Pfaff 545
Pfaff 545
Pfaff 545
All component parts ore grouped together as they are arranged in the
sewing machine.
November 1969
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
VI Complementary Parts
Pfaff 545-6 N8; 545-6 NIO 41
Numerical Index 47
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Front Parts
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
1/1 Pfaff 545 H2-6
91-000 073-15
91-010 64641 0-91-100 271-15
wm% 91-007 687-05-7^V-ii_i78 i56_i5
't:f^9l-013 10245 91-000 O72-I5-5M
91-010 636-45
91-010 8I74I
91^10 821—35 ni—fim oin_7c 41-013 106-45
91-010 9M1174M5- ^5^00 M1-35
^ 91-000 089-25^^5^'^''^^ "•
91-025 637-15 91-010 820-45 ;
-91-011 738-05
41-000 073-15
12-515 250-05 91-011 732-05"
CJ> 41-011 734-05
91-019 657-05
91-000 278-15 A 91-000 048-15
41-000 073-15
t 14-650 104-05
91-019 656-05
91-000 062-15
91-010 009-05 -91-710 650-92
12-515 250-05
91-108 001-91- j^li-174 086-15
-91-000 085-35
91-019 651-92
91-008 021-11
91-000 237-25
91-000 510-15
91-000 645-05
Og^ 91-055 203-91
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 1/1
11-108 225-15 Binding screw (A M5x10 DIN 8A-8G; 91-010 6A6-9I Presser bar guide block bracket, compl.,
overall length = 13.5 mm) consisting of Nos.91-000 ^01-35;
for Nos.91-011 729-92; 91-011 752-92 91-010 63645; 91-011 7^*6-05
Old version = binding screw
No.91-000 560-15 9I-OIO 728-15 Pressure spring receptacle
(7/32"xA0; overall length = H.5 mm) for No.91-010 731-15
9I-OIO 729-05 Tension release plunger
11-1?^ 086-15 Needle set screw CM 3xA DIN 920-5S)
9I-OIO 73O-I5 Tension release lever
11-178 166-15 End screw (M Ax5 DIN 921-5S)
for No.91-007 687-05 9I-OIO 73I-I5 Lifting bracket guide for N0.9I-OIO 729-05
12-515 250-05 Circlip (12 DIN 90A5) 91-010 732-05 Plunger for No.91-003 100-05
for No.91-019 656-05
9I-OIO 73^15 Presser bar lifter (Model B)
1A-650 10A-05 Ball (1/16" IV DIN 5^) N0.9I-OIO 888-I5 Presser bar lifter
for No.91-019 657-05 (Model C), not ill.
9I-OOO OI9-I5 Hinge screw for No.91-010 730-15
91-010 752-15 Stop for No.91-010 730-15
9I-OOO O5M5 Fastening screw for
lifting presser foot 9I-OIO 756-91 Face plate (for leather), compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-000 089-25;
9I-OOO 0^(8-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 009-05 91-010 8I7-9I; 91-013 10245;
91-025 637-15
9I-OOO O62-I5 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OIO 009-05
9I-OIO 8I7-9I Thread lubricator (for leather), compl.,
9I-OOO O72-I5 Fastening screw for No,91-010 6^16-^1 consisting of Nos,91-010 819-35;
9I-OOO O73-I5 Fastening screw for Nos.91-011 738-05; 91-010 8204 5; 91-010 821-35;
91-015 102-45 91-010 822-05
9I-OOO 083-15 End screw for Nos.91-011 725-45; 91-010 819-35 Oil pad holder
91-011 730-A5 91-010 82045 Oil pad
9I-OOO 085-35 Fastening screw for 91-010 821-35 Hinge for No,91-010 817-91
vibrating presser foot 91-010 822-05 Hinge pin for N0.9I-OIO 821-35
9I-OOO O86-I5 Fastening screw for No.91-055 20M5 9I-OII 724-92 Lifting eccentric, w/
set screw No.91-000 510-15
91-000 089-25 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OIO 817-^1
9I-OII 72545 Lifting eccentric connection
9I-OOO I52-I5 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OIO 360-05
9I-OII 727-05 Lifting rock shaft
9I-OOO 237-25 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OO8 021-11
9I-OII 729-92 Lifting rock shaft crank, front, w/
91-000 2it3-15 Binding screw for No.91-050 339-12 binding screw No.11-108 225-15
9I-OOO 278-I5 Fastening screw for No,91-019 656-O5 9I-OII 73045 Lifting bell crank link
9I-OOO A01-35 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OII 7't6-05 91-011 731-05 Lifting bell crank for N0.9I-OII 732-05
9I-OOO A69-I5 Hinge screw for presser bar lifter 91-011 732-05 Connecting link for N0.9I-IO8 001-91
9I-OOO 5IO-I5 Fastening screw for Nos.91-011 72^2; 91-011 734-05 Hinge stud for No,91-108 001-91
91-011 739-92
91-011 738-05 Position bracket for No.91-013 10645
9I-OOO 568-I5 Fastening screw for Nos.91-010 728-15;
91-010 731-15 9I-OII 739-92 Presser bar lifting bracket, w/
set screw No.91-000 510-15
91-000 6A5-05 Guide screw for No.91-011 739-92
91-011 7'f6-05 Guide block for N0.9I-OIO 63645
91-000 697-05 Hinge bolt for N0.9I-OII 725-45 9I-OII 752-92 Lifting rock shaft crank, rear,
91-001 600-35 Nut for No.91-000 697-05 adjustable, w/ binding screw
No.11-108 225-15
91-001 758-05 Roller for No.91-000 6A5-05
91-003 100-05 ^rVssureVp'rTng"" for fe^Vl-OlO 728-15^ijV,\j
91-011 778-05 Washer for No.91-000 697-05
Hinge stud for needle bar frame ^ 91-013 10245 Face plate
91-007 687-05
(2nd version) 9I-OI3 10645 Needle bar frame
91-008 021-11 Lifting bracket link for N0.9I-OII 759-92 9I-OI9 651-92 Presser bar, w/ set screw
No.91-000 03W5
91-010 009-05 Position bracket for No.91-013 10645
91-010 104-05 Hinge stud for needle bar frame 9I-OI9 656-05 Presser bar bushing
(1st version) 9I-OI9 657-05 Ball retainer ring for No,91-0l9 656-05
91-010 360-05 Bearing bushing for No.91-011 727-05 91-025 637-15 Leaf spring for N0.9I-OIO 817-91
91-010 63645 Presser bar guide block bracket 91-029 535-15 Washer for No.91-001 600-35
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
1/1 Pfaff 545 H2-6
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Front Parts
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
1/2 Pfaff 545 H2-6
91-015 870-91
91-009 590-55
91-000 150-15^. \
^91-008 008-05 \m
91-00l^ 551-25
\9l-OO6 785-05
91-000 '♦86-25 J
^-91-008 011-05
91-008 009-05 j^\9l-009 H8-O5
91-008 007-05
91-009 't89-05
91-019 676-05
9I-OO8 06'h^35
3>^=ND^91-010 027-35
•^91-000 082-15 _^0^91-010 028-35
-91-113 030-35=
1^ 91-009 528-91
, 91^0
gi-oCt 006-05
L / •^i-oo'f 005-05
I] // . J 91-010 116-05
fl ' ^4^91-000 259-15
^^•^91-010 11^5
91-010 185-05
^J 91-^00 666-05 91-006 505-05
91-010107-05—^. 91-010181-15
91-010 107-05
91-009 391-31
^ h "-^-gl-OOl 522-35
91-000 52W5^
91-010 02^05-"^^ rf j®
91-010 026-31
-91-119 025-35
91-001 522-35 -
91-000 082-35
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 (/2
91-000 082-15 Fastening screw for No.91-008 064-05 9I-OO9 391-31 Tension bracket
91-000 082-35 Fastening screw for No.91-119 025-35
91-000 150-15 Fastening screw for No,91-008 008-05 91-009 489-05 Needle bar connecting link
91-000 172-35 Fastening screw for Nos,91-010 027-35;
91-010 028-35; 91-113 030-35 91-010 023-05 Thread check spring (Model B)
No,9l-010 937-05 Thread check spring
91-000 239-15 Fastening screw for No,91-010 115-05 (Model C), not ill.
91-000 243-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-000 524-15;
91-010 705-92 91-010 026-31 Thread controller disc
91-000 366-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 186-15
91-000 412-35 Fastening screw for Nos.91-009 328-91; 91-010 027-35 Thread guide, rear section
91-009 652-91
91-000 486-25 Fastening screw for No.91-009 390-35 91-010 028-35 Thread guide, front section
91-006 783-05 Oil wick, 100 mm long, 91-010 183-05 Tension spring (Model B)
for No,91-008 008-05 No,91-010 184-05 Tension spring
(Model C), not ill.
91-008 007-05 Take-up lever (Model B)
No,91-010 942-05 Take-up lever 91-010 185-05 Tension release pin
(Model C), not ill.
91-008 009-05 Driving stud (Model B) 91-010 703-92 Needle bar connecting stud, w/
No,91-015 527-05 Driving stud binding screw No.91-000 243-15
(Model C), not ill.
91-008 011-05 Hinge stud for No,91-009 489-05 91-013 139-05 Tension release plunger
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
11/1 Pfaff 545 H2-6
-91-018 358-^5
91-018 359-'»5
r-jr'"'^91-009 H8-05 -91-067 020-05
91-000 522-15
91-001 512-15
91-010 022-05
91-100 044-15
91-000 406-15-^
ISBK-91-000 660-15 91-006 155-15-^
91-000 363-15
91-002 504-45
91-000 089-25 f 91-009 333-15
ols 91-009 302-45
-^91-010 755-35
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 11/1
91-000 059-35 Fastening screw for No,91-009 603-45 9I-OO8 004-05 Arm shaft bushing, center
91-000 O6M5 Fastening screw for No,91-009 636-91 9I-OO8 005-05 Arm shaft bushing, rear
9I-OOO O7O-I5 Fastening screw for No,91-010 127-91 9I-OO8 280-91 Feed driving eccentric sleeve
91-000 089-25 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OIO 75W5 (6.0 mm stitch length), compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-009 633-92;
9I-OOO I5O-I5 Fastening screw for Nos,9l-008 003-05; 91-009 636-91
91-008 00M)5; 91-010 017-05;
9I-OII '»55-05 and end screw 9I-OO8 281-91 Feed driving eccentric sleeve
(old version) for No,91-009 605-05 (4.5 mm stitch length), compl.,
Remarks: End screw No.91-000 150-15 consisting of Nos.91-009 636-91;
cannot be replaced by the 91-009 646-92
new plug N0.9I-OIO 596-05
9I-OO9 148-05 Oil wick, 60 mm long,
9I-OOO I52-I5 Fastening screw for Nos,91-009 604-05; for N0.9I-OI8 358-45
91-009 621-92
9I-OOO 32I-I5 Fastening screw, pointed, 9I-OO9 302-45 Top cover
for balance wheel 9I-OO9 333-15 Spring washer for No.91-009 302-45
91-000 325-15 End screw for N0.9I-OIO 002-05
9I-OO9 388-92 Balance wheel (Model 8), w/
9I-OOO 363-15 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OO9 302-45 set screw Nos.91-000 321-15;
91-100 044-15
9I-OOO 405-15 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OI8 415-92
N0.9I-OO9 389-92 Balance wheel (Model C)
9I-OOO 406-I5 Fastening screw for No,91-002 504-45 w/ set screw
9I-OOO 456-15 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OI8 415-92 Nos.91-000 321-15;
91-100 044-15, not ill.
