Pfaff 5463
Pfaff 5463
Pfaff 5463
All component parts ore grouped together as they are arranged in the
sewing machine.
An asterisk (*) preceding the part number indicates that the part in
question is not interchangeable with a similar part used on previous
machines which is listed on p, XVI. If the part to be replaced on a
previous machine is listed on p, XVI under its old part number, order
a replacement part under this number. If not, order the latest version
of this part under its current number.
July 1969
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfgff 5463-801-6
Pfgff 5463-801-4
Pfgff 5463-802-6
Pfgff 5463-801/13-6
Single-needle, two-thread chainstitch, high-speed sewing
machine with stitch shortening device. Stitch Type 401.
VIII/1; VII1/2 Complementary Parts Pfgff 5463-801/13-6 45
Pfgff 5463-802/13-6
Two-needle, two-thread chainstitch, high-speed sewing
machine with stitch shortening device. Stitch Type 401,
VIII/1; VI11/2 Complementary Parts Pfgff 5463-802/13-6 45
Pfgff 5463-801/13-6-911
Single-needle, two-thread chainstitch, high-speed sewing
machine with stitch shortening device and backtacking
mechanism. Stitch Type 401.
IX Complementary Parts Pfgff 5463-801/13-6-911 51
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-811/02-94
Pfgff 5463-811/02-95/01
Two-needle, covering-stitch, high-speed sewing Page
machine with folder. Stitch Type 406.
X/1; X/2; X/3 Complementary Parts Pfaff 5463-811/02-94
Complementary Parts Pfaff 5463-811/02-95/01 55
Pfaff 5463-813/02-45/01
Pfaff 5463-813/02-45/02
Two-needle, covering-stitch, high-speed sewing
machine. Stitch Type 402 (vamping stitch).
XI Complementary Parts Pfaff 5463-813/02-45/01
Complementary Parts Pfaff 5463-813/02-45/02 63
Pfaff 5463-821/02-95
Two-needle, covering-stitch, high-speed sewing
machine with cover thread and folder. Stitch Type 602.
XII/1; XII/2 Complementary Parts Pfaff 5463-821/02-95 67
Pfaff 5463-831/03-6
Three-needle, safety-stitch, high-speed sewing
machine with trimmer. Stitch Type 805.
XIII/1; XIII/2 Complementary Parts Pfaff 5463-831/03-6 73
Pfaff 5463-801/13-6-900/02
Single-needle, two-thread chainstitch, high-speed sewing
machine with stitch shortening device and thread trimmer.
Stitch Type 401.
XIV/1 - XIV/4 Complementary Parts Pfaff 5463-801/13-6-900/02 79
Pfaff 5463-801/13-6-900/02-911
Single-needle, two-thread chainstitch, high-speed sewing
machine with stitch shortening device, backtocking mechanism and
thread trimmer. Stitch Type 401.
XIV/1 - XIV/4 Complementary Parts Pfaff 5463-801/13-6-900/02-911 79
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Front Parts
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6
91-169 561-45
^Li>-250 436-05
#191-169 664-1^^
91-169 663-15 13-064 247-05
•91-169 702-92
11-108 225-15
-91-069 324-05
(>-12-640 150-55
p 11-108 237-15
11-317 950-15
91-069 322-11
—91-069 079-92
91-169 676-12
ll.iyit 170-15-^E&i Ii
91-069 0it9-05 22O-I5
91.169 503-91
-91-100 IO8-I5
9I-I69 50^4^'Y
12-610 21045^ •9I-I69 517-91
14-650 214-05
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6
91-169 594-15
13-033 103-05
91-700 335-15
12-610 230-45
-91-701 3't4-l5
,91-169 567-05
91-107 2OW5 91-002 065-05
^fc^91-002 065-05
•91-069 961-05
^^-91-010 I8I-I5
9I-I69 628-11 W -^^--91-010 183-05
-91-105 447-15
11-130 25W5 ^91-001 522-35
91-169 666-91
91-169 797-05
91-169 801-05 J
91-169 679-15- 914)02 065-05
91-002 065-05
91-701 3H-35-
91-169 5't8-05
91-700 335-15
•91-169 66741
91-069 222-12
91-100 270-15
11-330 952-15 91-169 659-12
91-169 137-05
91-064 638-05
91-169 658-05 ^
11-130 224-15'
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6 11/1
11-108 180-15 Locking screw (A MAx12 DIN 8V-8G) 9I-I69 658-05 Tension release and lifting lever
for No.91-169 667-41 crank shaft
*91-002 065-05 Tension disc *91-169 667-41 Tension bracket for N0.9I-I69 666-91
N0.9I-635 2't491 Tension bracket
(for Willcox &Gibbs),
91-010 181-15 Tension release washer not ill.,
for No.91-635 2^491
9I-O69 96I-O5 Pressure spring for No.91-002 065-05 91-169 796-35 Nut for No.91-169 5'»8-05
91-100 27O-I5 Fastening screw for N0.9I-I69 666-91 91-169 797-05 Tension sleeve
91-105 47-15 Washer for No.91-001 522-35 9I-I69 801-05 Tension spring
91-107 2OA-I5 Washer for N0.9I-I69 633-15 *91-170 129-91 Needle thread tension, compl..
consisting of Nos.12-610 230-45;
13-033 103-05; 91-001 522-35;
91-169 137-05 Washer for No.91-169 659-12 91-002 065-05; 91-010 181-15;
91-010 183-05; 91-105 47-15;
9I-I69 5'»8-05 Tension stud
91-107 20415; 91-169 567-05;
91-169 59415; 91-169 628-11;
91-169 633-15; 91-701 3A415
*91-169 567-05 Tension stud
91-700 335-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-169 670-15,
*91-169 59415 Thread guide for No.91-169 628-11 91-169 672-15
*91-169 628-11 Tension bracket for No.91-170 129-91 91-701 3'f4l5 Fastening screw for No.91-169 59415
*91-169 635-15 Tension release bracket 91-701 yih-35 Fastening screw for No.91-169 679-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
See parts of previous versions, page XVI 11
11/2 Pfaff 5463-801-6
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6 11/2
11-108 17M5 Binding screw (A MAxB DIN 8V«G) 91-100 253-15 Fastening screw, pointed,
for No.91-069 002-91 for No.91-170 638-92
11-108 225-15 Binding screw (A M5x10 DIN 8V8G) 91-169 302-91 Vertical shaft, compl.,
for No.91-169 668-91 consisting of Nos.13-033 322-15;
13-052 256-05; 91-069 046-05;
91-069 103-15; 91-169 304-15
11-178 289-15 End screw (M 6x15 DIN 921-5S)
for No.91-069 002-91
91-169 304-15 Collar for No.91-069 103-15
11-305 299-15 Stop screw (M 6x20 DIN M7-5S)
for No.91-169 30M5 91-169 519-45 Plug for arm
11-317 950-15 Fastening screw (M 5x5 DIN 551-5S) 91-169 520-92 Stitch length dial, w/
for No.91-169 520-92 set screw No.11-317 950-15
12-6'»0 150-55 Slip washer Of DIN 6799) 9I-I69 668-91 Actuating lever, w/
for No.91-169 7'»'i-35 binding screw No.11-108 225-15
13-033 322-05 Driving pin (5in6x2^ DIN 6325) 91-169 741-31 Thread guide channel
for No.91-169 302-91 for No.91-169 745-91
13-052 256-05 Stop pin (N 'fxIS) 91-169 744-35 Thread guide for N0.9I-I69 741-31
for No.91-069 103-15 and
positioning pin for No.91-l69 30M5 9I-I69 745-01 Thread guide, compl.,
consisting of Nos. 12-^40 150-55;
13-115 022-05 Rivet (1.^x3 DIN 660-MUST3't) 13-115 022-05; 91-169 741-31;
for No.91-169 7'f6-05 91-169 744-35; 91-169 746-05
1M)18 62V-91 Ball bearing (6203-2ZNR DIN 625) 91-169 746-05 Thread guide for N0.9I-I69 744-35
w/ circlip N0.IW8O O5O-I5
91-170 638-92 Balance wheel, w/
6f>it-9i Ball bearing (620^2ZNR DIN 625) No.91-100 253-15 Fastening screw,
w/ circlip N0.IV68O O7O-I5 pointed
N0.9I-7OO 510-15 Fastening screw,
1^1-680 050-15 Circlip (SP ^fO DIN 5'f17)
for No.lM)18 62V-9I
91-700 335-15 Fastening screw for No.91-169 745-91
lV-680 070-15 Circlip (SP DIN 5^17)
for No.l'f-OIS C^fMl ♦91-700 510-15 Fastening screw, blunt,
for N0S.9I-O69 644-93; 91-170 638-^2
9I-O69 002-91 Arm shaft, w/ crank and
binding screw No. 11-108 17^5 91-701 664-15 Nut for No.11-305 299-15
91-100 055-15 Fastening screw for N0.9I-O69 150-45 91-169 574-45 Arm, not ill.
Bedplate Parts
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6
91-169 722-05
91-021 0^^1-05
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6 111/1
11-108 08M5 Fastening screw (A M3x3 DIN 8A-8G) 12-6A0 170-55 Slip washer (5 DIN 6799)
for No.91-169 738-35 for No.91-169 631-15
11-108 096-15 Binding screw (A M3x8 DIN 8A-8G) 12-6A0 200-55 Slip washer (7 DIN 6799)
for No.91-169 615-92 for No.91-169 701-05
11-108 17M5 Binding screw (A MAx8 DIN 8A-8G) lA-018 570-01 Ball bearing (6200-2Z DIN 625)
for No.91-169 81A-12 for No.91-169 636-05
11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A MAxlO DIN 8A-8G) 91-000 'f07-15 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OA7 539-OA
for No.91-169 982-91
91-000 A22-55 Fastening screw for No.91-058 007-0't
11-108 180-15 Binding screw (A MAx12 DIN 8A-86)
for No.91-169 716-91 Ol-OO'f 181-05 Bed slide spring for No.91-169 925-35
11-108 225-15 Fastening screw (A M5x10 DIN 8A-8G) 91-017 378-15 Friction washer for No.91-169 72M)5
for No.91-169 755-05
91-018 35945 Oil sleeve (plastic)
11-108 251-15 Fastening screw (A M5x15 DIN 8A-8G) for No.91-169 716-91
for No.91-169 651-01
91-021 OAI-O5 Pressure spring for No.91-169 722-05
11-150 287-15 Fastening screw (M 6x12 DIN 912-8G)
for No.91-169 716-91 91-021 296-05 Pressure spring for N0.9I-I69 732-05
11-173 225-15 Fastening screw (A M5x10 DIN 85-8G) 9I-OA7 539-0^1 X Model
for No.91-169 808-15 Feed dog
11-17't 100-15 Binding screw (M 5x12 DIN 920-5S) *91-058 235-0'f x Model
for No.91-169 607-^2 Needle plate
11-17't 176-15 Fastening screw (M M DIN 920-8G) 91-100 076-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-00A 181-05;
for N0.9I-I69 622-91 and binding screw 91-169 727-15
for Nos.91-169 585-12; 91-169 728-12
9I-I69 582-05 Friction washer for No.91-169 716-91
11-205 I7I-I5 Fastening screw (A MAx6 DIN 63-8G)
for No.91-169 7'>0-35 91-169 583-12 Clamp collar, w/ binding screw
No.ll-^'t 176-15, for No.91-169 71641
11-31'» 169-15 Fastening screw (M Ax6 DIN 't38-5S)
for No.91-170 626-91 91-169 605-05 Hinge stud for No.91-169 836-05
11-31^ 280-15 Fastening screw (M 6x8 DIN 438-5S) 91-169 606-05 Torsion spring for N0.9I-I69 982-91
for No.91-169 695-91
91-169 607-92 Looper holder stop collar, w/
11-317 950-15 Fastening screw (M 5x5 DIN 551-5S) No.ll-17'f 100-15 Binding screw
for No.91-169 930-'t1 No.11-330 088-15 Fixing screw
91-169 636-05 Bearing bushing for No.91-169 853-^1 91-169 7'tO-35 Thread guide
91-169 755-05 Needle guard bracket
91-169 65I-OI Looper swing-back cam
91-169 758-05 Oil wick for Nos.91-018 359/»5;
91-169 695-91 Feed regulator shaft, compl., 91-169 759-^5
consisting of No,12-6^0 200-55; 91-169 759-45 Oil pad (foam plastic)
91-169 700-05; 91-169 701-05 for No.91-169 716-91
91-169 7OO-O5 Feed regulator shaft 91-169 808-15 Needle guard, adjustable
91-169 8IM2 Thread puller, w/
91-169 7OI-O5 Bearing bushing for N0.9I-I69 700-05 binding screw No.11-108 17^-15
91-169 705-12 Locking lever, w/ set screw 91-169 836-05 Catch for Nos.91-169 607-92;
No.91-700 785-15, for N0.9I-I69 687-05 91-169 982-91
(see p, III/2)
91-169 853-91 Looper drive, compl.,
91-169 708-12 Thrust lever, w/ set screw consisting of Nos.ll-31't 169-15;
Nos.91-700 'f12-15; 91-700 785-15, 12-6'»0 170-55; 1M)18 570-01;
for No.91-169 720-91 91-169 622-91; 91-169 623-12;
91-169 631-15; 91-169 636-05;
91-169 710-15 Torsion spring for No.91-169 708-12 91-169 81^1-12; 91-169 857-05;
91-169 716-91 Looper driving assembly bracket, compl., 91-170 626-91
consisting of;
No.11-108 180-15 Binding screw 9I-I69 857-05 Driving crank for No.91-169 853-91
No.lV-215 022-0V^ Needle bearing for 91-169 861-05 Looper
fulcrum stud
No.1^215 052-OV^ Needle bearing for 91-169 92V-9I Bed slide, compl.,
driving assembly bracket consisting of Nos.91-00'» 181-05;
N0.9I-OI7 378-15 Friction washer 91-100 076-15; 91-169 925-35
No.91-018 359-45 Oil sleeve
N0.9I-I69 ^98-9Driving assembly bracket 91-169 925-35 Bed slide
N0.9I-I69 582-05 Friction washer
No.91-169 583-12 Clamp collar 91-169 930-41 Bedplate rest
N0.9I-I69 717-15^^ Bearing bracket
N0.9I-I69 72M)5 Fulcrum stud 91-169 981-91 Looper driving assembly, compl.,
No.91-169 728-12 Clamp collar consisting of Nos.91-l69 603^5;
No.91-169 758-05 Oil wick 91-169 606-05; 91-169 607-92;
No.91-169 759-45 Oil pad 91-169 608-05; 91-169 613-92;
91-169 836-05; 91-169 982-91
i)For replacement purposes, order
No.91-169 716-91 91-169 982-91 Looper holder bracket, w/
91-169 720-91 Feed regulator push-button, compl., No.11-108 177-15 Binding screw
consisting of Nos.12-6'»0 150-55; No.91-700 785-15 Set screw
91-021 oM-05; 91-169 721-15;
91-169 722-05 *91-170 365-91 Cover plate, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-100 076-15;
91-169 721-15 Bushing for No.91-169 720-91 91-169 727-15; 91-170 366-35
91-169 722-05 Plunger for N0.9I-I69 721-15
*91-170 366-35 Cover plate
91-169 72M)5 Fulcrum stud for No.91-169 716-91
91-169 727-15 Retaining spring for No.91-170 366-35 9I-I7O 626-91 Thread puller crank, w/ ball bearing
(For replacement purposes, supplied
91-169 728-12 Clamp collar, w/ together with driving crank
binding screw No.11-17^ 176-15
No.91-169 857-05
9I-I69 730-00 Cover plate latch, w/ guide, compl., 9I-I7O 693-05 Spacing washer, 0.3 mm thick,
consisting of Nos.91-169 731-05; for No.91-169 861-05
91-169 732-05
91-169 731-05 Guide for N0.9I-I69 730-00
9I-I7O 69M)5 Spacing washer, 1.2 mm thick,
for No.91-169 861-05
91-169 732-05 Latch for No.91-169 731-05
91-700 087-15 Fastening screw for No.91-169 733-91
91-169 733-91 Thread guide, compl., 91-700 169-15 Fastening screw for No.91-169 73(W)0
consisting of Nos. 11-108 08M5;
91-169 737-35; 91-169 738-35 91-700 M2-15 Fastening screw for No.91-169 708-12
91-700 785-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-169 705-12;
91-169 737-35 Thread guide 91-169 708-12; 91-169 982-91
91-169 738-35 Thread regulator for No.91-169 737-35 93-290 352-15 Hinge screw for No.91-169 808-15
Bedplate Parts
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6
11-330 952-15
91-169 565-^5
91-169 73^1
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6 III/2
11-108 171-15 Fastening screw (A M'txO DIN 8V-8G) 9I-O69 648-93 Driving belt sprocket, lower, compl.,
for N0.9I-I69 933-15 consisting of Nos.14-Ol6 130^1;
91-069 647-12; 91-169 198-03
11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A M4x10 DIN 84-8G) (Orders should specify number of dots:
for N0.9I-O69 554-92 and 1, 2 or 3)
fastening screw for N0.9I-I69 734-91 9I-IOO 242-15 Fastening screw, pointed,
for N0.9I-O69 647-12
11-108 225-15 Binding screw (A M5x10 DIN 84-8G)
for No.91-069 296-12
9I-I69 198-03 Driving belt sprocket, lower,
for No.91-069 648-93
11-174 O86-I5 Fastening screw (M 3x4 DIN 920-5S) (Orders should specify number of dots:
for No.91-169 691-05
1, 2 or 3)
11-174 224-15 Binding screw (M 5x10 DIN 920-8G) 9I-I69 324-91 Feed lifting eccentric, compl.,
for N0.9I-I69 699-12 consisting of:
No. 14-218 190-01 Needle bearing for feed
11-178 172-15 Fastening screw (M 4x8 DIN 921-5S) lifting eccentric crank
for N0.9I-I69 643-91 N0.9I-O69 342-05^^Feed lifting eccentric
11-314 220-15 Fastening screw (M 5x8 DIN 438-5S) N0.9I-I69 654-12 Set collar
for N0.9I-I69 654-12 N0.9I-I69 655-04 Feed lifting eccentric
^)For replacement purposes, order
11-314 280-15 Fastening screw (M 6x8 DIN 438-5S) N0.9I-I69 324-91
for N0S.9I-I69 570-01; 9I-I69 572-91;
91-169 693-91
9I-I69 325-91 Feed bar, compl.,
consisting of:
11-330 952-15 Fastening screw No.11-330 952-15 Set screw
(A M5x5 DIN 915-10 K)
for N0S.9I-O69 554-92; 91-169 325-91
No.14-215 016-01^'Needle bearing for
fulcrum stud
N0.9I-O69 289-05^^Fulcrum stud
11-670 001-45 Plug screw (M 10x1 DIN 910-4 D) for N0.9I-O69 554-92
for N0.9I-I69 735-45
N0.9I-I69 399-15^^ Feed bar
13-033 250-05 Stop pin (A M6x14 DIN 6325) OFor replacement purposes, order
for No.91-169 693-91 N0.9I-I69 325-91
14-010 170-01 Ball bearing (16 005 DIN 625) 91-169 563-45 Oil sleeve for N0.9I-I69 572-91
for N0.9I-I69 696-05
9I-I69 564-05 Oil wick, 340 ram long,
for N0.9I-I69 572-91
14-016 130-01 Ball bearing (6003-2Z DIN 625)
for No.91-lfe 198-03 9I-I69 570-01 Drive shaft bushing
15-125 135-05 Sealer ring (C 10x13-5 DIN 7603) 9I-I69 572-91 Feed driving shaft, compl.,
for No.11-670 001-45 consisting of:
No.14-215 157-0Needle bearing for feed
91-069 287-05 Hinge stud for Nos.91-069 296-12; driving shaft
91-169 325-91 N0.9I-I69 563-45 Oil sleeve
N0.9I-I69 564-05 Oil wick
91-069 292-05 Plug (plastic), 17 mm 0, N0.9I-I69 573-05^^Feed driving shaft
for bedplate bushing
No,91-169 575-05^^Feed driving shaft
9I-O69 296-I2 Feed rock shaft crank, front, w/ N0.9I-I69 576-05 Gasket
binding screw No.11-108 225-l5» N0.9I-I69 577-05 Friction washer
for No.91-169 325-91
"•^For replacement purposes, order
N0.9I-I69 572-91
9I-O69 554-92 Feed lifting crank joint, w/
binding screw No.11-108 177-15 and
fastening screw No.11-330 952-15» 9I-I69 576-05 Sealer ring (plastic)
for N0.9I-I69 572-91
for No.91-169 325-91
91-169 577-05 Friction washer for N0.9I-I69 572-91
91-069 647-12 Set collar, w/ 91-169 578-15 Split bushing for Nos.91-169 296-12;
N0.9I-IOO 242-15 Set screw,
91-169 572-91
No.91-700 510-15 Set screw,
9I-I69 639-90 Spur gear assembly, w/
set screw Nos.91-700 680-15;
for No.91-169 198-03 91-700 689-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
111/2 Pfaff 5463-801-6
9I-I69 Looper avoiding motion eccentric crank, 9I-I69 696-05 Feed driving connection
compl., consisting of:
No.11-178 172-15 , Set screw 9I-I69 698-05 Fulcrum stud for Nos.91-l69 696-05;
No. 1^215 015-01'''Needle bearing for 91-169 699-12
hinge stud
No.lWlB I9O-OINeedle bearing for looper 9I-I69 699-12 Feed driving shaft crank, rear, w/
avoiding motion eccentric binding screw No.11-174 224-15,
N0.9I-I69 B'tW5^Hooper avoiding motion for N0.9I-I69 696-05
9I-I69 6^9-91 Feed driving and lifting assembly, compl., 9I-I69 736-45 Gasket (rubber cork)
consisting of Nos.91-069 287-05; for N0.9I-I69 734-91
91-069 296-12; 91-069 55V^2;
91-169 32^1-91; 91-169 325-91 9I-I69 926-05 Oil pad (foam plastic)
9I-I69 65M2 Set collar, w/ set screw
N0.II-3H 220-15, for N0S.9I-I69 655-04; 9I-I69 933-15 Thread guard
91-169 656-04
9I-I69 681-91 Feed regulator guide bracket, compl., 9I-7OO 689-15 Fastening screw, blunt,
for Nos.91-169 639-90; 91-169 682-05
consisting of Nos.91-169 682-^5;
91-169 683-05; 91-700 338-15;
91-700 689-15
9I-I69 687-05 Feed regulator eccentric 9I-I69 960-Jt5 Bedplate, not ill.
