Eceeee i Sem 24bmate101

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The National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru 2024-25

Course Code: 24BMATE101 Course: Mathematics-1 for EEE Stream

Credits: 4 L:T:P:S 3:2:0
SEE: 50% Marks CIE: 50% Marks
SEE Hours: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100

Prerequisites if any Tracing of Curve (Cartesian)

Learning objectives The goal of the course Calculus, Differential Equations and Linear
Algebra (24BMATE101)is to
1.Familiarize the importance of calculus associated with one variable
and two variables
2. Analyze EEE, ECE problems applying ODE.
3. Apply the Knowledge of Linear Algebra to solve the system of

Course Outcomes:
On the successful completion of the course, the student will be able to

Course Outcomes Bloom’s level

Compute the radius of curvature and apply the concept of partial differentiation to
CO1 compute rate of change of multivariate functions.
Analyze the solution of linear and non-linear ordinary differential equations and use
CO2 the concept of multiple integrals to compute area & volume of solids. Understand
Compute the dimension of four fundamental subspaces & hence find the complete Analyze
CO3 solution of system of equations.
Develop familiarity with modern mathematical tools namely SCILAB/PYTHON/MATLAB
CO4 and stimulates creative problem solving through experiential learning.

Mapping with POs and PSOs:


CO1 3 2 - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - -

CO2 3 2 - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - -

CO3 3 2 - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - -

CO4 3 2 - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - -

Strong: 3 Medium: 2 Low: 1

Department of Mathematics 1
The National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru 2024-25

Course Content

No. of No. of Self-

Module – 1 Calculus Lecture Tutorial Learning
Hours Hours Hours
1.1 Introduction to polar coordinates and curvature relating to EC & EE
Engineering applications.
3 1 -
Polar coordinates, Polar curves, angle between the radius vector and
tangent, angle between two curves. Pedal equations.
1.2 Curvature and Radius of curvature - Cartesian and Pedal forms. Problems. 3 1 -
1.3 Application: Communication signal. 1 1 -
Module – 2 Series Expansion and Multi Variable Calculus -
2.1 Introduction of series expansion and partial differentiation in EC & EE
Engineering applications. Taylor’s series expansion for one variable
3 1 -
(Statement only)–problems. Indeterminate forms - L’Hospital’s rule-
2.2 Partial differentiation, total derivative-differentiation of composite
functions, Jacobian and problems. Maxima and minima for a function of
4 1 -
two variables. Problems, Taylor’s series expansion for function of two
2.3 Applications: Lagrange's method for extreme values of a function. 2 1 -
Module – 3 Ordinary Differential Equations of First Order
3.1 Introduction to first order ordinary differential equations pertaining to
the applications for EC & EE engineering.
Linear and Bernoulli’s differential equations. Exact and reducible to exact 3 1 -
differential equations-Applications of ODE’s -Orthogonal trajectories -
3.2 Non-linear differential equations: Introduction to general and singular
2 1 -
solutions, Solvable for p only, Clairaut’s equations - Problems.
3.3 Applications of ordinary differential equations: L-R and L-C-Rcircuits. 2 1 -
Module –4 Integral Calculus
4.1 Introduction to Integral Calculus in EC&EE engineering applications.
Multiple Integrals: Evaluation of double and triple integrals, evaluation of
3 1 -
double integrals over a region, area and by change of order of integration,
changing into polar coordinates - Problems.
4.2 Beta and Gamma functions: Definitions, properties, relation between Beta
3 1 -
and Gamma functions. Problems.
4.3 Applications: Applications to find area and volume. 2 1 -
Module –5 Linear Algebra
5.1 Introduction of liner algebra related to computer science &
engineering. 2 -
Elementary row transformation of a matrix, Rank of a matrix. 2
5.2 Vector spaces: subspace, null space, solving Ax=0 & Rx =0, the complete
2 -
solution to Ax=b,
5.3 Linearly independent and dependent sets, linear span, Basis & Dimension, 2 1 -
5.4 Dimension of four fundamental Subspaces. 2 -
5.5 Applications: Network Analysis. 1 -
Total No. of Lecture Hours 40

Total No. of Tutorial Hours 15

Total No. of Self learning Hours 0

Department of Mathematics 2
The National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru 2024-25

Detailed Lesson Plan:

Online Mode Face-to-face Mode

Number ICT
Resource Activity Resource
Sr No. of of related Weeks/ Tool/
(OER/ URL/ (Describe (OER/
Module learning Dates Platform/ Activity
IM/ CP) activity in URL/
Objectives LMS
detail) IM/ CP)
1.1 1 1 - -
1.2 1 2 - -
1.3 3 - -
2.1 1 3 - -
2.2 1 4 - -

Group Discussion & Presentation

2.3 1 5 - -
3.1 2 6 - -

Smart board, Moodle

3.2 2 7 - -
3.3 2 7 - -
4.1 1 8 - -
4.2 1 9 - -
4.3 1 10 - -
5.1 3 11 - -
5.2 3 11 - -
5.3 3 12 - -
5.4 3 13 - -

5.5 3 14 - -

Assessment Pattern:

Bloom’s level Continuous Internal Examination End Semester Examination

Test 1 Test 2 Assignment/Quiz/AAT
Remember    
Understand    
Apply    
Analyze   
Evaluate   

Department of Mathematics 3
The National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru 2024-25

List of topics for Experiential learning

(Assignment/Presentation/Models/Simulations with modern mathematical tools namely SCILAB/PYTHON/MATLAB)
1 Finding partial derivatives, Jacobian and plotting the graph
2 Applications to Maxima and Minima of two variables
3 Solution of first order differential equation and plotting the graphs
4 Program to compute area, volume and centers of gravity
5 Evaluation of improper integrals
6 Test for consistency of system of linear non homogeneous equations and graphical representation.
7 Computation of basis, dimension of four fundamental subspaces of a vector space.

Self-learning topics identified: (Maximum of 5 topics)

1. Center and circle of curvature
2. Euler’s Theorem and problems, Maclaurin’s series expansion.
3. Solvable for x and y.
4. Volume by triple integration, Center of gravity.
5. Solution of system of equations by Gauss-Jacobi iterative method.


1. B.S.Grewal: “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Khanna publishers, 44thEd. 2021.

2. E.Kreyszig:“Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, John Wiley & Sons, 10th Ed., 2018.

Reference Books:
1. V. Ramana: “Higher Engineering Mathematics” McGraw-Hill Education, 11th Ed., 2017
2. Srimanta Pal & Subodh C. Bhunia: “Engineering Mathematics” Oxford University
Press, 3rd Ed., 2016.
3. Tom Apostol "Calculus: One variable calculus with an introduction to Linear Algebra", Vol. 1,
Wiley publications, 2nd edition, 2007.
4. Tom Apostol "Calculus: Multi-Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra with applications to differential equations
And Probability, Vol.2, Wiley publications, 2nd edition, 2007.

Online Resources:

Department of Mathematics 4

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