About Andal
About Andal
About Andal
ANDAL: Andal is the only female Azhwar of the 12 Azhwar saints of Srivaishnava tradition
of Hinduism. She is credited with the great Tamil works of Thirupavai and Nachiar Tirumozhi.
Andal is known for her unwavering devotion to the Lord Narayana / Krishna, the God of the
BIRTH: Andal’s birth is considered to be in the Tamil month of ‘Aadi’ on the day of ‘pooram’
star, on a Tuesday. Andal was discovered under a Tulsi plant in the temple garden in
Srivilliputtur, by Vishnucitta who is also called Periazhwar, another Azhwar of Srivaishnava
Tradition. The child was named Kodhai, meaning "a beautiful garland" in Tamil. Andal is
believed as a reincarnation (avatharam) of Bhumi-Devi (the Earth Goddess), a consort (wife) of
Lord Vishnu.
GARLAND TO THE LORD: Vishnucitta served the Lord at Srivillipuththur Temple by picking
flowers from his garden, making garlands and offering them to Lord every day. Kodhai started
acting unusual by wearing the flower garland which was meant to be offered to the Lord. Kodhai
felt she should first test it and see how the garland suited her and only if it did, she should offer
it to the Lord. One day, she was caught red-handed by her father in this strange act, and he was
extremely upset. He told her not to repeat the act in future. That very night the Lord appeared to
Vishnucitta in his dream and asked him why he had discarded Kodhai's garland instead of
offering it to Him. The Lord told Vishnucitta that He had whole-heartedly accepted Kodhai's
offering all this time.
SOODI KODUTHA SUDARKODI: Thus she is known by the phrase, "Soodi kodutha
Sudarkodi," which literally means, "The bright creeper-like woman who gave her garlands to
Lord after wearing them herself." Kodhai was well-respected by devotees and came to be
known as "Andal," the girl who "ruled" over the Lord. As time passed, her resolve to marry Lord
Krishna strengthened. Vishnucitta understood the Divine Love that existed between the Lord
and Andal. Initially, common people commented and mocked her as being insane, but
Vishnucitta supported her.
ANDAL’S TIRUPPAAVAI: Andal’s first work is the Thiruppavai, a collection of thirty poems in
which Andal imagines herself to be a Gopi or cowherd girl during the avatar of Lord Krishna.
She wants to serve Him and achieve happiness not just in this birth, but for all eternity, and
describes the religious vows (called paavai nonbu / vratham) that she and her fellow cowherd
girls will observe for this purpose. Tiruppavai is recited daily in all Srivaishnava temples and
households. The other composition of Andal is Nachiyaar Tirumozhi which contains 143 poems.
PAAVAI VRATHAM and BENEFITS: In order to attain Lord Krishna as her husband and to
serve Him eternally, Andal observed a penance (Vratham) called “Paavai Nonbu”. This
Vratham is a variation of the KaathyAyini Vratham described in Srimath BhAgavatham. The
Month chosen for the vratham was Marghazhi Month. This vratham takes a whole Month to
complete. ANDAL became one of the Gopis of Gokulam -- who observed the Marghazhi
Vratham --and called all Her young friends to join and obtain the Highest boon of eternal service
to the Lord. ANDAL addresses Her play mates and fellow Vratham observers to join her, then
they all go together to Krishna’s house to wake His father, mother, wife and others, she praises
the Lord and finally gets the boon of eternal service for herself and for all her fellow Gopis. She
has mentioned in Tiruppavai last song that those who recite the 30 songs will also get all good
benefits like wealth, prosperity, health, education, etc.
TIRUPPAVAI AND SRI RAMANUJA: Sri Ramanuja, a great Vedic scholar and Srivaishnavite
Guru understood that Tiruppavai contains a lot of philosophical points. Even some doubts on
the Vedic texts are clarified in simple manner in Tiruppavai. Due to his devotion to Andal and
her beautiful poems Tiruppavai, Sri Ramanuja got the name 'Tiruppavai Jeer”. Sri Ramanuja
was born in the year 1017. We celebrated the 1000 th birth anniversary of Sri Ramanuja in 2017.
All our acharyas have told us the greatness of Tiruppavai and Andal’s Bhakthi.
SWAMY DESIKAN: One of the later scholarly acharyas, Sri Vedanta Desikan was born about
750 years ago. He has made many literary works to establish the Srivaishnavite philosophies
and explain Sri Ramanuja’s teachings. Sri Vedanta Desikan states that Sri Andal revealed to us
clearly through her pasurams the hidden vedic meanings which otherwise will be difficult to
understand. He also wrote a Sanskrit work called “Goda Stuti” in praise of Andal. In one of the
verses he says, “O' Goda! It is because of your auspicious birth, the Southern direction has
attained the glory of being the best among the directions”(northern directions attained glory
because of birth of Rama and Krishna).
SWAMY MANAVALA MAMUNIGAL: Born about 650 years ago, Sri Manavala Mamuni is one
of the great acharyas who made many literary works in Tamil/ Sanskrit to establish the
Srivaishnavite philosophies and to explain Sri Ramanuja’s teachings. It is said that Sri
Ramanuja was reborn as Sri Manavala Mamuni, mainly to re-establish the eternal Vedic
practices that were lost during turmoil in Srirangam due to invasion by others. His discourses
were so mesmerising that Lord Ranganatha of Srirangam stopped all the uthsavams for one
year to listen to his discourses. On the Final day the Lord came in the form of a small boy and
recited a sloka in praise of Sri Manaval Mamuni. Swamy Manavala Mamuni says “Andal was
born only for the sake of us (those who continue to commit trespasses from God’s instructions).
DAILY PRACTICE: We should recite Tiruppavai every day and get the blessings of Andal and
Lord Krishna. If not possible to recite all 30 poems we must recite at least the 29th poem,
Sittram Sirukaalae.