9I-OOO 5IO-I5 Fastening screw for Nos.91-008 011-05
(see Section l/2); 91-009 633-92; 9I-OO9 602-05 Feed regulator
91-009 646-92
9I-OOO 5II-I5 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OO8 011-05 9I-OO9 603-45 Feed regulator bearing bracket
(see Section l/2)
9I-OO9 604-05 Feed regulator bearing bracket bushing
91-000 522-15 Hinge screw for No.91-009 616-05 for No.91-009 603-45
9I-OOO 66O-I5 Spring suspension screw
for N0.9I-CO9 624-05 9I-OO9 605-05 Feed regulator stud
91-000 672-15 End screw for N0.9I-OOI 593-35 9I-OO9 6O6-O5 Feed regulator lever stud
9I-OOO 68O-I5 Fastening screw, pointed,
for N0.9I-OI8 460-90
9I-OO9 609-05 Retaining spring
9I-OOO 687-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-009 605-05; 9I-OO9 610-35 Feed regulator knob
91-009 606-05; 91-009 618-05
9I-OOO 689-15 Fastening screw, blunt, 9I-OO9 612-15 Feed regulator lever stud guide
for N0.9I-OI8 460-90
9I-OO9 616-05 Feed driving connection
9I-OOO 715-35 Fastening screw for No.91-009 648-35
9I-OO9 617-05 Feed regulator hinge stud
9I-OOO 885-15 End screw (old version)
for N0.9I-OIO 002-05 91-009 618-05 Hinge stud for No.91-009 61&-05
Remarks: End screw No.91-000 885-15
cannot be replaced by the 91-009 621-02 Collar, w/
new plug No.91-010 596-05 set screw No.91-000 152-15,
for No.91-010 127-91
91-001 512-15 Nut for No.91-000 522-15
9I-OO9 624-05 Tension spring
91-001 595-35 Nut for N0.9I-OO9 610-35
9I-OO2 504-45 Arm cover, rear, (Model 8) 9I-OO9 633-92 Feed driving eccentric
(6.0 mm stitch length), w/
9I-CO5 604-05 Oil tube, 48 mm long, set screw N0.9I-OOO 510-15
for No.91-010 016^5
91-006 155-15 Spring washer for No.91-000 406-15 9I-OO9 636-91 Feed driving eccentric sleeve,
w/ set screw N0.9I-OOO 064-15
91-006 759-05 Washer for No.91-009 609-05
9I-OO6 783-05 Oil wick, 100 mm long, 9I-OO9 646-92 Feed driving eccentric,
for No.91-009 605-05
(4.5 mm stitch length), w/
9I-OO8 003-05 Arm shaft bushing, front set screw No.91-000 510-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
II/I Pfaff 545 H2-6
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfoff 545 H2-6
91^015 659-92
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 11/2
11-108 250-15 Stop screw (A M5x30 DIN 8A-8G) 91-012 '»07-15 Washer for N0.9I-OO9 938-15
for N0.9I-OH 675-45
15-O65 I99-O5 Positioning pin (3x16 DIN 1A73) 9I-OI7 53O-9I Ball joint connection for
for N0.9I-OU 710-01 for No.91-019 677-91
91-000 029-15 Hinge screw for No.91-025 165-45 9I-OI9 660-15 Leaf spring bracket
9I-OOO O6A-I5 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OIO 617-45 9I-OI9 661-15 Presser bar leaf spring, upper
91-000 263-15 Hinge screw for N0.9I-OI7 530-91 9I-OI9 662-15 Presser bar leaf spring, lower
9I-OOO 367-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-009 938-15; 9I-OI9 66545 Leaf spring guide bracket
91-030 2A6-I5
91-019 66A-I5 Stud, threaded, for No.91-019 665-15
9I-OOO 386-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 733-'»5
9I-OI9 665-15 Pressure regulating thumb nut
91-000 7M-I5 Hinge screw for No.91-010 013-05
9I-OI9 677-91 Lifting lever link assembly, (Model C)
91-001 515-15 Nut for No.91-010 2OA-I5 compl.,
consisting of Nos.11-108 250-15;
12-02^ 171-15; 91-000 263-15;
91-002 536-15 Washer for No.91-025 16A-05 91-000 367-15; 91-010 61745;
91-OH 67545; 91-04 786-15;
91-009 938-15 Hinge stud for N0.9I-OIO 6O6-A5 91-017 550-91; 91-030 2'»6-15
9I-OIO OI5-O5 Needle bar frame shaft connection 91-025 16M)5 Pressure spring (Model B)
for No.91-010 20^5
9I-OIO 067-05 Needle bar frame shaft bushing
91-025 16^5 Lifting lever connecting rod joint
(Model B) for No.91-010 20A-15
9I-OIO 2OA-I5 Lifting lever connecting rod (Model B)
91-030 2A6-I5 Hinge stud for No.91-04 67545
9I-OIO 606-45 Lifting lever
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Bedplate Parts
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
111/1 Pfaff 545 H2-6
91-010 221-05 91-010 212-45 91-010 221-05
11-108 177-15
91-000 058-15
91-018 34-91
91-018 401-91
91-000 390-15
91-000 699-15
*-91-000 928-15 9I-OI8 40405
91-018 600-01
9I-OI8 349-05 91-018 350-05
91-010 05M)5
91-018 40S-01
91-018 346-01 ei-o>a3Ki-^l 91-018 403-01
91-018 402-45 91-000 790-15
91-018 477-90 9\ ^0'
91-000 505-15
91-000 785-15
91-005 051-15
91-018 439-05
91-010 867-01
91-018 339-05
91-000 070-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 111/1
11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A MAx10 DII^ 8A-8G; 9I-OO9 A32-90 Bevel gear assembly, w/
overall length = 12.8 mm) No.91-000 680-15 Set screw, pointed
for No.91-010 No.91-000 689-15 Set screw, blunt
Old version = binding screw
^o.91-000 068-15 91-010 OAA-O5 Hook drive shaft bushing, rear
(ll/6V'x30; overall length = 18.0 mm)
91-010 O56-O5 Bobbin case lever slide
11-108 225-15 Binding screw (A M5x10 DIfi 8A-8G; for No.91-018 905-01
overall length = 15.5 mm) 91-010 066-05 Feed bar
for No.91-010 126-92
Old version = binding screw 91-010 121-91 Bevel gear case, w/
No.91-000 560-15 set screw No.9l/)00 058-15,
(7/32"x^0; overall length = 1'».5 mm) for No.91-009 932-90
13-065 259-05 Positioning pin (Ax20 DIN 1'»73) 91-010 126-92 Feed lifting shaft crank, w/
for No.91-010 70M5 binding screw No.11-108 ^5-15
91-000 058-15 Fastening screw for ).91-010 121-91
91-010 196-92 Feed rock shaft crank, w/
binding screw No.11-108 177-15
91-000 070-15 Fastening screw for d.91-010 867-91
91-000 073-15 Fastening screw for 3.91-010 867-91 91-010 211-05 Feed bar hinge stud
91-010 212-95 Feed rock shaft
91-000 150-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-010 OAA-05;
91-010 361-05 91-010 221-05 Center stud for No.91-010 212-Jt5
91-010 361-05 Hook drive shaft bushing, front
91-000 290-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-010 221-05;
91-015 66A-05
91-010 709-15 Clamping bracket for No.91-009 186-95
91-010 867-91 Bevel gear case, w/
91-000 390-15 Fastening screw for No.91-018 350-05 set screw No.91-k)00 070-15,
91-000 505-15 Hinge screw for No.91-005 675-05 for N0.9I-OI8 977-90
91-000 505-15 fastening screw for hook saddle 91-015 669-05 Center stud for No.91-009 186-95
91-018 339-05 Bobbin
91-000 525-15 Fastening screw for hook
91-000 529-15 Fastening screw for hook gib 91-018 390-91 Hook, w/ bobbin case, compl.,
consisting of Nos.9l/)18 391-91;
91-000 62'»-15 Fastening screw for No.91-019 853-12 91-018 396-01; 91-018 398-91
91-000 680-15 Fastening screw, pointed, 91-018 391-91 Hook, compl.,
for No.91-009 ^32-90 consisting of Nos.91-000 529-15;
91-018 392-05; 91-018 399-05;
91-000 689-15 Fastening screw, blunt, 91-018 939-05
for No.91-009 ^32-90
91-018 392-05 Hook
91-000 699-15 Fastening screw for No.91-018 600-01 91-018 399-05 Hook washer
91-000 783-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-010 221-05; 91-018 396-01 Bobbin case base
91-015 66M}5
91-018 398-91 Bobbin case cap, compl.,
91-000 785-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-010 211-05; consisting of Nos.91-000 390-15;
91-018 it77-90 91-000 928-15; 91-018 399-05;
91-018 350-05
91-000 790-15 Fastening screw for No.91-018 ^77-90
91-000 809-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 70M5 91-018 399-O5 Bobbin case cap
91-000 928-15 Regulating screw for No.91-018 350-05 91-018 350-05 Bobbin case tension spring
91-OOA 186-ft5 Feed lifting shaft 91-018 901-91 Hook saddle, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-000 699-15;
91-005 051-15 Washer for No.91-000 505-15 91-018 902-95; 91-018 909-05;
91-018 906-01; 91-018 977-90;
91-005 673-05 hide block for No.91-010 126-92
91-018 600-01
91-009 IA9-O5 Oil wick, 150 mm long,
for N0.9I-OOA 186-A5; 91-010 212-A5 91-018 902-45 Hook saddle
91-009 3't7-05 Hook drive shaft 91-018 903-01 Bobbin case lever fulcrum
91-018 909-05 Bobbin case lever
91-009 359-91 Feed lifting shaft crank, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-000 503-15; 91-018 906-01 Hook shaft
91-001 536-15; 91-005 673-05;
91-010 126-92 91-018 939-05 Hook gib
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Ill/l Pfaff 545 H2-6
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Bedplate Parts
Safety Clutch
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6
91-026 yife-oif
91-009 308-35 91-010 061-34
91-000 ^22-35
91-010 100-05
91-010 099-05
91-027 362-91
91-026 745-04
• > M 91-000 082-15
91-000 407-15
91-000 078-15 13-052 256-05
91-026 830-15
91-070 171-90
91-009 351-91
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 111/2
Bedplate Ports
13-052 256-05 Hinge pin (N ^x18) for No.91-027 562-91 91-026 746-04 x Model
91-000 078-15 Fastening screw for No,91-027 362-91 Needle plate (Subcl. -6/01)
No.91-043 525-04 x Model
91-000 082-15 Fastening screw for No.91-026 830-15 Needle plate
91-000 A07-15 Fastening screw for feed dog (Subcl.-6/o4), not ill.
No.91-046 968-04 x Model
91-000 '»22-35 Fastening screw for needle plate Needle plate
91-009 308-55 Bed slide, front (Subcl.-6/05), not ill.
No.91-046 969-04 x Model
91-010 06l-3't X0.8 Bed slide, rear Needle plate
91-010 099-05 Pressure spring for No.91-010 06l-3^ (Subcl.-6/06), not ill.
No.91-046 982-04 x Model
91-010 100-05 Guide pin for No.91-010 099-05 Needle plate
91-026 7'f5-0't X Model (Subcl.-6/07), not ill.
No.91-046 983-04 x Model
Feed dog (Subcl. -6/01)
Needle plate
No.91-O't3 52h-Oh x Model
Feed dog (Subcl.-6/08), not ill.
No.91-048 537-05 x Model
(Subcl. -O/O'f), not ill.
Needle plate
No.91-O't6 966-04 x Model
Feed dog (Subcl.-6/02), not ill.
(Subcl. -6/05), not ill.
No.91-046 967-04 x Model
Feed dog
(Subcl. -6/06), not ill.
No.91-046 980-04 x Model 91-026 830-15 Flat retaining spring
Feed dog for No.91-010 061-34
(Subcl. -6/07), not ill,
No.91-046 981-04 x Model
Feed dog
(Subcl. -6/08), not ill.
