Phd paper

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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, भोपाल

साकेत नगर भोपाल (मध्य प्रदे श) & 462020
Saket Nagar, Bhopal (M.P.) – 462020

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Table of Contents
S.No. Contents Page No(s)
1. Introduction 3
2. Summary of Examination pattern 4
3. Seat Details 5-9
4. Submission of Application /Application Fee 10
5. General Eligibility 10-11
6. Duration of Course 11
7. Method of Selection 11-13
8. Rules for Admission for In- Service candidates – 13
Applicable for AIIMS Employees Only.
9. Leaves and other rules 13-14
10. Submission of application by candidates who are employed 14
11. Requirements for admission of “Sponsored” candidates 14
12. Submission of Caste/Category certificate by 14-15
SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwBD candidates
13. Course Fees 15
14. Hostel Accommodation 15
15. Provision for Penalty 15
16. Code of Conduct for Ph.D. Students 16-17
17. Format for Sponsored candidate 18
18. Application form for the Ph.D. Course 19-21
19. Checklist 22

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AIIMS Bhopal is one of the apex healthcare institutes being established by the Ministry of

Health & Family Welfare, Government of India under the Pradhan Mantri Swasthya

Suraksha Yojna (PMSSY), with the aim of correcting regional imbalances in quality tertiary

level healthcare in the country, and attaining self sufficiency in Graduate and Postgraduate

medical education and training.

These institutions are being established by an Act of Parliament on lines of the original All

India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi which imparts both undergraduate and

postgraduate medical education in all its branches and related fields, along with Nursing and

Paramedical training to bring together in one place educational facilities of the highest order
for the training of personnel in all branches of health care activity.

Mission Statement

To establish a centre of excellence in medical education, training, health care and research

imbued with scientific culture, compassion for the sick and commitment to serve the


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2. Summary of Examination Pattern
1. Mode/Type of Examination Offline Objective type
2. Duration of Examination 2.00 Hrs
3. Date of Examination & Interview 10.03.2022 & 11.03.2022
4. Number of Shift One
5. Timing of Examination Stage I: 10.00 AM to 12.00 AM
Candidates opting to apply for PhD in more
than one code (department) will be required
to have additional paper for which duration
will be one hour and will be in
Stage II (Interview): 11:00 AM onwards on
next day.
6. Location of Examination Centre Academic Block (Medical College
Building), AIIMS Bhopal
7. Type of Examination(s) Stage-I: Written exam; MCQs and Short
Answer type questions (Maximum 80
Stage-II: Interview; Clinical/practical/lab
based assessment.(Maximum Marks:20)
8. Total Marks Stage I & II (80+20 =100)
9. Distribution of Questions As per details in the Prospectus
10. Method of Cut-Off At least 50 percent marks in the written test
(Stage- I) required to be eligible for
appearing in Stage-II. Special weightage
(described in the prospectus) to be added,
as applicable for determining final merit.
11. Method of resolving tie/case. The tie case will be resolved according to
age (Date of birth), the older candidate shall
get preference over the younger one.

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3. SEAT DETAILS: There are two types of seats available as
(Category A) FA = Fellowship Seats available in the Project (minimum 24 months)
(Category B) OF = Own Govt. Fellowship

Note: i) Fellowship shall be paid for 24 months as mentioned against each Project.
ii) Fellowship period can be extended if the project gets extended with the provision of
fellowship or PI can arrange fellowship from any other project if available.
iii) Candidate are allowed to apply for Govt. fellowship after joining Ph.D. at AIIMS
Bhopal and can avail the fellowship if awarded for both option (A & B) however, only
one fellowship/ stipend can be availed at one time.

A: Fellowship seats available in the project (FA): Candidates with or without Own Fellowship
can apply (Category-A)
S. Department Code No.of Qualification Project Title Broad subject Quantum and
No seat requirement area proposed duration of
research for Ph.D fellowship/
Stipend (Rs.)
Microbiology 101/1 1 M.Sc/M.VSc/M Establisment of a Virology Rs.31,000/-
.Tech or simple and cost +HRA
1 equivalent effective method for
degree in life molecular surveillance
Sciences of influenza using
(Zoology/Bioc oxford Nanopore
hemistry/Micr MinION sequencing
obiology/Biote technology.

2 Microbiology 101/2 1 MBBS/M.Sc Algorithm-based Microbiology 22,000/- Per

Microbiology/ interventional approach Month
M.Sc for diagnosing and
Biotechnology/ treatment of
MD undifferentiated fever
Microbiology/ with special emphasis
MD on Scrub Typhus and
Community Brucellosis in
Medicine/ Mandsaur, Jabalpur
MPH or and Satna districts of
equivalent Madhya Pradesh.
degree in any
of the above
fields from a

3 Microbiology 101/3 1 MBBS/M.Sc Phylogenetic analysis Microbiology 31,000/- Per

Microbiology/ of O tsutsugamushi in Month
M.Sc predominantly tribal
Biotechnology/ population of North-
MD Eastern and Central
Microbiology/ India, to determine
or equivalent evolutionary variants,
degree in any essential for developing
of the above diagnostics kits,
fields from a vaccines and for
recognized making therapeutics
University. divisions for scrub
typhus disease.

