Logic Design With MSI Circuits: 1. Binary Adder - Subtractor
Logic Design With MSI Circuits: 1. Binary Adder - Subtractor
Logic Design With MSI Circuits: 1. Binary Adder - Subtractor
1 Half Adder
Karnaugh maps:
The output S from the second half adder is the X-
OR of z and the output of the first half adder,
S = z ⊕ (x ⊕ y )
C = z′( xy ′ + x ′y ) + z( xy ′ + x ′y ′)′
= z′( xy ′ + x ′y ) + z( xy + x ′y ′)
= xy ′z′ + x ′yz′ + xyz + x ′y ′z
C = z( xy ′ + x ′y ) + xy = xy ′z + x ′yz + xy
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1.3 Binary Adder 1.4 Carry Propagation
Produces the arithmetic sum of two binary The longest propagation time in a binary ripple
numbers. It can be realized with full adders (FAs) adder is the time it takes the carry to propagate
connected in cascade. A 4-bit binary ripple adder through all full adders.
is realized as shown below:
The number of gate levels for the carry propagation
can be found from the circuit of the full adder:
The most widely used technique for reducing the We can now write the Boolean functions for the
carry propagation time in a parallel adder employs carry outputs of each stage and substitute for each
the principle of carry lookahead. Ci its value from the previous equations:
Consider again the circuit of the full adder: C0 = input carry
C1 = G0 + P0C0
C2 = G1 + P1C1 = G1 + P1(G0C0 ) = G1 + P1G0 + P1P0C0
C3 = G2 + P2C2 = G2 + P2G1 + P2P1G0 + P2P1P0C0
Pi = Ai ⊕ Bi
Gi = Ai Bi
the output sum and carry can be expressed as:
Si = Pi ⊕ Ci
Ci +1 = Gi + Pi Ci
f = P3 P2 + P3 P1
Add 6 = K + P3 P2 + P3 P1
No correction to the binary sum is needed when The first term corresponds to the decimal sums 10
KP3P2P1P0 ≤ 01001. to 15 where the carry bit K is 1. The remaining two
However, 0110 (decimal 6) must be added to terms correspond to the decimal sums 16 to 19
P3P2P1P0 when KP3P2P1P0 > 01001. where K = 0.
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f = AB + A ′B ′
So the output is 1 if A = B = 0 or if A = B = 1. In
addition to the equality relation, the outcome must
indicate whether A > B, or A < B:
A < B = A ′B
A > B = AB ′
A = B = A ′B ′ + AB
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5. Decoders
Often, digital information represented in dome
binary form must be converted into some
alternative digital form. This is achieved by a
multiple-input, multiple output network referred to
as a decoder. The most commonly used decoder
is the n-to-2n-line decoder:
A = A3 A2 A1 A0
B = B3 B2 B1B0
x i = Ai Bi + Ai′Bi′ for i = 0, 1, 2, 3
The structure of a such decoder is straightforward.
Consider the truth table of a 3-to-8-line decoder:
This corresponds to the logic diagram shown 5.1 Decoders with an Enable Input
Some decoders include one or more enable inputs
to control the circuit operation. The logic diagram
and truth table of a 2-to-4-line decoder are shown
A particular application for this decoder is binary- A decoder with enable input can function as a
to-octal conversion. The input variables represent demultiplexer. The above decoder can function as
a binary number, and the outputs represent the a 4-to-1-line demultiplexer when E is taken as a
eight digits in the octal number system. data input line and A and B are taken as the
selection inputs.
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Decoders with enable inputs can be connected The n-to-2n-line decoder is only one of several
together to form a larger decoder circuit. A 4-to-16- types of decoders. Function-specific decoders exist
line decoder realized using two 3-to-8-line having fewer than 2n outputs. Examples include
decoders is shown below: the BCD-to-decimal decoder (7442A) and the
BCD-to-7-segment decoder.
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5.2 Combinational Logic Implementation When more than ½ the total number of minterms
must be OR-ed, it is usually more economical to
An n-to-2n-line decoder is a minterm generator. use NOR-gates rather than OR-gates to do the
Recall that any Boolean function is describable by summing. Consider the pair of expressions:
a sum-of-minterms. Thus, by using OR-gates in f1 ( x 2 , x1, x 0 ) = ∑ (0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6)
conjunction with an n-to-2n-line decoder
realizations of Boolean functions are possible. f 2 ( x 2 , x1, x 0 ) = ∑ (1, 2, 3, 4, 6)
However, these realizations do not correspond to
minimal sum-of-products. These may be realized with a 3-to-8-line decoder
and two OR-gates having a total of 11 terminals
Consider the pair of expressions:
between them. However, a more efficient
f1 ( x 2 , x1, x 0 ) = ∑ (1, 2, 4, 5) realization is to re-write the expressions as:
A total of five gate-input terminals are needed. 28
6. Encoders 6.1 Priority Encoder
The circuit has two data input lines, I1 and I2, one
output line Y, and one selection line S.
When S = 1, the lower AND gate is enabled and I1
has path to the output. This multiplexer acts like a
switch that selects one of the two sources.
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A 4-to-1-line multiplexer is shown below: By interconnecting several multiplexers in a
treelike structure, it is possible to produce a larger
multiplexer. For example, a 16-to-1 line multiplexer
may be constructed using five 4-to-1-line
multiplexers as follows:
One of the primary applications of multiplexers is to Consider the Boolean function of three variables:
provide for the transmission of information from
several sources over a single path. This process is f ( x, y , z ) = ∑ (0, 2, 3, 5)
known as multiplexing. E.g., the multiplexing of
conversations on the telephone system. The function can be implemented with an 8-to-1-
When a multiplexer is used in conjunction with a line multiplexer:
demultiplexer, an effective means is provided for
connecting information from several source
locations to several destination locations. This
basic application is illustrated below:
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