From the library of: Superior Sewing
2)Orders shouldMachine & Supply
specify the nuiriber of dots LLC
on the part ordered.
IV/l; IV/2
Accessory Parts
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6
8 222-15
11-^60 118-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6 IV/1
11-08^ 557-15 Fastening screw (M 8x15 DIN 479-8G) 91-028 036-25 Washer for No.91-700 82A-25
for Nos.91-027 288-15; 91-027 289-15;
91-069 335-55
9I-O29 AA6-9I Fulcrum stud, w/ earth wire
11-108 222-15 Fastening screw (A M5x8 DIN 8A-8G)
for Nos.91-069 167-'»5; 91-169 565-'»5 91-029 't50-35 Hinge stud for No.91-032 800-91;
91-032 801-91
11-108 258-15 Fastening screw (A M5x'tO DIN D'l-DG)
for Nos.91-069 167-45; 91-169 565-'»5
9I-O29 692-45 Rubber pad cover for No.91-027 291-55
11-A60 118-15 Wood screw (3x20 DIN 96)
for No.91-171 537-45 91-032 087-45 Washer (felt) for No.91-171 537-45
91-027 288-15 Knee lifter rock shaft 9I-O69 I72-I5 Bearing bushing for No.11-108 258-15
91-027 29V-92 Set collar, w/ 9I-O69 333-55 Knee plate arm bracket
set screw No.91-700 785-15
91-027 297-05 Pin, spring-loaded, for No.91-027 288-15 91-171 537-45 Oil drip pan
9I-O27 299-91 Knee lifter socket, compl., 9I-7OO 785-15 Fastening screw for No.91-027 29^-92
consisting of Nos.12-6A0 090-55;
13-070 268-15; 91-027 285-05;
91-027 28&-15; 91-027 296-15;
91-027 297-05; 91-069 328-11 91-700 82A-25 Knurled screw for No.91-053 756-91
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6 |V/2
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
^ Complementary Parts
Pfaff 5463-801-4
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 29
Pfaff 5463-801-4
91-170 179-91
99-009 396-91^
15-120 00M)5
,91-170 18545
11-31/, 91,6-15-a
91-119 ^f29-31-
11-108 222-15
• 11-108 171-15
• / 91-170 187-15
m// 91-701319-35
91-069 H7-O5—^A • :':>91-00it 006-05
91-061 158-05-^^1 ^.^^91-010 116-05
\ \ 91-170 000-05
91-170 186-35
I 91-700 388-15
91-170 189-05
91-169 50741
11-108 222-15—
^ 41-069 661-12
'—91-069 562-05
91-169 319-01 91-169 93/^^2
'-ffL•91-069 611-05
1-91-05^ 7^/8-05
91-169 922-91
91-169 727-15
91-100 076-15
91-170 071-91 91-051 155-95
ll-l?'/ 089-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-801-4
(For standard ports, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-801-6) V
11-108 08M5 fastening screw (A M3x3 DIN 8'f-86) 9I-O69 562-05 Washer (felt)
for No.9l-05'f 7^5-15 for N0.9I-I69 507-91
11-108 171-15 Fastening screw (A MAx6 DIN Bh-QQ) 9I-O69 611-05 Bearing bushing for No,91-l69 507-91
for Nos.91-051 155-93; 91-05'f 74H1;
91-170 187-15 9I-O69 661-12 Presser bar lifting bracket, w/
binding screw No.11-108 222-15
11-108 222-15 Binding screw (A M5x8 DIN Bk-^0
for N0.9I-O69 ^1-12 and 91-100 076-15 Fastening screw for N0.9I-I69 727-15
fastening screw for No.9l-1l9 'f29-31
9I-II9 't29-31 Oil reservoir bracket
11-17'» 086-15 Needle set screw
(M 3xA DIN 920-5S) 9I-I69 319-01 Presser bar
11-17'> 089-15 Fastening screw (A M3x5 DIN 920-8G) 91-169 322-15 Position collar for N0.9I-I69 507-91
for No.91-170 072-11
9I-I69 507-91 Presser bar, compl.,
11-3H 9'»6-15 Fastening screw (M ^x'f DIN A38-5S) consisting of Nos.11-108 171-15;
for No.99-009 396-91 12-6A0 050-55; 91-025 37*»-05;
91-025 376-05; 91-069 562-05;
12-305 081-15 Washer (3.2 DIN 125-St) 91-069 611-05; 91-069 661-12;
for No.11-108 O8A-I5 91-169 319-01; 91-169 322-15;
91-169 508-15; 91-700 388-15;
12-6A0 050-55 Slip washer (1.5 DIN 6799) 91-700 *»09-15
for No.91-025 37W)5
9I-I69 5O8-I5 Roller presser arm bracket
15-120 00^05 Sealer ring for No.99-O09 396-91
91-169 727-15 Retaining spring for No.91-169 923-35
91-00't 006-05 Thread lubricator pressure spring
9I-I69 922-91 Cover plate, compl.,
9I-OIO 116-05 Thread lubricator disc consisting of Nos.91-100 076-15;
91-169 727-15; 91-169 923-35
91-025 37'h05 Stud, spring-loaded, for No.91-169 507-91
91-169 923-35 Cover plate
9I-O25 376-05 Pressure spring for N0.9I-I69 507-91
9I-I69 93*h-92 Needle bar w/ needle set screw
91-0't7 310-05 Feed dog No.11-17*» 086-15
91-05^ 7^^1 Chaining foot, compl., 9I-I7O 179-91 Face cover, compl.,
consisting of Nos. 11-108 08't-15; consisting of Nos.11-108 171-15;
12-305 081-15; 91-05't 7't5-i5; 11-108 222-15; 11-31*» 9*»6-15;
9l-05'» 7*16-11; 9l-05*» 7*t7-05; 15-120 OOA-05; 91-OOA 006-05;
91-05*t 7*»8-05 91-010 116-05; 91-061 158-05;
91-069 1A7-05; 91-119 *t29-3i;
9l-05*t 7*t5-15 Chaining spring for No.91-05*t 7't*t-91 91-170 000-05; 91-170 l85-*»5;
91-170 186-35; 91-170 187-15;
91-05't 7*»6-11 Holder for No.9l-05*t 7't*t-91 91-170 189-05; 91-700 388-15;
91_701 319-35; 99-009 396-91
9l-05*f 7*t7-05 Stud, spring-loaded, for No.91-05*t 7*t*t-91
9I-I7O 185-45 Face cover
9l-05*» 7*»8-05 Pressure spring for No.91-05*t 7'»*»-91
9I-I7O 186-35 Thread lubricator housing
91-058 029-05 Needle plate
91-061 158-05 Oil wick for N0.9I-O69 H7-05 9I-I7O 187-15 Thread lubricator holder
91-069 U7-O5 Oil tube for Nos.9l-170 189-05;
99-009 396-91 9I-I7O 189-05 Thread lubricator stud
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 31
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-801-4
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-801-6)
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Vl/l; VI/2
Complementary Parts
Pfaff 5463-802-6
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 33
91-129 963-90
99-115 057-^5-
12-02^^ 171-15-
•11-108 2'f6-l5
91-129 6^^6-92
-91-129 63745
,91-029 358-05
,91-129 968-45
91-129 969-45. .91-100 114-15
91-029 359-15s .99-115 036-45
,11-108 24M5
91-129 6'»405\
91-129 6'j545--.\|^
91-029 360-45-
91-029 358-05- 12-024 171-15
^^^^91-029 364-45
12^2'» 171-15^'V<^
12-02'» 171-15' / / / 91-129 648-05
12-510 HI45 / / 91-129 970-91
12-305 H415 /
11-108 231-15 -91-129 637-45
91-100 IIW5
% ^91-170 716-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-802-6
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-801-6) VI/1
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 35
91-170 036-91
-91-169 679-15
91-002 065-05
11-108 180-15 91-701 3'tW5/ 91-002 065-05
^ / I 91-169 801-05
^ ^ 91-169.797-05
-91-169 796-35
91-169 5i»8-05
91-169 625-91
^91-169 59415
> 91-701 3^415
13-033 103-05 /91-002 06405
Aj 91-002 065-05
91-010 183-05
91-169 633-15 k /k. 91-105 47-15
91-169 667-^1
9I-010 I8I-15 g-1^01 522-35
12-610 23045 '91-169 567-05
b i -9I-I69 628-11
91-107 20415
91-169 937-93 13-033 103-05
91-170 02415-
11-108 06415-^
91-054 899-93
91-169 92435
91-169 557-15
91-170 708-91
11-108 177-154^;
91-04 54-0i» 91-169 939-15
-11-108 177-15
91-700 784l5rt: ^
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-802-6
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-801-6) VI/2
N = Needle Gauge
11-108 060-15 Fastening screw *91-169 625-91 Needle thread tension, compl..
(A M2M DIN 8V^G) consisting of Nos.12-610 230-45;
for Nos.91-05^ 895-91; 91-170 028-15 13-033 1034J5; 91-001 522-35;
91-002 065-05; 91-010 181-15;
11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A M'txlO DIN D't-BG) 91-010 183-05; 91-105 447-15;
for No.91-170 708-91
91-107 204-15; 91-169 567-05;
11-108 180-15 Locking screw (A M DIN 8A) 91-169 594-15; 91-169 628-11;
for No.91-169 66741 91-169 633-15; 91-701 344-35
11-330 085-15 Needle set screw (A M3x't DIN 913-10 K) *91-169 628-11 Tension bracket for No.91-169 625-91
12-315 070-15 Washer (2.8 DIN 't33-St)
for Nos.11-108 060-15; 91-700 09^^-25 *91-169 633-15 Tension release plate for No.
for No.91-169 625-91
12-610 23045 Circlip (10x1 DIN
for No.91-169 628-11 *91-169 66741 Tension bracket for No.91-170 036-91
N0.9I-635 244-91 Tension bracket
13-033 103-05 Tension release pin (2ni6xl6 DIN 6325) (for Willcox &Gibbs),
'»0-666 200-01 Allen key (S 1.5 DIN 911) not ill.,
for No.11-330 085-15 for No.91-635 257-91
91-001 522-35 Nut for No.91-169 567-05 *91-169 679-15 Thread guide for No.91-169 66741
91-002 065-05 Tension disc 9I-I69 727-15 Retaining spring for No.91-169 923-35
91-010 181-15 Tension release washer for No.91-l69 567-05
91-169 796-35 Nut for No.91-169 548-05
*91-010 183-05 Tension spring for No.91-169 625-91
9^-Ok7 5^1-04 X N X Model 91-169 797-05 Tension sleeve for No.91-170 036-91
Feed dog
9I-I69 801-05 Tension spring for No.91-170 036-91
91-05^ 895-91 Chain cutter, coinpl.,
consisting of Nos.12-315 070-15; 91-169 862-05 Looper, front, for No.91-169 882-00
91-05't 89W5; 91-05'» 897-25;
91-700 09^1-25 9I-I69 872-05 Looper, rear, for No.91-169 882-00
*91-169 594-15 Thread guide for No.91-169 628-11 9I-I7O 028-15 Thread regulator
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
* See parts of previous versions, page XVI 37
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-802-6
VI/2 (For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-801-6)
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
See parts of previous versions, page XVI
Loopers for the Pfaff 5463-802-6
Needle gouge
Looper set Looper, front Looper, rear
In millimeters
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Parts
Pfaff 5463 H-802-6/01
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 41
Pfaff 5463 H-802-6/01
91-05't 897-25
. ,91-054 895-91
rui2-3i5 070-15
11-108 060-15 I>12-315 070-15
91-700 094-25
91-054 896-05
91-069 OitO-01-
91-100 076-15
91-170 367-00
91-170 368-05
11-330 085-15^!^
91-170 328-15
91-058 147-04
99-129 547-93
91-047 594-04
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463 H-802-6/01
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-02-6) VII
OWill be exchanged for a replacement assembly. For repair, return needle bar drive assembly No.91-169 892-91. 43
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
^ Complementary Parts
Pfaff 5463-801/13-6
Pfaff 5463-802/13-6
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
VI11/1 Pfaff 5463-801/13-6; 5463-802/13-6
91-069 138-15 •
91-069 137-35
•11-17/, 086-15
91-069 339-91
91-069 119-05
91-069 299-05
91-069 167-45
91-069 7^,6-15
91-169 859-05
91-069 170-45-
12-305 111-15-0
11-108 I77-I5-I
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfcff 5463-801/13-6;-802/13-6
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfaff 5463-801-6;-802-6) VI11/1
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 47
VI11/2 Pfaff 5463-801/13-6; 5463-802/13-6
91-032 ZOUI
91-170 128-0^
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-801/13-6;-802/l3-6
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-801-6;-802-6) VI11/2
11-108 17M5 Binding screw (A MAx8 DIN 8A-8G) 9I-O69 275-05 Torsion spring for N0.9I-I69 BAO-Cf
for No.91-069 288-92
9I-O69 276-12 Set collar w/ set screw
11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A MAxlO DIN 8A-8G) N0.9I-7OO 785-15, for Nos.91-069 275-05;
for No.91-069 311-12 91-169 849-0't
11-108 225-15 Binding screw (A M5x10 DIN 8A-8G) 91-069 28^1 Feed rock shaft crank, compl.,
for Nos.91-069 28'h91; 91-069 296-12; consisting of Nos.11-108 225-15;
91-069 310-12; 91-069 M2-12; 12-02^ 171-15; 91-069 010-05
91-169 19V-12 For replacement purposes,
order No.91-069 5^641
11-108 291-15 Binding screw (A M6x15 OIN 8A-8G)
for No.91-032 205-15 9I-O69 287-05 Fulcrum stud for No.91-069 296-12
11-31'> 220-15 Fastening screw (M 5x8 DIN ^138-58) 9I-O69 288-92 Feed lifting joint, w/
for Nos.91-069 205-12; 91-169 65^2 No. 11-108 Binding screw
No.11-330 952-15 Set screw
11-330 952-15 Fastening screw
(A M5x5 DIN 913-10 K)
for Nos.91-069 288-92; 91-169 325-^1
9I-O69 296-12 Feed rock shaft crank, w/
binding screw No.11-108 225-15
12-005 195-15 Nut (B M6 DIN A39-5S)
for Nos.11-108 291-15; 91-031 888-15 9I-O69 310-12 Feed regulating shaft crank, w/
binding screw No.11-108 225-15
12-02't 171-15 Nut (M 5 DIN 93V1-5S) For replacement purposes,
for No.91-069 28^1 order No.91-069 5't7-11
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 49
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-801/13-6;-802/13-6
VI11/2 (For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5^3-801-6;-802-6)
From theOrders
library of:specify
should Superior Sewing
the number of dots Machine & Supply LLC
on the part ordered.
Complementary Parts
Pfoff 5463-801/13-6-911
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801/13-6-911
91-169 991-92
91-169 892-91
12-610 21045' 91-170 '»08-15
91-069 O'fCWll'
91-100 055-15
91-069 06042 _^*^Ul1-l74 173-15
•r ^
^91-05^ 895-91
11-108 060-15 -15-^J;;^91-05'» 897-25
91-058 H5-0't 91-700 09425 -25-5^12-315 070-25
99-129 601-93 91-05'« 896-05
12-515 070-25
91^if7 3if9^)if
91-170 69545
•91-170 153-0^
91-170 135-91
11-108 087-15
12-335 151-15-^ I /11-108 171-15
,^^12-505 111-
W^®6;-Ai^12-505 111-15
4*^/11-34 I66-I5
^2-0Zh 191-15 ^ y 91-170 175-12 91-170 152-05
L I 11-108 093-15 '>
91-170 176-15 v-
91-170 i5/,-90
•91-170 138-15
-91-069 709-12
11-108 090-15
11-317 94-15*
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-801/]3-6-911
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-801/13-6) IX
1-108 060-15 Fastening screw (A M2.6xA DIN 8A-86) 91-069 040-01 Needle bar connecting link
for No.91-054 895-91 For replacement purposes,
order No.91-169 892^1
1-108 087-15 End screw (A M3x4 DIN 84-8G)
for No.91-170 145-41 (see No.91-170 135-91) 9I-O69 060-92'^Needle bar connecting stud, w/
binding screw No.11-174 173-15
1-108 090-15 Fastening screw (A M3x5 DIN 84-8G)
for No.91-170 138-15 91-069 062-45 Plug (plastic)
for No.91-069 060-92
1-108 O95-I5 Binding screw (A M3x6 DIN 84-8G)
for No.91-170 175-12 91-069 709-12 Set collar, w/
set screw No.11-317 949-15
1-108 096-15 Fastening screw (A M3x8 DIN 84-8G)
for No.91-170 176-15 9I-IOO O55-I5 Fastening screw for No.91-170 408-15
1-108 171-15 Fastening screw (A M4x6 DIN 84-8G) 9I-II3 445-15 Friction washer for No.91-170 154-90
for No.91-170 695-05
9I-I69 892-91 Needle bar drive assembly, compL,
I-I30 239-I5 Fastening screw (M 5x20 DIN 912-8G) consisting of Nos.12-610 210-45;
for No.91-170 135-91 91-069 040-01; 91-069 060-92;
91-169 893-04
1-174 O86-I5 Needle set screw (M 3x4 DIN 920-5S)
1-174 175-15 Binding screw (M 4x8 DIN 920-8G) 91-169 893-042)Hinge stud for N0.9I-O69 040-01
for No.91-069 060-92 91-169 991-92 Needle bar, w/
needle set screw No.11-174 086-15
1-314 I66-I5 Fastening screw (M 4x5 DIN 438-5S)
for No.91-170 146-01 (see No.91-170 135-91) 91-170 135-91 Backtacking assembly, compl.,
consisting of:
I-3I7 949-I5 Fastening screw (M 5x4 DIN 551-5S) No.11-108 090-15 Set screw
for N0.9I-O69 709-12
No.11-108 096-15 Set screw
1-330 166-15 Fastening screw No.11-108 171-15 Set screw
(A M4x5 DIN 913-10 K) No.11-314 166-15 Set screw
for No.91-170 154-90 No.11-672 002-15 Cap screw
No.12-024 191-15 Nut
1-672 002-15 Cap screw (M 6)
No.12-305 081-15 Washer
for No.91-170 136-91 (see N0.9I-I7O 135-91)
No.12-305 111-15 Washer
2-024 191-15 Nut (M 6 DIN 934-53) No. 12-610 17045 Circlip
for No.91-170 143-91 (see No.91-170 135-91) No.91-069 709-12 Set collar
N0.9I-II3 445-15 Friction washer
2-305 081-15 Washer (3.2 DIN 125-St) No.91-170 136-91'^Housing, w/
for No.11-108 096-15
clutch shaft
2-305 111-15 Washer (4.3 DIN 125-St) No.91-170 142-05
for No.11-108 171-15 N0.9I-I7O 138-15 Housing cover
No.91-170 141-05^) Clutch shaft
2-315 070-25 Washer (2.8 DIN 433-St) N0.9I-I7O 143-91''^ Two-arm lever, w/ end
for Nos.11-108 060-15; 91-700 094-25 screw No.11-108 087-15
2-335 151-15 Washer (B 4.3 DIN 9021-St) and washer
for No.11-108 087-15 No.12-335 151-15
N0.9I-I7O 146-01 Crank
2-610 170-45 Circlip (5x0.6 DIN 471) N0.9I-I7O 154-90 Bevel gear assembly
for No.91-170 14>-91 (see No.91-170 135-91) No.91-170 175-12 Clamp collar
2-610 210-45 Circlip (8x0.8 DIN 471) No.91-170 176-15 Needle guard
for N0.9I-O69 040-01 Ofor replacement purposes,
91-047 349-04 X Model order N0.9I-I7O 135-91
Feed dog 9I-I7O 138-15 Housing cover
9I-O54 895-91 Chain cutter compl., 91-170 152-05 Clutch disc (plastic)
consisting of Nos.12-315 070-25; for No.91-170 135-91
91-054 896-05; 91-054 897-25;
91-700 094-25 91-170 153-04 Spacing washer for No.91-170 695-05
(available 0.3 and 0.6 mm thick)
9I-O54 896-05 Chain cutter
91-170 154-90 Bevel gear assembly, w/
91-054 897-25 Knife holder set screw No.11-330 166-15
9I-O54 950-91 Presser foot, w/ 91-170 175-12 Clamp collar, w/
No.11-108 O6O-I5 Set screw binding screw No.11-108 093-15
No.12-315 070-25 Washer
N0.9I-O54 895-91 Chain cutter 91-170 176-15 Needle guard
91-058 145-04 x Model
Needle plate 9I-I7O 408-15 Thread guide
2)Will be exchanged for a replacement assembly. For repair, return needle bar drive assembly No,91-l69 892-91. 53
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complemeni-ary Parts for the Pfoff 5463-801/13-6-911
IX (For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-801/13-6)
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
X/l; X/2; X/3
Comptementciry Ports
Pfaff 5463-811/02-94
Pfaff 5463-811/02-95/01
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-811/02-94
91-169 896-93
9V169 89145
91-170 028-15 91-169 892-91
91-169 893-0't'^^^^
12-610 210-^5''*^^
11-108 060-15
91-069 040-01-
91-069 060-92-
_J 1^11-174 173-15
itO-666 200-01
91-069 062-45
11-330 085-15
91-054 5IO-J93
91-058 053-04 99-129 547-93
91-054 517-05\.i
11-173 090-15-jC -91-054 516-05
91-047 346-04
91-169 821-91
91-169 727-15
91-169 794-91 ,L
91-169 803-35-^"^V ^
11-108 084-15"^"^ 91-100 076-15
91-169 80035"!^
91-169 824-35 X.?