Page 5 of 22
4 Microbiology 101/4 1 M.Sc Advanced Mycology Clinical 18,000/- Per
Microbiology Center for providing Mycology & Month
comprehensive Molecular
diagnostic, therapeutic, Diagnostics
training and research
facilities in central
region of India
5 Microbiology 101/5 1 M.Sc A clinic microbiological Dermatophyte 35,000/- Per
Microbiology study of dermatophyte infections and Month
drug resistance with antifungal
evaluation of in-vitro resistance
biofilms of
mouldsmoulds SERB-
6 Microbiology 101/6 1 M.Sc Capacity building and Hospital 35,000/- Per
Microbiology/ Strengthening of acquired Month
M.Sc. Life Hospital Infection infections and
Sciences Control to detect and fungal etiology
prevent antimicrobial
resistance in India
7 Biochemistry 102/1 1 Master's Molecular Precision Rs.35,960/- Per
degree in identification, Nanomedicine, Month
Biochemistry/ characterization of Molecular
Medical SARS-CoV-2 from the Biology,
Biochemistry/ clinical stool and Virology
Biotechnology/ sewage samples in
Life Sciences central India: vital
assessment of SARS-
CoV-2 for enteric and

8 Biochemistry 102/2 1 Master's Unravelling Cancer Biology Rs.31000+HRA

degree in chemoresistance and
Biochemistry/ S1P signalling in a
Medical bioengineered 3D oral
Biochemistry/ squamouscell
Biotechnology/ carcinoma model:
Life Sciences implications in cancer
Candidates therapy.
NET/Gate will
be preferred

9 Translational 103/1 1 Master's Development of Tissue Rs.31000+16%

Medicine degree (M.Sc bioengineered lung Engineering HRA for two
Centre /M.Tech/M. organoids as high- Virology, years and
Pharma) in throughput drug and Translational Rs.35000+16%
(Biotechnology radiation testing Medicine HRA for third
/Life platform for SARS- year
Sciences/Micr CoV-2 infection.
Field with a
score (6.5
grade points
on a scale of

Page 6 of 22
10) Desirable:
Hands on
experience in
animal cell
culture, virus
handling, 3-D

B: Own Government Fellowship seats (OF): only those candidates who have their Own Fellowship
or In Service candidates (as indicated) from Government Organisation can apply (Category B)
SNo Department Code No Qualification requirement Project Title Broad subject area/
of proposed research
se for Ph.D.
MBBS/M.Sc interventional approach
Microbiology/M.Sc for diagnosing and
Biotechnology/MD treatment of
Microbiology/MD Community undifferentiated fever with
Microbiology Microbiology
1 101/7 1 Medicine/ MPH or equivalent special emphasis on Scrub
degree in any of the above Typhus and Brucellosis in
fields from a recognized Mandsaur, Jabalpur and
University. Satna districts of Madhya

Phylogenetic analysis of
O tsutsugamushi in
MBBS/M.Sc predominantly tribal
Microbiology/M.Sc population of North-
Biotechnology/MD Eastern and Central India,
Microbiology Microbiology/ or equivalent to determine evolutionary
2 101/8 1 Microbiology
degree in any of the above variants, essential for
fields from a recognized developing diagnostics kits,
University. vaccines and for making
therapeutics divisions for
scrub typhus disease.

descriptions and
MBBS/M.Sc determinants of Acute
Microbiology/M.Sc Undifferentiated Fever
Biotechnology/MD (AUF) with the help of
Microbiology/MD Community satellite imaging from
3 Microbiology 101/9 1 Medicine/ MPH or equivalent ISRO and through Microbiology
degree in any of the above diagnostic algorithm in
fields from a recognized backdrop of Scrb Typus fro
University. convergence into
guidelines and capacity
building in far east
Arunachal Pradesh

Page 7 of 22
Advance Mycology Center
for providing
Clinical Mycology
comprehensive diagnostic,
4 Microbiology 101/10 1 M.Sc Microbiology & Molecular
therapeutic, training and
research facilities in
central region of India.

