Ronit Aryan Resume v17

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‭Ronit Aryan‬

‭New Delhi | 9773781479 |‬‭LinkedIn‬‭|‬‭Github‬‭|‬

‭IIIT Delhi‬


I‭ am a Computer Science and‬ ‭ xtra Marks‬‭, Noida—‬‭Intern‬
E ‭June 2022 - Aug 2022‬
‭Applied Mathematics graduate‬ ‭-‬ ‭Developed an NLP model for automated short answer evaluation.‬
‭from IIIT Delhi with hands-on‬
‭-‬ ‭Enhanced the company's existing automated answer evaluation system.‬
‭experience in JS libraries and ML‬
‭models. I've contributed to an‬ ‭-‬ ‭Crossed the SOTA RMSE score on the Mohler Dataset.‬
‭NLP model for automated short‬
‭answer evaluation during my‬ ‭HMI Labs‬‭, IIIT Delhi —‬‭Intern‬ ‭May 2023 - July 2023‬
‭internship at Extra Marks,‬ -
‭ ‬ I
‭ mplemented and modified 'Attend and Excite' paper to generate frames from‬
‭worked on story visualization at‬ d
‭ ialogue lists.‬
‭HMI Labs, and am currently‬ ‭-‬ ‭Developed a modular pipeline for single data point processing, reducing‬
‭implementing a computer‬ ‭testing time by 95%.‬
‭vision-based AI tool at Digilytics‬ ‭-‬ ‭Worked on the extraction of attention maps from the pipeline.‬
‭AI. I believe in bringing‬
‭innovative solutions to the table‬
‭Digilytics AI‬‭, Gurgaon —‬‭Trainee Engineer‬ ‭June 2024 - Sept 24‬
‭using my skills and collaboration.‬
‭-‬ I‭ mplementing and maintaining a CV-based AI tool for document data‬
-‭ ‬ ‭Implementing responsive front-end with Angular and TypeScript.‬
‭-‬ ‭Designing RESTful APIs and microservices using Java Spring Boot.‬
‭ ython | C | C++ | Java |‬
P ‭-‬ ‭The app is used by clients to automate document processing, reducing manual‬
‭JavaScript | HTML & CSS | SQL‬ ‭efforts by 90%.‬
‭| TypeScript | Spring Boot‬
‭React | Pytorch | Next.js | p5js |‬ ‭PROJECTS‬
‭Three.JS | Tailwind | Angular |‬
‭OAuth | APIs | AWS | WebGL‬
‭ iniGPT‬ ‭—‬‭Python, PyTorch, NLP‬
‭A simple, from scratch implementation of a Generative Pretrained Transformer model‬
‭using transformer architecture from ‘Attention is all you need’. It can train on any text‬
‭dataset and generate training set like text on inference.‬
‭ eb Development‬
‭Natural Language Processing‬ ‭ eddit clone using NextJS‬‭—‬‭TypeScript, NextJS, React, Tailwind, Redis, Prisma‬
‭Computer Vision‬ ‭Made a Reddit clone that allows people to create, and post on subreddits. It includes an‬
‭Competitive Programming‬ ‭infinity scrolling, optimized post fetching with, and a multimodal editor for writing‬
‭posts. This project helped me familiarize myself with the development of complex‬
‭EDUCATION‬ ‭apps that have multiple parts that have to work together.‬

I‭ ndraprastha Institute of‬ ‭ hysarum Slime Simulation‬‭—‬‭TypeScript, Three.JS,‬‭WebGL‬

‭Information Technology‬‭,‬ ‭Implementation based on‬‭this paper‬‭.‬‭In the simulation‬‭physarum cells are simulated as‬
‭New Delhi — B.Tech‬ ‭dots, which follow and leave trails and form emergent complex patterns. Parallelised‬
‭Computer Science and‬ ‭implementation with WebGL allows it to run on high resolution.‬
‭Applied Mathematics‬
‭ GPA: 7.0‬
C ‭ hader Programming with WebGL‬‭—‬‭WebGL, JavaScript,‬‭Three.JS‬
‭2020 - 2024‬ ‭Implemented‬‭chromatic aberration effect‬‭using three.js‬‭.‬‭Also implemented a‬
‭parallelised version of the game of life that can run on very high resolution using the‬
‭ LP model for Hate Speech Implication Task‬‭—‬‭Python,‬‭Pytorch, NLP‬
‭ eraki, IIITD Art Club‬
‭Made a transformer-based model to generate the implicated stereotype from a hateful‬
‭School House Captain‬ ‭tweet/text/comment. Using a pre-trained t5-base model and the social bias frames‬
‭Cultural Council Member.‬ ‭dataset. Used the metadata of the annotator with the hateful text to train the model to‬
‭generate implied stereotypes.‬

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