Dembecha, Ethiopia
Name Bisrat Lingerih
Id No : UGR/15025/14
Department of Management
Jinka University
Bisrat Lingerih (Id. No 15025/14) hereby declare that the report entitled A report on Commercial
Bank of Ethiopia Company and its function submitted to department of management, Jinka University
in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the subject practical attachment (MGMT), is a record of the
original report work done by me and that it has not formed before the basis for the award of any
degree/diploma/associate ship/fellowship or any other similar titles.
Preface/Fore ward
For instance
First of all my deepest thanks goes to the Almighty God for his endless help and make me to
stay in life to this day and enables me to complete my work. I also would like to thank you all
employees they work at commercial bank of Ethiopia at Dembecha branch for their good
support from the preparation until the final discussion of this practical attachment with frequent
follow up my activities and guide me.
I am greatly thanks for my advisor for to give advice how can I work this practical attachment
and seen the work reply comment for me.
Finally I would like to acknowledge all individual and institutions that have helped me
materially, morally and shearing idea during working this practical attachment.
preface......................................................................................................................................................... i
Aacknowledgment. …….........….....................................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the organization.........................................................................................................1
1.2 company vision mission and objectives or management..................................................................3
1.2 .1 Mission of the organization.......................................................................................................3
1.2.2 Vision of the organization...........................................................................................................3
1.4 Objective of the organization............................................................................................................4
1.5 Current plans and Ambitions of the Organization.............................................................................5
1.6 philosophy/ corporate culture...........................................................................................................6
1.7 History and growth of Organization...................................................................................................6
1.8 Organizational Structure....................................................................................................................7
1.9 Products and services (Clients)..........................................................................................................8
1.10 program and projects....................................................................................................................11
CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................................12
Management and Training Information....................................................................................................12
CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................................14
Job Back ground and information..............................................................................................................14
3.1 Roles of the department..................................................................................................................15
3.2 Number (male, female) and education status of employee’s organization.....................................18
3.3 The department accept /hiring /systems of its employees /trains/.................................................20
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................................21
SWOT OF ORGANIZATION.........................................................................................................................21
4.1 Strength of CBE Dembecha Branch..................................................................................................21
4.2 weakness of CBE Dembecha Branch................................................................................................22
4.2.1 internal weakness of CBE Dembecha Branch............................................................................23
4.2.2 External Weakness of CBE Dembecha branch..........................................................................23
4.3 Opportunity of CBE Dembecha Branch............................................................................................23
4.4 Threats of CBE Dembecha Branch...................................................................................................24
CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................................................................................24
Evaluation, Conclusion, and Recommendation.........................................................................................24
5.1 Evaluation........................................................................................................................................24
5.2 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................24
5.3 Recommendation............................................................................................................................25
This paper is prepared to accomplish the course professional in management that enables as to
show the applicability of theoretical course of economics in the real world business
environmental, as known there three business enterprise these are manufacturing, merchandise
and services enterprise and they play a greater role in the economy and social aspect
development of a country. And I conduct my professional practices in a bank, which called
commercial bank of Ethiopia Dembecha branche. The bank service started in our country
Ethiopia a long years ago. In the following pages we will discuss Commercial bank of Ethiopia
in Dembecha branch. The reports also include the detail description of the assignment that I was
handling, mission, objective and the SWOT analysis of the Organization. As well as, problems
and suggested solutions, finally evaluation, conclusion and recommendation are discussed in this
formulate Environmental and social internal policies that reflect the current local and global
climate change realities and its subsequent impact particularly on its business customers and
partners throughout the country.
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) Dembecha Branch is one of CBE branch that established
in October 10/ 1995 E.C .Dembecha is located in Northern part of Ethiopia, in Amihara Region
in Weast gojjam at Dembecha town, in Dembecha Kebele. It is found at about 350 kilometer
from the capital City of the country Addis Ababa. Among these CBE is the best service to
providing institution to be established in the town. It is established in oct.10/ 1995 E.C.
