously adopted by the Constituent
Select the correct answer by using the code given below: Assembly on 22 January, 1947. Later, this Resolution
became the foundation of the Preamble. The Supreme Court
Code :
said in Keshwanand Bharti case that the Preamble of the
(a) I, II, III (b) I and III
Constitution can be used to explain the ambiguous areas of
(c) I, II, IV (d) II, III, IV
the Constitution. Amendment of the Preamble is possible and
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2010
by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment the word socialist,
Ans. (b) secular and integrity were added to it. It is non-justiciable i.e.
its provisions can’t be enforced in a court of Law. It cannot
See the explanation of above question. override the provisions of the Constitution. Thus, in the above
11 . Which one of the following describes India as a Secular statements, only 1, 2 and 4 are correct.
State? 14. The Preamble of the Constitution was amended by-
(a) Fundamental Rights (a) 17th Amendment (b) 24th Amendment
(b) Preamble to the Constitution (c) 42 Amendment
(d) 44th Amendment
(c) 9th Schedule Uttarakhand U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2003
(d) Directive Principles
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2005 Ans. (c)
Ans. (b) In 1976, the Preamble to the Constitution was modified by the
The Preamble of the Constitution contains the word 'Secular' 42nd Amendment. The characterization of India as ‘Sovereign
which was added in the Preamble by 42nd Amendments Act, Democratic Republic’ changed to ‘Sovereign Socialist
1976. Thus, it declares India as a Secular State. Secular Democratic Republic.’ The term ‘Unity of the Nation’
12. Which one of the following words was not included in was changed to ‘Unity and Integrity of the Nation.’
the Preamble of the Indian Constitution in 1975? 15. The term ‘Socialist’ was added in the Preamble by the -
(a) Fraternity (b) Sovereign
(a) 42nd Amendment (b) 44th Amendment
(c) Equality (d) Integrity
(c) 52nd Amendment (d) None of the above
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2006
60th to 62nd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2016
Ans. (d) Uttarakhand U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2007
The word “Integrity” was not in the Constitution at the time Ans. (a)
of its commencement. It was added in 1976 by the 42nd
Amendment act. See the explanation of above question.
13. Consider the following statements in regards to the 16. The term ‘Socialist’ was brought into the Preamble of
Preamble of Constitution and select the correct one the Indian Constitution by which amendment?
See the explanation of above question. See the explanation of above question.
18. The words ‘Socialist’ and ‘Secular’ were inserted in 22. ‘India is a Republic’ means -
the Preamble to the Constitution by the – (a) It is the people who are the final authority in all matters.
(a) 41st Amendment (b) 42nd Amendment (b) There is no Parliamentary System of Government in
(c) 43 Amendment
(d) 44th Amendment India.
U.P.P.C.S. (Spl) (Mains) 2008 (c) There are no hereditary rulers in India.
(d) India is the Union of States.
Ans. (b)
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1997
See the explanation of above question.
Ans. (c)
19. The word ‘Secular’ was inserted in the Preamble of
Republic means a state in which supreme power is held by the
the Indian Constitution by
people and the Head of the state is elected by people through
(a)25th Amendment (b) 42nd Amendment
election. In case of India, the Head of the State is elected by
(c)44 Amendment
(d) 52nd Amendment indirect election i.e., through elected representatives. Hence
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2013 India is a Republic.
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2010
23. India has people’s sovereignty because the Preamble
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1991
of the Constitution begins with the words :
Ans. (b)
(a) Democratic India
See the explanation of above question. (b) Republic of People
20. The goal of Constitution is to secure/assure all its (c) Democracy of People
citizens- (d) We, the People of India
1. Justice Social and Economic 39th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1994
2. Liberty of Thought and Expression Ans. (d)
3. Equality of Opportunity
The Preamble to the Constitution starts with the words- “We
4. Dignity of the Individual the People of India....” These words indicate the Sovereignty
Choose the correct answer by using code : of people or citizens of India. It means that peoples of India
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1,2 and 3 are not governed by any external power but are directed by
(c) 2,3 and 4 (d) All above the Constitution.
The Indian Constitution embodies the positive concept of The Preamble of the Constitution of India mentioned
Secularism. Secularism in India means officially there is no JUSTICE (social, economic and political) whereas the word
Religious Justice is not present in the Preamble.
religion of the state in India. There is equal treatment of all
the religions by the state. 31. In the Preamble of the Indian Constitution, which
27. Which of the following words is not in the Preamble Justice is provided to all its citizens?
to the Constitution of India? (a) Social, Religions and Political
(a) Socialist (b) Secular (b) Social, Economic and Cultural
(c) Social, Political and Cultural
(c) Sovereign (d) Public Welfare
(d) Social, Economic and Political
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2005
U.P.R.O./A.R.O. (Pre) 2021
Ans. (d) Ans. (d)
The word ‘Public Welfare’ is not mentioned in our See the explanation of above question.
Constitution. The other three words SOCIALIST, SECULAR,
32. Which one of the following objectives is not embodied
SOVEREIGN are present in the Preamble.
in the Preamble to the Constitution of India?
28. Which one of the following liberty is not embodied in (a) Liberty of thought (b) Economic liberty
The words ‘Socialist’ and ‘Secular’ were not the part of
Preamble of the Constitution at the time of its commencement
(c) Deendayal Upadhyay
(d) Mohammad Ali Jinnah
in 1950. These words were inserted in the preamble by the M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2015
42nd Amendment act, 1976. Thus only option (a) is correct. Ans. (a)
34. Which part of the Indian Constitution has been Bhimrao Ambedkar in 1947 became the Chairman of the
described as the ‘Soul’ of the Constitution? Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly of India.
(a) Fundamental Rights Ambedkar was a staunch Constitutionalist. He believed that
(b) Directive Principles of State Policy a government must be Constitutional and that Constitution
(c) The Preamble must be treated as basic and sacred document.
(d) Right to Constitutional Remedies
37. In which of the following cases Supreme Court held
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2015 that ‘The Preamble forms part of the Constitution?
U.P. U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2006 (a) Union of India Vs. Dr. Kohli
U.P. P.C.S. (Pre) 2008 (b) Banarsidas Vs. State of U.P.
U.P. P.S.C. (GIC) 2008 (c) Bommai Vs. Union of India
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2012
(d) Malak Singh Vs. State of Punjab
U.P. P.S.C. (Mains) 2013
U.P.P.C.S.(Pre) 2012
Ans. (c) Ans. (c)
The Preamble of the Constitution is called the ‘Soul of In the case of S.R. Bommai Vs. Union of India, 1994, the
the Constitution.’ K.M. Munshi, a member of the drafting Supreme Court held that the Preamble is an integral part of
committee, defined the Preamble as the “Horoscope of our the Constitution. In the case of Kesavanand Bharti Vs State
sovereign democratic Republic.” Subhash Kashyap has of Kerala (1973), a bench of 13 Judge of Supreme Court
mentioned that “If Constitution is the body then Preamble outlined the Basic Structure doctrine of the Constitution.
See the explanation of above question. In the liberal approach which is inherent in democracy,
all forms of power are rooted in the will of the people.
45. How many types of justice has been enshrined in the This approach enhances the rule of law as one of the basic
Preamble of the Constitution of India? foundations of democracy; it affirms the separation of powers
(a) Two (b) Three as a vehicle for their restraint, and it promotes individuals'
(c) One (d) Four rights and freedoms as a prerequisite for their dignity.
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2016 Committed judiciary will never go against the government's
policies. Centralization of power refers to a setup in which
Ans. (b) the decision-making powers are concentrated in a few leaders
There are 3 types of justice mentioned in the Preamble of at the top of the organizational structure that may lead to
the Indian Constitution. The Preamble aims to ensure Justice authoritarian tendencies. Elected government is expected
to ensure liberty but not the best safeguard to ensure liberty.
Social, Economic and Political.
Therefore, all three cannot be the answer.
46. The Preamble given in the Constitution- 49. One of the implications of equality in society is the
1. is not enforceable in courts absence of
2. is important and have utility (a) Privileges (b) Restraints
3. describes the aims of governance (c) Competition (d) Ideology
4. helps to give a Judicial meaning to our Constitution I.A.S. (Pre) 2017
Code : Ans. (a)
(a) 1 and 2
(c) 1,2 and 3
(b) 2 and 3
(d) 2,3 and 4
The Principle of equality is largely confined to the test of
eradicating special privileges. This was evident in the fact
U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2004
that calls for formal equality were first made in the hope of
Ans. (*)
breaking down the hierarchy of ranks and orders which had
All the answers are correct. The Preamble given in the survived from feudal times. Privileges granted to one class
Constitution is not enforceable in a Court of Law. It is notable of persons on grounds of gender, colour, creed or religion are
that the Preamble is Amendable and has been amended only widely regarded as irrational prejudices which fall contrary
once in 1976 by the 42 Constitutional Amendment.
to the principle of equality.
47. What is the legal nature of the Preamble of the Con- 50. Constitutional government means
stitution? (a) a representative government of a nation with federal
(a) It is enforceable structure
(b) It is not enforceable (b) a government whose Head enjoys nominal powers
(c) It may be enforced in special circumstances (c) a government whose Head enjoys real powers
(d) None of the above (d) a government limited by the terms of the Constitution
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2019 I.A.S. (Pre) 2021
Ans. (b) Ans. (d)
See the explanation of the above question. Constitutional government or Constitutionalism, defines that
a government's authority is determined by a body of laws
48. Which one of the following factors constitutes the best or constitution. Although constitutionalism is sometimes
safeguard of liberty in a liberal democracy? regarded as a synonym for limited government, that is only
(a) A committed judiciary one interpretation and by no means the most prominent one
(b) Centralization of powers historically. Thus, option (d) is the correct answer.
(c) 1 & 2 both (d) Neither 1 nor 2 viii. One Supreme Court
U.P. P.C.S. (Mains) 2017 (a) i iii vii
(c) i ii v
(b) ii v viii
(d) iv vi vii
Ans. (a)
(e) None of the above
The word 'Sovereign' implies that India is neither a depen- Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) - 2017
dency nor a dominion of any other nation but an independent
Ans. (d)
The Constitution of India contains all the usual features
Though in 1947, India declared the continuation of her full
of a federation, viz, two governments, division of powers,
membership of the Commonwealth of Nations and accepted
written Constitution, rigidity of the Constitution, independent
the British crown as the head of the Commonwealth, this
judiciary and Bi-cameralism. However the Indian Constitution
extra-Constitutional declaration does not affect India's Sov- also contains a large no of unitary features, viz a strong
ereignty in any manner. centre, single Constitution, single Citizenship, flexibility
of Constitution, integrated Judiciary, appointment of state
4. "The State is everywhere : it leaves hardly a gap." This
Governor by the centre, all India services, Emergency
statement explains the concept of
provision etc.
(a) Welfare State (b) Communist State
(c) Democratic State (d) Police State 7. Which One of the following in Indian polity is an
Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2016 essential feature that indicates that it is federal in
Ans. (a)
(a) The independence of judiciary is safeguarded.
The State is everywhere: it leaves hardly a gap". This (b) The Union Legislature has elected representatives from
statement explains the concept of a welfare state. constituent units.
5. Constitution of India provides which type of (a) The Union Cabinet can have elected representatives
governance system? from regional parties.
See the explanation of the above question. 11. Out of the following statements, choose the one that
brings out the principle underlying the Cabinet form
8. Which one of the following characteristics is not true
of Government:
for unitary form of Government?
(a) An arrangement for minimizing the criticism against
(a) Swift decision
the Government whose responsibilities are complex
(b) Flexible
and hard to carry out to the satisfaction of all.
(c) Ideal for large countries
(b) A mechanism for speeding up the activities of the
(d) Uniformity of laws
Government whose responsibilities are increasing
(e) None of the above /More than one of the above
day by day.
65th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2019
(c) A mechanism of parliamentary democracy for
Ans. (c)
ensuring collective responsibility of the Government
Characteristics of a unitary form of Government are-Strong to the people
Centre, Single Constitution, Flexibility of the Constitution, (d) A device for strengthening the hands of the head of
Emergency provisions, Single Citizenship, Integrated the Government whose hold over the people is in a
judiciary, All-India Services, Integrated Audit Machinery, state of decline.
Parliament's Authority over state list, Appointment of I.A.S. (Pre) 2017
Governor, Integrated Election machinery, Veto over State Ans. (c)
Parliamentary system of Government is also known as
It cannot be outrightly said that it is ideal for large countries;
it only depends on countries will. So, the answer to this cabinet form of government or responsible Government. This
question will be (c). type of Government is responsible to the popular House of
legislature and remains in power till it has the majority in that
9. Which of the following is not a feature of good gover-
House. Thus, Cabinet form of Government is a mechanism
to ensure collective responsibility of the Government to the
(a) Accountability (b) Transparency
(c) Rule of Law (d) Red Tapism
12. In which report of the Second Administrative Reforms
Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2016
Commission barriers of Good Governance in India
Ans. (d) have been identified?
Red Tapism refers to excessive regulation which hinders or (a) 'Ethics in Governance'
prevents action or decision-making. Thus, it is not a feature (b) 'Citizen-Centric Administration : The Heart of
of good governance. On the other hand, accountability, Governance'
transparency and rule of law are features of good governance. (c) 'Promoting E-Governance'
10. Which one of the following is not the feature of Indian (d) 'Local Governance'
Constitution? Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2016
(a) Parliamentary Government Ans. (b)
(b) Presidential Government In Report 12 (Citizen-Centric Administration : The heart
(c) Independence of Judiciary of Governance) of the second Administrative Reforms
(d) Federal Government Commission barriers of good governance in India have
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2015 been identified. It also describes the pre-conditions for good
Ans. (b)
The Philosophy and ideals of the Constitution are reflected in
the Preamble of Constitution. India is a democratic republic
(d) All of the above.
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2014
Ans. (d)
committed to provide equality of opportunity and status. The
The main feature of a Presidential form of Government is that
Preamble describes socialist state as an ideal to be realised
the President is the Head of the state as well as executive. He
by India. To provide for political equality, India has adopted
also appoints his Council of Ministers and he cannot dissolve
the principle of 'Adult Franchise'. Communist state however
the Legislature. So, option (d) is the correct answer.
is not the philosophy of the Constitution of India.
29. The Democracy of India is based on the fact that –
25. Which one of the following statements is correct?
(a) The Constitution is written
(a) The Constitution of India is Presidential (b) Fundamental rights have been provided
(b) India is a titular monarchy (c) Public enjoys the rights to choose and change the
(c) India is an aristocracy Government
(d) India is a Parliamentary Democracy (d) Directive principles of state policy have been
provided here
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2005
39th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1994
Ans. (d)
Ans. (c)
See the explanation of above question.
The democracy of India is based on the fact that People have
26. What is the main source of Political Power in India? right to elect their representatives, who form the Government.
It is a political system where people are supreme and have
(a) The People (b) The Constitution
freedom to choose and change government at the time of
(c) The Parliament (d) The President election.
Uttarakhand U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2007 30. Democracy's superior virtue lies in the fact that it calls
Ans. (a) into activity
(a) Distribution of power between Centre and States
(iv) Judicial Review
(v) All India Services
(b) Entirely written Constitution
(vi) Bicameral legislature
(c) Single Citizenship
Code :
(d) Independent Judiciary
(a) i iii vi
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) (Re. Exam) 2015
(b) ii iii v
Ans. (c) (c) iii v vi
The Indian Constitution has both Federal and Unitary (d) ii iv v
features. Its Federal characteristics includes a Written (e) None of the above
Constitution, rigid Constitution, distribution of powers
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2015
between States and Centre, Independence of Judiciary and
bicameral Legislature, etc. However, it also includes features Ans. (b)
like single citizenship, the appointment of Governors by
Article 1 of Indian Constitution declares India to
President, declaration of Emergency, Power of Parliament for
be a Union of States. However the constitution has
agreements implementation which are unitary characteristics.
unitary element in the federal structure. For examples
Thus, option (c) is not a federal feature among above options.
provisions for a powerful Centre, single citizenship,
38. Which one of the following is not a feature of Indian appointment of governors, All India services, unequal
federalism? representation in Rajya Sabha are unitary elements.
(a) There is an independent judiciary in India. 40. Which of the following statements about the federal
(b) Powers have been clearly divided between the Centre system in India are correct?
and the States. 1. The Constitution introduces a federal system as the
(c) The federating units have been given unequal basic structure of Government.
representation in the Rajya Sabha 2. There is a strong admixture of a unitary bias.
The Constitution of India introduces a federal system as The President of India is elected by indirect election.
the basic structure of Government as there is distribution Parliamentary system in India has been combined with
of Power as given under the seventh schedule of the republicanism as the Head of the State is President. As
in a Republic, there is no hereditary ruler, and all the
Constitution and Art. 245-255 which is related to distribution
representatives and other authorities are elected by direct or
of Legislative powers. However, features like single
indirect election by the people of India. Thus both statements
Citizenship, Appointment of Governors by Presidents, Power are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
of the Parliament to legislate on any matter of state list in
a time of Emergency (Article 250), Power of Parliament to 43. India is a Republic which implies that
legislate on a matter of state in the national interest (Art 249) (a) The head of the State is elected.
shows a strong Unitary System. Statement 1 and 2 are correct (b) The country is free.
and the 3 and 4 are wrong because the state legislature does
(c) The country possesses a democratic system of
not have power in reference to Foreign, and Defence matters.
This power comes under Union Parliament. So, only Union
is sovereign not the States. There is only hierarchy in the
Judicial system not the division of judicial power between
(d) The Final Authority in the country is rests with the
Union and state. So option 4 is also wrong. U.P. P.C.S. (Mains) 2017
41. The Central and State governments get authority Ans. (a)
from? See the explanation of above question.
(a) Indian Constitution
44. Here are two statements:
(b) President of India
Assertion (A) : Political Parties are life-blood of
(c) Prime Minister of India
(d) Indian Parliament
Reason (R) : Normally people blame political
U.P. P.C.S. (Mains) 2017
parties for bad governance.
Ans. (a)
Which of the following is correct in above context-
Parliamentary Form of Government - the constitution of India
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct
has opted for Parliamentary form of Government. It is also known
as Westminster model of government, responsible government explanation of (A).
etc. The constitution establishes the Parliamentary system (b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not a correct
not only at the centre but also in the states. Hence the
explanation of (A).
Constitution is the source of authority of both central and
state governments. (c) (A) is true, but (R) is wrong.
(d) (A) and (R) both are wrong.
42. Assertion (A) : President of India is elected indirectly.
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2009
Reason (R) : Parliamentary system in India has been
combined with Republicanism. Ans. (a)
The Indian Constitution is the longest written Constitution
of the world. There is no single reason for the bulkiest of the
a unitary state. Generally, it happens during an emergency.
Independent Judiciary empowered by Judicial Review is a
crucial feature of our Constitution. The Constitution of India
constitution in the give option. The nature of the constitution explicitly establishes the doctrine of Judicial Review in the
has became larger due to all the above reason. So, there is no following Articles : 13, 32, 136, 137, 226 and 227. Thus, both
single truth among all the choices, but all are true. statements (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct
explanation of (A).
51. Assertion (A) : Indian Constitution is quasi-federal.
Reason (R) : Indian Constitution is neither federal 53. Who called Indian Federalism as the Cooperative
nor unitary. Federalism.
(a) G. Austin (b) K.C. Wheare
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
(c) Sir Ivor Jennings (d) D.D. Basu
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A). Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2008
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct Ans. (a)
explanation of (A). See the explanation of above question.
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
54. Who said : “India is a quasi-federal state”?
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
(a) Harold Laski (b) Ivor Jennings
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2007
(c) Lord Bryce (d) K.C. Wheare
Ans. (a)
U.P.P.S.C. (GIC) 2010
The framers of the Constitution adopted the federal system Ans. (d)
due to two main reasons: the large size of the country and
its socio-cultural diversity. There is no unanimous view See the explanation of above question.
among the Constitutional experts regarding the nature of the 55. Which one of the following said, "A Constitution, like
Constitution. Granville Austin describes Indian Constitution a machine,is a lifeless thing. It acquires life because of
as Cooperative Federalism while K.C. Wheare describes it the men who control it and India needs today nothing
56. Who rejected the 'Principles of Administration as India has a Parliamentary form of Government, not
Presidential form of Government. President is only the formal
myths and proverbs'?
head of the Government. In other words, he is a nominal
(a) Herbert Simon (b) Dwight Waldo executive. The real executive being the Council of Ministers
(c) Frank Marini (d) F. W. Riggs headed by the Prime Minister. Indian Constitution adopted a
form of secular State and federal systems.
Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2016
Ans. (a) 60. Which one of the following is not true in relation to
democratic determination.
Herbert A Simon rejected the 'principle of administration as
(a) A state in which people are supreme
myths and proverbs' while Dwight Waldo, Frank Marini and
F.W. Riggs accepted administration as myth and proverbs.
*The National Calendar Based on the Saka era (Chaitra as its Uttarakhand U.D.A./L.D.A (Pre) 2003
first month and Falgun as last) was adopted on 22nd March,
Ans. (c)
1957 along with the Gregorian Calendar. Generally the month
of Chaitra begins from 22 march but in the leap years it begins The national bird of India is Peacock. Its scientific name is
from 21 march. Pavo Cristatus. It is notable that Banyan is the national tree,
Mango is the national fruit, ‘Satyamev Jayte’ is national motto
*The National Flower of India is Lotus (Nelumbo Nucifera
taken from Mundaka Upanishad and inscribed in the script
Gaertn). The National fruit is Mango (Magnifera Indica). *The
at the base of the National Emblem which has been adopted
National tree is the Banyan tree (Ficus benyhalensis). *While
as National Emblem from Lion Capital of Ashoka erected
the government has clearly stated in the Rajya Sabha that no
at Sarnath, Varanasi. Ganges river Dolphin is the national
notification has been issued regarding India having National
aquatic animal of India.
flower, National fruit and national tree. *The National Animal
is the magnificent Tiger (Panthera tigiris). *The National Bird 4. Which is the national bird of India?
is the Indian Peacock (Pavo Cristatus). *The National Aquatic (a) Peacock (b) Duck
animal is the mammal Ganges River Dolphin (Platanista (c) Parrot (d) Pigeon
Gangetica). Uttarakhand U.D.A./L.D.A (Pre) 2007
*The river Ganga was declared the national river by the Ans. (a)
government of India in the year 2008. *The Government of
See the explanation of above question.
India declared the Independence day (15 August), Republic
day (26 January) and Birth anniversary of Gandhi (2 October) 5. What does the wheel on the ‘Indian National Flag’
as the National Days. symbolize?
Ans. (c)
Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2011 Vallabh Bhai Patel and Pattabhi Sitaramaiya. *The committee in
its report presented in April 1949 officially rejected the demand
of reorganization of States on linguistic basis. *Although the
‘Jan Gana Mana’ is the National Anthem of India and its demise of Potti Sriramulu after the 56 day long hunger strike
formal rendition takes 52 seconds while a shortened version forced Indian Government for the formation of Andhra Pradesh
consisting first and the last line takes 20 seconds to play. on linguistic basis in October, 1953. *Andhra Pradesh is the
first State of India formed on linguistic basis.
States and the Union Territories 1. Indian Parliament has the power to create a new
*Indian Independence Act 1947 led the formation of two State under which of the following Constitutional
independent and separate sovereign nations – India and Pakistan. provisions?
Princely States were provided three options – to join India, to (a) Article 1 (b) Article 2
join Pakistan or being Independent. *There were 552 princely
(c) Article 3 (d) Article 4
States within the Indian territory out of which 549 joined India
(e) Article 5
whereas the other three (Hyderabad, Junagarh and Kashmir)
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2014
refused to join India. *Later on Hyderabad through military
Ans. (c)
Action, Junagarh through referendum and Kashmir through
the Instrument of Accession (a legal document) executed by Article 3 of the Indian Constitution empowers the Parliament
Maharaja Hari Singh (ruler of the Jammu & Kashmir) were to form a new State by separation of territory from any State
included in Indian Union. The Indian Constitution that came or by uniting two or more States or parts of States. Indian
Parliament under the Constitutional provisions of Article 2
into force in 1950 went a step further, recognising four different
has the power to admission or establish new States.
categories of Territories in Schedule 1. Part A comprised former
British India provinces, having a governor and a Legislature. 2. The power to carve out a new State is vested in –
Part B comprised former Princely States governed by a 'raj (a) The Parliament
pramukh' while Part C was a combination of Princely States and (b) The President
3. Which one of the following is empowered to alter the 6. After Independence, in which year were the Indian
boundaries of States under the Constitution of India? States reorganized on the linguistic basis?
(a) Parliament (b) Lok Sabha (a) 1947 (b) 1951
(c) President (d) Supreme Court
(c) 1956 (d) 2000
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2015
64th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2018
Ans. (a)
Ans. (c)
See the explanation of above question.
In October, 1953, Government of India created the first
4. Who among the following has the executive power to linguistic state known as Andhra Pradesh.
admit a State in the Union or establish new States ? However large scale reorganisation of the states on linguistic
(a) Parliament
(c) Political Parties
(b) Lok Sabha
(d) Central Government
basic started in the year 1956.
3. According to this Article Parliament may by law:
(a) form a new state by separation of territory from any state
or by uniting two or more states or parts of states or by
The power to admit or establish a new State in the Union of
India is vested in the Parliament.
uniting any territory to a part of any state; 18. If a new state is to be formed, which schedule of the
(b) increase the area of any State; constitution will need to be amended?
(c) diminish the area of any State; (a) Fifth (b) Third
(d) alter the boundaries of any State; (c) Second (d) First
(e) alter the name of any State; U.P. Lower Sub. (Spl) (Pre) 2008
Provision for admission or establishment of new States comes
Ans. (d)
under Article 2 of the Indian Constitution. Thus, option (d)
is the correct answer. First Schedule of the Constitution comprises the States and
the Union Territories. Whenever a new State is to be formed,
16. Consider the following statement and answer using
the first schedule will need to be amended.
codes given below:
1. The term ‘Union of States, has been used in the 19. How many Union Territories are there in India?
constitution because Indian States, have no right (a) 6 (b) 7
of separation. (c) 8 (d) 9
2. S.K. Dhar Commission had given preference to M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1996
administrative convenience rather language for Ans. (d)
re-organisation of States.
There are 9 Union territories and 28 States in India. But
3. Congress Committee including Jawaharlal Nehru,
currently there are 28 states and 8 Union Territories in India.
Sardar Patel, and Pattabhi Sitaramayya was not
in favour of reorganisation of States on the basis 20. How many seats are reserved for UTs in Lok Sabha?
of language. (a) 20 (b) 25
Which of the following statement is/are correct? (c) 30 (d) There is no reserved seats
Code : Uttarakhand U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2007
Andhra Pradesh was the first State to be formed on linguistic
basis on 1 October, 1953.
after Independence, while the names of following capital
cities have been changed-
States Capital’s Previous Capital’s Current
22. How many States and Union Territories are there in India?
Name Name
(a) 25 States and 7 Union Territories
(b) 28 States and 7 Union Territories (including national 1. Tamilnadu Madras Chennai
capital territory-1) 2.West Bengal Calcutta Kolkata
(c) 24 States and 6 Union Territory 3. Maharashtra Bombay Mumbai
(d) None of the above
4. Pondicherry Pondicherry Puducherry
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2002 (*)
5. Karnataka Bangalore Bengaluru
Ans. (d) 6. Kerala Trivandrum Thiruvananthapuram
At the time of this question in 2002, there were 28 states and After formation of Telangana- Hyderabad became the capital
7 union territories. Telangana became the 29th state of the of both the states for 10 years. Through the 'Andhra Pradesh
Union of India on 2 June, 2014. Again, with the formation Decentralisation and inclusive Development of All Regions
of Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh, the Act, 2020 (Received the assent of the governor on the 31st
number of States and Union territories in India were 28 and July, 2020) to enable a decentralised model of governance
9. Again, with the merger of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and and to provide an inclusive governance in the state there shall
Daman and Diu, currently the number of States and Union be three seats of governance in the State of Andhra Pradesh
Territories in India is 28 and 8 respectively. to be called as 'Capital (s)' as under :
- Amravati Metropolitan Region Development Area to called
23. The number of Indian States after the formation of
as the 'Legislative Capital'.
Telangana will be –
- Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Area to
(a) 27 (b) 28
be called as the 'Executive Capital and
(c) 29 (d) 30
- Kurnool Urban Development Area to be called as the
Uttarakhand U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2007
'Judicial Capital'.
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2013
to make regulation for certain Union Territories under
Article 240 of the Indian Constitution?
Act, 1974, which paved the way for setting up the first ever
responsible Government in Sikkim and sought Sikkim’s
(a) 240(1) (a) - Andaman and Nicobar Islands representation in the political institutions of India. India
also passed the 35th Amendment Act 1974 which inserted
(b) 240(1) (b) - Lakshadweep a new Article 2A {Sikkim to be Associate State} and as
(c) 240(1) (c) - Puducherry 36th Amendment Act, 1975 integrated Sikkim as the full-
(d) 240(1) (d) - Daman and Diu fledged state of India (22nd State). As 36th Amendment is not in
the given option, so 35th Amendment will be the correct answer.
R.A.S/R.T.S (Pre) 2018
31. Which of the following Constitutional Amendments
Ans. (c) integrated Sikkim as a full-fledged State of the Indian
Article 240 deals with the Power of President to make Union?
regulations for certain Union Territories. (a) 34th (b) 35th
The President may make regulations for the peace and good (c) 36th (d) 37th
governance of the Union territory of – U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2005
Andaman and Nicobar Islands [240 (1) (a)]
Ans. (c)
Lakshadweep [240 (1) (b)]
Dadra and Nagar Haveli [240 (1) (c)] See the explanation of above question.
Daman & Diu [240 (1) (d)]
32. A separate Vananchal State carved out of Bihar can
Article 240 (1) (e) - deals with Puducherry.
be made possible by –
In the given option Puducherry is mentioned in the Article 240
(a) Passing the legislation in State Assembly
1(C), which is wrong. At present 'Dadra and Nagar Haveli
and Daman and Diu' has formed a single Union Territory (b) Passing the ordinance by the Governor
under Article 240 1(C) through 'The Dadra and Nagar Haveli (c) Completing Constitutional formalities
and Daman and Diu (merger of Union Territories) Act, 2019 (d) None of these
while Article 240 (1)(d) has been repealed. 43rd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1999
State Formation Year 38. The following States were created after 1960. Arrange
(i) Nagaland - 1963 them in ascending chronological order of their
(ii) Haryana - 1966 formation:
(iii) Sikkim - 1975 1. Haryana 2. Sikkim
(iv) Arunachal Pradesh - 1987
3. Nagaland 4. Meghalaya
34. Which one of the following is the correct chronological Choose your answer from the given code:
order of the formation of the following Indian States? Code :
Use the code given below to select the correct answer:
1. Chhattisgarh 2. Arunachal Pradesh
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4
(c) 3, 1, 4, 2
(b) 2, 3, 4, 1
(d) 2, 4, 1, 3
3. Jharkhand 4. Sikkim U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2010
Code : U.P.P.C.S. (Spl) (Mains) 2008
(a) 4, 1, 3, 2 (b) 4, 2, 1, 3 Ans. (c)
(c) 3, 2, 1, 4 (d) 1, 4, 2, 3 The formation year of the given States is as follows :
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2009 State Formation Year
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2006 Nagaland - 1963
Haryana - 1966
Ans. (b)
Meghalaya - 1972
Sikkim became a part of Indian Republic on 16 May, Sikkim - 1975
1975. The formation year of Arunachal Pradesh is 1987. Thus, the correct option is (c).
Chhattisgarh (carved out of Madhya Pradesh) was formed
on 1 November, 2000 whereas Jharkhand was formed on 15 39. Identify the correct chronological order in which the
November, 2000 by craving southern part of Bihar. following States were created in India from the code
35. In which year did the State Jharkhand come into given below :
existence? 1. Andhra Pradesh 2. Himachal Pradesh
(a) 1988 (b) 1999 3. Haryana 4. Sikkim
(c) 2000 (d) 2001 Code :
64th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2018 (a) 1, 2, 3, 4 (b) 1, 3, 2, 4
Ans. (c)
(c) 4, 3, 1, 2 (d) 3, 4, 1, 2
See the explanation of above question. U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2014
Created in (Year)
(Year of coming to existence)
15 November, 2000
Goa 1987
Jharkhand 2000 Telangana 2 June, 2014
Telangana 2014 Sikkim 1975
41. The correct sequence of formation of the following Note : In the given option, the year 1962 mentioned in List
States in ascending order is II, while it should be 1963, because Nagaland the 16th State
of the Indian Union was established on 1st December, 1963.
(a) Nagaland, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh
43. The correct sequence of the formation of the following
(b) Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Sikkim
States in descending order is :
(c) Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Sikkim, Meghalaya
(a) Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Haryana
(d) Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya (b) Haryana, Rajasthan, Maharashtra
U.P.R.O./A.R.O. (Mains) 2013 (c) Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Haryana
(d) Haryana, Maharashtra, Rajasthan
Ans. (a)
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2013
The correct sequence of these States in ascending order of
the year of their formation is – Ans. (d)
State Formation Year The formation years of the given States is as follows:
Nagaland 1st December, 1963 State Year of Formation
Meghalaya 21 January, 1972 Rajasthan - 1958
Sikkim 16 May, 1975 Maharashtra - 1960
Arunachal Pradesh 20 February, 1987 Haryana - 1966
46. One of the following statements is incorrect. Point out: Ans. (d)
(a) The State of Mysore was renamed as Tamil Nadu The Kaveri water dispute is among the States of Karnataka,
(b) Goa was separated from Daman and Diu
Tamilnadu, Puducherry and Kerala.
(c) The State of Bombay was split into Gujarat and
Maharashtra 50. The Commission for Reorganisation of States on the
(d) Himachal Pradesh was previously in the list of Union basis of language was established in-
Territories. (a) 1856 (b) 1956
R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) 2016 (c) 1957 (d) 1960
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1990
Ans. (a)
Ans. (*)
The State of Mysore was renamed as Karnataka by Mysore
State (Alteration of Name) Act, 1973 while Goa was The commission for the reorganisation of States on the basis
separated from Daman and Diu in 1987, State of Bombay of language was established on 29 December, 1953. The
was bifurcated into Gujarat and Maharashtra by Bombay commission submitted its report on 30 September 1955. Fazal
Reorganisation Act, 1960 and Himachal Pradesh which was Ali was the chairman of the commission and K.M. Panikkar
previously in the list of Union Territory, became State in 1971. and H.N. Kunzru were its member. On the recommendation
47. ‘ULFA’ extremist are related to which state: of the Commission's report, the State Reorganisation Act,
(a) Assam (b) Uttar Pradesh 1956 was passed. Andhra Pradesh (in 1953) was the first
(c) Punjab (d) Jammu and Kashmir State established on linguistic basis.
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1993 51. The States were reorganized on the basis of language in–
Ans. (a) (a) 1956 (b) 1960
(a) Article 3 to 10
(b) Article 4 to 11 The Central Government made provision for registering as
(c) Article 5 to 11 overseas citizen of India card holder under Section 7(A)
(d) Article 6 to 11 of Indian Citizenship Amendment Act, 2015. Eligibility
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2020 to register as an overseas citizen of India card holder is –
Ans. (c) (a) Any person of full age and capacity,
India's Constitution deals with citizenship from Article 5 to (i) Who is a citizen of another country, but was a
11 under Part II. citizen of India at the time of, or at any time after the
3. In which Part of the Constitution of India we find the commencement of the Constitution; or
provisions relating to citizenship? (ii) Who is a citizen of another country, but was eligible
(a) PART I (b) PART II to become a citizen of India at the time of the
(c) PART VII (d) PART IX commencement of the Constitution; or
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2018 (iii) Who is a citizen of another country, but belonged to a
Ans. (b)
territory that became part of India after the 15th day of
See the explanation of above question. August, 1947; or
4. Which one of the following features of citizenship in (iv) Who is a child or a grandchild or a great-grandchild of
India is correct? such a citizen; or
(a) Dual Citizenship of the State and Nation (b) A person, who is a minor child of a person mentioned
(b) Single Citizenship of a State in clause (a); or
(c) Single Citizenship of whole of India
(c) A person, who is a minor child, and whose parents are
(d) Dual Citizenship of India and another Country
citizens of India or one of the parents is a citizen of
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2015
Ans. (c) India; or
12. How many years does a person of Indian origin need I.A.S. (Pre) 2021
to reside in India to become a citizen of India under Ans. (a)
the Citizenship Act, 1955?
In India, we have single citizenship, i.e., a person can have
(a) 5 years (b) 3 years
only one citizenship. Also, at a particular time, a person can
(c) 7 years (d) 9 years
have only one domicile. The concept of single citizenship
(e) 10 years
Chhattisgarh P.C.S (Pre) 2013 has been adopted in India from the British Constitution of
the United Kingdom. Thus, statement 1 is correct.
Ans. (c)
Any citizen (Citizen by birth or Naturalised Citizen) can
To acquire citizenship by registration under Section 5(1)(a) become the Head of State, i.e., the President, in India. The
of Citizenship Act, 1955 the person of Indian origin must be Citizenship Act offers other categories of citizenship like
ordinarily residing in India for 7 years. Citizenship by Registration (Section 5) and Citizenship by
Naturalization (Section 6).
13. When was the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill 2019
If the registration or certificate of naturalization was obtained
passed by Parliament?
(a) 10 December, 2019 by "means of fraud, false representation or the concealment
(b) 11 December, 2019 of a material fact; or that citizen has shown himself by act or
(c) 12 December, 2019 speech to be disloyal or disaffected towards the Constitution
(d) 13 December, 2019
U.P. R.O./A.R.O. (Mains) 2016
of India as by law established; or that citizen has, during
any war in which India may be engaged, unlawfully traded
Ans. (b)
or communicated with an enemy; or that citizen has been
On 11th December 2019, Rajya Sabha passed the contentious ordinarily resident out of India for a continuous period of
Citizenship (Amendment) Bill 2019, with 125 votes in favour seven years", that person's citizenship can be cancelled.
and 99 against. The bill was passed by the Lok Sabha on 9th Hence, statement 2 and 3 are incorrect.
December 2019. The Bill amends the Citizenship Act, 1955
and for the first time, will grant citizenship based on religion to
non-muslim communities from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and
Fundamental Rights
Pakistan who entered India on or before December 31, 2014. *The first explicit Demand for the Fundamental Rights (FR)
14. When was the Citizenship (Amendment) Act passed? came in the form of "Constitution of India Bill, 1895" which
(a) 11th December, 2018 was inspired by Bal Gangadhar Tilak. The Moti Lal Nehru
(b) 11th December, 2019 Report of 1928 demanded inalienable Fundamental Rights for
(c) 11th October, 2019 the people of India. *The Congress adopted a resolution on
(d) 11th October, 2020 Fundamental Rights at the Karachi Session of 1931 presided
(e) None of the above / More than one of the above over by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. *The Fundamental rights are
66th B.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2020
enshrined in Part III of the Constitution from Articles 12 to 35.
Ans. (b)
*Originally the Constitution provided for seven fundamental
See the explanation of above question. rights – (1) Right to Equality, (2) Right to Freedom, (3) Right
15. With reference to India, consider the following against Exploitation, (4) Right to Freedom of religion, (5)
statements : Cultural and Educational rights, (6) Right to Property and
1. There is only one citizenship and one domicile. (7) Right to Constitutional remedies. *However, the right
2. A citizen by birth only can become the Head of to Property was deleted from the list of fundamental rights
State. by 44th Amendment Act, 1978. *Now right to property is a
(b) The Parliament
(c) The President
(a) i ii iii
(c) i iv v
(b) i iii v
(d) ii iii v
(d) The Supreme Court and High Courts (e) None of the Above
47th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2005 Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2017
Ans. (d) Ans. (c)
Article 13 of the Constitution grants power of Judicial The Fundamental Rights are written in the Constitution.
