Pfaff 545

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Spare Parts Catalogue

Pfaff 545


«o. 296-12-12 989 HO 1169 engl. Printed In Germany

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

All component parts ore grouped together as they are arranged in the
sewing machine.

All underlined part numbers signify assemblies which are made up of

several component parts.

Part number changes will be published on correction sheets and disse

minated with our circulars.

Subject to alterations in design,

November 1969




From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Pfgff 545 H2-6

Single-needle, flat-bed sewing machine fitted with unison feed

1/1; 1/2 Front Parts 5

11/1; 11/2 Arm Parts 13

111/1 Bedplate Parts 21

111/2 Bedplate Parts

Safety Clutch 25

IV/1; IV/2 Accessory Parts 29

V/1; V/2 Complementary Parts

Pfaff 545 HI-6; 545 H3-6; 545 H4-6 35

VI Complementary Parts
Pfaff 545-6 N8; 545-6 NIO 41

Feed Regulator Components of

the Pfaff 545 for Stitch
Lengths from 4,5 to 10,0 mm (5 1/2 to 2 1/2 s.p.i.) 45

Component Parts for the Pfaff 545 in /V\odels B; C; D

and HI; H2; H3; H4 46

Numerical Index 47

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Front Parts

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
1/1 Pfaff 545 H2-6

91-010 756-91 91-010 104-05

91-000 073-15
91-010 64641 0-91-100 271-15
wm% 91-007 687-05-7^V-ii_i78 i56_i5
't:f^9l-013 10245 91-000 O72-I5-5M
91-010 636-45

91-010 8I74I
91^10 821—35 ni—fim oin_7c 41-013 106-45
91-010 9M1174M5- ^5^00 M1-35
^ 91-000 089-25^^5^'^''^^ "•
91-025 637-15 91-010 820-45 ;
-91-011 738-05
41-000 073-15
12-515 250-05 91-011 732-05"
CJ> 41-011 734-05

91-019 657-05
91-000 278-15 A 91-000 048-15
41-000 073-15

t 14-650 104-05
91-019 656-05
91-000 062-15
91-010 009-05 -91-710 650-92
12-515 250-05
91-108 001-91- j^li-174 086-15
-91-000 085-35
91-019 651-92
91-008 021-11

91-000 237-25
91-000 510-15
91-000 645-05
Og^ 91-055 203-91

91-011 739-92 91-001 758-05 91-000 086-15

91-050 339-12 ,.^1
91-000 245-15
91-OOg,^ 5-91-055 204-15
91-010 734-15 91^00 034-15
91-055 205-05
91-040 475-04

91-003 ioo-05lieK.ii^ 91-000 152-15 91-000 152-15

11-108 225-15 ^ 91-011 727-05 ^ 11-108 225-15
1^4-00 8-0-6
91-000 568-15 91-010 360-05 91-010 ^91-011 752-92
91-010 731-15- -91-010 728-15
91-011 729-92 91-011 778-05/iA/^91-001 600-35
91-000 697-05
91-010 732-05 91-000 083-15' 91-029 535-15
91-010 729-05
9V011 730-45 91-011 725-45 91-011 724-92

91-010 730-15 91-108 52741 91-000 510-15

9I-OOO 083-15
91-010 752-15 91-011 73145

91-000 019-15 91-063 019-05

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 1/1

11-108 225-15 Binding screw (A M5x10 DIN 8A-8G; 91-010 6A6-9I Presser bar guide block bracket, compl.,
overall length = 13.5 mm) consisting of Nos.91-000 ^01-35;
for Nos.91-011 729-92; 91-011 752-92 91-010 63645; 91-011 7^*6-05
Old version = binding screw
No.91-000 560-15 9I-OIO 728-15 Pressure spring receptacle
(7/32"xA0; overall length = H.5 mm) for No.91-010 731-15
9I-OIO 729-05 Tension release plunger
11-1?^ 086-15 Needle set screw CM 3xA DIN 920-5S)
9I-OIO 73O-I5 Tension release lever
11-178 166-15 End screw (M Ax5 DIN 921-5S)
for No.91-007 687-05 9I-OIO 73I-I5 Lifting bracket guide for N0.9I-OIO 729-05
12-515 250-05 Circlip (12 DIN 90A5) 91-010 732-05 Plunger for No.91-003 100-05
for No.91-019 656-05
9I-OIO 73^15 Presser bar lifter (Model B)
1A-650 10A-05 Ball (1/16" IV DIN 5^) N0.9I-OIO 888-I5 Presser bar lifter
for No.91-019 657-05 (Model C), not ill.
9I-OOO OI9-I5 Hinge screw for No.91-010 730-15
91-010 752-15 Stop for No.91-010 730-15
9I-OOO O5M5 Fastening screw for
lifting presser foot 9I-OIO 756-91 Face plate (for leather), compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-000 089-25;
9I-OOO 0^(8-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 009-05 91-010 8I7-9I; 91-013 10245;
91-025 637-15
9I-OOO O62-I5 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OIO 009-05
9I-OIO 8I7-9I Thread lubricator (for leather), compl.,
9I-OOO O72-I5 Fastening screw for No,91-010 6^16-^1 consisting of Nos,91-010 819-35;
9I-OOO O73-I5 Fastening screw for Nos.91-011 738-05; 91-010 8204 5; 91-010 821-35;
91-015 102-45 91-010 822-05

9I-OOO 083-15 End screw for Nos.91-011 725-45; 91-010 819-35 Oil pad holder
91-011 730-A5 91-010 82045 Oil pad
9I-OOO 085-35 Fastening screw for 91-010 821-35 Hinge for No,91-010 817-91
vibrating presser foot 91-010 822-05 Hinge pin for N0.9I-OIO 821-35
9I-OOO O86-I5 Fastening screw for No.91-055 20M5 9I-OII 724-92 Lifting eccentric, w/
set screw No.91-000 510-15
91-000 089-25 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OIO 817-^1
9I-OII 72545 Lifting eccentric connection
9I-OOO I52-I5 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OIO 360-05
9I-OII 727-05 Lifting rock shaft
9I-OOO 237-25 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OO8 021-11
9I-OII 729-92 Lifting rock shaft crank, front, w/
91-000 2it3-15 Binding screw for No.91-050 339-12 binding screw No.11-108 225-15
9I-OOO 278-I5 Fastening screw for No,91-019 656-O5 9I-OII 73045 Lifting bell crank link
9I-OOO A01-35 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OII 7't6-05 91-011 731-05 Lifting bell crank for N0.9I-OII 732-05
9I-OOO A69-I5 Hinge screw for presser bar lifter 91-011 732-05 Connecting link for N0.9I-IO8 001-91
9I-OOO 5IO-I5 Fastening screw for Nos.91-011 72^2; 91-011 734-05 Hinge stud for No,91-108 001-91
91-011 739-92
91-011 738-05 Position bracket for No.91-013 10645
9I-OOO 568-I5 Fastening screw for Nos.91-010 728-15;
91-010 731-15 9I-OII 739-92 Presser bar lifting bracket, w/
set screw No.91-000 510-15
91-000 6A5-05 Guide screw for No.91-011 739-92
91-011 7'f6-05 Guide block for N0.9I-OIO 63645
91-000 697-05 Hinge bolt for N0.9I-OII 725-45 9I-OII 752-92 Lifting rock shaft crank, rear,
91-001 600-35 Nut for No.91-000 697-05 adjustable, w/ binding screw
No.11-108 225-15
91-001 758-05 Roller for No.91-000 6A5-05
91-003 100-05 ^rVssureVp'rTng"" for fe^Vl-OlO 728-15^ijV,\j
91-011 778-05 Washer for No.91-000 697-05

Hinge stud for needle bar frame ^ 91-013 10245 Face plate
91-007 687-05
(2nd version) 9I-OI3 10645 Needle bar frame
91-008 021-11 Lifting bracket link for N0.9I-OII 759-92 9I-OI9 651-92 Presser bar, w/ set screw
No.91-000 03W5
91-010 009-05 Position bracket for No.91-013 10645
91-010 104-05 Hinge stud for needle bar frame 9I-OI9 656-05 Presser bar bushing
(1st version) 9I-OI9 657-05 Ball retainer ring for No,91-0l9 656-05
91-010 360-05 Bearing bushing for No.91-011 727-05 91-025 637-15 Leaf spring for N0.9I-OIO 817-91
91-010 63645 Presser bar guide block bracket 91-029 535-15 Washer for No.91-001 600-35

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
1/1 Pfaff 545 H2-6

91-0^0 '>7^-95 X Model

Vibrating presser foot, w/
set screw No.91-000 085-35, (SubcI.-6/01)
No.91-0^3 526-93 x Model
Vibrating presser foot, w/
set screw No.91-000 085-35,
(Subcl.-6M), not ill.
No.9'^-0^6 5^6-93 x Model
Vibrating presser foot, w/
set screw No.91-000 085-35,
(Subcl.-6/06), not ill.
No.91-0^6 623-93 x Model
Vibrating presser foot, w/
set screw No.91-000 085-35,
(Subcl.-6/05), not ill.
No.91-0^6 984-93 x Model
Vibrating presser foot, w/
set screw No.91-000 08^35,
(Subcl.-6/07), not ill.
No.91-0^6 985-93 x Model
Vibrating presser foot, w/
set screw No.91-000 085-35,
(Subcl.-6/08), not ill.
No.91-0'»9 059-93 x Model
Vibrating presser foot, w/
set screw No.91-000 085-35,
(Subcl.-6/02), not ill.
91-O'tO ^175-0^ X Model
Lifting presser foot (Subcl.-6/01 and -6/02)
No.91-0't3 527-0^ x Model
Lifting presser foot
(Subcl.-6/O^), not ill.
No.91-0^6 630-0'i x Model
Lifting presser foot
(Subcl.-6/05), not ill.
No.91-O't6 Sjl-O't X Model
Lifting presser foot
(Subcl.-6/06), not ill.
No.9l-0'»6 926-0't X Model
Lifting presser foot
(Subcl.-6/05), not ill.
No.91-0'»6 986-0'f x Model
Lifting presser foot
(Subcl.-6/07), not ill.
No.91-0'»6 987-0^1 x Model
Lifting presser foot
(Subcl.-6/08), not ill.
9I-O5O 339-12 Finger guard bracket, w/
binding screw No.91-000 2^3-15
9I-O55 203-91 Finger guard, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-^00 086-15; 91-050 339-12;
91-055 20W5; 91-055 205-05
91-055 20'»-15 Finger guard holder
91-055 205-05 Finger guard
91-065 019-05 Oil wick, ^5 mm long,for No.91-108 527-91
91-100 271-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-007 687-05; 91-010 IO't-05
91-108 001-91 Vibrating presser bar
91-108 527-^1 Oil cup, w/ oil wick No.91-063 019-05,
for No.91-011 72'»-92
91-710 650-92 Needle bar, w/
needle set screw No.11-17'» 086-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Front Parts

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
1/2 Pfaff 545 H2-6

91-015 870-91
91-009 590-55
91-000 150-15^. \

^91-008 008-05 \m
91-00l^ 551-25
\9l-OO6 785-05
91-000 '♦86-25 J
^-91-008 011-05
91-008 009-05 j^\9l-009 H8-O5

91-008 007-05
91-009 't89-05

91-019 676-05

91-010 705-92 91^00 2^5-15

9I-OO8 06'h^35
3>^=ND^91-010 027-35
•^91-000 082-15 _^0^91-010 028-35
-91-113 030-35=

^91-000 172-35 91-000 172-55

1^ 91-009 528-91

, 91^0
gi-oCt 006-05
L / •^i-oo'f 005-05
I] // . J 91-010 116-05
fl ' ^4^91-000 259-15
^^•^91-010 11^5
91-010 185-05
^J 91-^00 666-05 91-006 505-05
91-010107-05—^. 91-010181-15

91-010 107-05

91-009 391-31
^ h "-^-gl-OOl 522-35
91-000 52W5^
91-010 02^05-"^^ rf j®
91-010 026-31
-91-119 025-35
91-001 522-35 -

91-000 082-35

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 (/2

91-000 082-15 Fastening screw for No.91-008 064-05 9I-OO9 391-31 Tension bracket
91-000 082-35 Fastening screw for No.91-119 025-35
91-000 150-15 Fastening screw for No,91-008 008-05 91-009 489-05 Needle bar connecting link
91-000 172-35 Fastening screw for Nos,91-010 027-35;
91-010 028-35; 91-113 030-35 91-010 023-05 Thread check spring (Model B)
No,9l-010 937-05 Thread check spring
91-000 239-15 Fastening screw for No,91-010 115-05 (Model C), not ill.
91-000 243-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-000 524-15;
91-010 705-92 91-010 026-31 Thread controller disc
91-000 366-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 186-15
91-000 412-35 Fastening screw for Nos.91-009 328-91; 91-010 027-35 Thread guide, rear section
91-009 652-91
91-000 486-25 Fastening screw for No.91-009 390-35 91-010 028-35 Thread guide, front section

91-000-52M5- -Tension stud for No,91-010 026-31

91-010 107-05 Position pin for Nos,91-006 505-05;
91-000 666-05 Tension stud 91-010 026-31
91-001 522-35 Nut for Nos.91-000 524-15;
91-000 666-05 91-010 115-05 Thread retainer stud
91-OO^t 005-05 Thread retainer sleeve
91-010 116-05 Thread retainer stud collar
91-OO^t 00M)5 Pressure spring for No.91-004 005-05
91-OOit 531-25 Washer for No,91-000 486-25
91-010 181-15 Tension release washer
91-006 505-05 Tension disc

91-006 783-05 Oil wick, 100 mm long, 91-010 183-05 Tension spring (Model B)
for No,91-008 008-05 No,91-010 184-05 Tension spring
(Model C), not ill.
91-008 007-05 Take-up lever (Model B)
No,91-010 942-05 Take-up lever 91-010 185-05 Tension release pin
(Model C), not ill.

91-008 008-05 Take-up lever hinge stud

91-010 186-15 Tension release plate

91-008 009-05 Driving stud (Model B) 91-010 703-92 Needle bar connecting stud, w/
No,91-015 527-05 Driving stud binding screw No.91-000 243-15
(Model C), not ill.
91-008 011-05 Hinge stud for No,91-009 489-05 91-013 139-05 Tension release plunger

91-008 064-05 Take-up lever oil pad

91-015 870-91 Take-up lever (Model B), compl.,
91-009 148-05 Oil wick, 60 mm long, consisting of Nos.91-008 007-05;
for No,91-008 011-05 91-008 008-05; 91-008 009-05;
91-008 011-05; 91-009 489-05;
9I-OO9 328-91 Thread tension (Model B), compl,, 91-010 703-92
consisting of Nos.91-000 239-15; No.91-010 668-91 Take-up lever (Model C),
91-000 36M5; 91-000 666-05: not ill.
91-001 522-35; 91-004 005^5 Same component parts
91-004 00^5; 91-006 505-05 as No.91-015 870-91,
91-009 391-31; 91-010 107-05 but incorporating
91-010 115-05; 91-010 116-05 No.91-010 942-05
91-010 181-15; 91-010 183-05 take-up lever and
9H310 185-05; 91-010 186-15: No.91-015 527-05
91-105 447-15 driving stud
Nq.91-009 652-91 Thread tension,
compl., (Model C),
not ill.
91-019 6?6-05 Oil wick, 20 mm long,
for No.91-008 009-05
Same component parts
as No.91-009 328-91,
but incorporating 91-105 447-15 Tension spring washer
tension spring
No.91-010 184-05
91-113 030-35 Thread guide, upper

9I-OO9 390-35 Take-up lever guard

91-119 025-35 Stop for No.91-010 023-05

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
11/1 Pfaff 545 H2-6

-91-018 358-^5
91-018 359-'»5
r-jr'"'^91-009 H8-05 -91-067 020-05

91^00 ^156-15 fiS^91-067 020-05

91-000 680-15
91-000 i,05_i5U9l-00£ 150-15 91-000 150-15 91-018 hS^HO
91-008 00^5
91-000 885-15tSi >91-008 003-05 91-009 621-92
91-000 323-15
91-010 59^5-^,
91-000 510-15-
91^)18 i,15^2' 91-010 002-05 ""T^OI-OOO 152-15
91-010 I9S-O5 9I-OO8 OOV-05 9I-OOO 689- 91-000 680-15
91-000 511-15
(lB-91-000 150-15
9I-OO8 280-91
91-019 676-05 91-000 510-15 91-010 017-05
ff 91-000 06M5
91-009 635-92
91-009 810-91 91-009 636-91
9I-OO8 281-91 -91-010 01^5
91-000 150-15 91-000 152-15
91-009 636-91^ 91-000 510-15
91-009 60V-05
91-000 064-15 dr91-000150-15
91-009 646-92
4 91-000 687-15-^ 606-05
91-000 715-35
91-000 059-35
91-011 455-05
91-009 618-05'
8-05 /
91-009 648-35
91-010 59^5-^ 91-009 612-15 91-000 672-15
91-009 602-05- 91-010 127-^91
91-001 593-35/
91-000 687-15'
91-009 617-05' y ^ ©
91^06 759-05
91-006 759-05
91-006 783-05 91-009 610-35
91-009 609-05
91-060 687-15 ^91-009 603-45
91-009 605-05
91-000 070-15

91-009 388-92 91-000 321-15

'91-009 616-05
91-009 62't-05 91-005 604-05

91-000 522-15
91-001 512-15

91-010 022-05
91-100 044-15

91-000 406-15-^
ISBK-91-000 660-15 91-006 155-15-^
91-000 363-15
91-002 504-45
91-000 089-25 f 91-009 333-15
ols 91-009 302-45
-^91-010 755-35

