-Vulnerability_Mgmt_Service_for_Product Lifecycle

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Vulnerability management service for

product life cycle

Andon Nikolov

School of Electrical Engineering

Thesis submitted for examination for the degree of Master of

Science in Technology.
Espoo 22.5.2017

Thesis supervisor:

Prof. Heikki Hämmäinen

Thesis advisor:

M.Sc. Matti Frisk

aalto university abstract of the
school of electrical engineering master’s thesis

Author: Andon Nikolov

Title: Vulnerability management service for product life cycle

Date: 22.5.2017 Language: English Number of pages: 7+66

Department of Communications and Networking
Supervisor: Prof. Heikki Hämmäinen

Advisor: M.Sc. Matti Frisk

This thesis was commissioned by a large enterprise. The company requires
a vulnerability management solution, which would enable them to manage
vulnerabilities throughout the product life cycle. An analysis was required on
whether such solution should be purchased or built as an internal project.
This study was completed in two main phases. First, a make-or-buy decision was
done based on the analysis. Second, a suitable VMS design and implementation
was suggested.
To collect input for the analysis, all potential users were identified and from
them groups of volunteers were invited to interviews. The data from the focus
group interviews was then processed and documented in the form of requirement
specification for Vulnerability Management Service (VMS). Commercial
off-the-shelf solutions were compared against the list of requirements. A second
round of review was done with selected commercial products, which fulfilled majority
of the requirements.
As a result of the performed comparisons, this study concluded that building
an own solution would deliver higher Return on Investment (ROI) in long term
perspective. VMS stakeholders accepted the recommendation of this study and
proceeded to fund the design and implementation.
The study goes on to provide guidelines for service design and implementation based
on industry best practices. This paper also introduces a useful maturity model
for VMS capabilities and monitoring of the evolution of vulnerability management

Keywords: Vulnerability, management, service, product, life cycle, VMS, PLCM


I want to thank Professor Heikki Hämmäinen and my instructor Matti Frisk for their
great guidance and support. Without their help, this thesis would have never been

Otaniemi, 22.5.2017

Andon Nikolov

Abstract ii

Preface iii

Contents iv

Abbreviations vi

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Research question and scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.1 Research question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.2 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Research methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Thesis structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Literature review 5
2.1 Importance of security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 State of computer security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Security threat intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.4 Software faults and vulnerabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.5 Security statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.6 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.6.1 Focus group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.6.2 Make-or-buy decision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3 Analysis 14
3.1 Vulnerability management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.1.1 ISO standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.1.2 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.1.3 Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.2 Product classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.3 Vulnerability management for IT companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.4 Vulnerability management for product life cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.5 Requirement specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.6 Commercial off-the-shelf products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.7 Requirements specification details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.7.1 Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.7.2 Vulnerability monitoring and analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.7.3 Vulnerability remediation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.7.4 Communication methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.7.5 Service and Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.8 Make-or-buy decision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

4 Solution 35
4.1 Service design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.2 Service implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.3 Vulnerability management processes and maturity model . . . . . . . 39
4.3.1 Vulnerability monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.3.2 Security updates management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.3.3 Vulnerability assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.3.4 Product release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.3.5 Maturity model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.4 Enterprise Vulnerability Management Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.4.1 Acceptance testings - compliance with requirements specification 46
4.4.2 Exploitation phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.4.3 Benchmarks and user experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.4.4 Service maturity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

5 Conclusion 52
5.1 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.2 Assessment of results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.3 Exploitation of results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.4 Future research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

References 55

A Appendix 61

B Appendix 62
B.1 Functional requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
B.1.1 User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
B.1.2 Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
B.1.3 Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
B.1.4 Alerting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
B.1.5 Auditing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
B.1.6 Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
B.2 Non-functional requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
B.2.1 Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
B.2.2 Serviceability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
B.2.3 Latency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
B.2.4 Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
B.2.5 Logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
B.2.6 Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
B.2.7 Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
B.2.8 Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
B.2.9 Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
B.2.10 Confidentiality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
B.2.11 Availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
B.2.12 Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

2PP Second Party Product (product/component developed by the same
company which is used as part of the product in question )
3PP Third Party Product
AD Active Directory
API Application Programming Interface
BCM Business Continuity Management
CAPEX Capital Expediture
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CERT Computer Emergency Response Team
CIS Center for Internet Security
COTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf
CPE Common Platform Enumeration
CVE Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
CVRF Common Vulnerability Reporting Framework
CVSS Common Vulnerability Scoring System
CWE Common Weakness Enumeration
DDoS Distributed Denial of Service
DNS Domain Name System
DRP Disaster Recovery Planning
EVMS Enterprise Vulnerability Management Service
EU European Union
FIPS Fedaral Information Processing Standard
FOSS Free and Open Source Software
HBAC Host Based Access Control
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
HSM Hardware Security Module
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol (RFC 2616)
IaaS Infrastructure-as-a-Service
ICT Information and Communications Technology
ICASI The Industry Consortium for Advancement of Security on the Internet
IDS Intrusion Detection System
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IoT Internet of Things
IP Internet Protocol (RFC 791)
IPR Intellectual Property Rights
IPS Intrusion Prevention System
ISMS Information Security Management System
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISP Internet Service Provider
IT Information Technology
Mbps Megabits per second
MVP Minimum viable product

NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology

NVD National Vulnerability Database
OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
OpenPGP Open Pretty Good Privacy
OPEX Operational Expenditure
OS Operating System
OVAL Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language
OWASP Open Web Application Security Project
PCI DSS Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
PDU Product Development Unit
PLCM Product Life Cycle Management
PSIRT Product Security Incident Response Team
PST Product Security Team
RA Risk Assessment
RBAC Role Based Access Control
REST Representational state transfer
RFC Request for Comments
ROI Return on Investment
ROSI Return on Security Investment
RQ Requirement
RSS Really Simple Syndication
QoE Quality of Experience
QoS Quality of Service
SaaS Software-as-a-Service
SCAP Security Content Automation Protocol
SDDC Software-Defined Data Center
SDN Software-Defined Networking
SIEM Security information and event management
SLA Service Level Agreement
SOC Statement of Compliance
SSH Secure SHell
S/MIME Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
TLS Transport Layer Security (RFC 5246)
UI User Interface
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
USM Unified Security Management
UX User Experience
VA Vulnerability Assessment
VM Vulnerability Management
VIM Vulnerability Intelligence Manager
VMS Vulnerability Management Service
WiFi Wireless local area network trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance used to
certify compatible devices
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
Software has growing importance in our daily life. To increase efficiency in the
development of software, products and services, many companies are using software
components developed by third parties (3PP). Many of these components are often
Free Open-Source Software (FOSS). With the increasing utilization of such popular
components, the impact of the vulnerability on company assets becomes increasingly
dramatic. An example of such cases are the Heartbleed and Shellshock incidents,
where vulnerabilities in the popular OpenSSL suite and Bash shell rendered millions
of Linux systems vulnerable. For many small companies it could be a matter of
hours to update and patch their software or service. On the other hand, the problem
created by such vulnerability is many orders of magnitude higher for large enterprises
with hundreds of products and services.
This problem is further escalated by the rapid increase in Internet of Things (IoT)
deployments. During 2016 new record breaking DDoS attacks were launched against
some of the biggest hosting providers [33], [30]. Those attacks were attributed to
new botnet called Mirai, which was composed primarily of IoT devices which had
factory settings, or had software with known vulnerabilities [29], [69].
When one considers the sheer volume of code that is produced in this day and
age, even small probability of error becomes a problem. Based on industry average,
there could be 15 to 50 errors in 1000 lines of code. In cleanroom development it
can be lowered to 0.1 errors in 1000 lines of code. That said, if a product has over 1
million lines of code, statistically it will have between 100 and 50 000 flaws that could
turn to vulnerabilities [3] [31]. It is clear that mistakes are bound to happen all the
time, they just have to be handled swiftly to minimize impact of the vulnerability.
To be able to react in timely manner and reduce the risk from vulnerable
products and services, large enterprises need tools and processes to support their
product development and maintenance activities. Vulnerability Management has been
defined as "cyclical practice of identifying, classifying, remediating, and mitigating
vulnerabilities" (As cited in [11], Cornell 2009). Highest priority is given to mitigating
the risk in currently deployed products, especially if they are Internet facing. Eventually,
mitigation is applied to products that are still under development in order to guarantee
that products will leave the company vulnerability free.
It is very important to understand that implementing any process in enterprise
environment takes time. It is expected that enterprise wide processes and systems
are deployed in steps, often referred to as maturity levels. Thus, when implementing
vulnerability management at enterprise scale, it will follow similar pattern and evolve
through number of levels of maturity.

1.2 Research question and scope

1.2.1 Research question
Most of the vulnerability management efforts are focused on detection and mitigation
of vulnerabilities in already deployed products and services. It is clear that majority
of the Vulnerability Management Service (VMS) will be focused on the same area,
thus leaving vulnerability management for product life cycle as an after thought.
The fact that (at the time of writing) Google Scholar is able to find 5300 results for
"vulnerability management", 318 for "vulnerability management system" and only 34
results with reference to "vulnerability management service" is an indication of how
under-studied the topic is.
There are two main use cases for vulnerability management discussed in this
thesis: IT operations and product development. In IT operations, there are systems
and infrastructure which are utilized to deliver a service. The software and hardware
used, are not created by the IT operations team. Thus, in IT operations context,
vulnerability management is focusing on detecting vulnerabilities and mitigating them.
Both actions are performed in the same team and there is minimal need for external
communication. In contrast, vulnerability management in product development is
more complex process. Vulnerabilities are being detected in software which used
or is still under development. The organization has responsibility to mitigate all
vulnerabilities found in their products and communicate to their customer the impact
of all found vulnerabilities.
Vulnerability management process can be implemented using vulnerability management
system, which in turn can deliver VMS to variety of users. VMS are used to
enable timely actions, notify all affected product and service organizations, and
to track the progress of mitigation steps. VMS is characterized by improved
efficiency in vulnerability management and mitigation, through automation and
process enforcement. VMS are often used in Information Technology (IT) operations
environments. In that context VMS includes: scanners to identify new vulnerabilities,
back-end processing for classification and remediation proposal, front-end for visualization
of the results and follow-up process to apply and verify the mitigation.
While such VMSs are useful for computer networks and systems, they are not so
effective in software development context. The products under development have not
yet been deployed, which renders VMS scans useless. This creates a need for different
type of detection process, based on heuristics and product specific information. IT
centric VMS will be able to classify and suggest remediation, once a vulnerability has
been identified. In addition, in product development it is important to distinguish
between vulnerabilities which have impact on the product and vulnerabilities which
can lead to exploitation of the product. When vulnerability is detected in a product,
if the attack vector is not available in this particular product, it makes the product
impacted by the vulnerability, yet not vulnerable. This brings us to the last part
of the process: the mitigation. It is non-trivial to verify vulnerability mitigation in
IT system. In product development, such test becomes a real challenge. Stemming
from the fact that the product is not deployed, the techniques that can be used to
confirm the mitigation are very limited. In most cases this challenge is handled by

complex software security assurance processes.

Furthermore, as every large software house has its own internal ways of working, it
would be difficult to create a standardized, common VMS for all use cases. Although
many companies offer VMS services [cit.], these have had only limited success. Some
of the reasons for this include the confidential nature of the processed information,
with few companies willing to share this information with external parties; the need
for integrity protection; expectations concerning the availability of the service; and
integration with existing infrastructure.
Unfortunately, these requirements cannot be fulfilled using current off-the-shelf
VMS products. Therefore, the objective of this thesis is to design an architecture
for a VMS to be incorporated into a software development and maintenance life
cycle. To accomplish this task, the thesis will compare a number of existing VMSs
and evaluate their usefulness in terms of confidentiality, integrity, availability and
usability of the service.
Research question: Which solution is able to deliver enterprise scale, cost effective
and fast vulnerability management service for product life cycle?