No.91-047 181-04 x Model
Feed dog 91-027 362-91 Bell crank bracket, w/
(Subcl. -6/02), not ill. hinge pin No.13-052 256-05, (Model B)
Safety Clutch
12-640 130-55 Slip washer (3.2 OIN 6799) 91-009 341-05 Pressure spring
for No.91-009 342-05
91-009 342-05 Clutch disengaging pin
12-640 150-55 Slip washer (4 OIN 6799) for No.91-009 337-05
for No.91-009 408-05
91-009 343-05 Pressure spring for No.91-009 342-05
91-000 225-15 Fastening screw for No.91-009 408-05
91-009 344-05 Screw cap bushing for No,91-009 343-05
91-000 680-15 Fastening screw, pointed,
for Nos.91-009 337-05; 91-009 338-92 91-009 351-91 Clutch collar, compl.,
consisting of Nos.12-640 130-55;
91-000 689-15 Fastening screw, blunt, 12-640 150-55; 91-000 225-15;
for Nos.91-009 337-05; 91-009 338-92 91-000 680-15; 91-000 689-15;
91-000 785-15; 91-009 337-05;
91-000 785-15 End screw for No,91-009 341-05 91-009 339-15; 91-009 341-05;
91-009 342-05; 91-009 343-05;
91-009 337-05 Clutch collar 91-009 344-05; 91-009 408-05;
91-012 072-05
91-009 338-92 Clutch sleeve, w/ 91-009 408-05 Hinge stud for No.91-009 339-15
No.91-000 680-15 Set screw,
pointed 91-012 072-05 Plunger for No.91-009 339-15
No.91-000 689-15 Set screw,
blunt 91-070 171-90 Safety clutch (Model C), compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-009 338-92;
91-009 339-15 Clutch latch 91-009 351-91
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
IV/I; IV/2
Accessory Parts
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6
91-097 oik-ki
91-029 692-45
91-025 056-92
91-025 170-15
91-029 83M5
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 IV/1
11-460 109-15 Wood screw (3x13 DIN 96-St) 9I-O29 450-35 Hinge stud for Nos.91-032 805-^91;
for No.91-029 587-55 91-032 807-91
11-460 250-25 Wood screw (4.5x25 OIN 96-St)
for No.91-008 244^1 9I-O29 480-91 Screwdriver (4.8 mm wide)
11-460 355-15 Wood screw (5.5x25 DIN 96-St) 9I-O29 587-55 Oil drip pan
for No.91-031 568-91
9I-O29 601-15 Washer for Nos. 11460 250-25;
11-470 358-25 Wood screw (5.5x30 DIN 97-St) 91-029 840-91
for No.91-029 840-91
12-640 170-55 Slip washer (5 DIN 6799) 9I-O29 69245 Rubber pad cover for No.91-025 056^2
for No.91-004 171-15
9I-O29 831-91 Machine rest
12-642 170-45 Slip washer (5x0.6)
for No.93-513 120-91 91-029 83345 Machine cover
15-030 341-05 Fulcrum stud (5h8x40 DIN 7)
for No.91-032 805^1 91-029 840-91 Catch, w/
leather, for No.91-029 841-05
40-754 701-00 Soft brush
91-000 186-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-025 056-92; 9I-O29 841-05 Leather for No.91-029 840-91
91-025 060-92; 91-025 169^2;
91-027 271-92 9I-O29 946-91 Screwdriver (2.8 mm wide)
91-004 170-45 Belt guard
9I-O3I 568-91 Knee lifter, (Model B), compl.,
91-004 171-15 Hinge stud for Nos.91-004 17045; consisting of Nos.91-025 054-55;
91-008 24545 91-025 05^2; 91-025 060-92;
91-004 172-05 Torsion spring for No.91-004 17045 91-025 075-55; 91-025 076-15;
91-025 077-15; 91-025 169-92;
91-004 173-15 Guide stud for No.91-004 17045 91-025 170-15; 91-027 271-92;
91-008 244-91 Belt guard, compl., 93-513 120-91
consisting of Nos.12-640 170-55;
91-004 17045; 91-004 171-15; 9I-O32 805-91 Hinge block, left, compl.,
91-004 172-05; 91-004 173-15; consisting of Nos.13-030 341-05;
91-008 24545 91-032 80645
91-008 24545 Belt guard bracket
91-009 327-35 Thread guide 9I-O32 80645 Hinge block for Nos.91-032 805-91;
91-032 807-91
91-025 054-55 Rook shaft hanger, rear,
for No.91-025 077-15
9I-O32 807-91 Hinge block, right, compl.,
91-025 056-92 Knee plate, w/ • consisting of Nos.91-032 80645;
set screw No.91-000 186-15 91-097 07447; 91-101 775-05
9I-O25 060-92 Rock shaft lifting bracket, w/
set screw No.91-000 186-15 9I-O32 80845 Rubber cushion, 4-mm recess
91-025 075-55 Rock shaft hanger, front,
for No.91-025 077-15 9I-O97 07447 Earth wire for No.91-101 775-05
91-025 076-15 Torsion spring for No.91-025 170-15
91-101 775-05 Fulcrum stud for No.91-032 807-91
91-025 077-15 Knee lifter rock shaft
for No.91-031 568-91
9^102 33541 Box
91-025 169-92 Knee plate arm bracket, w/
set screw No.91-000 186-15
91-025 170-15 Knee plate arm for No.91-025 169-92 93-513 120-91 Lifting bracket extension, compl.,
consisting of Nos. 12-642 17045;
91-027 271-92 Stop dog, w/ set screw 93-513 121-00; 93-513 124-10;
No.91-000 186-15, for No.91-025 077-15 93-513 125-05
91-029 007-91 Screwdriver (6 mm wide)
93-513 121-CO Lifting bracket extension
91-029 293-90 Box, w/
for No.93-513 120-91
No.40-754 701-00 Soft brush
No.91-009 327-35 Thread guide
N0.9I-OI8 339-05 Bobbin (see Section III/I) 93-513 124-10 Roller stud for No.93-513 125-05
N0.9I-O29 480-91 Screwdriver (4.8 mm wide)
N0.9I-O29 946-91 Screwdriver (2.8 mm wide) 93-513 125-05 Roller for No.93-513 12041
9I-O29 394-01 Oiler, empty
99-129 58443 Wrapper, w/ needles. System 134
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6
11-108 Z'jWS
91-129 637-^5
91-129 6^5
91-129 6M5
99-115 03645
0 737-05
99-115 03645
99-080 15
91-005 567-25
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 IV/2
11-108 246-15 Binding screw (A M5x25 DIN 84-8G) 91-041 076-91 Bobbin winder, compl.,
for Nos.91-129 641-92; 91-129 646-92 consisting of Nos.91-000 062-25;
91-000 082-25; 91-000 359-15;
11-460 247-25 Wood screw (4.5x20 DIN 96-St) 91-000 364-25; 91-000 36^25
for No.91-041 085-91 91-005 564-45; 91-005 567-25
91-005 568-25; 91-005 569-25
11-470 768-15 Wood screw (5.5x22 DIN 97-St) 91-041 063-25; 91-046 097-25
for No.91-129 647-45 91-050 855-45; 91-053 332-45
12-024 171-15 Nut (M 5 DIN 934-8) 91-041 085-91 Bobbin winder, table model, compl.,
for No.11-108 246-15 consisting of Nos.91-000 237-25;
91-000 363-25; 91-002 536-15;
12-305 414-15 Washer (A 19 DIN 125-St) 91-040 618-45; 91-040 621-91;
for Nos.91-129 640-90; 91-129 650-90 91-041 076-91
91-046 097-25 Bobbin winder stop latch
12-611 310-45 Circlip (18x1.5 DIN 471)
for No.12-305 414-15 9I-O5O 855-45 Bobbin winder frame base
9I-O53 332-45 Bobbin winder pulley
91-000 062-25 Set screw for No.91-046 097-25
9I-O53 347-21 Bobbin winder tension bracket, w/
91-000 082-25 Fastening screw for No.91-005 567-25 position pin No.91-010 107-05
91-129 637-45 Spool rest rod
91-000 237-25 Fastening screw for No.91-040 621-91
91-129 640^0 Thread unwinder (standard version),
91-000 359-15 Hinge screw for Nos.91-005 564-45; compl.,
91-050 855-45 consisting of Nos.12-305 414-15;
12-611 310-45; 91-129 637-45;
91-000 363-25 Fastening screw for No.91-O4l 076-91 91-129 641-92; 91-129 644-05;
91-129 645-45; 91-129 64M2;
91-000 364-25 Fastening screw for Nos.91-005 568-25; 91-129 649-45; 99-115 034-15;
91-005 569-25 99-115 03645; 99-115 03745
91-129 641-92 Spool rest, w/
91-000 366-25 Connecting screw for Nos.91-005 568-25; No.11-108 246-15 Binding screw
91-005 569-25 No.12-024 171-15 Nut
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
V/l; V/2
Complementary Parts
Pfaff 545 H1-6
Pfaff 545 H3-6
Pfaff 545 H4-6
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
v/1 Pfaff 545 HI-6
91^00 2^3-15
91-001 512-15
.91-010 67M5
-91-010 633-05
91-0^2 9m^
.91-011 7I8-92
91-000 03W5
91-0^^6 731-0'f
9l-0't6 732-93 91-0if2 gmif
91-000 085-35
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Barts for the Pfoff 545 HI-6
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfaff 545 H2-6) V/1
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H3-6; 545 H4-6
91-019 677-91
91-009 652-91
91-010 18W)5
91-010 937-05
91-010 651-92
91-030 2^6-15
91-010 738-45
91-010 737-^5 91-010 73945
91-031 /,11-91
.91-004 18445
91-000 186-15
91-025 068-92
•91-004 173-15
-91-004 172-05
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 545 H3-6; 545 H4-6
(For standard parts^ please refer to the Pfoff 545 H2-6) V/2
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Parts
Pfaff 545-6 N8
Pfaff 545-6 N10
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545-6 N8
91-102 007-92
91-015 527-05
-9I-OO8 0i»(H2
91-009 702-05
91-102 028-35
91-0^17 2M-0A
91-001 512-15 91-000 011-15
11-108 225-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 545-6 N8
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 545 HI-6; H2-6; H3-6; H4-6) VI
11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A M'txlO OIN 8A-8G; 91-026 7'»5-OA x Model
overall length = 12.8 mm) Feed dog (Subcl.-6/01),
for No.91-102 019-92 Old version = Model HI; H2; H3
binding screw No.91-000 068-15 N0.9I-OA2 9^^-OA XModel
(ll/6V'x30; overall length = 18 mm) Feed dog
91-000 050-15 Binding screw for No.91-102 21(H2 Model N't, not ill.
91-000 06A-15 Fastening screw for No.91-009 636-91 91-0^0 A7^3 X Model
Vibrating presser foot, w/
91-000 085-35 Fastening screw for set screw No.91-000 085-35,
vibrating presser foot (Subcl.-6/01), Model HI; H2; H3
N0.9I-OA6 732-^3 XModel
91-000 510-15 Fastening screw for No.91-102 007-92 Vibrating presser foot
w/ set screw
91-000 7^1-15 Hinge screw for Nos.91-102 03M)5; No.91-000 085-35,
91-102 210-92 (Subcl.-6/02),
Model HA, not ill.
91-009 636-91 Feed driving eccentric sleeve, 9I-OA8 922-OA X Model
w/ set screw No.91-000 06A-15 Needle plate (Subcl.-6/0l),
Model HI; H2; H3
91-010 677-91 Feed driving eccentric sleeve, compl., N0.9I-OA8 925-OA X Model
for No.91-018 ^>67-91, Needle plate
consisting of Nos.91-^09 636-91; (Subcl.-6/02),
91-102 007-92 Model HA, not ill.
91-012 ^92-35 Feed regulator index plate 9I-OA9 585-OA X Model
91-018 A67-91 Feed regulator, compl., (not ill.) Lifting presser foot (Subcl.-6/0l),
Same component parts as No.91-O09 810-91 Model HI; H2; H3
(see Section Il/l), but incorporating N0.9I-OA9 586-05 X Model
No.91-012 A92-35 Feed regulator Lifting presser foot
index plate (Subcl.-6/02),
No.91-102 007-92 Feed driving eccentric Model HA, not ill.
No.91-102 033-05 Feed forked connection
Continued overleaf
11-108 225-15 Binding screw (A M5x10 DIN 8A-8G; 91-010 031-92 Feed lifting eccentric, w/
overall length^ 13.5 mni) set screw No.91-000 510-15
for Nos.91-006 576-92; 91-010 126^2
91-010 126-92 Feed lifting shaft crank, w/
Old version = binding screw
set screw No.11-108 225-15
No.91-000 560-15
(7/32"xA0; overall length = IA.5 mm) 91-015 527-05 Driving stud
91-000 011-15 Hinge screw for No.91-008 AAO-91 91-018 688-05 Take-up lever
91-000 O6A-I5 Fastening screw for No.91-008 OAO-92 91-018 689-91 Take-up lever compl..
Same component parts as No.91-015 870-91
91-000 08^35 Fastening screw for
(see Section I/2), but incorporating
vibrating presser foot
N0.9I-OI5 527-O5 Driving stud
91-000 505-15 Hinge screw for No.91-005 673-05 N0.9I-OI8 688-05 Take-up lever
91-000 510-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 031-92 91-OAO A7A-93 X Model
Vibrating presser foot, w/
91-001 512-15 Nut for No.91-000 011-15
set screw No.91-000 085-35,
91-001 536-15 Nut for No.91-000 503-15 (Subcl.-6/01), Model HI; H2; H3
N0.9I-OA3 526-93 X Model
91-005 673-05 Slide block for No.91-010 126-92 Vibrating presser foot
91-006 576^2 Feed lifting shaft crank, rear, w/ set screw
w/ binding screw No.11-108 225-15 No.91-000 085-35,
91-008 OAO-92 Feed lifting connection, Model H1;H2;H3,not ill.
w/ set screw No.91-000 06A-15 N0.9I-OA6 732-93 X Model
91-008 AAO-91 Feed lifting connection, compl., Vibrating presser foot
consisting of Nos.91-008 OAO-92; w/ set screw
91-010 031-92 No.91-000 085-35,
(Subcl.-6/03), Model
9I-OO9 702-05 Feed regulator HA, not ill.
Continued overleaf 43
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Parts for the Pfaff 545-6 N8
VI (For standard parts, please refer to the Pfaff 545 HI-6; H2-6; H3-6; H4-6)
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Feed Regulator Components of the Pfoff 545 for Stitch Lengths from 5 1/2 to 2 1/2 s.p.i.
