Drainage Appendix

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Appendix D1

Appendix D1
Appendix D2
Project: 30-classroom primary school at kai Tak Development kowloon

Subject : Stormwater Flow Estimation Date: Nov 2023

The site's stormwater flow is estimated in Part 1a and justification of pipe size is provided in Part 1b.
In brief, 1 no. of Ø 900mm pipe with fall 1:125 is proposed to deliver the site's stormwater to the existing box culvert.

1a Estimation of Stormwater Flow from the Site during construction

- According to Rational Method stiupulated in Stormwater Drainage Manual (with Eurocodes incorporated)(2013)
(published by Drainage Services Department), the peak runoff is given by the following equation:-

Qp = 0.278 x C x i x A , where Qp = peak runoff in m3/s

C = runoff coefficient (dimensionless)
i = rainfall intensity in mm/hr
A = catchment area in km2

- Runoff coefficient C = 1 for developed urban areas

- Regarding rainfall intensity, 256 mm/hour was adopted as per latest ArchSD requirement.
According to Table 2 of the Stormwater Drainage Manual, the rainfall intensity with 50 years return period has
a duration of 2 minutes.

- Site catchment area = 6100 m2

= 0.00610 km2

Qp = 0.278 x 1 x 256 x 0.0061

= 0.4341 m3/s = 434.1 L/s

1b Pipe Selection
- The performance of selected pipe size is assessed using Manning's Equation as in the Stormwater Drainage Manual (2013).

R2/3 s 1/2
n , where V =Velocity (m/s)
n = Manning's roughness coefficient
s = Hydraulic gradient
Wetted Cross-sectional Area
Wetted Perimeter Length , and
by Continuity Equation
Q= AxV , where Q =Stormwater flow rate (m3/s)
A = Wetted cross-sectional area of pipe (m2)
V =Velocity (m/s)

- It is assumed that the Manning's roughness coefficient (n) = 0.015 ('Fair' concrete pipe, Table 13,
Stormwater Drainage Manual (with Eurocodes incorporated) (2013), published by Drainage Services Department )

- For 1 no. 900 mm dia. stormwater pipe with a gradient fall of 1/125 ,
the stormwater flow of 434.1 L/s is between 1/3 bore carrying 380.5 L/s and 2/5 bore carrying 506.4 L/s.
The flow velocity is in the range of 1.81 m/s and 1.99 m/s.

- The calculated result is highlighted in the table below:-

Bore R (m) V (m/s) A (m2) Q (m3/s) Q (L/s)
1/2 0.50 0.2250 2.21 0.318 0.702 701.6
1/3 0.33 0.1676 1.81 0.210 0.380 380.5
1/4 0.25 0.1320 1.55 0.159 0.246 245.8
2/3 0.67 0.2620 2.44 0.426 1.041 1040.7
2/5 0.40 0.1928 1.99 0.254 0.506 506.4
3/4 0.75 0.2715 2.50 0.477 1.193 1193.0
3/5 0.60 0.2499 2.37 0.382 0.903 903.0
4/5 0.80 0.2738 2.51 0.509 1.280 1279.5
7/10 0.70 0.2666 2.47 0.445 1.100 1100.0
1 1.00 0.2250 2.21 0.636 1.403 1403.3

The proposed Ø 900mm stormwater pipe with 1/125 fall is adequate to remove stormwater from the site and
has sufficient self-cleansing velocity.
Project: 30-classroom primary school at kai Tak Development kowloon

Subject : Stormwater Flow Estimation Date: Nov 2023

The site's stormwater flow is estimated in Part 1a and justification of pipe size is provided in Part 1b.
In brief, 1 no. of Ø 900mm pipe with fall 1:125 is proposed to deliver the site's stormwater to the existing box culvert.

1a Estimation of Stormwater Flow from the Site during construction

- According to Rational Method stiupulated in Stormwater Drainage Manual (with Eurocodes incorporated)(2013)
(published by Drainage Services Department), the peak runoff is given by the following equation:-

Qp = 0.278 x C x i x A , where Qp = peak runoff in m3/s

C = runoff coefficient (dimensionless)
i = rainfall intensity in mm/hr
A = catchment area in km2

- Runoff coefficient C = 1 for developed urban areas

- Regarding rainfall intensity, 263 mm/hour was adopted as per latest ArchSD requirement.
According to Table 2 of the Stormwater Drainage Manual, the rainfall intensity with 100 years return period has
a duration of 2 minutes.