91-169 711-05
91-053 890-21
91-170 714^1
91-169 791-15
91-004 531-25 11-173^0-15
91-000 486-25 I . Y
11-108 177-15
.91-700 785-15*-^
91-700 785-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-811/02-94
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-801-6) X/1
N = Needle Gouge
11-108 060-15 Fastening screw (A M2.6xA DIN 8A-8G) 9I-O69 060-92''^ Needle bar connecting stud, w/
for No.91-170 028-15 binding screw No.11-174 173-15
11-17'» 173-15 Binding screw (M Ax8 DIN 920-8G) 9I-I69 727-15 Leaf spring for No.91-169 824-35
for No.91-069 060-92
^)Will be exchanged forthe library assembly.
a replacement of: Superior Sewing
For repair, Machine
return needle & assembly
bar drive SupplyN0.9I-I69
LLC 892-91. 57
Pfaff 5463-811/02-94
91-169 625-91
91-169 59W 5
91-701 3^V-15
1M)33 105-05
I 91-002 065-05
7 I 91-002 065-05
91-010 183-05
. X 91-105 't'.7-15
91-001 522-35
91-169 567-05 91-010 181-15
10 Z50-H5
ti Q
91-107 20^^15
91-169 628-11
13-033 103-05
91_169 713-91
91-169 625-12
-91-169 000-91
91^69 55M2 ir""^
11-108 177-15-^/
%j^-91-169 828-0ii
-169 828-0^
^1-330 952-15
91-169 325-91
11-330 952-15^ M
91-069 287-05 J 91-169 895-05
91-069 296-12-^
11-108 225-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-811/02-94
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-801-6) X/2
11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A MAxlQ DIN 8A-8G) 9I-I69 594-15 Thread guide for N0.9I-I69 628-11
for N0S.9I-O69 55M2; 91-169 715-12
11-108 225-15 Binding screw (A M5x10 DIN B't-DG) 9I-I69 622-91 Ball joint, w/ ball stud and
for No.91-069 296-12 set screw No.11-l74 176-15,
11-17^} I76-I5 Fastening screw (M DIN 920-8G) for No.91-169 715-91
for N0.9I-I69 622-91
11-3H I69-I5 Fastening screw (M 4x6 DIN 438-5S) 9I-I69 625-12 Balancing bushing, w/ set screw
for No.91-170 626-91 No.11-341 169-15, for N0.9I-I69 714-05
11-314 220-15 Fastening screw (M 5x8 DIN 438-5S)
for No.91-170 156-12
9I-I69 625-91 Needle thread tension, compl.,
11-330 952-15 Fastening screw (A M5x5 DIN 9''3-10K) consisting of Nos.12-610 230-45;
for Nos.91-069 554-92; 91-169 325-91 13-033 103-05; 91-001 522-35;
11-341 I69-I5 Fastening screw (M 4x6 DIN 438-5S) 91-002 065-05; 91-010 181-15;
91-010 183-05; 91-105 447-15;
for N0.9I-I69 623-12
91-107 204-15; 91-169 567-05;
12-610 230-45 Circlip (10x1 DIN 471) 91-169 594-15; 91-169 628-11;
for No.91-169 628-11 91-169 633-15; 91-701 344-15
12-640 170-55 Slip washer (5 DIN 6799)
for N0.9I-I69 631-15
9I-I69 628-11 Tension bracket
15-033 103-05 Tension release pin (2m6x16 DIN 6325)
14-018 570-01 Grooved ball bearing (6200-2Z DIN 625) 91-169 631-15 Hinge stud for No.91-170 626-91
91-001 522-35 Nut for N0.9I-I69 567-05
9I-OO2 O65-O5 Tension disc
9I-I69 635-15 Tension release bracket
9I-OIO I8I-I5 Tension release washer
9I-OIO 185-05 Tension spring
91-169 636-05 Bearing bushing for N0.9I-I69 715-91
91-069 287-05 Fulcrum stud for N0.9I-O69 296-12
9I-O69 296-12 Feed rock shaft crank, front, w/ 9I-I69 715-91 Looper drive, compl.,
binding screw No.11-108 225-15
consisting of Nos.11-314 169-15;
12-640 170-55; 14-018 570-01;
9I-O69 554-92 Feed lifting joint, w/ 91-169 622-91; 91-169 625-12;
No.11-108 177-15 Binding screw
No.11-330 952-I5 Set screw
91-169 631-15; 91-169 636-05;
91-169 714-05; 91-170 626-91
91-105 447-15 Washer for No.91-001 522-35
91-107 204-15 Washer for No.91-169 633-15 9I-I69 714-05 Driving crank for N0.9I-I69 715-91
9I-I69 OOO-9I Feed lifting eccentric, compl.,
consisting of: 91-169 715-12 Thread puller, w/
binding screw No. 11-108 177-15
No.14-218 190-01''^ Needle bearing for feed
lifting eccentric crank
N0.9I-O69 342-05"'Heed lifting eccentric 9I-I69 828-04 Feed lifting eccentric
(Orders should specify number of
dots on part)
N0.9I-I69 828-04 Feed lifting eccentric
No.91-170 156-12 Set collar
9I-I69 895-05 Friction washer, rear,
"•iFor replacement purposes, order for N0.9I-I69 572-91 (see p. III/2),
No.91-169 000-91 in lieu of No.91-169 577-05
9I-I7O 155-91 Feed dirving and lifting assembly, compl.,
9I-I69 325-91 Feed bar, compl., consisting of N0S.9I-O69 287-05;
consisting of:
No.11-330 952-15 Set screw
91-069 296-12; 91-069 554^2;
91-169 000-91; 91-169 325-91
No.14-215 016-01''^ Needle bearing for
fulcrum stud 9I-I7O 156-12 Set collar, w/ set screw
N0.9I-O69 289-05^^Fulcrum stud No.11-314 220-15, for No.91-169 828-04
for No.91-069 554-92
9I-I7O 626-91 Thread puller crank, w/ ball bearing
No.91-169 399-15^1 Feed bar (For replacement purposes, supplied
••iFor replacement purposes, order together with driving crank
N0.9I-I69 325-91 No. 91-169 714-05)
9I-I69 567-05 Tension stud 9I-7OI 344-15 Fastening screw for N0.9I-I69 594-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 59
Pfaff 5463-811/02-94
91-129 974-90
99-115 037-4H
12-024 121-15 12-024 171-15-—;j
11-108 099-15-<^ H^ ^
R 91-008 829-15 91-129 646-92 11-108 246-15
91-170 71^15
-91-129 637-^5
91-129 644-05^
-99-115 036-45
91-129 645-^5-^
-11-108 246-15
91-129 641-92' 12-024 171-15
91-029 360-45-
.99-115 034-15
11-470 768-15
91-129 647-45
Pfaff 5463-811/02-95/01
91-046 596-91
91-055 064-93 91-001 08^25
91-046 597-25
91-047 62>-04 ^91-006 030-25
91-054 517-05
11-175 090-15- 91-054516-05
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-811/02-94
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-801-6) X/3
11-108 099-15 Fastening screw (A M3x10 DIN 8A-8G) 91-129 6^6-92 Thread guide, w/
for No.91-170 716-15 No.11-108 2A6-I5 Binding screw
11-108 231-15 Fastening screw (A M5x15 DIN 8A-8G) N0.I2-O2A 171-15 Nut
for Nos.91-029 36't-45; 91-129 970-91
9I-I29 6'j745 Thread unwinder base
11-108 2A6-I5 Binding screw (A M5x25 DIN 8A-8G)
for Nos.91-129 6^1-92; 91-129 6AM2 9I-I29 6A8-O5 Thread guide bushing for No.91-129 970-91
11470 768-15 Wood screw (5-5x22 DIN 97)
for No. 91-129 6^^745 9I-I29 6A945 Spool pin washer(foani rubber)
for No.91-129 6M-92
12-O2A 121-15 Nut (M 3 DIN 93^5S)
for No.11-108 099-15 9I-I29 96845 Clamp (w/ square hole)
12-02A 171-15 Nut (M 5 DIN 93V1-5S) for No.91-129 63745
for Nos.11-108 231-15; 11-108 2A6-15;
91-100 ll'f-15 9I-I29 96945 Clamp (w/ round hole)
for No.91-129 63745
12-305 HM5 Washer (5.3 DIN 125)
for No. 11-108 231-15 9I-I29 970-91 Thread guide, w/
12-510 4145 Circlip (J 5.3 DIN 6797) thread guide bushing for No.91-129 6A8-05
for N0.I242A 171-15
9I-I29 97M0 Thread unwinder, compl.,
91-008 829-15 Washer for No.11-108 099-15 consisting of Nos.11-108 231-15;
11470 768-15; 12-02A 171-15;
9I-O29 358-05 Hinge cup (plastic)
for Nos.91-029 36A45; 91-129 96845; 12-305 4M5; 12-510 4145;
91-129 96945 91-029 358-05; 91-029 359-15;
91-029 36045; 91-029 36'»45;
9I-O29 359-15 Locking lever for Nos.91-129 96845; 91-100 11M5; 91-129 63745;
91-129 96945 91-129 6M-92; 91-129 6'tA-05;
9I-O29 36045 Thread guide rod 91-129 6A545; 91-129 6A6-92;
91-129 6A745; 91-129 6A945;
91-029 36A45 Clamp for No. 91-029 36045 91-129 96845; 91-129 96945;
91-129 97(H1; 99-115 03A-15;
9I-IOO IIA-I5 Binding screw for Nos.91-029 36A45;
91-129 96845; 91-129 96945 99-115 03645; 99-115 03745
9I-I29 6A545 Spool disc 99-115 03745 Cap for No.91-129 63745
12-305 111-15 Washer (A.3 DIN 125-St) 91-0'»6 597-25 Edge guide holder bracket
for No.11-108 168-15
91-0'f7 Szyoh X Model
9I-OOO 113-25 Knurled screw for N0.9I-OA6 59^5 Feed dog
91-001 089-25 Hinge screw for No.91-O't6 595-25 91-05'» 516-05 Guide pin for No.91-055 06't43
91-006 030-25 Washer for No.91-001 089-25 91-05't 5I7-O5 Pressure spring for No.91-055 06A43
9I-OO8 829-15 Washer for No.91-000 115-25
9I-O55 O6A45 XNCompensating presser foot, w/
91-0'f6 59^25 Edge guide,adjustable No.11-173 O9O-I5 Set screw
N0.9I-O4 516-05 Guide pin
91-0'»6 595-25 Edge guide holder No.OI-O^'t 517-05 Pressure spring
Continued overleaf
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-811/02-95/01
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-811/02-94)
N = Needle Gouge
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Parts
Pfaff 5463-813/02-45/01
Pfoff 5463-813/02-45/02
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-813/02-45/01; 5463-813/02-45/02
99-129 15M3 9I-I7O I8O-9I
99-129 135-93 91-169 503-91
91-169 506-O't'^
12-610 2ICM5*
9I-I70 395-11
91-069 0^0-01-
^.-^91-700 226-15
9I-O69 060-92-^ -11-17^ 175-15
91-170 397-15
91-170 396-15
91-069 06245
12-315 HO-25-^s:
91-058 H9-03
-91-700 739-15
' ^ 91-170 565-91
9I-I69 727-15 9I-IOO 076-15
91-058 151-05 91-058 152-05 V l\
91-170 378-05
91-170 366-35
9I-I69 73341
^-108 177-15 Vr- 51.165 737-35-0^
^ 11-108 08415"^^•
91-700 785-15 91-169 738-35"^J
91-169 85491
91-169 623-12
91-169 636^5
14018 570-01 ^55 ^-^'''4)18 570-01
91-170 626-91 91-169 858-05
^ -j^'. H^'.l 169-15
124'»0 170-55
91-169 631-15
91-033 101-93
11_108 17415-^ / 91-169 622-91
11-3H 169-15 . 11-108 065-15-is:^ f 12-315 070-I5
11-17/, 176-15 11-108 060-l5-#ri=^-9l-026 307-21
91-055 050-05
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports of the Pfaff 5463-813/02-45/01; 5463-813/02-45/02
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfaff 5463-811/02-94) XI
B = Cording Width
11-108 060-15 Fastening screw (A M2.6x4 DIN 8A-8G) 9I-O55 101-93 XBCording foot, w/ 1 groove
for No.91-055 050-05 (1.6-2.8 mm, wide each,
11-108 065-15 Fastening screw (A M2.6x5 DIN D'h-DG) subcl.-813/0245/01), w/
for No.91-026 307-21 No.11-108 O6O-I5 Set screw
No.11-108 063-15 Set screw
11-108 08W5 Fastening screw (A M3x3 DIN 8MG) No.12-315 070-15 Washer
for No.91-169 738-35 No.91-026 307-21 Gauge
11-108 I7M5 Binding screw (A MAx8 DIN 8A-8G) N0.9I-O55 O5O-O5 Chain cutter
for N0.9I-I69 81A-12 91-058 IA9-O3 XBNeedle plate insert, w/ ridge
11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A M4x10 DIN 8A-8G) (cording width from 1.6 - 2.8 mm)
for No.91-170 705-91 91-058 151-05 Needle plate
11-108 225-15 Fastening screw (A M5x10 DIN 8A-8G) (cording width from 1.6 - 2.0 mm)
for No.91-170 395-11 9I-O58 152-05 Needle plate
(cording width from 2.A - 2.8 ram)
11-17'f 089-15 Needle set screw (A M3x5 DIN 920-8G)
9I-O69 0A0~01 Needle bar connecting link
11-174 175-15 Binding screw (M 'txB DIN 920-8G) For replacement purposes, order
for No.91-069 060-92 N0.9I-I69 503-91
11-174 176-15 Fastening screw (M 4x10 DIN 920-8G) 9I-O69 O6O-92Needle bar connecting stud, w/
for N0.9I-I69 622-91 binding screw N0.II-I7A 173-15
11-314 169-I5 Fastening screw (M Ax6 DIN A38-5S) 9I-O69 06245 Plug (plastic)
for No.91-170 626-91 for No.91-069 060-92
11-341 169-15 Fastening screw (M 'tx6 DIN ^38-5S) 9I-IOO 076-15 Fastening screw for N0.9I-I69 727-15
for N0.9I-I69 623-12 9I-I69 503-91 Needle bar driving assembly, compl.,
12-315 070-15 Washer (2.8 DIN ^33-St) consisting of Nos. 12-610 21045;
for No.11-108 060-15 91-069 OAO-01; 91-069 06042;
91-169 5O6-OA
12-315 HO-25 Washer (5.3 DIN A33-St)
for No.11-108 225-15 91-169 506-OA^^Hinge stud for N0.9I-O69 OAO-01
9I-I69 622-91 Ball joint, w/ ball stud and set
12-610 21045 Circlip (8x0.8 DIN '»71) screw N0.II-I7A 176-15,
for No.91-069 040-01 for No. 91-169 85A41
12-6'jO 170-55 Slip washer (5 DIN 6799) 9I-I69 623-12 Balancing bushing, w/ set screw
for No.91-169 631-15 N0.II-3AI 169-15, for No.91-169 858-05
1V-018 570-01 Grooved ball bearing (6200-2Z DIN 625) 9I-I69 63I-I5 Hinge stud for No.91-170 626-91
for N0.9I-I69 636-05 9I-I69 636-05 Bearing bushing for No.91-169 85A-91
91-026 307-21 Gauge 9I-I69 727-I5 Retaining spring for No.91-170 366-35
9I-I69 733-91 Thread guide, compl.,
91-0'j7 597-05 Feed dog consisting of Nos.11-108 08A-15;
91-169 737-35; 91-169 738-35
91-055 042-91 Cording foot, w/ 5 grooves
(1.6 mm wide each, subcl.-813/0245/02) 9I-I69 737-35 Thread guide
Same component parts as No.91-055 101-95 9I-I69 738-35 Thread regulator for No.91-169 737-35
9I-O55 044-91 Cording foot, w/ 5 grooves 9I-I69 81A-12 Thread puller, w/
(2.0 mm wide each, binding screw No.11-108 I7A-I5
subcl.413/0245/02) 9I-I69 85A-9I Looper drive, compl.,
Same component parts as No.91-055 101-93 consisting of Nos.11-3lA 169-15;
12-6A0 170-55; IA-018 570-01;
9I-O55 OA6-9I Cording foot, w/ 5 grooves 91-169 622-91; 91-169 62>-12;
(2.A mm wide each, 91-169 631-15; 91-169 636-05;
subcl.-613/0245/02) 9I-I69 81A-12; 91-169 858-05;
Same component parts as No.91-055 101-93 91-170 626-91
9I-O55 OA8-9I Cording foot, w/ 3 grooves 9I-I69 858-05 Driving crank for N0.9I-I69 85A-91
(2.8 mm wide each, 9I-I7O 180-91 Needle bar, w/
subcl.-813/0245/02) adjustable double-needle holder
Same component parts as No.91-055 101-93 (cording width from 1.6 - 2.8 mm),
w/ needle set screw
