S: Sum
C: Carry
S = x’y + xy’
C = xy
Implementation of Half-Adder
Half -Subtractor
• A combinational circuit that performs the subtraction of two bits is called a half
• The truth table for the half adder is listed below:
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 D: Difference
1 0 1 0 B: Borrow
1 1 0 0
S = x’y + xy’
C = xy
Implementation of Half-Subtractor
Full- Adder
• A combinational circuit that performs the addition of two bits along with a carry is
called as a full adder.
Full- Adder
Minimized Expressions for SUM and CARRY
• Sum = 𝐴ҧ𝐵𝐶
ത + 𝐴Bҧ 𝐶ҧ + A 𝐵ത 𝐶ҧ +ABC = A ⊕ B ⊕ C
• Carry = 𝐴BC ത + AB𝐶ҧ + ABC = AB + BC + CA
Full- Adder Implementation using 2-HAs
• Full-adder can also implemented with two half adders and one OR gate.
S = z ⊕ (x ⊕ y)
= z’(xy’ + x’y) + z(xy’ + x’y)’
= xy’z’ + x’yz’ + xyz + x’y’z
1 1 1 1 1 1 carries
1 1 1 1 0 1
+ 1 0 1 1 1
1 0 1 0 1 0 0
• Addition in binary goes like: Add two bits at position ‘i’ corresponding to the two
• Take the Sum and in case of a carry forward it to the next position i.e. ‘i+1’. Now,
at ‘i+1’th position, 3-bits need to be added.
• Hence, an half-adder alone cannot be used for addition purpose and Full-Adder is
Binary Adders
• Again for an n-bit addition, n-full adders are needed. Refer to the Example.
Binary Adders- Carry Propagation
• The adder shown is also called as a ripple carry adder because the carry is rippling
from Left to Right.
• However, in this method, the propagation delay increases significantly as the sum
output in the last FA or (n)th FA has to wait for the carry from (n-1)th FA and this
goes on….
• Then for an n-bit RCA, there are 2n gate levels for the carry to propagate from
input to output.
Binary Adders- Carry Propagation
• Alternative: Pre-compute all the carries priorly instead on depending on the
previous stage carry.
• The carry-in of any stage full adder depends only on the following two
• Bits being added in the previous stages
• Carry-in provided in the beginning
Carry Computation – CLA Adder
C1 = C0 (A0 ⊕ B0) + A0B0
C2 = C1 (A1 ⊕ B1) + A1B1
C3 = C2 (A2 ⊕ B2) + A2B2
C4 = C3 (A3 ⊕ B3) + A3B3
For simplicity, Let-
• Gi = AiBi where G is called carry generator
• Pi = Ai ⊕ Bi where P is called carry propagator
x3 y3 x2 y2 x1 y1 x0 y0
xi yi
c3 c2 c1
B Cell B Cell B Cell B Cell c0
ci s3 s2 s1 s0
G3 P3 G2 P2 G1 P1 G0 P0
B Cell
Carry-lookahead logic
Gi Pi si
• It generates the carry-in for each full adder simultaneously.
• It reduces the propagation delay.
• It involves complex hardware and hence, costlier.
• It gets more complicated as the number of bits increases
• Fan-In of the gates available in the Chip Design resource library decided the
actual logical depth of the design
N-bit Adders- N is 16, 32, 64, ….
xn yn x1 y1 x0 y0
cn cn-1
Full Adder ... Full Adder c1 Full Adder
(FA) (FA) (FA)
sn-1 s1 s0
Most Significant bit Least Significant bit
(MSB) Position (LSB) Position
An n-bit ripple carry adder- Naïve implementation
c12 c8 c4
B Cell B Cell B Cell B Cell c0
Note: Cascading is the
most preferred way for
implementing large s15-12 s11-8 s7-4 s3-0
G3 I I
adders in real-time P3I G2 P2I G1 I
Carry-lookahead logic
c16 = G3I + P3I G2I + P3I P2I G1I + P3I P2I P1I G0I + P3I P2I P1I P0I c0
Binary Adder/Subtractor
M = 1→subtractor; M = 0→adder, The design is based on 2’s Complement number system.
