Pfaff 5463

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Spare Parts Gatalogue

Pfaff 5463


No. 296-12-12 From

912 engl.the library
HD 769 of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC Printed in Geraany

All component parts ore grouped together as they are arranged in the
sewing machine.

All underlined part numbers signify assemblies which are made up of

several component parts.

An asterisk (*) preceding the part number indicates that the part in
question is not interchangeable with a similar part used on previous
machines which is listed on p, XVI. If the part to be replaced on a
previous machine is listed on p, XVI under its old part number, order
a replacement part under this number. If not, order the latest version
of this part under its current number.

Part number changes will be published on correction sheets and

disseminated with our circulars.

Subject to alterations in design.

July 1969

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfgff 5463-801-6

Single-needle, fwo-thread chainstitch, high-speed Page

sewing machine. Stitch Type 401.
I Front Parts 5

ll/l; 11/2 Arm Parts 9

lll/l; III/2 Bedplate Parts 15
IV/1; IV/2 Accessory Parts 23

Pfgff 5463-801-4

Single-needle, two-thread chainstitch, high-speed

sewing machine with roller presser and thread lubricator.
Stitch Type 401.
V Complementary Parts Pfgff 5463-801-4 29

Pfgff 5463-802-6

Two-needle, two-thread chainstitch, high-speed

sewing machine. Stitch Type 401,
VI/1; VI/2 Complementary Parts Pfaff 5463-802-6 33

Pfgff 5463 H-802-6/01

Two-needle, two-thread chainstitch, high-speed sewing
machine with longer needle bar stroke. Stitch Type 401.
VII Complementary Parts Pfgff 5463 H-802-6/01 41

Pfgff 5463-801/13-6
Single-needle, two-thread chainstitch, high-speed sewing
machine with stitch shortening device. Stitch Type 401.
VIII/1; VII1/2 Complementary Parts Pfgff 5463-801/13-6 45

Pfgff 5463-802/13-6
Two-needle, two-thread chainstitch, high-speed sewing
machine with stitch shortening device. Stitch Type 401,
VIII/1; VI11/2 Complementary Parts Pfgff 5463-802/13-6 45

Pfgff 5463-801/13-6-911
Single-needle, two-thread chainstitch, high-speed sewing
machine with stitch shortening device and backtacking
mechanism. Stitch Type 401.
IX Complementary Parts Pfgff 5463-801/13-6-911 51

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-811/02-94
Pfgff 5463-811/02-95/01
Two-needle, covering-stitch, high-speed sewing Page
machine with folder. Stitch Type 406.
X/1; X/2; X/3 Complementary Parts Pfaff 5463-811/02-94
Complementary Parts Pfaff 5463-811/02-95/01 55

Pfaff 5463-813/02-45/01
Pfaff 5463-813/02-45/02
Two-needle, covering-stitch, high-speed sewing
machine. Stitch Type 402 (vamping stitch).
XI Complementary Parts Pfaff 5463-813/02-45/01
Complementary Parts Pfaff 5463-813/02-45/02 63

Pfaff 5463-821/02-95
Two-needle, covering-stitch, high-speed sewing
machine with cover thread and folder. Stitch Type 602.
XII/1; XII/2 Complementary Parts Pfaff 5463-821/02-95 67

Pfaff 5463-831/03-6
Three-needle, safety-stitch, high-speed sewing
machine with trimmer. Stitch Type 805.
XIII/1; XIII/2 Complementary Parts Pfaff 5463-831/03-6 73

Pfaff 5463-801/13-6-900/02
Single-needle, two-thread chainstitch, high-speed sewing
machine with stitch shortening device and thread trimmer.
Stitch Type 401.
XIV/1 - XIV/4 Complementary Parts Pfaff 5463-801/13-6-900/02 79

Pfaff 5463-801/13-6-900/02-911
Single-needle, two-thread chainstitch, high-speed sewing
machine with stitch shortening device, backtocking mechanism and
thread trimmer. Stitch Type 401.
XIV/1 - XIV/4 Complementary Parts Pfaff 5463-801/13-6-900/02-911 79

XV/1 - XV/6 Treadle mechanism 89

XVI/1; XVI/2 Parts of Previous Machines 103
Numerical Index 109

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Front Parts

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6

91-169 561-45

91-028 605-15 91-169 894-91

^Li>-250 436-05
#191-169 664-1^^
91-169 663-15 13-064 247-05
•91-169 702-92
11-108 225-15
-91-069 324-05

(>-12-640 150-55

91-069 075-01 91-701 364-15

p 11-108 237-15
11-317 950-15
91-069 322-11
—91-069 079-92

91-169 676-12

ll.iyit 170-15-^E&i Ii
91-069 0it9-05 22O-I5

91.169 503-91

-91-100 IO8-I5
9I-I69 50^4^'Y
12-610 21045^ •9I-I69 517-91

91-069 040-01- ®^11-341 277-15

9I-I69 166-15
.11_l7it 175-15
1^91-069 056-05
91^69 060-92- 1-91^69 584-92
9I-IOO 107-15
1^91-169 518-01
91-069 062-45 91-001 179-35-^91-063 111-92

14-650 214-05

91-069 661-12 -91-069 562-05

11-108 222-I5 I
I i-91-069 556-91
-91-170 028-15
91-170 029-15-
11-314 280-15-* . -91-069 557-05 ,i!i|r91-700 335-15
9I-I69 677-15- '11-108 060-15
91-069 558-01
91-054 897-25 1^91-000 07>-35
-91-000 07: -11-314 220-15
12-315 070-15^,----^' —91-054
91-054 895-91
11-108 060-15''^>^^^91-0=
^-91-054 892-93
91-700 094-25-^/
12-515 070-25 91-054 896-05

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6

11-108 060-15 Fastening screw 91-063 111-92 Needle holder, w/

(A M2M DIN S'h-BG) needle set screw N0.9I-OOI 179-35
for Nos.91-05^ 895-91; 91-170 028-15
9I-O69 040-01 Needle bar connecting link
11-108 171-15 Fastening screw (A MAx6 DIN D't-SG) For replacement purposes, order
for No. 91-069 58^2 No.91-169 503-91
11-108 222-15 Binding screw (A M5x8 DIN D't-DG) 9I-O69 049-05 Eccentric stud for No.91-069 584-92
for No.91-069 661-12
91-069 056-05 Oil pad (foam-plastic)
11-108 225-15 Binding screw (A M5x10 DIN B't-SG) for No.91-069 584-92
for No.91-169 702-92
91-069 060-92 Needle bar connecting stud, w/
11-108 237-15 Fastening screw (A M5x18 DIN BhSG) binding screw No.11-174 173-15
for No.91-169 56145
91-069 062-45 Plug (plastic)
11-17if 170-15 Binding screw (M itx6 DIN 920-8G) for No.91-069 060-92
for No.91-169 676-12
91-069 075-01 Presser bar lifting crank
11-17'f 175-15 Binding screw (M kxB DIN 920-8G) for No.91-069 079-92
for No.91-069 060-92
91-069 079-92 Presser bar lifter, w/
11-34 220-15 Fastening screw (M 5x8 DIN ^38-5S) set screw No.11-317 950-15
for Nos.91-069 0h9-05', 91-169 677-15
91-069 322-11 Lifting lever
11-34 280-15 Fastening screw (M 6x8 DIN A38-5S) 91-069 324-05 Tension spring for No.91-069 322-11
for N0.9I-O69 557-05
91-069 556-91 Presser bar, compl.,
11-317 950-15 Fastening screw (M 5x5 DIN 551-5S) consisting of Nos.91-000 073-35;
for No.91-069 079-92
91-069 557-05; 91-069 558-01;
11-3M 277-15 Fastening screw 91-069 562-05; 91-069 661-12
(A M6x6 DIN 916-10 K)
91-069 557-05 Bearing bushing for No.91-069 558-01
for No.91-069 58'»-92
91-069 558-01 Presser bar
12-305 111-15 Washer 4.3 DIN 125-St)
for No.11-108 171-15 91-069 562-05 Washer (felt)
for N0.9I-O69 661-12
12-315 070-15 Washer (2.8 DIN ^33-St)
for No.11-108 060-15 91-069 584-92 Needle bar frame, w/
oil pad No.91-069 056-05
12-315 070-25 Washer (2.8 DIN 't33-St)
for No. 91-700 09't-25 91-069 661-12 Presser bar lifting bracket, w/
binding screw No.11-108 222-15
12-610 210-45 Circlip (8x0.8 DIN 471)
for No.91-069 040-01 91-100 107-15 Fastening screw for No.91-169 166-15
12-640 150-55 Slip washer (4 DIN 6799) 91-100 108-15 Regulating screw for N0.9I-I69 166-15
for No.91-069 322-11
91-169 166-15 Presser bar leaf spring
*13-064 247-05 Spring suspension stud (C 4x12 DIN 469)
13-250 436-05 Hinge pin (5x12 DIN 476) 91-169 503-91 Needle bar drive assembly, compl.,
consisting of Nos.12-610 210-45;
for No.91-169 702-92
91-069 040-01; 91-069 060-92;
13-253 094-05 Rivet (2x4 DIN 477) 91-169 506-04
for No.91-169 664-15
14-650 214-05 Ball (5 IV DIN 5401) 91-169 506-04'^Hinge stud for N0.9I-O69 040-01
for No.91-069 558-01 91-169 517-91 Needle bar, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-063 111-92;
91-000 073-35 Fastening screw for No.91-054 892-93 91-169 518-01
91-001 179-35 Needle set screw
91-169 518-01 Needle bar
91-028 605-15 Washer for No.13-250 436-05
91-054 892-93 X Model 91-169 561-45 Face cover
Presser foot, w/
No.11-108 O6O-I5 Set screw *91-169 665-15 Connecting rod for N0.9I-I69 894-91
No.12-315 070-15 Washer
N0.9I-O54 895-91 Chain cutter 91-169 664-15 Thrust plate for N0.9I-I69 702-92
91-054 895-91 Chain cutter, compl., *91-169 676-12 Take-up lever, w/
consisting of Nos.12-315 070-25; binding screw No.11-174 170-15
91-054 89^5; 91-054 897-25;
91-700 094-25
91-169 677-15 Carrier stud
9I-O54 896-05 Chain cutter
*91-169 702-92 Tension release and lifting lever crank,
91-054 897-25 Knife holder w/ binding screw No.11-108 225-15

*See parts ofFrom the librarypageof:

XVISuperior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
^^Will be exchanged for a replacement assembly. For repair, return needle bar drive assembly No.91-169 503-91.
previous versions,
Pfaff 5463-801-6

*91-169 89V-91 Lifting lever, cotnpl.,

consisting of Nos.IZ-otO 150-55;
13-250 ^3^5; 13-253 09M)5;
91-028 605-15; 91-069 322-11;
91-069 32^1-05; 91-169 663-15;
91-169 66M5; 91-169 702-92

9I-I7O 028-15 Thread regulator

91-170 029-15 Bracket for No.91-170 028-15

91-700 09't-25 Fastening screw for No.91-O5't 896-05

91-700 335-15 Fastening screw for No,91-170 029-15

91-701 36M5 Hinge screw for N0.9I-O69 322-11

From theSeelibrary of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

parts of previous versions, page XVI
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6

9I-I70 129-^1 91-169 670-15

91-169 594-15
13-033 103-05
91-700 335-15
12-610 230-45
-91-701 3't4-l5
,91-169 567-05
91-107 2OW5 91-002 065-05
^fc^91-002 065-05

•91-069 961-05
^^-91-010 I8I-I5
9I-I69 628-11 W -^^--91-010 183-05
-91-105 447-15
11-130 25W5 ^91-001 522-35

91-169 666-91

91-169 797-05
91-169 801-05 J
91-169 679-15- 914)02 065-05
91-002 065-05
91-701 3H-35-

11-108 180-15\ 91-169 672-15

91-169 5't8-05

91-700 335-15

•91-169 66741

91-069 222-12
91-100 270-15
11-330 952-15 91-169 659-12
91-169 137-05
91-064 638-05
91-169 658-05 ^
11-130 224-15'

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6 11/1

11-108 180-15 Locking screw (A MAx12 DIN 8V-8G) 9I-I69 658-05 Tension release and lifting lever
for No.91-169 667-41 crank shaft

11-130 22'»-15 Binding screw (M 5x10 DIN 912-8G)

for No.91-169 659-12 91-169 659-12 Tension release lever, w/
binding screw No. 11-130 22415,
for No.91-170 129-91
*11-130 25V-15 Fastening screw (M 5x35 DIN 912-8G)
for No.91-170 129-91
*91-169 666-91 Looper thread tension, compl.,
consisting of Nos.11-108 180-15;
11-330 952-15 Fastening screw
(A M5x5 DIN 913-10 k) 91-002 065-05; 91-169 54-05;
for No.91-069 222-12 91-169 667-41; 91-169 679-15;
91-169 796-35; 91-169 797-05;
91-169 801-05; 91-701 3't435
12-610 23045 Circlip (10x1 DIN A71) No.91-635 2A3-9I Looper thread tension,
for No.91-169 628-11 compl.,
(for Willcox &Gibbs),
not ill.
Same component parts
13-033 10>-05 Tension release pin (2[n6xl6 DIN 6325) as No.91-169 666-91,
but incorporating
tension bracket
91-001 522-35 Nut for No.91-169 567-05
No.91-635 2A401

*91-002 065-05 Tension disc *91-169 667-41 Tension bracket for N0.9I-I69 666-91
N0.9I-635 2't491 Tension bracket
(for Willcox &Gibbs),
91-010 181-15 Tension release washer not ill.,
for No.91-635 2^491

*91-010 185-05 Tension spring

9I-I69 67O-I5 Thread guide
638-05 Washer for N0.9I-O69 222-12
91-169 672-15 Thread guide
9I-O69 222-12 Set collar, w/ set screw
No.11-330 952-15, for No.91-169 658-05 *91-169 679-15 Thread guide for N0.9I-I69 667-41

9I-O69 96I-O5 Pressure spring for No.91-002 065-05 91-169 796-35 Nut for No.91-169 5'»8-05

91-100 27O-I5 Fastening screw for N0.9I-I69 666-91 91-169 797-05 Tension sleeve

91-105 47-15 Washer for No.91-001 522-35 9I-I69 801-05 Tension spring

91-107 2OA-I5 Washer for N0.9I-I69 633-15 *91-170 129-91 Needle thread tension, compl..
consisting of Nos.12-610 230-45;
13-033 103-05; 91-001 522-35;
91-169 137-05 Washer for No.91-169 659-12 91-002 065-05; 91-010 181-15;
91-010 183-05; 91-105 47-15;
9I-I69 5'»8-05 Tension stud
91-107 20415; 91-169 567-05;
91-169 59415; 91-169 628-11;
91-169 633-15; 91-701 3A415
*91-169 567-05 Tension stud
91-700 335-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-169 670-15,
*91-169 59415 Thread guide for No.91-169 628-11 91-169 672-15

*91-169 628-11 Tension bracket for No.91-170 129-91 91-701 3'f4l5 Fastening screw for No.91-169 59415

*91-169 635-15 Tension release bracket 91-701 yih-35 Fastening screw for No.91-169 679-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
See parts of previous versions, page XVI 11
11/2 Pfaff 5463-801-6



From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6 11/2

11-108 17M5 Binding screw (A MAxB DIN 8V«G) 91-100 253-15 Fastening screw, pointed,
for No.91-069 002-91 for No.91-170 638-92

11-108 225-15 Binding screw (A M5x10 DIN 8V8G) 91-169 302-91 Vertical shaft, compl.,
for No.91-169 668-91 consisting of Nos.13-033 322-15;
13-052 256-05; 91-069 046-05;
91-069 103-15; 91-169 304-15
11-178 289-15 End screw (M 6x15 DIN 921-5S)
for No.91-069 002-91
91-169 304-15 Collar for No.91-069 103-15
11-305 299-15 Stop screw (M 6x20 DIN M7-5S)
for No.91-169 30M5 91-169 519-45 Plug for arm

11-317 950-15 Fastening screw (M 5x5 DIN 551-5S) 91-169 520-92 Stitch length dial, w/
for No.91-169 520-92 set screw No.11-317 950-15

12-6'»0 150-55 Slip washer Of DIN 6799) 9I-I69 668-91 Actuating lever, w/
for No.91-169 7'»'i-35 binding screw No.11-108 225-15

13-033 322-05 Driving pin (5in6x2^ DIN 6325) 91-169 741-31 Thread guide channel
for No.91-169 302-91 for No.91-169 745-91

13-052 256-05 Stop pin (N 'fxIS) 91-169 744-35 Thread guide for N0.9I-I69 741-31
for No.91-069 103-15 and
positioning pin for No.91-l69 30M5 9I-I69 745-01 Thread guide, compl.,
consisting of Nos. 12-^40 150-55;
13-115 022-05 Rivet (1.^x3 DIN 660-MUST3't) 13-115 022-05; 91-169 741-31;
for No.91-169 7'f6-05 91-169 744-35; 91-169 746-05

1M)18 62V-91 Ball bearing (6203-2ZNR DIN 625) 91-169 746-05 Thread guide for N0.9I-I69 744-35
w/ circlip N0.IW8O O5O-I5
91-170 638-92 Balance wheel, w/
6f>it-9i Ball bearing (620^2ZNR DIN 625) No.91-100 253-15 Fastening screw,
w/ circlip N0.IV68O O7O-I5 pointed
N0.9I-7OO 510-15 Fastening screw,
1^1-680 050-15 Circlip (SP ^fO DIN 5'f17)
for No.lM)18 62V-9I
91-700 335-15 Fastening screw for No.91-169 745-91
lV-680 070-15 Circlip (SP DIN 5^17)
for No.l'f-OIS C^fMl ♦91-700 510-15 Fastening screw, blunt,
for N0S.9I-O69 644-93; 91-170 638-^2
9I-O69 002-91 Arm shaft, w/ crank and
binding screw No. 11-108 17^5 91-701 664-15 Nut for No.11-305 299-15

91-069 0^^6-05 Torsion spring for No.91-169 302-91

91-069 103-15 Vertical shaft

91-069 150-45 Arm cover, rear

91-069 160-04 Driving belt, w/ flat cleats

(Orders should specify number of
dots: 1, 2 or 3)

9I-O69 644-93 Driving belt sprocket, upper, w/

set screw No.91-700 510-15
(Orders should specify number of
dots: 1, 2 or 3)

91-100 055-15 Fastening screw for N0.9I-O69 150-45 91-169 574-45 Arm, not ill.

♦ See parts ofFrom the

previous library
versions, pageof:
XVISuperior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Bedplate Parts

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6

91-169 722-05

91-021 0^^1-05

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6 111/1

11-108 08M5 Fastening screw (A M3x3 DIN 8A-8G) 12-6A0 170-55 Slip washer (5 DIN 6799)
for No.91-169 738-35 for No.91-169 631-15

11-108 096-15 Binding screw (A M3x8 DIN 8A-8G) 12-6A0 200-55 Slip washer (7 DIN 6799)
for No.91-169 615-92 for No.91-169 701-05

11-108 17M5 Binding screw (A MAx8 DIN 8A-8G) lA-018 570-01 Ball bearing (6200-2Z DIN 625)
for No.91-169 81A-12 for No.91-169 636-05

11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A MAxlO DIN 8A-8G) 91-000 'f07-15 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OA7 539-OA
for No.91-169 982-91
91-000 A22-55 Fastening screw for No.91-058 007-0't
11-108 180-15 Binding screw (A MAx12 DIN 8A-86)
for No.91-169 716-91 Ol-OO'f 181-05 Bed slide spring for No.91-169 925-35
11-108 225-15 Fastening screw (A M5x10 DIN 8A-8G) 91-017 378-15 Friction washer for No.91-169 72M)5
for No.91-169 755-05
91-018 35945 Oil sleeve (plastic)
11-108 251-15 Fastening screw (A M5x15 DIN 8A-8G) for No.91-169 716-91
for No.91-169 651-01
91-021 OAI-O5 Pressure spring for No.91-169 722-05
11-150 287-15 Fastening screw (M 6x12 DIN 912-8G)
for No.91-169 716-91 91-021 296-05 Pressure spring for N0.9I-I69 732-05
11-173 225-15 Fastening screw (A M5x10 DIN 85-8G) 9I-OA7 539-0^1 X Model
for No.91-169 808-15 Feed dog

11-17't 100-15 Binding screw (M 5x12 DIN 920-5S) *91-058 235-0'f x Model
for No.91-169 607-^2 Needle plate

11-17't 176-15 Fastening screw (M M DIN 920-8G) 91-100 076-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-00A 181-05;
for N0.9I-I69 622-91 and binding screw 91-169 727-15
for Nos.91-169 585-12; 91-169 728-12
9I-I69 582-05 Friction washer for No.91-169 716-91
11-205 I7I-I5 Fastening screw (A MAx6 DIN 63-8G)
for No.91-169 7'>0-35 91-169 583-12 Clamp collar, w/ binding screw
No.ll-^'t 176-15, for No.91-169 71641
11-31'» 169-15 Fastening screw (M Ax6 DIN 't38-5S)
for No.91-170 626-91 91-169 605-05 Hinge stud for No.91-169 836-05
11-31^ 280-15 Fastening screw (M 6x8 DIN 438-5S) 91-169 606-05 Torsion spring for N0.9I-I69 982-91
for No.91-169 695-91
91-169 607-92 Looper holder stop collar, w/
11-317 950-15 Fastening screw (M 5x5 DIN 551-5S) No.ll-17'f 100-15 Binding screw
for No.91-169 930-'t1 No.11-330 088-15 Fixing screw

11-530 088-15 Fixing screw (A M3x5 DIN 913-10 K)

for No.91-169 607-92 91-169 608-05 Pressure spring for No.91-169 836-05
91-169 613-92 Looper holder, w/
11-3'tl 169-15 Fastening screw binding screw No.11-108 096-15
(A MAx6 DIN 916-10 K)
for No.91-169 625-12
91-169 6IA-O5 Spacing washer, 0.5 mm thick,
11-5'tl 277-15 Fastening screw for No.91-169 861-05
(A M6x6 DIN 916-10 K)
for No.91-169 853-91
91-169.615-05 Spacing washer, 0.8 mm thick,
for No.91-169 861-05
12-305 1'»0-15 Washer (5.3 DIN 125-St)
for Nos.11-108 225-15; 11-108 251-15;
91-169 622-91 Ball ioint, w/ ball stud and set screw
11-173 225-15
No.11-17'» 176-15
12-62A 27045 Circlip (H 4x1)
for No.91-169 720-91 91-169 623-12 Balancing bushing, w/ set screw
N0.II-3M 169-15, for No.91-169 857-05
12-6A0 150-55 Slip washer (A DIN 6799) 91-169 631-15 Hinge stud for Nos.91-169 622-91;
for No.91-169 722-05 91-170 626-91

See parts of previous versions, page XVI 17

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
111/1 Pfaff 5463-801-6

91-169 636-05 Bearing bushing for No.91-169 853-^1 91-169 7'tO-35 Thread guide
91-169 755-05 Needle guard bracket
91-169 65I-OI Looper swing-back cam
91-169 758-05 Oil wick for Nos.91-018 359/»5;
91-169 695-91 Feed regulator shaft, compl., 91-169 759-^5
consisting of No,12-6^0 200-55; 91-169 759-45 Oil pad (foam plastic)
91-169 700-05; 91-169 701-05 for No.91-169 716-91
91-169 7OO-O5 Feed regulator shaft 91-169 808-15 Needle guard, adjustable
91-169 8IM2 Thread puller, w/
91-169 7OI-O5 Bearing bushing for N0.9I-I69 700-05 binding screw No.11-108 17^-15
91-169 705-12 Locking lever, w/ set screw 91-169 836-05 Catch for Nos.91-169 607-92;
No.91-700 785-15, for N0.9I-I69 687-05 91-169 982-91
(see p, III/2)
91-169 853-91 Looper drive, compl.,
91-169 708-12 Thrust lever, w/ set screw consisting of Nos.ll-31't 169-15;
Nos.91-700 'f12-15; 91-700 785-15, 12-6'»0 170-55; 1M)18 570-01;
for No.91-169 720-91 91-169 622-91; 91-169 623-12;
91-169 631-15; 91-169 636-05;
91-169 710-15 Torsion spring for No.91-169 708-12 91-169 81^1-12; 91-169 857-05;
91-169 716-91 Looper driving assembly bracket, compl., 91-170 626-91
consisting of;
No.11-108 180-15 Binding screw 9I-I69 857-05 Driving crank for No.91-169 853-91
No.lV-215 022-0V^ Needle bearing for 91-169 861-05 Looper
fulcrum stud
No.1^215 052-OV^ Needle bearing for 91-169 92V-9I Bed slide, compl.,
driving assembly bracket consisting of Nos.91-00'» 181-05;
N0.9I-OI7 378-15 Friction washer 91-100 076-15; 91-169 925-35
No.91-018 359-45 Oil sleeve
N0.9I-I69 ^98-9Driving assembly bracket 91-169 925-35 Bed slide
N0.9I-I69 582-05 Friction washer
No.91-169 583-12 Clamp collar 91-169 930-41 Bedplate rest
N0.9I-I69 717-15^^ Bearing bracket
N0.9I-I69 72M)5 Fulcrum stud 91-169 981-91 Looper driving assembly, compl.,
No.91-169 728-12 Clamp collar consisting of Nos.91-l69 603^5;
No.91-169 758-05 Oil wick 91-169 606-05; 91-169 607-92;
No.91-169 759-45 Oil pad 91-169 608-05; 91-169 613-92;
91-169 836-05; 91-169 982-91
i)For replacement purposes, order
No.91-169 716-91 91-169 982-91 Looper holder bracket, w/
91-169 720-91 Feed regulator push-button, compl., No.11-108 177-15 Binding screw
consisting of Nos.12-6'»0 150-55; No.91-700 785-15 Set screw
91-021 oM-05; 91-169 721-15;
91-169 722-05 *91-170 365-91 Cover plate, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-100 076-15;
91-169 721-15 Bushing for No.91-169 720-91 91-169 727-15; 91-170 366-35
91-169 722-05 Plunger for N0.9I-I69 721-15
*91-170 366-35 Cover plate
91-169 72M)5 Fulcrum stud for No.91-169 716-91
91-169 727-15 Retaining spring for No.91-170 366-35 9I-I7O 626-91 Thread puller crank, w/ ball bearing
(For replacement purposes, supplied
91-169 728-12 Clamp collar, w/ together with driving crank
binding screw No.11-17^ 176-15
No.91-169 857-05
9I-I69 730-00 Cover plate latch, w/ guide, compl., 9I-I7O 693-05 Spacing washer, 0.3 mm thick,
consisting of Nos.91-169 731-05; for No.91-169 861-05
91-169 732-05
91-169 731-05 Guide for N0.9I-I69 730-00
9I-I7O 69M)5 Spacing washer, 1.2 mm thick,
for No.91-169 861-05
91-169 732-05 Latch for No.91-169 731-05
91-700 087-15 Fastening screw for No.91-169 733-91
91-169 733-91 Thread guide, compl., 91-700 169-15 Fastening screw for No.91-169 73(W)0
consisting of Nos. 11-108 08M5;
91-169 737-35; 91-169 738-35 91-700 M2-15 Fastening screw for No.91-169 708-12
91-700 785-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-169 705-12;
91-169 737-35 Thread guide 91-169 708-12; 91-169 982-91
91-169 738-35 Thread regulator for No.91-169 737-35 93-290 352-15 Hinge screw for No.91-169 808-15

18 See parts of previous versions, page XVI

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Bedplate Parts

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6

11-330 952-15

91-169 565-^5

91-169 73^1

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6 III/2

11-108 171-15 Fastening screw (A M'txO DIN 8V-8G) 9I-O69 648-93 Driving belt sprocket, lower, compl.,
for N0.9I-I69 933-15 consisting of Nos.14-Ol6 130^1;
91-069 647-12; 91-169 198-03
11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A M4x10 DIN 84-8G) (Orders should specify number of dots:
for N0.9I-O69 554-92 and 1, 2 or 3)
fastening screw for N0.9I-I69 734-91 9I-IOO 242-15 Fastening screw, pointed,
for N0.9I-O69 647-12
11-108 225-15 Binding screw (A M5x10 DIN 84-8G)
for No.91-069 296-12
9I-I69 198-03 Driving belt sprocket, lower,
for No.91-069 648-93
11-174 O86-I5 Fastening screw (M 3x4 DIN 920-5S) (Orders should specify number of dots:
for No.91-169 691-05
1, 2 or 3)
11-174 224-15 Binding screw (M 5x10 DIN 920-8G) 9I-I69 324-91 Feed lifting eccentric, compl.,
for N0.9I-I69 699-12 consisting of:
No. 14-218 190-01 Needle bearing for feed
11-178 172-15 Fastening screw (M 4x8 DIN 921-5S) lifting eccentric crank
for N0.9I-I69 643-91 N0.9I-O69 342-05^^Feed lifting eccentric
11-314 220-15 Fastening screw (M 5x8 DIN 438-5S) N0.9I-I69 654-12 Set collar
for N0.9I-I69 654-12 N0.9I-I69 655-04 Feed lifting eccentric
^)For replacement purposes, order
11-314 280-15 Fastening screw (M 6x8 DIN 438-5S) N0.9I-I69 324-91
for N0S.9I-I69 570-01; 9I-I69 572-91;
91-169 693-91
9I-I69 325-91 Feed bar, compl.,
consisting of:
11-330 952-15 Fastening screw No.11-330 952-15 Set screw
(A M5x5 DIN 915-10 K)
for N0S.9I-O69 554-92; 91-169 325-91
No.14-215 016-01^'Needle bearing for
fulcrum stud
N0.9I-O69 289-05^^Fulcrum stud
11-670 001-45 Plug screw (M 10x1 DIN 910-4 D) for N0.9I-O69 554-92
for N0.9I-I69 735-45
N0.9I-I69 399-15^^ Feed bar
13-033 250-05 Stop pin (A M6x14 DIN 6325) OFor replacement purposes, order
for No.91-169 693-91 N0.9I-I69 325-91