9I-O55 O5O-O5 Chain cutter No.11-1 7A 089-15
^^Will be exchanged for a replacement assembly. For repair, return needle bar drive assembly No.91-169 505-91. 65
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complemenfary Parts of the Pfaff 5463-813/02-45/01; 5463-813/02-45/02
XI (For standard parts, please refer to the Pfaff 5463-811/02-94)
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
XII/1; XII/2
Complementary Parts
Pfaff 5463-m/02-95
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-821/02-95
11-174 086-15
11-174 086-15 i _
1^^1-108 177-15
91-169 099-^5
9I-I69 6I7-9I
91-169 62W55
91-169 554-91
-91-169 796-35
91-700 335-35
g-91-169 797-05
•91-169 801-05
(^^-91-002 065-05
91-058 052-05 11-173 225-15
91-053 891-31
91-169 6't6-15
91-169 548-05-
91-05^^ 508-01
91-169 558-91
11-330 952-15
91-169 568-'t5
12-02't 171-15
91-069 't78-12 , 6
91-169 556-05
^ 12-305 Ho-15
12-610 19045
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-821/02-95
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfaff 5463-811 /02-94) XI1/1
11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A MAxlO DIN 8A-8G) 91-169 55V-91 Cover thread tension compL,
for No.91-069 'f72-91 consisting of Nos.91-002 065-05;
91-169 5^8-05; 91-169 566-15;
91-169 6A6-15; 91-169 796-35;
11-173 090-15 Fastening screw (A M3x5 DIN 85-8G) 91-169 797-05; 91-169 801-05;
for No.91-053 891-31 91-701 3A^35
11-173 225-15 Fastening screw (A M5x10 DIN 85-8G) 91-169 556-05 Washer for No.12-610 19(Mt5
for No.91-169 55^1
9I-O5A 508-01 Hinged presser foot 91-169 619-05 Thread guide for N0.9I-I69 617-91
91-069 A72-9I Arm shaft, w/ crank and w/ 9I-I69 6A6-I5 Thread guide for N0.9I-I69 55491
No.11-108 177-15 Binding screw
No.91-169 09945 Oil cup 91-169 796-35 Nut for No.91-169 5A8-05
91-169 09945 Oil cup for No.91-069 ^>72-91 91-169 801-05 Tension spring
91-169 5^8-05 Tension stud 91-701 3A435 Fastening screw for N0.9I-I69 646-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 69
XI1/2 Pfaff 5463-821/02-95
91-169 60^1
91-169 551-91 —I
91-169 504-05
91-169 588-12
91-169 55^12
11-150 230-15 11-130 224-15
91-170 717-91
/ 11-317 949-15
12-640 190-55 i WC
91-169 137-05 9I-I69 11(H2
91-169 137-05
91-169 575-91 224-15-ih^
91-169 545-05 ^ ft
91-169 509-91 91-000 407-15 11-130 224-15
91-169 526-91-
91-004 006-05
91-169 673-12 ' 91-010 116-05
"91-004 f005-05 i ^
11-108 093-15
^ J, 11-330 085-15
91-010 115-05
12-315 080-15
-91-169 524-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-821/02-95
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-811/02-94) XI1/2
11-108 093-15 Fastening screw (A M3x6 DIN 8A-8G) 91-169 137-05 Washer for No.91-170 717-91
for No,91-169 52A-15
11-108 135-15 Binding screw (A M3.5x8 DIN 8A-6G) 91-169 5OA-O5 Cross-thread carrier
for No.91-169 51M2
9I-I69 509-91 Cross-thread carrier bracket, corapl.,
11-108 171-15 Fastening screw (A MAx6 DIN 8A-8G) for No.91-169 60A-91,
for No.91-169 593-91 consisting of Nos.lA-215 007-01;
91-169 510-15; 91-169 51't-12;
11-108 17M5 Binding screw (A MAx8 DIN 8A-8G) 91-169 522-05; 91-169 523-05
for No.91-169 531-12
91-169 510-15 Cross-thread carrier bracket
11-130 22M5 Fastening screw (M 5x10 DIN 912-8G)
for N0.9I-I69 509-91 and binding screw
for Nos.91-169 110-92; 91-169 555-12 91-169 51M2 Cross-thread carrier crank, w/
No.11-108 135-15 Binding screw
No.11-330 085-15 Set screw
11-130 230-15 Fastening screw (M 5x15 DIN 912-8G)
for No.91-169 6OA-9I
91-169 522-05 Bearing bushing for No.91-169 51M2
11-317 9^9-15 Fastening screw (M 5xA DIN 551-5S)
for No.91-169 588-12
91-169 523-05 Washer for N0.9I-I69 51A-12
12-315 080-15 Washer (3.2 DIN A33-St) 91-169 525-91 Ball ioint connection, coinpl.,
for No.91-169 52A-15 for No.91-169 6OA-9I,
consisting of Nos.91-^00 A07-15;
91-107 265-05; 91-169 526-91;
12-6'fO 190-55 Slip washer (6 DIN 6799) 91-169 531-12; 91-169 5^5-05
for No.91-170 717-91
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-821/02-95
Xii/2 (For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-811/02-94)^^
Complementary Parts
Pfaff 5463-831/03-6
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
XI11/1 Pfaff 5463-831/03-6
91-170 036^1
-91-169 679-15
91-701 3^^15
11-108 180-15
91-002 065-05
91-169 801-05
^ 91-169 797-05
dt filVqi-
Ni)-91-169 796-35
91-169 5'»8-05
11-108 060-15
1>-033 103-05
!1-91-169 59W5
'91-701 3^'t-15
91-05^* 906-91
91-05/, 90415-'? 91-05^ 9O8-9I
11-108 057-15'
91-058 08^1
91-058 103-05 91-058 087-93 91-700 335-15
I 11-17/t 089-15
^X;^^^^^^1-170 0^(2-01 91-170 0/,9-31
91-058 085-05^"11-108
'^ 090-15 91-058 088-0/,
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-831/03-6
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-821/02-95) XIII/1
N = Needle Gouge
11-108 057-15 Fastening screw (A M2.6x3 DIN B'l-SG) 9I-I69 628-11 Tension bracket for N0.9I-I69 638-91
for No.9l-O5't 90M5
9I-I69 633-I5 Tension release bracket
11-108 060-15 Fastening screw (A M2.6xA DIN 8'i-8G)
for No.91-170 028-15 9I-I69 638-91 Needle thread tension, compl.,
consisting of Nos.12-610 230-45;
11-108 090-15 Fastening screw (A M3x5 DIN 8A-8G) 13-033 10J-05; 91-001 522-35;
for No.91-170 0A2-01 91-002 065-05; 91-010 181-15;
11-108 180-15 Locking screw (A MAxl2 DIN 8A-8G) 91-010 183-05; 91-105 47-15;
for N0.9I-I69 66741 91-107 20415; 91-169 567-05;
91-169 59415; 91-169 628-11;
II-I7A 089-15 Fastening screw (A M3x5 DIN 920-8G) 91-169 63415; 91-701 3'»415
for No.91-058 103-05
9I-I69 66741 Tension bracket for No.91-170 036-91
11-330 085-15 Fastening screw (A M3xA DIN 913-10 K) N0.9I-635 2A49I Tension bracket
for N0.9I-I69 619-05 and needle set screw 0
1 (for Willcox &Gibbs),
12-610 23045 Circlip (10x1 DIN ^71) not ill.,
for No.91-635 257-91
for N0.9I-I69 633-15
13-033 103-05 Tension release pin (2(n6xl6 DIN 6325) 91-169 679-15 Thread guide for No.91-169 66741
91-001 522-35 Nut for No.91-169 567-05
91-169 796-35 Nut for No. 91-169 54-05
91-002 065-05 Tension disc
91-010 181-15 Tension release washer
9I-I69 797-05 Tension sleeve
91-010 183-05 Tension spring for N0.9I-I69 567-05 9I-I69 801-05 Tension spring for N0.9I-I69 54-15
91-04 557-04 X Model
9I-I7O 028-15 Thread regulator
Feed dog (N = 2.0/3.2 mm)
91-04 558-04 X Model 91-170 032-93 X N Needle bar
Feed dog (N = 3.2/A.5 mm) (N = 2.0/3.2 mm or 3.2/45 mm)
91-054 90415 Chain cutter
No.11-330 085-15 Needle set screw and
91-054 906-91 Presser foot (N = 3.2/A.5 mm) w/ set screw
No. 11-108 057-15 Set screw No.91-169 619-05
No.9l-O5't 90^5 Chain cutter N0.9I-I69 619-05 Cover thread guide
9I-O5A 9O8-9I Presser foot (N = 2.0/3.2 mm) w/ No.91-170 035-05 Thread guide
No.91-700 868-15 Set screw
No.11-108 057-15 Set screw
No.91-O5't 9OM5 Chain cutter
91-170 035-05 Thread guide for No.91-170 032-93
91-058 08M1 X Model
Needle plate, compl., (N = 2.0/3.2 mm), 9I-I7O 036-91 Looper thread tension, compl.,
consisting of Nos.11-108 090-15; consisting of Nos.11-108 180-15;
11-17^ 089-15; 91-058 08^5; 91-002 065-05; 91-169 54-05;
91-058 103-05; 91-170 OA2-OI 91-169 66741; 91-169 679-15;
91-058 085-05 x Model 91-169 79435; 91-169 797-05;
Needle plate (N = 2.0/3.2 mm) 91-169 801-05; 91-701 3A415
for No.91-058 O8A-9I No.91-635 25741 Looper thread tension,
91-058 087-95 x Model (for Willcox &Gibbs),
Needle plate, compl., (N = 3.2/A.5 mm) not ill.
Same component parts as No.91-058 O8A-9I, Same component parts
but incorporating as No.91-170 036-91,
needle plate No.91-058 O88-OA but incorporating
tension bracket
91-058 088-0A x Model
Needle plate (N = 3.2/A.5 mm) No.91-^35 2'»491
for No.91-058 087-93
9I-I7O Lower knife, w/ carbide insert
9I-O58 103-05 Edge guide for needle plate
9I-I7O 049-31 Cover
91-105 47-15 Washer for No.91-001 522-35
91-107 2OA-I5 Washer for N0.9I-I69 633-15 91-700 33415 Fastening screw for No.91-170 049-31
91-169 54-05 Tension stud for No.91-169 66741
91-169 567-05 Tension stud for No.91-169 628-11 91-700 868-15 Fastening screw for No.91-170 035-05
91-169 59415 Thread guide for No.91-169 628-11 91-701 34415 Fastening screw for N0S.9I-I69 59415;
9I-I69 6I9-O5 Cover thread guide for No.91-170 032-93 91-169 679-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 75
XI11/2 Pfaff 5463-831/03-6
91-170 025-91
11-130 251-15
91-170 057-91 J
91-170 067-91 ii_205 TTT;
093-15 r tf 11-130 22M5
9I-I7O 068-45/ I 91-170 069/35
11-130 22't-15 1/ / /
91-012 753-05 \ / / /
11-130 22W5\'^'U //
9I-I70 061-12
91-700 &80-15^^1fc 91-170 058-45
11,_218 090-01 91-170 059-Or <91-170 054-05
91-170 056-12 ^11-130 224-15
11-330 217-15
-91-170 055-15
91-170 053-05-
91-170 06(H1
91-170 039-91
91-100 076-15
. K 91-170 048-12
91-169 727-15-^^^^^ • 14-218 130-01
91-170 195-35-t ^ ^
91-700 226-15
91-170 026-31
11-108 177-15
91-129 99341
91-170 710-91
11-108 177-15-4®®
91-029 385-51
11-108 177-15
91-700 785-15-^ ^ V
91-170 037-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementaty Parts for the Pfoff 5463-831/03-6
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-821/02-95)^^ XIII/2
N = Needle Gauge
11-108 I77-I5 Binding screw (A MAxlQ DIN 8A-86) 91-170 058-A5 Knife drive bearing bracket
for Nos.91-170 0A8-12; 91-170 71CH1
91-170 O59-OA Knife driving shaft
II-I30 22A-I5 Binding screw (M 5x10 DIN 912-8G) (Orders should specify number of dots
for N0S.9I-I7O 056-12; 91-170 061-12 and
fastening screw for Nos.91-170 05A-05; on part)
91-170 055-15; 91-170 067-91
91-170 060-91 Knife driving eccentric crank, compl.,
11-130 251-15 Fastening screw (M 5x30 DIN 912-8G) consisting of:
for No.91-170 025-91 N0.I2-6AO 170-55 Slip washer
11-205 O93-I5 Fastening screw (A M3x6 DIN 63-8G) No.lA-215 013-01''^ Needle bearing for
hinge stud
for No.91-170 069-05
N0.IA-2I5 27A-0V^ Needle bearing for
11-330 2I7-I5 Fastening screw (M 5x6 DIN 913-10K) driving eccentric
for No.91-170 061-12 N0.9I-I69 556-05 Friction washer
11-330 952-15 Fastening screw (A M5x5 DIN 913-IOK) N0.9I-I7O 062-15^^Knife driving
eccentric crank
for No.91-170 065-92 and for
knife driving eccentric
N0.9I-I7O 063-12^Hnife driving
eccentric, w/
12-6A0 170-55 Slip washer (5 DIN 6799) for set screw
hinge pin of No.91-170 O6O-9I No.11-330 952-15
1A-218 O9O-OI Needle bearing for No.91-170 057-91 N0.9I-I7O 06A-05^^Sealer ring
for N0.IA-2I5 27M)1
1A-218 I3O-OI Needle bearing for bedplate No.91-170 065-92 Set collar, w/
set screw
91-012 753-05 Friction washer for N0.9I-I7O 057-91
No.11-330 952-15
9I-O29 385-51 Waste chute No.91-170 070-05^^Hinge pin
9I-IOO O76-I5 Fastening screw for No.91-169 727-15 Ofor replacement purposes, order
91-129 993-AI Oil drip pan No.91-170 060-91
9I-I69 556-05 Friction washer for needle bearing 9I-I7O 061-12 Knife driving lever, rear, w/
of No.91-170 060-91 No.11-130 22A-I5 Binding screw
No.11-330 217-15 Set screw
9I-I69 727-I5 Retaining spring for N0.9I-I7O 026-31
9I-I7O 025-91 Knife driving assembly, compl., 91-170 065-92 Set collar, w/
set screw No.11-330 952-15
consisting of Nos.11-130 22A-15;
91-012 755-05; 91-170 055-05;
9I-I7O 067-91 Guide, compl.,
91-170 05M)5; 91-170 055-15; for No.91-170 056-12,
91-170 056-12; 91-170 057-91;
consisting of Nos.11-205 093-15;
91-170 061-12; 91-170 067-91
91-170 068-A5; 91-170 069-05
91-170 026-31 Cover plate 91-170 068-A5 Guide
9I-I7O O37-I5 Needle guard, adjustable
9I-I7O O69-O5 Position bracket for No.91-170 067-91
91-170 039-91 Cover plate, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-100 076-15; 9I-I7O 195-35 Connecting plate for No.91-170 026-31
91-169 727-15; 91-170 026-31;
91-170 195-35; 91-700 226-15
9I-I7O 710-91 Looper bracket w/
91-170 OA5-O5 Looper (N = 2.0/3.2 mm) No.11-108 I77-I5 Binding screw
No.91-700 785-15 Set screw
91-170 OA6-O5 Looper (N = 3.2/A.5 mm)
91-170 0A8-12 Thread puller, w/ 91-700 226-I5 Fastening screw for No.91-170 195-35
binding screw No.11-108 177-15
9I-7OO 68O-I5 Fastening screw for No.91-170 056-12
91-170 053-05 Knife
9I-I7O O5A-O5 Knife shim 9I-7OO 785-15 Fastening screw for No.91-170 710-91
91-170 055-15 Waste guide
9I-I7O O56-I2 Knife driving lever, front, w/
N0.II-I3O 22A-I5 Binding screw
No.91-700 680-15 Set screw
9I-I7O 057-91 Knife drive bearing bracket, compl.,
consisting of Nos.1A-218 090-01;
91-170 058-45; 91-170 059-0A 9I-I7O 031-45 Bedplate, not ill.
Complementary Parts
Pfaff 5463-801/13-6-900/02
Pfaff 5463-801/13-6-900/02^
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5^63-801/13-6-900/02
Pfaff 5^63-801/13-6-900/02-911
91-169 991-^2
91-169 892-91
91-169 893-04
12-610 210-45
91-069 0^0-01
91-069 06(H2
11-171, 175-15
•11-174 086-15
13-250 436-05-^-.