Molecular identification,
Master's degree in characterization of SARS-
Biochemistry/Medical CoV-2 from the clinical Precision
Biochemistry/Biotechnology/L stool and sewage samples Nanomedicine,
4 102/3 1 ife Sciences with their own in central India: vital Molecular Biology,
fellowship assessment of SARS-CoV-2 Virology
(CSIR/DBT/UGC/ICMR etc) for enteric and community

Molecular identification,
Master's degree in characterization of SARS-
Biochemistry/Medical CoV-2 from the clinical
Biochemistry/Biotechnology/L stool and sewage samples Molecular Biology,
5 102/4 1 ife Sciences with their own in central India: vital Virology,
fellowship assessment of SARS-CoV-2
(CSIR/DBT/UGC/ICMR etc) for enteric and community

Master's degree in
Biochemistry/Medical Laboratory validation of
Biochemistry/Biotechnology/ point of care diagnostic Precision
6 Biochemistry 102/5 1 Life Sciences with their own test for upper respiratory Nanomedicine
fellowship disease

Designing and
Master's degree in development of
Biochemistry/Medical multifunctional light
Biochemistry/Biotechnology/L weight carbon allotropes Biochemistry &
7 Biochemistry 102/6 ife Sciences with their own based Nano structured Nanotechnology
fellowship Material viz Bandage for
(CSIR/DBT/UGC/ICMR etc) Radiation Shielding and
Biomedical application.

NET/GATE/ICMR JRF An integrated approach

qualified with experience in for developing diagnostic Medical
1 Bioinformatics. Experience in kit for Dengue Virus Biochemistry/Precis
Biochemistry 102/7
kit development and sensor infection catering to the ion Nanomedicine
based technology is need of Tribal Population

Page 8 of 22
Novel Cobalt (III) based
reductive produrg
modelling for hypoxia
qualified with experience in
selective therapeutic Medical
Bioinformatics. Experience in
1 steering of hypoxia Biochemistry/Precis
9 Biochemistry 102/8 kit development and sensor
inducible factors (HIF) as ion Nanomedicine
based technology is
an alternative source of
treatment stratagem for
breast cancer.

Master's degree
(M.Sc/M.Tech/M.Pharma) in
Sciences/Microbiology/Medic Unravelling chemoresist
al Devices/Allied Field with a acne and S1P signalling in Tissue Engineering
minimum aggregate score (6.5 a bioengineered 3D oral Cancer Biology,
103/2 1 grade points on a scale of 10) squamous cell carcinoma Translational
10 Desirable: Hands on model: implications in Medicine
experience in molecular cancer therapy
biology techniques, animal
cell culture, virus handling, 3-
D culture.

"To study prevalence of

haemoglobin disorders
M.Sc (Life Newborn
11 and metabolic disorders in
Paediatrics Sciences/Biochemistry/Biotech Screening/Hemoglo
104/1 2 newborns of central India
nology/Genetics) /MBBS/BDS binopathy
by New Born Screenings

Setting up for registry and

targeted exome sequencing
M.Sc.(Life Tubular
in children with tubular
Paediatrics Sciences/Biotechnology/Genet disorders/renal
12 104/2 1 disorder (Retesti): ICMR
ics) MBBS/BDS genetics
task force on rare disease
multicentre study

1. Ph.D. seats are advertised in departments of Microbiology (101), Biochemistry (102),

Translational Medicine Centre (103) and Paediatrics (104) in this advertisement.
2. A candidate is allowed to submit application for two code number only. Code numbers
are 101,102, 103 and 104.
3. Every candidate can apply for Ph.D. seats in maximum two codes (departments).The question
paper for Stage I will be such as to test the competency of the student in the subject in which the
candidate wishes to pursue the Ph.D. program. Those candidates who apply in more than one
code (department) will be required to write additional paper of 40 marks (only the part B of
Stage 1) having questions in the discipline in which student wishes to pursue PhD along with
allied topics.
4. Merit list will be prepared based on the cumulative performance of the candidates in the written
exam (Stage 1), interview (Stage II) and weightage, if applicable.
5. In case of candidates applying for two codes (departments), the marks obtained in Stage B of the
second code (department) will be added to the marks obtained in the part of the Stage I for
placing him / her in the merit list. The candidate will be attempting the Section A of Stage-I,
only once.
6. All seats in single code number (related to a single department) will be clubbed and
candidates qualifying for them will be offered the project of their choice (within that
code number) based on their merit.
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7. Selected candidates who have their own fellowship but apply for ‘Seats where fellowship is
available in the project’ may be offered ‘seats where candidates must have their own government
fellowship’ if these seats remain unfilled after being offered to all selected candidates who have
applied in this category.

