Ucsp q2 Reviewer

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internalization or acceptance
ni Yuri Bartolome Maganda - involves both public compliance &
internal acceptance of the norms &
LESSON 1: CONFORMITY, DEVIANCE, & standards imposed by the group.
SOCIAL CONTROL - most permanent & deeply-rooted
response to social influence.
— groups exert great influence on an
individual’s thought, values, attitudes, & Deviance (deviant)
behavior. - behavior that elicits a strong negative
reaction from a group member & involves
— they also provide a sense of identity & action that violates commonly held
belongingness social norms.

— for an individual to continue - may be considered normal behavior in

functioning as a member of a group, he one culture may be considered deviant
or she should comply with the general behavior in others.
behaviors & attitudes prevalent within it.
- violations of societal norms.
- process of altering one’s thoughts & - deviance can be criminal or
actions to adapt to the accepted non-criminal
behavior of his or her group or society. - all crimes are deviances but not all
deviances are crimes.
- changing one’s behavior in order to fit
in with a group. Various Views
1. Biological & Psychological Theories
- product of pressure ex: child— slum— safe neighborhood

- has 3 types: compliance, identification, 2. Emile Durkheim

& internalization or acceptance. “anomie” (normlessness) — a condition
where social control becomes ineffective
a. compliance due to loss of shared values and a sense
- least type of conformity or purpose in society.
- outward conformity to social pressure
but privately disagreeing with it. 3. Robert Merton
- action is often motivated by the desire “structural strain theory” — argues that
to gain reward or avoid punishment. the tensions & strains between individual
& socially approved goals' ability to meet
b. identification them will lead to deviance.
- an individual adopting a certain
behavior because it enables him or her 4. Labeling Theory
to have a satisfying relationship with the “no deviance in society”
members of his or her group.
- judgment of society
ex: gang members- this label gives LESSON 2: HUMAN RIGHTS & HUMAN
negatives. DIGNITY

5. Conflict Perspective Human Dignity

- analyzes devance in the framework of - idea that a person has the innate right
competing interests between social to be valued, respected, & treated well.
groups & maintenance of power among
elites. - a sense of self worth. Therefore, dignity
ex: poor, ethnic is a sense of pride in oneself that a
human being has with them.
6. Broken Windows Theory
- maintaining even an appearance of Human Rights
order is sufficient to discourage devices. - are legal, social, & ethical principles
ex: local government that consider the human person as
deserving of liberties & protection by
Social Controls & Sanctions virtue of his or her human dignity.

Social Controls- means & practices used - all human rights are equally important.
to maintain norms, rules, & laws. there is no hierarchy among human
Sanctions- most common means of
social control, address conflicts & social — Human Dignity & Human Rights are
violations of social norms. significant concerns when dealing with
socialization & issues on deviance &
Sanctions can be Formal & Informal social control.

● Formal Sanctions — Socialization primarily aims to instill

- laws & regulations recognition of & respect for human

- imprisonment, punishment rights & dignity.

— Human Rights are founded on natural

● Informal Sanctions
rights, are universal & inalienable, & are
- most common imposed by smaller
not contingent on the laws, customs,
belief, or values of a particular culture.
- no set laws or regulations

Characteristics of Human Rights

Ostracism- forcibly isolated from the rest
1. universal 2. fundamental
of society for a certain time.
3. indivisible 4. absolute

Social Stigma- still remains society but is

— a major legal instrument that upholds
subject to isolation & rejection by other
the recognition of human rights is the
members of society.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
(UDHR), which was drafted by the United
Nations commission on human rights in 3. We have a right to live in freedom &
1948. safety.
— this document was one of the major 4. We have a right to be free from slavery.
results at the end of the second ww. 5. We have a right to be from torture or
degrading treatment.
— the UDHR also give rise to succeeding
convention on specific human rights
issues such as the: LESSON 3: HOW A SOCIETY IS
a. Internalizational convention on social,
economic, & cultural rights. Groups– smaller units that composed

b. International convention on civil &

Plato– ancient philosopher that said: no
political rights.
man is a social animal” means human
beings are naturally equipped w/ tools
c. as well as other conventions on the
such as language & reason that enable
rights of the child, women, & migrant
them to engage others in meaningful

— the 1987 phil. constitutions include a Social Group– collection of individ. Who
“bill of rights” article 3 where the rights of have relation w/ one another that make
filipino citizens are encountered. them independent at some signifi.
— despite the high regard that societies
have for recognition of human dignity & ● Interdependence
human rights. - necessary condition that exists within
social groups bcause it is what enables
— issues of security & safety, for its members pursue shared
instance, complex governments to goals/promote common values &
suspend or ignore basic human rights principles.
such as the right to privacy & certain
freedoms. ● Aggregate
- mere collect. of people within a
— in many democratic countries. there
particular place & time
are some limitations to the application &
recognition of human rights.
ex: a group of friends decided to hang
out in a mall.
The Universal Declaration of Human
Individ. take pride in their group &
proclaim publicly.
1. We are all both free with equal rights.
- as a result, an individ. is encultures as
2. We have a right to be free from
he/she builds a signifi. bond w/ most of
his/her group
Not all groups produce positive continued urbanization & expansion of
consequences & benefits for their society.
Emile Durkheim
Groups - argued that the shift from trad. to
1. Primary Groups modern society will impact how
- lifelong & long term individuals relate to one another.

- small, intimate (emotionally affinity, - if the division of labor in society

belongingness), & specialized becomes more complex people will have
less time to nurture primary groups.
- members engage in face-2-face
emotion-based interactions over an - presssure to form a primary rs within
extended period of time secondary groups is quite high in
modern societies
- first group where an individ.
experiences his/her initial encounter w/ Self-Categorization Theory
social affinity & belonging - it proposes that people’s appreciation
of their group membership is influenced
- individ. defines his/her identity, values, by their perception towards people who
& idea & aspirations are not members of their group.

ex: family (kinship — bloodline), close - people’s perceptions of other people as

friends, work-related peers, & well as other groups are influenced
classmates, church groups whether they perceive others as
members of their group or not.
2. Secondary Groups
- short term & temporary 3. In-Group
- is a group to which one belongs & with
- larger, less intimate, & more specialized which one feels a sense of identity,
groups respect, loyalty, has positive impact

- members engage in an impersonal & 4. Out-Group

objective-oriented for a limited time - is a group to which one does not
belong & with to which he or she may feel
ex: employees & colleagues a sense of competitiveness or hostility,
bad influence, has negative impact.
Mutual Benefit– primarily during force
that compels individuals to story Characteristics of In-Group
together 1. members of such groups desire ways to
distinguish themselves from
- consensus among social scientists is nonmembers.
that much of people’s time will be spent
w/ secondary groups given the
2. members within a certain in-group - there are still remaining questions that
display positive attitudes. continue to challenge the dynamics of
diff. groups within a society.
3. as similarities & shared experiences
foster unity & cooperation among group 5. Reference Group (primary, secondary,
members. in-groups)
- most significant, most influential group
Establishments: - source of role models of individ.
- a group to which an individual
● fraternity compares himself or herself
- an exclusive all-male studd. org. - such groups strongly influence an
individ. Behavior & social attitudes
● sorority whether he or she is a member of these
- an exclusive all-female stud. org. group

- a lot of univ. stud. join these org. as they ex: young person might consider a
have an extensive list of rockband as his or her group.
accomplishments promoting academic
excellence, camaraderie, community 6. Networks
service. - sociologists use the concept of
“network” to understand the complex
- a fraternity or sorority is also network world of social groups
that weaves past & presents members - refers to the structure of rs. Network
nto an interconnected. social actors or groups

ex: alpha phi-omega, sigma po, upsilon - these are interconnection, ties, a
sigma phi, tau gamma phi, etc. linkages between people, their group, &
the labor social institution to which they
- they have their respective meme all belong to.
symbols flagship activities

- apart from experiencing the practice of LESSON 4: GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT

hazing in the in-group, it is inevitable OF SOCIETIES
from frat. to engage in some competition,
which may result in violence at times - societies are said to have evolved as
human beings learned to adapt to their
- periodically, people watch or read environment.
reports between rival frat.
Social Evolution- went hand-in-hand with
- this behavior relates to the concept of the processes of socialization &
self-categorization, as member of frat enculturation.
often loose their individ. & they consider
themselves more as members of an
exclusive group.
3 Types of Soc. Evolution The Evolution of Social & Positical
1. Biological Evolution– process whereby - in 19th cent., the anthropologist lewis
organisms undergo various genetic & henry morgan came up w/ evolutionary
physical changes that pave way for scheme that divided history into three
biological diversity. stages of development: savagery,
barbarism, & civilization
- charles dr. “the evolution of man”
1. Savage Stage– lowest stage of
- accor. to francisco jose ayala, “the development which is exemplified by the
various types of plants, animals & other nomadic & hunter-gatherer lifestyle.
living things on earth have their origins
in other pre-existing types & the 2. Barbaric Stage– middle stage of
distinguishable diff. are due to development where people began
modifications in successive generations” learning agricultural techniques & the
domestication of animals.
- ayala noted, biological evolution is a
process of descent w/ modification 3. Civilized Stage– highest stage o
development where people learned
- biological evolution continues to writing.
influence how people live & interact w/
other members of society. - in the early 20th century, Herbert
Spencer applied charles darwin’s
2. Technological Evolution principles of biological evolution to
- as the human learned to create various social evolution.
tools & equipements for their daily tasks
such as painting animals & trade. - for spencer, individual members within
societies engage in a competition form
Biocultural Evolution whereby the superior ones dominate
- mutual interactive evolution of human those who are the inferior type.
biology & culture.
- such perspective came to be known as
- also considered as “a basic concept in cultural relativism or the notion that an
understanding the uniques components individual’s attitudes, beliefs, & ideas are
of human evolution” based on the cultural context of his or
her society.
- this concept recognizes the role of
culture in social - main proponent of this perspective,
franz boas, argued that human behavior
- cultural development— is is not rooted in biological but is socially
interconnected w/people's capacity for constructed.
language, tool-making, & technological
- hence, sociologists mainly subscribe to b. inventions of tools, the intro. of new &
two different ideas regarding the origins varied tasks
of social & political institutions. c. increasingly complex social
interactions & comm. were significant
1. some subscribe to the idea that changes in human society.
evolution occurs based on “stages of
development” by Morgan - additionally, these changes brought
abt the estab. Of the tribe.
2. some subscribe to the idea that one
stage does not necessarily preclude or - leader of the tribe or headman was a
lead to another stage like Franz Boas. more formal established leader

