Important Questions CSE322

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Important Questions CSE322

Unit I: Finite Automata

1. Define a Finite Automaton.
A finite automaton is a mathematical model of computation used to simulate sequential
logic. It consists of a finite set of states, an input alphabet, a transition function, an initial
state, and a set of accepting states.
2. Differentiate between DFA and NDFA.
DFA: Deterministic Finite Automaton has exactly one transition for each input
symbol from a given state.
NDFA: Non-Deterministic Finite Automaton can have multiple transitions for the
same input symbol from a state, including ε-transitions.
3. Explain the equivalence of DFA and NDFA.
Every NDFA can be converted into an equivalent DFA by constructing a DFA that
simulates all possible states of the NDFA simultaneously.
4. What is a Transition Function?
The transition function δ(q,a)\delta(q, a) specifies the next state for each state qq and
input symbol aa.
5. Describe the process of minimization of Finite Automata.
The minimization process involves removing unreachable states and merging
equivalent states to create the smallest DFA that accepts the same language.

Unit II: Regular Expressions and Regular Sets

1. Define a Regular Expression.
A regular expression is a symbolic notation used to describe a regular language. For
example, a∗ba^*b represents strings with zero or more a′sa's followed by one bb.
2. State and prove Arden’s Theorem.
Arden's theorem helps in finding solutions to linear equations in regular expressions. It
states: If R=Q+RPR = Q + RP, then R=QP∗R = QP^*, provided ε∉Pε \notin P.
3. Explain the Pumping Lemma for Regular Sets.
The Pumping Lemma is a property of all regular languages that states if a string ss in a
regular language LL is long enough, it can be divided into parts xyzxyz such that
xynzxy^nz is also in LL for any n≥0n \geq 0.
4. Convert the regular expression (a+b)∗ a(a+b)^*a into a DFA.
Build an NFA using the Thompson construction.
Convert the NFA to an equivalent DFA using subset construction.

Unit III: Formal Languages

1. What are Chomsky's classifications of languages?
Type 0: Recursively Enumerable
Type 1: Context-Sensitive
Type 2: Context-Free
Type 3: Regular
2. Define a grammar.
A grammar GG is defined as a 4-tuple (N,T,P,S)(N, T, P, S), where:
NN: Non-terminal symbols
TT: Terminal symbols
PP: Production rules
SS: Start symbol
3. Explain the concept of Recursive and Recursively Enumerable Sets.
Recursive Sets: A language is recursive if a Turing machine can decide its
membership in finite time.
Recursively Enumerable Sets: A language is recursively enumerable if a Turing
machine can enumerate all strings in the language.

Unit IV: Context-Free Languages

1. What is ambiguity in CFG?
A CFG is ambiguous if there exists a string that can be derived using two or more
different parse trees.
2. Explain the Chomsky Normal Form.
A context-free grammar is in Chomsky Normal Form if every production is of the form
A→BCA \to BC or A→aA \to a, where A,B,CA, B, C are non-terminals, and aa is a
3. What is the Pumping Lemma for Context-Free Languages?
It states that if LL is a CFL, then any sufficiently long string s∈Ls \in L can be written as
uvwxyuvwxy such that vv and xx can be "pumped" (repeated any number of times)
while keeping the resulting string in LL.
Unit V: Pushdown Automata and Parsing
1. Define Pushdown Automata (PDA).
A PDA is a finite automaton with an additional stack storage. It is used to recognize
context-free languages.
2. Differentiate between DPDA and NDPDA.
DPDA: Deterministic PDA has a single computation path for every input.
NDPDA: Non-Deterministic PDA can have multiple computation paths for the
same input.
3. Describe Bottom-Up Parsing.
Bottom-up parsing constructs a parse tree for an input string starting from the leaves
(input symbols) and working up to the root (start symbol).

Unit VI: Turing Machines and Complexity

1. What is a Turing Machine?
A Turing machine is a theoretical computing model that manipulates symbols on a tape
according to a set of rules. It has infinite memory and is capable of simulating any
2. Explain the Halting Problem.
The halting problem asks whether a Turing machine will halt on a given input or run
forever. It is undecidable, as proven by Alan Turing.
3. What are Decidable and Undecidable Languages?
Decidable Languages: A Turing machine can decide membership for every string
in finite time.
Undecidable Languages: No Turing machine can decide membership for every
4. What is Computational Complexity?
Computational complexity measures the resources (time and space) required by an
algorithm to solve a problem as a function of input size.

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