1.2.2 Scope
This thesis will focus on the vulnerability management practices in companies that
develop software or products which run software. Some of the practices shown
here may apply to other industries as well, however, that is a topic for a separate
research. To be able to deploy VMS, the organization must start by defining its
vulnerability management vision, devise vulnerability management strategy and
create vulnerability management policy. If these prerequisites are not met, VMS
cannot be effectively deployed.
The scope of the study does not cover the definition of vulnerability management
vision, strategy, policy and processes.
As a part of this study, the author analyzes vulnerability management policy
requirements, collects user expectations, refines all stakeholder input and proposes
a solution, which can fulfill all user requirements. In addition, the author has
contributions for definition of vulnerability management process and has provided
assistance during service design, implementation, testing and deployment phases.
The goals of this study are:

• Produce detailed requirement specification

• Analyze Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) products which may fulfill the

requirements for VMS

• Provide input for make-or-buy decision

• Support service development and implementation

In addition, this thesis covers the importance of definitions, classification and

standards. In the context of this study, it is valuable to define: vulnerability, impact,
severity and priority. The study also covers classification and scoring of vulnerabilities.

The most relevant standards for this thesis are ISO/IEC 29147 [25], ISO/IEC
30111 [24] and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) originating:
Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) [35]; Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
(CVE) [36]; Common Vulnerability Reporting Framework (CVRF) [23]; Common
Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) [12]; Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE)
[34]; Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) [42]; Open Vulnerability and
Assessment Language (OVAL) [37];

1.3 Research methods

This study employs qualitative research strategy, as it fits better the research topic.
The study utilizes focus group interviews and make-or-buy decision analysis. The
interviews facilitate the collection of user requirements, while the make-or-buy analysis
provides input to stakeholders for decision. Furthermore, this study compares COTS
products and evaluates what portion of the specified requirements could be fulfilled.
The results of the evaluation are used as an input for the make-or-buy decision.

1.4 Thesis structure

The rest of the thesis is divided into four chapters. Chapter 2 will present the state
of the art in the field of vulnerability management by reviewing popular literature
on the topic. Chapter 3 will provide an analysis of the requirements for VMS for a
complete software Product Life Cycle Management (PLCM). Chapter 4 will discuss
the proposed solutions and provide benchmarks (compliance to the requirements).
Finally, Chapter 5 will reveal the conclusion of the thesis, summarize the findings
and propose areas for future research.

2 Literature review
2.1 Importance of security
Every year, there is an increasing amount of news on cybersecurity, data breaches,
user data leaks, confidentiality and privacy violations. For example during 2016 we
have seen [59]:
• Yahoo - 1 billion users targeted, which broke their previous disclosure record
of 500 million accounts earlier the same year

• LinkedIn - reports 117 million usernames and passwords stolen back in June

• AdultFriendFinder - 412 million usernames and passwords stolen.

• Government - various embarrassing leaks related to parties and president


• US NSA stolen tools being leaked

• Home WiFi routers by Netgear and D-Link being vulnerable and allowing
complete remote access.

• Various devices with backdoors. Mostly cheap Android phones, but some
laptops too.

• Bangladesh Central Bank robbery ($101 million)

• Ransomware attacks

• Malvertizing (Malicious Advertising) campaigns.

• Mirai and other IoT botnets

• Traditional Adobe Flash player vulnerabilities

Recently, a new ransomware called "WannaCry" has emerged and in less than
two week has taken over 200 000 machines [61], [60]. Some of the impacted systems
belong to governmental organizations and enterprises. This particular malware is
exploiting known vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Operating Systems (OS), for
which fix has been available over a month. This example highlights the bad security
and patching practices in the IT industry. It also highlights the negative impact of
state organizations’ stockpiling of vulnerabilities, which were leaked on the Internet.
It is important to notice that this news was popular with the general audience, and
not only with security researchers and professionals. Some of the items listed above
made it to top of 2016 technology failures overall too [65], [22], [28], [50].
Having in mind how much technology has permeated our daily life and how much
of the technology depends on some kind of software or firmware, it is only natural
that software weaknesses would have increasing impact on us. A software flaw in

life support device might even cost a human life. Even cars that are dependent on
software for features as autopilot have already caused human casualties [77]. Cases
where hackers would remotely control victim’s car from science fiction just became
scary reality [18]. Such facts should make people aware of the need for better software
security and improvement in the handling of software flaws.
To be able to understand the basis of information security, it is recommended
to start with definitions. An informative summary on the topic has been written
by Andersson [1]. Starting with the CIA model - Confidentiality, Integrity and
Availability, is widely used and easy to comprehend framework for information
security. As suggested by Andersson, to measure the impact, one should measure the
elements of CIA, a measurement which is hard to perform due to lack of standard
Most often the metric used is raw number of incidents and the cost of compromise.
With the exception of HIPAA [71], FIPS [40] and PCI DSS [52] the IT industry has
not been regulated. The HIPAA, FIPS and PCI DSS compliance are the widely
used requirements in the IT world due to the fact that solutions, which should
handle health, governmental and payment data are regulated and compliance to the
requirements can be enforced by governments and regulator.
There is a number of other requirements applicable for specific countries (India,
China) or international entities (EU), yet those requirements are bound to their
localities and can be enforced only within their borders. This further strengthens
the point made by Andersson for a lack of general metrics for information security.
Furthermore, there is a lack of widely accepted definition for information security.
The argument continues describing the difficulties of evaluating risks and their
probabilities especially when those risks originate in human behavior. The same
argument is made also by Hall [19], who reminds that a system is only as secure
as its weakest link and employees are rarely motivated to maintain strong system
security. Hall goes on to, emphasize another well know problem: companies measure
their employees’ performance based on sales targets, deadline fulfillment and costs
This industry practice leads to a model where a company will always prefer to
deliver a product or service on time at the expense of security. Having a limited
budget management, will often prioritize feature development (which is easy to
measure), compared to security controls, which might even disable some wanted
product functionality. In addition, if a new product has not been compromised, it
is hard to justify if it is due to proper security or due to the fact that nobody has
attacked it yet.
However, as Andersson suggests, this is not a reason to give up and abandon
security. He proposes that information security in enterprise should be "A well-informed
sense of assurance that information risks and controls are in balance." This concept
could be defined as business optimal security, which implies that there should be
balance between the business objectives and the security measures implemented.
Furthermore, such assurance helps to define metrics for information security, which
in turn makes it easier to implement and monitor. Assurance is also something
that can be communicated to customers, thus increasing the trust and visibility on

enterprise security practices.

2.2 State of computer security

The Economist has provided an easy to follow summary on the current state of
computer security [3]. The author shows how the problems we have seen in recent
years are not exceptions, but rather consequence of outdated way of thinking. The
analysis also includes valuable insight, suggesting that even from probabilistic point
of view, the software that we use today is bound to have flaws. Considering that the
2016 model Ford F-150 pickup truck has over 150 million lines of code [9], and as
pointed out by the Economist even the best software houses would have 0,5 error in
1000 lines of code, theoretically, the truck would likely have 75 000 errors in its code.
It is a well known fact that an attacker needs to find a single weakness to
compromise a system, while the defenders must prevent exploitation of all known
and unknown vulnerabilities. The Economist continues, discussing that all software
is vulnerable, and also confirming that the reasons are software development culture,
rapid business growth and economic incentives. In addition to the points brought by
Hall, the author brings in the incentive of governments to reduce computer security,
thus, enhancing their spying capabilities.
However, these are challenges that can be tackled. For example, it is possible
to create mission critical software with minimum flaws by using formal methods
approach [2]. Formal methods allow to mathematically prove that software will
function only as intended, thus producing software without vulnerabilities. These
development methods however, come at a high cost. They require highly skilled
professionals with development and mathematical skills. The process is longer, due to
the strict requirements needed to be fulfilled. Due to the high cost, formal methods
development is only suitable for mission critical software, where software quality is
prioritized over cost.
This brings us again to the concept of business optimal security. Companies
have to accept that their software will have vulnerabilities, and develop processes to
mitigate the problems in a timely manner. From users’ perspective, the challenge is
to implement enough security controls and protection to make the cost to exploit
the potential flaws higher than the benefit for an attacker. As we have seen, ROSI
(a form of ROI) is hard to define and measure, thus for-profit organization have to
justify and spend limited financial resources in the most business beneficial way to
protect their assets.

2.3 Security threat intelligence

It is important for a company to identify their risks and where security budget should
be spent. One way is by performing Risk Assessments. A common way is to use the
ISO/IEC 27000 family of standards for reference in such assessments [26]. Threat
intelligence reports can be used to better evaluate the risk severity and probability
[32], [33], [64], [68], [67]. The facts in afore mentioned reports show that computer
threats are growing continuously. Each year there is growth in:

• Security breaches

• Identity theft

• Malware variants (added each year)

• Crypto-Ransomware

• Mobile platform and software vulnerabilities

• Web attacks

• Zero day vulnerabilities

All these trends are further accelerated by growth in IoT. As the market demand
for cheaper connected devices continues to be strong, vendors have incentive to
fulfill the need by cutting cost from non-essential components. Unfortunately, one
such non-essential component happens to be security. With more devices, which are
able to run code and are connected to our home networks or the Internet, our risk
exposure is increasing at high rate.

2.4 Software faults and vulnerabilities

There are variety of software flaws. When a product is not functioning as expected
or specified, the flaw is considered a bug. It is something to be corrected, to make
the product behave as expected. When a software flaw could leads to product
exploitation by malicious actors, it is considered vulnerability. In this thesis, the
distinction be bug and vulnerability is important due to the fact that the process to
correct it can vary. It is relevant to note that while bug can be found with rigorous
testing of expected functionality, vulnerabilities are often found with negative test
cases. Negative test cases are such in which the product is tested in ways in which
it is not expected to be used. While, it is possible to automate testing processes
and test with positive cases, to make sure that all expected functionality is in place,
negative test case can be considered infinite for all practical purposes. Figure 1 and
Figure2 visually represent the processes for software bug and vulnerability handling

Figure 1: Bug handling process


Figure 2: Vulnerability handling process

2.5 Security statistics

Another valuable source of security information are vulnerability and 3PP databases.
Starting with the de-facto standard National Vulnerability Database (NVD), let
us have a look at the amount of new software entries that are registered in the
CPE dictionary every year. The CPE dictionary, maintained by NVD, is industry
standard source of 3PP information. CPE entries have standard name formatting,
which makes it useful for product vendors to communicate in clear and standard
way to their customers. It is also useful for automated processing of vulnerability

Figure 3: New entries registered in CPE dictionary [44]

From Figure 3 it can be observed that there is clear, increasing trend. Using linear
approximation, the estimated growth rate is 12883 new entries per year. Considering
this rate, even with improvements in software quality, it is not likely that overall
vulnerability trends will decrease. [44]
To supplement the new CPE entries data, attached were also the statistics for
new, published by NVD, vulnerabilities. Note that there is a larger number of
vulnerabilities with reserved CVE identifiers, which have not been published yet.