14-010 170-01 Ball bearing (16 005 DIN 625) 91-169 563-45 Oil sleeve for N0.9I-I69 572-91
for N0.9I-I69 696-05
9I-I69 564-05 Oil wick, 340 ram long,
for N0.9I-I69 572-91
14-016 130-01 Ball bearing (6003-2Z DIN 625)
for No.91-lfe 198-03 9I-I69 570-01 Drive shaft bushing

15-125 135-05 Sealer ring (C 10x13-5 DIN 7603) 9I-I69 572-91 Feed driving shaft, compl.,
for No.11-670 001-45 consisting of:
No.14-215 157-0Needle bearing for feed
91-069 287-05 Hinge stud for Nos.91-069 296-12; driving shaft
91-169 325-91 N0.9I-I69 563-45 Oil sleeve
N0.9I-I69 564-05 Oil wick
91-069 292-05 Plug (plastic), 17 mm 0, N0.9I-I69 573-05^^Feed driving shaft
for bedplate bushing
No,91-169 575-05^^Feed driving shaft
9I-O69 296-I2 Feed rock shaft crank, front, w/ N0.9I-I69 576-05 Gasket
binding screw No.11-108 225-l5» N0.9I-I69 577-05 Friction washer
for No.91-169 325-91
"•^For replacement purposes, order
N0.9I-I69 572-91
9I-O69 554-92 Feed lifting crank joint, w/
binding screw No.11-108 177-15 and
fastening screw No.11-330 952-15» 9I-I69 576-05 Sealer ring (plastic)
for N0.9I-I69 572-91
for No.91-169 325-91
91-169 577-05 Friction washer for N0.9I-I69 572-91
91-069 647-12 Set collar, w/ 91-169 578-15 Split bushing for Nos.91-169 296-12;
N0.9I-IOO 242-15 Set screw,
91-169 572-91
No.91-700 510-15 Set screw,
9I-I69 639-90 Spur gear assembly, w/
set screw Nos.91-700 680-15;
for No.91-169 198-03 91-700 689-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
111/2 Pfaff 5463-801-6

9I-I69 Looper avoiding motion eccentric crank, 9I-I69 696-05 Feed driving connection
compl., consisting of:
No.11-178 172-15 , Set screw 9I-I69 698-05 Fulcrum stud for Nos.91-l69 696-05;
No. 1^215 015-01'''Needle bearing for 91-169 699-12
hinge stud
No.lWlB I9O-OINeedle bearing for looper 9I-I69 699-12 Feed driving shaft crank, rear, w/
avoiding motion eccentric binding screw No.11-174 224-15,
N0.9I-I69 B'tW5^Hooper avoiding motion for N0.9I-I69 696-05

N0.9I-I69 Hinge stud 91-169 734-91 Oil reservoir cover, compl.,

N0.9I-I69 65W2 Set collar consisting of N0S.II-67O 001-45;
N0.9I-I69 656-0^ Looper avoiding motion 1H25 135-05; 91-169 735-45

OPor replacement purposes, order 9I-I69 735-45 Oil reservoir cover

N0.9I-I69 6'»5-91

9I-I69 6^9-91 Feed driving and lifting assembly, compl., 9I-I69 736-45 Gasket (rubber cork)
consisting of Nos.91-069 287-05; for N0.9I-I69 734-91
91-069 296-12; 91-069 55V^2;
91-169 32^1-91; 91-169 325-91 9I-I69 926-05 Oil pad (foam plastic)
9I-I69 65M2 Set collar, w/ set screw
N0.II-3H 220-15, for N0S.9I-I69 655-04; 9I-I69 933-15 Thread guard
91-169 656-04

9I-I69 655-04^^Feed lifting eccentric 91-170 047-04 2^ Drive shaft

for N0.9I-I69 324-91
9I-7OO 338-15 Fastening screw for No.91-169 683-05
9I-I69 656-04^nooper avoiding motion eccentric
for N0.9I-I69 643-91
9I-7OO 5IO-I5 Fastening screw, blunt,
for N0.9I-O69 647-12
9I-I69 680-91 Feed regulator, compl.,
consisting of Nos.14-010 I7O-OI;
91-169 687-05; 91-169 688-91; 9I-7OO 68O-I5 Fastening screw, pointed,
91-169 696-05; 91-169 698-05; for N0.9I-I69 639-90
91-169 699-12

9I-I69 681-91 Feed regulator guide bracket, compl., 9I-7OO 689-15 Fastening screw, blunt,
for Nos.91-169 639-90; 91-169 682-05
consisting of Nos.91-169 682-^5;
91-169 683-05; 91-700 338-15;
91-700 689-15

9I-I69 682-05 Feed regulator guide bracket

for N0.9I-I69 681-91

91-169 683-05 Guide bracket for N0.9I-I69 682-05

91-169 685-05 Guide disc for No.91-169 681-91

91-169 686-05 Eccentric sleeve for N0.9I-I69 685-05

9I-I69 687-05 Feed regulator eccentric 9I-I69 960-Jt5 Bedplate, not ill.

9I-I69 688-91 Feed regulator slide, compl.,

consisting of N0S.9I-I69 681-^1; II-I30 566-15 Fastening screw
91-169 685^5; 91-169 686-05 (M 12x65 DIN 912-8G), not ill.,
for N0.9I-I69 960-45
9I-I69 690-05 Stitch length locking disc
for No.91-169 693-91 II-I33 538-15 Fastening screw (M 12x25), not ill.,
for N0.9I-I69 960-45
91-169 691-05 Snap ring for No.91-169 690-05
9I-I69 693-91 Stitch length locking disc, compl., 11-133 544-15 Fastening screw (M 12x30), not ill.,
for N0.9I-I69 687-05, for N0.9I-I69 960-45
consisting of Nos.11-314 280-15;
11-174 O8&-I5; 13-033 250-05; I3-O6O 400-05 Positioning pin (6x32 DIN 1471),
91-169 690-05; 91-169 69I-05 not ill., for No.91-169 96045

From the library of: Superior Sewing
2)Orders shouldMachine & Supply
specify the nuiriber of dots LLC
on the part ordered.
IV/l; IV/2

Accessory Parts

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6

8 222-15

11-^60 118-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6 IV/1

11-08^ 557-15 Fastening screw (M 8x15 DIN 479-8G) 91-028 036-25 Washer for No.91-700 82A-25
for Nos.91-027 288-15; 91-027 289-15;
91-069 335-55
9I-O29 AA6-9I Fulcrum stud, w/ earth wire
11-108 222-15 Fastening screw (A M5x8 DIN 8A-8G)
for Nos.91-069 167-'»5; 91-169 565-'»5 91-029 't50-35 Hinge stud for No.91-032 800-91;
91-032 801-91
11-108 258-15 Fastening screw (A M5x'tO DIN D'l-DG)
for Nos.91-069 167-45; 91-169 565-'»5
9I-O29 692-45 Rubber pad cover for No.91-027 291-55
11-A60 118-15 Wood screw (3x20 DIN 96)
for No.91-171 537-45 91-032 087-45 Washer (felt) for No.91-171 537-45

12-6^f0 090-55 Slip washer (2.3 DIN 6799)

for No.91-027 297-05
9I-O32 800-91 Hinge block, left, compl.,
consisting of Nos. 15-030 3'f1-35;
91-032 802-45
13-030 3'»1-35 Bearing stud (5h8x40 DIN 7)
for No.91-032 800-91
9I-O32 801-91 Hinge block, right, compl.,
13-052 256-05 Guide pin (N Ax18) consisting of Nos.91-029 W6-91;
for No.91-027 296-15 91-032 802-45

1J-065 313-15 Stop pin (5x16 DIN H72)

91-032 802-45 Hinge block for Nos.91-032 800-91;
for No.91-027 291-55
91-032 801-91
13-070 268-15 Hinge pin ('tx28 DIN 1A75)
for No.91-069 328-11 9I-O32 80A-45 Rubber cushion, 7 mm recess

164U 139-55 V-belt (10x1120 DIN 2215)

Ol-O'fO 62A-O5 Pressure spring for No.91-700 82A-25
91-000 089-25 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OA5 653-25
91-000 775-15 Guide screw for No.91-0't5 653-25 9I-OA2 9^0-25 Edge guide bracket for No.91-053 756-91

91-002 087-25 Washer for No.91-000 089-25

91-0'»5 653-25 Edge guide for No.91-0A2 9'tO-25
91-027 281-91 Knee lifter, coinpl.,
consisting of N0S.II-O8A 357-15;
13-052 256-05; 13-063 313-15; 9I-O53 756-91 Swing edge guide, compl.,
91-027 288-15; 91-027 289-15; consisting of Nos.91-000 089-25;
91-027 291-55; 91-027 29V-92; 91-000 775-15; 91-002 087-25;
91-027 299-91; 91-069 335-55 91-0A2 9^C^25; 91-0't5 653-25

91-027 283-05 Pressure spring for No.91-027 297-05

9I-O69 167-45 Belt guard, back section
91-027 286-15 Set screw for No.91-027 297-05

91-027 288-15 Knee lifter rock shaft 9I-O69 I72-I5 Bearing bushing for No.11-108 258-15

91-027 289-15 Knee plate arm

9I-O69 328-11 Locking bracket
91-027 291-55 Knee plate

91-027 29V-92 Set collar, w/ 9I-O69 333-55 Knee plate arm bracket
set screw No.91-700 785-15

91-169 563-'t5 Belt guard, front section

9I-O27 296-15 Knee lever vertical shaft socket

91-027 297-05 Pin, spring-loaded, for No.91-027 288-15 91-171 537-45 Oil drip pan

9I-O27 299-91 Knee lifter socket, compl., 9I-7OO 785-15 Fastening screw for No.91-027 29^-92
consisting of Nos.12-6A0 090-55;
13-070 268-15; 91-027 285-05;
91-027 28&-15; 91-027 296-15;
91-027 297-05; 91-069 328-11 91-700 82A-25 Knurled screw for No.91-053 756-91

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801-6 |V/2

11-108 O99-I5 Fastening screw (A M3x10 DIN SA-SG)

for No.91-170 7I6-I5
11-108 2't6-15 Binding screw (A M5x25 DIN 8A-8G)
for Nos.91-129 6A1-02; 91-129 6A6-92
11470 768-15 Wood screw (5.5x22 DIN 97)
for No.91-129 6'»745
12-02't 121-15 Nut (M 3 DIN 93'»-5S) for No. 11-108 099-15
12-02't 171-15 Nut (M 5 DIN 93V1-5S) for No.11-108 2't6-15
'tO-75'» 701-00 Soft brush
91-008 829-15 Washer for No.11-108 099-15
9I-O29 007-91 Screwdriver, 6 mm wide
9I-O29 39'»-01 Oiler, empty
9I-O29 'tSO-Ol Screwdriver, 't.S mm wide
9I-O29 831-91 Machine rest
9I-O29 83345 Machine cover
91-029 9A6-9I Screwdriver, 2.8 mm wide
91-118 555-35 Thread guide
91-129 63745 Spool rest rod
91-129 6AI-92 Spool rest, w/
No.11-108 2A6-I5 Binding screw
No.12-02'» 171-15 Nut
9I-I29 6'tA-05 Spool retaining washer
9I-I29 6A545 Spool disc
9I-I29 6A6-92 Thread guide, w/
No.11-108 2A6-I5 Binding screw
No.12-02'» 171-15 Nut
9I-I29 6'f745 Thread unwinder base
9I-I29 6't945 Spool pin washer (foam rubber) for No.91-129 6'»1-92
9I-I29 660-90 Thread unwinder, compL,
consisting of Nos. 11470 768-15; 91-129 63745;
91-129 6M-92; 91-129 6AM)5; 91-129 6A545;
91-129 6*16-92; 91-129 6A745; 91-129 6A945;
99-115 03*»-15; 99-115 03645; 99-115 03745
91-169 760-90 Box, w/
No.*fO-75'» 701-00 Soft brush
N0.9I-O29 480-91 Screwdriver A.8 mm wide
N0.9I-O29 9't6-91 Screwdriver 2.8 mm wide
N0.9I-II8 555-35 Thread guide
No.91-701 515-35 Nut
No.99-115 187-21 Tweezers
91-170 716-15 Thread guide
91-701 515-35 Nut for No.91-118 555-35
93-102 33541 Box

99-115 03*^-15 Nut for No.91-129 63745

99-115 03645 Sleeve for No.91-129 63745
99-115 03745 Cap for No.91-129 63745
99-115 187-21 Tweezers

99-129 591-93 Wrapper, w/ needles (System 463)

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

^ Complementary Parts
Pfaff 5463-801-4

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 29
Pfaff 5463-801-4

91-170 179-91

99-009 396-91^

15-120 00M)5
,91-170 18545

11-31/, 91,6-15-a

91-119 ^f29-31-

11-108 222-15

• 11-108 171-15
• / 91-170 187-15
m// 91-701319-35
91-069 H7-O5—^A • :':>91-00it 006-05
91-061 158-05-^^1 ^.^^91-010 116-05
\ \ 91-170 000-05
91-170 186-35
I 91-700 388-15
91-170 189-05

91-169 50741

11-108 222-15—
^ 41-069 661-12
'—91-069 562-05
91-169 319-01 91-169 93/^^2
'-ffL•91-069 611-05

91-169 322-15- --91-700 388-15

91-05/, 7/,/^^! 11-108 171-15-
—91-169 5O8-I5
11-108 171-15-^
91-05/, 7/,6-11-j -12-6'tO 050-55
-91-025 376-05
12-305 081-15- *^11-108 08W5
91-05^ 7^7-05- •S!fe-91-05't 7^/5-15 7^91-025 37'M]5
91-700 49-15

1-91-05^ 7^/8-05

91-169 922-91
91-169 727-15

91-100 076-15
91-170 071-91 91-051 155-95

91-04 310-05 91-058 029-05

91-170 072-11

ll-l?'/ 089-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-801-4
(For standard ports, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-801-6) V

11-108 08M5 fastening screw (A M3x3 DIN 8'f-86) 9I-O69 562-05 Washer (felt)
for No.9l-05'f 7^5-15 for N0.9I-I69 507-91

11-108 171-15 Fastening screw (A MAx6 DIN Bh-QQ) 9I-O69 611-05 Bearing bushing for No,91-l69 507-91
for Nos.91-051 155-93; 91-05'f 74H1;
91-170 187-15 9I-O69 661-12 Presser bar lifting bracket, w/
binding screw No.11-108 222-15
11-108 222-15 Binding screw (A M5x8 DIN Bk-^0
for N0.9I-O69 ^1-12 and 91-100 076-15 Fastening screw for N0.9I-I69 727-15
fastening screw for No.9l-1l9 'f29-31
9I-II9 't29-31 Oil reservoir bracket
11-17'» 086-15 Needle set screw
(M 3xA DIN 920-5S) 9I-I69 319-01 Presser bar

11-17'> 089-15 Fastening screw (A M3x5 DIN 920-8G) 91-169 322-15 Position collar for N0.9I-I69 507-91
for No.91-170 072-11
9I-I69 507-91 Presser bar, compl.,
11-3H 9'»6-15 Fastening screw (M ^x'f DIN A38-5S) consisting of Nos.11-108 171-15;
for No.99-009 396-91 12-6A0 050-55; 91-025 37*»-05;
91-025 376-05; 91-069 562-05;
12-305 081-15 Washer (3.2 DIN 125-St) 91-069 611-05; 91-069 661-12;
for No.11-108 O8A-I5 91-169 319-01; 91-169 322-15;
91-169 508-15; 91-700 388-15;
12-6A0 050-55 Slip washer (1.5 DIN 6799) 91-700 *»09-15
for No.91-025 37W)5
9I-I69 5O8-I5 Roller presser arm bracket
15-120 00^05 Sealer ring for No.99-O09 396-91
91-169 727-15 Retaining spring for No.91-169 923-35
91-00't 006-05 Thread lubricator pressure spring
9I-I69 922-91 Cover plate, compl.,
9I-OIO 116-05 Thread lubricator disc consisting of Nos.91-100 076-15;
91-169 727-15; 91-169 923-35
91-025 37'h05 Stud, spring-loaded, for No.91-169 507-91
91-169 923-35 Cover plate
9I-O25 376-05 Pressure spring for N0.9I-I69 507-91
9I-I69 93*h-92 Needle bar w/ needle set screw
91-0't7 310-05 Feed dog No.11-17*» 086-15

91-051 155-93 X Model 9I-I7O 000-05 Thread lubricator sleeve

Roller presser, swing-type, compl.,
consisting of: 9I-I7O O7I-9I Stitch length locking disc, compl.,
N0.9I-OOI 027-15 Set screw same as N0.9I-I69 693-91 (see p. III/2),
for No.91-001 927-H but incorporating
No.91-001 665-15 Nut No.11-l7*» 089-15 Set screw
No.91-001 927-H X Model for No.91-170 072-11
Roller No.91-170 072-11 Stop
N0.9I-OA6 187-0'f Bearing needles, 16 ea.
N0.9I-O5I 153-15 Roller presser arm 91-170 072-11 Stop for No.91-170 071-91

91-05^ 7^^1 Chaining foot, compl., 9I-I7O 179-91 Face cover, compl.,
consisting of Nos. 11-108 08't-15; consisting of Nos.11-108 171-15;
12-305 081-15; 91-05't 7't5-i5; 11-108 222-15; 11-31*» 9*»6-15;
9l-05'» 7*16-11; 9l-05*» 7*t7-05; 15-120 OOA-05; 91-OOA 006-05;
91-05*t 7*»8-05 91-010 116-05; 91-061 158-05;
91-069 1A7-05; 91-119 *t29-3i;
9l-05*t 7*t5-15 Chaining spring for No.91-05*t 7't*t-91 91-170 000-05; 91-170 l85-*»5;
91-170 186-35; 91-170 187-15;
91-05't 7*»6-11 Holder for No.9l-05*t 7't*t-91 91-170 189-05; 91-700 388-15;
91_701 319-35; 99-009 396-91
9l-05*f 7*t7-05 Stud, spring-loaded, for No.91-05*t 7*t*t-91
9I-I7O 185-45 Face cover
9l-05*» 7*»8-05 Pressure spring for No.91-05*t 7'»*»-91
9I-I7O 186-35 Thread lubricator housing
91-058 029-05 Needle plate
91-061 158-05 Oil wick for N0.9I-O69 H7-05 9I-I7O 187-15 Thread lubricator holder
91-069 U7-O5 Oil tube for Nos.9l-170 189-05;
99-009 396-91 9I-I7O 189-05 Thread lubricator stud

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 31
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-801-4
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-801-6)

9I-7OO 388-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-l69 322-15;

91-170 189-05

91-700 ^09-15 End screw for N0.9I-I69 507-91

9I-7OI 319-35 Fastening screw for No.91-170 186-35

99-009 396-91 Oil reservoir

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Vl/l; VI/2

Complementary Parts
Pfaff 5463-802-6

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 33
91-129 963-90

99-115 057-^5-

12-02^^ 171-15-
•11-108 2'f6-l5
91-129 6^^6-92

-91-129 63745

,91-029 358-05
,91-129 968-45
91-129 969-45. .91-100 114-15
91-029 359-15s .99-115 036-45
,11-108 24M5

91-129 6'»405\
91-129 6'j545--.\|^
91-029 360-45-
91-029 358-05- 12-024 171-15
^^^^91-029 364-45
12^2'» 171-15^'V<^
12-02'» 171-15' / / / 91-129 648-05
12-510 HI45 / / 91-129 970-91
12-305 H415 /
11-108 231-15 -91-129 637-45
91-100 IIW5

11-470 768-15^99-115 034-15

5 91-129 647-45

11-108 099-15 12-024 121-15

91-032 803-45 ^ f) 4
91-129 649-45
' 91-008 829-15

% ^91-170 716-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-802-6
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-801-6) VI/1

11-108 099-15 Fastening screw (A M3x10 DIN 8A-€G)

for No.91-170 716-15
11-108 231-15 Fastening screw (A M5x15 DIN 8A-«G)
for Nos.91-029 36A-A5; 91-129 97(H1
11-108 2A6-15 Binding screw (A M5x25 DIN 8A-8G)
for Nos.91-129 6A1-92; 91-129 6A6-92
11-A70 768-15 Wood screw (5-5x22 DIN 97)
for No.91-129 6A7-A5
^2-02k 121-15 Nut (M 3 DIN 93V-5S) for No.11-108 099-15
12-02A 171-15 Nut (M 5 DIN 93V1-5S) for Nos.11-108 231-15;
11-108 2't6-15; 91-100 IIA-I5
12-305 HM5 Washer (5.3 DIN 125) for No.11-108 231-15
12-510 HU5 Circlip (J 5.3 DIN 6797) for No.12-02A 171-15
91-008 829-15 Washer for No.11-108 099-15
9I-O29 358-05 Hinge cup (plastic) for Nos.91-029 36A-A5;
91-129 96845; 91-129 96945
91-029 359-15 Locking lever for Nos.91-129 96845; 91-129 96945
9I-O29 36045 Thread guide rod
91-029 36't45 Clamp for No.91-029 36045
9I-O32 8O345 Rubber cushion, k mm recess
(for needle gauge from 7.2 mm)
9I-IOO IIM5 Binding screw for Nos.91-029 36't45;
91-129 96845; 91-129 96945
91-129 63745 Spool rest rod
91-129 6AI-92 Spool rest, w/
No.11-108 2'f6-15 Binding screw
N0.I2-O2A 171-15 Nut
9I-I29 6AV-O5 Spool retaining washer
91-129 6A545 Spool disc
9I-I29 6'f6-92 Thread guide, w/
No.11-108 2'f6-15 Binding screw
N0.I2-O2A 171-15 Nut
9I-I29 6A745 Thread unwinder base
91-129 6A8-O5 Thread guide bushing for No.91-129 970-91
9I-I29 6^945 Spool pin washer (foam rubber) for No.91-129 6A1-92
91-129 963-90 Thread unwinder, ccmpl.,
consisting of Nos.11-108 231-15; 11470 768-15;
12-02A 171-15; 12-305 4M5; 12-510 4145;
91-029 358-05; 91-029 359-15; 91-029 36045;
91-029 36A45; 91-100 11^-15; 91-129 63745;
91-129 6'»1-92; 91-129 64^-05; 91-129 6'»545;
91-129 6A642; 91-129 6A745; 91-129 6't945;
91-129 96845; 91-129 96945; 91-129 970-91;
99-115 03^5; 99-115 03645; 99-115 03745
9I-I29 96845 Clamp (w/ square hole) for No.91-129 63745
9I-I29 96945 Clamp (w/ round hole) for No.91-129 63745
9I-I29 970-91 Thread guide, w/
thread guide bushing No.91-129 6A8-05
9I-I7O 716-15 Thread guide
99-115 O3M5 Nut for No.91-129 63745
99-115 03645 Sleeve for No.91-129 63745
99-115 03745 Cap for No.91-129 63745

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 35
91-170 036-91

-91-169 679-15
91-002 065-05
11-108 180-15 91-701 3'tW5/ 91-002 065-05
^ / I 91-169 801-05
^ ^ 91-169.797-05
-91-169 796-35
91-169 5i»8-05

91-169 625-91

^91-169 59415
> 91-701 3^415
13-033 103-05 /91-002 06405
Aj 91-002 065-05
91-010 183-05
91-169 633-15 k /k. 91-105 47-15
91-169 667-^1
9I-010 I8I-15 g-1^01 522-35
12-610 23045 '91-169 567-05

b i -9I-I69 628-11

91-107 20415
91-169 937-93 13-033 103-05
91-170 02415-

11-108 06415-^
91-054 899-93

91-054 897-25^ 4^. ^91-05^ 895-91

11-108 06415-.-^Slk''2~5''5 07415
^^4-12-315 07415 'fO-666 200-01
91-700 09425-^|pr>^^/
91-05't 896-05^Tr^^

91-169 92241 91-169 882-00

11-330 O84I5 91-169 727-15
9I-I69 862-05 91-169 872-05
91-058 009-0^
91-058 258-0't

91-169 92435

91-169 557-15
91-170 708-91

11-108 177-154^;
91-04 54-0i» 91-169 939-15
-11-108 177-15

91-700 784l5rt: ^

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-802-6
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-801-6) VI/2

N = Needle Gauge

11-108 060-15 Fastening screw *91-169 625-91 Needle thread tension, compl..
(A M2M DIN 8V^G) consisting of Nos.12-610 230-45;
for Nos.91-05^ 895-91; 91-170 028-15 13-033 1034J5; 91-001 522-35;
91-002 065-05; 91-010 181-15;
11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A M'txlO DIN D't-BG) 91-010 183-05; 91-105 447-15;
for No.91-170 708-91
91-107 204-15; 91-169 567-05;
11-108 180-15 Locking screw (A M DIN 8A) 91-169 594-15; 91-169 628-11;
for No.91-169 66741 91-169 633-15; 91-701 344-35
11-330 085-15 Needle set screw (A M3x't DIN 913-10 K) *91-169 628-11 Tension bracket for No.91-169 625-91
12-315 070-15 Washer (2.8 DIN 't33-St)
for Nos.11-108 060-15; 91-700 09^^-25 *91-169 633-15 Tension release plate for No.
for No.91-169 625-91
12-610 23045 Circlip (10x1 DIN
for No.91-169 628-11 *91-169 66741 Tension bracket for No.91-170 036-91
N0.9I-635 244-91 Tension bracket
13-033 103-05 Tension release pin (2ni6xl6 DIN 6325) (for Willcox &Gibbs),
'»0-666 200-01 Allen key (S 1.5 DIN 911) not ill.,
for No.11-330 085-15 for No.91-635 257-91
91-001 522-35 Nut for No.91-169 567-05 *91-169 679-15 Thread guide for No.91-169 66741
91-002 065-05 Tension disc 9I-I69 727-15 Retaining spring for No.91-169 923-35
91-010 181-15 Tension release washer for No.91-l69 567-05
91-169 796-35 Nut for No.91-169 548-05
*91-010 183-05 Tension spring for No.91-169 625-91
9^-Ok7 5^1-04 X N X Model 91-169 797-05 Tension sleeve for No.91-170 036-91
Feed dog
9I-I69 801-05 Tension spring for No.91-170 036-91
91-05^ 895-91 Chain cutter, coinpl.,
consisting of Nos.12-315 070-15; 91-169 862-05 Looper, front, for No.91-169 882-00
91-05't 89W5; 91-05'» 897-25;
91-700 09^1-25 9I-I69 872-05 Looper, rear, for No.91-169 882-00

91-05't 896-05 Chain cutter 91-169 882-00 Looper set, compl.,

(N = 0.8 mm),
91-05'f 897-25 Knife holder consisting of Nos.91-l69 862-05;
91-05^ 899-93 x N x Model 91-169 872-05
Presser foot, w/ For loopers for other needle gauges,
No.11-108 060-15 Set screw please refer to the Table on p. 39
No.12-315 070-15 Washer
No.91-05^ 895-91 Chain cutter 91-169 922-91 Cover plate, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-100 076-15;
91-058 OOg-O'f X N X Model 91-169 727-15; 91-169 923-35
Needle plate (N = 6.4 - 12.8 mm)
for No.91-169 922-91 91-169 923-35 Cover plate
91-058 238-04 x Nx Model 91-169 937-93 XN Needle bar, w/
Needle plate (N = 0.8-4.8 mm) needle set screw No.11-330 085-15,
for No.91-170 365-91 (see p. IIl/l) (N = 0.8 - 3.2 mm)
N0.9I-I69 944-93 X NNeedle bar, w/
91-100 076-15 Fastening screw for No.91-169 727-15 needle set screw
No.11-330 085-15,
91-105 447-15 Washer for No.91-001 522-35 (N = 4.8 - 6.4 and
7.2 mm), not ill.,
91-107 204-15 Washer for No.91-169 633-15 No.91-170 018-93 XNNeedle bar, w/
needle set screw
91-169 548-05 Tension stud No.11-330 085-15,
for No.91-169 66741 (N = 10; 12.8 mm),
not ill.
91-169 557-15 Needle guard, adjustable
(N = 0.8 - 6.4 mm)
91-169 939-15 Needle guard, adjustable
*91-169 567-05 Tension stud (N = 7.2 - 12.8 mm)
for No.91-169 628-11

*91-169 594-15 Thread guide for No.91-169 628-11 9I-I7O 028-15 Thread regulator

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
* See parts of previous versions, page XVI 37
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-802-6
VI/2 (For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-801-6)

*91-170 036-91 Looper thread tension, compl.,

consisting of Nos.11-108 180-155 91-002 065-055
91-169 5'»8-055 91-169 667-'fl5 91-169 679-155
91-169 796-355 91-169 797-055 91-169 801-055
N0.9I-635 257-91 Looper thread tension, conipl.,
(for Willcox & Gibbs), not ill..
Same component parts as No.91-170 036-91,
but incorporating
tension bracket No.91-635

9I-I7O 7O8-9I Looper bracket, w/

No.11-108 177-15 Binding screw
N0.9I-7OO 785-15 Set screw

91-700 O9V-25 Fastening screw for No.91-O5't 896-05

91-700 785-15 Fastening screw for No.91-170 708-91

91-701 3'fM5 Fastening screw for Nos.91-l69 59'i-155

91-169 679-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
See parts of previous versions, page XVI
Loopers for the Pfaff 5463-802-6

Needle gouge
Looper set Looper, front Looper, rear
In millimeters

91-169 882-00 91-169 862-05 91-169 872-05 0.8

91-169 883-00 91-169 863-05 91-169 873-05 1.6

91-169 884-00 91-169 864-05 91-169 874-05 2.4

91-169 885-00 91-169 865-05 91-169 875-05 3.2

91-169 886-00 91-169 866-05 91-169 876-05 4.8

91-169 887-00 91-169 867-05 91-169 877-05 6.4

91-169 888-00 91-169 868-05 91-169 878-05 7.2

91-169 889-00 91-169 869-05 91-169 879-05 10.0

91-169 890-00 91-169 870-05 91-169 880-05 12.8

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Complementary Parts
Pfaff 5463 H-802-6/01

