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Loan account statement of T16402250423124036 for the period 27-APR-2023 to 26-Dec-2024 Dated 26-Dec-2024

Customer Name & Contact Details Product & Asset Details

MAHARASHTRA SUDHAGAD PALI, MAHARASHTRA, 410205 Model Description: SP 125 Disc Honda SP
Registration No: MH06CJ4864

Phone No.: 808xxxxx50

Mobile No.: 808xxxxx50
Email: Not Updated

Click here To Update Contact Details Click here To Update Vehicle Details

Customer & Bank Details Loan Details Instalment and Payment Details

Applicant Name: SAIF ISMAIL KHATIK Disbursement Date: 27-APR-2023 EMI Amount (Rs) : 4,044.00
Agreement No: T16402250423124036 Amount Sanctioned (Rs): 97,071.00 Instalment start date: 03-JUN-2023
Customer ID: 33759665 Amount Disbursed (Rs): 97,071.00 Instalment End date : 03-NOV-2025
Central KYC: 10020003523631 Annualised Interest Rate %: 17.98 Frequency: MONTHLY
(CKYC) Id Interest Rate Type: Fixed EMI Due Date: 3rd of Every Month
Branch: NAVI MUMBAI CBD BELAPUR Loan Tenure (Months): 30 Repayment Mode: NACH
16 Balance Tenure (Months): 11 ________________________________________
_________________________________________ Loan Status: Active Principal Paid (Rs): 56,341.70
Bank Name: STATE BANK OF INDIA Currency : INR Interest Paid (Rs): 20,494.30
Bank Account: xxxxxxxx914 Moratorium: N Instalment overdue (Rs): 0.00
Mandate Status: REGISTERED Late Payment Charges (Rs): 699.65
Excess amount: 4,044.00
Amount Under Clearance: 0.00

Click here to update Mandate Details Click here to pay overdue

Loan Finance Summary as on 26-Dec-2024

Particulars Instalments / Pre-payments Late Payment Charges Misc. Charges* Total


Op.Bal .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Debits 56,341.70 20,494.30 735.55 4,500.00 82,071.55

Credits 56,341.70 20,494.30 35.90 1,156.10 78,028.00

Cl.Bal. .00 .00 699.65 3,343.90 4,043.55

Current OS Excess Receivable Accrued Interest Future Principal Total Receivable

4,043.55 4,044.00 4,043.55 461.34 40,729.30 41,190.19


Disbursal No Disbursal Date Disbursal Amount Particulars

1 27-APR-2023 97,071.00 FIRST DISBURSMENT
Date Value Date Particulars DR (Rs) CR (Rs) Balance

27-APR-2023 27-APR-2023 Emi Protect Premium- 950.00 0.00 950.00

27-APR-2023 27-APR-2023 Life Insurance Premium- 1,347.00 0.00 2,297.00

27-APR-2023 27-APR-2023 Mandate Fees- Due (Incl. Tax) 500.00 0.00 2,797.00

27-APR-2023 27-APR-2023 Broken Period Interest- 1,000.00 0.00 3,797.00

27-APR-2023 27-APR-2023 Emi Protect Premium- Payable 0.00 950.00 2,847.00

27-APR-2023 27-APR-2023 Insurance Premium- Payable 0.00 1,347.00 1,500.00

27-APR-2023 27-APR-2023 Net Amount Transferred In Favour Of:ST ANTHONYS AUTO 93,274.00 0.00 94,774.00

27-APR-2023 27-APR-2023 Amt Financed 0.00 97,071.00 -2,297.00

27-APR-2023 27-APR-2023 Amount Paid Vide Receipt No. 149082500 950.00 0.00 -1,347.00

27-APR-2023 27-APR-2023 Amount Paid Vide Receipt No. 149082501 1,347.00 0.00 0.00

03-JUN-2023 03-JUN-2023 Due For Instalment 1 4,044.00 0.00 4,044.00

03-JUN-2023 03-JUN-2023 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- D863514001 Clear JUN/2023 0.00 4,044.00 0.00

03-JUL-2023 03-JUL-2023 Due For Instalment 2 4,044.00 0.00 4,044.00

03-JUL-2023 03-JUL-2023 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- D863514002 Clear JUL/2023 0.00 4,044.00 0.00