8. Submission of Application

The applications will be invited on a prescribed Performa. The application form alongwith
prescribed fees must be submitted by Speed Post/by Hand latest by 28/02/2022 upto 5.00
PM in the Office of Registrar, Academic Block, AIIMS Bhopal, Saket Nagar, Bhopal(MP)-
462020.AIIMS, Bhopal is not responsible in any manner for any postal delay.
Application fees:
For General/OBC candidates Rs. 1000/-
For SC/ST/PwD and Women candidates – Nil
Fees to be paid by Demand Draft only in favour of “Director AIIMS
Bhopal”payable at Bhopal.
Fee once remitted will not be refunded in any circumstance.
Inadequately filled / incomplete applications may be summarily rejected.

9. General Eligibility:
Eligibility for Ph.D. course– Non-Sponsored
A candidate seeking admission to the course of study leading to the award of a Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy must possess at least one of the following qualifications:
1. Medical qualification: MBBS/BDS with minimum 55% aggregate marks or
MD/MS/MDS/DM/M.Ch in the subject concerned or Diplomate of National Board of
Candidates who have obtained any of these degrees from medical colleges which are
not recognized by the Medical Council of India shall not be eligible to apply.
2. Non-Medical – For nonmedical candidates eligibility shall be Master’s Degree (two years
course) awarded by Indian Universities or equivalent in the subject as per requirement of the
project. Candidates holding M.Sc. (Other than M.Sc. Nursing) M.Tech. degree& BAMS will
be eligible for the Non-Medical Qualification Category.

Candidate possessing Masters Degree through distant learning course shall not be eligible.

Candidate having eligibility under non-medical category should have at least 55% marks in
the last eligibility examination qualified.

Desired qualifications.

The non-medical candidates should have preferably qualified in any one of the following
national entrance tests in the last 2 years:

o Joint CSIR-UGC NET for JRF

o NBHM screening test
o INSPIRE fellowship
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*. Candidates who have qualified in above said examinations leading to award of fellowships
will be given special weightage in the entrance examination as detailed in method of
selection part of guidelines.

• Candidates working under Central Govt./Semi Govt./Autonomous organization should submit

their applications through proper channel i.e. employer. They will be required to submit a ‘No
Objection Certificate” from their employer before they are allowed to join the Ph.D. Course.
• The candidates, who are likely to complete requisite qualification and degree on closing date of
application, may also apply. However, the candidates who are completing their requisite
qualification after closing date of applications are not eligible to take up this examination.

* Applicants from AIIMS Faculty/Scientific Staff for Ph.D. registration will be considered
as in-service candidates as per guidelines laid down by AIIMS in this regard.

6. Duration of the Course

(I) The duration of the course shall be the time period from registration to submission of
thesis. The minimum period of registration in respect of all the candidates who are
registered for Ph.D. shall be three years. The maximum period of registration shall not
exceed five years. Extension beyond the period of 5 years can be given for a maximum
period of 6 months on the recommendation of Dean (Academics) and final approval by
the Director.

(II) Further extension of six months beyond 5 ½ years can only be given by the Academic
Committee for a maximum period of 6 months in highly exceptional circumstances (like
medical exigencies, natural calamities etc.) and such extension may not be given

(III) The Chief Guide of Ph.D. Student shall give clear reason for the delay to the Academic
Committee and must present the case before Academic Committee.

(IV) In case of extension beyond 5 ½ years without justifiable reasons and circumstances as
mentioned above, the Ph.D. registration of the candidate shall be cancelled.

(V) Failure to submit thesis within stipulated time period of maximum 5yrs. with extension
after approval upto 5½ years (6 years in exceptional circumstances by prior approval of
Academic Committee) shall lead to cancellation of Ph.D. registration of the candidate.

7. Method of Selection
Selection for Ph.D. registration will be through a two-stage performance evaluation as
(I) Medical / Dental Candidates:

A: Stage I: 80 Marks, out of which 40 marks (Part-A)will be for assessing proficiency

in Biostatistics, Research Methodology, Literature Research, Current Scientific

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Affairs, General Aptitude etc. Remaining 40 marks will have questions in the
discipline in which the student wishes to pursue Ph.D. alongwith allied topics (Part-
B). The stage I would carry 80% weightage.
Part-A will have MCQs only and while Part-B will have MCQs and SAQs (Short
Answer Questions).
Total Duration : 2 Hours.

Candidates who choose to apply for Ph.D. in more than one code will be asked to
appear in additional paper of 40 marks (Part-B only) having questions in the second
code (department), in which the student wishes to pursue Ph.D. along with allied
topics (Part-B), depending upon choice filled in the application form. The second
paper will be conducted in continuation and without any break.
Candidates must score at least 50 percent (40 Marks) in Stage-I will be eligible
for Stage II. Candidates who do not fulfil the criteria to qualify for stage II will
not be eligible for further selection process.