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 11/1

91-000 059-35 Fastening screw for No,91-009 603-45 9I-OO8 004-05 Arm shaft bushing, center
91-000 O6M5 Fastening screw for No,91-009 636-91 9I-OO8 005-05 Arm shaft bushing, rear
9I-OOO O7O-I5 Fastening screw for No,91-010 127-91 9I-OO8 280-91 Feed driving eccentric sleeve
91-000 089-25 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OIO 75W5 (6.0 mm stitch length), compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-009 633-92;
9I-OOO I5O-I5 Fastening screw for Nos,9l-008 003-05; 91-009 636-91
91-008 00M)5; 91-010 017-05;
9I-OII '»55-05 and end screw 9I-OO8 281-91 Feed driving eccentric sleeve
(old version) for No,91-009 605-05 (4.5 mm stitch length), compl.,
Remarks: End screw No.91-000 150-15 consisting of Nos.91-009 636-91;
cannot be replaced by the 91-009 646-92
new plug N0.9I-OIO 596-05
9I-OO9 148-05 Oil wick, 60 mm long,
9I-OOO I52-I5 Fastening screw for Nos,91-009 604-05; for N0.9I-OI8 358-45
91-009 621-92
9I-OOO 32I-I5 Fastening screw, pointed, 9I-OO9 302-45 Top cover
for balance wheel 9I-OO9 333-15 Spring washer for No.91-009 302-45
91-000 325-15 End screw for N0.9I-OIO 002-05
9I-OO9 388-92 Balance wheel (Model 8), w/
9I-OOO 363-15 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OO9 302-45 set screw Nos.91-000 321-15;
91-100 044-15
9I-OOO 405-15 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OI8 415-92
N0.9I-OO9 389-92 Balance wheel (Model C)
9I-OOO 406-I5 Fastening screw for No,91-002 504-45 w/ set screw
9I-OOO 456-15 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OI8 415-92 Nos.91-000 321-15;
91-100 044-15, not ill.
9I-OOO 5IO-I5 Fastening screw for Nos.91-008 011-05
(see Section l/2); 91-009 633-92; 9I-OO9 602-05 Feed regulator
91-009 646-92
9I-OOO 5II-I5 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OO8 011-05 9I-OO9 603-45 Feed regulator bearing bracket
(see Section l/2)
9I-OO9 604-05 Feed regulator bearing bracket bushing
91-000 522-15 Hinge screw for No.91-009 616-05 for No.91-009 603-45
9I-OOO 66O-I5 Spring suspension screw
for N0.9I-CO9 624-05 9I-OO9 605-05 Feed regulator stud
91-000 672-15 End screw for N0.9I-OOI 593-35 9I-OO9 6O6-O5 Feed regulator lever stud
9I-OOO 68O-I5 Fastening screw, pointed,
for N0.9I-OI8 460-90
9I-OO9 609-05 Retaining spring
9I-OOO 687-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-009 605-05; 9I-OO9 610-35 Feed regulator knob
91-009 606-05; 91-009 618-05
9I-OOO 689-15 Fastening screw, blunt, 9I-OO9 612-15 Feed regulator lever stud guide
for N0.9I-OI8 460-90
9I-OO9 616-05 Feed driving connection
9I-OOO 715-35 Fastening screw for No.91-009 648-35
9I-OO9 617-05 Feed regulator hinge stud
9I-OOO 885-15 End screw (old version)
for N0.9I-OIO 002-05 91-009 618-05 Hinge stud for No.91-009 61&-05
Remarks: End screw No.91-000 885-15
cannot be replaced by the 91-009 621-02 Collar, w/
new plug No.91-010 596-05 set screw No.91-000 152-15,
for No.91-010 127-91
91-001 512-15 Nut for No.91-000 522-15
9I-OO9 624-05 Tension spring
91-001 595-35 Nut for N0.9I-OO9 610-35
9I-OO2 504-45 Arm cover, rear, (Model 8) 9I-OO9 633-92 Feed driving eccentric
(6.0 mm stitch length), w/
9I-CO5 604-05 Oil tube, 48 mm long, set screw N0.9I-OOO 510-15
for No.91-010 016^5

91-006 155-15 Spring washer for No.91-000 406-15 9I-OO9 636-91 Feed driving eccentric sleeve,
w/ set screw N0.9I-OOO 064-15
91-006 759-05 Washer for No.91-009 609-05

9I-OO6 783-05 Oil wick, 100 mm long, 9I-OO9 646-92 Feed driving eccentric,
for No.91-009 605-05
(4.5 mm stitch length), w/
9I-OO8 003-05 Arm shaft bushing, front set screw No.91-000 510-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
II/I Pfaff 545 H2-6

9I-OO9 6't8-35 Teed regulator index plate

9I-OO9 8IO-9I feed regulator
mm stitch length), compL,
consisting of Nos.91-000 152-15; 91-000 672-15;
91-000 687-15; 91-000 715-35; 91-001 593-35;
91-006 759-05; 91-008 281-91; 91-009 602-05
91-009 603-^5; 91-009 60't-05; 91-009 605-05
91-009 60M)5; 91-009 609-05 ; 91-009 610-35
91-009 612-15; 91-009 616-05; 91-009 617-05;
91-009 618-05; 91-009 6't8-35
No,91-009 36I-91 Feed regulator
(6.0 mm stitch length), compl.,
not ill.
Same component parts as
N0.9I-OO9 8IO-9I,
but incorporating
feed driving eccentric sleeve
N0.9I-OO8 280-91
9I-OIO 002-05 Arm shaft
91-010 016-05 Vertical shaft
9I-OIO OI7-O5 Vertical shaft bushing, upper
9I-OIO 022-05 Oil tube, 56 mm long,
for N0.9I-OIO OA't-05 (see Section IIl/l)
9I-OIO 127-91 Bevel gear case, w/
set screw No.91-^00 070-15
9I-OIO 196-05 Friction washer for N0.9I-OO8 003-05
91-010 596-05 Plug for Nos.91-009 605-05;
91-010 002-05
9I-OIO 755-35 Arm cover, front
9I-OII A55-O5 Vertical shaft bushing, lower
91-018 358-A5 Oil cup for N0.9I-OO8 003-05
9I-OI8 359-A5 Oil cup for N0.9I-OO8 OOA-05
9I-OI8 AI5-92 Needle bar crank, w/
set screw Nos.9lA)00 A05-15; 91-000 510-15;
91-000 511-15
9I-OI8 A6O-9O Bevel gear assembly, w/
N0.9I-OOO 68O-I5 Set screw, pointed
N0.9I-OOO 689-15 Set screw, blunt
91-019 676-05 Oil wick, 20 mm long, for No.91-009 636-91
91-067 020-05 Oil pad for Nos.91-008 003-05; 91-008 005-05
9I-IOO 0AA-I5 Fastening screw, blunt, for balance wheel

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfoff 545 H2-6

91^015 659-92

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 11/2

11-108 250-15 Stop screw (A M5x30 DIN 8A-8G) 91-012 '»07-15 Washer for N0.9I-OO9 938-15
for N0.9I-OH 675-45

9I-OIA 675-45 Connecting lever for N0.9I-OI7 530-91

11-108 288-15 Binding screw (A M6x12 DIN 8V-8G;'
overall length = I5.9 mm)
for N0.9I-OI5 659-92 Old version = 91-OH 709-05 Slide block for N0.9I-OH 710-01
binding screw N0.9I-COO 050-15
(17/6V'x26; overall length = 23 mm) 9I-OH 7IO-OI Needle bar frame shaft, w/
No.15-065 I99-O5 Positioning pin
12-02A 171-15 Nut (M 5 DIN 93'»-8G) N0.9I-OIA 709-05 Slide block
for No.11-108 250-15
91-OH 786-15 Torsion spring for N0.9I-OH 67545
12-110 211-15 Jam nut (M 8 DIN A67-5S)
for No.91-019 66A-I5 9I-OI5 659-92 Needle bar frame shaft crank, rear, w/
binding screw N0.11-108 288-15
12-6A2 170-'<5 Slip washer (5x0.6)
for No.91-010 20A-I5 91-015 673-21 Chain for N0.9I-OIA 67545

15-O65 I99-O5 Positioning pin (3x16 DIN 1A73) 9I-OI7 53O-9I Ball joint connection for
for N0.9I-OU 710-01 for No.91-019 677-91

91-000 029-15 Hinge screw for No.91-025 165-45 9I-OI9 660-15 Leaf spring bracket

9I-OOO O6A-I5 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OIO 617-45 9I-OI9 661-15 Presser bar leaf spring, upper

91-000 263-15 Hinge screw for N0.9I-OI7 530-91 9I-OI9 662-15 Presser bar leaf spring, lower

9I-OOO 367-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-009 938-15; 9I-OI9 66545 Leaf spring guide bracket
91-030 2A6-I5
91-019 66A-I5 Stud, threaded, for No.91-019 665-15
9I-OOO 386-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 733-'»5
9I-OI9 665-15 Pressure regulating thumb nut
91-000 7M-I5 Hinge screw for No.91-010 013-05
9I-OI9 677-91 Lifting lever link assembly, (Model C)
91-001 515-15 Nut for No.91-010 2OA-I5 compl.,
consisting of Nos.11-108 250-15;
12-02^ 171-15; 91-000 263-15;
91-002 536-15 Washer for No.91-025 16A-05 91-000 367-15; 91-010 61745;
91-OH 67545; 91-04 786-15;
91-009 938-15 Hinge stud for N0.9I-OIO 6O6-A5 91-017 550-91; 91-030 2'»6-15

9I-OIO OI5-O5 Needle bar frame shaft connection 91-025 16M)5 Pressure spring (Model B)
for No.91-010 20^5
9I-OIO 067-05 Needle bar frame shaft bushing
91-025 16^5 Lifting lever connecting rod joint
(Model B) for No.91-010 20A-15
9I-OIO 2OA-I5 Lifting lever connecting rod (Model B)
91-030 2A6-I5 Hinge stud for No.91-04 67545
9I-OIO 606-45 Lifting lever

9I-OIO 617-45 Arm cover, rear

9I-OIO 735-45 Lifting lever lifting bracket

9I-OII 785-91 Needle bar frame shaft connection, compl.,

consisting of Nos.91-000 7'»1-15;
91-010 015-05; 91-015 659-02 91-013 10945 Arm (not ill.)

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Bedplate Parts

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
111/1 Pfaff 545 H2-6

91-009 1^9-05 91-009 H9-05

91-000 290-15 iviOS 225-15

91-009 359-91 91-000 783-15
13-065 259-05 91^04 18045

91-015 66M)5 91-015 66it-05

91-010 120-92 91-000 503^15
91-000 809-15
91-001 555-15 91-005 673-05 gUlO 70M5
91-009 '♦32-90
91-000 150-15 ' 91-000 150-15 91-000 680-15
91-010 060-05
91-019 855-12 91-019 855-12 91-000 689-15
91-018 357-45

91-010 561-05 91-000 62't-15 91-010 04-05 91-000 680-15

91-000 62WI5
91-000 290-15 91-000 785-15
91-000 783-15
91-010 211-05 91-010 H6-92

91-010 221-05 91-010 212-45 91-010 221-05
11-108 177-15

9I-OI8 3'tO^I 91-010 121-91

91-000 525-15

91-000 058-15
91-018 34-91
91-018 401-91
91-000 390-15
91-000 699-15
*-91-000 928-15 9I-OI8 40405
91-018 600-01
9I-OI8 349-05 91-018 350-05
91-010 05M)5

91-018 40S-01
91-018 346-01 ei-o>a3Ki-^l 91-018 403-01
91-018 402-45 91-000 790-15
91-018 477-90 9\ ^0'
91-000 505-15
91-000 785-15
91-005 051-15
91-018 439-05

91-010 867-01

91-000 529-15 'j1-018: 342-05 91-000 073-15

91-018 339-05

91-000 070-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 111/1
11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A MAx10 DII^ 8A-8G; 9I-OO9 A32-90 Bevel gear assembly, w/
overall length = 12.8 mm) No.91-000 680-15 Set screw, pointed
for No.91-010 No.91-000 689-15 Set screw, blunt
Old version = binding screw
^o.91-000 068-15 91-010 OAA-O5 Hook drive shaft bushing, rear
(ll/6V'x30; overall length = 18.0 mm)
91-010 O56-O5 Bobbin case lever slide
11-108 225-15 Binding screw (A M5x10 DIfi 8A-8G; for No.91-018 905-01
overall length = 15.5 mm) 91-010 066-05 Feed bar
for No.91-010 126-92
Old version = binding screw 91-010 121-91 Bevel gear case, w/
No.91-000 560-15 set screw No.9l/)00 058-15,
(7/32"x^0; overall length = 1'».5 mm) for No.91-009 932-90

13-065 259-05 Positioning pin (Ax20 DIN 1'»73) 91-010 126-92 Feed lifting shaft crank, w/
for No.91-010 70M5 binding screw No.11-108 ^5-15
91-000 058-15 Fastening screw for ).91-010 121-91
91-010 196-92 Feed rock shaft crank, w/
binding screw No.11-108 177-15
91-000 070-15 Fastening screw for d.91-010 867-91
91-000 073-15 Fastening screw for 3.91-010 867-91 91-010 211-05 Feed bar hinge stud
91-010 212-95 Feed rock shaft
91-000 150-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-010 OAA-05;
91-010 361-05 91-010 221-05 Center stud for No.91-010 212-Jt5
91-010 361-05 Hook drive shaft bushing, front
91-000 290-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-010 221-05;
91-015 66A-05
91-010 709-15 Clamping bracket for No.91-009 186-95
91-010 867-91 Bevel gear case, w/
91-000 390-15 Fastening screw for No.91-018 350-05 set screw No.91-k)00 070-15,
91-000 505-15 Hinge screw for No.91-005 675-05 for N0.9I-OI8 977-90

91-000 505-15 fastening screw for hook saddle 91-015 669-05 Center stud for No.91-009 186-95
91-018 339-05 Bobbin
91-000 525-15 Fastening screw for hook
91-000 529-15 Fastening screw for hook gib 91-018 390-91 Hook, w/ bobbin case, compl.,
consisting of Nos.9l/)18 391-91;
91-000 62'»-15 Fastening screw for No.91-019 853-12 91-018 396-01; 91-018 398-91
91-000 680-15 Fastening screw, pointed, 91-018 391-91 Hook, compl.,
for No.91-009 ^32-90 consisting of Nos.91-000 529-15;
91-018 392-05; 91-018 399-05;
91-000 689-15 Fastening screw, blunt, 91-018 939-05
for No.91-009 ^32-90
91-018 392-05 Hook
91-000 699-15 Fastening screw for No.91-018 600-01 91-018 399-05 Hook washer
91-000 783-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-010 221-05; 91-018 396-01 Bobbin case base
91-015 66M}5
91-018 398-91 Bobbin case cap, compl.,
91-000 785-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-010 211-05; consisting of Nos.91-000 390-15;
91-018 it77-90 91-000 928-15; 91-018 399-05;
91-018 350-05
91-000 790-15 Fastening screw for No.91-018 ^77-90
91-000 809-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 70M5 91-018 399-O5 Bobbin case cap

91-000 928-15 Regulating screw for No.91-018 350-05 91-018 350-05 Bobbin case tension spring

91-001 536-15 Nut for No.91-000 503-15

91-018 357-95 Oil sleeve for No.91-010 361-05

91-OOA 186-ft5 Feed lifting shaft 91-018 901-91 Hook saddle, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-000 699-15;
91-005 051-15 Washer for No.91-000 505-15 91-018 902-95; 91-018 909-05;
91-018 906-01; 91-018 977-90;
91-005 673-05 hide block for No.91-010 126-92
91-018 600-01
91-009 IA9-O5 Oil wick, 150 mm long,
for N0.9I-OOA 186-A5; 91-010 212-A5 91-018 902-45 Hook saddle
91-009 3't7-05 Hook drive shaft 91-018 903-01 Bobbin case lever fulcrum
91-018 909-05 Bobbin case lever
91-009 359-91 Feed lifting shaft crank, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-000 503-15; 91-018 906-01 Hook shaft
91-001 536-15; 91-005 673-05;
91-010 126-92 91-018 939-05 Hook gib


From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Ill/l Pfaff 545 H2-6

91-018 ^77-90 Bevel gear assembly, w/

set screw Nos.91-000 785-15; 91-000 790-15

91-018 600-01 Bobbin case lever fulcrum, compl,,

consisting of Nos.91-010 056-05;
91-018 't03-01

91-019 85>-12 Set collar, w/

set screw N0.9I-OOO 62't-l5,
for No. 91-009 3't7-05

91-009 33545 Bedplate (not ill.)

11-130 ^>52-15 Fastening screw (M 10x25 DIN 912-8G),
not ill., for No.91-009 33545

II-I33 ^51-15 Fastening screw (M 10x25, 6.5 mm high)

not ill., for N0.9I-OO9 33545
I3-O6O 'tOO-05 Positioning pin (6x32 DIN 471),
not ill., for No.91-009 33545

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Bedplate Parts
Safety Clutch

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6

91-026 yife-oif
91-009 308-35 91-010 061-34
91-000 ^22-35
91-010 100-05

91-010 099-05

91-027 362-91
91-026 745-04
• > M 91-000 082-15

91-000 407-15
91-000 078-15 13-052 256-05
91-026 830-15

91-070 171-90

91-009 351-91

91-009 338-92 9i_ooo 689-15 91-000 225-15

91-000 225-15 9I-OO9 339-I5 91-009 343-05 9I-OO9 341-05
12-640 150-55 ^ ^"'"00^42-05 9I-OI2 O72-O5 ^
91-000 680-15 ^ Q1-00Q 344-OS ^ ^
\ 91-000 689-15 uW, . 91-009 408-05
12-640 130-55 91^00 785-15
91-000 680-15 91-009 337-05 ii

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 111/2

Bedplate Ports

13-052 256-05 Hinge pin (N ^x18) for No.91-027 562-91 91-026 746-04 x Model
91-000 078-15 Fastening screw for No,91-027 362-91 Needle plate (Subcl. -6/01)
No.91-043 525-04 x Model
91-000 082-15 Fastening screw for No.91-026 830-15 Needle plate
91-000 A07-15 Fastening screw for feed dog (Subcl.-6/o4), not ill.
No.91-046 968-04 x Model
91-000 '»22-35 Fastening screw for needle plate Needle plate
91-009 308-55 Bed slide, front (Subcl.-6/05), not ill.
No.91-046 969-04 x Model
91-010 06l-3't X0.8 Bed slide, rear Needle plate
91-010 099-05 Pressure spring for No.91-010 06l-3^ (Subcl.-6/06), not ill.
No.91-046 982-04 x Model
91-010 100-05 Guide pin for No.91-010 099-05 Needle plate
91-026 7'f5-0't X Model (Subcl.-6/07), not ill.
No.91-046 983-04 x Model
Feed dog (Subcl. -6/01)
Needle plate
No.91-O't3 52h-Oh x Model
Feed dog (Subcl.-6/08), not ill.
No.91-048 537-05 x Model
(Subcl. -O/O'f), not ill.
Needle plate
No.91-O't6 966-04 x Model
Feed dog (Subcl.-6/02), not ill.
(Subcl. -6/05), not ill.
No.91-046 967-04 x Model
Feed dog
(Subcl. -6/06), not ill.
No.91-046 980-04 x Model 91-026 830-15 Flat retaining spring
Feed dog for No.91-010 061-34
(Subcl. -6/07), not ill,
No.91-046 981-04 x Model
Feed dog
(Subcl. -6/08), not ill.
No.91-047 181-04 x Model
Feed dog 91-027 362-91 Bell crank bracket, w/
(Subcl. -6/02), not ill. hinge pin No.13-052 256-05, (Model B)