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) Dembecha branch has strongly believes and understands
that there is an impact on communities and the environment due its business activities which in
turn will have a significant risk on credit lines and the overall economic growth of the country.
There need to be a comprehensive policy and guidelines that incorporates the bank’s direct and
indirect activities which creates impact on economies, communities and environment in which it
operates. There is also
Among the executive management, if those impacts are not timely addressed in a systematic
and comprehensive way, there could be a significant question on the sustainability of the bank’s
finance and reputation not to mention its contribution to the economic growth of the country.
In generally by adopting and applying different modern working techniques Commercial Bank of
Ethiopia in Dembecha Branch tries to achieve its Vision, Mission and to bring desired economic
development in the country. Therefore, this Environmental and Social policy is stipulated in
anticipation of the current Environmental and social risks while contributing its fair share to
words the national agenda of building the resilient capacity of the climate change victim
communities, businesses and projects. Furthermore, Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) as a
giant commercial bank in the country would like to be a pioneer and role model for other public
and private institution in creating awareness of its internal activities.
1.2 company vision mission and objectives or management.
Providing world class financial services by using highly qualified and ethical employees and
modern banking technology, as well as working with determination to satisfy the need of
stakeholders by supporting priority national development project knowing that gaining the
unlimited trust of the society. And affordable, innovative and customers responsive financial
services to rural and urban economically active people to improve their income is the basis of our
We are committed to best realize stakeholder’s needs without compromising the wellbeing of our
environment and society through Enhanced financial intermediation globally, supporting national
development priorities, deploying highly motivated skilled and disciplined employees as well as
state of the art technology. We strongly believe that winning the public confidence and
developing sustainable business model are the basis of our success.
To provide advanced and creative banking product and services for our clients both locally and
internationally through a successful team and using advanced programs, techniques and tools
that keep up with the advancements in today’s world in an effort to fulfill the aspirations of our
clients shareholders and employees and to reflect our values of social responsibility. ” Under
promise and over Deliver” Exceeding customers and market expectations based on sustained
business model with highly qualified, motivated human resources and generators of value
propositions and unique solutions for our customers.
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) Dembecha branch Vision to become world class
commercial bank by the year 2025.
* Integrity
* Customer satisfaction
* Employee satisfaction
* Learning organization
* Public trust
* Value to money
* Decentralization
* Corporate citizenship
We are committed to best realize stakeholders’ needs without compromising the well-being of
our environment and society through Enhanced financial intermediation globally, supporting
national development priorities, deploying highly motivated, skilled and disciplined employees
as well as state of the art technology.
The main objective of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) Dembecha Branch are:-
Credit Creation- Channelizing fund and Encouraging Investment. Bank rate policy.
Finance to Government
Making Profit- Commercial Banks are established with the fundamental objective of
making profit.
Medium of Exchange- Commercial Banks introduce check, bills of exchange etc
The commercial bank of Ethiopia Dembecha branch has the following current plans;
Current plan Current plan First quarter Second Third quarter Forth quarter
in the year quarter
Internet 6 2 2 1 1
Merchant CBE 9 3 2 2 2
The Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Dembecha branch culture is a system of share beliefs and
attitudes of its customers. Philosophy culture of Organization has been an area in which
conceptual work and scholars in organizational management have provided guidance for
managers as culture improve its effectiveness.
The commercial bank of Ethiopia (CBE) Dembecha branch was made to provide large amount of
money to the private sector, the use of resources in the private and public sector has changed. It
has opened the door for the private sector to get better attention and resources. Working better to
focus on economic sectors that increase productivity he also mentioned that there are other areas
in reform agenda that have been worked hard over the past two years. Such as;
More digitization, example Mobile banking, Internet banking, Automated Teller Machine
(ATM) CBE birr and etc
Sustainable profit and contribution to economic growth and national development
Simple, efficient and integrated service with expanded deposit and income base
The structure of business sector is depicted based on the new work flow, authorities and
responsibilities and new business principle.
Manager Branch
Manager Branch Manager Branch
Business Control
Bank Trainee
1.9 Products and services (Clients)
Deposit product and service
The Bank provides different deposit products and services that enable customers to save money
and store valuable property.