Figure 4: New vulnerabilities in NVD [45]

The data in Figure 4 spans over longer period of time to better visualize the
fluctuations in amount of vulnerabilities published. The figure indicates that there
was an increasing trend until 2006, which then declined with local minimum in 2011.
Then a second increase started with a peak in 2014.
2014 was the year of the so-called "mega-vulnerabilities": Shellshock, Heartbleed,
POODLE. Those vulnerabilities had such impact due to the fact that they were
found in widely used components (BASH, OpenSSL). As BASH and OpenSSL were
present in the majority of Internet connected servers, the threat and risk of exploiting
these vulnerabilities was high, which in turn explains the unrivaled before media
In 2015 and 2016, there is again decline. While there is no clear indication of
the reason for this decline, a number of factors could contribute to it. Difference
in counting methods for vulnerabilities is one such factor. Some researches and
companies would bundle multiple related flaws in one CVE identifier, while others
will break it into multiple CVE identifiers. Also, the statistics only accounts for
published in NVD vulnerabilities, a number that could be different from total amount
of found vulnerabilities. That said, 2017 is actually on track to become a new peak
with projection of over 10000 vulnerabilities published. On average, NVD has 2816
vulnerabilities recorded for the last 30 years. If the focus is on the last 10 years, the
average is more than double at 5801 vulnerabilities per year [45]. In comparison,
commercial VulnDB statistics show even more vulnerabilities registered in their
private database every year.

Figure 5: New vulnerabilities in VulnDB [74]

As mentioned earlier, NVD is the de-facto standard, but there is no enforcement

process to ensure that all vulnerabilities are tracked in NVD. As a result, commercial
vulnerability databases can include greater number of vulnerabilities, as the company
operating the database has commercial incentive to collect more data. In addition,
there are large number of vulnerabilities in NVD which have CVE identifiers reserved,
but are not published, thus, not counted in the NVD statistics above [74].
Similar results are seen also from Flexera’s vulnerability database, where 17147
vulnerabilities were recorded in 2016 [14]. Their report also suggests that as vendors
and amount of vulnerable products in their database has decreased, with 7% and
14% respectively, the number of vulnerabilities per product has increased.
Having discussed the current state of cyber security and the trends in vulnerabilities,
the next sub-section will cover the methods used in this thesis.

2.6 Methodology
The following part will present the methodological choices and considerations for this
thesis, as well as the decisions related to what has been studied, which approaches have
been used, and how it was conducted. This is done in order to create transparency
and to provide the reader with a better understanding of the results.
A major decision that has to be made about every study is the general orientation
to the conduct of the research. There are two distinctive clusters of research
strategies: quantitative and qualitative, that have different foundations. Quantitative
strategy emphasizes the quantification in the collection and analysis of data, whereas
qualitative strategy focuses on gaining an understanding of underlying reasons,
opinions and motivations.
The focus of the present paper is placed on the service users in their various roles
and their understanding of the problem, as well as their vision as to how it can be
solved most efficiently. Therefore, the qualitative strategy is better suited for the

purposes of the present thesis. This strategy allows going in-depth with the available
empirical data and gaining a better understanding of the studied matter.

2.6.1 Focus group

The research design employed in this study is known under the name focus group. As
Bryman [5] explains, this particular design could be very helpful in the “elicitation
of a wide variety of different views in relation to a specific issue”. It involves two or
more interviewees at the same time, who engage in a discussion about the studied
topic. During this discussion, they are likely to hear new opinions from each other
and to get to a new, deeper understanding of the studied topic. Also, they might
challenge each other’s views, thus coming up with new solutions of the problem at
For the purposes of this paper, the focus groups entailed semi-structured interviews
on a specific topic with up to 10 participants at the same time. This ensured that
the group is big enough but not to the point where it is unwieldy. The selection
of participants was done in two stages. First, seven categories of service users
were identified and then from each category volunteers were invited to take part
in the study. This was done in order to ensure more productive interviews, where
participants demonstrated desire to contribute to the development of the service.
The data collection was carried out over a period of three months.

2.6.2 Make-or-buy decision

Another important method used in this thesis is the make-or-buy decision. After
the focus groups interviews were completed, the data was refined in the form of
requirement specification. With the specification in place, evaluation of COTS
products was done. The evaluation resulted in listing top three products that fulfilled
most requirements. Those three products were then compared against potential
in-house developed solution. This comparison was done as make-or-buy decision.
Make-or-buy decision is used to evaluate the costs and benefits of purchasing
a solution from external supplier, or developing one in-house. The analysis has to
include both strategical and operational factors. The strategical factors are often
long term and are aligned with already defined company polices, core competences
and wanted position for the future.
Example of strategical factors:
• Privacy and confidentiality regulations and requirements

• Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

• Scalability

• Market position - consumer or supplier of service

• Competitors

• Public perception and other intangible assets


• Integration with existing systems and processes

In addition, operational factors can be:

• One-time costs to build or purchase

• Subscription costs for support and maintenances

• Pricing models

• Scalability

• Possibility to influence the service quality

• Flexibility of the service to be tailored or integrated

It is important to note that while operational factors are likely to be quantifiable

and measurable in terms of cost, in contrast, some strategical factors have non-monetary
value, which makes comparison difficult. The methods and terminology used for the
make-or-buy decision are based on number of studies [4], [6], [76]. However, this
thesis does not user the "Theory of Constraints". Instead, own metrics were defined
in order to better represent the costs involved and help the decision making process.
This concludes the Literature review chapter of the present thesis. The following
Analysis chapter discusses technical details and evaluates the information collected
during the focus group interviews. As a result, it will produce requirement specification
documentation and present proposal for the make-or-buy decision.

3 Analysis
The previous Literature review chapter covered the basics of software security, how
it impacts our daily life and the methods that will be utilized in this analysis.
This chapter will start with introduction to vulnerability management and expand
on how it is applicable in the product life cycle. Then, it will present the ISO standards
which are commonly used in the industry to identify and handle vulnerabilities. The
chapter continues with description of VMS, and the process of collecting requirements
for this new service. At the end of the chapter is the Make-or-Buy analysis.

3.1 Vulnerability management

Vulnerability management is becoming increasingly important in our connected
society. Furthermore, vulnerability handling has become crucial for IT companies,
as security breaches can be fatal for them. Vulnerability management can be seen
as a subset of much larger risk management activities. Forman [16] suggest that
vulnerabilities are found in environment, economics, technology and strategy.
In this thesis, focus is placed on the vulnerabilities in software and products that
use software. In many cases vulnerabilities found in other areas are handled in a
completely different manner, for example with contractual obligations. Furthermore,
different types of vulnerabilities will be handled by completely different units in
large organizations. This often leads to creation of specialized policies and processes,
which are applicable only for specific domain. A policy, which covers all aspects of
a large corporation, will often be too vague and abstract to be useful for practical
guidance. This paper, on the other hand, aims to provide actionable data and lead
to the deployment of a VMS for product life cycle.
Forman [16] also highlights a problem in the security industry, related to the false
understanding that a product can be developed and security can be added later on.
This way of thinking creates a market for solutions which minimize the exposure of
vulnerable products, or treat only the symptoms. However, such approach does not
address the fundamental problem that security should be addressed throughout the
product life cycle.
To be able to define strategy, policy, process and implementation, it is important
to have common understanding of the terminology in the field. It is popular practice
in the industry to use standards to enable interoperability between companies and
establish common language. In this thesis there is a number of applicable ISO
standards, which define terminology and processes for communication and handling
of vulnerabilities.

3.1.1 ISO standards

It is common knowledge that large companies excel in processes. Using well
established standards as ISO helps companies design and deploy scalable processes
and enables them to integrate with existing processes and partners. In vulnerability
management context the most relevant standards are: ISO/IEC 29147 Information

technology - Security techniques - Vulnerability disclosure and ISO/IEC 30111

Information technology - Security techniques - Vulnerability handling processes.
In addition, it is expected that the company will have implemented the ISO/IEC
27000 family of standards, thus having Information Security Management System in
place. Standards are also important when defining terminology. Having standard
based vocabulary enables clear and precise communication with suppliers, customers
and other partners. To prevent loss of information in this work, terminology from
the standards is directly quoted.
ISO/IEC 27000 defines management system as a "set of interrelated or interacting
elements of an organization to establish policies and objectives and processes to
achieve those objectives". It also defines vulnerability as a "weakness of an asset or
control that can be exploited by one or more threats" [26]. In practice, this means
that to have vulnerability management system, an organization must have policies
and objectives defining how weaknesses in their assets or controls must be mitigated
to avoid threat exploitation. Those policies are then implemented in processes to
achieve the set objectives.
ISO/IEC 29147 enables companies to: 1) define standard vulnerability disclosure
policy which ensures that found vulnerabilities are being addressed; 2) minimizes
the risk from those weaknesses; 3) supplies sufficient information to users, which in
turn enables them to evaluate the risk to their system; 4) promotes communication
between all parties involved [25]. While the disclosure policy is important tool for
communication, it is not the focus of this thesis. However, the related ISO/IEC 30111,
which defines vulnerability handling process, is a valuable guidance for establishing
the policies and processes needed to create VMS, which is the topic of this paper.
ISO/IEC 30111 describes the relation between ISO/IEC 29147 and itself. ISO/IEC
29147 serves as an input to the vulnerability handling process. Then communication
originating from the vulnerability analysis is propagated to customers and partners
via the channels established as part of the vulnerability disclosure process. The first
step in ISO/IEC 29147 is the development of vulnerability disclosure policy, followed
by development of capabilities to receive and disseminate vulnerability information.
ISO/IEC 30111 starts with the development of vulnerability handling policy and
organizational framework. Once those steps are completed, the company should be
able to receive vulnerability reports from external sources, or to proactively monitor
for such. Alternatively, the company can identify vulnerabilities from internal sources.
When new vulnerability is received, the company should acknowledge the receipt
and verify the report internally as part of Vulnerability handling process. As soon as
the vulnerability has been analyzed, the finder should be informed if the company
was able to reproduce it or not (ISO/IEC 29147). If the vulnerability is confirmed,
the company shall proceed and develop solution to mitigate it. The solution is then
verified to ensure that it mitigates the vulnerability and information is sent to partners
in the form of advisories (ISO/IEC 29147). In addition, internal post-resolution
activities are started. [24]

3.1.2 Definitions
To ensure that vulnerability handling service is compatible with existing tools
and enable automated processing of vulnerabilities, it is necessary to use standard
definitions, terminology and metrics. Using the ISO and NIST [43] standards as
basis, this paper uses the following definitions:

• Vulnerability - is a flaw or weakness in a product which can be accidentally

triggered or intentionally exploited to compromise network confidentiality,
integrity and/or availability of customer’s asset.

• Vulnerable - the product is using the vulnerable component and there may be
potential attack vectors.

• Affected - the product includes the vulnerable software or component.

• Severity - the criticality of the vulnerability, related to the impact if the

vulnerability is exploited.

• Priority - expression of the time constrains in which a vulnerability has to be


There is number of sources and ways to define vulnerability severity. It can be

defined by the security researcher who discovered it, by the software vendor who
supplies the vulnerable 3PP, or by the integrator, which builds a product with a
vulnerable 3PP. The severity of vulnerability often depends on the exposure of
the vulnerable component. This concept is represented in CVSS version 3 scoring
[12], temporal and environmental metrics. To be able to decouple the severity of a
reported vulnerability from the processing time constrains, a company can decide
to implement priority labels. This allows an enterprise to evaluate a particular
vulnerability as more important than what is suggested by the public severity score.
By assigning higher internal priority label, vulnerability processing is forced into
shorter time-to-fix track.
Furthermore, throughout this paper the following industry standards and frameworks
have been used:

• Vulnerable components are identified with the help of Common Platform

Enumeration (CPE) [35].

• Classification of vulnerabilities in this paper is based on Mitre’s Common

Weakness Enumeration (CWE) [34].

• Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE), are used for reference to

published vulnerabilities [36].

• The scoring of vulnerabilities is based on Common Vulnerability Scoring System

(CVSS) version 3 [12].

• Communication of vulnerability information is handled by ICASI’s Common

Vulnerability Reporting Framework (CVRF) [23] and its evolution OASIS’s
Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF) [47].

• The use of these standards and frameworks enables the Security Content
Automation Protocol (SCAP), which has major role in implementing efficient,
automated vulnerability handling and compliance audit processes [42].