Feed regulator 91-009 602-05 91-009 602-05 91-009 602-05 91-009 702-05
Feed driving eccentric sleeve, compl. 91-008 281-91 9I-OO8 280-91 91-010 677-91 91-010 677-91
Feed driving eccentric 91-009 6't6-92 91-009 633-92 91-102 007-92 91-102 007-92
• Feed regulator index plate 91-009 6^.8-35 91-009 6^.8-35 91-012 '»92-35 91-102 028-35
Feed driving connection 91-009 516-05 91-009 616-05 91-102 033-05 91-102 033-05
Needle bar frame shaft connection, compl. 91-011 783-91 91-011 785-01 91-102 216-91 9I-IO2 216-91
Needle bar frame shaft connection 91-010 013-05 91-010 013-05 91-102 03^-05 91-102 034-05
Needle bar frame shaft crank, rear 91-015 659-92 91-015 659^2 91_102 210-92 91-102 210-92
Feed lifting shaft crank, compl. 91-009 359-91 91-009 359-91 91-009 359-91 91-102 035-91
Clamping bracket for feed lifting shaft 91-010 7OM5 91-010 70W 5 91-010 70W5
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Take-up lever, compl. See table on p. it6 See table on p. % See table on p. 46 91-018 689-91
Feed bar 91-010 066-05 91-010 066-05 91-010 066-05 9I-IO2 011-05
Part Name H 1 H 2 H2 H3 H 3 H 4
Take-up lever,
compl. 91-015 870-91 91-015 870-91 91-010 668-91 91-015 870-^1 91-010 668-91 91-010 668-91
Take-up lever 91-008 007-05 91-OO8 007-05 91-010 942-05 9I-OO8 007-05 91-010 942-05 91-010 942-05
Take-up lever driving stud 91-008 009-05 9I-OO8 009-05 91-015 527-05 9I-OO8 009-05 91-015 527-05 91-015 527-05
Thread tension, compl. 91-009 328-91 91-009 328^1 91-009 652-91 91-009 328-91 91-009 652-91 91-009 652-91
Tension spring 91-010 183-05 91-010 18>-05 91-010 184-05 91-010 183-05 91-010 184-05 91-010 184-05
Thread check spring 91-010 023-05 91-010 023-05 91-010 937-05 91-010 023-05 91-010 937-05 91-010 937-05
Presser bar 91-019 651-92 91-019 651-92 91-019 651-92 91-019 651-92 91-019 65H2 91-011 7I8-92
Presser bar bushing 91-019 656-05 91-019 656-05 91-019 656-05 91-019 656-05 91-019 656-05 91-010 676-15
Lifting eccentric 91-011 72M2 91-011 72A^2 91-011 724-92 91-011 724-92 91-011 724-^2 91-010 631-92
Connection 91-011 725-'»5 91-011 725-45 91-011 725-45 91-011 725-45 91-011 725-45 91-010 632-15
Ball joint connection 91-011 ^97-91 91-011 730-45 91-011 730-45 91-011 730-45 91-011 730-45 91-011 730-45
Nut for ball joint
91-001 512-15
Lifting bell crank 91-010 618-15 91-011 731-05 91-011 731-05 91-011 73I-O5 91-011 731-05 91-011 731-05
Lifting bracket 91-010 73't-15 91-010 73M5 91-010 888-15 91-010 735-15 91-010 735-15 91-010 736-15
Connecting rod 91-010 20^-15 91-010 20A-I5 91-010 204-15
Lifting lever link
assembly, compl. 91-019 677-91 91-019 677-91 91-019 677-91
Lifting lever lifting 91-010 733-^5 91-010 733-45 91-010 73545 91-010 738-45 91-010 738-45 91-010 739-45
Knee lifter stop dog 91-027 271-92 91-027 271^2 91-025 068-92
Chain 91-015 673-21 91-015 673-21 91-015 673-21
C = C =
91-009 389-92 91-009 389-92
Balance wheel 91-009 388-92 91-009 388-92 91-009 389-92 91-009 388-92
D = D =
91-015 652-92 91-015 652-92
C = C =
Belt guard, compl. 91-008 2^-91 91-008 24A^1 91-008 244-91 91-008 244-^1 91-008 244-91 91-008 244-91
D = D =
91-009 424-91 91-009 424-^1
Arm cover, rear 91-002 50W»5 91-002 504-45 91-010 617-45 91-002 504-45 91-010 617-45 91-010 617-45
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Numerical index
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545
Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.
\ 11-108 177-15 III/I 13-060 400-05 III/I 91-000 085-35 V/1 91-000 382-15 V/2 91-000 680-15 II/I
11-108 177-15 VI 13-060 400-05 VI 91-000 085-35 VI 91-000 386-15 II/2 91-000 680-15 III/I
11-108 225-15 1/1 13-065 199-05 II/2 91-000 086-15 1/1 91-000 390-15 III/I 91-000 680-15 III/2
11-108 225-15 III/I 1>-065 259-05 m/l 91-000 089-25 l/l 91-000 401-35 1/1 91-000 687-15 II/I
11-108 225-15 VI 14-650 104-05 1/1 91-000 089-25 Il/1 91-000 405-15 II/I 91-000 689-15 II/I
11-108 2't6-15 IV/2 40-754 701-00 IV/1 91-000 150-15 1/2 91-000 406-15 II/I 91-000 689-15 III/I
11-108 250-15 II/2 91-000 011-15 VI 91-000 150-15 II/I 91-000 407-15 III/2 91-000 689-15 III/2
11-108 288-15 II/2 91-000 019-15 1/1 91-000 150-15 III/I 91-000 412-35 1/2 91-000 697-05 l/l
11-150 452-15 III/I 91-000 029-15 I1/2 91-000 152-15 1/1 91-000 422-35 III/2 91-000 699-15 III/I
11-133 451-15 III/I 91-000 034-15 1/1 91-000 152-15 II/I 91-000 456-15 II/I 91-000 715-35 II/I
11-174 086-15 1/1 91-000 034-15 V/1 91-000 172-35 1/2 91-000 469-15 1/1 91-000 737-05 IV/2
11-178 166-15 1/1 91-000 048-15 1/1 91-000 186-15 IV/1 91-000 486-25 l/2 91-000 741-15 II/2
11-460 109-15 IV/1 91-000 050-15 VI 91-000 186-15 V/2 91-000 503-15 III/I 91-000 741-15 VI
11460 247-25 IV/2 91-000 058-15 III/I 91-000 225-15 III/2 91-000 503-15 VI 91-000 783-15 III/I
11460 250-25 IV/1 91-000 059-35 II/I 91-000 237-25 l/l 91-000 505-15 III/I 91-000 785-15 III/I
11460 355-15 IV/1 91-000 062-15 1/1 91-000 237-25 IV/2 91-000 510-15 1/1 91-000 785-15 III/2
11470 358-25 IV/1 91-000 062-25 IV/2 91-000 239-15 1/2 91-000 510-15 II/I 91-000 790-15 III/I
11470 768-15 IV/2 91-000 064-15 II/I 91-000 243-15 1/1 91-000 510-15 V/2 91-000 809-15 III/I
12-024 171-15 II/2 91-000 064-15 II/2 91-000 243-15 1/2 91-000 510-15 VI 91-000 885-15 II/I
12-024 171-15 IV/2 91-000 064-15 VI 91-000 243-15 V/1 91-000 511-15 II/I 91-000 928-15 III/I
12-110 211-15 II/2 91-000 070-15 II/I 91-000 263-15 II/2 91-000 522-15 II/I 91-001 512-15 II/I
12-305 414-15 IV/2 91-000 070-15 III/I 91-000 278-15 1/1 91-000 524-15 1/2 91-001 512-15 V/1
12-515 250-05 l/l 91-000 072-15 1/1 91-000 290-15 III/I 91-000 525-15 III/I 91-001 512-15 VI
12-611 31045 IV/2 91-000 073-15 1/1 91-000 321-15 II/I 91-000 529-15 III/I 91-001 513-15 II/2
12-640 130-55 III/2 91-000 073-15 III/I 91-000 323-15 II/I 91-000 568-15 1/1 91-001 522-35 l/2
12-640 150-55 III/2 91-000 078-15 III/2 91-000 359-15 IV/2 91-000 624-15 III/I 91-001 533-25 IV/2
12-640 170-55 IV/1 91-000 082-15 1/2 91-000 363-15 II/I 91-000 636-15 V/1 91-001 536-15 III/I
12-640 170-55 V/2 91-000 082-15 III/2 91-000 363-25 IV/2 91-000 645-05 l/l 91-001 536-15 VI
12-642 17045 II/2 91-000 082-25 IV/2 91-000 364-25 IV/2 91-000 660-15 II/I 91-001 593-35 Il/l
12-642 17045 IV/l 91-000 082-35 l/2 91-000 366-15 1/2 91-000 666-05 l/2 91-001 600-35 1/1
13-030 341-05 IV/1 91-000 083-15 1/1 91-000 366-25 IV/2 91-000 668-15 V/2 91-001 758-05 1/1
13-052 256-05 III/2 91-000 085-35 l/l 91-000 367-15 II/2 91-000 672-15 II/I 91-002 504-45 Il/I
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545
Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./n®/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.
91-002 536-15 II/2 91-007 687-05 1/1 91-009 344-05 III/2 91-009 652-91 1/2 91-010 146-92 III/I
91-002 536-15 IV/2 91-008 003-05 II/I 91-009 347-05 III/I 91-009 652-91 V/2 91-010 181-15 1/2
91-005 100-05 1/1 91-008 004-05 II/I 91-009 351-91 III/2 91-009 702-05 VI 91-010 183-05 1/2
91-004 005-05 1/2 91-008 005-05 II/I 91-009 359-91 III/I 91-009 810-91 II/I 91-010 184-05 1/2
91-004 006-05 1/2 91-008 007-05 1/2 91-009 361-91 II/I 91-009 938-15 II/2 91-010 184-05 V/2
91-004 170-45 IV/1 91-008 008-05 1/2 91-009 388-92 II/I 91-010 002-05 II/I 91-010 186-05 1/2
91-004 171-15 IV/1 91-008 009-05 1/2 91-009 389-92 II/I 91-010 009-05 1/1 91-010 186-15 1/2
91-004 171-15 V/2 91-008 011-05 1/2 91-009 390-35 1/2 91-010 013-05 II/2 91-010 196-05 II/I
91-004 172-05 IV/1 91-008 021-11 1/1 91-009 391-31 1/2 91-010 016-05 II/I 91-010 204-15 II/2
91-004 172-05 V/2 91-008 040-92 VI 91-009 408-05 III/2 91-010 017-05 II/I 91-010 211-05 III/I
91-004 173-15 IV/1 91-008 064-05 1/2 91-009 424-91 V/2 91-010 022-05 II/I 91-010 21245 III/I
91-004 173-15 V/2 91-008 244-91 IV/1 91-009 42545 V/2 91-010 023-05 1/2 91-010 221-05 III/I
91-004 184-45 V/2 9I-OO8 24545 IV/1 91-009 432-90 III/I 91-010 026-31 1/2 91-010 360-05 1/1
91-004 18645 III/I 91-008 280-91 II/I 91-009 489-05 1/2 91-010 027-35 1/2 91-010 361-05 III/I
91-004 531-25 1/2 91-008 281-91 II/I 91-009 602-05 II/I 91-010 028-35 1/2 91-010 596-05 II/I
91-005 005-05 IV/2 91-008 440-91 VI 91-009 60345 II/I 91-010 031-92 VI 91-010 60645 II/2
91-005 051-15 III/I 91-009 009-05 V/1 91-009 604-05 II/I 91-010 044-05 III/I 91-010 61745 II/2
91-005 125-05 IV/2 91-009 148-05 1/2 91-009 605-05 II/I 91-010 056-05 III/I 91-010 618-15 V/1
91-005 56445 IV/2 91-009 148-05 II/I 91-009 606-05 II/I 91-010 061-34 III/2 91-010 631-92 V/2
91-005 567-25 IV/2 91-009 149-05 III/I 91-009 609-05 II/I 91-010 066-05 III/I 91-010 632-15 V/2
91-005 568-25 IV/2 91-009 30245 II/I 91-009 610-35 II/I 91-010 067-05 II/2 91-010 636-05 V/1
91-005 569-25 IV/2 91-009 308-35 III/2 91-009 612-15 II/I 91-010 099-05 III/2 91-010 63645 1/1
91-005 604-05 II/1 91-009 327-35 IV/1 91-009 616-05 II/I 91-010 100-05 III/2 91-010 646-91 1/1
91-005 673-05 III/I 91-009 328-91 1/2 91-009 617-05 II/I 91-010 104-05 1/1 91-010 668-91 1/2
91-005 673-05 VI 91-009 33>-15 II/I 91-009 618-05 II/I 91-010 107-05 1/2 91-010 676-15 V/1
91-006 155-15 II/1 91-009 33545 III/I 91-009 621-92 II/I 91-010 107-05 IV/2 91-010 677-91 VI
91-006 505-05 1/2 91-009 337-05 III/2 91-009 624-05 II/I 914)10 115-05 1/2 91-010 70342 1/2
91-006 526-05 V/1 91-009 338-92 III/2 91-009 633-92 II/I 91-010 116-05 1/2 91410 704-15 III/I
91-006 576-92 VI 91-009 339-15 III/2 91-009 636-91 II/I 91-010 121-91 III/I 91410 728-15 1/1
91-006 759-05 I1/1 91-009 341-05 III/2 91-009 636-91 VI 91-010 126-92 III/I 91410 72945 1/1
91-006 783-05 l/2 91-009 342-05 III/2 91-009 646-92 II/I 91-010 12642 VI 91410 730-15 1/1
91-006 783-05 II/I 91-009 34>-05 III/2 91-009 648-35 II/I 91-010 127-91 II/I 91410 731-15 1/1
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545
Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./n®/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.