- Site catchment area = 6100 m2

= 0.00610 km2

Qp = 0.278 x 1 x 263 x 0.0061

= 0.4460 m3/s = 446.0 L/s

1b Pipe Selection
- The performance of selected pipe size is assessed using Manning's Equation as in the Stormwater Drainage Manual (2013).

R2/3 s 1/2
n , where V =Velocity (m/s)
n = Manning's roughness coefficient
s = Hydraulic gradient
Wetted Cross-sectional Area
Wetted Perimeter Length , and
by Continuity Equation
Q= AxV , where Q =Stormwater flow rate (m3/s)
A = Wetted cross-sectional area of pipe (m2)
V =Velocity (m/s)

- It is assumed that the Manning's roughness coefficient (n) = 0.015 ('Fair' concrete pipe, Table 13,
Stormwater Drainage Manual (with Eurocodes incorporated) (2013), published by Drainage Services Department )

- For 1 no. 900 mm dia. stormwater pipe with a gradient fall of 1/125 ,
the stormwater flow of 446.0 L/s is between 1/3 bore carrying 380.5 L/s and 2/5 bore carrying 506.4 L/s.
The flow velocity is in the range of 1.81 m/s and 1.99 m/s.

- The calculated result is highlighted in the table below:-

Bore R (m) V (m/s) A (m2) Q (m3/s) Q (L/s)
1/2 0.50 0.2250 2.21 0.318 0.702 701.6
1/3 0.33 0.1676 1.81 0.210 0.380 380.5
1/4 0.25 0.1320 1.55 0.159 0.246 245.8
2/3 0.67 0.2620 2.44 0.426 1.041 1040.7
2/5 0.40 0.1928 1.99 0.254 0.506 506.4
3/4 0.75 0.2715 2.50 0.477 1.193 1193.0
3/5 0.60 0.2499 2.37 0.382 0.903 903.0
4/5 0.80 0.2738 2.51 0.509 1.280 1279.5
7/10 0.70 0.2666 2.47 0.445 1.100 1100.0
1 1.00 0.2250 2.21 0.636 1.403 1403.3

The proposed Ø 900mm stormwater pipe with 1/125 fall is adequate to remove stormwater from the site and
has sufficient self-cleansing velocity.
Appendix D3
Project: 30-classroom primary school at kai Tak Development kowloon

Subject : Sewage Flow Estimation Date: Nov 2023

The peak sewage flow from the building in Part 1a is estimated with reference to international and local guidelines.
For checking purpose, the sewage estimation method adopted by Environmental Protection Department is presented in Part 1b.
Justification of pipe size is summarized in Part 1c.

In brief, 1 No. of Ø 225mm sewer pipe with fall 1:40 is proposed for conveying sewage from the development
to the existing foul water manhole FWD4075416

1a Estimation of Peak Sewage Flow from the Building

Peak sewerage discharge from the development consists of the following sources:-
(a) discharge from sanitary fitments Qa;
(b) discharge from kitchen Qb;
(c) discharge from vehicle maintenace area and lift sump pit Qc; and
(d) discharge from cleansing water points Qd.

A. Estimated sewage discharge from sanitary fitments (based on Plumbing Engineering Services Design Guide (2002),
Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE))

- According to the Design Guide (2002), the probable simultaneous discharge flow for sanitary fitments in a building
can be estimated using the following equation:-

Qa = K x √DU where Qa = Sewage flow rate from sanitary fitments (l/s)

K = Frequnecy of use
√DU = Sum of discharge units (l/s)

- It is assumed that the Frequency of Use (K) for the building is equivalent to frequent use, i.e. K = 0.7*.
*K values were extracted from Table 6, P.112, Plumbing Engineering Services Design Guide (2002).

- Discharge Unit (DU) from Sanitary Fitments in the Building toilet one boy one female one disable
Appliance Quantity DU per appliance (L/s)* Sub-total (L/s) 8/f have
Water closet 88 1.80 158.40
Urinal 40 0.40 16.00
Wash basin 90 0.30 27.00
Sink 30 1.30 39.00
Shower 10 0.40 4.00
Total DU = 244.40
*DU values were extracted from Table 5, P.112, Plumbing Engineering Services Design Guide (2002).