Savings Account
This is an interest-bearing deposit account. CBE offers different types of Savings Accounts
designed to address needs of different sections of the society.
This deposit account allows customers to deposit their money for agreed term
Without movement and receive a higher interest rate than the prevailing interest
This account is designed for Ethiopians and foreigners of Ethiopian origin living abroad and
companies owned by them to deposit money in USD, or EUR.
Safe Deposit Box CBE gives rental service of safe deposit boxes for customers to store their
valuable Property.
CBE provides credit for working capital and expansion and facilitation of local and international
trading activities. It also provides short, medium and long term loans.
• Merchandise Loan Facility
Long-Term Loan has a maturity period longer than seven years, but not exceeding a
maximum period of fifteen years.
CBE offers different types of trade service products and services that facilitate import and export
• Documentary Credit
• Documentary Collection
• Advance Payment
• Guarantee
• Performance Bond
• Loan Guarantee
Money Transfer and forex service was a service that exchange a local money with other country.
It is essential for the one country growth
Sharia-compliant finance or Interest Free Banking Service is an alternative banking service that
operates based on the principles of Sharia which prohibits at the core the receipt and payment of
interest as well as working in areas forbidden by the religion of Islam. CBE offers the following
Interest Free Banking Services:
• Guarantee
• Money Transfer (Huwall)
√Buy Goods Pay Bill √Check Balance √ ATM √Forex ATM √ Mobile Banking √ Internet
1.10 program and projects
Commercial bank of Ethiopia has committed as resource in human resource development
through education and professional development.
Management and Training Information
From the trained time full orientation was gained at a first day means started from accepted my
letter fine all orientation from a manager of company. When at first time accept my letter
discuss all thing rule of bank, how to easy negotiate with staff employees customer and external
as well as internal. The Other Orientation was first day manager of the organization was knowing
and communicate me by its staff Employees started from Guard of banks to internal employees.
Then tell time of work and a work day of those organization.8:00Am- 5:30Pm was a work day
without Sunday and calendar close day.
Manager was tell all internal of its organization as well as tell all departments of organization
with their work and the place permission for me and don't authorized to me identify and discuss
special the place of cashier was not permitted to me without cashier place other place was permit
to me . Before started formal training i faced many problems during work this practical
attachment the major are follow as: -
✔At the beginning time they didn’t give me full freedom to do activities independently.
✔The transportation system is very crowded, because of this it is difficult to me reach work place on
✔Shortage of some extra or additional working materials like chair and computers for trainers.
I was received this practice for 24 days on this training day will gain many quality and quantity
of work experience. This training was very essential to me specially increase my quality of this
work in the future and increase motivation to the future in both quality and quantity.
❖ On this two months received more quality Some of quality received from this practice was
the following
Increase my Confidence and decision making in the given place in the organization.
Students are increase their knowledge and to produce well qualified, self-reliant and
also to becomes problem solver student. On other ways from this training in this
organization I was gained and see many quantity of work in CBE Dembecha Branch some
of these was the following.
➢Ask each customers and activate Mobile Banking, CBE Birr, ATM card,
➢Manager was how to manage and good communicate with all staff
➢Sometimes see the work of Auditing and ask why Audit is important and how it was
check debt and credit of the bank frontier (windows employees)
✔all of the employees in the organization were trained me based on their department and activity.
Especially the manager was guide how to work with their employees within the organization until i have
finished my training. And i worked different activities by improvement day to day practice.
Job Back ground and information
The organization I gain trained was known as commercial Bank of Ethiopia Dembecha Branch
organization. After list the Department of the organization first we can see what's Department
and why need in one organization.
Department is the division of each work in one organization by each function. Department is
starting and maintaining solid, professional invoicing practices is essential for the growth for the
growth of a business of one organization at every place. In one organization division of work is
essential to gain for each customer’s good quality of service and motivation of customers and
save time and reduce cost from its customers and etc
However when we can come to my trained organization it has also like other organizations they
have own Department. Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Dembecha Branch was one of the Branch
of CBE it's found on the GRADE I under this grade it have own department. According to
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia rules and procedures organization at each Grade means (I ,II, III,
IV) district and center of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia have own department.