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 41
Pfaff 5463 H-802-6/01

91-169 892-91 91-055 038-91

91-05't 897-25
. ,91-054 895-91
rui2-3i5 070-15
11-108 060-15 I>12-315 070-15
91-700 094-25
91-054 896-05
91-069 OitO-01-


91-069 06245 91-170 365-91

91-169 727-15

91-100 076-15

91-170 193-92 91-170 366-35'

91-170 367-00

91-170 368-05

11-330 085-15^!^

91-170 328-15

91-058 147-04

99-129 547-93

91-047 594-04

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463 H-802-6/01
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-02-6) VII

11-108 O6O-I5 Fastening screw (A M2.6xA DIN 8A-8G)

for No.91-055 038-91
ii-iyif 175-15 Binding screw (M Ax8 DIN 920-86)
for N0.9I-O69 060-92
11-330 085-15 Needle set screw
12-315 070-15 Washer (2.8 DIN A33-St)
for Nos. 11-108 060-15; 91-700 09^25
12-610 Circlip (8x0.8 DIN A7I)
for No.91-069 O'iO-OI
gi-o'f? 59't-OA X Model
Feed dog
895-91 Chain cutter, compl.,
consisting of Nos. 12-315 070-15; 91-05't 896-05;
91-05't 897-25; 91-700 09^25
91-05'» 896-05 Chain cutter

91-05't 897-25 Knife holder

91-055 038-91 Presser foot, w/
No.11-108 060-15 Set screw
No. 12-315 070-15 Washer
No.91-05^ 895-91 Chain cutter
91-058 X Model
Needle plate (needle gauge = O.A mm)
91-069 OAO-01 Needle bar connecting link
For replacement purposes, order N0.9I-I69 892-91
91-069 060-92^^Needle bar connecting stud, w/
binding screw No.ll-iy't 173-15
91-069 062-45 Plug (plastic) for No.91-069 060-92
91-100 076-15 Fastening screw for No.91-169 727-15
91-169 727-15 Cover spring for No.91-170 366-35
91-169 872-05 Looper, rear
91-169 892-91 Needle bar drive assembly, compl.,
consisting of Nos.l2-610 210-45; 91-069 OAO-01;
91-069 060-92; 91-169 893-0'»
91-169 893-OA^^Hinge stud for N0.9I-O69 OAO-01
91-170 193-92 Needle bar, w/ needle set screw
No.11-330 085-15, (needle gauge = O.A mm)
91-170 328-15 Needle guard, adjustable
9I-I7O 365-91 Cover plate, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-100 076-15; 91-169 727-15;
91-170 366-35
91-170 366-35 Cover plate
91-170 367-00 Looper set, compl.,
(needle gauge = 0.4 mm),
consisting of Nos.91-169 872-05; 91-170 368-05
9I-I7O 368-05 Looper, front
91-700 09A-25 Fastening screw for No.9l-054 896-05
99-129 5^7-93 Wrapper, w/ needles (System 4465-35 cf)

OWill be exchanged for a replacement assembly. For repair, return needle bar drive assembly No.91-169 892-91. 43
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

^ Complementary Parts
Pfaff 5463-801/13-6
Pfaff 5463-802/13-6

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
VI11/1 Pfaff 5463-801/13-6; 5463-802/13-6

91_169 989-92 91-101 758-15-;^

91-101 756-05 ^"^91-069 135-05
91-069 132-31
V 11-205 093-35
y?. L.
^^91-105 '•^2-15
' 0/ 91-701 370-15

91-069 138-15 •
91-069 137-35

•11-17/, 086-15
91-069 339-91

91-069 i3H1 n~Q2h 171-15

16-a't9 -33^1^^91-069 ^31-12
12-02^ l72-15vJ
12-02't 171-15"^ mt-91-701 378-15
91-069 120-31
. / ^11-3H 280-15
'IS-Ctg 020-11

91-069 119-05

91-069 299-05

91-069 167-45
91-069 7^,6-15

91-169 859-05

91-069 170-45-

12-305 111-15-0

11-108 I77-I5-I

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfcff 5463-801/13-6;-802/13-6
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfaff 5463-801-6;-802-6) VI11/1

11-108 177-15 Fastening screw (A MAxlO DIN S't-eG)

for No.91-169 859-05
11-17't 086-15 Needle set screw
11-205 093-35 Fastening screw (A M3x6 DIN 63-8G)
for No.91-069 138-15
11-31'> 280-15 Fastening screw (M 6x8 DIN A38-5S)
for No.91-069 W-12
12-02't 171-15 Nut (M 5 OIN 93V1-5S)
for Nos.16-0^9 021-01; 91-069 127-05
12-02't 172-15 Nut (M 5 left DIN 93^5S)
for No.91-069 127-05
12-305 111-15 Washer (A.3 DIN 125-St)
for No.11-108 177-15
15-OA9 020-11 Connecting rod joint (A 8 DIN 71 805)
for No.91-069 131^1
16-OA9 021-01 Connecting rod joint (A 8 left DIN 7I 805)
for No.91-069 131-91
9I-O69 II9-O5 Bearing bushing for N0.9I-O69 120-31
91-069 120-31 Stitch shortening lever
91-069 127-05 Connecting rod for No.91-069 131-91
9I-O69 131-91 Connecting rod, compl.,
consisting of Nos.12-02't 171-15; 12-02't 172-15;
16-0A9 020-11; 16-0^19 021-01; 91-069 127-05
91-069 132-31 Stitch length locking lever for No.91-069 139-91
9I-O69 135-05 Pressure spring for No.91-069 132-31
9I-O69 137-35 Feed regulator dial
91-069 138-15 Stitch length cam
91-069 139-^1 Feed regulator dial, compl.,
consisting of Nos.11-205 093-35; 91-069 137-35;
91-069 138-15
91-069 167-^5 Belt guard, rear section
9I-O69 17045 Belt guard, front section
91-069 299-05 Oil pad (foam plastic)
9I-O69 339-91 Feed regulator, w/ connecting rod, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-069 131-91; 91-069 ^>31-12
91-069 h3^-^2 Feed regulator, w/ set screw
Nos.11-34 280-15; 91-701 378-15,
for No.91-069 339-91
9I-O69 7'»6-15 Spacer for balance wheel
91-101 756-05 Guide pin for No.91-069 132-31
91-101 758-15 Position pin for No.91-069 135-05
91-105 42-15 Friction washer for No.91-069 139-91
91-169 859-05 Needle guard bracket
91-169 989-92 Needle bar, w/ needle set screw
No.ll-17't 086-15, (Subcl.-801/13-6)
91-701 370-15 Hinge screw for N0.9I-O69 139-91
91-701 378-15 Fastening screw for No.91-069 ^31-12

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 47
VI11/2 Pfaff 5463-801/13-6; 5463-802/13-6

91-032 ZOUI

91-170 128-0^

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-801/13-6;-802/l3-6
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-801-6;-802-6) VI11/2

11-108 17M5 Binding screw (A MAx8 DIN 8A-8G) 9I-O69 275-05 Torsion spring for N0.9I-I69 BAO-Cf
for No.91-069 288-92
9I-O69 276-12 Set collar w/ set screw
11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A MAxlO DIN 8A-8G) N0.9I-7OO 785-15, for Nos.91-069 275-05;
for No.91-069 311-12 91-169 849-0't

11-108 225-15 Binding screw (A M5x10 DIN 8A-8G) 91-069 28^1 Feed rock shaft crank, compl.,
for Nos.91-069 28'h91; 91-069 296-12; consisting of Nos.11-108 225-15;
91-069 310-12; 91-069 M2-12; 12-02^ 171-15; 91-069 010-05
91-169 19V-12 For replacement purposes,
order No.91-069 5^641
11-108 291-15 Binding screw (A M6x15 OIN 8A-8G)
for No.91-032 205-15 9I-O69 287-05 Fulcrum stud for No.91-069 296-12

11-31'> 220-15 Fastening screw (M 5x8 DIN ^138-58) 9I-O69 288-92 Feed lifting joint, w/
for Nos.91-069 205-12; 91-169 65^2 No. 11-108 Binding screw
No.11-330 952-15 Set screw
11-330 952-15 Fastening screw
(A M5x5 DIN 913-10 K)
for Nos.91-069 288-92; 91-169 325-^1
9I-O69 296-12 Feed rock shaft crank, w/
binding screw No.11-108 225-15
12-005 195-15 Nut (B M6 DIN A39-5S)
for Nos.11-108 291-15; 91-031 888-15 9I-O69 310-12 Feed regulating shaft crank, w/
binding screw No.11-108 225-15
12-02't 171-15 Nut (M 5 DIN 93V1-5S) For replacement purposes,
for No.91-069 28^1 order No.91-069 5't7-11

12-62'f 31045 Circlip for No.91-169 8A9-0'»

9I-O69 311-12 Crank, w/ binding screw
12-627 38045 Circlip (A 25x1.2 DIN 983) No.11-108 177-15
for No.91-069 205-12 For replacement purposes,
order No.91-069 5'»7-11
1M)10 660-01 Ball bearing (DIN 625/1)
for Nos.91-069 205-12; 91-069 208-15
9I-O69 313-05 Hinge stud for Nos.91-069 227-91;
91-031 888-15 Ball stud for No.91-032 203-15 91-069 5'f&-91; 91-069 5'f7-11
For replacement purposes,
91-032 203-15 Stitch shortening crank order No.91-069 5't6-91

91-032 ZOh-^^ Stitch shortening crank, compl.,

consisting of Nos.11-108 291-15; 9I-O69 3IM5 Connecting crank for N0.9I-O69 28^1-91
12-005 195-15; 91-031 888-15; For replacement purposes,
91-032 203-15; 91-032 211-15 order No.91-069 5'tMl

91-032 211-15 Washer for No.91-031 888-15

9I-O69 A12-12 Feed stroke limiting crank, w/
91-069 010-05 Fulcrum stud for No.91-069 28M1 binding screw No.11-108 225-15
For replacement purposes,
order No.91-069 5't641
9I-O69 5^6-91 Feed rock shaft crank drive, compl.,
91-069 205-12 Feed driving eccentric, w/ consisting of Nos.91-069 28V-91;
set screw No. 11-34 220-15 91-069 313-05; 91-069 31M5

9I-O69 208-15 Feed driving eccentric crank

For replacement purposes, 9I-O69 5^7-11 Feed regulating shaft crank drive compl.,
order No.91-069 227-91 consisting of No.91-069 310-12;
91-069 311-12
9I-O69 227-91 Feed driving eccentric crank, compl.,
consisting of Nos. 12-627 38045; 91-069 553-05 Feed regulating shaft bushing, front
lA-010 660-01; 91-069 205-12;
91-069 208-15
9I-O69 768-05 Feed regulating shaft bushing, rear

91-069 238-91 Feed driving mechanism, compl.,

consisting of Nos.91-069 227-91? 91-169 I9M2 Feed regulator crank, w/
91-069 5^M1; 91-069 5^7-11 binding screw No.11-108 225-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 49
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-801/13-6;-802/13-6
VI11/2 (For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5^3-801-6;-802-6)

91-169 32MI Feed lifting eccentric, compl.,

consisting of:
No. 1^218 190-0V^ Needle bearing for feed
lifting eccentric crank
N0.9I-O69 3^2-05^)Feed lifting eccentric crank
No.91-169 65'»-12 Set collar
N0.9I-I69 S^S-O'f^^Feed lifting eccentric
Opor replacement purposes,
order No.91-169 32^1
91-169 325-91 Feed bar, compl.,
No.11-330 952-15 Set screw
No,1^215 016-01^^ Needle bearing for fulcrum stud
N0.9I-O69 289-05^^Fulcrum stud for N0.9I-O69 288-92
No.91-169 399-15^need bar
^)For replacement purposes,
order No.91-169 325-91

91-169 65't-12 Set collar, w/ set screw

No.ll-31't 220-15, for No.91-169 655-04

91-169 655-04^^Feed lifting eccentric

91-169 847-90 Spur gear assembly, w/ set screw
Nos.91-700 510-15; 91-700 680-15; 91-700 689-15

91-169 849-04^^Feed regulating shaft

91-170 128-04®^Drive shaft
91-170 131-91 Feed lifting and driving assembly, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-069 287-05; 91-069 288-92;
91-069 296-12; 91-169 324-91; 91-169 325-91

9I-I7O 177-91 Feed rock shaft, compl..

Same component as No.91-169 572-91
(see p. II1/2), but incorporating
feed rock shaft No.91-170 178-05'^
Opor replacement purposes,
order No.91-170 177-91

91-700 5IO-I5 Fastening screw for No.91-169 847-90

91-700 680-15 Fastening screw, pointed,
for No.91-169 847-90

91-700 689-15 Fastening screw, blunt,

for No.91-169 847-90

91-700 785-15 Fastening screw for N0.9I-O69 276-12

91-169 996-45 Base plate, not ill.

From theOrders
library of:specify
should Superior Sewing
the number of dots Machine & Supply LLC
on the part ordered.

Complementary Parts
Pfoff 5463-801/13-6-911

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-801/13-6-911

91-169 991-92

91-169 892-91

12-610 21045' 91-170 '»08-15

91-069 O'fCWll'
91-100 055-15
91-069 06042 _^*^Ul1-l74 173-15
•r ^

1^11-•17^ 086-15 91-069 06245

^91-05^ 895-91
11-108 060-15 -15-^J;;^91-05'» 897-25
91-058 H5-0't 91-700 09425 -25-5^12-315 070-25
99-129 601-93 91-05'« 896-05

12-515 070-25

91^if7 3if9^)if
91-170 69545

•91-170 153-0^

91-170 135-91

11-108 087-15
12-335 151-15-^ I /11-108 171-15
,^^12-505 111-
W^®6;-Ai^12-505 111-15
4*^/11-34 I66-I5
^2-0Zh 191-15 ^ y 91-170 175-12 91-170 152-05
L I 11-108 093-15 '>
91-170 176-15 v-
91-170 i5/,-90

11-108 090-15 11-330 166-15

1 12-305 081-15fl
91-113 45-15
1 11-108 096-15 H
11-672 002-15 H
11-130 239-15
11-330 166-15

•91-170 138-15
-91-069 709-12
11-108 090-15
11-317 94-15*

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-801/]3-6-911
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-801/13-6) IX

1-108 060-15 Fastening screw (A M2.6xA DIN 8A-86) 91-069 040-01 Needle bar connecting link
for No.91-054 895-91 For replacement purposes,
order No.91-169 892^1
1-108 087-15 End screw (A M3x4 DIN 84-8G)
for No.91-170 145-41 (see No.91-170 135-91) 9I-O69 060-92'^Needle bar connecting stud, w/
binding screw No.11-174 173-15
1-108 090-15 Fastening screw (A M3x5 DIN 84-8G)
for No.91-170 138-15 91-069 062-45 Plug (plastic)
for No.91-069 060-92
1-108 O95-I5 Binding screw (A M3x6 DIN 84-8G)
for No.91-170 175-12 91-069 709-12 Set collar, w/
set screw No.11-317 949-15
1-108 096-15 Fastening screw (A M3x8 DIN 84-8G)
for No.91-170 176-15 9I-IOO O55-I5 Fastening screw for No.91-170 408-15
1-108 171-15 Fastening screw (A M4x6 DIN 84-8G) 9I-II3 445-15 Friction washer for No.91-170 154-90
for No.91-170 695-05
9I-I69 892-91 Needle bar drive assembly, compL,
I-I30 239-I5 Fastening screw (M 5x20 DIN 912-8G) consisting of Nos.12-610 210-45;
for No.91-170 135-91 91-069 040-01; 91-069 060-92;
91-169 893-04
1-174 O86-I5 Needle set screw (M 3x4 DIN 920-5S)
1-174 175-15 Binding screw (M 4x8 DIN 920-8G) 91-169 893-042)Hinge stud for N0.9I-O69 040-01
for No.91-069 060-92 91-169 991-92 Needle bar, w/
needle set screw No.11-174 086-15
1-314 I66-I5 Fastening screw (M 4x5 DIN 438-5S)
for No.91-170 146-01 (see No.91-170 135-91) 91-170 135-91 Backtacking assembly, compl.,
consisting of:
I-3I7 949-I5 Fastening screw (M 5x4 DIN 551-5S) No.11-108 090-15 Set screw
for N0.9I-O69 709-12
No.11-108 096-15 Set screw
1-330 166-15 Fastening screw No.11-108 171-15 Set screw
(A M4x5 DIN 913-10 K) No.11-314 166-15 Set screw
for No.91-170 154-90 No.11-672 002-15 Cap screw
No.12-024 191-15 Nut
1-672 002-15 Cap screw (M 6)
No.12-305 081-15 Washer
for No.91-170 136-91 (see N0.9I-I7O 135-91)
No.12-305 111-15 Washer
2-024 191-15 Nut (M 6 DIN 934-53) No. 12-610 17045 Circlip
for No.91-170 143-91 (see No.91-170 135-91) No.91-069 709-12 Set collar
N0.9I-II3 445-15 Friction washer
2-305 081-15 Washer (3.2 DIN 125-St) No.91-170 136-91'^Housing, w/
for No.11-108 096-15
clutch shaft
2-305 111-15 Washer (4.3 DIN 125-St) No.91-170 142-05
for No.11-108 171-15 N0.9I-I7O 138-15 Housing cover
No.91-170 141-05^) Clutch shaft
2-315 070-25 Washer (2.8 DIN 433-St) N0.9I-I7O 143-91''^ Two-arm lever, w/ end
for Nos.11-108 060-15; 91-700 094-25 screw No.11-108 087-15
2-335 151-15 Washer (B 4.3 DIN 9021-St) and washer
for No.11-108 087-15 No.12-335 151-15
N0.9I-I7O 146-01 Crank
2-610 170-45 Circlip (5x0.6 DIN 471) N0.9I-I7O 154-90 Bevel gear assembly
for No.91-170 14>-91 (see No.91-170 135-91) No.91-170 175-12 Clamp collar
2-610 210-45 Circlip (8x0.8 DIN 471) No.91-170 176-15 Needle guard
for N0.9I-O69 040-01 Ofor replacement purposes,
91-047 349-04 X Model order N0.9I-I7O 135-91
Feed dog 9I-I7O 138-15 Housing cover
9I-O54 895-91 Chain cutter compl., 91-170 152-05 Clutch disc (plastic)
consisting of Nos.12-315 070-25; for No.91-170 135-91
91-054 896-05; 91-054 897-25;
91-700 094-25 91-170 153-04 Spacing washer for No.91-170 695-05
(available 0.3 and 0.6 mm thick)
9I-O54 896-05 Chain cutter
91-170 154-90 Bevel gear assembly, w/
91-054 897-25 Knife holder set screw No.11-330 166-15
9I-O54 950-91 Presser foot, w/ 91-170 175-12 Clamp collar, w/
No.11-108 O6O-I5 Set screw binding screw No.11-108 093-15
No.12-315 070-25 Washer
N0.9I-O54 895-91 Chain cutter 91-170 176-15 Needle guard
91-058 145-04 x Model
Needle plate 9I-I7O 408-15 Thread guide

2)Will be exchanged for a replacement assembly. For repair, return needle bar drive assembly No,91-l69 892-91. 53
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complemeni-ary Parts for the Pfoff 5463-801/13-6-911
IX (For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-801/13-6)

91-170 695-05 Thread puller for No.91-170 135-91

9I-7OO 09^25 Fastening screw for No.91-05'f 896-05

99-129 601-93 Wrapper, w/ needles (System 5^63-35 of)

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
X/l; X/2; X/3

Comptementciry Ports
Pfaff 5463-811/02-94
Pfaff 5463-811/02-95/01

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-811/02-94

91-169 896-93
9V169 89145
91-170 028-15 91-169 892-91

91-169 893-0't'^^^^
12-610 210-^5''*^^
11-108 060-15
91-069 040-01-

91-069 060-92-
_J 1^11-174 173-15
itO-666 200-01

91-069 062-45
11-330 085-15

91-054 5IO-J93
91-058 053-04 99-129 547-93
91-054 517-05\.i
11-173 090-15-jC -91-054 516-05

91-047 346-04

91-169 821-91
91-169 727-15
91-169 794-91 ,L

91-169 803-35-^"^V ^
11-108 084-15"^"^ 91-100 076-15

91-169 80035"!^
91-169 824-35 X.?
91-169 711-05

91-053 890-21
91-170 714^1

91-169 791-15
91-004 531-25 11-173^0-15
91-000 486-25 I . Y
11-108 177-15

.91-700 785-15*-^

91-700 785-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-811/02-94
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-801-6) X/1

N = Needle Gouge

11-108 060-15 Fastening screw (A M2.6xA DIN 8A-8G) 9I-O69 060-92''^ Needle bar connecting stud, w/
for No.91-170 028-15 binding screw No.11-174 173-15

11-108 08'»-15 Fastening screw (A M3x3 DIN D'f-DG)

for No.91-169 806-35 9I-O69 062-45 Plug (plastic)
for No.91-069 060-92

11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A M'jxlO DIN 8A-8G)

for No. 91-170 71'h91 9I-IOO 076-15 Fastening screw for No.91-169 727-15

11-175 090-15 Fastening screw (A M3x5 DIN 85-8G)

for Nos.91-053 890-21; 91-05'f 517-05 91-169 711-05 Looper

11-17'» 173-15 Binding screw (M Ax8 DIN 920-8G) 9I-I69 727-15 Leaf spring for No.91-169 824-35
for No.91-069 060-92

9I-I69 79I-I5 Needle guard, adjustable

11-330 085-15 Needle set screw
(A M3xA DIN 913-10 K)
9I-I69 794-91 Thread guide, compl.,
consisting of Nos.11-108 084-15;
12-610 210-^5 Circlip (8x0.8 DIN ^[71) 91-169 803-35; 91-169 806-35
for No.91-069 OAO-01

9I-I69 803-35 Thread guide

'tO-OOO 200-01 Allen key (1.5 DIN 911)
for No.11-330 085-15
9I-I69 806-35 Thread regulator for No.91-169 803-35
91-000 ^>86-25 Fastening screw for No.91-053 890-21
9I-I69 821-91 Cover plate, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-100 076-15;
oi-oo't 531-25 Washer for No.91-000 486-25 91-169 727-15; 91-169 824-35

9I-O47 346-04 X N X Model 91-169 824-35 Cover plate

Feed dog

9I-I69 891-45 Needle bar frame

9I-O53 890-21 Belt loop sewing attachment, w/
No.91-000 486-25 Set screw
No.91-004 531-25 Washer 9I-I69 892-91 Needle bar drive assembly, compl.,
(Orders should be accompanied by sewing consisting of Nos.12-610 210-45;
samples) 91-069 040-01; 91-069 060-92;
91-169 893-04

9I-O54 510-93 X NCompensating presser foot, w/

No. 11-173 090-15 Set screw 91-169 893-04^^ Hinge stud for N0.9I-O69 04(W)1
N0.9I-O54 516-05 Guide pin
No.91-054 517-05 Pressure spring
9I-I69 896-93 X N Needle bar, w/ needle set screw
No.11-330 085-15
91-054 516-05 Guide pin for No.91-054 510-93
9I-17O 028-15 Thread regulator

9I-O54 517-O5 Pressure spring for No.91-054 510-93

91-170 714-91 Looper bracket,w/
No.11-108 177-15 Binding screw
91-058 053-04 x N x Model No.91-700 785-15 Set screw
Needle plate

91-700 785-15 Fastening screw for No.91-170 714-91

9I-O69 040-01 Needle bar connecting link
For replacement purposes,
order N0.91-I69 892-91 99-129 547-93 Wrapper, w/ needles (System 4463-35 cf)

^)Will be exchanged forthe library assembly.
a replacement of: Superior Sewing
For repair, Machine
return needle & assembly
bar drive SupplyN0.9I-I69
LLC 892-91. 57
Pfaff 5463-811/02-94

91-169 625-91

91-169 59W 5
91-701 3^V-15
1M)33 105-05
I 91-002 065-05
7 I 91-002 065-05
91-010 183-05
. X 91-105 't'.7-15

91-001 522-35
91-169 567-05 91-010 181-15
10 Z50-H5

ti Q
91-107 20^^15
91-169 628-11

13-033 103-05

91_169 713-91
91-169 625-12

lit-018 570-01,.^^-^'— * %gF

91-170 62M1 91-169 7M5 1M18 570-01
^ ^^^9W69 63^15
WJ I |BB~-91-169 622-91
11-108 177-15 I
11-311, 169-15 11-171, 176-15
91-170 15^1

-91-169 000-91
91^69 55M2 ir""^
11-108 177-15-^/
%j^-91-169 828-0ii
-169 828-0^
^1-330 952-15
91-169 325-91

11-330 952-15^ M
91-069 287-05 J 91-169 895-05
91-069 296-12-^
11-108 225-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-811/02-94
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-801-6) X/2

11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A MAxlQ DIN 8A-8G) 9I-I69 594-15 Thread guide for N0.9I-I69 628-11
for N0S.9I-O69 55M2; 91-169 715-12

11-108 225-15 Binding screw (A M5x10 DIN B't-DG) 9I-I69 622-91 Ball joint, w/ ball stud and
for No.91-069 296-12 set screw No.11-l74 176-15,
11-17^} I76-I5 Fastening screw (M DIN 920-8G) for No.91-169 715-91
for N0.9I-I69 622-91
11-3H I69-I5 Fastening screw (M 4x6 DIN 438-5S) 9I-I69 625-12 Balancing bushing, w/ set screw
for No.91-170 626-91 No.11-341 169-15, for N0.9I-I69 714-05
11-314 220-15 Fastening screw (M 5x8 DIN 438-5S)
for No.91-170 156-12
9I-I69 625-91 Needle thread tension, compl.,
11-330 952-15 Fastening screw (A M5x5 DIN 9''3-10K) consisting of Nos.12-610 230-45;
for Nos.91-069 554-92; 91-169 325-91 13-033 103-05; 91-001 522-35;
11-341 I69-I5 Fastening screw (M 4x6 DIN 438-5S) 91-002 065-05; 91-010 181-15;
91-010 183-05; 91-105 447-15;
for N0.9I-I69 623-12
91-107 204-15; 91-169 567-05;
12-610 230-45 Circlip (10x1 DIN 471) 91-169 594-15; 91-169 628-11;
for No.91-169 628-11 91-169 633-15; 91-701 344-15
12-640 170-55 Slip washer (5 DIN 6799)
for N0.9I-I69 631-15
9I-I69 628-11 Tension bracket
15-033 103-05 Tension release pin (2m6x16 DIN 6325)
14-018 570-01 Grooved ball bearing (6200-2Z DIN 625) 91-169 631-15 Hinge stud for No.91-170 626-91
91-001 522-35 Nut for N0.9I-I69 567-05
9I-OO2 O65-O5 Tension disc
9I-I69 635-15 Tension release bracket
9I-OIO I8I-I5 Tension release washer
9I-OIO 185-05 Tension spring
91-169 636-05 Bearing bushing for N0.9I-I69 715-91
91-069 287-05 Fulcrum stud for N0.9I-O69 296-12
9I-O69 296-12 Feed rock shaft crank, front, w/ 9I-I69 715-91 Looper drive, compl.,
binding screw No.11-108 225-15
consisting of Nos.11-314 169-15;
12-640 170-55; 14-018 570-01;
9I-O69 554-92 Feed lifting joint, w/ 91-169 622-91; 91-169 625-12;
No.11-108 177-15 Binding screw
No.11-330 952-I5 Set screw
91-169 631-15; 91-169 636-05;
91-169 714-05; 91-170 626-91
91-105 447-15 Washer for No.91-001 522-35
91-107 204-15 Washer for No.91-169 633-15 9I-I69 714-05 Driving crank for N0.9I-I69 715-91
9I-I69 OOO-9I Feed lifting eccentric, compl.,
consisting of: 91-169 715-12 Thread puller, w/
binding screw No. 11-108 177-15
No.14-218 190-01''^ Needle bearing for feed
lifting eccentric crank
N0.9I-O69 342-05"'Heed lifting eccentric 9I-I69 828-04 Feed lifting eccentric
(Orders should specify number of
dots on part)
N0.9I-I69 828-04 Feed lifting eccentric
No.91-170 156-12 Set collar
9I-I69 895-05 Friction washer, rear,
"•iFor replacement purposes, order for N0.9I-I69 572-91 (see p. III/2),
No.91-169 000-91 in lieu of No.91-169 577-05
9I-I7O 155-91 Feed dirving and lifting assembly, compl.,
9I-I69 325-91 Feed bar, compl., consisting of N0S.9I-O69 287-05;
consisting of:
No.11-330 952-15 Set screw
91-069 296-12; 91-069 554^2;
91-169 000-91; 91-169 325-91
No.14-215 016-01''^ Needle bearing for
fulcrum stud 9I-I7O 156-12 Set collar, w/ set screw
N0.9I-O69 289-05^^Fulcrum stud No.11-314 220-15, for No.91-169 828-04
for No.91-069 554-92
9I-I7O 626-91 Thread puller crank, w/ ball bearing
No.91-169 399-15^1 Feed bar (For replacement purposes, supplied
••iFor replacement purposes, order together with driving crank
N0.9I-I69 325-91 No. 91-169 714-05)

9I-I69 567-05 Tension stud 9I-7OI 344-15 Fastening screw for N0.9I-I69 594-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 59
Pfaff 5463-811/02-94

91-129 974-90
99-115 037-4H
12-024 121-15 12-024 171-15-—;j
11-108 099-15-<^ H^ ^
R 91-008 829-15 91-129 646-92 11-108 246-15
91-170 71^15
-91-129 637-^5