B: Stage II: All the candidates declared eligible for stage II will be called for Interview based
C: Final merit will be made based on the cumulative marks obtained in the stages I + stage II
+Special weightage (if any).
The Special weightage of 10 marks will be added to the total score for candidates holding a
Medical Degree (MBBS/ BDS/ MDS/ DNB/ MD/ MS/ DM/M.Ch.) or equivalent and for the
in-service and sponsored candidates.
(II) Non-Medical Candidates
10 marks (special weightage) will be added to the total score for candidates who have
qualified in any one of the following entrance tests in the last 2 years: Joint CSIR-

Rest will remain same as mentioned above for Medical and Dental candidates.

(iii) Evaluation Procedure of Stage IMCQs:

• Each correct (MCQs) answer will be awarded 1 mark.
• More than one answer will be treated as wrong answer and awarded Zero mark.
• Zero mark will be given for question(s) not answered/un-attempted or marked for review.

If any discrepancy in any question is found in the Entrance Examination, the candidate
is advised to write to Dean (Examination), AIIMS, Bhopal – 462020 within 24 hours on
the following email: Email This mail will only be used
for discrepancy related to question. However, for other query please mail on

I) The result of stage-I will be available on website of AIIMS Bhopal and notice
board on the same day.
II) Candidates who fail to attend any of the stages of examinations as mentioned
above will not be eligible for admission.
III) Admission to Ph.D. Course will be subject to the availability of research
funds/fellowship/ grant from recognized funding agencies. After declaration of
results the selection letters will be issued by the Academic Section.

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IV) Any seat may be withdrawn at any given point of time on the recommendation of
the concerned Principal Investigator.
V) All candidates declared eligible for appearing in Stage II will be called to
appear in Stage II which will be conducted on next day.
VI) Method of Resolving Ties: The tie cases will be resolved according to age (Date
of birth), the older candidate shall get preference over the younger one.


• The individual should be a regular employee of the institute and should have rendered a
minimum of Two years of continuous service at the institute.
•He/She should fulfil all the eligibility criteria for the Ph.D. course, and will appear in the
entrance examination and must score minimum of 50% marks.
• The individual should have 5 years of active service remaining in the institute.
• The candidate should have a proven track record of active involvement in research /
academic activities of the department. He/she should possess good written and verbal
communication skills in English language to be certified by HoD.
• The candidate should have at least 3 original research publications (not case reports) during
the last three years immediately preceding the date of his/her application either as a first
author or as a communicating author in a peer reviewed journal.
• The candidate will be considered as in-service candidate provided that the Head of the
Department should certify that the work of the department will not suffer and no additional
staff will be asked for.
• The faculty of AIIMS Bhopal registering for Ph.D. program at AIIMS Bhopal, it is
mandatory to be full time Research Scholar during the first year of Ph.D. program by
availing Study/any other leave for a continues period of One year.

The candidate seeking admission under this category will have to identify a faculty member
in the Institute who is willing to be the chief-guide of the candidate. The candidate should
submit a letter of acceptance/undertaking from the concerned faculty member in this regard.
The Ph.D. students are entitled for 30 days leave every year. If leave availed exceed the
limit within a year, then the extended period is treated as Extra Ordinary Leave and his/her
registration period will be extended for the same duration. However, extraordinary leave
cannot be more than 3 months in the entire registration period of 5 years. Any such
extension beyond 3 months shall lead to the registration being cancelled. The female
candidates shall be entitled for maternity leave etc as per existing rules. In case the Chief
Guide recommends a candidate for specific training or project related work outside
AIIMS (within India or abroad), the leaves shall be treated as on duty/Study leave. This
study leave shall not be more than 6 months in the entire registration period. The proof of
acceptance of the candidate for such training/work outside should be submitted and on
return, the report of such training/work done shall be required to be submitted to the Dean,
by the candidate through the Chief Guide.

Page 13 of 22
The candidates in employment applying for Ph.D. Programme are required to submit their
applications through proper channel. They should also sign the undertaking in the down
loaded copy of Registration Form that they have informed their employer about the
submission of the application to AIIMS. If any communication is received from their
department/office withholding permission to the candidate's appearing at the entrance
examination/admission to the course, the candidature/admission of the candidate will be


a) Candidates who are permanent employees of any Central/State Government/Armed
Forces or the Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Body can be sponsored by the
respective Government/Defence Authorities or the Competent Authorities of
PSU/Autonomous Body.
b) All eligible "sponsored" candidates will have to appear in the entrance test like other
d) The code for which the candidate is being sponsored should be clearly specified in the
sponsorship form by the sponsoring authority. The candidate can be sponsored for only
one code. The applications of those candidates who are sponsored for more than one
subject will not be considered.
e) No "Sponsored" candidate will be paid any emoluments by the Institute during the
training period. Such payments will be the responsibility of the sponsoring authority (i.e.
Central/State Government or Defence Authorities).
f) Sponsored candidates must submit/send sponsorship certificate in original to the Office
of Registrar from their employers in the prescribed format along with the application
form. Those who fail to do so should submit it before the date of entrance Exam
failing which their candidature will be cancelled.
g) The Sponsored candidate registering for Ph.D. program at AIIMS Bhopal, it is mandatory
to be full time Research Scholar during the first year of Ph.D. program by availing
Study/any other leave for a continues period of One year.



