(Gamotin) EDUC-202 - Project in Teacher and School Curriculum
(Gamotin) EDUC-202 - Project in Teacher and School Curriculum
(Gamotin) EDUC-202 - Project in Teacher and School Curriculum
Submitted by:
Raymund Steve H. Gamotin
BEED – 2 Student
Submitted to:
Sir Benjamin B. Mangila
December 2024
Activity 1. Mapping Out the BEEd Curriculum (PEC)
Directions: Using the given sample, analyze and answer the following questions briefly:
4.2.1 What is the meaning of Practised with a background for the subject Teaching Profession
and PO1 Applied basic and higher 21st century skills?
- The meaning of Practised with a background for the subject Teaching Profession and
PO1 Applied basic and higher 21st century skills means that the students in the BEEd course are
applying their knowledge, skills, values related to the Teaching Profession by learning the
different laws that authorize and give benefits to the teaching profession and engaging in
practical activities such as lesson planning and classroom observations.
As for the PO1 Applied basic and higher 21st century skills, this refers to the acquisition,
development and application of 21 century skills, such as critical thinking skills, communication,
creativity, and collaboration, which are also vital for the teaching-learning process.
4.2.2 What is your interpretation of the colored cell with Learned that crosses between the
subject Social Dimensions and PO5, Facilitate learning of different types of learners in diverse
learning environment?
- My interpretation of these things are that the intersection between the subject Social
Dimensions and PO5 means that the students gained insightful knowledge and skills to create
and promote an inclusive learning environments, where every learner may came from different
backgrounds and cultures, but they can still learn from each other despite their individual
differences. The students while studying this subject also learned to adapt teaching approaches
that cater to the different needs of their learners, ensuring that their needs are fulfilled regardless
of their differences.
4.2.3 What does the colored Opportunity in the cell of the subject Curriculum Development that
crosses with the PO6, Direct experience in the field and classroom (observations, teaching
assistance, practice teaching)?
- The colored opportunity in the cell of the subject Curriculum Development that crosses
with the PO6 signifies that while the subject doesn’t formally teach the skills related to the
classroom experience and direct field, it gives the students the chance to gains these experiences
through exposing them to observations, teaching assistance, and practice teaching in the field.
This is the stage where the students can reflect and learn something new from those
activities, which aids them in the curriculum development of their own, with the help of the
stakeholders and concerned agencies.
Activity 2. Interviewing School’s Stakeholders
Directions: With the use of an interview protocol given below, ask two persons (e.g., a BSEd
Math student and your parent/guardian) about their roles as school’s stakeholders. Record your
interview through a tape or video recorder and/or your field notebook. Consolidate the answers
and write in paragraph form your interview report.
Lead Questions:
1. What do you know about the curriculum that is taught in this school?
- The curriculum I know that is taught in the school is the MATATAG Curriculum. In
this curriculum, it focuses on foundational learning and resilience in these modern times. This
allows the students to acquire essential skills and life skills that are beneficial to them when they
want find a job in the future.
5. What is your most important involvement that contributed to the learning of students? Give
specific examples.
- My most important involvement that contributed to the learning of students are
attending PTA meetings and support my child in their homework and projects. My child gained
more knowledge about the various subjects and also helping them to be a responsible and
diligent student not only in academic endeavors, but also in extra-curricular activities.
6. Why would you like to continue what you are doing for the school curriculum?
- I would like to continue what I am doing for the school curriculum, particularly
supporting my child’s education and the school because I believe that by collaborating with the
other parents and the school, it fosters open communication in raising the issues and concerns
regarding the school improvements and the holistic development of the students. And, there is
also a mutual understanding, ensuring that parents and teachers are working together to support
Interview Protocol on the Roles of Stakeholders
Name of the Interviewer: Raymund Steve H. Gamotin
Course and Year: BEED-2
Name of School: Josefina H. Cerilles State College
Lead Questions:
1. What do you know about the curriculum that is taught in this school?
- I am Via M. Sumanduran and I am currently pursuing the course of BSED-Math here in
JHCSC. Honestly, I don’t really know the exact curriculum that is being implemented here in
this institution. But I do know that every program is built different to each other, apart from their
minor subjects which are usually common to the various courses in each department and it also
depends on the chosen field.
In my case, I chose the BSED-Math where this course focuses more on the different
concepts and formuas that were created by the pioneers in Mathematics. It shifted its focus in the
algebra, geometry, statistics, etc.
5. What is your most important involvement that contributed to the learning of students? Give
specific examples.
- My most important involvement that contributed to the learning of the students is in
working in different activites with my groupmates because I get to share my ideas to my
groupmates and helps me to build and learn a new knowledge everyday.
6. Why would you like to continue what you are doing for the school curriculum?
- I would like to continue what I am doing for the school curriculum because I believe
that learning is a lifelong process in which we tend to encounter some mistakes in life but it will
be all worth it if you just persevere in your efforts. Also, I want to continue because I want other
students to also improve their studies and academic pursuits that they could pass the college with
flying colors.
Activity 3. Spotting Commonalities of Core Concepts
Directions: Draw an analogy graphic organizer showing the commonness/similarities between
the curriculum design approaches (new concept) and curriculum design models (familiar
concept). In the Summary section, discuss briefly how both concepts guide prospective teachers
like you in designing the curriculum effectively. Be guided by the sample diagram presented
Similarities Similarities
1. The various approaches gives emphasis on 1. Each model places a strong emphasis on
the different needs, interests, and experiences the content knowledge, prioritizing subject
of learners, which places them at the center of matter as a critical component of the
the teaching-learning process. curriculum.
The curriculum design approaches and models offer guidance for prospective
teachers. They both provide a framework and specific strategies for implementation.
Curriculum design models, such as Tyler’s Model, Taba’s Model, Spiral Curriculum Model,
Subject-centered Model, provides a structured process. It offers a roadmap for organizing
the content, defining the learning objectives, and creating learning experiences. These
models gives emphasis on the mastery of the topics, which it gradually increases its
difficulty in the following year level. It also provides structure, which ensures correct and
logical sequencing of the content, activities, and progression of learning.
Curriculum design approaches, such as Learner-Centered Approach, Experiential
Learning, Adaptive Learning, 4Cs Approach focus on how students learn best. It ensures
that the curriculum being taught is relevant and meaningful to the students. There is also
hands-on activities that have real-world applications. These approaches also integrates
critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication in the teaching-learning
process. As a future teacher, I can use both of these approaches and models and combine
their strengths of various approaches and models to create a meaningful and engaging
teaching-learning process which not only focuses on the content, but the application of the
knowledge in real world problems and acquisition and mastery of the 21st century skills.