91-129 96945 .91-029 358-05

91-029 359-15 ^91-129 968-45
•91-100 114-15

91-129 644-05^
-99-115 036-45
91-129 645-^5-^
-11-108 246-15
91-129 641-92' 12-024 171-15
91-029 360-45-

91-029 358-05-i •91-029 364-45

12-024 171-15^// I 91-129 648-05

12^324 I7I-I5V / 91-129 970^1
12-510 141-45 I
12-305 144-15
11-108 231-15 1 -91-129 637-45
91-129 649-45 91-100 114-15

.99-115 034-15
11-470 768-15

91-129 647-45

Pfaff 5463-811/02-95/01

91-700 996-15 11-108 168-15

91-058 189-03

-91-170 192-05 12-305 111-15

91-046 596-91
91-055 064-93 91-001 08^25
91-046 597-25
91-047 62>-04 ^91-006 030-25
91-054 517-05
11-175 090-15- 91-054516-05

91-046 594-25 I 91^00 115-25 91-046 59W5

9I-OO8 829-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-811/02-94
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-801-6) X/3

11-108 099-15 Fastening screw (A M3x10 DIN 8A-8G) 91-129 6^6-92 Thread guide, w/
for No.91-170 716-15 No.11-108 2A6-I5 Binding screw
11-108 231-15 Fastening screw (A M5x15 DIN 8A-8G) N0.I2-O2A 171-15 Nut
for Nos.91-029 36't-45; 91-129 970-91
9I-I29 6'j745 Thread unwinder base
11-108 2A6-I5 Binding screw (A M5x25 DIN 8A-8G)
for Nos.91-129 6^1-92; 91-129 6AM2 9I-I29 6A8-O5 Thread guide bushing for No.91-129 970-91
11470 768-15 Wood screw (5-5x22 DIN 97)
for No. 91-129 6^^745 9I-I29 6A945 Spool pin washer(foani rubber)
for No.91-129 6M-92
12-O2A 121-15 Nut (M 3 DIN 93^5S)
for No.11-108 099-15 9I-I29 96845 Clamp (w/ square hole)
12-02A 171-15 Nut (M 5 DIN 93V1-5S) for No.91-129 63745
for Nos.11-108 231-15; 11-108 2A6-15;
91-100 ll'f-15 9I-I29 96945 Clamp (w/ round hole)
for No.91-129 63745
12-305 HM5 Washer (5.3 DIN 125)
for No. 11-108 231-15 9I-I29 970-91 Thread guide, w/
12-510 4145 Circlip (J 5.3 DIN 6797) thread guide bushing for No.91-129 6A8-05
for N0.I242A 171-15
9I-I29 97M0 Thread unwinder, compl.,
91-008 829-15 Washer for No.11-108 099-15 consisting of Nos.11-108 231-15;
11470 768-15; 12-02A 171-15;
9I-O29 358-05 Hinge cup (plastic)
for Nos.91-029 36A45; 91-129 96845; 12-305 4M5; 12-510 4145;
91-129 96945 91-029 358-05; 91-029 359-15;
91-029 36045; 91-029 36'»45;
9I-O29 359-15 Locking lever for Nos.91-129 96845; 91-100 11M5; 91-129 63745;
91-129 96945 91-129 6M-92; 91-129 6'tA-05;
9I-O29 36045 Thread guide rod 91-129 6A545; 91-129 6A6-92;
91-129 6A745; 91-129 6A945;
91-029 36A45 Clamp for No. 91-029 36045 91-129 96845; 91-129 96945;
91-129 97(H1; 99-115 03A-15;
9I-IOO IIA-I5 Binding screw for Nos.91-029 36A45;
91-129 96845; 91-129 96945 99-115 03645; 99-115 03745

9I-I29 63745 Spool rest rod 91-170 716-15 Thread guide

9I-I29 6A1-92 Spool rest, w/
No.11-108 2A6-I5 Binding screw 99-115 03^5 Nut for No.91-129 63745
N0.I2-O2A 171-15 Nut
9I-I29 6AA-O5 Spool retaining washer 99-115 03645 Sleeve for No.91-129 63745

9I-I29 6A545 Spool disc 99-115 03745 Cap for No.91-129 63745

Complementary Parts for the Pfoff 5463-811/02-95/01

(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-811/02-94)
N = Needle Gouge
11-108 I68-I5 Fastening screw (A M'tx5 DIN 8MG) 9I-OA6 59641 Swing edge guide, compl.,
for N0.9I-OA6 59641 consisting of Nos.91-000 113-25;
91-001 089-25; 91-006 030-25;
II-I73 O9O-I5 Fastening screw (A M3x5 DIN 85-8G) 9I-OO8 829-15; 91-0^6 59't-25;
for No.91-O5't 517-05 914't6 595-25; 91-OA6 597-25

12-305 111-15 Washer (A.3 DIN 125-St) 91-0'»6 597-25 Edge guide holder bracket
for No.11-108 168-15
91-0'f7 Szyoh X Model
9I-OOO 113-25 Knurled screw for N0.9I-OA6 59^5 Feed dog
91-001 089-25 Hinge screw for No.91-O't6 595-25 91-05'» 516-05 Guide pin for No.91-055 06't43
91-006 030-25 Washer for No.91-001 089-25 91-05't 5I7-O5 Pressure spring for No.91-055 06A43
9I-OO8 829-15 Washer for No.91-000 115-25
9I-O55 O6A45 XNCompensating presser foot, w/
91-0'f6 59^25 Edge guide,adjustable No.11-173 O9O-I5 Set screw
N0.9I-O4 516-05 Guide pin
91-0'»6 595-25 Edge guide holder No.OI-O^'t 517-05 Pressure spring

Continued overleaf

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-811/02-95/01
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-811/02-94)
N = Needle Gouge

91-058 189-03 x N x Model

Needle plate

91-170 192-05 Folder for No.91-058 189-03

91-700 996-15 Fastening screw for No.91-170 192-05

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Complementary Parts
Pfaff 5463-813/02-45/01
Pfoff 5463-813/02-45/02

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-813/02-45/01; 5463-813/02-45/02
99-129 15M3 9I-I7O I8O-9I
99-129 135-93 91-169 503-91

91-169 506-O't'^
12-610 2ICM5*
9I-I70 395-11
91-069 0^0-01-
^.-^91-700 226-15
9I-O69 060-92-^ -11-17^ 175-15
91-170 397-15

91-170 396-15
91-069 06245
12-315 HO-25-^s:

11-108 225-I5-I 11_l7i( 089-15

91-058 H9-03
-91-700 739-15
' ^ 91-170 565-91
9I-I69 727-15 9I-IOO 076-15
91-058 151-05 91-058 152-05 V l\
91-170 378-05

91-170 366-35

91-170 705-91 91-0'»7 597-05

9I-I69 73341
^-108 177-15 Vr- 51.165 737-35-0^
^ 11-108 08415"^^•
91-700 785-15 91-169 738-35"^J
91-169 85491
91-169 623-12
91-169 636^5
14018 570-01 ^55 ^-^'''4)18 570-01
91-170 626-91 91-169 858-05
^ -j^'. H^'.l 169-15

124'»0 170-55
91-169 631-15
91-033 101-93
11_108 17415-^ / 91-169 622-91
11-3H 169-15 . 11-108 065-15-is:^ f 12-315 070-I5
11-17/, 176-15 11-108 060-l5-#ri=^-9l-026 307-21
91-055 050-05

91-055 0^8-91 91-055 0'»2-9l 91-055 0^491 91-055 0^6-91

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports of the Pfaff 5463-813/02-45/01; 5463-813/02-45/02
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfaff 5463-811/02-94) XI

B = Cording Width
11-108 060-15 Fastening screw (A M2.6x4 DIN 8A-8G) 9I-O55 101-93 XBCording foot, w/ 1 groove
for No.91-055 050-05 (1.6-2.8 mm, wide each,
11-108 065-15 Fastening screw (A M2.6x5 DIN D'h-DG) subcl.-813/0245/01), w/
for No.91-026 307-21 No.11-108 O6O-I5 Set screw
No.11-108 063-15 Set screw
11-108 08W5 Fastening screw (A M3x3 DIN 8MG) No.12-315 070-15 Washer
for No.91-169 738-35 No.91-026 307-21 Gauge
11-108 I7M5 Binding screw (A MAx8 DIN 8A-8G) N0.9I-O55 O5O-O5 Chain cutter
for N0.9I-I69 81A-12 91-058 IA9-O3 XBNeedle plate insert, w/ ridge
11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A M4x10 DIN 8A-8G) (cording width from 1.6 - 2.8 mm)
for No.91-170 705-91 91-058 151-05 Needle plate
11-108 225-15 Fastening screw (A M5x10 DIN 8A-8G) (cording width from 1.6 - 2.0 mm)
for No.91-170 395-11 9I-O58 152-05 Needle plate
(cording width from 2.A - 2.8 ram)
11-17'f 089-15 Needle set screw (A M3x5 DIN 920-8G)
9I-O69 0A0~01 Needle bar connecting link
11-174 175-15 Binding screw (M 'txB DIN 920-8G) For replacement purposes, order
for No.91-069 060-92 N0.9I-I69 503-91
11-174 176-15 Fastening screw (M 4x10 DIN 920-8G) 9I-O69 O6O-92Needle bar connecting stud, w/
for N0.9I-I69 622-91 binding screw N0.II-I7A 173-15
11-314 169-I5 Fastening screw (M Ax6 DIN A38-5S) 9I-O69 06245 Plug (plastic)
for No.91-170 626-91 for No.91-069 060-92
11-341 169-15 Fastening screw (M 'tx6 DIN ^38-5S) 9I-IOO 076-15 Fastening screw for N0.9I-I69 727-15
for N0.9I-I69 623-12 9I-I69 503-91 Needle bar driving assembly, compl.,
12-315 070-15 Washer (2.8 DIN ^33-St) consisting of Nos. 12-610 21045;
for No.11-108 060-15 91-069 OAO-01; 91-069 06042;
91-169 5O6-OA
12-315 HO-25 Washer (5.3 DIN A33-St)
for No.11-108 225-15 91-169 506-OA^^Hinge stud for N0.9I-O69 OAO-01
9I-I69 622-91 Ball joint, w/ ball stud and set
12-610 21045 Circlip (8x0.8 DIN '»71) screw N0.II-I7A 176-15,
for No.91-069 040-01 for No. 91-169 85A41

12-6'jO 170-55 Slip washer (5 DIN 6799) 9I-I69 623-12 Balancing bushing, w/ set screw
for No.91-169 631-15 N0.II-3AI 169-15, for No.91-169 858-05
1V-018 570-01 Grooved ball bearing (6200-2Z DIN 625) 9I-I69 63I-I5 Hinge stud for No.91-170 626-91
for N0.9I-I69 636-05 9I-I69 636-05 Bearing bushing for No.91-169 85A-91
91-026 307-21 Gauge 9I-I69 727-I5 Retaining spring for No.91-170 366-35
9I-I69 733-91 Thread guide, compl.,
91-0'j7 597-05 Feed dog consisting of Nos.11-108 08A-15;
91-169 737-35; 91-169 738-35
91-055 042-91 Cording foot, w/ 5 grooves
(1.6 mm wide each, subcl.-813/0245/02) 9I-I69 737-35 Thread guide
Same component parts as No.91-055 101-95 9I-I69 738-35 Thread regulator for No.91-169 737-35
9I-O55 044-91 Cording foot, w/ 5 grooves 9I-I69 81A-12 Thread puller, w/
(2.0 mm wide each, binding screw No.11-108 I7A-I5
subcl.413/0245/02) 9I-I69 85A-9I Looper drive, compl.,
Same component parts as No.91-055 101-93 consisting of Nos.11-3lA 169-15;
12-6A0 170-55; IA-018 570-01;
9I-O55 OA6-9I Cording foot, w/ 5 grooves 91-169 622-91; 91-169 62>-12;
(2.A mm wide each, 91-169 631-15; 91-169 636-05;
subcl.-613/0245/02) 9I-I69 81A-12; 91-169 858-05;
Same component parts as No.91-055 101-93 91-170 626-91

9I-O55 OA8-9I Cording foot, w/ 3 grooves 9I-I69 858-05 Driving crank for N0.9I-I69 85A-91
(2.8 mm wide each, 9I-I7O 180-91 Needle bar, w/
subcl.-813/0245/02) adjustable double-needle holder
Same component parts as No.91-055 101-93 (cording width from 1.6 - 2.8 mm),
w/ needle set screw
9I-O55 O5O-O5 Chain cutter No.11-1 7A 089-15

^^Will be exchanged for a replacement assembly. For repair, return needle bar drive assembly No.91-169 505-91. 65
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complemenfary Parts of the Pfaff 5463-813/02-45/01; 5463-813/02-45/02
XI (For standard parts, please refer to the Pfaff 5463-811/02-94)

91-170 363-91 Cover plate, compl,,

consisting of Nos.91-100 076-15; 91-169 727-15;
91-170 366-55

9I-I7O 366-35 Cover plate

91-170 378-05 Looper

9I-I7O 395-11 Loop retainer, compL,

consisting of Nos.91-170 396-15; 91-170 397-15;
91-700 22M5

9I-I7O 396-15 Loop retainer bracket

9I-I7O 397-I5 Loop retainer

9I-I7O 626-91 Thread puller crank, w/ ball bearing

(For replacement purposes, supplied together
with driving crank N0.9I-I69 858-05)
9I-I7O 705-91 Looper bracket w/
No.11-108 I77-I5 Binding screw
No.91-700 785-15 Set screw

91-700 226-15 Fastening screw for N0.9I-I7O 397-15

9I-7OO I39-I5 Fastening screw for No.91-058 U9-03

91-700 785-15 Fastening screw for No.91-170 705-91

99-129 13't-93 Wrapper, w/ needles (System ^63 Fl.)

99-129 135-93 Wrapper, w/ needles (System H63 Fr.)

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
XII/1; XII/2

Complementary Parts
Pfaff 5463-m/02-95

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463-821/02-95

11-174 086-15
11-174 086-15 i _

IISbM 11-108177-15 9I-I69 121-01

1^^1-108 177-15
91-169 099-^5

9I-I69 6I7-9I
91-169 62W55
91-169 554-91

-91-169 796-35
91-700 335-35

g-91-169 797-05

•91-169 801-05

<j(f^11-330 085-15 ^^^91-002 065-05

,f-91-169 6I9-05 11-173 090-15

(^^-91-002 065-05
91-058 052-05 11-173 225-15

91-053 891-31
91-169 6't6-15

91-169 548-05-
91-05^^ 508-01

9l-0'»7 3^5-05 91_169 566-15

91-701 3^'t-35

91-169 558-91

11-330 952-15
91-169 568-'t5

12-02't 171-15
91-069 't78-12 , 6
91-169 556-05
^ 12-305 Ho-15
12-610 19045

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-821/02-95
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfaff 5463-811 /02-94) XI1/1

11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A MAxlO DIN 8A-8G) 91-169 55V-91 Cover thread tension compL,
for No.91-069 'f72-91 consisting of Nos.91-002 065-05;
91-169 5^8-05; 91-169 566-15;
91-169 6A6-15; 91-169 796-35;
11-173 090-15 Fastening screw (A M3x5 DIN 85-8G) 91-169 797-05; 91-169 801-05;
for No.91-053 891-31 91-701 3A^35

11-173 225-15 Fastening screw (A M5x10 DIN 85-8G) 91-169 556-05 Washer for No.12-610 19(Mt5
for No.91-169 55^1

9I-I69 558-91 Cross-thread carrier drive, compl.,

11-17A 086-15 End screw (M M DIN 92^-5S) consisting of:
for No.91-069 A72-91 No. 12-610 19045 Circlip for hinge stud
No.l't-215 015-01 Needle bearing for
hinge stud
11-330 085-15 Fastening screw (A M3x^ DIN 913-10 K) No.lA-215 3OA-OINeedle bearing for
for No.91-169 619-05 and cross-thread carrier
needle set screw eccentric
N0.9I-O69 43-15^^ Cross-thread carrier
11-330 952-15 Fastening screw for No.91-069 A78-12 N0.9I-O69 46-05^^ Sealer ring
No.91-069 48-12 Set collar
No.91-169 532-15Hinge stud
12-02A 171-15 Nut (M 5 DIN 93V1-5S) No.91-169 556-05 Washer
for No.91-169 558-91 N0.9I-I69 559-15^^Driving eccentric rod
••iFor replacement purposes, order
12-305 IAO-15 Washer (5.3 DIN 125) No.91-169 558-91
for NO.12-02A 171-15
9I-I69 566-15 Tension bracket
12-610 19045 Circlip for No.91-l69 558-91
91-169 56845 Arm cover, rear
91-002 065-05 Tension disc
91-169 617-91 Needle bar, w/
No.11-330 085-15 Needle set screw and
91-0^^7 3'»5-05 Feed dog set screw
for No.91-169 619-05
91-053 891-31 Folder
N0.9I-I69 619-05 Thread guide

9I-O5A 508-01 Hinged presser foot 91-169 619-05 Thread guide for N0.9I-I69 617-91

91-058 052-05 Needle plate 91-169 62A-35 Thread guide

91-069 A72-9I Arm shaft, w/ crank and w/ 9I-I69 6A6-I5 Thread guide for N0.9I-I69 55491
No.11-108 177-15 Binding screw
No.91-169 09945 Oil cup 91-169 796-35 Nut for No.91-169 5A8-05

91-069 A78-12 Set collar, w/

9I-I69 797-05 Tension sleeve
set screw No.11-330 952-15

91-169 09945 Oil cup for No.91-069 ^>72-91 91-169 801-05 Tension spring

91-169 121-01 Lifting crank for N0.9I-O69 079-92

(see p. I) 91-700 335-35 Fastening screw for N0.9I-I69 62435

91-169 5^8-05 Tension stud 91-701 3A435 Fastening screw for N0.9I-I69 646-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 69
XI1/2 Pfaff 5463-821/02-95

91-169 60^1

91-169 551-91 —I

91-169 504-05

91-169 588-12
91-169 55^12
11-150 230-15 11-130 224-15
91-170 717-91
/ 11-317 949-15

12-640 190-55 i WC
91-169 137-05 9I-I69 11(H2

91-169 137-05
91-169 575-91 224-15-ih^
91-169 545-05 ^ ft
91-169 509-91 91-000 407-15 11-130 224-15
91-169 526-91-

9I-I69 510-15- 11-108 174-15-^^^91-000 243-15

-91-169 523-05 91-169 531-12
11-130 224-15-® WTI /11-330 085-15
'f|l//11-l08 135-15
91-169 523-05-iJ^_91_l69 514-I2
91-169 593-91
J-14-215 007-01
S-91-169 522-05
11-108 I7I-I5
©-14-215 007-01

91-004 006-05
91-169 673-12 ' 91-010 116-05
"91-004 f005-05 i ^
11-108 093-15
^ J, 11-330 085-15
91-010 115-05

12-315 080-15

-91-169 524-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-821/02-95
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-811/02-94) XI1/2

11-108 093-15 Fastening screw (A M3x6 DIN 8A-8G) 91-169 137-05 Washer for No.91-170 717-91
for No,91-169 52A-15

11-108 135-15 Binding screw (A M3.5x8 DIN 8A-6G) 91-169 5OA-O5 Cross-thread carrier
for No.91-169 51M2
9I-I69 509-91 Cross-thread carrier bracket, corapl.,
11-108 171-15 Fastening screw (A MAx6 DIN 8A-8G) for No.91-169 60A-91,
for No.91-169 593-91 consisting of Nos.lA-215 007-01;
91-169 510-15; 91-169 51't-12;
11-108 17M5 Binding screw (A MAx8 DIN 8A-8G) 91-169 522-05; 91-169 523-05
for No.91-169 531-12
91-169 510-15 Cross-thread carrier bracket
11-130 22M5 Fastening screw (M 5x10 DIN 912-8G)
for N0.9I-I69 509-91 and binding screw
for Nos.91-169 110-92; 91-169 555-12 91-169 51M2 Cross-thread carrier crank, w/
No.11-108 135-15 Binding screw
No.11-330 085-15 Set screw
11-130 230-15 Fastening screw (M 5x15 DIN 912-8G)
for No.91-169 6OA-9I
91-169 522-05 Bearing bushing for No.91-169 51M2
11-317 9^9-15 Fastening screw (M 5xA DIN 551-5S)
for No.91-169 588-12
91-169 523-05 Washer for N0.9I-I69 51A-12

11-330 085-15 Fastening screw (A M3xA DIN 91J-10 K)

for Nos.91-169 51M2; 91-169 673-12 9I-I69 52't-15 Thread guide bracket

12-315 080-15 Washer (3.2 DIN A33-St) 91-169 525-91 Ball ioint connection, coinpl.,
for No.91-169 52A-15 for No.91-169 6OA-9I,
consisting of Nos.91-^00 A07-15;
91-107 265-05; 91-169 526-91;
12-6'fO 190-55 Slip washer (6 DIN 6799) 91-169 531-12; 91-169 5^5-05
for No.91-170 717-91

91-169 526-91 Ball joint connection, w/

lA-215 007-01 Needle bearing for Nr.91-169 510-15 binding screw No.91-000 2A3-15

91-000 2'j3-15 Fastening screw for cover

of No.91-169 526-91 91-169 531-12 Ball joint crank, w/
binding screw No.11-108 17A-15

91-000 A07-I5 Fastening screw for No.91-107 265-05

91-169 5'»5-05 Ball stud for No.91-169 526-91

9I-OOA 005-05 Thread retainer sleeve

91-169 551-91 Bearing bracket, compL,
for No.91-169 60M1,
consisting of No.12-ot0 190-55;
Ol-OO'f 006-05 Thread retainer spring
91-169 110-92; 91-169 137-05;
91-169 555-12; 91-170 717-91
91-010 115-05 Thread retainer stud
9I-I69 555-12 Cross-thread carrier driving crank,
front, w/ binding screw No.11-130 22A-15
91-010 II6-O5 Thread retainer stud collar
91-169 588-12 Thread take-up lever, w/
set screw No. 11-317 9'»9-15
91-107 26W)5 Guide for No.91-169 5^H)5
91-169 593-91 Thread retainer, compl.,
for No.91-169 60M1,
9I-I69 110-92 Cross-thread carrier driving crank, consisting of Nos.91-^0A 005-05;
rear, w/ binding screw No.11-130 22A-15 91-ooA 006-05; 91-010 115-05;
91-010 116-05; 91-169 673-12

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-821/02-95
Xii/2 (For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-811/02-94)^^

91-169 60MI Cross-thread carrier assembly, compl.,

consisting of Nos.11-108 093-15; 11-108 171-15;
11-130 224-15; 12-315 080-15; 91-169 509-91;
91-169 52M5; 91-169 525-91; 91-169 551-91;
91-169 588-12; 91-169 593-91

91-169 673-12 Thread retainer bracket, w/

set screw No.11-330 085-15

9I-I7O 717-91 Bearing bracket, w/ fulcrum stud and needle bearing

72 ^ISame thread unwinder as on Pfaff 5'»63-802-6 (see p. VI/I, No.91-129 963-90)

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Complementary Parts
Pfaff 5463-831/03-6

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
XI11/1 Pfaff 5463-831/03-6
91-170 036^1

-91-169 679-15

91-701 3^^15
11-108 180-15
91-002 065-05
91-169 801-05
^ 91-169 797-05

dt filVqi-
Ni)-91-169 796-35
91-169 5'»8-05

91-169 638-91 91-170 028-15

11-108 060-15
1>-033 103-05
!1-91-169 59W5
'91-701 3^'t-15

12-610^23045^ r 91-002 065-05

91-002 065-05
9I-I69 66741 f[(W 91-010 181-15
91-107 20415
91-169 633-15-
91-170 032-93 9I-I69 628-11
91-169, 567-05
\ ,
^91-105 47-15

91-05^* 906-91

91-05/, 90415-'? 91-05^ 9O8-9I
11-108 057-15'

91-700 868-15-^VV|-11-330 085-15 91-05/, 90415-^

91-170 035-05-"®^ 1^91-169 619-05 11-108 057-15'

91-058 08^1
91-058 103-05 91-058 087-93 91-700 335-15
I 11-17/t 089-15
^X;^^^^^^1-170 0^(2-01 91-170 0/,9-31

91-058 085-05^"11-108
'^ 090-15 91-058 088-0/,

91-04 557-0^^ 91-0/,7 558-0/,

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 5463-831/03-6
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-821/02-95) XIII/1

N = Needle Gouge
11-108 057-15 Fastening screw (A M2.6x3 DIN B'l-SG) 9I-I69 628-11 Tension bracket for N0.9I-I69 638-91
for No.9l-O5't 90M5
9I-I69 633-I5 Tension release bracket
11-108 060-15 Fastening screw (A M2.6xA DIN 8'i-8G)
for No.91-170 028-15 9I-I69 638-91 Needle thread tension, compl.,
consisting of Nos.12-610 230-45;
11-108 090-15 Fastening screw (A M3x5 DIN 8A-8G) 13-033 10J-05; 91-001 522-35;
for No.91-170 0A2-01 91-002 065-05; 91-010 181-15;
11-108 180-15 Locking screw (A MAxl2 DIN 8A-8G) 91-010 183-05; 91-105 47-15;
for N0.9I-I69 66741 91-107 20415; 91-169 567-05;
91-169 59415; 91-169 628-11;
II-I7A 089-15 Fastening screw (A M3x5 DIN 920-8G) 91-169 63415; 91-701 3'»415
for No.91-058 103-05
9I-I69 66741 Tension bracket for No.91-170 036-91
11-330 085-15 Fastening screw (A M3xA DIN 913-10 K) N0.9I-635 2A49I Tension bracket
for N0.9I-I69 619-05 and needle set screw 0
1 (for Willcox &Gibbs),
12-610 23045 Circlip (10x1 DIN ^71) not ill.,
for No.91-635 257-91
for N0.9I-I69 633-15
13-033 103-05 Tension release pin (2(n6xl6 DIN 6325) 91-169 679-15 Thread guide for No.91-169 66741
91-001 522-35 Nut for No.91-169 567-05
91-169 796-35 Nut for No. 91-169 54-05
91-002 065-05 Tension disc
91-010 181-15 Tension release washer
9I-I69 797-05 Tension sleeve

91-010 183-05 Tension spring for N0.9I-I69 567-05 9I-I69 801-05 Tension spring for N0.9I-I69 54-15
91-04 557-04 X Model
9I-I7O 028-15 Thread regulator
Feed dog (N = 2.0/3.2 mm)
91-04 558-04 X Model 91-170 032-93 X N Needle bar
Feed dog (N = 3.2/A.5 mm) (N = 2.0/3.2 mm or 3.2/45 mm)
91-054 90415 Chain cutter
No.11-330 085-15 Needle set screw and
91-054 906-91 Presser foot (N = 3.2/A.5 mm) w/ set screw
No. 11-108 057-15 Set screw No.91-169 619-05
No.9l-O5't 90^5 Chain cutter N0.9I-I69 619-05 Cover thread guide
9I-O5A 9O8-9I Presser foot (N = 2.0/3.2 mm) w/ No.91-170 035-05 Thread guide
No.91-700 868-15 Set screw
No.11-108 057-15 Set screw
No.91-O5't 9OM5 Chain cutter
91-170 035-05 Thread guide for No.91-170 032-93
91-058 08M1 X Model
Needle plate, compl., (N = 2.0/3.2 mm), 9I-I7O 036-91 Looper thread tension, compl.,
consisting of Nos.11-108 090-15; consisting of Nos.11-108 180-15;
11-17^ 089-15; 91-058 08^5; 91-002 065-05; 91-169 54-05;
91-058 103-05; 91-170 OA2-OI 91-169 66741; 91-169 679-15;
91-058 085-05 x Model 91-169 79435; 91-169 797-05;
Needle plate (N = 2.0/3.2 mm) 91-169 801-05; 91-701 3A415
for No.91-058 O8A-9I No.91-635 25741 Looper thread tension,
91-058 087-95 x Model (for Willcox &Gibbs),
Needle plate, compl., (N = 3.2/A.5 mm) not ill.
Same component parts as No.91-058 O8A-9I, Same component parts
but incorporating as No.91-170 036-91,
needle plate No.91-058 O88-OA but incorporating
tension bracket
91-058 088-0A x Model
Needle plate (N = 3.2/A.5 mm) No.91-^35 2'»491
for No.91-058 087-93
9I-I7O Lower knife, w/ carbide insert
9I-O58 103-05 Edge guide for needle plate
9I-I7O 049-31 Cover
91-105 47-15 Washer for No.91-001 522-35
91-107 2OA-I5 Washer for N0.9I-I69 633-15 91-700 33415 Fastening screw for No.91-170 049-31
91-169 54-05 Tension stud for No.91-169 66741
91-169 567-05 Tension stud for No.91-169 628-11 91-700 868-15 Fastening screw for No.91-170 035-05
91-169 59415 Thread guide for No.91-169 628-11 91-701 34415 Fastening screw for N0S.9I-I69 59415;
9I-I69 6I9-O5 Cover thread guide for No.91-170 032-93 91-169 679-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 75
XI11/2 Pfaff 5463-831/03-6

91-170 025-91

11-130 251-15
91-170 057-91 J
91-170 067-91 ii_205 TTT;
093-15 r tf 11-130 22M5
9I-I7O 068-45/ I 91-170 069/35
11-130 22't-15 1/ / /
91-012 753-05 \ / / /
11-130 22W5\'^'U //
9I-I70 061-12
91-700 &80-15^^1fc 91-170 058-45
11,_218 090-01 91-170 059-Or <91-170 054-05
91-170 056-12 ^11-130 224-15
11-330 217-15
-91-170 055-15
91-170 053-05-

91-170 06(H1

9I-I69 556-05 ^^91-170 065-92

h 'j S^11-330 952-15
®^11-330 952-15
12-640 170-55

91-170 039-91
91-100 076-15

. K 91-170 048-12
91-169 727-15-^^^^^ • 14-218 130-01

91-170 195-35-t ^ ^
91-700 226-15
91-170 026-31
11-108 177-15

91-170 046-05 91-170 045-05

91-129 99341

91-170 710-91

11-108 177-15-4®®
91-029 385-51
11-108 177-15
91-700 785-15-^ ^ V

91-700 785-15 '