After declaration of result of the Entrance Examination, candidates belong to Scheduled

Caste/Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Classes, Economically Weaker Section and PWBD
should submit, along with other requisite documents, an attested copy of a certificate from
any one of the following authorities stating that the candidate belongs to Scheduled
Caste, Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward Classes, Economically Weaker Section and
PwBD in the prescribed form. A. District Magistrate, Additional District Magistrate,
Collector, Deputy Commissioner, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Deputy Collector, 1st
Class Stipendiary Magistrate, City Magistrate, Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Taluka Magistrate,
Executive Magistrate, Extra Assistant Commissioner B. Chief Presidency
Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Presidency Magistrate. C. Revenue
Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar. D. Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the
candidate and his or her family normally resides. Administrator/Secretary to
Administrator/Development Officer (Lakshadweep Island) or as authorised in the

The candidate will be required to submit an undertaking to the effect of their caste. The
detection of any discrepancy in the caste certificate shall entail cancellation of registration.
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This is as per the provisions made by Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
vide their order No. 36033/4/97-Estt. (RES) dated25.7.2003 and No. 36011/3/2005-Estt.
(RES) dated 9.9.2005 respectively.

Candidates must note that a certificate from any other person/authority, as mentioned
above will not be accepted and no further correspondence in this regard shall be
entertained. The name, designation and the seal of the Officer should be legible on the

13. Course Fees

Each candidate selected for admission will have to pay the following Course duration Fees
and dues:

S.No. Particulars Amount (Rs.) DURATION

1 Registration Fee : Rs.25/- 3 Years
2 Tuition Fee Ph.D. : Rs. 720/- 3 Years
3 Laboratory Fee : Rs. 120/- 3 Years
4 Pot Money : Rs. 720/- 3 Years
5 Hostel Rent : Rs. 1080/- 3 Years
6 Electricity : Rs. 240/- 3 Years
7 Gymkhana Fee : Rs. 120/- 3 Years
8 Caution Money : Rs. 100/-
(to be deposited by every student for the
recovery of breakages or loss of Institute’s
9 Hostel Security Rs. 1000/- (Refundable)
(All Fees and dues payable at the time of admission)
Note: 1. The Hostel Security deposit (refundable) i.e. Rs. 1000/-
Note: 2. Fees and other charges including hostel rent once paid shall not be refunded in any
case and no correspondence will be entertained in this connection. However, the caution
money will be refunded to those candidates who do not join the course. The caution money
must be claimed within one year after completion of the course failing which it will be

14. HOSTEL ACCOMMODATION: Subject to availability.


Original certificates of any candidate who opts for a confirmed seat will be retained in the
Academic Session. The same will not be returned to the candidate before completion of the
course unless he/she deposits a sum of Rs. 3,00,000.00 ( Rupees Three lakhs only) once
seat has been confirmed by joining the course as compensation for losses incurred by
AIIMS Bhopal due to such midterm departure. The stipend/salary for the month in which
his /her resignation from the program becomes effective, shall also stand forfeited.