91-069 325-91
91-069 324-05
91-069 102-12 225-15
91-069 660-15
^12-640 150-55
91-069 322-ir
91-054 948-01
91-170 115-91
91-169 727-15
n-100 076-15
91-058 144-93 i An/
11-108 174-15
91-100 300-15 91-100 275-15
^ 91-170110-15
qi-17n 1
91-170 696-91 91-058 146-15
91-170 110-15
97-30 179-995
\ -
99-129 547-93
11-470 373-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Parts of Pfaff Machines 5^63-801/13-6-900/02 and 5'f63-801/15-6-900/02-911
(For standard parts, please refer to Pfaff machines 5^63-801/13-6 and 5't63-80l/l3-Ml1, respectively) XIV/1
*11-108 O8W5 Fastening screw (A M3x3 DIN 8't-8G) 91-069 322-11 Lifting lever
for Nos.91-170 669-15; 91-170 700-15
9I-O69 323-91 Lifting lever, compl.,
11-108 17'h-15 Fastening screw (A MhxB DIN 8V-8G) consisting of Nos.12-640 156-55;
for N0.9I-I7O 110-15 13-250 43^5; 91-028 605-15;
91-069 102-12; 91-069 322-11;
11-108 225-15 Binding screw (A M5x10 DIN OV-OG) 91-069 324-05; 91-069 660-15
for No.91-069 102-12
9I-O69 324-05 Tension spring for No.91-069 322-11
086-15 Needle set screw (M 3x't DIN 920-5S)
9I-O69 660-15 Lifting lever connecting rod
ll-lyif 175_15 Binding screw (M 4x8 DIN 920-8G)
for No.91-069 060-92 91-100 076-15 Fastening screw for N0.9I-I69 727-15
11-470 375-15 Wood screw (5-5x55 DIN 97-St) 91-100 275-15 Set screw for No.91-058 14M5
for No.97-30 179-995
*91-100 300-15 Fastening screw for No.91-058 146-15
12-305 081-15 Washer (8 3.2 DIN 125-St)
for No.11-108 084-15
91-169 727-15 Retaining spring for No.91-170 115-91
12-610 21045 Circlip (8x0.8 DIN 471)
for No.91-069 040-01 9I-I69 892-91 Needle bar drive assembly, compl.,
consisting of Nos.12-610 210-45;
91-069 040-01; 91-069 060-92;
12-640 150-55 Slip washer (4 DIN 6799) 91-169 893-04
for N0.9I-O69 66O-I5
91-169 893-04^^Take-up crank stud for N0.9I-I69 892-91
13-250 436-05 Hinge pin (5x12 DIN 1476)
for N0.9I-O69 102-12
91-169 991-92 Needle bar, w/
needle set screw No.11-174 086-15
91-028 605-15 Washer for No.13-250 436-05
91-170 110-15 Position bracket for No.91-170 133-35
91-047 349-04 X Model
Feed dog
9I-I7O 115-91 Cover plate, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-100 076-15;
9I-O54 948-01 Lifting presser foot 91-169 727-15; 91-170 116-35
9I-O69 060-92'') Needle bar connecting stud, w/ 97-30 179-995 Spacing strip for N0.9I-O69 306-55
binding screw No.11-174 173-15 (see Section IV/1)
9I-O69 102-12 Lifting lever crank, w/
binding screw No.11-108 225-15 99-129 547-93 Wrapper, w/ needles (System 4463-35 cf)
^)If old part is returned for replacement, repair costs will be charged only. For repair, 81
return From
needle theassembly
bar drive libraryNo.91-169
of: Superior
892-91 Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5'»65-801/13-6-900/02
Pfaff 5^63-801/1>-6-900/02-911
91-170 670-15^
91-095 317-911
11-108 171-15
71-37 00-0112
91-170 669-91 ^
\ 71-37 00-0111 I 71-17 00-0068 ^
11-108 22H5 / / 91-095 3I8-9I
99-099 828-91 //-.,/ 91-095320-91 OU
'/ ^ / 70-28 32-0002
70-28 32-0002 / • J 99-099 828-91
^ - / ^ / 99-099 922-25
^ / / ^ / / /-. .99-099729-91
99-115 167-05^
99-115 183-05-
jdk -91-170 671-15
99-115 082-91'^
99-099 618^1' 91-170 096-15 I
11-108 225-15—'
11-172, 179-15
C3-91-106 033-15
91-032 211-15-^
91-170 117-12
11-330 217-15
91-170 122-05
^l2-6it0 150-55
i®-91-100 208-15
P^91-170 118-11
12-6'»0 150-55
-12-6^0 150-55
91-170 123-15-^
12-02i» 151-15---^ /
91-170 077-^1 91-170 I2MI /
' i
12-610 19045
91-170 158-05
V- =
91-700 65't-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Parts of Pfaff Machines 5^65-801/15-6-900/02 and 5'f65-801/I3-6-900/02-911
(For standard parts, please refer to Pfaff machines 5^65-801/15-6 and 5't63-80l/15-6-911, respectively) XIV/2
11-059 177-15 Stop screw (M 'fxlO DIN 933-86) 91-170 668-15; 91-170 669-91;
for N0.9I-I7O 667-92 91-170 671-15; 99-099 618-91;
11-108 099-15 Fastening screw (A M3x10 DIN 8A-8G) 99-099 729-91; 99499 828-91;
for Nos.91-170 671-15; 99-099 729-91 99-099 922-25; 99-115 082-91;
99-115 167-05; 99-115 183-05
11-108 I7I-I5 Fastening screw (A MAx6 DIN 8^6)
for Nos.91-097 1^19-15; 91-170 668-15 91-095 318-91 Cord for No.71-17 00-0068
11-108 225-15 Fastening screw (A M5x10 DIN D't-SG) 91-095 320-91 Cord for No.99-099 729-91
for Nos.71-17 00-0068; 91-170 096-15 91-097 149-15 Cord clip for Nos.91-095 318-91;
11-108 291-15. Hinge screw (A M6x15 DIN 8A-8G) 91-095 320-91
for No.91-020 353-91 91-100 208-15 Hinge screw for No.91-170 118-11
II-I30 173-15 Binding screw (M 4x8 DIN 912-86) 91-100 255-15 Hinge screw for No.91-170 124-11
for No.91-170 126-12
91-106 033-15 Washer for No.l6-04l 050-15
11-130 239-15 Fastening screw (M 5x20 DIN 912-8G)
for No.91-170 07645 9I-I7O 07645 Bracket for thread puller and tension
release mechanism
11-174 179-15 Binding screw (M 4x12 DIN 920-8G)
for No.91-170 667-92 91-170 077-91 Thread puller driving lever, compl.,
consisting of Nos. 12424 151-15;
11-330 217-15 Fastening screw (A M5x6 DIN 913-10K) 14-215 01641; 91469 65745;
for No.91-170 117-12 91-170 078-11; 91-170 081-15
11-330 220-15 Fastening screw (A M5x8 DIN 913-10K) 9I-I7O 078-11 Thread puller driving lever
for N0.9I-O69 657-05
91-170 081-15 Driving stud for No.91-170 07741
12-005 151-15 Nut (A M4 DIN 439-5S)
for No.91-170 667-92 91-170 083-15 Connecting rod for No.91-170 07741
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5^65-801/1>-6-900/02
Pfaff 5'»63-801/13-M00/02-911
9I-I7O 022-91
91-1?Q 127-91
91-013 51M)5
-9I-I7O 108-12
91-170 130-^5
11-130 22W5
11-108 177-15- ^^11-108 231-15
15-033 91-020 VOO-IS- -91-170 106-15
•12-02'f I7I-I5
-91-170 087-11
11-108 225-15
99-115 075^1
91-170 109-05 91-069 697-05
91-170 703-91
91-700 510-15
11-317 950-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Con^lementary Parts of Pfaff Machines 5^63-80l/l>-6-^00/02 and 5^63-801/13-6-900/02-911
(For standard parts, please refer to Pfaff machines 5^63-801/13-6 and 5't63-801/13-6-911, respectively) XlV/3
11-108 096-15 End screw (A M3x8 DIN 8A-8G) 91-170 022-91 Tension release mechanism, compl.,
for No.91-170 090-11 consisting of Nos.12-024 171-15;
11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A MAxlO DIN 8^G) 91-013 514-05; 91-020 490-15;
for No.91-170 108-12 91-170 104-11; 91-170 106-15;
91-170 107-05; 91-170 108-12
11-108 189-15 Stop screw (A MAx18 DIN 8^G)
for No.91-170 086-15 9I-I7O 07545 Oil reservoir cover
11-108 225-15 Fastening screw (A M5x10 DIN 8V-8G) 9I-I7O 084-91 Thread puller and tension release
for Nos.91-169 860-15; 91-169 998-15; mechanism, compl.,
91-170 670-15 (see Section XIV/2); consisting of Nos.11-108 096-15;
11-108 189-15; 11-130 224-15;
91-170 703-^1
11-330 169-15; 12-024 151-15;
11-108 231-15 Binding screw (A M5x15 DIN 8V-8G) 12-305 081-15; 14-215 016-01;
for No.91-170 108-12 91-069 657-05; 91-170 089-15;
11-108 237-15 Stop screw (A M5x18 DIN 8V-8G) 91-170 086-15; 91-170 087-11;
for No.91-170 099-15 91-170 090-11; 91-170 093-05;
91-170 094-11
11-130 22M5 Fastening screw (M 5x10 DIN 912-8G)
for Nos.91-170 085-15; 91-170 086-15; 91-170 085-15 Bracket for No.91-170 08441
91-170 099-15 and binding screw 91-170 086-15 Stop for No.91-170 084-91
for Nos.91-170 102-12; 91-170 13045
9I-I7O 087-11 Driving lever for No.91-170 084-91
11-317 950-15 Fastening screw (M 5x5 DIN 551) 9I-I7O O9O-II Driving lever for No.91-170 084-91
for Nos.91-169 899-15; 91-169 998-15
11-330 169-15 Fastening screw (A M DIN 913-IOK) 9I-I7O 093-05 Torsion spring for No.91-170 084-91
for No.91-069 657-05 91-170 094-11 Cam lever for No.91-170 084-91
11-3^1 220-15 Fastening screw (A M5x8 DIN 91M0K) 9I-I7O 097-91 Connecting rod, compl.,
for No.91-170 101-12 consisting of Nos.12-024 171-15;
16-046 901-01; 91-010 116-05;
12-02'j 151-15 Nut (M k DIN 93V^)
91-170 098-15
for No.11-108 189-15
12-02^ 171-15 Nut (M 5 DIN 93't-O) 9I-I7O 098-15 Connecting rod
for Nos.11-108 237-15; 91-170 098-15; 9I-I7O 099-15 Bearing bracket for No.91-170 021-91
91-170 lOMl
91-170 106-05 Shaft for No.91-170 021-91
12-305 081-15 Washer (B 3.2 DIN 125-St)
for No.91-170 090-11
9I-I7O 101-12 Crank, w/ set screw
No.11-341 220-15, for No.91-170 021-91
12-^10 15045 Circlip (AxO.A DIN A7I)
for N0.9I-I69 151-05
91-170 102-12 Crank, w/
binding screw No.11-130 224-15,
13-033 2'tA-05 Driving pin (Ani6x10 DIN 6325) for No.91-170 021-91
for No.91-170 127-91
91-170 103-15 Forked-end stud for No.91-170 021-91
1^1-215 OlS-01 Needle bearing for Nos.91-170 087-11;
91-170 09MI 9I-I7O 104-11 Connecting tube for No.91-170 022-91
1&-0't6 901-01 Ball joint linkage (AS 8x5 DIN 71 802) 91-170 106-15 Joint for No.91-170 022-91
for No.91-170 097-91
9I-I7O 107-05 Tension spring for No.91-170 022-91
91-010 116-05 Shim for No.l6-(A6 901-01
91-170 108-12 Crank, w/
91-013 51M)5 Hinge stud for No.91-170 022-91 binding screw Nos.11-108 177-15;
91-020 't90-15 Spring suspension bracket
11-108 231-15, for No.91-170 022-91
for No.91-170 022-91
91-170 109-05 Split bushing for No.91-170 157-92
91-069 657-05 Fulcrum stud for No.91-170 OO'f-OI
9I-I7O 127-91 Tension release lever, compl.,
91-069 697-05 Carbon brush
consisting of Nos.11-130 224-15;
91-169 151-05 Hinge stud for No.91-170 021-91 13-033 244-05; 91-170 13045
91-169 860-15 Bracket for No.91-170 703-91
9I-I7O 13045 Tension release lever
91-169 899-15 Bedplate rest
91-169 998-15 Bedplate rest
9I-I7O 157-92 Synchronizer slip ring, w/
set screw No.91-700 510-15
91-170 021-01 Tension release mechanism, compl.,
consisting of Nos.11-108 237-15; 9I-I7O 703-91 Carbon brush holder, w/ cord
12-02^ 171-15; 12-610 15045;
91-169 151-05; 91-170 099-15; 91-700 510-15 Fastening screw for No.91-170 15742
91-170 100-05; 91-170 101-12;
91-170 102-12; 91-170 103-15 99-115 07541 Plug for No.91-170 70341
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5^65-801/13-6-900/02
XlV/4 Pfaff 5^63-801/13-6-900/02-911
91-093 322-91
91-095 31M1
. ^91-095 HI-9I
99-098 066-9l>
99-097 105-91- _— 91-099 613-91
ii-^tSo 211-15
91-097 956^2-
11-173 171-25
99-099 59&-91-
11-108 096-15
^2) J
99-099 597-91-
12-500 121-^5
11-A60 157-15
71_37 00-0110
91-095 1^5-01 L
1U60 157-15-i
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Parts of Pfaff Machines 5'f63-80l/l3-6-900/02 and 5'f63-80l/l5-6-900/02-911
(For standard parts, please refer to Pfaff machines 5'>63-801/l3-6 and 5'f63-80l/l3-6-911, respectively) XlV/4
11-039 366-15 Fastening screw (M 8x20 DIN 933-86) 91499 53341 Full-wave rectifier, w/ voltage4ependent
for Nos.91-095 31^1; 91-095 322-01 resistor No.92-235 23045
11-'t60 250-25 Wood screw (A.5x25 DIN 96-St) 99-096 06241 Capacitor
for Nos.91-095 31V-91; 91-095 322-91
99-096 13041 Rectifier
12-305 22M5 Washer (A 8.4 DIN 125-St)
for No.11-039 366-15
99-097 06741 Safety plug for No.91-099 61341
12-500 121-45 Spring washer (B 3 DIN 127)
for No.11-108 096-15 99-097 10541 Screw plug for No.99-098 O664I
12-500 21045 Spring washer (A 8 DIN 127)
for No.11-039 366-15 99-097 94041 Terminal strip
91-095 143-91 Auxiliary drive cord* 99-098 95141 Protective motor switch
for No.91-095 32241
91-095 145-01 Cord channel
99-099 53741 Fuse (I.6 A)
91-095 259-91 Cord for No.71-12 00-0380
91-095 314-91 Switch box (220 V), w/ 99-099 54^91 Gland for No.71-12.004380
Nos.11-108 096-15; 11-173 171-25;
12-500 12145; 71-12 00-0310;
71-12 00-0380; 71-18 00-0226 99-099 54545 Sealer ring for No.99-099 54341
91-095 141-91; 91-095 143-91
91-095 259-91; 91-097 104-91 99-099 59641 Female plug casing for Nos.91-095 31441;
91-097 95642; 91-099 53>41 91-095 32241
91-099 613-91; 99-096 062-91
99-096 130-91; 99-097 105-91
99-099 59741 Female plug core for No.99-099 59641
99-097 94041; 99-098 O664I
99-098 519-91; 99-098 52041
99-098 57641; 99-099 537-91
99-115 05341 Voltage4ependent resistor
99-099 5434I; 99-099 545-05 for Nos.71-12 004310; 99-096 13041
99-099 59641; 99-099 597-41
99-115 05341; 99-115 054-91
99-115 274-91; 99-115 27541;
99-115 05441 .Fuse (2.5 A)
99-115 27941
91-095 32241 Switch box (380 V), as No.91-095 31441, 99-115 27441 Protective motor switch
but incorporating protective motor switch for No.91-095 31441
No.99-098 95141
91-097 95642 Switch box cover 99-115 27941 Wire resistor for No.99-096 06241
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
XV/l; XV/2; XV/3
Treadle Mechanism
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
91-070 007-90
91-070 O^MO
91-032 528-11
12-510 171-^5
P^91-032 550-15
IjE-l1-022 29t>-15
91-032 529-15
12-02^ 191-15-^
l6-Oit9 O'tO-ll-fl
91-032 651-91
91-032 95M5
91-031 888-15 I 11-108 291-15
12-510 17145/ *^12-305 171-15
12-02't 1914^^^^^^^
91-032 9'»645
91-032 82Wt5
f-11-039 297-15
--12-500 19045
«^12-02^ 191-15
12-305 171-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Treadle mechanism of the Pfaff 5463 XV/1
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
^)for Subcl. -900 see Sections XV/5 and XV/6
91-070 200-90
91-070 201-90
91-169 657-92
91-701 039-15
91-700 962-15-13 .
91-032 528-11
91-031 888-15
I /12-02't 191-15
16^1,9 o'tO-ll-Sn
12-024 191-15^ ' 2-510 171-45
91-032 529-15-^
1^91-032 530-15
10-11-022 290-15
91-032 529-15
L12-024 191-15
|-l6-049 040-11
91-032 78H1
12-510 171-45 91-031 888-15 291-15
12-024 191-15 \ /12-305 171-15 545-15
11-108 291-15 \ \ / \^12-024 191-15
91-032 954^5-^^^^^
^ 12-^24 191-15 oi_o^? fifi
91-032 864-15-
91-032 95M1
•13-052 268-05
91-032 823-45
91-032 824-45
1-11-039 297-15
—12-500 190-45
«-12-024 191-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Treadle mechanism of the Pfaff 5463 with Automatic Presser Foot Lifter XV/2
11-022 290-15 Fastening screw (B 6x15 DIN 56^1-53) 91432 82345 Bearing bracket for No.91470 20040
for No.91-032 530-15
11-039 297-15 Fastening screw (M 6x18 DIN 933-8G) 91432 82A45 Bearing bracket for No.91470 20140
for No.91-032 82Wf5
11-108 291-15 Fastening screw (A M6x15 DIN 8V-8G) 91432 86A-15 Spacer for Nos.91432 9^741;
for No.91-032 95'»-A5 and binding screw 91432 95041
for No.91-032 5't5-15
12-510 17145 Slip washer (J 6.A DIN 6797) 91432 95245 Treadle covering for No.91432 95041
for NO.12-02A 191-15
91432 5^5-15 Connecting bracket for No.91432 687-15 91-169 A6A45 Torsion spring for No.91432 95041
91-052 5^3-11
^12-02^ 191-15
91-032 528-11
12-02't 191-15
12-510 17M5I
91-031 888-15 11
-91-032 38VI5
l6-Oif9 O'fO-ll-
l2-02if 191-15-
91-032 529-15-
91-032 529-15-
|-91-032 291-15
12_02it 191-15— I
|-l2-02't 191-15
|_16-0V 0^0-11
16-oV O^iO-ll-S
91-032 5M-91
12-02't 191-15
91-032 95V45 \ 91-032 5'tVl5
91-031 888-15 I \ / .91-031 888-15
12-51017145! ^a&^^^ii-i08 291-15
12-02^t I9l-15v\ U_ --12-305171-15
91-032 950-91
. N?^91-032 5V-15
91-032 86VI5
13-052 268-05
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Treadle AAechonism of the Pfoff 5463 for Bocktocking or Stitch Condensation XV/3
11-022 290-15 Fastening screw (B M6x15 DIN 56^1-5$) 91-032 5^3-11 Feed regulator connection, compl.,
for Nos.91-032 530-15; 91-032 559-15 consisting of Nos.11-022 290-15;
12-02A 191-15; 16-0A9 OAO-11;
91-032 291-15; 91-032 38M5;
11-039 297-15 Fastening screw (M 6x18 DIN 933-8G) 91-032 559-15
for No.91-032 82'h45
11-108 291-15 Fastening screw (A M6x15 DIN 8A-8G) 91-032 5't5-15 Connecting bracket for No.91-032 5'>7-15
for No.91-032 95W»5
11-^60 A05-15 Wood screw (6x30 DIN 96-St) 91-032 5^7-15 Bell crank for No.91-032 5^1^1
for No.91-032 82345
91-032 559-15 Clamping bracket for No.91-032 5^5-11
12-02't 191-15 Nut (M 6 DIN 93^G)
for Nos.11-039 297-15; 11-108 291-15;
91-031 888-15; 91-032 291-15; 91-032 82345 Bearing bracket for No.91-070 05M0
91-032 38M5; 91-032 529-15
12-305 171-15 Washer (B O.'t DIN 125-St) 91-032 82A45 Bearing bracket for No.91-070 056-90
for Nos.11-108 291-15; 11-A60 A03-15;
12-02A 191-15
91-032 86A-15 Spacer for Nos.91-032 9'»7-91;
12-500 19045 Spring washer (A 6 DIN 127) 91-032 950-91
for No.11-039 297-15
12-510 17145 Slip washer (J 6.A DIN 6797) 91-032 9't7-91 Treadle, w/
for NO.12-02A 191-15 covering No.91-032 9'>945
