Dated/ दनांक : 27-11-2024
Server DDR4 SDRAM with ECC 128GB with 12TB NAS, 6 Core
OFC Cable, Outdoor and Wall Mount Speaker 20W, IP Based
GeMARPTS म खोजी गई ं ग / Searched Controller with Mic, Saddle 1 inch, Tie, Tags, Video Analytic
Strings used in GeMARPTS Software, HDPE Pipe 1 inch with under Ground Laying
Charges, Desktop Computer intel Core i9 Window 11 Pro,
Cat-6 Cable
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Cable with Rigid Conductor (V2) as per IS 694, PVC Copper
Bid Details/ बड ववरण
Cable Single Core and Multi Core Circular Sheathed Cord
with Flexible Conductor (V2) as per IS 694, Cables suitable
for CCTV System (Accessories)
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Patch Panel (V2), HF RFID Integrated Reader
Bid Details/ बड ववरण
अिधसूचना के िलए चयिनत ासंिगक े णयाँ / Relevant
High End Desktop Computer
Categories selected for notification
Arbitration Clause No
Mediation Clause No
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Advisory Bank/एडवाईजर बक State Bank of India
(a). EMD EXEMPTION: The bidder seeking EMD exemption, must submit the valid supporting document for the
relevant category as per GeM GTC with the bid. Under MSE category, only manufacturers for goods and Service
Providers for Services are eligible for exemption from EMD. Traders are excluded from the purview of this
Policy./जेम क शत के अनुसार ईएमड छूट के इ छुक बडर को संबंिधत केटे गर के िलए बड के साथ वैध समिथत द तावेज़ तुत करने है ।
एमएसई केटे गर के अंतगत केवल व तुओं के िलए विनमाता तथा सेवाओं के िलए सेवा दाता ईएमड से छूट के पा ह। यापा रय को इस नीित के
दायरे से बाहर रखा गया है ।
(b). EMD & Performance security should be in favour of Beneficiary, wherever it is applicable./ईएमड और संपादन
जमानत रािश, जहां यह लागू होती है , लाभाथ के प म होनी चा हए।
Beneficiary/लाभाथ :
Commander, 14 Arty Bde
926170, Department of Military Affairs, Indian Army, Ministry of Defence
(14 Arty Bde)
1. If the bidder is a Micro or Small Enterprise as per latest definitions under MSME rules, the bidder shall be
exempted from the requirement of "Bidder Turnover" criteria and "Experience Criteria" subject to meeting of
quality and technical specifications. If the bidder is OEM of the offered products, it would be exempted from the
"OEM Average Turnover" criteria also subject to meeting of quality and technical specifications. In case any
bidder is seeking exemption from Turnover / Experience Criteria, the supporting documents to prove his eligibility
for exemption must be uploaded for evaluation by the buyer.
2. If the bidder is a Startup, the bidder shall be exempted from the requirement of "Bidder Turnover" criteria and
"Experience Criteria" subject to their meeting of quality and technical specifications. If the bidder is OEM of the
offered products, it would be exempted from the "OEM Average Turnover" criteria also subject to meeting of
quality and technical specifications. In case any bidder is seeking exemption from Turnover / Experience Criteria,
the supporting documents to prove his eligibility for exemption must be uploaded for evaluation by the buyer.
3. The minimum average annual financial turnover of the bidder during the last three years, ending on 31st
March of the previous financial year, should be as indicated above in the bid document. Documentary evidence in
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the form of certified Audited Balance Sheets of relevant periods or a certificate from the Chartered Accountant /
Cost Accountant indicating the turnover details for the relevant period shall be uploaded with the bid. In case the
date of constitution / incorporation of the bidder is less than 3-year-old, the average turnover in respect of the
completed financial years after the date of constitution shall be taken into account for this criteria.
4. Experience Criteria: In respect of the filter applied for experience criteria, the Bidder or its OEM {themselves or
through reseller(s)} should have regularly, manufactured and supplied same or similar Category Products to any
Central / State Govt Organization / PSU for number of Financial years as indicated above in the bid document
before the bid opening date. Copies of relevant contracts to be submitted along with bid in support of having
supplied some quantity during each of the Financial year. In case of bunch bids, the category of primary product
having highest value should meet this criterion.