Safety Clutch

12-640 130-55 Slip washer (3.2 OIN 6799) 91-009 341-05 Pressure spring
for No.91-009 342-05
91-009 342-05 Clutch disengaging pin
12-640 150-55 Slip washer (4 OIN 6799) for No.91-009 337-05
for No.91-009 408-05
91-009 343-05 Pressure spring for No.91-009 342-05
91-000 225-15 Fastening screw for No.91-009 408-05
91-009 344-05 Screw cap bushing for No,91-009 343-05
91-000 680-15 Fastening screw, pointed,
for Nos.91-009 337-05; 91-009 338-92 91-009 351-91 Clutch collar, compl.,
consisting of Nos.12-640 130-55;
91-000 689-15 Fastening screw, blunt, 12-640 150-55; 91-000 225-15;
for Nos.91-009 337-05; 91-009 338-92 91-000 680-15; 91-000 689-15;
91-000 785-15; 91-009 337-05;
91-000 785-15 End screw for No,91-009 341-05 91-009 339-15; 91-009 341-05;
91-009 342-05; 91-009 343-05;
91-009 337-05 Clutch collar 91-009 344-05; 91-009 408-05;
91-012 072-05
91-009 338-92 Clutch sleeve, w/ 91-009 408-05 Hinge stud for No.91-009 339-15
No.91-000 680-15 Set screw,
pointed 91-012 072-05 Plunger for No.91-009 339-15
No.91-000 689-15 Set screw,
blunt 91-070 171-90 Safety clutch (Model C), compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-009 338-92;
91-009 339-15 Clutch latch 91-009 351-91

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
IV/I; IV/2

Accessory Parts

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6

91-097 oik-ki

91-029 692-45

91-025 056-92

91-025 170-15
91-029 83M5

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 IV/1

11-460 109-15 Wood screw (3x13 DIN 96-St) 9I-O29 450-35 Hinge stud for Nos.91-032 805-^91;
for No.91-029 587-55 91-032 807-91
11-460 250-25 Wood screw (4.5x25 OIN 96-St)
for No.91-008 244^1 9I-O29 480-91 Screwdriver (4.8 mm wide)
11-460 355-15 Wood screw (5.5x25 DIN 96-St) 9I-O29 587-55 Oil drip pan
for No.91-031 568-91
9I-O29 601-15 Washer for Nos. 11460 250-25;
11-470 358-25 Wood screw (5.5x30 DIN 97-St) 91-029 840-91
for No.91-029 840-91
12-640 170-55 Slip washer (5 DIN 6799) 9I-O29 69245 Rubber pad cover for No.91-025 056^2
for No.91-004 171-15
9I-O29 831-91 Machine rest
12-642 170-45 Slip washer (5x0.6)
for No.93-513 120-91 91-029 83345 Machine cover
15-030 341-05 Fulcrum stud (5h8x40 DIN 7)
for No.91-032 805^1 91-029 840-91 Catch, w/
leather, for No.91-029 841-05
40-754 701-00 Soft brush
91-000 186-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-025 056-92; 9I-O29 841-05 Leather for No.91-029 840-91
91-025 060-92; 91-025 169^2;
91-027 271-92 9I-O29 946-91 Screwdriver (2.8 mm wide)
91-004 170-45 Belt guard
9I-O3I 568-91 Knee lifter, (Model B), compl.,
91-004 171-15 Hinge stud for Nos.91-004 17045; consisting of Nos.91-025 054-55;
91-008 24545 91-025 05^2; 91-025 060-92;
91-004 172-05 Torsion spring for No.91-004 17045 91-025 075-55; 91-025 076-15;
91-025 077-15; 91-025 169-92;
91-004 173-15 Guide stud for No.91-004 17045 91-025 170-15; 91-027 271-92;
91-008 244-91 Belt guard, compl., 93-513 120-91
consisting of Nos.12-640 170-55;
91-004 17045; 91-004 171-15; 9I-O32 805-91 Hinge block, left, compl.,
91-004 172-05; 91-004 173-15; consisting of Nos.13-030 341-05;
91-008 24545 91-032 80645
91-008 24545 Belt guard bracket
91-009 327-35 Thread guide 9I-O32 80645 Hinge block for Nos.91-032 805-91;
91-032 807-91
91-025 054-55 Rook shaft hanger, rear,
for No.91-025 077-15
9I-O32 807-91 Hinge block, right, compl.,
91-025 056-92 Knee plate, w/ • consisting of Nos.91-032 80645;
set screw No.91-000 186-15 91-097 07447; 91-101 775-05
9I-O25 060-92 Rock shaft lifting bracket, w/
set screw No.91-000 186-15 9I-O32 80845 Rubber cushion, 4-mm recess
91-025 075-55 Rock shaft hanger, front,
for No.91-025 077-15 9I-O97 07447 Earth wire for No.91-101 775-05
91-025 076-15 Torsion spring for No.91-025 170-15
91-101 775-05 Fulcrum stud for No.91-032 807-91
91-025 077-15 Knee lifter rock shaft
for No.91-031 568-91
9^102 33541 Box
91-025 169-92 Knee plate arm bracket, w/
set screw No.91-000 186-15
91-025 170-15 Knee plate arm for No.91-025 169-92 93-513 120-91 Lifting bracket extension, compl.,
consisting of Nos. 12-642 17045;
91-027 271-92 Stop dog, w/ set screw 93-513 121-00; 93-513 124-10;
No.91-000 186-15, for No.91-025 077-15 93-513 125-05
91-029 007-91 Screwdriver (6 mm wide)
93-513 121-CO Lifting bracket extension
91-029 293-90 Box, w/
for No.93-513 120-91
No.40-754 701-00 Soft brush
No.91-009 327-35 Thread guide
N0.9I-OI8 339-05 Bobbin (see Section III/I) 93-513 124-10 Roller stud for No.93-513 125-05
N0.9I-O29 480-91 Screwdriver (4.8 mm wide)
N0.9I-O29 946-91 Screwdriver (2.8 mm wide) 93-513 125-05 Roller for No.93-513 12041
9I-O29 394-01 Oiler, empty
99-129 58443 Wrapper, w/ needles. System 134

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6

11-108 Z'jWS

91-129 637-^5

91-129 6^5

91-129 6M5

99-115 03645


0 737-05
99-115 03645
99-080 15

91-005 567-25

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 IV/2

11-108 246-15 Binding screw (A M5x25 DIN 84-8G) 91-041 076-91 Bobbin winder, compl.,
for Nos.91-129 641-92; 91-129 646-92 consisting of Nos.91-000 062-25;
91-000 082-25; 91-000 359-15;
11-460 247-25 Wood screw (4.5x20 DIN 96-St) 91-000 364-25; 91-000 36^25
for No.91-041 085-91 91-005 564-45; 91-005 567-25
91-005 568-25; 91-005 569-25
11-470 768-15 Wood screw (5.5x22 DIN 97-St) 91-041 063-25; 91-046 097-25
for No.91-129 647-45 91-050 855-45; 91-053 332-45

12-024 171-15 Nut (M 5 DIN 934-8) 91-041 085-91 Bobbin winder, table model, compl.,
for No.11-108 246-15 consisting of Nos.91-000 237-25;
91-000 363-25; 91-002 536-15;
12-305 414-15 Washer (A 19 DIN 125-St) 91-040 618-45; 91-040 621-91;
for Nos.91-129 640-90; 91-129 650-90 91-041 076-91
91-046 097-25 Bobbin winder stop latch
12-611 310-45 Circlip (18x1.5 DIN 471)
for No.12-305 414-15 9I-O5O 855-45 Bobbin winder frame base
9I-O53 332-45 Bobbin winder pulley
91-000 062-25 Set screw for No.91-046 097-25
9I-O53 347-21 Bobbin winder tension bracket, w/
91-000 082-25 Fastening screw for No.91-005 567-25 position pin No.91-010 107-05
91-129 637-45 Spool rest rod
91-000 237-25 Fastening screw for No.91-040 621-91
91-129 640^0 Thread unwinder (standard version),
91-000 359-15 Hinge screw for Nos.91-005 564-45; compl.,
91-050 855-45 consisting of Nos.12-305 414-15;
12-611 310-45; 91-129 637-45;
91-000 363-25 Fastening screw for No.91-O4l 076-91 91-129 641-92; 91-129 644-05;
91-129 645-45; 91-129 64M2;
91-000 364-25 Fastening screw for Nos.91-005 568-25; 91-129 649-45; 99-115 034-15;
91-005 569-25 99-115 03645; 99-115 03745
91-129 641-92 Spool rest, w/
91-000 366-25 Connecting screw for Nos.91-005 568-25; No.11-108 246-15 Binding screw
91-005 569-25 No.12-024 171-15 Nut

91-000 737-05 Tension stud

9I-I29 644-05 Spool retaining washer
91-129 64545 Spool disc
91-001 533-25 Nut for No.91-000 737-05
91-129 646-92 Thread guide, w/
91-002 536-15 Washer for No.91-000 237-25
No.11-108 246-15 Binding screw
No.12-024 171-15 Nut
91-005 005-05 Tension disc 9I-I29 64745 Thread unwinder base for No.91-129 660-90

91-005 125-05 Tension spring

91-129 64945 Spool pin washer (foam rubber)
for No.91-129 641-92
91-005 564-45 Bobbin winder frame 91-129 650-90 Thread unwinder (special version), compl.,
Same component parts as No.91-129 640-90,
91-005 567-25 Bobbin winder frame spring but incorporating
N0.9I-I29 63745 Spool rest rod (3x)
91-005 568-25 Bobbin winder stop latch trip lever No.99-080 I5O-9I Gland (for power
for No.91-005 564-45 connection)
No.99-115 03645 Sleeve (4x)
91-005 569-25 Bobbin winder thumb lever
for No.91-005 568-25 91-129 660-90 Thread unwinder (special version),
91-010 107-05 Position pin for No.91-005 005-05
Same component parts as No.91-129 640-90,
91-029 601-25 Washer for No. 11-460 247-25 but incorporating
No. 11470 768-15 V/ood screw
91-040 618-45 Bobbin winder base for No.91-04l 085-91
N0.9I-I29 64745 Thread unwinder base
91-040 621-91 Bobbin winder thread tension bracket,
99-080 150-91 Gland for No.91-129 650-90
consisting of Nos.91-000 737-05;
91-001 533-25; 91-005 005-05; 99-115 034-15 Nut for No.91-129 63745
91-005 125-05; 91-040 623-25;
91-053 347-21
99-115 03645 Sleeve for No.91-129 63745
91-040 623-25 Spool pin
91-041 063-25 Bobbin winder spindle 99-115 03745 Cap for No.91-129 63745

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
V/l; V/2

Complementary Parts
Pfaff 545 H1-6
Pfaff 545 H3-6
Pfaff 545 H4-6

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
v/1 Pfaff 545 HI-6

91-010 618-15 91-011 /t97_9i

91^00 2^3-15

91-001 512-15

Pfaff 545 H3-6; 545 H4-6

•moo 636-15 91-009 009-05

ct 91-010 73^15
.91-011 929-15 91-010 736-15

.91-010 67M5

-91-006 526-05 9I-O6I 005-05

-91-010 633-05
91-0^2 9m^

.91-011 7I8-92

91-000 03W5

91-0^^6 731-0'f
9l-0't6 732-93 91-0if2 gmif

91-000 085-35

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Barts for the Pfoff 545 HI-6
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfaff 545 H2-6) V/1

91-000 2^3-^5 Fastening screw for No.91-011 '»9?-91

91-001 512-15 Nut for No.91-011 ^97-91

Q1-010 618-15 Lifting bell crank

91-011 ^97-91 Ball joint connection, w/

ball screw stud and set screw No.91-000 2^43-15

Complementary Parts for the Pfoff 545 H3-6; 545 H4-6

(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfaff 545 H2-6)

91-000 03^15 Fastening screw for lifting presser foot

91-000 085-35 Fastening screw for No.91-0't6 732-93

91-000 636-15 Pressure regulating screw (Model H4)

91-006 526-05 Washer (Model tlFf) for No.91-010 633-05

91-009 009-05 Presser bar spring stop pin (Model N't)

for No.91-061 005-05

91-010 633-05 Presser bar spring, outer, (Model

91-010 676-15 Presser bar bushing (Model

91-010 735-15 Presser bar lifter (Model H3)

91-010 736-15 Presser bar lifter (Model N't)

91-011 718-92 Presser bar, w/

set screw No.91-000 03'»-15, (Model H^)-

91-011 929-15 Bushing threaded (Model for No.91-010 6?6-15

91-0'i2 OH-O'j X Model

Feed dog (Subci.-6/03), Model N't

91-0'<2 9't5-0't X Model

Needle plate (Subcl.-6/03), Model

91-0it6 731-0't X Model

Lifting presser foot (Subcl.-6/03), Model

Ol-O'tO 732-93 X Model

Vibrating presser foot, w/ set screw
No.91-000 085-35, (Subcl.-6/03), Model

9I-O6I 005-05 Presser bar spring, inner, (Model Wk)

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H3-6; 545 H4-6

91-019 677-91
91-009 652-91

91-010 18W)5

91-010 937-05

91-010 651-92

91-000 510-15 91-015 652-92

91-010 632-15' 91-000 382-15

91-000 668-15

91-030 2^6-15

91-010 738-45
91-010 737-^5 91-010 73945

91-031 /,11-91

.91-004 18445
91-000 186-15
91-025 068-92
•91-004 173-15
-91-004 172-05

99-129 586-93 ip-91-004 171-15

99-129 593-93
12-640 170-55
fe-91-009 42545

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 545 H3-6; 545 H4-6
(For standard parts^ please refer to the Pfoff 545 H2-6) V/2

^2-(ik0 170-55 Slip washer (5 DIN 6799)

for NG.91-00't 171-15
91-000 186-15 Fastening screw for No.91-025 068-92
91-000 382-15 Fastening screw, blunt,
for No.91-015 652-92
91-000 510-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 631-92
91-000 668-15 Fastening screw, pointed,
for No.91-015 652-^2
91-00^1 171-15 Hinge stud for Nos.91-00'» 18M»5;
91-009 ^25-^5
91-00^ 172-05 Torsion spring for Nc.91-00't 18Mt5
91-00^ 175-15 Guide stud for No.91-00^ 18W»5
91-00^ 18^-^15 Belt guard
91-009 '»2V-91 Belt guard,compl.,
consisting of Nos. 12-6^0 170-55; 91-00^1 171-15;
91-00^^ 172-05; gi-OO^t 175-15;91-00't 18^5;
91-009 't25-45
91-009 ^25-^5 Belt guard bracket
91-009 652-91 Thread tension, compl., (Model 0)
Same component parts as No.91-009 528-91
(see Section l/2), but incorporating
tension spring No.91-010 18't^5
91-010 18^)5 Tension spring (Model D)
91-010 631-92 Lifting eccentric, w/
set screw No.91~000 510-15, (Model H^)
91-010 632-15 Lifting eccentric connection (Model hO
91-010 757-^5 Lifting lever (Model
91-010 758-45 Lifting lever lifting bracket (Model H3)
Q1-010 75945 Lifting lever lifting bracket (Model H^)
91-010 957-05 Thread check spring (Model D)

91-015 652-92 Balance wheel (Model 0), w/

No.91-000 382-15 Set screw,blunt
N0.9I-COO 668-15 Set screw, pointed

91-019 677-91 Lifting lever link assembly (Model D), compl.

For component parts see Section Il/2

91-025 068-92 Stop dog, w/ set screw No.91-000 186-15,

(Model H3)

91-030 2^6-15 Hinge stud (Model for No.91-010 75745

91-051 MI-9I Knee lifter, (Model H3), compl.
Same component parts as No.91-051 568-91
(see Section IV/1), but incorporating
N0.9I-Q25 068-92 Stop, w/
set screw No.91-000 186-15

99-129 586-95 Wrapper, w/ needles. System 190, (Model N't)

99-129 593-95 Wrapper, w/ needles. System 15435, (Model H3)

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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Complementary Parts
Pfaff 545-6 N8
Pfaff 545-6 N10

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545-6 N8

91-102 007-92

Pfaff 545-6 NIO

91-008 WO-91 91-018 689^1 91^^ 573-Oit

91-02,0 2,72^95 Aa
91-000 06W5v.
91-000 085-35
91-000 510-15-| 91-018 688-05
91-010 031-92'

91-015 527-05

,91-102 011-05 Ol-O'fO 639^'f

-9I-OO8 0i»(H2

91-009 702-05

91-102 028-35
91-0^17 2M-0A
91-001 512-15 91-000 011-15
11-108 225-15

91-006 575-92 91-102 035-91-

11-108 225-15 91-000 ^n3_i^-g^9l-010 126-92

9I-OO5 673-05 9I-OOI 536-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 545-6 N8
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 545 HI-6; H2-6; H3-6; H4-6) VI

11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A M'txlO OIN 8A-8G; 91-026 7'»5-OA x Model
overall length = 12.8 mm) Feed dog (Subcl.-6/01),
for No.91-102 019-92 Old version = Model HI; H2; H3
binding screw No.91-000 068-15 N0.9I-OA2 9^^-OA XModel
(ll/6V'x30; overall length = 18 mm) Feed dog
91-000 050-15 Binding screw for No.91-102 21(H2 Model N't, not ill.
91-000 06A-15 Fastening screw for No.91-009 636-91 91-0^0 A7^3 X Model
Vibrating presser foot, w/
91-000 085-35 Fastening screw for set screw No.91-000 085-35,
vibrating presser foot (Subcl.-6/01), Model HI; H2; H3
N0.9I-OA6 732-^3 XModel
91-000 510-15 Fastening screw for No.91-102 007-92 Vibrating presser foot
w/ set screw
91-000 7^1-15 Hinge screw for Nos.91-102 03M)5; No.91-000 085-35,
91-102 210-92 (Subcl.-6/02),
Model HA, not ill.
91-009 636-91 Feed driving eccentric sleeve, 9I-OA8 922-OA X Model
w/ set screw No.91-000 06A-15 Needle plate (Subcl.-6/0l),
Model HI; H2; H3
91-010 677-91 Feed driving eccentric sleeve, compl., N0.9I-OA8 925-OA X Model
for No.91-018 ^>67-91, Needle plate
consisting of Nos.91-^09 636-91; (Subcl.-6/02),
91-102 007-92 Model HA, not ill.
91-012 ^92-35 Feed regulator index plate 9I-OA9 585-OA X Model
91-018 A67-91 Feed regulator, compl., (not ill.) Lifting presser foot (Subcl.-6/0l),
Same component parts as No.91-O09 810-91 Model HI; H2; H3
(see Section Il/l), but incorporating N0.9I-OA9 586-05 X Model
No.91-012 A92-35 Feed regulator Lifting presser foot
index plate (Subcl.-6/02),
No.91-102 007-92 Feed driving eccentric Model HA, not ill.
No.91-102 033-05 Feed forked connection
Continued overleaf

Complementary Parts for the Pfaff 545-6 NIO

(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 545-6 N8)

11-108 225-15 Binding screw (A M5x10 DIN 8A-8G; 91-010 031-92 Feed lifting eccentric, w/
overall length^ 13.5 mni) set screw No.91-000 510-15
for Nos.91-006 576-92; 91-010 126^2
91-010 126-92 Feed lifting shaft crank, w/
Old version = binding screw
set screw No.11-108 225-15
No.91-000 560-15
(7/32"xA0; overall length = IA.5 mm) 91-015 527-05 Driving stud
91-000 011-15 Hinge screw for No.91-008 AAO-91 91-018 688-05 Take-up lever
91-000 O6A-I5 Fastening screw for No.91-008 OAO-92 91-018 689-91 Take-up lever compl..
Same component parts as No.91-015 870-91
91-000 08^35 Fastening screw for
(see Section I/2), but incorporating
vibrating presser foot
N0.9I-OI5 527-O5 Driving stud
91-000 505-15 Hinge screw for No.91-005 673-05 N0.9I-OI8 688-05 Take-up lever
91-000 510-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 031-92 91-OAO A7A-93 X Model
Vibrating presser foot, w/
91-001 512-15 Nut for No.91-000 011-15
set screw No.91-000 085-35,
91-001 536-15 Nut for No.91-000 503-15 (Subcl.-6/01), Model HI; H2; H3
N0.9I-OA3 526-93 X Model
91-005 673-05 Slide block for No.91-010 126-92 Vibrating presser foot
91-006 576^2 Feed lifting shaft crank, rear, w/ set screw
w/ binding screw No.11-108 225-15 No.91-000 085-35,
91-008 OAO-92 Feed lifting connection, Model H1;H2;H3,not ill.
w/ set screw No.91-000 06A-15 N0.9I-OA6 732-93 X Model
91-008 AAO-91 Feed lifting connection, compl., Vibrating presser foot
consisting of Nos.91-008 OAO-92; w/ set screw
91-010 031-92 No.91-000 085-35,
(Subcl.-6/03), Model
9I-OO9 702-05 Feed regulator HA, not ill.
Continued overleaf 43
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Parts for the Pfaff 545-6 N8
VI (For standard parts, please refer to the Pfaff 545 HI-6; H2-6; H3-6; H4-6)

91-102 007-92 Feed driving eccentric, w/

set screw No.91-000 510-15
91-102 019-92 Feed rock shaft crank, w/
binding screw No.11-108 177-15
91-102 053-05 Feed forked connection

91-102 03M)5 Needle bar frame shaft connection

91-102 210-92 Needle bar frame shaft crank, rear,

w/ binding screw No.91-000 050-15
91-102 216-91 Needle bar frame shaft connection, compL,
consisting of Nos,91-000 7't1-15;
91-102 03M)5; 91-102 210-92

91-018 662-45 Bed plate (not ill.)

13-060 ^00-05 Positioning pin (6x32 DIN 1't7l),
not ill., for No.91-018 662-45
91-700 352-15 Fastening screw (not ill.)
for No.91-018 662-45

Complementary Parts for the Pfaff 545-6 NIO

(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfaff 545-6 N8)

91-0'f7 241-0^ X Model 91-0^9 575-O't X Model

Feed dog (Subcl.-6/0l), Lifting presser foot (Subcl.-6/01),
Model HI; H2; H3 Model HI; H2; H3
No.91-0't7 2h2-0h X Model'fO 57't-O't X Model
Feed dog Lifting presser foot
(Subcl.-6/02), (Subcl.-6/02),
Model HI; H2; H3, Model HI; H2; H3,
not ill. not ill.
No.91-0^7 2^3-0't X Model No.91-O't9 575-05 x Model
Feed dog Lifting presser foot
(Subcl.-4/03), (Subcl.-6/03),
Model H^t, not ill. Model H^f, not ill.
91-102 011-05 Feed bar

91-102 022-91 Feed regulator, compl., (not ill.)

Same component parts as No.91-018 't67-91,
but incorporating
N0.9I-OO9 702-05 Feed regulator
N0.9I-IO2 028-35 Feed regulator index
91-0'»8 639-0't X Model plate
Needle plate (Subcl.-6/01; -6/02),
91-102 028-35 Feed regulator index plate
Model HI; H2; H3
No.OI-O'jS X Model 91-102 035-91 Feed lifting shaft crank, compl.,
Needle plate consisting of Nos.91-000 503-15;
(Subcl.-6/03), 91-001 536-15; 91-005 673-05;
Model H^, not ill. 91-010 126-92

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Feed Regulator Components of the Pfoff 545 for Stitch Lengths from 5 1/2 to 2 1/2 s.p.i.

Part 1slumber for Stitch Length Indicated in s.p. i.

Part Name
5 1/2 4(N) 3 (N8) 2 1/2 (NIO)
Feed regulator, compl. 91-009 810^1 91-009 361-91 91-018 'f67-91 91-102 022-^1

Feed regulator 91-009 602-05 91-009 602-05 91-009 602-05 91-009 702-05

Feed driving eccentric sleeve, compl. 91-008 281-91 9I-OO8 280-91 91-010 677-91 91-010 677-91

Feed driving eccentric 91-009 6't6-92 91-009 633-92 91-102 007-92 91-102 007-92

• Feed regulator index plate 91-009 6^.8-35 91-009 6^.8-35 91-012 '»92-35 91-102 028-35

Feed driving connection 91-009 516-05 91-009 616-05 91-102 033-05 91-102 033-05

Needle bar frame shaft connection, compl. 91-011 783-91 91-011 785-01 91-102 216-91 9I-IO2 216-91

Needle bar frame shaft connection 91-010 013-05 91-010 013-05 91-102 03^-05 91-102 034-05

Needle bar frame shaft crank, rear 91-015 659-92 91-015 659^2 91_102 210-92 91-102 210-92

Feed rock shaft crank

91-010 U6-92 91-010 H6-92 91-102 019-92 9I-IO2 019-92

Feed lifting connection, compl. 91-008 440-91

Feed lifting shaft crank, compl. 91-009 359-91 91-009 359-91 91-009 359-91 91-102 035-91

Feed lifting shaft crank, rear 91-006 576-92

Clamping bracket for feed lifting shaft 91-010 7OM5 91-010 70W 5 91-010 70W5

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Take-up lever, compl. See table on p. it6 See table on p. % See table on p. 46 91-018 689-91

Feed bar 91-010 066-05 91-010 066-05 91-010 066-05 9I-IO2 011-05

Bedplate 91-009 335-^5 91-009 335-^5 91-018 662-45 91-018 662-45

Component Parts for the Pfoff 545
in AAodels B, C, D and HI, H2, H3, H4


Part Name H 1 H 2 H2 H3 H 3 H 4

Take-up lever,
compl. 91-015 870-91 91-015 870-91 91-010 668-91 91-015 870-^1 91-010 668-91 91-010 668-91

Take-up lever 91-008 007-05 91-OO8 007-05 91-010 942-05 9I-OO8 007-05 91-010 942-05 91-010 942-05
Take-up lever driving stud 91-008 009-05 9I-OO8 009-05 91-015 527-05 9I-OO8 009-05 91-015 527-05 91-015 527-05

Thread tension, compl. 91-009 328-91 91-009 328^1 91-009 652-91 91-009 328-91 91-009 652-91 91-009 652-91

Tension spring 91-010 183-05 91-010 18>-05 91-010 184-05 91-010 183-05 91-010 184-05 91-010 184-05
Thread check spring 91-010 023-05 91-010 023-05 91-010 937-05 91-010 023-05 91-010 937-05 91-010 937-05
Presser bar 91-019 651-92 91-019 651-92 91-019 651-92 91-019 651-92 91-019 65H2 91-011 7I8-92
Presser bar bushing 91-019 656-05 91-019 656-05 91-019 656-05 91-019 656-05 91-019 656-05 91-010 676-15

Presser bar spring, outer 91-010 633-05

Presser bar spring, inner 9I-O6I 005-05

Presser bar leaf spring 91-019 661-15 91-019 661-15

91-019 662-15 91-019 662-15 91-019 662-15 91-019 662-15 91-019 662-15
Presser bar lifter 91-010 73't-l5 91-010 73't-l5 91-010 888-15 91-010 735-15 91-010 735-15 91-010 736-15

Lifting eccentric 91-011 72M2 91-011 72A^2 91-011 724-92 91-011 724-92 91-011 724-^2 91-010 631-92

Connection 91-011 725-'»5 91-011 725-45 91-011 725-45 91-011 725-45 91-011 725-45 91-010 632-15
Ball joint connection 91-011 ^97-91 91-011 730-45 91-011 730-45 91-011 730-45 91-011 730-45 91-011 730-45
Nut for ball joint
91-001 512-15

Lifting bell crank 91-010 618-15 91-011 731-05 91-011 731-05 91-011 73I-O5 91-011 731-05 91-011 731-05
Lifting bracket 91-010 73't-15 91-010 73M5 91-010 888-15 91-010 735-15 91-010 735-15 91-010 736-15
Connecting rod 91-010 20^-15 91-010 20A-I5 91-010 204-15
Lifting lever link
assembly, compl. 91-019 677-91 91-019 677-91 91-019 677-91

Lifting lever lifting 91-010 733-^5 91-010 733-45 91-010 73545 91-010 738-45 91-010 738-45 91-010 739-45

Knee lifter, compl. 91-031 568-91 91-031 568-91 91-031 411^1

Knee lifter stop dog 91-027 271-92 91-027 271^2 91-025 068-92
Chain 91-015 673-21 91-015 673-21 91-015 673-21
C = C =
91-009 389-92 91-009 389-92
Balance wheel 91-009 388-92 91-009 388-92 91-009 389-92 91-009 388-92
D = D =
91-015 652-92 91-015 652-92

C = C =
Belt guard, compl. 91-008 2^-91 91-008 24A^1 91-008 244-91 91-008 244-^1 91-008 244-91 91-008 244-91
D = D =
91-009 424-91 91-009 424-^1

Arm cover, rear 91-002 50W»5 91-002 504-45 91-010 617-45 91-002 504-45 91-010 617-45 91-010 617-45

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Numerical index

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545

Nummern-Verzeichnis / Tableau des num^ros / Numerical Index / Lista de ndmeros

Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.

\ 11-108 177-15 III/I 13-060 400-05 III/I 91-000 085-35 V/1 91-000 382-15 V/2 91-000 680-15 II/I
11-108 177-15 VI 13-060 400-05 VI 91-000 085-35 VI 91-000 386-15 II/2 91-000 680-15 III/I

11-108 225-15 1/1 13-065 199-05 II/2 91-000 086-15 1/1 91-000 390-15 III/I 91-000 680-15 III/2

11-108 225-15 III/I 1>-065 259-05 m/l 91-000 089-25 l/l 91-000 401-35 1/1 91-000 687-15 II/I

11-108 225-15 VI 14-650 104-05 1/1 91-000 089-25 Il/1 91-000 405-15 II/I 91-000 689-15 II/I
11-108 2't6-15 IV/2 40-754 701-00 IV/1 91-000 150-15 1/2 91-000 406-15 II/I 91-000 689-15 III/I
11-108 250-15 II/2 91-000 011-15 VI 91-000 150-15 II/I 91-000 407-15 III/2 91-000 689-15 III/2

11-108 288-15 II/2 91-000 019-15 1/1 91-000 150-15 III/I 91-000 412-35 1/2 91-000 697-05 l/l
11-150 452-15 III/I 91-000 029-15 I1/2 91-000 152-15 1/1 91-000 422-35 III/2 91-000 699-15 III/I

11-133 451-15 III/I 91-000 034-15 1/1 91-000 152-15 II/I 91-000 456-15 II/I 91-000 715-35 II/I
11-174 086-15 1/1 91-000 034-15 V/1 91-000 172-35 1/2 91-000 469-15 1/1 91-000 737-05 IV/2
11-178 166-15 1/1 91-000 048-15 1/1 91-000 186-15 IV/1 91-000 486-25 l/2 91-000 741-15 II/2
11-460 109-15 IV/1 91-000 050-15 VI 91-000 186-15 V/2 91-000 503-15 III/I 91-000 741-15 VI

11460 247-25 IV/2 91-000 058-15 III/I 91-000 225-15 III/2 91-000 503-15 VI 91-000 783-15 III/I
11460 250-25 IV/1 91-000 059-35 II/I 91-000 237-25 l/l 91-000 505-15 III/I 91-000 785-15 III/I
11460 355-15 IV/1 91-000 062-15 1/1 91-000 237-25 IV/2 91-000 510-15 1/1 91-000 785-15 III/2
11470 358-25 IV/1 91-000 062-25 IV/2 91-000 239-15 1/2 91-000 510-15 II/I 91-000 790-15 III/I
11470 768-15 IV/2 91-000 064-15 II/I 91-000 243-15 1/1 91-000 510-15 V/2 91-000 809-15 III/I
12-024 171-15 II/2 91-000 064-15 II/2 91-000 243-15 1/2 91-000 510-15 VI 91-000 885-15 II/I
12-024 171-15 IV/2 91-000 064-15 VI 91-000 243-15 V/1 91-000 511-15 II/I 91-000 928-15 III/I
12-110 211-15 II/2 91-000 070-15 II/I 91-000 263-15 II/2 91-000 522-15 II/I 91-001 512-15 II/I
12-305 414-15 IV/2 91-000 070-15 III/I 91-000 278-15 1/1 91-000 524-15 1/2 91-001 512-15 V/1
12-515 250-05 l/l 91-000 072-15 1/1 91-000 290-15 III/I 91-000 525-15 III/I 91-001 512-15 VI

12-611 31045 IV/2 91-000 073-15 1/1 91-000 321-15 II/I 91-000 529-15 III/I 91-001 513-15 II/2
12-640 130-55 III/2 91-000 073-15 III/I 91-000 323-15 II/I 91-000 568-15 1/1 91-001 522-35 l/2
12-640 150-55 III/2 91-000 078-15 III/2 91-000 359-15 IV/2 91-000 624-15 III/I 91-001 533-25 IV/2
12-640 170-55 IV/1 91-000 082-15 1/2 91-000 363-15 II/I 91-000 636-15 V/1 91-001 536-15 III/I
12-640 170-55 V/2 91-000 082-15 III/2 91-000 363-25 IV/2 91-000 645-05 l/l 91-001 536-15 VI

12-642 17045 II/2 91-000 082-25 IV/2 91-000 364-25 IV/2 91-000 660-15 II/I 91-001 593-35 Il/l
12-642 17045 IV/l 91-000 082-35 l/2 91-000 366-15 1/2 91-000 666-05 l/2 91-001 600-35 1/1
13-030 341-05 IV/1 91-000 083-15 1/1 91-000 366-25 IV/2 91-000 668-15 V/2 91-001 758-05 1/1
13-052 256-05 III/2 91-000 085-35 l/l 91-000 367-15 II/2 91-000 672-15 II/I 91-002 504-45 Il/I

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545

Nummern-Verzeichnis / Tableau des num^ros / Numerical Index / Lisfa de ndmeros

Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./n®/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.

91-002 536-15 II/2 91-007 687-05 1/1 91-009 344-05 III/2 91-009 652-91 1/2 91-010 146-92 III/I
91-002 536-15 IV/2 91-008 003-05 II/I 91-009 347-05 III/I 91-009 652-91 V/2 91-010 181-15 1/2

91-005 100-05 1/1 91-008 004-05 II/I 91-009 351-91 III/2 91-009 702-05 VI 91-010 183-05 1/2
91-004 005-05 1/2 91-008 005-05 II/I 91-009 359-91 III/I 91-009 810-91 II/I 91-010 184-05 1/2
91-004 006-05 1/2 91-008 007-05 1/2 91-009 361-91 II/I 91-009 938-15 II/2 91-010 184-05 V/2
91-004 170-45 IV/1 91-008 008-05 1/2 91-009 388-92 II/I 91-010 002-05 II/I 91-010 186-05 1/2
91-004 171-15 IV/1 91-008 009-05 1/2 91-009 389-92 II/I 91-010 009-05 1/1 91-010 186-15 1/2
91-004 171-15 V/2 91-008 011-05 1/2 91-009 390-35 1/2 91-010 013-05 II/2 91-010 196-05 II/I
91-004 172-05 IV/1 91-008 021-11 1/1 91-009 391-31 1/2 91-010 016-05 II/I 91-010 204-15 II/2
91-004 172-05 V/2 91-008 040-92 VI 91-009 408-05 III/2 91-010 017-05 II/I 91-010 211-05 III/I
91-004 173-15 IV/1 91-008 064-05 1/2 91-009 424-91 V/2 91-010 022-05 II/I 91-010 21245 III/I
91-004 173-15 V/2 91-008 244-91 IV/1 91-009 42545 V/2 91-010 023-05 1/2 91-010 221-05 III/I
91-004 184-45 V/2 9I-OO8 24545 IV/1 91-009 432-90 III/I 91-010 026-31 1/2 91-010 360-05 1/1
91-004 18645 III/I 91-008 280-91 II/I 91-009 489-05 1/2 91-010 027-35 1/2 91-010 361-05 III/I
91-004 531-25 1/2 91-008 281-91 II/I 91-009 602-05 II/I 91-010 028-35 1/2 91-010 596-05 II/I

91-005 005-05 IV/2 91-008 440-91 VI 91-009 60345 II/I 91-010 031-92 VI 91-010 60645 II/2

91-005 051-15 III/I 91-009 009-05 V/1 91-009 604-05 II/I 91-010 044-05 III/I 91-010 61745 II/2

91-005 125-05 IV/2 91-009 148-05 1/2 91-009 605-05 II/I 91-010 056-05 III/I 91-010 618-15 V/1

91-005 56445 IV/2 91-009 148-05 II/I 91-009 606-05 II/I 91-010 061-34 III/2 91-010 631-92 V/2

91-005 567-25 IV/2 91-009 149-05 III/I 91-009 609-05 II/I 91-010 066-05 III/I 91-010 632-15 V/2

91-005 568-25 IV/2 91-009 30245 II/I 91-009 610-35 II/I 91-010 067-05 II/2 91-010 636-05 V/1

91-005 569-25 IV/2 91-009 308-35 III/2 91-009 612-15 II/I 91-010 099-05 III/2 91-010 63645 1/1

91-005 604-05 II/1 91-009 327-35 IV/1 91-009 616-05 II/I 91-010 100-05 III/2 91-010 646-91 1/1

91-005 673-05 III/I 91-009 328-91 1/2 91-009 617-05 II/I 91-010 104-05 1/1 91-010 668-91 1/2

91-005 673-05 VI 91-009 33>-15 II/I 91-009 618-05 II/I 91-010 107-05 1/2 91-010 676-15 V/1
91-006 155-15 II/1 91-009 33545 III/I 91-009 621-92 II/I 91-010 107-05 IV/2 91-010 677-91 VI

91-006 505-05 1/2 91-009 337-05 III/2 91-009 624-05 II/I 914)10 115-05 1/2 91-010 70342 1/2
91-006 526-05 V/1 91-009 338-92 III/2 91-009 633-92 II/I 91-010 116-05 1/2 91410 704-15 III/I

91-006 576-92 VI 91-009 339-15 III/2 91-009 636-91 II/I 91-010 121-91 III/I 91410 728-15 1/1
91-006 759-05 I1/1 91-009 341-05 III/2 91-009 636-91 VI 91-010 126-92 III/I 91410 72945 1/1
91-006 783-05 l/2 91-009 342-05 III/2 91-009 646-92 II/I 91-010 12642 VI 91410 730-15 1/1

91-006 783-05 II/I 91-009 34>-05 III/2 91-009 648-35 II/I 91-010 127-91 II/I 91410 731-15 1/1

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Pfaff 545

Nummern-Verzeichnis / Tableau des numdros / Numerical Index / Lista de ndmeros

Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./n®/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.

91-010 732-05 1/1 91-011 738-05 1/1 91-018 34-91 III/1 91-019 677-91 V/2 91429 8't041 IV/1

91-010 73M5 II/2 91-011 739-92 1/1 91-018 3^9-05 III/1 91-019 853-12 III/1 91429 8M45 IV/1
91-010 73M5 1/1 91-011 7't6-05 1/1 91-018 350-05 III/1 91-025 05455 IV/1 91429 9'>641 IV/1

91-010 735-15 V/1 91-011 752-92 1/1 91-018 35745 III/1 91-025 056-92 IV/1 91430 246-15 II/2
91-010 736-15 V/1 91-011 778-05 1/1 91-018 35845 II/1 91-025 060-92 IV/1 91430 246-15 V/2

91-010 73745 V/2 91-011 783-91 II/2 91-018 35945 II/1 91-025 068-92 V/2 91431 41141 V/2
91-010 73845 V/2 91-011 929-15 V/1 91-018 41-91 III/1 91-025 075-55 IV/1 91431 56841 IV/1
91-010 73945 V/2 91-012 072-05 III/2 91-018 4245 III/1 91-025 076-15 IV/1 91432 80541 IV/1

91-010 752-15 1/1 91-012 'f07-15 II/2 91-018 43-01 II1/1 91-025 077-15 IV/1 91432 80645 IV/1
91-010 755-35 II/1 91-012 42-35 VI 91-018 4405 III/1 91-025 16405 II/2 91432 80741 IV/1
91-010 756-91 1/1 91-013 10245 1/1 91-018 46-01 III/1 91-025 16545 II/2 91432 80845 IV/1

91-010 817-41 1/1 91-013 10645 1/1 91-018 45-92 II/1 91-025 169-92 IV/1 91440 47443 1/1
91-010 819-35 1/1 91-013 10945 II/2 91-018 49-05 III/1 91-025 170-15 IV/1 91440 47443 VI

91-010 82045 1/1 91-013 139-05 1/2 91-018 40-90 11/1 91-025 637-15 1/1 91440 47544 1/1
91-010 821-35 1/1 91-04 67545 II/2 91-018 4741 VI 91-026 7'»5-0'» II1/2 91440 61845 IV/2
91-010 822-05 1/1 91-04 709-05 11/2 91-018 47-901 III/1 91-026 7't5-0't VI 91440 62141 IV/2
91-010 867-91 II1/1 91-04 710-01 II/2 91-018 600-01 III/1 91-026 7'>6-0't II1/2 91440 623-25 IV/2
91-010 888-15 1/1 91-04 786-15 II/2 91-018 66245 VI 91-026 830-15 III/2 91441 063-25 IV/2
91-010 937-05 1/2 91-015 527-05 1/2 91-018 688-05 VI 91-027 27142 IV/1 91441 07641 IV/2
91-010 937-05 V/2 91-415 527-05 VI 91-018 689-91 VI 91427 36241 III/2 91441 08541 IV/2
91-010 9'f2-05 1/2 91-015 652-92 V/2 91-019 651-92 1/1 91429 00741 IV/1 91442 94444 V/1
91-011 ^55-05 II/1 91-015 659-92 II/2 91-019 656-05 1/1 91429 29340 IV/1 91442 94444 VI

91-011 ^97-91 V/1 91-015 66405 III/1 91-019 657-05 1/1 91429 39401 IV/l 91442 94544 V/1
91-011 718-92 V/1 91-015 673-21 II/2 91-019 660-15 II/2 91429 40-35 IV/1 91443 52444 III/2
91-011 72^-92 1/1 91-015 870-91 1/2 91-019 661-15 II/2 91429 4041 IV/1 91443 52544 III/2
91-011 72545 1/1 91-017 530-91 II/2 91-019 662-15 II/2 91429 535-15 I/I 91443 526-93 1/1
91-011 727-05 1/1 91-018 339-05 III/1 91-019 66345 II/2 91429 587-55 IV/1 91443 52643 VI V

91-011 729-92 1/1 91-018 3'tO-91 III/1 91-019 66415 II/2 91429 601-15 IV/1 91443 52744 1/1
91-011 73045 1/1 91-018 3'»1-91 III/1 91-019 665-15 II/2 91429 601-25 IV/2 91446 097-25 IV/2
91-011 731-05 1/1 91-018 34-05 II1/1 91-019 676-05 1/2 91429 69245 IV/l 91446 54643 I/I
91-011 732-05 1/1 91-018 3'»405 III/1 91-019 676-05 II/1 91429 83141 IV/1 91446 62343 I/I
91-011 73M)5 1/1 91-018 3'»6-01 III/1 91-019 677-91 II/2 91429 83345 IV/l 91446 63044 I/I

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Pfaff 545

Nummern-Verzeichnis / Tableau des numdros / Numerical Index / Lisfa de ndmeros

Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./n®/No. Fig. Nr./rjO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.

gi-o'je 631-o'f 1/1 91-050 339-12 l/l 91-129 641-92 IV/2

91-046 731-04 V/1 91-050 855-45 lV/2 91-129 644-05 IV/2
91-046 732-93 V/1 91-053 332-45 IV/2 91-129 645-45 IV/2
91-046 732-93 VI 91-053 347-21 IV/2 91-129 646-^2 IV/2
91-046 926-04 l/l 91-055 203-91 l/l 91-129 647-45 IV/2
91-046 966-04 III/2 91-055 204-15 l/l 91-129 649-45 IV/2
91-046 967-04 III/2 91-055 205-05 l/l 91-129 650-90 IV/2
91-046 968-04 III/2 91-061 005-05 V/1 91-129 660-90 IV/2
91-046 969-04 III/2 91-063 019-05 1/1 91-700 352-15 VI

91-046 980-04 III/2 91-067 020-05 Il/l 91-710 650-92 l/l

91-046 981-04 III/2 91-070 171-90 III/2 95-102 335-41 IV/l
91-046 982-04 III/2 91-097 074-47 IV/1 93-513 120-91 IV/1
91-046 983-04 III/2 91-100 044-15 II/1 93-513 121-00 IV/1
91-046 984-93 l/1 91-100 271-15 1/1 93-513 124-10 IV/1
91-046 985-93 l/l 91-101 775-05 IV/1 93-513 125-05 IV/l
91-046 986-04 l/l 91-102 007-92 VI 99-080 150-91 IV/2
91-046 987-04 l/l 91-102 011-05 VI 99-115 034-15 IV/2
91-047 181-04 III/2 91-102 019-92 VI 99-115 036-45 IV/2
91-047 241-04 VI 91-102 022-91 VI 99-115 037-45 IV/2
91-047 242-04 VI 91-102 028-35 VI 99-129 584-93 IV/l
91-047 243-04 VI 91-102 033-05 VI 99-129 58M5 V/2
91-048 537-05 III/2 91-102 034-05 VI 99-129 593^3 V/2
91-048 639-04 VI 91-102 035-91 VI

91-048 64(W)4 VI 91-102 210-92 VI

91-048 922-04 VI 91-102 216-91 VI

91-048 923-04 VI 91-105 447-15 1/2

91-049 059-93 l/l 91-108 001-^1 1/1
91-049 573-04 VI 91-108 527-91 1/1
91-049 574-04 VI 91-113 030-35 1/2
91-049 575-05 VI 91-119 025-35 1/2
91-049 585-04 VI 91-129 637-45 IV/2
91-049 586-05 VI 91-129 640-90 IV/2

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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 11/1

91-000 059-55 Fastening screw for No.91-009 60545 9I-OO8 004-05 Arm shaft bushing, center
91-000 06^15 Fastening screw for No,9''-009 636-91 9I-OO8 005-05 Arm shaft bushing, rear
9I-OOO O7O-I5 Fastening screw for No,91-010 127-91 91-008 280-91 Feed driving eccentric sleeve
9I-OOO 089-25 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OIO 755-35 (6.0 mm stitch length), compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-009 633-92;
9I-OOO I5O-I5 Fastening screw for Nos.91-008 003-05; 91-009 636^1
91-008 00^)5; 91-010 017-05;
9I-OII ^155-05 and end screw 9I-OO8 281-91 Feed driving eccentric sleeve
(old version) for No,91-009 605-05 (4.5 mm stitch length), compl.,
Remarks: End screw No,91-000 150-15 consisting of Nos.91-009 636-91;
cannot be replaced by the 91-009 646-92
new plug N0.9I-OIO 596-05
9I-OO9 148-05 Oil wick, 60 mm long,
9I-OOO I52-I5 Fastening screw for Nos.91-009 60'»-05; for N0.9I-OI8 35845
91-009 621-92
9I-OOO 32I-I5 Fastening screw, pointed, 9I-OO9 30245 Top cover
for balance wheel 9I-OO9 333-15 Spring washer for No.91-009 30245
91-000 523-15 End screw for N0.9I-OIO 002-05
9I-OO9 388-92 Balance wheel (Model B), w/
9I-OOO 363-15 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OO9 30245 set screw Nos.91-000 321-15;
9I-OOO ^>05-15 Fastening screw for No,91-O18 M5-92 gi_100 044-15
No.91-009 389-92 Balance wheel (Model C)
9I-OOO 't06-15 Fastening screw for No.91-002 50^145 w/ set screw
9I-OOO ^(56-15 Fastening screw for No,91-018 M5-92 Nos.91-000 321-15;
91-100 044-15, not ill.
9I-OOO 5IO-I5 Fastening screw for Nos.91-008 011-05
(see Section l/2); 91-009 633-92; 9I-OO9 602-05 Feed regulator
91-009 6't6-92
9I-OOO 5II-I5 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OO8 011-05 9I-OO9 60345 Feed regulator bearing bracket
(see Section l/2)
9I-OO9 604-05 Feed regulator bearing bracket bushing
91-000 522-15 Hinge screw for N0.9I-OO9 616-05 for No.91-009 60345
9I-OOO 66O-I5 Spring suspension screw
for No.91-009 62^1-05 9I-OO9 605-05 Feed regulator stud
91-000 672-15 End screw for N0.9I-OOI 593-35 9I-OO9 6O6-O5 Feed regulator lever stud
9I-OOO 68O-I5 Fastening screw, pointed,
for N0.9I-OI8 460-90 9I-OO9 609-05 Retaining spring

9I-OOO 687-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-009 605-05; 9I-OO9 610-35 Feed regulator knob
91-009 6064)5; 91-009 618-05
9I-OOO 689-15 Fastening screw, blunt, 9I-OO9 612-15 Feed regulator lever stud guide
for N0.9I-OI8 460-90
9I-OO9 616-05 Feed driving connection
9I-OOO 715-35 Fastening screw for No.91-009 648-35
9I-OO9 617-05 Feed regulator hinge stud
9I-OOO 885-15 End screw (old version)
for No.91-010 002-05 9I-OO9 618-05 Hinge stud for No.91-009 616-05
Remarks: End screw N0.9I-OOO 885-15
cannot be replaced by the 91-009 621-92 Collar, w/
new plug No.91-010 596-05 set screw N0.9I-OOO 152-15,
for No.91-010 127-91
91-001 512-15 Nut for No.91-000 522-15
9I-OO9 624-05 Tension spring
91-001 593-35 Nut for No.914)09 610-35
9I-OO2 50445 Arm cover, rear, (Model B) 9I-OO9 633-92 Feed driving eccentric
(6.0 mm stitch length), w/
9I-OO5 604-05 Oil tube, 48 mm long, set screw No.91-000 510-15
for No.91-010 016-05

91-006 155-15 Spring washer for No.91-000 406-15 9I-OO9 636-91 Feed driving eccentric sleeve,
w/ set screw No.91-000 064-15
91-006 759-05 Washer for No.91-009 609-05

91-006 783-05 Oil wick, 100 mm long,

for No.91-009 605-05
9I-OO9 646-92 Feed driving eccentric,
(4.5 mm stitch length), w/
9I-OO8 003-05 Arm shaft bushing, front set screw No.91-000 510-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
11/1 Pfaff 545 H2-6

9I-OO9 6't8-35 Feed regulator index plate

9I-OO9 8IO-9I Feed regulator
{^.5 mm stitch length), compl,,
consisting of Nos.91-000 152-15; 91-000 672-15;
91-000 687-15; 91-000 715-35; 91-001 593-35;
91-006 759-05; 91-008 28H1; 91-009 602-05;
91-009 603-^5; 91-009 60^1-05; 91-009 605-05;
91-009 606-05; 91-009 609-05; 91-009 610-35;
91-009 612-15; 91-009 61^5; 91-009 617-05;
91-009 618-05; 91-009 6'»8-35
N0.9I-OO9 361-91 Feed regulator
(6.0 mm stitch length), compl.,
not ill.
Same component parts as
No.91-009 810-91,
but incorporating
feed driving eccentric sleeve
N0.9I-OO8 280-01
9I-OIO 002-05 Arm shaft
9I-OIO 016-05 Vertical shaft
9I-OIO 017-05 Vertical shaft bushing, upper
9I-OIO 022-05 Oil tube, 56 mm long,
for N0.9I-OIO OAA-O5 (see Section III/I)
9I-OIO 127-91 Bevel gear case, w/
set screw No.91-^00 070-15
9I-OIO 196-05 Friction washer for N0.9I-OO8 003-05
91-010 596-05 Plug for Nos.91-009 605-05;
91-010 002-05
9I-OIO 755-35 Arm cover, front
9I-OII A55-O5 Vertical shaft bushing, lower
9I-OI8 358-A5 Oil cup for N0.9I-OO8 003-05
91-018 359-^5 Oil cup for N0.9I-OO8 OOA-05
9I-OI8 't15-92 Needle bar crank, w/
set screw Nos.91-000 A05-15; 91-000 510-15;
91-000 511-15
9I-OI8 A6O-9O Bevel gear assembly, w/
N0.9I-OOO 68O-I5 Set screw, pointed
N0.9I-OOO 689-15 Set screw, blunt
9I-OI9 676-05 Oil wick, 20 mm long, for No.91-009 636-91
91-067 020-05 Oil pad for Nos.91-008 003-05; 91-008 005-05
9I-IOO OH-15 Fastening screw, blunt, for balance wheel

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
11/2 Pfaff 545 H2-6

91-010 067-05 91-OH 7IQ-OI 11-108 288-15

13-065 199-05
91-015 659-92
91_0H 709-05 -91-000 7^1-15

91-011 783-91.

91-019 661-15 91-010 013-05-

91-000 367-15

91-000 029-15
.91-009 938-15
91-000 386-15

91-010 73345

91-010 204-15

l2-6't2 170-45
91-019 677-91
-91-025 164-05
91-017 530-91
11-108 250-15
12-024 171-15 ^ / -91-000 263-15
^91-002 536-15 91-000 367-15
91-014 786-15

91-015 673-21 91-030 246-15

91-014 675-45
91-000 263-15

91-010 617-45

91-000 064-15

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Pfaff 545 H2-6 11/2

11-108 250-15 Stop screw (A M5x30 DIN 8A-8G) 91-012 407-15 Washer for No.91-009 938-15
for N0.9I-OIA 675-^5
9I-OI4 675-45 Connecting lever for N0.9I-OI7 530-91
11-108 288-15 Binding screw (A M6x12 DIN 8A-8G;'
overall length = 15.9 mm)
for N0.9I-OI5 659-92 Old version = 91-014 709-05 Slide block for No.91-014 710-01
binding screw No.91-000 050-15
(1?/6V'x26; overall length = 23 mm) 9I-OI4 7IO-OI Needle bar frame shaft, w/
No.15-065 199-05 Positioning pin
12-02A 171-15 Nut Cm 5 din 93't-8G) No.91-014 709-05 Slide block
for No.11-108 250-15
9I-OI4 786-15 Torsion spring for No.91-014 675-45
12-110211-15 Jam nut (M 8 DIN 467-5S)
for No.91-019 664-15 9I-OI5 659-92 Needle bar frame shaft crank, rear, w/
binding screw No.11-108 288-15
12-642 170-45 Slip washer (5x0.6)
for No.91-010 204-15 91-015 675-21 Chain for No.91^14 675-45

13-O65 I99-O5 Positioning pin (3x16 DIN 1473) 9I-OI7 55O-9I Ball joint connection for
for No.91-014 710-01 for No.91-019 677^1

9I-OOO 029-15 Hinge screw for No,91-025 165-45 9I-OI9 66O-I5 Leaf spring bracket

9I-OOO 064-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 617-45 9I-OI9 66I-I5 Presser bar leaf spring, upper

9I-OOO 265-15 Hinge screw for No,91-O17 530-91 9I-OI9 662-15 Presser bar leaf spring, lower

9I-OOO 367-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-009 938-15; 9I-OI9 663-45 Leaf spring guide bracket
91-030 246-15
9I-OI9 664-15 Stud, threaded, for N0.9I-OI9 665-15
9I-OOO 386-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 755-45
9I-OI9 665-I5 Pressure regulating thumb nut
9I-OOO 74I-I5 Hinge screw for No.91-010 015-05
9I-OI9 677-91 Lifting lever link assenfcly, (Model C)
9I-OQI 515-15 Nut for No.91-010 204-15 compl.,
consisting of Nos.11-108 250-15;
12-024 171-15; 91-000 265-15;
91-002 536-15 Washer for No.91-025 164-05
91-000 567-15; 91-010 617-45;
91-014 675-45; 91-014 786-15;
9I-OO9 958-15 Hinge stud for No.91-010 606-45 91-017 550-91; 91-030 246-15

9I-OIO 013-05 Needle bar frame shaft connection 91-025 164-05 Pressure spring (Model B)
for No.91-010 204-15
9I-OIO O67-O5 Needle bar frame shaft bushing
91-025 165-45 Lifting lever connecting rod joint
(Model 8) for No.91-010 204-15
9I-OIO 204-15 Lifting lever connecting rod (Model B)

9I-OIO 606-45 Lifting lever

91-050 246-15 Hinge stud for No.91-014 675-45

9I-OIO 617-45 Arm cover, rear

9I-OIO 735-45 Lifting lever lifting bracket

9I-OII 785-91 Needle bar frame shaft connection, compl.,

consisting of Nos.91-000 741-15;
91-010 013-05; 91-015 659-92 91-013 109-45 Arm (not ill.)

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Bedplate Parts

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6

91-009 1^9-05 91-009 H9-05

91-000 783-15
13-065 259^5 91_00if 186-45

91-015 66't-05
.91I10 503-15
91-001 53M5 91-005 673-05 g(!o?o1olir^^
91-oiu 91-009 ^32-90
91-000 150-15 91-000 150-15 91-000 680-15
91-010 06^5.
91-018 357-45
g 91-019 855-12 9I-QI9 853-12 g 91-000 689-15-0^

91-010 361-05 I 91-000 62M5 91-010 Oif^5 91-000 680-15

91-000 62W5
91-000 290-15 91-000 785-15
91-4)00 785-15
—rih-91-010 211-05 91-010 H6-92

91-010 221-435 91-010 212-45 91-010 221-05

11-108 177-15

91-010 121^1
9I-OI8 3^0-91
91-000 525-15

91-000 058-15
91-018 3^8-91
9I-OI8 ^01-91
91-000 390-15
.91-000 699-15
-91-000 928-15 1^914318 'fO'i-05
91-018 600-01
91-018 3^19-05 9I-OI8 350-05
91-010 056-05 \
% ^
Jjr 91-018 ^»06-01
9I-OI8 3^6-01 1^91-018 ^^03431
91-018 i,02-45 91-000 790-15
^91-018 't77-9Q
91-000 505-15-
^91-000 785-15
91-005 051-15
91-018 3if1-91
9143I8 ^39-05,

91-010 867-91

91-000 529-15 91-018 3^^2-05 91-000 073-15-

91-018 3kh-Q5
91-018 339-05

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 II1/1
11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A MAx1Q DIN S't-BG; 91-009 A32-90 Bevel gear assembly, w/
overall length = 12.8 mm) No.91-000 680-15 Set screw, pointed
for No.91-010 1^16^2 N0.9I-OOO 689-15 Set screw, blunt
Old version = binding screw
No.91-000 068-15 91-010 OAA-05 Hook drive shaft bushing, rear
(ll/OVxJO; overall length = 18.0 mm)
91-010 056-05 Bobbin case lever slide
11-108 225-15 Binding screw (A M5x10 DIN 8A-8G; for No.91-018 A03-01
overall length = 13.5 mm) 91-010 066-05 Feed bar
for No.91-010 126-92
Old version = binding screw 91-010 121-91 Bevel gear case, w/
No.91-000 560-15 set screw No.91-^00 058-15,
(7/32"xA0; overall length = lA.5 mm) for No.91-009 A32-90

13-065 259-05 Positioning pin ('tx20 DIN 1'f73) ^ 91-010 126-92 Feed lifting shaft crank, w/
for No.91-010 70M5 binding screw No.11-108 225-15

91-000 058-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 121-91 91-010 IA6-92 Feed rock shaft crank, w/
binding screw No.11-108 177-15
91-000 070-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 867-91
91-000 073-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 867-91 91-010 211-05 Feed bar hinge stud
91-010 212-45 Feed rock shaft
91-000 150-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-010 0^^-05;
91-010 361-05 91-010 221-05 Center stud for No.91-010 212-45
91-010 361-05 Hook drive shaft bushing, front
91-000 290-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-010 221-05;
91-015 66't-05 91-010 7OA-I5 Clamping bracket for No.91-00't 186-45
91-010 867-91 Bevel gear case, w/
91-000 390-15 Fastening screw for No.91-018 350-05 set screw No.91-^00 070-15,
91-000 503-15 Hinge screw for No.91-005 673-05 for N0.9I-OI8 A77-9O

91-000 505-15 Fastening screw for hook saddle 91-015 66A-05 Center stud for N0.9I-OOA 186-A5
91-000 525-15 Fastening screw for hook 91-018 339-05 Bobbin

91-000 529-15 Fastening screw for hook gib 91-018 3'>0-91 Hook, w/ bobbin case, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-^18 3M-^1;
91-000 62A-I5 Fastening screw for No.91-019 853-12 91-018 3A6-01; 91-018 3^8-91
91-000 680-15 Fastening screw, pointed, 91-018 3'>1-91 Hook, compl.,
for No.91-009 A32-90 consisting of Nos.91-000 529-15;
91-018 3^2-05; 91-018 3'tV-05;
91-000 689-15 Fastening screw, blunt, 91-018 A39-05
for No.91-009 '»32-90
91-018 3'»2-05 Hook
91-000 699-15 Fastening screw for No.91-018 600-01 91-018 3H-O5 Hook vrasher
91-000 783-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-010 221-05; 91-018 3't6-01 Bobbin case base
91-015 66M)5
91-018 3^8-91 Bobbin case cap, compl.,
91-000 785-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-010 211-05; consisting of Nos.91-000 390-15;
91-018 A77-9O 91-000 928-15 ; 91-018 3'»9-05;
91-000 790-15 Fastening screw for No.91-018 A77-90 91-018 350-05

91-000 809-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 70M5 91-018 3't9-05 Bobbin case cap
91-000 928-15 Regulating screw for No.91-018 350-05 91-018 35O-O5 Bobbin case tension spring

91-001 536-15 Nut for No.91-000 505-15 91-018 357-45 Oil sleeve for No.91-010 361-05

9I-OOA 186-^5 Feed lifting shaft 91-018 AOI-91 Hook saddle, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-000 699-15;
91-005 051-15 Washer for No.91-000 505-15 91-018 A02-45; 91-018 ^0^-05;
91-005 673-05 Slide block for No.91-010 126-92
91-018 'tOO-OI; 91-018 A77-90;
91-018 600-01
91-009 1't9-05 Oil wick, 150 mm long,
for No.91-00^ 186-45; 91-010 212-45 91-018 A02-45 Hook saddle
91-009 3't7-05 Hook drive shaft 91-018 A03-01 Bobbin case lever fulcrum
91-018 AOA-O5 Bobbin case lever
9I-OO9 359-91 Feed lifting shaft crank, compl.,
consisting of Nos,91-000 503-15; 91-018 AO6-OI Hook shaft
91-001 536-15; 91-005 673-05;
91-010 126-92 91-018 A39-05 Hook gib

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Ill/l Pfaff 545 H2-6

91-^18 ^77-90 Bevel gear assembly, w/

set screw Nos,91-000 78^15; 91-000 790-15

91-018 600-01 Bobbin case lever fulcrum, compl.,

consisting of Nos.91-010 056-05;
91-018 'tOJ-OI

91-019 855-12 Set collar, w/

set screw No.91-000 62^-15,
for N0.9I-OO9 3'f7-05

91-009 33545 Bedplate (not ill.)

11-130 '»52-15 Fastening screw (M 10x25 OIN 912-8G),
not ill., for No.91-009 335-^5

II-I33 '•51-15 Fastening screw (M 10x25, 6.5 mm high)

not ill., for No.91-009 33545
13-060 '•00-05 Positioning pin (6x32 DIN H7I),
not ill., for No.91-009 33545

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Bedplate Parts
Safety Clutch

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6

91-070 1?1-90

91-009 351^1

91-009 338-92 9i_ooo 689-15 91-000 225-15

'A 91-000 225-15 91-009 339-15 91-009 3^3-05 91^309 3^^1-05
w 12-6^0 150-55 ^ 91-00^^2-05 91-012 072-05 I
91-000 68O-15
\ 91-000 689-15
91-000 680-15 91-009 408-05
^ 12-61,0 130-55 51-00y'' i-05 ^
91-009 337-05

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 III/2

Bedplate Ports

15-052 256-05 Hinge pin (N 4x18) for No.91-027 362-91 91-026 746-04 x Model
91-000 078-15 Fastening screw for No.91-027 362-91 Needle plate (Subcl. -6/01)
No.91-043 525-04 x Model
91-000 082-15 Fastening screw for No.91-026 830-15 Needle plate
91-000 407-15 Fastening screw for feed dog (Subcl.-6/o4), not ill.
No.91-046 968-04 x Model
91-000 422-35 Fastening screw for needle plate Needle plate
91-009 308-35 Bed slide, front (Subcl.-6/05), not ill,
No.91-046 969-04 x Model
91-010 061-34 X0,8 Bed slide, rear Needle plate
91-010 099-05 Pressure spring for No.91-010 061-34 (Subcl.-6/06), not ill.
No.91-046 982-04 x Model
91-010 100-05 Guide pin for No.91-010 099-05 Needle plate
91-026 745-04 x Model (Subcl.-6/07), not ill.
Feed dog (Subcl. -6/0l) No.91-046 983-04 x Model
Needle plate
No.91-043 524-04 x Model
Feed dog (Subcl.-6/08), not ill.
(Subcl. -6/04), not ill. No.91-048 537-05 x Model
No.91-046 966-04 x Model Needle plate
Feed dog (Subcl.-6/02), not ill.
(Subcl. -6/05), not ill.
No.91-046 967-04 x Model
Feed dog
(Subcl. -6/06), not ill.
No.91-046 980-04 x Model 91-026 830-15 Flat retaining spring
Feed dog for No.91-010 061-34
(Subcl. -6/07), not ill.
No.91-046 981-04 x Model
Feed dog
(Subcl. -6/08), not ill.
No.91-047 181-04 X Model
Feed dog 91-027 362-91 Bell crank bracket, w/
(Subcl. -6/02), not ill. hinge pin No.13-052 256-05, (Model B)

Safety Clutch

12-640 130-55 Slip washer (3.2 DIN 6799) 9I-OO9 341-05 Pressure spring
for No.91-009 342-05
9I-OO9 342-05 Clutch disengaging pin
12-640 150-55 Slip washer (4 DIN 6799) for No.91-009 337-05
for N0.9I-CO9 408-05
9I-OO9 345-05 Pressure spring for No.91-009 342-05
91-000 225-15 Fastening screw for No.91-009 408-05
9I-OO9 344-05 Screw cap bushing for No.91-009 343-05
91-000 680-15 Fastening screw, pointed,
for Nos.91-009 337-05; 91-009 338-92 9I-OO9 351-91 Clutch collar, compl.,
consisting of Nos.12-640 130-55;
91-000 689-15 Fastening screw, blunt, 12-640 156-55; 91-000 225-15;
for Nos.91-009 337-05; 91-009 338-92 91-000 680-15; 91-000 689-15
91-000 785-15; 91-009 337-05
91-000 785-15 End screw for No.91-009 341-05 91-009 339-15; 91-009 341-05
91-009 342-05; 91-009 343-05
91-009 337-05 Clutch collar 91-009 544-05; 91-009 408-05;
91-012 072-05
91-009 338-92 Clutch sleeve, w/ 91-009 408-05 Hinge stud for No.91-009 339-15
No.91-000 680-15 Set screw,
pointed 91-012 072-05 Plunger for No.91-009 339-15
N0.9I-OOO 689-15 Set screw,
blunt 9I-O7O 171-90 Safety clutch (Model C), compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-009 338-92;
91-009 339-15 Clutch latch
91-009 351-91

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6

93-102 335-Hl

gl-OCf 172-05
91-029 007-91
12-6if0 170-55
91-00^1 171-15

91-029 O'tb-OI ^10-754 701-00

91-097 07VJ»7

91-025 076-15
91-029 69245 91-000 I8M5

91-025 056-92

-91-025 170-15
91-029 83M5

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 IV/1

H-'tGO 109-15 Wood screw (3x13 DIN 96-St) 91429 450-35 Hinge stud for Nos.91432 80541;
for No.91-029 587-55 91432 8O74I
11-^60 250-25 Wood screw ('t.5x25 DIN 96-St)
for No.91-008 2'»Ml 91429 48041 Screwdriver (4.8 mm wide)
11-JfOO 355-15 Wood screw (5.5x25 DIN 96-St) 91429 587-55 Oil drip pan
for No.91-031 568^91
91429 601-15 Washer for Nos. 11460 250-25;
11470 558-25 Wood screw (5.5x30 DIN 97-St) 91429 84041
for No,91-029 8^0-91
12-6'tO 170-55 Slip washer (5 DIN 6799) 91429 69245 Rubber pad cover for No.91425 05642
for No.91-00'f 171-15
91429 83141 Machine rest
12-6^2 170-'t5 Slip washer (5x0.6)
for No.93-513 120-91 91429 83345 Machine cover
15-030 3^1-05 Fulcrum stud (5h8x't0 DIN 7)
for No.91-032 805-91 91429 84041 Catch, w/
leather, for No.91429 84145
'tO-75^ 701-00 Soft brush
9I-OOO I86-I5 Fastening screw for Nos.91-025 056-92; 91429 84145 Leather for No.91429 84041
91-025 0^2; 91-025 169-92;
91-027 271-92 91429 94641 Screwdriver (2.8 mm wide)
91-00^ 170-J»5 Belt guard
91431 56841 Knee lifter, (Model B), compl.,
91-00't I7I-I5 Hinge stud for Nos.91-00^ 170-'»5; consisting of Nos.91-025 054-55;
91-008 2^5-^5 91425 05642; 91425 06042;
Ol-OO't 172-05 Torsion spring for No.OI-OO't 170-'t5 91425 075-55; 91425 076-15;
91425 077-15; 91425 16942;
91-004 173-15 Guide stud for No.91-004 170-45 91425 170-15; 91427 27142;
91-008 244-91 Belt guard, compl,, 93-513 12041
consisting of Nos.12-640 170-55;
91-004 17045; 91-004 171-15; 91432 8O54I Hinge block, left, compl.,
91-004 172-05; 91-004 173-15; consisting of Nos. 13430 34145;
91-008 24545 91432 806-45
91-008 24545 Belt guard bracket
9I-OO9 327-35 Thread guide 91432 80645 Hinge block for Nos.91432 80541;
91432 8O74I
9I-O25 054-55 Rook shaft hanger, rear,
for No.91-025 077-15
91432 8O74I Hinge block, right, compl.,
9I-O25 056-92 Knee plate, w/ consisting of Nos,91432 80645;
set screw No.91-000 186-15 91497 07447; 91-101 77545
9I-O25 060-92 Rock shaft lifting bracket, w/
set screw No.91-000 186-15 91432 80845 Rubber cushion, 4-mm recess
91-025 075-55 Rock shaft hanger, front,
for No.91-025 077-15 91497 07447 Earth wire for No.91-101 77545
9I-O25 076-15 Torsion spring for No.91-025 170-15
91-101 77545 Fulcrum stud for No.91432 80741
9I-O25 077-15 Knee lifter rock shaft
for No.91-031 568-91
95-102 33541 Box
9I-O25 169-92 Knee plate arm bracket, w/
set screw No.91-000 186-15
91-025 170-15 Knee plate arm for No.91-025 16942 93-513 12041 Lifting bracket extension, compl.,
consisting of Nos. 12-642 17045;
91-027 271-02 Stop dog, w/ set screw 93-513 12140; 95-513 124-10;
No.91-000 186-15, for No.91-025 077-15 93-513 12545
91-029 007-91 Screwdriver (6 mm wide)
93-513 12140 Lifting bracket extension
91-029 293-90 Box, w/ for No.93-513 12041
No.40-754 701-00 Soft brush
No.91-009 327-35 Thread guide
N0.9I-OI8 339-05 Bobbin (see Section III/I) 93-513 124-10 Roller stud for No.93-513 12545
N0.9I-O29 48041 Screwdriver (4.8 mm wide)
N0.91429 94641 Screwdriver (2.8 mm wide) 93-513 12545 Roller for No.93-513 12041
91-029 394-01 Oiler, empty
99-129 58443 Wrapper, w/ needles. System 134

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6

11-108 2't6-15

91-129 637-45-

91-129 6^9-45


I I „ 99-115 036-45

'91-029 601-25 ^
^ 91-002

91-005 567-25

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 IV/2

11-108 246-15 Binding screw (A M5x25 DIN 84-8G) 91-041 076-91 Bobbin winder, compl.,
for Nos.91-129 641-92; 91-129 646-^2 consisting of Nos.91-000 062-25;
91-000 082-25; 91-000 359-15;
11-460 247-25 Wood screw (4.5x20 DIN 96-St) 91-000 364-25; 91-000 366-25;
for No.91-041 085^1 91-005 564-45; 91-005 567-25;
91-005 568-25; 91-005 569-25;
11-470 768-15 Wood screw (5-5x22 DIN 97-St) 91-041 053-25; 91-046 097-25;
for No.91-129 647-45 91-050 855-45; 91-053 332-45

12-024 171-15 Nut (M 5 DIN 934-8) 91-041 085-91 Bobbin winder, table model, compl.,
for No.11-108 246-15 consisting of Nos.91-000 237-25;
91-000 363-25; 91-002 536-15;
12-305 414-15 Washer (A 19 DIN 125-St) 91-040 618-45; 91-040 621-91;
for Nos.91-129 640-90; 91-129 65(H0 91-041 076-91
91-046 097-25 Bobbin winder stop latch
12-611 310-45 Circlip (18x1.5 DIN 471)
for No.12-305 414-15 9I-O5O 855-45 Bobbin winder frame base
9I-O53 332-45 Bobbin winder pulley
91-000 062-25 Set screw for No.91-046 097-25
9I-O53 347-21 Bobbin winder tension bracket, w/
91-000 082-25 Fastening screw for No.91-005 567-25 position pin No.91-010 107-05
9I-I29 637-45 Spool rest rod
91-000 237-25 Fastening screw for No.91-040 621-91
9I-I29 640-90 Thread unwinder (standard version),
91-000 359-15 Hinge screw for Nos.91-005 564-45; compl.,
91-050 855-45 consisting of Nos.12-305 414-15;
12-611 310-45; 91-129 637-45;
91-000 363-25 Fastening screw for No.91-041 076-91 91-129 641-92; 91-129 644-05;
91-129 645-45; 91-129 646-92;
91-000 364-25 Fastening screw for Nos.91-005 568-25; 91-129 649-45; 99-115 034-15;
91-005 569-25 99-115 03645 ; 99-115 03745
91-129 641-92 Spool rest, w/
91-000 366-25 Connecting screw for Nos.91-005 568-25; No.11-108 246-15 Binding screw
91-005 569-25 No.12-024 171-15 Nut

91-000 737-05 Tension stud 9I-I29 644-05 Spool retaining washer

91-129 64545 Spool disc
91-001 535-25 Nut for No.91-000 737-05
91-129 64642 Thread guide, w/
91-002 536-15 Washer for No.91-000 237-25 No.11-108 246-15 Binding screw
No.12-024 171-15 Nut
91-005 005-05 Tension disc 91-129 64745 Thread unwinder base for No.91-129 660-90

91-005 125-05 Tension spring 9I-I29 64945 Spool pin washer (foam rubber)
for No.91-129 641-92
91-005 564-45 Bobbin winder frame 91-129 650-90 Thread unwinder (special version), compl.,
Same component parts as No.91-129 640-90,
91-005 567-25 Bobbin winder frame spring but incorporating
No.91-129 63745 Spool rest rod (3x)
91-005 568-25 Bobbin winder stop latch trip lever No.99-080 150-91 Gland (for power
for No.91-005 564-45 connection)
No.99-115 03645 Sleeve (4x)
9I-OO5 569-25 Bobbin winder thumb lever
for No.91-005 568-25 91-129 660-90 Thread unwinder (special version),
91-010 107-05 Position pin for No.91-005 005-05
Same component parts as No.91-129 640-90,
91-029 601-25 Washer for No.11-460 247-25 but incorporating
No. 11470 768-15 Wood screw
91-040 618-45 Bobbin winder base for No.91-O4l 085-91
N0.9I-I29 64745 Thread unwinder base
91-040 621-91 Bobbin winder thread tension bracket,
99-080 150-91 Gland for No.91-129 650-90
consisting of Nos.91-000 737-05;
91-001 533-25; 91-005 005-05; 99-115 034-15 Nut for No.91-129 63745
91-005 125-05; 91-040 623-25;
91-053 347-21
99-115 03645 Sleeve for No.91-129 63745
91-040 623-25 Spool pin
91-041 063-25 Bobbin winder spindle 99-115 03745 Cap for No.91-129 63745

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
V/l; V/2

Complementary Parts
Pfaff 545 H1 -6
Pfaff 545 H3-6
Pfaff 545 H4-6

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 HI-6

Pfaff 545 H3-6; 545 H4-6

-91-000 636-15 91-009 009-05

91-010 735-15
-91-011 929-15 91-010 736-15

.91-010 676-15

-91-006 526-05 9I-O6I 005-05

-91-010 633-05

-91-011 7I8-92

91-000 03it_i5

91-046 731-04
91-046 732-93 91-042 944-04

91-000 085-35

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Parts for the Pfoff 545 HI-6
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 545 H2-6) V/1

91-000 Fastening screw for No.91-011 ^7-91

91-001 512-15 Nut for No.91-011 ^97-91

91-010 618-15 Lifting bell crank

91-011 't97-91 Ball joint connection, w/

ball screw stud and set screw No.91-000

Complementary Parts for the Pfaff 545 H3-6; 545 H4-6

(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfaff 545 H2-6)

91-000 03M5 Fastening screw for lifting presser foot

91-000 085-35 Fastening screw for No.91-O't6 732-93

91-000 636-15 Pressure regulating screw (Model tih)

91-006 526-05 Washer (Model N't) for No.91-010 633-05

91-009 009-05 Presser bar spring stop pin (Model W^)

for No.91-061 005-05

91-010 633-05 Presser bar spring, outer, (Model HM

91-010 676-15 Presser bar bushing (Model H^t)

91-010 735-15 Presser bar lifter (Model H3)

91-010 736-15 Presser bar lifter (Model N't)

91-011 718-92 Presser bar, w/

set screw No.91-000 03'»-15^ (Model

91-011 929-15 Bushing threaded (Model Wh) for No.91-010 676-15

91-0'»2 X Model
Feed dog (Subcl.-6/03), Model Wh

91-0^2 9't5-0't X Model

Needle plate (Subcl.-6/03), Model H'f

91-0*16 731-0*t X Model

Lifting presser foot (Subcl.-6/03), Model

91-0*t6 732-93 x Model

Vibrating presser foot, w/ set screw
No.91-000 085-35, (Subcl.-6/03), Model

9I-O6I 005-05 Presser bar spring, inner, (Model H*»)

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H3-6; 545 H4-6

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 545 H3-6; 545 H4-6
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 545 H2-6) V/2

170-55 Slip washer (5 DIN 6799)

for No.91-00't 171-15
91-000 186-15 Fastening screw for No.91-025 068-92
91-000 382-15 Fastening screw, blunt,
for No.91-015 652-92
91-000 510-15 Fastening screw for No,91-010 631-92
91-000 668-15 Fastening screw, pointed,
for No.91-015 652-92
91-00'» 171-15 Hinge stud for Nos.91-00'» 18^15;
91-009 *>2545
91-00'f 172-05 Torsion spring for Nc.91-00't 18Wt5
91-00't 173-15 Guide stud for No.91-00'f 18^5
91-00't 18W5 Belt guard
91-009 't2't-91 Belt guard,compl.,
consisting of Nos.12-6't0 170-55; 91-00'» 171-15;
91-00^1 172-05; 91-00'» 175-15;91-00't 18'»-'t5;
91-009 't25-^5
91-009 't25-'t5 Belt guard bracket
91-009 652-91 Thread tension, compl., (Model D)
Same component parts as No.91-009 328-91
(see Section l/2), but incorporating
tension spring No.91-010 18^-05
91-010 18V-05 Tension spring (Model D)
91-010 631-92 Lifting eccentric, w/
set screw No.91-000 510-15, (Model H^t)
91-010 632-15 Lifting eccentric connection (Model hO
91-010 737-J»5 Lifting lever (Model H^t)
91-010 738-'»5 Lifting lever lifting bracket (Model H3)
91-010 739-^5 Lifting lever lifting bracket (Model H^)
91-010 937-05 Thread check spring (Model D)

91-015 652-92 Balance wheel (Model 0), w/

No.91-000 382-15 Set screw,blunt
No.91-000 668-15 Set screw, pointed

91-019 677-91 Lifting lever link assembly (Model D), compl.

For component parts see Section II/2

91-025 068-92 Stop dog, w/ set screw No.91-000 186-15,

(Model H3)

91-030 2'»6-15 Hinge stud (Model H^t) for No.91-010 lyjAb

91-031 ^11-91 Knee lifter, (Model H3), compl.
Same component parts as No.91-031 568-91
(see Section IV/1), but incorporating
No.91-025 068-92 Stop, w/
set screw No.91-000 186-15

99-129 586-93 Wrapper, w/ needles. System 190, (Model N't)

99-129 595-93 Wrapper, w/ needles, System 13't-35, (Model H3)

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

^ Complementary Parts
Pfaff 545-6 N8
Pfaff 545-6 NK)

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545-6 N8

91-102 007-92

Pfaff 545-6 NIO

91^08 ^0-91 91^18 689-91 91-0^9 573-0'f

91-040 474-93 Am
91-000 064-15^
91-000 085-35
91-000 510-15-| 91-018 688-05
91-010 031-92'

91-015 527-05

91-102 011-05 91-048 639-04

UFn«wC^ Cm«H.
•9I-OO8 040-92 _

91-009 702-05

91-102 028-35
91-047 241^4
91-001 512-15 91-000 011-15
11-108 225-15

91-006 57^-92 91-102 035-91

11-108 225-15 91-000 5nviq-^|9l-QlO 126-92

I 91-005 673-05 91-001 556-15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 545-6 N8
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfaff 545 HI-6; H2-6; H3-6; H4-6) VI

11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A M^xlO DIN B't-SG; 91-026 7^5-0't X Model
overall length = 12.8 mm) Feed dog (Subcl.-6/01),
for N0.9I-IO2 019-92 Old version = Model HI; H2; H3
binding screw N0.9I-OOO 068-15 No.91-0^2 9'tV-O^ XModel
(ll/6'f"x30; overall length = 18 mm) Feed dog
91-000 050-15 Binding screw for No.91-102 210-92 Model H^, not ill.
91-000 06'f-15 Fastening screw for No.91-009 636-91 91-0^0 ^7^3 X Model
Vibrating presser foot, w/
91-000 085-35 Fastening screw for set screw No.91-000 085-35,
vibrating presser foot (Subcl.-6/0l), Model HI; H2; H3
No.91-0^6 732-93 x Model
91-000 5IO-I5 Fastening screw for No.91-102 007-92 Vibrating presser foot
w/ set screw
91-000 7't1-15 Hinge screw for Nos.91-102 03^5; No.91-000 085-35,
91-102 210-92 (Subcl.-6/02),
Model not ill.
9I-OO9 636-91 Feed driving eccentric sleeve, 91-048 922-04 x Model
w/ set screw N0.9I-OOO 06'h-15 Needle plate (Subcl,-6/0l),
Model HI; H2; H3
91-010 677-91 Feed driving eccentric sleeve, compl., No.91-048 923-04 x Model
for N0.9I-OI8 ^67-^1, Needle plate
consisting of Nos.91-^09 636-91; (Subcl.-6/02),
91-102 007-92 Model H4, not ill.
91-012 ^92-35 Feed regulator index plate 91-049 585-04 X Model
91-018 '»67-91 Feed regulator, compl., (not ill.) Lifting presser foot (Subcl.-6/0l),
Same component parts as No.91-009 810-91 Model HI; H2; H3
(see Section II/I), but incorporating No.91-049 586-05 X Model
N0.9I-OI2 ^92-35 Feed regulator Lifting presser foot
index plate (Subcl.-6/02),
No.91-102 007-92 Feed driving eccentric Model H4, not ill.
N0.9I-IO2 033-05 Feed forked connection
Continued overleaf

Complementary Parts for the Pfoff 545-6 NIO

(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 545-6 N8)

11-108 225-15 Binding screw (A M5x10 DIN 84-8G; 91-^10 031-92 Feed lifting eccentric, w/
overall length= 13.5 mm) set screw No.91-000 510-15
for Nos.91-006 576^2; 91-010 126-92 91-010 126-92 Feed lifting shaft crank, w/
Old version = binding screw
set screw No.11-108 225-15
No.91-000 560-15
(7/32"xA0; overall length = 14.5 mm) 9I-OI5 527-05 Driving stud
91-000 011-15 Hinge screw for No.91-008 440-91 91-018 688-05 Take-up lever
91-000 064-15 Fastening screw for No.91-008 040-92 91-018 689-91 Take-up lever compl..
Same component parts as No.91-015 870-91
91-000 085-35 Fastening screw for (see Section l/2), but incorporating
vibrating presser foot ^ N0.9I-OI5 527-05 Driving stud
91-000 503-15 Hinge screw for No.91-005 675-05 N0.9I-OI8 688-05 Take-up lever
91-000 510-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 031-92 91-040 474-93 X Model
Vibrating presser foot, w/
91-001 512-15 Nut for No.91-000 011-15
set screw N0.9I-OOO 085-35,
91-001 536-15 Nut for No.91-000 505-15 (Subcl.-6/01), Model HI; H2; H3
N0.9I-O43 526^3 XModel
91-005 673-05 Slide block for No.91-010 126-92 Vibrating presser foot
91-006 576-92 Feed lifting shaft crank, rear, w/ set screw
w/ binding screw No.11-108 225-15 No.91-000 085-35,
91-008 040-92 Feed lifting connection, Model H1;H2;H3,not ill.
w/ set screw No.91-000 064-15 No.91-046 732-93 x Model
91-008 440-91 Feed lifting connection, compl., Vibrating presser foot
consisting of Nos.91-008 040^2; w/ set screw
91-010 031-92 No.91-000 085-35,
(Subcl.-6/03), Model
9I-OO9 702-05 Feed regulator H4, not ill.
Continued overleaf 43
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 545-6 N8
VI (For standard parts, please refer to the Pfaff 545 HI-6; H2-6; H3-6; H4-6)

91-102 007-^2 Feed driving eccentric, w/
set screw No,91-000 510-15
91-102 019-92 Feed rock shaft crank, w/
binding screw No.11-108 177-15
91-102 035-05 Feed forked connection
91-102 03V-05 Needle bar frame shaft connection

91-102 210-92 Needle bar frame shaft crank, rear,

w/ binding screw No.91-000 050-15
91-102 21&-91 Needle bar frame shaft connection, corapl.,
consisting of Nos.91-000 7't1-15;
91-102 03M)5; 91-102 210-92

91-018 662-45 Bed plate (not ill.)

13-060 ^00-05 Positioning pin (6x32 DIN 1^71),
not ill., for No.91-018 662-45
91-700 352-15 Fastening screw (not ill.)
for No.91-018 662-45

Complementary Parts for the Pfaff 545-6 NIO

(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfaff 545-6 N8)

91-0'f7 2'tl-O't X Model 91-0^9 573-0^1 X Model

Feed dog (Subcl.-6/0l), Lifting presser foot (Siibcl.-6/0l),
Model HI; H2; H3 Model HI; H2; H3
No.91-0't7 2't2-0'f X Model No.91-0't9 5Ti-0h X Model
Feed dog Lifting presser foot
(Subcl.-6/02), (Subcl.-6/02),
Model HI; H2; H3, Model HI; H2; H3,
not ill. not ill.
No.91-0'»7 2't3-0'» X Model No.91-0't9 575-05 x Model
Feed dog Lifting presser foot
(Subcl.-6/03), (Subcl.-6/03),
Model n't, not ill. Model H^, not ill.
91-102 011-05 Feed bar

91-102 022-91 Feed regulator, compl., (not ill.)

Same component parts as No.91-018 'f67-91,
but incorporating
N0.9I-OO9 702-05 Feed regulator
N0.9I-IO2 028-35 Feed regulator index
91-0^8 639-0'» X Model plate
Needle plate (Subcl.-6/01; -6/02),
Model HI; H2; H3 91-102 028-35 Feed regulator index plate
No.91-0'»8 6^10-0^ XModel 91-102 035-91 Feed lifting shaft crank, compl.,
Needle plate consisting of Nos.91-000 503-15;
(Subcl.-6/03), 91-001 536-15; 91-005 673-05;
Model Wi, not ill. 91-010 126^2

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Feed Regulator Components of the Pfoff 545 for Stitch Lengths from 5 1/2 to 2 1/2 s.p.i.

Part rv|umber for Stitch Length Indicated in s.p. i.

Port Name
5 1/2 4(N) 3 (N8) 2 1/2 (NIO)
Feed regulator, compl. 91-009 81{P91 91-009 361-91 91-018 't67-9l 91-102 02241

Feed regulator 91-009 602-05 91-009 602-05 91-009 602-05 ^ 91-009 70245

Feed driving eccentric sleeve, compl. 91-008 281-91 91-008 280-91 91-010 677-91 91410 67741

Feed driving eccentric 91-009 6't6-92 91-009 633-92 91-102 007-92 91-102 00742

• Feed regulator index plate 91-009 6^8-35 91-009 6'»8-35 91-012 42-35 + 91-102 028-35

Feed driving connection 91-009 616-05 91-009 616-05 91-102 033-05 y 91-102 03345

Needle bar frame shaft connection, compl. 91-011 783-^1 91-011 78341 91-102 216-91 Y 91-102 21641
Needle bar frame shaft connection 91-010 013-05 91-010 013-05 91-102 03405 91-102 03405

Needle bar frame shaft crank, rear 91-015 659^2 91-015 659-92 9I-IO2 210-92 9I-IO2 21042

Feed rock shaft crank 91-102 019-92

91-010 U6-92 91-010 46-92 Y 91-102 01942
Feed lifting connection, compl. 91408 4041

Feed lifting shaft crank, compl. 91-009 359-91 91-009 359-91 91-009 35941 X 91-102 03541

Feed lifting shaft crank, rear jc 91406 57642

Clamping bracket for feed lifting shaft 91-010 70W 5 91-010 70W 5 91-010 70415

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Take-up lever, compl. See table on p. hS See table on p. <16 See table on p. 46 ^ 91418 68941
Feed bar 91-010 066-05 91-010 066-05 91-010 066-05 Y 91-102 01145
Bedplate 91-009 33545 ^1-009 33545 91418 66245 91-018 66245
Component Parts for the Pfoff 545
in AAodels B, C, D and HI, H2, H3, H4


Part Name H 1 H 2 H2 H3 H4

Take-up lever,
91-015 870-91 91-015 870-01 91-010 668-91 91-015 870-91 91410 66841 91410 66841
Take-up lever 9I-OO8 007-05 91-008 007-05 91-010 9'»2-05 91-008 007-05 91410 9445 91410 9445
Take-up lever driving stud 9I-OO8 009-05 91-008 009-05 91-015 527-05 91-008 009-05 91415 52745 91415 52745

Thread tension, compl. 91-009 328-91 91-009 328-91 91-009 652-91 91-009 328-91 91409 65241 91409 65241

Tension spring 91-010 185-05 91-010 183-05 91-010 I8A-O5 91-010 183-05 91410 18405 91410 18405
Thread check spring 91-010 023-05 91-010 023-05 91-010 937-05 91-010 023-05 91410 937-05 91410 93745
Presser bar 91-019 651-92 91-019 651-92 91-019 651-92 91-019 651-92 91419 65142 91411 71842
Presser bar bushing 91-019 656-05 91-019 656-05 91-019 656-05 91-019 656-05 91419 65645 91410 676-15

Presser bar spring, outer 91410 63405

Presser bar spring, inner 91461 00545

Presser bar leaf spring 91-019 661-15 91419 661-15

91-019 662-15 91-019 662-15 91-019 662-15 91-019 662-15 91419 662-15
Presser bar lifter 91-010 73'»-15 91-010 73^5 91-010 888-15 91-010 735-15 91410 735-15 91410 736-15

Lifting eccentric 91_0i1 72A-92 91-011 72M2 91-011 72l^-92 91-011 72^*42 91-011 72492 91410 63142

Connection 91-011 725-^5 91-011 725-^5 91-011 725-'t5 91-011 725-45 91411 72545 91410 632-15
Ball joint connection 91-011 /,97_9i 91-011 730-^5 91-011 73O-A5 91-011 73045 91411 73045 91411 73045

Nut for ball joint

91-001 512-15

Lifting bell crank 91-010 6I8-I5 91-011 731-05 91-011 731-05 91-011 731-05 91411 73145 91411 73145
Lifting bracket 91-010 73^5 91-010 73't-15 91-010 888-15 91-010 735-15 91410 755-15 91410 736-15
Connecting rod 91-010 20A-I5 91-010 20'f-l5 91-010 20415
Lifting lever link
assembly, compl. 91-019 677-91 91419 67741 91419 67741

Lifting lever lifting 91-010 733-^5 91-010 733-^5 91-010 75545 91-010 73845 91410 73845 91410 73945

Knee lifter, compl. 91-031 568^1 91-031 568-91 91-031 41-91

Knee lifter stop dog 91-027 271-02 91-027 271-92 91-025 068-92
Chain 91-015 673-21 91415 673-21 91415 673-21
C = C =
Balance wheel
91409 38942 91409 38942
91-009 388-92 91-009 388-92 91-009 389-92 91-009 38842
D = 0 =
91415 65242 91415 65242

C = C =
Belt guard, compl. 91-008 2'tA-9l 91-008 2'tMI 9I-OO8 24-91 91-008 2'»491 91408 2A491 91408 2^491
D = D =
91409 ^2491 91409 ^2A41

Arm cover, rear 91-002 50Wt5 91-002 50'H!t5 91-010 61745 91-002 50A45 91410 61745 91410 61745

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Numerical index

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545

Nummern-Verzeichnis / Tableau des num^ros / Numerical Index / Lista de ndmeros

Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.

11-108 177-15 III/1 13-060 400-05 III/1 91-000 085-55 V/1 91-000 382-15 V/2 91-000 680-15 II/1

11-108 177-15 VI 13-060 400-05 VI 91-000 085-55 VI 91-000 38S-15 II/2 91-000 680-15 III/I

11-108 225-15 1/1 13-065 199-05 n/2 91-000 086-15 1/1 91-000 390-15 III/I 91-000 680-15 III/2

11-108 225-15 III/1 15-065 259-05 IH/l 91-000 089-25 1/1 91-000 401-35 1/1 91-000 687-15 II/1

11-108 225-15 VI 14-650 104-05 1/1 91-000 089-25 Il/1 91-000 405-15 II/1 91-000 689-15 II/1

11-108 2^6-15 IV/2 40-754 701-00 IV/1 91-000 150-15 1/2 91-000 406-15 II/1 91-000 689-15 III/I

11-108 250-15 II/2 91-000 011-15 VI 91-000 150-15 II/1 91-000 407-15 III/2 91-000 689-15 III/2

11-108 288-15 II/2 91-000 019-15 1/1 91-000 150-15 III/I 91-000 412-35 1/2 91-000 697-05 l/l
11-130 ^^52-15 III/1 91-000 029-15 II/2 91-000 152-15 1/1 91-000 422-35 III/2 91-000 699-15 III/I

11-133 '»51-15 III/1 91-000 034-15 1/1 91-000 152-15 II/1 91-000 456-15 II/1 91-000 71W5 II/1

11-17't 086-15 1/1 91-000 034-15 V/1 91-000 172-55 1/2 91-000 469-15 1/1 91-000 737-05 IV/2

11-178 166-15 1/1 91-000 048-15 1/1 91-000 186-15 IV/1 91-000 486-25 l/2 91-000 741-15 II/2

11-460 109-15 IV/1 91-000 050-15 VI 91-000 186-15 V/2 91-000 505-15 III/I 91-000 741-15 VI

11-460 247-25 IV/2 91-000 058-15 III/1 91-000 225-15 III/2 91-000 503-15 VI 91-000 783-15 III/I

11460 250-25 IV/1 91-000 059-55 Il/1 91-000 257-25 l/1 91-000 505-15 III/I 91-000 785-15 III/I
11460 355-15 IV/1 91-000 062-15 1/1 91-000 237-25 IV/2 91-000 510-15 1/1 91-000 785-15 III/2
11470 358-25 IV/1 91-000 062-25 IV/2 91-000 239-15 1/2 91-000 510-15 II/1 91-000 790-15 III/I
11470 768-15 IV/2 91-000 064-15 II/1 91-000 243-15 1/1 91-000 510-15 V/2 91-000 809-15 III/I
12-024 171-15 II/2 91-000 064-15 II/2 91-000 243-15 1/2 91-000 510-15 VI 91-000 885-15 II/1
12-024 171-15 IV/2 91-000 064-15 VI 91-000 245-15 V/1 91-000 511-15 II/1 91-000 928-15 III/I
12-110 211-15 II/2 91-000 070-15 II/1 91-000 263-15 II/2 91-000 522-15 II/1 91-001 512-15 II/1
12-305 414-15 IV/2 91-000 070-15 III/1 91-000 278-15 1/1 91-000 524-15 1/2 91-001 512-15 V/1
12-515 250-05 l/l 91-000 072-15 1/1 91-000 290-15 III/I 91-000 525-15 III/I 91-001 512-15 VI

12-611 31045 IV/2 91-000 073-15 1/1 91-000 321-15 II/1 91-000 529-15 III/I 91-001 513-15 II/2
12-640 130-55 III/2 91-000 073-15 II1/1 91-000 325-15 II/1 91-000 568-15 1/1 91-001 522-35 l/2
12-640 150-55 III/2 91-000 078-15 III/2 91-000 359-15 IV/2 91-000 624-15 III/I 91-001 533-25 IV/2
12-640 170-55 IV/1 91-000 082-15 1/2 91-000 363-15 II/1 91-000 636-15 V/1 91-001 536-15 III/I
12-640 170-55 V/2 91-000 082-15 III/2 91-000 363-25 IV/2 91-000 645-05 1/1 91-001 536-15 VI

12-642 17045 II/2 91-000 082-25 IV/2 91-000 364-25 IV/2 91-000 660-15 II/1 91-001 595-35 II/1
12-642 17045 IV/1 91-000 082-35 1/2 91-000 366-15 1/2 91-000 666-05 l/2 91-001 600-35 1/1
13-030 341-05 IV/1 91-000 083-15 1/1 91-000 366-25 IV/2 91-000 668-15 V/2 91-001 758-05 1/1
15-052 256-05 III/2 91-000 085-55 l/1 91-000 367-15 II/2 91-000 672-15 II/1 91-002 504-45 Il/I

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545

Nummern-Verzeichnis / Tableau des num^ros / Numerical Index / Lista de nOmeros

Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.

91-002 536-15 II/2 91-007 687-05 1/1 91-009 344-05 III/2 91-009 652-91 1/2 91-010 146-92 III/I
91-002 536-15 IV/2 91-008 003-05 II/I 91-009 347-05 III/I 91-009 652-91 V/2 91-010 181-15 1/2
91-003 100-05 1/1 91-008 004-05 II/I 91-009 351-91 III/2 91-009 702-05 VI 91-010 183-05 1/2
91-00'f 005-05 1/2 91-008 005-05 II/I 91-009 359-01 III/I 91-009 810-91 II/I 91-010 184-05 1/2
9^-OOk 006-05 1/2 91-008 007-05 1/2 91-009 361-91 II/I 91-009 938-15 II/2 91-010 184-05 V/2
Ol-OO'f 17045 IV/1 91-008 008-05 1/2 91-009 388-92 II/I 91-010 002-05 II/I 91-010 185-05 1/2
Ol-OO'f 171-15 IV/1 91-008 009-05 1/2 91-009 389-92 II/I 91-010 009-05 1/1 91-010 186-15 1/2
91-004 171-15 V/2 91-008 011-05 1/2 91-009 390-35 1/2 91-010 013-05 II/2 91-010 196-05 II/I
91-004 172-05 IV/1 91-008 021-11 1/1 91-009 391-31 1/2 91-010 016-05 II/I 91-010 204-15 II/2
91-004 172-05 V/2 91-008 040-92 VI 91-009 408-05 III/2 91-010 017-05 II/I 91-010 211-05 III/I
91-004 173-15 IV/1 91-008 064-05 l/2 91-009 424-91 V/2 91-010 022-05 II/I 91-010 21245 III/I
91-004 173-15 V/2 91-008 244-91 IV/1 91-009 42545 V/2 91-010 023-05 1/2 91-010 221-05 III/I
91-004 18445 V/2 91-008 24545 IV/1 91-009 432-90 III/I 91-010 02&-3I 1/2 91-010 360-05 1/1
91-004 18645 III/I 91-008 280-91 II/I 91-009 489-05 1/2 91-010 027-35 1/2 91-010 361-05 III/I
91-004 531-25 1/2 91-008 281-91 II/I 91-009 602-05 II/I 91-010 028-35 1/2 91-010 596-05 II/I

91-005 005-05 IV/2 91-008 440-91 VI 91-009 60345 II/I 91-010 031-92 VI 91-010 60645 II/2

91-005 051-15 III/I 91-009 009-05 V/1 91-009 604-05 II/I 91-010 044-05 III/I 91-010 61745 II/2

91-005 125-05 IV/2 91-009 148-05 1/2 91-009 605-05 II/I 91-010 056-05 III/I 91-010 618-15 V/1

91-005 56445 IV/2 91-009 148-05 II/I 91-009 606-05 II/I 91-010 061-34 III/2 91-010 63142 V/2

91-005 567-25 IV/2 91-009 149-05 III/I 91-009 609-05 II/I 91-010 066-05 III/I 91-010 632-15 V/2

91-005 568-25 IV/2 91-009 30245 II/I 91-009 610-35 II/I 91-010 067-05 II/2 91-010 633-05 V/1

91-005 569-25 IV/2 91-009 308-35 III/2 91-009 612-15 II/I 91-010 099-05 III/2 91-010 63645 1/1

91-005 604-05 II/1 91-009 327-35 IV/1 91-009 616-05 II/I 91-010 100-05 III/2 91-010 646-91 1/1

91-005 673-05 III/I 91-009 328-91 1/2 91-009 617-05 II/I 91-010 104-05 1/1 91-010 66841 1/2

91-005 675^5 VI 91-009 333-15 II/I 91-009 618-05 II/I 91-010 107-05 1/2 91-010 676-15 V/1

91-006 155-15 II/1 91-009 33545 III/I 91-009 621-92 II/I 91-010 107-05 IV/2 91410 67741 VI

91-006 505-05 1/2 91-009 337-05 III/2 91-009 624-05 II/I 91-010 115-05 1/2 91410 70342 1/2
91-006 526-05 V/1 91-009 338-92 III/2 91-009 633-92 II/I 91-010 116-05 1/2 91_010 704-15 III/I

91-006 576-92 VI 91-009 339-15 III/2 91-009 636-91 II/I 91-010 121-91 III/I 91410 728-15 1/1 '
91-006 759-05 II/1 91-009 341-05 III/2 91-009 636-91 VI 91-010 126-92 III/I 91410 72945 1/1
91-006 783-05 1/2 91-009 342-05 III/2 91-009 646-92 II/I 91-010 126-92 VI 91410 730-15 1/1
91-006 783-05 II/I 91-009 343-05 III/2 91-009 648-35 II/I 91-010 127-91 II/I 91410 731-15 1/1

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545

Nummern-Verzeichnis / Tableau des num^ros / Numerical Index / Lista de ndmeros

Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./no/No. Fig.

91-010 732-05 1/1 91-011 738-05 1/1 91-018 348-91 III/I 91-019 677-91 V/2 91-029 840-91 IV/1
91-010 73M5 II/2 91-011 739-92 1/1 91-018 349-05 IIl/l 91-019 853-12 III/I 91-029 841-05 IV/1
91-010 73^1-15 1/1 91-011 7^6-05 1/1 91-018 350-05 III/I 91-025 054-55 IV/1 91-029 946-91 IV/1
91-010 733-15 V/1 91-011 752-92 1/1 91-018 357-45 III/I 91-025 056-92 IV/1 91-030 246-15 II/2
91-010 736-15 V/1 91-011 778-05 1/1 91-018 358-45 Il/I 91-025 06(H2 IV/1 91-030 246-15 V/2
91-010 737-^5 V/2 91-011 783-91 II/2 91-018 359-45 II/1 91-025 068-92 V/2 91-031 411-91 V/2
91-010 738-^5 V/2 91-011 929-15 V/1 91-018 401-91 III/I 91-025 075-55 IV/1 91-031 568-91 IV/1
91-010 739-45 V/2 91-012 072-05 III/2 91-018 402-45 IIl/l 91-025 076-15 IV/1 91-032 803-91 IV/1
91-010 752-15 1/1 91-012 't07-15 II/2 91-018 403-01 III/I 91-025 077-15 IV/1 91-032 806-45 IV/1
91-010 755-35 Il/l 91-012 ^^92-35 VI 91-018 404-05 III/I 91-025 164-05 II/2 91-032 807-91 IV/1
91-010 756-91 1/1 91-013 102-45 1/1 91-018 406-01 III/I 91-025 165-45 II/2 91-032 808-45 IV/1
91-010 817-91 1/1 91-013 106-45 1/1 91-018 415-02 II/1 91-025 169-92 IV/1 91-040 474-93 I/I
91-010 819-35 1/1 91-013 109-45 II/2 91-018 439-05 III/I 91-025 170-15 IV/1 91-040 474-93 VI

91-010 820-^5 1/1 91-013 139-05 1/2 91-018 460-90 I1/1 91-025 637-15 1/1 91-040 475-04 I/I
91-010 821-35 1/1 91-0^ 675-'t5 II/2 91-018 467-91 VI 91-026 745-04 III/2 91-040 618-45 IV/2
91-010 822-05 1/1 91-OH 709-05 II/2 91-018 477-90 IIl/l 91-026 745-04 VI 91-040 621-91 IV/2
91-010 867-91 II1/1 91-01^ 710-01 II/2 91-018 600-01 III/I 91-026 746-04 III/2 91-040 623-25 IV/2
91-010 888-15 1/1 91-OU 786-15 II/2 91-018 662-45 VI 91-026 830-15 III/2 91-041 063-25 IV/2
91-010 937-05 1/2 91-015 527-05 l/2 91-018 688-05 VI 91-027 271-92 IV/1 91-041 076-91 IV/2
91-010 937-05 V/2 91-015 527-05 VI 91-018 689-91 VI 91-027 362-91 III/2 91-041 085-91 IV/2
91-010 9'f2-05 1/2 91-015 652-92 V/2 91-019 651-92 1/1 91-029 007-91 IV/1 91-042 944-04 V/1
91-011 'f53-05 II/1 91-015 659-92 II/2 91-019 656-05 1/1 91-029 293-90 IV/1 91-042 944-04 VI

91-011 't97-91 V/1 91-015 66M)5 III/1 91-019 657-05 l/l 91-029 394-01 IV/1 91-042 945-04 V/1
91-011 718-92 V/1 91-015 673-21 II/2 91-019 660-15 II/2 91-029 450-35 IV/1 91-043 524-04 III/2
91-011 72M2 1/1 91-015 870-91 1/2 91-019 661-15 II/2 91-029 480-91 IV/1 91-043 525-04 III/2
91-011 723-^5 1/1 91-017 530-91 II/2 91-019 662-15 II/2 91-029 535-15 1/1 91-043 526-93 I/I
91-011 727-05 1/1 91-018 339-05 IIl/l 91-019 663-45 II/2 91-029 587-55 IV/1 91-043 526-93 VI
91-011 729-92 1/1 91-018 3'»0-91 III/1 91-019 664-15 II/2 91-029 601-15 IV/1 91-043 527-04 I/I
91-011 730-'t5 1/1 91-018 3^-91 III/1 91-019 665-15 II/2 91-029 601-25 IV/2 91-046 097-25 IV/2
91-011 731-05 1/1 91-018 342-05 II1/1 91-019 676-05 1/2 91-029 692-45 IV/1 91-046 546-93 I/I
91-011 732-05 1/1 91-018 344-05 IIl/l 91-019 676-05 II/1 91-029 831-91 IV/1 91-046 623^3 I/I
91-011 73M)5 1/1 91-018 346-01 III/I 91-019 677-91 II/2 91-029 833-45 IV/1 91-046 630-04 I/I

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545

Nummern-Verzeichnis / Tableau des numdros / Numerical Index / LIsta de ndmeros

Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./rjO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.

631-0't 1/1 91-050 339-12 l/l 91-129 641-92 IV/2

gi-o'te 731-04 v/1 91-050 855-45 IV/2 91-129 644-05 IV/2
91-046 732-93 V/l 91-053 332-45 IV/2 91-129 645-45 IV/2
91-046 732-93 VI 91-053 347-21 IV/2 91-129 646-92 IV/2
91-046 926-04 l/l 91-055 203-91 l/1 91-129 647-45 IV/2
91-046 966-04 III/2 91-055 204-15 l/l 91-129 649-45 IV/2
91-046 967-04 III/2 91-055 205-05 l/1 91-129 650-90 IV/2
91-046 968-04 III/2 91-061 005-05 V/1 91-129 660-^0 IV/2
91-046 969-04 III/2 91-063 019-05 1/1 91-700 352-15 VI

91-046 980-04 III/2 91-067 020^ II/I 91-710 650-92 l/l

91-046 981-04 III/2 91-070 171-90 III/2 93-102 335-41 IV/1
91-046 982-04 III/2 91-097 074-47 IV/l 95-513 120-91 IV/1
91-046 985-04 III/2 91-100 044-15 II/I 93-513 121-00 IV/1
91-046 984-93 I/1 91-100 271-15 1/1 93-513 124-10 IV/1
91-046 985-93 l/l 91-101 775-05 IV/1 93-513 125-05 IV/l
91-046 986-04 l/l 91-102 007-92 VI 99-080 150-91 IV/2
91-046 987-04 l/l 91-102 011-05 VI 99-115 034-15 IV/2
91-047 181-04 III/2 91-102 019-92 VI 99-115 036-45 IV/2
91-047 241-04 VI 91-102 022-91 VI 99-115 037-45 IV/2
91-047 242-04 VI 91-102 028-35 VI 99-129 584-93 IV/l
91-047 243-04 VI 91-102 03>^5 VI 99-129 586-93 V/2
91-048 537-05 III/2 91-102 034-05 VI 99-129 593-93 V/2
91-048 639-04 VI 91-102 035-91 VI

91-048 640-04 VI 91-102 210-92 VI

91-048 922-04 VI 91-102 216-91 VI

91-048 923-04 VI 91-105 447-15 1/2

91-049 059-93 l/l 91-108 001-91 1/1
91-049 575^4 VI 91-108 527-91 1/1
91-049 574-04 VI 91-113 030-35 1/2
91-049 575-05 VI 91-119 025-35 1/2
91-049 585-04 VI 91-129 637-45 IV/2
91-049 58^5 VI 91-129 640-90 IV/2

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

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