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Code No: EC3553 SRGEC-R20

IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, December 2023
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: Answer one question from each unit.
All questions carry equal marks.
5 × 14 = 70M
1. a) Explain how Fourier transforms are useful in digital image processing and derive any three
properties of Fourier transform. (7M)
b) Discuss the role of sampling and quantization with an example. (7M)
2. a) Explain the relationship between pixels. (8M)
b) Explain Discrete Walsh transform and specify its properties. (6M)
3. What are the techniques used for image smoothing? Explain any one spatial and one frequency
domain technique used for image smoothing. (14M)
4. a) Perform the histogram equalization on the following image. (8M)
1 3 5
4 4 3
5 2 2
b) Implement the Laplacian filter mask for image enhancement. (6M)
5. With appropriate equations, explain the issue with inverse filtering for restoring image. How
wiener filtering eliminates the issue? (14M)
6. a) Compare linear image restoration and Non-linear image restoration. (7M)
b) Draw and explain the flow chart of interactive image restoration procedure. (7M)
7. a) How an image is segmented using region growing technique? Explain. (8M)
b) A binary image contains straight lines oriented horizontally, vertically, at 45º and at -45º.
Create a set of 3×3 mask that can be used to detect 1-pixel-long brakes in these lines.
Assume that the gray level of line is one and that the gray level of the background is zero.

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8. a) Write short notes on Threshold based Image segmentation. (7M)
b) What is Hit-or-Miss transformation? Explain. (7M)
9. a) Explain the Fidelity criteria used for image quality assessment. (6M)
b) Develop Huffman code for the word “COMMITTEE” and determine the efficiency of
Huffman code. (8M)
10. a) Explain the image compression model. (7M)
b) Explain JPEG standard with the help of its block diagram. (7M)


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