Objective: To use effective research skills to find and select appropriate information to create a “poster” to inform others
about a genetic disorder.
Genetic disorders are hereditary conditions caused by defective genes. You and your partner will sign up to research a genetic
disorder from the linked genetic disorder list or you may find another disorder to research. Your selection must be approved
by the instructor.
You will use your research to create a single PowerPoint slide to be used as a poster or fact sheet that presents information
about the genetic disorder you selected. The slide will be graded on the information presented, neatness, and legibility. We
will then share our research in a gallery walk so you can learn about the genetic disorders researched by your classmates. As
you read the information on their projects, you will take notes and provide comments.
I made an example you can use when you are creating the slide. The example is attached in a document online.
When you create the educational PowerPoint slide, use the following checklist to ensure you have included all of the
necessary/required information:
What is the life expectancy for someone with the disorder/disease? _______________
7. Visual aids – include at least 2 pictures, graphs, pedigrees, etc. that help explain or support your
information and to make the infographic more interesting
8. Sources – Include the URL for each site you used to research the disease/disorder