03-AUG-2023 03-AUG-2023 Due For Instalment 3 4,044.00 0.00 4,044.00

03-AUG-2023 03-AUG-2023 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- D863514003 Clear AUG/2023 0.00 4,044.00 0.00

03-SEP-2023 03-SEP-2023 Due For Instalment 4 4,044.00 0.00 4,044.00

03-SEP-2023 03-SEP-2023 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- D863514004 Clear SEP/2023 0.00 4,044.00 0.00

03-OCT-2023 03-OCT-2023 Due For Instalment 5 4,044.00 0.00 4,044.00

03-OCT-2023 03-OCT-2023 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- D863514005 Clear OCT/2023 0.00 4,044.00 0.00

03-NOV-2023 03-NOV-2023 Due For Instalment 6 4,044.00 0.00 4,044.00

03-NOV-2023 03-NOV-2023 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- D863514006 Clear NOV/2023 0.00 4,044.00 0.00

03-DEC-2023 03-DEC-2023 Due For Instalment 7 4,044.00 0.00 4,044.00

03-DEC-2023 03-DEC-2023 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- D863514007 Bounced DEC/2023 0.00 4,044.00 0.00

04-DEC-2023 04-DEC-2023 Cheque Bouncing Charges- Receipt No. NA 500.00 0.00 500.00

04-DEC-2023 04-DEC-2023 Receipt No. D863514007 Bounced - Balance Insufficient 4,044.00 0.00 4,544.00

10-DEC-2023 08-DEC-2023 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- R863514007 Bounced DEC/2023 0.00 4,044.00 500.00

10-DEC-2023 10-DEC-2023 Receipt No. R863514007 Bounced - Insufficient Balance 4,044.00 0.00 4,544.00

Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No---. O1212238587239 INR 4,544.00

12-DEC-2023 12-DEC-2023 For Instalment 7 Clear DEC/2023 0.00 4,044.00 500.00

Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No---. O1212238587239 INR 4,544.00

12-DEC-2023 12-DEC-2023 Clear DEC/2023 0.00 500.00 0.00
Date Value Date Particulars DR (Rs) CR (Rs) Balance

31-DEC-2023 31-DEC-2023 Late Payment Interest-03-DEC-23 Installment No : 7 35.90 35.90 0.00

03-JAN-2024 03-JAN-2024 Due For Instalment 8 4,044.00 0.00 4,044.00

03-JAN-2024 03-JAN-2024 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- D863514008 Clear JAN/2024 0.00 4,044.00 0.00

03-FEB-2024 03-FEB-2024 Due For Instalment 9 4,044.00 0.00 4,044.00

03-FEB-2024 03-FEB-2024 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- D863514009 Clear FEB/2024 0.00 4,044.00 0.00

03-MAR-2024 03-MAR-2024 Due For Instalment 10 4,044.00 0.00 4,044.00

03-MAR-2024 03-MAR-2024 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- D863514010 Bounced MAR/2024 0.00 4,044.00 0.00

04-MAR-2024 04-MAR-2024 Cheque Bouncing Charges- Receipt No. NA 500.00 464.10 35.90

04-MAR-2024 04-MAR-2024 Receipt No. D863514010 Bounced - Balance Insufficient 4,044.00 0.00 4,079.90

10-MAR-2024 09-MAR-2024 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- R863514010 Clear MAR/2024 0.00 4,044.00 35.90

31-MAR-2024 31-MAR-2024 Late Payment Interest-03-MAR-24 Installment No : 10 0.00 0.00 35.90

31-MAR-2024 31-MAR-2024 Late Payment Charges- Due (Incl. Tax)03-MAR-24 Installment No : 10 18.82 0.00 54.72

03-APR-2024 03-APR-2024 Due For Instalment 11 4,044.00 0.00 4,098.72

03-APR-2024 03-APR-2024 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- D863514011 Clear APR/2024 0.00 4,044.00 54.72

03-MAY-2024 03-MAY-2024 Due For Instalment 12 4,044.00 0.00 4,098.72

03-MAY-2024 03-MAY-2024 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- D863514012 Bounced MAY/2024 0.00 4,044.00 54.72

04-MAY-2024 04-MAY-2024 Cheque Bouncing Charges- Receipt No. NA 500.00 0.00 554.72

04-MAY-2024 04-MAY-2024 Receipt No. D863514012 Bounced - Balance Insufficient 4,044.00 0.00 4,598.72