5. OEM Turn Over Criteria: The minimum average annual financial turnover of the OEM of the offered product
during the last three years, ending on 31st March of the previous financial year, should be as indicated in the bid
document. Documentary evidence in the form of certified Audited Balance Sheets of relevant periods or a
certificate from the Chartered Accountant / Cost Accountant indicating the turnover details for the relevant period
shall be uploaded with the bid. In case the date of constitution / incorporation of the OEM is less than 3 year old,
the average turnover in respect of the completed financial years after the date of constitution shall be taken into
account for this criteria.
6. Preference to Make In India products (For bids < 200 Crore):Preference shall be given to Class 1 local supplier
as defined in public procurement (Preference to Make in India), Order 2017 as amended from time to time and its
subsequent Orders/Notifications issued by concerned Nodal Ministry for specific Goods/Products. The minimum
local content to qualify as a Class 1 local supplier is denoted in the bid document. If the bidder wants to avail the
Purchase preference, the bidder must upload a certificate from the OEM regarding the percentage of the local
content and the details of locations at which the local value addition is made along with their bid, failing which
no purchase preference shall be granted. In case the bid value is more than Rs 10 Crore, the declaration relating
to percentage of local content shall be certified by the statutory auditor or cost auditor, if the OEM is a company
and by a practicing cost accountant or a chartered accountant for OEMs other than companies as per the Public
Procurement (preference to Make-in -India) order 2017 dated 04.06.2020. Only Class-I and Class-II Local suppliers
as per MII order dated 4.6.2020 will be eligible to bid. Non - Local suppliers as per MII order dated 04.06.2020 are
not eligible to participate. However, eligible micro and small enterprises will be allowed to participate .The
buyers are advised to refer the OM No.F.1/4/2021-PPD dated 18.05.2023.
OM_No.1_4_2021_PPD_dated_18.05.2023 for compliance of Concurrent application of Public Procurement Policy
for Micro and Small Enterprises Order, 2012 and Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017.
7. Purchase preference will be given to MSEs having valid Udyam Registration and whose credentials are
validated online through Udyam Registration portal as defined in Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small
Enterprises (MSEs) Order, 2012 dated 23.03.2012 issued by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and
its subsequent Orders/Notifications issued by concerned Ministry. If the bidder wants to avail themselves of the
Purchase preference, the bidder must be the manufacturer / OEM of the offered product on GeM. Traders are
excluded from the purview of Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises and hence resellers
offering products manufactured by some other OEM are not eligible for any purchase preference. In respect of bid
for Services, the bidder must be the Service provider of the offered Service. Relevant documentary evidence in
this regard shall be uploaded along with the bid in respect of the offered product or service and Buyer will decide
eligibility for purchase preference based on documentary evidence submitted, while evaluating the bid. If L-1 is
not an MSE and MSE Seller (s) has / have quoted price within L-1+ 15% (Selected by Buyer) of margin of
purchase preference /price band defined in relevant policy, such MSE Seller shall be given opportunity to match
L-1 price and contract will be awarded for 25% (selected by Buyer) percentage of total quantity. The buyers are
advised to refer the OM No. F.1/4/2021-PPD dated 18.05.2023 OM_No.1_4_2021_PPD_dated_18.05.2023 for
compliance of Concurrent application of Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises Order, 2012
and Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017. Benefits of MSE will be allowed only if seller is
validated on-line in GeM profile as well as validated and approved by Buyer after evaluation of documents
8. Estimated Bid Value indicated above is being declared solely for the purpose of guidance on EMD amount and
for determining the Eligibility Criteria related to Turn Over, Past Performance and Project / Past Experience etc.
This has no relevance or bearing on the price to be quoted by the bidders and is also not going to have any
impact on bid participation. Also this is not going to be used as a criteria in determining reasonableness of
quoted prices which would be determined by the buyer based on its own assessment of reasonableness and
based on competitive prices received in Bid / RA process.