• The assessments of system security and use of SCAP are further improved with
the Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL) [37].

3.1.3 Process
Once we have established common language, it becomes easier to delve into the
vulnerability management process. As described by Gartner [17], vulnerability
management process can improve the security in IT environments. They suggest a
process, which contains six steps.

Figure 6: Vulnerability Management Process of IT operations

It is common sense that in order to have effective process to handle vulnerabilities,

a structured approach is needed. Regardless if it will be similar to the one suggested
by Gartner, or completely different, a company interested in implementing such
process should: identify stakeholders; identify assets; collect requirements; and then
implement it in a cost effective way. However, the process recommended by Gartner
is focusing on IT environments, and would not fit well in IT product life cycle process.
This thesis is focusing on developing VMS for product life cycle. To accomplish
this task, first, a common understanding of what is product life cycle is needed. In
context of this thesis, the product life cycle is simplified from the ones proposed
by Stark [66] and NIST [41], to include the following phases: introduction, growth,
maturity and decline. During the introduction, the product is being developed and
tested. When the product is released to customers, it enters the growth phase.
During the maturity phase the product is being maintained by the company. When
the product reaches decline phase, it is eventually decommissioned.

Figure 7: Product life cycle over time

As can be seen from Figure 7, during the introduction phase, the product
development requires an investment that is larger than the revenue. The same applies
for product testing step. After the product has been introduced to the market,
provided it is successful, the revenue becomes larger than the investment and the
product starts bringing profit. This characteristic is typical for the the growth phase.
The product user base continues to grow until the product reaches maturity phase.
At the same time the company is investing mainly in product maintenance efforts.
At a certain point, the company can decide that the product has reached its end of
life and as the cost to continue maintaining it will grow, it is more efficient to retire
it. This happens during the product decline phase.
Later in this chapter, it will be shown that most COTS products for vulnerability
management are useful only after the product has been deployed. This will cover
mainly the product release and maintenance steps. As most researchers and security
companies have low business incentive to publish and detect vulnerabilities for
products that are labeled as end of life, most COTS products will not detect
vulnerabilities in old or retired products. It is clear that, if a solution should
cover the complete product life cycle, it would have a larger set of requirements
when compared to others, which handle only a number of phases. In addition, the
vulnerability handling process is more complex for companies, which develop IT
products, compared to others, which only operate such products.

3.2 Product classification

There are large number of product classifications. They focus on different factors
which can characterize products such as: tangible or intangible; hardware or software;
consumer or business; bundled or item. In the context of vulnerability management it
is important to make distinction between different products based on the possibility

to change them to mitigate found vulnerability. When considering IT products and

services, the study will focus on following categories of interest:
• Hardware products

• Hardware dependent products

• Platform dependent products

• Software-as-a-Services products
Hardware products are such where all the functionality is implemented in hardware.
Example of such product is a sensor. Changes to the hardware are often expensive
and in many case not possible. If a hardware product has to be changed, most often,
it is completely replaced by the next generation product. Hardware products are a
major challenge for vulnerability management. For low value products, replacement
is a viable option for vulnerability mitigation. However, for products with high value
and expected life of tens of years, vulnerability management requires workarounds
and mitigation by other means.
Hardware dependent products are products, which run firmware or software, but
are depended on specific hardware architecture or features. Network appliances
could be given as an example of such products. They depend on network accelerator
processors and run proprietary operating systems. Nonetheless, it is possible to
change their firmware or software to mitigate vulnerabilities. Such products often
have long life expectancy and in order to receive correction package, users are required
to purchase support contracts. Due to the close integration with hardware, any
changes to the software or firmware have to be validated with the hardware as
well. That could lead to longer time to fix. In case that support is not provided
by the vendor, or product has been retired, it is not possible to receive updates
and vulnerability fixes. These products pose medium challenge to vulnerability
Platform dependent products are purely software. However, they depend on
platforms such as computer architecture or OS. These products allow fixes due to
their software nature. If the products have open source code, the customer could
implement the vulnerability mitigation directly by changing the code himself. If
the products have proprietary code, the software vendor is expected to provide
the fix. These products have often short life, usually three to five years. If the
proprietary software has reached its end of life, the vendor would not provide fixes.
This is a major advantage for open source products, as support and fixes can be done
even if the product has been officially retired. Testing and implementing fixes for
software products is easier, as they have to be validated only once on the abstraction
of platform. Development and testing can be highly automated and fixes can be
developed and delivered within hours. Platform dependent products do not pose a
challenge for vulnerability management.
Virtualized products are also purely software products. They have been further
decoupled from hardware by virtualization abstraction layer. They can still have
dependency on OS, however, no dependency on hardware is expected. These products

behave similarly to platform dependent products, therefore they are not distinguished
as separate category. Virtualized products do not pose a challenge for vulnerability
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) products are a special type of software products.
While the platform dependent products are still delivered to customers, in SaaS case,
service is provided for customers. In SaaS scenario, if a vulnerability is found, it is
the responsibility of the service provider to mitigate it. Changes happen on layers
which are not visible to the service users, thus no actions are required from the users.
SaaS allows even more flexibility compared to software products and large service
providers as Google, Amazon, Netflix are able to deploy new versions of their service
multiple times a day to multiple times a minute [27], [21]. SaaS products do not
pose a challenge for vulnerability management.
Having discussed how different type of products relate to vulnerability management,
this study continues description of vulnerability management in IT and product
development environments.

3.3 Vulnerability management for IT companies

For IT product developing companies the vulnerability management process can
include the following steps: Vulnerability monitoring; Patch management; Vulnerability
assessment; Software release. Furthermore, it is a cyclic process as we have defined
earlier. To improve the understanding of the process, Figure 8 is provided below.

Figure 8: Cyclic vulnerability management process

The first step in the process is identification, analysis and communication of new
vulnerabilities. The second step describes how the vulnerability is fixed, upstream
components are propagated to product development units and how those changes are
tracked. The third step serves as a toll gate to confirm if the fix has been successful
and that the product is no longer affected by the vulnerability, which triggered the
process. The last step is making the updated software available for download to
In IT VMS, when vulnerability is found, most of the communication is kept
internal. It is usually spread in the operations team, or between monitoring and
deployment teams if the functions are segregated. On the contrary, in product
development, when a vulnerability is found, based on the severity and processes,
communication to external parties might be triggered. Thus, it is important to define
the communication policy and vulnerability severity which would trigger it.

3.4 Vulnerability management for product life cycle

As discussed above, there are some commonalities in IT operations VMS and own
developed product life cycle VMS. In the present subsection, this paper describes
the differences and explores further the specific requirements of product life cycle
VMS. The inferences made, regarding VMS, are based on the COTS analysis, which
is covered later in this chapter.

When VMS has to cover the whole life cycle of a product, it must track each
product from its inception, until its retirement. To be efficient, VMS must be
integrated with the rest of the product life cycle systems. While IT VMS would be
able to provide valuable service for operators in their deployments, it is a bad fit for
product development process. Their tooling is focused on detecting vulnerabilities in
systems that are operational. IT VMSs are made to detect vulnerabilities on services
running on an interface. Those solutions rarely have concepts of product, system or
IT VMS’s priority is to execute series of network tests, based on predefined rules,
against the system under investigation. Depending on the service response, VMS
will suggest if the system is vulnerable or not. This method can lead to false positive
results in cases where the detection rule processes the service version, and does
not actually try to validate the vulnerability. A vendor can use a version of the
software which is considered vulnerable, but without the part of the code which has
the vulnerability. This will lead to false positive detection result.
In contrast, product life cycle VMS approach, instead of rules, uses database with
listing of all components, hardware and software, commercial (3PP) or FOSS, and
internal common components (2PP). It also allows definition of abstract concepts
such as system, solution or service, by combining components in hierarchical structure
with recursions. This information can be further enriched with customer install base
data. Such deployment allows the supplier company to inform its customers when
vulnerability is detected in the specific version of the product used in customer
deployments, without running scanning tools.
In addition, IT VMS is often providing severity rating based on the assumption
that the scanned interface is Internet connected. This often leads to the overestimation
of the vulnerability impact, as customers can run the service in restricted networks
with additional layers of protection. Furthermore, IT VMS would rarely provide
information on such assumption, which can also lead to underestimation of the
impact. Simple IT VMS depend on their detection rules, if those rules are not fit for
specific customer deployment scenario, the results will be misleading.
In product life cycle VMS, the company which supplies the products has the
benefit of knowing how those products are designed and how they are deployed in its
customers’ premises. This allows product life cycle VMS to provide more accurate
rating for impact of detected vulnerabilities. The amount of information that is
based on facts is higher when compared to IT VMS, which have to make assumptions
In IT operations when vulnerability is detected by the VMS, analysis is triggered
to understand the impact of the vulnerability on the system. The analysis should
also lead to proposal for corrective action: software update; configuration change;
other or none. In product life cycle VMS, the analysis phase is longer and should
produce corrective actions for the products which are already deployed by customer
as well as the products that are still under development. Based on the corrective
actions proposal, there is wider variety of solutions available when compared to IT
Having discussed the major difference between IT VMS and product life cycle

VMS, this paper continues with implementation of product life cycle VMS. Based
on ISO standards [26] and industry best practices, the establishment of product life
cycle VMS requires the following steps:

• Devise vulnerability management strategy

• Write vulnerability management policy based on the strategy

• Define vulnerability management process aligned with the policy

• Implement the process as vulnerability management system

• Deliver vulnerability management service utilizing the system

• Continuously improve the service

The definition of strategy, policy and vulnerability management process is

out of scope for this study. Those steps are prerequisites for implementation of
product life cycle VMS and should be completed by organization management. In
this paper, the analysis of the company’s strategy highlighted three priorities in
relation to vulnerability management: reliability of information; fast and accurate
communication; fast reaction to mitigate vulnerabilities. To summarize, the strategy
has three pillars:

• Crowd-sourced vulnerability discovery, utilizing free and commercial vulnerability


• Scalable service for vulnerability analysis and communication.

• Utilization of existing delivery system to provide customers with fixed software.

Moreover, the policy can be summarized as follows:

• Deliver reliable and relevant vulnerability advisories to customers

• Communicate accurately and in timely manner

• Deliver solution in agreed time frame, based on vulnerability impact.

The next step is the actual vulnerability management process. The purpose
of this process is to minimize and control the impact of vulnerabilities on the
products throughout the life cycle. The process is cyclic and it applies for a wide
range of software products and services, or such that use software. The process
applies to different product development methods (waterfall, agile), different software
architectures and platforms.

Figure 9: Vulnerability management in product life cycle

Figure 9 depicts how vulnerability management process can be involved during

product life cycle. The figure is most relevant for products with software releases.
During the product development phase, the process will provide information on
component vulnerabilities and serve as a recommendation to developers when they
look for a reliable 3PP, which is not prone to vulnerabilities.
During the product testing phase, there is feedback from the test results informing
if new vulnerabilities were identified in the product or components. This information
is stored and distributed to other users of the same product or components.
During product release phase, the VM process supports security assurance of
the product. By combining the test results and the database component analysis,
evidence can be provided to customers, confirming that the product is free of known
vulnerabilities. In special cases, when it is not feasible to remove all security flaws,
there must be supplemental information alerting customers of the potential risk. It
is good practice to include also recommended actions to minimize the risk exposure
for customer deployment scenarios.
During product maintenance phase, the process ensures that any new vulnerabilities
found in the product are communicated in timely manner to customers and developers.
Customers can take temporary measures to limit the impact, while developers are
working on the patch. When the patch is tested, communication to customers is
initiated, providing new software and instructions how to apply the fix.
During product decommission phase, the process is used to communicate to
customers the end of the product support and sunset of the vulnerability monitoring
activities for the product in question.
Communication is critical for the vulnerability management process. Starting
with vulnerability announcement or publication, there should be reliable and trusted
channel for communication. The next step is generation of alert to be sent to impacted
products, followed by communication to customers and partners. In addition, when
impact analysis is completed, the results could be communicated to customers and
partners, together with expected date for the fix, or even the fix itself. When

vulnerability information is to be sent to customer, the confidentiality and integrity

of the communication channel are of paramount importance. Either interception
or tampering with the information would expose the customer further to attacks
by malicious actors. Therefore, it is recommended to establish secure channel for
communication beforehand. Popular implementations include:

• OpenPGP - IETF - RFC 4880 [7]

• S/MIME - IETF - RFC 5652, 5750, 5751, 5754 [20], [55], [56], [63]

• TLS - IETF - mainly RFC 5246 [10]

Each of the above listed methods have their own merits and drawbacks. In this thesis
it is recommend to implement VMS with all of them. This recommendation does not
impact the overall cost of the service, while it provides a wide compatibility with
human and machine client interface.

3.5 Requirement specification

To design a VMS which caters for the needs of a wide variety of users, in this thesis,
the method of focus group interview was utilized, as described in the Literature
review chapter. To facilitate productive discussions within the focus groups, the
users were divided by role and interest in VMS. The following groups were formed:

• Product security responsible

• Product security adviser

• Product management

• Marketing and sales

• Customer support

• External customer (telecommunication operators)

• Government and regulators (considered, but not implemented as currently there

are no legal requirements to implement such functionality).

After series of interviews, the service requirements were aggregated and formalized
into a requirement specification document. As most of the users in the focus groups
were interested in the service functionality, and not in its implementation, there
was a number of requirement areas that were not covered in the interviews. More
specifically, the areas identified for additional research were:

• Service availability

• Service and data integrity

• Data confidentiality

• Roles and responsibilities (Segregation of duties)

• Audit trails and logs

• Backup process

The additional requirements in the list above are crucial for implementation of
VMS. However, those requirements and their specification are not in the scope of this
paper. Regardless, those requirements were specified as part of the commissioned
work. Once all requirements have been document and approved by the VMS owners,
the work proceeds with analysis of commercial off-the-shelf products which could be
utilized as VMS.

3.6 Commercial off-the-shelf products

When selecting commercial and open source products, which could fulfill the requirements
for VMS, a number of commercial presentations and whitepapers were reviewed [53],
[46], [70], [62], [72], [13], [54], [38], [39], [58], [57], [73], [8]. The once selected for
preliminary evaluation are listed below:

• RSA Archer

• Alien Vault USM (Unified Security Management)

• Secunia Vulnerability Intelligence Manager, also know as Flexera Software VIM

(Vulnerability Intelligence Manager)

• Qualys VM (Vulnerability Management)

• Tenable VM (Vulnerability Management),

• Tenable SC (SecurityCenter)

• Rapid 7 InsightVM

• Rapid 7 Nexpose

• Veracode VM (Vulnerability Management)

• NCSC-NL Taranis

The initial evaluation included a limited number of features for consideration. It

is most important to discover if product is ready to be deployed on enterprise scale
with hundreds of active users and to maintain information for hundreds of products.
Stability and reliability were considered as subset of enterprise scale requirements.
Another important requirement is the communication ability of the system. The
summary shows an overview if there is some communication options, and what is
their level. Standards coverage is another crucial parameter for evaluation, as it
is essential to have system that is interoperable with other existing solutions. It

was also valuable to understand if a product is available as open source code. That
could allow modification and tailoring of the system in-house. Another feature based
on privacy and confidentiality concerns is whether the system is available as an
on-premises solution, or only cloud based. Flexibility shows the configuration options
and extensibility of the system. As vulnerabilities are being identified in components
(software or hardware), it is critical for the VMS to be able to represent the complete
product structure, down to the smallest component that could be vulnerable. Lastly,
the cost factor was summarized as price for solution, which will accommodate the
estimated workload. A quick summary of these features is provided in Table 2 below.

Product Enterprise Communication Standards Open On Flexibility Price

scale & Reporting coverage Source premises
RSA Yes Basic Basic No Yes Advanced High
AlienVault Yes Basic Poor No Yes Basic Low
Flexera Yes Advanced Advanced No Yes Advanced Very high
Qualys Yes Basic Basic No Yes Basic High
Tenable Yes Basic Basic No No Basic High
Tenable Yes Basic Basic No Yes Basic Medium
Rapid7 Yes Basic Basic No Yes Basic Medium
Rapid7 Yes Basic Basic No Yes No Low
Veracode Yes Basic Basic No Yes Basic High
Taranis Yes Advanced Advanced Yes Yes Advanced Free

Table 2: Features summary

3.7 Requirements specification details

The company has identified the need for a VMS. The scope of the vulnerability
management is any flaw that can potentially impact confidentiality, integrity or
availability (CIA) of any asset or service monitored. The service should track
vulnerabilities, advisories and mitigations. It shall be used to monitor for new
vulnerabilities in 3PP and 2PP as well as to record those vulnerabilities. The
recorded vulnerabilities could result in alerts sent to product organizations and
external customers. The alerts shall be communicated via predefined notification
channels. Depending on the severity of the alert and assigned priority label, answers
are expected from the product organization (within defined time frame). The answer
can be further communicated to external customers.

The service is expected to be secure, to utilize best practices and industry

recognized standards. To ensure service security, a dedicated security requirement
specification shall be prepared. The service will undergo rigorous vulnerability and
penetration testing sessions with each new release. During acceptance testing phase,
all security requirements must be verified. The service shall not be put in production
unless all security requirements are met.
The service is expected to respond positively to changes in the environment, new
trends and technologies. It is expected that the service will adopt new standards
and requirements as well as follow trends in security to be able to deliver value to its
The VMS should be aware of the functionality, technical architecture and
sub-components (including operating systems, databases, servers (HTTP, SSH),
middleware and libraries) of the products and solutions being monitored.

3.7.1 Registration
The service shall allow any company product, software, solution or a system to be
registered. It shall be possible to specify all components of the registered entity in
standard format. As an industry best practice, the service shall support CPE format.
All components, which are not found in public CPE dictionaries, shall be stored in
custom CPE dictionary. Users shall be allowed to register only components in CPE
format. This is done to ensure consistency of the input information and minimize
possible duplicate entries due to input errors. The service shall be accepting standard
Microsoft Excel spreadsheets as input, as long as the entries inside are in CPE format
and are stored according to predefined template.
In addition, the service shall allow security contacts with different privileges and
roles to be assigned per product version. It shall be also possible to assign contacts on
product level or higher, for monitoring and observation purposes. All registration in
the service shall be following role based access. The initial users in the services will be
configured manually by the administration team after those users have been vetted.
Once a critical mass of users is registered in the system, future user management
tasks will be handled by the integrated role base access, permissions and request
handling processes.
When new vulnerability is recorded, it shall have a unique identifier (CVE or
other). In addition, all recorded vulnerabilities shall have a CVSS version 3 (backward
compatibility with version 2) value calculated to analyze the severity of the issue.

3.7.2 Vulnerability monitoring and analysis

VMS shall be used to monitor continuously security advisory sources and to assess
those with respect to the assets and systems monitored. The service shall allow
manual input of vulnerability information and be able to automatically parse standard
feeds (RSS or similar). The service shall have facilities to automatically interpret
the majority of vendor security advisories. Many software and OS vendors have
web pages to communicate security advisories with their customers. For example,
Microsoft, Oracle, Google, Red Hat, SuSE, Ubuntu have standard security advisories

available on their support pages. Internal security tests shall be utilized as input of
vulnerability information to complement the external sources.
When potentially vulnerable component is found, CVSS "base" and "temporal"
rating shall be calculated. Based on the rating, the process will determine if alert
needs to be generated and within what time frame it should be handled. The service
shall automatically match potentially affected products based on supplied 3PP list
with CPE formated entries. It shall be possible to differentiate between vulnerabilities
found in components and ones found in own developed products. It should be possible
to assign different impact values based on the source of the vulnerability (component
or own software). Also, the recipients of the information are determined based on
the CVSS rating. CVSS "environmental" rating shall be calculated when necessary.
Figure 10 presents a summary of the proposed vulnerability analysis process in
product development. The VMS shall implement the proposed process, to facilitate
structured analysis and aid the software development activities.

Figure 10: Vulnerability analysis process

3.7.3 Vulnerability remediation

Based on the priority label of the vulnerabilities found, different response time shall
be followed. The detailed definitions of severity and expected resolution times are
described in the service requirements specification document. The development
teams shall verify first if their respective products are affected. Then, analyze the
impact of the vulnerability. If change in the product is needed, ticketing or bug
tracking systems can be used to trigger change process and ensure tracking of the
vulnerability. The security responsible contact shall provide a plan for mitigation
and communicate back to the system with their analysis. The response will trigger
notification to users with assigned permission to view it and shall be provided in
standard form. The formatting and fields in the analysis are enforced by the service.
The information input is parsed by the system and rejected if it does not meet the
After the analysis phase is completed, the service shall be updated if the proposed
mitigation or time plan for fix has changed. When solution is available, it shall
be tested to confirm that the vulnerability has in fact been mitigated. This could
be integrated as part of the regular vulnerability assessments. All vulnerabilities

mitigated in specific software version shall be listed and described in the release
notes. This will increase the transparency and build trust with the customers, as
they will be able to see and verify that fixes were implemented as agreed.

3.7.4 Communication methods

Any communication regarding vulnerabilities (even not confirmed ones) shall be
done via encrypted channels. Vulnerability information is classified and company
confidential and thus can be transferred only in encrypted form. The service
requirements specification has detailed information regarding the encryption methods,
cipher suites and algorithms that can be utilized in different environments (web UI,
e-mail). When necessary, additional communication could be used. For example, in
case of critical vulnerability, it would be important to communicate to customers
using different channels, enabling wider reach. All vulnerabilities which are known
to affect the product should be included as part of the product documentation.
The documentation should provide description of the vulnerabilities, status of their
mitigation, severity level and impact. Security advisories which are applicable to the
product version could also be included as part of the product documentation.
In addition, the service shall allow customer specific vulnerability notification
and advisories, with approval steps and translation when needed for specific markets.
The service shall provide notification and advisories in human readable format and
machine readable format simultaneously. This allows customers to integrate it with
their internal systems and automate the vulnerability processing.
All vulnerability notifications and advisories shall have permanent addresses. This
allows customer to reference the information, relying that it will always be accessible
on the same URI.
The service shall provide customers with interface where they can generate and
view reports on vulnerabilities. At minimum, the service shall allow per product
(vulnerabilities) reports, per vulnerability (affected products) reports and status
reports. In addition, the service could provide solution follow-up reports. The service
shall allow customers to schedule regular/recurring reports which will be generated
automatically. The service shall use CVRF as a default communication framework.
The service shall enable systematic handling of vulnerabilities. This will allow
the inclusion of a list of mitigated CVE (or other ID) as a part of the software release
documentation, as already mentioned. In addition, it can be used to provide status of
vulnerabilities that are not yet fixed but have mitigations also as part of the release
As VMS is taking advantage of available vulnerability feeds, it can also be used
to bring value to the security research community. When vulnerabilities are found
as a part of the regular VA activities in own products or 3PP components, VMS can
be used to facilitate responsible disclosure and communication with suppliers and

3.7.5 Service and Technologies

The service shall support integration with existing company systems and processes.
It shall be able to automatically import product information in standard format for
data warehouse or similar system. The service shall be able to integrate with existing
directory services, which are used as a source of contact information and personnel
changes. Existing software release systems should be allowed to trigger changes in
the service and notify users when action is needed.
The service shall also allow integration with export regulation and license compliance
systems. When new software component is on-boarded, it should trigger changes
and add the new entry for vulnerability monitoring. The reverse connection shall be
allowed as well: when a severe vulnerability is detected in a particular component,
VMS shall trigger changes in software repository systems and ban the component
from further use, until the vulnerability is mitigated. If the mitigation involves
upgrading to higher version, VMS can trigger sourcing process too. All automatically
inserted data shall be verified by a person with privileges to commit the change to
the service database.
The information collected in the VMS is confidential and it has a high value for
malicious actors. For these reasons, VMS has strict security requirements. Starting
with physical security, the system shall be placed in "Red" zone, where only limited
staff has access. All physical system access shall require two factor authentication
process. Biometric sensors are optional. The system shall be constantly under video
surveillance. Any maintenance and facility personnel shall be escorted by security
guard when performing their daily tasks.
Furthermore, the service shall be protected by implementing defense in depth
principles. There shall be high availability physical firewall appliances to filter
network traffic and prevent abuse. VMS shall be managed by a limited number of
administrators and their access shall be logged on dedicated remote server to prevent
tampering with the evidence. Two factor authentication shall be required for all
management tasks. All data shall be encrypted, both in rest and in transit. All
system keys shall be stored is specialized Hardware Security Modules (HSM). This
will prevent theft of the keys and minimize the risk of malicious actors being able to
spoof the identity of the system. HSM are also able to protect the encryption keys
used for communication and data at rest protection.
All communication originating from the service shall be digitally signed, to ensure
integrity protection of the data. In addition, logs and audit trail shall be signed and
encrypted when transported to the remote server. All system access actions shall be
traceable to individual person. No system or group accounts are allowed for service
management tasks. If desired, ISMS can be implemented and the service can be ISO
27000 certified. The service shall also support cryptography based time stamping to
prevent replay attacks and tampering with the data.
After a thorough review of VMS available on the market, three were selected for
final evaluation in the Make-or-Buy decision section:

• RSA Archer

• Flexera Software VIM

• NCSC-NL Taranis

3.8 Make-or-buy decision

The make-or-buy decision is critical point in this study. To aid the decision making
process the factors in the analysis were classified as strategic or operational. Table 3
shows a summary the factors in each category.

Strategical factors Operational factors

• Privacy and confidentiality • One-time cost to build or

regulations and requirements purchase (also known as Capital
Expenditure - CAPEX)
• Integration with existing systems
and processes • Support and maintenances
cost (also know as Operating
• Scalability Expenditure - OPEX)
• Need to share confidential • Flexibility of the service to be
information with third parties tailored or integrated
• Trust in the service providers • Attack surface of the service
• Benefits of internal synergies • Competence needed to use and
• Influence on brand and support the service

Table 3: Top strategic and operational factors

The final three COTS product were evaluated based on identified strategical
and operational factors. Table 4 provides overview of the benefits and drawback for
buying VMS.

Benefits Drawbacks

• Quick deployment, service • Pricing scales with number of

offering with possible on-premises products and number of users.
appliance High OPEX

• Industry standard tools that have • COTS solutions able to cover only
been tested and used by many, parts of the product life cycle
reliable source of information
• Additional tools needed to be
• Lower CAPEX developed in-house to fulfill all
requirements not covered by the
COTS product

• Inability to represent complex

product structure

• Potential risk of exposure of

confidential information

• Inability to re-sell the service to

third parties

• Open source product does

not provide support, thus the
company has to invest and create
own competence and support

Table 4: Benefits and drawbacks of buying VMS

As the company had strategic interest in security services, more factors were
identified in favor of developing own VMS. Table 5 depicts the analysis of benefits
and drawbacks for implementing own VMS.

Benefits Drawbacks

• Ultimate confidentiality, no • Longer time to deployment

information leaves the company
and can be controlled to comply • Risk of flaws and lack of
with existing company policies experience

• Integration with existing tools and • High CAPEX


• Medium OPEX which grows only

when more resources needed

• Scalable solution to accommodate

the complete company portfolio
without additional cost

• Flexible data models and

representation allowing custom
product structure and hierarchical

• Possibility to sell services based

on own VMS

• Intangible benefits to reputation

as company capable to develop
owns solution

Table 5: Benefits and drawbacks of making VMS

Even though the factors listed above were important for the decision making
process, only by implementing own VMS the company will be able to fulfill all
requirements that were collected. Having considered the potential cost of development
and operating own VMS, the author recommends to develop own VMS as more cost
effective solution. The company management weighed all the factors and accepted
the recommendation to implement own solution. Developing own VMS was also
considered needed as part of internal vulnerability management improvement program.
The following chapter contains the design and implementation steps taken to deploy
own VMS.

4 Solution
This chapter presents a summary of the actions taken to develop and deploy own
To be able to utilize efficiently such service, there is a need for organization
wide process and culture changes. This starts by devising vulnerability management
strategy on company level. The strategy should embody the vision of the company
for vulnerability-free products and services. Once the strategy is in place, the next
step is to define policies, roles and responsibilities. These steps are performed by high
and middle level management. The next steps require more field specific knowledge
and expertise, thus it is recommended to be performed by vulnerability management
and security experts.
The experts should define the actual processes that will be used in the company
and the interfaces of those processes. They should also specify how the new
service will interact with the existing systems and define interfaces and APIs for
future extensibility. When the details have been documented and approved by the
management, the project can proceed with even more technical requirements. At
this stage, it is advisable to involve service design, user experience (UX), network
and security experts. At this point of the project. it is recommended to prepare a
resource plan. An example of such plan can be seen on the Figure 11 below.

Figure 11: VMS development resource time plan

Based on the plan and the identified resource needs, company management should
commit and secure funding for the VMS development. When developing service of
such importance, it is recommended to have full-time dedicated personnel working on
the project. Temporary assignments and personnel changes add unnecessary strain
on the development process. In addition, it is very valuable to assign full-time project
manager or lead person, which will make sure that the service is being developed as
required and any impediments are promptly addressed. The project lead should also
communicate to the stakeholders progress reports as well as any additional needs

4.1 Service design

There are different representations of service architectures. Value network configuration
is one way to depict multiple actors co-creating value as a part of the services. The
proposed VMS is rather complex, thus, for simplicity reasons, some of the technical

and business interfaces, which are not a focus of this study, are omitted. Figure 12
depicts the simplified configuration of VMS.
The core of the service is vulnerability database, which stores vulnerabilities and
their relation products and components. There are a number of technical interfaces
utilizing service APIs. They allow communication and collaboration within the
company, as well as with external partners. For example, 3PP vendors can provide
vulnerability feeds to VMS with RSS, or a direct subscription. Once a component
is selected for use in the company, it will be stored in the central repository. The
repository can communicate with VMS database to register new components for
vulnerability monitoring. VMS can, in return, update the repository with information
regarding vulnerable components, which should not be allowed for use in products.
PLCM systems can communicate toward VMS database information on product life
cycle state. When a product is retired, there is no need for vulnerability monitoring
process. In addition, when a new product is released, PLCM can communicate and
register the product and its components in VMS.
When a new vulnerability is published, the information is recored in VMS. Then,
alert notifications are sent to product development units and customers. Once product
units have evaluated the impact, the analysis is recored in VMS and forwarded to
customers. After mitigation measures are in place, provided new software is released,
product delivery organization will update VMS accordingly. At this point, product
release directly or via VMS can inform customers that new software is available for
download, which mitigates the vulnerability in question.
The are two special cases in VMS: communication with security researchers and
with regulators. While communication with regulators is based on legal requirements
and partnership agreements, there is no need for a specific technical interface. It is
expected to be a rare case, and could be considered in future studies. On the contrary,
communication with security researches will benefit from structured technical interface.
The interface in question should be specified as a part of the vulnerability disclosure
policy of the company. It could be implemented as a simple e-mail box or, it can
even have a dedicated web interface, if rich functionality is expected.
This concludes the service overview. The next step in this study provides technical
details on the service design.

Figure 12: VMS value network configuration

Since VMS is a software service, industry best practices suggest the need for
development environment, test environment, verification environment and when the
service is ready, production environment. The service will have to be developed over
a long period of time and further improved after being deployed. It is advised to
have well established development and change management processes in place. All
applicable company IT and security polices and requirements shall be implemented
as well.
It is also beneficial to utilize again the focus groups, which were formed to collect
user requirements. Another option is to look for pilot users and develop a prototype in
close collaboration with such test users. Short feedback loop from the users and rapid
release software cycle are also beneficial for service development. After reviewing
the collected and approved requirements, the development team should make service
architecture and design proposals for review. Having Proof-of-Concept (POC) demo
is another valuable tool. Mock-up designs can be utilized to gather input from the
selected users, thus having better specification of the UI, before time is spent on
actually developing it.

In parallel, the vulnerability management experts should work together with the
developers to specify the data models and concepts that will be used within the
VMS. As soon as the data model and structure have been approved, privacy impact
analysis should be performed. Based on the results, refinements to the data models
and structure can be made to decrease the impact if necessary. If the refinement steps
are insufficient, additional controls should be specified and implemented. Privacy
violations have serious financial consequences for the company, which commits them.
Thus, there is a strong incentive to mitigate as many as possible, and minimize the
risk of such violations.
At this point, the VM processes should be translated to service work flows. With
the parallel tasks for data modeling and POC, UI mock-ups also in progress, the
project lead should specify the duration of development and review cycles. As already
mentioned, having short feedback loop with users is very valuable. However, having
too short development sprints is not always efficient. A balance should be reached
between short feedback loop and optimal development cycles.
Following the latest software design principles, the service implementation should
be broken into small independent components, which can be designed and tested
separately. Then continuous integration and continuous deployment machinery will
be responsible for testing and deploying the newly built components. Regardless
of the actual methods used for service development, the project should have a
clear acceptance testing procedure and definition of done. Industry best practice
recommends to use a checklist, based on the service requirement specification for
such purposes, which is signed-off by the stakeholders.
The project lead should have a release plan and a road map, showing when specific
requirements or service features will be implemented. The development team should
agree with the stakeholders on a deadline for the minimal viable delivery, when the
service is deployed in production setup and pilot users are engaged in testing the
implementation. When the deadlines are set, activities, which accompany the release,
should be specified as well. These include risk assessments, vulnerability assessments,
penetration testing and re-run of the privacy impact assessment. Additional personnel
may be involved as experts to execute the assessments. While the development
activities are ongoing, the same team, or a separate one, should also consider a
number of service implementation requirements.

4.2 Service implementation

VMS will hold confidential information with high value for attackers. Based on the
results from the risk assessment, risk treatment plan shall be made and implemented.
Any residual risk, which is not mitigated, shall be signed-off by the stakeholders.
Best practices and industry standards shall be followed. To highlight a few:

• No clear text communication shall be allowed

• Role based access control (RBAC) and host based access control (HBAC) shall
be implemented

• Segregation of duties shall be in place

• Administrative actions shall require multiple factor authentication mechanisms

• Administrative actions may require M of N principles, where from N-number

of account holders, a minimum of M-number are needed simultaneously to
perform an action. This practice is common for key creation ceremonies or
audit events.

In addition, when building VMS, which will be used by the whole company,
Business Continuity Management (BCM) must be implemented. Service Level
Agreements (SLA) must be defined and approved by the stakeholders. Consequences
of violated SLA shall be specified as well. BCM is often supplemented by Disaster
Recovery Planning (DRP) activities. Depending on the SLA and requirements,
service design should consider Geo-redundant solution. Off-site stand-by system is
an alternative way to fulfill high-availability requirements.
As discussed earlier, ISMS is an important part of secure system design. In
addition, if the company has decided that security certification is needed, ISMS must
be implemented to fulfill ISO/IEC 27000 requirements. Risk assessment, vulnerability
assessment and penetration testing are a part of industry best practices too. VMS is
expected to have long life, thus it is necessary to define its own life cycle management
processes, including operations, maintenance and further development.
If it is deemed necessary by the stakeholders, security benchmarks can be executed
as well. This will provide additional assurance for the posture and implementation
of the services and can be reused later, when offering the service to third parties.
An example of such benchmarks are the Center for Internet Security (CIS) security
benchmarks [15]. Another industry accepted reference is Open Web Application
Security Project (OWASP) [48]. While CIS benchmarks are focused on measuring
compliance, OWASP projects include tools, recommendations, or just lists of risks
Having discussed some of the technical details about service design and implementation,
it is important to describe the processes that will be implemented by VMS. The
VMS processes design and implementation are described in the following subsection.

4.3 Vulnerability management processes and maturity model

Figure 13 below shows a simplified overview of the way VMS is interacting with
the other processes and systems in the company. It is often costly to implement
the complete service and deploy it only when all of its components are in place.
A more practical approach is to define a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), which
will satisfy just enough of the user needs and provide valuable feedback for further
development. This approach allows the segments of the Figure 13 to be implemented
and deployed gradually. Design and deployment with MVP approach minimizes the
risk and upfront investment needs.
Furthermore, it is possible to integrate the releases of different segments of the
service with the vulnerability management maturity model on company level. By

Figure 13: VMS process

deploying a new service segment, the vulnerability management would advance to

the next maturity level. This also allows the service deployment progress to be easily
visualized and communicated to high level management. If the company has ambition
to reach a certain level of maturity, only what is needed to reach that level will be
developed and deployed. This close relationship with the business needs allows for
efficient and cost effective service design and deployment process.
The following subsections present details on the processes and information flows
required for effective enterprise VMS.

4.3.1 Vulnerability monitoring

The first depicted step in Figure 13 is vulnerability monitoring. The input for that
process comes from a number of vulnerability sources. Free and commercial feeds can
be utilized for this purpose. The Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT)
or similar Product Security Team (PST) will analyze the vulnerability information
and record it in VMS. VMS in turn will match the vulnerable components to company
products and send notification to the users with assigned privileges.
These vulnerability alert are processed as part of the product development and
maintenance activities. However, no more information is provided to VMS on

implementation of fixes, verification or delivery time frame. The vulnerability

monitoring process is shown on Figure 14 below.

Figure 14: Vulnerability monitoring process

4.3.2 Security updates management

The next step is security updates management, shown in Figure 13. As part of
the security updates management process, product development and maintenance
are expected to provide information on any mitigation steps that are planned.
These organization should also provide information on potential software releases, in
which the vulnerability will be mitigated. Large software development companies
would often utilize dedicated design organization for software bug corrections and
general software updates. A separate organization can be used for security updates
development and release.
In most cases, security updates to software packages are bundled with feature
updates. Mitigating a vulnerability often requires the uplift of the component
versions. Such version changes trigger the need for sourcing organization to review
and approve the new version for use. In addition, VMS can add labels to vulnerable
component versions in internal software repositories and prevent further use of
vulnerable components in product development. The addition of security updates
management process is shown on Figure 15 below.

Figure 15: VMS with added security updates management process

4.3.3 Vulnerability assessment

The third step on Figure 13 is vulnerability assessment. Vulnerability assessments
are often performed in product development and maintenance as a part of their
regular testing process, or as an additional security testing process. In VMS context,
VAs must be used to verify that all vulnerabilities, for which the product unit has
received alerts, are mitigated. In addition, VAs can be utilized as sources for new
vulnerability information. Fuzzing tests and manual exploit testing are examples of
methods which allow detection of previously unknown vulnerabilities in a product.
To increase the value of the assessments, it is critical to automate the process as much
as feasible. This will allow organizations following Agile methodology, or having
frequent software releases, to align their development process with the vulnerability

Figure 16: VMS with added vulnerability assessment process

As discussed earlier, VMS can be used as an input for the sourcing process, as
seen on Figure 16 above. Vulnerability alerts are fed to software update process
in sourcing and product development units. This is another activity, which must
be automated in order to maximize the value delivered by the service. When new,
fixed software is available, product development and maintenance units shall run
vulnerability assessments to verify if the vulnerability is mitigated. The same process
shall be followed regardless of the source of software updates. External and internal
software fixes shall be tested to provide evidence of successful vulnerability mitigation.
Due to governmental and contractual requirements many software developing
companies would run standard vulnerability scanners against the ready for release
product. This is done to provide assurance that all known vulnerabilities have been
identified and addressed. The scans also assist in the detection of possible false
positive results and possible misinterpretations of such scanner results, when run by

4.3.4 Product release

The forth step on Figure 13 is product release. When the vulnerability alert has been
processed, the software has been updated and evidence have been provided that the
vulnerability in question has been mitigated, the product can be released to customers.
At this step, vulnerability alerts serve as input for the product documentation, such
as release notes. Product release notes shall contain references to all vulnerabilities
that have been mitigated as a part of the product development and maintenance
process. It is recommended to use standard reference for each vulnerability such

as CVE. Product release can also provide input for VMS in the form of security
assurance. VMS database shall be updated to reflect that new product version has
been released and shall be monitored for vulnerabilities. In addition, VMS database
shall be updated to record the version and release date of the software, which has
mitigated vulnerabilities. The data should also reflect the availability of the new
software to customers.

Figure 17: VMS with added product release process

During the product release, it is also recommended to implement cryptographic

integrity protection for the software which is made available to customers. Digital
signature is one method to implement the required cryptographic integrity protection.
When such signatures are used, VMS can be updated to provide references to the
signatures, thus adding additional security assurance layer. The process of software
signing is out of scope for this paper.
Having presented an overview of the processes in VMS, this paper continues with
maturity model for vulnerability management practices.

4.3.5 Maturity model

For the purposes of this thesis, an extension to the popular Capability Maturity
Model (CMM) [51] is proposed. In this thesis, the model is used to measure maturity
of vulnerability management practices.
The extension to CMM is described with the following five levels:
• Initial - The vulnerability management process is ad-hoc and could be chaotic.
Not all processes are defined and execution depends on individual’s effort.

• Repeatable - The minimum vulnerability management processes are in place.

Discipline is necessary repeat successful execution of previous efforts.

• Defined - The vulnerability management processes for management and software

engineering are documented and integrated into software development processes
of the organization.

• Managed - It is possible to measure in detail the quality and performance of

the vulnerability management processes. The processes are measurable and

• Optimizing - Continuous vulnerability management practices improvement is

made possible with quantitative feedback from processes execution. Piloting
new ideas and process enhancements.

Figure 18: CMM for vulnerability management practices

Figure 18 above shows that the first level in the model is the baseline. There are
some vulnerability management activities, but they are not structured and depend on
the people who execute the actions. The first level is often referred to as "firefighting
mode" of operations. At this stage the company should consider formalizing processes
and training employees.
The second level is associated with devising strategy, writing policies and defining
processes. Planing for new actions is based on previous experience. Discipline is
required for successful execution of the task at hand. After these activities are
completed, the company has the baseline needed to proceed with VMS deployment.
The third level is characterized with integration of existing processes in VMS.
The processes are being implemented in a system to be able to deliver VMS. This
could be the MVP version of VMS. In addition, this is the level which could be

reached with majority of COTS products. While COTS often implement more than
MVP, they rarely provide quantitative metrics for process performance.
The forth level is defined by quantitative measurable goals for process and
service performance. VMS should be deployed for the entire company portfolio and
management should define performance goals. To reach this level of maturity, it is
likely that VMS should be integrated with other existing PLCM machinery. The
integration with other PLCM systems is one of the key aspects of this thesis. Having
a stand-alone VMS, which is able to handle vulnerabilities throughout product life
cycle, is an expensive and inefficient deployment scenario. It will require a much
larger amount of manual work to synchronize data between all systems and it is prone
to errors. To be able to meet customer requirements and performance expectations,
VMS must integrate with systems from sourcing, development, delivery and support
The fifth level is focusing on optimization and continuous improvements. The
company should identify flaws and weaknesses as well as proactively improve VMS.
New technologies and practices can be implemented to deliver more cost effective VMS.
Some of these improvements could require major service redesign and additional
requirements specification. An example of such improvement is the addition of
real-time threat intelligence feeds to VMS. It can be implemented as an additional
vulnerability input module to increase the value and coverage of the service. Other
modules can be developed to interface with customer Security Information and
Event Management (SIEM) systems. In this case VMS could be used as a threat
intelligence input for customer SIEM, or SIEM could feedback real-time data from
live networks with information regarding vulnerability exploit attempts. These and
further improvements of VMS should be considered in further studies.
Referring to the original CMM for software development, this study recommends
implementing VMS to be able to reach level 4 and 5 of software quality process.
With the help of VMS, a company should be able to have predictable quality of their
software and ensure that it has a minimal amount of flaws on release. While VMS
deployment is not mandatory in the classic CMM, it could be a valuable addition.
Following the requirements and process specifications developed as part of this
thesis, an enterprise scale VMS was developed and deployed. The deployed service is
described in the next section.

4.4 Enterprise Vulnerability Management Service

As an answer to the research question of this thesis, an enterprise scale VMS was
developed and deployed. This section of the thesis describes the details of service
acceptance testing, exploitation, benchmarks and progress in the maturity model.

4.4.1 Acceptance testings - compliance with requirements specification

A number of checklists were designed to ensure that the VMS fulfills the requirements
produced as a part of the thesis. The checklists were utilized during the acceptance
testing phase of the service deployment. Representatives from each VMS user group

and VMS stakeholders were present to confirm that the service in fact implements
the requirements as specified. As the service was deployed in multiple releases,
for practical reasons, the checklists were split to cover the expected features and
functionality in each release. When the acceptance testing was completed, VMS
stakeholders have signed the acceptance test report and have approved deployment of
each release to production. Samples of the acceptance testing checklists are provided
in Appendix B.
The requirements for VMS can be divided into two main categories: functional
and non-functional. While the functional requirements focus on system features,
which will be observed by the users, the non-functional requirements emphasize
aspects related to operations and maintenance of the service. The requirements
identified in this stage were used in the Statement of Compliance (SOC) checklist as
seen in Appendix B. Table 6 provides a summary of the high level functional and
non-functional requirements.
Functional requirements Non-functional

• User interface requirements • Capabilities requirements

• Automation requirements • Serviceability requirements

• Reporting requirements • Latency requirements

• Alerting requirements • Monitoring requirements

• Auditing requirements • Logging requirements

• Database requirements • Operations requirements

• Quality requirements

• Security requirements

• Integrity requirements

• Confidentiality requirements

• Availability requirements

• Backup requirements

Table 6: Top strategic and operational factors

It should be clear that, while non-functional requirements are not visible directly
to the users, they are high priority for service stakeholders and operations team.
Thus, the service shall not be deployed unless both functional and non-functional
requirements are met. The progress of service development leads to a larger number

of requirements being fulfilled. When all requirements pass the acceptance tests,
VMS will be considered completed and have reached the fourth level of the maturity

4.4.2 Exploitation phase

Once MVP version of the service is ready, it should be deployed to collect user
feedback and improve it. It was decided to utilize DevOps approach. Having a
team where developers and operations are tightly coupled has its benefits. There
is a clear communication and developers are able to receive instant feedback from
service behavior. In addition, if there is a major service malfunction, the developers
are available to troubleshoot and implement the necessary measures to mitigate the
problem at hand.
However, DevOps teams tend to be understaffed due to the expectation of high
person utilization. When the service is functioning according to specification, the
operations members will be idle. They could be utilized as developers at that time.
It is also possible that developers are idle while operations are overloaded. It should
be clearly communicated to all team members that service availability, confidentiality
and integrity are the highest priority. Thus, operation tasks must be prioritized
regardless of development release schedule or other factors.
To increase efficiency, it is possible to reuse existing company IT support and
operations infrastructure. It is valuable to communicate and cooperate with existing
IT teams, to ensure smooth service deployment and satisfactory user experience.
While the service is focusing on product development, it is essentially an IT system
and thus should follow all applicable requirements and processes.
As the company had experience with older generation vulnerability management
processes, the author was able to perform series of benchmarks and compare the
old system and the new service. Another series of meetings with users was held to
collect their feedback and understand whether the newly deployed service has met
their expectations. The results are provided in the next subsection.