91-170 037-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementaty Parts for the Pfoff 5463-831/03-6
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 5463-821/02-95)^^ XIII/2

N = Needle Gauge

11-108 I77-I5 Binding screw (A MAxlQ DIN 8A-86) 91-170 058-A5 Knife drive bearing bracket
for Nos.91-170 0A8-12; 91-170 71CH1
91-170 O59-OA Knife driving shaft
II-I30 22A-I5 Binding screw (M 5x10 DIN 912-8G) (Orders should specify number of dots
for N0S.9I-I7O 056-12; 91-170 061-12 and
fastening screw for Nos.91-170 05A-05; on part)
91-170 055-15; 91-170 067-91
91-170 060-91 Knife driving eccentric crank, compl.,
11-130 251-15 Fastening screw (M 5x30 DIN 912-8G) consisting of:
for No.91-170 025-91 N0.I2-6AO 170-55 Slip washer
11-205 O93-I5 Fastening screw (A M3x6 DIN 63-8G) No.lA-215 013-01''^ Needle bearing for
hinge stud
for No.91-170 069-05
N0.IA-2I5 27A-0V^ Needle bearing for
11-330 2I7-I5 Fastening screw (M 5x6 DIN 913-10K) driving eccentric
for No.91-170 061-12 N0.9I-I69 556-05 Friction washer
11-330 952-15 Fastening screw (A M5x5 DIN 913-IOK) N0.9I-I7O 062-15^^Knife driving
eccentric crank
for No.91-170 065-92 and for
knife driving eccentric
N0.9I-I7O 063-12^Hnife driving
eccentric, w/
12-6A0 170-55 Slip washer (5 DIN 6799) for set screw
hinge pin of No.91-170 O6O-9I No.11-330 952-15
1A-218 O9O-OI Needle bearing for No.91-170 057-91 N0.9I-I7O 06A-05^^Sealer ring
for N0.IA-2I5 27M)1
1A-218 I3O-OI Needle bearing for bedplate No.91-170 065-92 Set collar, w/
set screw
91-012 753-05 Friction washer for N0.9I-I7O 057-91
No.11-330 952-15
9I-O29 385-51 Waste chute No.91-170 070-05^^Hinge pin
9I-IOO O76-I5 Fastening screw for No.91-169 727-15 Ofor replacement purposes, order
91-129 993-AI Oil drip pan No.91-170 060-91

9I-I69 556-05 Friction washer for needle bearing 9I-I7O 061-12 Knife driving lever, rear, w/
of No.91-170 060-91 No.11-130 22A-I5 Binding screw
No.11-330 217-15 Set screw
9I-I69 727-I5 Retaining spring for N0.9I-I7O 026-31
9I-I7O 025-91 Knife driving assembly, compl., 91-170 065-92 Set collar, w/
set screw No.11-330 952-15
consisting of Nos.11-130 22A-15;
91-012 755-05; 91-170 055-05;
9I-I7O 067-91 Guide, compl.,
91-170 05M)5; 91-170 055-15; for No.91-170 056-12,
91-170 056-12; 91-170 057-91;
consisting of Nos.11-205 093-15;
91-170 061-12; 91-170 067-91
91-170 068-A5; 91-170 069-05
91-170 026-31 Cover plate 91-170 068-A5 Guide
9I-I7O O37-I5 Needle guard, adjustable
9I-I7O O69-O5 Position bracket for No.91-170 067-91
91-170 039-91 Cover plate, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-100 076-15; 9I-I7O 195-35 Connecting plate for No.91-170 026-31
91-169 727-15; 91-170 026-31;
91-170 195-35; 91-700 226-15
9I-I7O 710-91 Looper bracket w/
91-170 OA5-O5 Looper (N = 2.0/3.2 mm) No.11-108 I77-I5 Binding screw
No.91-700 785-15 Set screw
91-170 OA6-O5 Looper (N = 3.2/A.5 mm)
91-170 0A8-12 Thread puller, w/ 91-700 226-I5 Fastening screw for No.91-170 195-35
binding screw No.11-108 177-15
9I-7OO 68O-I5 Fastening screw for No.91-170 056-12
91-170 053-05 Knife
9I-I7O O5A-O5 Knife shim 9I-7OO 785-15 Fastening screw for No.91-170 710-91
91-170 055-15 Waste guide
9I-I7O O56-I2 Knife driving lever, front, w/
N0.II-I3O 22A-I5 Binding screw
No.91-700 680-15 Set screw
9I-I7O 057-91 Knife drive bearing bracket, compl.,
consisting of Nos.1A-218 090-01;
91-170 058-45; 91-170 059-0A 9I-I7O 031-45 Bedplate, not ill.

^^Same thread From

unwinder the
as onlibrary of: Superior
Pfaff 5^63-802-6 Sewing
(see p. Vl/1, Machine
No.91-129 963-90) & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
XIV/1; XIV/2; XIV/3; XIV/4

Complementary Parts
Pfaff 5463-801/13-6-900/02
Pfaff 5463-801/13-6-900/02^

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5^63-801/13-6-900/02
Pfaff 5^63-801/13-6-900/02-911

91-169 991-^2
91-169 892-91

91-169 893-04

12-610 210-45

91-069 0^0-01
91-069 06(H2

11-171, 175-15

•11-174 086-15

13-250 436-05-^-.
91-069 325-91

91-069 324-05
91-069 102-12 225-15

91-069 660-15

^12-640 150-55

91-069 322-ir

91-054 948-01

91-170 115-91
91-169 727-15
n-100 076-15
91-058 144-93 i An/
11-108 174-15
91-100 300-15 91-100 275-15
^ 91-170110-15
qi-17n 1
91-170 696-91 91-058 146-15

91-170 700-15 "^91-058 145-04

-^91-170 697-^1

11-108 084-15^ 11-108 174-15

91-170 149-05
12-505 081-15 1 91-047 349-04

91-170 110-15

97-30 179-995
\ -
99-129 547-93

11-470 373-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Parts of Pfaff Machines 5^63-801/13-6-900/02 and 5'f63-801/15-6-900/02-911
(For standard parts, please refer to Pfaff machines 5^63-801/13-6 and 5't63-80l/l3-Ml1, respectively) XIV/1

*11-108 O8W5 Fastening screw (A M3x3 DIN 8't-8G) 91-069 322-11 Lifting lever
for Nos.91-170 669-15; 91-170 700-15
9I-O69 323-91 Lifting lever, compl.,
11-108 17'h-15 Fastening screw (A MhxB DIN 8V-8G) consisting of Nos.12-640 156-55;
for N0.9I-I7O 110-15 13-250 43^5; 91-028 605-15;
91-069 102-12; 91-069 322-11;
11-108 225-15 Binding screw (A M5x10 DIN OV-OG) 91-069 324-05; 91-069 660-15
for No.91-069 102-12
9I-O69 324-05 Tension spring for No.91-069 322-11
086-15 Needle set screw (M 3x't DIN 920-5S)
9I-O69 660-15 Lifting lever connecting rod
ll-lyif 175_15 Binding screw (M 4x8 DIN 920-8G)
for No.91-069 060-92 91-100 076-15 Fastening screw for N0.9I-I69 727-15

11-470 375-15 Wood screw (5-5x55 DIN 97-St) 91-100 275-15 Set screw for No.91-058 14M5
for No.97-30 179-995
*91-100 300-15 Fastening screw for No.91-058 146-15
12-305 081-15 Washer (8 3.2 DIN 125-St)
for No.11-108 084-15
91-169 727-15 Retaining spring for No.91-170 115-91
12-610 21045 Circlip (8x0.8 DIN 471)
for No.91-069 040-01 9I-I69 892-91 Needle bar drive assembly, compl.,
consisting of Nos.12-610 210-45;
91-069 040-01; 91-069 060-92;
12-640 150-55 Slip washer (4 DIN 6799) 91-169 893-04
for N0.9I-O69 66O-I5
91-169 893-04^^Take-up crank stud for N0.9I-I69 892-91
13-250 436-05 Hinge pin (5x12 DIN 1476)
for N0.9I-O69 102-12
91-169 991-92 Needle bar, w/
needle set screw No.11-174 086-15
91-028 605-15 Washer for No.13-250 436-05
91-170 110-15 Position bracket for No.91-170 133-35
91-047 349-04 X Model
Feed dog
9I-I7O 115-91 Cover plate, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-100 076-15;
9I-O54 948-01 Lifting presser foot 91-169 727-15; 91-170 116-35

91-058 144-93 X Model 9I-I7O 116-35 Cover plate

Needle plate, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-^58 145-04; 9I-I7O 133-35 Thread puller plate
91-058 14M5; 91-100 273-15;
91-100 300-15
91-170 149-05 Thread puller (for Subcl. -900/02-911)
for N0.9I-I7O 135-91 (see Section IX)
91-058 145-04 x Model
Needle plate (old version, w/ 9I-I7O 696-91 Thread puller, compl.,
thread trimming knife No.91-170 114-15, consisting of Nos.11-108 084-15;
see Section XVl/2, replaced by 12-305 081-15; 91-170 133-35;
No.91-058 144-93) 91-170 697-91; 91-170 699-15;
91-170 700-15
*91-058 146-15 Thread trimming knife
*91-170 697-91 Thread puller
91-069 040-01 Needle bar connecting link
Part cannot be exchanged. ♦91-170 699-15 Guide strip for No.91-170 696-9I
For replacement purposes, order
No.91-169 892-91
♦91-170 700-15 Guide strip for No.91-170 696-91

9I-O69 060-92'') Needle bar connecting stud, w/ 97-30 179-995 Spacing strip for N0.9I-O69 306-55
binding screw No.11-174 173-15 (see Section IV/1)
9I-O69 102-12 Lifting lever crank, w/
binding screw No.11-108 225-15 99-129 547-93 Wrapper, w/ needles (System 4463-35 cf)

^)If old part is returned for replacement, repair costs will be charged only. For repair, 81
return From
needle theassembly
bar drive libraryNo.91-169
of: Superior
892-91 Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5'»65-801/13-6-900/02
Pfaff 5^63-801/1>-6-900/02-911

91-170 670-15^
91-095 317-911
11-108 171-15
71-37 00-0112
91-170 669-91 ^
\ 71-37 00-0111 I 71-17 00-0068 ^
11-108 22H5 / / 91-095 3I8-9I
99-099 828-91 //-.,/ 91-095320-91 OU
'/ ^ / 70-28 32-0002
70-28 32-0002 / • J 99-099 828-91
^ - / ^ / 99-099 922-25
^ / / ^ / / /-. .99-099729-91
99-115 167-05^
99-115 183-05-
jdk -91-170 671-15

99-115 082-91'^
99-099 618^1' 91-170 096-15 I
11-108 225-15—'
11-172, 179-15

C3-91-106 033-15
91-032 211-15-^

91-170 117-12

11-330 217-15

91-170 122-05
^l2-6it0 150-55
i®-91-100 208-15
P^91-170 118-11
12-6'»0 150-55
-12-6^0 150-55
91-170 123-15-^

91-170 081-15-^ 91-170 07645


12-02i» 151-15---^ /
91-170 077-^1 91-170 I2MI /
' i
12-610 19045

^^^91-170078-11 ^7 fc/- ^_91-050 2't8-91

11-330 220-15^^^ "
l't-215 0l6-0t XlP'i / 12-02^ 172-15

91-069 657-05 /^ I \\ ii_i3o

/ 91-170
i75_i5 126-12
i9_n!?ii 191-15
12-02'f IQI //^SSr ' 171-15 o^
W 12^2't 9I-I7O 083-15
91-020 353-91 / 11-130 239-15
11-108 291-15

91-170 158-05

V- =
91-700 65't-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Parts of Pfaff Machines 5^65-801/15-6-900/02 and 5'f65-801/I3-6-900/02-911
(For standard parts, please refer to Pfaff machines 5^65-801/15-6 and 5't63-80l/15-6-911, respectively) XIV/2
11-059 177-15 Stop screw (M 'fxlO DIN 933-86) 91-170 668-15; 91-170 669-91;
for N0.9I-I7O 667-92 91-170 671-15; 99-099 618-91;
11-108 099-15 Fastening screw (A M3x10 DIN 8A-8G) 99-099 729-91; 99499 828-91;
for Nos.91-170 671-15; 99-099 729-91 99-099 922-25; 99-115 082-91;
99-115 167-05; 99-115 183-05
11-108 I7I-I5 Fastening screw (A MAx6 DIN 8^6)
for Nos.91-097 1^19-15; 91-170 668-15 91-095 318-91 Cord for No.71-17 00-0068

11-108 225-15 Fastening screw (A M5x10 DIN D't-SG) 91-095 320-91 Cord for No.99-099 729-91
for Nos.71-17 00-0068; 91-170 096-15 91-097 149-15 Cord clip for Nos.91-095 318-91;
11-108 291-15. Hinge screw (A M6x15 DIN 8A-8G) 91-095 320-91
for No.91-020 353-91 91-100 208-15 Hinge screw for No.91-170 118-11
II-I30 173-15 Binding screw (M 4x8 DIN 912-86) 91-100 255-15 Hinge screw for No.91-170 124-11
for No.91-170 126-12
91-106 033-15 Washer for No.l6-04l 050-15
11-130 239-15 Fastening screw (M 5x20 DIN 912-8G)
for No.91-170 07645 9I-I7O 07645 Bracket for thread puller and tension
release mechanism
11-174 179-15 Binding screw (M 4x12 DIN 920-8G)
for No.91-170 667-92 91-170 077-91 Thread puller driving lever, compl.,
consisting of Nos. 12424 151-15;
11-330 217-15 Fastening screw (A M5x6 DIN 913-10K) 14-215 01641; 91469 65745;
for No.91-170 117-12 91-170 078-11; 91-170 081-15
11-330 220-15 Fastening screw (A M5x8 DIN 913-10K) 9I-I7O 078-11 Thread puller driving lever
for N0.9I-O69 657-05
91-170 081-15 Driving stud for No.91-170 07741
12-005 151-15 Nut (A M4 DIN 439-5S)
for No.91-170 667-92 91-170 083-15 Connecting rod for No.91-170 07741

12-024 151-15 Nut (M 4 DIN 934-8) 9I-I7O 096-15 Solenoid bracket

for No.91-170 081-15 91-170 117-12 Cam, w/
12-024 171-15 Nut (M 5 DIN 934-8) set screw No.11-330 217-15
for No.91-020 353-91 91-170 118-11 Roller lever for No.91-170 117-12
12-024 172-15 Nut (M 5 left DIN 934-8) 91-170 12245 Roller for No.91-170 118-11
for No.91-050 248-91
9I-I7O 123-15 Connecting rod for No.91-170 118-11
12-024 191-15 Nut (M 6 DIN 934-8)
for No.11-108 291-15
9I-I7O 124-11 Connecting link for Nos.91-170 083-15;
91-170 123-15
12-610 19045 Circlip (6x0.7 DIN 471)
for No.91-050 248-91 9I-I7O 126-12 Driving socket, w/ binding screw
No.11-130 173-15, for No.91-170 083-15
12-640 150-55 Slip washer (4 DIN 6799)
for Nos.91-170 122-05; 91-170 123-15
9I-I7O 15845 Tension spring for No.91-170 07741

12-640 170-55 Slip washer (5 DIN 6799) 91-170 66742 Lever, w/

for No.91-004 171-15 No. 11439 177-15 Stop screw
No.11-174 179-15 Binding screw
14-215 016-01 Needle bearing for No.91-170 077-91 No.12405 151-15 Nut
16-041 050-15 Fork (6 6x12 DIN 71 752) 91-170 668-15 Position bracket for No.91-170 671-15
for No.91-170 669-91
91-170 66941 Thread puller and tension release solenoid,
70-28 32-0002 Sealer ring for No.99-099 828-91 compl.,
consisting of Nos.11-108 225-15;
71-I7 00-0068 Thread puller and tension release solenoid 12-640 170-55; 16-041 050-15;
71-37 0(W)111 Plastic cord clip for Nos.91-095 318-91; 71-17 004068; 91404 171-15;
91-095 320-91 91-170 096-15; 91-170 667-92
71-37 00-0112 Cord clip stud for No.71-37 00-0111 91-170 670-15 Bracket for No.91497 149-15
91-004 171-15 Hinge stud for No.16-041 050-15 91-170 671-15 Casing for No.99499 72941
91-020 35J-91 Ball joint for No.91-170 083-15 91-700 654-15 Spring suspension screw
for No.91-170 15845
91-032 211-15 Washer for No.l6-04l 050-15
91-050 24841 Ball joint for No.91-170 083-15 99499 61841 Plug core for No.99-115 08241
99499 72941 Switch for No.91495 31741
91-069 657-05 Fulcrum stud for No.91-170 077-91
Gland for Nos.91-170 671-15; 99-115 08241
91-095 317-91 Thread puller and tension release solenoid, 99-099 82841
compl., 99499 922-25 Nut for N0.99499 82841
consisting of Nos.11-108 099-15;
11-108 171-15; 70-28 32-0002; 99-115 08241 Plug casing for No.91-095 31741
71-37 00-0111; 71-37 00-0112; 99-115 16745 Adapter for No.99-115 18345
91-095 318-91; 91-095 320-91; 99-115 18345 Adapter for No.99-115 08241

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5^65-801/1>-6-900/02
Pfaff 5'»63-801/13-M00/02-911

9I-I7O 022-91
91-1?Q 127-91
91-013 51M)5
-9I-I7O 108-12
91-170 130-^5
11-130 22W5
11-108 177-15- ^^11-108 231-15
15-033 91-020 VOO-IS- -91-170 106-15
•12-02'f I7I-I5

91-170 08it-91 •9I-I70 lO't-H

91-170 093-05 91-170 107-05-

91-170 090-11
91-069 657-<I5
91-170 085-l5^\^ j I irjl-1'^-215 016-01
11-130 22^-15

-91-170 087-11

91-170 08J15 j i(—11-330 I69-I5 91-170 021-91

11-130 22't-15^ / ^'—12-305 081-15 91-170 105-15-

11-130 22W5
91-170 oo^t-ll J|-ii_io8 096-15
I 91-170 099-15
L I 11-130 22^1-15
91-170 097-91
12-610 l50-^5'--^|gfeg^
91-010 11M)5J I
I is-o'tO 901-01
l6-0'f6 901-01-^ 12-02't 171-15 I 11-108 237-15
91-170 098-15 91-170 10(W5 / 12-02^ 171-15
12-02^ 171-15 91-170 101-12

11-108 225-15-j| •;;^^91-169 860-15

91-170 157-92

11-108 225-15
99-115 075^1
91-170 109-05 91-069 697-05
91-170 703-91

91-700 510-15

11-317 950-15

4 ^91-169 899-15 91-170 075-'»5

91-169 998-15^
I 11-317950-15
i| 11-317 950-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Con^lementary Parts of Pfaff Machines 5^63-80l/l>-6-^00/02 and 5^63-801/13-6-900/02-911
(For standard parts, please refer to Pfaff machines 5^63-801/13-6 and 5't63-801/13-6-911, respectively) XlV/3
11-108 096-15 End screw (A M3x8 DIN 8A-8G) 91-170 022-91 Tension release mechanism, compl.,
for No.91-170 090-11 consisting of Nos.12-024 171-15;
11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A MAxlO DIN 8^G) 91-013 514-05; 91-020 490-15;
for No.91-170 108-12 91-170 104-11; 91-170 106-15;
91-170 107-05; 91-170 108-12
11-108 189-15 Stop screw (A MAx18 DIN 8^G)
for No.91-170 086-15 9I-I7O 07545 Oil reservoir cover

11-108 225-15 Fastening screw (A M5x10 DIN 8V-8G) 9I-I7O 084-91 Thread puller and tension release
for Nos.91-169 860-15; 91-169 998-15; mechanism, compl.,
91-170 670-15 (see Section XIV/2); consisting of Nos.11-108 096-15;
11-108 189-15; 11-130 224-15;
91-170 703-^1
11-330 169-15; 12-024 151-15;
11-108 231-15 Binding screw (A M5x15 DIN 8V-8G) 12-305 081-15; 14-215 016-01;
for No.91-170 108-12 91-069 657-05; 91-170 089-15;
11-108 237-15 Stop screw (A M5x18 DIN 8V-8G) 91-170 086-15; 91-170 087-11;
for No.91-170 099-15 91-170 090-11; 91-170 093-05;
91-170 094-11
11-130 22M5 Fastening screw (M 5x10 DIN 912-8G)
for Nos.91-170 085-15; 91-170 086-15; 91-170 085-15 Bracket for No.91-170 08441
91-170 099-15 and binding screw 91-170 086-15 Stop for No.91-170 084-91
for Nos.91-170 102-12; 91-170 13045
9I-I7O 087-11 Driving lever for No.91-170 084-91
11-317 950-15 Fastening screw (M 5x5 DIN 551) 9I-I7O O9O-II Driving lever for No.91-170 084-91
for Nos.91-169 899-15; 91-169 998-15
11-330 169-15 Fastening screw (A M DIN 913-IOK) 9I-I7O 093-05 Torsion spring for No.91-170 084-91
for No.91-069 657-05 91-170 094-11 Cam lever for No.91-170 084-91
11-3^1 220-15 Fastening screw (A M5x8 DIN 91M0K) 9I-I7O 097-91 Connecting rod, compl.,
for No.91-170 101-12 consisting of Nos.12-024 171-15;
16-046 901-01; 91-010 116-05;
12-02'j 151-15 Nut (M k DIN 93V^)
91-170 098-15
for No.11-108 189-15
12-02^ 171-15 Nut (M 5 DIN 93't-O) 9I-I7O 098-15 Connecting rod
for Nos.11-108 237-15; 91-170 098-15; 9I-I7O 099-15 Bearing bracket for No.91-170 021-91
91-170 lOMl
91-170 106-05 Shaft for No.91-170 021-91
12-305 081-15 Washer (B 3.2 DIN 125-St)
for No.91-170 090-11
9I-I7O 101-12 Crank, w/ set screw
No.11-341 220-15, for No.91-170 021-91
12-^10 15045 Circlip (AxO.A DIN A7I)
for N0.9I-I69 151-05
91-170 102-12 Crank, w/
binding screw No.11-130 224-15,
13-033 2'tA-05 Driving pin (Ani6x10 DIN 6325) for No.91-170 021-91
for No.91-170 127-91
91-170 103-15 Forked-end stud for No.91-170 021-91
1^1-215 OlS-01 Needle bearing for Nos.91-170 087-11;
91-170 09MI 9I-I7O 104-11 Connecting tube for No.91-170 022-91
1&-0't6 901-01 Ball joint linkage (AS 8x5 DIN 71 802) 91-170 106-15 Joint for No.91-170 022-91
for No.91-170 097-91
9I-I7O 107-05 Tension spring for No.91-170 022-91
91-010 116-05 Shim for No.l6-(A6 901-01
91-170 108-12 Crank, w/
91-013 51M)5 Hinge stud for No.91-170 022-91 binding screw Nos.11-108 177-15;
91-020 't90-15 Spring suspension bracket
11-108 231-15, for No.91-170 022-91
for No.91-170 022-91
91-170 109-05 Split bushing for No.91-170 157-92
91-069 657-05 Fulcrum stud for No.91-170 OO'f-OI
9I-I7O 127-91 Tension release lever, compl.,
91-069 697-05 Carbon brush
consisting of Nos.11-130 224-15;
91-169 151-05 Hinge stud for No.91-170 021-91 13-033 244-05; 91-170 13045
91-169 860-15 Bracket for No.91-170 703-91
9I-I7O 13045 Tension release lever
91-169 899-15 Bedplate rest
91-169 998-15 Bedplate rest
9I-I7O 157-92 Synchronizer slip ring, w/
set screw No.91-700 510-15
91-170 021-01 Tension release mechanism, compl.,
consisting of Nos.11-108 237-15; 9I-I7O 703-91 Carbon brush holder, w/ cord
12-02^ 171-15; 12-610 15045;
91-169 151-05; 91-170 099-15; 91-700 510-15 Fastening screw for No.91-170 15742
91-170 100-05; 91-170 101-12;
91-170 102-12; 91-170 103-15 99-115 07541 Plug for No.91-170 70341

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5^65-801/13-6-900/02
XlV/4 Pfaff 5^63-801/13-6-900/02-911

91-093 322-91
91-095 31M1

71-12 0^310 99-115 27^1 062-^1

99-098 951-91
99-115 275-91 \ I 99-115 279^
99-115 279-91
99-115 27M1
.99-097 9^0-91
99-098 519-91.
99-098 520-91
91-095 H5-9I

. ^91-095 HI-9I
99-098 066-9l>
99-097 105-91- _— 91-099 613-91

99-115 05H1^ ^ 91-099 612-91

99-099 537-91-®^® 99-097 067-01
91-097 10H1

I 99-098 576-91 -91-095 259-91

92-235 230-05' 99-096 130-91
91-099 53W1 99-115 053-91 7I-I8 00-0226
71-12 00-0380
/ ^\ 99-099 5't5-05
i 99-099 5^3-91

ii-^tSo 211-15

91-097 956^2-

11-173 171-25

99-099 59&-91-

11-108 096-15
^2) J
99-099 597-91-
12-500 121-^5

11-A60 157-15
71_37 00-0110
91-095 1^5-01 L

1U60 157-15-i

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Parts of Pfaff Machines 5'f63-80l/l3-6-900/02 and 5'f63-80l/l5-6-900/02-911
(For standard parts, please refer to Pfaff machines 5'>63-801/l3-6 and 5'f63-80l/l3-6-911, respectively) XlV/4

11-039 366-15 Fastening screw (M 8x20 DIN 933-86) 91499 53341 Full-wave rectifier, w/ voltage4ependent
for Nos.91-095 31^1; 91-095 322-01 resistor No.92-235 23045

11-108 096-15 Fastening screw (A M3x8 DIN 8A-8G)

for No.99-099 596-91 91-099 61241 Power cord

11-173 171-25 Fastening screw (A MAx6 DIN 85-86)

for No.91-097 956-92 91-099 61341 Power cord, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-099 61241;
11-A60 157-15 Wood screw (3.5x17 DIN 96-St) 99497 06741
for Nos.71-37 00-0110; 91-095 1't5-01
92-235 23045 Voltage4ependent resistor
11-460 211-15 Wood screw Cfx^O DIN 96-St) for No.91-099 53341
for No.71-12 00-0380

11-'t60 250-25 Wood screw (A.5x25 DIN 96-St) 99-096 06241 Capacitor
for Nos.91-095 31V-91; 91-095 322-91
99-096 13041 Rectifier
12-305 22M5 Washer (A 8.4 DIN 125-St)
for No.11-039 366-15
99-097 06741 Safety plug for No.91-099 61341
12-500 121-45 Spring washer (B 3 DIN 127)
for No.11-108 096-15 99-097 10541 Screw plug for No.99-098 O664I
12-500 21045 Spring washer (A 8 DIN 127)
for No.11-039 366-15 99-097 94041 Terminal strip

71-12 00-0310 Round relay 99-098 06641 Fuse holder

71-12 00-0380 Micro switch

99-098 51941 6I0W discharge lamp socket
71-18 00-0226 Push button for No.71-12 00-0380
99-098 52041 6I0W discharge lamp
71-37 00-0110 Cord clip
99-098 57641 Transformer
9I-O95 141-91 Motor cord

91-095 143-91 Auxiliary drive cord* 99-098 95141 Protective motor switch
for No.91-095 32241
91-095 145-01 Cord channel
99-099 53741 Fuse (I.6 A)
91-095 259-91 Cord for No.71-12 00-0380

91-095 314-91 Switch box (220 V), w/ 99-099 54^91 Gland for No.71-12.004380
Nos.11-108 096-15; 11-173 171-25;
12-500 12145; 71-12 00-0310;
71-12 00-0380; 71-18 00-0226 99-099 54545 Sealer ring for No.99-099 54341
91-095 141-91; 91-095 143-91
91-095 259-91; 91-097 104-91 99-099 59641 Female plug casing for Nos.91-095 31441;
91-097 95642; 91-099 53>41 91-095 32241
91-099 613-91; 99-096 062-91
99-096 130-91; 99-097 105-91
99-099 59741 Female plug core for No.99-099 59641
99-097 94041; 99-098 O664I
99-098 519-91; 99-098 52041
99-098 57641; 99-099 537-91
99-115 05341 Voltage4ependent resistor
99-099 5434I; 99-099 545-05 for Nos.71-12 004310; 99-096 13041
99-099 59641; 99-099 597-41
99-115 05341; 99-115 054-91
99-115 274-91; 99-115 27541;
99-115 05441 .Fuse (2.5 A)
99-115 27941

91-095 32241 Switch box (380 V), as No.91-095 31441, 99-115 27441 Protective motor switch
but incorporating protective motor switch for No.91-095 31441
No.99-098 95141

Fuse (0.5 A) 99-115 27541 Contactor

91-097 10441

91-097 95642 Switch box cover 99-115 27941 Wire resistor for No.99-096 06241

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
XV/l; XV/2; XV/3

Treadle Mechanism

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
91-070 007-90
91-070 O^MO

91-032 528-11

12-510 171-^5

1&^}W 0it0-11_?\'^2-02'. 191-15

1^2^ 91^31 88M5
91-032 529-15

P^91-032 550-15
IjE-l1-022 29t>-15

91-032 529-15

12-02^ 191-15-^
l6-Oit9 O'tO-ll-fl

91-032 651-91
91-032 95M5
91-031 888-15 I 11-108 291-15
12-510 17145/ *^12-305 171-15
12-02't 1914^^^^^^^

91-032 9'»645

91-032 82Wt5

f-11-039 297-15
--12-500 19045
«^12-02^ 191-15
12-305 171-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Treadle mechanism of the Pfaff 5463 XV/1

11-022 290-15 Fastening screw (B M6x15 DIN 56V-5S)

for No.91-032 530-15

11-039 297-15 Fastening screw (M 6x18 DIN 933-8G)

for No.91-032 82V45

11-108 291-15 Fastening screw (A Ma6x15 DIN 8A-8G)

for No.91-032 95345

11460 't03-15 Wood screw (6x30 DIN 9^St)

for No.91-032 82345

12-02't 191-15 Nut (M 6 DIN 93'»-8)

for Nos.11-039 297-15; 11-108 291-15;
91-031 888-15; 91-032 529-15

12-305 171-15 Washer (B 6.A DIN 125-St)

for Nos. 11-108 291-15; 11460 '»03-15;
12-02'f 191-15

12-500 19045 Spring washer (A 6 DIN 127)

for No.11-039 297-15

12-510 17145 Slip washer (J 6.A DIN 6797)

for NO.12-02A 191-15

l6-0't9 0^0-11 Connecting rod joint (A 10 DIN 71 805)

for No.91-032 529-15

91-031 888-15 Ball stud for Nos.91-032 528-11; 91-032 95345

91-032 528-11 Motor connecting rod, compl.,

consisting of Nos.11-022 290-15; 12-024 191-15;
12-510 17145; 16-049 040-11; 91-031 888-15;
91-032 529-15; 91-032 550-15

91-032 52^15 Connecting rod

91-032 530-15 Clamping bracket for No.91-032 528-11

91-032 651-91 Treadle, compL,

consisting of Nos.11-108 291-15; 12-024 191-15;
12-305 171-15; 12-510 17145; 91-031 888-15;
91-032 944-91; 91-032 95345

91-032 82345 Bearing bracket for No.91-070 007-90

91-032 82445 Bearing bracket for No.91-070 044-90
91-032 944-91 Treadle, w/ covering No.91-052 94645
91-032 94645 Treadle covering for No.91-052 944-91
91-032 95545 Edge cover strip for No.91-052 651-91
91-070 007-90 Treadle mechanism, compL,
(for power table with wooden stand),
consisting of Nos. 11460 405-15; 12-305 171-15;
91-032 528-11; 91-032 651-91; 91-032 82345
91-070 044-90 Treadle mechanism, compl.,
(for power table with cast-iron stand)
Same component parts as No.91-070 007-90,
but incorporating
No.11-039 297-15 Set screw
No.12-024 191-15 Nut
No. 12-500 19045 Spring washer
N0.9I-O32 82445 Bearing bracket

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
^)for Subcl. -900 see Sections XV/5 and XV/6
91-070 200-90
91-070 201-90

91-169 657-92

91-701 039-15

91-700 962-15-13 .