11-MAY-2024 10-MAY-2024 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- R863514012 Clear MAY/2024 0.00 4,044.00 554.72

28-MAY-2024 25-MAY-2024 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- BC05227660 Bounced MAY/2024 0.00 555.00 -0.28

Receipt No. BC05227660 Bounced - 58-Account reached

28-MAY-2024 28-MAY-2024 maximum Debit limit set on account by Bank 555.00 0.00 554.72

31-MAY-2024 31-MAY-2024 Late Payment Charges- Due (Incl. Tax)03-MAY-24 Installment No : 12 21.96 0.00 576.68

03-JUN-2024 03-JUN-2024 Due For Instalment 13 4,044.00 0.00 4,620.68

03-JUN-2024 03-JUN-2024 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- D863514013 Bounced JUN/2024 0.00 4,044.00 576.68

04-JUN-2024 04-JUN-2024 Cheque Bouncing Charges- Receipt No. NA 500.00 0.00 1,076.68

04-JUN-2024 04-JUN-2024 Receipt No. D863514013 Bounced - Balance Insufficient 4,044.00 0.00 5,120.68

10-JUN-2024 08-JUN-2024 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- R863514013 Clear JUN/2024 0.00 4,044.00 1,076.68

18-JUN-2024 15-JUN-2024 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- BC06250877 Bounced JUN/2024 0.00 1,001.00 75.68

18-JUN-2024 18-JUN-2024 Receipt No. BC06250877 Bounced - Insufficient Balance 1,001.00 0.00 1,076.68

30-JUN-2024 30-JUN-2024 Late Payment Charges- Due (Incl. Tax)03-JUN-24 Installment No : 13 15.69 0.00 1,092.37

03-JUL-2024 03-JUL-2024 Due For Instalment 14 4,044.00 0.00 5,136.37

Date Value Date Particulars DR (Rs) CR (Rs) Balance

03-JUL-2024 03-JUL-2024 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- D863514014 Bounced JUL/2024 0.00 4,044.00 1,092.37

04-JUL-2024 04-JUL-2024 Cheque Bouncing Charges- Receipt No. NA 500.00 0.00 1,592.37

04-JUL-2024 04-JUL-2024 Receipt No. D863514014 Bounced - Balance Insufficient 4,044.00 0.00 5,636.37

11-JUL-2024 10-JUL-2024 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- R863514014 Bounced JUL/2024 0.00 4,044.00 1,592.37

11-JUL-2024 11-JUL-2024 Receipt No. R863514014 Bounced - Insufficient Balance 4,044.00 0.00 5,636.37

27-JUL-2024 26-JUL-2024 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- RR863514014 Bounced JUL/2024 0.00 4,044.00 1,592.37

27-JUL-2024 27-JUL-2024 Receipt No. RR863514014 Bounced - Insufficient Balance 4,044.00 0.00 5,636.37

31-JUL-2024 31-JUL-2024 Late Payment Charges- Due (Incl. Tax)03-JUL-24 Installment No : 14 87.86 0.00 5,724.23

03-AUG-2024 03-AUG-2024 Due For Instalment 15 4,044.00 0.00 9,768.23

03-AUG-2024 03-AUG-2024 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- D863514015 Bounced AUG/2024 0.00 4,044.00 5,724.23

05-AUG-2024 05-AUG-2024 Cheque Bouncing Charges- Receipt No. NA 500.00 0.00 6,224.23

05-AUG-2024 05-AUG-2024 Receipt No. D863514015 Bounced - Balance Insufficient 4,044.00 0.00 10,268.23

13-AUG-2024 12-AUG-2024 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- R863514015 Bounced AUG/2024 0.00 4,044.00 6,224.23

13-AUG-2024 13-AUG-2024 Receipt No. R863514015 Bounced - 68-A/c blocked or frozen 4,044.00 0.00 10,268.23

16-AUG-2024 14-AUG-2024 Cash Paid Vide Receipt No.BR14H2431165 INR 4,044.00 0.00 4,044.00 6,224.23

31-AUG-2024 31-AUG-2024 Late Payment Charges- Due (Incl. Tax)03-JUL-24 Installment No : 14 43.92 0.00 6,268.15

31-AUG-2024 31-AUG-2024 Late Payment Charges- Due (Incl. Tax)03-AUG-24 Installment No : 15 87.86 0.00 6,356.01