Review to the Supreme Court, and High Courts in the case They are essential for personality development.
of violation of the Fundamental Rights, The Supreme Court Parliament can't make laws against them since they are a part
(Art.32) and High Court (Art.226) in exercising their power of basic structure of the Constitution.
may declare any law or enactment passed by the Legislature, 7. Fundamental Rights –
void or unconstitutional, on ground of contravention to the (a) Cannot be suspended
Fundamental Rights.
(b) Can be suspended by order of Prime Minister
4. ‘Fundamental Rights’ are: (c) Can be suspended on the will of President
(a) Justifiable (b) Non-justifiable
(d) Can be suspended during Emergency
(c) Flexible (d) Rigid
U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2002
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2013
Ans. (a) Ans. (d)
The fundamental rights are enforceable by the Courts, The fundamental rights are natural and non-transferable
rights. Fundamental rights can only be suspended during
subjected to certain restrictions.
emergency for which provision has been given under Art.
5. Who among the following person said for the 358 and 359 of the Constitution. Fundamental rights under
Fundamental Rights "a pledge to our people and a Article 20 and 21 can never be suspended.
4. Liberty and civil rights
Select the correct answer using the code given below :
Fundamental Rights which are provided to citizens.
(a) Article – 19 to Article – 22
(b) Article – 16 to Article – 19
Ans. (d)
U.P.P.C.S. (Spl) (Mains) 2008
(c) 24 (d) 25
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2011
(c) Art. 17 (d) Art. 19
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1997
Ans. (c) U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2003
Ans. (c)
See the explanation of above question.
Article 17 abolishes untouchability and declares that its
33. Which Article under the fundamental rights is directly
practice in any form is forbidden and enforcement of any
related to the exploitation of children?
disability arising out of untouchability shall be an offence
(a) Article-19 (b) Article-17
and punishable by law.
(c) Article-23 (d) Article-24
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2012 38. In which of the following Articles of the Indian
35. Child Rights are protected in Article_______of ICCPR. (a) Article 16 (b) Article 17
(a) 35 (b) 24 (c) Article 18 (d) Article 15
Ans. (b)
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1994 explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct
explanation of (A).
Article 17 of Indian Constitution abolished untouchability. (c) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false but (R) is true.
42. A court can presume that any act constituting offence
U.P. B.E.O. (Pre) 2019
was committed on the ground of ‘untouchability’–if
Ans. (a)
such offence is committed in relation to
Structural violence is differentiated from personal violence
(a) A member of Scheduled Castes
and refers to preventable harm or damage to persons where
(b) A member of Scheduled Tribes
no actor is committing the violence or where it is not
(c) A member of any community practical to search for the such violence emerges from the
(d) None of the above. unequal distribution of power and resources or, in other
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2013 words, is said to be built into the structure. Some of the
form of structural violence is Racism, untouchability etc.
Ans. (a) Untouchability is an extremely disgusting aspect of caste
Under section 12 of Civil Rights Protection Act, 1955 the system. It constitutes extremely harsh social punishment
court may presume that any act constituting offence was done against lowest castes on the scale of purity and impurity from
religious and ritualistic point of view and untouchability also
on the ground of untouchability, if such offence is committed
gets religious approval for this reason.
in relation to a member of Scheduled Caste.
So, both statements (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct
43. Prohibition and abolishment of untouchability may be explanation of (A).
achieved by- 45. Which one of the following fundamental rights was
1. Making laws amended as a result of the decision of the Supreme
2. Improving Education Court of India in ‘State of Madras Vs. Champakam
of the Press.
47. Which Article of the Constitution ensure the freedom
right to freedom of speech and expression.
51. In which Article the Fundamental Rights to Freedom of
Speech and Expression is provided in the Constitution
of the Press?
of India?
(a) Article 16 (b) Article 19
(a) Article 14 (b) Article 19
(c) Article 22 (d) Article 31
(c) Article 21 (d) Article 22
U.P.P.C.S. (Spl) (Mains) 2004
Uttarakhand U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2007
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2005
Ans. (b)
Ans. (b)
See the explanation of above question.
See the explanation of above question.
52. Freedom of News Papers in India-
48. Under which Article Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
(a) Specially provided by Article 19(1)(a)
Tribes have been granted fundamental, socio-
(b) Is secured under Article 19(1)(b)
economic, political and cultural rights?
(c) Secured by Article 361-A
(a) Article 20 (b) Article 19
(d) Has origin by the enforcement of Rule of law
(c) Article 18 (d) Article 17
I.A.S. (Pre) 1994
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2015
Ans. (d) Ans. (a)
Article 17 of the Constitution provides ‘Abolition of Freedom of the Newspapers or Press is not directly provided
untouchability, ‘ and its practice in any form is forbidden. by the Constitution but included in Article 19(1)(a) as
It is a “statement of principle” with the objective to remove freedom of speech and expression. In the case of Sakal Papers
humiliation and multifaceted harassments meted to the Dalits Ltd. Vs. Union of India, 1961 the Supreme Court stated that
and to ensure their fundamental, socio-economic, political freedom of the Press is included in freedom of speech and
and cultural rights. expression of Article 19(1)(a).
54. By which of the following grounds, a citizen’s freedom As per Article 22.2, Every person who is arrested and
of expression may not be subjected to restriction? detained in custody shall be produced before the nearest
(a) Sovereignty of India (b) Public order magistrate within a period of twenty four hours of such arrest
(c) Contempt of Court (d) Unbecoming criticism excluding the time necessary for the journey from the place
of arrest to the court of the magistrate.
(e) All of the above
Chhattisgarh P.C.S (Pre) 2013 57. In the context of polity, which one of the following
would you accept as the most appropriate definition
Ans. (d)
The freedom of speech and expression may be restricted on
of liberty?
(a) Protection against the tyranny of political rulers
the ground of sovereignty and integrity of India, security of (b) Absence of restraint
(c) Opportunity to do whatever one likes
State, friendly relation with the foreign States, public order,
(d) Opportunity to develop oneself fully
decency or morality or contempt of court, defamation or
I.A.S. (Pre) 2019
Incitement to an offence as enumerated in Article 19(2).
Ans. (d)
55. Which Article of the Constitution of Indian Republic Option (a) and (b) gives a negative perception of liberty.
relates to the Protection of 'Life and Personal Liberty'? Option (c) is related to anarchy and lawlessness.
(a) Article 19 (b) Article 21 Option (d) provides a positive conception of liberty as
(c) Article 20 (d) Article 22 provided in our constitution.
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2016 The term liberty means the absence of restraints on the
Ans. (b) activities of individuals and at the same time, providing
opportunities for the development of individual personalities.
Article 21 of the Indian Constitution is related to the Liberty that our constitution provides for the provision
Protection of 'Life and Personal Liberty'. Article 19
of reservation protection of minority rights, prohibition
guarantees the freedom of Speech and Expression. Article
of discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste,
22 is about protection against arrest and detention in certain
sex or place of birth, etc. provide for creating an enabling
cases and Article 20 is about Protection in respect of
atmosphere where an individual can develop themselves
conviction for offences.
fully. So, the correct option is (d).
56. Which of the following is not correctly matched? 58. Which Article of the Indian Constitution protects
(a) Article 22.1 – Right to be defended by a legal person’s right to travel abroad:
practitioner of her or his choice. (a) 14 (b) 19
can infringe the freedom of movement guaranteed by Articles
19 (1) (d) and Article 21.
The right against exploitation, given in Article 23 and 24,
provides for two provisions, that is, the abolition of trafficking
60. Which one of the following does not fall within the in human beings and Beggar (forced labour), and abolition
purview of article 21 of the Constitution? of employment of children below the age of 14 years in
(a) Medical aid to injure by a doctor hazardous jobs like factories, mines, etc.
(b) Sexual Harassment of Women at work place. 62. The provision of ‘Right to Freedom of Religion’
(c) Pollution of the quality of water. includes-
(I) Freedom of propagation of religion
(d) Capital punishment
(II) Right to wear and carry ‘Kripans’ by Sikhs
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2017
(III) State’s right to make laws for social reforms
Ans. (d)
(IV) Right to conversion of religion of people by
Article 21 of the Indian Constitution provides that –"No religious bodies
person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except Choose the correct answer from given codes:
according to the procedure established by law." Hon'ble Code :
Supreme Court of India had widened the scope and orbit
(a) I, II and III (b) II, III and IV
of right to life and personal liberty at various occasions.
(c) III and IV (d) All of above
According to question given here option (d) is correct as
U.P.U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2001
from decision of Bachan Singh Vs. State of Punjab it is
now clear that provision capital punishment as given in Ans. (a)
section 302 of I.P.C. is not violative of article 21 of the
Article 25 of the Constitution provides freedom of conscience
constitution because it is given only for serious crimes. So, and free profession, practice and propagation of religion, and
capital punishment doesn't come under the provision of also the right of State to make any law for social reforms.
Article 21 of the constitution. All the other rights given in Carrying and wearing of ‘Kripans’ by Sikhs is deemed as
Article 26- Every religious denomination or any of its section U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2009
morality & health but not subject to other provisions relating matched?
The right of minorities to establish and administer educational Article 30 of the Indian Constitution provides for the right of
institutions is provided under Article 30, while Article 31 minorities to establish and administer educational institutions.
was for compulsory acquisition of property which has been All minorities, whether based on religion or language,
repealed by 44 Amendment Act, 1978 and now right to
th shall have the right to establish and administer educational
property is a legal right under Article 300-A in part XII of institution of their choice [Article 30(1)]. According to
the constitution. article 30(2), the state shall not, in granting aid to educational
69. Under which of the following Articles of the Indian institutions, discriminate against any educational institution
Constitution, it has been provided that all minorities on the ground that it is under the management of a minority,
shall have the right to establish and administer whether based on religion or language. So, it is clear that
educational institutions of their choice? 'Minority' is not defined in this article. Hence, both the
(a) Art. 28 (b) Art. 29 statements are correct but, Reason (R) is not the correct
(c) Art. 30 (d) Art. 31 explanation of Assertion (A).
U.P. P.C.S. (Mains) 2017
72. Consider the following statements –
Ans. (c)
1. Article 301 is related to Right to Property.
See the explanation of above question.
2. Right to Property is a legal right but not a Funda-
70. Which Article of the Constitution protects the 'Right mental Right.
of minorities to establish and administer educational
3. Article 300-A was inserted in Indian Constitution
institutions of their choice'?
by 44th Amendment during the period of Congress
(a) 19 (b) 26
(c) 29 (d) 30
http://telegram.me/edulifebpscupscpcs3U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1997 Which of aforesaid statements is/are correct?
(a) Only 2 (b) 2 and 3
Ans. (d)
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 1,2 and 3
Article 19- Right to Freedom
I.A.S. (Pre) 2005
Article 26- Freedom to manage religious affairs
Article 29 - Protection of interest of minority community. Ans. (a)
Article 30 - Right of minorities to establish and administer
Article 301 is related to freedom of trade, commerce and
educational institutions.
intercourse, and not with right to property. Right to property
71. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as was a fundamental right under Article 19(1)(f), but by the 44th
Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R). Amendment 1978, this Clause [19(1)(f)] has been omitted,
Assertion (A) : Article 30 of the Constitution of India
and Article 300-A has been inserted, which provides that no
does not define the term' minorities.
person shall be deprived of his property save by authority
Reason (R) : The Constitution recognises only linguistic
of law. This amendment was done at the time of Janta Party
and religious minorities.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below: Government. After that amendment, right to property became
Codes : legal right and ceased to be a fundamental right. Thus only
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct statement 2 is correct.
explanation of (A).
73. Which of the following rights can be enforced under
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct
Article 32 of the Indian Constitution?
explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false. (a) Constitutional Rights (b) Fundamental Rights
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true. (c) Statutory Rights (d) All of the above
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2019 U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1997
The conferment of titles of "Bharat Ratna", "Padma The first time the Supreme Court held that the fundamental
rights are amendable was in the case of Shankri Prasad Vs.
Vibhushan", "Padma Shri", etc. are said to be not prohibited
Union of India (1951) and Sajjan Singh Vs. Rajasthan State
under Article 18 as they merely denote State recognition of (1965). In Golaknath case (1967) the prior decision was
good work by citizens in the various fields of activity. reversed, and it was held that amendment in fundamental
Padma Awards, which were instituted in the year 1954, is rights is not possible. Again in Keshvananda Bharati case
1973 the Supreme Court held that the amendment power
announced every year on the occasion of Republic Day
except for brief interruption during the years 1978 to 1979
of the Parliament is wide enough but not unlimited. It may
amend fundamental rights but not in such way so as to destroy
and 1993 to 1997. the Basic Structure of the Constitution. This case outlined
Bharat Ratna is the highest civilian award of the country. the power of the parliament to amend the fundamental rights
It is awarded in recognition of exceptional service/ without destroying the basic structure of the Constitution.
performance of the highest order in any field of human 91. Select the correct chronological order of the following
endeavour. It is treated on a different footing from Padma judgements dealing with Fundamental Rights:
Award. The recommendations for Bharat Ratna are made (A) Golaknath v/s State of Punjab
by the Prime Minister to the President of India. No formal (B) Keshvananda Bharati v/s State of Kerala
(C) Minerva Mills v/s Union of India
recommendations for Bharat Ratna are necessary. The
(D) A.K Gopalan v/s State of Madras
number of Bharat Ratna Awards is restricted to a maximum
Select the correct answer:
of three in a particular year. (a) (D), (B), (C), (A)
89. The scope of the Article 21 of the Constitution was (b) (A), (B), (C), (D)
expanded to include Right to Education, because of (c) (D), (A), (B),(C)
(d) (D), (C), (B), (A)
the decision of Supreme Court in the case
R.A.S/R.T.S (Pre) 2018
(a) Unnikrishnan v/s Andhra Pradesh
Ans. (c)
(b) Govind v/s State of Madhya Pradesh
A.K. Gopalan v/s State of Madras (1950)
(c) Parmanand Katara v/s Union of India
Golaknath v/s State of Punjab (1967)
(d) Chameli Singh v/s State of Uttar Pradesh Keshvananda Bharati v/s State of Kerala (1973)
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2019 Minerva Mills v/s Union of India (1980)
Ans. (a) 92. The Supreme Court of India has propounded the
94. Right to Property is a –
(a) Fundamental Right (b) Natural Right
98. When was the Fundamental Right to property
(c) Statutory Right (d) Legal Right
(a) In 1978, by 44th Constitutional Amendment.
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1996
Ans. (d) (b) In 1982, by 46th Constitutional Amendment.
(c) In 1973, by 31st Constitutional Amendment
As the Constitution was originally drafted, the Right to
(d) None of these.
Property was enshrined as a Fundamental Right. But by the
44 Amendment Act, 1978 of the Constitution, the 'Right to
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1994
Property' was removed as a fundamental right, and a new U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2015
provision was added to the Constitution i.e. Article 300-A. Ans. (a)
Now it is a legal right. See the explanation of above question.
95. Read the following statements and choose the correct 99. By which amendment the Right to Property was
option :
Statement I : Right to property was deleted from the
list of Fundamental Rights by the 44th (a) 24th (b) 44th
Amendment Act, 1978. (c) 25th (d) 42nd
Statement II : Right to property was made a legal right
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2013
under Article 300-A in Part XII of the
Constitution. U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2013
(a) Statement I is true, but Statement II is false.
Ans. (b)
(b) Statement I is false, but Statement II is true.
(c) Statement I and Statement II both are true. The right to property has been abolished by 44th Constitutional
(d) Statement I and Statement II both are false.
Amendment. Now it is a legal right.
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2020
Ans. (c) 100. The 44th amendment to the Constitution of India
(c) Fundamental Right available to citizens only (d) Right to Freedom of Religion
(d) Neither Fundamental Right nor legal right
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2015
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above
60th to 62nd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2016
(a) Equality Before Law
(b) Right to Freedom of Expression
Ans. (b) (c) Right to Freedom of Life and liberty
(d) Right Against Exploitation
According to the Supreme Court of India, hoisting the national
Flag atop the private buildings is a fundamental right of every U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2007
citizen under Article 19 (1)(a) of the constitution. Article 14 U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) (Re. Exam) 2015
guarantees equality before the law or the equal protection Ans. (b)
of the laws. Article 21 deals with right to life and personal
Under the Constitution, there are various fundamental
liberty. Article 25 provides for freedom of conscience and
rights which have been given both to citizen and non-
free profession, practice and propagation of religion.
citizen equally. These rights are (1) Equality Before Law
117. Which Article of the Constitution of India safeguards (Art.14), (2) Protection in respect of conviction for offence
one's right to marry the person of one's choice? (Art.20), (3) Protection of Life and Liberty (Art.21), (4)
(a) Article 19 (b) Article 21 Right to Education (Art.21-A), (5) Right Against Exploitation
(c) Article 25 (d) Article 25 (Art.23,24), (6) Right to Freedom of Religion (Art. 25,26,27
I.A.S. (Pre) 2019 and 28). Whereas the provision related to Article19(1)(a)
Ans. (b) (Freedom of speech and expression) is available only to
citizens of India.
In Lata Singh v/s State of U.P. 2006, The Supreme Court
viewed the right to marry as a component of right to life 120. Which one of the following Articles of the Constitution
under Article 21 of Indian constitution. of India is related to equality before law?
In Hadiya marriage case, supreme court also said the right (a) Article 16 (b) Article 15
to convert & choose a partner is implicit under Article 21 of
the constitution. (c) Article 14 (d) Article 13
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2015
118. Consider the following statements:
No one can be compelled to sing the National Anthem Ans. (c)
The Right to 'equality before law' (Art.14) is available to (b) (a) read with Article 14 of the Constitution
every person in India but the Right against discrimination (c) (a) read with Article 16 of the Constitution
(Art.15,16,17), Right to move freely throughout the territory (d) (a), (b) and (c) all read together
of India Art.19(1)(d) and Right to contest elections are U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1999
available only to citizens of India.
Ans. (d)
122. Which of the following rights conferred by the
The word ‘Socialist’ is in the Preamble. Article 14, Article
Constitution of India is also available to non-citizens?
16 and Article 39 (d) together with the Preamble enabled
(a) Right to Constitutional Remedies the court to deduce the right to Equal pay for Equal work as
(b) Freedom of Speech
(c) Freedom to Move and Settle in any Part of the Country
a Fundamental Right.
123. Which of the following Article/Articles read with the U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2009
word ‘Socialist’ used in the Preamble of the Indian Ans. (b)
Constitution enabled the Supreme Court to deduce a
Under Article 16(1) and 16(2), the equal opportunity for all
fundamental right to Equal Pay for Equal Work?
citizens in matters relating to employment or appointment
(a) Article 14 to any office under the State has been ensured.
(b) Articles 14 and 15
126. The provisions of reservation of O.B.C. is made in the
(c) Articles 14, 15 and 16
Constitution under which Articles?
(d) Articles 14 and 16
(a) Article 13(II) & 14
U.P.P.C.S (Pre) 2001
(b) Article 14 & 15
U.P.U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2002
(c) Article 15 (IV) & 16 (IV)
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2003
(d) Article 17 & 18
Ans. (d) Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2016
128. Right to education to all children between the age
group of 6 to 14 years is -
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct
(a) Included in the Directive Principles of State Policy explanation of (A).
(b) A Fundamental Right (c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(c) A Statutory Right (d) (R) is true, but (A) is true.
(d) None of the above U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2016
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2006 Ans. (a)
2. The President of India automatically nominates a
Article 20(2) of the Constitution of India says that no person
shall be prosecuted and punished for the same offence more
representative of the community to Lok Sabha. than once. This is called ‘Doctrine of Double Jeopardy.’ The
3. It can derive benefits from the Prime Minister’s objective of this Article is to avoid harassment, which may be
15-Point Programme. caused by successive criminal proceedings, where the person
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? has committed one crime. There is a law maxim related to
(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 this -Nemo Debet Bis Vexari. This means that no man shall
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3 be put twice in peril for the same offence.
I.A.S. (Pre) 2011 138. In which Article of Indian Constitution Doctrine of
Ans. (c) Due Process of Law is included?
(a) 11 (b) 16
No special representation for minorities is given under the
Constitution. Thus statement (2) is wrong while other two (c) 21 (d) 26
statements are correct. U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2014
135. An accused of any offence cannot be compelled to Ans. (c)
be a witness against himself, which Article of Indian Article 21 says that no person shall be deprived of his life or
Constitution provides for this ? personal liberty except according to procedure established
(a) Article 20(3) (b) Article 21 by law.
(c) Article 22 (d) Article 74 139. Which Article gives safeguard to the Fundamental
U.P. Lower Sub. (Spl) (Pre) 2004 Rights of arrested person?
Ans. (a) (a) Article 15 (b) Article 17
(c) Article 21 (d) Article 22
Article 20 has provided a safeguard to the persons accused of
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2013
crimes. Article 20(3) of the Constitution says that no person
accused of any offence shall be compelled to give witness Ans. (d)
Article 22(4) of the Constitution of India says that no 144. Fill in the blank:
law providing for preventive detention shall authorize _________without duties are like men without
the detention of a person for a longer period than three shadows.’
months. (a) Belief (b) Rights
141. Which one of the following writs is regarded as the (c) Moral (d) Work
greatest safeguard for the liberty of a person? M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2013
(a) Mandamus (b) Habeas Corpus Ans. (b)
(c) Certiorari (d) Prohibition
U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2015 Sir Ernest Barker has said that “Rights without duties are like
men without shadow. So, the correct option is (b).
Ans. (b)
145. In the context of India, which one the following is the
Writ of Habeas Corpus is regarded as the greatest safeguard of
liberty of a person. It calls upon the person who has detained
another to produce the latter before the court, to let the court
correct relationship between Rights and Duties?
(a) Rights are correlative with Duties
(b) Rights are personal and hence independent of society
know on what ground he has been confined and to set him
free if there is no legal justification for the imprisonment. and Duties
(c) Rights, not Duties, are important for the advancement
142. Bonded Labour was abolished in India, by an Act of of the personality of the citizen
Parliament enacted in the year –
(d) Duties, not Rights, are important for the stability of
(a) 1971 (b) 1976
the State
(c) 1979 (d) 1981
I.A.S. (Pre) 2017
U.P. U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2010
U.P. U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2001 Ans. (a)
Ans. (b)
In the context of India, Rights and Duties are correlative.
Article 23(1) of the Constitution prohibits the traffic in human According to Holland, every right implies the active or
beings and forced labour. Any contravention of this provision passive forbearance by others of the wishes of the party
shall be an offence punishable in accordance with law. The having the right. The forbearance on the part of others is
Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Ordinance, 1975 was called a duty. Rights and duties are two phases of the same
promulgated by the President on 25 October, 1975. To replace thing. The Supreme Court has observed that there may be a
the said Ordinance the Bonded Labour System (Abolition) rule which imposes an obligation on a individual or authority
Bill, 1976 was introduced in the Parliament. The Bonded and yet it may not be enforceable in court of law and therefore
Labour System (Abolition) Bill, 1976 was passed by both the not give rise to a corresponding enforceable right in another
Houses of Parliament and it became an Act in 1976. person. But it would still be a legal rule because it prescribes
a norm of conduct to be followed by such individual or
143. The child labour was prohibited in hazardous
authority. Thus, rights and duties are correlative which give
employment by–
effect to each other.
(a) Indian Constitution
(b) The judgment of Supreme Court on December 10, 146. Right to Privacy is protected as an intrinsic part of
1996 Right to Life and Personal Liberty. Which of the
Article 37 of the Constitution says that the Directive U.P. U.D.A./L.D.A (Mains) 2010
Principles are not enforceable in any Courts of Law in India, Ans. (b)
but are fundamental in the governance of the country. It will
‘Equal Pay for Equal Work’ has been ensured in the Indian
be the duty of the State to ensure that these principles are
Constitution in Article 39(d) enshrined in Part IV- Directive
applied in the legislation of laws.
Principle of State Policy. It says that there should be equal
17. Under the Indian Constitution, concentration of wealth pay for equal work for both men and women. It is noteworthy
violates that the Article 14, Article 16 and Article 39 (d) together with
(a) the Right to Equality the preamble enabled the Supreme Court to deduce the right
to Equal Pay for Equal Work as a fundamental Right. With
(b) the Directive Principles of State Policy
respect to Art. 39(d) of the Indian Constitution parliament
(c) the Right to Freedom
passed Equal Remuneration Act, 1976.
(d) the concept of Welfare
I.A.S. (Pre) 2021 19. Which of the following is not a Fundamental Right?
Article 43B constitution of India: Promotion of cooperative
Principles of State Policy deals with the promotion of
international peace and security?
(a) 51 (b) 48 A
Societies. The state shall endeavour to promote voluntary
formation, autonomous functioning, democratic control and (c) 43 A (d) 41
professional management of co-operative societies. I.A.S. (Pre) 2002
28. Which one of the following is NOT correctly matched? Ans. (a)
(a) Article 39A - Equal Justice and free legal aid
(b) Article 40 - Organisation of Village Panchayats Article 51- of the Constitution of India deals with the
(c) Article 44 - Uniform Civil Code promotion of International Peace and Security.
(d) Article 48 - Separation of Judiciary from Article 41- Right to work, to Education and to Public
Executive assistance in certain cases.
U.P. P.C.S. (Pre) 2020 Article 43A- Participation of workers in management of
Ans. (d) industries.
The correct matched order is as follows : Article 48A- Protection and improvement of environment
Article 39A - Equal Justice and free legal aid and safeguarding of forests and wildlife.
Article 40 - Organisation of Village Panchayats
Article 44 - Uniform Civil Code 31. In the Constitution of India, Promotion of International
Article 48 - Organisation of Agriculture and Animal Peace and Security is included in the –
husbandry (a) Preamble to the Constitution
29. Given below are two statements, one labelled as (b) Directive Principles of State Policy
Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R) : (c) Fundamental Duties
Assertion (A) : MGNREGA is providing employment (d) Ninth Schedule
to at least one member of the eligible
I.A.S. (Pre) 2014
household for a minimum period of 100
days in a year. Ans. (b)
Ans. (d)
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2016 Principles by the 42nd Amendment of the Constitution?
(a) Protection of Children and youth from exploitation
(b) Equal justice and free legal aid
See the explanation of above question
(c) Uniform civil code
34. In India, separation of judiciary from the executive (d) Participation of workers in the management of
is enjoined by : industries
(a) the Preamble of the Constitution U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1998
(b) a Directive Principles of State Policy
Ans. (c)
(c) the Seventh Schedule
(d) the conventional practice In the above options, except Uniform Civil Code (Article 44)
I.A.S. (Pre) 2020 all were added by the 42 Amendment of the Constitution.
safeguarding of forests and wildlife' are found in the
Constitution of India?
purposes of intoxicating drinks and of other drugs
which are injurious to health.
(a) Only in the Directive Principles of State Policy Select the correct answer using the code given below.
(b) Only in the Fundamental Duties (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither nor 2
(d) None of the above
I.A.S. (Pre) 2008
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2019
Ans. (c) Ans. (b)
Article 48A in the Part IV (Directive Principles of State Prohibition on consumption except for medicinal purposes of
Policy) of the Indian Constitution has provision protection intoxicating drinks and of other drugs which are injurious to
and improvement of environment and safeguarding of forests health is mentioned under Article 47 of the Directive Principles
and wildlife. of State Policy whereas prohibition of trafficking in human
Similarly, according to Article 51A(g), it is the duty of beings and forced labour is mentioned under Article 23(1) of
every citizen of India to protect and improve the natural the fundamental rights. Therefore only statement 2 is correct.
environment. 44. The ‘Directive Principles’ are………..
41. Which one of the following is not a Directive Principle (a) Justifiable (b) Non-justifiable
of State Policy? (c) Rigid (d) Flexible
(a) Prohibition of the consumption of intoxicating drinks. M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2013
(b) Prohibiting the slaughter of cows and calves.
Ans. (b)
(c) Protection and improvement of the environment.
(d) Free education for children up to the age of 16 years. The fundamental right are justifiable whereas the Directive
U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2013 Principles of State Policy are not justifiable.
Ans. (d) 45. Consider the following provisions under the Directive
local authority within the State to provide adequate facilities
for instruction in the mother-tongue at the primary stage of
respectively of Fundamental Rights.
2. Under the Constitution of India which of the following 5. The provisions relating to Fundamental Duties
is NOT Fundamental Duty? in the Constitution of India were added on the
(a) To vote in General Election recommendation of:
(b) To develop the scientific temper (a) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee
(c) To safeguard public property (b) Iyengar Committee
(d) To abide by the Constitution and respect its ideas (c) Swaran Singh Committee
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2021 (d) Thakkar Commission
Ans. (a) U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2012
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2002
On the recommendations of Swaran Singh committee
(1976), the government has enacted the 42nd Constitutional Ans. (c)
Amendment 1976. This amendment added a new part,
namely, Part IVA to the Constitution. This new part consists Part IV-A and Article 51 A (Fundamental Duties) were added
of one article that is 51A, which contains 11 Fundamental to the Constitution of India by 42 Amendment Act, 1976 on
Duties for the citizens. All the options are correct except the recommendation of Swaran Singh Committee. At present,
the total number of Fundamental Duties is 11. Originally they
option (a). To vote in General Election is not a Fundamental
were 10 in number.
(4) Rajni Patel, (5) HR Gokhale, (6) V.S. Sayed Muhammed,
(7) V.N. Gadgil, (8) CM Stephen, (9) D P Singh, (10) Dinesh
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2011
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2012
Ans. (b)
Goswami, (11) Vasanth Sathe, (12) B.N. Banerjee
See the explanation of above question.
Haridev Joshi was the 11th, 16th & 18th Chief Minister
of Rajasthan. Since 1952 he fought 10 state assembly 13. Which Article of Indian Constitution enumerates
elections untill his death in 1995 and stood undefeated in Fundamental Duties of Indian citizens?
all the elections. (a) Article 50-A (b) Article 50-B
In 1976 the Congress Party set up the Sardar Swaran Singh (c) Article 51-A (d) Article 51-B
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2006
Committee to make recommendations about fundamental
Ans. (c)
duties. The need and necessity of which were felt during the
operation of the internal emergency (1975-77) It stressed See the explanation of above question.
that the citizens should become conscious that in addition to 14. Which Amendment Act included the Fundamental
the enjoyment of rights, they also have certain duties to Duties of citizens in the Indian Constitution?
perform. (a) 42nd Amendment Act
The Government accepted this report and through 42nd (b) 56th Amendment Act
Amendment part IV-A was added to the Constitution. The (c) 73rd Amendment Act
new part consists of only 1 Article (51-A). Presently there (d) 98th Amendment Act
are 11 fundamental duties under this article. Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2008
Ans. (a)
10. The Fundamental Duties are mentioned in which of
the following part of the Constitution of India? See the explanation of above question.
(a) Part-III (b) Part IV 15. The 10 commandments, which were added by 42nd
(d) Directive Principles of State Policy (b) They can be promoted only by constitutional methods
45th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2001 (c) They can be used for interpreting ambiguous statutes
Ans. (b) (d) The performance of any particular duty comes within
the sphere of constitutional law which court has to
See the explanation of above question.
16. Which of the following Amendment Acts is related to U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2003
Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution? U.P.U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2000
(a) 38
(b) 41 st
Ans. (a)
(c) 42
(d) 45 tht
U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2002 Fundamental duties can not be enforced by writs. The
Uttarakhand U.D.A./L.D.A (Pre) 2007 fundamental duties have been defined as the moral obligations
Ans. (c) of all the citizens to help, promote a spirit of patriotism and
to uphold the unity of India.
See the explanation of above question.
21. Which one of the following is a Fundamental Duty in
17. Fundamental Duties were incorporated in the India?
Constitution of India by the –
(a) Separation of judiciary from executive
(a) 32nd Amendment Act
(b) To value and preserve the rich heritage of our
(b) 42nd Amendment Act
(c) 15th Amendment Act
composite culture
(c) Free and compulsory education
(d) 46th Amendment Act (d) Abolition of Untouchability
45th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2001 45th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2001
48th to 52nd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2008
Ans. (b) Ans. (b)
See the explanation of above question. To value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite
culture is a fundamental duty mentioned under Article 51A(f).
18. The 42nd Amendment Act (1976) has incorporated into
the Constitution of India a new chapter on – 22. The Fundamental Duties of a citizen do not include
(a) Administration of Union Territories duty –
(b) Formation of Inter-State Councils (a) To protect and improve the natural environment
(c) Fundamental Duties (b) To cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired
our national struggle for freedom
(d) None of these
(c) To strive towards abolition of untouchability
44th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2000
Ans. (c) (d) To develop scientific temper, humanism and the spirit
of enquiry and reform.
See the explanation of above question.
U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2008
19. In which year Fundamental Duties of Citizens were
Ans. (c)
introduced by 42 Amendment?
(a) 1976 (b) 1975 To strive towards the abolition of untouchability is not a
(c) 1978 (d) 1980 fundamental duty. Article 17 of the fundamental rights in Part
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Mains) 2006 III of the Constitution deals with abolition of untouchability.
Ans. (a) 23. Which one of the following is not a part of Fundamental
Which of the following duties have been prescribed
by the Indian Constitution as Fundamental Duties?
Ans. (d)
According to Article 51A, it shall be the duty of every citizen
1. To defend the country
of India to abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals
2. To pay income tax
3. To preserve the rich heritage of our composite and institutions, the National Flag and the National Anthem
culture and to protect and improve the natural environment including
4. To safeguard the public property forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife and to have compassion for
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
living creatures. So option (d) is the correct answer.
Codes :
(a) 1 and 2 27. “It shall be the duty of every citizen of India to protect
(b) 2 and 4 and improve the natural environment”?.
(c) 1, 2 and 4 The above statement refers to which of the following
(d) 1, 3 and 4 Articles of the Constitution of India?
U.P. B.E.O. (Pre) 2019 (a) Article 21 (b) Article 48-A
Ans. (d) (c) Article 51-A (d) Article 56
See the explanation of above question U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1998
25. Which of the following is/are among the Fundamental Ans. (c)
Duties of citizens laid down in the Indian Constitution? It shall be the duty of every citizen of India to protect and
1. To preserve the rich heritage of our composite
improve the natural environment’’ is mentioned under Article
51A(g) in fundamental duties (Part- IVA).
2. To protect the weaker sections from social injustice.
3. To develop the scientific temper and spirit of 28. Which one of the following is incorrect?
inquiry. (a) Fundamental Duties are the part of the Fundamental
Ans. (c) 33. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?
To protect monuments and places of public importance is Parts of the - Subject
not mentioned under Article 51A of the Indian Constitution. Constitution
30. How many Fundamental Duties are there in the Indian (a) Part II - Citizenship
Constitution? (b) Part III - Fundamental Rights
(a) Nine (b) Eleven (c) Part IV - Directive Principles of State
(c) Twelve (d) Twenty Policy
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2014 (d) Part V - Fundamental Duties
U.P.R.O./A.R.O. (Mains) 2014 U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2009
There are eleven fundamental duties in Part IV-A of the Fundamental Duties were added in Part IV-A by 42nd
Amendment of the Indian Constitution, and Part V pertains
Indian Constitution. Originally there were 10 fundamental
to the Union Executive.
duties, but 11 duty was added by 86th Amendment Act, 2002.
Constitution of India.
Ans. (*)
U.P.P.C.S. (Spl) (Mains) 2004
*The Constitution provides that there shall be uniformity
in the scale of representation of different states as well as
parity between the states as a whole and the Union in the
For the nomination of a person for the election of the election of the President. Hence it can be expressed as -
President, minimum 50 electors need to be proposers, and
(i)Value of the vote of a MLA = Total Population of the
further 50 electors need to be seconders of the nomination
State ÷ Total numbers of elected members in the state
paper. legislative assembly × 1000
The value of vote of each MLA varies from state to state
15. Consider the following statements: due to the different population of each state and the total
In the electoral college for Presidential Election in number of elected members. For example the value of vote
India, of each MLA of Arunachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly is
1. The value of the vote of an elected Member 8, Whereas the value of vote of each MLA of Uttar Pradesh
of Legislative Assembly equals State Population Legislative Assembly is 208. Hence, statement (1) is correct.
(ii) The following formula is used to calculate the vote value
divided by Number of elected Member of the state
of a member of Parliament –
assembly × 100
2. The value of the vote of an elected Member of
Parliament equals the total value of the votes of all
elected MLAs divided by total number of elected MP’s
3. There were more than 5000 voters in the latest
Therefore, it is clear that the value of each member of the
Which of these statement(s) is/are correct? Lok Sabha and each member of the Rajya Sabha is the same.
(a) 1 and 2 (b) Only 2 If, the vote value of one member is to be count, the value of
(c) 1 and 3 (d) Only 3 the vote of each member of both houses is the same. Hence
I.A.S. (Pre) 2003 statement (2) is wrong.
24. Which of the following President was appeared before 27. To whom does the President of India submit his
Supreme Court, when Supreme Court was hearing resignation?
election dispute of the President?
(a) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha
(a) Dr. Zakir Hussain
(b) The Vice-President of India
(b) V.V. Giri
(c) The Chief Justice of India
(c) Fakharuddin Ali Ahmad
(d) The Prime Minister of India
(d) Neelam Sanjiva Reddy
Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2013
(e) Gyani Zail Singh
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2016 Ans. (b)
Former President V.V. Giri appeared in person before the 28. The President of India can be removed from his post by –
Supreme Court as an incumbent President of India following
(a) The Prime Minister of India
a petition filed in the Supreme Court contesting the validity
of election on the ground of having used corrupt practices (b) Lok Sabha
to influence voters. The bench headed by Justice S.M. Sikri (c) Chief Justice of India
ultimately dismissed the petition and upheld Giri's election as (d) Parliament
President. Notably, V.V. Giri had got the majority on counting
39th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1994
the second preference votes.
47th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2005
D–135 General Studies Indian Polity and Governance
Ans. (d) 33. By which House of Parliament, impeachment may be
According to Article 56(1)(b), the President can be removed imposed on President?
from his/her office by impeachment for the violation of the (a) House of People
Constitution and the process of impeachment can be started (b) Council of States
by either Houses of the Parliament in accordance with (c) By any House of Parliament
provisions of Article 61. (d) None of the above
Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2003
29. Under which Article of the Indian Constitution can the
Ans. (c)
President be impeached?
(a) Article 356 (b) Article 75 See the explanation of above question.
(b) Article 76 (d) Article 61 34. Which one of the following has the power to initiate
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Mains) 2006 the Motion of Impeachment of the President of India?
Ans. (d) (a) Both the Houses of the Parliament
See the explanation of above question. (b) Lok Sabha
(c) Rajya Sabha
30. Which one of the following Articles of the Indian
(d) Speaker of the Lok Sabha
Constitution deals with the impeachement process
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2007
against the Indian President?
Ans. (a)
(a) Article 39 (b) Article 60
(c) Article 61 (d) None of the above See the explanation of above question.
U.P. P.C.S. (Mains) 2017 35. The President can be impeached on the grounds of
Ans. (c)
See the explanation of above question.
violating the Constitution by –
(a) The Chief Justice of India.
(b) The Vice-President of India.
31. Under which one of the following Articles, the
procedure for removal of the President of India (c) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha.
through the process of impeachment has been laid (d) The two Houses of Parliament.
down? U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2008
(a) Article-53 (b) Article-61 Ans. (d)
(c) Article-74 (d) Article-13
See the explanation of above question.
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) (Re. Exam) 2015
Ans. (b) 36. At least how many days of prior notice is required for
the impeachment of the President of India?
See the explanation of above question.
(a) 7 days (b) 14 days
32. The President of India can be removed from office even (c) 21 days (d) 30 days
before the expiry of the term. U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2014
(a) By the political party in power
Ans. (b)
(b) By the Prime Minister
According to Article 61(1), the process of impeachment
(c) Through impeachment
can be started from either House of the Parliament, and it is
(d) Through trial by court
required to give prior notice of at least 14 days [Art. 61(2)]
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1994
in writing which must be signed by not less than 1/4 of the
Ans. (c) total number of members of the House, who have given their
See the explanation of above question. intention to move the resolution.