91-032 528-11
91-031 888-15
I /12-02't 191-15
16^1,9 o'tO-ll-Sn
12-024 191-15^ ' 2-510 171-45
91-032 529-15-^

1^91-032 530-15
10-11-022 290-15

91-032 529-15

L12-024 191-15
|-l6-049 040-11

91-032 78H1
12-510 171-45 91-031 888-15 291-15
12-024 191-15 \ /12-305 171-15 545-15
11-108 291-15 \ \ / \^12-024 191-15
91-032 954^5-^^^^^
^ 12-^24 191-15 oi_o^? fifi

91-032 864-15-
91-032 95M1

91-032 952-45 91-032 947-91

91-032 949-45

•13-052 268-05

91-032 823-45
91-032 824-45
1-11-039 297-15
—12-500 190-45
«-12-024 191-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Treadle mechanism of the Pfaff 5463 with Automatic Presser Foot Lifter XV/2

11-022 290-15 Fastening screw (B 6x15 DIN 56^1-53) 91432 82345 Bearing bracket for No.91470 20040
for No.91-032 530-15

11-039 297-15 Fastening screw (M 6x18 DIN 933-8G) 91432 82A45 Bearing bracket for No.91470 20140
for No.91-032 82Wf5

11-108 291-15 Fastening screw (A M6x15 DIN 8V-8G) 91432 86A-15 Spacer for Nos.91432 9^741;
for No.91-032 95'»-A5 and binding screw 91432 95041
for No.91-032 5't5-15

11-A60 A03-15 Wood screw (6x30 DIN 96-St)

for No.91-032 823-'»5 91432 9^741 Treadle, w/
covering No.91432 9'»945
12-02A 191-15 Nut (M 6 DIN 93V-8)
for Nos.11-039 297-15; 11-108 291-15;
91-031 888-15; 91-032 529-15
91432 9'f945 Treadle covering for No.91432 9'»741
12-305 171-15 Washer (B 6.A DIN 125-St)
for Nos. 11-108 291-15; 11460 A03-15
91432 95041 Treadle, w/
12-500 19045 Spring washer (A 6 DIN 127) covering No.91432 95245
for No.11-039 297-15

12-510 17145 Slip washer (J 6.A DIN 6797) 91432 95245 Treadle covering for No.91432 95041
for NO.12-02A 191-15

13-052 268-05 Positioning pin for No.91-032 950-91

91432 95^45 Edge cover strip
16-OA9 OAO-11 Connecting rod joint (A 10 DIN 71 805)
for No.91-032 529-15
91470 20040 Treadle mechanism, compl.,
91-021 A8641 Chain, 950 mm long, (for power table with wooden stand),
for No.91-169 657-92 consisting of Nos. 11460 A03-15;
12-305 171-15; 91421 A8641;
91432 528-11; 91432 78141;
91-031 888-15 Ball stud for Nos.91-032 529-15; 91432 82345; 91-169 ^6A45;
91-032 95'j45 91-169 65742; 91-701 039-15

91-032 528-11 Motor connecting rod, compl.,

consisting of Nos. 11422 290-15; 91470 20140 Treadle mechanism, compl.,
12-02A 191-15; 12-510 17145; (for power table with cast-iron stand)
16-0A9 OAO-11; 91-031 888-15; Same component parts as No.91470 20040,
91-032 529-15; 91-032 530-15 but incorporating
No.11439 297-15 Set screw
N0.1242A 191-15 Nut
91-032 529-15 Connecting rod
No. 12-500 19045 Spring washer
N0.9I-O32 82A45 Bearing bracket
91-032 530-15 Clamping bracket for No.91-032 528-11

91432 5^5-15 Connecting bracket for No.91432 687-15 91-169 A6A45 Torsion spring for No.91432 95041

91432 687-15 Bell crank for No.91432 78141

91-169 65742 Lifting lever, w/
set screw No.91-700 962-15
91432 78141 Treadle, compl.,
consisting of Nos.11-108 291-15;
1242A 191-15; 12-305 171-15;
12410 17145; 13452 26845; 91-700 962-15 Fastening screw for No.91-169 65742
91431 888-15; 91432 5't5-15;
91432 687-15; 91432 86A-15;
91432 9^^741; 91432 95041;
91432 95V-A5 91-701 039-15 Stop pin for N0.9I-I69 65742

for Subcl. 400 see Sections XV/5 and XV/6 93

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
91-07Q 05V^Q
91-070 056-90

91-052 5^3-11

^12-02^ 191-15

91-032 528-11

12-02't 191-15
12-510 17M5I
91-031 888-15 11
-91-032 38VI5
l6-Oif9 O'fO-ll-
l2-02if 191-15-

91-032 529-15-

91-032 530-15- ,91-032 559-15

11-022 290-15- 11-022 290-15

91-032 529-15-
|-91-032 291-15
12_02it 191-15— I
|-l2-02't 191-15
|_16-0V 0^0-11
16-oV O^iO-ll-S
91-032 5M-91
12-02't 191-15
91-032 95V45 \ 91-032 5'tVl5
91-031 888-15 I \ / .91-031 888-15
12-51017145! ^a&^^^ii-i08 291-15
12-02^t I9l-15v\ U_ --12-305171-15

91-032 950-91
. N?^91-032 5V-15
91-032 86VI5

91-032 952-^5 \ 91-032 9^7-91

91-032 9^1945

13-052 268-05

91-032 82J45 91-032 82V45

1-11-039 297-15 •^v

—12-500 19045
<&-12-02^ 191-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Treadle AAechonism of the Pfoff 5463 for Bocktocking or Stitch Condensation XV/3

11-022 290-15 Fastening screw (B M6x15 DIN 56^1-5$) 91-032 5^3-11 Feed regulator connection, compl.,
for Nos.91-032 530-15; 91-032 559-15 consisting of Nos.11-022 290-15;
12-02A 191-15; 16-0A9 OAO-11;
91-032 291-15; 91-032 38M5;
11-039 297-15 Fastening screw (M 6x18 DIN 933-8G) 91-032 559-15
for No.91-032 82'h45

11-108 291-15 Fastening screw (A M6x15 DIN 8A-8G) 91-032 5't5-15 Connecting bracket for No.91-032 5'>7-15
for No.91-032 95W»5

11-^60 A05-15 Wood screw (6x30 DIN 96-St) 91-032 5^7-15 Bell crank for No.91-032 5^1^1
for No.91-032 82345
91-032 559-15 Clamping bracket for No.91-032 5^5-11
12-02't 191-15 Nut (M 6 DIN 93^G)
for Nos.11-039 297-15; 11-108 291-15;
91-031 888-15; 91-032 291-15; 91-032 82345 Bearing bracket for No.91-070 05M0
91-032 38M5; 91-032 529-15

12-305 171-15 Washer (B O.'t DIN 125-St) 91-032 82A45 Bearing bracket for No.91-070 056-90
for Nos.11-108 291-15; 11-A60 A03-15;
12-02A 191-15
91-032 86A-15 Spacer for Nos.91-032 9'»7-91;
12-500 19045 Spring washer (A 6 DIN 127) 91-032 950-91
for No.11-039 297-15

12-510 17145 Slip washer (J 6.A DIN 6797) 91-032 9't7-91 Treadle, w/
for NO.12-02A 191-15 covering No.91-032 9'>945

13-052 268-05 Positioning pin for No.91-052 950-91

91-032 9'»945 Treadle covering for Ho.91-032 9'»7-91
10-0A9 O^fO-11 Connecting rod joint (A 10 DIN 71 805)
for Nos.91-032 291-15; 91-032 38M5;
91-032 529-15 91-032 950-01 Treadle, w/
covering No.91-032 95245
91-031 888-15 Ball stud for Nos.91-032 529-15;
91-032 5^5-15; 91-032 95'»45
91-032 95245 Treadle covering for No.91-032 950-91
91-032 291-15 Connecting rod for No.91-032 5'tJ-ll
91-032 95^5 Edge cover strip for No.91-032 9't7-91
91-032 38M5 Connecting rod for No.91-032 5^5-11

91-032 528-11 Motor connecting rod, compL, 91-070 05^-90 Treadle mechanism, compl.,
consistning of Nos.11-022 290-15;
12-02A 191-15; 12-510 17145;
(for power table with wooden stand),
consisting of Nos. 11460 A03-15;
16-0A9 (A(W11; 91-031 888-15;
12-305 171-15; 91-032 528-11;
91-032 529-15; 91-032 530-15
91-032 5^-91; 91-032 5^^3-11;
91-032 82345; 91-169 46M)5
91-032 529-15 Connecting rod

91-070 056-90 Treadle mechanism, compl.,

91-032 530-15 Clamping bracket for No.91-032 528-11 (for power table with cast-iron stand)
Same component parts as No.91-070 05M0,
91-032 5^1-91 Treadles, compl., but incorporating
consisting of Nos.11-108 291-15; No.11-039 297-15 Set screw
12-02A 191-15; 12-305 171-15; N0.I2-O2A 191-15 Nut
12-510 17145; 13-052 268-05; No. 12-500 19045 Spring washer
91-031 888-15; 91-032 5^5-15; No,91-032 82A45 Bearing bracket
91-032 5't7-15; 91-032 86M5;
91-032 9^^7-91; 91-032 950-91;
91-032 95^5 9I-I69 A6A-O5 Torsion spring for No.91-032 950-91

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Ofor Subcl. -900 see Sections XV/5 and XV/6 95
91-070 058-90
91-070 057-90
91-169 ^58^1 91-032 5^3-11
lueo 319-15 aL_i6_oif9 oi»0-11
3_J , 91-169 ^62-15
^12-02if 191-15
le-^'tO 210-55. i mlI "^^-91-169 ^59-15
12-305 171-15^Sv.\^.gW^Li?-Ain 210-55
12-02^ 191-15^Sa8SNg^^
91-031 888-15-^iT^^ £
91-169 it6l-15-'n|l \\ ^55-15. -91-032 38M5
12-02't 191-151 \ 9I-I69 ^63-12
91-032 211-15 11-108 291-15 m
91-032 528-11
91-031 888-15
^12-02't 191-15
91-169 ^65-12 l6-oit9 O'tO-ll-f^ ,
12-02^ 191-15-^
11-108 285-15
91-032 529-1 5H

91-010 196-05
91-032 530-15- -91-032 559-15
11-022 290-15' -11-022 290-15

91-032 529-15-
1-91-032 291-15
'—12-024 191-15
12-02^^ 191-15- 1-16-049 040-11
l6-oi{9 o'jO-II-

91-032 541-91

12-02it 191-15
11-108 291-15
91-032 545-15
91-031 888-15 \
12-510 171-45 \ 1^1^91-031 888-15
12-024 191-15^A_ k --12-305 171-15
Vk '^-12-024 191-15

91-032 950-91

91-032 864-15

91-032 952-45 91-032 947-91

91-032 949^5

-13-052 268-05

91-032 823-45 91-169 464-05

91-032 82Wf5
11-460 405-15 fiL
]j^11-039 297-15 \f\
—12-500 190-45
^-12-024 191-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Treadle AAechonism (tilt-bock sewing head) of the Pfaff 5463
for Backtacking or Stitch Condensation XV/4

11-022 29O-I5 Fastening screw (B M6x15 DIN 56^S) 9I-O32 543-11 Feed regulator connection, compl.,
for Nos. 91-032 530-15; 91-032 559-15 consisting of Nos.11-022 290-15;
12-024 191-15; 16-049 040-11;
11-039 297-15 Fastening screw (M 6x18 DIN 933-8G) 91-032 291-15; 91-032 384-15;
for No.91-032 82'h45
91-032 559-15
11-108 285-15 Binding screw (A M6x10 DIN 8A-8G)
for No.91-169 465-12
9I-O32 545-15 Connecting bracket for No.91-032 547-15
11-108 29I-I5 Fastening screw (A M6x15 DIN 84-8G) 91-032 547-15 Bell crank for No.91-032 541-91
for N0.9I-O32 954-45 and binding screw 91-032 559-15 Clamping bracket for No.91-032 545-11
for No.91-169 463-12
91-032 82345 Bearing bracket for No.91-070 058-90
11-460 319-15 Wood screw (5x50 DIN 96-St)
for No.91-169 458-91 9I-O32 82445 Bearing bracket for N0.9I-O7O 057-90
11-460 355-15 Wood screw (5x50 DIN 96-St) 91-032 864-15 Spacer for Nos.91-032 947-91;
91-032 950-91
for No.91-169 458-91
11-460 403-15 Wood screw (6x30 DIN 96-St) 91-032 947-91 Treadle, w/
for No.91-032 82345 covering No.91-032 94945
12-024 191-15 Nut (M 6 DIN 93^1-8)
for Nos.11-039 297-15; 11-108 291-15;
9I-O32 94945 Treadle covering for No.91-032 947-91
91-031 888-15; 91-032 291-15; 91-032 950-91 Treadle, w/
91-032 384-15; 91-032 52^15; covering No.91-032 95245
91-169 462-15
91-032 95245 Treadle covering for No.91-032 950-91
12-305 171-15 Washer (B 6.4 DIN 125-St) 91-032 95445 Edge cover strip for No.91-032 947-91
for Nos.11-108 291-15; 11460 403-15;
91-169 462-15 9I-O7O 057-90 Treadle mechanism, compl.,
12-500 19045 Spring washer (A 6 DIN 127) (for power table with cast-iron stand),
for No.11-039 297-15
consisting of Nos.11-039 297-15;
11460 319-15; 11460 355-15;
12-510 17145 Slip washer (J 6.4 DIN 6797) 12-024 191-15; 12-500 19045;
for No.12-024 191-15 91-010 196-05; 91-032 528-11;
91-032 541-91; 91-032 543-11;
12-640 210-55 Slip washer (8 DIN 6799) 91-032 82445; 91-169 458-91;
for No.91-169 462-15
91-169 464-05; 91-169 465-12
13-052 268-05 Positioning pin for No.91-032 950-91
9I-O7O 058-90 Treadle mechanism, compl.,
16-049 040-11 Connecting rod joint (A 10 DIN 71 805) (for power table with wooden stand)
for Nos.91-032 291-15; 91-032 384-15;
Same component part as No.91-070 057-90,
91-032 529-15
but incorporating
No. 11460 403-15 Wood screw
91-010 196-05 Friction washer for N0.9I-I69 465-12
No.12-305 171-15 Washer
N0.9I-O32 82345 Bearing bracket
91-031 888-15 Ball stud for Nos.91-032 529-15;
91-032 545-15; 91-032 95^145;
9I-I69 458-91 Tilt-back mechanism, compl.,
91-169 461-15 consisting of Nos.12-024 191-15;
12-305 171-15; 12-640 210-55;
91-032 211-15 Washer for No.12-024 191-15
91-031 888-15; 91-032 211-15;
Connecting rod for No.91-032 543-11
91-032 291-15 91-169 459-15; 91-169 461-15;
91-169 462-15; 91-169 463-12
91-032 38M5 Connecting rod for No.91-032 543-11
91-032 528-11 Motor connecting rod, compl., 91-169 459-15 Bracket for N0.9I-I69 458-91
consisting of Nos.11-^22 290-15;
12-024 191-15; 12-510 17145; 91-169 461-15 Tilt-back fork
16-049 040-11; 91-031 888-15;
91-032 529-15; 91-032 530-15 91-169 462-15 Tilt-back stud
91-032 529-15 Connecting rod
91-169 463-12 Stop, w/
91-032 530-15 Clamping bracket for No.91-032 528-11 binding screw No.11-108 291-15,
for No.91-169 458-91
91-032 541-91 Treadles, compl.,
consisting of Nos.11-108 291-15;
12-024 191-15; 12-305 171-15;
91-169 464-05 Torsion spring for No.91-032 950-91
12-510 17145; 13-052 268-05;
91-031 888-15; 91-032 545-15; 91-169 465-12 Tilt-back crank, w/
91-032 547-15; 91-032 864-15; binding screw No.11-108 285-15,
91-032 947-91; 91-032 950-91; for Nos.91-070 057-90; 91-070 058-90;
91-032 95445 91-169 458-91

^)for Subcl. -900 see Sections XV/5 and XV/6

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 97
91^70 193-90
91-070 192-90

91-032 5^^3-11

.16-0^9 0^0-11
-IZ-OZh 191-15

-91-032 38W5

91-032 361-91

I2-5IQ 17145 91-031 888-I5

12-02'f 191-15—^
l6-Oif9 02,0-11Jjn
12-022, 191-15—I'
91-032 529-15—
12-022, 191-15.
91-032 555-15!!^ I
91-032 557-15--Sr ,91-032 559-15
11-022 290-15^^3nr -11-022 290-15
12-610 19045-^

91-032 552^15— " -91-032 291-15

-12-022, I9I-I5
12-022, 191-15— I •1^2,9 0ZfO_ii
16-02,9 02,0-11-i
91-032 52,1-91
12-022, 191-15
91-032 952h-2t5 \ 91-032 52^5-15
91-031 888-15 \ 1^91-031 888-15
12-510 17145 \ \ fl^;^ii-io8 291-15
12-022, 191-15^\ *^12-305 171-15
^-12-022, 191-15

•91-032 52»7-15

91-032 862t-l5-

91-032 950-91-^ \ 91-032 9^,7-91

91-032 95245'^\ 91-032 92i945

•13-052 268-05

91-032 82345 91-032 8224,5 91-169 2,624)5 91-032 957-05

1-11-039 297-15
"-12-50D 19045
»-12-022, 191-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Treadle AAechonism of fhe Pfoff -900 XV/5

11-022 290-15 Fastening screw (B M6x15 DIN 56'»-5S) 91-032 545-15 Connecting bracket for No.91-032 547-15
for Nos.91-032 291-15; 91-052 38M5;
91-032 529-15
91-032 547-15 Bell crank for No.91-032 54141

11-039 297-15 Fastening screw (M 6x18 DIN 933-86)

for No.91-032 82'hA5 91432 554-15 Connecting rod for No.91432 56141

11-108 291-15 Fastening screw (A M6x15 DIN 8A-8G) 91432 555-15 Spacer for No.91432 554-15
for No.91-032 95Wt5
91432 557-15 Clamping bracket for No.91432 56141
11-A60 A03-15 Wood screw (6x30 DIN 96-St)
for No.91-032 823-'>5 91432 559-15 Clamping bracket for No.91432 543-11

12-02A 191-15 Nut (M 6 DIN 93^) 91432 56141 Motor connecting rod, compl.,
for Nos.11-039 297-15; 11-108 291-15; consisting of Nos. 11422 290-15;
91-031 888-15; 91-032 291-15; 12424 191-15; 12-510 171-45;
91-032 38M5; 91-032 529-15; 12410 190-45; 16-049 040-11;
91-032 55M5 91431 888-15; 91432 529-15;
91432 554-15; 91432 555-15;
91432 557-15
12-305 171-15 Washer (B 6.4 DIN 125-St)
for Nos. 11460 403-15; 12-024 191-15
91432 82345 Bearing bracket for No.91470 19340
12-500 19045 Spding washer (A 6 DIN 127)
for No.12-024 191-15 91432 82445 Bearing bracket for No,91470 19240

12-510 17145 Slip washer (J 6.4 DIN 6797) 91432 864-15 Spacer for No.9l432 94741
for No.12-024 191-15
91432 94741 Treadle, w/
12-610 19045 Circlip (6x0.7 DIN 471) covering No.91432 94945
for No.91-032 554-15
91432 94945 Treadle covering for No.91432 94741
15-052 268-05 Positioning pin for No.91-032 950-91
91432 95041 Treadle, w/
16-049 040-11 Connecting rod joint (A 10 DIN 71 805) covering for No.91432 95245
for Nos.91-032 291-15; 91-032 384-15;
91-032 529-15; 91-032 554-15
91432 95245 Treadle covering for No.91432 95041

91-031 888-15 Ball stud for Nos.l6-049 040-11;

91-032 545-15; 91-032 95445
91432 95445 Edge cover strip for No.91432 94741

91432 95745 Torsion spring for No.91432 94741

91-032 291-15 Connecting rod for No.91-032 543-11
91470 19240 Treadle mechanism, compl.,
91-032 384-15 Connecting rod for No.91-032 543-11 (for power table with cast-iron stand)
Same component parts as No. 91470 19340,
91-032 529-15 Connecting rod for No.91-032 56141 but incorporating
No.11439 297-15 Set screw
No. 12424 191-15 Nut
91-032 541-91 Treadles, compl., No, 12400 19045 Spring washer
consisting of Nos.11-108 291-15;
12-024 191-15; 12-305 171-15;
No,91-032 82445 Bearing bracket
12-510 17145; 13-052 268-05;
91-031 888-15; 91-032 545-15; 91470 19340 Treadle mechanism, compl,,
91-032 547-15; 91-032 864-15; (for power table with wooden stand),
91-032 947-91; 91-032 950-91; consisting of Nos. 11460 403-15;
91-032 95445 12-305 171-15; 91432 54141;
91432 543-11; 91432 56141;
91-032 543-11 Feed regulator connection, compl., 91432 82345; 91432 95745;
consisting of Nos.11-022 290-15; 91-169 46445
12-024 191-15; 16-049 040-11;
91-032 291-15; 91-032 384-15;
91-032 559-15 9I-I69 46445 Torsion spring for No.9l432 95041

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
XV/6 Pfaff -900

91-070 19^0
91-070 I9V-90
91-169 'f58-91 91-052 5'»3-11

11460 ^^15 91-169 ^62-15

I ^91-169 if59.15
.16-0^ O^iO-ll
-12-02^ 191-15
12-6^10 210-55
12-305 171-15^^^^i 12-6^0 210-55
l2-02it 191-15-^^11
\ |-11460 35^15 •91-032 38it-15
91-031 888-15-^11 \
91-169 'f61-l5 1\ \\9i-l69 ^63-12
12-02^ 191-15 \ 11-108 291-15
91-032 211-15

91-032 561-91
91-169 *165-12
12-510 17145
12-02't 19l-15-4b
11-108 285-15
\ iM^tg oito-11^
12-02^ 191-15"^
91-032 529-15—

91-010 19M)5 12-02't 191-15^^

91-032 555-15^^.
6 91432 557-15--®. ,91-032 559-15
11-022 290-15^ -11-022 290-15
12-610 19045

91-032 55W5—1
-91-032 291-15
-12-024 191-15
12-02't 191-15-
-16-049 040-11
15^it9 oifO-11-

91-032 541-01
12-024 191-15
91-032 95445 \ 91-032 545-15
91-031 888-15 \ \^91-031 888-15
12-510 17145\ \ ^_11-108 291-15
12-024 191-15\\ \ A ^-^12-305 171-15
^ ^^12-024 191-15

•91-032 547-15
91-052 864-15-

91-052 950-91 \ 91-052 947-91

91-032 95245 91-032 94945

if-13-052 268-05

91-032 82345 91-032 82445 91-169 464-05 91-032 957-05

^ f-11-039 297-15
0-I2-5OO 19045
«^12-024 191-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Treadle AAechonism (tilt-bock sewing head) of the Pfaff -900 XV/6

11-022 290-15 Fastening screw (B M6x15 DIN 56't-5S) 9I-O32 5^5-15 Connecting bracket for No.91-032 5'»7-15
for Nos.91-032 291-15; 91-032 38W5;
91-032 529-15
91-032 5't7-15 Bell crank for No.91-032 5'»H1

11-039 297-I5 Fastening screw (M 6x18 DIN 933-8G) 9I-O32 55M5 Connecting rod for No.91-032 561-91
for No. 91-032 82Wt5 91-032 555-15 Spacer for No.91-032 55'»-15
11-108 285-15 Binding screw (A M6x10 DIN 8A-8G) 9I-O32 557-15 Clamping bracket for No.91-032 561-91
for N0.9I-I69 A65-I2
9I-O32 559-15 Clamping bracket for No.91-032 5'f3-11
11-108 29I-I5 Fastening screw (A M6x15 DIN 8V-8G)
for N0.9I-O32 95'>-A5 and binding screw 9I-O32 561-91 Motor connecting rod, compl.,
for No. 91-169 'f63-12 consisting of Nos.11-022 290-15;
12-02A 191-15; 12-510 171-^5;
11-'t60 319-15 Wood screw (5x50 DIN 96-St) 12-610 I9O-A5; I6-OA9 OAO-II
for N0.9I-I69 A58-9I 91-031 888-15; 91-032 529-15
11-A60 355-15 Wood screw (5.5x25 DIN 96-St) 91-032 55'h-15; 91-032 555-15;
for No. 91-169 '»58-91 91-032 557-15

11-A6O AO3-I5 Wood screw (6x30 DIN 96-St) 9I-O32 823-'»5 Bearing bracket for No.91-070 195-90
for No.91-032 823-^5 9I-O32 82W»5 Bearing bracket for No.91-070 lOMO
12-02A 191-15 Nut (M 6 DIN 93'»-8) 91-032 86A-I5 Spacer for No.91-032 9'f7-91
for Nos.11-039 297-15; 11-108 291-15;
91-031 888-15; 91-032 291-15;
91-032 9^7-91 Treadle, w/
91-032 38A-15; 91-032 529-15; covering No.91-032 9^9-^5
91-032 55M5; 91-169 ^62-15 9I-O32 9'»9-^5 Treadle covering for No.91-032 9'»7-91
12-305 171-15 Washer (B (iA DIN 125-St) 91-032 950-91 Treadle, w/
for Nos.11460 A03-15; 12-02A I9I-I5 covering No.91-032 952-A5
12-500 I9O-45 Spring washer Ca 6 DIN 127) 9I-O32 952-A5 Treadle covering for No.91-032 950-91
for No.12-02't 191-15
9I-O32 95'»-'t5 Edge cover strip for No.91-032 9't7-9l
12-510 I7I-A5 Slip washer (J 6.A DIN 6797)
for N0.I2-O2A 191-15
9I-O32 957-05 Torsion spring for No.91-032 9^7-91
12-610 I9O-A5 Circlip (6x0.7 DIN A7I) 9I-O7O I9A-9O Treadle mechanism, compl.,
for No.91-032 55W5 (for power table with cast-iron stand)
Same component parts as No. 91-070 195^0,
12-6A0 210-55 Slip washer (8 DIN 6799) but incorporating
for N0.9I-I69 A62-I5 No.11-039 297-15 Set screw
13-052 268-05 Positioning pin for No.91-032 95IH1 No.12-02'f 191-15 Nut
No.12-500 I9O-A5 Spring washer
^S-0k9 OAO-11 Connecting rod joint (A 10 DIN 7I 805) N0.9I-O32 82^15 Bearing bracket
for Nos.91-032 291-15; 91-032 38A-15;
91-032 529-15; 91-032 55V-I5
9I-O7O 195-90 Treadle mechanism, compl.,
(for power table with wooden stand),
91-010 196-05 Friction washer for N0.9I-I69 A65-12 consisting of N0S.II-A6O 319-15;
91-031 888-15 Ball stud for N0S.I6-OA9 OAO-11;
11460 355-15; 11460 A03-15;
91-032 5'>5-l5; 91-032 95M»5; 12-305 171-15; 91-010 196-05;
91-169 'f58-91
91-032 5'»1-91; 91-032 5^3-11;
91-032 561-91; 91-032 82345;
91-032 211-15 Washer for No.12-02A I9I-I5 91-032 957-05; 91-169 '»58-9l;
91-032 291-15 Connecting rod for No.91-032 5'>3-11 91-169 A6A-05; 91-169 ^65-12
91-032 38A-15 Connecting rod for No.91-032 5^3-11 9I-I69 A58-9I Tilt-back mechanism, compl.,
consisting of Nos.12-02't 191-15;
91-032 529-15 Connecting rod for No.91-032 561-91 12-305 171-15; 12-6A0 210-55;
9I-O32 5^1-91 Treadles, compl., 91-031 888-15; 91-032 211-15;
consisting of Nos.11-108 291-15; 91-169 't59-l5; 9I-I69 ^61-15;
^2-Q2k 191-15; 12-305 171-15; 91-169 't62-15; 91-169 '»63-12
12-510 17U5; 1J-052 268-05; 91-169 'f59-15 Bracket for No.91-169 '»5841
91-031 888-15; 91-032 5'f5-l5;
91-032 5't7-15; 91-032 86W5; 9I-I69 't6l-15 Tilt-back fork for N0.9I-I69 '^5841
91-032 9't7-9l; 91-032 950-91; 91-169 '»62-15 Tilt-back stud for N0.9I-I69 'f58-91
91-032 95V45
9I-I69 'f63-12 Stop, w/ bindinq screw
9I-O32 5^3-11 Feed regulator connection, compl., No.11-108 291-15, for N0.9I-I69 A5841
consisting of Nos.11-022 290-15;
12-02A 191-15; IG-O'tO O'fO-ll; 9I-I69 't6A-05 Torsion spring for No.91-032 950-91
91-032 291-15; 91-032 38A-15; 9I-I69 A65-I2 Tilt-back crank, w/ bindinq screw
91-032 559-15 No.11-108 285-15, for No.91-169 ^^61-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
XVI/l; XVI/2

Pdrts of Previous Machines

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Parts of Previous Pfoff 5463 A^chines XVI/1

The number marked with an asterisk and put in parenthesis, e.g. (*11-130 25M5), is
no additional order number, but is merely intended to facilitate looking up parts of
previous machines. This number must not be listed on orders; the valid part number is
the old number listed next to it.