03-SEP-2024 03-SEP-2024 Due For Instalment 16 4,044.00 0.00 10,400.01

03-SEP-2024 03-SEP-2024 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- D863514016 Bounced SEP/2024 0.00 4,044.00 6,356.01

04-SEP-2024 04-SEP-2024 Cheque Bouncing Charges- Receipt No. NA 500.00 0.00 6,856.01

04-SEP-2024 04-SEP-2024 Receipt No. D863514016 Bounced - Balance Insufficient 4,044.00 0.00 10,900.01

10-SEP-2024 09-SEP-2024 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- R863514016 Bounced SEP/2024 0.00 4,044.00 6,856.01

10-SEP-2024 10-SEP-2024 Receipt No. R863514016 Bounced - 68-A/c blocked or frozen 4,044.00 0.00 10,900.01

16-SEP-2024 16-SEP-2024 Cash Paid Vide Receipt No.BR16I2462365 INR 4,044.00 0.00 4,044.00 6,856.01

30-SEP-2024 30-SEP-2024 Late Payment Charges- Due (Incl. Tax)03-AUG-24 Installment No : 15 50.20 0.00 6,906.21

30-SEP-2024 30-SEP-2024 Late Payment Charges- Due (Incl. Tax)03-SEP-24 Installment No : 16 84.72 0.00 6,990.93

03-OCT-2024 03-OCT-2024 Due For Instalment 17 4,044.00 0.00 11,034.93

03-OCT-2024 03-OCT-2024 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- D863514017 Bounced OCT/2024 0.00 4,044.00 6,990.93

05-OCT-2024 05-OCT-2024 Receipt No. D863514017 Bounced - 68-A/c blocked or frozen 4,044.00 0.00 11,034.93

17-OCT-2024 17-OCT-2024 Cash Paid Vide Receipt No.BR17J2484366 INR 4,044.00 0.00 4,044.00 6,990.93

31-OCT-2024 31-OCT-2024 Late Payment Charges- Due (Incl. Tax)03-SEP-24 Installment No : 16 53.34 0.00 7,044.27
Date Value Date Particulars DR (Rs) CR (Rs) Balance

31-OCT-2024 31-OCT-2024 Late Payment Charges- Due (Incl. Tax)03-OCT-24 Installment No : 17 87.86 0.00 7,132.13

03-NOV-2024 03-NOV-2024 Due For Instalment 18 4,044.00 0.00 11,176.13

03-NOV-2024 03-NOV-2024 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- D863514018 Bounced NOV/2024 0.00 4,044.00 7,132.13

04-NOV-2024 04-NOV-2024 Cheque Bouncing Charges- Receipt No. NA 500.00 0.00 7,632.13

04-NOV-2024 04-NOV-2024 Receipt No. D863514018 Bounced - Balance Insufficient 4,044.00 0.00 11,676.13

20-NOV-2024 20-NOV-2024 Cash Paid Vide Receipt No.BR20K2424223 INR 4,050.00 0.00 4,044.00 7,632.13

20-NOV-2024 20-NOV-2024 Cash Paid Vide Receipt No.BR20K2424223 INR 4,050.00 0.00 6.00 7,626.13

30-NOV-2024 30-NOV-2024 Late Payment Charges- Due (Incl. Tax)03-OCT-24 Installment No : 17 62.75 0.00 7,688.88

30-NOV-2024 30-NOV-2024 Late Payment Charges- Due (Incl. Tax)03-NOV-24 Installment No : 18 84.67 0.00 7,773.55

03-DEC-2024 03-DEC-2024 Due For Instalment 19 4,044.00 0.00 11,817.55

03-DEC-2024 03-DEC-2024 Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No.---- D863514019 Bounced DEC/2024 0.00 4,044.00 7,773.55

04-DEC-2024 04-DEC-2024 Cheque Bouncing Charges- Receipt No. NA 500.00 0.00 8,273.55

04-DEC-2024 04-DEC-2024 Receipt No. D863514019 Bounced - Balance Insufficient 4,044.00 0.00 12,317.55

20-DEC-2024 20-DEC-2024 Cash Paid Vide Receipt No.BR20L2466798 INR 4,050.00 0.00 4,038.00 8,279.55

20-DEC-2024 20-DEC-2024 Cash Paid Vide Receipt No.BR20L2466798 INR 4,050.00 0.00 12.00 8,267.55

Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No---. O25122413335630 INR

25-DEC-2024 25-DEC-2024 8,268.00 For Instalment 19 Clear DEC/2024 0.00 4,032.00 4,235.55

Pmnt Rcvd Vide Receipt No---. O25122413335630 INR

25-DEC-2024 25-DEC-2024 8,268.00 Clear DEC/2024 0.00 4,236.00 -0.45

26-DEC-2024 26-DEC-2024 Current Month Overdue- 131.64 0.00 131.19


Repayment Effective Date Part payment amount Impact


The amounts reflected above do not include (i) payment bounce charges (ii) legal and repossession charges, if applicable. These charges with
applicable taxes will be payable by the borrower at the time of loan foreclosure if any.


Date of Bounce Narration Amount REASON

03-DEC-2023 EMI-7 - DEC/2023 4044 Balance Insufficient

08-DEC-2023 EMI- 4044 Insufficient Balance

03-MAR-2024 EMI-10 - MAR/2024 4044 Balance Insufficient

03-MAY-2024 EMI-12 - MAY/2024 4044 Balance Insufficient

58 Account reached maximum Debit limit set on

25-MAY-2024 EMI- 555 account by Bank

03-JUN-2024 EMI-13 - JUN/2024 4044 Balance Insufficient

15-JUN-2024 EMI- 1001 Insufficient Balance

03-JUL-2024 EMI-14 - JUL/2024 4044 Balance Insufficient

10-JUL-2024 EMI-14 - JUL/2024 4044 Insufficient Balance

26-JUL-2024 EMI- 4044 Insufficient Balance

03-AUG-2024 EMI-14 - JUL/2024 4044 Balance Insufficient

12-AUG-2024 EMI-14 - JUL/2024 4044 68-A/c blocked or frozen

03-SEP-2024 EMI-15 - AUG/2024 4044 Balance Insufficient

09-SEP-2024 EMI- 4044 68-A/c blocked or frozen

03-OCT-2024 EMI-16 - SEP/2024 4044 68-A/c blocked or frozen

03-NOV-2024 EMI-17 - OCT/2024 4044 Balance Insufficient

03-DEC-2024 EMI-18 - NOV/2024, 19 - DEC/2024 4044 Balance Insufficient

The Company shall have a right to recover the bounce charges as per the below table.

A. Repayment/EMI Bounce Charges
Charges in Rs Loan sanction amount in Rs.

500 <5 Lacs

1000 5-50 Lacs

1500 >50 Lacs-2 Cr.

2000 >2 Cr.


• The information contained in this SOA is intended to provide a summary of personal data, payment details and loan particulars to
the customer/borrower. It should be used by the customer/borrower only for the purpose of ascertaining the accounting status of
the loan and not for any statutory or regulatory purpose.
• While providing all the information contained hereinabove, due care has been taken by L&T Finance Limited,(formerly known as L&T
Finance Holdings Limited) (“LTF”) to record the loan particulars and customer/borrower payment details appropriately for
accounting purposes as on the statement date as per the information and other documents made available by the customer/borrower
to LTF, LTF shall not be responsible for any monetary losses or subsequent damages arising out of any accounting or reporting
errors except for any clerical errors. Any error in the SOA will be rectified by LTF either suo moto or upon being intimated by the
• All credits given in relation to the Loan with respect to Cheque / Other payment instruments are subject to clearance of the Cheque/
Other payment instrument.
• LTF reserves the right to levy charges/ additional interest as per the terms of the loan agreement. The charges mentioned in this
SOA are not exhaustive. Please refer to the loan agreement for an exhaustive list of applicable charges.

• All contents of this SOA will be deemed to be correct and accepted by you, unless you inform us of any discrepancies through a signed
letter within 21 (twenty one) days from the date of this SOA. Delay in informing will be considered as a confirmation from you that
the details provided in this SOA by LTF are correct and/or accurate.

• This SOA is a system generated document, hence no signature is required. Any unauthorized use, disclosure, dissemination or
copying of this document is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.
• Deposits are subject to realization.
• I/ We hereby declare that though our aggregate turnover in any preceding financial year from 2017-18 onwards is more than the
aggregate turnover notified under sub-rule (4) of rule 48, we are not required to prepare an invoice in terms of the provisions of
the said sub-rule.

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