Recall, 2’s complement num. sys. is the preferred choice in real-computing applications
Find the rationale behind the Overflow logic and get +2 marks reward in CIA-II
Overflow on signed and unsigned
• Overflow is a problem in digital computers because the number of bits that hold the
number is finite and a result that contains n+1 bits cannot be accommodated.
• When two unsigned numbers are added, an overflow is detected from the end carry
out of the MSB position.
• When two signed numbers are added, the sign bit is treated as part of the number
and the end carry does not indicate an overflow.
• An overflow cann’t occur after an addition if one number is positive and the other is
• An overflow may occur if the two numbers added are both positive or both negative.
Binary multiplier
• Usually there are more bits in the partial products and it is necessary to use full
adders to produce the sum of the partial products
4-bit by 3-bit binary multiplier
• For J multiplier bits and K
multiplicand bits we need (J X K)
AND gates and (J − 1) K-bit
adders to produce a product of J+K
A = A3A2A1A0; B = B3B2B1B0
xi=AiBi+Ai’Bi’ for i = 0, 1, 2, 3
(A = B) = x3x2x1x0
Magnitude comparator
• We inspect the relative magnitudes of pairs of
MSB. If equal, we compare the next lower
significant pair of digits until a pair of unequal
digits is reached.
(A>B)= A3B’3+x3A2B’2+x3x2A1B’1+x3x2x1A0B’0
(A<B)= A’3B3+x3A’2B2+x3x2A’1B1+x3x2x1A’0B0
• The decoder is called n-to-m-line decoder, where m ≤ 2n .
• the decoder is also used in conjunction with other code converters such as a BCD-
to-seven_segment decoder.
• 3-to-8 line decoder: For each possible input combination, there are seven outputs
that are equal to 0 and only one that is equal to 1.
Implementation and truth table
Inputs Outputs
X Y Z D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Decoder with enable input
• Some decoders are constructed with NAND gates, it becomes more economical to
generate the decoder minterms in their complemented form.
• As indicated by the truth table , only one output can be equal to 0 at any given
time, all other outputs are equal to 1.
4-to-16 decoder using 3-to-8 Decoder
Full Adder using Decoder
S(x, y, z) = ∑(1, 2, 4, 7)
C(x, y, z) = ∑(3, 5, 6, 7)
• An encoder is the inverse operation of a decoder.
• We can derive the Boolean functions from the table below:
z = D 1 + D 3 + D 5 + D7
y = D 2 + D3 + D 6 + D 7
x = D 4 + D5 + D 6 + D 7
Priority Encoders
• If two inputs are active simultaneously, the output produces an undefined
combination. We can establish an input priority to ensure that only one input is
• Another ambiguity in the octal-to-binary encoder is that an output with all 0’s
is generated when all the inputs are 0; the output is the same as when D0 is
equal to 1.
• The discrepancy tables on Table 4-7 and Table 4-8 can resolve aforesaid
condition by providing one more output to indicate that at least one input is
equal to 1.
Priority Encoders
V=0→no valid inputs
V=1→valid inputs
X’s in output columns represent
don’t-care conditions
X’s in the input columns are
useful for representing a truth
table in condensed form.
4-bit Priority Encoder
x = D2 + D3
y = D3 + D1D’2
V = D0 + D1 + D2 + D3
S = 0, Y = I0 Truth Table → S Y Y = S’I0 + SI1
S = 1, Y = I1 0 I0
1 I1
4-to-1 Line Multiplexer
Quadruple 2-to-1 Line Multiplexer
• Multiplexer circuits can be combined with common selection inputs to
provide multiple-bit selection logic. Compare with Fig4-24.
• They are also referred to as Universal Logic Circuits.
• Any combinational logic functionality can be implemented using a multiplexer
• We need a mux with n-1 select lines for implementing n-variable function
F(x, y, z) = (1,2,6,7)
• F(A, B, C, D) = (1, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
• A decoder with an enable input is referred to as a
• The truth table of demultiplexer is the same with decoder.
• Practice: Design a gate level logic circuit of a 1:4 and 1:8 de-
multiplexer A B
Truth Table