9. Past Performance: The Bidder or its OEM {themselves or through re-seller(s)} should have supplied same or
similar Category Products for 20% of bid quantity, in at least one of the last three Financial years before the bid
opening date to any Central / State Govt Organization / PSU. Copies of relevant contracts (proving supply of
cumulative order quantity in any one financial year) to be submitted along with bid in support of quantity
supplied in the relevant Financial year. In case of bunch bids, the category related to primary product having
highest bid value should meet this criterion.
10. Reverse Auction would be conducted amongst all the technically qualified bidders except the Highest quoting
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bidder. The technically qualified Highest Quoting bidder will not be allowed to participate in RA. However, H-1
will also be allowed to participate in RA in following cases:
Screen Size (Diagonal) 189, 216, 247, 203, 228, 304, 254 Or higher
Minimum (cm)
Brightness (Nits) Minimum 400, 450, 500, 600, 700, 1000, 1500, 2500, 3000,
4000, 550 Or higher
Duty Cycle 16 x 7
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
1 *********** ***********Dehradun 2 90
6 / 25
(Minimum 50% and 20% Local Content required for qualifying as Class 1 and Class 2 Local Supplier
respectively/ मशः ण
े ी 1 और ण
े ी 2 के थानीय आपूितकता के प म अहता ा करने के िलए आव यक)
Minimum Display Panel 65, 75, 86, 98, 100, 105, 110 Or higher
Size, Diagonal (in Inches)
Display Brightness (in Nits) 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 800, 1000 Or higher
Additional Softwares NA
CPU Type of CPU Inbuilt CPU with Slot Provision for Open pluggable
Specification (OPS)
7 / 25
Specification Name/ विश का Bid Requirement/ बड के िलए आव यक (Allowed
नाम Values)/अनुमत मू य
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
1 *********** ***********Dehradun 1 90
8 / 25
Specification Name/ विश का Bid Requirement/ बड के िलए आव यक (Allowed
नाम Values)/अनुमत मू य
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
1 *********** ***********Dehradun 1 90
9 / 25
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
1 *********** ***********Dehradun 1 90
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
1 *********** ***********Dehradun 5 90
10 / 25
Specification Name/ विश का Bid Requirement/ बड के िलए आव यक (Allowed
नाम Values)/अनुमत मू य
Typical Brightness (Nits) 300 - 399, 400 - 499, 500 -699, 700-999 Or higher
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
1 *********** ***********Dehradun 2 90
11 / 25
Specification Name/ विश का Bid Requirement/ बड के िलए आव यक (Allowed
नाम Values)/अनुमत मू य
12 / 25
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
1 *********** ***********Dehradun 2 90
Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
1 *********** ***********Dehradun 1 90
Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.
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Consignees/Reporting Officer/परे षती/ रपो टग अिधकार and/ तथा Quantity/मा ा
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
1 *********** ***********Dehradun 5 90
Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.
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Consignees/Reporting Officer/परे षती/ रपो टग अिधकार and/ तथा Quantity/मा ा
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
1 *********** ***********Dehradun 1 90
Saddle 1 Inch
(Minimum 50% and 20% Local Content required for qualifying as Class 1 and Class 2 Local Supplier
respectively/ मशः ण
े ी 1 और ण
े ी 2 के थानीय आपूितकता के प म अहता ा करने के िलए आव यक)
Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
(Minimum 50% and 20% Local Content required for qualifying as Class 1 and Class 2 Local Supplier
respectively/ मशः ण
े ी 1 और ण
े ी 2 के थानीय आपूितकता के प म अहता ा करने के िलए आव यक)
15 / 25
Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
(Minimum 50% and 20% Local Content required for qualifying as Class 1 and Class 2 Local Supplier
respectively/ मशः ण
े ी 1 और ण
े ी 2 के थानीय आपूितकता के प म अहता ा करने के िलए आव यक)
Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
16 / 25
BOQ Detail Document View File
Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
1 *********** ***********Dehradun 1 90
Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
17 / 25
Technical Specifications/तकनीक विश याँ
Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
1 *********** ***********Dehradun 1 90
Cat 6 Cable
(Minimum 50% and 20% Local Content required for qualifying as Class 1 and Class 2 Local Supplier
respectively/ मशः ण
े ी 1 और ण
े ी 2 के थानीय आपूितकता के प म अहता ा करने के िलए आव यक)
Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
18 / 25
Special terms and conditions-Version:2 effective from 16-10-2024 for category Television (TV) (V2)
1. Note to Buyers:
The Central Ministries/ Departments and other government buyers, as applicable, shall note that this
category is covered under Scheme - II (Compulsory Registration Scheme) of BIS (Bureau of Indian
Compulsory registration of goods / articles in this category shall conform to IS 616: 2017 and shall bear
the “Standard Mark” under a license from the Bureau of Indian Standards as per Scheme-II of Schedule-II
of Bureau of Indian Standards(Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018.