- Probable sewage discharge from sanitary fitments Qa

= K x √ DU
= 0.7 x √ 244.40
= 10.94 L/s

B. Estimated sewage discharge from Kitchen

(based on Practice Note For Professional Persons, ProPECC 5/93 , published by Environmental Protection Department)

- According to ProPECC 5/93, kitchen discharge flow rate is estimated based on the following information:-
(a) Daily average water consumption = 0.50 m3/m2 kitchen area/day (Appendix C, ProPecc 5/93)
(b) Assumed time of operation = 16.00 hours (Appendix C, ProPecc 5/93)
(c) Kitchen area (A) = 187.00 m2
(d) Peaking factor (PF) = 1.92 (Interpolated from Appendix C, ProPecc 5/93)

- Discharge flow rate = (a) x (c)/(b) x (d) x 1000/3600

= 3.12 L/s

The discharged kitchen waste water is collected by a sump pit. The submersible pumpset
inside will deliver a flow of 5 L/s.

Thus, the discharge from kitchen Qb is 5 L/s.

Project: 30-classroom primary school at kai Tak Development kowloon

Subject : Sewage Flow Estimation Date: Nov 2023

C. Estimated sewage discharge from vehicle maintenace area and sump pits

- Discharge flow rate from sump pit serving vehicle maintenace area = 10.00 L/s
- Discharge flow rate from lift sump pit = 1.00 L/s

Thus, the required discharge Qc is 11.0 L/s.

D. Estimated sewage discharge from cleansing water points

- The following assumptions were made:-

1. The number of cleansing water taps under simultaneous operation at a time is 3.
2. The flow rate for each cleansing water point is 0.15 L/s.

The sewage discharge from cleansing water points Qd == no. of cleansing points x flow rate per cleansing water point
= 3 x 0.15
= 0.45 L/s

Estimated peak sewage discharge rate = Qa + Qb + Qc + Qd

= 10.94 + 5.00 + 11.00 + 0.45 L/s
= 27.4 L/s

1b Estimation of Sewage Flow using figures in EPD/TP1/05 Guidelines for Estimating Sewage Flows for
Sewage Infrastructure Planning, published by Environmental Protection Department

- Population in the Building = 1200 persons

- According to Table T-2 of the Guidelines , unit flow factor per employee is as follows:-

Population type Unit flow factor (m3/day/employee)

Commercial employee 0.08
J11 - Community, social & personal services 0.20
School student 0.04
Total 0.32
The activities performed by building occupants are likely to be a mix of the above population type. Thus,
the unit flow factors are summated to portrait the actual building usage.
Project: 30-classroom primary school at kai Tak Development kowloon

Subject : Sewage Flow Estimation Date: Nov 2023

- The average dry weather flow (DWF) and peak discharge flow are estimated as follows:-

(v) =
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) = (i) x (ii) (vi) (vii) = (v) x (vi)
Unit flow factor Flow period in Average DWF Average DWF Peak discharge
3 Population 3
(m /day/employee) a day (hours) (m /day) (L/s) (L/s)
0.32 1200 24 384 4.44 5 22.22

Peaking factor is extracted from Table T-5 (a), with stormwater allowance excluded for a population in between 1000 - 5000).

- Compared with Part 1a, the estimated peak sewage discharge flow has a difference of 5.2 L/s.

1c Pipe Selection
- The performance of selected pipe size is assessed using Manning's Equation as stipulated in the Sewerage Manual (2013)

V= R2/3 s 1/2
n , where V= Velocity (m/s)
n= Manning's roughness coefficient
s= Hydraulic gradient
Wetted cross-sectional area
Wetted perimeter , and
by Continuity Equation
Q= AxV , where Q= Discharge flow rate (m3/s)
A= Wetted cross-sectional area of pipe (m2)
V= Velocity (m/s)

- It is assumed that the Manning's roughness coefficient (n) = 0.013 ('Good' vitrified sewer pipe, Table 6,
Sewerage Manual (with Eurocodes incorporated) Part 1 (2013), published by Drainage Services Department )

