syllabus.ckst 9
syllabus.ckst 9
syllabus.ckst 9
Course Description
Application of basic science, mathematics, and fundamental engineering principles to solution of civil engineering design
problems; use of structured programming concepts in design; develop oral and written communication skills.
3 credits, prerequisites: ENGR 1230 and MATH 1700. Minimum grade of 'C' or better is required for all pre/corequisites.
The syllabus and schedule might change during the semester. The current version and additional materials are online:
Learning Objectives
Students who successfully complete this course will be able to conduct civil engineering analysis and design using
computational tools and methods.
1. Concepts: Students will be able to perform “analysis” and “design” within civil engineering.
2. Methods: Students will be able to perform the following computational methods for analysis and design:
regression, integration, differentiation, optimization, and matrix operations. Students will solve problems
from the various civil engineering subdisciplines and learn to present technical data, calculations, and results.
3. Tools: Students will be able to use spreadsheets (Excel) and programming (Python) for analysis and design.
Grading Criteria
Grades are posted in Canvas and will be assigned according to the following criteria:
**Using assignments, projects, or exams from previous semesters to study for exams, to help complete your
assignments, or for any other purpose whatsoever is strictly prohibited. Violators will be failed. **
**I will not accept late assignments or exam rescheduling without documentation from the Dean of Students or a
medical professional. Requests for exam rescheduling must be made prior to the day of the exam.**
**I will not accept extra or alternative work to replace assignments or improve your grade.**
Other Resources
The ability to type will help you in this course. There are tutorials online like this one:
You should become familiar with these excel functions: Important_Excel_Functions.pdf
This is a list of shortcut keys for Greek letters and math equations: Greek_Letters_and_Math_Shortcuts.pdf
List of matplotlib commands: Matplotlib_Commands.pdf
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CE 215 Computer-Aided Analysis and Design
Week Tuesday Thursday Weekly
Tuesday* Unit Lab 1 Lab 2 Reading
7-Jan 0.0 Course Introduction No class 0.0 Preparation and Overview
14-Jan 1.0 Excel Introduction 1.1 Excel Basics 1.2 IF Function Basics
21-Jan 2.0 Excel Functions 2.1 VLOOKUP Function 2.2 Design Statements Functions
28-Jan 3.0 Reports & Presentations 3.1 Excel Charts and MS Word 3.2 Tables and MS PowerPoint Data Analysis/Charts
4-Feb 4.0 Mathematical Analysis 4.1 Excel Solver 4.2 Design Optimization Data Analysis/Solver
11-Feb 5.0 Data Analysis 5.1 Pivot Tables 5.2 Descriptive Statistics Data Analysis/Pivot Tables
18-Feb 6.0 Statistical Analysis 6.1 Simple Linear Regression 6.2 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis ToolPak
25-Feb 7.0 Excel Exam Week 7.1 Excel Final Words Exam 1: Excel
4-Mar 1.0 Python Introduction 1.1 Math Calculations & Printing 1.2 if statements and for loops Python Tutorial: 1 to 4.2
11-Mar Spring Recess Spring Recess Spring Recess
18-Mar 2.0 Using for loops 2.1 Accumulate and Collect Values 2.2 Defining Simple Functions Python Tutorial: 4.3 to 4.5
25-Mar 3.0 Functional Programming 3.1 Documenting Elaborate Functions 3.2 Creating Modules Python Tutorial: 4.6 to 6.4
1-Apr 4.0 Creating Plots 4.1 Plotting y vs x 4.2 Pie Charts and Bar Charts Matplotlib
8-Apr 5.0 Mathematical Analysis 5.1 Roots, Solver, Minima, & Maxima 5.2 Derivatives & Integrals Scipy
15-Apr 6.0 Data Analysis 6.1 Read Input/Write Output 6.2 Descriptive Statistics Pandas
22-Apr 7.0 Matrix Analysis 7.1 Matrix Operations Exam 2: Python Numpy
29-Apr 8.0 Other Languages 8.1 Java, Go, ChatGPT
Assignments are given at the start of every lab and are due at the start of the subsequent lab.
Required Readings
Online Excel Tutorial
Python Tutorial
The Python Tutorial by Guido van Rossum.
Pyplot Tutorial.
Quickstart tutorial.
10 Minutes to pandas.
Ordinary Least Squares.
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CE 215 Computer-Aided Analysis and Design
Assignments are given at the start of each lab and are due at the start of the subsequent lab.
*I will not accept late assignments.
For every lab you will create at least two files: (1) an Excel file (or Python script) and (2) a Word document. Name your files
with your last name, Excel (or Python), and the lab number (all separated by underscores).
• Email both files to me and the TA with the subject: CE215 Excel 1.1
• Print and submit a hardcopy of the Word document.
Data Files
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CE 215 Computer-Aided Analysis and Design
Student Conduct and Policies
Each student is expected to assist in maintaining a classroom environment that is conducive to learning. In order to assure
that all students have the opportunity to gain from time spent in class, unless otherwise approved by the instructor, students
are prohibited from engaging in any other form of distraction. Inappropriate behavior in the classroom shall result, minimally,
in a request to leave class.
• Attendance. Attendance at all course activities is expected. Missing more than one class period is considered excessive.
You are expected to arrive to class on time.
• Deadlines. Assignments must be turned in by the due date and time unless prior arrangements have been made. I will not
accept late assignments or exam rescheduling without documentation from the Dean of Students or a medical
professional. Requests for exam rescheduling must be made prior to the day of the exam.
• Extra or Alternative Credit. I will not accept alternative or extra work to replace assignments or improve your grade.
• Classroom Engagement. Use of personal phones, music players, tablets, iStuff, etc. is not permitted in class. This
includes texting. Please place your ringer on silent before entering class. Reading or working on other materials while in
this class is strongly discouraged.
• Student Conduct: All students are expected to honor the UI Student Code of Conduct. Violations include, but are not
limited to: copying homework assignments completed by others, plagiarism, and cheating. Please be aware that any
violation of the UI Student Code of Conduct may result in a course grade of “F”.
• Plagiarism: Plagiarism occurs when you use but do not cite someone else’s work, even if it is re-worded, or by not
indicating that a passage (paragraph, sentence, or even a small part of sentence) is directly quoted even if the reference is
cited. Following the structure or organization of someone else’s work is also plagiarism. Students caught plagiarizing will
be given a grade of “F”.
• Cheating. Using assignments, projects, or exams from previous semesters to study for exams, to help complete your
assignments, or for any other purpose whatsoever is strictly prohibited. Violators will be failed.
Should you feel our classroom interactions do not reflect an environment of civility and respect, you are encouraged to meet
with your instructor during office hours to discuss your concern. Additional resources for expression of concern or requesting
support include the Dean of Students office and staff (885-6757), the UI Counseling & Testing Center’s confidential services (5-
6716), or the UI Office of Human Rights, Access, & Inclusion (885-4285).
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