91-032 528-11 Motor connecting rod, compL, 91-070 05^-90 Treadle mechanism, compl.,
consistning of Nos.11-022 290-15;
12-02A 191-15; 12-510 17145;
(for power table with wooden stand),
consisting of Nos. 11460 A03-15;
16-0A9 (A(W11; 91-031 888-15;
12-305 171-15; 91-032 528-11;
91-032 529-15; 91-032 530-15
91-032 5^-91; 91-032 5^^3-11;
91-032 82345; 91-169 46M)5
91-032 529-15 Connecting rod
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Ofor Subcl. -900 see Sections XV/5 and XV/6 95
91-070 058-90
91-070 057-90
91-169 ^58^1 91-032 5^3-11
lueo 319-15 aL_i6_oif9 oi»0-11
3_J , 91-169 ^62-15
^12-02if 191-15
le-^'tO 210-55. i mlI "^^-91-169 ^59-15
12-305 171-15^Sv.\^.gW^Li?-Ain 210-55
12-02^ 191-15^Sa8SNg^^
91-031 888-15-^iT^^ £
91-169 it6l-15-'n|l \\ ^55-15. -91-032 38M5
12-02't 191-151 \ 9I-I69 ^63-12
91-032 211-15 11-108 291-15 m
91-032 528-11
91-031 888-15
^12-02't 191-15
91-169 ^65-12 l6-oit9 O'tO-ll-f^ ,
12-02^ 191-15-^
11-108 285-15
91-032 529-1 5H
91-010 196-05
91-032 530-15- -91-032 559-15
11-022 290-15' -11-022 290-15
91-032 529-15-
1-91-032 291-15
'—12-024 191-15
12-02^^ 191-15- 1-16-049 040-11
l6-oi{9 o'jO-II-
91-032 541-91
12-02it 191-15
11-108 291-15
91-032 545-15
91-031 888-15 \
12-510 171-45 \ 1^1^91-031 888-15
12-024 191-15^A_ k --12-305 171-15
Vk '^-12-024 191-15
91-032 950-91
91-032 864-15
-13-052 268-05
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Treadle AAechonism (tilt-bock sewing head) of the Pfaff 5463
for Backtacking or Stitch Condensation XV/4
11-022 29O-I5 Fastening screw (B M6x15 DIN 56^S) 9I-O32 543-11 Feed regulator connection, compl.,
for Nos. 91-032 530-15; 91-032 559-15 consisting of Nos.11-022 290-15;
12-024 191-15; 16-049 040-11;
11-039 297-15 Fastening screw (M 6x18 DIN 933-8G) 91-032 291-15; 91-032 384-15;
for No.91-032 82'h45
91-032 559-15
11-108 285-15 Binding screw (A M6x10 DIN 8A-8G)
for No.91-169 465-12
9I-O32 545-15 Connecting bracket for No.91-032 547-15
11-108 29I-I5 Fastening screw (A M6x15 DIN 84-8G) 91-032 547-15 Bell crank for No.91-032 541-91
for N0.9I-O32 954-45 and binding screw 91-032 559-15 Clamping bracket for No.91-032 545-11
for No.91-169 463-12
91-032 82345 Bearing bracket for No.91-070 058-90
11-460 319-15 Wood screw (5x50 DIN 96-St)
for No.91-169 458-91 9I-O32 82445 Bearing bracket for N0.9I-O7O 057-90
11-460 355-15 Wood screw (5x50 DIN 96-St) 91-032 864-15 Spacer for Nos.91-032 947-91;
91-032 950-91
for No.91-169 458-91
11-460 403-15 Wood screw (6x30 DIN 96-St) 91-032 947-91 Treadle, w/
for No.91-032 82345 covering No.91-032 94945
12-024 191-15 Nut (M 6 DIN 93^1-8)
for Nos.11-039 297-15; 11-108 291-15;
9I-O32 94945 Treadle covering for No.91-032 947-91
91-031 888-15; 91-032 291-15; 91-032 950-91 Treadle, w/
91-032 384-15; 91-032 52^15; covering No.91-032 95245
91-169 462-15
91-032 95245 Treadle covering for No.91-032 950-91
12-305 171-15 Washer (B 6.4 DIN 125-St) 91-032 95445 Edge cover strip for No.91-032 947-91
for Nos.11-108 291-15; 11460 403-15;
91-169 462-15 9I-O7O 057-90 Treadle mechanism, compl.,
12-500 19045 Spring washer (A 6 DIN 127) (for power table with cast-iron stand),
for No.11-039 297-15
consisting of Nos.11-039 297-15;
11460 319-15; 11460 355-15;
12-510 17145 Slip washer (J 6.4 DIN 6797) 12-024 191-15; 12-500 19045;
for No.12-024 191-15 91-010 196-05; 91-032 528-11;
91-032 541-91; 91-032 543-11;
12-640 210-55 Slip washer (8 DIN 6799) 91-032 82445; 91-169 458-91;
for No.91-169 462-15
91-169 464-05; 91-169 465-12
13-052 268-05 Positioning pin for No.91-032 950-91
9I-O7O 058-90 Treadle mechanism, compl.,
16-049 040-11 Connecting rod joint (A 10 DIN 71 805) (for power table with wooden stand)
for Nos.91-032 291-15; 91-032 384-15;
Same component part as No.91-070 057-90,
91-032 529-15
but incorporating
No. 11460 403-15 Wood screw
91-010 196-05 Friction washer for N0.9I-I69 465-12
No.12-305 171-15 Washer
N0.9I-O32 82345 Bearing bracket
91-031 888-15 Ball stud for Nos.91-032 529-15;
91-032 545-15; 91-032 95^145;
9I-I69 458-91 Tilt-back mechanism, compl.,
91-169 461-15 consisting of Nos.12-024 191-15;
12-305 171-15; 12-640 210-55;
91-032 211-15 Washer for No.12-024 191-15
91-031 888-15; 91-032 211-15;
Connecting rod for No.91-032 543-11
91-032 291-15 91-169 459-15; 91-169 461-15;
91-169 462-15; 91-169 463-12
91-032 38M5 Connecting rod for No.91-032 543-11
91-032 528-11 Motor connecting rod, compl., 91-169 459-15 Bracket for N0.9I-I69 458-91
consisting of Nos.11-^22 290-15;
12-024 191-15; 12-510 17145; 91-169 461-15 Tilt-back fork
16-049 040-11; 91-031 888-15;
91-032 529-15; 91-032 530-15 91-169 462-15 Tilt-back stud
91-032 529-15 Connecting rod
91-169 463-12 Stop, w/
91-032 530-15 Clamping bracket for No.91-032 528-11 binding screw No.11-108 291-15,
for No.91-169 458-91
91-032 541-91 Treadles, compl.,
consisting of Nos.11-108 291-15;
12-024 191-15; 12-305 171-15;
91-169 464-05 Torsion spring for No.91-032 950-91
12-510 17145; 13-052 268-05;
91-031 888-15; 91-032 545-15; 91-169 465-12 Tilt-back crank, w/
91-032 547-15; 91-032 864-15; binding screw No.11-108 285-15,
91-032 947-91; 91-032 950-91; for Nos.91-070 057-90; 91-070 058-90;
91-032 95445 91-169 458-91
91-032 5^^3-11
.16-0^9 0^0-11
-IZ-OZh 191-15
-91-032 38W5
91-032 361-91
•91-032 52»7-15
91-032 862t-l5-
•13-052 268-05
1-11-039 297-15
"-12-50D 19045
»-12-022, 191-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Treadle AAechonism of fhe Pfoff -900 XV/5
11-022 290-15 Fastening screw (B M6x15 DIN 56'»-5S) 91-032 545-15 Connecting bracket for No.91-032 547-15
for Nos.91-032 291-15; 91-052 38M5;
91-032 529-15
91-032 547-15 Bell crank for No.91-032 54141
11-108 291-15 Fastening screw (A M6x15 DIN 8A-8G) 91432 555-15 Spacer for No.91432 554-15
for No.91-032 95Wt5
91432 557-15 Clamping bracket for No.91432 56141
11-A60 A03-15 Wood screw (6x30 DIN 96-St)
for No.91-032 823-'>5 91432 559-15 Clamping bracket for No.91432 543-11
12-02A 191-15 Nut (M 6 DIN 93^) 91432 56141 Motor connecting rod, compl.,
for Nos.11-039 297-15; 11-108 291-15; consisting of Nos. 11422 290-15;
91-031 888-15; 91-032 291-15; 12424 191-15; 12-510 171-45;
91-032 38M5; 91-032 529-15; 12410 190-45; 16-049 040-11;
91-032 55M5 91431 888-15; 91432 529-15;
91432 554-15; 91432 555-15;
91432 557-15
12-305 171-15 Washer (B 6.4 DIN 125-St)
for Nos. 11460 403-15; 12-024 191-15
91432 82345 Bearing bracket for No.91470 19340
12-500 19045 Spding washer (A 6 DIN 127)
for No.12-024 191-15 91432 82445 Bearing bracket for No,91470 19240
12-510 17145 Slip washer (J 6.4 DIN 6797) 91432 864-15 Spacer for No.9l432 94741
for No.12-024 191-15
91432 94741 Treadle, w/
12-610 19045 Circlip (6x0.7 DIN 471) covering No.91432 94945
for No.91-032 554-15
91432 94945 Treadle covering for No.91432 94741
15-052 268-05 Positioning pin for No.91-032 950-91
91432 95041 Treadle, w/
16-049 040-11 Connecting rod joint (A 10 DIN 71 805) covering for No.91432 95245
for Nos.91-032 291-15; 91-032 384-15;
91-032 529-15; 91-032 554-15
91432 95245 Treadle covering for No.91432 95041
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
XV/6 Pfaff -900
91-070 19^0
91-070 I9V-90
91-169 'f58-91 91-052 5'»3-11
91-032 561-91
91-169 *165-12
12-510 17145
12-02't 19l-15-4b
11-108 285-15
\ iM^tg oito-11^
12-02^ 191-15"^
91-032 529-15—
91-032 55W5—1
-91-032 291-15
-12-024 191-15
12-02't 191-15-
-16-049 040-11
15^it9 oifO-11-
91-032 541-01
12-024 191-15
91-032 95445 \ 91-032 545-15
91-031 888-15 \ \^91-031 888-15
12-510 17145\ \ ^_11-108 291-15
12-024 191-15\\ \ A ^-^12-305 171-15
^ ^^12-024 191-15
•91-032 547-15
91-052 864-15-
if-13-052 268-05
^ f-11-039 297-15
0-I2-5OO 19045
«^12-024 191-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Treadle AAechonism (tilt-bock sewing head) of the Pfaff -900 XV/6
11-022 290-15 Fastening screw (B M6x15 DIN 56't-5S) 9I-O32 5^5-15 Connecting bracket for No.91-032 5'»7-15
for Nos.91-032 291-15; 91-032 38W5;
91-032 529-15
91-032 5't7-15 Bell crank for No.91-032 5'»H1
11-039 297-I5 Fastening screw (M 6x18 DIN 933-8G) 9I-O32 55M5 Connecting rod for No.91-032 561-91
for No. 91-032 82Wt5 91-032 555-15 Spacer for No.91-032 55'»-15
11-108 285-15 Binding screw (A M6x10 DIN 8A-8G) 9I-O32 557-15 Clamping bracket for No.91-032 561-91
for N0.9I-I69 A65-I2
9I-O32 559-15 Clamping bracket for No.91-032 5'f3-11
11-108 29I-I5 Fastening screw (A M6x15 DIN 8V-8G)
for N0.9I-O32 95'>-A5 and binding screw 9I-O32 561-91 Motor connecting rod, compl.,
for No. 91-169 'f63-12 consisting of Nos.11-022 290-15;
12-02A 191-15; 12-510 171-^5;
11-'t60 319-15 Wood screw (5x50 DIN 96-St) 12-610 I9O-A5; I6-OA9 OAO-II
for N0.9I-I69 A58-9I 91-031 888-15; 91-032 529-15
11-A60 355-15 Wood screw (5.5x25 DIN 96-St) 91-032 55'h-15; 91-032 555-15;
for No. 91-169 '»58-91 91-032 557-15
11-A6O AO3-I5 Wood screw (6x30 DIN 96-St) 9I-O32 823-'»5 Bearing bracket for No.91-070 195-90
for No.91-032 823-^5 9I-O32 82W»5 Bearing bracket for No.91-070 lOMO
12-02A 191-15 Nut (M 6 DIN 93'»-8) 91-032 86A-I5 Spacer for No.91-032 9'f7-91
for Nos.11-039 297-15; 11-108 291-15;
91-031 888-15; 91-032 291-15;
91-032 9^7-91 Treadle, w/
91-032 38A-15; 91-032 529-15; covering No.91-032 9^9-^5
91-032 55M5; 91-169 ^62-15 9I-O32 9'»9-^5 Treadle covering for No.91-032 9'»7-91
12-305 171-15 Washer (B (iA DIN 125-St) 91-032 950-91 Treadle, w/
for Nos.11460 A03-15; 12-02A I9I-I5 covering No.91-032 952-A5
12-500 I9O-45 Spring washer Ca 6 DIN 127) 9I-O32 952-A5 Treadle covering for No.91-032 950-91
for No.12-02't 191-15
9I-O32 95'»-'t5 Edge cover strip for No.91-032 9't7-9l
12-510 I7I-A5 Slip washer (J 6.A DIN 6797)
for N0.I2-O2A 191-15
9I-O32 957-05 Torsion spring for No.91-032 9^7-91
12-610 I9O-A5 Circlip (6x0.7 DIN A7I) 9I-O7O I9A-9O Treadle mechanism, compl.,
for No.91-032 55W5 (for power table with cast-iron stand)
Same component parts as No. 91-070 195^0,
12-6A0 210-55 Slip washer (8 DIN 6799) but incorporating
for N0.9I-I69 A62-I5 No.11-039 297-15 Set screw
13-052 268-05 Positioning pin for No.91-032 95IH1 No.12-02'f 191-15 Nut
No.12-500 I9O-A5 Spring washer
^S-0k9 OAO-11 Connecting rod joint (A 10 DIN 7I 805) N0.9I-O32 82^15 Bearing bracket
for Nos.91-032 291-15; 91-032 38A-15;
91-032 529-15; 91-032 55V-I5
9I-O7O 195-90 Treadle mechanism, compl.,
(for power table with wooden stand),
91-010 196-05 Friction washer for N0.9I-I69 A65-12 consisting of N0S.II-A6O 319-15;
91-031 888-15 Ball stud for N0S.I6-OA9 OAO-11;
11460 355-15; 11460 A03-15;
91-032 5'>5-l5; 91-032 95M»5; 12-305 171-15; 91-010 196-05;
91-169 'f58-91
91-032 5'»1-91; 91-032 5^3-11;
91-032 561-91; 91-032 82345;
91-032 211-15 Washer for No.12-02A I9I-I5 91-032 957-05; 91-169 '»58-9l;
91-032 291-15 Connecting rod for No.91-032 5'>3-11 91-169 A6A-05; 91-169 ^65-12
91-032 38A-15 Connecting rod for No.91-032 5^3-11 9I-I69 A58-9I Tilt-back mechanism, compl.,
consisting of Nos.12-02't 191-15;
91-032 529-15 Connecting rod for No.91-032 561-91 12-305 171-15; 12-6A0 210-55;
9I-O32 5^1-91 Treadles, compl., 91-031 888-15; 91-032 211-15;
consisting of Nos.11-108 291-15; 91-169 't59-l5; 9I-I69 ^61-15;
^2-Q2k 191-15; 12-305 171-15; 91-169 't62-15; 91-169 '»63-12
12-510 17U5; 1J-052 268-05; 91-169 'f59-15 Bracket for No.91-169 '»5841
91-031 888-15; 91-032 5'f5-l5;
91-032 5't7-15; 91-032 86W5; 9I-I69 't6l-15 Tilt-back fork for N0.9I-I69 '^5841
91-032 9't7-9l; 91-032 950-91; 91-169 '»62-15 Tilt-back stud for N0.9I-I69 'f58-91
91-032 95V45
9I-I69 'f63-12 Stop, w/ bindinq screw
9I-O32 5^3-11 Feed regulator connection, compl., No.11-108 291-15, for N0.9I-I69 A5841
consisting of Nos.11-022 290-15;
12-02A 191-15; IG-O'tO O'fO-ll; 9I-I69 't6A-05 Torsion spring for No.91-032 950-91
91-032 291-15; 91-032 38A-15; 9I-I69 A65-I2 Tilt-back crank, w/ bindinq screw
91-032 559-15 No.11-108 285-15, for No.91-169 ^^61-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
XVI/l; XVI/2
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Parts of Previous Pfoff 5463 A^chines XVI/1
The number marked with an asterisk and put in parenthesis, e.g. (*11-130 25M5), is
no additional order number, but is merely intended to facilitate looking up parts of
previous machines. This number must not be listed on orders; the valid part number is
the old number listed next to it.
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Parts of Previous Pfoff 5463 AAachines XVI/2
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
XVl/2 Parts of Pl"evious Pfaff 5463 Machines
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Numerical index
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463
Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./rjO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.
11-022 290-15 XV/1 +11-108 090-15 XVl/2 11-108 177-15 XI 11-108 258-15 IV/1 11- 086-15 V
11-022 290-15 XV/2 11-108 093-15 IX 11-108 177-15 XIl/1 11-108 285-15 XV/A 11- 086-15 VIIl/1
11-022 290-15 XV/3 11-108 093-15 XIl/2 11-108 177-15 XIIl/2 11-108 285-15 XV/6 11- 086-15 IX
11-022 290-15 xvA 11-108 096-15 III/1 11-108 177-15 XIV/3 11-108 291-15 VIIl/2 11- 086-15 XIl/1
11-022 290-15 XV/5 11-108 096-15 IX 11-108 180-15 II/1 11-108 291-15 XIV/2 11- 086-15 XIV/1
11-022 290-15 XV/6 11-108 096-15 XIV/3 11-108 180-15 III/1 11-108 291-15 XV/1 11- 089-15 V
11-039 177-15 XIV/2 11-108 096-15 XIV/4 11-108 180-15 Vl/2 11-108 29I-I5 XV/2 11- 089-15 XI
11-039 297-15 XV/1 11-108 099-15 IV/2 11-108 180-15 XIIl/1 11-108 291-15 XV/3 11- 089-15 XIIl/1
11-039 297-15 XV/2 11-108 099-15 Vl/1 11-108 189-15 XIV/3 11-108 29I-I5 Vijh 11- 100-15 III/1
11-039 297-15 XV/3 11-108 099-15 X/3 11-108 222-15 I 11-108 291-15 XV/5 11- 170-15 I
11-039 297-15 XV/A 11-108 099-15 XIV/2 11-108 222-15 IV/1 11-108 291-15 XV/6 +11- 170-15 XVl/2
11-039 297-15 XV/5 11-108 5-15 XIl/2 11-108 222-15 V 11-130 173-15 XIV/2 11- 173-15 I
11-039 297-15 XV/6 11-108 -15 X/3 11-108 225-15 I 11-130 22M5 II/1 11- 173-15 VII
11-039 366-15 XlV/'t 11-108 -15 I 11-108 225-15 II/2 11-130 22M5 XIl/2 11- 173-15 IX
11-08^ 357-15 IV/1 11-108 -15 III/2 11-108 225-15 II1/1 11-130 22A-I5 XIIl/2 11- |73-15 X/1
11-108 057-15 XIIl/1 11-108 -15 V 11-108 225-15 III/2 11-130 22A-I5 XIV/3 11- 173-15 XI
11-108 060-15 I 11-108 -15 IX 11-108 225-15 VIIl/2 11-130 230-15 XIl/2 11- 173-15 XIV/1
11-108 O6O-I5 Vl/2 11-108 -15 XIl/2 11-108 225-15 X/2 11-130 239-15 IX 11- 176-15 III/1
11-108 060-15 VII 11-108 -15 XIV/2 11-108 225-15 XI 11-130 239-15 XIV/2 11- 176-15 X/2
11-108 060-15 IX 11-108 -15 II/2 11-108 225-15 XIV/1 11-130 251-15 XIIl/2 11- 176-15 XI
11-108 060-15 X/1 11-108 M5 III/1 11-108 225-15 XIV/2 11-130 25M5 II/1 11- 179-15 XIV/2
11-108 O6O-I5 XI 11-108 -15 VII1/2 11-108 225-15 XIV/3 11-130 287-15 III/1 11- 22W5 III/2
11-108 060-15 XIIl/1 11-108 M5 XI +11-108 225-15 XVl/2 11-130 566-15 II1/2 11- 172-15 III/2
11-108 06>-15 XI 11-108 A-15 XIl/2 11-108 231-15 III/1 11-133 538-15 III/2 11- II/2
11-108 O8M5 III/1 11-108 M5 XIV/1 11-108 231-15 Vl/1 11-133 5'»M5 III/2 11- 093-15 XIIl/2
11-108 O8A-I5 V 11-108 -15 III/1 11-108 231-15 X/3 11-173 090-15 X/1 11- VIIl/1
11-108 O8A-I5 X/1 11-108 -15 III/2 11-108 231-15 XIV/3 11-173 090-15 X/3 11- 171-15 III/1
11-108 08't-l5 XI 11-108 -15 Vl/2 11-108 237-15 I 11-173 090-15 XIl/1 +11- XVl/1
11-108 08^1-15 XIV/1 11-108 -15 VIIl/1 11-108 237-15 XIV/3 11-173 171-25 mjk +11- ^29-35 XVl/2
11-108 087-15 •IX 11-108 -15 VII1/2 11-108 2^6-15 IV/2 11-173 225-15 111/1 11- II/2
11-108 090-15 IX 11-108 -15 X/1 11-108 2AM5 Vl/1 11-173 225-15 XIl/1 11- 166-15 IX
11-108 090-15 XII1/1 11-108 -15 X/2 11-108 2^6-15 X/3 11-17'> 086-15 II1/2 11- 169-15 III/1
no + = Teile friiherer Ausfiihrungen/Parts of Previous Machines/Pieces des anciens modeles/Tipos de piezas anteriores
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463
./nO/No. Fig. Nr./n®/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/Ko. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.
