AE 2 Modules
AE 2 Modules
AE 2 Modules
An Overview of Human Behavior in Organizations Personal growth makes a person highly competitive in the
WHAT IS HUMAN BEHAVIOR? workplace. The chance to achieve personal growth is enhanced
by knowledge of OB. For instance, knowledge of the behavior
Human behavior refers to the physical actions of a of others through the study of OB will help the person
person that can be seen or heard such as smiling or understand his own behavior.
With his thoughts, feelings, emotions, and sentiments, A person who strives to know himself better is entering the
the person exhibits behaviors similar or different when realm of intrapersonal intelligence, which is a very useful type
he is in or out of organizations. of intelligence for one who wants to achieve his personal goals.
Human behavior in organization is more appropriately Enhancement of Organizational and Individual Effectiveness
referred to as organizational behavior (OB).
Effectiveness is a major attribute of successful organizations, as
Figure 1: THE PLACES WHERE THE PERSON EXHIBITS HIS BEHAVIOR well as individuals. When the right decisions are made,
effectiveness follows. In decision making, knowledge of OB can
be very useful.
1. The public
2. Interest groups
3. Organizations
4. The individual’s personal morals and values
2. The skill in relating with people. People can become victims of organizations that provide false
and misleading information about their products and services.
A person who is much adept in the performance of his work
may be successful up to a certain extent, but he will require Relationship within the organization
another skill to make other people believe that he should be Within the organization, people may still be performing
more successful than his current achievement. unethical acts.
Chapter 2 2. Generational and Age-Based Differences
Individuals Differences, Mental Ability, and Personality A worker that belongs to a certain generation may behave
differently from a worker who belongs to another. This
INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES difference is called generational difference.
Individual differences refer to the variation in how people 3. Culture
respond to the same situation based on personal characteristics. Differences in job performance and behavior are sometimes
The idea is that each person is different from all others and that caused by the differences in culture.
these differences are usually substantial rather than meaningless. Culture refers to the learned and shared ways of
thinking and acting among group of people or society.
Individual differences become serious concerns when people are 1. Social Culture- which refers to the social environment of
situated in the workplace. Those concerned with managing people or human-created beliefs, customs, knowledge, and practices
simply those that want to relate well with people must be aware that that define conventional behavior in a society.
there are consequences arising out of differences between people. 2. Organizational Culture- Is the set of values, beliefs, and
norms that is shared among members of an organization.
These pertain to the following:
1. People differ in productivity
Aptitude - the capacity of a person to learn or acquire skills.
-Productivity refers to the rate of output per worker. It
Ability - an individual’s capacity to perform the various tasks in a job.
differs from person to person.
2. People differ in the quality of their work *Aptitudes and abilities are very important considerations
-Because people are different from each other, it is not when
surprising that the quality of their work will also be different. people are considered for employment in an organization.
3. People react differently to empowerment
-Empowerment means giving someone the power to do Physical Ability- the capacity of the individual to do tasks demanding
something. stamina, dexterity, strength, and similar characteristics.
1. Achievement – this is a value that pertains to getting things done and JOB SATISFACTION – the positive feeling about one’s job resulting from an
working hard to accomplish goals; evaluation of its characteristics.
2. Helping and concern for others – this value refers to the person’s concern JOB DISSATISFACTION - When the feeling about one’s job is not positive
with other people and providing assistance to those who need help;
3. Honesty – this is a value that indicates the person’s concern for telling the When people are satisfied with their jobs, these benefits become possible:
truth and doing what he thinks is right; and 1. High productivity
4. Fairness – This is a value that indicates the person’s concern for 2. A strong tendency to achieve customer loyalty
impartiality and fairness for all concerned. 3. Loyalty to the company
4. Low absenteeism and turnover
Individual versus Organizational Values 5. Less job stress and burnout
- Organization have values that may or may not be compatible with the values 6. Better safety performance
of the individual workers. 7. Better life satisfaction
- There is value incongruence if the individual’s value is not in agreement with
organization’s value. As a result of such incongruence, conflicts may arise over FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH JOB SATISFACTION
such things as goals or the manner in which the goals will be achieved. These are certain factors associated with job satisfaction. They are the
Espoused Values 1. Salary - adequacy of salary and perceived equity compared with others.
- are what members of the organization say they value. A business organization, 2. Work itself – the extent to which job tasks are considered interesting and
for instance, may state that it highly values its good relationship with provide opportunities for learning and accepting responsibility.
Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life
Enacted Values - Confucious
- If the employees of the said company give priority to calls from relatives and
friends rather than responding immediately to customer’s inquiries, they are Factors Associated with Job Satisfaction
not actually practicing the values espoused by the company. 1. Promotion Opportunity- chances for further advancement.
2. Quality Of Supervision – the technical competence and the interpersonal
Terminal Values
skills of one’s immediate superior;
- represent the goals that a person would like to achieve in his or her lifetime.
3. Relationship With Co-Workers – the extent to which co-workers are
Ex. Happiness, love, pleasure, self-respect, and freedom.
friendly, competent, and supportive.
Instrumental Values 4. Working conditions- the extent to which the physical work environment is
- preferable modes of behavior or means of achieving the terminal values. Ex. comfortable and supportive of productivity.
Ambition, honesty, self-sufficiency, and courageousness. 5. Job security – the beliefs that one’s position is relatively secure and
continued employment with the organization is a reasonable expectation.
- form the basis for job satisfaction in the workplace. JOB INVOLVEMENT
- are feelings & beliefs that largely determine how employees will perceive their Job involvement is another positive employee attitude.
environment, commit themselves to intended actions, and ultimately behave. It refers to the degree to which a person identifies with the job, actively
- reflect how one feels about something. participates in it, and considers performance important to self-worth.
A positive self-image is a result of a person’s holding a meaningful job and
The Main Components of Attitudes actively performing it.
Attitudes consist of the following components:
1. Cognitive component - the opinion or belief segment of an attitude.
2. Affective component - the emotional or feeling segment.
3. Behavioral component – the intention to behave in a certain way
toward someone or something.