- For 1 no. 225 mm dia. sewage pipe with a gradient fall of 1/40 ,
the sewage flow of 18.5 L/s is slightly less than the capacity of 1/3 bore flow of 19.248 L/s,
with a flow velocity slightly lower than 1.47 m/s > 0.7m/s , i.e. minimum self-cleansing velocity for sewers of
diamters less than 300mm as stipulated in the Sewaerage Manual Part 1 )

- The calculated result is highlighted in the table below:-

Bore R (m) V (m/s) A (m2) Q (m3/s) Q (L/s)

1/2 0.50 0.0563 1.79 0.020 0.035 35.5

1/3 0.33 0.0419 1.47 0.013 0.019 19.2
1/4 0.25 0.0330 1.25 0.010 0.012 12.4
2/3 0.67 0.0655 1.98 0.027 0.053 52.6
2/5 0.40 0.0482 1.61 0.016 0.026 25.6
3/4 0.75 0.0679 2.02 0.030 0.060 60.4
3/5 0.60 0.0625 1.91 0.024 0.046 45.7
4/5 0.80 0.0684 2.04 0.032 0.065 64.7
7/10 0.70 0.0667 2.00 0.028 0.056 55.6
1 1.00 0.0563 1.79 0.040 0.071 71.0

The proposed Ø 225mm sewer pipe with 1/40 fall is adequate to carry the sewage from site and has satifactory self-cleansing velocity.
Appendix D4
9000 12750 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 3650 3650



U-channel (Type 1)
U-channel(Type 2)
Slope (1:80 Gradient)
Drainage inlet


Appendix D5
Project: 30-classroom primary school at kai Tak Development kowloon

Subject : Stormwater Flow Estimation Date: Nov 2023

The site's stormwater flow is estimated in Part 1a and justification of pipe size is provided in Part 1b.
In brief, 11 no. of Ø 175mm circular U-channel with fall 1:80 is proposed collect the rainfall at roof

1a Estimation of Stormwater Flow from the Site during construction

- According to Rational Method stiupulated in Stormwater Drainage Manual (with Eurocodes incorporated)(2013)
(published by Drainage Services Department), the peak runoff is given by the following equation:-

Qp = 0.278 x C x i x A , where Qp = peak runoff in m3/s

C = runoff coefficient (dimensionless)
i = rainfall intensity in mm/hr
A = catchment area in km2

- Runoff coefficient C = 1 for developed urban areas

- Regarding rainfall intensity, 256 mm/hour was adopted as per latest ArchSD requirement.
According to Table 2 of the Stormwater Drainage Manual, the rainfall intensity with 50 years return period has
a duration of 2 minutes.

'- Site catchment area at roof top = 115 m2

= 0.00011 km2

Qp = 0.278 x 1 x 256 x 0.000115

= 0.0082 m3/s = 8.2 L/s

1b Pipe Selection
- The performance of selected pipe size is assessed using Manning's Equation as in the Stormwater Drainage Manual (2013).

R2/3 s 1/2
n , where V =Velocity (m/s)
n = Manning's roughness coefficient
s = Hydraulic gradient
Wetted Cross-sectional Area
Wetted Perimeter Length , and
by Continuity Equation
Q= AxV , where Q =Stormwater flow rate (m3/s)
A = Wetted cross-sectional area of pipe (m2)
V =Velocity (m/s)

- It is assumed that the Manning's roughness coefficient (n) = 0.015 ('Fair' concrete pipe, Table 13,
Stormwater Drainage Manual (with Eurocodes incorporated) (2013), published by Drainage Services Department )

- For 1 no. 175 mm dia. stormwater pipe with a gradient fall of 1/80 ,

- The calculated result is highlighted in the table below:-

Bore R (m) V (m/s) A (m2) Q (m3/s) Q (L/s)
1/2 0.50 0.0438 0.93 0.012 0.011 11.1
1/3 0.33 0.0326 0.76 0.008 0.006 6.0
1/4 0.25 0.0257 0.65 0.006 0.004 3.9
2/3 0.67 0.0509 1.02 0.016 0.017 16.5
2/5 0.40 0.0375 0.83 0.010 0.008 8.0
3/4 0.75 0.0528 1.05 0.018 0.019 18.9
3/5 0.60 0.0486 0.99 0.014 0.014 14.3
4/5 0.80 0.0532 1.05 0.019 0.020 20.3
7/10 0.70 0.0518 1.04 0.017 0.017 17.4
1 1.00 0.0438 0.93 0.024 0.022 22.3