See the explanation of above question.
(b) Prime Minister of India
(c) Central Cabinet
46. If in India the office of President and Vice-President (d) All the above
falls vacant at one point of time, the office of the
42nd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1997
President will temporarily be held by –
Ans. (a)
(a) The Prime Minister
(b) The Chief Justice of Supreme Court See the explanation of above question.
(c) The Chief of Armed Forces
(d) None of the above 51. Given below are two statements:
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2014 Assertion (A) : The executive power of the Union is
Ans. (b) vested in the President of India.
Reason (R) : The executive power is concerned
See the explanation of above question.
with carrying on the business of the
47. Who is the Executive Head of State in India? Government.
(a) President In the context of the above, which one of the following
(b) Prime Minister is correct?
(c) Leader of the Opposition Code :
(d) Chief Secretary, Government of India (a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct
44th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2000 explanation of (A).
Ans. (a) (b) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is not the correct
According to Article 53 (1) the executive power of the Union explanation of (A).
shall be vested in the President and shall be exercised by (c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
him either directly or through officers subordinate to him in (d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
accordance with the Constitution.
U.P.P.S.C. (GIC) 2010
D–138 General Studies Indian Polity and Governance
Ans. (b) Ans. (a)
According to Article 53 of the Indian Constitution, the Article 52 of the Indian Constitution provides that there
executive power of the Union shall be vested in the shall be a President of India. According to Article 53(1)
President. According to Article 77 all executive action of the "the executive power of the Union shall be vested in the
Government of India shall be expressed to be taken in the President and shall by exercised by him either's directly or
name of the President. Thus both Assertion (A) and Reason through officers subordinate to him in accordance with this
(R) are correct, but (R) is not the appropriate explanation constitution".
of (A).
54. The President
52. Consider the following statements and select the correct (a) is not a part of the Parliament
answer from the code given below: (b) is a part of the Parliament
1. The executive power of the Union is vested in the (c) is a part of the Parliament and sits in the Parliament
Prime Minister. (d) can vote in the Parliament
2. The Prime Minister is appointed by the President. (e) None of the above/More than one of the above
3. The Prime Minister is the head of the Council of 64th B.P.C.S. (Pre) 2018
Ministers. Ans. (b)
4. The Prime Minister, at the time of his appointment, Under the Constitution, the Parliament of India consists of
needs not be a member of either House of three parts viz, the President, the Council of States and the
Parliament. House of the People.
Code : Though the President of India is not a member of either House
of Parliament and does not sit in the Parliament to attend its
(a) Only 1, 2 and 4 are correct.
(b) Only 1, 2 and 3 are correct.
meetings, he is an integral part of the Parliament.
58. The President of India can dissolve the Lok Sabha on 62. The President of India addresses the Parliament under
the recommendation of: Article 87 of the Indian Constitution
(a) Rajya Sabha (a) in a joint sitting of both Houses of Parliament.
(b) Election Commission (b) in a joint meeting of both Houses of Parliament.
(c) Chief Justice of India (c) in a joint session of both Houses of Parliament.
(d) Cabinet (d) both Houses of Parliament assembled together.
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2003 R.A.S/R.T.S (Pre) 2018
Ans. (d) Ans. (d)
See the explanation of above question.
59. The joint sitting of the House of People and the Council
Article 87 deals with the special address by the President.
It says, "At the commencement of the first session after each
general election to the House of the People and at the com-
of States is summoned by –
mencement of the first session of each year the President shall
(a) The President
address both houses of the Parliament assemble together and
(b) Speaker of Lok Sabha inform the Parliament of the causes of its summon."
(c) Parliament
63. Which one of the following statements about the
(d) Chairman of Rajya Sabha
President of India is not correct?
U.P.P.C.S.(Pre) 2012 (a) He is a constituent part of Parliament.
Ans. (a)
(b) He participates in the discussions in the both Houses.
The joint sitting of the House of the People and the Council (c) He addresses the joint meeting of both the Houses
of States can be summoned by the President in certain cases
every year.
prescribed in Article 108 of the Constitution.
(d) He can promulgate ordinances in certain situations.
60. The Joint sitting of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha under U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2010
Article 108 is summoned by –
Ans. (b)
(a) Chairman of Rajya Sabha
According to Article 79 of the Constitution, the President of
(b) Speaker of Lok Sabha
India is a constituent part of the Parliament. He addresses the
(c) Prime Minister two Houses at a joint meeting every year. He can promulgate
(d) President Ordinances (according to Article 123) during the recess of
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2015 Parliament. He does not participate in the Parliamentary
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) (Re. Exam) 2015 discussions.
65. Who among the following Presidents exercised a power 68. Which of the following are the discretionary powers
which is ‘Pocket veto’ in Constitutional terminology? of the President?
(i) Appointment of Council of Ministers
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(ii) To return a Bill with objections
(b) V.V. Giri
(iii) To withhold a Bill
(c) Gyani Zail Singh
(d) Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
(iv) To pardon
(v) To summon joint sessions
(e) None of the above (vi) To send message to Parliament
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2015 (vii) Appointment of Judges
Code :
Ans. (c)
(a) (i) (iii) (iv)
A Pocket Veto is a legislative manoeuvre that allows a
(b) (ii) (v) (vii)
president to exercise that power over a Bill by taking no
(c) (iii) (vi) (vii)
action (instead of affirmatively voting it or sending back for
(d) (ii) (iv) (vi)
reconsideration). Till date ‘Pocket Veto’ has been exercised
(e) (ii) (iii) (vi)
only once in India by the President in 1986 Gyani Zail Singh
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2014
on Indian Post Office (Amendment) Bill.
Ans. (*)
66. Under which Article of the Indian Constitution, the
To return the Bill with objections and to with hold the Bill
President of India enjoys the power to withhold his
are the discretionary powers of the President. While the
assent to any Bill passed by both the Houses of the
power of appointment of Judges of Supreme Court and
Parliament? High Courts and appointment of Council of Ministers is
(a) Article 63 (b) Article 108 the executive power, and to summon the joint session of
(c) Article 109 (d) Article 111 Parliament is the legislative power of the President. The
U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2004 right of the President to send messages to the houses is
U.P. P.C.S. (Pre) 2008 bound by the advice of the council. So, none of the options
are correct.
Ans. (d)
70. Under which Article of the Indian Constitution did the
President give his assent to the Ordinance on electoral
Parliament and shall cease to operate after the expiration of
six weeks from the reassembly of Parliament.
reforms when it was sent back to him by the Union
Cabinet without making any changes (in the year 74. Which among the following is/are appointed by the
2002)? President of India?
(a) Article 121 (b) Article 142 1. Chairman of the Finance Commission
(c) Article 123 (d) Article 124 2. Vice-Chairman of the Planning Commission
I.A.S. (Pre) 2003 3. Chief Ministers of the Union Territories
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2015 Select the correct answer by using the following code:
Ans. (c) (a) 1 is correct (b) 1 and 2 are correct
(c) 1 and 3 are correct (d) 2 and 3 are correct
Article 123 of the Indian Constitution provides the power
to the President to promulgate Ordinances during recess I.A.S. (Pre) 1994
of Parliament, if at any time, except when both the Houses U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2005
of Parliament are in session, the President is satisfied that Ans. (c)
circumstances exist which render it necessary for him to take According to Article 280(1), the Chairman of the Finance
immediate action, he may promulgate such Ordinance as
Commission is appointed by the President of India and
the circumstances appear to him to require. The Ordinance,
according to Article 239AA(5), the Chief Minister of the
thus issued will have the same force as an Act of Parliament.
Union Territories shall be appointed by the President and the
71. Under which of the following Articles of the Constitution, other Ministers shall be appointed by the President on the
the President of India has been empowered to
advice of the Chief Minister and the Ministers shall hold
promulgate an ordinance?
office during the pleasure of the President. The Vice-Chairman
(a) Article-360 (b) Article-123
of the Planning Commission is appointed by the Prime Minister.
(c) Article-200 (d) Article-356
Attorney General of India, Comptroller and Auditor General Article 143 of the Constitution empowers the President to
of India and Governor of State, all are appointed by the consult the Supreme Court on the question of law or fact, but
President in accordance with the Article 76, 148 and 155 he is not bound to accept the advice given by the Supreme
respectively of the Indian Constitution. Court.
Defence Forces is vested in the President, but the exercise
the power on advice of council of minister headed by Pm.
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(c) Dr. Zakir Hussain
(b) Dr. Radhakrishanan
(d) Neelam Sanjiva Reddy
So, Assertion (A) is correct, but (R) is false.
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2004
93. The First President of Independent India hailed from- Ans. (d)
(a) U.P. (b) Andhra Pradesh
See the explanation of above question.
(c) Bihar (d) Tamil Nadu
41st B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2001 98. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer
Ans. (c) using the code given below the list:
List-I List-II
The First President of Independent India was Dr. Rajendra
(President) (Term)
Prasad, who hailed from Bihar.
A. Fakhruddhin 1. 1969-1974
94. The fourth President of India was:
Ali Ahmed
(a) Sri V.V. Giri
B. N. Sanjiva Reddy 2. 1974-1977
(b) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
C. Dr. Zakir Hussain 3. 1977-1982
(c) Dr. Zakir Hussain
D. V.V. Giri 4. 1967-1969
(d) Dr. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad Code :
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1994 A B C D
Ans. (a) (a) 3 2 1 4
V.V. Giri was the 4 President of India (1969-1974), but on
th (b) 2 3 1 4
the basis of tenure, he was 6th president of India. He became (c) 2 3 4 1
the President of India after Dr. Rajendra Prasad (3 times), (d) 4 3 2 1
Dr. S. Radhakrishnan and Zakir Hussain. U.P. Lower Sub. (Mains) 2013
(c) Dr. Zakir Husain
(d) Neelam Sanjiva Reddy Ans. (b)
Uttarakhand U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2007
Ans. (d)
of office was from 2002 to 2007, was also known as ‘the
Neelam Sanjiva Reddy as sixth President of India, served as Missile Man’’ for his work on the development of Ballistic
a two-time speaker of Lok Sabha in 17 March, 1967 to 19 Missile and Launch Vehicle technology.
July, 1969 and in 26 March, 1977 to 13 July, 1977.
105. Who among the following Chief Justices of India also
101. Among the following Presidents of India, who is known
acted as the President of India?
as the Philosopher King or the Philosopher Ruler?
(a) Justice M. C. Mahajan
(a) Dr. Radhakrishnan
(b) Justice M. Hidayatullah
(b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(c) Justice P.N. Bhagwati
(c) Dr. Zakir Hussain
(d) Justice B.K. Mukherjee
(d) Dr. Abdul Kalam
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2003
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2014
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2004
Ans. (a)
Ans. (b)
The Second President of India (1962-1967) Dr. Sarvepalli
Radhakrishnan is known as the Philosopher king or the Former Chief Justice of India M. Hidayatullah served as
Philosopher Ruler. acting President of India from 20 July, 1969 to 24 August,
102. The first President of India Rajendra Prasad belonged
to which State ? 106. Who was among following to receive first Bharat
(a) Bihar Ratna ?
(b) Haryana (a) Rajendra Prasad
D–147 General Studies Indian Polity and Governance
(b) Jawahar lal Nehru (b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not correct
(c) Lal Bahadur Shastri explanation of (A).
(d) S. Radhakrishnan (c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(e) None of the above / More than one of the above (d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
66 B.P.S.C. (Pre) (Re- Exam), 2020 Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2008
Ans. (d)
Ans. (*)
The provision of Bharat Ratna was introduced in 1954.
Chakravarti Rajagopalachari, Dr. Sarvepalli Radha Krishnan As per the Article 361 (2) No criminal proceedings whatsoever
and C.V. Raman were awarded Bharat Ratna in 1954. Thus, shall be instituted or continued against the President, or the
option (d) is the correct answer. Governor of a state in any court during its term of office.
But under the provision of 361 (4) a civil proceedings can
107. Choose the odd one- be instituted against the president or the Governor of a state
(a) Rajendra Prasad during its term of office after two months of giving written
notice. So none of the above answer is correct.
(b) Radhakrishnan
(c) Zakir Husain 110. What is the sequence number of Ms. Pratibha Patil as
108. Which of the following statements is not correct?
(a) To hold the office of President Candidate should have
Pratibha Devi Singh Patil (25 July 2007 to 25 July 2012)
took oath as the 12th President of India on 25 July 2007. She
the minimum age of 35 years. was the first women President of India.
(b) Vice-President is Chairman of Rajya Sabha
111. A Bill presented in Parliament becomes an Act after –
(c) Vice-President is appointed by the President of India
(a) It is passed by both the Houses.
(d) First President of India was Dr. Rajendra Prasad.
(b) The President has given his Assent.
38th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1992
(c) The Prime Minister has signed it.
Ans. (c)
(d) The Supreme Court has declared it to be within the
According to Article 66, the Vice-President is elected by the
competence of the Union-Parliament.
members of Parliament by the Proportional Representation
48th to 52nd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2008
System and Single Transferable Vote System. All the other
three statements are true. Ans. (b)
A bill presented and passed by the Parliament becomes an
109. Assertion (A) : During the term of office no litigation
Act after the assent of the President.
can be instituted in any court of law
against the President of India. 112. Who has the Constitutional Power to declare a
Reason (R): President’s office is above the geographical area as a ‘’Scheduled Area’’?
Constitution. (a) Governor (b) Chief Minister
Code : (c) Prime Minister (d) President
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2006
explanation of (A). Ans. (d)
members of an electoral college consisting of the Members
(both elected and nominated) of both houses of Parliament.
members of both the Houses of Parliament in accordance
with the system of proportional representation by means of
the single transferable vote.
*According to Article 66 (1), the election of Vice-President
2. The Vice-President of India is elected by:
is held in accordance with the system of proportional
(a) The People
representation by means of the single transferable vote
(b) The Electoral College which elects the President
and the voting is done by secret ballot. *The eligibility for
(c) The members of both the Houses of Parliament
election as Vice-President (a citizen of India, should have
(d) The State Legislatures
completed 35 years of age, and should be qualified for
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2002
election as a member of the Rajya Sabha) is mentioned in Ans. (c)
Article 66 (3). *The Vice-President draws his salary (4 lakh
per month) in his capacity as the ex–officio chairman of the See the explanation of above question.
Rajya Sabha. *The constitution has not fixed any emoluments 3. Consider the following statements. Which of these
for the Vice–President in that capacity. *According to Article statements is/are correct?
67(a), the Vice–President holds office for a term of five years. 1. Like the election of the President, the election of
*According to Article 67 (b) he can be removed by a resolution Vice-President is indirect.
of the Rajya Sabha passed by an absolute majority and agreed 2. The Member of the State Legislatures play an
to by the Lok Sabha. important role in the election of the both.
Select the correct answer from the code given below:
*The Vice – President of India and their terms of office is as
Code :
(a) 1 only
1. Dr. S. Radha Krishnan 1952-1962 (b) 2 only
2. Dr. Zakir Hussain 1962-1967 (c) 1 and 2 both
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
3. V.V. Giri 1967-1969
U.P. R.O./A.R.O. (Mains) 2016
4. G.S Pathak 1969-1974 Ans. (a)
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is an acceptable
MLAs of Vidhan Sabha
(d) through election by the MPs of Lok Sabha and Rajya
explanation of (A). Sabha
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not an acceptable M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1996
explanation of (A). Ans. (d)
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false. The Vice-President is elected by the members of an electoral
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true. college consisting of the members of both Houses (LokSabha
U.P. U.D.A./L.D.A. (Spl) (Pre) 2010 and Rajya Sabha) of Parliament [(Art. 66(1)].
The Vice-President of India is the second-highest Rajya Sabha is presided over by Vice-President, but he is not
Constitutional Office of India, after President. Article 63 of the member of the Upper House.
Indian Constitution says that there shall be a Vice-President 13. Who is the Ex-Officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha?
of India. The Vice-President shall act as President during (a) The President
casual vacancies in the office of President by reason of death, (b) The Vice President
(c) The Prime Minister
resignation, impeachment or other situations.
(d) None of the above
9. The Vice-President may be removed from his office by (e) None of the above / more than one of the above
a resolution of – 63rd B. P.S.C. (Pre) 2017
(a) Council of States (b) Lok Sabha Ans. (b)
(c) Cabinet (d) Council of Ministers
Ans. (a)
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2013
See the explanation of the above question.
10. The proposal relating to dismissal of the Vice-President 15. Among the four pairs given below which one consists
can be presented in – of a correct-combination of dignitaries who became
(a) Any House of the Parliament Vice-President after having held diplomatic posts of
Ambassador and High Commissioners?
(b) Rajya Sabha
(a) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan and G.S. Pathak
(c) The Lok Sabha
(b) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan and V.V. Giri
(d) None of the above
(c) Dr. Zakir Hussain and K. R. Narayanan
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2007
Ans. (b) (d) B. D. Jatti and K. R. Narayanan
I.A.S. (Pre) 1993
See the explanation of above question. Ans. (b)
11. A resolution for the removal of the Vice-President of
Dr. S. Radhakrishnan was an Ambassador to the U.S.S.R
India can be proposed in –
from 1949 to1952, and V.V. Giri was the High Commissioner
(a) Lok Sabha only
of Sri Lanka from 1947 to 1951. K.R. Narayanan also was
(b) Any House of Parliament
ambassador to China from 1976 to 78.
(c) Joint Session of Parliament
According to Article 74(1), "There shall be a council of 5. Article 78 of the Constitution of India lays down the
Ministers with the Prime Minister as its head to aid and duties of the –
advise the President who shall, in exercise of his function, (a) Speaker of Lok Sabha
act in accordance with such advice". Thus, the real power is (b) Chairman of Rajya Sabha
vested in the Prime Minister. (c) Comptroller and Auditor General of India
(e) None of these Article 78 envisages the duties of the Prime Minister in
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2013 respect of furnishing of information to the President.
(i) Relating to administration of affairs of the Union
Ans. (d)
(ii) If President requires submit for the consideration of
The Prime Minister of India is appointed by the President, Council of Ministers any matter on which a decision
and other Ministers are also appointed by the President on has been taken by a minister but not considered by the
the advice of the Prime Minister [Art. 75 (1)]. Council.
Which of the following is not true?
(a) The President or Governor is immune from legal
6. With reference to Prime Minister's Office (PMO) which
one of the statements is/are correct?
action for officials acts. 1. It came into existence in 1977.
(b) No Court can compel a Governor to perform any duty. 2. It is headed by the Cabinet Secretary .
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
(c) A two month’s notice in writing must be delivered to
Codes :
a Governor for bringing civil proceedings in respect
(a) Only 2 (b) Both 1 and 2
of their personal acts.
(c) Only 1 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(d) Courts are empowered to enquire the advice tendered
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2019
by the Ministers to the President or Governor.
Ans. (c)
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2016
Prime Minister Office (PMO) came into existence in 1977.
Ans. (d)
Earlier (1947-77) this office was known as Prime Ministers
According to Article 74(2), on the question whether any and Secretariat. Principle secretary is the head of the Prime Minis-
if so what advice was tendered by Ministers to the President ter Office. Dr. P.K. Mishra is the current Principle secretary of
shall not be inquired into any Court. So option (d) is not Prime Minister whereas the Cabinet secretary is Rajiv Gauba.
correct while other options are correct.
7. Cabinet means –
4. The Prime Minister of India is the head of the – (a) All Ministers in the Government
(a) State Government (b) Ministers with Cabinet Rank
(b) Central Government (c) Cabinet Ministers and their Secretaries
(c) Both State and Central Governments (d) Ministers of State
(d) None of them Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Mains) 2006
47th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2005 Ans. (b)
power is exercised by the Prime Minister, and the provision
regarding this is mentioned in Article 75 of the Indian Ans. (d)
U.P.U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2001
Constitution. Article 75(1) states that the Prime Minister shall be appointed
10. Consider the following statements: by the President and other Ministers shall be appointed by
1. The President shall make rules for more convenient the President on the advice of the Prime Minister. Article
transaction of the business of the Government of 75(2) states that the Ministers shall hold the office during
India, and for the allocation among Ministers of the pleasure of the President.
the said business.
13. Prime Minister of India is generally-
2. All executive actions of the Government of India
(a) Not a member of Parliament
shall be expressed to be taken in the name of the
(b) Member of Lok Sabha
Prime Minister.
(c) Member of Rajya Sabha
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
(d) Member of both the Houses
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
47th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2005
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Ans. (b)
I.A.S. (Pre) 2014
Ans. (a) The Prime Minister of India is generally a member of Lok
Sabha, but this is not compulsory or restricted. He can be a
Article 77(1) says that all executive action of the member of Rajya Sabha. Indira Gandhi was the first PM from
Government of India shall be expressed to be taken in the Rajya Sabha at the time of appointment but later became the
name of the President. So, statement (2) is wrong whereas member of Lok Sabha.
statement (1) is right. According to Article 77(3) the
14. Who is the President of the Council of Scientific and
President shall make a rule for more convenient transaction
Industrial Research?
of the business of Government of India and for allocation (a) President of India
among Ministers of the said business. (b) Vice-President of India
D–155 General Studies Indian Polity and Governance
(c) Prime Minister of India U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2009
(d) Union Minister of Science and Technology Ans. (b)
Uttarakhand Lower Sub. (Pre) 2010 The Office of Deputy Prime Minister is not mentioned
Ans. (c) anywhere in the Constitution of India. The post is created due
to political necessity which is purely a non-Constitutional post.
The President of the Council of Scientific and Industrial
Research is the Prime Minister of India. 19. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is a –
15. Who is the head of the National Defence Committee? (a) Member of Lok Sabha from Punjab
(a) Home Minister (b) Prime Minister (b) Member of Rajya Sabha from Punjab
(c) President (d) Vice-President (c) Member of Rajya Sabha from Rajasthan
53 to 55th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2011
rd (d) Member of Rajya Sabha from Assam
Ans. (b) M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2010
Ans. (d)
The National Defence Committee is headed by the Prime
Minister. Dr. Manmohan Singh served as a Prime Minister from 2004
to 2014. He was first elected as a member of Rajya Sabha
16. The Prime Minister of India, at the time of his/her from Assam in 1991. Later, he again became a member of
appointment Rajya Sabha from Assam in the year 1996, 2001, 2007 and
(a) Need not necessarily be a member of one of the Houses 2013. In 2019, he again got elected as a Rajya Sabha member
of the Parliament but must become a member of one representing Rajasthan.
of the Houses within six months.
20. The Prime Minister is –
(b) Need not necessarily be a member of one of the Houses
(a) Elected by the Lok Sabha
of the Parliament but must become a member of the
(b) Elected by the Parliament
Lok Sabha within six months.
(c) Appointed by the President
(c) Must be a member of one of the Houses of the
(d) Nominated by the Party in Majority of Lok Sabha.
(d) Must be a member of the Lok Sabha.
Ans. (c)
Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2011
I.A.S. (Pre) 2012
Ans. (a) Article 75(1) says that the Prime Minister shall be appointed
Article 75(5) says that a person who is not a member of by the President and other Ministers shall be appointed by
either House can become a minister, but he cannot continue the President on the advice of the Prime Minister. Article
as minister for more than 6 months unless he secures a seat 75(2) says that the Ministers shall hold the office during the
in either House of Parliament (by election or by nomination). pleasure of the President.
These provisions also apply to the Prime Minister. So, option 21. Which one of the following statements is correct about
(a) is the correct answer. the Prime Minister of India?
17. What is the minimum age requirement to become the (a) He is free to choose his ministers only among those
Prime Minister of India? who are members of either House of the Parliament.
(a) 21 years (b) 25 years (b) He can choose his cabinet colleagues after due
(c) 30 years (d) 35 years counselling by the President of India in this regard.
Uttarakhand U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2007 (c) He has full discretion in the choice of persons who
Ans. (b) are to serve as ministers in his cabinet.
(d) He has only limited power in the choice of his cabinet
The minimum age requirement to become the Prime colleagues because of the discretionary powers vested
Minister of India is same as that of a person to be a member in the President of India.
of Lok Sabha i.e. 25 years.
I.A.S. (Pre) 1996
18. The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister – Ans. (c)
(a) Was created under the original Constitution.
The Prime Minister is the head of the Council of Ministers.
(b) Is an extra-Constitutional growth.
He has full discretion in the choice of the person who is to
(c) Was created by 44th Amendment.
serve as a Minister in his Cabinet [Article 75(1)]. He may
(d) Was created by the 85th Amendment.
D–156 General Studies Indian Polity and Governance
choose any member apart from either house of Parliament but According to Article 75(3) of the Indian Constitution, the
such person will have to become a member of either House of Council of Ministers shall be collectively responsible to the
Parliament within 6 months from the date he enters the office Lok Sabha. It is a constitutional obligation, Article 74(3) does
[Article 75(5)]. Otherwise, he will cease to be a Minister. not exist in the Constitution of India. Therefore, statement
1,2, and 3 are correct. Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
22. A Central Minister who is not the member of any
House, can remain in the office for – 26. The Council of Ministers is responsible to the –
(a) 1 year (b) 6 months (a) President (b) Prime Minister
(c) 3 months (d) 1 month (c) Speaker (d) Parliament
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2015 40th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1995
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1993 Ans. (*)
Ans. (b)
The Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to Lok
See the explanation of above question.
Sabha. Since the Lok Sabha is not given in the option so
23. In India, a minister who is not a member of either nearest answer would be the Parliament.
House of Parliament will cease to be a minister after:
27. To whom is the Council of Ministers responsible?
(a) Six Months (b) One Year
(a) Parliament
(c) Two Years (d) Three Years
(b) President
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1995
(c) Speaker of Lok Sabha
Ans. (a)
(d) Speaker of Lok Sabha and Chairman of Rajya Sabha
See the explanation of above question. M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2010
Ans. (*)
24. Which of the following statements is not true regarding
the Parliament of India. See the explanation of above question.
(a) The Constitution provides for a Parliamentary form
of Government.
(b) The function of the Parliament is to provide for a
28. The Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to
which of the following?
(a) Prime Minister (b) President
(c) Rajya Sabha (d) Lok Sabha
(c) The membership of the cabinet is restricted to the
U.P.P.C.S.(Pre) 2012
Lower House.
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2012
(d) The cabinet enjoys the confidence of the majority in
Ans. (d)
the popular chamber of the house.
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2011 See the explanation of above question.
Ans. (c)
29. The Prime Minister of India is responsible to whom?
A person who is not a member of either House can also (a) The Cabinet
become the member of the Cabinet, but he cannot continue as (b) The President
minister for more than 6 months, unless, he secure a seat in (c) The Lok Sabha
either House of the Parliament i.e. Lok Sabha or RajyaSabha (d) The Rajya Sabha
[According to Article 75(5)]. (e) More than one of the above
25. The Council of Ministers is collectively responsible:
63rd B. P.S.C. (Pre) 2017
1. To the House of the People
Ans. (c)
2. Under a Constitutional Obligation
3. As per Article 75 (3) According to the Article 75 (3) of the Indian Constitution,
4. As per Article 74 (3) the Council of Minister (including Prime Minister) shall be
Which of the above statements are correct? collectively responsible to the House of the People (Lok
(a) 1, and 2 only (b) 1, 2 and 3 only
(c) 1, 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 30. Which one of the following is not a correct situation
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2012 arising after the resignation of the Council of
Ans. (b) Ministers?
independence India while Jogendra Nath Mandal was the He took charge as Prime Minister of India on May 16, 1996
Law Minister in the interim government formed in 1946. to June 1, 1996, March 19, 1998 to April 26, 1999 and from
October 13, 1999 to May 22, 2004.
46. Which one of the following terms does not appear in
the Constitution of India? 49. Who among the following held the office of the Prime
(a) Annual Financial Statement Minister of India more than once?
(b) Appropriation Bill 1. Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Budget 2. Indira Gandhi
(d) Consolidated Fund of India 3. Gulzari Lal Nanda
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2011 4. Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Ans. (c) Choose the correct code:
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 3
The word “Budget’’ is not mentioned in the Constitution of
(c) 1,2 and 4 (d) All of above
India. Under Article 112 "Annual Financial Statement" is
Uttarakhand U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2003
mentioned. Ans. (d)
See the explanation of above question.
4. He can be removed by impeachment by Parliament
Which of these statements are correct?
5. Who is known as the first law officer in India? Code :
(a) Chief of Justice of India (a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 3
(b) Controller General of India
(c) 2,3 and 4 (d) 3 and 4
(c) Attorney General of India
(d) Law Secretary U.P.R.O./A.R.O. (Mains) 2014
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2006 I.A.S. (Pre) 2000
Ans. (c) Ans. (a)
See the explanation of above question. Article 88 of the Indian Constitution, deals with the rights
of Ministers and Attorney-General in respect of Houses.
6. The Attorney General of India is a legal advisor to
Every Minister and the Attorney General of India shall
(a) The President of India (b) The Prime Minister
have the right to speak in, and otherwise to take part in the
(c) Lok Sabha (d) Government of India
proceedings of either House, any joint sitting of the Houses,
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2008
Ans. (d) and any Committee of Parliament of which he may be named
a member, but shall not by virtue of this Article, be entitled to
See the explanation of above question.
vote in the House. The President shall appoint a person who
7. The Chief Legal Advisor to Government of India is: is qualified to be appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court,
(a) Solicitor General of India to be Attorney General of India. He can be removed by the
(b) Chief Justice of Supreme Court President. Thus statement 1 and 2 are correct while statement
(c) Secretary Ministry of Law
3 and 4 are incorrect.
(d) Attorney General of India
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1995 10. Consider the following statements in the context of
Ans. (d) Attorney General of India :
19. The Solicitor General of India is: 23. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India is
(a) An Administrative Officer appointed by-
(b) A Legal Adviser
(c) An adviser to Prime Minister
(a) President
(b) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(d) A law officer for giving advice to the President of (c) Chairman of Planning Commission
(d) Finance Minister
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1994
Ans. (b) U.P.U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2001
Ans. (a)
See the explanation of above question.
Article 148 (1) of the Constitution of India, says that there
20. Who advises the State Government on legal matters? shall be a Comptroller and Auditor-General of India who
(a) Attorney-General shall be appointed by the President by warrant under his
(b) Advocate-General hand and seal and shall only be removed from office in like
(c) Solicitor-General manner and on the like grounds as a Judge of the Supreme
(d) Chief Justice of the High Court Court. The Comptroller and Auditor General audits all
45th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2001 receipts and expenditures of the Government of India and
Ans. (b) submits his report to the President. He also audits all receipts
It shall be the duty of the Advocate-General to advise the and expenditures of the State Governments and submits the
Government of the State on legal matters [Article 165(2)]. report to the Governor of the State.
The Governor of each State shall appoint a person who 24. Under which Article of the Indian Constitution is the
is qualified to be appointed a Judge of a High Court, to Comptroller and Auditor General of India appointed?
be Advocate-General for the State [Article 165(1)]. The (a) Article 146 (b) Article 147
Advocate-General shall hold office during the pleasure of (c) Article 148 (d) Article 149
the Governor [Article 165 (3)]. He is the first legal advisor U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2015
of the State Government. Ans. (c)
26. The office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of Power and Condition of Service) Act, 1971 says that the
Salary of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India is
India was created –
equal to that of the Judges of the Supreme Court. Article
(a) Through an Act of the Parliament
148(4) says that the Comptroller and Auditor-General shall
(b) By the Constitution
not be eligible for any office either under the Government
(c) Through a Cabinet Resolution
of India or the Government of any State after he has ceased
(d) None of the above to hold his office.
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2012 29. The Comptroller and Auditor-General of India can be
Ans. (b) removed from his office in like manner as
See the explanation of above question. (a) Speaker of Lok Sabha
27. The tenure of Comptroller and Auditor General of (b) Attorney General of India
(a) 4 Years (b) 5 Years (d) Chairman of Union Public Service Commission
According to Article 148(3) the salary and other condition of 30. Which one of the following duties is not performed by
service of the comptroller and Auditor General of India shall
Comptroller and Auditor General of India?
be determined by Parliament. The Comptroller and Auditor
(a) To audit and report on all expenditure from the
General of India holds office for the term of 6 years or until
attains the age of 65 years whichever is earlier as per law Consolidated Fund of India
of the Parliament (CAG Duties, Power, and Condition (b) To audit and report on all expenditure from the
Act,1971). Contingency Funds and Public Accounts
28. Which of the following is not true about the Comptroller (c) To audit and report on all trading, manufacturing,
and Auditor General of India? profit and loss accounts
(a) He is appointed by the President (d) To control the receipt and issue of public money,
(b) His salary is equal to that of the Judge of Supreme and to ensure that the public revenue is lodged in the
Court Exchequer
and derives his Constitutional standing as the Auditor of the Ans. (b)
See the explanation of above question.
Union and State Governments from Articles 148 to 151 of the
Constitution of India. The duties, powers, and conditions of 32. In India, other than ensuring that public funds are
service of the Comptroller and Auditor General are laid down in used efficiently and for the intended purpose, what is
the CAG (Duties, Powers and Conditions of Service) Act, 1971. the importance of the office of the Comptroller and
The statutory duties of the CAG include audit of – Auditor General (CAG)?
(1) Receipts and expenditures of the Union and the 1. CAG exercises exchequer control on behalf of the
State Governments accounted for in the respective Parliament when the President of India declares
(2) Transactions relating to the Contingency Funds 2. CAG reports on the execution of projects or
programmes by the ministries are discussed by the
(created for use in emergency circumstances) and the
Public Accounts Committee.
Public Accounts (used mainly for loans, deposits, and
3. Information from CAG reports can be used by
investigating agencies to press charges against
(3) Trading, manufacturing, profit and loss accounts and
those who have violated the law while managing
balance sheets and other subsidiary accounts kept in any
public finances.
Government Department.
(4) Accounts of stores and stock kept in Government
4. While dealing with the audit and accounting of
government companies, CAG has certain judicial
Organizations, Government Companies and Government
powers for prosecuting those who violate the law.
Corporations whose statutes provide an audit by the
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
(a) 1, 3 and 4 (b) Only 2
(5) Authorities and bodies substantially financed from the
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Consolidated Funds of the Union and the States.
I.A.S. (Pre) 2012
(6) Anybody or authority even though not substantially
Ans. (c)
financed from the Consolidated Fund at the request of
The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India is
the President or the Governor.
an authority, established by the Constitution of India under
(7) Accounts of bodies and authorities receiving loans and
Article 148, who audits all receipts and expenditures of
grants from the Government for specific purposes.
the Government of India and the State Governments. CAG
31. Consider the following statements:
reports on the execution of projects or programmes by the
(i) It shall be the duty of the Comptroller and Auditor-
ministries are discussed by the Public Accounts Committee
General to audit all receipts which are payable into
and investigating agencies can press charge on facts based
the Consolidated Fund of India.
on CAG reports.
(ii) The Comptroller and Auditor General shall have
authority to audit and report on the accounts of 33. The ultimate responsibility of taking due action on the
stores or stock kept in any office or department of comments of the Comptroller and Auditor General
the Union or a State. vests with
Choose the correct statement. (a) President of India
The Comptroller and Auditor General of India attend the
meetings of the Public Account Committee of the Parliament.
(d) Public Accounts Committee
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2006
Ans. (d)
Article 149 prescribes those duties and powers which shall
be performed and exercised by him. The representatives of the Ministries appear before the Public
Accounts Committees when examining the Accounts and
35. Which Article of the Constitution prescribes the duties
Audit Reports relating to their Ministries. The CAG is the
of the comptroller and Auditor General of India?
“Friend, Philosopher and Guide” of the PAC. It attends the
(a) Article 146
sittings of the PAC, assists it in its deliberations.
(b) Article 147
(c) Article 148 38. The Public Accounts Committee of Indian Parliament
(d) Article 149 scrutinizes the
(a) Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2019
(b) Consolidated Fund of India
Ans. (d)
(c) Public Account of India
See the explanation of above question. (d) Contingency Fund of India
36. The Comptroller and Auditor General is appointed by U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2021
the President. He can be removed – Ans. (a)
(a) By the President See the explanation of above question.
(b) On an address from both Houses of Parliament
39. The Amendment to (CAG Duties, Power and Condition
(c) By the Supreme Court
of Service Act) 1971 separates Accounts from Audit and
(d) On the recommendation of the President by the relieves the CAG of his responsibility in the matters of
Supreme Court preparation of Accounts. The amendments were made
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2006 in the year.
Ans. (*) (a) 1972 (b) 1976
Government. The post is created by the Constitution of India
and corresponds to that of Attorney General of India at the
Ans. (b)
The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) is a constitutional
Union Government level. The Advocate General of State in functionary, independent of Parliament/legislature and
India is appointed by the Governor, not by the President. Thus executives. The CAG is responsible for-
statement 1 is incorrect. Article 177 empowers him to speak • Audit of Ministries and departments of Government of
in and take part in the proceedings of the Legislature of the India and the State Governments.
State, but he has no right to vote in it. As provided in Civil • Audit of Central and State Government Public Sector
Procedure Code, High Courts does not have original, appellate Undertakings and other autonomous bodies and
and advisory jurisdiction at the state level. Under Article 143, authorities which are financed from Government funds.
the advisory jurisdiction belongs to the Supreme Court. • Audit of receipts of Union or of States.
41. Who is called the Guardian of Public Purse? • Audit of accounts stores and stock.
(a) President • Audit of companies and corporations.
The broad objectives of audit are to ensure legality,
(b) Comptroller and Auditor General
regularity, economy, efficiency and effectiveness of financial
(c) Parliament management and public administration mainly through
(d) Council of Ministers assessment as to:
U.P. P.C.S. (Mains) 2008 • whether the financial statements are properly prepared, are
Ans. (b) complete in all respects and are presented with adequate
disclosures (financial audit);
The Constitution of India (Art. 148) provides for an • whether the provisions of the Constitution, the applicable
Independent Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General laws, rules and regulations made thereunder and various
of India (CAG). CAG is the head of the Indian Audit and orders and instructions issued by competent authority are
Accounts Department and the guardian of public expense. being complied with (compliance audit); and
• The extent to which an activity, programme or organisation
42. C.A.G. (Comptroller and Auditor General) of India operates economically, efficiently and effectively
acts as (performance audit).
(a) The Guardian of people’s liberties. Hence, option (2) is correct.
election. For the state assembly elections, the expenditure limit See the explanation of above question.
has been enhanced to Rs. 40 lakh from Rs. 28 lakh. For small 4. For election to the Lok Sabha, a nomination paper can
states revised expenditure for Loksabha is increased by Rs. 65 be filed by
Lakhs from Rs. 54 Lakhs. While in case of small state assembly (a) anyone residing in India
party must have atleast 10% of the total strength of the House
i.e. 55 seats in Lok Sabha.
territory of Jammu & Kashmir. So, Presently there are no
reservation for SC and ST for Lok Sabha in Arunachal Pradesh
12. According to the Article 82 of the Constitution of India, and Jammu & Kashmir. Hence, both option (a & b) are correct.
the allocation of seats in Lok Sabha to the states is on
16. Reservation of seats for Scheduled Tribes in the Lok
the basis of the .... Census –
Sabha does not exist in the states of:
(a) 1961 (b) 1971
(a) Kerala and Tamil Nadu
(c) 1981 (d) 1991
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2008 (b) Karnataka and Kerala
Ans. (b) (c) Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
(d) All of the above
See the explanation of above question.
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1998
13. Presently the number of seats of each state in Lok Ans. (a)
Sabha is allotted on the basis of-
Till 2008, there was no reservation for Scheduled Tribes
(a) Census of 1951 (b) Census of 1961
in Lok Sabha in the States of Arunachal Pradesh, Goa,
(c) Census of 1971 (d) Census of 1981
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2003 Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka,
42nd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1998 Kerala, Meghalaya Nagaland, Punjab, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu,
Ans. (c) Uttar Pradesh. After delimitation of 2008 Karnataka and
Meghalaya both have reserved seats (2-each states) for
See the explanation of above question.
Scheduled Tribes in Lok Sabha. At present, there is no
14. The state wise seat allocation in Lok Sabha is based on - reservation for Scheduled Tribes in Lok Sabha in the State
(a) Population (b) Area
of Kerla and Tamil Nadu.
(c) Poverty (d) Language
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2005 17. If the number of seats allocated to a state in the Lok
Ans. (a) Sabha is 42, then the number of seats reserved for the
See the explanation of above question.
Ans. (d)
The sitting of House of the People may be terminated by way
37. What is the current number of members of Lok Sabha? of Adjournment, Prorogation, and Dissolution. Adjournment
(a) 541 (b) 543
is done by the speaker of Lok Sabha while Prorogation and
(c) 444 (d) 545
Dissolution is done by President under Article 85(2).
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2010 (*)
Ans. (b) 42. Which one of the following is authorized to prorogue
See the explanation of above question. the session of the House of the People?
(a) Speaker (b) Attorney General
38. In the General Elections 2009, election for 543 Lok (c) Minister of Parliamentary (d) President
Sabha Constituencies was held. Out of these, how many U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2015
Lok Sabha constituencies are from the States?
Ans. (d)
(a) 525 (b) 528
(c) 530 (d) 532 See the explanation of above question.
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2007 43. The term of the Lok Sabha:
Ans. (c)
(a) Cannot be extended under any circumstances
See the explanation of above question. (b) Can be extended by six months at a time
39. The Union Territories get representation in – (c) Can be extended by one year at a time during the
(a) Lok Sabha proclamation of emergency
(b) Rajya Sabha (d) Can be extended for two years at a time during the
(c) Both Houses of Parliament proclamation of emergency
(d) None of the above I.A.S. (Pre) 2002
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2015 Ans. (c)
(c) West Bengal (d) Uttar Pradesh
42nd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1997
Ans. (c)
U.P.P.S.C. (GIC) 2008
Ans. (d)
See the explanation of above question.
Uttar Pradesh sends the largest number of members (80) in
Lok Sabha. In the given options the number of members 49. How many Lok Sabha seats are allocated to the State
in Lok Sabha is as follows: Bihar-40, Madhya Pradesh-29, of Rajasthan?
West Bengal-42. (a) 27 (b) 26
(c) 25 (d) 24
46. In India which State has the largest representation in
R.A.S./R.T.S.(Pre) 2003
Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha?
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Madhya Pradesh Ans. (c)
(c) Maharashtra (d) Andhra Pradesh There are 25 seats allocated for the State of Rajasthan in the
U.P. P.C.S. (Mains) 2012 Lok Sabha, out of which 4 seats are reserved for Schedule
U.P. P.C.S. (Pre) 1995 Caste and 3 seats for Schedule Tribes.
Ans. (a)
50. Seats allocated to Bihar in the House of People is the
State of Uttar Pradesh has the largest representation in Lok total of seats allocated to:
Sabha and Rajya Sabha. 80 seats in Lok Sabha and 31 seats (a) Assam and Madhya Pradesh
in Rajya Sabha are allotted to Uttar Pradesh, which is the (b) Assam and Tamil Nadu
largest number allotted to any State. (c) Karnataka and Rajasthan
47. So long as the representation in Lok Sabha is (d) Punjab and West Bengal
concerned, which states rank second and third? U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2000
(a) Bihar and Maharashtra Ans. (*)
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2015 62. Who is the leader of the Lok Sabha?
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2005 (a) President (b) Prime Minister
42nd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1997 (c) Speaker (d) None of the above
Ans. (b) 42nd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1995
The first General Election of Lok Sabha was held between Ans. (b)
25 October 1951 and 21 February 1952. The Election was According to Article 75(1), the Prime Minister shall be
held for total 489 seats. The first session of the first Lok appointed by the President. He is the head of Council of
Sabha commenced on 13 May, 1952. Minister and the leader of majority party in Lok Sabha.
59. 9th Lok Sabha was dissolved on – If Prime Minister is not a member of the lower House of
(a) 13 March,1991 (b) June, 1996 Parliament, then he can nominate another minister as the
(c) April, 1997 (d) February, 1998 leader of that House. For example, during 14th Lok Sabha,
42nd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1997 Manmohan Singh, then a member of Rajya Sabha was the
Ans. (a) Prime Minister of India, but leader of the House (Lok Sabha)
was Pranab Mukherjee.
9th Lok Sabha was constituted on 2 December, 1989 and
dissolved on 13 March, 1991. 63. Which one of the following is the largest (area-wise)
Lok Sabha Constituency?
60. The election for 12th Lok Sabha of India was held in-
(a) Kangra (b) Ladakh
(a) April, 1996 (b) June, 1996
(c) Kachchh (d) Bhilwara
(c) April, 1997 (d) February, 1998
I.A.S. (Pre) 2008
42nd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1997
Ans. (d) Ans. (b)
64. Consider the following statements: 67. In India Lok Sabha Speaker is -
1. In the election for Lok Sabha or State Assembly, (a) Nominated (b) Chosen
the winning candidate must get at least 50 percent (c) Elected (d) Appointed
of the votes polled, to be declared elected. I.A.S. (Pre) 2009
2. According to the provisions laid down in the Ans. (b)
Constitution of India, in Lok Sabha, the Speaker's
post goes to the majority party and the Deputy According to Article 93, the House of the People shall as
Speaker's to the Opposition. soon as may be, choose two members of the House to be
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? respectively Speaker and Deputy Speaker thereof and so
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only often as the office becomes vacant the House shall choose
(c) Both 1 and 3 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 another member to be the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker
I.A.S. (Pre) 2017 as the case may be.
Ans. (d)
68. Speaker of the Lok Sabha is elected by –
The election for Lok Sabha or state Assembly in India is (a) All members of parliament
conducted on the principle of 'First past the Post'. In this (b) Public directly
method, the candidate with the highest number (but not (c) All members of Lok Sabha
necessarily a majority) of votes is elected. Thus, statement
is incorrect. According to Article 93 of the Constitution, "the
(d) The members of parties in majority
39th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1994
House of the people shall, as soon as may be, choose two Ans. (c)
members of the House to be respectively speaker and Deputy
Speaker. Traditionally, the speaker's post goes to the majority The Speaker of Lok Sabha is chosen by all the members of
and the Deputy speaker to the Opposition. However there is Lok Sabha.
no such provision in the constitution. Therefore, statement 69. Who among the following doesn't take oath of the
2 is also wrong. office?
65. A seat of a M.P. can be declared vacant if he absents (a) President (b) Vice President
himself from the house for a continuous period of (c) Prime Minister (d) Speaker
(a) Six months (b) Two months (e) Judges of Supreme Court
(c) Three months (d) One year
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2016
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans. (d)
60th to 62nd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2016
Ans. (b) Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha do not
According to Article 101(4) of the constitution, "If for a take oath of the office. Article 93 of the constitution men-
period of sixty days a member of either House of Parliament tions about Speaker and Deputy Speaker. Article 94 deals
is without permission of the House absent from all meetings with vacation and resignation of and removal from, the
thereof, the House may declare his seat vacant: Provided that offices of Speaker and Deputy Speaker. Article 95 describes
in computing the said period of sixty days no account shall the powers of the Speaker. Whereas, the President (as per
be taken of any period during which the House is prorogued Article 60); Vice President (as per Article 69); Council of
or is adjourned for more than four consecutive days. Minister (including Prime Minister as per Article 75(4) and
the Judges of the Supreme Court (as per Article 124(6)) take
66. After how many days of absence from Parliament
oath of office.
without permission can a M.P. be disqualified?
D–186 General Studies Indian Polity and Governance
70. Which of the following doesn't take the oath of the M.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 1994
office? Ans. (b)
(a) President (b) Vice President
The procedure for removal of the Speaker of the Lok
(c) Speaker (d) Prime Minister
Sabha has been made under Article 94(c). The Speaker or
(e) Members of Council of Ministers
the Deputy Speaker may be removed from his office by a
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) - 2017
resolution of House of the People passed by a majority of all
Ans. (c) the then members of the House, provided that no resolution
The oath to the office of the President is administered by the shall be moved unless at least fourteen (14) days notice
Chief Justice of India has been given to the Speaker of the intention to move the
The oath to the office of the Vice-President is administered resolution.
by the President of India. 74. The Speaker of Lok Sabha can be removed from his
The oath to the Prime Minister is administered by the Pres- office before the expiry of his term
ident of India. (a) By the President on the recommendation of the Prime
The President administers the oath to the members of Council Minister
of Ministers. (b) If the Lok Sabha passes a resolution to this effect
Speaker does not take the Oath of the office.
(c) If the Lok Sabha and the Prime Minister so decide
71. Who does the Speaker of the Lok Sabha submits his (d) If both the Houses of Parliament pass a resolution to
resignation to? this effect
(a) Attorney General of India U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2007
(b) The President of India Ans. (b)
(c) The Deputy Speaker See the explanation of above question.
(d) The Chief Justice of India
75. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha can be removed by –
Ans. (c)
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2005
(a) A resolution of the Lok Sabha passed by a majority
of the members of the House.
The Speaker of the Lok Sabha may, at any time, by writing (b) Two third majority of the members of the House.
under his hand addressed to Deputy Speaker, resign from his (c) Order of the President.
office. This provision has been made in Article 94(b) which (d) A simple majority of the Parliament.
deals with vacation, resignation, and removal of the Speaker
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2008
and the Deputy Speaker.
Ans. (a)
72. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha addresses his letter of See the explanation of above question.
resignation to the –
(a) Prime Minister of India 76. Regarding the office of the Lok Sabha Speaker,
(b) President of India consider the following statements:
(c) Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha 1. He/She holds the office during the pleasure of the
(d) Vice President of India
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2008, 2014 2. He/She need not be a member of the House at the
Ans. (c) time of his/her election but has to become a member
of the House within six months from the date of his/
See the explanation of above question. her election.
73. How can the speaker of the Lok Sabha be removed? 3. If he/she intends to resign, the letter of his/her
(a) By a resolution of Lok Sabha passed by a two-third resignation has to be addressed to the Deputy
Majority of members present. Speaker.
(b) By a resolution of the Lok Sabha passed by a majority Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
of all the members of the House. (a) 1 and 2 (b) Only 3
(c) By President on the advice of the Prime Minister. (c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) None of these
(d) None of these I.A.S. (Pre) 2012
D–187 General Studies Indian Polity and Governance
Ans. (b)
(d) Article 179 of the Indian constitution deals with the va-
The Speaker of the House of the People shall be chosen by cation, resignation and removal of Speaker and Deputy
the members of the Lok Sabha among themselves. He may Speaker of an Assembly. According to Article 179(c),
be removed from the office by a resolution passed by the "Whenever the Assembly is dissolved, the speaker shall
majority of all the then members of the House. The Speaker not vacate his office until immediately before the first
may address his resignation to the Deputy Speaker of the meeting of the assembly after the dissolution."
79. Who is generally appointed as a Protem Speaker?
77. Which one of the following statements regarding the (a) The Speaker of the outgoing Lok Sabha.
office of the Speaker is correct?
(b) The Dy. Speaker of the outgoing Lok Sabha.
(a) He holds office during the pleasure of the President.
(b) He need not be a member of the House at the time of (c) One of the senior most members of the newly elected
his election but has to become a member of the House Lok Sabha.
within six months from the date of his election. (d) The leader of the opposition party in the outgoing Lok
(c) he loses his office if the house is dissolved before the Sabha.
end of its normal tenure. U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2017
(d) If he intends to resign the letter of his resignation is Ans. (c)
to be addressed to the Deputy Speaker.
I.A.S. (Pre) 1993 As soon as the new Government is formed, the legislative
Ans. (d) section of parliament prepares a list of the senior most Lok
Sabha members. This list is then submitted to the Minister of
According to Article 94, the Speaker must be a member of the Parliamentary affairs for the appointment of protem Speaker.
House at the time of his election for the office. The Speaker Thereafter, the minister submits a note to the President seek-
may be removed by a resolution of a majority of members ing his approval to the appointment of the protem Speaker.
of the House. According to Article 94, whenever the House
is dissolved the Speaker shall not vacate his office until 80. The function of the protem Speaker is to
immediately before the first meeting of the Lok Sabha after
the dissolution. According to Article 94(b), if Speaker intends
(a) Conduct the proceedings of the House in the absence
of the Speaker.
to resign, the letter of his resignation is to be addressed to
(b) Administer oath to members.
the Deputy Speaker. So, in the given statement, (a), (b), and
(c) are wrong, and statement (d) is correct. (c) Officiate as a Speaker when the Speaker is unlikely
to be elected.
78. Consider the following statements :
1. The Speaker of the legislative Assembly shall vacate (d) Only check if the election certificates of the members
his/her office if he/she ceases to be a member of the are in order.
Assembly. U.P.P.C.S (Pre) 2010
2. Whenever the Legislative Assembly is dissolved, Ans. (b)
the Speaker shall vacate his/her office immediately.
As soon as the new Government is formed, the Legislative
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
section of Parliament prepares a list of the senior most Lok
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
Sabha members, and one of them is appointed as protem
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Speaker. The function of protem Speaker is to administer the
I.A.S. (Pre.) 2018 oath to the newly elected members of the House and conduct
Ans. (a) proceedings till a regular Speaker is chosen.
*The speaker is elected by the assembly itself from amongst 81. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha makes use of his casting
it members. Usually the speaker remains in office during the vote only –
life of the assembly. He however vacates his office earlier in (a) To save the existing Government
any of the following three cases– (b) In case of Constitutional Amendment
(a) If he ceases to be a member of the assembly. (c) In case of emergency
(b) If he resigns by writing to the deputy speaker. (d) In case of a tie when votes are equally divided
(c) If he is removed by a resolution passed by a majority.
U.P.P.C.S. (Spl) (Mains) 2008
The Lok Sabha Secretariat works under the direction and At the time of this question, the amount of security deposit
control of the Speaker of the House. The Secretariat has for general category candidates and SC/ST category was
supreme authority over its employees, premises, and assets 10,000 and 5,000 respectively. But Election Commission
of the Parliament and exercises this authority through increased the security deposit in 2010, which are as follows–
Lok Sabha Election – General Category- 25,000
Secretary (as provided by Article 98 and rules 124 and
SC/ST Category – 12,500
State Legislative Assembly Election – General Category-
90. The Lok Sabha Secretariat comes under the direct 10,000
supervision of: SC/ST Legislative Assembly Election – 5,000
(a) Ministry of Home Affairs
(b) Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs 93. The Attorney General of India is appointed by
(c) President of India (a) the Law Minister
(d) Lok Sabha Speaker (b) the President of India
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2012 (c) the Speaker of the Lok Sabha
Ans. (d) (d) the Prime Minister
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above
See the explanation of above question.
B.P.C.S. (Pre) 2018
IV. Concerning the creation of one or more All India (i) They are less than 10% of total members.
Services. (ii) Maximum of them belong to Indian National
Select the correct answer from the code given below:
(iii) Three members are elected from Rajasthan
Code :
(iv) Maximum women members are elected from Uttar
(a) I, II, III, IV (b) I, II, III Pradesh.
(c) I, III, IV (d) II, III, IV Which is/are true -
U.P.P.C.S. (Spl) (Mains) 2004 (a) Only (i),(ii) and (iii) (b) Only (i),(iii) and (iv)
Ans. (b) (c) Only (ii),(iii) and (iv) (d) Only (i),(ii) and (iv)
R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) 2013
The Lok Sabha in comparison to Rajya Sabha has exclusive
Ans. (*)
powers in regards to the introduction of a Money bill,
its rejection and Amendment as provided in (Art. 109). In 17th Lok Sabha, the number of women members was more
The Accountability of the Council of Ministers is to the than 14% of the total number of members. There were total
House of People as provided in Article 75(3), whereas 78 women members out of which 6 were from Congress
Rajya Sabha has exclusive powers with regard to the (INC) and 41 from BJP. The highest number of women were
creation of one or more All India Services (Art. 312). elected from Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal (11 from each).
Parliament. *When Vice-President acts as President he shall not
be entitled to get salary and allowances of the chairman of Rajya
of the Parliament of India. Article 80 of the Constitution
lays down the maximum strength of Rajya Sabha as 250,
Sabha. For this period he receives salary and allowances of the out of which 12 members are nominated by the President.
President. *Rajya Sabha elects a deputy chairman from amongst The present strength of Rajya Sabha is 245 including 12
its members. *Deputy Chairman gives his resignation in writing nominated members. One third of the members retire every
to the Chairman. *Rajya Sabha has power to remove Deputy two years. The Rajya Sabha was formed on 3 April, 1952.
Chairman from his post by a resolution passed by majority
2. The Rajya Sabha consists of-
of members or Rajya Sabha. *When the post of Chairman
(a) 280 members of which 20 members are nominated by
is vacant, the deputy chairman will perform the duties of the the President of India.
chairman. *While presiding over the Rajya Sabha, Deputy
(b) 275 members of which 18 members are nominated by
chairman can't vote in general, he can only excercise a casting
the President of India.
vote in case of tie. *When a resolution to remove Vice-President
(c) 250 members of which 12 members are nominated by
from his office is under consideration he will not be presiding
the President of India.
as the chairman and when a resolution of removal of Deputy
(d) 252 members of which 12 members are nominated by
chairman is under consideration he will not be presiding as
the President of India.
the Deputy Chairman. *The representation of states in Rajya
53rd to 55th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2011
Sabha is given in proportion to their population. *For a quorum
Ans. (c)
there must be the presence of one-tenth of the total number of
members in Rajya Sabha. *The Representation of people act Article 80 of the Constitution is about the composition of the
1951 (through an amendment in 2003) made a provision that Council of States. It states that there shall not be more than
any person can contest from anywhere for Rajya Sabha even 238 representatives of the States and the Union Territories.
if he is a resident of any other state. *4th schedule of Indian The Council of the States shall consist of 12 members
constitution enumerates the allocation of Rajya Sabha seat for nominated by the President.
Only the first statement is correct. Its members are elected by 16. The first actress to be nominated to Rajya Sabha.
the elected members of the Legislative Assemblies [Art. 80 (a) Jayalalitha (b) Nargis Dutt
(4)]. The tenure of Member of Council of States is 6 years, (c) Vaijayanthimala (d) Devika Rani
and 1/3rd members retire after every 2 years. The council of M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1999
States shall not be subject to dissolution.The Vice-President Ans. (b)
of India is ex-officio chairman of the Council of States, and Nargis Dutt was the first Indian actress nominated to Rajya
Attorney General of India has the right to speak in both the Sabha in 1980. Her tenure was from 3 April, 1980 to 3 May,
Houses of the Parliament.
1981. Vaijayanthimala Bali was nominated to Rajya Sabha
12. How is Rajya Sabha dissolved? from 27 August, 1993 to 26 August, 1999. Jayalalitha was
(a) At the end of Chairman’s tenure Rajya Sabha member from 3 April, 1984 to 28 January,
(b) President dissolves after 5 years
1989. Devika Rani Chaudhari was the first Indian actress to
receive Dada Saheb Phalke Award in 1969.
(c) Dissolves with Lok Sabha automatically
17. Which of the following statements is correct regarding
(d) None of the above
the Rajya Sabha?
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2010 (a) One-third of its members retire every two years.
Ans. (d) (b) One-half of its members retire every two years.
See the explanation of above question. (c) One-half of its members retire every three years.
(d) One-third of its members retire every three years.
13. The Rajya Sabha can be dissolved by –
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1994
(a) The President Ans. (a)
(b) The Prime Minister
Rajya Sabha is a Permanent House and is not subject to
(c) The Council of Ministers dissolution as per Article 83(1) of the Constitution of India.
(d) None of above But as nearly as possible, one-third of its members retire
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2012 every two years.
Ans. (d)
18. Which one of the following comes under the exclusive
See the explanation of above question. power of the Council of States :
(a) Creation of new All India Services.
14. The number of members nominated by the President
(b) Election of Vice-President of India during casual
in Rajya Sabha is– vacancy
(a) 10 (b) 15 (c) Abolition of Legislative Council of any State
(c) 12 (d) 20 (d) Removal of its chairman
39th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1996 U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1997
21. The Parliament of India acquires the power to legislate 23. Which of the following special powers has been
on any item in the State List in the national interest if conferred on the Rajya Sabha by the Constitution of
a resolution to that effect is passed by the – India?
(a) Lok Sabha by a simple majority of its total membership (a) To change the existing territory of a State and to
(b) Lok Sabha by a majority of not less than two-third of change the name of a State.
its total membership (b) To pass a resolution empowering the Parliament to
(c) Rajya Sabha by a simple majority of its total make laws in the State List and to create one or more
membership All India Services.
(c) the removal of the government
(d) making cut motions
Whenever the Government or the Council of Ministers
fail in Rajya Sabha, none of the given consequence occurs
I.A.S. (Pre) 2020
because, according to Article 75(3); the Council of Ministers
Ans. (b)
is collectively responsible to the Lok Sabha (House of the
Rajya Sabha has equal powers with Lok Sabha in the People).
amendment of the Constitution. According to the Article 368
(2) of the Constitution, an amendment of this Constitution 28. Which one of the following statements correctly
may be initiated only by the introduction of a Bill for the describes the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of
purpose in either house of Parliament, and when the Bill is India?
passed in each house by a majority of the total membership (a) It lists the distribution of powers between the Union
of that house and by a majority of not less than two-thirds and the states.
of the members of that house present and voting (it shall be (b) It contains the languages listed in the Constitution.
presented to the President who shall give his assent to the (c) It contains provisions for the administration of Tribal
bill and thereupon) the Constitution shall stand amended in areas.
accordance with the terms of the Bill.
(d) It allocates seats in the Council of States.
25. Which of the following Articles of the Indian I.A.S. (Pre) 2001
Constitution empowers the Parliament to legislate on Ans. (d)
any matter in the State List?
The Fourth Schedule allocates seats for each State of
(a) Article-115 (b) Article-116
India in the Council of States. The 7th Schedule deals with
(c) Article-226 (d) Article-249 allocation of powers and functions between the Union and
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2012 the State. Under 8th Schedule, a list of 22 languages of India
Ans. (d) is recognized by the Constitution. The 5th and 6th Schedule
give provisions for administration and control of Scheduled
See the explanation of above question. Areas and Tribes.
(a) The Vice-President of India
(b) The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
Ans. (b)
(d) Leader of the House in Rajya Sabha
(e) None of these
(d) (A) is false but (R) is true.
U.P. R.O/A.R.O. (Mains) 2016
Chhattisgarh P.C.S (Pre) 2013 Ans. (a)
Ans. (c) See the explanation of above question.
The minister who is the member of Rajya Sabha may 51. The Council of States has exclusive powers in relation
participate in the deliberation of Lok Sabha, while being a to which of the following?
member of Rajya Sabha.
(a) To initiate proceedings for the removal of the President
49. Which of the following are correct about the Rajya (b) To initiate proceedings for the removal of a judges of
Sabha? the Supreme Court
1. It is not a subject to dissolution. (c) To recommend creation of a new All India Service
2. It has a term of five years. (d) None of the above
3. One-third of its members retire after every two U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2018
years Ans. (c)
4. Its member shall not be less than 25 years of age. The Exclusive power of the Council of States are-
Select the correct answer using the code given below: (a) The Council of States can authorise the Parliament to
make a law on a subject enumerated in the State list (Art. 249)
Code :
If the council of states has declared by resolution supported
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4
by not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 4 that it is necessary or expedient in the national interest so to
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2014 do, parliament May by law provide for the creation of one or
Ans. (c) more all India Services Common to the Union and the states.
of Parliamentary system of India. It can be of maximum one
hour. Which is around 12 noon to 1:00 pm in Lok Sabha. *A
Financial committees
Department related standing committees. (Total 24)
money bill can only be introduced in Lok Sabha and that too (iii) Committee of enquiry
on the recommendation of the President of India. It cannot (iv) Committees to scrutinise and control
be introduced in Rajya Sabha. *Rajya Sabha cannot reject (v) Committees relating to day-to-day business of the
or amend money bill and must return it within 14 days after house.
which Lok Sabha may accept or reject its recommendations. (vi) House keeping committee or service committees.
*According to Article 108, the President summons both the *Financial committee includes the Public Accounts
house for a joint sitting to resolve the deadlock between the two committee, Estimates committee and Public undertakings
houses over the passage of bill. *According to Article 118(4) committee. *Most of the standing committees leaving some
the speaker shall preside over a joint sitting of two houses of committees consists of members from Lok sabha and Rajya
parliament. *Joint sitting of two houses of Parliament is called sabha in the ratio of 2:1. *Public Accounts committee consist
up only for ordinary bill or financial bill. *Since 26 January, of 22 members (15 from Lok sabha and 7 from Rajya Sabha).
1950 joint sitting of two houses has been invoked only for three It examines various expenditure reports and accounts under
times- first one in 1961 for Dowry prohibition bill, second the purview of the Parliament. *Estimates committee consists
one is for Banking service commission (repeal) Bill in 1978 of 30 members elected every year by the Lok sabha from
and third one in 2003 for prevention of terrorism Bill. amongst its members. All of its members are from lok sabha.
*Any legal bill can be introduced in any house of parliament. *Its function is to suggest alternative policies in order to bring
*Speaker has power to decide that whether a bill is a money about efficiency and economy in administration and to report
bill or not. *To withdraw the funds from Consolidated Fund of improvements in organizations, efficiency or administrative
India, government needs to pass appropriation bills. *According reform, consistent with the policy underlying the estimates,
to Article 116 of India constitution, when appropriation bill may be effected.* Public Undertakings committee consists
Legislative body elected by the People See the explanation of above question.
of India. 4. Consider the table given below :
Code :
(Council of States) (House of the People)
(a) Both (A) and (R) are correct, and (R) is the correct Not more than Not more than 552
explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct
250 members
12 nominated
members and
not more than 530
not more than 238 representatives of
explanation of (A). representatives of States plus not more
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false. States and Union than 2 nominated
Territories Anglo-Indians and X.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Which one of the following will fit in the place marked
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2015 ‘X’?
Ans. (a) (a) Ministers who are not members of Parliament but
who have to get themselves elected to either House
Article 368 of the Constitution of India, deals with the
of Parliament within six months after assuming office
power of Parliament to amend the Constitution. Therefore,
(b) Not more than 20 nominated members
it says that notwithstanding anything in this Constitution,
(c) Not more than 20 representatives of Union Territories
Parliament may in the exercise of its constitutional power
(d) The Attorney General who has the right to speak
amend by way of addition, variation or repeal, any provision
and take part in the proceedings of either House of
of this Constitution in accordance with the procedure laid
down in this Article. However, the Parliament cannot
I.A.S. (Pre) 1995
amend those provisions that form the 'basic structure' of
Ans. (c)
the Constitution. This was ruled by Supreme Court in
the Kesvananda Bharati Case (1973). The Parliament is The Parliament of India consists of (1) President (2) Lok
the supreme Legislative Body elected by the People of Sabha (3) Rajya Sabha. The House of People shall consist of–
India. Therefore Parliament has the authority to amend the (a) Not more than 530 representatives of States [Art. 81(1)
Constitution. Thus, both assertion (A) and Reason (R) are (a)] chosen by direct election from territorial constituencies
individually correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). in the state.
2. The Parliament shall consist of the President and U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2004, 2011
(d) House of the People, Council of States and President. (b) Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, and Prime Minister
U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2002 (c) Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and Minister for Parliamentary
Ans. (d) Affairs
(d) Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, and Parliament Secretariat.
See the explanation of above question.
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) (Re. Exam) 2015
7. The Parliament of India consist of – Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2012
(i) President (ii) Rajya Sabha Ans. (a)
Parliamentary privileges are some of the peculiar rights The elected members of the Lower House of state
enjoyed by each House collectively as a constituent part Legislature, i.e., Legislative Assembly have the right to vote
of parliament and by member of each House individually, in the elections of both Lok Sabha (as a citizen’s right) and
without which they could not discharge their functions Rajya Sabha. In addition, they vote for the election of the
efficiently and effectively. Some of the collective privileges President of India also.
of the members of Parliament are -
19. Which one of the following statements is correct?
(I) To prohibit the publication of its debates and proceedings
(a) Only the Rajya Sabha and not the Lok Sabha can have
(II) To exclude strangers from House
nominated members
(III) To regulate its own procedure and conduct of its
(b) There is a Constitutional provision for nominating two
members belonging to the Anglo-Indian community
(IV) To punish members as well as outsiders for the breach
of privileges or contempt of the House. to the Rajya Sabha
(V) Prohibition of arrest and service of legal process (c) There is no Constitutional bar for nominated members
within the precincts of the House without the permission of to be appointed as a Union Minister
chairman/speaker. (d) A nominated member can vote both in the Presidential
(VI) Right of the member of receive immediate information and Vice-Presidential elections
of the arrest, detention, conviction, imprisonment or release I.A.S. (Pre) 2003
of Member. Ans. (a) & (c)
Notably, freedom from attendance as a witness is an
Both Houses of Parliament had nominated members. 12 in
individual privilege of a member of Parliament.
Rajya Sabha and 2 in Lok Sabha (Anglo-Indian Community).
17. Privilege motion can be raised against a Minister
when he –
Under the amendment to Article -334 by 'The Constitution
(One hundred and Fourth Amendment) Act, 2019 the
(a) Loses confidence in the Government. arrangements of nomination for the representation of Anglo-
Indian community in the Lok Sabha and State Legislative
(b) Absents himself for a long time.
Assemblies have not been extended beyond the stipulated
(c) Withholds facts of a case or gives distorted versions
date (25 January, 2020).
of facts. Therefore, the arrangements of nominating Anglo-Indian
(d) Limit value. members in the Lok Sabha has ended. Article 54 states
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2011 that election of the President shall be done by an Electoral
Ans. (c) College consisting of the elected members of both the
Houses of the Parliament and Legislative Assembly of the
Under the Parliamentary Rules and Procedures, the Privilege
State. Thus nominated members are not eligible to vote for
Motion can be raised against a Minister if any fact of a case
the election of President, but there is no bar for nominated
is withheld by him or a distorted version is given. member to be appointed as minister. He must be a member
18. Who among the following has the right to vote in the of Parliament or must become a member within six months
elections to both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha? after appointment as a Minister.
(a) Elected members of the Lower House of the Parliament
20. Union Parliament may legislate on any subject of State
(b) Elected members of the Upper House of the Parliament List –
(c) Elected members of the Upper House of the state 1. To Implement International Agreements
Legislature 2. By consent of State
(d) Elected members of the Lower House of the state 3. When Proclamation of Emergency is in operation.
Legislature 4. In national interest and after a resolution passed
I.A.S. (Pre) 1995 by Council of states with 2/3 majority.
D–205 General Studies Indian Polity and Governance
Choose the correct option using codes given below: 23. The Parliament can make law for the whole or any part
(a) 1,2 and 3 (b) 2,3 and 4 of India for implementing International Treaties –
(c) 1,2 and 4 (d) All of above (a) With the consent of all the states
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2005 (b) With the consent of majority of states
Ans. (d) (c) With the consent of the states concerned
The Parliament may legislate on any subject of State List (d) Without the consent of any state
in all of the given situations. According to Article 253 to U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2006
implement any international agreement, treaty or convention; I.A.S. (Pre) 2000
according to Article 252- for two or more states by their Ans. (d)
consent; according to Article 249- in the national interest Article 253 empowers the Parliament to legislate on
when a resolution has been passed by Council of states matters of State List without its permission or consent if
by 2/3 majority and according to Article 357- when the the implementation of any treaty, agreement or convention
proclamation of emergency is in operation. Thus option (d) with any other country or countries or any decision made at
is the correct answer. any international conference, association or another body,
21. Parliament may legislate on any subject of State List is to be done.
24. Under which article of the Indian Constitution, the
(a) There is assent of President
Parliament can make laws on State List subject for
(b) Resolution thereof has been passed by State
giving effect to international agreements?
(c) In any situation
(a) Article – 252
(d) General permission of State Legislative Assembly has
(b) Article – 249
been received
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2012
(c) Article – 250
(d) Article – 253
Ans. (b) U.P.R.O./A.R.O. (Pre) 2021
Ans. (d)
See the explanation of above question.
22. The Indian Parliament cannot legislate on a subject of See the explanation of above question.
state-list unless – 25. Who can legislate on the subjects which are not
1. The President of India directs it to do so. included in any of the lists of subjects given in the
2. The Rajya Sabha passes a resolution that it is Constitution?
necessary to do so in national interest, (a) Supreme Court (b) Parliament
3. The Speaker of the Vidhan Sabha certifies that the (c) State Legislature (d) Regional Councils
legislation is necessary. U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) (Re. Exam) 2015
4. There is a national emergency. Ans. (b)
Considering the above statements, select the correct
Article 248 of Indian Constitution provides residual
answer from the codes given below:
legislative powers to the Parliament. According to Article
Code : 248, the Parliament has exclusive power to make any law
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4 on any matter not enumerated in State or Concurrent List.
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 4
26. Which one of the following statement is correct?
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2005
(a) All the members of Council of States are elected by
Ans. (d)
State Legislative Assemblies.
See the explanation of above question. (b) As the Vice-President is the ex-officio Chairman of
(b) When privilege motion are accepted
(c) Hour before question hour
Ans. (*)
Matters which are not point of orders or which cannot be
(d) The time immediately following the question hour raised under the rules relating to Questions, short Notice
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2021 Questions, calling Attention, Motions etc can be raised under
rule 377.
Notice for raising a matter under rule 377 is to be given
Ans. (d)
in writing addressed to the Secretary - General specifying
See the explanation of above question. clearly the text of the matter to be raised.
No matter can be raised until the speaker has given his/her
32. What could be the maximum time limit of “Zero Hour” consent.
in the Lok Sabha? As per the decision taken at a meeting of the speaker with
(a) 30 minutes (b) One hour Leaders of Parties. In 2015, the number of matters to be raised
(c) Indefinite period (d) Two hours under Rule 377 has been increased from 20 to 30 per day to
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2007 enable more members to raise their issues.
Ans. (b) 36. The Parliament can make any law for whole or any
part of India for implementing international treaties –
See the explanation of above question.
(a) With the consent of all the states
33. Time of zero-hour in Parliament is :
(b) With the consent of the majority of states
(a) 9 am to 10 am (b) 10 am to 11 am
(c) With the consent of the states concerned
(c) 11 am to 12 noon (d) 12 noon to 1.00 pm
(d) Without the consent of any state
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) (Re. Exam) 2015
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2015 I.A.S. (Pre) 2013
Ans. (c & d) Ans. (d)
37. Under which Article of the Indian Constitution, the See the explanation of above question.
Parliament can make laws on State List subject for 41. Rajya Sabha can delay the Finance Bill sent for its
giving effect to international agreements? consideration by Lok Sabha for a maximum period of-
(a) Article 249 (b) Article 250 (a) One month (b) One year
(c) Seven days (d) Fourteen days
(c) Article 252 (d) Article 253
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2006
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2016 Ans. (d)
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2016 In the case of a Money Bill, the Council of State shall return
Ans. (d) the Bill to the House of People within fourteen days, and
See the explanation of above question. the ordinary Bill has no time limit. Since the options given
in the question includes fourteen days and the infinite time
38. Which one of the following statements is correct? limit has not been given. Hence, the Finance Bill has been
(a) A Money Bill is introduced in the Rajya Sabha. taken as Money Bill. As all Money Bills as Financial Bills.
(b) A Money Bill can be introduced in either of the two The Money Bill is introduced in Lok Sabha.
Houses of the Parliament.
(c) A Money Bill cannot be introduced in the Lok Sabha.
42. In how many days Rajya Sabha has to return Money
Bill to Lok Sabha?
(a) Within 12 days (b) Within 14 days
(d) A Money Bill is introduced in the Lok Sabha.
(c) Within 16 days (d) Within 18 days
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2011 U.P. Lower (Pre) 2009
Ans. (d) U.P. Lower Sub. (Mains) 2013
U.P.R.O./A.R.O (Mains) 2014
A Money Bill can be introduced only in the Lok Sabha. If Ans. (b)
any question arises whether a Bill is a Money Bill or not,
the decision of the Speaker thereon is final. The Speaker is See the explanation of above question.
under no obligation to consult anyone. A Money Bill cannot 43. Which one of the following statements is correct?
be referred to a joint session of the Parliament. Rajya Sabha (a) Money Bill is introduced in Rajya Sabha.
is required to return Money Bill within a period of 14 days (b) Money Bill is introduced in Lok Sabha.
from the date of its receipt. Thus, Rajya Sabha may withhold (c) It can be introduced in either of the Houses of the
the bill maximum for 14 days [Art. 109(2)]. Parliament.
(d) It cannot be introduced in Lok Sabha.
39. A Money Bill passed by Lok Sabha is deemed to have
U.P.P.S.C. (GIC) 2010
been passed by Rajya Sabha also when no action is Ans. (b)
taken by the Rajya Sabha within
See the explanation of above question.
(a) 10 days (b) 14 days
44. Which of the following Bills can NOT be first
(c) 15 days (d) 16 days
introduced in Rajya Sabha?
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2016
(a) Ordinary Bill
Ans. (b) (b) Constitutional Amendment Bill
(c) Two-third majority of the Houses See the explanation of above question.
(d) Absolute majority of the Houses
50. The joint session of both Houses of Parliament is
I.A.S. (Pre) 2015 presided over by –
Ans. (a) (a) President (b) Vice-president
(c) Speaker of Lok Sabha (d) Chief Justice of India
According to Article 108(4), if at the joint sitting of the two
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2010
Houses the Bill, with such amendments, if any as are agreed U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2009
to in joint sitting is passed by a majority of total number of Ans. (c)
members of both the Houses present and voting, it shall be
See the explanation of above question.
deemed to have been passed by both Houses. This indicates
that only a simple majority of members present and voting 51. Who among the following is authorised to preside over
is required. the joint session of the Parliament?
(a) President of India
47. Who among the following presides over a joint sitting (b) Vice-President of India
of two houses of the Parliament? (c) Prime Minister of India
(a) President (d) Speaker of the Lok Sabha
(b) Prime Minister U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2013
(c) Chairman of the Rajya Sabha U.P. Lower Sub. (Mains) 2013
U.P.R.O./A.R.O. (Mains) 2013
(d) Speaker of the Lok Sabha
Uttarakhand U.D.A./L.D.A (Pre) 2007
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2014 U.P.P.C.S (Mains) 2006
53. Consider the following statements: Article 108 of the Constitution of India deals with the joint
sitting of both the Houses of the Parliament to resolve the
1. The joint sitting of both Houses of the Parliament
in India is sanctioned under Article 108 of the
deadlock between them. Joint sitting related to Money Bill
is not required as Rajya Sabha has no power to block the
passage and has to return the Bill within 14 days from the
2. The first joint sitting of Lok Sabha and Rajya date of receipt. A Constitution Amendment Bill has to be
Sabha was held in the year 1961 passed by each House as prescribed in Article 368 of the
3. The second joint sitting of both Houses of Indian Constitution. Thus, joint sitting is applicable in the case of
ordinary Bill. So, option (a) is the correct answer.
Parliament was held to pass the Banking Service
Commission (Repeal), Bill 56. Joint sitting of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha can take
place to resolve deadlock over :
Which of these statements is/are correct? (a) Ordinary Legislation
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (b) Money Bill
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3 (c) Constitutional Amendment Bill
(d) Appropriation Bill
I.A.S. (Pre) 2003 U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2020
Ans. (d) Ans. (*)
The joint sitting of both the Houses of Parliament in India See the explanation of above question.
is mentioned under Article 108 of the Constitution of India.
57. The joint sitting of both Houses of Indian Parliament
The first joint session took place in 1961 to resolve the issue
is held in connection with:
on the ‘Dowry Prohibition Bill,’ on which both the Houses (a) Constitution Amendment Bill
had finally agreed. The second joint session took place in (b) Money Bill
1978 on the Banking Service Commission (Repeal) Bill of (c) Ordinary Bill
1977. The third joint session of the Parliament was held in (d) Election of the Vice-President of India
March 2002 for Anti-Terrorism Bill (POTA). U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1997
to such advice. Article 87 of the constitution provides two The President can summon both the Houses to meet in a
instances when the President specially addresses both Houses joint sitting for the purpose of deliberating & voting on
of Parliament. The President of India addresses both the Rajya the bill. If the bill (under dispute) has already lapsed due
Sabha and the Lok Sabha at the beginning of the first Session to the dissolution of the Loksabha, no joint sitting can be
after each general election when the reconstituted lower summoned. But the joint sitting can be held if the Lok Sabha
house meets for the first time. The President also addresses is dissolved after the President has notified his intentions
both the houses at beginning of the first session of each year. to summon such a sitting (as the bill does not lapse in this
The President's speech essentially highlights the government's case). So option (a) is correct.
policy priorities and plans for the upcoming year. The address 61. A legislative bill may be introduced in which House of
provides a broad framework of the government's agenda and Parliament?
direction. (a) Lok Sabha
59. Which of the following expression is appropriate (b) Rajya Sabha
regarding the message to call joint sitting of both (c) Either House of Parliament
houses under Article 108 of the Constitution of India? (d) None of the above
(a) Intention of President M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2010
(b) Direction of President Ans. (c)
(c) Wisdom of President A Legislative Bill can be introduced in either House of
(d) Consent of President the Parliament, but Money Bill can be introduced only in
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2020 Lok Sabha and the Bill related to the creation of All-India
Ans. (a) services can only be introduced in the Rajya Sabha.
private Bills have been passed since the independence. Thus,
neither statement 1 nor statement 2 is correct.
or nominated.
65. Who has the right to issue money from the Consolidated
63. Which of the following statements is/are correct? Fund of India?
1. A Bill pending in the Lok Sabha lapses on its (a) Comptroller and Auditor General
(b) Finance Minister of India
2. A Bill pending in the Rajya Sabha, which has not
(c) Authorized Minister
been passed by the Lok Sabha, shall not lapse on
(d) None of the above
the dissolution of the Lok Sabha.
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2000
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
Ans. (d)
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 According to Article 266 of the Indian Constitution, all
revenues received by the Government of India, all loans
I.A.S. (Pre) 2016
raised by that Government by the issue of treasury bills,
Ans. (b) loans or ways and means, advances and all money received
According to Article 107(3) of the Indian Constitution, by that Government in the repayment of loans shall form
a Bill pending in Parliament shall not lapse by reason of one Consolidated Fund of India. It is under the control
of Parliament. No amount can be withdrawn from the
prorogation of the House. So, statement (1) is not correct.
Consolidated Fund without the authorization from the
Article 107(4) of the Indian Constitution states that a Bill
Parliament. So the authority to issue money according to
pending in the Council of States which has not been passed the Budgetary provisions from the Consolidated Fund can
by the House of People shall not lapse on the dissolution of only be obtained if the Parliament permits it according to
the House of People. Thus, statement (2) is correct. appropriation under Article 114.
67. Which one of the following expenditure is not charged and the service and redemption of debt.
(d) (i) The salaries, allowances, and pensions payable to or
on the Consolidated Fund of India?
in respect of Judges of the Supreme Court.
(a) Salary and allowances of the Chief Justice of India
(ii) The pensions payable to or in respect of Judges of the
(b) Salary and allowances of the Comptroller and Auditor
Federal Court.
General of India (iii) The pensions payable to or in respect of Judges of
(c) Salary and allowances of the Prime Minister of India.
(d) Salary and allowances of the Chairman of the Union
any High Court which exercises jurisdiction in relation
to any area included in the territory of India or which at
Public Service Commission. any time before the commencement of this Constitution
(a) Debt Charges for which Government of India is liable. (d) Salary and allowances of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha
(b) Salary and Pension of the members of the Election U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2006
2. No amount can be withdrawn from the Consolidated (c) Consolidated Fund of India
Fund of India without the authorization from the (d) Deposits and Advances Fund
Parliament of India. I.A.S. (Pre) 2011
(a) President (b) Prime Minister (d) The President can not return a Money Bill to the Lok
Sabha for reconsideration
(c) Speaker of Lok Sabha (d) The Cabinet
I.A.S. (Pre) 2000
Ans. (c)
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1992
Ans. (a)
recommendations of the Rajya Sabha.
According to Article 117(1) a Bill or amendment making (a) Censure Motion (b) Calling Attention
provision for any of the matters specified in sub clause (a) (c) Cut motion (d) Adjournment motion
to (f) of clause (1) of Article 110 shall not be introduced U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2002
except on the recommendation of the President and a Bill Ans. (c)
making such provision shall not be introduced in the Council
Censure Motion: Censure means the expression of strong
of States.
disapproval or harsh criticism. It is generally against the
102. The stages in the normal financial legislation include – policies of the Government.
1. Presentation of the Budget Calling Attention : With the prior permission of the Speaker,
2. Discussion on the Budget a member may call the attention of a Minister to any matter
3. Passing of Appropriation Bill of urgent public importance and the Minister may make a
4. Vote on Account
5. Passing of the Finance Bill
brief statement or ask for time to make a statement at a later
hour or date.
Select the correct answer from the code given below : Cut Motion : Cut motion is a power given to the member
Code : of the Lok Sabha to oppose a demand in the Financial
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 3 and 4 Bill discussed by the Government. If a cut motion is
(c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 5 adopted by the House and the Government does not have
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2010 the numbers, it is obliged to resign. However the Lok
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2005 Sabha has the right to permit the grant after reducing
Ans. (d) the amount, and they do so by cut motion which are
of three types-token cut, policy cut, and frugality cut.
Presentation of the Budget, discussion on the Budget, passing
Adjournment Motion: It is a motion to draw the attention
of Appropriation Bill and passing of the Financial Bill are
of members of the House on a subject or matter of public
the stages of the normal financial legislation, while the vote
on account, vote on credit and exceptional grants (Art. 116) importance.
are not included in the financial legislation. 105. What is meaning of Guillotine in Parliamentary
103. Prior sanction of the President of India is required Procedure?
before introducing a Bill in the Parliament on – (a) To stop the debate on the bill
1. Formation of a new State
(b) To continue the debate on the bill
2. Affecting taxation in which States are interested
(c) Boycott of house by members
3. Altering the boundaries of the States
4. Money bill (d) To adjourn the house
Considering the above statements, select the correct (e) To adjourn the house for the day
answer from the code given below: Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2017
Closure Motion - it is a motion moved by a member to cut National Development Council is presided over by the prime
short the debate on a matter before the House. There are four minister of India. Thus it can not be constituted without the
kinds of Closure Motions Guillotine in one of them. prime minister. Hence, option (d) is wrong. Under Article
In Guillotine the undiscussed clauses of a bill or a resolution 123 of the constitution if at any time, except when both
are also put to vote along with the discussed ones due to houses of parliament are in session, the president is satisfied
want of time (as the time allotted for the discussion is over) that circumstances exist which render it necessary for him to
106. According to the Law enacted by Parliament in take immediate action, he may promulgate such ordinances
December 1989, the legal age for a citizen to become as the circumstances appear to him to require. Thus option
major is: (b) is the correct answer.
(a) 23 years (b) 22 years
109. Examine the following statements and choose the
(c) 20 years (d) 18 years
correct answer from the given options-
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2000
1. Right to Property is not a Fundamental Right now.
Ans. (d)
2. Rajya Sabha can stop a Financial Bill.
According to the 61st Amendment Act, 1988 the minimum
3. In the Preamble of Indian Constitution Secular and
age to be eligible to vote was reduced from 21 to 18 years Democratic words were added by 42nd amendment
by amending Article 326 of the Constitution to provide to of the Indian Constitution.
the unrepresented youth of the country an opportunity to 4. Any dispute of the Parliament can be resolved by
give vent to their feelings and help them to become a part the system of Speaker of the Lok Sabha.
of political process. It became possible by amending the Code :
Representation of the People Act, 1951. (a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 3
107. The Consultative Committee of Members of Parliament
for Railway Zones is constituted by which of the
(c) 1 and 4 (d) 2 and 3
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2007
Ans. (c)
Standing (2) Ad-hoc. Despite these two prominent category
of committees, there are several other committees of 149. The Joint Parliamentary Committee examining the 2G
Scam is headed by
Parliament. The three main Standing Committees are: (i)
(a) Murli Manohar Joshi (b) P.C.Chacko
Estimates Committee (ii) Public Accounts Committee
(iii) Committee on Public Undertakings. In 1993, on the (c) A.B. Vardhan (d) Sitaram Yechuri
recommendation of the Rules Committee of the Lok Sabha, U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2010
17 departments related to Standing Committees were set R.A.S./R.T.S.(Pre) 2012
up and in 2004 their number was increased from 17 to Ans. (b)
24. Committee on Welfare of SC’s and ST’s is one of the For examining 2G spectrum scam, P.C. Chacko was made
departmental Standing Committee. Thus no given answer the chairman of the Joint Parliamentary Committee, who
is correct. submitted his report to the then Speaker of Lok Sabha Meira
147. On which of the following, a Parliamentary Committee Kumar.
has not been set up? 150. In what way does the Indian Parliament exercise
(a) Public Undertakings control over the administration ?
(b) Government Assurances (a) Through Parliamentary Committees
(c) Estimates (b) Through Advisory Committees of various ministries
(d) Welfare of Minorities (c) By making the administrators send periodic reports
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2012 (d) By compelling the executive to issue writs
Ans. (d) I.A.S. (Pre) 2001
The Public Undertakings Committee of the Parliament Ans. (a)
examines the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General The Parliament exercises control over the administration
(if any) in the context of the public sector enterprises and through Parliamentary committees. These committees are
also examines the efficiency of management and handling Public Accounts Committee, Estimates Committee, Standing
of public sector enterprises. Committee on Government Committee, etc.
is committed on the ground of "untouchability"?
(a) When it relates to member of Scheduled Castes only
Ans. (c)
(a) Cognizable and Triable Summarily
(b) Cognizable and Non-Compoundable
on the grounds of 'Office of Profit'.
2. The above-mentioned Act was amended five times.
(c) Non-Cognizable and Bailable 3. The term 'office of Profit' is well-defined in the
(d) Non-Cognizable and Compoundable Constitution of India.
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2019 Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Ans. (a, b) (a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 3 only
All the punishable offences under the Protection of Civil (c) 2 and 3 only
Rights Act, 1955 are Cognizable, Triable Summarily and (d) 1, 2 and 3
Non-Compoundable. I.A.S. (Pre) 2019
Ans. (a)
12. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly
matched? The expression 'office of profit' has not been defined in
(a) Hindu Marriage Act - 1955 the Constitution of India or in the Representation of The
(b) Hindu Succession Act - 1956 People Act, 1951. Article 102 of the Constitution provides
(c) 73rd Constitutional Amendment - Reservation of seats that a person shall be disqualified from being chosen as
for women in the election of local bodies in urban areas a Member of Parliament (MP), if he holds an office of
(d) Sati (Prevention) Act - 1987 profit under Government of India or State. However, the
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2009 Parliament can declare by law that holding certain offices
Ans. (c) will not lead to disqualification. The Parliament (Prevention
of Disqualification) Act, 1959 lists certain offices of profit
The Hindu Marriage Act was enacted in 1955, Hindu under central and state governments.
Succession Act was enacted in 1956 and Sati (Prevention) The Parliament (Prevention of Disqualification) Act, 1959
Act was enacted in 1987. Reservation of seats for women in was amended five times. So only statement (1) and (2) are
the election of local bodies in urban areas was made under correct. Right answer is option (a).
74 Constitutional Amendment, not by 73 Amendment. Thus
th rd
1. As per the Right to Education (RTE) Act, to be
eligible for appointment as a teacher in a State, a
Ans. (d)
Union Territories to invoke Provisions of Section 2 of the
Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897. The decision aimed to ensure
the appointment of judges of Supreme Court. *Parliament has
the power to increase the number of Judges in Supreme Court.
that all advisories of the Union Health Ministry and State *A person appointed as the Judge of the Supreme Court has to
governments on the COVID-19 crisis were enforced. Besides make and subscribe an oath or affirmation before the President.
this, the government also invoked the Disaster Management *Judges can give their resignation in writing to the President.
Act, 2005 to enforce the 21-day nationwide lockdown that *Judges of Supreme Court can be removed by the President
started at the midnight on 23 March, 2020. Thus, both Acts after the recommendation of the Parliament.
gavs legal basis to extraordinary Powers exercised by the *Recommendation of Parliament for removal of Judges
Government of India during Lockdown.
must be passed by a special majority in each house of the
60. Which one of the following is NOT correctly matched? Parliament. *The recommendation of Parliament is presented
Acts Year to the President in the same session. *The Ground on which
(a) Prevention of Sedition - 1908 removal of judges take place are proved misbehaviour and
Meeting Act incapacity. *These removal can be declared unconstitutional
(b) Explosive Substances Act - 1908 and illegal in the state of being extra ordinate. *The Judges of
the Supreme Court retires at the age of 65 years. *Salary and
(c) Indian Criminal Law - 1908
other allowances of the Supreme Court Judges are determined
Amendment Act
by Parliament. *Under article 127, the Chief Justice of India
(d) Newspaper (Incentive to - 1908
can appoint a judge of a High Court as Ad hoc Judge of
Offence) Act
the Supreme Court for a temporary period to complete the
U.P. R.O./A.R.O. (Pre) (Re-Exam) 2016 quorum of the Judges. *The bench hearing a case related to
Ans. (a) the interpretation of the Constitution should have at least 5
The act of Preventing seditious meetings was brought in the judges. *According to article 129, Supreme Court is a Court
year 1907, while the remaining act given in the option is of Record. *It has power to punish for its contempt. *Court of
correctly matched. Record means court whose proceedings are kept as record and
The Supreme Court in India was inaugurated on 28 January, 1950. See the explanation of above question.
2. The sanctioned strength of Supreme Court of India is– 5. According to a decision taken by the Cabinet in
(a) 24 (b) 20 February 2008, the Government would increase the
(c) 18 (d) 9 strength of Judges in the Supreme Court. Under this
38th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1992 decision, apart from the Chief Justice of India the
Ans. (*) Supreme Court would then have-
(a) 32 Judges (b) 30 Judges
The Supreme Court of India was established according to Part (c) 38 Judges (d) 26 Judges
V, Chapter IV, Article 124 of the Constitution of India and U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2004
is the highest judicial forum and the final Court of Appeal. Ans. (*)
Martial can be appealed in the Supreme Court.
The power to increase the number of Judges in the
See the explanation of the above question.
12. A Judge of the Supreme Court may resign his office by
Supreme Court of India is vested in – writing to ?
(a) The President of India (a) The President
(b) The Parliament (b) The Prime Minister
(c) The Chief Justice of India (c) The Law Minister
(d) The Law Commission (d) The Attorney General of India
I.A.S. (Pre) 2014 (e) None of the above/More than one of the above
44th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2000
64th B.P.C.S. (Pre) 2018
Ans. (b)
Ans. (a)
Article 124 of the Constitution provides for the formation
See the explanation of above question.
of the Supreme Court. The power to increase the number
of Judges in the Supreme Court of India is vested in the 13. How can a Judge of the Supreme Court be removed?
Parliament. (a) By the will of the Chief Justice
9. A Judge of the Supreme Court may resign his office by (b) By the President
writing a letter to – (c) By the President on the recommendation of the Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court
(a) The Chief Justice (b) The President
(d) By the President on the recommendation of the
(c) The Prime Minister (d) The Law Minister
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2014
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1993
Ans. (b) Ans. (d)
According to Article 124 (2) (a) of the Indian Constitution, According to Article 124(4), a Judge of the Supreme Court
a Judge may, by writing under his hand addressed to the cannot be removed from his office except by an order of
President, resign his office. Every Judge of the Supreme the President passed after an address in each House of
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 3 and 4 only
the President of India. It is done if the post of Chief Justice
is vacant or he is unable to discharge his duties. There is no
(c) Only 4 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 provision of additional judge in supreme court of India
I.A.S. (Pre) 2012
22. Which of the following type of Judge/Judges can be
Ans. (a)
appointed in the Supreme Court of India?
The Supreme Court is considered as the guardian of the (i) ad hoc Judge
Constitution. The Judges of the Supreme Court can be (ii) Additional Judge
removed by order of the President, which must be supported Codes:
by a special majority of each House of the Parliament and (a) (i) is true and (ii) is false
not by Chief Justice of India. While appointing the Supreme (b) (i) is false and (ii) is true
Court Judges, the President of India has to consult the Chief (c) Both (i) and (ii) are true
Justice of India to safeguard the autonomy of the Supreme (d) Both (i) and (ii) are false
Court (as this provision curtails the absolute discretion of the M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2020
Executive as well as ensures that the judicial appointments Ans. (a)
are not based on any political or practical considerations). See the explanation of above question.
The salaries of the Judges are charged on the Consolidated
Fund of India. Hence statement 1 and 3 are correct. The 23. Acting Chief Justice of India is appointed by the –
(a) Chief Justice of India
Chief Justice of India can appoint officers and servants of
(b) Chief Justice of India with previous consent of the
the Supreme Court without any interference of the executive.
He can also prescribe their condition of service.
(c) President
20. The Judges of the Supreme Court, after retirement, (d) President on consultation with the Chief Justice of
are permitted to carry on practice before – India
(a) Supreme Court only U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2000
(b) High Courts only Ans. (c)
jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. According to this article
Supreme Court shall, to the exclusion of any other Court,
Ans. (c)
In the Case of Keshavananda Bharti vs. State of Kerala, (1973)
have original jurisdiction in any dispute–
(a) between the Government of India and one or more a thirteen-Judges bench of the Indian Supreme Court, by a
States; or (b) between the Government of India and any State majority of 7:6, stated that the Parliament could only amend
or States on one side and one or more States on the other; or the Constitution to the extent that it did not “damage or
(c) between two or more States, if and in so far as the dispute destroy the basic structure of the Constitution” (under Article
involves any question (whether of law or fact) on which the 368). Constitutional amendments are subject to judicial
existence or extent of a legal right depends. review; the Court essentially placed a substantive non-
Provided that the said jurisdiction shall not extend to a legislative check upon the Parliament’s power of amendment.
dispute arising out of any treaty, agreement, covenant,
engagements, and or other similar instrument which, having 35. Which one of the following cases propounded the
been entered into or executed before the commencement concept of ‘Basic structure’ of the Indian Constitution?
of this Constitution, continues in operation after such (a) Indira Sahni Case (b) Shankari Prasad’s Case
commencement, or which provides that the said jurisdiction (c) Rudal Shah’s Case (d) None of the above
shall not extend to such a dispute. U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2014
32. Which of the following are included in the original U.P. Lower Sub. (Mains) 2013
jurisdiction of the Supreme Court? Ans. (d)
1. A dispute between the Government of India and See the explanation of above question.
one or more States.
2. A dispute regarding elections to either House of 36. The minimum number of Supreme Court Judges who
the Parliament or that of Legislature of a state. can hear a case involving a substantial question of law
3. A dispute between the Government of India and a as to the Interpretation of the Constitution is –
Union Territory. (a) Five (b) Seven
4. A dispute between two or more States. (c) Eleven (d) Thirteen
Select the correct answer using the codes given below: U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2012
49. The system of Judicial Review, is prevalent in 52. With reference to the constitution of India, prohibitions
(a) India only (b) U.K. only or limitations or provisions contained in ordinary
(c) U.S.A. only (d) Both in India and U.S.A. laws cannot act as prohibitions or limitations on the
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2013 constitutional powers under Article 142. It could mean
Ans. (d) which one of the following?
The judicial review is the doctrine under which the (a) The decisions taken by the Election Commission of
Legislative and the Executive actions are subject to review India while discharging its duties cannot be challenged
by the Judiciary. Article 13 of the Constitution of India in any court of law.
provides for Judicial review. While the Parliament is the (b) The Supreme Court of India is not constrained in the
supreme body in the United Kingdom and law made by it exercise of its powers by laws made by the Parliament.
cannot be challenged in Court. (c) In the event of grave financial crisis in the country, the
President of India can declare Financial Emergency
without the counsel from the Cabinet.
50. Under which Article of the Constitution the Courts
(d) State Legislatures cannot make laws on certain matters
have been prohibited from inquiring the proceedings
without the concurrence of Union Legislature.
of the Parliament? I.A.S. (Pre) 2019
(a) Article 127 (b) Article 122 Ans. (b)
(c) Article 126 (d) Article 139
Article 142 - enforcement of decrees & orders of the supreme
U.P.U.D.A./L.D.A. (Spl) (Mains) 2010
court and unless as to discovery etc. (1) The Supreme Court
Ans. (b)
in the exercise of its jurisdiction may pass such decree or
Under Article 122 of the Constitution, the Courts have been make such order as is necessary for doing complete justice
prohibited from inquiring into proceedings of the Parliament. in any cause or matter pending before it, and any decree so
passed or orders so made shall be enforceable throughout
51. A Constitution (Amendment) Act may be declared
the territory of India such manner as 'may be prescribed by
unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of India if it –
or under any law by parliament and until provision in that
(a) Establishes three-tier federal set up in place of the behalf is so made, in such manner as the president may by
existing two tier-set up. order prescribe.
(b) Removes Right of Equality before the law from Part
53. In India, the power of Judicial Review is enjoyed by?
III and places it elsewhere in the Constitution.
(c) Replaces Parliamentary System of Executive with the (a) The Supreme Court alone
Presidential one. (b) The Supreme Court as well as High Courts
2. An amendment to the Constitution of India cannot 70. Who has the right under the Constitution to seek the
be called into question by the Supreme Court of opinion of the Supreme Court on the question of law?
India. (a) President (b) Any High Court
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(c) Prime Minister (d) All the above
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2012
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans. (a)
I.A.S. (Pre) 2019
Ans. (d) See the explanation of above question.
The 42nd Amendment Act of 1976 curtailed the judicial review 71. Consider the following statements:
of the high court. It debarred the high courts from considering The Supreme Court of India tenders advice to the
the constitutional validity of central law. However, the 43rd President of India on matters of law or fact.
Amendment Act of 1977 restored the original provision. 1. On its initiative (on any matter of larger public
The High court has the power to invalidate any central law interest ).
2. If he seeks such advice.
which goes against the ethos of the constitution. Similar is the
3. Only if the matters is related to the Fundamental
case with Supreme Court. If any constitutional amendment
Rights of the citizens.
goes against the basic structure of the constitution supreme
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
court has the power to call it into question. Hence both the
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
statements are wrong.
(c) 3 (d) 1 and 2
68. The advisory powers of the Supreme Court of India I.A.S. (Pre) 2010
imply that it may Ans. (b)
I.A.S. (Pre) 2008 (d) No appeal can be made against its decisions.
Ans. (b) U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2008
Justice V. R. Krishna Iyer (15 November 1915 – 4 December
Ans. (b)
2014) was elevated as the Judge of the Supreme court, but he Under Article 129 of the Indian Constitution, the Supreme
was not the Chief Justice of India. Justice P.N. Bhagwati and Court shall be a Court of Record and shall have all the
Justice Iyer are known for initiating Public Interest Litigation. powers of such a Court including the power to punish for
contempt of itself. It implies that - (1) The judgment and
84. Who was the Chief Justice of India when Public
proceeding are written and enrolled for perpetual memory
Interest litigation was introduced in the Indian Judicial
used in further proceedings. (2) the Courts has the power
to punish for its contempt, thus ‘Court of Record’ means
(a) M. Hidayatullah (b) A.M. Ahmedi all the decisions have the evidentiary value and cannot be
(c) P.N. Bhagwati (d) A.S. Anand questioned in any Court. Hence options (b) and (c) both are
U.P. P.C.S. (Pre) 2018 correct but according to Uttar Pradesh Commission option
Ans. (*) (b) is the correct answer.
Prafullachandra Natwarlal Bhagwati (PN Bhagwati) accepted 87. Which of the following Courts in India is/are known
a case (Kapila Hingorani had filed a petition) which came as the Court (s) of Record?
to be known as Hussainana Khatoon v/s State of Bihar
(a) The High Courts only
(1979). It was the first time when a case based on Public
Interest Litigation was taken into consideration. During (b) The Supreme Court only
this time the Cheif Justice of India was Y.V. Chandrachud, (c) The High Courts and the Supreme Court
whereas P. N.Bhagwati became the 17th Chief Justice of (d) The District Courts
India and was in office from 12 July 1985 - 20 Dec 1986. U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2008
Thus none of the given options is appropriate. Ans. (c)
89. The Supreme Court holds its meetings in New Delhi,
but it can meet elsewhere –
Ramesh Chandra Lahoti was the 35th Chief Justice of India
serving from 1 June 2004 to 1 November 2005.
He joined the Bar in Guna District (MP) in 1960 and enrolled
(a) With the approval of President.
as an advocate in 1962.
(b) If the majority of Judges of Supreme Court so decide.
92. TDSAT judgments can be challenged in the:
(c) With the approval of Parliament.
(a) TRAI, High Court, Supreme Court
(d) On the request of State Legislature.
(b) TRAI and Supreme Court
U.P.P.C.S. (Spl) (Mains) 2008
(c) High Court and Supreme Court
Ans. (a) (d) Supreme Court only
The Supreme Court shall sit in Delhi or such other place or U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2003
places, as the Chief Justice of India may, with the approval Ans. (c)
of the President, from time to time, appoint (Art. 130). In order to bring in functional clarity and strengthen the
regulatory frame work and the disputes settlement mechanism
90. Which one of the following is appointed as the fourth in the telecommunication sector, the TRAI Act of 1997 was
female Judge of Supreme Court in April 2010? amended in the year 2000 and TDSAT (Telecom Disputes
(a) Justice Fathima Beevi settlement and Appellate Tribunal) was setup to adjudicate
(b) Justice Sujata Manohar disputes and dispose of appeals. In respect of Telecom,
Broadcasting and Airport tariff matters, the Tribunal's orders
(c) Justice Gyan Sudha Misra
can be appealed to the Supreme Court but only on substantial
(d) Justice Ruma Pal questions of law, while in regard to cyber matters, the
U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2008 (*) Tribunal's order can be appealed before High Court. Thus
Ans. (c) the correct answer is an option (c).
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2008 97. In which country the concept of Public Interest
Ans. (c) Litigation was originated?
The concept of Public Interest Litigation (PIL) agrees with (a) Canada (b) United States of America
the principles enshrined in Article 39A of the Constitution (c) United Kingdom (d) Australia
of India to protect and deliver prompt Social Justice with the R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre.) 2018
help of law. Before the 1980s, only the aggrieved party could
Ans. (b)
approach the Courts for justice. After the Emergency era, the
Supreme Court reached out to the people, devising a means See the explanation of above question.
for any person of the public (or an NGO) to approach the
court seeking legal remedy in cases where the public interest 98. ‘Judicial Activism’ in India is related to –
is at stake. Justice P. N. Bhagwati and Justice V. R. Krishna (a) Committed Judiciary (b) Public Interest Litigation
Iyer were among the first Judges to admit PILs in court. PIL (c) Judicial Review (d) Judicial Independence
can be filed both in High Courts and Supreme Court. U.P.R.O. /A.R.O. (Pre) 2014
94. PIL is: Ans. (b)
(a) Public Interest Litigation Judicial Activism in India is related to Public Interest
(b) Public Inquiry Litigation Litigation. Judicial Activism in India started in mid 1970s,
(c) Public Investment Litigation
(d) Private Investment Litigation
on the initiative of the Supreme Court.
95. Where can the Public Interest Litigation (PIL) be filed? (c) Special Courts (d) High Court, U.P.
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2009
(a) Only in Supreme Court of India
Ans. (a)
(b) Only in High Courts of States
(c) In Central Administrative Tribunals On 23 September, 2003, Justice M.B. Shah of the Supreme
Court of India glorified the status of women in Indian
(d) Both in High Courts & Supreme Court
Society by an important Judgement. The Court held that
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2012
the preference given to women for being appointed as a
Ans. (d)
Principal of the Government College for Girls is not violative
See the explanation of above question. of Articles 14, 15 and 16 of the Constitution.
96. The concept of Public Interest Litigation originated 100. Under which law is it prescribed that all proceedings
in: in the Supreme Court of India shall be in English
(a) Australia (b) India language?
(c) The United States (d) The United Kingdom
(a) The Supreme Court rules, 1966
I.A.S. (Pre) 1997
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2011 (b) Article 145 of the Constitution of India.
Ans. (c) (c) A Legislation made by Parliament.
other expenditure relating to office are charged on consolidated the consultation of Legislative Assembly when -
fund of state. *The Governor can promulgate ordinance when (1) The Government has to prove its majority in the
the state legislature is not in session (Article 213). *He can session of Legislative Assembly.
grant pardons, reprieves, respites and remission of punishment (2) To terminate the Chief Minister.
or suspend, remit and commute the sentence of any person
(3) To reserve any bill for the consideration of
convicted of any offence against any law relating to a matter to
which the executive power of the state exdends (Article 161).
President of India.
(4) To send back a bill to Legislative Assembly for
*Sarojini Naidu was the first women to be nominated as the
Governor of any state. *She was the governor of Uttar Pradesh
(5) To seek the consultation with High Court.
from 15th August, 1947 to 2 March, 1949.
Choose the correct answer from the following code:
1. The original plan in the draft Constitution for having
Code :
elected Governors was dropped because
(a) 1,2,3 and 4 (b) 2,3,4, and 5
1. It would have meant another election.
(c) 1, 2,4 and 5 (d) all of these
2. The election would have been fought on major
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2006
political issues.
Ans. (a)
3. The elected Governor might have considered
himself superior to the Chief Minister. Governor of a state can act according to his discretion in
following situations
4. The Governor had to function under the
(i) To ask the Government to prove majority in the State
Parliamentary System. Legislative Assembly.
Select the correct answer from the code given below: (ii) To terminate a Chief Minister who has lost confidence
of the Assembly.
Code :
(iii) To provide or with hold assent to a Bill or reserve a
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3
Bill for the consideration of the President. (Art. 200)
(c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) 2, 3 and 4 (iv) To return a Bill to the Legislative Assembly for
U.P.U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2002 reconsideration (Provison of article 200)
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2003 Besides, the Governor uses his discretion while imposing
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2004 President’s rule in the State and dissolving the State
5. http://telegram.me/edulifebpscupscpcs3
Who is the Constitutional Head of the State Ans. (d)
Governments? The Governor is the Executive head of a State appointed by
(a) Chief Minister (b) Governor the President. According to Article 157, any person who is a
citizen of India and has completed the age of 35 years shall be
(c) Speaker (d) High Court Judge
eligible for appointment as a Governor of a State. Citizenship
53 to 55th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2011
(2) The format of oath or affirmation is given in the State chief minister should have a say in the appointment
of Governor
Third Schedule of Indian Constitution.
Governor should be a detached figure without intense polit-
(3) The Governor shall make and subscribe the oath
ical links or should not have taken part in politics in recent
or affirmation in the presence of Chief Justice of
years. Hence statement (c) is correct.
the High Court or in his absence senior most Judge
Governor should not be a member of the ruling party.
of that Court.
(4) The process of oath and affirmation is given in 11. Who amongst the following administer the oath of office
to the Governor?
Article 159 of Indian Constitution.
(a) President of India
Code :
(b) Chief Justice of Supreme Court
(a) (1), (2) and (3) (b) (1), (3) and (4)
(c) Chief Justice of High Court
(c) (1), (2) and (4) (d) (1), (2), (3) and (4)
(d) Outgoing Governor of the concerned State
R.A.S./R.T.S.(Pre) 2013
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2014
Ans. (b)
U.P. Lower Sub. (Mains) 2013
Every Governor and every person discharging the functions Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2012
of the Governor shall, before entering upon his office, Ans. (c)
make and subscribe in the presence of the Chief Justice
See the explanation of above question.
of the High Court exercising jurisdiction in relation to the
State or in his absence, the senior most Judge of that Court 12. Which one of the following statements about the
available, an oath or affirmation in the prescribed form Governor of an Indian State is not true:
as provided in Article 159 of the Indian Constitution. (*) (a) He is appointed by the President of India
3rd schedule does not deals with the oath of the Governor. (b) He can be Governor of more than one State
10. Which one of the following suggested that the Governor (c) He holds office for a term of five years
should be an eminent person from outside the State and (d) He can be removed earlier if the Legislature of the
should be a detached figure without intense political concerned State passes a resolution for his removal.
links or should not have taken part in politics in the U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2004
recent past? U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1997
(b) Rajamannar Committee (1969) According to Article 156(1) of the Constitution, a Governor
of a State is an appointee of the President, and he or she holds
(c) Sarkaria Commission (1983)
office “during the pleasure of the President.” If a Governor
(d) National Commission to Review the Working of the continues to enjoy the “pleasure of the President,” he or she
can hold the office for a term of five years. A Governor may
Constitution (2000)
be removed anytime before completion of five-year, by the
I.A.S. (Pre) 2019 President on the advice of Council of Ministers, but the State
Ans. (c) Legislature has no such power.
14. Consider the following statements and select your 16. Which of the following are the discretionary powers
answer from the codes given below: given to the Governor of a State?
1. The Governor does not have the power to appoint 1. Sending a report to the President of India for
but without recommendation of Governor it was 19. Which among the following Articles of the Indian
introduced in Rajasthan Legislative Assembly and Constitution empowers the Governor to issue the
passed by it and sent to the Governor, now ordinance?
(a) where assent to that Act was given by Governor shall (a) Art. 208 (b) Art. 212
not be invalid.
(c) Art. 213 (d) Art. 214
(b) The Governor can refuse to assent on the ground of
U.P. P.C.S. (Mains) 2017
the violation of Constitutional provisions.
Ans. (c)
(c) The Governor will send such a Bill to the assent of
See the explanation of above question.
the President.
(d) The Governor or the President assents it then the court 20. Under which Article of Constitution of India, the
will declare it unconstitutional provisions. Governor has the power to promulgate ordinances
R.A.S/R.T.S (Pre) - 2018 during recess of Legislature?
Ans. (a)
(a) 155 (b) 156
Under the Constitutional provision on a Bill, recommendation (c) 212 (d) 213
of the Governor was required, but without recommendation
M.P.P.C.S (Pre) - 2018
of Governor it was introduced in Rajasthan Legislative
Ans. (d)
Assembly and passed by it and sent to the Governor, now
where, assent to that Act was given by Governor shall not Article 155 - Appointment of Governor. The Governor shall be
be invalid. appointed by the President by warrant under his hand and seal
Article 156 deals with the term of office of Governor (1) Ans. (c)
the Governor shall hold office during the pleasure of the The National Women’s Day of India is observed every year
President. (2) The Governor may, by writing under his hand on 13 February. This day is observed on the birth date of
addressed to the President, resign his office. (3) Subject to India’s first woman Governor Sarojini Naidu. She was born
the foregoing provisions of this Article, a governor shall on 13 February 1879 and died on 2 March 1949.
hold for a term of five years from the date on which he 37. The Governor who was dismissed in Rajasthan was:
enters upon his office. (4) Provided that a Governor shall, (a) Dr. Sampurnanand (b) Raghukul Tilak
notwithstanding the expiration of his term, continue to hold
(c) Sukhdeo Prasad (d) Bali Ram Bhagat
office until his successor enters upon his office. Thus both
statements are wrong.
Ans. (b)
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2003
Therefore option (3) is correct in respect of States which do 8. No money Bill can be introduced in Assembly of a State,
not have a legislative council, whereas option (4) is correct except on the recommendations of –
with respect to the states which have Legislative Council. (a) The Parliament
(b) The Governor of the State
5. Which is the Upper Chamber of State Legislatures in
(c) The President of India
(a) Legislative Council (b) Legislative Assembly (d) A special Committee of Ministers
(c) Governor’s Office (d) None of these U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2012
44th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2000 Ans. (b)
Ans. (c)
Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2003 See the explanation of above question.
14. Under which one of the following Articles of the Indian
According to Article 169(1), the Parliament may by law Constitution, the Legislative Assembly is allowed to
provide for the abolition of the Legislative Council of a State resolve for the creation of the Legislative Council?
(a) 168 (b) 169
having such a Council or for the creation of such a Council in
(c) 170 (d) 170
a State having no such Council, if the Legislative Assembly
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2011
of the State passes a resolution to that effect by a majority Ans. (b)
of the total membership of the Assembly and by a majority
See the explanation of above question.
of not less than two-thirds of the members of the Assembly
present and voting. 15. Under which one of the following Articles of Indian
Constitution, the provision of creation or abolition of
11. Which of the following CAN NOT be dissolved but Legislative Councils in State is made?
abolished? (a) Article 168 (b) Article 169
(a) House of People (b) Council of State
(c) Article 170 (d) Article 171
(c) Legislative Assembly (d) Legislative Council
U.P.P.C.S.(Pre) 2013
U.P. P.C.S. (Pre) 2018
Ans. (b)
Ans. (d)
See the explanation of above question.
Just like the council of states the Legislative Council is also
a permanent body, hence is not subjected to dissolution. 16. Procedure for creation of Legislative Councils in
However unlike the council of states, Article 169 of the States has been described in which Article of the
constitution of India has vested the power in Parliament for
(a) Article 368 (b) Article 69
Abolition or creation of Legislative councils in states, if the (c) Article 269 (d) Article 169
Legislative Assembly of the state passes a resolution to that U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2007
Article-169 is related to abolition or creation of Legislative No discussion on a matter of general public importance can
take place except on a motion made with the consent of the
Councils in States. As per Art.169, notwithstanding anything
Presiding officer. Hence statement (A) is correct.
in Article 168, Parliament may by law provide for the
In case of Motion for Adjournment it cannot raise a
abolition of the Legislative Council of a State having such question of privilege. Hence statement (B) is incorrect. The
a Council or for the creation of such a Council in a State Adjournment Motion should be restricted to a specific matter
having no such Council, if the Legislative Assembly of the of recent occurrence and should not be Hamed in general
State passes a resolution to that effect by a majority of the terms hence statement (C) is correct
total membership of the Assembly and by a majority of not Not more than one such motion can be made at the same
sitting. Hence statement (D) is correct
less than two thirds of the members of the Assembly present
21. Consider the following statements:
and voting. However, it does not impose an obligation on the
1. The Legislative Council of a State in India can be
Union Government to take action for initiating legislative in
larger in size than half of the Legislative Assembly
Parliament. Hence, option (2) is correct.
of that particular State.
19. Who among the following has held the post of Protem 2. The Governor of a State nominates the Chairman
Speaker, Speaker and Deputy Speaker of Rajasthan of Legislative Council of that particular State.
Legislative Assembly?
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) Poonam Chand Vishnoi
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(b) Niranjan Nath Aacharya
(c) Shantilal Chaplot (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(d) Paras Ram Maderna I.A.S. (Pre) 2015
R.A.S/R.T.S (Pre) 2018 Ans. (d)
In the given options, Tamil Nadu has unicameral legislative permanent chamber, not subjected to dissolution. The
chamber while the other four have bicameral legislature. members are elected for six years and like Rajya Sabha one-
third of members retire every second year. The Legislative
28. In which of the following States Legislative Council
Council elects its Chairman and Deputy Chairman from
does not exist?
(a) Bihar (b) Maharashtra amongst its members. About one-sixth of the members
(c) Rajasthan (d) Karnataka are nominated by the Governor from amongst persons
U.P. Lower Sub. (Mains) 2013 possessing special knowledge and experience in the field
Ans. (c) of Art, Science, Literature, Social-service and Cooperative
See the explanation of above question. Movement. One-third of the members of this House are
29. Which one of the following States does not have a elected by the Legislative Assembly from amongst persons
bicameral legislature? who are not the member of Legislative Assembly”. One-
(a) U.P. (b) M.P. third of its members “are elected by the local bodies
(c) Bihar (d) Karnataka like Municipalities or District Boards or any other local
U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2008
authority as specified by the law of the Parliament. One-
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2008
twelfth of the members are elected by Graduates of at least
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2006
Ans. (b) three years standing to reside in that state. One-twelfth
See the explanation of above question.
of the members are elected by teachers of secondary
schools having at least three years teaching experience.
30. Legislative Council exists in which of the following
32. Which of the following Articles of Indian Constitution
consists the provision of the election of Legislative
(1) Kerala (2) Himachal Pradesh
Assemblies of States–
(3) Delhi (4) Bihar
(a) Article 170 (b) Article 176
Select your answer from the following codes–
(c) Article 178 (d) None of the above
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 3
(c) 2 and 3 (d) only 4 40th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1995
40th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1995 Ans. (a)
Ans. (d) According to Article 170(1), subject to the provisions of
See the explanation of above question. Article 333, the Legislative Assembly of each State shall
31. What is correct about State Legislative Council? consist of not more than five hundred, and not less than
(i) Its tenure is 6 years sixty members chosen by direct election from territorial
(ii) It is a permanent House constituencies in the State. Article 176 is related to special
(iii) It can not be dissolved address by the Governor and Article 178 provisions for the
(iv) 1/6 members are elected by local institutions
Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.
(v) 1/6 members are elected by legislative assembly
(vi) Every two years 1/3 members are retired 33. Which one of the following states is an exception to
(vii) Deputy Governor is the Chairman of House the provision of Article 170 which says that State
(viii) The tenure of its members is 6 years Legislative Assembly of a State shall consist of not less
Code : than sixty members?
(a) (i) (iii) (iv) (v) (a) Sikkim (b) Jammu and Kashmir
(b) (iii) (vi) (vii) (viii) (c) Haryana (d) Uttaranchal
Ans. (b) 45. The Speaker continues to be the Speaker even after
the dissolution of the Assembly until:
According to Article 173(b), not less than 25 years of age is (a) Immediately before the first sitting of the new
required for the membership of Legislative Assembly, while Assembly constituted after dissolution
the minimum age limit for Legislative Council is 30 years. (b) The election of the new Speaker
(c) He desires
43. Consider the following statements :
1. According to the Constitution of India, a person (d) None of these
who is eligible to vote can be made a minister in a U.P.P.C.S. (Spl) (Mains) 2004
State for six months even if he/she is not a member Ans. (a)
of the Legislature of that State. According to the provision of Article 179 of Indian
2. According to the Representation of People Act,
Constitution, a Speaker continues to be the Speaker even
1951, a person convicted of a criminal offence
and sentenced to imprisonment for five years after the dissolution of the Assembly until the first sitting of
is permanently disqualified from contesting an the new Assembly constituted.
election even after his release from prison.
46. How long can a Minister continue without being elected
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? to the State Assembly?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (a) One Year (b) Six Months
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) Three Years (d) Three Months
I.A.S. (Pre) 2020 Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2003
Ans. (d) M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2003
Provision for qualification for membership of the State Ans. (b)
Legislature comes under Article 173 of the Indian Constitution. According to Article 164(4), a Minister can continue for any
According to this Article, a person shall not be qualified to period of six consecutive months without being elected to
be chosen in the legislature of a state unless he -
Legislature of the State and shall, at the expiration of that
a. is a citizen of India.
b. is in the case of Legislative Assembly, not less than twenty- period cease to be a Minister.
five year of age and in the case of Legislative Council not 47. Pay and allowances of the Ministers of a State
less than thirty year of age, and Government are determined by the –
The state contingency fund is placed at the disposal of
governor. Any expenditure incurred from this fund requires
so requires, to submit for the consideration of the Council
of Ministers. The Participation of Chief Minister in NDC’s
meetings is his administrative duty, not a Constitutional duty.
a subsequent approval from the Parliament and the amount
with drawn is returned to the fund from the consolidated fund. 58. Which Article of the Constitution defines the duties of
the Chief Minister?
56. Which one of the following statements about the (a) Article 162 (b) Article 164
Chief Minister of a State is not correct ? (c) Article 165 (d) Article 167
(a) The Chief Minister is appointed by the Governor U.P. Lower Sub. (Mains) 2013
(b) The Chief Minister generally presides over the Cabinet Ans. (d)
(c) The Governor has to exercise all his functions on the See the explanation of above question.
advice of the Chief Minister 59. The tenure of Jammu and Kashmir’s Chief Minister
(d) Ministers are appointed by the Governor on the advice is:
of the Chief Minister (a) 4 Years (b) 5 Years
U.P. U.D.A./L.D.A. (Spl) (Pre) 2010 (c) 6 Years (d) 7 Years
Ans. (c) U.P. P.C.S. (Pre) 2008
According to Article 163(i) of the Constitution of India, Ans. (b)
there shall be a Council of Ministers with the Chief Minister The tenure of the Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir was
at its head to aid and advise the Governor in the exercise 6 years earlier. The leader of the majority party becomes the
of his functions except in so far as he is by or under this Chief Minister and bears the office till he has the majority.
Constitution required to exercise his functions or any of So, the tenure in a way is not fixed but it is deemed to be the
them in his discretion. tenure of the Legislative Assembly. Recently, according to
the Jammu & Kashmir reoganisation Act 2019, the tenure of
57. Select the Constitutional Duties of the Chief Minister
from the following by using the code given below: the legislative assembly has been fixed for 5 years.
*Article 214 states that every state will have a High Court . can extend the jurisdiction of a high court. *The institution of
*Article 215 states that every High Court will be Court of high court originated in India in 1862. The High Courts were
Record. *Article 216 states that every High Court (whether setup at Calcutta, Bombay and Madras. *In the year 1866, the
inclusive or common) will consist of a chief justice and such High Court of Judicature for the North-Western Provinces
other judges as the President may from time to time deem came into existence at Agra. Later the seat of the High Court
necessary to appoint. *A High Court being a Court of Record for the North-Western Provinces was shiefted from Agra to
means that the judgements proceedings and acts of the High Allahabad in 1869. *Article 233 (1) states that the appointment,
Court are recorded for perpetual memory and testimony. *These posting and promotion of district judges in a state are made by
records are admitted to be of evidentiary value and cannot be the Governor of the state in consultation with the High Court.
questioned when produced before any subordinate court. They *Article 235 empowers the High Court to have control over
are recognised as legal precedents and legal references and all other subordinate courts in that state. *In India a person
courts also have powers to punish for its contempt. *The judges can be detained under Preventive Detention for a maximum
of the High Courts are appointed by the President. period of 3 months. *Lok Adalats (People’s Court) is one of the
*A judge holds the office until he attains the age of 62 years. alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in India, it is a forum
*He can resign from his office by writing to the President. *A where cases pending or at pre-litigation stage in a court of law
are settled. *A Lok Adalat can take up civil cases (including
judge can be removed from his office by the President on the
recommendation of the Parliament. *The President can issue marriage & family) and compoundable criminal cases. *A lok
a removal order only after an address by the Parliament has Adalat is usually presided over by a sitting or retired judicial
been presented to him in the same session for such removal officer as the chairman with two other members, a lawyer and
by special majority. *Just like a Supreme Court Judge, a High a social worker. *The Gram Nyayalaya Act 2008 provides for
Court Judge can be removed from his office on the grounds of establishment of Gram Nyayalayas at the grass root level for
proved misbehaviour or incapacity. *A person to be appointed the purpose of providing access to justice to the citizens at their
as a judge of a High Court - should be a citizen of India, he doorstep. *The Gram Nyayalaya has jurisdiction over both civil
should have held a judicial office in the territory of India for ten and criminal cases.
years or he should have been an advocate of a high court (or
1. Which among the following is not correct about a High
high courts in succession) for ten years. *According to Article
Court in India?
223, the President can appoint a judge of a High Court as an
(a) The second appeal to the High Court is within its
acting chief justice of the High Court when the office of the
appellate jurisdiction.
Chief Justice is vacant or the Chief Justice of the High Court
is temporarily absent or the Chief Justice is unable to perform (b) Every judge of a High Court is appointed by the
his duties of his office. President.
(c) Governor of the State appoints the Judges of a High
*Article 226 of the constitution empowers the High Court to
issue writs for the enforcement of the Fundamental Rights of Court.
the citizens or for any other purpose. Article 227 states that (d) High Courts may accept a petition related to ‘Public
Every high court shall have superitendence over all courts interest litigation’.
and tribunals throughout the territoties in relation to which it U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2016
exercises jurisdiction. Ans. (c)
(c) Consolidated Fund of the different States where he Which of these statements is/are correct?
has served.
(d) Contingency Fund of India.
(a) 1, 2 and 4
(c) 1 and 4
(b) 2 and 3
(d) 4 only
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2013 I.A.S. (Pre) 2001
Ans. (a) Ans. (d)
See the explanation of above question. The total number of High Courts are 25 in India. Among
these, 7 have the jurisdiction over more than one States/
4. The age of retirement of a High Court Judge is - Union Territories. Union Territory of Delhi and Jammu and
(a) 65 (b) 60 Kashmir have its own High Court. Thus option (d) is correct.
(c) 62 (d) 58
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1999 7. The number of High Court of Judicature in India is
Ans. (c) (a) Twenty (b) Twenty one
(c) Twenty two (d) Twenty three
The retirement age of a Judge of High Court is 62 years. It
U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2008
has been fixed under Article 217(1) by the 15th Constitutional
Ans. (*)
Amendment 1963. Prior to that it was 60 years. 114th
Amendment Bill for increasing the retirement age of a High When this question was asked, there were 21 High Courts.
Court Judge from 62 to 65 years. But there are 25 High Courts in India at present.
5. Consider the following statements: 8. When the Chief Justice of a High Court acts in an
1. There are 25 High Courts in India. administrative capacity, he is subject to:
2. Punjab, Haryana and the Union Territory of (a) The writ jurisdiction of any of the other judges of the
Chandigarh have a common High Court. High Court
3. National Capital Territory of Delhi has a High Court (b) Special control exercised by the Chief Justice of India
of its own. (c) Discretionary powers of the Governor of the state
15. Who became the Chief Justice of Chhattisgarh High (b) Madhya Pradesh High Court
Court in 2008? (c) Bombay High Court
(a) Rajeev Gupta (b) S.R. Nayak (d) Gauhati High Court
(c) Anang Kumar Patnaik (d) K.H.N. Kuranga U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2007
(e) W.A. Shishak Ans. (c) & (d)
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2013 (*)
The seat of the Culcutta High Court is in Kolkata, the capital of
Ans. (a)
West Bengal. The Kolkata High Court extended its Circuit
Shri Rajeev Gupta became the Chief Justice of Chhattisgarh Bench in Port Blair, the Capital of the Andaman and Nicobar
High Court on 2 February, 2008. He was Chief Justice Islands in Jalpaiguri, the headquarters of the Jalpaiguri
of Uttarakhand High Court before becoming the Chief division of West Bengal. Madhya Pradesh High Court seat
Justice of Chhattisgarh High Court. Current Chief Justice is at Jabalpur, and two temporary Benches are at Indore and
of Chhattisgarh High Court is P.R. Ram Chandra Menon.
Gwalior. Mumbai High Court has its jurisdiction over the
16. In which of these States, High Courts were established states of Maharashtra, Goa, the Union Territories of Daman
in March 2013? and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli. The Court has Benches
1. Arunachal Pradesh 2. Meghalaya in Nagpur, Aurangabad, and Panaji. The principal seat of the
3. Mizoram 4. Tripura Guwahati High Court is at Guwahati in Assam. The Court has
Choose the right answer from the given code : 3 outlying benches. These are Kohima Bench for Nagaland
(a) only 1 and 3 (b) only 2 and 4 State, the Aizawl Bench for Mizoram State and the Itanagar
(c) only 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 Bench for Arunachal Pradesh State. Currently Mumbai and
U.P.P.C.S (Pre) 2013 Gauhati High Courts have 3 Benches each.
Ans. (b)
19. Which one of the following subjects comes under the
In January 2013, the Indian Government established three common jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and the
new High Courts i.e., (Meghalaya, Manipur, and Tripura) in
High Court?
the North-Eastern States. These High Courts started working
(a) Mutual disputes among States
from March 2013.
(b) Dispute between Centre and State
17. How many High Courts in India have jurisdiction over
(c) Protection of Fundamental Rights
more than one State (Union Territories not included)?
(d) Protection from the Violation of the Constitution
(a) 2 (b) 3
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2006
(c) 5 (d) 7
I.A.S. (Pre) 2008 I.A.S. (Pre) 1993
Ans. (b) Ans. (c)
Excluding the Union Territories, there are Three High Court Matters regarding the protection of Fundamental Rights
having Jurisdiction over more than one State. come under the common Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
They are: and High Courts. The Supreme Court (under Article 32) and
Gauhati High Court - Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, High Courts (under Article 226) have the power to issue a
Nagaland and Mizoram writ for the enforcement of any of the rights conferred by
Bombay High Court - Maharashtra and Goa Part III (Fundamental Rights) of the Constitution of India.
Punjab and Haryana - Punjab and Haryana It is to be noted here that Supreme Court is called Guardian
High Court of the Indian Constitution.
21. When the Supreme Court issues a writ to a person or The writ of Certiorari is issued to a lower court directing that
to an institution to perform its duty, it is called the record of a particular case be sent up for review, together
with all supporting files, evidence, and documents, usually
(a) Certiorari (b) Mandamus
with the intention of overruling the judgment of the lower
(c) Quo Warranto (d) Habeas Corpus Court. It is one of the mechanisms by which the Fundamental
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2007 Rights of the citizens are protected.
Ans. (b)
25. Which one of the following writs examines the
See the explanation of above question. functioning of subordinate courts?
22. Which one of the following is not the main jurisdiction (a) Quo Warranto (b) Mandamus
of the High Court of a State?
(a) Advisory jurisdiction
(c) Certiorari (d) Habeas Corpus
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2008
Ans. (c)
(b) Original jurisdiction
(c) Supervisory jurisdiction The writ of Certiorari is issued by the higher Court to a lower
Court to examine the functioning of subordinate Court. The
(d) Appellate jurisdiction
writ orders to deliver in a case so that the higher Court may
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2007
review it.
Ans. (a)
26. Given below are two statements, one labelled as
According to Article 143 of the Indian Constitution, the
Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R).
Advisory Jurisdiction is the main Jurisdiction of the Supreme
Assertion (A) : Willful disobedience or non-compliance
Court, not of High Courts.
of Court orders and use of derogatory
23. Which among the following is issued when the
language about Judicial behaviour
procedure is pending in court? amount to Contempt of Court.
(a) Mandamus (b) Certiorari Reason (R) : Judicial activism cannot be
(c) Prohibition (d) Quo-Warranto practiced without arming the Judiciary
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2010 with punitive powers to punish
Ans. (c) contemptuous behavior.
The writ of Prohibition is issued when the procedure is In the context of the above two statements which one
pending in Courts. When the lower court hears any case out of the following is correct?
of its Jurisdiction, then upper Court takes over the case by (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
issuing Prohibition writ. explanation of (A).
Select the correct answer using the code given below: 29. Consider the following statements and select the correct
Code : answer from the code given:
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct Assertion (A) : High Courts are in better position
explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not a correct
to protect rights of Indian citizens
than the Supreme Court.
(c) Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam that at least one-third Judges of the High Court should be
(d) Mrs. Pratibha Patil from other States (‘The Method of Appointment of Judge’s).
48th to 52nd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2008
41. With reference to Lok Adalats, which of the following
Ans. (c)
statements is correct?
Former President of India Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam first
imagined about mobile Courts. The first mobile Court of
(a) Lok Adalat have the jurisdiction to settle the matters at
the pre-litigation stage and not those matters pending
India was established in August 2007 in Mewat district of before any court.
Haryana. It was inaugrated by contemporary Chief Justice (b) Lok Adalats can deal with matters which are civil and
KG Balkrishnan. The concept of the mobile Court is based not criminal in nature.
on the pressing need to take the administration of civil and (c) Every Lok Adalat consists of either serving or retired
criminal justice closer to the people so that those living in judicial officers only and not any other person.
remote areas could benefit without incurring the expenses of (d) None of the statements given above is correct.
travelling to Courts at distant places.
I.A.S. (Pre) 2010
38. Who is the Chief Justice of High Court of Himachal Ans. (d)
Pradesh? The most important factor to be considered while deciding
(a) Acharya Devvrat (b) Suryakant the cases at the Lok Adalat is the consent of both the parties.
(c) Girish Sahani (d) Shekhar Mande It cannot be forced on any party that the matter has to be
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2018
decided by the Lok Adalat. However, once the parties agree
Ans. (b)
that the matter has to be decided by the Lok Adalat, then any
When this question was asked, the Chief Justice of Him- party cannot walk away from the decision of the Lok Adalat.
achal Pradesh was Suryakant. Presently, the Chief Justice The Lok Adalat is presided over by a sitting or retired judicial
of Himachal Pradesh is Lingappa Narayana Swamy, since officer as the Chairman, with two other members, usually a
6th October, 2019 lawyer and a social worker. Experience reveals that in Lok
39. Under Preventive Detention, a person can be detained Adalats it is easier to settle money claims since in most of
without trial for – such cases the quantum alone may be in dispute. Sometimes
(a) One month (b) Three months it also considers criminal offences.
matter is a matter enumerated in the State List. Thus option 11. The distribution of legislative powers between the
(d) is correct. Centre and the States in the Constitution is given in –
7. Article 249 of the Indian Constitution deals with (a) Sixth Schedule (b) Seventh Schedule
(a) Emergency Power of the President (c) Eighth Schedule (d) Ninth Schedule
(b) Dissolution of the Lok Sabha U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1993
(c) Administrative Power of the Parliament U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2008
(d) Legislative Powers of the Parliament with respect to Ans. (b)
subjects in the State List
See the explanation of above question.
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2009
Ans. (d) 12. In which part of the Indian Constitution, legislative
relations between Centre and States are given?
Article 249 of the Indian Constitution is related to the
(a) Part X (b) Part XI
legislative powers of the Parliament with respect to subjects (c) Part XII (d) Part XIII
in the State List in the national interest. This Article U.P.P.C.S. (Spl) (Mains) 2004
empowers the Parliament to make laws with respect to any U.P.R.O./A.R.O. (Pre) 2014
matter enumerated in the State List. Ans. (b)
32. Which of the Constitutional Provision lays down that See the explanation of above question.
taxes can neither be levied nor collected without the
36. The recommendations of the Sarkaria Commission are
authority of law? related to:
(a) Article 265 (b) Article 266 (a) Distribution of revenue
(c) Article 300 (d) Article 368 (b) Powers and functions of President
Ans. (a)
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2007 (c) Membership of the Parliament
(d) Centre-State relations
Article 265 of the Constitution lays down that no tax shall be U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2018
levied or collected except by the authority of law. Article 266 U.P.R.O./A.R.O. (Pre) 2014
provisions for the Consolidated Funds and Public Accounts U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2004
Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2003
of India and the States, Article 300 deals with suits and
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2003
proceedings and Article 368 is related to the procedure of
Ans. (d)
Constitutional Amendments. Thus option (a) is correct.
33. Sarkaria Commission was set up to review – See the explanation of above question.
(a) The relations between the President and the Prime 37. Who among the following as a member of Sarkaria
Minister Commission?
(b) The relations between the Legislature and the (a) V. Shankar (b) K. Hanumanthaiah
Executive (c) Dr. S.R. Sen (d) O. V. Algesan
(c) The relations between the Executive and the Judiciary U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2017
(d) The relations between the Union and the States Ans. (c)
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2006
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2008 See the explanation of the above question.
Ans. (d) 38. Given below are two statements one is labelled as
To consider the relationship between Union and State and to Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).
give suggestions to strengthen it, a commission was formed Assertion (A) : Sarkaria Commission recommended
that Article 356 should be sparingly
under the Chairmanship of Justice R.S. Sarkaria on 9 June,
1983. B. Shivaraman and S.R. Sen were the two members
Reason (R) : The political parties that came to
of this Commission. This Commission submitted its report
form the Government at the Centre
in January, 1988. misused Article 356.
8. http://telegram.me/edulifebpscupscpcs3
According to which Article ‘National Emergency may
be declared by the president of India?
Under Article 352, the President can declare a National
Emergency. The Proclamation of Emergency must be
(a) Article 352 (b) Article 370 approved by both the houses of Parliament within 1 month
(c) Article 371 (d) Article 395 from the date of its issue. Originally it was two months but
53rd to 55th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2011 was reduced to 1 month by the 44th Amendment Act of 1978.
Ans. (a) Every resolution of Parliament approving its proclamation
or its continuance must be passed by special Majority i.e
See the explanation of above question. 2/3rd of the members present & voting. It can be revoked
9. Under which of the following circumstances can the by a simple majority.
President declare Emergency?
11. According to Article 352 of the Constitution, the
1. External Aggression
National Emergency can be declared in which among
2. Internal Disturbances the following circumstances?
3. Failure of the Constitutional Machinery in States (a) The failure of the Constitutional machinery
4. Financial Crisis (b) Invasion
Chose the correct answer from the codes given below – (c) Internal disturbance
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 3, and 4 (d) War, external aggression or armed rebellion
(c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2, and 4 U.P.U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2002
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2007 Ans. (d)
Ans. (b)
See the explanation of above question.
Under Article 352, the President can declare a National
12. Under which of the following articles the President of
Emergency in the case of war, external aggression or armed
India can suspend the enforcement of Fundamental
rebellion. Under Article 356, the President’s Rule in case
Rights (except Articles 20, 21)?
of failure of Constitutional machinery in States and under
(a) Article 358 (b) Article 359
Article 360 could declare a financial emergency in case (c) Article 13 (d) Article 356
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false. 20. Who was the Chairman of the Twelfth Finance
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true. Commission?
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) (Re. Exam) 2015 (a) A.M. Khusro (b) K.C. Pant
Ans. (c) (c) Montek Singh (d) C. Rangarajan
According to Article 243(I) of the Constitution, the Governor Chhattisgarh P.S.C. (Pre) 2005 (*)
of a State shall, as soon as may, be within one year from Ans. (d)
the commencement of the Constitution (Seventy-Third Article 280 of the Constitution of India makes provision
Amendment) Act, 1992 and thereafter at the expiration for the formation of the Finance Commission after the
of every fifth year, constitute a Finance Commission to expiration of every 5 years. Till now 15 Finance Commissions
review the financial position of the Panchayats and to make
have been Constituted. The recommendations made by 12 th
made by the Finance Commission of the State.” up in the chairmanship of Vijay Kelkar who submitted its
18. Who recommends to the Governor the principles which report in 2010. Dr. Y.V. Reddy was the Chairman of the
should govern the distribution between the state and 14 Financial Commission (2015-2020). He submitted
the panchayats of the net proceeds of the taxes and Fees the commissions report on 15 December, 2014. The
leviable by the State, which may be divided between President causes every recommendation of Finance
them? Commission to be laid before each House of the Parliament.
18. The Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission (d) The National Development Council is presided over
by the Prime Minister of India.
is equivalent to-
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2004
(a) Vice-President
Ans. (b)
(b) Minister of the State
(c) Cabinet Minister The National Development Council (NDC) is the apex
(d) Judge of the Supreme Court body for decision making and deliberation on development
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1991 matters in India. It is presided over by Prime Minister.
In 1971, the first Lokayukta was established in Maharashtra. Option (c) was the correct answer when the question was
Lokayukta hava been established in many states of India. asked, but at present, the Lokayukta Act has included the
Bihar (1973), Uttar Pradesh (1975), Madhya Pradesh (1981), Chief Minister in its ambit in many States like Himachal
Andhra Pradesh (1983), Karnataka (1985), Assam (1986), Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat,
Gujarat (1986) Punjab (1995), Delhi (1996) and Haryana Maharashtra, Odisha and Panjab.
(1996) are some of them. Odisha was the first State to pass 15. Civil Society’s representatives in the panel for drafting
the legislation related to Lokayukta, but this institution did the Lokpal Bill include:
not come into existence till 1983. Also, Odisha was the first
1. Anna Hazare 2. Prashant Joshi
State that abolished the Lokayukta in 1993.
3. Santosh Hegde 4. Kiran Bedi
11. Which one of the following States first established the 5. Shanti Bhushan
Institution of Lokayukta? Select your correct answer from the code given below:
(a) Rajasthan (b) Maharashtra (a) Only 1, 3, 4 and 5
(c) Only 1, 2 and 3
(b) Only 1, 2, 3 and 4
(d) Only 1, 3 and 5
(c) Bihar (d) Gujarat
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2010
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2012
Ans. (d)
Ans. (b)
There were five members included from the civil society for
The Lokayukta Institution was first established in the State of
drafting the Lokpal Bill- Anna Hazare, Arvind Kejariwal,
Maharashtra. Lokayukta Institution was first established through
Maharashtra Lokayukta and Deputy Lokayukta Act, 1971. Shanti Bhushan, N. Santosh Hegde and Prashant Bhushan.
16. Consider the following statements about the minorities
12. The Lokayukta of Uttar Pradesh submits its report to–
(a) Chief Minister in India:
(b) Chief Justice of High Court 1. The Government of India has notified five
(c) Governor communities, namely, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians,
(d) Speaker of Legislative Assembly Buddhists and Zoroastrians as minorities.
U.P. P.C.S. (Mains) 2007 2. The National Commission for Minorities was given
Ans. (c) statutory status in 1993.
Under Uttar Pradesh Lokayukta Act, 1975 the Lokayukta 3. The smallest religious minority in India are the
submits its report to the Governor which is presented in both Zoroastrians.
the Houses of the State Legislature. 4. The Constitution of India recognizes and protects
religious and linguistic minorities.
13. The first Indian State to pass the Lokayukta Bill in
2011 is– Which of these statements are correct ?
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Bihar (a) 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 4
(c) Uttarakhand (d) Jharkhand (c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 4
U.P.P.C.S.(Pre) 2012 I.A.S. (Pre) 2001
Vohra Committee was formed in 1993 to study the problem
of criminalisation of politics and the nexus among criminals,
Rights Act, 1993?
(a) Better protection of Human Rights
politician, and bureaucrats in India. (b) To constitute Human Rights Protection Commission
18. Name the committee which has investigated and (c) To constitute Human Rights Protection Commission
submitted the report on the nexus of politicians and in the State
(a) Gyanprakash Committee (d) All of the above
(b) Vohra Committee M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2015
(c) Goswami Committee
Ans. (d)
(d) Rajamannar Committee
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1995 The main objectives of the Protection of Human Rights Act,
Ans. (b)
1993 is to provide for the constitution of the National and
See the explanation of above question. State Human Rights Commissions and Human Rights Courts
19. Who recommended to end Indian Administrative for better protection of Human Rights and matters connected
Services and Indian Police Services? in addition to that or incidental to it.
(a) Dhebar Commission
(b) Kalelkar Commission 23. Who is not a member of the committee for the
(c) Kher Commission appointment of Chairperson and members of the
(d) Rajamannar Commission National Human Rights Commission?
I.A.S. (Pre) 1993
Ans. (d) (a) Speaker of the House of People
(b) Chairman of the Council of States
The Rajamannar Commission had recommended ending the
(c) Leader of opposition in the House of People
Indian Administrative Services and Indian Police Services.
(d) Leader of opposition in the Council of States
20. Under which Article of the Constitution the Protection
of Human Rights Ordinance was issued by the M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2019
President in 1993? M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2014
Ans. (b)
M.P. P.C.S. (Pre) 2018 The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) is a
Statutory body. It was established in 1993 under a
The National Human Rights Commission is a statutory body legislation enacted by the Parliament.
The Commissions headquarter is at Delhi and it can also
established in 1993. The commission is a multi - member
establish offices at other places in India.
body consisting of a chairman and four other members.The
It is vested with the power to regulate its own procedure.
Chairman should be a retired Chief Justice or a judge of India.
It has all the powers of civil court and its proceedings have
The commission also has 6 Ex-officio members and one
a judicial character
special invitee to statutary full commission.The Chairperson
of Law Commission of India is not a member. 27. In which Section of the Human Rights Protection Act,
1993 is ‘Public Servant’ defined?
25. Consider the following statements regarding the (a) Section 2 (b) Section 3
National Human Rights Commission of India – (c) Section 2(H) (d) Section 2(M)
1. Its Chairman must be retired Chief Justice of India. M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2016
2. It has formation in each State as State Human Ans. (d)
Rights Commission. Section 2(M) of Human Rights Protection Act, 1993 defines
3. Its powers are only recommendatory in nature. ‘Public Servant’. It shall have the same meaning assigned to
4. It is mandatory to appoint a woman as a member the term under Section 21 of Indian Penal Code.
of the Commission. 28. Every member of the Commission, Sate Commission
Which of the above statements are correct ? and every officer appointed or authorized by the
Commission or State Commission to exercise functions
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) 2 and 4
under the Protection of Human Rights Act is to be
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3 deemed
I.A.S. (Pre) 1999 (a) Public Officer (b) Public Servant
(a) Chief Minister The State Human Right Commission submits its annual report
(b) Speaker of the Legislative Assembly to the state Government. The reports are laid before the state
(c) Incharge of the Department of Home Affairs legislature, along with a memorandum of action taken on the
(d) governor recommendations of the Commission and the reason for non
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2020 acceptance of any of such recommendations.
Ans. (d) 39. In the definition of armed forces under the Protection
The chairperson and members of State Human Rights of Human Rights Act, which of the following is not
Commission are appointed by Governor on the included?
recommendations of a committee consisting of the chief (a) Navy
minister as its head, the state home minister, the speaker of (b) Armed Forces of the State
the Legislative Assembly and the leader of the opposition in (c) Military
the Legislative Assembly. Hence option (d) is correct. (d) Air Force
37. A Sitting Judge of the High Court or a Sitting District M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2018
Judge can be appointed as a member of the State Ans. (b)
Human Rights Commission after consultation with? Under the Act, 'armed forces' means the naval, military
(a) the Governor and air force and includes other armed forces of the Union.
(b) the Chief Justice of the High Court of the concerned Hence Armed Forces of the State is not included in the Act.
State 40. Which one of the following is not the function of the
(c) the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India State Human Rights Commission?
(d) the President (a) Enquire suo-moto the violation of Human Rights.
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2018 (b) Visit any Jail
Ans. (b) (c) Review the protection of Human Rights
60. In which of the following matters the State Public (a) 315 (b) 316
Service Commission is not consulted?
(a) On the method of recruitment of Civil Services.
(c) 317 (d) 318
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2011
(b) On the principles to be followed in making Ans. (c)
appointments to Civil Services.
According to Article 317 of the Constitution, the Chairman
(c) On the principles to be followed in making promotions or any other member of a Public Service Commission shall
in Civil Services and transfers from one service to
only be removed from his office by order of the President
on the ground of misconduct after the Supreme Court, on
(d) On making transfers of Civil Servants.
reference being made to it by the President, has, an inquiry
R.A.S./R.T.S.(Pre) 2013
held in accordance with the procedure prescribed in that
Ans. (d)
behalf under Article 145, reported that the Chairman or such
Under Article 320, the function the State Public Service other member, as the case may be, ought on any such ground
Commission does not contain transfer of civil servants. to be removed.
Therefore, the State Public Service Commission is not
64. A member of State Public Service Commission may be
consulted on the matter of transferring Civil Servants.
removed by
61. The Union Public Service Commission can be entrusted (a) The Governor on the basis of impeachment in Vidhan
with the functions of a State Public Service Commission
with the approval of –
(b) The Governor, after the enquiry conducted by the
(a) Chief Justice of India
Supreme Court
(b) Prime Minister
(c) Speaker of the Lok Sabha (c) The President, after the enquiry conducted by the
(d) President of India Supreme Court
U.P.R.O./A.R.O. (Mains) 2014 (d) The Governor, after the enquiry conducted by the High
Ans. (d) Court
(b) It has nothing to do with State Public Service
House of Parliament.
According to the Indian Constitution, the Union Public Mrs. Roze Millian Bethew (Kharbuli) was the first woman
Service Commission and the Public Service Commissions Chairman of Union Public Service Commission who served
of States are free from each other for their work. Under in this post from 1992 to 1996.
Article 315, the provision has been made for Public Service 70. In which year P.C. Hota Committee on Civil Services
Commissions in the States. Two or more than two States may Reforms was constituted?
agree that there shall be one Public Service Commission for (a) 2003 (b) 2004
that group of the States. (c) 2005 (d) 2006
67. Which one of the following is correct? Union Public U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2021
Service Commission is a–
(a) Regulatory Organization
(b) Legal Organization Ans. (b)
(c) Established by Parliamentary Ordinance In February 2004, Hota was appointed by Government
(d) Constitutional Organization of India's Chairman of the Committee on Civil Services
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2014 Reforms. He submitted the report of the Committee to the
Ans. (d) Government of India within six months.
5. Article 371 of the Constitution makes special provisions Article 370 of the Indian Constitution provided special status
for which of the following States? to the state of Jammu and Kashmir earlier. Article 360 has
(a) Jammu and Kashmir provisions relating to Financial Emergency. Article 1 declares
(b) Maharashtra and Gujarat India to be a Union of States and Article 270 is about taxes
(c) Nagaland levied and collected by the Union and distributed between
(d) Andhra Pradesh the Union and the States. Currently, no special status has
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2011 been granted to Jammu and Kashmir.
(c) 2 and 3 (d) None of the above
I.A.S. (Pre) 1994
17. Election to the Office of the President is conducted by–
(a) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha
Ans. (d)
(b) The Prime Minister’s Office
Presiding Officer of the House is elected by the members (c) The Minister of Parliamentary Affairs
of the House. Any dispute arising out of election are settled (d) The Election Commission of India
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2009
by the Supreme Court. Elections of the municipality and
Ans. (d)
municipal corporations are conducted by the State Election
Commission. Thus, none of the given statements is correct. See the explanation of above question.
15. The functions of Election Commission of India are- 18. Which of the following is not related to Election
(I) To conduct all the elections of the Parliament and Commission?
(a) To issue notification of election
State Legislative Assembly.
(b) To distribute election symbols
(II) To conduct elections for the post of President and
(c) To settle the validity of elections.
(d) To conduct elections peacefully.
(III) To recommend for President’s Rule in case of any
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1992
State not in condition to hold or conduct free and
Ans. (a)
fair elections in any State.
(IV) To Supervise, direct and control the work of Issuance of notification for election is not a function of
preparing electoral lists. Election Commission. Notification for the election of Lok
Code : Sabha and Rajya Sabha is issued by President, and for the
(a) I, II, III (b) I, II and IV election of Legislative Assemblies and Legislative Councils,
(c) I, III, IV (d) all of them the notification is issued by Governor of the concerned state.
U.P.U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2001 19. Which of the election system have been adopted for
Ans. (b) different elections in India?
M.S. Gill was the Chief Election Commissioner in 2000
while T.S. Krishnamurti and J.M. Lyngdoh were the other Ans. (d)
I.A.S. (Pre) 2017
The Delimitation Commission is formed by Government The system of proportional representation solves the problem
of India. The main task of the Commission is to redraw of minority representation by providing due representation
the boundaries of the various assemblies and Lok Sabha to all sections of society. The system of proportional
constituencies based on latest census. It is a powerful representation enables due representation to all type of groups
institution. The orders of the Delimitation Commission based on ethnicity, gender, interests and ideologies. Thus,
cannot be challenged in a Court of Law. The orders of the assertion (A) and Reason (R) both are correct, and reason
Delimitation Commission are laid before the Lok Sabha (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
or the State Legislative Assembly, but they cannot effect
any modifications in the orders. So far, 5 Delimitation 50. The system of proportional representation as an
Commissions (1952, 1963, 1973, 2002 and latest in March, electoral mechanism ensures
2020) have been established in India. (a) Majority rule
47. Which one of the following is the “National Voters’ (b) Stability in Government
Day”? (c) Common political thinking
(a) 5th June (b) Ist November (d) Representation of minorities
(c) 25 January
(d) 8th March
U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2013
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2012
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2013
Ans. (c)
Ans. (d)
To encourage young voters to take part in the political
process, Government of India has decided to celebrate See the explanation of above question.
January 25 every year as ‘National Voters Day.’ It was started
51. Study the following statements and select the correct
from January 25, 2011 to mark commission’s foundation day.
answer from the code given below:
48. National Voters Day is celebrated on -
(a) 15th January (b) 25th January
Assertion (A) : The State Election Commission is a
Constitutional authority.
(c) 17 January
(d) 27th January
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2015 Reason (R) : Elections to rural local bodies are
Ans. (b) overseen by the Election Commission
See the explanation of above question. of India.
Code :
49. Given below are two statements, one labelled as
Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R) : (a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct
Assertion (A): T h e s y s t e m o f p r o p o r t i o n a l explanation of (A).
representation may solve the problem (b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct
of minority representation to some explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Reason (R) : The system of proportional representa-
tion enables due representation to (d) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
all type of groups based on ethnicity, U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) (Re-Exam) 2015
gender, interests, and ideologies. Ans. (d)
Choose the correct answer from the code given below:
Code : The State Election Commission constituted under the 73rd
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct and 74th Constitutional ( Amendments) Act, 1992, for each
explanation of (A). State / Union Territory. SECs are vested with the powers of
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not a correct conducting the elections to the Corporations, Municipalities,
explanation of (A). Zilla Parishads, District Panchayats, Panchayat Samitis,
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false. Gram Panchayats and other local bodies. The Election
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Commission of India has no role in these elections.
Marxist (CPM-M/CPM), Nationalist Congress Party, All
India Trinamool Congress and National Peoples Party.
(b) At least 4 percent of valid votes in four or more States
(c) At least 15 percent of valid votes in four or more States
(d) At least 6 percent of valid votes in more than half
*In India, elections are held on the basis of Universal Adult
of the States
Franchise. *Political parties have freedom to establish their own
(e) None of the above / More than one of the above
standard. *Indian National congress was founded in 1885 and
66th B.P.S.C. (Pre) (Re- Exam), 2020
its first president was W.C. Banerjee. *The word 'National' in Ans. (e)
Indian National congress is against the reaction of British Rule.
See the explanation of the above question.
*Bharatiya Janta Party was founded in 1980 and its first pres-
ident was Atal Bihari Vajpayee. 4. A political party in India can be recognized as National
Party if it has state party status in at least:
*Independent labour party was founded by Dr. B.R. Ambed-
(a) Three states (b) Four states
kar in 1936. *Communist Party of India was founded in 1925
(c) Five states (d) Seven states
and C.P.I. (Marxist) was founded in 1964.
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2000
1. Who recognises the political parties in India? Ans. (b)
(a) President of India
See the explanation of above question.
(b) Election Commission of India
(c) Ministry of Law and Justice 5. A political party is recognized as a regional party, if
(d) Speaker of Lok Sabha (a) It gets 4% votes in the State either in Lok Sabha or
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2016 the Assembly election.
Ans. (b) (b) It gets 6% votes in the State either in Lok Sabha or
the Assembly election.
The Election Commission of India provides recognition to the
(c) It gets 8% votes in the State either in Lok Sabha or
political parties in India. The Election Symbols (Reservation
the Assembly election.
and Allotment) Order, 1968, provides for the recognition of (d) None of the above.
political parties. U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2014
6. http://telegram.me/edulifebpscupscpcs3
A party can be recognised as a State Party when:
following the split in
(a) Shiv Sena (b) Congress Party
(i) it secures 6% of the total valid votes polled in the
(c) BJP (d) BSP
state at a general election to the Legislative Assembly Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2013
of the state concerned. Ans. (b)
(ii) it wins 2 Assembly seats at a general election to the
The NCP was formed on June 10, 1999 by Sharad Pawar, P.
Legislative Assembly of the state concerned.
A. Sangma, and Tariq Anwar after they were expelled from
(iii) it secures 4% of the total valid votes polled in the
the Indian National Congress (INC), following the dispute
state at a general election to the Lok Sabha of the
relating to Sonia Gandhi’s foreign origin.
state concerned.
(iv) it secures 6% of the total valid votes polled in the 10. The Principles for election to the State Legislatures
state at a general election to the Lok Sabha of the include:
(a) Only (i) or (iii) 2. There will be only one electoral roll for every
(b) Only (i) or (iv) territorial constituency.
(c) Only (i) and (ii) 3. Religion, Race, Sex, etc., will have no place in the
formation of the electoral roll.
(d) None (i) and (ii)
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2020 4. The political parties will be free to have their
Ans. (c)
Select the correct answer from the given code:
See the explanation of above the question.
Code :
7. Aam Aadmi party is a : (a) 1, 3 and 4 (b) 2, 3 and 4
(a) State party (c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) All the four
12. After the formation of Bharatiya Janata Party, who U.P. Lower sub. (Pre) 2009
became its first President? Ans. (b)
(a) L.K. Advani (b) A.B. Vajpayee Independent Labour Party (ILP) was an Indian political
(c) M.M. Joshi (d) Sikandar Bakht organization formed under the leadership of Dr. B. R.
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2014 (*) Ambedkar in August 1936.
Ans. (b) 17. Which of the following parties were formed by Dr. B.
Atal Bihari Vajpayee became the first President of Bhartiya R. Ambedkar?
Janata Party in 1980. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee (1901- 1. The Peasants and Workers Party of India
1953) was the Founder of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh. The 2. All India Scheduled Castes Federation
BJP is the successor Party of the Bhartiya Jan Sangh. 3. The Independent Labour Party.
13. Which of the following is a Regional Political party? Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
(a) Congress (b) BJP (a) 1 & 2 Only (b) 2 & 3 Only
(c) CPI (d) Akali Dal (c) 1 & 3 Only (d) 1, 2 & 3
U.P. P.C.S. (Pre) 2008 I.A.S. (Pre) 2012
Ans. (d) Ans. (b)
political party in its account shall be credited on
the same day.
3. A National level political party is one which is
recognized in four or more states
Which of the above statements are correct? 4. During 1999 general elections, there were six
(a) Only (A) and (B) (b) Only (A), (B) and (C) National and 48 State level parties recognized by
(c) Only (B), (C) and (D) (d) Only (A), (C) and (D) the Election Commission
R.A.S/R.T.S (Pre) 2018 Which of the statement above are correct?
Ans. (d) (a) 1, 2 and 4 (b) 1 and 3
(c) 2 and 4 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Electoral Bond scheme was notified by the Government of
India on 2nd January 2018. 45th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2001
Electoral Bond may be purchased by a person, who is a Ans. (d)
citizen of India, or incorporated or established in India. A The Representation of the People Act, 1951 provides for the
person being an individual can buy Electoral Bonds, either registration of political parties. The registration of political
single or joint with other individuals. parties is carried out by the Election Commission of India.
Only the Political Parties registered under Section 29 of the The Election Commission has decided that a political party
Representation of People Act, 1951 and which secured not shall be eligible to be recognized as National party if –
less than 1% of the votes polled in the last General Election (i) It secures at least six percent (6%) of the valid votes
to the House of the People or the legislative assembly of the polled in any four or more states at general election to the
state, shall be eligible to receive the Electoral Bonds. House of People (Lok Sabha) or to the State Legislative
It may be noted that Electoral Bond shall be valid for 15 Assembly (Rajya Vidhan Sabha) and wins at least four seats
days from the date of issue and no payment shall be made to in the House of People from any State or States, or it wins
any payee Political Party if the Electoral Bond is deposited at least two percent (2%) seats in the House of People (i.e.,
after the expiry of the validity period. The Electoral Bond 11 seats in the existing House having 543 members), and
deposited by an eligible Political Party in its account shall these members should be elected from at least three different
be credited on the same day. states. Currently, there are 8 national political parties in India.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct 52nd amendment to the Constitution by amending Article 101,
explanation of (A). 102, 190 and 191 and adding the 10th Schedule laid down the
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not a correct process by which member of House may be disqualified on
explanation of (A). the grounds of defection.
(c) (A) is true but, (R) is false.
35. Which one of the following is not covered by the Anti-
(d) (A) is false but, (R) is true.
U.P. Lower Sub. (Spl) (Pre) 2004 Defection Law?
(a) An-bloc defections in a Party.
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2004
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2000 (b) Large defections in a Party in various spell.
Ans. (b) (c) Smaller defection in a single spell.
(d) Party members in Parliament casting vote either to
Democracy in India is passing through the period of
transition. Casteism and regionalism are still the dominating topple or support a Government.
elements in India. Various political parties are formed by the U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2010
regional leaders to meet various interests, but this is not the Ans. (b)
only reason behind having multy party system in India. There
The 10th Schedule to the Constitution, popularly known as
are other socio-economic reasons which are also affecting the
the Anti-Defection Law, introduced by the Constitution (52nd
party system in India.
Amendment) Act, 1985 laid down the process by which
32. The party system is the part of which larger system the member of a political party may be disqualified on
among the following? the grounds of defection. It makes provisions for an-bloc
(a) Social system (b) Economic system defection in a party, smaller defection in a single spell and
(c) Political system (d) International system party members in the Parliament casting vote either to topple
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2012 or support a government. Larger defections in a party in
Ans. (c) various spell are not provided under this law.
Party system is the part of the political system. The formation 36. The political parties got the Constitutional recognition
and running of the Government in a democratic political for the first time in the year –
system is performed by party system (Political Parties). (a) 1975 (b) 1977
33. Inner-Party Democracy stands for – (c) 1985 (d) 1995
(a) A Government formed by several parties with a U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2010
common programme Ans. (c)
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2006 47. Study the following statements and select the correct
Ans. (*) answer from the code given below:
Assertion (A) : India has a written Constitution.
The number of members of the opposition party required to
Reason (R) : Growth of strong regional parties is an
be recognized as Party in opposition is at least 1/10th (54.3
indicator of regional aspirations.
members) of the total membership (total members-543) of
Code :
the Lok Sabha. According to the “rules and tradition” of the
Indian Parliament, Party in opposition must have at least 54 (a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct
seats in the Lok Sabha to rightfully gain and claim the mantle explanation of (A)
of the opposition party. (b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct
explanation of (A).
44. In which State Communist parties jointly launched
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
“Bhu-Poratam” Movement?
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Tamil Nadu
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) (Re. Exam) 2015
(c) Karnataka (d) Kerala
R.A.S./R.T.S.(Pre) 2007 Ans. (b)
Ans. (a) India has a written Constitution. Thus Assertion (A) is correct.
The ‘Bhu Poratam’ movement (struggle for land) was Strong regional parties grow to meet the regional aspirations.
organised by the Bharatiya Khet Mazdoor Union (BKMU) These regional parties raise the problems of the region and
(one of the communist parties ) in Andhra Pradesh to stress on increasing the facilities of that region. As a result
demand agricultural lands and House sites to landless the regional public diverts towards them. Thus, Reason (R) is
agricultural workers. The name ‘Bhu-Poratam’ was given also correct. But the reason (R) is not the correct explanation
by the Communist parties. of the Assertion (A).
*Indian constitution is a mixture of rigidity and flexibility. *It legislature at the level of state. *97th Amendment Act 2011
contains the provision of Amendment. Article 368 of Part-20 gave constitutional status to the co-operative society. *100th
of Indian constitution gives power to the Parliament to amend Constitutional Amendment Act is related to India-Bangladesh
boundary treaty. *101th Amendment Act is related to the
the constitution.
GST (Goods and Services Tax). National Commission for
*Indian constitution can be amended in three different ways.
Backward Classes has been given constitutional status through
1. Simple majority
102nd Amendment Act. 103rd Constitutional Amendment Act,
2. Special majority 2019 deals with providing 10 percent reservation in government
3. Special majority and by the ratification of the half of Jobs and education to the economically backward people of the
the state legislature. Constitutional Amendment bill general category. *Doctrine of basic structure of the constitution
can be introduced in either house of the Parliament. refers to the features of the constitution which is not subjected
*Constitutional Amendment bill needs to be passed by to Constitutional Amendment. *The doctrine of basic structure
both the houses of the Parliament separately with special was given by Supreme Court in the famous Keshavananda
majority and there is no provision for the joint sitting of Bharati case 1973. The constitutional amendment 105th is the
the houses for the constitutional Amendment bill. latest amendment in Indian constitution 2022. It will amend
*Election of President, Representation of states in the Parliament clause 1 and 2 of articles 342A and also introduce a new clause
Rights of Supreme and High Court, power of Parliament to
amend the constitution etc are the subject which requires special
3. The bill will also amend Articles 366 (26c) and 338B(9). It
is designed to clarify that states can maintain the 'state list' of
majority of the Parliament and also ratification by the half of OBCS.
the state legislatures for the Amendment. *Basically any of the 1. Consider the following statements:
lists in the 7th schedule. *Any amendment in the provision of I. Through 44th Constitutional Amendment, 1978
the constitution by simple majority in both the houses is not all the Directive Principles of State Policy have
included in the amendment under article 368. *These include been given preference over Fundamental Rights
the provisions regarding admission or establishment of new mentioned in Articles 14 and 19.
states, alteration of names, area, boundaries etc. II. Supreme Court has laid down in its verdict in
*The 1 constitutional amendment Act, 1951 added two
Minerva Mills Case, 1980 that the preference
new Article i.e. Article 31(a) and 31(b) and also 9th schedule. given only to Directive Principles of State
*42nd constitutional Amendment Act, 1976 is known Policy mentioned in Article 39(b) and 39(c) over
as mini-constitution. *52nd Amendment Act is related to Fundamental Rights mentioned in Articles 14 and
Anti-defection law. *61st Amendment Act, 1988 reduced 19 is Constitutional.
the voting age from 21 years to 18 years. *69th Amendment (a) Neither I nor II is correct.
Act, 1991 gave Delhi the status of National Capital territory (b) Only I is correct.
of Delhi. *86th constitutional Amendment Act, 2002 added (c) Only II is correct.
Article 21(a), i.e. Right to Education, Provision for Free and (d) Both I and II are correct.
compulsory education for the children from Age 6 years to 14 R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) 2013
years. *The 91st Amendment Act, 2003 amended Article 75 Ans. (c)
mentioned in Article 368(2) of the Constitution-
(1) First, an amendment to the Constitution may be initiated
have to be dropped because there is no provision for a joint
sitting of both the Houses of the Parliament to consider the
only by the introduction of a Bill for the purpose in either proposals of constitutional amendment.
House of Parliament, and when the Bill is passed in each 16. The First Constitution Amendment Bill passed in 1951
House by a majority of the total membership of that House was related to
and by a majority of not less than two-thirds of members (a) Security of the country
present and voting, it shall be presented to the President (b) Security of the Prime Minister
who shall give his assent to the Bill, and thereupon the (c) Protection of agrarian reforms in certain States
(d) Scheduled castes and Scheduled tribes
Constitution shall stand amended in accordance with the
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2009
terms of the Bill.
Ans. (c)
(2) The amendment shall also require ratification by the
Legislatures of not less than one-half of the States by The first Constitution Amendment 1951 added two new
resolution to that effect passed by those Legislatures before Article 31(a) and 31(b); and 9th Schedule to the Constitution
the Bill making provision for such amendment in the subject for protection of agrarian reforms in certain States.
enumerated in Article 368 of the Constitution is presented to 17. The Ninth Schedule to the Indian Constitution was
the President for his/her assent. Constitutional amendment added by:
Bill can be initiated in either House of the Parliament. There (a) First Amendment (b) Eighth Amendment
is no provision of joint sitting of both House in regard to a (c) Ninth Amendment (d)Forty Second Amendment
I.A.S. (Pre) 2003
Constitutional Amendment Bill.
Ans. (a)
14. When was the first Bill for the amendment of the Indian
See the explanation of above question.
Constitution presented?
(a) 1950 (b) 1951 18. The 93rd Constitution Amendment Bill deals with the:
(c) 1955 (d) 1958 (a) Continuation of reservation for backward classes in
38th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1992 government jobs.
19. ‘Right to Education’ introduced through 86 th (a) 5 1 4 2
Amendment came into force: (b) 1 5 3 4
(a) In 2002 (b) In 2004 (c) 5 1 3 4
(c) In 2008 (d) In 2010 (d) 1 5 4 2
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2012 I.A.S. (Pre) 2001
Ans. (d) Ans. (a)
The 86th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2002 making The matched list is as follows:
education a Fundamental Right through insertion a new
Article 21A. The Right of Children to free and Compulsory
Education Act, 2009 enable the implementation of
The Constitution (69
Amendment) Act, 1991
- Delhi was given the status of
National Capital Territory
Fundamental Right, was passed by the Parliament in 2009. The Constitution (75 th
- Establishment of State-level
Both the Constitutional Amendments and the new Law came Amendment) Act, 1994 Rent Tribunals
into force from 1st April, 2010. The Constitution (80 th
- Accepting the recommenda
20. By which Constitutional Amendment OBCs have Amendment) Act, 2000 tions of 10 finance commission
authoritative text of the Constitution in Hindi incorporating
therein all the subsequent amendments.
has been made by 'The Constitution (one hundred and fourth
Amendment) Act, 2019 to not to extend the provision for
nomination of Anglo-Indian Community in the Lok Sabha
32. Which one of the following Amendments to the
and the Legislative Assemblies of the states beyond the
Constitution is related to the Lowering of the age of
stipulated date (25 January 2020).
(a) 61st Amendment (b) 44th Amendment 36. Which Constitutional Amendment makes provision for
(c) 42 Amendment
(d) 24th Amendment the reservation of seats for SC’s and STs in Lok Sabha
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2014 and State Assemblies?
Ans. (a) (a) 76th (b) 77th
(c) 78th (d) 79th
61st Constitutional Amendment Act, 1988 reduced the age U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2013
for Right to Vote from 21 to 18 years. It came into force on Ans. (d)
March 28, 1989.
See the explanation of above question.
33. Which Constitutional Amendment Act reduced the
voting Age from 21 years to 18 years? 37. The basic structure theory of the Constitution of India
(a) 61st (b) 62nd implies that –
(c) 63rd
(d) 64th (a) Certain features of the Constitution are so essential to
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2014 it that they cannot be abrogated.
Ans. (a) (b) Fundamental rights cannot be abridged or taken away.
(c) The Constitution cannot be amended except in
See the explanation of above question.
accordance with the procedure laid down in Article
34. Which Constitution Amendment Act reduced the 368.
voting age from 21 years to 18 years? (d) The Preamble of the Constitution cannot be amended
(a) 66th Amendment (b) 62nd Amendment for it is not a part of the Constitution and at the same
(c) 61st Amendment (d) 63rd Amendment time represents it real spirit.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2019
Scheduled Tribes was bifurcated into the National commission
for Scheduled Castes and the National Commission
Ans. (a) for Scheduled tribes through the 89th Constitutional
The preamble has been amended only once so far, in 1976 Amendment Act, 2003. The two commissions have
by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act, which has add- been constituted under Article 338 and Article 338(A).
ed three new words - Socialist, Secular & integrity- to the 49. When were the Fundamental Duties mentioned in the
Preamble. This amendment was held to be valid. Hence, Constitution?
option (a) is correct. (a) At the time of framing of Constitution
46. Which Amendment of the Constitution provides that (b) On 26th January, 1950
no law passed to give effect to Directive Principles of (c) In the 42nd Constitutional Amendment
State Policy contained in Articles 39(b) & (c) shall be (d) In the 41st Constitutional Amendment
deemed to be void on the ground that it abridges the M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2017
rights conferred by Articles 14 and 19 ? Ans. (c)
(a) 25th Amendment (b) 28th Amendment See the explanation of above question.
(c) 42 Amendment
(d) 44th Amendment
50. The Constitution (98th Amendment) Bill is related to:
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2009
(a) Empowering the centre to levy and appropriate service
Ans. (a)
25th Amendment of the Constitution, 1971 provided that no (b) Constitution of the National Judicial Commission
law passed to give effect to Directive Principles of State (c) Readjustment of electoral constituencies on the basis
Policy contained in Articles 39(b) and (c) shall be void on of the population census 2001
the ground that it abridges the rights conferred by Articles (d) The demarcation of new boundaries between States.
14, 19 or 31 (Article 31- was repealed by 44th Amendments I.A.S. (Pre) 2005
Act- 1978). Ans. (b)
not mentioned in the Constitution till 2003, so it was fully
dependent upon the discretion of the Prime Minister or
53 Amendment Act, and formation of Mizoram took place
on 20 February, 1987.
Chief Minister. However by amending Article 75 and Article 57. Which Amendment to the Constitution inserted a new
164 of the Constitution by 'The Constitution (Ninety-first Article 21 A in the Constitution providing Right to
Amendment) Act, 2003' it was made in the Constitution that Education?
the total number of ministers including the Prime Minister or (a) 86th Amendment (b) 87th Amendment
(c) 88th Amendment (d) 89th Amendment
Chief Minister of the state, in the Council of Ministers shall
U.P. P.C.S. (Mains) 2006
not exceed fifteen percent of the total number of members of
Ans. (a)
the Lok Sabha or Legislative Assembly of that State.
According to 86th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2002 a new
53. By which Constitutional Amendment the number of
Article 21-A was added to the constitution which made Right
Central Ministers has been limited to 15% of the total
number of the members of the Lok Sabha? to Education a fundamental right for children in the age group
(a) 91st Amendment (b) 92nd Amendment of 6-14 years. This Article reads: “The State shall provide
(c) 90th Amendment (d) None of the above free and compulsory education to all children between the
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) (Re. Exam) 2015 age of six to fourteen years in such manner as the State may,
Ans. (a) by law, determine.”
58. 97 Constitutional Amendment Act of 2012 is concerned
2. The Supreme Court of India struck down the 99th for communication between two states or between a state and
Amendment to the Constitution of India as being the union in Article 346. *According to Article 347, there is
violative of the independence of judiciary. a special provision relating to language spoken by a section
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? of population of a state. *Hindi was declared as the official
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only language on 14th September 1949. *14 September is celebrated
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 as the Hindi Diwas. According to Article 348 (1) (a), all
proceedings in the Supreme Court and every high court shall
I.A.S. (Pre) 2019
be done in English language. *According to Article 350 (a),
Ans. (b) there is a provision of facilities for instruction in mother tongue
D–356 General Studies Indian Polity and Governance
at primary stage. Article 350B provides for establishment of U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1998
a special officer for linguistic minorities. The officer shall be Ans. (b)
appointed by president and shall investigate all matters relating
According to Article 344 of the Indian Constitution, Dr.
to safeguards for linguistic minorities, reporting directly to
president. Rajendra Prasad appointed the First Official Language
Commission under the chairmanship of B. G. Kher on 7
1. Which Article of the Constitution provides that every June, 1955. The Commission submitted its report in 1956.
state shall endeavour to provide an adequate facility It recommended a number of steps to replace English with
for instruction in mother-tongue at primary stage of Hindi eventually. The Parliamentary Committee on Official
education? Language, chaired by Govind Ballabh Pant was constituted
(a) Article 349 (b) Article 350
in 1957 to review the Kher Commissions report.
(c) Article 350-A (d) Article 351
U.P. P.C.S. (Pre) 2003 4. Which of the following languages was added in the
U.P. P.C.S. (Pre) 2002 eighth schedule of the Constitution in 2003?
U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2002 (a) Konkani (b) Sindhi
I.A.S. (Pre) 2001 (c) Manipuri (d) Santhali
Ans. (c) Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2005
Ans. (d)
According to Article 350-A it shall be the endeavour of every
State and every local authority within the State to provide Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution recognizes
adequate facilities for instruction in the mother-tongue at the 22 regional languages as the official language of the
primary stage of education to children belonging to linguistic Union. Originally, there were only fourteen languages in
minority groups; and the President may issue such directions this Schedule, the fifteenth language, Sindhi, was added
to any State as he considers necessary or proper for securing by the 21 Constitution Amendment in 1967, and three
Which one of the following is correct about the
languages mentioned in the Constitution of India?
Bodo, Dogri, Maithili and Santhali were added by the 92
Amendment Act, 2003. *Thus there are total 22 languages
(a) Governor of State (b) Legislature of State
divided into not less than 10 and not more than 20 wards and
each ward elects one Panch. The Gram Panchayat consists
(c) Parliament of India (d) President of India of the elected Panchs plus a Sarpanch who is the head of the
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2016 Gram Panchayat. Thus all member are elected not nominated.
Ans. (b)
So option (ii), (iii) and (vi) are wrong.
According to Article 243-C(1) of the Indian Constitution,
4. Consider the following statements -
the legislature of a state may, by law make provision on the 1. Part IX of the Constitution of India provisions for
composition of Panchayat. Panchayats and it was inserted by the Constitution
(Amendment) Act, 1992.
2. The nomenclature of rural local governments as 'Pan-
2. Part IX-A of the Constitution of India contains
chayati Raj' was the result of the suggestion of which
provisions for municipalities, and the Article 243-Q
Indian leader?
envisages two types of municipalities- a Municipal
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru
Council and a Municipal Corporation for every
(b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad State.
(c) Sardar Patel Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct ?
(d) M. K. Gandhi (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
U.P.R.O./A.R.O. (Mains) 2017 (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans. (d) I.A.S. (Pre) 2005
Mahatma Gandhi suggested the nomenclature of rural local Ans. (a)
governments as 'Panchayati Raj'. He wanted to see each Among the given statements, statement (1) is correct but (2)
village a little republic, self-sufficient in its vital wants and is incorrect. Reasons are as follows: 73rd Amendment Act,
enjoying the maximum freedom of deciding the affairs of 1992 came into force on 24 April, 1993 after the ratification
the locality. of the required number of States, provided a Constitutional
(c) Concurrent list (d) Residuary list (c) There shall be a fixed five-year term for all the
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2016 Panchayats.
Ans. (b) (d) Fresh elections would have to be held within six
See the explanation of above question. months of the dissolution of a Panchayat.
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2010
8. The system of Panchayat Raj is mentioned in Ans. (b)
(a) The Union List (b) The State List
(c) The Concurrent List (d) None of the above All the given statements are related to Panchayats except
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2016 the statements in option (b). Provisions related to Panchayat
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2019 were inserted by 73rd Amendment of the Constitution, while
Ans. (b) 74th Amendment is related to Municipalities.
See the explanation of above question. 13. Which of the following statements is/are correct about
73rd Amendment to the Indian Constitution?
9. The system of Panchayati Raj is mentioned in 1. It recognized Panchayats as institutions of self-
(a) The Union List (b) The State List government.
(c) The Concurrent List (d) None of the above 2. It recognized urban local governments as
(e) More than one of the above institutions of self-government.
63rd B. P.S.C. (Pre) 2017 Select the Correct answer using the codes given below:
Ans. (b) Codes :
Ans. (c)
According to the Article 243-D Clause (2)- not less than
one-third of the total number of seats shall be reserved for Reservation of seats in Panchayat elections for Scheduled
women belonging to the Scheduled Castes or as the case may Castes shall not apply to the State of Arunachal Pradesh
be, the Scheduled Tribes. According to Clause(3), Not less since there is no population of schedule castes in the state
according to census-2011.
than one-third(including seats as mentioned under Clause(2))
of a total number of seats to be filled by direct election in 28. In the areas covered under the Panchayat (Extension
every Panchayat shall be reserved for women. In Indian to the Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996, what is the role/
power of Gram Sabha?
scenario, the reservation of seats for women in village local
1. Gram Sabha has the power to stop transfer of land
self-government is not a result of any demand in scheduled areas.
24. Which of the following amendments to the Indian 2. Gram Sabha has the ownership of minor forest
Constitution, provides Constitutional status to produce.
‘Panchayati Raj System’? 3. Recommendation of Gram Sabha is required for
(a) 71st Amendment (b) 72nd Amendment granting prospecting license or mining lease for
(c) 73 Amendment
(d) 75th Amendment any mineral in the Scheduled Areas.
U.P. Lower Sub. (Mains) 2015 Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Ans. (c) (a) Only 1 (b) Only 1 and 2
(d) 73rd Amendment of the Indian Constitution
Ans. (d)
43th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1999 44. Which one of the following statements regarding
Panchayati Raj is not correct?
(a) Panchayat System has been an integral part of Indian
The local self-government in India has been formulated village life through the ages.
under the Panchayati Raj System. 73rd Amendment of the (b) 73rd Amendment came into effect on 15th August, 1993.
Constitution 1992 gave it Constitutional status. (c) It is a three-tier organically linked structure.
(d) Article 243-G of the Indian Constitution adds to its
41. MANREGA scheme has been launched as a part of
implementing which one of the following Articles of
the Indian Constitution? U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2012
(a) Article 43 (b) Article 45 Ans. (b)
(c) Article 47 (d) Article 50 All the given statement are true except statement (b)
U.P. U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2010
regarding Panchayati Raj System. 73rd Amendment of the
Ans. (a)
Constitution gives Constitutional status to Panchayati Raj,
Article 43 of Part IV (Directive Principles of State Policy) of and it came into force on 24 April, 1993. Article 243-G is
Constitution provides that ‘’State shall endeavor to secure, by related to power, authority, and responsibilities of Panchayats
suitable legislation or economic organisation or in any other and adds to its importance. The main object of the Panchayati
way to all workers agricultural, industrial or otherwise work Raj is to enable public to participate and be a part of the
a living wage, condition of work ensuring a decent standard developmental administration.
of life and full enjoyment of leisure and social and cultural
45. What is the main purpose of Panchayati Raj?
opportunities”. MANREGA is a flagship programme to
(a) To increase agricultural production
achieve this Constitutional goal.
(b) To increase employment
42. What is the main characteristic of Panchayati Raj (c) To increase people’s politically awareness
System of Government? (d) To enable people to participate in developmental
(a) It has three tiers of Government. administration
(b) It aims to give social and economic justice to villages. U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2004
47. Panchayati Raj in India represents – 50. The Committee which recommended a three-tier
(a) Decentralisation of powers Panchayati Raj System in India was –
(b) Participation of the people (a) Ashok Mehta Committee
(c) Community development (b) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee
(d) All of these
(c) G.K.V. Rao Committee
44th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2000
(d) L.M. Singhvi Committee
Ans. (d)
I.A.S. (Pre) 2005
The Panchayati Raj System is established for full M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2014
advancement and development of villagers. Panchayati Raj Ans. (b)
represents decentralization of democratic power, Community See the explanation of above question.
development, and participation of people.
See the explanation of above question. See the explanation of the above question.
53. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer 55. Consider the following Committees on Panchayati Raj
from the code given below the lists : and arrange these in chronological order:
List-I List-II
(Committees) (Suggestion) I. Ashok Mehta Committee
A. Balwant Rai Mehta 1. Two-tier system
II. L.M. Singhvi Committee
B. Ashok Mehta 2. Three-tier System
C. L.M. Singhvi 3. Improvement in III. B.R. Mehta Committee
representative character
D. G . V. K. Rao 4. Local Self-government IV. G.K.V. Rao Committee
System Select the correct answer from the codes given below.
Code :
A B C D Codes:
(a) 1 2 3 4 (a) I, II, III, IV (b) III, I, IV, II
(b) 4 3 2 1 (c) II, I, III, IV (d) III, II, IV, I
(c) 2 1 4 3
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2021
(d) 3 4 1 2
U.P. Lower Sub. (Mains) 2013 Ans. (b)
Ans. (c)
• In 1957, the National Development Council constituted
Balwant Rai Mehta Committee was constituted in 1957 and a committee headed by Balwant Rai Mehta to look into
recommended a three-tier system of Panchayati Raj. Ashok the working of community development programme.
Mehta Committee was constituted in 1977 and submitted • Ashok Mehta Committee was appointed in 1977.
its report in 1978. Mehta committee recommended to • G.V.K. Rao Committee was appointed in 1985.
replace three-tier system by two-tier system. In 1985 G.
V. K. Rao Committee was constituted and it recommended
• L.M.Singhvi Committee was appointed in 1986.
56. Arrange the following committees on Panchayati Raj
for improvement in representative character of Panchayat. in chronological sequence and select the correct answer
L.M. Singhvi Committee was constituted in 1986, which from the code given below:
recommended local self-government and allocation of more 1. G.V.K. Rao Committee
financial resources to village Panchayats. In 1984 Hanumantha 2. L.M. Singhvi Committee
Rao Committee was constituted and it recommended for 3. B.R. Mehta Committee
decentralization of functions, powersand finance, setting 4. Ashok Mehta Committee
up of district planning bodies and district planning cells. Code:
(a) 2, 3, 1 and 4 (b) 1, 3, 4 and 2
54. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer
(c) 3, 4, 1 and 2 (d) 4, 3, 2 and 1
using the codes given below the Lists :
List - I List - II U.P. Lower Sub. (Mains) 2015
(Panchayati Raj Committees) (Years) Ans. (c)
A. C.H. Hanumantha Rao 1. 1985
B. G.V.K. Rao 2. 1986 See the explanation of above question.
C. Ashok Mehta 3. 1984 57. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer
D. L.M. Singhvi 4. 1957
using the codes given below the lists:
E. Balwant Rai Mehta 5. 1978
Codes List-I List-II
(a) A B C D E (Committees) (Year)
4 5 1 3 2 A. P.K. Thungan 1. 1957
(b) A B C D E B. Ashok Mehta 2. 1986
2 4 1 3 5 C. B.R. Mehta 3. 1977
(c) A B C D E
D. L.M. Singhvi 4. 1988
5 3 2 4 1
(d) A B C D E Codes :
3 1 5 2 4 A B C D
(e) None of the above / More than one of the above. (a) 1 3 4 2
66th B.P.S.C. (Pre) (Re- Exam), 2020 (b) 2 1 3 4
See the explanation of above question.
Ans. (d)
Rajasthan is the first State to establish Panchayati Raj system
59. The Chairman of the Committee set up for the
recommendation of Panchayati Raj in India was – on 2 October, 1959 in Nagaur district while Andhra Pradesh
(a) Balwant Rai Mehta (b) B.R. Ambedkar is the second State to establish Panchayati Raj System.
(c) Justice Krishna Ayer (d) Jagjivan Ram 65. Panchayati Raj was first introduced in October, 1959 in–
38th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1992 (a) Rajasthan (b) Tamilnadu
Ans. (a) (c) Kerala (d) Karnataka
See the explanation of above question. I.A.S. (Pre) 2009
R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) 1996
60. The committee on whose recommendation, the 43rd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1999
‘Panchayati Raj System’ was introduced in the Ans. (a)
Country, was headed by –
See the explanation of above question.
(a) Jivraj Mehta (b) Balwant Rai Mehta
(c) Shrimannarayan (d) Jagjivan Ram 66. The first Panchayati Raj System was inaugurated by
Uttarakhand U.D.A./L.D.A. (Mains) 2007 Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru on 2 October, 1959 in –
Ashoke Mehta committee was constituted in 1977, which
submitted its report in August 1978. The committee in its
by the Constitution, and had also recommended for non-
involvement of political parties in Panchayat elections.
report had recommended for ‘two tier’ system in place of 83. The Committee which recommended that the Pan-
‘three tier’ system. The two- tier system or model was - Zila chayati Raj Institutions should be Constitutionally
Parishad at the district level and Mandal Panchayat at the recognised was
Mandal level which was consisted of a group of villages (a) Ashok Mehta Committee
covering a population of 15000 to 20000. (b) K. Santhanam Committee
(c) L.M. Singhvi Committee
80. Ashok Mehta Committee recommended –
(d) G.V.K. Rao Committee
(a) Three-tier Government of Panchayati Raj
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2019
(b) Two-tier Government of Panchayati Raj
(c) Single-tier Government of Panchayati Raj Ans. (c)
(d) Multiple-tier Government of Panchayati Raj See the explanation of above question.
53rd to 55th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2011
Ans. (b) 84. Which one of the following Committees is not
associated with Panchayat Raj System in India?
See the explanation of above question. (a) Dinesh Goswami Committee
81. Which one of the following Commtittees/Commissions (b) L.M. Singhvi Committee
recommended the creation of Nyaya Panchayats? (c) Sadiq Ali Committee
(a) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee (d) Ashok Mehta Committee
(b) Ashok Mehta Committee Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2012
(c) G.V.K. Rao Committee Ans. (a)
(d) Sarkaria Commission Dinesh Goswami Committee is not related to Panchayat Raj
(e) None of the above / more than one of the above
System. It was constituted in 1990 to give a recommendation
on Electoral Reforms. Other three committees are related to
63rd B. P.S.C. (Pre) 2017
Ans. (b) Panchayati Raj system.
Ans. (d)
See the explanation of above question.
viii. District election officer himself only returning officer.
(a) i ii iii iv v vi
(b) ii iii iv v vi vii
(c) iii iv v vi vii viii
87. Functions to be assigned to Panchayats by 73 rd
(d) i iii iv v vii viii
Amendment of the Constitution are mentioned in:
(e) None of the above
(a) Eleventh Schedule (b) Tenth Schedule Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) - 2017
(c) Thirteenth Schedule (d) Twelfth Schedule Ans. (a)
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2006 In a Panchayat election-
Ans. (a) (a) There is one district election officer.
(b) There are one or more returning officers.
See the explanation of above question.
(c) State election commission appoints returning officer.
88. 73rd Amendment of the Constitution has provided for: (d) with the consent of commission District Election officer
1. Holding of regular elections to Panchayats. can appoint returning officer.
(e) Naib Tehsildar may be returning officer for Janpad
2. reservation of seats for women at all levels.
3. mandatory transfer of funds to Panchayats as (f) Naib Tehsildar may be returning officer for Gram
recommended by the State Finance Commission Panchayat.
4. mandatory transfer of powers to Panchayats 90. Match the List-I with List-II and select the correct
relating to subjects given in the 11th Schedule. answer using the codes given below the lists:
Select the correct answer from the code given below: List-I List-II
Code : (Names of the Panchayat (Name of the related
Samities) provinces of India)
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1, 2 and 3
A. Janpad Panchayat 1. West Bengal
(c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) All the four B. Kshetra Panchayat 2. Gujarat
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2002 C. Taluka Parishad 3. Madhya Pradesh
Ans. (d) D. Anchalik Parishad 4. Uttar Pradesh
92. 73rd and 74th Amendments of the Constitution are
responsible for the creation of which of the following?
(d) The State Election Commission
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2020
Ans. (d)
1. State Election Commission
2. District Planning Committee See the explanation of above question.
3. State Finance Commission
95. The Constitution (Seventy-Third Amendment) Act, 1992,
4. State Property Tax Valuation Board
which aims at promoting the Panchayati Raj Institutions
Select the correct answer using the code given below: in the country, provides for which of the following?
Code : 1. Constitution of District Planning Committees.
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1,2 and 3 only 2. Conducting all Panchayat elections by State
(c) 2,3 and 4 only (d) All the four Election Commissions.
U.P. U.D.A./L.D.A. (Mains) 2010 3. Establishment of State Finance Commissions.
Ans. (b) Select the correct answer using the code given below:
73rd and 74th Amendment of Constitution are responsible for
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2
creation of the following:
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
1. State Election Commission (Art. 243-K),
I.A.S. (Pre) 2011
2. State Finance Commission (Art. 243-I), Ans. (c)
3. State Election Commission for Municipalities (Art. 243- ZA),
4. State Financial Commission for Municipalities (Art. 243- Y), District Planning Committees are constituted under Article
5. District Planning Committee (Art. 243-ZD). 243, ZD which was added by 74th Constitutional Amendments
While the State Property Tax Valuation Board has not been Act, 1992. It comes under Part IX-A of the Indian Constitution
recognized by these Amendment Acts. under the head ‘The Municipalities’. Provisions regarding
93. Consider the following functions of State Election State Election Commission to conduct all Panchayat
Commission and select the correct answer using the Elections (Article 243 K) and establishment of State Finance
code given below?
Commission (Article 243-I) were added by 73rd Amendment
1. Prepares the electoral rolls for Panchayats and
Municipalities elections in the State. Act,1992, to promote Panchayati Raj Institutions.
Ans. (a)
R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) (Re. Exam) 2013
Ans. (b)
U.P.U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2010
Part IX of the Constitution provides for a three-tier system of Gram Panchayat, Kshetra Panchayat and Zila Parishad have
Panchayati Raj in every State, i.e., Panchayats at the village, been covered in 73rd Amendment of the Constitution of India,
intermediate and district level. Article 243-B provides for whereas Nagar Panchayat, Nagar Palika Parishad and Nagar
this three-tier system. Nigam have been covered under 74th Amendment Act- 1992.
117. In which Part of the Constitution Panchayati Raj 121. If the President of Zilla Panchayat is suspended, what
related Provisions have been implemented? will be happened?
(a) Part-6 (b) Part-7
(a) The Vice President of Zilla Panchayat will be act as
(c) Part-8 (d) Part - 9
acting President
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2019
(b) The Vice President will become President
Ans. (d)
(c) The Office of the President will be vacant
See the explanation of above question
(d) The members will elect President temporarily
118. Which part of the Constitution has the provisions for (e) None of the above
Panchayati Raj System? Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) - 2017
(a) IX (b) VI Ans. (d)
(c) III (d) IV (a)
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2016 According to the section 39(3) of the Chhattisgarh Panchayat
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2020 Raj Act, 1993 if the Sarpanch of Gram Panchayat, President
of Janpad Panchayat or Zila Panchayat, as the case may be,
Ans. (a) is suspended under sub-section (1), the secretary or the Chief
Executive Officer of the concerned Panchayat shall cause to
See the explanation of above question. be called a special meeting of the Panchayat immediately,
119. A Panchayat Samiti at the block level in India is only a/an but not later than fifteen days from the date of receipt of
(c) Implementation of Poverty Alleviation Programmes
(d) None of these
40th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2000
132. Under which Article of the Indian Constitution the
State Finance Commission is established –
(a) Article 243(H) (b) Article 243(I)
Ans. (b) (c) Article 243(J) (d) Article 243(K)
Uttarakhand U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2003
Judicial Review is not the power of Panchayati Raj Ans. (b)
Institution. It is a power of Judiciary. The legislative and
The provision for establishment of State Finance Commission
executive actions are subject to review by the Supreme Court
is made under Article 243(I). This commission is established
of India in accordance with the Principle of Judicial review.
to review the financial condition of Panchayati Raj
129. Which one of the following Committees/Commissions Institutions.
recommended the creation of Nyaya Panchayats?
133. Who amongst the following is responsible for revenue
(a) Balwantrai Mehta Committee distribution between the State Government and the
(b) Ashok Mehta Committee Local Governments?
(c) G.V.K. Rao Committee (a) The Chief Minister (b) The Governor
(d) Sarkaria Commission (c) State Finance Commission (d) None of the above
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2016 U.P.P.C.S.(Pre) 2013
Ans. (b) Ans. (c)
Ashok Mehta Committee recommended the creation of The State Finance Commission established under Article
Nyaya Panchayats. Ashok Mehta Committee submitted it's 243(I) by the Governor, is responsible for the distribution
report in 1978. The committee recommended two tier system of revenue between the State Government and the Local
of Panchayati Raj Institutions.
134. Which one of the following authorities recommends
130. Nyaya Panchayats in Panchayati Raj System have no to the Governor about the principles of determination
powers of awarding imprisonment except in the State of- of taxes and fees which may be appropriated by the
(a) Bihar (b) Jammu-Kashmir Panchayats of that state?
(c) Maharashtra (d) West Bengal (a) District Programme Committees
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2005 (b) State Finance Commission
145. Which of the following is not true about local
governance in India?
Absence of Gram
- Mizoram
(a) There is no separate category of local governance in 148. How many elected and Ex-Officio members are there
the federal system of Indian Constitution. in District Planning Committee?
(b) One-third of seats in local bodies are reserved for (a) 20 and 3 (b) 20 and 10
women. (c) 20 and 5 (d) 20 and 2
(c) The arrangement of finance for local bodies is done R.A.S. /R.T.S. (Pre) 2016
by a Commission. Ans. (c)
(d) Election for local bodies is determined by a Commission. Elected and Ex-Officio members in District Planning
I.A.S. (Pre) 1995 Committee in Rajasthan are 20 and 5 respectively. Other
Ans. (a) nominated people are Collector, ADM and two nominations
from MLA, MP or CSO. This number differs in different states
Arrangement for local governance is made under Article 40,
for example there are 34 members in Bihar and 20 members
Part IX and Part IX-A. Hence, there are separate provisions
for local governance in the Indian Constitution. in Chhattisgarh. Since this question was asked by Rajasthan
Public Service Commission, the correct answer is option (c).
146. Which of the following parts of the Constitution is
149. Consider the following statements -
related to Municipalities? Assertion (A) : Political interference in the management
(a) Part VI (b) Part VII of rural matters is now decreased at the
(c) Part VIII (d) Part IX A local level.
Reason(R) : The Rural local governance institutions
U.P. Lower Sub. (Mains) 2015
have been rejuvenated by the 73 rd
Code :
Seventh Schedule of the Constitution. Ans. (d)
Under section 79(2) of the Chhattisgarh Municipalities Act,
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct
1961, any dispute between Panchayat and Cantonment Board
explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct is decided by the State Government subject to the concurrence
explanation of (A). of the Central Government.
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false. 153. Which one of the following is the correct period
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true. for conducting fresh elections after dissolution of a
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2011 Panchayat?
Ans. (d) (a) Within a month
The Finance Commission is constituted under Article (b) Within two months
280 of the Constitution of India. Functions of Finance (c) Within six months
(d) After six months, but within a year
Commission also includes recommendation in regards to
U.P. Lower Sub. (Mains) 2015
the measures needed to augment the Consolidated Fund
Ans. (c)
of a State to supplement the resources of the Panchayats
and the Municipalities in the State on the basis of the See the explanation of above question.
recommendations made by the State Finance Commission.
154. With reference to the Consumer Disputes Redressal at
Therefore, Assertion (A) is wrong, but Reason (R) is correct.
the district level in India, which one of the following
Thus, option (d) is the correct answer.
statements is not correct?
151. If a Panchayat is dissolved, elections are to be held within– (a) State Government can establish more than one District
(a) one month (b) three months Forum in a district if it deems fit.
(c) six months (d) one year. (b) One of the members of the District Forum shall be a
I.A.S. (Pre) 2009 woman.
Ans. (c) (c) The District Forum entertains the complaints where
of Zila Panchayat can nominate representative to
participate in the meeting.
Panchayat .
U.P.P.C.S.(Pre) 2013
(c) A member of Rajya Sabha who is ex-officio member Ans. (c)
of Zila Panchayat can nominate representative to
Panchayat Samiti is an intermediary (Block) level of three-
participate in the meeting.
(d) A woman Sarpanch can nominate her husband to par- tier Panchayati Raj System. Its members are elected by the
ticipate in the meeting of Gram Panchayat and Janpad public directly. In Uttar Pradesh, the Panchayat Samiti is
Panchayat known as Kshetra Panchayat.
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2018
Ans. (d) 171. In Panchayati Raj System, the Panchayat Samiti is
constituted at the –
A woman Sarpanch cannot Nomitate her husband to partici- (a) Village level (b) Block level
pate in the meeting of Gram panchayat & Janpad Panchayat. (c) District level (d) State level
167. The Members of Panchayat Samiti are - U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2015
(a) Directly elected by the public Ans. (b)
(b) Elected by the members of Panchayat
See the explanation of above question.
(c) Nominated by District Magistrate
(d) Recruited on the basis of open competition 172. Chairman of a Zila Panchayat in Uttar Pradesh is elected:
Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2011 1. Directly by persons whose names appear in
Ans. (a) electoral rolls of the Kshetra Panchayats.
The Panchayat Samiti in Jharkhand is constituted under 2. By the members of Zila Panchayat from among
Section 32 of Jharkhand Panchayati Raj Act, 2001. Its themselves.
members are elected directly by the public. 3. By the SC/ST members of the Zila Panchayat from
among themselves (if reserved for them).
168. For election to the Panchayat, the State Election 4. The members of Zila Panchayat belonging to
Commissioner will be appointed by Backward Classes from among themselves (if
(a) The Chief Election Commissioner of India reserved for them).
Panchayat Samiti is the local Government body at the Block
level. The Panchayat Samiti is a link between the Gram
(c) Adult members of households of all backward
Panchayats and Zila Panchayat. It works as an administrative (d) Adult members of any household
authority. The Panchayat Samiti collects all the prospective I.A.S. (Pre) 2011
plans prepared at Gram Panchayat level and processes them Ans. (d)
for funding and implementation by evaluating them.
The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 was
174. The chairman of a Municipality in U.P. is elected: passed by the Parliament in August, 2005 and came into
1. by all the adults living in the respective municipal
force on 2 February, 2006. Its name has been changed to
2. by all the voters included in the electoral list of the MNREGA on 2nd October 2009. This programme was started
respective municipal area in Anantpur district of Andhra Pradesh. The adult members
3. by the elected members of the municipality. of any household are eligible for employment guarantee of
4. from among the electors of wards of the respective at least 100 days.
municipal area.
Select the correct answer using the code given below: 177. Which of the following bears the responsibility of
Code: planning, execution and implementation of MNREGA
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only schemes?
(c) 2 and 4 only (d) 3 and 4 only
(a) Gram Sabha (b) Gram Panchayat
U.P.P.S.C. (GIC) 2010
(c) State Government (d) DRDA
Ans. (c)
R.A.S./R.T.S.(Pre) 2012
At present, the chairman of Municipality in Uttar Pradesh is Ans. (b)
elected by the electors having their names in the voter list of
Under the scheme of MNREGA, every Gram Panchayat,
that area which includes the electors of wards also.
after considering the recommendation of Gram Sabha, shall
175. In which Article provision for superintendence, direc- prepare a development scheme and shall be responsible for
tion and control to the conduct of all elections to the
Municipalities in Chhattisgarh? implementation and execution of works under the scheme.
179. Which one of the following was established as the first Special Provision for
programme of Community development? Certain Class
(a) National Extension Service
*The special provisions relating to certain classes are contained
(b) Integrated Rural Development Programme
in part XVI of the constitution from article 330 to 342. *Article
(c) Cooperation Movement
330 provides for reservation of seats for SCs and STs in the
(d) General help Donation Programme
house of the people. *Under Article 331, provision was made
U.P. Lower Sub. (Mains) 2013
for the representation of the Anglo-Indian community in the
Ans. (a) House of the people. It is noteworthy that the arrangements of
The Community Development Programme was started as a nominating representatives of the Anglo-Indian Community
pilot project in 1952 for the advancement and development in the House of the People have not been extended beyond
of the country. The National Extension Service was its first
programme which was started in 1953. In 1957, Balwant Rai
the stipulated date (25 January, 2020) by 'The Constitution
(One Hundred and Fourth Amendment) Act, 2019. *Article
Mehta Committee was constituted to inquire into the working 332 provides for reservation of seats for SCs and STs in
of Community Development Programme and National the legislative assemblies of the states. *Under Article 333,
Extension Service. provision was made for the representation of the Anglo-Indian
Community in the Legislative Assemblies of the States. It is
180. What is the objective of Community Development
noteworthy that the arrangements of nominating representatives
of the Anglo-Indian Community in the Legislative Assemblies
(a) Providing educational facilities
of the states have not been extended beyond the stipulated
(b) Improving standards of living date (25 January, 2020) by 'The Constitution (One Hundred
(c) Political training and Fourth Amendment) Act, 2019. *Article 338 provides for
(d) Helping villages in planning provisions relating to the National commission for SCs. *At
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above present Vijay Sampla is the chairman of this commission.
65th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2019 *Article 338A was added by the 89th constitutional
Ans. (e) amendment act 2003 which provides for a separate National
commission for STs. *The President can appoint a commission
Objectives of Community Development Programme are :
to investigate the condition of backward classes (Article 340).
(i) To assist each village in having effective Panchayats *The president can declares any caste of a state/U.T. as a
cooperatives and schools; scheduled caste consulting with the Governor/Lt. Governor of
(ii) Through these village institutions, plan and carry out that state/UT (article 341(1)). *The president can declare any
integrated multi-phased family, village, Block and District.
caste of a state/UT as a scheduled tribe in consulting with the
(a) Increasing agricultural Production.
governor/Lt. governor of that state/UT [article 342(1)].
(b) Improving existing village crafts and industries and
Note : The Constitution (One Hundred and Fourth Amendment)
organising new ones.
Act, 2019 provides for increasing the reservation of seats
Which of the following is/are constitutional body/
office in-charge of the concerned Police station shall file the
charge-sheet in the special court within a period of sixty
bodies? days (the period is inclusive of investigation and filing of
(i) National Human Rights Commission charge-sheet).
(ii) National Commission for Scheduled Tribes Note : According to the commission the correct option is (d),
(iii) National Investigation Agency which is wrong as per the amendment rule, 2016.
(iv) National Disaster Management Authority
(a) (i), (ii), (iv) 20. Under the Scheduled caste and Scheduled Tribes
(b) (i), (ii), (iii) (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989, whoever, not being
(c) Only (ii) a member of a Scheduled caste or a Scheduled Tribe,
(d) Only (iii) causes physical harm or mental agony of a member of a
Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2020 Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe on the allegation of
Ans. (c) practising witchcraft or being a witch shall be punishable
Formation - of NCST - National Commission for Sched- (a) with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less
uled Tribes (NCST) was set up on 19th February, 2004 by than six months but which may extend to five years
amending Article 338 and by inserting a new Article 338A and with fine
through 89th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2003.
(b) with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less
Objective - To oversee the implementation of various safe
than six months and with fine
guards provided to STs under the constitution or under any
other order to the government and to evaluate the working (c) with imprisonment for a term which shall be one year
of such safeguards. and with fine
Composition - It comprises a chairperson, a vice-chair- (d) with imprisonment for term which shall be five years
person and three full-time member (including one female and with fine
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) - 2018
See the explanation of above question. (a) Ireland
(b) Norway
3. The number of permanent members in the United (c) Mexico
Nations Security Council is : (d) Canada
(a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 3 U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2020
R.A.S./R.T.S.(Pre) 2003 Ans. (d)
Ans. (b)
India began its two-year tenure as a non-permanent member
United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is one of the six of the United Nation Security Council from January 1, 2021.
principal organs of United Nations and is charged with the India will sit in the 15 nation UNSC for the 2021-22 term
maintenance of peace and security. The Security Council as a non-Permanent member. Apart from India Ireland,
Kenya, Mexico and Norway have also been elected as a
consist of fifteen (15) members, including 5 permanent
non-permanent member for the same term.
members (USA, France, China, UK (Britain) and (Russia)
and 10 non-permanent members. The 10 non-permanent 7. According to United Nations Charter which of the
members are elected on a regional basis by United Nations following statements is not true regarding exercise of
veto power in the Security Council?
for a term of 2 years.
(a) For Security Council decision on every procedural
4. Which one of the following is not basic element of the matter there should be 9 affirmative votes of its
citizen charter? members including the 5 votes of five permanent
(a) Description of services being provided by department members.
of the agency (b) Every permanent member of Security Council may
(b) Promotion of various methods to get benefit from the by use of Veto Power, withhold acceptance on any
services available decision.
(c) To expect any public record (c) The word ‘Veto’ has been used under Article 27 of
(d) Provision for the inspection of the agency's work UN Charter so that any permanent member may stop
R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) 2021 a resolution going to be passed with a majority.
16. Who among the following has been the first person to
December 1991
6. Boutros-Boutros Ghali (Egypt) - 1 January, 1992- 31 deliver his speech in Hindi at U.N.O.?
December, 1996 (a) Swami Vivekananda (b) Lal Bahadur Shastri
7. Kofi Annan (Ghana) - 1 January, 1997- 31 December, 2006 (c) Atal Bihari Vajpayee (d) None of the above
8. Ban Ki Moon (South Korea) - 1 January, 2007- 31 M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2012
December, 2016. Ans. (c)
9. Antonio Guterres (Portugal) - 1 January, 2017 –
Atal Bihari Vajpayee is the first Indian to deliver a speech in
Hindi at United Nations Assembly. He delivered the speech
13. The head of state of the United Kingdom is on 4 October, 1977 as Foreign Minister. During the 69th
(a) Queen Elizabeth I (b) Queen Elizabeth II opening ceremony of United Nations on 27th September,
(c) Queen Elizabeth III (d) Queen Elizabeth IV 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered his speech in
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above Hindi. By doing this, he became the second Prime Minister,
60th to 62nd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2016 and third Indian leader to do so. It is noteworthy that in the
Ans. (b) Year 1988, P.V. Narashima Rao (the then Foreign Minister)
Head of the state of the United Kingdom is Queen Elizabeth addressed the United Nations session in Hindi.
II. She ascended to the throne of the United Kingdom of
17. Who was the permanent Representative of India to the
Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 1952. Prime Minister
UN before Syed Akbaruddin?
Theresa May is the head of the Government.
(a) Hardeep Singh Puri
14. World’s main languages are – (b) Shashi Tharoor
(1) Chinese (2) English (c) Asoke Kumar Mukerji
(3) Hindi (4) Spanish (d) Nirupam Sen
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above (c) Switzerland (d) Namibia
65th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2019 U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1996
Ans. (a) Ans. (*)
11th BRICS summit, 2019 held on 13-14 November, 2019 Switzerland was not a member of the United Nations
in Brasilia (Brazil). when this question was asked in 1996. Afterwards, on
BRICS is an organization of 5 member states - Brazil, Russia 10 September, 2002 it became UN member. Iraq (1945),
India, China and South Africa. Namibia (1990) and Libya (1955) were already the members
27. Prior to Shri R. N. Pathak two Indian Judges elected
of United Nations before 1996.
to the International Court of Justice were - 30. ‘Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres),’
(a) H. J. Kania and B. N. Rau often in the news, is
(b) J. C. Saha and A.N. Ray (a) A division of World Health Organization
(c) B. N. Rau and Nagendra Singh (b) A non-governmental international organization
(d) Nagendra Singh and A. N. Ray (c) An inter-governmental agency sponsored by the
R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) 1996 European Union
Ans. (c) (d) A specialized agency of the United Nations
The Judges elected to the International Court of Justice from I.A.S. (Pre) 2016
India are Benegal Narsingh Rau (1952-1953), Nagendra Singh Ans. (b)
(1973-1988), Raghunandan Pathak (1989-1991) and at present,
Doctors without Border (Medecins Sans Frontiers) is an
Dalveer Bhandari (2012-2018). On 20 November, 2017 Judge international humanitarian-aid non-governmental organization.
Dalveer Bhandari was re-elected by the United Nation General It was founded in France. In 2015, over 30,000 local doctor,
Assembly and United Nation Security Council as a member nurses, medical practitioners, etc. provided medical aid in over
of International Court of Justice for a 9 year (2018-2027) term. 70 countries. In 1999, it won Noble Peace Prize.
28. Which one is not related to United Nations? 31. 10th December is celebrated as –
(a) General Assembly (a) Human Rights Day (b) World Health Day
(b) Amnesty International (c) U.N. Day (d) Labour Day
(c) International Court of Justice Uttarakhand U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2007
(d) Trusteeship Council Ans. (a)
(c) 10, November (d) 10, October
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2013
of the Indian Constitution.
Thus, all the statements are correct. Hence, the correct answer
Ans. (a) is option (d).
See the explanation of above question. 36. The concept of 'Right to Service' originated in
(a) The United States of America
34. The concept of Human Rights primarily emphasizes on
(b) Switzerland
(a) Right to Property
(c) Great Britain
(b) Right to equality
(d) China
(c) Right to Religion
Uttarkhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2016
(d) Dignity of Man as a Human Being
Ans. (c)
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2014
Ans. (d) The concept of 'Right to Service' originated in Great Britain
(U.K.). Right to service refers to laws which guarantee
In the Preamble of ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights',
time bound delivery of services for various public services
the concept of Human Rights primarily emphasizes on dignity
rendered by the Government to citizen. The Right of
and justice for each and every human being, so the concept
of dignity lies at the heart of human rights. Citizens for Time-bound Delivery of Goods and Services
and Redressal of their Grievances Bill, 2011 was an attempt
35. Other than the Fundamental Rights, which of the
to start such a law in India. However, it could not be passed.
following parts of the Constitution of India reflect/
Notably, Madhya Pradesh is the first state of the country to
reflects the principles and provisions of the Universal
implement Right to Services Act on 18 August, 2010. Bihar
Declaration of Human Rights (1948)?
is the second state to implement such law on 25 July, 2011.
1. Preamble
2. Directive Principles of State Policy 37. On the basis of year of starting what will be the correct
3. Fundamental Duties order form start to latest of following Awards?
Select the correct answer using the code given below: 1. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award
Code : 2. Dhyanchand Award
The Department of women and child Development was
set up in the year 1985 as a part of the Ministry of Human
(c) 24 (d) 22
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2016
Resource Development. With effect from 30th January, 2006 Ans. (*)
the Department has been upgraded to a Ministry. Hence none According to the 255th report of law commission in
of the options are appropriate. March 2015, 28 countries around the world have adopted
Compulsory Voting System often starting at the Age of 18.
39. Which Ministry of Government of India is related for
India's Foreign Trade Policy? 43. The Electoral College for the United States Presidential
(a) Ministry of Defence Election is comprised of -
(b) Ministry of External Affairs (a) Members of United State Congress
(b) Members of House of Representative
(c) Ministry of Commerce and Industry
(c) Members of Senate
(d) Ministry of Home Affairs
(d) None of them
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2019
R.A.S./R.T.S.(Pre) 2008
Ans. (c)
Ans. (d)
The Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) is the
The President and Vice President of America are not elected.
agency of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the Directly by the people instead they are chosen by "electors"
Government of India, responsible for administering laws through a process called the Electoral College.
regarding foreign trade and foreign investment in India.
44. Where does the first primary take place in the election
40. International Day of Non-violence is observed on: of U.S. President -
(a) 10th December (b) 30th January (a) New York (b) New Hampshire
(c) 2nd October (d) 23rd March (c) Massachusetts (d) California
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2012 R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) 1992
Ans. (c) Ans. (b)
45. In which country was the Presidential form of Larry Pressler was a U.S Senator who brought up Pressler
Government first formed? Amendment in 1986, to link US assistance with nuclear
(a) Yugoslavia (b) Egypt non-proliferation. He criticized US assistance to Pakistan
(c) Switzerland (d) United States of America by the Clinton administration on the ground of Pakistan’s
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2006 involvement in nuclear proliferation.
Ans. (d) 49. ‘Pivot to Asia’ is the strategy of the foreign policy of
The Presidential form of Government first emerged in (a) India
America. American Presidency is regarded as the oldest (b) Japan
and purest form of Presidential Government. In this type (c) China
of system, the executive power of the whole Government (d) U.S.A.
administration is vested in the President. He is elected U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2015
indirectly by the people for a fixed period. Ans. (d)
46. Where was, the concept of written Constitution, born? Pivot to Asia’ is the strategy of the foreign policy of United
(a) France
(c) Britain
(b) United States of America
(d) Switzerland
States of America (U.S.A.).
(c) America 1980
(d) Soviet Union 1983
just a rubber stamp Legislature which approves the decisions
of the Communist Party of China.
U.P. P.C.S. (Pre) 1991 58. The political leadership of which country is known as
Ans. (a) ‘Princeling’?
(a) Japan (b) Thailand
For the first time the 'Festival of India' was organised outside
(c) China (d) Belgium
India in Britain in 1982.
R.A.S./R.T.S.(Pre) 2013
55. Consider the following statements – Ans. (c)
1. The Parliament of Russia is called Federal Assembly. The Princelings, meaning the Party’s crown Princes, are the
2. The Council of the Federation is the Lower House descendants of prominent and influential senior communist
of the Russian Parliament. officials in the People’s Republic of China.
3. The name of the Upper House of the Russian
59. What is the name of China’s News Agency?
Parliament is State Duma.
(a) China News
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
(b) China Times
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 (c) New China News Agency
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 only (d) New China Report
I.A.S. (Pre) 2005 48th to 52nd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2008
Ans. (d) Ans. (c)
Parliament of Russia is called ‘Federal Assembly.’ The ‘New China News Agency’ is the news agency of China.
Lower House of the Russian Parliament is known as ‘Duma,’
60. What does ISI stand for?
while the Upper House is called Council of the Federation.’
(a) Inter-Services Intelligence
Therefore, in the given statements only statement (1) is
(b) Inter-State Intelligence
correct. (c) India Security International
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
I.A.S. (Pre) 2010
The National Calendar of India is based on Saka era the first
month of which is Chaitra. It was adopted on 22 March, 1957.
Ans. (a)
The Commonwealth has no Charter, Treaty or Constitution. 73. 'Kisan Divas' is celebrated on :
However, all the territories/countries which were once under (a) October 23 (b) November 23
the British Empire did not become members of Commonwealth (c) December 23 (d) September 23
automatically. A country willing to be a part of Commonwealth U.P.P.S.C. (Pre) 2017
Ans. (c)
has to make a declaration for this. Among the former British
empire, there are many countries like- Burma, Egypt, Kuwait 'Kisan Divas' is celebrated every year on 23 December, the
and UAE etc. which never became member of Commonwealth. birth anniversary of former Prime Minister of India Chaud-
70. What is that crime, which when tried is punishable, but hary Charan Singh.
when done the culprit crime doer cannot be punished? 74. Consider the following statements :
(a) Murder (b) Theft
1. Aadhaar card can be used as a proof of citizenship
(c) Suicide (d) Rape
or domicile.
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1991
2. Once issued, Aadhaar number cannot be
Ans. (c)
deactivated or omitted by the Issuing Authority.
When the question was asked Suicide was a crime. Suicide Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
was such a crime which if done, the culprit is not available (a) 1 only
for punishment. Although it’s attempt was punishable earlier (b) 2 only
under section 309 of IPC. But Law Commission of India in (c) Both 1 and 2
its 210th report recommended deleting Section 309 of I.P.C. (d) Neither 1 nor 2
and which was supported by 18 states and 4 Union Territory I.A.S. (Pre.) 2018
to delete Section 309 of IPC from the statute book. Ans. (d)
(d) Administrative Reform Commission
U.P. P.C.S. (Pre) 2018
only that political party can be considered as a National Party
which has the recognition in at least 4 or more States in the
country. According to the Article 110(3) of the Constitution,
Ans. (a) the speaker of the Lok Sabha can authenticate which bill
According to Ashok Chandra the Planning Commission is brought before the House is a money bill. Cognizable offence
the Economic Cabinet of India. is an offence for which a person can be arrested without a
The Planning Commission was established by a resolution of warrant.
the Council of Ministers on 15 march, 1950. It was neither a 82. What is the version of the machine VVPAT used for
Constitutional nor a Statutory Body. voting in India?
In 2015 the Planning Commission was replaced by Niti (a) M1 (b) Z1
Ayog (National Institution for Transforming India) by the (c) M3 (d) Z3
NDA Government. (e) None of the above/More than one of the above
80. Meaning of Extra-Constitutional Right - 65th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2019
(a) That power which violates the limits of Constitution. Ans. (c)
(b) A person who has got exceptional powers under the M3 version of the VVPAT machines is used for voting in
Constitution. India. M3 EVMs are the third generation EVMs. It can keep
(c) That power which is not in accordance with the data of 384 candidates M3 EVMs also has added features
provisions of the Constitution. like Tamper Detection and Self Diagnostics.
(d) That official who has all the powers of the State during 83. The powers of District Collector as a District
the proclamation of emergency. Magistrate are:
U.P. U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2002 A. To maintain law and order
U.P. P.C.S. (Pre) 2002 B. Control over police
Ans. (c) C. To check passports of foreigners
Ans. (b)
Subject to the other provisions of part 13 as per Article 301 of
law expert. He was given India’s Annual National Law Day
Award by the Indian Prime Minister for his outstanding
the Constitution, trade, commerce and intercourse throughout contribution in the field of International Arbitration Law.
the territory of India shall be free. 88. An Indian appointed as the Chairman of the
85. Which one of the pairs given below is not correctly International anti-war Organization in 1988, was –
matched? (a) Morarji Desai
(a) Equality before Law : Guaranteed to both (b) Rajiv Gandhi
citizens and non-citizens (c) Narayn Desai
(d) Bhulabhai Desai
(b) Altering the name : Power of a State
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1994
of a State Legislature
Ans. (c)
(c) Creating a new State : Power of Parliament
(d) Equality of opportunity : Guaranteed only to War Resisters International is an international anti-war
in public employment Indian association of more than 40 countries. It was founded in 1921
citizen in Bilthoven, Netherlands. It is headquartered in London, U.K.
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2006 Narayan Desai was the chairman of this organization from
Ans. (b) 1988 to 1991. It’s current chairman is Christine Schweitzer.
Only the Parliament of India is empowered to change 89. Match List-I with List- II and select the correct answer
the name of any of the States. Besides, Parliament has the power using the code given below.
to make changes in the area or alter the boundary of any State. List-I List-II
86. Given below is a list of political parties along with seats (Person) (Designation)
won by them in the election to thirteenth Lok Sabha. A. Nagender Singh 1. Chief Election
Which one of these is not correctly matched? Commissioner of India
recommendation of
(a) Gorwala Report
(b) Equity and Inclusiveness
(c) Religiosity and Emotionality
(d) Participation and Rule of law
(b) Kriplani Committee Jharkhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2021
(c) Santhanam Committee Ans. (c)
(d) Adiministrative Reforms Commission of India
Good governance has 8 major characteristics as per United
R.A.S/R.T.S (Pre) 2018 States. These are participatory, consencus oriented, effective
Ans. (c) and efficient, equitable and accountable, inclusive and follow
rule of law transparent, responsive. It does not include
The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) is the main agency religiosity and emotionally.
for preventing corruption in Central Government.
93. Who among the following was appointed as the
Originally it was neither a Constitutional nor a statutory body. first Director General of the Unique Identification
Parliament enacted a law confessing statutory status to the CVC. Authority of India created in June, 2009?
It's establishment was recommended by the Santhanam (a) Mr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia
Committee on Preventing of Corruption (1962-64) (b) Mr. Nandan Nilekani
(c) Mr. Ashok Desai
91. Which of the following is not true about the objectives (d) Mr. Ram Sewak Sharma
of the Right to Information Act? R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) (Re. Exam) 2013
(a) To promote transparency and accountability n the Ans. (d)
working of the government
Nandan Nilekani was the first chairman of unique
(b) To make our democracy work for the people in real
identification Authority of India, whereas, R.S. Sharma was
its first Director General. UIDAI was created in June, 2009.
(c) To empower the women and weaker sections of the
society 94. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer
(d) To empower citizens using the code given below.
Attorney General of India - Meetings of Lok Sabha. The Department of Border Management was created by
the Ministry of Home Affairs in January, 2004 to take care
95. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
of the issues relating to management of International land
Institution Year of
and coastal borders, strengthening of border policing and
guarding, creation of infrastructures like roads, fencing and
(a) Central Bureau of Investigation 1963
flood lighting of borders and implementation of Border Area
(b) Central Vigilance Commission 1964
Development Programme (BADP).
(c) Prevention of Corruption Act 1985
98. Which one of the following is not the Department of
(d) Enforcement Directorate 2000
Human Resource Development Ministry?
U.P. RO/ARO (Pre) 2017
(a) Basic Education and Literacy Department
Ans. (d)
(b) Secondary Education and Higher Education
The origin of this Directorate goes back to 1 May, 1956, when
an enforcement unit was formed in Department of Economic
(c) Technical Education Department
Affairs for handling Exchange Central Laws violations under
Foreign Exchange Regulation Act 1947. (d) Department of Women and Child Development.
In the year 1957, this unit was renamed as Enforcement U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2006
Directorate. Ans. (d)
of losing cultural identity and the greed to gain political
for friendship and cooperation between India and the
Soviet Union on signed on August 9, 1971. The Farakka
105. Which of the following statements about Sikkim are true? Accord between India and Bangladesh was signed in 1975
Select the correct answer from the code given below – temporarily and finally on 12th December, 1996 and Tashkent
I. It became an integral part of India in 1975. Agreement with Pakistan was signed on 10 th January,
II. It is considered as a botanist’s paradise . 1966. Therefore, chronologically option (a) is correct.
III. Its population is mainly made up of the Lepchas. 108. Bangladesh was created as a result of Indo-Pak
(a) I (b) I and II hostilities in -
(c) II and III (d) I, II and III (a) December, 1971 (b) January, 1972
U.P. Lower Sub. (Spl) (Pre) 2004 (c) February, 1972 (d) November, 1971
Ans. (d) M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1996
By 36th Amendment of the Constitution, 1975, Sikkim Ans. (a)
became an integral part of India. This region is blessed with On 3 December, 1971 India intervened on behalf of
biodiversity and considered as the Paradise of Botanists Bangladeshi refugees who migrated to Indian side due to
because it comes under the Himalayan hotspot. Natives of oppressive measures adopted in East Pakistan to suppress
this region are Lepchas, Bhutias, and the Nepalis. protest marches following Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman’s arrest
106. The National Water Development Agency was in western Pakistan. On 16 December, 1971 Pakistani Army
established in the year – unconditionally surrendered, and therefore Eastern Pakistan
(a) 1982 (b) 1986 became a free Nation named as Bangladesh, and Sheikh
(c) 1991 (d) 1997 Mujibur Rahaman became its first Prime Minister.
U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1999 109. Which of the following was not included in India- Sri
Ans. (a) Lanka Accord -
112. In which of the following decades the Parliamentary Maharashtra not in Jabalpur (M.P.) So the pair in option (c) is
System in India shifted from Centralism to Federalism? incorrect while the remaining others are correctly matched.
Ans. (c) The Border Security Force was raised on 1 December, 1965.
The operational commands of Indian Army as of June 1999, It is a specialized and centrally controlled security force
were 5 parts which are 6 at present. These are as follows: which is armed and trained to man international Border with
(a) Mumbai (b) New Delhi without the approval of the court.
(c) Kolkata (d) Bangalore Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) Only 1
(c) Both 1 and 2
(b) Only 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
court may allow the interrogations to be conducted if it opines
the interrogation being necessary under the facts produced
I.A.S. (Pre) 2013 before the court.
the society and to organize Lok Adalats for the amicable change the nature of custody Gian Singh Vs. State (Delhi
settlement of disputes. The objective of National Legal Administration) 1981.
Services Authority is to provide free and competent legal 125. With reference to India, consider the following
services to the weaker sections of the society on the basis of statements :
equal opportunity. It also gives instructions to State Legal 1. When a prisoner makes out a sufficient case,
Services Authorities and provides them financial grants. The parole cannot be denied to such prisoner because
State Legal Services Authority is headed by the Chief Justice it becomes a matter of his/her right.
of the respective High Court, who is the Patron-in-Chief of
2. State Governments have their own Prisoners
the State Legal Services Authority.
Release on Parole Rules.
124. With reference to India, consider the following Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
statements : (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
1. Judicial custody means an accused is in the custody (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
of the concerned magistrate and such accused is I.A.S. (Pre) 2021
locked up in police station, not in jail. Ans. (b)
Parole is not recognized as a right in India, despite the fact that d. An industrial worker.
e. A Person in receipt of annual income less than the amount
it has administrative importance. A prisoner's claim to parole
mentioned in the following schedule (or any other higher
is not absolute, and prison authorities have considerable
amount as may be prescribed by the State government.
discretion in granting parole to that prisoner. However, parole
The income ceiling limit prescribed u/s 12(h) of the Act
is considered a right for prisoners by a number of international
for availing free legal services in different states has been
accords and organizations.
stated below:
The grant of parole is governed by rules made under Prison
Andhra Pradesh - 3 Lakh
Act, 1894 and Prison Act, 1900. Many State governments Arunachal Pradesh - 1 Lakh
have also formulated guidelines to bring out objectivity and Gujarat - 1 Lakh
facilitate decision-making to determine whether parole needs Karnataka - 1 Lakh
to be granted in a particular case or not. Such decisions are Madhya Pradesh - 1 Lakh
taken in accordance with guidelines framed from time to time. Delhi - General 1 Lakh
The Prisons (Bombay Furlough and Parole) Rules, 1959, Senior Citizen (2 Lakh)
have been enacted by exercising rule making power under Transgender (2 Lakh)
section 59(5) of the Prisons Act, 1984. Hence statement 1 is
wrong and 2 is correct.
Thus, statement 1 is correct, while statement 3 is wrong
because there is free legal service to SC and ST community
but not for OBCs.
126. In India, Legal Services Authorities provide free legal
Provision for free legal services to members of transgender
services to which of the following type of citizens?
community upto 2 Lakh in Delhi. Hence, Statement 2 is
1. Person with an annual income of less than Rs.
correct. Senior citizen's eligibility for free legal aid depends
1,00,000. on the Rules framed by the respected state government in
2. Transgender with an annual income of less than this regard. In Delhi, for example, senior citizens are eligible
Rs. 2,00,000. for free legal aid subject to a Prescribed ceiling of annual
3. Member of Other Backward Classes (OBC) with income. Therefore, all senior citizens are not eligible for free
an annual income of less than Rs. 3,00,000. aid. Hence, statement 4 is wrong. So the correct answer is
4. All Senior Citizens. an option (a).
Select the correct answer using the code given below: 127. Untouchability will not constitute an offence when -
(a) 1 and 2 only (a) The act of accused with regard to the enjoyment of
(b) 3 and 4 only benefit under a charitable trust created for the benefit
(c) 2 and 3 only of any section of the general public
(d) 1 and 4 only (b) The act of accused is with regard to the use of finery
I.A.S. (Pre) 2020 (c) As accused is not being competent to commit an
Ans. (a) offence
The sections of the society as enlisted under Section 12 of (d) The accused and complainant victim belong to the
the Legal Services Authorities Act are entitled to Free Legal same social group
Service, they are : M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2012
128. Match List-I with List-II and identify the correct 3. At present the leader of opposition in the Council
answer from the code given below: of States is Shri Arun Jaitley.
List -I List -II 4. The Chairman of the Planning Commission of
(Case) (Subject) India is Shri Montek Singh Ahluwalia:
(A) A.K. Gopalan Vs. State (i) Equality in admission Code :
of Madras to educational institutions (a) Only 1 and 2 are correct.
(B) Romesh Thapar Vs. (ii) Parliament’s power to (b) Only 2 and 3 are correct.
State of Madras amend the Constitution (c) Only 3 and 4 are correct.
(C) Shankari Prasad Vs. (iii) Procedure for preven- (d) Only 1,2 and 3 are correct.
Union of India tive detention U.P. U.D.A./L.D.A. (Spl) (Pre) 2010
(D) Champakam Dorai- (iv) Restriction on Free Ans. (a)
rajan Vs. State of speech
In the question period Montek Singh Ahluwalia was the
Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission. The Chairman of
Code :
the Planning Commission is the Prime Minister. NITI Aayog
(a) i ii iii iv
was established in place of Planning commission on January
1, 2015. In the question period leader of the opposition in
(b) iii iv i ii
the Rajya Sabha was Arun Jaitley, but currently the Leader
(c) ii iv i iii
of the opposition in the Rajya Sabha is Ghulam Nabi Azad.
(d) iv iii ii i
Option (a) is correct from current perspective.
R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) (Re. Exam) 2013
Ans. (*) 130. With reference to the Union Government, consider the
following statements :
The matched list is as follows –
1. N. Gopalaswamy Iyengar Committee suggested
A.K. Gopalan Vs. - Procedure for preventive
that a minister and a secretary be designated solely
State of Madras detention
for pursuing the subject of administrative reform
Romesh Thapar Vs. - Restrictions on free speech and promoting it.
State of Madras 2. In 1970, the Department of Personnel was
Shankari Prasad Vs. - Parliament’s power to cons t ituted on the recommendation of the
Union of India amend the Constitution Administrative Reforms Commission, 1966, and
Champakam Dorairajan - Equality in admission to this was placed under the Prime Minister’s charge.
Vs. State of Madras educational institutions Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
129. Consider the following statements :
1. The fundamental right to protection of life and (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(d) ii i iii iv (b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not a correct
between 1967 to1971?
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Haryana
(c) Maharashtra (d) Uttarakhand
U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2010
(c) Bihar (d) Punjab Ans. (d)
U.P.P.C.S.(Pre) 2013
In 2003, the State of Uttarakhand gave the Status of
Ans. (c) OBC (Other Backward Class) to the Gurkhas and 2 other
Record Nine coalition governments were formed in Bihar communities Ghrit Chahang and Uthalia Vora.
between 1967 to 1971. These were
137. Scientific socialism is attributed to
Chief Minister Tenure (a) Karl Marx (b) Adam Smith
1. Mahamaya Prasad 5 March, 1967 to 28 January, 1968 (c) J. M. Keynes (d) Thomas Mann
M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2016
Ans. (a)
2. S.P. Singh 28 January, 1968 to 31 January,
Scientific Socialism is attributed to Karl Marx. Karl Marx
provided scientific foundation to the idea of socialism. Karl
3. B.P. Mandal 31 January, 1968 to 22 March, 1968 Marx is also regarded as the father of communism.
4. Bhola Paswan Shastri 22 March, 1968 to 25 June, 1968
138. Who is the Chairman of the Press Council of India ?
5. Sardar Harihar Singh 26 February to 12 June, 1969 (a) P.L. Punia
6. Bhola Paswan Shastri 22 June to 4 July, 1969 (b) Markandeya Katju
(c) Kuldeep Nayar
7. Daroga Prasad Rai 16 February to 22 December, 1970
(d) Puja Bhatt
8. Karpuri Thakur 22 December, 1970 to 1 June, 1971
U.P. U.D.A./L.D.A. (Spl) (Pre) 2010
9. Bhola Paswan Shastri 2 June, 1971 to 9 January, 1972 Ans. (*)
The Arctic Council was established by Ottawa Declaration this amendment, the total number of languages given in 8 th
in 1996. The Arctic Council is the pre-eminent inter- Schedule became 22. There were 14 languages in 8 Schedule
governmental forum for addressing issues related to the when the Constitution was enforced in 1950. The manifesto
Arctic Region. The members of the Arctic Council include declared by Empress Victoria on November 1, 1858 is known
eight countries, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, as the ‘Magna Carta’ of Indian liberties. So option (b) and
Sweden, the Russian Federation, and the United States. (d) both are incorrect.
The Council provides a means for promoting cooperation,
147. Which one of the following statements is not correct?
coordination and interaction among the Arctic States, with the
involvement of the Arctic indigenous communities and other
Arctic inhabitants on common Arctic issues, in particular
(a) The total number of Articles in the Constitution of
India is 395.
issues of sustainable development and environmental (b) Finance Commission is constituted under Article 280
protection in the Arctic. India and Japan are also included in
of the Constitution of India.
12 permanent supervisors of this Council. The chairmanship
of this council changes after every two years. Iceland is the (c) Madam Cama was the first woman President of Indian
chairman of the council from 2019 to 2021. National Congress,
145. Who was the first woman to become the Prime Minister (d) ‘Politics in India’ is the pioneering research study of
After taking over as interim Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru
announced the foreign policy based on non-alignment which
UNICEF) in November 1999. The UN General Assembly
welcomed the proclamation of the day in its resolution of
means ‘to stay away from international power groups and to Ekushe February, or simply "Ekushe", which is "The 21st"
develop an independent policy.’ in Bangla, commemorates the day in 1952 when students
of the University of Dhaka launched a nationwide protest
151. Which among the following European Union countries
against the imposition of Urdu on the people of what was
is the first to officially recognize the State of Palestine? then East Pakistan.
(a) Sweden (b) Denmark 154. Where was the Ministerial Meeting of the Coordinating
(c) Norway (d) Italy Bureau of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) held in 2019?
th th
56 to 59 B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2015 (a) Venezuela
Ans. (a) (b) Azerbaijan
(c) Serbia
Sweden is the first European Union country which officially
(d) Ethiopia
recognised the State of Palestine in October, 2014. On 30
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above
September, 2015, the Palestinian Flag was raised outside the
65th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2019
UN Headquarter for the first time.
Ans. (a)
152. The International Day of Persons with Disabilities is
The Ministerial Meeting of the Coordination Bureau of the
celebrated on Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) was held on 20-21 July,
(a) 10th December (b) 24th October 2019 in Caracus of Venezuela.
(c) 19th November (d) 3rd December 155. The Six Points Formula proposal of India for South
th th
56 to 59 B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2015 Asian Region was presented by which Prime Minister
Ans. (d) of India?