91-010 732-05 1/1 91-011 738-05 1/1 91-018 34-91 III/1 91-019 677-91 V/2 91429 8't041 IV/1
91-010 73M5 II/2 91-011 739-92 1/1 91-018 3^9-05 III/1 91-019 853-12 III/1 91429 8M45 IV/1
91-010 73M5 1/1 91-011 7't6-05 1/1 91-018 350-05 III/1 91-025 05455 IV/1 91429 9'>641 IV/1
91-010 735-15 V/1 91-011 752-92 1/1 91-018 35745 III/1 91-025 056-92 IV/1 91430 246-15 II/2
91-010 736-15 V/1 91-011 778-05 1/1 91-018 35845 II/1 91-025 060-92 IV/1 91430 246-15 V/2
91-010 73745 V/2 91-011 783-91 II/2 91-018 35945 II/1 91-025 068-92 V/2 91431 41141 V/2
91-010 73845 V/2 91-011 929-15 V/1 91-018 41-91 III/1 91-025 075-55 IV/1 91431 56841 IV/1
91-010 73945 V/2 91-012 072-05 III/2 91-018 4245 III/1 91-025 076-15 IV/1 91432 80541 IV/1
91-010 752-15 1/1 91-012 'f07-15 II/2 91-018 43-01 II1/1 91-025 077-15 IV/1 91432 80645 IV/1
91-010 755-35 II/1 91-012 42-35 VI 91-018 4405 III/1 91-025 16405 II/2 91432 80741 IV/1
91-010 756-91 1/1 91-013 10245 1/1 91-018 46-01 III/1 91-025 16545 II/2 91432 80845 IV/1
91-010 817-41 1/1 91-013 10645 1/1 91-018 45-92 II/1 91-025 169-92 IV/1 91440 47443 1/1
91-010 819-35 1/1 91-013 10945 II/2 91-018 49-05 III/1 91-025 170-15 IV/1 91440 47443 VI
91-010 82045 1/1 91-013 139-05 1/2 91-018 40-90 11/1 91-025 637-15 1/1 91440 47544 1/1
91-010 821-35 1/1 91-04 67545 II/2 91-018 4741 VI 91-026 7'»5-0'» II1/2 91440 61845 IV/2
91-010 822-05 1/1 91-04 709-05 11/2 91-018 47-901 III/1 91-026 7't5-0't VI 91440 62141 IV/2
91-010 867-91 II1/1 91-04 710-01 II/2 91-018 600-01 III/1 91-026 7'>6-0't II1/2 91440 623-25 IV/2
91-010 888-15 1/1 91-04 786-15 II/2 91-018 66245 VI 91-026 830-15 III/2 91441 063-25 IV/2
91-010 937-05 1/2 91-015 527-05 1/2 91-018 688-05 VI 91-027 27142 IV/1 91441 07641 IV/2
91-010 937-05 V/2 91-415 527-05 VI 91-018 689-91 VI 91427 36241 III/2 91441 08541 IV/2
91-010 9'f2-05 1/2 91-015 652-92 V/2 91-019 651-92 1/1 91429 00741 IV/1 91442 94444 V/1
91-011 ^55-05 II/1 91-015 659-92 II/2 91-019 656-05 1/1 91429 29340 IV/1 91442 94444 VI
91-011 ^97-91 V/1 91-015 66405 III/1 91-019 657-05 1/1 91429 39401 IV/l 91442 94544 V/1
91-011 718-92 V/1 91-015 673-21 II/2 91-019 660-15 II/2 91429 40-35 IV/1 91443 52444 III/2
91-011 72^-92 1/1 91-015 870-91 1/2 91-019 661-15 II/2 91429 4041 IV/1 91443 52544 III/2
91-011 72545 1/1 91-017 530-91 II/2 91-019 662-15 II/2 91429 535-15 I/I 91443 526-93 1/1
91-011 727-05 1/1 91-018 339-05 III/1 91-019 66345 II/2 91429 587-55 IV/1 91443 52643 VI V
91-011 729-92 1/1 91-018 3'tO-91 III/1 91-019 66415 II/2 91429 601-15 IV/1 91443 52744 1/1
91-011 73045 1/1 91-018 3'»1-91 III/1 91-019 665-15 II/2 91429 601-25 IV/2 91446 097-25 IV/2
91-011 731-05 1/1 91-018 34-05 II1/1 91-019 676-05 1/2 91429 69245 IV/l 91446 54643 I/I
91-011 732-05 1/1 91-018 3'»405 III/1 91-019 676-05 II/1 91429 83141 IV/1 91446 62343 I/I
91-011 73M)5 1/1 91-018 3'»6-01 III/1 91-019 677-91 II/2 91429 83345 IV/l 91446 63044 I/I
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545
Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./n®/No. Fig. Nr./rjO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 11/1
91-000 059-55 Fastening screw for No.91-009 60545 9I-OO8 004-05 Arm shaft bushing, center
91-000 06^15 Fastening screw for No,9''-009 636-91 9I-OO8 005-05 Arm shaft bushing, rear
9I-OOO O7O-I5 Fastening screw for No,91-010 127-91 91-008 280-91 Feed driving eccentric sleeve
9I-OOO 089-25 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OIO 755-35 (6.0 mm stitch length), compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-009 633-92;
9I-OOO I5O-I5 Fastening screw for Nos.91-008 003-05; 91-009 636^1
91-008 00^)5; 91-010 017-05;
9I-OII ^155-05 and end screw 9I-OO8 281-91 Feed driving eccentric sleeve
(old version) for No,91-009 605-05 (4.5 mm stitch length), compl.,
Remarks: End screw No,91-000 150-15 consisting of Nos.91-009 636-91;
cannot be replaced by the 91-009 646-92
new plug N0.9I-OIO 596-05
9I-OO9 148-05 Oil wick, 60 mm long,
9I-OOO I52-I5 Fastening screw for Nos.91-009 60'»-05; for N0.9I-OI8 35845
91-009 621-92
9I-OOO 32I-I5 Fastening screw, pointed, 9I-OO9 30245 Top cover
for balance wheel 9I-OO9 333-15 Spring washer for No.91-009 30245
91-000 523-15 End screw for N0.9I-OIO 002-05
9I-OO9 388-92 Balance wheel (Model B), w/
9I-OOO 363-15 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OO9 30245 set screw Nos.91-000 321-15;
9I-OOO ^>05-15 Fastening screw for No,91-O18 M5-92 gi_100 044-15
No.91-009 389-92 Balance wheel (Model C)
9I-OOO 't06-15 Fastening screw for No.91-002 50^145 w/ set screw
9I-OOO ^(56-15 Fastening screw for No,91-018 M5-92 Nos.91-000 321-15;
91-100 044-15, not ill.
9I-OOO 5IO-I5 Fastening screw for Nos.91-008 011-05
(see Section l/2); 91-009 633-92; 9I-OO9 602-05 Feed regulator
91-009 6't6-92
9I-OOO 5II-I5 Fastening screw for N0.9I-OO8 011-05 9I-OO9 60345 Feed regulator bearing bracket
(see Section l/2)
9I-OO9 604-05 Feed regulator bearing bracket bushing
91-000 522-15 Hinge screw for N0.9I-OO9 616-05 for No.91-009 60345
9I-OOO 66O-I5 Spring suspension screw
for No.91-009 62^1-05 9I-OO9 605-05 Feed regulator stud
91-000 672-15 End screw for N0.9I-OOI 593-35 9I-OO9 6O6-O5 Feed regulator lever stud
9I-OOO 68O-I5 Fastening screw, pointed,
for N0.9I-OI8 460-90 9I-OO9 609-05 Retaining spring
9I-OOO 687-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-009 605-05; 9I-OO9 610-35 Feed regulator knob
91-009 6064)5; 91-009 618-05
9I-OOO 689-15 Fastening screw, blunt, 9I-OO9 612-15 Feed regulator lever stud guide
for N0.9I-OI8 460-90
9I-OO9 616-05 Feed driving connection
9I-OOO 715-35 Fastening screw for No.91-009 648-35
9I-OO9 617-05 Feed regulator hinge stud
9I-OOO 885-15 End screw (old version)
for No.91-010 002-05 9I-OO9 618-05 Hinge stud for No.91-009 616-05
Remarks: End screw N0.9I-OOO 885-15
cannot be replaced by the 91-009 621-92 Collar, w/
new plug No.91-010 596-05 set screw N0.9I-OOO 152-15,
for No.91-010 127-91
91-001 512-15 Nut for No.91-000 522-15
9I-OO9 624-05 Tension spring
91-001 593-35 Nut for No.914)09 610-35
9I-OO2 50445 Arm cover, rear, (Model B) 9I-OO9 633-92 Feed driving eccentric
(6.0 mm stitch length), w/
9I-OO5 604-05 Oil tube, 48 mm long, set screw No.91-000 510-15
for No.91-010 016-05
91-006 155-15 Spring washer for No.91-000 406-15 9I-OO9 636-91 Feed driving eccentric sleeve,
w/ set screw No.91-000 064-15
91-006 759-05 Washer for No.91-009 609-05
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
11/1 Pfaff 545 H2-6
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
11/2 Pfaff 545 H2-6
91-011 783-91.
91-000 367-15
91-000 029-15
.91-009 938-15
91-000 386-15
91-010 73345
91-010 204-15
l2-6't2 170-45
91-019 677-91
-91-025 164-05
91-017 530-91
11-108 250-15
12-024 171-15 ^ / -91-000 263-15
^91-002 536-15 91-000 367-15
91-014 786-15
91-010 617-45
91-000 064-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 11/2
11-108 250-15 Stop screw (A M5x30 DIN 8A-8G) 91-012 407-15 Washer for No.91-009 938-15
for N0.9I-OIA 675-^5
9I-OI4 675-45 Connecting lever for N0.9I-OI7 530-91
11-108 288-15 Binding screw (A M6x12 DIN 8A-8G;'
overall length = 15.9 mm)
for N0.9I-OI5 659-92 Old version = 91-014 709-05 Slide block for No.91-014 710-01
binding screw No.91-000 050-15
(1?/6V'x26; overall length = 23 mm) 9I-OI4 7IO-OI Needle bar frame shaft, w/
No.15-065 199-05 Positioning pin
12-02A 171-15 Nut Cm 5 din 93't-8G) No.91-014 709-05 Slide block
for No.11-108 250-15
9I-OI4 786-15 Torsion spring for No.91-014 675-45
12-110211-15 Jam nut (M 8 DIN 467-5S)
for No.91-019 664-15 9I-OI5 659-92 Needle bar frame shaft crank, rear, w/
binding screw No.11-108 288-15
12-642 170-45 Slip washer (5x0.6)
for No.91-010 204-15 91-015 675-21 Chain for No.91^14 675-45
13-O65 I99-O5 Positioning pin (3x16 DIN 1473) 9I-OI7 55O-9I Ball joint connection for
for No.91-014 710-01 for No.91-019 677^1
9I-OOO 029-15 Hinge screw for No,91-025 165-45 9I-OI9 66O-I5 Leaf spring bracket
9I-OOO 064-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 617-45 9I-OI9 66I-I5 Presser bar leaf spring, upper
9I-OOO 265-15 Hinge screw for No,91-O17 530-91 9I-OI9 662-15 Presser bar leaf spring, lower
9I-OOO 367-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-009 938-15; 9I-OI9 663-45 Leaf spring guide bracket
91-030 246-15
9I-OI9 664-15 Stud, threaded, for N0.9I-OI9 665-15
9I-OOO 386-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 755-45
9I-OI9 665-I5 Pressure regulating thumb nut
9I-OOO 74I-I5 Hinge screw for No.91-010 015-05
9I-OI9 677-91 Lifting lever link assenfcly, (Model C)
9I-OQI 515-15 Nut for No.91-010 204-15 compl.,
consisting of Nos.11-108 250-15;
12-024 171-15; 91-000 265-15;
91-002 536-15 Washer for No.91-025 164-05
91-000 567-15; 91-010 617-45;
91-014 675-45; 91-014 786-15;
9I-OO9 958-15 Hinge stud for No.91-010 606-45 91-017 550-91; 91-030 246-15
9I-OIO 013-05 Needle bar frame shaft connection 91-025 164-05 Pressure spring (Model B)
for No.91-010 204-15
9I-OIO O67-O5 Needle bar frame shaft bushing
91-025 165-45 Lifting lever connecting rod joint
(Model 8) for No.91-010 204-15
9I-OIO 204-15 Lifting lever connecting rod (Model B)
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Bedplate Parts
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6
91-000 783-15
13-065 259^5 91_00if 186-45
91-015 66't-05
.91I10 503-15
91-001 53M5 91-005 673-05 g(!o?o1olir^^
91-oiu 91-009 ^32-90
91-000 150-15 91-000 150-15 91-000 680-15
91-010 06^5.