The proposed Ø 175mm circular U-channel with 1/80 fall is adequate to divert stromwater on roof and
has sufficient self-cleansing velocity.
Project: 30-classroom primary school at kai Tak Development kowloon

Subject : Stormwater Flow Estimation Date: Nov 2023

The site's stormwater flow is estimated in Part 1a and justification of pipe size is provided in Part 1b.
In brief,11 no. of Ø 175mm circular U-channel with fall 1:80 is proposed collect the rainfall at roof

1a Estimation of Stormwater Flow from the Site during construction

- According to Rational Method stiupulated in Stormwater Drainage Manual (with Eurocodes incorporated)(2013)
(published by Drainage Services Department), the peak runoff is given by the following equation:-

Qp = 0.278 x C x i x A , where Qp = peak runoff in m3/s

C = runoff coefficient (dimensionless)
i = rainfall intensity in mm/hr
A = catchment area in km2

- Runoff coefficient C = 1 for developed urban areas

- Regarding rainfall intensity, 263 mm/hour was adopted as per latest ArchSD requirement.
According to Table 2 of the Stormwater Drainage Manual, the rainfall intensity with 100 years return period has
a duration of 2 minutes.

'- Site catchment area at roof top = 115 m2

= 0.00011 km2

Qp = 0.278 x 1 x 263 x 0.000115

= 0.0084 m3/s = 8.4 L/s

1b Pipe Selection
- The performance of selected pipe size is assessed using Manning's Equation as in the Stormwater Drainage Manual (2013).

R2/3 s 1/2
n , where V =Velocity (m/s)
n = Manning's roughness coefficient
s = Hydraulic gradient
Wetted Cross-sectional Area
Wetted Perimeter Length , and
by Continuity Equation
Q= AxV , where Q =Stormwater flow rate (m3/s)
A = Wetted cross-sectional area of pipe (m2)
V =Velocity (m/s)

- It is assumed that the Manning's roughness coefficient (n) = 0.015 ('Fair' concrete pipe, Table 13,
Stormwater Drainage Manual (with Eurocodes incorporated) (2013), published by Drainage Services Department )

- For 1 no. 175 mm dia. stormwater pipe with a gradient fall of 1/80 ,

- The calculated result is highlighted in the table below:-

Bore R (m) V (m/s) A (m2) Q (m3/s) Q (L/s)
1/2 0.50 0.0438 0.93 0.012 0.011 11.1
1/3 0.33 0.0326 0.76 0.008 0.006 6.0
1/4 0.25 0.0257 0.65 0.006 0.004 3.9
2/3 0.67 0.0509 1.02 0.016 0.017 16.5
2/5 0.40 0.0375 0.83 0.010 0.008 8.0
3/4 0.75 0.0528 1.05 0.018 0.019 18.9
3/5 0.60 0.0486 0.99 0.014 0.014 14.3
4/5 0.80 0.0532 1.05 0.019 0.020 20.3
7/10 0.70 0.0518 1.04 0.017 0.017 17.4
1 1.00 0.0438 0.93 0.024 0.022 22.3

The proposed Ø 175mm circular U-channel with 1/80 fall is adequate to remove stormwater from the roof and
has sufficient self-cleansing velocity.
Appendix D6
Project: 30-classroom primary school at kai Tak Development kowloon

Subject : Stormwater Flow Estimation Date: Nov 2023

The site's stormwater flow is estimated in Part 1a and justification of pipe size is provided in Part 1b.
Ø 250mm pipe with fall 1:60 is proposed to deliver thestormwater at roof to the building.

1a Estimation of Stormwater Flow from the Site during construction

- According to Rational Method stiupulated in Stormwater Drainage Manual (with Eurocodes incorporated)(2013)
(published by Drainage Services Department), the peak runoff is given by the following equation:-

Qp = 0.278 x C x i x A , where Qp = peak runoff in m3/s

C = runoff coefficient (dimensionless)
i = rainfall intensity in mm/hr
A = catchment area in km2

- Runoff coefficient C = 1 for developed urban areas

- Regarding rainfall intensity, 256 mm/hour was adopted as per latest ArchSD requirement.
According to Table 2 of the Stormwater Drainage Manual, the rainfall intensity with 50 years return period has
a duration of 2 minutes.

