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Shree Swaminarayan Polytechnic, Gandhinagar



Subject Code : (3360703)

1. List any 2 Servers.

1. Proxy Server.
2. File Server
3. Printer server
4. Mail Server.
5. Server Platforms.
6. Web Server.
7. Real-Time Communication Server.
8. FTP Server.

2. List Steps to Create Domain Controller.

Creating Domain Controller
1. First give proper name to server and assign the IP address.
2. In order to make the windows server 2012 domain controller we will install ADDS (Active
Directory Domain Services) role from the server manager on Windows Server 2012.
3. Add roles and feature wizard then
4. On Installation Type page, select the first option “Role-based or Feature-based Installation“.
5. On the “Server Selection” Page, select a server from the server
pool and click next.
6. To install AD DS, select Active Directory Domain Services in turn it will pop-up to add other
AD DS related tools. Click on Add Features.
7. After clicking “Install” the selected role binaries will be installed on the server.
 After “Active Directory Domain Services” role binaries have been installed and now it is
time to promote the server to a Domain Controller.
1. Click on Promoting Windows 2012 Server to Domain Controller.
2. To create a new AD forest select add a new forest. Type proper name and click next.
3. Now provide password and click on next.
4. After checking the netbios name, specify the proper location for installation. Finally summery is
display, then click on install so domain related files are installed on server.

3. Define WINS. Explain Adding of WINS roles.

Short for Windows Internet Naming Service, WINS is a system that determines the IP
address associated with a particular network computer. This is called name resolution.
Determining the IP address for a computer is a complex process when DHCP servers assign IP
addresses dynamically. For example, it is possible for DHCP to assign a different IP address to a
client each time the machine logs on to the network. WINS uses a distributed database that is
automatically updated with the names of computers currently available and the IP address
assigned to each one. DNS is an alternative system for name resolution suitable for network
computers with fixed IP addresses.
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 WINS role:
 WINS was designed specifically to support NetBIOS over TCP/IP. WINS is required for
any environment in which users access resources that have NetBIOS names.
 If you do not use WINS in such a network, you cannot connect to a remote network
resource by using its NetBIOS name WINS(Window Internet Naming System)
 The following figure illustrates the role of WINS for computers that use NetBIOS names.
Typically, DHCP is used to assign IP addresses automatically.

1. ClientA, which uses NetBIOS and is a WINS client, sends a name registration request to its
configured primary WINS server (WINSA) when it starts up and joins the network. WINSA adds
ClientA's NetBIOS name and IP address to the WINS database.
2. When ClientB needs to connect to ClientA by its name, it requests the IP address from the
WINS server.
3. The WINS server locates the corresponding entry in its database and replies with ClientA's IP

4. Explain Network needs.

The following are the important uses and benefits of a computer network.
 File sharing
 Hardware sharing
Ans.  User communication
 Network gaming
 Voice over IP (VoIP)
 Data security

5. Explain Installation of Windows Server.

Installing Windows server 2012 R2
1. Insert the Windows Server 2012 DVD and press Enter to boot from the setup. All necessary
files will start loading.
2. Choose the default language, and click Next
3. Click Install now on the install screen.
4. Select GUI option, Then click Next.
5. Read License Agreement, Turn on Checkbox “I accept the license terms,” and then click Next.
6. Now It will ask you for the drive (or partition) you want to install Windows on.
7. Now once we picked our partition, will start the setup. This process might take some time.
8. Once the setup is done, it will restart and start your Windows Server 2012 for the first time. It
will ask you then to set up a password for the Administrator user.
9. Once the setup is done, you can log in for the first time to your Windows Server, as the screen
says, press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to log in, and use the password you set in the setup process.
10. Once you Log in, Windows Server 2012 will show the Server Manager.

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6. What is server? List the different type of server.

In computing, a server is a computer program or a device that provides functionality for other
programs or devices, called "clients". This architecture is called the client–server model, and a
single overall computation is distributed across multiple processes or devices.
1. Proxy Server.
2. Mail Server.
3. File Server
Ans. 4. Printer server
5. Server Platforms.
6. Web Server.
7. Application Server.
8. Real-Time Communication Server.
9. FTP Server.

7. Explain Web server, File server and Printer server.

Web server:
A Web server is a program that uses HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to serve the files that
form Web pages to users, in response to their requests, which are forwarded by their computers'
HTTP clients. Dedicated computers and appliances may be referred to as Web servers as well. The
process is an example of the client/servermodel. All computers that host Web sites must have Web
server programs.

File server:
In the client/server model, a file server is a computer responsible for the central storage and
management of data files so that other computers on the same network can access the files. A file
server allows users to share information over a network without having to physically transfer files
by floppy diskette or some other external storage device. Any computer can be configured to be
a host and act as a file server. In its simplest form, a file server may be an ordinary PC that handles
Ans. requests for files and sends them over the network. In a more sophisticated network, a file server
might be a dedicated network-attached storage (NAS) device that also serves as a remote hard disk
drive for other computers, allowing anyone on the network to store files on it as if to their own
hard drive. A program or mechanism that enables the required processes for file sharing can also
be called a file server. On the Internet, such programs often use the File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

Printer server:
A print server, or printer server, is a device that connects printers to client computers over
a network. It accepts print jobs from the computers and sends the jobs to the appropriate printers,
queuing the jobs locally to accommodate the fact that work may arrive more quickly than the
printer can actually handle. Ancillary functions include the ability to inspect the queue of jobs to
be processed, the ability to reorder or delete waiting print jobs, or the ability to do various kinds of
accounting (such as counting pages, which may involve reading data generated by the printer(s)).
Print servers may be used to enforce administration policies, such as color printing quotas,
user/department authentication, or watermarking printed documents.

