Unit 3 Part 5
Unit 3 Part 5
Unit 3 Part 5
Abelian Group
What is Elliptic Curve?
● An elliptic curve is defined by an equation in two variables with coefficients. For cryptography,
the variables and coefficients are restricted to elements in a finite field, which results in the
definition of a finite abelian group
● Such equations are said to be cubic, or of degree 3, because the highest exponent they contain is
a 3.
● Single element denoted O and called the point at infinity or the zero point. If three points on an
elliptic curve lie on a straight line, their sum is O.
● For given values of a and b, the plot consists of positive and negative values of y for each value of
x. Thus, each curve is symmetric about y = 0
Rules of Addition over Elliptic Curve
1. O serves as the additive identity.
a. Thus O = -O; for any point P on the elliptic curve, P + O = P. In what follows, we
assume P ≠ O and Q ≠ O.
2. The negative of a point P is the point with the same x coordinate but the negative of the y
coordinate; that is,
a. if P = (x, y), then -P = (x, -y). Note that these two points can be joined by a vertical line.
b. Note that P + (-P) = P - P = O.
3. To add two points P and Q with different x coordinates, draw a straight line between them and find
the third point of intersection R.
a. To form a group structure, we need to define addition on these three points: P + Q = -R. That is, we define P +
Q to be the mirror image (with respect to the x axis) of the third point of intersection.
4. The geometric interpretation of the preceding item also applies to two points, P and -P, with the
same x coordinate. The points are joined by a vertical line, which can be viewed as also intersecting
the curve at the infinity point. We therefore have P + (-P) = O, which is consistent with item (2).
5. To double a point Q, draw the tangent line and find the other point of intersection S.
Then Q + Q = 2Q = -S.
Algebraic Description of Addition
Elliptic Curves over Zp
a=1 b=1
1. P + O = P.
1. Key exchange using elliptic curves can be done in the following manner. First pick a large integer q,
which is either a prime number p or an integer of the form 2m and elliptic curve parameters a and b.
This defines the elliptic group of points Eq(a, b).
2. Next, pick a base point G = (x1, y1) in Ep(a, b) whose order is a very large value n.
3. The order n of a point G on an elliptic curve is the smallest positive integer n such that nG = 0 and G
are parameters of the cryptosystem known to all participants.
Example - Using Properties of Addition in ECC