Value Education
Value Education
Value Education
2. What is a family?
A Family is the smallest integrated unit ofa society. Family is made up of
perspective.The Social values may not be static but definitely dynamic depending on
to be exhibited by
varying environment in society. Some of the social values supposed
an individual are (a) unselfishness (b) Doing good deeds (c) caring for the society (d)
and Harmony OProtecting
caring for the Elders and Destitute (e)maintaining peace
the Environment (g)To prevent wrong things etc
5. Write about Personality Development
Every individual born carries with him a minimum number of traits
The individual depends
personaly. They are coded with respect genetic formula.
On the
surrounding in
Surroundings and otherwhich he grows. Acquired personality traits will
personality are: Friends external factors. Some of the vary with age,
events, culture, & parameters
Relatives; Brothers & Sisters; that influence
organizations, subordinates, peer groups.
living Environment, Social
6. Who is a
A leader is
achievement of goals.oneAwho has the ability to influence a
leaders achieve that person emerges as a gtoup towards the
the other status by leader by one of the two means. Some
hand, there are non- aformal sanction and they
group outside the sanctioned leaders who has thedesignated leaders. On
formal structure.
procedure. Traits distinguish a Leaders emerge from a ability to influence a
leader will lead the leader, behaviour group without any
subordinates motivating distinguishes a leader. formal
A good
them to
7. Who is a
person with self- Esteem?
achieve the set goals.
Esteem makes person with courage who is
person open minded afraid of being
risks have to be taken
if one wants to
and flexible. Self Esteemchallenged
for his views. Se
courage with companion & live with intensity. A taking risks. But
patience. person with self esteem balance
8. What is
Social Awarenes?
An individual
what are the should know all his
rights that can be responsibilities as a citizen and also know
security and comfort in the mindsenjoyed by him. This awareness will
of the citizens. create a sense
9. Mention some the
of organizations where a consumer can
Some of the approach for Justice.
the follows: organizations where a consumer can
approach for Justice as
(a) Directorate of Public
(b) Food and Drug Grievances, New Delhi (DPG)
(c) Consumer GuidanceAdministration, Mumbai (FDA)
(d) BIS- Bureau Society of India (CGSI)
of Indian Standards Regions all over
(e) Consumer Education & Research India.
Centre, Ahmedabad.
10. What is
'Advertisement Ethics'?
Advertising is a concept where a
product/ a
service is let
Some of which are a) It should known to the people to
se it. It has to
follow some Ethics. not convey
oncepts b) It should not be degrading in any manner It
formation It c) should not give falsenegative
d) should be ambiguous (clear in what it
ultural, political, religious & caste conveys). lt shall not be taking the
values for granted.
What do you mean by Self-
an 1s an Introspection?
inquisitive animal., As humans we constantly seek answers for the
questions like why? Which? What? Where? When? About ourseves &
Surroundings. also investigates his surroundings, his fellow beings about
He our
and the
relarton to natureas
himself. In this process he tends to change his environment and the woria
Answer any.five.
13. What are the good values to be followed by every individual in the society?
country is a proud and honoureu
of the country. This is acquired by birth. He carries the national
with him. Any
action done by a citizen to save the country is honoured bypriae
country. He will get
J. Scientific values Everyrecognitionfrom the
individual is expected to tamper all his
We should remember
of the greatest personalities like
Gandhiji, Swami Jivekananda, Rabindranath
Sardar Patel, Tagore, Dr. Radhakrishnan
Rajagopalathari and many more & today Dr. A.P.J. Abdul
Kalam who have a
tempered. Introvert' are comments we often hear. But all these traits are not
nerited. Most ofthese traits are acquired from the environment. There is cultural
conditioning that begins atthe family, grows with neighbourhood peer groups and
the society at micro and macro levels. We can even Identify nation wide cultural
markers of personality. For example:- North American personality is marked by traits
like industriousness, competitiveness value for success, independence etc. In India we
can identiy some such traits that condition the personality of its people. Personality
Development studies and research have identified some traits that contribute to
enhancing an individual 's personality in the eyes of others like reserved, shy, timid,
submissive, emotional, practical, trust-worthy etc.
ofwork. They save on power, fuel, professions. Their presence is seen in almost all areas
empowered as equal partners inthemoney, vegetables etc., Women should be
right on equal footing. The women's society by ensuring political, economic and sociai
any further. The law will enable morereservation bill on the anvil cannot be
political and
women to
economic process. Women should not be exploited by the participate in the
advertisements that will lower their mediafor
digmity. This is
conscientiously. A pragmatic representation of men where the corporates have
an area
to think
literature should not be confused with the lurid and women in art and
by commercial motives. The laws should not gimmicks in advertisements
justice to women. only stringent but also should give
criticize his
Druring the whole exercise, do not ignore the opponent's feelings, do not
feelings, do not defend o r justify the cause of anger.
18. Writea note on students and politics.
The duty of every student is to get educated. There are many avenues for
student more responsible. Students
getting educated. A good education will make a
The dreams and aspirations have no
days are more memorable and pleasant.
boundary. The students memorable days used to laya goodfoundation for a bright
new avenues in his life. It is
future. This is the age whereastudent likes to experiment
in all they see and do. Like music,
easy for them to get motivated & involved them for its own benefits.
entertainment and art, it is also politics which easily pulls
have decided to get into politics don't
Politics is a different mind game. People may
a r e constantly invoved in o r the
normally care much about their personal life. They
be seasoned in all kinds ofsituation.
other socio political activities. A politicia# will
19. What is globalization? What is the impact of globalization in India?
Today, one can walk into a fmall in the city and can buy anything jrom pin
to plane. Goods manufacturedfrom across the world, the USA, Japan, China and
Korea are available. Thanks to
the free -market. In a food tcourt, you can get burgers
from America, Pizza from Italy, Apples from Australia,
fruits from Middle East, Ferraries and all automobiles from Oranges from California, Dry
etc. Globalization
Detroit, Japan, Germany
ina very practical sense has created a global village. One of
principal stakeholder in this new era is the customer. 'Customer is the the
slogan on one side and the slogan on the other side is king' is a
oPportunities. This tool is going to define the survival of an individual in any life
situation. The Government has many plans for the primary and secondarry education.
It is running many schools in many districts & provides free education.
3. Right to medical care and attention - Health sector is one which is much
needed by all class of people. Like many expenses Health expenses are also shooting
up in this growing economy. It is commonfor all people to sufer from various types of
body ailments. All cannot afford expensive medical treatments. Government has
formed many primay health centers in all parts ofthe country. General hospitals
tackle many specialized cases of health with sophisticated medical equipments.
4. Right to use public utility services - With the urbanization growing at a faster
rate people are scattered all over in towns and cities. It becomes essential for them to
mee from one place to another. They have to depend on the transport system very
much. The government has provided road transport and installing metro rail as an
additional mode of transport which can be utilized by all classes of people.
5. Right to earm- The citizen ofthe country has freedom to earn income by doing
ethical business and they are bound by the laws of the system. According to
consumerism. Consumer has the following rights - 1. safeguarding the consumer
acting or behaviour. For eg:-apersòn may wish to act withpreference for mode of
from material prosperity/to achieve prosperity. Some of the integrity/may wish to free
values are: expression derived from
. Norms- Expectations ofproper behaviour in a society. Eg:-In India
elders will be treated with respect and whenever a teacher is addressed
the use the word 'Sir'
2. BeliefsThese are ethical codes of though, beliefs support norms.
he communicates in a
behaviour too. Behaviour complements whatever
positive way.
conviction what he
Strong convictions-A good leader should have
visualizes. He should be able to convince his followers with
assess the situation and
6. Realistic Assessment- The leader should be able to
resources realistically.
when he has good
When someone asks who can be a good leader he can understand
followers. Effective leaders require effective followers.