'- Site catchment area at roof top = 681 m2

= 0.00068 km2

Qp = 0.278 x 1 x 256 x 0.000681

= 0.0485 m3/s = 48.5 L/s

1b Pipe Selection
- The performance of selected pipe size is assessed using Manning's Equation as in the Stormwater Drainage Manual (2013).

R2/3 s 1/2
n , where V =Velocity (m/s)
n = Manning's roughness coefficient
s = Hydraulic gradient
Wetted Cross-sectional Area
Wetted Perimeter Length , and
by Continuity Equation
Q= AxV , where Q =Stormwater flow rate (m3/s)
A = Wetted cross-sectional area of pipe (m2)
V =Velocity (m/s)

- It is assumed that the Manning's roughness coefficient (n) = 0.015 ('Fair' concrete pipe, Table 13,
Stormwater Drainage Manual (with Eurocodes incorporated) (2013), published by Drainage Services Department )

- For 1 no. 250 mm dia. stormwater pipe with a gradient fall of 1/60 ,

- The calculated result is highlighted in the table below:-

Bore R (m) V (m/s) A (m2) Q (m3/s) Q (L/s)
1/2 0.50 0.0625 1.36 0.025 0.033 33.3
1/3 0.33 0.0465 1.11 0.016 0.018 18.0
1/4 0.25 0.0367 0.95 0.012 0.012 11.7
2/3 0.67 0.0728 1.50 0.033 0.049 49.3
2/5 0.40 0.0536 1.22 0.020 0.024 24.0
3/4 0.75 0.0754 1.54 0.037 0.057 56.6
3/5 0.60 0.0694 1.45 0.029 0.043 42.8
4/5 0.80 0.0760 1.54 0.039 0.061 60.7
7/10 0.70 0.0741 1.52 0.034 0.052 52.2
1 1.00 0.0625 1.36 0.049 0.067 66.5

The proposed Ø 250mm stormwater pipe with 1/60 fall is adequate to collect stormwater at the roof into the building and
has sufficient self-cleansing velocity.
Project: 30-classroom primary school at kai Tak Development kowloon

Subject : Stormwater Flow Estimation Date: Nov 2023

The site's stormwater flow is estimated in Part 1a and justification of pipe size is provided in Part 1b.
Ø 250mm pipe with fall 1:60 is proposed to deliver thestormwater at roof to the building.

1a Estimation of Stormwater Flow from the Site during construction

- According to Rational Method stiupulated in Stormwater Drainage Manual (with Eurocodes incorporated)(2013)
(published by Drainage Services Department), the peak runoff is given by the following equation:-

Qp = 0.278 x C x i x A , where Qp = peak runoff in m3/s

C = runoff coefficient (dimensionless)
i = rainfall intensity in mm/hr
A = catchment area in km2

- Runoff coefficient C = 1 for developed urban areas

- Regarding rainfall intensity, 263 mm/hour was adopted as per latest ArchSD requirement.
According to Table 2 of the Stormwater Drainage Manual, the rainfall intensity with 100 years return period has
a duration of 2 minutes.

'- Site catchment area at roof top = 681 m2

= 0.00068 km2

Qp = 0.278 x 1 x 263 x 0.000681

= 0.0498 m3/s = 49.8 L/s

1b Pipe Selection
- The performance of selected pipe size is assessed using Manning's Equation as in the Stormwater Drainage Manual (2013).

R2/3 s 1/2
n , where V =Velocity (m/s)
n = Manning's roughness coefficient
s = Hydraulic gradient
Wetted Cross-sectional Area
Wetted Perimeter Length , and
by Continuity Equation
Q= AxV , where Q =Stormwater flow rate (m3/s)
A = Wetted cross-sectional area of pipe (m2)
V =Velocity (m/s)

- It is assumed that the Manning's roughness coefficient (n) = 0.015 ('Fair' concrete pipe, Table 13,
Stormwater Drainage Manual (with Eurocodes incorporated) (2013), published by Drainage Services Department )

- For 1 no. 250 mm dia. stormwater pipe with a gradient fall of 1/60 ,
the stormwater flow of 49.8 L/s is between 1/4 bore carrying 11.7 L/s and 1/3 bore carrying 18.0 L/s.
The flow velocity is in the range of 0.95 m/s and 1.11 m/s.