(*11-130 25W5) 11-267 229-35 Fastening screw (M 5x15 DIN 9I)

for No.91-169 527-91
(♦91-169 567-05) 91-000 667-05 Tension stud for No.91-169 527-91
91-001 522-35 Nut for No.91-000 667-05
91-002 065-05 Tension disc for N0S.9I-I69 5't3^1; 91-169 5'tV-9l
(*91-O02 065-05) 9I-OO6 505-05 Tension disc for N0.9I-I69 527-91
(*91-010 183-05) 9I-OO9 276-05 Tension spring for N0.9I-I69 527-91
9I-OIO 180-05 Tension release pin for No.91-010 181-15
9I-OIO I8I-I5 Tension release disc for N0.9I-I69 527-91
91-010 185-05 Position pin for N0.9I-OO6 505-05
9I-O6O 'f24-05 Pressure spring for No.91-169 537-11
91-105 H7-15 Washer for N0.9I-OOI 522-35
(*91-170 129-91) 9I-I69 527-91 Needle thread tension, compl,,
consisting of Nos.91-000 667-05; 91-001 522-35;
91-006 505-05; 91-009 276-05; 91-010 180-05;
91-010 181-15; 91-010 185-05; 91-060
91-105 H7-I5; 91-169 530-31; 91-169 537-11;
91-169 5^^0-35; 91-169 9^8-31; 91-700 335-35;
91-700 366-15
(*91-169 628-11) 9I-I69 530-31 Tension bracket for N0.9I-I69 527-91
(*91-169 633-15) 9I-I69 537-11Tension release plate for N0.9I-I69 527-91
(*91-169 59M5) 9I-I69 5'tO-35 Thread guide for No.91-169 527-91
(*91-169 666-91) 9I-I69 5^3-^1 Looper thread tension, compl.,
consisting of Nos.9l-002 065-05; 91-169 5^641;
91-169 5^8-05; 91-169 5'f9-35; 91-169 796-35;
91-169 797-05; 91-169 801-05; 91-701 3^1^35
(*91-170 036-91) 91-169 5^^1 Looper thread tension, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-002 065-05; 91-169 5't6-^1;
91-169 5^8-05; 91-169 5't9-35; 91-169 796-35;
91-169 797-05; 91-169 801-05; 91-701 3^W35
(*91-169 667-41) 9I-I69 5't6-41 Tension bracket for Nos.91-169 5'»3-9l; 91-169
91-169 5^8-05 Tension stud for N0S.9I-I69 5^^3-91;
91-169 5^^-91
(*91-169 679-15) 91-169 5it9-35 Thread guide for No.91-169 5't6-^1
91-169 796-35 Nut for No.91-169 5^18-05
9I-I69 797-05 Tension sleeve
9I-I69 801-05 Tension spring for Nos.91-169 5't341;
91-169 54-91
9I-I69 94-31 Thread regulator, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-169 94-35; 91-169 950-35;
91-701 34-35; for No.91-169 527-91
91-169 94-35 Thread guide for N0.9I-I69 94-31
9I-I69 950-35 Thread regulator for No.91-169 94-35
9I-7OO 335-35 Fastening screw for Nos.91-169 5^^0-35;
91-169 94-31
9I-7OO 366-I5 Fastening screw for N0.9I-I69 537-11
91-701 3't435 Set screw for Nos.91-169 54-35; 91-169 950-35

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Parts of Previous Pfoff 5463 AAachines XVI/2

(*11-108 G8M5) 11-108 090-15 Fastening screw (A M3x5 DIN 84-80)

for Nos.91-170 651-15; 91-170 652-15

11-108 225-15 Binding screw (A M5x10 DIN 84-80)

for No.91-069 102-12

170_15 Binding screw (M 4x6 DIN 920-80)

for No.91-169 505-12

(*11-130 25'»-15) 11-267 229-35 Fastening screw (M 5x15 DIN 91)

for No.91-169 528-91

(*91-700 510-15) 91-317 278-15 Fastening screw (M 6x6 DIN 551-5S)

for N0.9I-O69 644-93 (see Section II/2)

12-6'tO 130-55 Slip washer (3.2 mm DIN 6799)

for No.91-100 117-15

12-6'tO 150-55 Slip washer (4 DIN 6799)

for No.91-069 322-11

13-250 '»36-05 Hinge pin (5x12 DIN 1476)

for No.91-069 323-91

(*91-169 567-05) 91-000 667-05 Tension stud

91-001 522-35 Nut for Nos.91-000 667-05; 91-169 536-05

(*91-002 065-05) 91-006 505-05 Tension disc

(*91-010 183-05) 91-009 276-05 Tension spring

91-010 180-05 Position pin for No.91-006 505-05

and tension release pin for N0.9I-OIO 181-15

91-010 181-15 Tension release disc

91-010 185-05 Position pin

91-028 605-15 Washer for No.13-250 436-05

(*91-058 235-0't) 91-058 007-04 X Model

Needle plate
(for Subcl. -801-6; -801/13-6)

91-060 424-05 Pressure spring

(*91-169 702-92) 91-069 102-12 Lifting lever crank, w/

binding screw No.11-108 225-15

91-069 322-11 Lifting lever

(*91-169 89M1) 91-069 323-91 Lifting lever, compl.,

consisting of Nos.12-640 150-55; 13-250 436-05;
91-028 605-15; 91-069 102-12; 91-069 322-11;
91-069 324-05; 91-069 660-15

91-069 324-05 Tension spring for No.91-069 322-11

91-069 434-91 Tension release lever, compl.,

consisting of Nos.12-640 130-55; 91-069 568-15;
91-069 579-05; 91-100 117-15

91-069 568-15 Tension release lever

91-069 579-05 Torsion spring for N0.9I-O69 568-15

(*91-169 663-15) 91-069 660-15 Lifting lever connecting rod

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
XVl/2 Parts of Pl"evious Pfaff 5463 Machines

91-100 076-15 Fastening screw for N0.9I-I69 727-15

91-100 117-15 Hinge screw for N0.9I-O69 568-15

91-105 H7-I5 Washer for No.91-001 522-35

(*91-169 676-12) 91-169 505-12 Take-up lever, w/

binding screw No,11-17^ I7O-I5

(*91-169 625-91) 91-169 528-91 Needle thread tension, compl.,

consisting of Nos.91-000 667-05; 91-001 522-35;
91-006 505-05; 91-009 276-05; 91-010 180-05;
91-010 181-15; 91-010 185-05; 91-060 ^2^)5;
91-105 ^'t7-15; 91-169 530-31; 91-169 536-05;
91-169 537-11; 91-169 5'»0-35; 91-169 5'f2-05;
91-169 9^,8-31; 91-700 335-35; 91-700 366-15

(*91-169 628-11) 91-169 530-31 Tension bracket

(*91-169 567-05) 91-169 53M)5 Tension stud

(*91-169 633-15) 91-169 537-11 Tension release plate

(*91-169 59't-l5) 91-169 5'tO-35 Thread guide
91-169 5't2-05 Tension release pin
91-169 727-15 Retaining spring
(*91-170 365-91) 91-169 922-91 Cover plate, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-100 076-15; 91-169 727-15;
91-169 923-35
(*91-170 366-35) 91-169 923-35 Cover plate
91-169 9^8-31 Thread regulator, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-169 9't9-35; 91-169 950-35;
91-701 3't^-35
91-169 9^9-35 Thread guide
91-169 950-35 Thread regulator
(*91-170 697-91) 91-170 111^91 Thread puller
(replaced by Nos. 11-108 08M5; 91-170 697-91;
91-170 699-15; 91-170 700-15)
(*91-058 U6-I5) 91-170 11M5 Thread trimming knife
(*91-170 699-15) 91-170 651-15 Guide strip
(replaced by Nos. 11-108 08W5; 91-170 697-91;
91-170 699-15; 91-170 700-15)
(*91-170 700-15) 91-170 652-15 Guide strip
(replaced by Nos. 11-108 08W5; 91-170 697-91;
91-170 699-15; 91-170 700-15)
(*91-100 300-15) 91-700 2'»9-15 Fastening screw for No.91-170 lU-15
91-700 335-35 Fastening screw for Nos.91-169 5'»0-35;
91_169 91,8-31
(*13-06't 2't7-05) 91-700 36W5 Spring suspension screw for N0.9I-O69 32't-05
91-700 366-15 Fastening screw for No.91-169 537-11
91-701 Set screw for N0S.9I-I69 5't9-35; 91-169 950-35

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Numerical index

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463

Nummern-Verzeichnis / Tableau des nunri6ros / Numerical Index / Lista de ndmeros

Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./rjO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.

11-022 290-15 XV/1 +11-108 090-15 XVl/2 11-108 177-15 XI 11-108 258-15 IV/1 11- 086-15 V

11-022 290-15 XV/2 11-108 093-15 IX 11-108 177-15 XIl/1 11-108 285-15 XV/A 11- 086-15 VIIl/1
11-022 290-15 XV/3 11-108 093-15 XIl/2 11-108 177-15 XIIl/2 11-108 285-15 XV/6 11- 086-15 IX

11-022 290-15 xvA 11-108 096-15 III/1 11-108 177-15 XIV/3 11-108 291-15 VIIl/2 11- 086-15 XIl/1

11-022 290-15 XV/5 11-108 096-15 IX 11-108 180-15 II/1 11-108 291-15 XIV/2 11- 086-15 XIV/1

11-022 290-15 XV/6 11-108 096-15 XIV/3 11-108 180-15 III/1 11-108 291-15 XV/1 11- 089-15 V

11-039 177-15 XIV/2 11-108 096-15 XIV/4 11-108 180-15 Vl/2 11-108 29I-I5 XV/2 11- 089-15 XI

11-039 297-15 XV/1 11-108 099-15 IV/2 11-108 180-15 XIIl/1 11-108 291-15 XV/3 11- 089-15 XIIl/1
11-039 297-15 XV/2 11-108 099-15 Vl/1 11-108 189-15 XIV/3 11-108 29I-I5 Vijh 11- 100-15 III/1

11-039 297-15 XV/3 11-108 099-15 X/3 11-108 222-15 I 11-108 291-15 XV/5 11- 170-15 I

11-039 297-15 XV/A 11-108 099-15 XIV/2 11-108 222-15 IV/1 11-108 291-15 XV/6 +11- 170-15 XVl/2
11-039 297-15 XV/5 11-108 5-15 XIl/2 11-108 222-15 V 11-130 173-15 XIV/2 11- 173-15 I

11-039 297-15 XV/6 11-108 -15 X/3 11-108 225-15 I 11-130 22M5 II/1 11- 173-15 VII

11-039 366-15 XlV/'t 11-108 -15 I 11-108 225-15 II/2 11-130 22M5 XIl/2 11- 173-15 IX
11-08^ 357-15 IV/1 11-108 -15 III/2 11-108 225-15 II1/1 11-130 22A-I5 XIIl/2 11- |73-15 X/1
11-108 057-15 XIIl/1 11-108 -15 V 11-108 225-15 III/2 11-130 22A-I5 XIV/3 11- 173-15 XI

11-108 060-15 I 11-108 -15 IX 11-108 225-15 VIIl/2 11-130 230-15 XIl/2 11- 173-15 XIV/1
11-108 O6O-I5 Vl/2 11-108 -15 XIl/2 11-108 225-15 X/2 11-130 239-15 IX 11- 176-15 III/1
11-108 060-15 VII 11-108 -15 XIV/2 11-108 225-15 XI 11-130 239-15 XIV/2 11- 176-15 X/2
11-108 060-15 IX 11-108 -15 II/2 11-108 225-15 XIV/1 11-130 251-15 XIIl/2 11- 176-15 XI

11-108 060-15 X/1 11-108 M5 III/1 11-108 225-15 XIV/2 11-130 25M5 II/1 11- 179-15 XIV/2
11-108 O6O-I5 XI 11-108 -15 VII1/2 11-108 225-15 XIV/3 11-130 287-15 III/1 11- 22W5 III/2
11-108 060-15 XIIl/1 11-108 M5 XI +11-108 225-15 XVl/2 11-130 566-15 II1/2 11- 172-15 III/2
11-108 06>-15 XI 11-108 A-15 XIl/2 11-108 231-15 III/1 11-133 538-15 III/2 11- II/2
11-108 O8M5 III/1 11-108 M5 XIV/1 11-108 231-15 Vl/1 11-133 5'»M5 III/2 11- 093-15 XIIl/2
11-108 O8A-I5 V 11-108 -15 III/1 11-108 231-15 X/3 11-173 090-15 X/1 11- VIIl/1
11-108 O8A-I5 X/1 11-108 -15 III/2 11-108 231-15 XIV/3 11-173 090-15 X/3 11- 171-15 III/1
11-108 08't-l5 XI 11-108 -15 Vl/2 11-108 237-15 I 11-173 090-15 XIl/1 +11- XVl/1
11-108 08^1-15 XIV/1 11-108 -15 VIIl/1 11-108 237-15 XIV/3 11-173 171-25 mjk +11- ^29-35 XVl/2
11-108 087-15 •IX 11-108 -15 VII1/2 11-108 2^6-15 IV/2 11-173 225-15 111/1 11- II/2
11-108 090-15 IX 11-108 -15 X/1 11-108 2AM5 Vl/1 11-173 225-15 XIl/1 11- 166-15 IX

11-108 090-15 XII1/1 11-108 -15 X/2 11-108 2^6-15 X/3 11-17'> 086-15 II1/2 11- 169-15 III/1

no + = Teile friiherer Ausfiihrungen/Parts of Previous Machines/Pieces des anciens modeles/Tipos de piezas anteriores
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463

Nummern-Verzeichnis / Tableau des num^ros / Numerical Index / Lista de ndmeros

./nO/No. Fig. Nr./n®/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/Ko. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.

-3^ 169-15 X/2 11-330 952-15 VIIl/2 12-024 121-15 IV/2 12-305 140-15 XIl/1 12-510 171-45 XV/4
-3H 169-15 XI 11-330 952-15 X/2 12-024 121-15 Vl/1 12-305 144-15 Vl/1 12-510 171-45 XV/5
-3H 220-15 I 11-330 952-15 XIl/1 12-024 121-15 X/3 12-305 144-15 x/3 12-510 171-45 XV/6
-3H 220-15 III/2 11-330 952-15 XIIl/2 12-024 151-15 XIV/2 12-305 171-15 XV/1 12-610 15045 XIV/3
-3U 220-15 VIIl/2 11-3^11 I69-I5 III/1 12-024 151-15 XIV/3 12-305 171-15 XV/2 12-610 17045 IX

220-15 X/2 11-341 I69-I5 X/2 12-024 171-15 IV/2 12-305 171-15 XV/3 12410 19045 XIl/1
-3H 280-15 I 11-341 I69-I5 XI 12-024 171-15 Vl/1 12-305 171-15 XV/4 12-610 19045 XIV/2
-3H 280-15 III/1 11-341 220-15 XIV/3 12-024 171-15 VII1/1 12-305 171-15 XV/5 12-610 19045 XV/5
-.3H 280-15 III/2 11-341 277-15 I 12-024 171-15 VIIl/2 12-305 171-15 XV/6 12-610 19045 XV/6

-3H 280-15 VIIl/1 11-341 277-15 III/1 12-024 171-15 X/3 12-305 224-15 XIV/4 12-610 21045 I

-3H 9^16-15 V 11-460 II8-I5 IV/1 12-024 171-15 XIl/1 12-315 070-15 I 12410 21045 VII

-317 278-15 XVl/2 11-460 157-15 XIV/4 12-024 171-15 XIV/2 12-315 070-15 Vl/2 12410 21045 IX

-31? 9'»9-15 IX 11-460 211-15 XIV/4 12-024 171-15 XIV/3 12-315 070-15 VII 12410 21045 X/1
-31? 9'»9-15 XIl/2 11-460 250-25 XIV/4 12-024 172-15 VIIl/1 12-315 070-15 XI 12410 21045 XI

-317 950-15 I 11-460 319-15 XV/4 12-024 172-15 XIV/2 12-315 070-25 I 12410 21045 XIV/1

-317 950-15 II/2 11-460 319-15 XV/6 12-024 191-15 IX 12-315 070-25 IX 12410 23045 II/1
-317 950-15 III/1 11-460 35^5 XV/4 12-024 191-15 XIV/2 12-315 080-15 XIl/2 12410 23045 Vl/2
-317 950-15 XIV/3 1U60 355-15 XV/6 12-024 191-15 XV/1 12-315 140-25 XI 12410 230-45 X/2
-330 085-15 Vl/2 11-460 405-15 XV/1 12-024 191-15 XV/2 12-335 151-15 IX 12410 23045 XIIl/1

-350 085-15 VII 11-460 403-15 XV/2 12-024 191-15 XV/3 12-500 121-45 XIV/4 12424 27045 III/1
-330 085-15 X/1 11-460 403-15 XV/3 12-024 191-15 XV/4 12-500 19045 XV/1 12424 31045 VIIl/2
-330 085-15 XIl/1 11-460 403-15 XV/4 12-024 191-15 XV/5 12-500 19045 XV/2 12427 38045 VIIl/2

-330 085-15 XIl/2 11-460 403-15 XV/5 12-024 191-15 XV/6 12-500 19045 XV/3 12440 050-55 V

-330 085-15 XIIl/1 11-460 405-15 XV/6 12-305 081-15 V 12-500 19045 XV/4 12440 090-55 IV/1
-330 088-15 I1I/1 11-470 373-15 XIV/1 12-305 081-15 IX 12-500 19045 XV/5 +12440 130-55 XVl/2
-330 166-15 IX 11-470 768-15 IV/2 12-305 081-15 XIV/1 12-500 19045 XV/6 12440 150-55 I

-330 169-15 XIV/3 11-470 768-15 Vl/1 12-305 081-15 XIV/3 12-500 21045 XIV/4 12440 150-55 II/2
-330 217-15 XIIl/2 11-470 768-15 X/3 12-305 111-15 I 12-510 14145 Vl/1 12440 150-55 III/1
-330 217-15 XIV/2 11-670 001-45 III/2 12-305 111-15 VIIl/1 12-510 14145 X/3 12440 150-55 XIV/1
-330 220-15 XIV/2 11-672 002-15 IX 12-305 111-15 IX 12-510 17145 XV/1 12440 150-55 XIV/2
-330 952-15 II/1 12-005 151-15 XIV/2 12-305 111-15 X/3 12-510 17145 XV/2 +12440 150-55 XVl/2

-330 952-15 III/2 12-005 195-15 VIIl/2 12-305 140-15 III/1 12-510 17145 XV/3 12440 170-55 III/I

+ = Teile fruherer
From Ausfiihrungen/Parts
the library of: of Previous
Sewingdes anciens modeles/Tipos
Machine & Supplyde LLC
piezas anteriores 111
Pfaff 5463

Nummern-Verzeichnis / Tableau des numdros / Numerical Index / Lista de ndmeros

Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.

12-6'tO 170-55 X/2 l'h-010 170-01 III/2 70-28 52-0002 XIV/2 491-002 065-05 XVl/1 491-010 185-05 XVl/1
12-6^0 170-55 XI 1'h^lO 660-01 VIIl/2 71-12 00-0510 XIV/'^ 91-002 087-25 IV/1 491-010 185-05" XVl/2
12-6^ 170-55 XIIl/2 1'h016 130-01 III/2 71-12 00-0380 XIV/'^ 91-00'^ 005-05 XIl/2 91-010 196-05 XV/'^

12-6^0 170-55 XIV/2 1'h018 570-01 III/I 71-17 00-0068 XIV/2 91-00'^ 006-05 V 91-010 196-05 XV/6

12-6'tO 190-55 XIl/2 1'h018 570-01 X/2 71-18 00-0226 m/k 91-00'^ 006-05 XIl/2 91-012 755-05 XIIl/2
12-6'fO 200-55 III/I l'h-018 570-01 XI 71-37 00-0110 XIV/'^ 91-00'^ 171-15 XIV/2 91-013 |l'M)5 XIV/5
12-6'tO 210-55 XV/'^ I'h-018 62'h-91 II/2 71-37 00-0111 XIV/2 91-00'^ 181-05 III/I 91-017 378-15 III/I
12-6'»0 210-55 XV/6 1'h018 6'^'^-91 11/2 71-37 00-0112 XIV/2 91-00'^ 531-25 x/1 91-018 359-'^5 III/I

15-030 5't1-55 IV/1 l'h-215 007-01 XIl/2 91-000 075-35 I 91-006 030-25 X/3 91-020 353-91 XIV/2
15-033 105-05 II/1 1'k215 016-01 XIV/2 91-000 089-25 IV/1 491-006 505-05 XVl/1 91-020 '♦90-15 XIV/5
15-035 105-05 Vl/2 l'h.215 016-01 XIV/5 91-000 115-25 X/3 491-006 505-05 XVl/2 91-021 0'^1-05 III/I

134)53 105-05 X/2 l'h-218 090-01 XIIl/2 91-000 2'^5-15 XIl/2 91-008 829-15 IV/2 91-021 296-05 III/I

13-033 105-05 XIIl/1 1'^-218 130-01 XIIl/2 91-000 '♦07-15 III/I 91-008 829-15 Vl/1 91-021 '|86-41 XV/2
13-033 2^A-05 XIV/3 1'^-650 21'h05 I 91-000 '♦07-15 XIl/2 91-008 829-15 X/3 91-025 37'^-05 V

13-033 250-05 III/2 1'h680 050-15 II/2 91-000 '♦22-55 III/I 491-009 276-05 XVl/1 91-025 ^76-05 V

13-033 522-05 II/2 l'h-680 070-15 II/2 91-000 '♦86-25 X/1 491-009 276-05 XVl/2 91-026 ^07-21 XI

15-052 256-05 II/2 15-120 00'M)5 V 491-000 667-05 XVl/1 91-010 115-05 XIl/2 91-027 281-91 IV/1
15-052 256-05 IV/1 15-125 155-05 III/2 491-000 667-05 XVl/2 91-010 116-05 V 91-027 285-05 IV/1
15-052 268-05 XV/2 16-0'^1 050-15 XIV/2 91-000 775-15 IV/1 91-010 116-05 XIl/2 91-027 286-15 IV/1
15-052 268-05 XV/3 16-0A6 901-01 XIV/5 91-001 089-25 X/3 91-010 116-05 XIV/5 91-027 288-15 IV/1
15-052 268-05 XV/'^ 16-0'^9 020-11 VIIl/1 91-001 179-35 I 491-010 180-05 XVl/1 91-027 289-15 IV/1
15-052 268-05 XV/5 16-0'^9 021-01 VIIl/1 91-001 522-55 II/1 491-010 180-05 XVl/2 91-027 291-55 IV/1
15-052 268-05 XV/6 16-0'^9 O'^O-II XV/1 91-001 522-55 Vl/2 91-010 181-15 II/1 91-027 29'H2 IV/1
15-060 'tOO-05 III/2 164)'^9 O'^O-II XV/2 91-001 522-55 X/2 91-010 181-15 Vl/2 91-027 ^96-15 IV/1
15-065 515-15 IV/1 l6-0'^9 O'^O-II XV/5 91-001 522-35 XIII/I 91-010 181-15 X/2 91-027 297-05 IV/1
1^6A 2't7-05 I 16-0'^9 0'^0-11 XV/'^ 491-001 522-35 XVl/1 91-010 181-15 XIIl/1 91-027 299-91 IV/1
15-070 268-15 IV/1 l6-0'^9 O'^O-II XV/5 491-001 522-55 XVl/2 491-010 181-15 XVl/1 91-028 036-25 IV/1
15-115 022-05 II/2 16-0'^9 0'^0-11 XV/6 91-002 065-05 II/1 491-010 181-15 XVl/2 91-028 605-15 I

15-250 ^156-05 I 16-4U 139-55 IV/1 91-002 065-05 Vl/2 91-010 183-05 II/1 91-028 605-15 XIV/1
15-250 '♦36-05 XIV/1 '♦0-666 200-01 Vl/2 91-002 065-05 X/2 91-010 185-05 Vl/2 491-028 605-15 XVl/2
hi 5-250 '♦36-05 XVl/2 '♦0-666 200-01 X/1 91-002 065-05 XIl/1 91-010 185-05 X/2 91-029 007-91 IV/2
15-255 09'h^5 I '♦0-75'^ 701-00 IV/2 91-002 065-05 XIIl/1 91-010 185-05 XIIl/1 91-029 558-05 Vl/1

112 += Teile fruherer Ausfiihrungen/Parts of Previous Machines/Pieces des anciens modeles/Tipos de piezas anteriores
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463

Nummern-Verzeichnis / Tableau des numdros / Numerical Index / Lista de ndmeros

Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No, Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.