4.4.3 Benchmarks and user experience

The deployment of VMS after passing the acceptance tests have ensured that the
service is fulfilling the requirements. While there are possibilities for improvements,
VMS is able to serve the required amount of simultaneous users. The service has
been deployed in three tiers:

• Web client

• Business logic

• Database

The web client is browser based and it is built on top of REST API. If users need
to improve it or automate it, they can implement their own client, based on the API
documentation and libraries supplied. The business logic is protected by firewalls

and IDS/IPS. Authentication is delegated to corporate AD servers. Authorization

is performed by the service itself. The database is protected with another layer of
network firewalls and security appliances. The business logic and database tiers are
implemented as stretched cluster for scalability and high availability. Minimum two
cluster nodes are available at each location.
From performance point of view, major challenge is latency. Even with geographically
redundant deployment and routing to the nearest node, physics laws cannot be
circumvented. However, the service has been deployed in specific locations to ensure
that majority of the users will be able to use it within the specified latency limits.
From capacity perspective, the service has met all requirements. The database
and storage subsystems are performing as expected. Network bandwidth to the
servers has not been a bottleneck. The service has been deployed as a cluster. If
more capacity is required in the future, the cluster can be simply scaled horizontally
to deliver it.
To summarize, VMS is able to handle:

• Hundreds of concurrent users

• Hundreds of alerts per second

• User interaction with latency lower than 100ms

• Unlimited* alerts stored

• Unlimited* products registered

• Unlimited* users registered

• Unlimited* components registered

• * There is actual limit which can be overcome by simply scaling the storage

It is important to note that, as the service has been developed in-house and is being
operated in-house, there should be no license fees, which would grow with service
scaling up. As most of the COTS alternatives had billing based on usage or users,
the custom VMS provides better cost efficiency when scaled to such size.
In addition to a number of service performance metrics, the users observed a
number of quality improvements as well. VMS is able to increase visibility and
enforce access restriction to information, better than older systems. This has led to
better oversight of product security and improved vulnerability alert answers from
product units.
Having standard identifiers for components (CPE), vulnerabilities (CVE) and
scoring (CVSS), has also provided improved visibility and traceability of vulnerabilities.
Users are able to perform searches with higher accuracy and VMS is able to match
with improved certainty impacted products. VMS has also enforced specific fields
required for vulnerability analysis. This structure has made the analysis information
searchable and indexable, which increases its value.

Integration of alerting and work flow system has improved also answer rates
with help of reminders. The internal notification system has allowed for improved
information flow between dependent products. Whenever platform type of product
provides their analysis to a vulnerability, the information is instantly available in
read-only mode to all products which have registered as users of that platform.
As VMS has been deployed following standard IT processes, it has shown
significant improvements by fulfilling a number of non-functional requirements.
Example of such improvements are: better user support; improved backup and
availability processes; as well as high availability deployment. Accounting has been
improved as well by implementing RBAC and HBAC with remote secure audit logging
servers. This allows also for improved traceability of user actions and faster detection
of malicious activities.
To ensure that the VMS is free of known vulnerabilities, it has been registered
for vulnerability monitoring in it self. This allows the DevOps team to receive
vulnerability alerts and act in timely manner to protect the service. At the time of
writing, VMS has not fulfilled all requirements, as it is still being developed. The
following subsection describes the maturity level reached at the time of writing.

4.4.4 Service maturity

Compared to manual process, even MVP version of VMS has been a major improvement.
At the time of writing, VMS has reached the third level of maturity, which have
been described earlier. In practice, this means that strategy, policy and processes
are defined and in place, MVP version has been deployed to provide systematic
execution of the processes. VMS releases are currently focusing on UX improvements
and integration with other corporate tools and systems. In parallel, the deployed
VMS is being optimized and scaled as user needs require. This shows that VMS, as
deployed at the time of writing, has already surpassed the maturity of a number of
COTS products. This has been achieved within budget and thus has proven that
developing own VMS instead of buying one was the correct decision.
Within few of years, VMS should be able to reach the fifth level of maturity. At
that point of time, VMS would be close to the service depicted on the Figure 19.

Figure 19: Next generation enterprise vulnerability management service

The addition of real-time status view and integration with customers and other
partners will further increase the value of this VMS. One can say that basic principles
of value network designs apply in this case as well. Having more parties connected
and communicating over VMS would increase the overall value of the services and
provide better value for all participants.
This concludes the Solution chapter of this thesis. The following Conclusion
chapter will provide a summary of the results and suggest topics for improvements
and future research.

5 Conclusion
The work on this thesis was done over the duration of more than three years. The
design, development and deployment of the service took two years. The goals set by
the customer were successfully achieved. As the company, that commissioned the
service has over 400 products ranging from hardware to SaaS offerings - VMS was
built generic by design. The modular architecture and APIs will help to integrate it
and expand it with minimal effort in the future.
The concepts used within the system are defined as abstract entities and can be
used recursively. User management is delegated to standard external system, which
also reduces privacy impact on the system. VMS does not store users’ personal data.
In addition, the user permissions are defined in expandable hierarchical manner,
which makes it easy to add new roles and map users to groups, which in turn will
automatically grant them the permissions inherited from their group membership.

5.1 Results
The first phase of this thesis starts with research on vulnerability management systems
and services. Then, it proceeds with collection of information and requirements with
the help of semi-structured focus groups interviews. Once all requirements have
been collected, formulated and approved by stakeholders, the study continues with
evaluation of available COTS products and make-or-buy analysis.
The second phase of this thesis examines the design, development and deployment
of in-house developed VMS. As VMS stakeholders decided to implement own design
instead of buying COTS product, the author facilitated the design and development
of the enterprise scale VMS. While the service was being developed and deployed,
the author had a role to observe the progress and provide feedback with acceptance
testing and future improvements. Since VMS official launch, the project has been
handled by PSIRT and VMS DevOps team and the author’s involvement has been
brought down to a minimum.
To answer the research question, "Which is the solution able to deliver enterprise
scale, cost effective and fast vulnerability management service for product life cycle?",
this study concludes that for this particular customer, developing own VMS is the
right approach. The interviews and benchmarks have confirmed that VMS is able to
deliver more than COTS products within budget. In addition, VMS can be scaled at
minimal cost of hardware and additional personnel needed to develop, operate and
maintain it. The cost of VMS is not tied to usage and for enterprise customer this
has proved a major financial benefit.

5.2 Assessment of results

As a result of this thesis, VMS was developed according to customer requirements.
However, the thesis analysis is valuable for other companies facing the need for VMS.
As the author has focused on utilizing standards and industry best practices, future
research could repeat the results of this study. While the result of make-or-buy

analysis may differ, reproducing the rest of the research can still prove beneficial.
Differentiating factor for make-or-buy will be the input from customer needs.
In addition, this study can be applied to any company, which develops products
that are software or run software. To some extend it can be utilized by other
industries, however standards and requirement for other industries might differ. A
good example of industry where this study will be very important is Internet of
Things. Based on the scale and speed of development in IoT, the author is convinced
that VMS will be crucial for device manufacturers, system integrators and service
It is also possible to utilize the same methods in more generic way to develop
completely different service. Nonetheless, the value of this study is higher in the
software and IT industries. Time and cost to adapt it to other applications might
outweigh the benefit of reuse.
The role of the author was to collect user requirements, formalize them and then
analyze the available COTS products. Then the author was responsible for providing
input and recommendations for make-or-buy decision. The company decided to
implement own VMS. At that stage, the author was responsible for the design of the
service, its components, work-flows and logic. The author was also responsible for
technology choices and data formatting. As VMS development progressed, the author
was responsible for acceptance testing and implementation guidance. In addition,
the author was responsible for VMS’s non-functional requirements and proposals for
their implementation.
As described earlier, the company regards the VMS implemented based on this
study as a success. That said, the collection of requirements, design and development
could have been done in a shorter time with help of stronger commitment from
high level management. As vulnerability management strategy, policy and process
development are prerequisites for VMS, it is beneficial if those are in place before
starting analysis of VMS needs. It is also possible to speed up the development and
deployment of VMS with the help of larger funding.
Having designed and deployed VMS, is it valuable to provide insights on how the
service could be exploited further.

5.3 Exploitation of results

As the study analysis suggested, for enterprise scale, it is more cost effective to
develop and deploy own VMS. Once the VMS is operational, it can be utilized to
bring additional revenue. The service could be sold to customers, or provided as
value added service for existing support contracts. As VMS is still being improved,
decision whether it should be provided to customers and partners should be taken
when it has reached fifth level of maturity. Providing VMS while it is not matured,
might create negative perception due to higher amount of flaws or malfunctions.
The work, which was done of this project, has proven of great value to the author
and the company, which has commissioned it. The study helped to identify problems
with existing processes and practices. This work also helped to increase the visibility
of the need for VMS. Once VMS was deployed, the quantitative and qualitative

benefits were easy to observe and measure.

A valuable approach to exploit the results of this study is to provide topics and
guidance for future research, which is covered in the next subsection.

5.4 Future research

As mentioned throughout this thesis there are a number of improvements and topics
for future research. Major uncertainties are: future governmental and international
regulation. Future standardization work, can also bring new means to refer to
vulnerabilities, to score them, or process them. Another important topic is to
discover if there is a need for industry standard VMS implementation and interfaces.
For company that already has VMS, it is important to evaluate if it is still
cost-effective and are there better means to receive the same service. For companies
without VMS, it is important to at least evaluate their needs and make management
aware of the risks which are taken by not implementing vulnerability management
process. Other industries could benefit from similar services for vulnerability management
or security assurance.
The author considers Open Source VMS or at least framework, pivotal for our
society. Open Source projects have created enormous value for all of us, and have
greatly improved software security. Open Source has become a popular way to create
industry and de-facto standards. Security research is often community work. Open
Source is also community work. Thus, it would be interesting to investigate why
there is no community hosted and operated VMS to cover all Open Source software

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A Appendix

Figure A1: COTS product comparison [75]


B Appendix
Sample Statement of Compliance checklists for EVMS

B.1 Functional requirements

B.1.1 User Interface

Figure B1: Table with user interface SOC

B.1.2 Automation

Figure B2: Table with Automation SOC

B.1.3 Reporting

Figure B3: Table with Reporting SOC


B.1.4 Alerting

Figure B4: Table with Alerting SOC

B.1.5 Auditing

Figure B5: Table with Auditing SOC

B.1.6 Database

Figure B6: Table with Database SOC

B.2 Non-functional requirements

B.2.1 Capabilities

Figure B7: Table with Capabilities SOC


B.2.2 Serviceability

Figure B8: Table with Serviceability SOC

B.2.3 Latency

Figure B9: Table with Latency SOC

B.2.4 Monitoring

Figure B10: Table with Monitoring SOC

B.2.5 Logging

Figure B11: Table with Logging SOC


B.2.6 Operations

Figure B12: Table with Operations SOC

B.2.7 Quality

Figure B13: Table with Quality SOC

B.2.8 Security

Figure B14: Table with Security SOC

B.2.9 Integrity

Figure B15: Table with Integrity SOC


B.2.10 Confidentiality

Figure B16: Table with Confidentiality SOC

B.2.11 Availability

Figure B17: Table with Availability SOC

B.2.12 Backup

Figure B18: Table with Backup SOC

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