I am a Computer Science and xtra Marks, Noida—Intern E June 2022 - Aug 2022 Applied Mathematics graduate - Developed an NLP model for automated short answer evaluation. from IIIT Delhi with hands-on - Enhanced the company's existing automated answer evaluation system. experience in JS libraries and ML models. I've contributed to an - Crossed the SOTA RMSE score on the Mohler Dataset. NLP model for automated short answer evaluation during my HMI Labs, IIIT Delhi —Intern May 2023 - July 2023 internship at Extra Marks, - I mplemented and modified 'Attend and Excite' paper to generate frames from worked on story visualization at d ialogue lists. HMI Labs, and am currently - Developed a modular pipeline for single data point processing, reducing implementing a computer testing time by 95%. vision-based AI tool at Digilytics - Worked on the extraction of attention maps from the pipeline. AI. I believe in bringing innovative solutions to the table Digilytics AI, Gurgaon —Trainee Engineer June 2024 - Sept 24 using my skills and collaboration. - I mplementing and maintaining a CV-based AI tool for document data extraction. ANGUAGES AND L - Implementing responsive front-end with Angular and TypeScript. TECHNOLOGIES - Designing RESTful APIs and microservices using Java Spring Boot. ython | C | C++ | Java | P - The app is used by clients to automate document processing, reducing manual JavaScript | HTML & CSS | SQL efforts by 90%. | TypeScript | Spring Boot React | Pytorch | Next.js | p5js | PROJECTS Three.JS | Tailwind | Angular | OAuth | APIs | AWS | WebGL iniGPT —Python, PyTorch, NLP m A simple, from scratch implementation of a Generative Pretrained Transformer model using transformer architecture from ‘Attention is all you need’. It can train on any text SKILLS dataset and generate training set like text on inference. eb Development W Natural Language Processing eddit clone using NextJS—TypeScript, NextJS, React, Tailwind, Redis, Prisma R Computer Vision Made a Reddit clone that allows people to create, and post on subreddits. It includes an Competitive Programming infinity scrolling, optimized post fetching with, and a multimodal editor for writing posts. This project helped me familiarize myself with the development of complex EDUCATION apps that have multiple parts that have to work together.
I ndraprastha Institute of hysarum Slime Simulation—TypeScript, Three.JS,WebGL
P Information Technology, Implementation based onthis paper.In the simulationphysarum cells are simulated as New Delhi — B.Tech dots, which follow and leave trails and form emergent complex patterns. Parallelised Computer Science and implementation with WebGL allows it to run on high resolution. Applied Mathematics GPA: 7.0 C hader Programming with WebGL—WebGL, JavaScript,Three.JS S 2020 - 2024 Implementedchromatic aberration effectusing three.js.Also implemented a parallelised version of the game of life that can run on very high resolution using the gpu. LEADERSHIP ROLES LP model for Hate Speech Implication Task—Python,Pytorch, NLP N eraki, IIITD Art Club M Made a transformer-based model to generate the implicated stereotype from a hateful Coordinator School House Captain tweet/text/comment. Using a pre-trained t5-base model and the social bias frames Cultural Council Member. dataset. Used the metadata of the annotator with the hateful text to train the model to generate implied stereotypes.