Buyer shall verify and confirm compliance with the applicable BIS order during the procurement and
fulfillment process.
Buyer shall validate and confirm the comprehensive warranty terms and conditions during the
procurement process.
Note to Sellers:
Sellers shall offer and supply products conforming to the corresponding Indian Standard and mandatorily
registration as per Scheme-2 of BIS.
Special terms and conditions-Version:1 effective from 06-07-2022 for category Online UPS (V2)
1. In addition to General Terms and Conditions of GeM, the following Special T&C shall be applicable for
Online UPS ( Version 2.0) with reference to Installation and Commissioning.
Seller's Responsibility: Installation and Commissioning shall involve all the interconnections, any cabling
between power source, switch boards within 3 metre range for input power and connecting Output power
in the Scope of seller.
Buyer's Responsibility: Buyer will ensure well ventilated/covered site/room having requisite power
points/distribution board to provide input power to UPS as well as to take out power from UPS within 3
metre of the location of UPS placement.
The above is not applicable for the stores supplied without installation and commisioning.
Note: The above is indicative and any incidental requirement related to above responsibilities shall also
be considered in the responsibilities of Buyer/Seller as applicable.
Buyer Added Bid Specific Terms and Conditions/ े ता ारा जोड़ गई बड क वशेष शत
1. Generic
OPTION CLAUSE: The Purchaser reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity to be ordered up
to 25 percent of bid quantity at the time of placement of contract. The purchaser also reserves the right to
increase the ordered quantity by up to 25% of the contracted quantity during the currency of the
contract at the contracted rates. Bidders are bound to accept the orders accordingly.
1. The depth and width of excavation should comply with established standards.
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3. Cables should be covered with a protective layer before insertion into the pipe to shield against moistur
e and heat.
6. A marker should be placed above the buried pipe for future identification.
7. The area around the pipe should be fully backfilled to prevent movement.
8. Cable joints should be thoroughly secured and sealed to protect from moisture.
10. During installation, the pipe and cable should be protected from any external damage.
11. Inspections should be conducted at every stage to meet quality and safety standards.
13. Documentation of the pipe route should be created for future reference in case of repairs.
15. Public safety around the installation area should be ensured at all times.
17. Load and durability tests should be conducted on the cable before installation.
18. Compliance with all legal requirements and standards should be confirmed.
19. A test run should be conducted post-installation to ensure all systems are functioning correctly.
20. A final report should be prepared upon completion, including all safety measures and inspection detail
21. Installation.
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(a) The supplier shall provide on-site installation for all listed items within delivery as specified in the bid d
(b) Installation should be conducted by certified technicians, ensuring proper configuration and optimal fu
nctionality of each item.
(c) All installation charges, including travel and labor, shall be borne by the supplier.
22. Compatibility.
(a) All items should be compatible with existing systems and equipment on-site.
(b) The equipment must be capable of seamless integration with the Central Control Room setup, including
data wall displays, interactive panels, and the integrated audio control system.