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(i) Maintenance of Discipline among students of the AIIMS:
1. All powers relating to discipline and disciplinary action are vested with the Director,
2. The Director, AIIMS may delegate all such powers, as he/she deems proper to the
Dean (Academics) and to such other persons as he/she may specify on his behalf without
prejudice to the generality of power to enforce discipline under the Rules.
3. The following shall amount to acts of gross indiscipline:
a) Physical assault or threat to use physical force against any member of the teaching or
nonteaching staff of any Department/Centre of AIIMS or any other persons within the
premises/ Campus of AIIMS.
b) Carrying or use or threat or use of any weapon.
c) Violation of the status, dignity and honour of students belonging to the Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Castes and PwBD.
d) Any practice, whether verbal or otherwise, derogatory to women.
e) Any attempt of bribing or corruption in any manner.
f )Wilful destruction of institutional property.
g) Creating ill-will or intolerance on religious or communal grounds
h) Causing disruption in any manner of the functioning of the AIIMS, Bhopal
i) Regarding ragging the directive of Supreme Court will be followed strictly. It is as under:
"As per direction of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, the Government has banned
ragging completely in any form inside and outside of the campus and the Institute
authorities are determined not to allow any form of the ragging. Whoever directly or
indirectly commits, participates in abets or instigates ragging within or outside any
educational Institution, shall be suspended, expelled or rusticated from the Institution
and shall also be liable to fine which may extend to Rs. 10,000/-. The punishment may
also include cancellation of admission suspension from attending the classes,
withholding/withdrawing fellowship/ scholarship and other financial benefits,
withholding or cancelling the result. The decision shall be taken by the Head of the
4. Without prejudice to the generality of his/her powers relating to the maintenance of discipline
and taking such action in the interest of maintaining discipline as may seem to him/her
appropriate. The Director, may in exercise of his/her powers aforesaid order or direct that any
student or students.
a) Be expelled;
b) Be, for a stated period: be not for a stated period, admitted to a course or courses of study
c) Be fined with a sum of rupees that may be specified;
d) Be debarred from taking any examination(s) for one or more semesters.
e) Withhold the result of the student(s) concerned in the Examination(s) in which he/she or
they have appeared be cancelled.
f) Be prohibited for appearing or completing any examination for any unfair means like
copying taking notes, mobiles or any other electronic gadgets inside the examination halls.
5. At the time of admission, every student shall be required to sign a declaration that on
admission he/she submits himself/herself to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Director and
several authorities of the AIIMS who may be vested with the authority to exercise discipline
under the Acts, the Statutes, the Rules and the rules that have been framed there under by
competent authorities of AIIMS
(ii) Prohibition of and Punishment for Ragging:
1. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited, within the premises of College/Department of
Institution and any part of AIIMS and also outside the AIIMS Campus.
2. Any individual or collective act or practice or ragging constitute gross indiscipline shall be
dealt with under this Rules.

Page 16 of 22
3. Ragging for the purposes of this rules, ordinarily means any act, conduct or practice by which
dominant power or status of senior students is brought to bear on students freshly enrolled or
students who are, in any way, considered junior or inferior by other students and includes
individual or collective acts or practice which :
a) Involve physical assault or threat or use of physical force;
b) Violate the status, dignity and honour of women students;
c) Violate the status; dignity and honour of students belonging to the Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Castes.
d) Expose students to ridicule and contempt and affect their self-esteem;
e) Entail verbal abuse and aggression, indecent gesture and obscene behaviour.
4. The Director, Dean, Hostel Superintendent and Faculty of AIIMS shall take immediate action
on any information of the occurrence of ragging.
5. Notwithstanding anything in Clause (4) above, the Dean or any other Faculty
member/or authority may also suo-moto enquire into any incident of ragging and make a report
to the Director of the identity of those who have engaged and the nature of the incident.
6. The Dean may also submit an initial report establishing the identity of the perpetrators of
ragging and the nature of the ragging incident.
7. On the receipt of a report under clause (5) or (6) or a determination by the relevant authority
disclosing the occurrence or ragging incidents described in the Clause 3(a), (b) and (c) the
Director shall direct or order rustication of a student or students for a specific number of
8. The Director may in other cases of ragging order or direct that any student or students be
expelled or be not, for a stated period, admitted to a course of study as AIIMS, departmental
examination for one or more semesters or that the result of the student or students concerned in
the examination(s) in which they appeared be cancelled.
9. In case where students who have obtained degree(s) of AIIMS are found guilty under this
Rules, appropriate action will be taken for withdrawal of degrees conferred by the AIIMS.
10. For the purpose of this Rules, abetment to ragging will also amount to ragging.
(iii)Internal Complaint Committee: A statutory committee, comprising of members from the
teaching and non-teaching staff as well as students looks into matters related to sexual
harassment of students and staff in the college. Any person aggrieved in this matter may
fearlessly approach the committee for a fair and concerned hearing and redressal.
(iv)Unauthorised absence of students: Unauthorised absence of students will be informed to the
Students and also Parents or Local Guardians. At least 3 reminders will be issued with a gap of
10 days by the Academic Section to these students. Thereafter the action for cancellation of the
registration of the concerned will be decided by the Dean(Academics) / Director, AIIMS

For any interpretational variation/discrepancy in the above mentioned Ph.D. rules/norms the
decision of the Director, AIIMS Bhopal will be binding to all concerned.

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1. I certify that Dr./Miss/Mrs./Mr.* ______________________________ is being sponsored for training

leading to the award of Ph.D. Degree from All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhopal for the
session commencing in July, 2022.
2. That Dr./Miss/Mrs./Mr.* ______________________________ is a permanent employee of
_______________________ (name of the State/Central Govt. Dept./Office/Armed Forces/ the
Competent Authorities of PSU/Autonomous Body etc.)
3. That he/she after getting the training at the AIIMS will be suitably employed by the sponsoring authority
in the speciality in which training is to be provided in All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhopal.
4. That the candidate will be paid all emoluments by the sponsoring authority during the entire training
period. Such payment will not be the responsibility of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
5. That the candidate is being sponsored for the entire duration of the course as specified in the prospectus
for the above mentioned course.