NMA [3360703] 3
8. Explain user accounts with their types.
Different Types of User
 Domain Administrator Accounts.
To allow users to carry out administ rat ive t asks, special Administ rator
account s should be creat ed wit h a suit able level o f net work access, and t he
credent ials should be given to t he users that require occasional Administ rator
access. A t ypical user name for an Administ rator account is... Administ rator!
Administ rator account s are used by users t o carry out t asks t hat require specia l
per missio ns, such as inst alling soft ware or renaming a comput er. These
Administ rator account s should be regularly audit ed – t his should include a
password change, and confir mat ion of who has access to t hese account s.
 Windows Domain Administrator Groups.
On a Windows net work, t here are several Securit y Groups t hat have high levels
of access to various part s of t he net work. These groups should be audit ed
regular ly t o ensure t hat t here are no normal users as members, only
Administ rators. The default groups are: Administ rators, Domain Admins,
Schema Admins, Ent erprise Admins. There may be ot her groups wit h hig h
levels o f access t hat have been manually creat ed. These should be document ed
and added to t he audit ing process.
 Domain Service Accounts.
There is anot her t ype of user account t hat has special access to part s of your
net work – t he Service Account . Service Account s are user accou nt s t hat are
used by so ft ware (normally on a ser ver) to carry out automat ed t asks such as
running backups, or managing your ant i-virus administ rat ion. These services
should never be set up to use Administ rator account credent ials – t here should
Ans. be at least one dedicat ed Service Account on your net work.
 Domain Guest Accounts.
Windows has a default guest account called Guest . These guest account s are
t he first port of call for cr iminal hackers and should be immediat ely and
per manent ly disabled. If a guest account is required, it should not have an
obvious name such as Guest .
 Domain User Accounts.
These are t he normal user account s t hat are used by st aff in t heir day -t o -day
work to log onto a comput er and do t heir normal work. They should not have
any special per missio ns t hat could pot ent ially lead t o damage or dat a loss.
These user account s are normally member s of a Securit y Group called Domain
 Local Accounts.
These are similar to Domain account s, but are limit ed to local access only.
Local access can be to a comput er or a server. Local account s can be
Administ rator account s, normal user account s, and Guest account s. The built -
in Administ rator and Guest user account s should always be disabled on
workst at ions, and t he built - in Guest user account s should always be disabled
on servers.
 Local Groups.
On comput ers and servers, t here is a default Securit y Group called
Administ rators. Membership of t his group should be limit ed t o a domain group
called Domain Admins.

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9. What is network printer? Write the importance of them.

A network printer is a printer that is accessible by network connection, making it usable by other
computers connected to the network. The printer may have its own network connection, or use the
network connection of a single dedicated computer to which it has a local connection.
Importance of network printer: Having multiple printers on a network confers several
advantages, including the ability to select which printer you want to send documents to and
offering an available printer in the event that one or more printers is not working correctly.
 Multiple Users
Printers on a network are available to more than one user. Any computer that is part of the
network can access and send print jobs to the printer's queue. The queue, managed by the server or
primary computer the printer is connected to, manages and releases the print jobs.
 Remote Networks
Users on a remote network connected to a home or corporate network via the Internet and a
communication device can also access and send print jobs to network printers. This feature is
handy for users who are on a trip and need to send a document to the main office or network.
Ans.  Cost Savings
Networking printers saves money because you don't have to purchase an individual printer for
each computer on the network. You also don't have to purchase cables, supplies and paper for
individual printers.
 Multiple Platforms
Computers running on multiple platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux and other platforms,
can access the same network printers and send print jobs to the printers using drivers designed for
each platform.
 Multiple Printers
Multiple printer types, including laser, inkjet, plotters, thermal and other printers, can share the
network and offer users more printing choices. This is ideal if a user needs to send a drawing to a
plotter and a letter to a laser.
 Maintenance Savings
Networking printers also results in a reduction in maintenance calls since you have fewer printers
to clean and repair.

10. Explain Windows Domain.

A Windows domain is a form of a computer network in which all user accounts, computers,
printers and other security principals, are registered with a central database located on one or more
clusters of central computers known as domain controllers. Authentication takes place on domain
controllers. Each person who uses computers within a domain receives a unique user account that
can then be assigned access to resources within the domain. Starting with Windows 2003, Active
Directory is the Windows component in charge of maintaining that central database. The concept
of Windows domain is in contrast with that of a workgroup in which each computer maintains its
own database of security principals.
Ans. Domain controller
In a Windows domain, the directory resides on computers that are configured as "domain
controllers." A domain controller is a Windows or Samba server that manages all security-related
aspects between user and domain interactions, centralizing security and administration. A domain
controller is generally suitable for networks with more than 10 PCs. A domain is a logical
grouping of computers. The computers in a domain can share physical proximity on a
small LAN or they can be located in different parts of the world. As long as they can
communicate, their physical location is irrelevant.

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