-3^ 169-15 X/2 11-330 952-15 VIIl/2 12-024 121-15 IV/2 12-305 140-15 XIl/1 12-510 171-45 XV/4
-3H 169-15 XI 11-330 952-15 X/2 12-024 121-15 Vl/1 12-305 144-15 Vl/1 12-510 171-45 XV/5
-3H 220-15 I 11-330 952-15 XIl/1 12-024 121-15 X/3 12-305 144-15 x/3 12-510 171-45 XV/6
-3H 220-15 III/2 11-330 952-15 XIIl/2 12-024 151-15 XIV/2 12-305 171-15 XV/1 12-610 15045 XIV/3
-3U 220-15 VIIl/2 11-3^11 I69-I5 III/1 12-024 151-15 XIV/3 12-305 171-15 XV/2 12-610 17045 IX
220-15 X/2 11-341 I69-I5 X/2 12-024 171-15 IV/2 12-305 171-15 XV/3 12410 19045 XIl/1
-3H 280-15 I 11-341 I69-I5 XI 12-024 171-15 Vl/1 12-305 171-15 XV/4 12-610 19045 XIV/2
-3H 280-15 III/1 11-341 220-15 XIV/3 12-024 171-15 VII1/1 12-305 171-15 XV/5 12-610 19045 XV/5
-.3H 280-15 III/2 11-341 277-15 I 12-024 171-15 VIIl/2 12-305 171-15 XV/6 12-610 19045 XV/6
-3H 280-15 VIIl/1 11-341 277-15 III/1 12-024 171-15 X/3 12-305 224-15 XIV/4 12-610 21045 I
-3H 9^16-15 V 11-460 II8-I5 IV/1 12-024 171-15 XIl/1 12-315 070-15 I 12410 21045 VII
-317 278-15 XVl/2 11-460 157-15 XIV/4 12-024 171-15 XIV/2 12-315 070-15 Vl/2 12410 21045 IX
-31? 9'»9-15 IX 11-460 211-15 XIV/4 12-024 171-15 XIV/3 12-315 070-15 VII 12410 21045 X/1
-31? 9'»9-15 XIl/2 11-460 250-25 XIV/4 12-024 172-15 VIIl/1 12-315 070-15 XI 12410 21045 XI
-317 950-15 I 11-460 319-15 XV/4 12-024 172-15 XIV/2 12-315 070-25 I 12410 21045 XIV/1
-317 950-15 II/2 11-460 319-15 XV/6 12-024 191-15 IX 12-315 070-25 IX 12410 23045 II/1
-317 950-15 III/1 11-460 35^5 XV/4 12-024 191-15 XIV/2 12-315 080-15 XIl/2 12410 23045 Vl/2
-317 950-15 XIV/3 1U60 355-15 XV/6 12-024 191-15 XV/1 12-315 140-25 XI 12410 230-45 X/2
-330 085-15 Vl/2 11-460 405-15 XV/1 12-024 191-15 XV/2 12-335 151-15 IX 12410 23045 XIIl/1
-350 085-15 VII 11-460 403-15 XV/2 12-024 191-15 XV/3 12-500 121-45 XIV/4 12424 27045 III/1
-330 085-15 X/1 11-460 403-15 XV/3 12-024 191-15 XV/4 12-500 19045 XV/1 12424 31045 VIIl/2
-330 085-15 XIl/1 11-460 403-15 XV/4 12-024 191-15 XV/5 12-500 19045 XV/2 12427 38045 VIIl/2
-330 085-15 XIl/2 11-460 403-15 XV/5 12-024 191-15 XV/6 12-500 19045 XV/3 12440 050-55 V
-330 085-15 XIIl/1 11-460 405-15 XV/6 12-305 081-15 V 12-500 19045 XV/4 12440 090-55 IV/1
-330 088-15 I1I/1 11-470 373-15 XIV/1 12-305 081-15 IX 12-500 19045 XV/5 +12440 130-55 XVl/2
-330 166-15 IX 11-470 768-15 IV/2 12-305 081-15 XIV/1 12-500 19045 XV/6 12440 150-55 I
-330 169-15 XIV/3 11-470 768-15 Vl/1 12-305 081-15 XIV/3 12-500 21045 XIV/4 12440 150-55 II/2
-330 217-15 XIIl/2 11-470 768-15 X/3 12-305 111-15 I 12-510 14145 Vl/1 12440 150-55 III/1
-330 217-15 XIV/2 11-670 001-45 III/2 12-305 111-15 VIIl/1 12-510 14145 X/3 12440 150-55 XIV/1
-330 220-15 XIV/2 11-672 002-15 IX 12-305 111-15 IX 12-510 17145 XV/1 12440 150-55 XIV/2
-330 952-15 II/1 12-005 151-15 XIV/2 12-305 111-15 X/3 12-510 17145 XV/2 +12440 150-55 XVl/2
-330 952-15 III/2 12-005 195-15 VIIl/2 12-305 140-15 III/1 12-510 17145 XV/3 12440 170-55 III/I
+ = Teile fruherer
From Ausfiihrungen/Parts
the library of: of Previous
Sewingdes anciens modeles/Tipos
Machine & Supplyde LLC
piezas anteriores 111
Pfaff 5463
Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.
12-6'tO 170-55 X/2 l'h-010 170-01 III/2 70-28 52-0002 XIV/2 491-002 065-05 XVl/1 491-010 185-05 XVl/1
12-6^0 170-55 XI 1'h^lO 660-01 VIIl/2 71-12 00-0510 XIV/'^ 91-002 087-25 IV/1 491-010 185-05" XVl/2
12-6^ 170-55 XIIl/2 1'h016 130-01 III/2 71-12 00-0380 XIV/'^ 91-00'^ 005-05 XIl/2 91-010 196-05 XV/'^
12-6^0 170-55 XIV/2 1'h018 570-01 III/I 71-17 00-0068 XIV/2 91-00'^ 006-05 V 91-010 196-05 XV/6
12-6'tO 190-55 XIl/2 1'h018 570-01 X/2 71-18 00-0226 m/k 91-00'^ 006-05 XIl/2 91-012 755-05 XIIl/2
12-6'fO 200-55 III/I l'h-018 570-01 XI 71-37 00-0110 XIV/'^ 91-00'^ 171-15 XIV/2 91-013 |l'M)5 XIV/5
12-6'tO 210-55 XV/'^ I'h-018 62'h-91 II/2 71-37 00-0111 XIV/2 91-00'^ 181-05 III/I 91-017 378-15 III/I
12-6'»0 210-55 XV/6 1'h018 6'^'^-91 11/2 71-37 00-0112 XIV/2 91-00'^ 531-25 x/1 91-018 359-'^5 III/I
15-030 5't1-55 IV/1 l'h-215 007-01 XIl/2 91-000 075-35 I 91-006 030-25 X/3 91-020 353-91 XIV/2
15-033 105-05 II/1 1'k215 016-01 XIV/2 91-000 089-25 IV/1 491-006 505-05 XVl/1 91-020 '♦90-15 XIV/5
15-035 105-05 Vl/2 l'h.215 016-01 XIV/5 91-000 115-25 X/3 491-006 505-05 XVl/2 91-021 0'^1-05 III/I
134)53 105-05 X/2 l'h-218 090-01 XIIl/2 91-000 2'^5-15 XIl/2 91-008 829-15 IV/2 91-021 296-05 III/I
13-033 105-05 XIIl/1 1'^-218 130-01 XIIl/2 91-000 '♦07-15 III/I 91-008 829-15 Vl/1 91-021 '|86-41 XV/2
13-033 2^A-05 XIV/3 1'^-650 21'h05 I 91-000 '♦07-15 XIl/2 91-008 829-15 X/3 91-025 37'^-05 V
13-033 250-05 III/2 1'h680 050-15 II/2 91-000 '♦22-55 III/I 491-009 276-05 XVl/1 91-025 ^76-05 V
13-033 522-05 II/2 l'h-680 070-15 II/2 91-000 '♦86-25 X/1 491-009 276-05 XVl/2 91-026 ^07-21 XI
15-052 256-05 II/2 15-120 00'M)5 V 491-000 667-05 XVl/1 91-010 115-05 XIl/2 91-027 281-91 IV/1
15-052 256-05 IV/1 15-125 155-05 III/2 491-000 667-05 XVl/2 91-010 116-05 V 91-027 285-05 IV/1
15-052 268-05 XV/2 16-0'^1 050-15 XIV/2 91-000 775-15 IV/1 91-010 116-05 XIl/2 91-027 286-15 IV/1
15-052 268-05 XV/3 16-0A6 901-01 XIV/5 91-001 089-25 X/3 91-010 116-05 XIV/5 91-027 288-15 IV/1
15-052 268-05 XV/'^ 16-0'^9 020-11 VIIl/1 91-001 179-35 I 491-010 180-05 XVl/1 91-027 289-15 IV/1
15-052 268-05 XV/5 16-0'^9 021-01 VIIl/1 91-001 522-55 II/1 491-010 180-05 XVl/2 91-027 291-55 IV/1
15-052 268-05 XV/6 16-0'^9 O'^O-II XV/1 91-001 522-55 Vl/2 91-010 181-15 II/1 91-027 29'H2 IV/1
15-060 'tOO-05 III/2 164)'^9 O'^O-II XV/2 91-001 522-55 X/2 91-010 181-15 Vl/2 91-027 ^96-15 IV/1
15-065 515-15 IV/1 l6-0'^9 O'^O-II XV/5 91-001 522-35 XIII/I 91-010 181-15 X/2 91-027 297-05 IV/1
1^6A 2't7-05 I 16-0'^9 0'^0-11 XV/'^ 491-001 522-35 XVl/1 91-010 181-15 XIIl/1 91-027 299-91 IV/1
15-070 268-15 IV/1 l6-0'^9 O'^O-II XV/5 491-001 522-55 XVl/2 491-010 181-15 XVl/1 91-028 036-25 IV/1
15-115 022-05 II/2 16-0'^9 0'^0-11 XV/6 91-002 065-05 II/1 491-010 181-15 XVl/2 91-028 605-15 I
15-250 ^156-05 I 16-4U 139-55 IV/1 91-002 065-05 Vl/2 91-010 183-05 II/1 91-028 605-15 XIV/1
15-250 '♦36-05 XIV/1 '♦0-666 200-01 Vl/2 91-002 065-05 X/2 91-010 185-05 Vl/2 491-028 605-15 XVl/2
hi 5-250 '♦36-05 XVl/2 '♦0-666 200-01 X/1 91-002 065-05 XIl/1 91-010 185-05 X/2 91-029 007-91 IV/2
15-255 09'h^5 I '♦0-75'^ 701-00 IV/2 91-002 065-05 XIIl/1 91-010 185-05 XIIl/1 91-029 558-05 Vl/1
112 += Teile fruherer Ausfiihrungen/Parts of Previous Machines/Pieces des anciens modeles/Tipos de piezas anteriores
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463
Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No, Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.
91-029 358-05 X/3 91-032 291-15 XV/5 91-032 545-15 XV/6 91-032 82445 XV/2 91432 952-45 XV/6
91-029 359-15 Vl/1 91-032 291-15 XV/6 91-032 547-15 XV/3 91-032 82445 XV/3 91432 955-45 XV/1
91-029 359-15 X/3 91-032 384-15 XV/3 91-032 547-15 XV/4 91-032 82445 XV/4 91432 954-45 XV/2
91-029 36045 Vl/1 91-032 384-15 XV/4 91-032 547-15 XV/5 91-032 82445 XV/5 91432 954-45 XV/3
91-029 36045 x/3 91-032 384-15 XV/5 91-032 547-15 XV/6 91-032 82445 XV/6 91432 954-45 XV/4
91-029 36Wf5 Vl/1 91-032 384-15 XV/6 91-032 554-15 XV/5 91-032 864-15 XV/2 91432 954-45 XV/5
91-029 36Wt5 x/3 91-032 528-11 XV/1 91-032 554-15 XV/6 91-032 864-15 XV/3 91432 954-45 XV/6
91-029 385-51 XIIl/2 91-032 528-11 XV/2 91-032 555-15 XV/5 91-032 864-15 XV/4 91432 95745 XV/5
91-029 39M)1 IV/2 91-032 528-11 XV/3 91-032 55^15 XV/6 91-032 864-15 XV/4 91432 95745 XV/6
91-029 4&-91 IV/1 91-032 528-11 XV/4 91-032 557-15 XV/5 91-032 864-15 XV/5 91440 62445 IV/1
91-029 IV/1 91-032 529-15 XV/1 91-032 557-15 XV/6 91-032 864-15 XV/6 91442 940-25 IV/1
91-029 ^fSO-gi IV/2 91-032 529-15 XV/2 91-032 559-15 XV/3 91-032 944-91 XV/1 91445 653-25 IV/1
91-029 69245 IV/1 91-032 529-15 XV/3 91-032 559-15 XV/4 91-032 94645 XV/1 91446 594-25 X/3
91-029 831-91 IV/2 91-032 529-15 XV/4 91-032 559-15 XV/5 91-032 947-91 XV/2 91446 595-25 X/3
91-029 83M5 IV/2 91-032 529-15 XV/5 91-032 559-15 XV/6 91-032 947-91 XV/3 91446 596-91 X/3
91-029 94641 IV/2 91-032 529-15 XV/6 91-032 561-91 XV/5 91-032 94741 XV/4 91446 597-25 X/3
91-031 888-15 VIIl/2 91-032 530-15 XV/1 91-032 561-91 XV/6 91-032 947-91 XV/5 91447 31045 V
91-031 888-15 XV/1 91-032 530-15 XV/2 91-032 651-^1 XV/1 91-032 947-91 XV/6 91447 34W)5 XIl/1
91-031 888-15 XV/2 91-032 530-15 XV/3 91-032 687-15 XV/2 91-032 94945 XV/2 91447 34644 X/1
91-031 888-15 XV/3 91-032 530-15 XV/4 91-032 781-91 XV/2 91-032 94945 XV/3 91447 34944 IX
91-031 888-15 XV/4 91-032 541-91 XV/3 91-032 800-91 IV/1 91-032 94945 XV/4 • 91447 34944 XIV/1
91-031 888-15 XV/5 91-032 541-91 XV/4 91-032 801-91 IV/1 91-032 94945 XV/5 91447 53944 III/I
91-031 888-15 XV/6 91-032 541-91 XV/5 91-032 802-45 IV/1 91-032 94945 XV/6 91447 54144 Vl/2
91-032 08745 IV/1 91-032 541-91 XV/6 91-032 80345 Vl/1 91-032 950-91 XV/2 91447 55744 XIIl/1
91-032 203-15 VII1/2 91-032 54>-11 XV/3 91-032 80445 IV/1 91-032 950-91 XV/3 91447 55844 XIIl/1
91-032 204-11 VIIl/2 91-032 543-11 XV/4 91-032 82545 XV/1 91-032 950-91 XV/4 91447 59444 VII
91-032 211-15 VIIl/2 91-032 543-11 XV/5 91-032 82345 XV/2 91-032 950-91 XV/5 91447 59745 XI
91-032 211-15 XIV/2 91-032 543-11 XV/6 91-032 82345 XV/3 91-032 95041 XV/6 91447 62344 x/3
91-032 211-15 XV/4 91-032 545-15 XV/2 91-032 82345 XV/4 91-032 95245 XV/2 91450 24841 XIV/2
91-032 211-15 XV/6 91-032 545-15 XV/3 91-032 82545 XV/5 91-032 95245 XV/3 91451 15543 V
91-032 291-15 XV/3 91-032 545-15 XV/4 91-032 82345 XV/6 91-032 95245 XV/4 91453 75641 IV/1
91-032 291-15 XV/4 91-032 545-15 XV/5 91-032 82445 XV/1 91-032 95245 XV/5 91453 890-21 X/1
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 113
Pfaff 5463
91-053 891-31 XIl/1 91-055 042-91 XI 91-064 638-05 II/1 91-069 132-31 VIIl/1 91-069 1^15 VII1/2
91-054 508-01 XIl/1 91-055 044-91 XI 91-069 002-91 II/2 91-069 133-05 VIIl/1 91-069 22-11 I
91-054 510-93 X/1 91-055 046-91 XI 91-069 010-05 VIIl/2 91-069 137-35 vin/1 91-069 XIV/1
91-054 516-05 x/1 91-055 048-91 XI 91-069 040-01 I 91-069 138-15 VIIl/1 -f01-069 XVl/2
91-054 516-05 X/3 91-055 050-05 XI 91-069 040-01 VII 91-069 139-91 VIIl/1 91-069 XIV/1
91-054 517-05 x/1 91-055 064-93 x/3 91-069 040-01 IX 91-069 147-05 V +91-069 23-91 XVl/2
91-054 517-05 x/3 91-055 101-93 XI 91-069 040-01 X/1 91-069 150-45 11/2 91-069 2^)5 I
91-054 744-91 V +91-058 007-04 XVl/2 91-069 040-01 XI 91-069 160-04 11/2 91-069 24-05 XIV/1
91-054 74^15 V 91-058 009-04 Vl/2 91-069 040-01 XIV/1 91-069 167-45 IV/1 +91-069 24-05 XVl/2
91-054 746-11 V 91-058 029-05 V 91-069 04^5 II/2 91-069 167-45 vin/i 91-069 28-11 IV/1
91-054 747-05 V 91-058 052-05 XIl/1 91-069 049-05 I 91-069 170-45 VIIl/1 91-069 IV/1
91-054 748-05 V 91-058 053-04 X/1 91-069 056-05 I 91-069 172-15 IV/1 91-069 VIIl/1
91-054 892-93 I 91-058 084-91 XIIl/1 91-069 060-92 I 91-069 205-12 VIIl/2 91-069 VIIl/2
91-054 896-91 I 91-058 085-05 XIIl/1 91-069 060-92 VII 91-069 208-15 VIIl/2 91-069 VIIl/1
91-054 895-91 Vl/2 91-058 087-93 XIIl/1 91-069 060-92 IX 91-069 222-12 11/1 +91-069 XVl/2
91-054 895-91 VII 91-058 088-04 XIIl/1 91-069 060-92 X/1 91-069 227-91 VIIl/2 91-069 XIl/1
91-054 895-91 IX 91-058 105-05 XIIl/1 91-069 060-92 XI 91-069 238-91 vin/2 91-069 XIl/1
91-054 896-05 I 91-058 144-93 XIV/1 91-069 060-92 XIV/1 91-069 275-05 VIIl/2 91-069 VIIl/2
91-054 896-05 Vl/2 91-058 145-04 IX 91-069 062-45 I 91-069 276-12 VIIl/2 91-069 VIll/2
91-054 896-05 VII 91-058 145-04 XIV/1 91-069 062-45 VII 91-069 284-91 VIIl/2 91-069 53-05 VII1/2
91-054 896-05 IX 91-058 146-15 XIV/1 91-069 062-45 IX 91-069 287-05 III/2 91-069 III/2
91-054 897-25 I 91-058 147-04 VII 91-069 062-45 x/1 91-069 287-05 VIIl/2 91-069 X/2
91-054 897-25 Vl/2 91-058 149-03 XI 91-069 062-45 XI 91-069 287-05 X/2 91-069 I
91-054 897-25 VII 91-058 151-05 XI 91-069 075-01 I 91-069 288-02 VIIl/2 91-069 I
91-054 897-25 IX 91-058 152-05 XI 91-069 079-92 I 91-069 292-05 in/2 91-069 58-01 I
91-054 899-93 Vl/2 91-058 189-05 x/3 91-069 102-12 XIV/1 91-069 296-12 III/2 91-069 I
91-054 904-15 XIIl/1 91-058 235-04 III/1 +91-069 102-12 XVl/2 91-069 296-12 VIIl/2 91-069 V
91-054 906-91 XIIl/1 91-058 238-04 Vl/2 91-069 103-15 II/2 91-069 296-12 x/2 491-069 XVl/2
91-054 908-91 XIIl/1 +91-060 424-05 XVl/1 91-069 119-05 VIIl/1 91-069 299-05 VIIl/1 +91-069 XVl/2
91-054 948-01 XIV/1 +91-060 424-05 XVl/2 91-069 120-31 VIIl/1 91-069 310-12 VIIl/2 91-069 I
91-054 950-91 IX 91-061 158-05 V 91-069 127-05 VIIl/1 91-069 311-12 VIIl/2 91-069 V
91-055 038-91 VII 91-063 111-92 I 91-069 131-91 VIIl/1 91-069 313-05 VIIl/2 91-069 II/2
114 + = Teile fruherer Ausfiihrungen/Parts of Previous Machines/Pieces des anciens modeles/lipos de piszas
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463
Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./n®/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.