- The calculated result is highlighted in the table below:-

Bore R (m) V (m/s) A (m2) Q (m3/s) Q (L/s)
1/2 0.50 0.0625 1.36 0.025 0.033 33.3
1/3 0.33 0.0465 1.11 0.016 0.018 18.0
1/4 0.25 0.0367 0.95 0.012 0.012 11.7
2/3 0.67 0.0728 1.50 0.033 0.049 49.3
2/5 0.40 0.0536 1.22 0.020 0.024 24.0
3/4 0.75 0.0754 1.54 0.037 0.057 56.6
3/5 0.60 0.0694 1.45 0.029 0.043 42.8
4/5 0.80 0.0760 1.54 0.039 0.061 60.7
7/10 0.70 0.0741 1.52 0.034 0.052 52.2
1 1.00 0.0625 1.36 0.049 0.067 66.5

The proposed Ø 250mm stormwater pipe with 1/60 fall is adequate to collect stormwater at the roof into the building and
has sufficient self-cleansing velocity.
Appendix D7
Project: 30-classroom primary school at kai Tak Development kowloon

Subject : Sewage Flow Estimation Date: Nov 2023

The peak sewage flow from the building in Part 1a is estimated with reference to international and local guidelines.
For checking purpose, the sewage estimation method adopted by Environmental Protection Department is presented in Part 1b.
Justification of pipe size is summarized in Part 1c.

In brief, 1 No. of Ø 200mm sewer pipe with fall 1:100 is proposed for conveying sewage inside trhe building
to the existing foul water manhole FWD4075416

1a Estimation of Peak Sewage Flow from the Building

Peak sewerage discharge from the development consists of the following sources:-
(a) discharge from sanitary fitments Qa;
(b) discharge from kitchen Qb;
(c) discharge from vehicle maintenace area and lift sump pit Qc; and
(d) discharge from cleansing water points Qd.

A. Estimated sewage discharge from sanitary fitments (based on Plumbing Engineering Services Design Guide (2002),
Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE))

- According to the Design Guide (2002), the probable simultaneous discharge flow for sanitary fitments in a building
can be estimated using the following equation:-

Qa = K x √DU where Qa = Sewage flow rate from sanitary fitments (l/s)

K = Frequnecy of use
√DU = Sum of discharge units (l/s)

- It is assumed that the Frequency of Use (K) for the building is equivalent to frequent use, i.e. K = 0.7*.
*K values were extracted from Table 6, P.112, Plumbing Engineering Services Design Guide (2002).

- Discharge Unit (DU) from Sanitary Fitments in the Building toilet one boy one female one disable
Appliance Quantity DU per appliance (L/s)* Sub-total (L/s) 8/f have
Water closet 88 1.80 158.40
Urinal 40 0.40 16.00
Wash basin 90 0.30 27.00
Sink 30 1.30 39.00
Shower 10 0.40 4.00
Total DU = 244.40
*DU values were extracted from Table 5, P.112, Plumbing Engineering Services Design Guide (2002).

- Probable sewage discharge from sanitary fitments Qa

= K x √ DU
= 0.7 x √ 244.40
= 10.94 L/s

B. Estimated sewage discharge from Kitchen

(based on Practice Note For Professional Persons, ProPECC 5/93 , published by Environmental Protection Department)

- According to ProPECC 5/93, kitchen discharge flow rate is estimated based on the following information:-
(a) Daily average water consumption = 0.50 m3/m2 kitchen area/day (Appendix C, ProPecc 5/93)
(b) Assumed time of operation = 16.00 hours (Appendix C, ProPecc 5/93)
(c) Kitchen area (A) = 187.00 m2
(d) Peaking factor (PF) = 1.92 (Interpolated from Appendix C, ProPecc 5/93)

- Discharge flow rate = (a) x (c)/(b) x (d) x 1000/3600

= 3.12 L/s

The discharged kitchen waste water is collected by a sump pit. The submersible pumpset
inside will deliver a flow of 5 L/s.

Thus, the discharge from kitchen Qb is 5 L/s.