(c) Items such as the PA amplifier and UPS must be compatible with the specified audio and power backup
(a) The supplier shall provide any necessary accessories for installation, including:
(e) Any additional accessories required to ensure full operational functionality should be specified and incl
uded in the package.
24. Warranty.
(a) A minimum 3-year warranty for all equipment is required, covering parts and labor.
(b) In case of a malfunction, the supplier should provide on-site service within 48 hours of the complaint.
(a) The supplier shall provide a one-time training session to the staff for operating and troubleshooting the
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(b) A dedicated support contact shall be provided for technical assistance as needed.
(a) The supplier shall include all laying charges for fiber and CAT6 cables, covering trenching, conduit insta
llation, and protective casing or underground as required by the site layout.
(b) Cables must be laid in a secure, organized manner to prevent damage or interference.
(c) Charges should also cover any necessary work to route the cables through walls, ceilings, or undergrou
nd as required by the site layout.
27. Installation.
(a) The supplier must provide installation services for all network switches and cable connections.
(b) Installation should be conducted by certified technicians, ensuring proper termination, grounding, and
testing of all connections.
(c) All installation work should be done in compliance with industry standards for network setup to ensure
optimal signal quality and safety.
(a) The supplier should include any additional accessories required for cable laying and installation, such a
(b) Cable joints, connectors, and couplers for fiber and CAT6 cables.
(c) Conduits, clips, cable ties, and cable management accessories for organized and secure installation.
(d) Surge protectors and grounding kits to protect the equipment from electrical damage.
(e) The supplier must specify and provide any other necessary components to complete the network setup
(a) After installation, the supplier should conduct tests to verify connectivity, speed, and reliability of all ne
twork components.
(b) Documentation of testing results and certification of each connection must be provided to confirm adhe
rence to network performance standards.
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30. Warranty and Support
(a) All items, including cables, switches, and accessories, should carry a minimum warranty of three years.
(b) The supplier should offer prompt support for any issues related to connectivity or component failures w
ithin the warranty period.
(c) Warranty coverage should include parts and labor for repairs or replacements.
(a) Delivery and installation should be completed within 90 days of order confirmation. Any anticipated del
ays should be communicated in advance.
32. Video analytics software. Video analytic software features are as under :
(a) Real-Time Monitoring. Each entrance can be monitored live, with footage displayed on the data wall.
The software analyzes video feeds from each entrance to provide insights on the flow and behavior of peo
ple entering and exiting.
(b) People Counting. Track the number of people entering and exiting each entrance. The software can p
rovide entrance-wise counts throughout the day.
(c) Face Recognition. If integrated, the system can identify and verify individuals at each entrance, flagg
ing any unauthorized access or known individuals based on the database.
(d) Intrusion Detection. If there’s an attempt to enter restricted areas or force entry at any entrance, th
e system triggers alerts, and the control room staff can take necessary action.
(e) Behavioral Analysis The software can detect unusual behaviors near each entrance (such as loitering
, crowding, or suspicious activity), enabling security personnel to intervene quickly.
(d) Access Control Integration. The analytics software can integrate with access control systems to provi
de insights into who enters and exits through each point, maintaining a log for each entrance.
(f) License Plate Recognition (for entrances with vehicle access). For entrances where vehicles are
allowed, the software can capture and log license plates for security and tracking purposes.
(g) Entrance-wise summary would allow you to review data specifically for each entry point, enhancing
both security and operational efficiency.
33. Clause for Compliance of Restriction under rule 144 (xi) of GFR 2017
34. Border from countries sharing a land border with India can only participate in procurement if they are r
egistered with the Competent Authority and also registered with DPIIT.
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3. Generic
Bidders are advised to check applicable GST on their own before quoting. Buyer will not take any
responsibility in this regards. GST reimbursement will be as per actuals or as per applicable rates
(whichever is lower), subject to the maximum of quoted GST %.
4. Scope of Supply
Scope of supply (Bid price to include all cost components) : Supply Installation Testing Commissioning of
Goods and Training of operators and providing Statutory Clearances required (if any)
Escalation Matrix For Service Support : Bidder/OEM must provide Escalation Matrix of Telephone Numbers
for Service Support.
