Monday- Ask your child to look through their books and identify any places from Monday- The word ‘around’ contains the sound ‘ou’. Ask your child to list as
around the world by looking at the illustrations. They could also look through a many words as they can containing the ‘ou’ sound. Your child might identify words
magazine or newspaper and find the names of different countries. that contain an alternative spelling for ‘ou’ such as ow.
Tuesday- Follow the story Here We Are with your child. What makes our world so Tuesday- Practise spelling days of the week using different materials in the house.
special? Using the story, your child can make a list. Can they find materials to match the colours of the UK flag?
Wednesday- Help your child to look through cookery books for a recipe originating Wednesday- ‘Where’, ‘would’, ‘people’, ‘clothes’ and ‘water’ are some of the
from another country. Ask them to use decoding skills to read some of the words that children in KS1 need to be able to spell. Can your child use these to
ingredients. Why not make it if you have the ingredients! write sentences about a contrasting country?
Thursday- Use an atlas or a map and locate countries that make up the UK. Your Thursday- Can your child list places from around the world using the alphabet?
child can then locate a contrasting country such as Brazil or Kenya. What is Can they add an adjective before each place that starts with the same letter?
different? What is the same?
Friday- Follow the story When I Coloured in the World. What would your child Friday- Recognise vowel and consonant digraphs and blending by playing this
change about the world? Task them with drawing a picture of their ideal world. game or add suffixes playing this game.
Monday- Ask your child to create a leaflet about a place in the world they Monday- Get your child to have a go at the online game for subtraction facts up to
would like to visit/have visited. Include the weather, landmarks and cuisine. 20.
Tuesday- Draw a picture of 10 different pieces of fruit or vegetables from around Tuesday- Give your child a number between 1 and 50 and ask them to list how
the world and label them using adjectives e.g. fresh, juicy pineapple. many ways they could make the number using subtraction.Try 20 if this is too hard.
Wednesday-.Your child could write a set of instructions for a meal they would love Wednesday- Get your child to write a subtraction number bond to or within 10 -
to share with family and friends. They can use illustrations too. e.g. 9 - 4 = 5 or 7 - 2 = 5. Can they use these facts to find out the subtraction facts
up to 100? E.g. 90 - 40 = 50 and 70 - 20 = 50.
Thursday- Your child could write a letter to a friend or a family member who lives Thursday (theme)- Look at flags from around the world either in books or on the
in a different part of the world - describe where they live and describe school. internet. Ask your child to list any shapes they see and name the properties of the
Think of questions to ask about where they live and about their school. shapes they find. Ask your child how many lines of symmetry the flag has.
Friday- Visit the Literacy Shed for this wonderful resource on The Black Hat or Friday-Encourage your child to practise different ways to subtract by playing these
your child could write their own version of When I Coloured in the World. different activities.
The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about countries and cities around the world. Learning may focus on
different cultures and traditions, famous landmarks, food and clothing.
● Flags- Look at flags from around the world with your child. Discuss which are your child’s favourites and why? Ask your child to recreate their favourite; this
could be through drawing, collaging etc. Can they place the flag on a map? There are some quizzes that your child can have a go at here. Can they create their
own quiz about the UK?
● Dance Around the World- Watch the following dances: Diwali Stick Dance, Maypole Dancing and Spanish Flamenco Dancing. Encourage your child to have a
go at some of the moves used in these videos. Record the dances and ask your child to evaluate what they did well and what they could do even better when
watching them back. Can your child recreate one of the costumes using items from their wardrobe? Perform the dance to a family member.
● Food Tasting Fun- Find some different fruits from around the world. This could include: mangos, kiwis, pineapples, bananas. Encourage your child to try them
and have a discussion about which ones they liked and which ones they did not like. Cut the fruits open and task your child with sketching the inside of each
fruit. Remind them to look closely at the patterns and shapes.
● Where in the World? - Have a discussion with your child about your own family heritage. Discuss with them your traditions and where your family
originates from. This may be where you live now or it could be somewhere completely different. Ask your child to create a poster or PowerPoint all
about their own family. Can they include a map identifying the country they’re from? Share these on Twitter at #TheLearningProjects, so children can
compare families.
Speak the Language- There are lots of different ways to say hello around the world. Learn how to say hello in Spanish, French, Mandarin, German, Arabic and Italian
with your child using Google Translate. Practise writing hello using the colours of the flag for each country.
● The NHS Change 4 Life website has some great games and activities, specifically ones for staying indoors. Have a look here.
● Mastery Mathematics Learning Packs Learning packs with different activities and lessons. Includes notes on how to do these activities with your children.
● Y1 Talk for Writing Home-school Booklets and Y2 are an excellent resource to support your child’s speaking and listening, reading and writing skills.
● Visit this BBC website for more sea themed music and learning ideas.
● There are some lovely games and ideas from the Royal National Lifeboat Institution here.
● White Rose Maths online maths lessons. Watch a lesson video and complete the worksheet (can be downloaded and completed digitally).
● Classroom Secrets Learning Packs - These packs are split into different year groups and include activities linked to reading, writing, maths and practical
ideas you can do around the home.
● Twinkl - to access these resources click on the link and sign up using your own email address and creating your own password. Use the offer code
● Headteacherchat - This is a blog that has links to various learning platforms. Lots of these are free to access.
● Audible – a wealth of audiobooks available for free for the duration of the school closures. No login or download needed.
● BBC Bitesize Daily – online lessons and resources and programmes on iplayer
● Additional Year 1 phonics support can be found here: https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/learn-to-read-phonics/
● Additional year 2 work to support SATs can be found here: https://www.theschoolrun.com/key-stage-1-sats-learning-journey
● Work on Education City - your child has an individual login to access this.
● Get your child to read a book on Oxford Owl, discuss what your child enjoyed about the book. This requires a login but is free to sign up. On this site, there are
plenty of resources to help home learning across a range of subjects.
● Listen to a story read out loud, Storytime, Audible. Also there are lots of authors reading their books on YouTube as well as children’s favourite books read
aloud by celebrities/others.
● Purple Mash - your child has an individual login to access this. Click on Serial Mash and choose your age group.
● Times Tables Rockstars – your child has an individual login to access this. Focus on 10, 2 then 5 x tables.
● IXL- Click here for Year 1 or here for Year 2 . There are interactive games to play and guides for parents.
● Mastery Mathematics Learning Packs Learning packs with a range of different activities and lessons. There are notes on how to do these activities with your
● Y1 Talk for Writing Home-school Booklets and Y2 are an excellent resource to support your child’s speaking and listening, reading and writing skills.
The Learning Projects are based on the National Curriculum expectations for the key stage which your child is in. It may be that your child finds the tasks set within
the Learning Project for their year group too simple. If this is the case, then we suggest that your child accesses the Learning Projects which are set for the key stage
above. Equally, if the projects are too challenging, then we advise that your child accesses the projects for the key stage below.
If your child requires more of a challenge, or you believe that there are some gaps in their learning then Century Tech is a fantastic resource that is currently free for
home learning. The app is designed to address gaps and misconceptions, provide challenge and enables children to retain new knowledge. It uses artificial intelligence
to tailor the learning to your child’s needs. Sign up here.
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