91-018 357-45
g 91-019 855-12 9I-QI9 853-12 g 91-000 689-15-0^
91-010 121^1
9I-OI8 3^0-91
91-000 525-15
91-000 058-15
91-018 3^8-91
9I-OI8 ^01-91
91-000 390-15
.91-000 699-15
-91-000 928-15 1^914318 'fO'i-05
91-018 600-01
91-018 3^19-05 9I-OI8 350-05
91-010 056-05 \
% ^
Jjr 91-018 ^»06-01
9I-OI8 3^6-01 1^91-018 ^^03431
91-018 i,02-45 91-000 790-15
^91-018 't77-9Q
91-000 505-15-
^91-000 785-15
91-005 051-15
91-018 3if1-91
9143I8 ^39-05,
91-010 867-91
91-018 3kh-Q5
91-018 339-05
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 II1/1
11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A MAx1Q DIN S't-BG; 91-009 A32-90 Bevel gear assembly, w/
overall length = 12.8 mm) No.91-000 680-15 Set screw, pointed
for No.91-010 1^16^2 N0.9I-OOO 689-15 Set screw, blunt
Old version = binding screw
No.91-000 068-15 91-010 OAA-05 Hook drive shaft bushing, rear
(ll/OVxJO; overall length = 18.0 mm)
91-010 056-05 Bobbin case lever slide
11-108 225-15 Binding screw (A M5x10 DIN 8A-8G; for No.91-018 A03-01
overall length = 13.5 mm) 91-010 066-05 Feed bar
for No.91-010 126-92
Old version = binding screw 91-010 121-91 Bevel gear case, w/
No.91-000 560-15 set screw No.91-^00 058-15,
(7/32"xA0; overall length = lA.5 mm) for No.91-009 A32-90
13-065 259-05 Positioning pin ('tx20 DIN 1'f73) ^ 91-010 126-92 Feed lifting shaft crank, w/
for No.91-010 70M5 binding screw No.11-108 225-15
91-000 058-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 121-91 91-010 IA6-92 Feed rock shaft crank, w/
binding screw No.11-108 177-15
91-000 070-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 867-91
91-000 073-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 867-91 91-010 211-05 Feed bar hinge stud
91-010 212-45 Feed rock shaft
91-000 150-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-010 0^^-05;
91-010 361-05 91-010 221-05 Center stud for No.91-010 212-45
91-010 361-05 Hook drive shaft bushing, front
91-000 290-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-010 221-05;
91-015 66't-05 91-010 7OA-I5 Clamping bracket for No.91-00't 186-45
91-010 867-91 Bevel gear case, w/
91-000 390-15 Fastening screw for No.91-018 350-05 set screw No.91-^00 070-15,
91-000 503-15 Hinge screw for No.91-005 673-05 for N0.9I-OI8 A77-9O
91-000 505-15 Fastening screw for hook saddle 91-015 66A-05 Center stud for N0.9I-OOA 186-A5
91-000 525-15 Fastening screw for hook 91-018 339-05 Bobbin
91-000 529-15 Fastening screw for hook gib 91-018 3'>0-91 Hook, w/ bobbin case, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-^18 3M-^1;
91-000 62A-I5 Fastening screw for No.91-019 853-12 91-018 3A6-01; 91-018 3^8-91
91-000 680-15 Fastening screw, pointed, 91-018 3'>1-91 Hook, compl.,
for No.91-009 A32-90 consisting of Nos.91-000 529-15;
91-018 3^2-05; 91-018 3'tV-05;
91-000 689-15 Fastening screw, blunt, 91-018 A39-05
for No.91-009 '»32-90
91-018 3'»2-05 Hook
91-000 699-15 Fastening screw for No.91-018 600-01 91-018 3H-O5 Hook vrasher
91-000 783-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-010 221-05; 91-018 3't6-01 Bobbin case base
91-015 66M)5
91-018 3^8-91 Bobbin case cap, compl.,
91-000 785-15 Fastening screw for Nos.91-010 211-05; consisting of Nos.91-000 390-15;
91-018 A77-9O 91-000 928-15 ; 91-018 3'»9-05;
91-000 790-15 Fastening screw for No.91-018 A77-90 91-018 350-05
91-000 809-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 70M5 91-018 3't9-05 Bobbin case cap
91-000 928-15 Regulating screw for No.91-018 350-05 91-018 35O-O5 Bobbin case tension spring
91-001 536-15 Nut for No.91-000 505-15 91-018 357-45 Oil sleeve for No.91-010 361-05
9I-OOA 186-^5 Feed lifting shaft 91-018 AOI-91 Hook saddle, compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-000 699-15;
91-005 051-15 Washer for No.91-000 505-15 91-018 A02-45; 91-018 ^0^-05;
91-005 673-05 Slide block for No.91-010 126-92
91-018 'tOO-OI; 91-018 A77-90;
91-018 600-01
91-009 1't9-05 Oil wick, 150 mm long,
for No.91-00^ 186-45; 91-010 212-45 91-018 A02-45 Hook saddle
91-009 3't7-05 Hook drive shaft 91-018 A03-01 Bobbin case lever fulcrum
91-018 AOA-O5 Bobbin case lever
9I-OO9 359-91 Feed lifting shaft crank, compl.,
consisting of Nos,91-000 503-15; 91-018 AO6-OI Hook shaft
91-001 536-15; 91-005 673-05;
91-010 126-92 91-018 A39-05 Hook gib
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Ill/l Pfaff 545 H2-6
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Bedplate Parts
Safety Clutch
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6
91-070 1?1-90
91-009 351^1
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 III/2
Bedplate Ports
15-052 256-05 Hinge pin (N 4x18) for No.91-027 362-91 91-026 746-04 x Model
91-000 078-15 Fastening screw for No.91-027 362-91 Needle plate (Subcl. -6/01)
No.91-043 525-04 x Model
91-000 082-15 Fastening screw for No.91-026 830-15 Needle plate
91-000 407-15 Fastening screw for feed dog (Subcl.-6/o4), not ill.
No.91-046 968-04 x Model
91-000 422-35 Fastening screw for needle plate Needle plate
91-009 308-35 Bed slide, front (Subcl.-6/05), not ill,
No.91-046 969-04 x Model
91-010 061-34 X0,8 Bed slide, rear Needle plate
91-010 099-05 Pressure spring for No.91-010 061-34 (Subcl.-6/06), not ill.
No.91-046 982-04 x Model
91-010 100-05 Guide pin for No.91-010 099-05 Needle plate
91-026 745-04 x Model (Subcl.-6/07), not ill.
Feed dog (Subcl. -6/0l) No.91-046 983-04 x Model
Needle plate
No.91-043 524-04 x Model
Feed dog (Subcl.-6/08), not ill.
(Subcl. -6/04), not ill. No.91-048 537-05 x Model
No.91-046 966-04 x Model Needle plate
Feed dog (Subcl.-6/02), not ill.
(Subcl. -6/05), not ill.
No.91-046 967-04 x Model
Feed dog
(Subcl. -6/06), not ill.
No.91-046 980-04 x Model 91-026 830-15 Flat retaining spring
Feed dog for No.91-010 061-34
(Subcl. -6/07), not ill.
No.91-046 981-04 x Model
Feed dog
(Subcl. -6/08), not ill.
No.91-047 181-04 X Model
Feed dog 91-027 362-91 Bell crank bracket, w/
(Subcl. -6/02), not ill. hinge pin No.13-052 256-05, (Model B)
Safety Clutch
12-640 130-55 Slip washer (3.2 DIN 6799) 9I-OO9 341-05 Pressure spring
for No.91-009 342-05
9I-OO9 342-05 Clutch disengaging pin
12-640 150-55 Slip washer (4 DIN 6799) for No.91-009 337-05
for N0.9I-CO9 408-05
9I-OO9 345-05 Pressure spring for No.91-009 342-05
91-000 225-15 Fastening screw for No.91-009 408-05
9I-OO9 344-05 Screw cap bushing for No.91-009 343-05
91-000 680-15 Fastening screw, pointed,
for Nos.91-009 337-05; 91-009 338-92 9I-OO9 351-91 Clutch collar, compl.,
consisting of Nos.12-640 130-55;
91-000 689-15 Fastening screw, blunt, 12-640 156-55; 91-000 225-15;
for Nos.91-009 337-05; 91-009 338-92 91-000 680-15; 91-000 689-15
91-000 785-15; 91-009 337-05
91-000 785-15 End screw for No.91-009 341-05 91-009 339-15; 91-009 341-05
91-009 342-05; 91-009 343-05
91-009 337-05 Clutch collar 91-009 544-05; 91-009 408-05;
91-012 072-05
91-009 338-92 Clutch sleeve, w/ 91-009 408-05 Hinge stud for No.91-009 339-15
No.91-000 680-15 Set screw,
pointed 91-012 072-05 Plunger for No.91-009 339-15
N0.9I-OOO 689-15 Set screw,
blunt 9I-O7O 171-90 Safety clutch (Model C), compl.,
consisting of Nos.91-009 338-92;
91-009 339-15 Clutch latch
91-009 351-91
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6
93-102 335-Hl
gl-OCf 172-05
91-029 007-91
12-6if0 170-55
91-00^1 171-15
91-097 07VJ»7
91-025 076-15
91-029 69245 91-000 I8M5
91-025 056-92
-91-025 170-15
91-029 83M5
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 IV/1
H-'tGO 109-15 Wood screw (3x13 DIN 96-St) 91429 450-35 Hinge stud for Nos.91432 80541;
for No.91-029 587-55 91432 8O74I
11-^60 250-25 Wood screw ('t.5x25 DIN 96-St)
for No.91-008 2'»Ml 91429 48041 Screwdriver (4.8 mm wide)
11-JfOO 355-15 Wood screw (5.5x25 DIN 96-St) 91429 587-55 Oil drip pan
for No.91-031 568^91
91429 601-15 Washer for Nos. 11460 250-25;
11470 558-25 Wood screw (5.5x30 DIN 97-St) 91429 84041
for No,91-029 8^0-91
12-6'tO 170-55 Slip washer (5 DIN 6799) 91429 69245 Rubber pad cover for No.91425 05642
for No.91-00'f 171-15
91429 83141 Machine rest
12-6^2 170-'t5 Slip washer (5x0.6)
for No.93-513 120-91 91429 83345 Machine cover
15-030 3^1-05 Fulcrum stud (5h8x't0 DIN 7)
for No.91-032 805-91 91429 84041 Catch, w/
leather, for No.91429 84145
'tO-75^ 701-00 Soft brush
9I-OOO I86-I5 Fastening screw for Nos.91-025 056-92; 91429 84145 Leather for No.91429 84041
91-025 0^2; 91-025 169-92;
91-027 271-92 91429 94641 Screwdriver (2.8 mm wide)
91-00^ 170-J»5 Belt guard
91431 56841 Knee lifter, (Model B), compl.,
91-00't I7I-I5 Hinge stud for Nos.91-00^ 170-'»5; consisting of Nos.91-025 054-55;
91-008 2^5-^5 91425 05642; 91425 06042;
Ol-OO't 172-05 Torsion spring for No.OI-OO't 170-'t5 91425 075-55; 91425 076-15;
91425 077-15; 91425 16942;
91-004 173-15 Guide stud for No.91-004 170-45 91425 170-15; 91427 27142;
91-008 244-91 Belt guard, compl,, 93-513 12041
consisting of Nos.12-640 170-55;
91-004 17045; 91-004 171-15; 91432 8O54I Hinge block, left, compl.,
91-004 172-05; 91-004 173-15; consisting of Nos. 13430 34145;
91-008 24545 91432 806-45
91-008 24545 Belt guard bracket
9I-OO9 327-35 Thread guide 91432 80645 Hinge block for Nos.91432 80541;
91432 8O74I
9I-O25 054-55 Rook shaft hanger, rear,
for No.91-025 077-15
91432 8O74I Hinge block, right, compl.,
9I-O25 056-92 Knee plate, w/ consisting of Nos,91432 80645;
set screw No.91-000 186-15 91497 07447; 91-101 77545
9I-O25 060-92 Rock shaft lifting bracket, w/
set screw No.91-000 186-15 91432 80845 Rubber cushion, 4-mm recess
91-025 075-55 Rock shaft hanger, front,
for No.91-025 077-15 91497 07447 Earth wire for No.91-101 77545
9I-O25 076-15 Torsion spring for No.91-025 170-15
91-101 77545 Fulcrum stud for No.91432 80741
9I-O25 077-15 Knee lifter rock shaft
for No.91-031 568-91
95-102 33541 Box
9I-O25 169-92 Knee plate arm bracket, w/
set screw No.91-000 186-15
91-025 170-15 Knee plate arm for No.91-025 16942 93-513 12041 Lifting bracket extension, compl.,
consisting of Nos. 12-642 17045;
91-027 271-02 Stop dog, w/ set screw 93-513 12140; 95-513 124-10;
No.91-000 186-15, for No.91-025 077-15 93-513 12545
91-029 007-91 Screwdriver (6 mm wide)
93-513 12140 Lifting bracket extension
91-029 293-90 Box, w/ for No.93-513 12041
No.40-754 701-00 Soft brush
No.91-009 327-35 Thread guide
N0.9I-OI8 339-05 Bobbin (see Section III/I) 93-513 124-10 Roller stud for No.93-513 12545
N0.9I-O29 48041 Screwdriver (4.8 mm wide)
N0.91429 94641 Screwdriver (2.8 mm wide) 93-513 12545 Roller for No.93-513 12041
91-029 394-01 Oiler, empty
99-129 58443 Wrapper, w/ needles. System 134
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6
11-108 2't6-15
91-129 637-45-
91-129 6^9-45
I I „ 99-115 036-45
'91-029 601-25 ^
^ 91-002
91-005 567-25
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H2-6 IV/2
11-108 246-15 Binding screw (A M5x25 DIN 84-8G) 91-041 076-91 Bobbin winder, compl.,
for Nos.91-129 641-92; 91-129 646-^2 consisting of Nos.91-000 062-25;
91-000 082-25; 91-000 359-15;
11-460 247-25 Wood screw (4.5x20 DIN 96-St) 91-000 364-25; 91-000 366-25;
for No.91-041 085^1 91-005 564-45; 91-005 567-25;
91-005 568-25; 91-005 569-25;
11-470 768-15 Wood screw (5-5x22 DIN 97-St) 91-041 053-25; 91-046 097-25;
for No.91-129 647-45 91-050 855-45; 91-053 332-45
12-024 171-15 Nut (M 5 DIN 934-8) 91-041 085-91 Bobbin winder, table model, compl.,
for No.11-108 246-15 consisting of Nos.91-000 237-25;
91-000 363-25; 91-002 536-15;
12-305 414-15 Washer (A 19 DIN 125-St) 91-040 618-45; 91-040 621-91;
for Nos.91-129 640-90; 91-129 65(H0 91-041 076-91
91-046 097-25 Bobbin winder stop latch
12-611 310-45 Circlip (18x1.5 DIN 471)
for No.12-305 414-15 9I-O5O 855-45 Bobbin winder frame base
9I-O53 332-45 Bobbin winder pulley
91-000 062-25 Set screw for No.91-046 097-25
9I-O53 347-21 Bobbin winder tension bracket, w/
91-000 082-25 Fastening screw for No.91-005 567-25 position pin No.91-010 107-05
9I-I29 637-45 Spool rest rod
91-000 237-25 Fastening screw for No.91-040 621-91
9I-I29 640-90 Thread unwinder (standard version),
91-000 359-15 Hinge screw for Nos.91-005 564-45; compl.,
91-050 855-45 consisting of Nos.12-305 414-15;
12-611 310-45; 91-129 637-45;
91-000 363-25 Fastening screw for No.91-041 076-91 91-129 641-92; 91-129 644-05;
91-129 645-45; 91-129 646-92;
91-000 364-25 Fastening screw for Nos.91-005 568-25; 91-129 649-45; 99-115 034-15;
91-005 569-25 99-115 03645 ; 99-115 03745
91-129 641-92 Spool rest, w/
91-000 366-25 Connecting screw for Nos.91-005 568-25; No.11-108 246-15 Binding screw
91-005 569-25 No.12-024 171-15 Nut
91-005 125-05 Tension spring 9I-I29 64945 Spool pin washer (foam rubber)
for No.91-129 641-92
91-005 564-45 Bobbin winder frame 91-129 650-90 Thread unwinder (special version), compl.,
Same component parts as No.91-129 640-90,
91-005 567-25 Bobbin winder frame spring but incorporating
No.91-129 63745 Spool rest rod (3x)
91-005 568-25 Bobbin winder stop latch trip lever No.99-080 150-91 Gland (for power
for No.91-005 564-45 connection)
No.99-115 03645 Sleeve (4x)
9I-OO5 569-25 Bobbin winder thumb lever
for No.91-005 568-25 91-129 660-90 Thread unwinder (special version),
91-010 107-05 Position pin for No.91-005 005-05
Same component parts as No.91-129 640-90,
91-029 601-25 Washer for No.11-460 247-25 but incorporating
No. 11470 768-15 Wood screw
91-040 618-45 Bobbin winder base for No.91-O4l 085-91
N0.9I-I29 64745 Thread unwinder base
91-040 621-91 Bobbin winder thread tension bracket,
99-080 150-91 Gland for No.91-129 650-90
consisting of Nos.91-000 737-05;
91-001 533-25; 91-005 005-05; 99-115 034-15 Nut for No.91-129 63745
91-005 125-05; 91-040 623-25;
91-053 347-21
99-115 03645 Sleeve for No.91-129 63745
91-040 623-25 Spool pin
91-041 063-25 Bobbin winder spindle 99-115 03745 Cap for No.91-129 63745
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
V/l; V/2
Complementary Parts
Pfaff 545 H1 -6
Pfaff 545 H3-6
Pfaff 545 H4-6
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 HI-6
.91-010 676-15
-91-010 633-05
-91-011 7I8-92
91-000 03it_i5
91-046 731-04
91-046 732-93 91-042 944-04
91-000 085-35
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Parts for the Pfoff 545 HI-6
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 545 H2-6) V/1
91-0'»2 X Model
Feed dog (Subcl.-6/03), Model Wh
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545 H3-6; 545 H4-6
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 545 H3-6; 545 H4-6
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfoff 545 H2-6) V/2
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
^ Complementary Parts
Pfaff 545-6 N8
Pfaff 545-6 NK)
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545-6 N8
91-102 007-92
91-015 527-05
UFn«wC^ Cm«H.
