اللهم ال سهل اال ما جعلته سهل وأنت جتعل احلزن اذا شئت سهل
Important Points
1. Read the questions carefully.
2. Make sure your write the FULL name of the structures with the
correct spelling.
Example: IVC ✕ Inferior Vena Cava ✓
Thoracic aorta ✕ Descending thoracic aorta ✓
3. There is NO guarantee whether or not the exam will go out of this
Good luck!
Case 1
I. Cervical part:
1) Trachea
2) Recurrent laryngeal nerves (vagus nerve)
1) Vertebral column
1) Lobes of thyroid gland
Case 1
Write the relations of the esophagus.
1) Bodies of the thoracic vertebrae
2) Thoracic duct
3) Azygos vein
4) Right posterior intercostal arteries
5) Descending thoracic aorta (at the lower end)
Case 1
Write the relations of the esophagus.
Laterally - Left:
1) Mediastinal pleura.
2) Left subclavian artery.
3) Aortic arch.
4) Thoracic duct.
1) Left crus of diaphragm
Case 2
Write 3 structures passing anteriorly and 3 structures
passing posteriorly to the stomach.
1) Anterior abdominal wall.
2) Left pleura & lung.
3) Diaphragm.
4) Left lobe of the liver.
5) Left costal margin.
1) Lesser sac
2) Splenic artery
3) Pancreas
4) Transverse mesocolon.
5) Transverse colon.
6) Left crus of diaphragm.
7) Left suprarenal gland.
8) Part of left kidney
9) Spleen
Case 3
A 55-year- old woman develops a hiatal hernia in which the fundus of the stomach protrudes through the
esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm into the thorax.
I. Identify C
A. Cardiac orifice. A
B. Pylorus.
C. Fundus.
III. Identify:
1. Accessory pancreatic duct
2. Minor duodenal papilla
3. Major duodenal papilla
4. Hepatopancreatic ampulla
5. Main pancreatic duct
6. Bile duct
Case 6
A 48-year-old man has lost 10 kilos over the last 3 months and presented with upper abdominal pain that
radiates to the back between the scapulae. During examination the doctor noticed jaundice. CT scan reveals
tumor of the head of the pancreas.
Jejunum Ileum
Length Shorter (proximal 2/5) of SI Longer (distal 3/5) of SI
Vessels High & Less arcades (long Low & More arcades (short
terminal branches) terminal branches
Mesenteric Fat Small amount & away from Large amount & close to
intestinal border intestinal border
Lymphoid Tissue Few aggregations Numerous aggregations (Peyer’s
Case 8
4 1
3 5 2
1. Stomach Identify
2. Spleen 1. Stomach
3. Opening into lesser sac (epiploic foramen) 2. Descending colon
4. Bile duct 3. Gallbladder
5. Hepatic artery 4. Root of mesentery
6. Portal vein 5. Ascending colon
7. Liver 6. Sigmoid colon
7. Teniae coli
Case 9
A 52 year old man has been feeling unwell, he always feels tired. The doctor noticed that he is jaundiced.
Abdominal examination showed splenomegaly, ascites, caput medusa, and increased abdominal girth.
Investigations revealed chronic liver cell failure.
II. Enumerate the contents of porta hepatis in order (from anterior to posterior).
From anterior to posterior
1) 2 hepatic ducts
2) 2 hepatic arteries
3) 2 branches of portal vein
4) Autonomic nerve fibers
5) Hepatic lymph nodes
III. From where does the liver receive its blood supply?
Hepatic artery (30%) and portal vein (70%)
I. Identify: 1
1. Transverse colon. 2
2. Left colic (splenic) flexure. 7
3. Teniae coli.
4. Sigmoid or pelvic colon.
5. Appendix.
6. Ascending colon. 6
7. Right colic (hepatic) flexure.
8. Epiploic Appendices . 8
I. Identify the position of the appendix according to the numbers : Teniae coli
1. Retrocecal
2. Subcecal Epiploic
3. Pelvic Appendices
4. Postileal
5. Preileal
II. What structure lies in front of the beginning of the portal vein?
Neck of the pancreas.
III. What structure lies behind the beginning of the portal vein? Portal vein
Inferior vena cava.
V. List 2 other site of portosystemic anastomosis. mesenteric
1) Upper part of anal canal. vein
2) Paraumbilical region.
Full list:
3) Esophagus
4) intrahepatic
5) retroperitoneal
Case 15