91-029 358-05 X/3 91-032 291-15 XV/5 91-032 545-15 XV/6 91-032 82445 XV/2 91432 952-45 XV/6
91-029 359-15 Vl/1 91-032 291-15 XV/6 91-032 547-15 XV/3 91-032 82445 XV/3 91432 955-45 XV/1
91-029 359-15 X/3 91-032 384-15 XV/3 91-032 547-15 XV/4 91-032 82445 XV/4 91432 954-45 XV/2
91-029 36045 Vl/1 91-032 384-15 XV/4 91-032 547-15 XV/5 91-032 82445 XV/5 91432 954-45 XV/3
91-029 36045 x/3 91-032 384-15 XV/5 91-032 547-15 XV/6 91-032 82445 XV/6 91432 954-45 XV/4
91-029 36Wf5 Vl/1 91-032 384-15 XV/6 91-032 554-15 XV/5 91-032 864-15 XV/2 91432 954-45 XV/5
91-029 36Wt5 x/3 91-032 528-11 XV/1 91-032 554-15 XV/6 91-032 864-15 XV/3 91432 954-45 XV/6
91-029 385-51 XIIl/2 91-032 528-11 XV/2 91-032 555-15 XV/5 91-032 864-15 XV/4 91432 95745 XV/5
91-029 39M)1 IV/2 91-032 528-11 XV/3 91-032 55^15 XV/6 91-032 864-15 XV/4 91432 95745 XV/6
91-029 4&-91 IV/1 91-032 528-11 XV/4 91-032 557-15 XV/5 91-032 864-15 XV/5 91440 62445 IV/1
91-029 IV/1 91-032 529-15 XV/1 91-032 557-15 XV/6 91-032 864-15 XV/6 91442 940-25 IV/1

91-029 ^fSO-gi IV/2 91-032 529-15 XV/2 91-032 559-15 XV/3 91-032 944-91 XV/1 91445 653-25 IV/1

91-029 69245 IV/1 91-032 529-15 XV/3 91-032 559-15 XV/4 91-032 94645 XV/1 91446 594-25 X/3

91-029 831-91 IV/2 91-032 529-15 XV/4 91-032 559-15 XV/5 91-032 947-91 XV/2 91446 595-25 X/3

91-029 83M5 IV/2 91-032 529-15 XV/5 91-032 559-15 XV/6 91-032 947-91 XV/3 91446 596-91 X/3
91-029 94641 IV/2 91-032 529-15 XV/6 91-032 561-91 XV/5 91-032 94741 XV/4 91446 597-25 X/3

91-031 888-15 VIIl/2 91-032 530-15 XV/1 91-032 561-91 XV/6 91-032 947-91 XV/5 91447 31045 V

91-031 888-15 XV/1 91-032 530-15 XV/2 91-032 651-^1 XV/1 91-032 947-91 XV/6 91447 34W)5 XIl/1

91-031 888-15 XV/2 91-032 530-15 XV/3 91-032 687-15 XV/2 91-032 94945 XV/2 91447 34644 X/1

91-031 888-15 XV/3 91-032 530-15 XV/4 91-032 781-91 XV/2 91-032 94945 XV/3 91447 34944 IX

91-031 888-15 XV/4 91-032 541-91 XV/3 91-032 800-91 IV/1 91-032 94945 XV/4 • 91447 34944 XIV/1

91-031 888-15 XV/5 91-032 541-91 XV/4 91-032 801-91 IV/1 91-032 94945 XV/5 91447 53944 III/I
91-031 888-15 XV/6 91-032 541-91 XV/5 91-032 802-45 IV/1 91-032 94945 XV/6 91447 54144 Vl/2

91-032 08745 IV/1 91-032 541-91 XV/6 91-032 80345 Vl/1 91-032 950-91 XV/2 91447 55744 XIIl/1
91-032 203-15 VII1/2 91-032 54>-11 XV/3 91-032 80445 IV/1 91-032 950-91 XV/3 91447 55844 XIIl/1

91-032 204-11 VIIl/2 91-032 543-11 XV/4 91-032 82545 XV/1 91-032 950-91 XV/4 91447 59444 VII

91-032 211-15 VIIl/2 91-032 543-11 XV/5 91-032 82345 XV/2 91-032 950-91 XV/5 91447 59745 XI

91-032 211-15 XIV/2 91-032 543-11 XV/6 91-032 82345 XV/3 91-032 95041 XV/6 91447 62344 x/3

91-032 211-15 XV/4 91-032 545-15 XV/2 91-032 82345 XV/4 91-032 95245 XV/2 91450 24841 XIV/2
91-032 211-15 XV/6 91-032 545-15 XV/3 91-032 82545 XV/5 91-032 95245 XV/3 91451 15543 V

91-032 291-15 XV/3 91-032 545-15 XV/4 91-032 82345 XV/6 91-032 95245 XV/4 91453 75641 IV/1
91-032 291-15 XV/4 91-032 545-15 XV/5 91-032 82445 XV/1 91-032 95245 XV/5 91453 890-21 X/1

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 113
Pfaff 5463

Nummern-Verzeichnis / Tableau des num^ros / Numerical Index / Lista de numeros

Nr,/n°/No. Pig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/fio. Fig. Nr,/no/No. Fig. Nr,/no

91-053 891-31 XIl/1 91-055 042-91 XI 91-064 638-05 II/1 91-069 132-31 VIIl/1 91-069 1^15 VII1/2
91-054 508-01 XIl/1 91-055 044-91 XI 91-069 002-91 II/2 91-069 133-05 VIIl/1 91-069 22-11 I

91-054 510-93 X/1 91-055 046-91 XI 91-069 010-05 VIIl/2 91-069 137-35 vin/1 91-069 XIV/1
91-054 516-05 x/1 91-055 048-91 XI 91-069 040-01 I 91-069 138-15 VIIl/1 -f01-069 XVl/2
91-054 516-05 X/3 91-055 050-05 XI 91-069 040-01 VII 91-069 139-91 VIIl/1 91-069 XIV/1
91-054 517-05 x/1 91-055 064-93 x/3 91-069 040-01 IX 91-069 147-05 V +91-069 23-91 XVl/2
91-054 517-05 x/3 91-055 101-93 XI 91-069 040-01 X/1 91-069 150-45 11/2 91-069 2^)5 I

91-054 744-91 V +91-058 007-04 XVl/2 91-069 040-01 XI 91-069 160-04 11/2 91-069 24-05 XIV/1
91-054 74^15 V 91-058 009-04 Vl/2 91-069 040-01 XIV/1 91-069 167-45 IV/1 +91-069 24-05 XVl/2

91-054 746-11 V 91-058 029-05 V 91-069 04^5 II/2 91-069 167-45 vin/i 91-069 28-11 IV/1
91-054 747-05 V 91-058 052-05 XIl/1 91-069 049-05 I 91-069 170-45 VIIl/1 91-069 IV/1
91-054 748-05 V 91-058 053-04 X/1 91-069 056-05 I 91-069 172-15 IV/1 91-069 VIIl/1
91-054 892-93 I 91-058 084-91 XIIl/1 91-069 060-92 I 91-069 205-12 VIIl/2 91-069 VIIl/2
91-054 896-91 I 91-058 085-05 XIIl/1 91-069 060-92 VII 91-069 208-15 VIIl/2 91-069 VIIl/1
91-054 895-91 Vl/2 91-058 087-93 XIIl/1 91-069 060-92 IX 91-069 222-12 11/1 +91-069 XVl/2
91-054 895-91 VII 91-058 088-04 XIIl/1 91-069 060-92 X/1 91-069 227-91 VIIl/2 91-069 XIl/1
91-054 895-91 IX 91-058 105-05 XIIl/1 91-069 060-92 XI 91-069 238-91 vin/2 91-069 XIl/1
91-054 896-05 I 91-058 144-93 XIV/1 91-069 060-92 XIV/1 91-069 275-05 VIIl/2 91-069 VIIl/2
91-054 896-05 Vl/2 91-058 145-04 IX 91-069 062-45 I 91-069 276-12 VIIl/2 91-069 VIll/2
91-054 896-05 VII 91-058 145-04 XIV/1 91-069 062-45 VII 91-069 284-91 VIIl/2 91-069 53-05 VII1/2
91-054 896-05 IX 91-058 146-15 XIV/1 91-069 062-45 IX 91-069 287-05 III/2 91-069 III/2
91-054 897-25 I 91-058 147-04 VII 91-069 062-45 x/1 91-069 287-05 VIIl/2 91-069 X/2
91-054 897-25 Vl/2 91-058 149-03 XI 91-069 062-45 XI 91-069 287-05 X/2 91-069 I

91-054 897-25 VII 91-058 151-05 XI 91-069 075-01 I 91-069 288-02 VIIl/2 91-069 I

91-054 897-25 IX 91-058 152-05 XI 91-069 079-92 I 91-069 292-05 in/2 91-069 58-01 I

91-054 899-93 Vl/2 91-058 189-05 x/3 91-069 102-12 XIV/1 91-069 296-12 III/2 91-069 I

91-054 904-15 XIIl/1 91-058 235-04 III/1 +91-069 102-12 XVl/2 91-069 296-12 VIIl/2 91-069 V

91-054 906-91 XIIl/1 91-058 238-04 Vl/2 91-069 103-15 II/2 91-069 296-12 x/2 491-069 XVl/2
91-054 908-91 XIIl/1 +91-060 424-05 XVl/1 91-069 119-05 VIIl/1 91-069 299-05 VIIl/1 +91-069 XVl/2
91-054 948-01 XIV/1 +91-060 424-05 XVl/2 91-069 120-31 VIIl/1 91-069 310-12 VIIl/2 91-069 I

91-054 950-91 IX 91-061 158-05 V 91-069 127-05 VIIl/1 91-069 311-12 VIIl/2 91-069 V

91-055 038-91 VII 91-063 111-92 I 91-069 131-91 VIIl/1 91-069 313-05 VIIl/2 91-069 II/2

114 + = Teile fruherer Ausfiihrungen/Parts of Previous Machines/Pieces des anciens modeles/lipos de piszas
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463

Nummern-Verzeichnis / Tableau des num6ros / Numerical Index / Lista de ndmeros

Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./n®/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.

91-069 6't7-12 III/2 91-095 320-91 XIV/2 91-101 758-15 VIIl/1 91-129 647-45 IV/2 91-169 324-91 III/2

91-069 6A8-93 III/2 91^95 322-91 XIV/4 91-105 442-15 VIIl/1 91-129 647-45 Vl/1 91-169 324-91 VIIl/2

91-069 657-05 XIV/2 91-097 104-91 XIV/4 91-105 447-15 II/1 91-129 647-45 X/3 91-169 325-91 III/2
91-069 657-05 XIV/3 91-097 149-15 XIV/2 91-105 447-15 Vl/2 91-129 648-05 Vl/1 91-169 325-91 VIIl/2
91-069 660-15 XIV/1 91-097 956-92 XIV/4 91-105 447-15 X/2 91-129 648-05 X/3 91-169 325-91 X/2
4^1-069 660-15 XVl/2 91-099 533-91 XIV/4 91-105 447-15 XIIl/1 91-129 649-45 IV/2 91-169 458-91 XV/4

91-069 661-12 I 91-099 612-91 XIV/4 491-105 447-15 XVl/1 91-129 649-45 Vl/1 91-169 458-91 XV/6

91-069 661-12 V 91-099 613-91 XIV/4 491-105 447-15 XVl/2 91-129 649-45 X/3 91-169 459-15 XV/4

91-069 697-05 XIV/3 91-100 055-15 II/2 91-106 033-15 XIV/2 91-129 660-90 IV/2 91-169 459-15 XV/6

91-069 709-12 IX 91-100 055-15 IX 91-107 204-15 II/1 91-129 963-90 Vl/1 91-169 461-15 XV/4

91-069 746-15 VIIl/1 91-100 076-15 III/1 91-107 204-15 Vl/2 91-129 968-45 Vl/1 91-169 461-15 XV/6

91-069 768-05 VIIl/2 91-100 076-15 V 91-107 204-15 X/2 91-129 968-45 X/3 91-169 462-15 XV/4

91-069 961-05 II/1 91-100 076-15 Vl/2 91-107 204-15 XIIl/1 91-129 969-45 Vl/1 91-169 462-15 XV/6

91-070 007-90 XV/1 91-100 076-15 VII 91-107 26^)5 XIl/2 91-129 969-45 x/3 91-169 463-12 XV/4

91-070 044-90 XV/1 91-100 076-15 X/1 91-113 445-15 IX 91-129 970-91 Vl/1 91-169 463-12 XV/6

91-070 054-90 XV/3 91-100 076-15 XI 91-118 555-35 IV/2 91-129 970-91 x/3 91-169 464-05 XV/2

91-070 056-90 XV/3 91-100 076-15 XIIl/2 91-119 429-31 V 91-129 974-90 X/3 91-169 464-05 XV/3

91-070 057-90 XV/4 91-100 076-15 XIV/1 91-129 637-45 IV/2 91-129 993-41 XIIl/2 91-169 464-05 XV/4

91-070 058-90 XV/4 491-100 076-15 XVl/2 91-129 637-45 Vl/1 91-169 000-91 X/2 91-169 464-05 XV/5

91-070 192-^0 XV/5 91-100 107-15 I 91-129 637-45 X/3 91-169 099-45 XIl/1 91-169 464-05 XV/6

91-070 19>O0 XV/5 91-100 108-15 I 91-129 641-92 IV/2 91-169 110-92 XIl/2 91-169 465-12 XV/4

91-070 194^0 XV/6 91-100 114-15 Vl/1 91-129 641-92 Vl/1 91-169 121-01 XIl/1 91-169 465-12 XV/6

91-070 195-90 XV/6 91-100 114-15 X/3 91-129 641-92 X/3 91-169 137-^5 II/1 91-169 503-91 I

91-070 200-90 XV/2 491-100 117-15 XVl/2 91-129 644-05 IV/2 91-169 137-05 XIl/2 91-169 503-91 XI

91-070 201-90 XV/2 91-100 208-15 XIV/2 91-129 644-05 Vl/1 91-169 151-05 XIV/3 91-169 504-05 XIl/2

91-095 141-91 XIV/4 91-100 242-15 II1/2 91-129 644-05 X/3 91-169 166-15 I -t^l-169 505-12 XVl/2

91-095 143-91 XIV/4 91-100 253-15 II/2 91-129 645-45 IV/2 91-169 194-12 VIIl/2 91-169 506-04 I

91-095 145-01 XIV/4 91-100 255-15 XIV/2 91-129 645-45 Vl/1 91-169 198-03 III/2 91-169 50&-04 XI

91-095 259-91 XIV/4 91-100 270-15 II/1 91-129 645-45 X/3 91-169 302-91 II/2 91-169 507-91 V

91-095 314-91 XIV/4 91-100 275-15 XIV/1 91-129 646-92 IV/2 91-169 304-15 II/2 91-169 508-15 V

91-095 317-91 XIV/2 91-100 300-15 XIV/1 91-129 646-92 Vl/1 91-169 319-01 V 91-169 509-^1 XIl/2

91-095 318-91 XIV/2 91-101 756-05 VIIl/1 91-129 646-92 X/3 91-169 322-15 V 91-169 510-15 XIl/2

+ = Teile frtiherer the library of:
Ausfuhrungen/Parts Superior
of Previous Sewingdes
Machines/Pieces Machine & Supplyde LLC
anciens modeles/Tipos piezas anteriores 115
Pfaff 5463

Nummern-Verzeichnis / Tableau des num^ros / Numerical Index / Lista de nOmeros

Nr./nO/No» Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./no/No. Fig. Nr./no/No. Fig.

91-169 51M2 XIl/2 91-169 554-91 XIl/1 91-169 606-05 III/1 91-169 638-91 XIII/1 91-169 683-05 III/2
91-169 517-91 I 91-169 555-12 XII/2 91-169 607-92 III/1 91-169 639-90 III/2 91-169 68^5 III/2
91-169 518-01 I 91-169 556-95 XIl/1 91-169 608-05 III/1 91-169 643-91 III/2 91-169 686-05 III/2
91-169 519-^5 II/2 91-169 556-05 XIIl/2 91-169 613-92 III/1 91-169 646-15 XIl/1 91-169 687-05 III/2
91-169 520-92 II/2 91-169 557-15 Vl/2 91-169 614-05 III/1 91-169 649-91 III/2 91-169 688-91 III/2
91-169 522-05 XIl/2 91-169 558-91 XIl/1 91-169 615-05 III/1 91-169 651-01 III/1 91-169 690-05 III/2
91-169 523-05 XIl/2 91-169 561-45 I 91-169 617-91 XIl/1 91-169 654-12 III/2 91-169 691-05 III/2
91-169 52M5 XIl/2 91-169 563-45 III/2 91-169 619-05 XIl/1 91-169 654-12 VIIl/2 91-169 03-91 III/2
91-169 525-91 XIl/2 91-169 564-05 III/2 91-169 619-05 XIII/1 91-169 655-04 III/2 91-169 695-91 III/1
91-169 526-91 XIl/2 91-169 565-45 IV/1 91-169 622-91 III/1 91-169 655-04 VIIl/2 91-169 696-05 III/2
+91-169 527-91 XVl/1 91-169 566-15 XIl/1 91-169 622-91 X/2 91-169 656-04 III/2 91-169 698-05 III/2
4^1-169 528-91 XVl/2 91-169 567-95 II/1 91-169 622-91 XI 91-169 657-92 XV/2 91-169 699-12 III/2
4^1-169 530-31 XVl/1 91-169 567-05 Vl/2 91-169 623-12 III/1 91-169 658-05 II/1 91-169 JOO-05 III/I
-1^1-169 530-31 XVl/2 91-169 567-95 X/2 91-169 623-12 X/2 91-169 659-12 II/1 91-169 701-05 III/I
91-169 531-12 XIl/2 91-169 567-95 XIIl/1 91-169 623-12 XI 91-169 663-15 I 91-169 702-92 I
491-169 536-05 XVl/2 91-169 568-45 XI1/1 91-169 624-35 XIl/1 91-169 664-15 I 91-169 705-12 III/I
-191-169 537-11 XVl/1 91-169 570-01 II1/2 91-169 625-91 Vl/2 91-169 666-01 II/1 91-169 708-12 III/1
+91-169 537-11 XVl/2 91-169 572-91 II1/2 91-169 625-91 X/2 91-169 667-41 II/1 91-169 710-15 III/I
491-169 5'»0-35 XVl/1 91-169 574-45 II/2 91-169 628-11 II/1 91-169 667-41 VI/2 91-169 711-05 X/1
491-169 5^(^35 XVl/2 91-169 576-05 III/2 91-169 628-11 VI/2' 91-169 667-41 XIII/1 91-169 713-91 X/2
491-169 5't2-05 XVl/2 91-169 577-05 III/2 91-169 628-11 X/2 91-169 668-91 II/2 91-169 714-05 X/2
491-169 5't>-91 XVl/1 91-169 578-15 III/2 91-169 628-11 XIII/1 91-169 670-15 II/1 91-169 715-12 X/2
+91-169 5'tV-91 XVl/1 91-169 582-05 III/1 91-169 631-15 III/1 91-169 672-15 II/1 91-169 716-91 III/1
91-169 54^5 XIl/2 91-169 583-12 III/1 91-169 631-15 X/2 91-169 673-12 XII/2 91-169 720-91 III/I
491-169 5^S41 XVl/1 91-169 588-12 XII/2 91-169 631-15 XI 91-169 676-12 I 91-169 721-15 III/I
91-169 5't8-05 II/1 91-169 593-91 XII/2 91-169 633-15 II/1 91-169 677-15 I 91-169 722-05 III/I
91-169 5'f8-05 Vl/2 91-169 594-15 II/1 91-169 633-15 VI/2 91-169 679-15 II/1 91-169 724-05 III/I
91-169 5'f8-05 XIl/1 91-169 594-15 Vl/2 91-169 633-15 X/2 91-169 679-15 VI/2 91-169 727-15 III/I
91-169 5't8-05 XIIl/1 91-169 594-15 X/2 91-169 633-15 XIII/1 91-169 679-15 XIII/1 91-169 727-15 V
+91-169 548-05 XVl/1 91-169 594-15 XIIl/1 91-169 636-05 III/1 91-169 680-91 III/2 91-169 727-15 VI/2
491-169 549-35 XVI/1 91-169 603-05 III/1 91-169 636-05 X/2 91-169 681-91 III/2 91-169 727-15 VII
91-169 551-91 XII/2 91-169 604-91 XII/2 91-169 636-05 XI 91-169 682-05 III/2 91-169 727-15 X/1

116 += Teile friiherer Ausfuhrungen/Parts of Previous Machines/Pieces des anciens modeles/Tipos de piezas anteriores
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463

Nummern-Verzeichnis / Tableau des num^ros / Numerical Index / Lista de ndmeros

Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./no/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.

91-169 727-15 XI 401-169 796-35 XVl/1 91-169 882-00 Vl/2 491-169 950-35 XVl/1 91-170 OA9-31 XIII/1
91-169 727-15 XIIl/2 91-169 797-05 II/1 91-169 891-45 X/1 491-169 950-35 XVl/2 91-170 053-05 XII1/2
91-169 727-15 XIV/1 91-169 797-05 Vl/2 91-169 892-91 VII 91-169 960-45 III/2 91-170 05M)5 XIIl/2
-1^1-169 727-15 XVl/2 91-169 797-05 XIl/1 91-169 892-91 IX 91-169 981-91 III/I 91-170 055-15 XII1/2
91-169 728-12 III/1 91-169 797-05 XIIl/1 91-169 892-91 x/1 91-169 982-91 III/I 91-170 056-12 XIIl/2
91-169 730-00 III/1 -f^l-169 797-05 XVl/1 91-169 892-91 XIV/1 91-169 989-92 VIIl/1 91-170 057-91 XIIl/2
91-169 731-05 III/1 91r169 801-05 II/1 91-169 893-OA VII 91-169 991-92 IX 91-170 05845 XIIl/2
91-169 732-05 III/I 91-169 801-05 Vl/2 91-169 893-0'f IX 91-169 991-92 XIV/1 91-170 059-0^ XIIl/2
91-169 733-91 III/1 91-169 801-05 XIl/1 91-169 893-OA x/1 91-169 99645 VIIl/2 91-170 060-^1 XIIl/2
91-169 733-91 XI 91-169 '801-05 XIIl/1 91-169 89M)^ XIV/1 91-169 998-15 XIV/3 91-170 061-12 XIIl/2
91-169 73'»-91 III/2 -f9l-169 801-05 XVl/1 91-169 89M1 I 91-170 000-05 V 91-170 065-12 XIIl/2
91-169 735-^5 III/2 91-169 803-35 X/1 91-169 895-05 x/2 91-170 021-01 XIV/3 91-170 067-91 XIIl/2
91-169 736-A5 II1/2 91-169 806-35 X/1 91-169 896-93 X/1 91-170 022-91 XIV/3 91-170 06845 XIIl/2
91-169 737-35 1II/1 91-169 808-15 III/I 91-169 899-15 XIV/3 91-170 025-91 XIIl/2 91-170 069-05 XIIl/2
91-169 737-35 XI 91-169 81A-12 III/I 91-169 922-91 V 91-170 020-31 XIIl/2 91-170 071-91 V

91-169 738-35 III/I 91-169 81A-12 XI 91-169 922-91 Vl/2 91-170 028-15 I 91-170 072-11 V

91-169 738-35 XI 91-169 821^1 X/1 491-169 922-91 XVl/2 91-170 028-15 Vl/2 91-170 07545 XIV/3
91-169 7^0-35 III/I 91-169 82M5 X/1 91-169 925-35 V 91-170 028-15 X/1 91-170 07645 XIV/2
91-169 7'f1-31 II/2 91-169 828-OA X/2 91-169 923-35 Vl/2 91-170 028-15 XIIl/1 91-170 077-91 XIV/2
91-169 II/2 91-169 836-05 III/I 491-169 923-35 XVl/2 91-170 029-15 I 91-170 078-11 XIV/2
91-169 7^5-91 II/2 91-169 8A7-9O VIIl/2 91-169 92A-91 III/I 91-170 03145 XII1/2 91-170 081-15 XIV/2
91-169 7^6-05 II/2 91-169 8A9-OA VIIl/2 91-169 925-35 III/I 91-170 032-93 XIIl/1 91-170 083-15 XIV/2
91-169 755-05 III/I 91-169 85J-91 III/I 91-169 926-05 III/2 91-170 035-05 XIIl/1 91-170 08A-91 XIV/3
91-169 758-05 III/I 91-169 85'i-9l XI 91-169 930-Al III/I 91-170 036-91 Vl/2 91-170 085-15 XIV/3
91-169 759-45 III/I 91-169 857-05 III/I 91-169 935-15 III/2 91-170 036-91 XIIl/1 91-170 086-15 XIV/3
91-169 760-90 IV/2 91-169 858-05 XI 91-169 93A-92 V 91-170 037-15 XIIl/2 91-170 087-11 XIV/3
91-169 791-15 X/1 91-169 859-05 VII1/1 91-169 937-93 Vl/2 91-170 039-91 XIIl/2 91-170 090-11 XIV/3
91-169 79^1 X/1 9I-I69 860-15 XIV/3 91-169 939-15 Vl/2 91-170 O'f2-O1 XIIl/1 91-170 093-05 XIV/3
91-169 796-35 II/1 91-169 861-05 III/I 491-169 9^8-31 XVl/1 91-170 0't5-05 XIIl/2 91-170 09V-II XIV/3
91-169 796-35 Vl/2 91-169 862-05 Vl/2 491-169 9^^8-31 XVl/2 91-170 OA6-O5 XIIl/2 91-170 096-15 XIV/2
91-169 796-35 XIl/1 91-169 872-05 Vl/2 491-169 9't9-35 XVl/1 91-170 OA7-OA II1/2 91-170 097-91 XIV/3
91-169 796-35 XII1/1 91-169 872-05 VII 491-169 9'»9-35 XVl/2 91-170 0A8-12 XIIl/2 91-170 098-15 XIV/3

.+ = Teile fruherer
From Ausfuhrungen/Parts
the library of: of Previous
anciens modeles/Tipos
& Supply de LLC
piezas anteriores 117
Pfaff 5463

Nummern-Verzeichnis / Tableau des numdros / Numerical Index / Lista de ndmeros

Nr./nO/No. Fig, Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./no/No. Fig. Nr./no/No. Fig.

91- 70 099-15 XIV/3 91- 70 15V-90 IX 91- 70 626-91 X/2 91-700 169-15 III/1 91-700 785-15 VIIl/2
91- 70 100-05 XIV/3 91- 70 155-91 X/2 91- 70 626-91 XI 91-700 226-15 XI 91-700 785-15 X/1
91- 70 101-12 XIV/3 91- 70 156-12 X/2 91- 70 638-92 II/2 91-700 226-15 XIIl/2 91-700 785-15 XI

91- 70 102-12 XIV/3 91- 70 157-92 XIV/3 +91- 70 651-15 XVl/2 +91-700 2't9-15 XVl/2 91-700 785-15 XIIl/2
91- 70 103-15 XIV/3 91- 70 158-05 XIV/2 491- 70 652-15 XVl/2 91-700 335-15 I 91-700 824-25 IV/1

91- 70 10M1 XIV/3 91- 70 175-12 IX 91- 70 667-92 XIV/2 91-700 335-15 II/1 91-700 868-15 XIIl/1

91- 70 106-15 XIV/3 91- 70 176-15 IX 91- 70 668-15 XIV/2 91-700 335-15 II/2 91-700 962-15 XV/2

91- 70 107-05 XIV/3 91- 70 177-91 VIIl/2 91- 70 669-91 XIV/2 91-700 335-15 XIIl/1 91-700 996-15 X/3

91- 70 108-12 XIV/3 91- 70 179-91 V 91- 70 670-15 XIV/2 91-700 335-35 XIl/1 91-701 039-15 XV/2
91- 70 109-05 XIV/3 91- 70 180-91 XI 91- 70 671-15 XIV/2 +91-700 335-35 XVl/l 91-701 319-55 V

91- 70 110-15 XIV/1 91- 70 18545 V 91- 70 693-05 II1/1 +91-700 335-35 XVl/2 91-701 344-15 II/1

-1^1- 70 111-91 XVl/2 91- 70 186-35 V 91- 70 69M)5 III/1 91-700 338-15 III/2 91-701 344-15 Vl/2

-♦^1- 70 11M5 XVl/2 91- 70 187-15 V 91- 70 695-05 IX +91-700 36M5 XVl/2 91-701 344-15 X/2

91- 70 115-91 XIV/1 91- 70 189-05 V 91- 70 696-91 XIV/1 +91-700 366-15 XVl/1 91-701 344-15 XIIl/1

91- 70 116-35 XIV/1 91- 70 192-05 X/3 91- 70 697-91 XIV/1 +91-700 366-15 XVl/2 91-701 344-35 II/1

91- 70 117-12 XIV/2 91- 70 193-92 VII 91- 70 699-15 XIV/1 91-700 388-15 V 91-701 344-35 XIl/1

91- 70 118-11 XIV/2 91- 70 195-35 XIIl/2 91- 70 700-15 XIV/1 91-700 409-15 V +^1-701 344-35 XVl/1

91- 70 122-05 XIV/2 91- 70 328-15 VII 91- 70 703-91 XIV/3 91-700 412-15 III/I +41-701 344-35 XVl/2

91- 70 123-15 XIV/2 91- 70 365-91 III/1 91- 70 705-91 XI 91-700 510-15 II/2 91-701 364-15 I

91- 70 12M1 XIV/2 91- 70 365-91 VII 91- 70 708-91 Vl/2 91-700 510-15 III/2 91-701 370-15 VIIl/1
91- 70 126-12 XIV/2 91- 70 365-91 XI 91- 70 710-91 XIIl/2 91-700 510-15 VIIl/2 91-701 378-15 VIIl/1
91- 70 127-91 XIV/3 91- 70 366-35 III/1 91- 70 71V-91 X/1 91-700 510-15 XIV/3 91-701 515-35 IV/2
91- 70 128-0't VIIl/2 91- 70 366-35 VII 91- 70 716-15 IV/2 91-700 654-15 XIV/2 91-701 664-15 II/2

91- 70 129-91 II/1 91- 70 366-35 XI 91- 70 716-15 Vl/1 91-700 680-15 III/2 92-235 230-05 XIV/4
91- 70 ^30-k5 XIV/3 91- 70 367-00 VII 91- 70 716-15 X/3 91-700 680-15 VIIl/2 93-102 33541 IV/2
91- 70 131-91 VIIl/2 91- 70 368-05 VII 91- 70 717-91 XIl/2 91-700 680-15 XIIl/2 93-290 352-15 III/I
91- 70 133-35 XIV/1 91- 70 378-05 XI 91- 71 53745 IV/1 91-700 689-15 III/2 97-30 179-995 XIV/1
91- 70 13^1 IX 91-170 395-11 XI 91- 00 087-15 III/1 91-700 689-15 VIIl/2 99-009 396-41 V

91- 70 138-15 IX 91-170 396-15 XI 91- 00 09^25 I 91-700 739-15 XI 99-096 062-91 XIV/4
91- 70 ^h9-05 XIV/1 91-170 397-15 XI 91- 00 09't-25 Vl/2 91-700 785-15 III/I 99-096 130-91 XIV/4
91- 70 152-05 IX 91-170 'f08-15 IX 91- 00 09'«-25 VII 91-700 783-15 IV/1 99-097 067-01 XIV/4
91-•170 153-0^ IX 91-170 626-91 III/1 91- 09W25 IX 91-700 785-15 Vl/2 99-097 105-91 XIV/4

118 + = Teile friiherer Ausfiihrungen/Parts of Previous Machines/Pieces des anciens modeles/Tipos de piezas anteriores
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 5463

Nummern-Verzeichnis / Tableau des num^ros / Numerical index / Lista de ndmeros

Nr./nO/No. Fig, Nr./n®/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.

99-097 940-91 XIV/4 99-115 27W1 XIV/4

99-098 066-91 XIV/4 99-115 279-91 XIV/4
99-098 519-91 XIV/4 99-129 134-93 XI

99-098 520-91 XIV/4 99-129 135-93 XI

99-098 576-91 XIV/4 99-129 547-93 VII

99-098 951^1 XIV/4 99-129 547-93 X/l

99-099 537-91 XIV/4 99-129 547-93 XIV/l
99-099 543-91 XIv/4 99-129 591-93 IV/2
99-099 545-05 XIV/4 99-129 60143 IX

99-099 596-91 XIV/4

99-099 597-91 XIV/4
99-099 618-91 XIV/2
99-099 729-91 XIV/2

99-099 828-91 XIV/2

99-099 922-25 XIV/2

99-115 034-15 IV/2
99-115 034-15 Vl/1

99-115 034-15 X/3

99-115 03645 IV/2

99-115 03645 Vl/1

99-115 03645 X/3

99-115 03745 IV/2

99-115 03745 Vl/1

99-115 03745 X/3

99-115 053-91 XIV/4

99-115 054-91 XIV/4

99-115 075-91 XIV/3

99-115 082-91 XIV/2

99-115 167-05 XIV/2

99-115 183-05 XIV/2

99-115 187-21 IV/2

99-115 274-91 XIV/4

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

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