- the evolu. of human beings has given - the growth of tribes allowed them to
rise to the development of social org. increasingly interact w/ one another,
from hunting-gathering groups to leading to estab. of new political org. the
agricultural communities & industrial chiefdom, which consisted of tribes
societies. united under one leader or chief.

Development of Social Organizations Industrial Revolution

- as societies evolved social & political
1. Band-level Societies institu. developed along w/ ideas of law,
- earliest societies were comprised of the political leadership, governance &
hunters-gatherers, as were referred to as citizenship.
band-level societies or simply “bands”
Effects of Industrial Revolution:
- they were typically small & nomadic fam
groups & were organized. ● increased migration
● growth of urban populations
- leadership was based on qualities such ● changes in lifestyle
as strength intelligence & ● increased production
trustworthiness ● technological advancement &
● rise of the middle class
- disputes between bands were rare
because that lived for apart from one
Factors that influenced the Industrial
- the inventions & technological
- because of these characteristics,
band-level societies were not considered
as political organizations.
- the increased use of mechanical
devices & the discovery of steam power
2. Sedentary Communities
the establishment of: - as a result, agricultural societies were
transformed into industrial societies.
a. permanent settlements
- in conclu., the impact of the Industrial b. Kinship
Revolution can also be seen in terms of - relations linked by blood or marriage
the growth of new forms of sociopolitical ties
institutions. - define social stat. or individuals in
many societies
- ph political dynasty
(functionalist functions) c. Marriage
- culture-specific
Social Institutions - monogamous (christians)
- well-established & structured is between - polygamous (muslims)
groups of people that are considered
fundamental components of a society’s
- feed economy w. skilled & competent
individuals to ensure continous
economic productivity
- transmitters of culture

- among islamic society in contrast,

- for a society to survive, the creation of
marriage can be polygamous which
social institutions is imperative.
means that a person can have more than

● Polygyny
a. Institutional approach– ordered sets of
- type of polygamous, a husband could
rules, norms, beliefs, or values that have many wives.
organize human behavior.

● Polyandry
b. Relational approach– focuses on social - type of polygyny, where a wife can have
relations rather than rules, norms, many husbands.
beliefs, or values.

- polyandry is not as widespread in

1. The Family, Marriage & Kinship modern india at present
a. Family
- vital social institutions 2. Economy/ Economic Institution
- foundation of nation - an insti. that addresses quest.
regarding limited resources of society.
Certain Transfor in Families
- accor. to Liberal Economists, the
1. solo parent families answer to the important quest. regarding
2. OFW the resources of society should be
3. same-sex couple determined by the market.
4. married couple who are childless
5. broken family a. the market, accor. to Adam Smith, is
age regulating mechanism.
b. socialists on contrary have a diff. point c. animism- not considered a religion but
of view regarding the economy. rather a belief system that holds both
animate & inanimate things have
c. Karl Marx spiritual essence.
ex: shintoism, jainism
3. Educational Institutions
- ensure individuals are functionally 6. Mass Media
literate give young people. - most visible appearing, overreacting in
terms of scope coverage in the modern
- formal training & health world.
— provided by state or private entities
— ideal situations (provided free by state) - digitalization of technology significantly
contributes in the making or a global
- also transmit culture village

- cultural institutions (depositoies - not only through reporting or events

preservers) that it contributes to reality

- schools + teachers– agents of - show & tell people what is good or bad.
socialization what is necessary or unnecessary, what
is desirable or not
4. Health Institutions
● Western health system projecting idea— people are specialized
- learned from health sciences schools & influenced by public opinion.
- standardized diagnostic practices

● Traditional health system

- in existence before the intro. of Western
health systems
- traditional healers
- culture-specific illness; binat, pasma

5. Religion
- oldest form of social insti.
- set of beliefs, & practices of a particular
social group
- beliefs of religious group affect the
behavior of their members.

a. monotheistic- only one God

Ex: christianity, judaism, islam

b. polytheistic- many Gods

ex: hinduism

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