Signature _____________________________
Competent Sponsoring authority

Date : _____________ Name __________________________________


Place : __________ Designation ____________________________

Office Seal _____________________________

*Delete whichever is not required.


(i) The above certificate, duly signed only by the Competent Authority i.e. Secretary/ Director General of
Health Services of the Central/State Government concerned/ DGAFMS/ Director/ Executive Head, will
be considered.
(ii) No addition or alteration in the above certificate is allowed.

NOTE 1: While sponsoring the candidates, the Central/State Government/Defence Authorities /PSU/
Autonomous Bodies should furnish a certificate prescribed for this purpose duly completed and signed by
the competent authority.

NOTE 2: The 'Sponsorship Certificate' should indicate the code for which the candidate is being sponsored,
failing which the application will not be considered under the Sponsored Category.MAT OF

Page 18 of 22
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhopal

Affix your
recent passport
Please read Prospectus carefully before filling the Application Form
size coloured
Photograph with
Advt. No. ___________________________________ Dated:_____________

1. Category of fellowship applied: A* or B**:________.

*Fellowship seats available in the project (FA): Candidates with or without own
Fellowship can apply.
**Own Government Fellowship seats (OF): only those candidates who have their own
Fellowship or In Service candidates (as indicated) from Government Organisation can
2. Code of the project under which the application is made:
i) …………................................................................................
ii) …………….....................................................................
3. Every candidate has to make choice for appearing in the Part B of the Stage I question
*Candidate who choose to apply under one code only should select only one of the
subject question paper subject for Part B of the Stage I paper by tick marking against
one subject
*Candidate who choose to apply under two codes (departments) should select two one
subject question paper subject, for Part B of the Stage I paper by tick marking against
one subject

i) Microbiology
ii) Biochemistry
iii) Translational Medicine
iv) Paediatrics
4. Preference of the project within the Code (if available)
i) ………………........................................................................
ii) …………………....................................................................

5. Name (in Block Letters) …………………………………………………………

6. Father’s/Husband’s Name …………………………………………………….....
7. Mother’s Name.…………………………………………………………………...
8. Address (Permanent).………………………………………..................................
(Address proof to be enclosed).
Page 19 of 22
9. Address for correspondence:…………………………………………………............
Contact No. ……………………Mobile No……………..….........
10. Date of Birth:

11. Category: (GEN/SC/ST/OBC/PwD-OPH)………………… ....................................

(Copy must be enclosed, if applicable).

12. Gender : M/F/ Transgender

13. Educational/ Professional Qualification: (10th Onwards)
Degree/Exam. Name of Board/ Year of Subject Percentage/
University Passing Division

14. Research Publications (Attach copies of publication)

Title of Author Name of Indexing Date of Publication
Publication (As 1st, Correspondence Journal details
/ Co-author)

15. Project with Grant (If any)

Title of Name of Project National Date of Sanction
Project Principle sanctioned by/ /International and amount
Investigator Funding agency

Page 20 of 22
16. Fellowship Details (If any):

17. Work Experience:

S. No. Name of Name of the Date of Date of Total Salary
Organisation post held Joining Leaving Duration details

18. Whether MBBS/BDS/M.D/MS/MDS/DNB degree is recognized by Medical/Dental

Council of India? : Yes/No

19. Whether registered with State Medical Register or Indian Medical Council : Yes/No
(Attached the copy of registration)
A) Registration No. ………………………......................

B) State in which registered. ……………………………

20. Fee Details: D.D. No. _________________ __Amount (in Rs.) ____________________.

Dated ______________ Bank Name ______________________________________.


I hereby declare, that all statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to
the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false or
incorrect, my candidature is liable to be cancelled/ terminated. I have read the details of
fellowship and period of fellowship. I will not ask for the fellowship beyond the date specified
in the advertisement. I shall abide by the terms & condition as prescribed and amendment
from time to time. In the event of ineligibility, being detected before or after the selection
procedure, action can be taken against me under the relevant rules/instruction and I hereby
undertake to abide by them.

Date: (Signature of Candidate)

Place: Name:___________________________

Page 21 of 22

S.No. Particulars Please Tick

1. Application fee in the form of Demand Draft
2. Class X for certificate for Date of Birth & XII Mark sheet
3. UG Mark Sheet & Certificate (MBBS or others)
4. Internship Completion Certificate (As applicable)
5. Attempt Certificates
6. MD/MS/MDS/DNB Mark sheet& Degree
7. MCI/DCI Registration (as applicable)
8. M.Sc. Mark sheet & Degree
9. SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PH Certificate issued by the competent
Authority (If applicable)
10. Fellowship approval letter

11. Copies of any other relevant documents are support of


(Signature of Candidate)


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