C12-List of Chemistry Practicals (2024-25)

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SN Practical No. Objectives of Chemistry Practicals

To prepare 100 mL, M/20 Mohr's salt solution using this solution find out molarity and strength of given standard
1 Experiment: 01
KMnO4 solution.
To prepare 100 mL, M/40 Oxalic acid solution using this solution find out molarity and strength of given standard
2 Experiment: 02
KMnO4 solution.

3 Experiment: 03 To identify the presence of alcoholic (-OH) functional group in given sample of organic compound.

4 Experiment: 04 To identify the presence of ketonic (-CO) functional group in given sample of organic compound.

5 Experiment: 05 To identify the presence of aldehydic (-CHO) functional group in given sample of organic compound.

6 Experiment: 06 To identify the presence of carboxylic (-COOH) functional group in given sample of organic compound.

7 Experiment: 07 To identify the presence of phenolic (Ar- OH) functional group in given sample of organic compound.

8 Experiment: 08 To identify the fuctional group present in given unknown sample of organic compounds.

9 Experiment: 09 To identify the fuctional group present in given unknown sample of organic compounds.

10 Experiment: 10 To identify the fuctional group present in given unknown sample of organic compounds.

11 Experiment: 11 To identify one acidic and one basic radical in the given unknown sample of inorganic salt. (Sample No. ………)

12 Experiment: 12 To identify one acidic and one basic radical in the given unknown sample of inorganic salt. (Sample No. ………)

13 Experiment: 13 To identify one acidic and one basic radical in the given unknown sample of inorganic salt. (Sample No. ………)

14 Experiment: 14 To identify one acidic and one basic radical in the given unknown sample of inorganic salt. (Sample No. ………)

15 Experiment: 15 To identify one acidic and one basic radical in the given unknown sample of inorganic salt. (Sample No. ………)

16 Experiment: 16 To identify one acidic and one basic radical in the given unknown sample of inorganic salt. (Sample No. ………)

17 Experiment: 17 To identify one acidic and one basic radical in the given unknown sample of inorganic salt. (Sample No. ………)

18 Experiment: 18 To identify one acidic and one basic radical in the given unknown sample of inorganic salt. (Sample No. ………)

19 Experiment: 19 To identify one acidic and one basic radical in the given unknown sample of inorganic salt. (Sample No. ………)

20 Experiment: 20 To identify one acidic and one basic radical in the given unknown sample of inorganic salt. (Sample No. ………)

Total Experiments = 20
Important Instructions:
1. Date of experiment & submission are tentetive, you may slightly change it, (if required) with difference of 1 week between both.
2. Last date of Practical may be till 15th November, 2024, Project and Practical file must be signed and covered.
3. Ionic equation, observation table, readings, calculation, result and precautions must be required in both titrations.
4. In every practical practical (Titration, functional group and in salt analysis) Aim and Result must be required.
5. If 5th group present in salt analysis, then must show group 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 are absent in that salt.
6. Reaction must be required in Functional group determination and in Salt analysis.
7. Practical file and Project file should be checked and must be presentable.

Ammonium Chloride

Ammonium Sulphate

Lead Nitrate

Lead Acetate

Aluminium Sulphate

Zinc Chloride

Barium Chloride

Calcium Chloride

Strontium Chloride
Magnesium Sulphate

ween both.

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