Time Series-ch08
Time Series-ch08
Time Series-ch08
obtaining the estimated coefficients φ̂k and θ̂0 , the residuals are
defined as
X p
êt = Yt − φ̂k Yt−k − θ̂0 .
For an invertible ARMA(p,q) model containing MA terms, we
use the inverted infinite AR form of the model to define residuals:
Yt = π1 Yt−1 + π2 Yt−2 + π3 Yt−3 + · · · + et
⇒ êt = Ŷt − π̂1 Yt−1 − π̂2 Yt−2 − π̂3 Yt−3 − · · ·
or residual = actual − predicted.
The π̂’s are calculated implicitly as functions of the estimated φ’s
and θ’s.
If the model is correctly specified and the parameter estimates
are reasonably close to the true values, then the residuals should
have nearly the properties of white noise.
Time Series Analysis Ch 8. MODEL DIAGNOSTICS
8.1.1. Plots of the Residuals
Q∗ = n(n + 2) + 2 + ··· + K
n−1 n−2 n−K
1 the new parameter θ is not significantly different from zero;
2 the estimate of φ1 and µ are not significantly different from the
estimate in Exhibit 8.13;
3 the AIC is greater than that of the AR(1) fit.
Again the AR(1) model looks better.