❖ Manager Department
❖ Cashier Department
❖ Auditing Department
❖ Digitalization Department
➤Manager Department and its roles according to Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Dembecha
Manager Department was one of the organization department each roles was list at the following:
✓ Analyze needs, asses the capacity of staff and propose continuous Education (training,
✓ checking daily tickets which are filled and written manually by comparing the
information like names and signature and balance existing in the computer system.
➤ Cashier or Daily operation Department and its role according to Commercial Bank of
Ethiopia Dembecha Branch.
✓ Count Birr and coin when getting more coin by customers
➤ Digitalization Department (back office) and its roles according to Commercial Bank of
Ethiopia Dembecha Branch.
✓ Transfer fund
✓ Communication customers
➤ Bank frontier (windows) /maker / Department and its roles according to Commercial
Bank of Ethiopia Dembecha Branch.
✓ Open mobile banking, ETM and CBE birr for new customers.
➤To smoothly implement integrated banking solutions in retail banking operation of customer service
➤To determine duties and responsibilities that each employee at all level in the customer service process.
From the all the organization department I was training more and gain more experienced as well
as done in detail activities was Digitalization Department. It means in the practice of two months
don't only focus on this department I can see and do in all departments however when compared
with other departments I am training and gain more experienced on the Digitalization
Department of the organization.
The activities in the Digitalization Department engaged and more by details done was
Register and sent to the center Of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia ATM Visa Cards
together with the Branch employees of Digitalization.
In additional under this department together with the organization department of Digitalization
create the Awareness to customers on the how to use ATM, Mobile Banking, CBE Birr Internet
Banking advantage and dis- advantage of Digitalization is the more work done in this practical
experience in this organization.
Total working hours in the branch employees eight (8) OC-lock on a day at 2:00 am-6:00 am in
the morning and 7:00 pm-11:30pm in the afternoon but the branch is not closed in the lunch time
rather than to cover its by shifting this means some employees are out to lunch time at 6:00am-
7:00pm and some are get off lunch from 7:00pm-8:00p.
Description the number of employees, educational status and their specific position in table are
(F) hours
Males 30 75%
Females 10 25%
Total 40 100%
Diploma 0 0%
Degree 35 87.5%
Above Master’s 0 0%
Total 30 100%
Accountant 25 62.5%
Administrator 6 15%
Other 6 15%
Total 40 100%
2-4 years 5
10-15 3 7.5%
Above 15 11 27.5%
Total 40 100%
The department supervisor in relation to background and abilities, the management philosophies
and functions are control over all activities and communicate each employee's and obtaining
ideas and suggestion from employee's and given feedback for employees.
➡l understand how transaction is made
➡I could understand how to fend transfer and deposited transaction
➡I have good communication with others at work place
➡To ask necessary data I could communicate with my manager from time to time etc…
The daily activities in the commercial bank of Ethiopia Dembecha branch were
communicate customers and opened mobile banking, CBE birr, visa card or ETM, more than 10
in one day and seat in back office and seen how to transfer fund, how to deposited and how to
withdrawal money for customers and seen how to work cooperation with each other for those
department. And also opened new account book for new customers and wrote different forms for
customers if they were not wrote and copy customer’s id if they haven’t or came without account
SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. A SWOT Analysis is one
of many tools that can be used to map out an organization’s strategy. SWOT analysis can serve a
dual function: it can be used for both internal and external environment scanning. SWOT
analysis is the early but very important step in the area of strategic analysis when conducting
strategic planning. Indeed environmental scanning is essential for an effective planning process.
