Internal Audit Charter
Internal Audit Charter
Internal Audit Charter
The purpose of the internal audit function is to strengthen [name of organization]’s ability to
create, protect, and sustain value by providing the board and management with independent,
risk-based, and objective assurance, advice, insight, and foresight.
The internal audit function enhances [name of organization]’s:
The internal audit function is independently positioned with direct accountability to the
Internal auditors are free from undue influence and committed to making objective
Commitment to Adhering to the Global Internal Audit Standards
The [name of organization]’s internal audit function will adhere to the mandatory elements of
The Institute of Internal Auditors' International Professional Practices Framework, which are the
Global Internal Audit Standards and Topical Requirements. The chief audit executive will report
[periodically] to the board and senior management regarding the internal audit function’s
conformance with the Standards, which will be assessed through a quality assurance and
improvement program.
[USER’S NOTE: In those jurisdictions and industries where the internal audit function’s mandate
is prescribed wholly or partially in laws or regulations, the internal audit charter must include the
legal requirements of the mandate. See user’s guide for more information.]
The [name of organization]’s board grants the internal audit function the mandate to provide the
board and senior management with objective assurance, advice, insight, and foresight.
The internal audit function’s authority is created by its direct reporting relationship to the board.
Such authority allows for unrestricted access to the board.
The board authorizes the internal audit function to:
Have full and unrestricted access to all functions, data, records, information, physical
property, and personnel pertinent to carrying out internal audit responsibilities. Internal
auditors are accountable for confidentiality and safeguarding records and information.
Allocate resources, set frequencies, select subjects, determine scopes of work, apply
techniques, and issue communications to accomplish the function’s objectives.
Obtain assistance from the necessary personnel of [name of organization] and other
specialized services from within or outside [name of organization] to complete internal
audit services.
Significant changes in the chief audit executive, board, and/or senior management.
New laws or regulations that may affect the nature and/or scope of internal audit
Board Oversight
[USER’S NOTE: Due to the Global Internal Audit Standards’ “essential conditions,” board
responsibilities should be included in the internal audit charter. However, if an audit committee
charter that outlines its responsibilities is already in place, it is not necessary to repeat the
information in this charter.]
To establish, maintain, and ensure that [name of organization]’s internal audit function has
sufficient authority to fulfill its duties, the board will:
Discuss with the chief audit executive and senior management the appropriate authority,
role, responsibilities, scope, and services (assurance and/or advisory) of the internal
audit function.
Ensure the chief audit executive has unrestricted access to and communicates and
interacts directly with the board, including in private meetings without senior
management present.
Discuss with the chief audit executive and senior management other topics that should
be included in the internal audit charter.
Participate in discussions with the chief audit executive and senior management about
the “essential conditions,” described in the Global Internal Audit Standards, which
establish the foundation that enables an effective internal audit function.
Approve the internal audit function’s charter, which includes the internal audit mandate
and the scope and types of internal audit services.
Review the internal audit charter [periodically] with the chief audit executive to consider
changes affecting the organization, such as the employment of a new chief audit
executive or changes in the type, severity, and interdependencies of risks to the
organization; and approve the internal audit charter [periodically (typically annually)].
Approve the internal audit function’s human resources administration and budgets.
Receive communications from the chief audit executive about the internal audit function
including its performance relative to its plan.
Ensure a quality assurance and improvement program has been established and review
the results annually.
Make appropriate inquiries of senior management and the chief audit executive to
determine whether scope or resource limitations are inappropriate.
Conform with the Global Internal Audit Standards, including the principles of Ethics and
Professionalism: integrity, objectivity, competency, due professional care, and
Understand, respect, meet, and contribute to the legitimate and ethical expectations of
the organization and be able to recognize conduct that is contrary to those expectations.
Assessing specific operations for which they had responsibility within the previous year.
Make balanced assessments of all available and relevant facts and circumstances.
Take necessary precautions to avoid conflicts of interest, bias, and undue influence.
Managing the Internal Audit Function
The chief audit executive has the responsibility to:
At least annually, develop a risk-based internal audit plan that considers the input of the
board and senior management. Discuss the plan with the board and senior management
and submit the plan to the board for review and approval.
Communicate the impact of resource limitations on the internal audit plan to the board
and senior management.
Review and adjust the internal audit plan, as necessary, in response to changes in
[name of organization]’s business, risks, operations, programs, systems, and controls.
Communicate with the board and senior management if there are significant interim
changes to the internal audit plan.
Ensure the internal audit function collectively possesses or obtains the knowledge, skills,
and other competencies and qualifications needed to meet the requirements of the
Global Internal Audit Standards and fulfill the internal audit mandate.
Identify and consider trends and emerging issues that could impact [name of
organization] and communicate to the board and senior management as appropriate.
Establish and ensure adherence to methodologies designed to guide the internal audit
Coordinate activities and consider relying upon the work of other internal and external
providers of assurance and advisory services. If the chief audit executive cannot achieve
an appropriate level of coordination, the issue must be communicated to senior
management and if necessary escalated to the board.
Communication with the Board and Senior Management
The chief audit executive will report [periodically] to the board and senior management
Results from the quality assurance and improvement program, which include the internal
audit function’s conformance with The IIA’s Global Internal Audit Standards and action
plans to address the internal audit function’s deficiencies and opportunities for
Significant risk exposures and control issues, including fraud risks, governance issues,
and other areas of focus for the board.
Resource requirements.
Management’s responses to risk that the internal audit function determines may be
unacceptable or acceptance of a risk that is beyond [name of organization]’s risk
Quality Assurance and Improvement Program
The chief audit executive will develop, implement, and maintain a quality assurance and
improvement program that covers all aspects of the internal audit function. The program will
include external and internal assessments of the internal audit function’s conformance with the
Global Internal Audit Standards, as well as performance measurement to assess the internal
audit function’s progress toward the achievement of its objectives and promotion of continuous
improvement. The program also will assess, if applicable, compliance with laws and/or
regulations relevant to internal auditing. Also, if applicable, the assessment will include plans to
address the internal audit function’s deficiencies and opportunities for improvement.
Annually, the chief audit executive will communicate with the board and senior management
about the internal audit function’s quality assurance and improvement program, including the
results of internal assessments (ongoing monitoring and periodic self-assessments) and
external assessments. External assessments will be conducted at least once every five years by
a qualified, independent assessor or assessment team from outside [name of organization];
qualifications must include at least one assessor holding an active Certified Internal Auditor®
The results of operations and programs are consistent with established goals and
Operations and programs are being carried out effectively and efficiently.
Established processes and systems enable compliance with the policies, procedures,
laws, and regulations that could significantly impact [name of organization].
The integrity of information and the means used to identify, measure, analyze, classify,
and report such information is reliable.
Resources and assets are acquired economically, used efficiently and sustainably, and
protected adequately.
Approved by the board at its meeting on [date].
_________________________________ _________________
Chief Audit Executive Date
_________________________________ _________________
Board Chair Date
_________________________________ _________________
Chief Executive Officer [optional] Date