•9I-OO8 040-92 _
91-009 702-05
91-102 028-35
91-047 241^4
91-001 512-15 91-000 011-15
11-108 225-15
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 545-6 N8
(For standard parts, please refer to the Pfaff 545 HI-6; H2-6; H3-6; H4-6) VI
11-108 177-15 Binding screw (A M^xlO DIN B't-SG; 91-026 7^5-0't X Model
overall length = 12.8 mm) Feed dog (Subcl.-6/01),
for N0.9I-IO2 019-92 Old version = Model HI; H2; H3
binding screw N0.9I-OOO 068-15 No.91-0^2 9'tV-O^ XModel
(ll/6'f"x30; overall length = 18 mm) Feed dog
91-000 050-15 Binding screw for No.91-102 210-92 Model H^, not ill.
91-000 06'f-15 Fastening screw for No.91-009 636-91 91-0^0 ^7^3 X Model
Vibrating presser foot, w/
91-000 085-35 Fastening screw for set screw No.91-000 085-35,
vibrating presser foot (Subcl.-6/0l), Model HI; H2; H3
No.91-0^6 732-93 x Model
91-000 5IO-I5 Fastening screw for No.91-102 007-92 Vibrating presser foot
w/ set screw
91-000 7't1-15 Hinge screw for Nos.91-102 03^5; No.91-000 085-35,
91-102 210-92 (Subcl.-6/02),
Model not ill.
9I-OO9 636-91 Feed driving eccentric sleeve, 91-048 922-04 x Model
w/ set screw N0.9I-OOO 06'h-15 Needle plate (Subcl,-6/0l),
Model HI; H2; H3
91-010 677-91 Feed driving eccentric sleeve, compl., No.91-048 923-04 x Model
for N0.9I-OI8 ^67-^1, Needle plate
consisting of Nos.91-^09 636-91; (Subcl.-6/02),
91-102 007-92 Model H4, not ill.
91-012 ^92-35 Feed regulator index plate 91-049 585-04 X Model
91-018 '»67-91 Feed regulator, compl., (not ill.) Lifting presser foot (Subcl.-6/0l),
Same component parts as No.91-009 810-91 Model HI; H2; H3
(see Section II/I), but incorporating No.91-049 586-05 X Model
N0.9I-OI2 ^92-35 Feed regulator Lifting presser foot
index plate (Subcl.-6/02),
No.91-102 007-92 Feed driving eccentric Model H4, not ill.
N0.9I-IO2 033-05 Feed forked connection
Continued overleaf
11-108 225-15 Binding screw (A M5x10 DIN 84-8G; 91-^10 031-92 Feed lifting eccentric, w/
overall length= 13.5 mm) set screw No.91-000 510-15
for Nos.91-006 576^2; 91-010 126-92 91-010 126-92 Feed lifting shaft crank, w/
Old version = binding screw
set screw No.11-108 225-15
No.91-000 560-15
(7/32"xA0; overall length = 14.5 mm) 9I-OI5 527-05 Driving stud
91-000 011-15 Hinge screw for No.91-008 440-91 91-018 688-05 Take-up lever
91-000 064-15 Fastening screw for No.91-008 040-92 91-018 689-91 Take-up lever compl..
Same component parts as No.91-015 870-91
91-000 085-35 Fastening screw for (see Section l/2), but incorporating
vibrating presser foot ^ N0.9I-OI5 527-05 Driving stud
91-000 503-15 Hinge screw for No.91-005 675-05 N0.9I-OI8 688-05 Take-up lever
91-000 510-15 Fastening screw for No.91-010 031-92 91-040 474-93 X Model
Vibrating presser foot, w/
91-001 512-15 Nut for No.91-000 011-15
set screw N0.9I-OOO 085-35,
91-001 536-15 Nut for No.91-000 505-15 (Subcl.-6/01), Model HI; H2; H3
N0.9I-O43 526^3 XModel
91-005 673-05 Slide block for No.91-010 126-92 Vibrating presser foot
91-006 576-92 Feed lifting shaft crank, rear, w/ set screw
w/ binding screw No.11-108 225-15 No.91-000 085-35,
91-008 040-92 Feed lifting connection, Model H1;H2;H3,not ill.
w/ set screw No.91-000 064-15 No.91-046 732-93 x Model
91-008 440-91 Feed lifting connection, compl., Vibrating presser foot
consisting of Nos.91-008 040^2; w/ set screw
91-010 031-92 No.91-000 085-35,
(Subcl.-6/03), Model
9I-OO9 702-05 Feed regulator H4, not ill.
Continued overleaf 43
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Complementary Ports for the Pfoff 545-6 N8
VI (For standard parts, please refer to the Pfaff 545 HI-6; H2-6; H3-6; H4-6)
91-102 007-^2 Feed driving eccentric, w/
set screw No,91-000 510-15
91-102 019-92 Feed rock shaft crank, w/
binding screw No.11-108 177-15
91-102 035-05 Feed forked connection
91-102 03V-05 Needle bar frame shaft connection
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Feed Regulator Components of the Pfoff 545 for Stitch Lengths from 5 1/2 to 2 1/2 s.p.i.
Feed regulator 91-009 602-05 91-009 602-05 91-009 602-05 ^ 91-009 70245
Feed driving eccentric sleeve, compl. 91-008 281-91 91-008 280-91 91-010 677-91 91410 67741
Feed driving eccentric 91-009 6't6-92 91-009 633-92 91-102 007-92 91-102 00742
• Feed regulator index plate 91-009 6^8-35 91-009 6'»8-35 91-012 42-35 + 91-102 028-35
Feed driving connection 91-009 616-05 91-009 616-05 91-102 033-05 y 91-102 03345
Needle bar frame shaft connection, compl. 91-011 783-^1 91-011 78341 91-102 216-91 Y 91-102 21641
Needle bar frame shaft connection 91-010 013-05 91-010 013-05 91-102 03405 91-102 03405
Needle bar frame shaft crank, rear 91-015 659^2 91-015 659-92 9I-IO2 210-92 9I-IO2 21042
Feed lifting shaft crank, compl. 91-009 359-91 91-009 359-91 91-009 35941 X 91-102 03541
Clamping bracket for feed lifting shaft 91-010 70W 5 91-010 70W 5 91-010 70415
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Take-up lever, compl. See table on p. hS See table on p. <16 See table on p. 46 ^ 91418 68941
Feed bar 91-010 066-05 91-010 066-05 91-010 066-05 Y 91-102 01145
Bedplate 91-009 33545 ^1-009 33545 91418 66245 91-018 66245
Component Parts for the Pfoff 545
in AAodels B, C, D and HI, H2, H3, H4
Part Name H 1 H 2 H2 H3 H4
Take-up lever,
91-015 870-91 91-015 870-01 91-010 668-91 91-015 870-91 91410 66841 91410 66841
Take-up lever 9I-OO8 007-05 91-008 007-05 91-010 9'»2-05 91-008 007-05 91410 9445 91410 9445
Take-up lever driving stud 9I-OO8 009-05 91-008 009-05 91-015 527-05 91-008 009-05 91415 52745 91415 52745
Thread tension, compl. 91-009 328-91 91-009 328-91 91-009 652-91 91-009 328-91 91409 65241 91409 65241
Tension spring 91-010 185-05 91-010 183-05 91-010 I8A-O5 91-010 183-05 91410 18405 91410 18405
Thread check spring 91-010 023-05 91-010 023-05 91-010 937-05 91-010 023-05 91410 937-05 91410 93745
Presser bar 91-019 651-92 91-019 651-92 91-019 651-92 91-019 651-92 91419 65142 91411 71842
Presser bar bushing 91-019 656-05 91-019 656-05 91-019 656-05 91-019 656-05 91419 65645 91410 676-15
Lifting eccentric 91_0i1 72A-92 91-011 72M2 91-011 72l^-92 91-011 72^*42 91-011 72492 91410 63142
Connection 91-011 725-^5 91-011 725-^5 91-011 725-'t5 91-011 725-45 91411 72545 91410 632-15
Ball joint connection 91-011 /,97_9i 91-011 730-^5 91-011 73O-A5 91-011 73045 91411 73045 91411 73045
Lifting bell crank 91-010 6I8-I5 91-011 731-05 91-011 731-05 91-011 731-05 91411 73145 91411 73145
Lifting bracket 91-010 73^5 91-010 73't-15 91-010 888-15 91-010 735-15 91410 755-15 91410 736-15
Connecting rod 91-010 20A-I5 91-010 20'f-l5 91-010 20415
Lifting lever link
assembly, compl. 91-019 677-91 91419 67741 91419 67741
Lifting lever lifting 91-010 733-^5 91-010 733-^5 91-010 75545 91-010 73845 91410 73845 91410 73945
Knee lifter stop dog 91-027 271-02 91-027 271-92 91-025 068-92
Chain 91-015 673-21 91415 673-21 91415 673-21
C = C =
Balance wheel
91409 38942 91409 38942
91-009 388-92 91-009 388-92 91-009 389-92 91-009 38842
D = 0 =
91415 65242 91415 65242
C = C =
Belt guard, compl. 91-008 2'tA-9l 91-008 2'tMI 9I-OO8 24-91 91-008 2'»491 91408 2A491 91408 2^491
D = D =
91409 ^2491 91409 ^2A41
Arm cover, rear 91-002 50Wt5 91-002 50'H!t5 91-010 61745 91-002 50A45 91410 61745 91410 61745
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Numerical index
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Pfaff 545
Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.