The planning firm needs to understand the environment in which it operates before making any
business decisions. A SWOT analysis focuses on both the internal situation, that is, strengths and
weaknesses and the external environment, made up of opportunities and threats. Strengths are
any internal asset such as motivation, technology, finance, etc. which enable the business to
exploit arising opportunities and to fight off any threat. Weaknesses are internal deficits that
make it difficult for the business to achieve its goals. Opportunities are external circumstances or
trends that favor the demand for an organization’s specific competence. Threats are challenges
posed by an unfavorable trend or development in the environment. The aim of a SWOT analysis
is coming up with a framework that can enable a firm to choose a strategy that can help it meet
its objectives. These objectives involve meeting the demands of the environment while taking
into account the existing internal potential. With a properly done SWOT analysis, a mapping and
identification of the driving forces that the organization should focus on is done.
Every organization was own strength have own strength, weakness, opportunity and threats in
the above see one by one.
✔ Responsible for seeking solutions for common problems of its members Proved like loan,
saving-micro insurance, internal and external money transfer and advisory services.
✔ Team work
✔ Strong Corporation between each department (Digitalization, Auditing, and Cashier.....)
✔ the bank manager was qualified and more experienced a long time experience of that work.
✔ the organization was serve service for customer about eight (8) hours per day and six (6) day
per week. at each day increase their customers by opening new Account holders
✔Provide clear information to customers when new method are adopted such as when open
Mobile Banking or CBE Birr was open to its customers provide full information about that
✔ Sometimes starting from different reasons appears the shortage of cash that means limit the
amount of money that the customer received specially the day of work when customers come to
the organization to receive money until fifty thousand (50000)the answer of organization was no
cash reduce amount was the answer...until I was practiced on its organization this problem was
most time created. When ask the manager and Cashier of branch why don't solve this Dembecha
Branch was far from district due to this reason cash shortage was created repeatedly.
✔ Problem of awareness of customers on a savings
✔ Lack of selling products
✔ big competition
5.1 Evaluation
The evaluation method on practical attachment training was better in order to gain knowledge, producing
qualified, confident and students are to improving their skill and increasing problem solving and produce
well train man power. In addition to students understand how to employees work to gather in the
organization and find out their strength and weakness.
5.2 Conclusion
Generally according to this practical attachment have shared vision, mission, objective, strategy, politics,
to share procedures and to share rulers and regulations are moderately strong in the bank. And relation to
internal communication, openness and trust, information follow all directions are good. And the bank
employees are batter efficiency to achieve the organizational goal and they are build better relationship
with each other. It concluded that the bank in Dembecha branch employees wear honest, transparency,
responsible and positive attitude for their customers. but i observed the organization in the practical
attachment on the bank Dembecha branch its some limitations or draw back those are short age of
materials like computer, chair and the copy nation was old and also the society ware not enough
knowledge like internet banking, mobile banking, CBE birr etc. generally this practical attachment course
is important to especially under graduate students because increase their self-confidence and how to work
cooperation to others etc...
5.3 Recommendation
The study recommend that the bank have strategic plan that will take advantage of the strength and
opportunities and eliminate the threats weakness in order to achieve their goal and vision. i would like to
recommend to commercial bank of Ethiopia on Dembecha branch to work strongly and to remove
different problems by working in cooperation with other organization and i would like to suggest in order
to achieve there goal by promoting online banking system like mobile banking CBE birr and it is better to
have adequate performers in branch to deliver sufficient and effective services customers and be able to
attract more customers and the manager should be communities transparently for every employees in a
fair manner and should develop information flow in all direction of the company.
✔The annual report of the company or documentation.
✔The website of the organization;, http//www.CBE service /PROD/Browser
✔The interview; information from the employers of the organization.
✔The daily and weekly activities.
Dear Participant,
This questionnaire is designed to conduct a report on the topic of practical attachment in commercial bank
of Ethiopia ’. The purpose of the study is for the partial fulfillment of the requirement of degree in
economics. For the successful accomplishment of the study, the response of employees of the bank will
have pivotal role by being used as valuable input for the study. So, you are kindly requested to genuinely
fill the questionnaire.
Questions related with the topic Next, there are listed reports of various practices and techniques that can
be used to support practical attachment in banking industries.
1. How the financial performance of your banks is evaluated?