Project: 30-classroom primary school at kai Tak Development kowloon

Subject : Sewage Flow Estimation Date: Nov 2023

C. Estimated sewage discharge from vehicle maintenace area and sump pits

- Discharge flow rate from sump pit serving vehicle maintenace area = 10.00 L/s
- Discharge flow rate from lift sump pit = 1.00 L/s

Thus, the required discharge Qc is 11.0 L/s.

D. Estimated sewage discharge from cleansing water points

- The following assumptions were made:-

1. The number of cleansing water taps under simultaneous operation at a time is 3.
2. The flow rate for each cleansing water point is 0.15 L/s.

The sewage discharge from cleansing water points Qd == no. of cleansing points x flow rate per cleansing water point
= 3 x 0.15
= 0.45 L/s

Estimated peak sewage discharge rate = Qa + Qb + Qc + Qd

= 10.94 + 5.00 + 11.00 + 0.45 L/s
= 27.4 L/s

1b Estimation of Sewage Flow using figures in EPD/TP1/05 Guidelines for Estimating Sewage Flows for
Sewage Infrastructure Planning, published by Environmental Protection Department

- Population in the Building = 1200 persons

- According to Table T-2 of the Guidelines , unit flow factor per employee is as follows:-

Population type Unit flow factor (m3/day/employee)

Commercial employee 0.08
J11 - Community, social & personal services 0.20
School student 0.04
Total 0.32
The activities performed by building occupants are likely to be a mix of the above population type. Thus,
the unit flow factors are summated to portrait the actual building usage.
Project: 30-classroom primary school at kai Tak Development kowloon

Subject : Sewage Flow Estimation Date: Nov 2023

- The average dry weather flow (DWF) and peak discharge flow are estimated as follows:-

(v) =
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) = (i) x (ii) (vi) (vii) = (v) x (vi)
Unit flow factor Flow period in Average DWF Average DWF Peak discharge
3 Population 3
(m /day/employee) a day (hours) (m /day) (L/s) (L/s)
0.32 1200 24 384 4.44 5 22.22

Peaking factor is extracted from Table T-5 (a), with stormwater allowance excluded for a population in between 1000 - 5000).

- Compared with Part 1a, the estimated peak sewage discharge flow has a difference of 5.2 L/s.

1c Pipe Selection
- The performance of selected pipe size is assessed using Manning's Equation as stipulated in the Sewerage Manual (2013)

V= R2/3 s 1/2
n , where V= Velocity (m/s)
n= Manning's roughness coefficient
s= Hydraulic gradient
Wetted cross-sectional area
Wetted perimeter , and
by Continuity Equation
Q= AxV , where Q= Discharge flow rate (m3/s)
A= Wetted cross-sectional area of pipe (m2)
V= Velocity (m/s)

- It is assumed that the Manning's roughness coefficient (n) = 0.013 ('Good' vitrified sewer pipe, Table 6,
Sewerage Manual (with Eurocodes incorporated) Part 1 (2013), published by Drainage Services Department )

- For 1 no. 200 mm dia. sewage pipe with a gradient fall of 1/100 ,
the sewage flow of 18.5 L/s is slightly less than the capacity of 1/3 bore flow of 8.892 L/s,
with a flow velocity slightly lower than 0.86 m/s > 0.7m/s , i.e. minimum self-cleansing velocity for sewers of
diamters less than 300mm as stipulated in the Sewaerage Manual Part 1 )

- The calculated result is highlighted in the table below:-

Bore R (m) V (m/s) A (m2) Q (m3/s) Q (L/s)

1/2 0.50 0.0500 1.04 0.016 0.016 16.4

1/3 0.33 0.0372 0.86 0.010 0.009 8.9
1/4 0.25 0.0293 0.73 0.008 0.006 5.7
2/3 0.67 0.0582 1.16 0.021 0.024 24.3
2/5 0.40 0.0428 0.94 0.013 0.012 11.8
3/4 0.75 0.0603 1.18 0.024 0.028 27.9
3/5 0.60 0.0555 1.12 0.019 0.021 21.1
4/5 0.80 0.0608 1.19 0.025 0.030 29.9
7/10 0.70 0.0592 1.17 0.022 0.026 25.7
1 1.00 0.0500 1.04 0.031 0.033 32.8

The proposed Ø 200m sewer pipe with 1/100 fall is adequate to carry the sewage from site and has satifactory self-cleansing velocity.

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