11-108 177-15 III/1 13-060 400-05 III/1 91-000 085-55 V/1 91-000 382-15 V/2 91-000 680-15 II/1
11-108 177-15 VI 13-060 400-05 VI 91-000 085-55 VI 91-000 38S-15 II/2 91-000 680-15 III/I
11-108 225-15 1/1 13-065 199-05 n/2 91-000 086-15 1/1 91-000 390-15 III/I 91-000 680-15 III/2
11-108 225-15 III/1 15-065 259-05 IH/l 91-000 089-25 1/1 91-000 401-35 1/1 91-000 687-15 II/1
11-108 225-15 VI 14-650 104-05 1/1 91-000 089-25 Il/1 91-000 405-15 II/1 91-000 689-15 II/1
11-108 2^6-15 IV/2 40-754 701-00 IV/1 91-000 150-15 1/2 91-000 406-15 II/1 91-000 689-15 III/I
11-108 250-15 II/2 91-000 011-15 VI 91-000 150-15 II/1 91-000 407-15 III/2 91-000 689-15 III/2
11-108 288-15 II/2 91-000 019-15 1/1 91-000 150-15 III/I 91-000 412-35 1/2 91-000 697-05 l/l
11-130 ^^52-15 III/1 91-000 029-15 II/2 91-000 152-15 1/1 91-000 422-35 III/2 91-000 699-15 III/I
11-133 '»51-15 III/1 91-000 034-15 1/1 91-000 152-15 II/1 91-000 456-15 II/1 91-000 71W5 II/1
11-17't 086-15 1/1 91-000 034-15 V/1 91-000 172-55 1/2 91-000 469-15 1/1 91-000 737-05 IV/2
11-178 166-15 1/1 91-000 048-15 1/1 91-000 186-15 IV/1 91-000 486-25 l/2 91-000 741-15 II/2
11-460 109-15 IV/1 91-000 050-15 VI 91-000 186-15 V/2 91-000 505-15 III/I 91-000 741-15 VI
11-460 247-25 IV/2 91-000 058-15 III/1 91-000 225-15 III/2 91-000 503-15 VI 91-000 783-15 III/I
11460 250-25 IV/1 91-000 059-55 Il/1 91-000 257-25 l/1 91-000 505-15 III/I 91-000 785-15 III/I
11460 355-15 IV/1 91-000 062-15 1/1 91-000 237-25 IV/2 91-000 510-15 1/1 91-000 785-15 III/2
11470 358-25 IV/1 91-000 062-25 IV/2 91-000 239-15 1/2 91-000 510-15 II/1 91-000 790-15 III/I
11470 768-15 IV/2 91-000 064-15 II/1 91-000 243-15 1/1 91-000 510-15 V/2 91-000 809-15 III/I
12-024 171-15 II/2 91-000 064-15 II/2 91-000 243-15 1/2 91-000 510-15 VI 91-000 885-15 II/1
12-024 171-15 IV/2 91-000 064-15 VI 91-000 245-15 V/1 91-000 511-15 II/1 91-000 928-15 III/I
12-110 211-15 II/2 91-000 070-15 II/1 91-000 263-15 II/2 91-000 522-15 II/1 91-001 512-15 II/1
12-305 414-15 IV/2 91-000 070-15 III/1 91-000 278-15 1/1 91-000 524-15 1/2 91-001 512-15 V/1
12-515 250-05 l/l 91-000 072-15 1/1 91-000 290-15 III/I 91-000 525-15 III/I 91-001 512-15 VI
12-611 31045 IV/2 91-000 073-15 1/1 91-000 321-15 II/1 91-000 529-15 III/I 91-001 513-15 II/2
12-640 130-55 III/2 91-000 073-15 II1/1 91-000 325-15 II/1 91-000 568-15 1/1 91-001 522-35 l/2
12-640 150-55 III/2 91-000 078-15 III/2 91-000 359-15 IV/2 91-000 624-15 III/I 91-001 533-25 IV/2
12-640 170-55 IV/1 91-000 082-15 1/2 91-000 363-15 II/1 91-000 636-15 V/1 91-001 536-15 III/I
12-640 170-55 V/2 91-000 082-15 III/2 91-000 363-25 IV/2 91-000 645-05 1/1 91-001 536-15 VI
12-642 17045 II/2 91-000 082-25 IV/2 91-000 364-25 IV/2 91-000 660-15 II/1 91-001 595-35 II/1
12-642 17045 IV/1 91-000 082-35 1/2 91-000 366-15 1/2 91-000 666-05 l/2 91-001 600-35 1/1
13-030 341-05 IV/1 91-000 083-15 1/1 91-000 366-25 IV/2 91-000 668-15 V/2 91-001 758-05 1/1
15-052 256-05 III/2 91-000 085-55 l/1 91-000 367-15 II/2 91-000 672-15 II/1 91-002 504-45 Il/I
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Pfaff 545
Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig.
91-002 536-15 II/2 91-007 687-05 1/1 91-009 344-05 III/2 91-009 652-91 1/2 91-010 146-92 III/I
91-002 536-15 IV/2 91-008 003-05 II/I 91-009 347-05 III/I 91-009 652-91 V/2 91-010 181-15 1/2
91-003 100-05 1/1 91-008 004-05 II/I 91-009 351-91 III/2 91-009 702-05 VI 91-010 183-05 1/2
91-00'f 005-05 1/2 91-008 005-05 II/I 91-009 359-01 III/I 91-009 810-91 II/I 91-010 184-05 1/2
9^-OOk 006-05 1/2 91-008 007-05 1/2 91-009 361-91 II/I 91-009 938-15 II/2 91-010 184-05 V/2
Ol-OO'f 17045 IV/1 91-008 008-05 1/2 91-009 388-92 II/I 91-010 002-05 II/I 91-010 185-05 1/2
Ol-OO'f 171-15 IV/1 91-008 009-05 1/2 91-009 389-92 II/I 91-010 009-05 1/1 91-010 186-15 1/2
91-004 171-15 V/2 91-008 011-05 1/2 91-009 390-35 1/2 91-010 013-05 II/2 91-010 196-05 II/I
91-004 172-05 IV/1 91-008 021-11 1/1 91-009 391-31 1/2 91-010 016-05 II/I 91-010 204-15 II/2
91-004 172-05 V/2 91-008 040-92 VI 91-009 408-05 III/2 91-010 017-05 II/I 91-010 211-05 III/I
91-004 173-15 IV/1 91-008 064-05 l/2 91-009 424-91 V/2 91-010 022-05 II/I 91-010 21245 III/I
91-004 173-15 V/2 91-008 244-91 IV/1 91-009 42545 V/2 91-010 023-05 1/2 91-010 221-05 III/I
91-004 18445 V/2 91-008 24545 IV/1 91-009 432-90 III/I 91-010 02&-3I 1/2 91-010 360-05 1/1
91-004 18645 III/I 91-008 280-91 II/I 91-009 489-05 1/2 91-010 027-35 1/2 91-010 361-05 III/I
91-004 531-25 1/2 91-008 281-91 II/I 91-009 602-05 II/I 91-010 028-35 1/2 91-010 596-05 II/I
91-005 005-05 IV/2 91-008 440-91 VI 91-009 60345 II/I 91-010 031-92 VI 91-010 60645 II/2
91-005 051-15 III/I 91-009 009-05 V/1 91-009 604-05 II/I 91-010 044-05 III/I 91-010 61745 II/2
91-005 125-05 IV/2 91-009 148-05 1/2 91-009 605-05 II/I 91-010 056-05 III/I 91-010 618-15 V/1
91-005 56445 IV/2 91-009 148-05 II/I 91-009 606-05 II/I 91-010 061-34 III/2 91-010 63142 V/2
91-005 567-25 IV/2 91-009 149-05 III/I 91-009 609-05 II/I 91-010 066-05 III/I 91-010 632-15 V/2
91-005 568-25 IV/2 91-009 30245 II/I 91-009 610-35 II/I 91-010 067-05 II/2 91-010 633-05 V/1
91-005 569-25 IV/2 91-009 308-35 III/2 91-009 612-15 II/I 91-010 099-05 III/2 91-010 63645 1/1
91-005 604-05 II/1 91-009 327-35 IV/1 91-009 616-05 II/I 91-010 100-05 III/2 91-010 646-91 1/1
91-005 673-05 III/I 91-009 328-91 1/2 91-009 617-05 II/I 91-010 104-05 1/1 91-010 66841 1/2
91-005 675^5 VI 91-009 333-15 II/I 91-009 618-05 II/I 91-010 107-05 1/2 91-010 676-15 V/1
91-006 155-15 II/1 91-009 33545 III/I 91-009 621-92 II/I 91-010 107-05 IV/2 91410 67741 VI
91-006 505-05 1/2 91-009 337-05 III/2 91-009 624-05 II/I 91-010 115-05 1/2 91410 70342 1/2
91-006 526-05 V/1 91-009 338-92 III/2 91-009 633-92 II/I 91-010 116-05 1/2 91_010 704-15 III/I
91-006 576-92 VI 91-009 339-15 III/2 91-009 636-91 II/I 91-010 121-91 III/I 91410 728-15 1/1 '
91-006 759-05 II/1 91-009 341-05 III/2 91-009 636-91 VI 91-010 126-92 III/I 91410 72945 1/1
91-006 783-05 1/2 91-009 342-05 III/2 91-009 646-92 II/I 91-010 126-92 VI 91410 730-15 1/1
91-006 783-05 II/I 91-009 343-05 III/2 91-009 648-35 II/I 91-010 127-91 II/I 91410 731-15 1/1
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Pfaff 545
Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./nO/No. Fig. Nr./no/No. Fig.
91-010 732-05 1/1 91-011 738-05 1/1 91-018 348-91 III/I 91-019 677-91 V/2 91-029 840-91 IV/1
91-010 73M5 II/2 91-011 739-92 1/1 91-018 349-05 IIl/l 91-019 853-12 III/I 91-029 841-05 IV/1
91-010 73^1-15 1/1 91-011 7^6-05 1/1 91-018 350-05 III/I 91-025 054-55 IV/1 91-029 946-91 IV/1
91-010 733-15 V/1 91-011 752-92 1/1 91-018 357-45 III/I 91-025 056-92 IV/1 91-030 246-15 II/2
91-010 736-15 V/1 91-011 778-05 1/1 91-018 358-45 Il/I 91-025 06(H2 IV/1 91-030 246-15 V/2
91-010 737-^5 V/2 91-011 783-91 II/2 91-018 359-45 II/1 91-025 068-92 V/2 91-031 411-91 V/2
91-010 738-^5 V/2 91-011 929-15 V/1 91-018 401-91 III/I 91-025 075-55 IV/1 91-031 568-91 IV/1
91-010 739-45 V/2 91-012 072-05 III/2 91-018 402-45 IIl/l 91-025 076-15 IV/1 91-032 803-91 IV/1
91-010 752-15 1/1 91-012 't07-15 II/2 91-018 403-01 III/I 91-025 077-15 IV/1 91-032 806-45 IV/1
91-010 755-35 Il/l 91-012 ^^92-35 VI 91-018 404-05 III/I 91-025 164-05 II/2 91-032 807-91 IV/1
91-010 756-91 1/1 91-013 102-45 1/1 91-018 406-01 III/I 91-025 165-45 II/2 91-032 808-45 IV/1
91-010 817-91 1/1 91-013 106-45 1/1 91-018 415-02 II/1 91-025 169-92 IV/1 91-040 474-93 I/I
91-010 819-35 1/1 91-013 109-45 II/2 91-018 439-05 III/I 91-025 170-15 IV/1 91-040 474-93 VI
91-010 820-^5 1/1 91-013 139-05 1/2 91-018 460-90 I1/1 91-025 637-15 1/1 91-040 475-04 I/I
91-010 821-35 1/1 91-0^ 675-'t5 II/2 91-018 467-91 VI 91-026 745-04 III/2 91-040 618-45 IV/2
91-010 822-05 1/1 91-OH 709-05 II/2 91-018 477-90 IIl/l 91-026 745-04 VI 91-040 621-91 IV/2
91-010 867-91 II1/1 91-01^ 710-01 II/2 91-018 600-01 III/I 91-026 746-04 III/2 91-040 623-25 IV/2
91-010 888-15 1/1 91-OU 786-15 II/2 91-018 662-45 VI 91-026 830-15 III/2 91-041 063-25 IV/2
91-010 937-05 1/2 91-015 527-05 l/2 91-018 688-05 VI 91-027 271-92 IV/1 91-041 076-91 IV/2
91-010 937-05 V/2 91-015 527-05 VI 91-018 689-91 VI 91-027 362-91 III/2 91-041 085-91 IV/2
91-010 9'f2-05 1/2 91-015 652-92 V/2 91-019 651-92 1/1 91-029 007-91 IV/1 91-042 944-04 V/1
91-011 'f53-05 II/1 91-015 659-92 II/2 91-019 656-05 1/1 91-029 293-90 IV/1 91-042 944-04 VI
91-011 't97-91 V/1 91-015 66M)5 III/1 91-019 657-05 l/l 91-029 394-01 IV/1 91-042 945-04 V/1
91-011 718-92 V/1 91-015 673-21 II/2 91-019 660-15 II/2 91-029 450-35 IV/1 91-043 524-04 III/2
91-011 72M2 1/1 91-015 870-91 1/2 91-019 661-15 II/2 91-029 480-91 IV/1 91-043 525-04 III/2
91-011 723-^5 1/1 91-017 530-91 II/2 91-019 662-15 II/2 91-029 535-15 1/1 91-043 526-93 I/I
91-011 727-05 1/1 91-018 339-05 IIl/l 91-019 663-45 II/2 91-029 587-55 IV/1 91-043 526-93 VI
91-011 729-92 1/1 91-018 3'»0-91 III/1 91-019 664-15 II/2 91-029 601-15 IV/1 91-043 527-04 I/I
91-011 730-'t5 1/1 91-018 3^-91 III/1 91-019 665-15 II/2 91-029 601-25 IV/2 91-046 097-25 IV/2
91-011 731-05 1/1 91-018 342-05 II1/1 91-019 676-05 1/2 91-029 692-45 IV/1 91-046 546-93 I/I
91-011 732-05 1/1 91-018 344-05 IIl/l 91-019 676-05 II/1 91-029 831-91 IV/1 91-046 623^3 I/I
91-011 73M)5 1/1 91-018 346-01 III/I 91-019 677-91 II/2 91-029 833-45 IV/1 91-046 630-04 I/I
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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC