FORM 1 (1)

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Application for Regularisation of plot and layout [See rule 5 (1)]


S.Dhanalakshmi, S.Deepa, S.Sivakumaran, S.Subha,

3/122, Indhira Nagar,

Thiyaganur village, Thalaivasal Taluk,



Assistant Director,

District Town And Country Planning,



I hereby apply for regularization of plot / layout under the provisions of the Tamil
Nadu Regularization of Unapproved Plots and Layouts Rules 2017. The details of the plot /
layout proposed for regularization are furnished in the following table:

No Subject. Details.
S.Dhanalakshmi, S.Deepa, S.Sivakumaran,
1 Name of the applicant. S.Subha

2 Name of the layout, if any. Kumaran Nagar

3 Plot number(s). 40
Name of the Village and
4 Thiyaganur
5 Panchayat Union. Thalaivasal
Name of the Corporation /
Municipality/Town Panchayat. -
7 Ward No. and Block No. -
8 Taluk. Thalaivasal
9 District. Salem
Survey Numbers of the plot or
10 sub-division or layout applied for
regularization. Yes
Plot Number (s) Wet land Dry land
SF.No. / SF.No. /
in Extent in acre
R.S.No./ R.S.No./
acre / / Sq.m
(a) 62/8 1.23
(b) 62/9 0.9
Total extent: 1.32
Total number of plots in the
11 40
Total number of plots sold in the
12 07
Total number of plots in the layout
13 -
with building.
OSR area required in sq.ft (10% of
14 3484.92Sq.ft
the total layout area).
15 Extent of OSR land provided in
the layout in sq.ft.
Whether the OSR land in the
16 layout was handed over to the local NO
Whether the roads in the layout
17 NO
handed over to the local authority.
18 Date of registration of plot(s). 03.02.2014
PLOT Date of Registration
35 Enclosed With EC Separately

I also forward herewith the following particulars:-

1) Demand draft or Banker’s cheque from any Nationalized / Scheduled Bank or payment
through NEFT/RTGS, towards scrutiny fee at the rate of Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred
only) per plot and Regularisation and Development Charges drawn in favour of the
Competent Authority, payable at the local branch of the Bank.

2) A self declaration in a non judicial stamp paper of value not less than twenty rupees, that
the plot or layout is not attracted under the provisions of the Repealed Tamil Nadu Urban
Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 24 of 1978) and the Tamil
Nadu Land Reforms (Fixation of Ceiling on Land) Act, 1961 (Tamil Nadu Act 58 of

3) An undertaking in a non-judicial stamp paper of value not less than twenty rupees
agreeing to undertake the rectification works as directed by the Competent Authority and
remit the development charges and regularization charges as applicable and as assessed by
the Competent Authority.

S.Dhanalakshmi, S.Deepa, S.Sivakumaran, S.Subha,the plot holder / Layout

promoter / registered Co-operative Society / Association being the owner / legal
representative of every part of the land to which the accompanying application relates
request to accord regularization of plot / layout.

Date: Signature of the applicant.

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