6. Warranty
Warranty period of the supplied products shall be 3 years from the date of final acceptance of goods or
after completion of installation, commissioning & testing of goods (if included in the scope of supply), at
consignee location. OEM Warranty certificates must be submitted by Successful Bidder at the time of
delivery of Goods. The seller should guarantee the rectification of goods in case of any break down during
the guarantee period. Seller should have well established Installation, Commissioning, Training,
Troubleshooting and Maintenance Service group in INDIA for attending the after sales service. Details of
Service Centres near consignee destinations are to be uploaded along with the bid.
Disclaimer/अ वीकरण
The additional terms and conditions have been incorporated by the Buyer after approval of the Competent
Authority in Buyer Organization, whereby Buyer organization is solely responsible for the impact of these clauses
on the bidding process, its outcome, and consequences thereof including any eccentricity / restriction arising in
the bidding process due to these ATCs and due to modification of technical specifications and / or terms and
conditions governing the bid. If any clause(s) is / are incorporated by the Buyer regarding following, the bid and
resultant contracts shall be treated as null and void and such bids may be cancelled by GeM at any stage of
bidding process without any notice:-
1. Definition of Class I and Class II suppliers in the bid not in line with the extant Order / Office Memorandum
issued by DPIIT in this regard.
2. Seeking EMD submission from bidder(s), including via Additional Terms & Conditions, in contravention to
exemption provided to such sellers under GeM GTC.
3. Publishing Custom / BOQ bids for items for which regular GeM categories are available without any
Category item bunched with it.
4. Creating BoQ bid for single item.
5. Mentioning specific Brand or Make or Model or Manufacturer or Dealer name.
6. Mandating submission of documents in physical form as a pre-requisite to qualify bidders.
7. Floating / creation of work contracts as Custom Bids in Services.
8. Seeking sample with bid or approval of samples during bid evaluation process. (However, in bids for
attached categories, trials are allowed as per approved procurement policy of the buyer nodal Ministries)
9. Mandating foreign / international certifications even in case of existence of Indian Standards without
specifying equivalent Indian Certification / standards.
10. Seeking experience from specific organization / department / institute only or from foreign / export
11. Creating bid for items from irrelevant categories.
12. Incorporating any clause against the MSME policy and Preference to Make in India Policy.
13. Reference of conditions published on any external site or reference to external documents/clauses.
14. Asking for any Tender fee / Bid Participation fee / Auction fee in case of Bids / Forward Auction, as the
case may be.
Further, if any seller has any objection/grievance against these additional clauses or otherwise on any aspect of
this bid, they can raise their representation against the same by using the Representation window provided in
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the bid details field in Seller dashboard after logging in as a seller within 4 days of bid publication on GeM. Buyer
is duty bound to reply to all such representations and would not be allowed to open bids if he fails to reply to
such representations.
This Bid is also governed by the General Terms and Conditions/ यह बड सामा य शत के अंतगत भी शािसत है
In terms of GeM GTC clause 26 regarding Restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a country which shares a land border with India, any bidder from a country which
shares a land border with India will be eligible to bid in this tender only if the bidder is registered with the Competent Authority. While participating in bid, Bidder has to
undertake compliance of this and any false declaration and non-compliance of this would be a ground for immediate termination of the contract and further legal action
in accordance with the laws./ जेम क सामा य शत के खंड 26 के संदभ म भारत के साथ भूिम सीमा साझा करने वाले दे श के बडर से खर द
पर ितबंध के संबंध म भारत के साथ भूिम सीमा साझा करने वाले दे श का कोई भी बडर इस िन वदा म बड दे ने के िलए तभी पा होगा
जब वह बड दे ने वाला स म ािधकार के पास पंजीकृ त हो। बड म भाग लेते समय बडर को इसका अनुपालन करना होगा और कोई भी
गलत घोषणा कए जाने व इसका अनुपालन न करने पर अनुबंध को त काल समा करने और कानून के अनुसार आगे क कानूनी कारवाई
का आधार होगा।
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