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Code No: R18A0422

(Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India)
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, June 2022
Digital Image Processing
Roll No

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70

Answer Any Five Questions
All Questions carries equal marks.
1 a. Find Fourier transform 2 -D sinusoidal functionn(x, y) = A sin(u0 x + v0 y) [7M]
and obtain its spectrum.
b. Discuss briefly the following: [3M]
i) Neighbors of pixels [4M]
ii) Connectivity

2 List and explain the fundamental steps in digital image processing. [14M]

3 a) State different types of processing used for image enhancement. [7M]

3 b) Explain in detail smoothing frequency-domain filters related to images. [7M]

4 a) Compare and contrast spatial domain and frequency domain techniques of [7M]
Image enhancement.
4 b) Discuss any one frequency domain technique of Image sharpening. [7M]

5 a) List out different noise probability density functions used in image processing [7M]
5 b) With a neat block diagram explain image degradation model. [7M]

6 a) Explain how periodic noise can be reduced using frequency domain filtering. [7M]
6 b) What are the different ways to estimate the degradation function? Explain. [7M]

7 a) Write Edge Linking and Boundary Detection. [7M]

7 b) Write about detection of discontinuities. [7M]

8 a) List and explain the steps involved in JPEG compression. [7M]

8 b) Discuss the Transform Based Compression. [7M]

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