91-069 6't7-12 III/2 91-095 320-91 XIV/2 91-101 758-15 VIIl/1 91-129 647-45 IV/2 91-169 324-91 III/2
91-069 6A8-93 III/2 91^95 322-91 XIV/4 91-105 442-15 VIIl/1 91-129 647-45 Vl/1 91-169 324-91 VIIl/2
91-069 657-05 XIV/2 91-097 104-91 XIV/4 91-105 447-15 II/1 91-129 647-45 X/3 91-169 325-91 III/2
91-069 657-05 XIV/3 91-097 149-15 XIV/2 91-105 447-15 Vl/2 91-129 648-05 Vl/1 91-169 325-91 VIIl/2
91-069 660-15 XIV/1 91-097 956-92 XIV/4 91-105 447-15 X/2 91-129 648-05 X/3 91-169 325-91 X/2
4^1-069 660-15 XVl/2 91-099 533-91 XIV/4 91-105 447-15 XIIl/1 91-129 649-45 IV/2 91-169 458-91 XV/4
91-069 661-12 I 91-099 612-91 XIV/4 491-105 447-15 XVl/1 91-129 649-45 Vl/1 91-169 458-91 XV/6
91-069 661-12 V 91-099 613-91 XIV/4 491-105 447-15 XVl/2 91-129 649-45 X/3 91-169 459-15 XV/4
91-069 697-05 XIV/3 91-100 055-15 II/2 91-106 033-15 XIV/2 91-129 660-90 IV/2 91-169 459-15 XV/6
91-069 709-12 IX 91-100 055-15 IX 91-107 204-15 II/1 91-129 963-90 Vl/1 91-169 461-15 XV/4
91-069 746-15 VIIl/1 91-100 076-15 III/1 91-107 204-15 Vl/2 91-129 968-45 Vl/1 91-169 461-15 XV/6
91-069 768-05 VIIl/2 91-100 076-15 V 91-107 204-15 X/2 91-129 968-45 X/3 91-169 462-15 XV/4
91-069 961-05 II/1 91-100 076-15 Vl/2 91-107 204-15 XIIl/1 91-129 969-45 Vl/1 91-169 462-15 XV/6
91-070 007-90 XV/1 91-100 076-15 VII 91-107 26^)5 XIl/2 91-129 969-45 x/3 91-169 463-12 XV/4
91-070 044-90 XV/1 91-100 076-15 X/1 91-113 445-15 IX 91-129 970-91 Vl/1 91-169 463-12 XV/6
91-070 054-90 XV/3 91-100 076-15 XI 91-118 555-35 IV/2 91-129 970-91 x/3 91-169 464-05 XV/2
91-070 056-90 XV/3 91-100 076-15 XIIl/2 91-119 429-31 V 91-129 974-90 X/3 91-169 464-05 XV/3
91-070 057-90 XV/4 91-100 076-15 XIV/1 91-129 637-45 IV/2 91-129 993-41 XIIl/2 91-169 464-05 XV/4
91-070 058-90 XV/4 491-100 076-15 XVl/2 91-129 637-45 Vl/1 91-169 000-91 X/2 91-169 464-05 XV/5
91-070 192-^0 XV/5 91-100 107-15 I 91-129 637-45 X/3 91-169 099-45 XIl/1 91-169 464-05 XV/6
91-070 19>O0 XV/5 91-100 108-15 I 91-129 641-92 IV/2 91-169 110-92 XIl/2 91-169 465-12 XV/4
91-070 194^0 XV/6 91-100 114-15 Vl/1 91-129 641-92 Vl/1 91-169 121-01 XIl/1 91-169 465-12 XV/6
91-070 195-90 XV/6 91-100 114-15 X/3 91-129 641-92 X/3 91-169 137-^5 II/1 91-169 503-91 I
91-070 200-90 XV/2 491-100 117-15 XVl/2 91-129 644-05 IV/2 91-169 137-05 XIl/2 91-169 503-91 XI
91-070 201-90 XV/2 91-100 208-15 XIV/2 91-129 644-05 Vl/1 91-169 151-05 XIV/3 91-169 504-05 XIl/2
91-095 141-91 XIV/4 91-100 242-15 II1/2 91-129 644-05 X/3 91-169 166-15 I -t^l-169 505-12 XVl/2
91-095 143-91 XIV/4 91-100 253-15 II/2 91-129 645-45 IV/2 91-169 194-12 VIIl/2 91-169 506-04 I
91-095 145-01 XIV/4 91-100 255-15 XIV/2 91-129 645-45 Vl/1 91-169 198-03 III/2 91-169 50&-04 XI
91-095 259-91 XIV/4 91-100 270-15 II/1 91-129 645-45 X/3 91-169 302-91 II/2 91-169 507-91 V
91-095 314-91 XIV/4 91-100 275-15 XIV/1 91-129 646-92 IV/2 91-169 304-15 II/2 91-169 508-15 V
91-095 317-91 XIV/2 91-100 300-15 XIV/1 91-129 646-92 Vl/1 91-169 319-01 V 91-169 509-^1 XIl/2
91-095 318-91 XIV/2 91-101 756-05 VIIl/1 91-129 646-92 X/3 91-169 322-15 V 91-169 510-15 XIl/2
+ = Teile frtiherer the library of:
Ausfuhrungen/Parts Superior
of Previous Sewingdes
Machines/Pieces Machine & Supplyde LLC
anciens modeles/Tipos piezas anteriores 115
Pfaff 5463
Nr./nO/No» Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./no/No. Fig. Nr./no/No. Fig.
91-169 51M2 XIl/2 91-169 554-91 XIl/1 91-169 606-05 III/1 91-169 638-91 XIII/1 91-169 683-05 III/2
91-169 517-91 I 91-169 555-12 XII/2 91-169 607-92 III/1 91-169 639-90 III/2 91-169 68^5 III/2
91-169 518-01 I 91-169 556-95 XIl/1 91-169 608-05 III/1 91-169 643-91 III/2 91-169 686-05 III/2
91-169 519-^5 II/2 91-169 556-05 XIIl/2 91-169 613-92 III/1 91-169 646-15 XIl/1 91-169 687-05 III/2
91-169 520-92 II/2 91-169 557-15 Vl/2 91-169 614-05 III/1 91-169 649-91 III/2 91-169 688-91 III/2
91-169 522-05 XIl/2 91-169 558-91 XIl/1 91-169 615-05 III/1 91-169 651-01 III/1 91-169 690-05 III/2
91-169 523-05 XIl/2 91-169 561-45 I 91-169 617-91 XIl/1 91-169 654-12 III/2 91-169 691-05 III/2
91-169 52M5 XIl/2 91-169 563-45 III/2 91-169 619-05 XIl/1 91-169 654-12 VIIl/2 91-169 03-91 III/2
91-169 525-91 XIl/2 91-169 564-05 III/2 91-169 619-05 XIII/1 91-169 655-04 III/2 91-169 695-91 III/1
91-169 526-91 XIl/2 91-169 565-45 IV/1 91-169 622-91 III/1 91-169 655-04 VIIl/2 91-169 696-05 III/2
+91-169 527-91 XVl/1 91-169 566-15 XIl/1 91-169 622-91 X/2 91-169 656-04 III/2 91-169 698-05 III/2
4^1-169 528-91 XVl/2 91-169 567-95 II/1 91-169 622-91 XI 91-169 657-92 XV/2 91-169 699-12 III/2
4^1-169 530-31 XVl/1 91-169 567-05 Vl/2 91-169 623-12 III/1 91-169 658-05 II/1 91-169 JOO-05 III/I
-1^1-169 530-31 XVl/2 91-169 567-95 X/2 91-169 623-12 X/2 91-169 659-12 II/1 91-169 701-05 III/I
91-169 531-12 XIl/2 91-169 567-95 XIIl/1 91-169 623-12 XI 91-169 663-15 I 91-169 702-92 I
491-169 536-05 XVl/2 91-169 568-45 XI1/1 91-169 624-35 XIl/1 91-169 664-15 I 91-169 705-12 III/I
-191-169 537-11 XVl/1 91-169 570-01 II1/2 91-169 625-91 Vl/2 91-169 666-01 II/1 91-169 708-12 III/1
+91-169 537-11 XVl/2 91-169 572-91 II1/2 91-169 625-91 X/2 91-169 667-41 II/1 91-169 710-15 III/I
491-169 5'»0-35 XVl/1 91-169 574-45 II/2 91-169 628-11 II/1 91-169 667-41 VI/2 91-169 711-05 X/1
491-169 5^(^35 XVl/2 91-169 576-05 III/2 91-169 628-11 VI/2' 91-169 667-41 XIII/1 91-169 713-91 X/2
491-169 5't2-05 XVl/2 91-169 577-05 III/2 91-169 628-11 X/2 91-169 668-91 II/2 91-169 714-05 X/2
491-169 5't>-91 XVl/1 91-169 578-15 III/2 91-169 628-11 XIII/1 91-169 670-15 II/1 91-169 715-12 X/2
+91-169 5'tV-91 XVl/1 91-169 582-05 III/1 91-169 631-15 III/1 91-169 672-15 II/1 91-169 716-91 III/1
91-169 54^5 XIl/2 91-169 583-12 III/1 91-169 631-15 X/2 91-169 673-12 XII/2 91-169 720-91 III/I
491-169 5^S41 XVl/1 91-169 588-12 XII/2 91-169 631-15 XI 91-169 676-12 I 91-169 721-15 III/I
91-169 5't8-05 II/1 91-169 593-91 XII/2 91-169 633-15 II/1 91-169 677-15 I 91-169 722-05 III/I
91-169 5'f8-05 Vl/2 91-169 594-15 II/1 91-169 633-15 VI/2 91-169 679-15 II/1 91-169 724-05 III/I
91-169 5'f8-05 XIl/1 91-169 594-15 Vl/2 91-169 633-15 X/2 91-169 679-15 VI/2 91-169 727-15 III/I
91-169 5't8-05 XIIl/1 91-169 594-15 X/2 91-169 633-15 XIII/1 91-169 679-15 XIII/1 91-169 727-15 V
+91-169 548-05 XVl/1 91-169 594-15 XIIl/1 91-169 636-05 III/1 91-169 680-91 III/2 91-169 727-15 VI/2
491-169 549-35 XVI/1 91-169 603-05 III/1 91-169 636-05 X/2 91-169 681-91 III/2 91-169 727-15 VII
91-169 551-91 XII/2 91-169 604-91 XII/2 91-169 636-05 XI 91-169 682-05 III/2 91-169 727-15 X/1
116 += Teile friiherer Ausfuhrungen/Parts of Previous Machines/Pieces des anciens modeles/Tipos de piezas anteriores
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463
Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./no/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.
91-169 727-15 XI 401-169 796-35 XVl/1 91-169 882-00 Vl/2 491-169 950-35 XVl/1 91-170 OA9-31 XIII/1
91-169 727-15 XIIl/2 91-169 797-05 II/1 91-169 891-45 X/1 491-169 950-35 XVl/2 91-170 053-05 XII1/2
91-169 727-15 XIV/1 91-169 797-05 Vl/2 91-169 892-91 VII 91-169 960-45 III/2 91-170 05M)5 XIIl/2
-1^1-169 727-15 XVl/2 91-169 797-05 XIl/1 91-169 892-91 IX 91-169 981-91 III/I 91-170 055-15 XII1/2
91-169 728-12 III/1 91-169 797-05 XIIl/1 91-169 892-91 x/1 91-169 982-91 III/I 91-170 056-12 XIIl/2
91-169 730-00 III/1 -f^l-169 797-05 XVl/1 91-169 892-91 XIV/1 91-169 989-92 VIIl/1 91-170 057-91 XIIl/2
91-169 731-05 III/1 91r169 801-05 II/1 91-169 893-OA VII 91-169 991-92 IX 91-170 05845 XIIl/2
91-169 732-05 III/I 91-169 801-05 Vl/2 91-169 893-0'f IX 91-169 991-92 XIV/1 91-170 059-0^ XIIl/2
91-169 733-91 III/1 91-169 801-05 XIl/1 91-169 893-OA x/1 91-169 99645 VIIl/2 91-170 060-^1 XIIl/2
91-169 733-91 XI 91-169 '801-05 XIIl/1 91-169 89M)^ XIV/1 91-169 998-15 XIV/3 91-170 061-12 XIIl/2
91-169 73'»-91 III/2 -f9l-169 801-05 XVl/1 91-169 89M1 I 91-170 000-05 V 91-170 065-12 XIIl/2
91-169 735-^5 III/2 91-169 803-35 X/1 91-169 895-05 x/2 91-170 021-01 XIV/3 91-170 067-91 XIIl/2
91-169 736-A5 II1/2 91-169 806-35 X/1 91-169 896-93 X/1 91-170 022-91 XIV/3 91-170 06845 XIIl/2
91-169 737-35 1II/1 91-169 808-15 III/I 91-169 899-15 XIV/3 91-170 025-91 XIIl/2 91-170 069-05 XIIl/2
91-169 737-35 XI 91-169 81A-12 III/I 91-169 922-91 V 91-170 020-31 XIIl/2 91-170 071-91 V
91-169 738-35 III/I 91-169 81A-12 XI 91-169 922-91 Vl/2 91-170 028-15 I 91-170 072-11 V
91-169 738-35 XI 91-169 821^1 X/1 491-169 922-91 XVl/2 91-170 028-15 Vl/2 91-170 07545 XIV/3
91-169 7^0-35 III/I 91-169 82M5 X/1 91-169 925-35 V 91-170 028-15 X/1 91-170 07645 XIV/2
91-169 7'f1-31 II/2 91-169 828-OA X/2 91-169 923-35 Vl/2 91-170 028-15 XIIl/1 91-170 077-91 XIV/2
91-169 II/2 91-169 836-05 III/I 491-169 923-35 XVl/2 91-170 029-15 I 91-170 078-11 XIV/2
91-169 7^5-91 II/2 91-169 8A7-9O VIIl/2 91-169 92A-91 III/I 91-170 03145 XII1/2 91-170 081-15 XIV/2
91-169 7^6-05 II/2 91-169 8A9-OA VIIl/2 91-169 925-35 III/I 91-170 032-93 XIIl/1 91-170 083-15 XIV/2
91-169 755-05 III/I 91-169 85J-91 III/I 91-169 926-05 III/2 91-170 035-05 XIIl/1 91-170 08A-91 XIV/3
91-169 758-05 III/I 91-169 85'i-9l XI 91-169 930-Al III/I 91-170 036-91 Vl/2 91-170 085-15 XIV/3
91-169 759-45 III/I 91-169 857-05 III/I 91-169 935-15 III/2 91-170 036-91 XIIl/1 91-170 086-15 XIV/3
91-169 760-90 IV/2 91-169 858-05 XI 91-169 93A-92 V 91-170 037-15 XIIl/2 91-170 087-11 XIV/3
91-169 791-15 X/1 91-169 859-05 VII1/1 91-169 937-93 Vl/2 91-170 039-91 XIIl/2 91-170 090-11 XIV/3
91-169 79^1 X/1 9I-I69 860-15 XIV/3 91-169 939-15 Vl/2 91-170 O'f2-O1 XIIl/1 91-170 093-05 XIV/3
91-169 796-35 II/1 91-169 861-05 III/I 491-169 9^8-31 XVl/1 91-170 0't5-05 XIIl/2 91-170 09V-II XIV/3
91-169 796-35 Vl/2 91-169 862-05 Vl/2 491-169 9^^8-31 XVl/2 91-170 OA6-O5 XIIl/2 91-170 096-15 XIV/2
91-169 796-35 XIl/1 91-169 872-05 Vl/2 491-169 9't9-35 XVl/1 91-170 OA7-OA II1/2 91-170 097-91 XIV/3
91-169 796-35 XII1/1 91-169 872-05 VII 491-169 9'»9-35 XVl/2 91-170 0A8-12 XIIl/2 91-170 098-15 XIV/3
.+ = Teile fruherer
From Ausfuhrungen/Parts
the library of: of Previous
anciens modeles/Tipos
& Supply de LLC
piezas anteriores 117
Pfaff 5463
Nr./nO/No. Fig, Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./no/No. Fig. Nr./no/No. Fig.
91- 70 099-15 XIV/3 91- 70 15V-90 IX 91- 70 626-91 X/2 91-700 169-15 III/1 91-700 785-15 VIIl/2
91- 70 100-05 XIV/3 91- 70 155-91 X/2 91- 70 626-91 XI 91-700 226-15 XI 91-700 785-15 X/1
91- 70 101-12 XIV/3 91- 70 156-12 X/2 91- 70 638-92 II/2 91-700 226-15 XIIl/2 91-700 785-15 XI
91- 70 102-12 XIV/3 91- 70 157-92 XIV/3 +91- 70 651-15 XVl/2 +91-700 2't9-15 XVl/2 91-700 785-15 XIIl/2
91- 70 103-15 XIV/3 91- 70 158-05 XIV/2 491- 70 652-15 XVl/2 91-700 335-15 I 91-700 824-25 IV/1
91- 70 10M1 XIV/3 91- 70 175-12 IX 91- 70 667-92 XIV/2 91-700 335-15 II/1 91-700 868-15 XIIl/1
91- 70 106-15 XIV/3 91- 70 176-15 IX 91- 70 668-15 XIV/2 91-700 335-15 II/2 91-700 962-15 XV/2
91- 70 107-05 XIV/3 91- 70 177-91 VIIl/2 91- 70 669-91 XIV/2 91-700 335-15 XIIl/1 91-700 996-15 X/3
91- 70 108-12 XIV/3 91- 70 179-91 V 91- 70 670-15 XIV/2 91-700 335-35 XIl/1 91-701 039-15 XV/2
91- 70 109-05 XIV/3 91- 70 180-91 XI 91- 70 671-15 XIV/2 +91-700 335-35 XVl/l 91-701 319-55 V
91- 70 110-15 XIV/1 91- 70 18545 V 91- 70 693-05 II1/1 +91-700 335-35 XVl/2 91-701 344-15 II/1
-1^1- 70 111-91 XVl/2 91- 70 186-35 V 91- 70 69M)5 III/1 91-700 338-15 III/2 91-701 344-15 Vl/2
-♦^1- 70 11M5 XVl/2 91- 70 187-15 V 91- 70 695-05 IX +91-700 36M5 XVl/2 91-701 344-15 X/2
91- 70 115-91 XIV/1 91- 70 189-05 V 91- 70 696-91 XIV/1 +91-700 366-15 XVl/1 91-701 344-15 XIIl/1
91- 70 116-35 XIV/1 91- 70 192-05 X/3 91- 70 697-91 XIV/1 +91-700 366-15 XVl/2 91-701 344-35 II/1
91- 70 117-12 XIV/2 91- 70 193-92 VII 91- 70 699-15 XIV/1 91-700 388-15 V 91-701 344-35 XIl/1
91- 70 118-11 XIV/2 91- 70 195-35 XIIl/2 91- 70 700-15 XIV/1 91-700 409-15 V +^1-701 344-35 XVl/1
91- 70 122-05 XIV/2 91- 70 328-15 VII 91- 70 703-91 XIV/3 91-700 412-15 III/I +41-701 344-35 XVl/2
91- 70 123-15 XIV/2 91- 70 365-91 III/1 91- 70 705-91 XI 91-700 510-15 II/2 91-701 364-15 I
91- 70 12M1 XIV/2 91- 70 365-91 VII 91- 70 708-91 Vl/2 91-700 510-15 III/2 91-701 370-15 VIIl/1
91- 70 126-12 XIV/2 91- 70 365-91 XI 91- 70 710-91 XIIl/2 91-700 510-15 VIIl/2 91-701 378-15 VIIl/1
91- 70 127-91 XIV/3 91- 70 366-35 III/1 91- 70 71V-91 X/1 91-700 510-15 XIV/3 91-701 515-35 IV/2
91- 70 128-0't VIIl/2 91- 70 366-35 VII 91- 70 716-15 IV/2 91-700 654-15 XIV/2 91-701 664-15 II/2
91- 70 129-91 II/1 91- 70 366-35 XI 91- 70 716-15 Vl/1 91-700 680-15 III/2 92-235 230-05 XIV/4
91- 70 ^30-k5 XIV/3 91- 70 367-00 VII 91- 70 716-15 X/3 91-700 680-15 VIIl/2 93-102 33541 IV/2
91- 70 131-91 VIIl/2 91- 70 368-05 VII 91- 70 717-91 XIl/2 91-700 680-15 XIIl/2 93-290 352-15 III/I
91- 70 133-35 XIV/1 91- 70 378-05 XI 91- 71 53745 IV/1 91-700 689-15 III/2 97-30 179-995 XIV/1
91- 70 13^1 IX 91-170 395-11 XI 91- 00 087-15 III/1 91-700 689-15 VIIl/2 99-009 396-41 V
91- 70 138-15 IX 91-170 396-15 XI 91- 00 09^25 I 91-700 739-15 XI 99-096 062-91 XIV/4
91- 70 ^h9-05 XIV/1 91-170 397-15 XI 91- 00 09't-25 Vl/2 91-700 785-15 III/I 99-096 130-91 XIV/4
91- 70 152-05 IX 91-170 'f08-15 IX 91- 00 09'«-25 VII 91-700 783-15 IV/1 99-097 067-01 XIV/4
91-•170 153-0^ IX 91-170 626-91 III/1 91- 09W25 IX 91-700 785-15 Vl/2 99-097 105-91 XIV/4
118 + = Teile friiherer Ausfiihrungen/Parts of Previous Machines/Pieces des anciens modeles/Tipos de piezas anteriores
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463
Nr./nO/No. Fig, Nr./n®/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC