Ucsp q2 Reviewer
Ucsp q2 Reviewer
Ucsp q2 Reviewer
internalization or acceptance
ni Yuri Bartolome Maganda - involves both public compliance &
internal acceptance of the norms &
LESSON 1: CONFORMITY, DEVIANCE, & standards imposed by the group.
SOCIAL CONTROL - most permanent & deeply-rooted
response to social influence.
— groups exert great influence on an
individual’s thought, values, attitudes, & Deviance (deviant)
behavior. - behavior that elicits a strong negative
reaction from a group member & involves
— they also provide a sense of identity & action that violates commonly held
belongingness social norms.
Social Controls- means & practices used - all human rights are equally important.
to maintain norms, rules, & laws. there is no hierarchy among human
Sanctions- most common means of
social control, address conflicts & social — Human Dignity & Human Rights are
violations of social norms. significant concerns when dealing with
socialization & issues on deviance &
Sanctions can be Formal & Informal social control.
— the 1987 phil. constitutions include a Social Group– collection of individ. Who
“bill of rights” article 3 where the rights of have relation w/ one another that make
filipino citizens are encountered. them independent at some signifi.
— despite the high regard that societies
have for recognition of human dignity & ● Interdependence
human rights. - necessary condition that exists within
social groups bcause it is what enables
— issues of security & safety, for its members pursue shared
instance, complex governments to goals/promote common values &
suspend or ignore basic human rights principles.
such as the right to privacy & certain
freedoms. ● Aggregate
- mere collect. of people within a
— in many democratic countries. there
particular place & time
are some limitations to the application &
recognition of human rights.
ex: a group of friends decided to hang
out in a mall.
The Universal Declaration of Human
Individ. take pride in their group &
proclaim publicly.
1. We are all both free with equal rights.
- as a result, an individ. is encultures as
2. We have a right to be free from
he/she builds a signifi. bond w/ most of
his/her group
Not all groups produce positive continued urbanization & expansion of
consequences & benefits for their society.
Emile Durkheim
Groups - argued that the shift from trad. to
1. Primary Groups modern society will impact how
- lifelong & long term individuals relate to one another.
- a lot of univ. stud. join these org. as they ex: young person might consider a
have an extensive list of rockband as his or her group.
accomplishments promoting academic
excellence, camaraderie, community 6. Networks
service. - sociologists use the concept of
“network” to understand the complex
- a fraternity or sorority is also network world of social groups
that weaves past & presents members - refers to the structure of rs. Network
nto an interconnected. social actors or groups
ex: alpha phi-omega, sigma po, upsilon - these are interconnection, ties, a
sigma phi, tau gamma phi, etc. linkages between people, their group, &
the labor social institution to which they
- they have their respective meme all belong to.
symbols flagship activities
- the evolu. of human beings has given - the growth of tribes allowed them to
rise to the development of social org. increasingly interact w/ one another,
from hunting-gathering groups to leading to estab. of new political org. the
agricultural communities & industrial chiefdom, which consisted of tribes
societies. united under one leader or chief.
● Polygyny
a. Institutional approach– ordered sets of
- type of polygamous, a husband could
rules, norms, beliefs, or values that have many wives.
organize human behavior.
● Polyandry
b. Relational approach– focuses on social - type of polygyny, where a wife can have
relations rather than rules, norms, many husbands.
beliefs, or values.
- schools + teachers– agents of - show & tell people what is good or bad.
socialization what is necessary or unnecessary, what
is desirable or not
4. Health Institutions
● Western health system projecting idea— people are specialized
- learned from health sciences schools & influenced by public opinion.
- standardized diagnostic practices
5. Religion
- oldest form of social insti.
- set of beliefs, & practices of a particular
social group
- beliefs of religious group affect the
behavior of their members.